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1. able adj. 能够;有能力的ability n. 能力;才能

2. act n. 扮演,表演

active adj. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动

actor n. 男演员

actress n. 女演员

3. add v. 加上

addition n. 加,增加

4. age n. 时代,年龄

aged adj. 有…之年岁的

5. alive adj. 活着的

live v. 生活,居住

6. America n. 美国,美洲

American adj. 美国的;美洲的

n. 美国人

7. amazing adj. 令人惊讶的amazed adj. 感到惊讶的

8. amusement n. 娱乐,消遣amusing adj. 引起乐趣的,娱人的9. angry adj. 生气的;愤怒的angrily adv. 生气地;愤怒地10.apologize v. 道歉

apology n. 道歉

11. appear v. 出现

disappear v. 消失

12. argue v. 争论

argument n. 争论

13. art n. 艺术

article n. 文章

artist n. 艺术家,画家14. automatic adj. 自动的

automatically adv. 自动地

15. attract v. 吸引

attraction n. 吸引;吸引力/物attractive adj. 有吸引力的16. Australia n. 澳大利亚

Australian adj. 澳大利亚的

n. 澳大利亚人

17. beautiful adj. 美丽的

beautifully adv. 美丽地

18. begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手

beginning n. 开始,开端

19. black n. 黑色

adj. 黑色的

blackboard n. 黑板

20. Britain n. 不列颠

British n. 英国人

adj. 英国的

21. bright adj. 明亮的,聪明的

brightly adv. 明亮地

22. build ( built, built ) v. 建造

building n. 建筑物,大楼

rebuild v. 重建

23. business n. 商业,生意

businessman n. 商人

businesswoman n. 女商人24. Canada n. 加拿大

Canadian adj. 加拿大的

n. 加拿大人

25. certain adj. 一定的,有把握的

certainly adv. 一定,无疑,是的,当然

26. care v. / n. 小心,关心,照顾

careful adj. 小心的,仔细的

carefully adv. 小心地,仔细地27. change v. 改变,兑零钱

changeable adj. 易变的,可变的

exchange v. 交流;交换

28. chemical adj. 化学的

chemistry n. 化学

29. China n. 中国

Chinese n. 中国人;汉语

adj. 中国的

30. choice n. 选择

choose (chose, chosen) v. 选择31. city n. 城市

citizen n. 市民

32. class n. 班级,(一节)课,等级

classroom n. 教室

classmate n. 同学

33. clear adj. 清晰的,明亮的

clearly adv. 清晰道,明亮地

34. cloud n. 云

cloudy adj. 多云的,阴天的35. collect v. 收集,采集

collection n. 收集

36. custom n. 习惯,风俗

customer n. 顾客

customs n. 海关

37. cycle v. 骑车

cyclist n. 骑自行车的人

38. daily n. 日报

day n. 天,白天

daytime n. 白天

39. danger n. 危险

dangerous adj. 危险的

40. dead adj. 死的,无生命的

die v. 死

death n. 死亡

dying a. 垂死的

41 decide v. 决定,下定决心

decision n. 决心

42 develop v. 发展,开发.培养

development n. 发展

43 difference n. 区别

different adj. 不同的,差异的

44 difficult adj. 困难的,艰难的

difficulty n. 困难

45 discuss v. 讨论

discussion n. 讨论

46 dishonest adj. 不老实

honest adj. 诚实的

honesty n. 诚实

47 dislike v. 不喜欢

like v. 喜欢

48 drive (drove, driven) v. 驾驶,驱赶

driver n. 驾驶员,司机

49 easily adv. 容易地

easy adj. 容易的

50 education n. 教育

educational adj. 教育的

51 effect n. n. 效果

efficient adj. 效率高的;有能力的

52 electric adj. 电的

electronic adj. 电子的

electricity n. 电

53 engine n. 发动机

engineer n. 工程师

54 England n. 英格兰

English n. 英国;英国人;英语

adj. 英国的;英语的55 enjoy v. 欣赏,享有,喜欢

enjoyable adj. 愉快的,欢乐的

joy n. 欢乐,高兴

56 enter v. 进入,参加

entrance n. 进入

57 excited adj. 兴奋的

exciting adj. 令人兴奋的

58 expense n. 花费,费用

expensive adj. 昂贵的

59 fair adj. 公平的,合理的

unfair adj. 不公平的

60 say (said, said) v. 说,讲

saying n. 谚语,格言

61 farm n. 农场,农庄

farmer n. 农民,农夫

62 favour n. 恩惠favourite adj. 最喜欢的

63 female n. 女性;雌性

male n. 男性;雄性64 final adj. 最后的,最终的

finally adv. 最后,最终65 fire n. 活,火炉,火灾

fireman n. 消防队员

firework n. 烟火

66 fish n. 鱼,鱼肉

v. 捕鱼

fisherman n. 渔夫

67 fly (flew, flown) v. 飞行.乘飞机旅游

flight n. 飞行,航班

68 follow v. 听从

following adj. 下列的

69 fool v. 愚弄,欺骗

foolish adj. 愚蠢的

70 foot (pl. feet) n. 脚,足;英尺

football n. 足球

71 foreign n. 外国的

foreigner adj. 外国人

72 forget (forgot, forgot/forgotten) v. 忘记

forgetful adj. 健忘的

unforgettable adj. 难忘的

73 free adj. 自由的,空闲的,免费的

freedom n. 自由

74 freeze (froze, frozen) v. 结冰

freezing adj. 极冷的

frozen adj. 冰冻的

75 friend n. 朋友

friendly adj. 友好的,朋友般的

friendship n. 友谊

76 frighten v. 使害怕

frightened adj. 受惊吓的

frightening adj. 令人害怕的

77 fun n. 乐趣,有趣,玩笑

funny adj. 滑稽的, 可笑的

78 gentle adj. 温柔的

gently adv. 温柔地

gentleman n. 绅士;先生

79 German n. 德国人;德语

adj. 德国的

Germany n. 德国

80 gold n. 黄金

golden adj. 金色的

81 happy adj. 幸福的;快乐的

happily adv. 幸福地;快乐地82 harm n. 有害

harmful adj. 有害的

harmless adj. 无害的

83 headmaster n. 校长

headmistress n. 女校长

84 heat n. 热度,热量

v. 加热

hot adj. 热的

heater n. 取暖器

85 health n. 健康

healthy adj. 健康的

unhealthy adv. 不健康的

86 heavily adv. 沉重地,大量地

heavy adj. 重的

87 height n. 高度

high adj. 高的

88 help n. / v. 帮助

helpful adj. 有帮助的, 有益的89 historical adj. 历史的,历史上

history n. 历史

90 home n. 家

adv. 在家

homeless adj. 无家可归的

91 hungrily adv. 饥饿地

hungry adj. 饥饿的

92 hurry v.& n. 赶紧,急忙

hurried adj. 赶紧的,急忙的hurriedly adv. 赶紧,急忙

93 ice n. 冰

ice cream n. 冰激淋

94 ill adj. 有病的;不健康的

illness n. 病,疾病

95 importance n. 重要性

important adj. 重要的

96 impossible adj. 不可能的

possible adj.可能的

possibly adv. 可能地97 improve v. 改善,改进

prove v. 证明

98 interest n. 兴趣, 趣味

interested adj. 感兴趣的

interesting adj. 有趣的99 invent v. 发明,创造

invention n. 发明,创造

inventor n. 发明家100 invitation n. 邀请invite v. 邀请

101 Italy n. 意大利

Italian n. 意大利人;意大利语

adj. 意大利的;意大利语地102 Japan n. 日本

Japanese n. 日本人;日语

adj. 日本的

103 kind adj. 友好

n. 种,类

kindness n. 仁慈,好意

104 know (knew, known) v. 知道, 认识knowledge n. 知识

105 law n. 法律

lawyer n. 律师

106 length n. 长度

long adj. 长的

107 librarian n. 图书管理员

library n. 图书室

108 listen v. 听,倾听

listener n. 听者,收听者109 locate v. 确定…的地方,把…设置在

location n. 位子,场所

110 loud adj. 响亮,的,大声的loudly adv.大声地

111 love n. 爱,喜欢

v. 爱,喜欢

lovely adj. 可爱,好看的,美好

112 luck n. 辛运

luckily adv. 辛运地,侥幸

lucky adj. 辛运的,吉祥的

unlucky adj. 不吉祥的

unluckily adv. 不辛地

113 main adj. 主要的

mainly adv. 主要地

114 manage v. 管理,处理,经营manager n. 经理

115 medical adj. 医学的,医疗的

medicine n. 药

116 meet (met, met) v. 碰见,迎接,满足meeting n. 会,集会

117 memorize v. 记住

memory n. 记忆

118 mix v. 混合

mixture n. 混合物

119 motor n. 马达

motorcycle n. 摩托车

120 nation n. 民族

national adj. 民族的,国家的

nationality n. 国籍

native adj. 本土的,本国的

n. 本地人,本国人

121 nature n. 大自然

natural adj. 大自然的,自然的

122 near prep. 在……附近;靠近

adj. 近的;附近的nearby adj.& adv. 附近的

nearly adv. 几乎;差不多

123 need v. 必须,需要

necessary adj. 必要的,必须的

unnecessary adj. 不必要的

124 neighbour n. 邻居

neighbourhood n. 邻接,邻近

125 noise n. 声音,噪音

noisy adj. 嘈杂的,喧闹的126 mouse n. 老鼠

mice n. 老鼠

127 once n. 一次

one n. 一

first num. 第一

128 operate v. 施行手术,开刀operation n. 手术

129 organization n. 组织,团体,机构organize v. 组织

130 office n. 办公室

officer n. 官员;办事员

official adj. 官方的,官员的

n. 官员

131 own adj. 自己的

v. 拥有

n. 属于自己的东西owner n. 拥有者,物主

132 paint v. 会,画

n. 涂料,颜料

painter n. 画家,

painting n. 画,油画,水彩画

133 passage n. 一节,一段,通道passenger n. 乘客,旅客

134 physical adj. 物理的,身体的physics n. 物理学

135 please v. (用于祈使语气)请

pleasant adj. 令人愉快的

pleased adj. 使人高兴的

pleasure adj. 愉快,高兴136 pollute v. 污染,弄脏

pollution n. 污染

137 possible adj. 可能的;可能发生的

possibly adv. 可能;也许

138 post v. 邮寄

postage n. 邮费

postcard n. 明信片

postman (postmen) n. 邮递员

139 power n. 电源,力量,能源

v. 提供动力

powerful adj. 强大的

140 protect v. 保护

protection n. 保护,防护

141 practice n. 练习,实践

practice/practice v. 练习,


142 professional adj. 职业的,专业的

professor n. (大学)教授

143 quick adj. 快的,迅速的quickly adv. 快地,迅速地144 rain n. 雨,雨水

v. 下雨

rainy adj. 有雨的,多雨的

145 real adj. 真的,真正的realize v. 认识到,实现

really adv. 真正地,确实

146 recitation n. 背诵,朗诵

recite v. 背诵

147 recent adj. 最近的,近来的recently adv. 最近,最新,近来

148 record n. 记录,唱片,

v. 记录,讲(声音,景象等)录

recorder n. 录音机

149 report n.. 报告,汇报,成绩单

v. 报告,汇报

reporter n. 记者

150 retell v. 复述

tell ( told, told ) v. 告诉,讲述,吩咐

151 review v. 复习

revision n. 复习

152 robbery n. 抢劫,抢劫案rob v. 抢劫

robber n. 强盗

153 rule n. 规章,法规

ruler n. 尺

154 Russia n. 俄国

Russian n. 俄国人,俄语

adj. 俄国的,俄语的

155 sad adj. 悲伤的

sadly adj. 难过地,悲伤地

156 safe adj. 安全的,平安的safely adv. 安全地,平安

safety n. 安全

save v. 搭救,节省,储蓄

157 sale n. 卖,出售,销售;廉价出售

sell ( sold, sold ) v. 卖;销售158 science n. 科学,自然科学scientist n. 科学家

159 second num.. 第二,

n. 秒

secondary adj. 中等的,第二的160 secret n. 秘密secretary n. 秘书

161 serious adj. 严重的

seriously adv. 严重地

162 serve v. 为…服务

service n. 服务,公用事业163 shop n. 商店,店铺

shopping n. 购物

164 short adj. 短的,矮的

shorts n. 短裤

165 sight n. 风景点

sightseeing n. 观光,游览

166 sit (sat, sat) v. 坐

seat n. 位子

167 sleep (slept, slept) v. 睡觉,睡眠asleep adj. 睡着的

sleepy adj. 困乏的

168 slow adj. 慢的

slowly adv. 慢地

167 snow n. 雪

v. 下雪

snowy adj. 多雪的,下雪的

168 soft adj. 软的

softly adv. 温柔地

169 solution n.解决(方法),解答solve v. 解决,解答

170 speak (spoke, spoken) v. 说,讲speaker n. 说话者,演讲者

speech n. 说话,讲话

171 succeed v. 获得成功,达到目的

success n. 成功

successful adj. 成功的

successfully adv. 成功地

172 suggest v. 建议,提议

suggestion n. 建议,提议

173 sun n. 太阳.阳光

sunny adj. 阳光充足的,晴朗

174 surprise n. 惊奇

surprised adj. 感到惊奇的

175 swim (swam, swum) v. 游泳

swimmer n. 游泳者

swimming n. 游泳

176 teach (taught, taught) v. 教,教学teacher n. 教师,教员

177 thank n. 感谢.谢谢

thanks n. 感谢,谢谢

thankful adj. 感激的

178 tooth (teeth) n. 牙齿

toothache n. 牙痛

179 true adj. 真的,真实的

truly adv. 真地.的确

truth n. 真理,真相

180 tour n. 旅游;观光

tourist n. 游客;旅游者

181 correct adj.正确的

v. 改正

uncorrected adj. 未改正的

182 unusual adj. 不寻常的,异常的

usual adj. 通常的

usually adv. 通常

183 use v. 使用,运用

used adj. 过去常常,过去惯

useful adj. 有用的,有益


useless adj. 无用的

184 visit v. / n. 参观,访问visitor n. 参观者,访问者185 wait v. 等,等候

waiter n.侍者,服务员

waitress n. 女服务员

186 week n. 星期,周

weekday n. 周日

weekend n. 周末

187 weigh v. 称…的重量

weight n. 重量

188 west n. 西方,西

adj. 西方的

western adj. 西方的

189 who pron. 谁

whom pron.谁(宾格)

whose pron. 谁的

190 wide adj. 宽阔的,广泛的widely adv. 广阔地,广泛

widen v. 拓宽

190 wind n. 风

windy adj. 有风的,刮风的191 win (won, won) v. 获胜,赢得

winner n. 获胜者

192 wisdom n. 智慧,才智

wise n. 明知的,聪明的

193 with prep. 与…一起,用…

within prep. 在…范围之

without prep. 没有

194 wonder v. 对…感到惊奇,想知道

n. 奇迹,奇观

wonderful adj. 极好的,精彩的

wonderfully adv. 精彩地

195 wood n. 木头

wooden adj. 木(质)的

196 work n. / v. 工作,运转worker n. 工人,工作者

197 wound n. 创伤,伤

wounded adj. 受伤的

198 worry v. 烦恼,担心

worried adj. 担心的

199 write v.(wrote, written)

书写,写信,写作writer n. 作家


1. Book Need Life fool Excuse Sound

2. Thank thanks thankful

3. English englishman england

4. Lose lost

5. Find finding found

6. Please pleased pleasant pleasure unpleasant

7. Friend friendly unfriendly friendship

8. Plant planting

9. Play playful player

10. Good goods

11. Sport sports

12. Interest interested interesting

13. Bored boring

14. Fun funny

15. Difficult difficultly difficulty

16. Relax relaxed relaxing

17. Collect colletiont

18. Like dislike unlike

19. Run runner

20. Health healthy healthily unhealthy

21. List Open Watch People Orange

22. Sell sale

23. Help helpful

24. Bear born birth birthday

25. Speak spesking skill spoken english speaker speech

26. Art artist

27. China chinese

28. Music musician musical

29. Act actor actress action active activity

30. Exciting excited

31. Real really

32. Learn learner

33. New news

34. Success succeed successful successfully

35. Week weekly weekdays weekend

36. Swim swimming swimmer

37. Sing singer

38. Paint painter painting

39. Show shower

40. Time times

41. Usual usually unususl

42. Work words

43. Tooth teeth

44. Love lover

45. Listen listener listening skill

46. Write writer

47. Science scientist scientific

48. Describe description

49. Discuss discussion

50. Decide decision

51. Direct direction

52. Teach teacher taught

53. Cross crossing across

54. Agree agreement disagree

55. Begin beginning

56. Build building

57. Cloud cloudy

58. Color colorful

59. Comfort comfortable

60. Cook cooker

61. Crowe crowed

62. Danger dangerous endangered

63. Drink Water Way

64. Enjoy enjoyful

65. Expensive inexpensive

66. Feel feeling

67. Fish fishing

68. Follow following

69. Glass glasses

70. High hight

71. Weigh weight

72. Hope hopeless hopeful

73. Hunger hungery

74. Internation international

75. Look good ---looking

76. Loud loudly

77. Most mostly

78. Near nearly

79. Office officer Order Dream

80. Close cosed

81. Person personal

82. Police policeman policewoman

83. Practice practise

84. Rain rainy

85. Read reader reading

86. Sit seat

87. Shop shopping

88. Sleep sleepy asleep

89. Snow snowy

90. Sometime sometimes

91. South southern

92. Special specially

93. Suggest suggestion

94. Surprise surprised surprising

95. Thin Report Stand

96. Think thinker t hought

97. Tour tourist

98. Visit visitor

99. Wait waiter waitress

100. Weather whether

101. Wind windy

102. West western

103. Young younger

104. Achieve achievement

105. Advice advise

106. Athlete athletic

107. Balance balance

108. Believe believable

109. Call Exercise Cold Opposite

110. Camp camping

111. Care careful carefully careless carelessness 112. Communicate communication

113. Compete competition competitive

114. Create creation creative

115. Different difference

116. Drive driver

117. End ending

118. Europe european

119. Change exchang

120. Final finally

121. Foot feet

122. Foreign foreigner

123. Grow growing grown growth 124. Hard hardly

125. Ill illness

126. Importang importance

127. Interview interviewer

128. Invite invitation

129. Lead leader

130. Love lovely

131. Luck lucky unlucky lunkily 132. Manage manager management 133. Mean meaning means

134. Medicine medical

135. Move moving

136. Nature natural

137. Operate operation

138. Perform performer performance 139. Pass pasenger

140. Peace peaceful

141. Professor professional

142. Produce product production 143. Rosolve rosolution

144. Safe safety

145. Salt salty

146. Service serve

147. Sterss stressed

148. Talent talented

149. Thirst thirsty

150. Train training

151. Travel traveller

152. Use used useful

153. Piano pianist

154. Violin violinist

155. Worse worst

156. Worry worried

157. Paper papers

158. Pollute pollution

159. My muself

160. Predict prediction

161. Possible impossible possibly 162. Fly flew flight

163. True truth

164. Argue argument

165. Push pushy

166. Free freedom

167. Organize organized organization 168. Include including

169. Fail failure

170. Amaze amazing amamed 171. Mund munder

172. Silent silence

173. Recent recently

174. Strang stranger

175. Own owner

176. disappoint disappointed

177. disppointing disppointment 178. law lawyer

179. collect collector collection 180. annoy annoyed

181. polite politely impolite

182. behave behaviour

183. asia asian

184. break broke broken

185. mouse mice

186. advantage disadvantage

187. enter enterance

188. clear clearly

189. win won winner

190. choose choice

191. attract attraction

192. require requirement

193. wonder wonderful wonderfully

194. india indian

195. wake awake

196. fear fearful fearless

197. when whenever

198. cover discover discovery discoverer 199. loud loudly aloud

200. pronunciation pronounce

201. fair unfair

202. develop developing developed development 203. important unportant imporance

204. frustrate frustrated frutrating

205. die dying dead death

206. terrify terrified

207. pride proud

208. history historical

209. energy energetic

210. confient confidence convincing 211. permit permission

212. knowledge knowledgeable

213. shelf shelves

214. deep deeply

215. burn burnt

216. correct correctly correction incorrect 217. neighor neighorhood

218. honest dishonest

219. noise noisy

220. direct director direction \

221. miss missing

222. main mainly

223. taste tasty

224. late latest

225. translate translater translation

226. thrill thriller thrilling

227. will willing

228. fall fell falls

229. home homeless

230. able unable disable

231. enbarrassed enbarrassing

232. beautiful beauty beautifully

233. busy business businessman

234. face empty guide mistake interest

235. complete completement

236. educate education educational

237. fly flew flying flight

238. marry married

239. invent inventor invention inventive

240. live lively

241. nation national

242. near nearly nearby

243. real realistic

244. say saying

245. shine shiny

246. strong strongly

247. suit suitable

248. familiar unfamiliar



单数复数含义businessman businessmen 商人chairman chairmen 主持人;主席Englishman Englishmen 英国人Frenchman Frenchmen 法国人gentleman gentlemen 先生;绅士man men 男人policeman policemen 警察snowman snowmen 雪人woman women 女人deer deer 鹿Chinese Chinese 中国人Japanese Japanese 日本人Swiss Swiss 瑞士人fish fish/fishes 鱼sheep sheep 绵羊child children 孩子foot feet 脚tooth teeth 牙齿mouse mice 老鼠German Germans 德国人human humans 人类

注:people, police, glasses, clothes, trousers, pants等





borrow→keep, buy→have, become →be, get up→be

up, fall ill →be ill, put on→ wear, come here →be

here, go there →be there, get to know → know,

go (get) out →be out, fall asleep→ be asleep,

get/catch a cold→have a cold


die→be dead, open→be open,end/finish → be over,


begin/start→ be on, join→be in/be a member of,

leave→be away, come→be in/here, go→be away/out,

reach/arrive/get to→stay/be in






(根据字母排列顺序分类) 1. able adj. 能够;有能力的ability n. 能力;才能 2. act n. 扮演,表演 active adj. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动 actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 3. add v. 加上 addition n. 加,增加 4. age n. 时代,年龄 aged adj. 有…之年岁的 5. alive adj. 活着的 live v. 生活,居住 6. America n. 美国,美洲American adj. 美国的;美洲的 n. 美国人 7. amazing adj. 令人惊讶的amazed adj. 感到惊讶的 8. amusement n. 娱乐,消遣amusing adj. 引起乐趣的,娱人的9. angry adj. 生气的;愤怒的 angrily adv. 生气地;愤怒地10.apologize v. 道歉 apology n. 道歉 11. appear v. 出现 disappear v. 消失 12. argue v. 争论 argument n. 争论 13. art n. 艺术 article n. 文章 artist n. 艺术家,画家 14. automatic adj. 自动的 automatically a dv. 自动地 15. attract v. 吸引 attraction n. 吸引;吸引力/物attractive adj. 有吸引力的 16. Australia n. 澳大利亚 Australian adj. 澳大利亚的 n. 澳大利亚人 17. beautiful adj. 美丽的 beautifully adv. 美丽地 18. begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手 beginning n. 开始,开端


高考易考词汇变形分析与总结 形容词加ness变名词 dark--darkness, happy--happiness, sad-sadness, ill-illness, good--goodness, careful--carefulness, careless--carelessness, tired-ti redness, lonely--loneliness, great-greatness, kind-kindness, ease--easin ess busy--business,fit--fitness,friendly--friendliness 动词加ment变名词 develop--development, move--movement, improve--improvement, achieve--ac hievement, arrange--arrangement, manage--management, assign--assignment, agree--agreement, enjoy--enjoyme nt, govern--government, judge--judgement/judgment, pay--payment, appoint--appointment, establish--establishment, equip--equipment

名词变成形容词: 1.名词后加-y, 如: luck→lucky;cloud→cloudy; w ind→windy; rain→rainy; sun→sunny;snow→snowy;noise-noisy;h ealth→healthy 2.在名词后加-ly, 如: friend→friendly;love→lovely;day→daily; brother→brotherly; mother→motherly 3.方位名词加-ern,如: east→eastern; west→western; south→southern; north→northern 形容词后缀 (1)带有“属性,倾向,相关”的含义 1)-able, -ible: movable, comfortable, applicable, visible, responsible 2)-al: natural, additional, educational 3)-an: urban, suburban, republican 4)-ant, -ent: distant, important, excellent 5)-ar: similar, popular, regular 6)-ary: military, voluntary 7)-ic, ical: politic, systematic, historic, physical, 8)-ing: moving, touching, daring 9)-ish: foolish, bookish, selfish 10)-ive: active, impressive, decisive 11)-ory: satisfactory, compulsory (2) 表示“相象,类似”的含义 1)-ish: boyish, childish 2)-like: manlike, childlike 3)-ly: manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly

小学英语语法 动词变形

小学动词变形 1.动词原形(用于一般现在时,将来时) Like, make, see, go, have, be, do, love, eat, take, walk, touch, sing, dance, work, get, pass, watch, fix, wash, study, fly, cry, play, stay, talk, hope, marry, carry, stop, plan, drop, put, let, read, listen, cut, sit, say, buy, run, make, tell, write, draw, ride, fall, give, come, become, keep, sleep, hear, drink, begin 2.动词的第三人称单数形式(用于一般现在时,且主语是第三人称单数时) ①一般情况在词尾直接+s Work---works, get---gets, like---likes ②以s, x, sh, ch, o结尾的词+es go---goes, do---does, pass---passes, watch---watches, fix---fixes, wash---washes ③以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i再+es Study---studies, fly---flies, cry---cries 注意:元音字母+y结尾的词,直接+s Play---plays,stay---stays 3.动词的过去式(用于一般过去式) ①一般情况在词尾直接+ed Talk---talked, open---opened, want---wanted ②以不发音的字母e结尾的词,在词尾+d Like---liked, love---loved, hope---hoped, dance---danced ③以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i再+ed Study---studied, marry---married, carry---carried, cry---cried ④重读闭音节结尾的词,双写辅音字母再+ed Stop---stopped, plan---planned, drop---dropped ⑤不规则变化 Put---put, let---let, read---read, cut---cut Be(is, am)---was, be(are)---were, have---had, go---went, do---did, say---said, buy---bought, meet---met, find---found, tell---told, make---made, get---got, sit---sat, run---ran, eat---ate, write---wrote, take---took, ride---rode, see---saw, fall---fell, fly---flew, give---gave, draw---drew, come---came, become---became, keep---kept, sleep---slept, hear---heard, sing---sang, drink---drank, begin---began 4.动词的现在分词(动词.ing)(用于现在进行时,固定搭配) ①一般情况在词尾直接+ing Talk---talking, open---opening, sing---singing, sleep---sleeping ②以不发音的字母e结尾的词,去e再+ing Like---liking, love---loving, have---having, write---writing, live---living, take---taking ③重读闭音节结尾的词,双写辅音字母再+ing Put---putting, plan---planning, stop---stopping, run---running, swim---swimming, begin---beginning, get---getting


初三英语辅导J 一.根据句意,用所给词适当形式填空 I?Tlie reason why giandfather is so that lie exei'cises a lot every day(atlilete)? 2.Nie er was one of the greatest in Chinese liistoiy (music)? 3 .Are there any people in the beautifiil city?(home) 4. A men isn't allowed to have two or more at the same time in China (wife). 5.When I first ate in a restaurant, I didn't know what I was supposed to do.(west) 6.Do you think our English teacher's is much better than ours? 7.Numbers of lost theirs lives in the battle(heio). 8.Some teenagers are trying to raise money for reasearch(medicine)? 9.Now many people have thekown cars in China(person)? 10.The sometliing is ,the more excited the teenagers feel.(mysteiy) II?The tourists' is the most important to us when they come to our hometown(safe). 12.The problem was quite difficult, but we works it out at least.(success) 13.Sports and art activities make our school life (color)? 14.We all felt very when our teacher was spoken highly of by the leader(pride)? 15.You should protect your .(teeth) 16.1tliiiik leaniiiig English is very (help) 12 /I 17.Mr Zhang is a famous (science)? 18.The weather has become very cool ?We all fell much (eiijoy)? 19.must't dyiiik wine before they drive cars.(drive) 20.Few of us like music, but most of us like pop music(class). 21.Do you know the who iiiA-ented the microwave oven?(inveiit) 22.It's of you to take loudly when you are eating with Aiiiericians(polite). 23 .Why don't you use own book?(you) 24.Beijing is the second city in China.It's the capital(large)? 25.The are told to be more carefill on windy days(fish)? 26.You should read e^-eiy word ill the exam(carefiil)? 27.Don't stay close to the lion in the cage.It's (danger)? 28.The sea is the biggest on the earth .The sky is than the sea.A human mind the biggest of all(big). 29.The faemers are singing and dancing for the han-est(liappy)? 30.Monday is the day of a week(hvo). 31.1often do some on Sunday(sliop). 32.The Stone Forest is an place to visit.(amaze)


1,名词 人& 物的名字 比如,coffee, tree, shirt,nose,bus,rain father,teacher,Lucy 广义名词定义是 表示人,物,时间,地点和一些抽象概念的词artist book summer China idea 名词变化规律 1,+s,变复数winners,ideas 2,+y,ful 变形容词cloudy healthy helpful She refused to buy _____ (banana) yesterday. Many of my friends are_____(lawyer) It is too ____(noise), so it’s not ____ (help) to stay here. Yao Ming is a _______(success) player in NBA. Exercise is _______ (health) for the mind and the body 名词位置 1,介词后on the tree, by bus, with a book 2,形容词后 a green tree, a big bus, smart students

动词 动作的词 play, walk, kill, buy 时态 ---------------------------------------------- 昨天今天明天一般过去时一般将来时 动词变化规律 1,第一个动词负责时态s,ed 2,其它动词变成非谓语动词doing,to do(尚未发生) She _____ (enjoy) reading books,but she ___(play) games last year. They ___(finish) ____(walk) at six. Tom ___(plan) ____(exercise),but nobody ____(believe) him. If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution. Tom made a living by _______(sell)small toys when he was young. I think tomorrow is a good time______(have)the party. I am learning how_______(swim).


1,名词 人&物的名字 比如,coffee, tree, shirt,nose,bus,rain father,teacher,Lucy 广义名词定义是 表示人,物,时间,地点和一些抽象概念的词 artist book summer China idea 名词变化规律 1,+s,变复数winners,ideas 2,+y,ful 变形容词cloudy healthy helpful She refused to buy _____ (banana) yesterday. Many of my friends are_____(lawyer) It is too ____(noise), so it’s not ____ (help) to stay here. Yao Ming is a _______(success) player in NBA. Exercise is _______ (health) for the mind and the body 名词位置 1,介词后on the tree, by bus, with a book 2,形容词后 a green tree, a big bus, smart students

动词 动作的词 play, walk, kill, buy 时态 ---------------------------------------------- 昨天今天明天 一般过去时一般将来时 动词变化规律 1,第一个动词负责时态s,ed 2,其它动词变成非谓语动词doing,to do(尚未发生) She _____ (enjoy) reading books,but she ___(play) games last year. They ___(finish) ____(walk) at six. Tom ___(plan) ____(exercise),but nobody ____(believe) him. If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution. Tom made a living by _______(sell)small toys when he was young. I think tomorrow is a good time______(have)the party. I am learning how_______(swim).


英语中动词变化规则归纳 1、(动词的现在式一般有两种形式:单数第三人称和复数 即①“+s形式”;②“动词原形”。 单数第三人称形式一般是在动词原形后面加-s构成,其构成规则如下: ①一般动词在词尾加-s。helps; makes; gets; rides; leaves; plays ②以字母-s,-x,-ch,-sh或-o结尾的动词加-es。guesses; fixes; teaches; washes; goes ③以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es。flies; cries; carries; studies 2、英语动词的现在分词,一般在动词末尾加-ing。其构成规则如下: ①一般在动词末尾加-ing。going; asking; studying ②以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing。writing; closing; taking ③以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加-ing。 getting; sitting; putting; beginning ④以ie结尾的,先将ie变为y,再加-ing。die—dying; lie—lying; tie—tying 3、构成动词-ed形式,其规则如下: ①一般在动词原形末尾加-ed。looked; played; called; wanted; needed ②结尾是e的动词加-d。lived; hoped ③以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-ed。studied; carried ④以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加-ed。stopped; dropped; fitted 4、按括号内的要求写出所给动词的有关形式: 1. wish(单数第三人称) ___________ 2. write (过去式)___________ 3. open(现在分词) ___________ 4. begin(现在分词) ___________ 5. run (过去分词) ___________ 6. run (现在分词) ___________ 7. lie (现在分词) ___________ 8. forget (现在分词) ___________ 9. think (过去式) ___________ 10. teach (过去分词) ___________11. be (现在分词) ___________ 12. be (过去分词) ___________ 13. feel (过去式) ___________ 14. fall (过去式) ___________15. study(现在分词) __________ 16. play (现在分词) ___________17. fly (单数第三人称)__________18. try (过去词)___________ 19. prefer (过去分词) _________20. hear (过去式) _______ 21. bought(原形) _______ 22. rung(原形) _________ 24.steal(过去式) 25.struck (原形) 【参考答案】1. wishes 2. wrote 3. opening 4. beginning 5. run 6. running 7. lying 8. forgetting 9. thought 10. taught 11. being 12. been 13. felt 14. fell 15. studying 16. playing 17. flies 18. tried 19. preferred 20. heard 21. buy 22. ring


名词后缀 后缀例子规律 ness Happiness, cleverness, shyness, kindness, politeness, coldness, neatness 形容词+ness=名词(辅音字母+Y结尾,该y为i再加ness) ity reality, equality, popularity,, possibility, responsibility,probability 形容词+ity=名词(e结尾去掉e再加ity,le结尾改为il再加ity))ence absence,difference, excellence, patience,presence Ent形容词-t+ce=名词 ance/ancy Instance,distance,importance,brilliancy,constancy, 带“-ant”后缀的形容词其相应名词-ance或-ancy后缀。ment development,amazement,excitement,disappointment, treatment,argument,judgment,enjoyment,agreement 动词+ment变成名词 ion collection, selection, action,inspection express-expression,discussion,impress-impression 以t结尾的动词+ion变成名词 以-ss结尾的动词在转变成与其相对应的名词形式时,加-ion ation Educate-education/liberation,translation 以ate结尾的动词在转变时,应该去掉不发音的e再加ion sion invasion,conclusion,provision 以de结尾的动词,变成与其对应的名词时,去掉de再加上sion ship Friendship,hardship,relationship 名词+ship表示“某种关系或状态”、“某种技能” hood Childhood, neighborhood 名词+hood表示“时期,性质等” age Marriage,shortage,package, passage 动词+age表示“集合” th Truth,warmth, health, growth 动词+th,表示“过程,状态,性质” 形容词后缀


小学英语动词变形表 顺序单词中文词意一般现在时 (第三人称 单数) 现在进行时一般过去时 a agree 同意agrees agreed answer 回答answers answering answered appear 出现appears appeared ask 问asks asking asked b be(am,is) 是is being was be(are) 是being were become 成为becomes became begin 开始begins began bite 咬bites biting bit blow 吹blows blowing blew borrow 借borrows borrowed bring 带来brings bringing brought brush 刷brushes brushing brushed buy 买buys bought c call 叫;打电话calls calling calle d carry 运carries carrying carriedy catch 捉住catches catching caught chang e 改变changes changing changed chat 聊天chats chatting chatted check 检查checks checking checked clean 清洁cleans cleaning cleaned climb 爬climbs climbing climbed come 来comes came cook 煮cooks cooking cooked cost 花费costs cost count 数数counts counting counted crash 碰撞crashes crashing crashed cut 切cuts cutting cut d danc e 跳舞dances dancing danced decorate 装饰decorates decorating decorated deliver 传递delivers delivering delivered die 死dies died dig 挖digs digging dug do 做does doing did draw 画draws drawing drew dream 梦想dreams dreaming dreamed drink 喝drinks drinking drank


I. a-b 1. able (adj.) 能够;有能力的ability (n). 能力;才能 unable (oppo) 2. act n. 扮演,表演 active adj. 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 3. add v. 加上 addition n. 加,增加 4. age n. 时代,年龄 aged adj. 有…之年岁的 5. alive adj. 活着的(表语)living adj 活着的(定语)live v. 生活,居住 lively adj 活泼的,有生机的6. America n. 美国,美洲American adj. 美国的;美洲的 n. 美国人 7. amazing adj. 令人惊讶的amazed adj. 感到惊讶的 8. amusement n. 娱乐,消遣amusing adj. 引起乐趣的,娱人的9. angry adj. 生气的;愤怒的angrily adv. 生气地;愤怒地10.apologize v. 道歉 apology n. 道歉11. appear v. 出现 disappear v. 消失 12. argue v. 争论 argument n. 争论 13. art n. 艺术 article n. 文章 artist n. 艺术家,画家14. automatic adj. 自动的 automatically adv. 自动地 15. attract v. 吸引 attraction n. 吸引;吸引力/物 attractive adj. 有吸引力的16. Australia n. 澳大利亚 Australian adj. 澳大利亚的 n. 澳大利亚人17. beautiful adj. 美丽的 beautifully adv. 美丽地 18. begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手 beginning n. 开始,开端 19. black n. 黑色 adj. 黑色的 blackboard n. 黑板 20. Britain n. 不列颠 British n. 英国人 adj. 英国的 II. 请背诵B列词形转化 21. bright adj. 明亮的,聪明的 brightly adv. 明亮地 22. build ( built, built ) v. 建造 building n. 建筑物,大楼 rebuild v. 重建 23. business n. 商业,生意 businessman n. 商人 businesswoman n. 女商人 24. Canada n. 加拿大 Canadian adj. 加拿大的 n. 加拿大人 25. certain adj. 一定的,有把握的 certainly adv. 一定,无疑,是的,当然26. care v. / n. 小心,关心,照顾 careful adj. 小心的,仔细的 carefully adv. 小心地,仔细地27. change v. 改变,兑零钱 changeable adj. 易变的,可变的 exchange v. 交流;交换 28. chemical adj. 化学的 chemistry n. 化学 29. China n. 中国 Chinese n. 中国人;汉语 adj. 中国的 30. choice n. 选择 choose (chose, chosen) v. 选择31. city n. 城市 citizen n. 市民


英语单词末尾加S的读音及变形方法 1、一般来说,s在元音或浊辅音后读[z],在清辅音后面读成[s],在[t]后与[t]在一起读成[ts],在[d]后与[d]一起读成[dz]。 cups 杯子days 日子hands 手hats 帽子 2、以s,sh,ch,x结尾的词在词尾加-es,读[iz] classes 班级buses 公共汽车boxes 盒子watches 手表 3、以“元音字母+y”结尾的词,加-s,读作[z];以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y 为i,再加-es,读[iz]。 boy-boys 男孩army-armies 军队story-stories 故事factory-factories 工厂baby-babies 宝贝 4、以o结尾的词,多数加-s,读[z]。 kilo-kilos 公里photo-photos 照片tobacco-tobaccos 烟草piano-pianos 钢琴 以元音字母+o结尾的词一律加-s,读[z]。 zoo-zoos 动物园radio-radios 收音机 少数以o结尾的词,在词尾加-es,读[z]。 tomato-tomatoes 西红柿hero-heroes 英雄Negro-Negroes 黑人potato-potatoes 土豆 5、以f或fe结尾的词,多数把f,fe变为v,再加-es,读[s]。 leaf-leaves 树叶thief-thieves 小偷wife-wives 妻子knife-knives 小刀shelf-shelves 架子 6、不规则名词的复数形式。 (1)、通过变化单词内部元音字母,构成复杂形式。 man-men 男子woman-women 女人foot-feet 脚goose-geese 鹅tooth-teeth 牙齿mouse-mice 老鼠child-children 小孩 (2)、单数形式与复数形式相同 sheep-sheep 绵羊deer-deer 鹿Chinese-Chinese 中国人Japanese-Japanese 日本人 规则的名词复数形式一般是在单词后加-s 或-es。其音法方法为: 情况读法例词 在/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/等清辅音后/s/ Cups, hats, cakes, roofs 在/s/ /z/ /M/ /CM/ /DN/等音后/iz/ glasses, gaces, roses, brushes, matches, bridges 在其它情况下:/z/ Beds, days, cities, knives 以th收尾的词原读/θ/的,加词尾s后,多读/z/,例如: mouth /P>7I/-mouths/P>7Iz/path /pa:θz/- paths /pa:Iz/


高考英语词汇变形汇总n.名词v.动词 vt.及物动词 vi.不及物动词 adj.形容词 ad.副词 pron.代词 conj.连词 interj.感叹词 A able adj. ability n. enable vt. disable vt. disabled adj. ambition n.

ambitious adj. accident n. accidental adj. accidentally ad. achieve v. achievement n. act v./n. action n. actor/actress n. active adj. activity n. actual adj. actually adv. add v. addition n. additional adj. admire v. admiration n. admirer n.. admit v. admission n. adventure n. adventurous adj. afford v.

affordable adj. agree v. agreement n. anger n. angry adj. angrily ad. announce v. announcement n. announcer n. anxious adj. anxiously ad. anxiety n. apology n. apologize v. appear v. appearance n. argue v. argument n.

arrive v. arrival n. art n. artist n. artistic adj. astonish v. astonishment n. astonished adj. astonishing adj attention n. attentive adj. attentively ad. attract v. attraction n. attractive adj. B base n.


Group 1 1. action n. 行动 act vt. 做事,表演,演出 active adj. 积极的,主动的actor n. 演员 activity n. 活动 2. African adj. 非洲的, 非洲人Africa n. 非洲 3. apologize v. 道歉 apology n. 歉意 4 . angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的angrily adv.愤怒地 anger n. 生气,愤怒 5. agreement n. 同意 agree v. 同意 6. anxiously adv. 焦急 anxious adj. 焦急的,忧虑的anxiety n. 急于,不安,忧虑7. attend vt. 出席,关心,照料attention n. 出席,关心,注意attentive adj. 专心的attentively adv. 专心地 8. achieve vt. 实现,取得,达到achievement n. 成功,胜利,目标9. absence n. 缺席,不在 absent adj. 缺席的 10. arrival n. 到达,来到 arrive v. 到达,来到 11. basic adj. 基础的,根本的 base v. 以...为基础 base n. 基础,根本,基地12. bath n. 洗浴, 洗澡 bathe v. 洗澡, 游泳 13. beautifully adv. 美丽地,漂亮地 beautiful adj. 美丽的,漂亮的 beauty n. 美丽,漂亮 14. breath n. 呼吸 breathe v. 呼吸 15. believable adj 可信的 believe v. 相信 belief n. 信仰 Group 2 1. chemist n. 化学家 chemical adj. 化学的 chemistry n. 化学 2. correct vt. / adj. 改正, /正确的correction n. 正确,改正correctly adv. 正确的


九年级unit 1------2 1.hope n. → adj.充满希望的→ adj.无希望的 2.luck n. → adj.幸运的→ adv.幸运地 → adj.不幸的→ adv.不幸地 3.tradition n. → adj.传统的 4.medicine n. → adj.医学的 5.pronounce v. → n.发音 6.music n. → n.音乐人→ adj.音乐的 7.wonder n. → adj.绝妙的,不可思议的 8.enjoy v. → adj.快乐的,愉悦的 9.loud adj. →adv. 响亮地,大声地 10.patient adj. → adv.耐心地→adj.不耐心的 → n.耐心,耐性→ n. 病人 11.ability n. → adj.能够的,有能力的→ adj. 不能的,不会的 12.create v.→ adj.有创造力的→ n.创造 13.wise adj. → adv.聪明地,明智地→ n. 聪明,才智 14.express v.→ n.表达方式,表达 15.know v.→ n.知识,学问→adj.知识渊博的 16.crowd v. → adj.拥挤的→ adj.不拥挤的 17.strange adj. → n.陌生人 18.touch v.→ adj.令人感动的 19.lie v.→ (过去式) →(过去分词) → (现在分词) https://www.doczj.com/doc/c79368821.html,y v.→ (过去式) → (过去分词) → (现在分词) 21.punish v.→ n. 处罚 22.warm adj. → adv.温暖地 23.end v.→ n. 结局,结尾 24.kind adj. → n. 善良


1,名词 人 & 物的名字 比如,coffee, tree, shirt, nose,bus,rain father, teacher,Lucy 广义名词定义是 表示人,物,时间,地点和一些抽象概念的词 artist book summer China idea 名词变化规律 1,+s,变复数 winners,ideas 2,+y,ful 变形容词 cloudy healthy helpful She refused to buy _____ (banana) yesterday. Many of my friends are_____(lawyer) It is too ____(noise), so it’s not ____ (help) to stay here. Yao Ming is a _______(success) player in NBA. Exercise is _______ (health) for the mind and the body 名词位置 1,介词后 on the tree, by bus, with a book 2,形容词后 a green tree, a big bus, smart students

动词 动作的词 play, walk, kill, buy 时态 ---------------------------------------------- 昨天今天明天 一般过去时一般将来时 动词变化规律 1,第一个动词负责时态s, ed 2,其它动词变成非谓语动词doing, to do(尚未发生) She _____ (enjoy) reading books,but she ___(play) games last year. They ___(finish) ____(walk) at six. Tom ___(plan) ____(exercise),but nobody ____(believe) him. If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution. Tom made a living by _______(sell)small toys when he was young. I think tomorrow is a good time______(have)the party.


英语单词词性转变的一般规律 1.动词(v.)→名词(n.) (a)词形不变,词性改变 例如:work, study, water, plant等可以用作动词(工作,学习,浇水,种植),也可以用作名词(工作,学习,水,植物). (b)一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示"某一类人"的名词 例如:work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer, jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner, visit—visitor, invent—inventor, collect—collector等. 注意:1)以不发音的e结尾的动词,在词尾加-r. 例如:drive—driver, write—writer等. 2)以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er 例如:run—runner, win—winner, begin—beginner等. (c)在动词词尾加上-ment 变成名词 例如:achieve—achievement (成就) advertise—advertisement例如:argue—argument(争论) (d)在动词词尾加上-(t)ion/(s)ion变成名词 例如: attract—attraction; instruct—instruction; invent—invention discuss—discussion; express—expression educate—education; graduate—graduation; operate—operation (去e再加"ion") compete—competition; organize—organization (把e改成其他字母再加

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