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ABSTRACT Optimal Reconfiguration Sequence Management

Optimal Reconfiguration Sequence Management

Soheil Ghiasi, Majid Sarrafzadeh

Computer Science Department

University of California, Los Angeles



In this paper, we present an efficient optimal algorithm for

minimizing runtime reconfiguration (context switching) delay of

executing an application on a reconfigurable system. We assume

that the basic operations of the application are already scheduled

and each of them has to be realized on the reconfigurable fabric

in order to be executed. The modeling and algorithm are both

applicable to partially reconfigurable platforms as well as Multi-

FPGA systems. The algorithm can be directly applied to minimize

the application runtime for many typical classes of applications,

where the actual execution delay of basic operations is negligible

compared to reconfiguration delay. We prove the optimality and

efficiency of our algorithm and report experimental results, which

demonstrate 40% to 2.5% improvement in total runtime

reconfiguration delay.


Many applications contain computationally intensive blocks and hence they demand hardware implementation to exhibit real-time performance. Dedicated hardware solutions are capable of running many operations in parallel. Many researchers have used reconfigurable hardware units to speed up the application runtime [3, 6, 7, 8].

Reconfigurable systems provide the flexibility and reuse of hardware for multiple applications. Reconfigurable hardware can be used to execute designs, which are larger than the available hardware resources. In such cases, a part of a large application is executed on the hardware. By reusing the reconfigurable hardware, the remaining tasks of the application can be loaded and executed on the hardware at runtime. This is known as runtime reconfiguration. Another issue that necessitates the integration of reconfiguration in a hardware platform is that some applications require reconfiguration in different abstraction levels of system [11]. For example, some applications require different variations of an algorithm to execute their task. A non-flexible hardware realization for such applications has to fit all required algorithm variations on the die. This, if possible, makes the design and fabrication processes more complicated and expensive [17].

A major drawback of using runtime reconfiguration is the significant delay of reprogramming the hardware. The total runtime of an application includes the actual execution delay of each task on the hardware along with the total time spent for hardware reconfiguration between computations. The latter might dominate the total runtime, especially for classes of applications with a small amount of computation between two consecutive reconfigurations. Many previous works have tried to tackle the reconfiguration delay problem using different approaches [14, 15, 16].

In many applications, only a small portion of the design changes at a time and there is no need to reconfigure the entire hardware

for instantiating a new design. This has led the industry to add the capability of partial reconfiguration to most of their recent products. FPGAs are examples of such reconfigurable hardware and most of the recent FPGA devices have the capability of runtime reconfiguration [9, 12].

Some earlier works have used partial reconfiguration to realize and execute an application. For example, researchers in [4, 13] present a partially reconfigurable system in which there are a limited number of similar places on the FPGA to plug in and run a module. Figure 1 shows such a reconfigurable platform. Each module (operation) is instantiated through partial reconfiguration and its instantiation will not affect other existing modules. In Figure 1, operation e can be instantiated by reconfiguring the physical resources currently executing operation d. This will not affect the configuration of resources executing operations a, b, and c. Multi-FPGA systems are another example of partially reconfigurable hardware in which there are more than one FPGA on a board. Each FPGA realizing a part of the design can be reconfigured independently.

Partial Reconfiguration allows the users to change only part of the design that needs to be updated and hence, decreases the reconfiguration time [5]. However, partial reconfiguration delay is still significant and it is dominating the whole computation delay for many applications. Reconfiguration delay is usually on the order of tens to hundreds of milliseconds for current FPGAs [9, 12]. While the partial reconfigurable approach is very effective and many different applications can be executed using the existing basic operations, the partial reconfiguration delay is still a barrier; hence minimizing it can lead to faster execution of the application [18].

In this paper, we formally state the problem of minimizing the runtime reconfiguration delay. We present a provably optimal algorithm to minimize the total delay incurred by partial reconfiguration. The input application is given as a set of Figure 1. Executing an application on a partially reconfigurable hardware.

scheduled high-level operations (or simply operations). The data dependencies among the operations constitute a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Our algorithm outputs an execution order of the operations on hardware resources such that the total runtime reconfiguration is minimized.

The model and algorithm developed in this paper are directly applicable to current FPGA devices, multi-FPGA systems as well as other aforementioned partially reconfigurable systems. A special case of our algorithm applies to traditional non-partially reconfigurable FPGA platforms as well. We have conducted simulation-based experiments on some real applications. In terms of total runtime reconfiguration delay, our method outperforms other existing heuristics within the range of 40% to 2.5%. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In section 2 the problem of partial reconfiguration delay minimization is formally described. Section 3 describes our algorithm and proves its correctness and optimality. Some experimental results based on simulation are presented in section 4. Section 5 will conclude the paper along with some future directions and possible extensions.

2. Problem Statement

In this section, we formally present the problem of minimizing the reconfiguration delay for executing a given application on a system with multiple reconfigurable resources or with one partially reconfigurable resource. The application is composed of a set of basic tasks. At each time step, one or multiple tasks are revealed to the system. Arriving tasks have to be executed before next set of upcoming tasks. Executing these tasks (operations) in the specified order will lead to a correct execution of the application.

Suppose a partially reconfigurable hardware (PRH) is selected as the target platform to execute an arbitrary application. The application can be modeled as a set of operations that have to be executed in some specific order. Therefore, the functional unit corresponding to each operation should exist on the hardware before execution. Due to area constraint, only a subset of operations can be implemented in the PRH at each time. PRH can be partially reconfigured to realize the remaining operations. In such cases, partial reconfiguration delay for instantiating operations in the PRH imposes a delay on the total application runtime. Reconfiguration delay is one of the major barriers in using PRH for some real-time systems.

Partial reconfiguration delay is roughly proportional to the number of bits needed to transmit to PRH. Partial reconfiguration bits contain both data and control information for altering logic and interconnect of a particular block on the chip. The length of the sequence of reconfiguration bits is proportional to the reprogrammed area on the chip. In this paper, we assume the reconfiguration delay is equal for all types of operations. This assumption is exact for Multi-FPGA systems with identical FGPAs and for architectures in which we have some fixed places on the chip to plug in an operation [4, 13]. With this assumption, the number of required partial reconfigurations (RPR) represents the total reconfiguration delay. This delay mainly dominates the total application runtime for some classes of applications where the operation delay is negligible compared reconfiguration delay. Therefore, a reasonable metric for estimating the total application runtime is the number of RPRs for executing all operations.

Figure 2 demonstrates an example in which different execution order of nodes, leads to different number of RPR. Tasks (nodes) 1 and 3 have the same type ‘a’ and Task 2 has another type ‘b’. PRH is able to fit one operation at a time, in this example. Executing such an application in <1 2 3> order, requires loading of ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘a’ into the PRH respectively. This will cost 3 units, whereas execution of the same application in <2 1 3> order requires loading of ‘b’, and ‘a’ respectively, which costs 2 units. Therefore, execution order of basic tasks can impact the number of RPR and hence, total reconfiguration delay.

Let G (V, E) be a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representing a given application, where V is a set of vertices that represent operations and E is a set of directed edges that corresponds to the dependencies between operations (Figure 1). Assume that vertices of G have been already scheduled according to the time step at which they are revealed. Moreover, suppose the target reconfigurable hardware can accommodate at most K different operations in it. This implies that an upcoming new operation has to overwrite one of the K existing operations in PRH. Loading a new operation requires the PRH to be partially reconfigured. Therefore, it incurs a unit cost and increases the number of RPR by one. The partial reconfiguration delay minimization problem can be formally stated as:

Given such a scheduled G (V, E) and K as inputs, the objective is to load and execute all nodes of G on PRH so that the number of RPR is minimized. The constraints are that there are at most K different operations existing on hardware at all times and all nodes at cycle i have to be executed before nodes at cycle j if i < j. This ensures that the resulting execution order of operations leads to a valid evaluation of the computation and maintains the data dependencies among the nodes of G. We denote the minimum number of RPR to execute the scheduled G on a PRH with capacity K by Cost(G, K). Note that this problem can capture the case when a K-FPGA system is serving as the target architecture and each of the FPGAs can realize a single operation. In particular, the special case of K=1 represents the conventional single FPGA platforms (Figure 2).

The problem, as formulated above, is somewhat similar to standard paging problem that has been formulated and extensively studied in the domain of Online Algorithms. Particularly, reconfigurable hardware in present terminology corresponds to a cache unit with capacity K and each partial reconfiguration request is similar to a page fault (miss) that has a unit cost. However, to the best of our knowledge, the problem presented in this paper has not been studied and the current formulation is novel for modeling partial reconfiguration cost. Throughout this

Figure 2. Different execution order of basic tasks leads to different number of required reconfigurations.

Lemma 2: Let P=

be an optimal solution for a

given instance of the problem. Let Q i be a subsequence of P i which contains operations in P i that are in PRH(i). Similarly, let R i be a subsequence of P i that includes operations not in PRH(i). Then, S=

is also an optimal solution.

paper, we may use terms from our formulation and standard paging formulation interchangeably.

3. Optimal Algorithm

In this section, we present an optimal algorithm for solving the problem defined in Section 2. First, we consider a special case in which the given DAG has only one operation in each cycle. Such a DAG is a path and there is already an optimal method developed for this special case. We extend this method for DAG. Proof: The cost of T=

is equal to S

since operations in Q i are in PRH(i) when LIU starts to process cycle i. Therefore, they will neither incur any RPR nor alter the PRH configuration. On the other hand, T is a subsequence of P. Therefore, its cost cannot be greater than Cost(P, K) according to Lemma 1. Since P is an optimal solution, S also has the optimal cost.

Consider the case when G is a simple sequence of operations in which an operation depends on the previous one. Hence, the scheduled version of this sequence has only one operation in each cycle. Therefore, the algorithm is forced to select the nodes according to their original order for execution. However, it has to select an operation to overwrite if there are K operations existing in PRH at some cycle. This problem, which is known as the offline paging problem has been optimally solved by Belady [1]. It has been proved that the Least Imminently Used (LIU) operation existing in the cache is the best candidate to overwrite. This algorithm (LIU) leads to the minimum number of page faults. Corollary 2: There exists an optimal algorithm, which executes

operations previously existing in PRH before other nodes at each cycle.

Corollary 3: There exists an optimal ordering in which nodes of

the same type appear adjacent to each other in each cycle. Therefore, an optimal algorithm can merge nodes with the same type in each cycle and assume that nodes occurring in each cycle are distinct.

Lemma 3: Let P=< A 1 A 2 … A i A i+1 … A j … A k … A m > be a

solution for a given instance of the problem in which A i is the i’th operation of P. Let A j and A k be the next instances of A i and A i+1 respectively (Figure 3). If A i and A i+1 both belong to the same cycle c and neither of them is in PRH(c), Then Q=< A 1 A 2 … A i+1 A i … A j … A k … A m > is also a solution and Cost(P, K) ≥ Cost(Q, K).

Theorem 1: Given a sequence of operations and a PRH to run the operations on, LIU is an optimal method to execute the operations in the given order and minimize the number of RPR.

Proof: There is a one to one correspondence between the present problem and the offline-paging problem. The LIU is known to be optimal for the latter; hence, it is also optimal for the current problem [1].

We define S i and P i as the set of operations in cycle i and a permutation of operations in S i respectively. Note that the operations in S i are allowed to be repeated, since there can exist multiple operations of the same type in a cycle. Moreover, we define PRH(i) as the set of operations existing in PRH when the LIU starts to process cycle i . Therefore, PRH(0) = ?.

Sequence Q

Sequence P



A i = m Any solution to the general problem proposed in section 2, will be a permutation of operations reflecting their execution order. This permutation has to be in the form of P =

to meet the data dependency constraint of the problem formulation. According to Theorem 1, executing P using LIU algorithm will lead to the minimum number of RPR. Therefore, the generalized optimal algorithm only needs to find the optimal sequence of operations among all possible choices for P.

A i+1= n

A j = m

The following lemmas will aid in generating the optimal sequence:

Lemma 1: Adding an operation to any place in a sequence of operations P cannot decrease Cost(P, K).

A k = n

Proof: Let Q be the new sequence created by adding an

operation to P. We can process P exactly the way LIU processes Q, namely we can load/evict the same operations the optimal algorithm loads/evicts for processing Q. This processes P with a cost equal to Cost(Q, K), i.e., there is at least one way to process P with cost equal to Cost(Q, K). Hence Cost(P, K) cannot be greater than Cost(Q, K).

Figure 3. Converting sequence P to Q will not increase the cost, provided that m and n are not in PRH(i).

Corollary 1: For any sequence of operations Q and any

subsequence P of Q: Cost(Q, K) ≥ Cost(P, K).

with cost equal to Cost(P, K), i.e., the optimal cost of processing

Proof: We prove that Q is a valid solution and can be processed

Q is not greater than Cost(P, K).

Since A i and A i+1 both belong to the same cycle, swapping them will produce a valid permutation. Note that relative positions of A i and A i+1, compared to other operations in P and Q, do not change. Therefore, optimal processing of P and Q up to position i, will lead to the same cost and PRH configuration. Executing A i and A i+1 for both P and Q will incur two RPRs, since neither of them is in PRH(c). Loading the i’th node will overwrite the same operation for both sequences since they both have the same PRH configuration after processing the i’th node. Loading the i+1’th operation, however, might replace different existing modules, since i’th operations are different in P and Q.

Suppose loading A i+1 overwrites operation x when we are processing P optimally. If x ≠A i then we can overwrite x with the (i+1)’th operation for Q and have the exact cost and PRH configuration up to position i+2. Since the rest of Q is exactly same as P, its total cost will be the same. However, If x=A i we replace the i’th operation with the (i+1)’th operation when processing Q. This implies that except for one operation, PRH configuration is identical for P and Q up to position i+2. In particular, Q has an operation of type m instead of n (Figure 3). We continue processing Q exactly as LIU would process P up to position j. Note that RPRs for this span are the same, since type of operations between i+1 and j cannot be either m or n.

If there is an operation overwriting n for P, we overwrite m with one to load m and execute A the same operation for Q. This will make both cost and PRH configuration up to that point equal and since the rest of P and Q are the same, they will have the same cost. However, if such a case does not happen up to position j, P has to increase the cost by

j while Q has m on its PRH and does

not issue a RPR. If m overwrites n in PRH of P, both sequences will have the same PRH configuration while Q has a lower cost up to this point. However, if m does not overwrite n, we can overwrite the same module with n after executing A j for Q. Again, we will have the same PRH configuration and cost up to this point while the rest of two sequences are the same. This completes the proof.

Cycle i

Therefore, an optimal algorithm can order all nodes appearing in a cycle, depending on their next occurrence. According to Corollary 2, at each cycle, the optimal algorithm can execute nodes existing in PRH before others. The remaining nodes can be executed according to such ordering without increasing the cost compared to any other possible ordering, according to Lemma 3.

Cycle j

Note that next instance of each operation happens in some S i and all operations in S i will come before all operations in S j provided that i < j. Hence, comparing location of the next instance is trivial when two operations don’t have their next occurrence in the same cycle. If an operation does not have another repetition in the next cycles, we can think of its next repetition at infinity and apply the same approach. For example in Figure 4, either or would be an optimal ordering for cycle i.

Cycle k

If two operations in cycle i have their next instances in cycle j (Figure 4), their relative order in cycle j determines their ordering in cycle i. However, the same argument applies to cycle j and operations relative order in cycle j depends on their next occurrence. To tackle this problem, the ordering can be done in reverse order. Starting the ordering process from the last cycle, all nodes occurring in cycle j, have their future occurrences already ordered. Therefore, they can be ordered deterministically using their next occurrences.

Figure 4. Tie breaking at cycle i.

This procedure can be summarized as the min-RPR algorithm depicted in Figure 5. After the initialization step in which the next occurrence of a node is determined, nodes are ordered according to their next instance. Cycles are examined in reverse order for this step for efficient implementation. For determining the optimal execution order of nodes, operations already in the PRH are executed before other operations in each cycle. The remaining operations are executed according to their calculated ordering. PRH configuration is then updated for next cycle by processing the partial sequence generated in current cycle. Lemma 2 and 3 guarantee the min-RPR algorithm (Figure 5) finds a valid Figure 5. Algorithm min-RPR pseudo code

sequence of operations with the minimum cost.

The time complexity for algorithm min-RPR is O(n.p.log(p)), where n is the number of operations and p is the number of distinct operation types appearing in the scheduled DAG respectively. Note that at each cycle, it takes O(p.log(p)) to sort the nodes and there are O(n) cycles in the scheduled DAG. For practical applications, p does not grow with n. In realistic scenarios, the number of distinct operation types occurring in the application DAG is fixed; hence, the algorithm runtime is expected to scale linearly with respect to the application size.

4. Experimental Results

We have implemented our proposed algorithm along with three other algorithms using the C language. These four algorithms have been executed on 12 different scheduled DFGs extracted from real applications. These DFGs are all extracted from the signal processing toolbox of Matlab software. They are standard functions used in many signal-processing applications such as digital filter design. Each node of these DFGs is a complex matrix manipulation operation such as matrix inversion, multiplication and sine of matrix elements. Since matrix dimensions can be large, these operations could be complex enough to be implemented on the PRH.

Each DFG has been scheduled using a path-based scheduler [10] with two different sets of resource constraints. In Table 1, the two DFGs with the same name and different indices refer to the same DFG but different resource constraints (and hence schedules). Examples are Firls1 and Firls2. Table 1 demonstrates the basic characteristics of these test benches including number of nodes and number of cycles.

All scheduled DFGs are executed using four different algorithms. These algorithms differ in the manner in which they order nodes in a cycle. Once the order of the nodes at each cycle is determined, the generated sequence of nodes will be passed to the LIU algorithm [1] to measure the number of RPRs. For each algorithm, the number of RPRs is recorded as the cost.

The first algorithm, LF (Left First), executes the left node before other nodes occurring at its right in each cycle. LRU (Least Recently Used), at each cycle, executes a node that has been least recently used, while MRU selects the most recently used node to execute. Finally, the last algorithm is min-RPR, which we proved its optimality in section 3.

Results of four aforementioned algorithms on these DFGs are shown in Table 2. This table contains the number of RPR for PRHs with 1, 2 or 3 module capacity (K). The experimental results show that the optimal algorithm outperforms the other algorithms significantly. The overhead penalty that other algorithms have to pay ranges from 2.5% to more than 40% for these DFGs.

Intuitively, increasing the number of partitions on PRH reduces the algorithms’ performance gap. In the extreme case, if K is equal to the number of module types occurring in DFG, all algorithms would behave the same. In this case, all algorithms have to pay a unit cost for loading the first occurrence of each operation type. From that point on, future occurrences of operations of the same type will not incur any cost. DFGs listed in Table 1 do not have many different types of operations. Therefore, the small performance penalty happens at small values

of K. For instance for case K=3, the performance penalty of MRU

is 2.5%.

We have randomly generated a set of DFGs with 26 different operation types and 500±10% nodes. These DFGs were used to show that this small performance gap would occur at greater values of K in case there are many types of operations in DFG. The output of the aforementioned four algorithms on this set of test benches is summarized in Table 3. The performance gap for all algorithms is significant for K=4. This significant gap can be observed for LF and LRU algorithms even for K=16.



Number of


Number of


Fircls1 63 24

Fircls2 63 22

Firls1 64 32

Firls2 64 20

Firrcos1 79 42

Firrcos2 79 42

Invfreq1 41 25

Invfreq2 41 23

Maxflat1 115 51

Maxflat2 115 42

Spectrum1 55 28

Spectrum2 55 21

Table 1. Scheduled DFGs used for experiments.

In summary, all experiments on real applications and randomly generated DFGs, for different values of K, show that our algorithm outperforms other candidates. This improvement ranges from a few percents to tens of percents depending on DFG, algorithm structure, and capacity of the PRH. An interesting point

is MRU uses a policy similar to min-RPR to order nodes at each cycle. MRU exhibits close to optimal results and behaves more efficiently than LF and LRU.

5. Conclusion

We presented an efficient optimal algorithm for minimizing the number of required partial reconfigurations when a partially reconfigurable or multi-FPGA system is used to run an application. A special case of the algorithm also solves the problem for single non-partially reconfigurable FPGA platforms. Since total application runtime is mainly dominated by the partial reconfiguration delay for many classes of applications, this algorithm can be directly applied for minimizing total application runtime.

Future research will focus on extensions with module area and delay considerations. Currently, all modules are assumed to occupy the same area on the chip and to have delays negligible compared to reconfiguration delay. These assumptions, however,

might not be the case for all applications. We will work toward extending our results to more complicated models incorporating module delay and area.


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K = 1 K = 2 K =


LF LRU MRU OPT LF LRU MRU OPT LF LRU MRU OPT Fircls1 59 60 50 46 36 43 35 32 25 30 24 23 Fircls2 60 57 49 44 38 40 34 33 27 29 25 24 Firls1 53 58 45 39 23 28 26 23 13 14 14 13 Firls2 46 46 34 32 23 27 20 19 13 18 13 13 Firrcos1 56 61 50 45 29 32 28 27 15 15 14 14














Invfreq1 35 39 30 27 22 23 21 20 14 15 14 14

Invfreq2 32 38 30 27 20 24 21 19 14 15 14 14 Maxflat1 102 109 88 80 53 63 52 46 34 36 32 30 Maxflat2 106 94 69 62 46 49 40 37 27 29 24 24 Spectrum1 42 48 35 34 22 26 19 19 14 16 12 12

Spectrum2 47 44 28 28 21 21 15 15 11 11 9 9 Total 685 701 550 500 360 402 334 312 221 242 207 202

Penalty(%) 37












Table 2. Number of required partial reconfigurations for different algorithms on real DFGs.

K = 4 K =8

K =16

LF LRU MRU OPT LF LRU MRU OPT LF LRU MRU OPT DFG1 315 320 296 278 209 224 200 192 98 101 91 90 DFG2 305 313 282 273 203 216 192 188 93 100 91 89 DFG3 311 315 285 270 207 219 195 186 89 96 87 86 DFG4 314 319 284 272 207 219 195 189 96 97 89 88 DFG5 330 336 304 290 220 233 205 197 97 103 96 94 DFG6 324 329 295 284 218 232 200 195 95 99 87 86 DFG7 306 311 277 266 202 216 185 181 90 97 85 85 DFG8 306 310 279 267 200 211 184 180 93 96 88 86 DFG9 320 326 291 278 213 222 196 191 92 94 87 85 DGF10 308 316 278 266 208 222 189 184 94 98 90 89 DFG11 312 317 283 271 204 217 189 183 87 94 83 83 DFG12 313 327 285 275 205 227 187 186 87 93 83 83 Average 313.7 319.9 286.6 274.2 208 221.5 193.1 187.7 92.6 97.3 88.1 87

Penalty(%) 14.4












Table 3. Number of required partial reconfigurations for different algorithms on randomly generated DFGs.


商务公文写作目录 一、商务公文的基本知识 二、应把握的事项与原则 三、常用商务公文写作要点 四、常见错误与问题

一、商务公文的基本知识 1、商务公文的概念与意义 商务公文是商业事务中的公务文书,是企业在生产经营管理活动中产生的,按照严格的、既定的生效程序和规范的格式而制定的具有传递信息和记录作用的载体。规范严谨的商务文书,不仅是贯彻企业执行力的重要保障,而且已经成为现代企业管理的基础中不可或缺的内容。商务公文的水平也是反映企业形象的一个窗口,商务公文的写作能力常成为评价员工职业素质的重要尺度之一。 2、商务公文分类:(1)根据形成和作用的商务活动领域,可分为通用公文和专用公文两类(2)根据内容涉及秘密的程度,可分为对外公开、限国内公开、内部使用、秘密、机密、绝密六类(3)根据行文方向,可分为上行文、下行文、平行文三类(4)根据内容的性质,可分为规范性、指导性、公布性、陈述呈请性、商洽性、证明性公文(5)根据处理时限的要求,可分为平件、急件、特急件三类(6)根据来源,在一个部门内部可分为收文、发文两类。 3、常用商务公文: (1)公务信息:包括通知、通报、通告、会议纪要、会议记录等 (2)上下沟通:包括请示、报告、公函、批复、意见等 (3)建规立矩:包括企业各类管理规章制度、决定、命令、任命等; (4)包容大事小情:包括简报、调查报告、计划、总结、述职报告等; (5)对外宣传:礼仪类应用文、领导演讲稿、邀请函等; (6)财经类:经济合同、委托授权书等; (7)其他:电子邮件、便条、单据类(借条、欠条、领条、收条)等。 考虑到在座的主要岗位,本次讲座涉及请示、报告、函、计划、总结、规章制度的写作,重点谈述职报告的写作。 4、商务公文的特点: (1)制作者是商务组织。(2)具有特定效力,用于处理商务。 (3)具有规范的结构和格式,而不像私人文件靠“约定俗成”的格式。商务公文区别于其它文章的主要特点是具有法定效力与规范格式的文件。 5、商务公文的四个构成要素: (1)意图:主观上要达到的目标 (2)结构:有效划分层次和段落,巧设过渡和照应 (3)材料:组织材料要注意多、细、精、严 (4) 正确使用专业术语、熟语、流行语等词语,适当运用模糊语言、模态词语与古词语。 6、基本文体与结构 商务文体区别于其他文体的特殊属性主要有直接应用性、全面真实性、结构格式的规范性。其特征表现为:被强制性规定采用白话文形式,兼用议论、说明、叙述三种基本表达方法。商务公文的基本组成部分有:标题、正文、作者、日期、印章或签署、主题词。其它组成部分有文头、发文字号、签发人、保密等级、紧急程度、主送机关、附件及其标记、抄送机关、注释、印发说明等。印章或签署均为证实公文作者合法性、真实性及公文效力的标志。 7、稿本 (1)草稿。常有“讨论稿”“征求意见稿”“送审稿”“草稿”“初稿”“二稿”“三稿”等标记。(2)定稿。是制作公文正本的标准依据。有法定的生效标志(签发等)。(3)正本。格式正规并有印章或签署等表明真实性、权威性、有效性。(4)试行本。在试验期间具有正式公文的法定效力。(5)暂行本。在规定


关于会议纪要的规范格式和写作要求 一、会议纪要的概念 会议纪要是一种记载和传达会议基本情况或主要精神、议定事项等内容的规定性公文。是在会议记录的基础上,对会议的主要内容及议定的事项,经过摘要整理的、需要贯彻执行或公布于报刊的具有纪实性和指导性的文件。 会议纪要根据适用范围、内容和作用,分为三种类型: 1、办公会议纪要(也指日常行政工作类会议纪要),主要用于单位开会讨论研究问题,商定决议事项,安排布置工作,为开展工作提供指导和依据。如,xx学校工作会议纪要、部长办公会议纪要、市委常委会议纪要。 2、专项会议纪要(也指协商交流性会议纪要),主要用于各类交流会、研讨会、座谈会等会议纪要,目的是听取情况、传递信息、研讨问题、启发工作等。如,xx县脱贫致富工作座谈会议纪要。 3、代表会议纪要(也指程序类会议纪要)。它侧重于记录会议议程和通过的决议,以及今后工作的建议。如《××省第一次盲人聋哑人代表会议纪要》、《xx市第x次代表大会会议纪要》。 另外,还有工作汇报、交流会,部门之间的联席会等方面的纪要,但基本上都系日常工作类的会议纪要。 二、会议纪要的格式 会议纪要通常由标题、正文、结尾三部分构成。

1、标题有三种方式:一是会议名称加纪要,如《全国农村工作会议纪要》;二是召开会议的机关加内容加纪要,也可简化为机关加纪要,如《省经贸委关于企业扭亏会议纪要》、《xx组织部部长办公会议纪要》;三是正副标题相结合,如《维护财政制度加强经济管理——在xx部门xx座谈会上的发言纪要》。 会议纪要应在标题的下方标注成文日期,位置居中,并用括号括起。作为文件下发的会议纪要应在版头部分标注文号,行文单位和成文日期在文末落款(加盖印章)。 2、会议纪要正文一般由两部分组成。 (1)开头,主要指会议概况,包括会议时间、地点、名称、主持人,与会人员,基本议程。 (2)主体,主要指会议的精神和议定事项。常务会、办公会、日常工作例会的纪要,一般包括会议内容、议定事项,有的还可概述议定事项的意义。工作会议、专业会议和座谈会的纪要,往往还要写出经验、做法、今后工作的意见、措施和要求。 (3)结尾,主要是对会议的总结、发言评价和主持人的要求或发出的号召、提出的要求等。一般会议纪要不需要写结束语,主体部分写完就结束。 三、会议纪要的写法 根据会议性质、规模、议题等不同,正文部分大致可以有以下几种写法: 1、集中概述法(综合式)。这种写法是把会议的基本情况,讨


titlesec&titletoc中文文档 张海军编译 makeday1984@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c36531003.html, 2009年10月 目录 1简介,1 2titlesec基本功能,2 2.1.格式,2.—2.2.间隔, 3.—2.3.工具,3. 3titlesec用法进阶,3 3.1.标题格式,3.—3.2.标题间距, 4.—3.3.与间隔相关的工具, 5.—3.4.标题 填充,5.—3.5.页面类型,6.—3.6.断行,6. 4titletoc部分,6 4.1.titletoc快速上手,6. 1简介 The titlesec and titletoc宏包是用来改变L A T E X中默认标题和目录样式的,可以提供当前L A T E X中没有的功能。Piet van Oostrum写的fancyhdr宏包、Rowland McDonnell的sectsty宏包以及Peter Wilson的tocloft宏包用法更容易些;如果希望用法简单的朋友,可以考虑使用它们。 要想正确使用titlesec宏包,首先要明白L A T E X中标题的构成,一个完整的标题是由标签+间隔+标题内容构成的。比如: 1.这是一个标题,此标题中 1.就是这个标题的标签,这是一个标签是此标题的内容,它们之间的间距就是间隔了。 1

2titlesec基本功能 改变标题样式最容易的方法就是用几向个命令和一系列选项。如果你感觉用这种方法已经能满足你的需求,就不要读除本节之外的其它章节了1。 2.1格式 格式里用三组选项来控制字体的簇、大小以及对齐方法。没有必要设置每一个选项,因为有些选项已经有默认值了。 rm s f t t md b f up i t s l s c 用来控制字体的族和形状2,默认是bf,详情见表1。 项目意义备注(相当于) rm roman字体\textrm{...} sf sans serif字体\textsf{...} tt typewriter字体\texttt{...} md mdseries(中等粗体)\textmd{...} bf bfseries(粗体)\textbf{...} up直立字体\textup{...} it italic字体\textit{...} sl slanted字体\textsl{...} sc小号大写字母\textsc{...} 表1:字体族、形状选项 bf和md属于控制字体形状,其余均是切换字体族的。 b i g medium s m a l l t i n y(大、中、小、很小) 用来标题字体的大小,默认是big。 1这句话是宏包作者说的,不过我感觉大多情况下,是不能满足需要的,特别是中文排版,英文 可能会好些! 2L A T E X中的字体有5种属性:编码、族、形状、系列和尺寸。 2


丝网印刷中常见质量问题 丝网印刷故障产生的原因是多方面的,涉及丝印印版、丝印刮版、丝印油墨、丝印设备,丝印材料以及操作技术等诸多因素。丝印故障的产生,有单一方面的原因的,但更多的则的错综复杂的诸原因的交叉影响的结果。这是操作者在判定故障原因,采取相应对策时要特别注意的。 1、糊版产生的原因和解决办法是什么? 糊版亦称堵版,是指丝网印版图文通孔部分在印刷中不能将油墨转移到承印物上的现象。这种现象的出现会影响印刷质量,严重时甚至会无法进行正常印刷。 丝网印刷过程中产生的糊版现象的原因的错综复杂的。糊版原因可从以下各方面进行分析。 ①承印物的原因。丝网印刷承印物是多种多样的,承印物的质地特性也是产生糊版现象的一个因素。例如:纸张类、木板类。织物类等承印物表面平滑度低,表面强度较差,在印刷过程中比较容易产生掉粉、掉毛现象,因而造成糊版。 ②车间温度、湿度及油墨性质的原因,丝网印刷车间要求保持一定的温度和相对湿度。如果温度高,相对湿度低,油墨中的挥发溶剂就会很快的挥发掉,油墨的粘度变高,从而堵住网孔。另一点要注意的是,如果停机时间过长,也会产生糊版现象,时间越长糊版越严重。其次是,如果环境温度低,油墨流动性差也容易产生糊版。 ③丝网印版的原因。制好的丝网印版在使用前用水冲洗干净并干燥后方能使用。如果制好版后放置过久不及时印刷,在保存过程中或多或少就会粘附尘土,印刷时如果不清洗,就会造成糊版。 ④印刷压力的原因。印刷过程中压印力过大,会使刮板弯曲,刮板与丝网印版和承印物不是线接触,而是面接触,这样每次刮印都不能将油墨刮干净,而留下残余油墨,经过一定时间便会结膜造成糊版。 ⑤丝网印版与承印物间隙不当的原因。丝网印版和承印物之间的间隙不能过小,间隙过小在刮印后丝网印版不能脱离承印物,丝网印版抬起时,印版底部粘附一定油墨,这样也容易造成糊版。 ⑥油墨的原因。在丝网印刷油墨中的颜料及其它固体料的颗粒较大时,就容易出现堵住网孔的现象。另外,所选用丝网目数及通孔面积与油墨的颗粒度相比小了些,使较粗颗粒的油墨不易通过网孔而发生封网现象也是其原因之一。对因油墨的颗粒较大而引起的糊版,可以从制造油墨时着手解决,主要方法是严格控制油墨的细度。 油墨在印刷过程中干燥过快,容易造成糊版故障。特别是在使用挥发干燥型油墨时这类现象更为突出,所以在印刷时必须选择恰当的溶剂控制干燥的速度。在选用油墨时要考虑气候的影响,一般在冬季使用快干性油墨,夏季则应在油墨中添加迟干剂,如果使用迟干剂还发生糊版现象,就必须换用其他类型油墨。 使用氧化干燥型油墨,糊版现象出现得不是很多,但在夏季如果过量使用干燥剂,也会发生糊版现象,一般夏季要控制使用干燥剂。 使用二液反应型油墨时,由于油墨本身干燥速度慢,所以几乎不发生糊版现象,但偶尔也有发生糊版现象的。 在印刷过程中,油墨粘度增高造成糊版,其主要原因是:版上油墨溶剂蒸发,致使油墨粘度增高,而发生封网现象。如果印刷图文面积比较大,丝网印版上的油墨消耗多,糊版现象就少。如果图文面积小,丝网印版上的油墨消耗少,就容易造成糊版,其对策的经常换用新油墨。油墨的流动性差,会使油墨在没有通过丝网时便产生糊版,这种情况可通过降低油墨粘度提高油墨的流动性来解决。 发生糊版故障后,可针对版上油墨的性质,采用适当的溶剂擦洗。擦洗的要领是从印刷面开始,由中间向外围轻轻擦拭。擦拭后检查印版,如有缺损应及时修补,修补后可重新开始印刷。应当注意的是,膜版每次擦洗一次,就变薄一些,如擦拭中造成版膜重大缺损,则只好换新版印刷。


太阳能电池制造中的丝网印刷技术概述 摘要太阳能电池连接技术的最重要的部分就在硅衬底金属化制造。这个方法是一项先进的印刷工艺,这个技术能够在很大程度上决定太阳能电池的能量转换效率。这项工艺被大规模用于太阳能电池的批量化生产,是第三代太阳能电池制造过程中最重要的环节。 关键词丝网印刷;晶体硅;电极;质量控制 太阳能电池是利用光电效应将光能转化成电能的装置。它是太阳能发电的基础和核心。目前,光伏电池生产有二个主要难题。第一,怎么增加太阳能电池的转换效率,以加大电池板组件一平方米范围内的发电量。第二,在加大投入成本之前,怎样通过现有技术使太阳能电池的制造力得到加强。丝网印刷技术在制造太阳能电池片背电场和正电极的生产中越来越成熟运用,逐渐变成了现在光伏电池生产的最为流行的技术。 1 太阳能电池丝网印刷 1.1 丝网印刷在光伏电池制造过程中的位置 制造晶体硅光伏电池的过程有印刷背电极、铝背场和正电极。电极印刷的好坏很大程度上决定了电池片性能的好坏。所以它是光伏电池制造过程的一个主要环节。利用丝网印刷技术,在硅片上印刷一种化学活性很高的金屬浆料,通过烘干将金属浆料固化,然后在高温状态下快速烧结。在具有化学活性的金属浆料作用下,金属和硅晶体生成了一个合金层,从而形成良好的接触以及铝背场。 1.2 丝网印刷技术 丝网印刷是采用压印的方式将预定的图形印刷在基板上,该设备由电池背面银铝浆印刷、电池背面铝浆印刷和电池正面银浆印刷三部分组成。其工作原理为:利用丝网图形部分网孔透过浆料,用刮刀在丝网的浆料部位施加一定压力,同时朝丝网另一端移动。浆料在移动中被刮刀从图形部分的网孔中挤压到基片上。由于浆料的黏性作用使印迹固着在一定范围内,印刷中刮板始终与丝网印版和基片呈线性接触,接触线随刮刀移动而移动,从而完成印刷行程,得到印制的丝网图形。丝网印刷技术,是把包含金属的混合导电浆料通过网状孔压入,压在晶体硅片上生成新的电路和电极,并由光伏电池衍生出光电子。混有金属的浆液压在已经有P-N结的晶体硅片上,背面的银铝浆液单独压制,成为背电极,这样对构件的拼接有好处。二,压制的铝浆被大量掺入杂质,生成P+层。铝背场降低载体复合材料的使用量,以收敛带正电荷的粒子,来加大电压。三,印刷银浆对带正负电荷的粒子的收集有很大的好处,进而便于电极的生成。背电极是用银铝浆(或是银浆)印在电池片的背面(即在未涂布的表面上)的光伏电池板的电极。铝是P型杂质这一事实反映了背电场的功能。实际制造中所需的背场浆料以铝浆为主。背电极印刷对浆料的需求包括:背电极要是光伏电池的实际正电极,需要


毕业论文写作要求与格式规范 关于《毕业论文写作要求与格式规范》,是我们特意为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。 (一)文体 毕业论文文体类型一般分为:试验论文、专题论文、调查报告、文献综述、个案评述、计算设计等。学生根据自己的实际情况,可以选择适合的文体写作。 (二)文风 符合科研论文写作的基本要求:科学性、创造性、逻辑性、

实用性、可读性、规范性等。写作态度要严肃认真,论证主题应有一定理论或应用价值;立论应科学正确,论据应充实可靠,结构层次应清晰合理,推理论证应逻辑严密。行文应简练,文笔应通顺,文字应朴实,撰写应规范,要求使用科研论文特有的科学语言。 (三)论文结构与排列顺序 毕业论文,一般由封面、独创性声明及版权授权书、摘要、目录、正文、后记、参考文献、附录等部分组成并按前后顺序排列。 1.封面:毕业论文(设计)封面具体要求如下: (1)论文题目应能概括论文的主要内容,切题、简洁,不超过30字,可分两行排列;

(2)层次:大学本科、大学专科 (3)专业名称:机电一体化技术、计算机应用技术、计算机网络技术、数控技术、模具设计与制造、电子信息、电脑艺术设计、会计电算化、商务英语、市场营销、电子商务、生物技术应用、设施农业技术、园林工程技术、中草药栽培技术和畜牧兽医等专业,应按照标准表述填写; (4)日期:毕业论文(设计)完成时间。 2.独创性声明和关于论文使用授权的说明:需要学生本人签字。 3.摘要:论文摘要的字数一般为300字左右。摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,是文章内容的高度概括。主要内容包括:该项研究工作的内容、目的及其重要性;所使用的实验方法;总结研究成果,突出作者的新见解;研究结论及其意义。摘要中不列举例证,不描述研究过程,不做自我评价。


公文格式规范与常见公文写作 一、公文概述与公文格式规范 党政机关公文种类的区分、用途的确定及格式规范等,由中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅于2012年4月16日印发,2012年7月1日施行的《党政机关公文处理工作条例》规定。之前相关条例、办法停止执行。 (一)公文的含义 公文,即公务文书的简称,属应用文。 广义的公文,指党政机关、社会团体、企事业单位,为处理公务按照一定程序而形成的体式完整的文字材料。 狭义的公文,是指在机关、单位之间,以规范体式运行的文字材料,俗称“红头文件”。 ?(二)公文的行文方向和原则 ?、上行文下级机关向上级机关行文。有“请示”、“报告”、和“意见”。 ?、平行文同级机关或不相隶属机关之间行文。主要有“函”、“议案”和“意见”。 ?、下行文上级机关向下级机关行文。主要有“决议”、“决定”、“命令”、“公报”、“公告”、“通告”、“意见”、“通知”、“通报”、“批复”和“会议纪要”等。 ?其中,“意见”、“会议纪要”可上行文、平行文、下行文。?“通报”可下行文和平行文。 ?原则: ?、根据本机关隶属关系和职权范围确定行文关系 ?、一般不得越级行文 ?、同级机关可以联合行文 ?、受双重领导的机关应分清主送机关和抄送机关 ?、党政机关的部门一般不得向下级党政机关行文 ?(三) 公文的种类及用途 ?、决议。适用于会议讨论通过的重大决策事项。 ?、决定。适用于对重要事项作出决策和部署、奖惩有关单位和人员、变更或撤销下级机关不适当的决定事项。

?、命令(令)。适用于公布行政法规和规章、宣布施行重大强制性措施、批准授予和晋升衔级、嘉奖有关单位和人员。 ?、公报。适用于公布重要决定或者重大事项。 ?、公告。适用于向国内外宣布重要事项或者法定事项。 ?、通告。适用于在一定范围内公布应当遵守或者周知的事项。?、意见。适用于对重要问题提出见解和处理办法。 ?、通知。适用于发布、传达要求下级机关执行和有关单位周知或者执行的事项,批转、转发公文。 ?、通报。适用于表彰先进、批评错误、传达重要精神和告知重要情况。 ?、报告。适用于向上级机关汇报工作、反映情况,回复上级机关的询问。 ?、请示。适用于向上级机关请求指示、批准。 ?、批复。适用于答复下级机关请示事项。 ?、议案。适用于各级人民政府按照法律程序向同级人民代表大会或者人民代表大会常务委员会提请审议事项。 ?、函。适用于不相隶属机关之间商洽工作、询问和答复问题、请求批准和答复审批事项。 ?、纪要。适用于记载会议主要情况和议定事项。?(四)、公文的格式规范 ?、眉首的规范 ?()、份号 ?也称编号,置于公文首页左上角第行,顶格标注。“秘密”以上等级的党政机关公文,应当标注份号。 ?()、密级和保密期限 ?分“绝密”、“机密”、“秘密”三个等级。标注在份号下方。?()、紧急程度 ?分为“特急”和“加急”。由公文签发人根据实际需要确定使用与否。标注在密级下方。 ?()、发文机关标志(或称版头) ?由发文机关全称或规范化简称加“文件”二字组成。套红醒目,位于公文首页正中居上位置(按《党政机关公文格式》标准排


丝网印刷常见问题及处理方法 漏浆: 检查方法:检查每一个台面同一处有无浆料(适合一、二、三道) 解决方法:根据在硅片上漏浆的位置,确定网版漏浆的位置,查看网版漏浆处的大小,如果漏洞不大,选择合适的胶带在网版下面将漏浆的位置粘住,试做一片,查看是否仍然漏浆,如果仍然漏浆,重新修补,如果不漏,可以继续使用。如果漏洞太大,无法用胶带修补的话,更换网版。第三道网版漏浆解决的方法:查看漏浆是否在删线上,如果不在可用封网浆修补,如果在删线上,直接把网版更换。注意事项:1在修补第一第二道网板时,在胶带粘帖位周围容易造成隐裂,观察确认后,方可生产.发现隐裂,立即更换网板. 2第三道网板使用封网浆,修补后,查看印刷质量.在封网浆周围是否有断线情况.如果发现有断线情况,用无尘布沾取少许清水,轻轻擦拭封网浆周围.在次使用封网浆修补网板时,注意时候有封网浆堵住副删线. 虚印 原因:1印刷参数没有调整. 2刮刀的不平整. 3原材料的问题,硅片厚薄不均. 4网板使用时间过长,造成网板的变形. 5台面不平整. 解决方法:1调整印刷参数,试着抬高丝网间距,加大印刷的压力和刮条深度。 2卸下刮刀,查看是否发生变形,更换刮刀. 3通过测量是否属于原材料的问题. 4更换网板,查看是否依然有这种情况产生. 5以上方法依然不能解决,通知工艺或设备处理. 注意事项:调整印刷参数后必须称重和查看是否出现隐裂,调整参数后的压力变大,容易产生隐裂. 更换刮刀时注意刮刀的平整和安装手法. 断线-3号机 产生原因:1由于长时间的印刷,网板内产生了干浆料. 2第二道台面留有铝浆,导致硅片制绒面粘有铝浆,在印刷第三道时,使铝浆堵住网板. 3杂务或细小的碎片,堵住网板. 处理方法:1浆网板内干浆料铲出,并用粘有松油醇的无尘布擦拭. 2更换②号机的台面纸,并用粘有松油醇的无尘布擦拭.

ctex 宏包说明 ctex

ctex宏包说明 https://www.doczj.com/doc/c36531003.html,? 版本号:v1.02c修改日期:2011/03/11 摘要 ctex宏包提供了一个统一的中文L A T E X文档框架,底层支持CCT、CJK和xeCJK 三种中文L A T E X系统。ctex宏包提供了编写中文L A T E X文档常用的一些宏定义和命令。 ctex宏包需要CCT系统或者CJK宏包或者xeCJK宏包的支持。主要文件包括ctexart.cls、ctexrep.cls、ctexbook.cls和ctex.sty、ctexcap.sty。 ctex宏包由https://www.doczj.com/doc/c36531003.html,制作并负责维护。 目录 1简介2 2使用帮助3 2.1使用CJK或xeCJK (3) 2.2使用CCT (3) 2.3选项 (4) 2.3.1只能用于文档类的选项 (4) 2.3.2只能用于文档类和ctexcap.sty的选项 (4) 2.3.3中文编码选项 (4) 2.3.4中文字库选项 (5) 2.3.5CCT引擎选项 (5) 2.3.6排版风格选项 (5) 2.3.7宏包兼容选项 (6) 2.3.8缺省选项 (6) 2.4基本命令 (6) 2.4.1字体设置 (6) 2.4.2字号、字距、字宽和缩进 (7) ?https://www.doczj.com/doc/c36531003.html, 1

1简介2 2.4.3中文数字转换 (7) 2.5高级设置 (8) 2.5.1章节标题设置 (9) 2.5.2部分修改标题格式 (12) 2.5.3附录标题设置 (12) 2.5.4其他标题设置 (13) 2.5.5其他设置 (13) 2.6配置文件 (14) 3版本更新15 4开发人员17 1简介 这个宏包的部分原始代码来自于由王磊编写cjkbook.cls文档类,还有一小部分原始代码来自于吴凌云编写的GB.cap文件。原来的这些工作都是零零碎碎编写的,没有认真、系统的设计,也没有用户文档,非常不利于维护和改进。2003年,吴凌云用doc和docstrip工具重新编写了整个文档,并增加了许多新的功能。2007年,oseen和王越在ctex宏包基础上增加了对UTF-8编码的支持,开发出了ctexutf8宏包。2009年5月,我们在Google Code建立了ctex-kit项目1,对ctex宏包及相关宏包和脚本进行了整合,并加入了对XeT E X的支持。该项目由https://www.doczj.com/doc/c36531003.html,社区的开发者共同维护,新版本号为v0.9。在开发新版本时,考虑到合作开发和调试的方便,我们不再使用doc和docstrip工具,改为直接编写宏包文件。 最初Knuth设计开发T E X的时候没有考虑到支持多国语言,特别是多字节的中日韩语言。这使得T E X以至后来的L A T E X对中文的支持一直不是很好。即使在CJK解决了中文字符处理的问题以后,中文用户使用L A T E X仍然要面对许多困难。最常见的就是中文化的标题。由于中文习惯和西方语言的不同,使得很难直接使用原有的标题结构来表示中文标题。因此需要对标准L A T E X宏包做较大的修改。此外,还有诸如中文字号的对应关系等等。ctex宏包正是尝试着解决这些问题。中间很多地方用到了在https://www.doczj.com/doc/c36531003.html,论坛上的讨论结果,在此对参与讨论的朋友们表示感谢。 ctex宏包由五个主要文件构成:ctexart.cls、ctexrep.cls、ctexbook.cls和ctex.sty、ctexcap.sty。ctex.sty主要是提供整合的中文环境,可以配合大多数文档类使用。而ctexcap.sty则是在ctex.sty的基础上对L A T E X的三个标准文档类的格式进行修改以符合中文习惯,该宏包只能配合这三个标准文档类使用。ctexart.cls、ctexrep.cls、ctexbook.cls则是ctex.sty、ctexcap.sty分别和三个标准文档类结合产生的新文档类,除了包含ctex.sty、ctexcap.sty的所有功能,还加入了一些修改文档类缺省设置的内容(如使用五号字体为缺省字体)。 1https://www.doczj.com/doc/c36531003.html,/p/ctex-kit/


学生会文档书写格式规范要求 目前各部门在日常文书编撰中大多按照个人习惯进行排版,文档中字体、文字大小、行间距、段落编号、页边距、落款等参数设置不规范,严重影响到文书的标准性和美观性,以下是文书标准格式要求及日常文档书写注意事项,请各部门在今后工作中严格实行: 一、文件要求 1.文字类采用Word格式排版 2.统计表、一览表等表格统一用Excel格式排版 3.打印材料用纸一般采用国际标准A4型(210mm×297mm),左侧装订。版面方向以纵向为主,横向为辅,可根据实际需要确定 4.各部门的职责、制度、申请、请示等应一事一报,禁止一份行文内同时表述两件工作。 5.各类材料标题应规范书写,明确文件主要内容。 二、文件格式 (一)标题 1.文件标题:标题应由发文机关、发文事由、公文种类三部分组成,黑体小二号字,不加粗,居中,段后空1行。 (二)正文格式 1. 正文字体:四号宋体,在文档中插入表格,单元格内字体用宋体,字号可根据内容自行设定。 2.页边距:上下边距为2.54厘米;左右边距为 3.18厘米。

3.页眉、页脚:页眉为1.5厘米;页脚为1.75厘米; 4.行间距:1.5倍行距。 5.每段前的空格请不要使用空格,应该设置首先缩进2字符 6.年月日表示:全部采用阿拉伯数字表示。 7.文字从左至右横写。 (三)层次序号 (1)一级标题:一、二、三、 (2)二级标题:(一)(二)(三) (3)三级标题:1. 2. 3. (4)四级标题:(1)(2)(3) 注:三个级别的标题所用分隔符号不同,一级标题用顿号“、”例如:一、二、等。二级标题用括号不加顿号,例如:(三)(四)等。三级标题用字符圆点“.”例如:5. 6.等。 (四)、关于落款: 1.对外行文必须落款“湖南环境生物专业技术学院学生会”“校学生会”各部门不得随意使用。 2.各部门文件落款需注明组织名称及部门“湖南环境生物专业技术学院学生会XX部”“校学生会XX部” 3.所有行文落款不得出现“环境生物学院”“湘环学院”“学生会”等表述不全的简称。 4.落款填写至文档末尾右对齐,与前一段间隔2行 5.时间落款:文档中落款时间应以“2016年5月12日”阿拉伯数字


晶体硅太阳能电池的丝网印刷技术详解 生产晶体硅太阳能电池最关键的步骤之一是在硅片的正面和背面制造非常精细的电路,将光生电子导出电池。这个金属镀膜工艺通常由丝网印刷技术来完成——将含有金属的导电浆料透过丝网网孔压印在硅片上形成电路或电极。典型的晶体硅太阳能电池从头到尾整个生产工艺流程中需要进行多次丝网印刷步骤。通常,有两种不同的工艺分别用于电池正面(接触线和母线)和背面(电极/钝化和母线)的丝网印刷。【表1】 表1:晶体硅太阳能电池的制造需要进行多次丝网印刷步骤。应用材料公司Baccini产品可以帮助实现绿色框中的步骤。 多年来,太阳能丝网印刷设备在精度和自动化方面有了很大进步,具备了在微米级尺寸上重复进行多次印刷的能力。这一发展开创了全新的先进应用,如双重印刷和选择性发射极金属镀膜。Baccini公司在20世纪70年代在微电子领域开发了丝网印刷技术,并在20世纪80年代将这一技术扩展到太阳能金属镀膜领域。今天,Baccini公司已成为应用材料公司Baccini集团,以多项先进技术引领业界的发展。 基本的太阳能丝网印刷 印刷过程从硅片放置到印刷台上开始。非常精细的印刷丝网固定在网框上,放置在硅片上方;丝网封闭了某些区域而其它区域保持开放,以便导电浆料能够通过【图2】。硅片和丝网的距离要严格地控制(称为印刷间隙)。由于正面需要更加纤细的金属线,因此用于正面印刷的丝网其网格通常比用于背面印刷的要细小得多。

表2:印刷丝网上包含打开和闭合的区域,通过打开的区域,导电浆料可以被印刷到硅片上。 把适量的浆料放置于丝网之上,用刮刀涂抹浆料,使其均匀填充于网孔之中。刮刀在移动的过程中把浆料通过丝网网孔挤压到硅片上【图3】。这一过程的温度,压力,速度和其他变量都必须严格控制。 表3:在丝网一端放置导电浆料,用刮刀在将浆料涂抹于丝网,并从网孔中挤压到硅片上。 每次印刷步骤后,硅片被放入烘干炉,使导电浆料凝固。接着,硅片被送入另一个不同的印刷机,在其正面或背面印制更多的线路。所有印刷步骤完成后,将硅片放入高温炉里烧结。 硅片正面和背面的印刷 每块太阳能电池的正面和背面都有通过丝网印刷淀积的导线【图4】,它们的功能是不同的。正面的线路比背面的更细;有些制造商会先印刷背面的导


政府公文写作格式 一、眉首部分 (一)发文机关标识 平行文和下行文的文件头,发文机关标识上边缘至上页边为62mm,发文机关下边缘至红色反线为28mm。 上行文中,发文机关标识上边缘至版心上边缘为80mm,即与上页边距离为117mm,发文机关下边缘至红色反线为30mm。 发文机关标识使用字体为方正小标宋_GBK,字号不大于22mm×15mm。 (二)份数序号 用阿拉伯数字顶格标识在版心左上角第一行,不能少于2位数。标识为“编号000001” (三)秘密等级和保密期限 用3号黑体字顶格标识在版心右上角第一行,两字中间空一字。如需要加保密期限的,密级与期限间用“★”隔开,密级中则不空字。 (四)紧急程度 用3号黑体字顶格标识在版心右上角第一行,两字中间空一字。如同时标识密级,则标识在右上角第二行。 (五)发文字号 标识在发文机关标识下两行,用3号方正仿宋_GBK字体剧

中排布。年份、序号用阿拉伯数字标识,年份用全称,用六角括号“〔〕”括入。序号不用虚位,不用“第”。发文字号距离红色反线4mm。 (六)签发人 上行文需要标识签发人,平行排列于发文字号右侧,发文字号居左空一字,签发人居右空一字。“签发人”用3号方正仿宋_GBK,后标全角冒号,冒号后用3号方正楷体_GBK标识签发人姓名。多个签发人的,主办单位签发人置于第一行,其他从第二行起排在主办单位签发人下,下移红色反线,最后一个签发人与发文字号在同一行。 二、主体部分 (一)标题 由“发文机关+事由+文种”组成,标识在红色反线下空两行,用2号方正小标宋_GBK,可一行或多行居中排布。 (二)主送机关 在标题下空一行,用3号方正仿宋_GBK字体顶格标识。回行是顶格,最后一个主送机关后面用全角冒号。 (三)正文 主送机关后一行开始,每段段首空两字,回行顶格。公文中的数字、年份用阿拉伯数字,不能回行,阿拉伯数字:用3号Times New Roman。正文用3号方正仿宋_GBK,小标题按照如下排版要求进行排版:


硅太阳能电池的丝网印刷技术 1 引言 随着全球能源的日趋紧,太阳能以无污染、市场空间大等独有的优势受到世界各国的广泛重视,国际上众多大公司投入太阳能电池研发和生产行业。从太阳能获得电力,需通过太阳能电池进行光电变换来实现,硅太阳能电池是一种有效地吸收太阳能辐射并使之转化为电能的半导体电子器件,广泛应用于各种照明及发电系统中。 2 硅太阳能电池的生产工序 太阳能电池原理主要是以半导体材料硅为基体,利用扩散工艺在硅晶体中掺入杂质:当掺入硼、磷等杂质时,硅晶体中就会存在着一个空穴,形成n 型半导体;同样,掺入磷原子以后,硅晶体中就会有一个电子,形成p型半导体,p型半导体与n型半导体结合在一起形成pn结,当太照射硅晶体后,pn 结中n型半导体的空穴往p型区移动,而p型区中的电子往n型区移动,从而形成从n型区到p型区的电流,在pn结中形成电势差,这就形成了电源,见图1。

图2为硅太阳能电池生产的主要工序,从中可以看出丝网印刷是生产太阳能电池的重要工序,其印刷质量(厚度,宽度,膜厚一致性)影响电池片的技术指标。 3 工序对印刷电极的要求 3.1 背面银电极印刷(背银) 在电池片的正极面(p区)用银铝浆料印刷两条电极导线(宽约3~4mm)作为电池片的电极(图3)。

3.2 背面铝印刷(背铝) 在电池片的正极面采用铝浆料印刷整面(除背银电极外)。 3.3 正面银印刷(正银) 在电池片的正面(喷涂减反射膜的面)同时用银浆料印刷一排间隔均匀的栅线和两条电极(图4),在工艺上要求栅线间距约3mm、宽度约O.10~0.12mm: 4 印刷原理 图5为丝网印刷原理示意图,丝网印刷由五大要素构成,即丝网、刮刀、浆料、工作台以及基片。丝网印刷基本原理是:利用丝网图形部分网孔透浆料,非图文部分网孔不透浆料的基本原理进行印刷。印刷时在丝网一端倒入浆料,用刮刀在丝网的浆料部位施加一定压力,同时朝丝网另一端移动。油墨在移动中被刮板从图形部分的网孔中挤压到基片上。由于浆料的黏性作用而使印迹固


tabularx宏包中改变弹性列的宽度\hsize 分类:latex 2012-03-07 21:54 12人阅读评论(0) 收藏编辑删除 \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage{CJK} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{array} \newcommand{\PreserveBackslash}[1]{\let \temp =\\#1 \let \\ = \temp} \newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\PreserveBackslash\centering}p{#1}} \newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\PreserveBackslash\raggedleft}p{#1}} \newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\PreserveBackslash\raggedright}p{#1}} \begin{document} \begin{CJK*}{GBK}{song} \CJKtilde \begin{tabularx}{10.5cm}{|p{3cm} |>{\setlength{\hsize}{.5\hsize}\centering}X |>{\setlength{\hsize}{1.5\hsize}}X|} %\hsize是自动计算的列宽度,上面{.5\hsize}与{1.5\hsize}中的\hsize前的数字加起来必须等于表格的弹性列数量。对于本例,弹性列有2列,所以“.5+1.5=2”正确。 %共3列,总列宽为10.5cm。第1列列宽为3cm,第3列的列宽是第2列列宽的3倍,其宽度自动计算。第2列文字左右居中对齐。注意:\multicolum命令不能跨越X列。 \hline 聪明的鱼儿在咬钩前常常排祠再三& 这是因为它们要荆断食物是否安全&知果它们认为有危险\\ \hline 它们枕不会吃& 如果它们判定没有危险& 它们就食吞钩\\ \hline 一眼识破诱饵的危险,却又不由自主地去吞钩的& 那才正是人的心理而不是鱼的心理& 是人的愚合而不是鱼的恳奋\\


电池片丝网印刷技术公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]

电池片丝网印刷技术 1 引言 随着全球能源的日趋紧张,太阳能以无污染、市场空间大等独有的优势受到世界各国的广泛重视,国际上众多大公司投入太阳能电池研发和生产行业。从太阳能获得电力,需通过太阳能电池进行光电变换来实现,硅太阳能电池是一种有效地吸收太阳能辐射并使之转化为电能的半导体电子器件,广泛应用于各种照明及发电系统 中。 2 硅太阳能电池的生产工序 太阳能电池原理主要是以半导体材料硅为基体,利用扩散工艺在硅晶体中掺入杂质:当掺入硼、磷等杂质时,硅晶体中就会存在着一个空穴,形成n型半导体;同样,掺入磷原子以后,硅晶体中就会有一个电子,形成p 型半导体,p型半导体与n型半导体结合在一起形成pn结,当太阳光照射硅晶体后,pn结中n型半导体的空穴往p型区移动,而p型区中的电子往n型区移动,从而形成从n型区到p型区的电流,在pn结中形成电势 差,这就形成了电源,见图1。

图1 太阳能电池原理示意 图2 太阳能电池生产主要工序 图2为硅太阳能电池生产的主要工序,从中可以看出丝网印刷是生产太阳能电池的重要工序,其印刷质量(厚 度,宽度,膜厚一致性)影响电池片的技术指标。 3 工序对印刷电极的要求 背面银电极印刷(背银) 在电池片的正极面(p区)用银铝浆料印刷两条电极导线(宽约3~4mm)作为电池片的电极(图3)。 图3 电池片背银及背铝印刷示意图 背面铝印刷(背铝) 在电池片的正极面采用铝浆料印刷整面(除背银电极外)。 正面银印刷(正银) 在电池片的正面(喷涂减反射膜的面)同时用银浆料印刷一排间隔均匀的栅线和两条电极(图4),在工艺上要 求栅线间距约3mm、宽度约~0.12mm:


广州中医药大学研究生学位论文基本要求与写作规范 为了进一步提高学位工作水平和学位论文质量,保证我校学位论文在结构和格式上的规范与统一,特做如下规定: 一、学位论文基本要求 (一)科学学位硕士论文要求 1.论文的基本科学论点、结论,应在中医药学术上和中医药科学技术上具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。 2.论文所涉及的内容,应反映出作者具有坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识。 3.实验设计和方法比较先进,并能掌握本研究课题的研究方法和技能。 4.对所研究的课题有新的见解。 5.在导师指导下研究生独立完成。 6.论文字数一般不少于3万字,中、英文摘要1000字左右。 (二)临床专业学位硕士论文要求 临床医学硕士专业学位申请者在临床科研能力训练中学会文献检索、收集资料、数据处理等科学研究的基本方法,培养临床思维能力与分析能力,完成学位论文。 1.学位论文包括病例分析报告及文献综述。 2.学位论文应紧密结合中医临床或中西结合临床实际,以总结临床实践经验为主。 3.学位论文应表明申请人已经掌握临床科学研究的基本方法。 4.论文字数一般不少于15000字,中、英文摘要1000字左右。 (三)科学学位博士论文要求 1.研究的课题应在中医药学术上具有较大的理论意义和实践价值。 2.论文所涉及的内容应反映作者具有坚实宽广的理论基础和系统深入的专门知识,并表明作者具有独立从事科学研究工作的能力。 3.实验设计和方法在国内同类研究中属先进水平,并能独立掌握本研究课题的研究方法和技能。

4.对本研究课题有创造性见解,并取得显著的科研成果。 5.学位论文必须是作者本人独立完成,与他人合作的只能提出本人完成的部分。 6.论文字数不少于5万字,中、英摘要3000字;详细中文摘要(单行本)1万字左右。 (四)临床专业学位博士论文要求 1.要求论文课题紧密结合中医临床或中西结合临床实际,研究结果对临床工作具有一定的应用价值。 2.论文表明研究生具有运用所学知识解决临床实际问题和从事临床科学研究的能力。 3.论文字数一般不少于3万字,中、英文摘要2000字;详细中文摘要(单行本)5000字左右。 二、学位论文的格式要求 (一)学位论文的组成 博士、硕士学位论文一般应由以下几部分组成,依次为:1.论文封面;2. 原创性声明及关于学位论文使用授权的声明;3.中文摘要;4.英文摘要;5.目录; 6.引言; 7.论文正文; 8.结语; 9.参考文献;10.附录;11.致谢。 1.论文封面:采用研究生处统一设计的封面。论文题目应以恰当、简明、引人注目的词语概括论文中最主要的内容。避免使用不常见的缩略词、缩写字,题名一般不超过30个汉字。论文封面“指导教师”栏只写入学当年招生简章注明、经正式遴选的指导教师1人,协助导师名字不得出现在论文封面。 2.原创性声明及关于学位论文使用授权的声明(后附)。 3.中文摘要:要说明研究工作目的、方法、成果和结论。并写出论文关键词3~5个。 4.英文摘要:应有题目、专业名称、研究生姓名和指导教师姓名,内容与中文提要一致,语句要通顺,语法正确。并列出与中文对应的论文关键词3~5个。 5.目录:将论文各组成部分(1~3级)标题依次列出,标题应简明扼要,逐项标明页码,目录各级标题对齐排。 6.引言:在论文正文之前,简要说明研究工作的目的、范围、相关领域前人所做的工作和研究空白,本研究理论基础、研究方法、预期结果和意义。应言简


丝网印刷SOP 一、丝网印刷结构图 二、印刷参数和调整。 1、硅片厚度。一般设置为0.18mm—0.2mm,是指承印物的厚度,稍微影响丝网间距。 2、丝网间距(sanp-off)。决定网版距离硅片的距离,间距大时印刷重量重,间距小时 印刷重量轻。调整范围是0.5mm—1.5mm。 3、印刷压力(park)。决定刮刀在网版上施加的压力,影响印刷重量,压力大时印刷 重量轻,压力小时印刷重量重。调整范围0.2mp—0.3mp。 4、背压。决定刮刀下刀速度。背压大时刮刀下刀速度快,背压小时刮刀下刀速度慢。 背压太大时,容易造成压版隐裂。调整范围0.10-0.20mp 5、印刷速度(print speed)。决定印刷时的刮刀运行速度,速度高时印刷重量重,速度 慢时印刷重量轻,但对印重影响较小。调整范围150-250mm/s。 6、回墨速度(flood speed)。决定回墨刀运行速度。调整范围350—600mm/s。 7、刮刀深度(down-stop)。决定印刷时的刮刀下降高度。在印刷机上不可见,受气缸 控制。可通过调整气缸供气量解决。 三、印刷异常描述和解决 1、虚印。外观上,肉眼从侧面观察,可以看到局部颜色偏暗;显微镜观察,可以看到 局部印刷高度明显偏低。可到导致虚印的原因有: A.网版制作异常,局部曝光不佳,在印刷后的电池上形成局部虚印。一般,如果

在刚换上网版时,就出现局部规则性虚印,且每片都出现,即可判断为网版异常。更换另外一块网版即可。 B.网版局部堵网严重,导致透墨不佳,在印刷后的电池上形成局部虚印。一般, 出现在印刷图形的边缘,且在网版使用一段时间后出现。使用无尘布蘸松油醇擦拭网版,然后使用试印纸2次,将网版上残余松油醇擦拭干净即可。 C.刮刀不水平,导致印刷厚度不均匀,在印刷后的电池上形成局部虚印。一般, 在电池上表现为图形规则的虚印,且面积较大。重新较刮刀水平即可解决。 D.刮刀深度太低,导致网版上印刷后刮刀刮不干净浆料。在印刷后的电池上形成 局部虚印或大面积虚印。 E.回墨刀过高或不水平,导致浆料无法覆盖全部印刷图形,一般为大面积虚印。 添加适量浆料或是适当下调回墨刀可以解决;若是一个工位大面积虚印则为回墨刀不水平,需要重新校正回墨刀水平即可。 2、断线。 A.网版制作异常,局部乳剂未清洗干净,导致印刷后在电池细栅线上形成局部断 点,显微镜可以观察到该区域无浆料覆盖。如使用无尘布蘸松油醇擦拭网版无法解决,即可确认网版异常,更换网版后可解决。 B.网版使用过程中网孔被浆料堵塞,导致印刷后在电池细栅线上形成局部断点, 使用无尘布蘸松油醇擦拭网版,然后使用试印纸2次,将网版上残余松油醇擦拭干净即可。 C.硅片表面不洁净,有粉尘,导致印刷后在电池细栅线上形成局部断点。需要加 强前道气枪吹扫,并要求PE进行炉管吹扫或清理。 3、图形偏移。 A.网版制作异常或受损伤,导致网版局部张力降低,形成图形偏移或印刷图形局 部扭曲。将网版调转180度重新装上后,随网版位置变化而变化,并且换下清理后使用张力计可以检测到张力异常,该类型可以通过更换网版来解决。 B.校准异常,导致硅片位置偏移,印刷后图形偏移。重新校准后即可解决。 C.本身硅片尺寸异常,通常为硅片角度偏移,与正常硅片重叠对比可以明显看出 角度存在偏差,此类异常直接反馈硅检停投或是让步放行。 4、隐裂和压版。 A.硅片表面不洁净,有小颗粒的硅或其他东西粘在硅片表面,导致印刷后出现碎

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