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New Words

@ budget v. plan carefully how much of sth. will be needed (为...)作出安排

@ vi. plan the spending of money carefully 制定预算

@ n. [C] the amount of money a person or organization has to spend on sth. 预算

@ charge v. ask sb. for an amount of money for a service 向...收费,要价

@ acute a. 1. quick to notice sth. 敏感的;敏锐的

2. very serious or severe 严重的

■hourglass n. [C] (计时用的)沙漏

@ restless a. unable to keep still because one is nervous, bored, or impatient 烦躁的;不安静的

@ restlessly ad. in a restless manner; impatiently 烦躁地;不安静地

@ elbow vt. push sb. with the elbows 用肘推(或撞)人

@ n. [C] the joint where the arm bends 肘

@ abrupt a. 1. (of behavior) rough; offensive 粗鲁的,无礼的

@ 2. sudden and unexpected 突然的,意外的

@ opening a. beginning; starting 开始的

@ n. 1. [C] an occasion when a new building, road, etc. is used for the first time, esp. one that involves a ceremony 开业典礼;落成典礼

@ 2. [C] a position that is available in a business or firm 空缺职位

@ ritual a. done regularly and in the same way 例行的;惯常的

@ n. [C, U] sth. done regularly and in the same way 惯例

@ interaction n. 1. [C, U] communication 交流

@ 2. [C, U] a process by which two or more things affect each other 相互作用;相互影响

@ convention n. 1. [C, U] general, usu. unspoken agreement about how people should act or behave in certain situations 习俗;惯例

@ 2. [C] a meeting of members of a profession, political party, etc. 会议;大会

@ leisure n. 1. [U] time free from work or other duties; spare time 空闲,闲暇

@ 2. [U] ease 悠闲,安逸

@ leisurely a. without hurrying 从容的;不匆忙的

@ assess vt. judge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of sb. or sth. 评价,评估

@ surroundings n. (pl.) all the objects, conditions, etc. that are around and may affect sb. or sth.; environment 周围的事物;环境

@ probe v. try to find out the truth about sth. 调查;探究

@ n. [C] 探针(医生检查伤口用的钝头细长工具)

@ social a. 1. relating to society and people's lives in general 社会的

@ 2. relating to meeting people and spending time with them 社交的

@ socially ad. 与社会(或社交) 相关地

@ tick vi. (of a clock or watch) make a short repeated sound (钟、表等)滴答响

@ n. [sing.] the short repeated sound that a clock or watch makes (钟、表的)滴答声

@ consequently ad. as a result 因此,所以

@ device n. 1. [C] a machine or tool for a special purpose 器械,装置

@ 2. [C] a way of doing sth. 方法,手段

@ fax n. [C] 传真;传真机

@ email n. [C, U] (also e-mail) 电子邮件

@ given prep. taking sth. into account; considering 如果考虑到

★gathering n. [C] a meeting 集会,聚会

@ impersonality n. [U] the quality of not showing or including personal feelings 不牵涉个人感情;无人情味

@ electronic a. 1. using devices such as radios, televisions, computers, etc. 使用电子设备的@ 2. produced or operated by a flow of electrons 电子的

@ significance n. [sing., U] the importance of an event, action, etc. 重要性;重要意义

@ conduct vt. 1. carry out 进行;实施

@ 2. act as the path for electricity, heat, etc. 传导(电或热)

@ n. [U] the way sb. behaves 行为,举止

@ increasingly ad. more and more 日益;愈加

@ conference n. [C] a formal meeting (正式)会议

@ teleconference n. [C] (通过电话、电视等手段召开的)远程会议

@ obtain vt. get sth. that one wants 获得,得到

@ superb a. extremely good 极好的

@ whereas conj. in contrast; while 然而;但是

@ postal a. relating to post; sent by post 邮政的;邮寄的

@ efficient a. working well and without wasting time, money, or energy 效率高的

@ impolite a. not polite 无礼的,失礼的

★elapse vi. (of time) pass (时间)过去,逝去

@ skillful a. (BrE skilful) having or showing ability to do sth. well 熟练的;有技巧的

@ skillfulness n. [U] ( BrE skilfulness) 熟练;技巧

@ competent a. having the necessary ability, skill, knowledge, etc. 有能力的;能干的;胜任的

@ fulfill (BrE fulfil)

@ vt. 1. do what one must do 履行;执行

@ 2. achieve sth. one wanted to do 实现;完成

@ capital n. [sing., U] money used to produce more wealth or for starting a business 资本;资金

Phrases and Expressions

@ fall behind move more slowly than other people so that one is behind them 落在...后面

@ result in make sth. happen; cause 导致;造成...的结果

@ run out 1. (of food, money, etc.) there is none left 用完;耗尽

@ 2. use all of sth. and not have any left 用完;耗尽

@ in a rush in a hurry 匆忙地

@ go with exist or take place at the same time with sth. else 同时发生;伴随

@ work at put effort into sth. or doing sth. 致力于;从事

@ in person doing sth. by oneself 亲身;亲自

@ due to because of sth. 由于

@ pour into give a lot of effort, money, etc. to sth. 大量投入(精力或金钱等)

New Words

@ spite n. (in ~ of) despite; regardless of 虽然;尽管

@ clash vi. 1. disagree about sth. 不一致;冲突

@ 2. come to a fight 冲突

@ n. 1. [C] an argument 不一致;争论

@ 2. [C] a short fight 冲突

@ tradition n. [C, U] beliefs or customs passed down from one generation to the next 传统

@ adjustment n. [C, U] the act of adjusting 调整

@ honeymoon n. [C] a holiday taken by a couple who have just got married; (fig.) a period of good feeling or good relations 蜜月期;(喻)短暂的和谐期

@ marvelous a. (BrE marvellous) extremely good; wonderful 非常好的;绝妙的

@ amusement n. 1. [U] the feeling of being amused 愉快,快乐

@ 2. [C] sth. that makes time pass pleasantly 娱乐(消遣)活动

▲hostility n. [U] unfriendly behavior or feeling towards sb. 敌意;敌对

@ moreover ad. what's more; in addition 此外;而且

@ anymore ad. (used in negatives) (not) any longer 再也(不)

@ distress vt. make sb. feel very upset 使痛苦;使苦恼

@ n. [U] a feeling of extreme unhappiness 痛苦,苦恼

@ devise vt. create or invent a new way of doing sth. 设计;发明

@ mechanism n. [C] a way of behaving that helps sb. deal with a problem 行为方式;机制

@ cope vi. be able to deal with sth. difficult 应付;处理

★repression n. 1. [U] control of strong feelings (对情感或欲望的)压抑;抑制

@ 2. [U] cruel and severe control of a large group of people 镇压

@ acceptable a. good enough; satisfactory 可接受的;合意的

■regression n. [U] a return to an earlier stage of development 回归;倒退

@ irresponsible a. not responsible 不负责任的

@ isolate vt. keep sb. or sth. apart from other people or things 使孤立;使隔离

★isolation n. [U] the state of being isolated 隔离;孤立

@ reject vt. 1. refuse to accept sth. 拒绝;不接受

@ 2. throw sth. away 抛弃,丢弃

@ rejection n. [C, U] the act of not accepting 拒绝;不接受

@ utilize vt. (BrE utilise) use; make use of 使用

@ deal vi. (dealt, dealt) (with) take action, esp. to solve a problem 对付;应付;处理

@ hostile a. 1. angry and very unfriendly toward sb. 怀有敌意的,敌对的

@ 2. of an enemy 敌方的,好战的

@ recognition n. [sing., U] the act of realizing and accepting that sth. is true 承认;认可@ temporary a. lasting only for a short time 暂时的

@ recovery n. 1. [sing., U] return to a normal state 恢复;痊愈

@ 2. [U] the act of getting sth. back that is lost 重获;复得

@ favorable a. (BrE favourable)

@ 1. giving sb. or sth. an advantage 有利的

@ 2. giving or showing agreement 赞成的

@ symptom n. 1. [C] a sign of a bad condition or problem 迹象;征兆

@ 2. [C] a sign that shows an illness 症状

@ distinction n. 1. [sing.] a special or unique quality 特点;特征

@ 2. [C] a difference between two things 区别;差别

@ 3. [U] the quality of being excellent 卓越;杰出

@ appreciate vt. 1. understand and enjoy 欣赏;赏识

@ 2. be grateful for sth. 对...表示感谢

@ acquisition n. [U] the act of gaining sth. 获得,得到

@★alleviate vt. make sth. less serious 减轻,缓和

@ interact vi. 1.(with) communicate with sb. 交流

@ 2. have an effect on each other 互相作用;互相影响

@ considerable a. fairly large or great 相当大的;相当多的

@ furthermore ad. in addition to what has been said; moreover 此外;而且

Phrases and Expressions

@ adjust to get used to a new situation 适应

@ familiar to well known to 为...所熟悉

@ culture shock confusion caused by contact with a culture other than one's own 文化冲击;文化震撼

@ tired of (doing) sth. no longer wanting sth. or wanting to do sth. 厌烦(做)某事

@ separate from keep people or things apart from each other 把...分开;分离

@ prevent from stop sb. or sth. from doing sth. 阻止;防止

@ recover from return to a normal state from an illness, accident, shock, etc. 从(疾病、事故、震惊等)中恢复

@ go through experience a particular process 经历;经受

New Words

@ pat vt. touch sb. or sth. lightly and repeatedly with a flat hand 轻拍

@ n. [C] a friendly act of touching sb. or sth. with a flat hand 轻拍

@ presence n. [U] the fact or state of being present 在场;出席

@ promising a. showing signs of being successful in the future 有前途的;有希望的

@ amateur a. doing sth. just for pleasure; not professional 业余的

@ n. [C] sb. who does sth. just for pleasure 业余爱好者

@ skier n. [C] a person who skis 滑雪者

@ session n. 1. [C] a period of time used for a particular purpose (从事某项活动的)一段时间

@ 2. [C] a formal meeting 会议

@ amusing a. able to make people laugh or smile; interesting 有趣的

@ lower vt. 1. reduce sth. in amount, price, degree, strength, etc. 减少;降低

@ 2. move sb. or sth. down from a higher position 降下

@ anniversary n. [C] a date on which sth. special or important happened in a previous year 周年纪念日

@ woolen a. (BrE woollen) made of wool 羊毛的

@ romantic a. relating to feelings of love or a loving relationship 浪漫的

@ gratitude n. [U] the feeling of being grateful 感激;谢意

@ perceptivity n. [U] the ability of being quick to notice and understand 知觉;理解力

@ ski vi. slide over snow on skis, as a sport or a way of traveling 滑雪

@ massive a. large in size, quantity, degree, etc. 大的;严重的

@ fatigue vt. make sb. tired 使疲劳

@ n. [U] great tiredness 疲乏,疲劳

★clearing n. [C] a small area where there are no trees, esp. in a forest (林中)空地

@ approximately ad. about; nearly 大约,大概

@ breeze n. [C] a light wind 微风,和风

@ powder n. [C, U] a kind of substance in the form of very fine dry grains 粉末;粉状物

@ fuss v. (about, over) complain over small matters (因小事)抱怨;小题大做

@ n. [sing., U] a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about sth. 小题大做;大惊小怪

@ indifferent a. (to) not interested in; not caring 漠不关心的;冷漠的

@ rebel vi. (against) fight against sb. in authority or against an idea or situation 造反;反叛;反抗

@ n. [C] a person who rebels 造反者,反叛者,反抗者

@ rebellious a. opposing people in authority or rules of behavior 反叛的;反抗的

@ bachelor n. 1. [C] an unmarried man 未婚男子

@ 2. [C] a first university degree 学士(学位)

@ low-budget a. not spending much money 预算低的;花费不多的

@ shift v. change position or direction; move from one place to another 转移;移动;变换

▲makeshift a. used at the time because there is nothing better 权宜的;暂时的

@ stack vt. put things so that they stand one on top of another 堆放

@ sticky a. made of or containing material which can stick to sth. else 黏的;黏性的

@ mate n. [C] a fellow workman or friend 伙伴,同伴

@ teammate n. [C] a fellow person in a team 队友

@ assert vt. state or declare sth. firmly 断言;声称

@ napkin n. [C] 餐巾(纸)

@ swear (swore, sworn)

@ vi. (at) curse 咒骂

@ vt. make a promise to do sth. 发誓

@ damn a. 该死的;讨厌的

@ unfair a. not right or just 不公平的;不公正的

@ outburst n. [C] a sudden expression of a strong emotion, esp. anger 爆发

@ passion n. [C, U] a strong feeling about sth. or a strong liking for sth. 激情;热情

@ persist v. continue to do sth. in spite of opposition or warning 坚持

@ vi. continue to exist or happen 继续存在或发生

@ frown vi. make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving the eyebrows together 皱眉

@ billion num. (AmE) 十亿

@ rank vi. have a particular position in a list of people or things 位于...等级(或地位)

@ vt. decide the position of sb. or sth. based on importance or quality 排列

@ n. [C, U] the position or level that sb. holds in an organization;one's social position 职位;社会地位

@ ranking n. [C] a position on a scale that shows how good sb. or sth. is when compared with others 排名;级别

■indissoluble a. impossible to destroy 坚不可摧的

@ bond n. [C] sth. that unites two or more people, such as love, a shared interest, etc. 联系;纽带

@ tropical a. relating to the tropics 热带的

Phrases and Expressions

@ next to beside or very near to sb. or sth. 靠近;接近

@ in sb.'s presence/in the presence of sb. in the same place as sb. 有某人在场

@ by no means (used to emphasize a negative statement) not at all 决不,决非

@ count on depend on 依靠;依赖;指望

@ on one occasion once 有一次

@ come upon meet sb. or find sth. by chance 偶然遇见;偶然发现

@ pack into put in a very small place 塞进;使挤入

@ take notice of notice 注意到

@ sing out shout or sing some words clearly and loudly (大声清晰地) 喊出(或唱出)

@ point out tell sb. sth. 指出

@ reflect on think deeply about; consider carefully 仔细考虑

@ in advance doing something before a particular date or event 事先,预先

Proper Names

@ Nikolai Petrovich Anikin 尼克莱·彼德罗维奇·安尼金(人名)

@ Nagano 长野(日本城市名)

@ Salt Lake City 盐湖城(美国犹他州首府)

New Words

@ competition n. [U] the activities of competing 竞争

@ sake n. (for the ~ of)

@ 1. [U] for the purpose of 为了...目的

@ 2. [U] for the good or benefit of 为了...好处

@ athlete n. [C] sb. who competes in sports competitions 运动员

@ sacrifice vt. give up sth., esp. for a good purpose or belief 牺牲;奉献

@ injury n. [C,U] a wound or damage to part of one's body 伤害;损害

@ exploit vt. use sth. fully so as to get benefit from it 利用;剥削

@ glory n. [U] great honor 光荣;荣誉

@ virtue n. [C] a good quality in character or behavior 美德

@ determination n. [U] the strong will to do sth. 决心;毅力

@ dash n. 1. [sing., C] a short race for runners 短距离赛跑

@ 2. [sing., C] a sudden, quick run 奔;冲

@ vi. run quickly and suddenly 奔;冲

@ competitive a. 1. liking to compete 喜欢竞争的;好胜的

@ 2. relating to competition 竞争的;有竞争力的

@ defy vt. 1. do sth. that is considered impossible; challenge 向...挑战

@ 2. refuse to obey sb. or sth. 违抗;不服从

★stopwatch n. [C] a watch used for measuring the exact time it takes to do sth., esp. in a race 秒表

@ pursue vt. 1. continue doing an activity or trying to achieve sth. over a long period of time 从事;追求

@ 2. chase sb. or sth. in order to catch them 追赶;追逐

@ strip n. [C] a narrow piece 条;带

@ vt. remove the covering of sth. 剥去;除去

@ singular a. 1. very great or very noticeable 卓越的;非凡的

@ 2. of or being a word representing one 单数的

@ phenomenon n. 1. [C] sb. or sth. that is very unusual 奇才;奇迹

@ 2. [C] an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist 现象

@ phenomenal a. very unusual; very great or impressive 异常的;惊人的

@ horizon n. 1. (~s) the limit of one's ideas, knowledge, and experience 范围;眼界;视野@ 2. (the ~) the line far away where the sky seems to meet the earth 地平线

@ sprinter n. [C] an athlete for a short race 短跑运动员

@ observer n. 1. [C] sb. who sees or looks at sth. 观看者

@ 2. [C] sb. who attends meetings, events, etc. to observe what is happening 观察员

@ crack n. [C] a sudden loud sound 爆裂声;劈啪声

@ v. 1. (cause to) make a sudden loud sound (使)发出爆裂声

@ 2. (cause to) break (使)破裂

@ trail vi. move slowly, esp. behind other people 拖沓地走;无精打采地慢走

@ vt. follow sb. secretly 跟踪;尾随

@ explosive a. 1. sudden and rapid 迅猛的

@ 2. likely to explode 易爆炸的;易发作的

@ n. [C, U] a substance that can cause an explosion 爆炸物

@ overcome vt. (overcame, overcome) fight and win against sb. or sth. 战胜;击败

@ committee n. [C] a group of people chosen to do a particular job or for special duties 委员会

@ indicate vt. show that sth. is true or exists 表明;显示

■steroid n. [C] 类固醇

@ conquest n. [U] the act of taking control of sb. or sth. 攻占;占领;征服

@ condemn vt. express strong disapproval of sb. or sth. 谴责

★condemnation n. [C, U] the act of condemning 谴责

@ opponent n. [C] sb. who takes the opposite side, esp. in playing or fighting 对手;敌手

@ deny vt. 1. say that sth. is not true, or that one does not believe sth. 否认

@ 2. not allow sb. to have or do sth. 拒绝(给予)

@ counter v. reply to a criticism that one disagrees with 反驳

@ rumor n. (BrE rumour) [C, U] information that is passed from one person to another and

which may or may not be true 谣言,传闻

@ formula n. 1. [C] a method or set of principles for dealing with a problem or achieving a result 方法;方案

@ 2. [C] a series of numbers or letters that represent a rule in science or mathematics 公式;方程式

@ suspicion n. 1. [C, U] a feeling of not trusting sb. or sth. 猜疑;不信任

@ 2. [C, U] a feeling that sb. has done sth. wrong 怀疑;疑心

@ erosion n. [U] the process by which sth. is gradually reduced or destroyed 侵蚀;腐蚀

@ participation n. [U] the act of taking part in an activity or event 参与,参加

■sprint vi. run at one's fastest speed, esp. at a short distance 冲刺

★relay n. [C] 接力赛

@ reception n. 1. [sing.] a welcome for sb. or sth. 接待;欢迎

@ 2. [C] a large formal party to welcome sb. or to celebrate sth. 招待会;欢迎会

@ amazing a. causing great surprise 令人惊异的

Phrases and Expressions

@ act as have the role or function of 作为

@ above all most importantly 最重要的是

@ not hear of it refuse to accept a suggestion or offer 不听;拒绝听取

@ set one's mind on be determined to do sth. or obtain sth. 决心做某事(或得到某物)

@ set the stage for make preparations for an event to take place 为...做好准备

@ focus on 1. arrange the lens in an instrument so as to obtain a clear picture of sth. 聚焦于

@ 2. concentrate on sth. and pay particular attention to it 集中(精力)于

@ be used to (doing) sth. be familiar with sth. because of having done or experienced it many times 习惯于

@ hold one's breath stop breathing for a moment because of anxiety or excitement 屏住呼吸

@ strip sb. of sth. take property, rights, titles, etc. away from sb. 剥夺

@ charge sb. with sth. say openly that sb. has done sth. wrong 指控;控诉

Proper Names

@ Carl Lewis 卡尔·路易斯

@ Ben Johnson 本·约翰逊

New Words

@ character n. 1. [C] qualities that make sb. a particular type of person 性格,个性

@ 2. [C] qualities that make sth. what it is and different from others 特点,特征

@ compromise n. [C, U] an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first 妥协;折中

@ v. reach an agreement by making a compromise 妥协;折中

@ involved a. taking part in an activity or event; connected with sth. 参与的;有关的

@ subtle a. not easy to notice or understand 微妙的,细微的

@ hatred n. [U] a strong feeling of dislike for sb. or sth. 痛恨,憎恨

@ illusion n. [C] a false idea, belief or impression 幻觉;错觉

@ married a. having a husband or wife 已婚的

@ mutual a. 1. felt or done in the same way by two or more people toward each other 相互的

@ 2. shared by two or more people 共同的;共有的

@ compatible a. 1. (of people) able to have a good relationship because of similar opinions or interests 合得来的;情投意合的

@ 2. (of equipment) able to be used together 兼容的;配套的

★incompatible a. not compatible 合不来的;不兼容的

@ overlook vt. 1. not notice sth. 没注意到;忽略

@ 2. have a view of a place from above 俯视;眺望

@ expectation n. [C, U] the belief that sth. will happen 期待;预料

@ painful a. causing pain 痛苦的

@ divorce n. [C, U] the legal ending of a marriage 离婚

@ v. end a marriage lawfully 离婚

@ bud vi. produce buds 发芽,萌芽

@ n. [C] a part of a plant that will open to form a leaf or flower 芽;花蕾

@ budding a. just beginning 刚开始的

@ resistance n. 1. [sing., U] refusal to accept sth. 抵制;反对

@ 2. [sing., U] the use of force to act against sb. or sth. 抵抗;对抗

@ supportive a. helpful or encouraging 支持的;支援的

@ grand a. 1. (used in compounds) 表示“(亲戚关系)隔一代的”

@ 2. splendid in appearance or style; impressive 壮丽的;宏伟的

@ grandchild n. [C] a child of one's son or daughter (外)孙;(外)孙女

@ congratulation n. (~s) an expression used when one wants to congratulate sb. 祝贺;道喜

@ counsel vt. give sb. advice 劝告;忠告

@ date vt. have a romantic relationship with sb. 与...约会

@ subsequent a. happening after sth. else 后来的;随后的

@ subsequently ad. after an event in the past 后来;接着

@ harbor (BrE harbour)

@ vt. keep sth. in one's mind for a long time 心怀;怀有

@ n. [C] a place of shelter for ships 港,港口

@ reservation n. 1. [C, U] a feeling of doubt about whether sth. is good or right 存疑;保留@ 2. [C] an order of a room, seat, etc. in advance 预订

@ prejudice n. [C] an opinion or dislike of sb. or sth. that is not based on reason 偏见;成见

@ charm vt. attract sb. 迷人;使陶醉

@ n. [U] the quality of pleasing or attracting people 魅力;吸引力

@ charming a. very pleasing or attractive 迷人的;有魅力的

@ son-in-law n. [C] husband of one's daughter 女婿

★caring a. kind and helpful toward other people 体贴的

@ indication n. [C, U] a sign that shows sth. 迹象

@ confirm vt. prove that sth. is true 证实;证明;确定

@ v. make a plan, meeting, etc. certain, esp. by telephone or writing 确认

@ citizenship n. [U] the state of being a citizen; the rights of a citizen 公民身份;公民权利

@ suspect vt. think that sth. is probably true 怀疑

@ n. [C] sb. who is thought to be guilty of a crime 嫌疑犯

@ harsh a. 1. cruel 严厉的;苛刻的

@ 2. unpleasantly loud and rough 刺耳的

@ hesitate vi. be slow to speak or act because one feels uncertain or unwilling 犹豫;踌躇;迟疑

@ cancel vt. say that sth. already planned will not happen 取消

@ proceed vi. go to a further or the next stage; go on 继续进行

@ quote v. repeat the words that sb. else has said or written 引用;引述

@ n. [C] words taken from a book, play, speech, etc. 引语,引文

@ hardship n. [C, U] the condition that life is very difficult 艰难;困苦

@ racist n. [C] sb. who believes that some races are not as good as others and, therefore, treats them unfairly 种族主义者

@ realistic a. based on facts; practical 实际的;现实的

@ devotion n. [U] great love or loyalty 挚爱;热爱;忠诚

@ idealistic a. believing in sth. firmly which is unlikely to come true 理想主义的;理想化的

@ resolve vt. 1. solve a problem or difficulty 解决;解除

@ 2. make a definite decision to do sth. 决定;决心

Phrases and Expressions

@ ups and downs the mixture of good and bad experiences 盛衰;沉浮

@ work out be successful or end in a certain way 成功;产生结果

@ for a time for a short period; temporarily 暂时;一度

@ meet with experience sth. by chance 遭遇;遇到

@ all along all the time 始终

@ have nothing to do with have no connection with 与...无关

@ on the surface when not observed, thought about, etc. deeply 表面上;外表上

@ at one's worst in one's worst state 最差的时候;最糟糕的时候

@ learn of come to know 获悉;听说

@ take care of be responsible for; deal with 负责;处理

@ proceed to do sth. do sth. next; go on to do sth. 接着做某事

Proper Names

@ Gail 盖尔(女子名)

@ Deborah 德博拉(女子名)

New Words

@ mother-in-law n. [C] the mother of one's husband or wife 岳母;婆婆

@ brilliant a. 1. very good; very clever or skilled 出色的;聪颖的

@ 2. full of light; shining, or bright in color 明亮的;光亮的

@ arrange v. plan the details of a future event 准备;安排

@ vt. put a group of people or things in a particular position or order 排列;布置

@ eve n. [C] the day or evening before a certain event 前夕;前一天

@ cube vt. cut food into cube-shaped pieces 切成方块

@ n. [C] a solid object with six square sides 立方体

★garlic n. [U] 蒜,大蒜

@ slice vt. cut into thin flat pieces 切成薄片

@ n. [C] a flat thin piece of food that has been cut from a large piece 片

@ ingredient n. 1. [C] one of the foods that is used to make a particular dish (食品的)成分,配料

@ 2. [C] a quality one needs to achieve sth. 因素;要素

@ chop vt. cut sth. into small pieces 切;剁碎

@ purple a. 紫色的

@ n. [U] 紫色

@ concerning prep. about or relating to sb. or sth. 关于

@ toe n. [C] 脚趾

@ anticipate vt. think that sth. will happen and be ready for it 预料;预计

@ criticism n. [C, U] the words not in favor of sb. or sth. 批评;指责

@ curl n. [C] 卷发;卷曲物

@ curly a. having lots of curls 卷曲的

@ splash n. [C] 有色斑点

■freckle n. [C] 雀斑;斑点

@ compact a. 1. small, but solid and strong 结实的

@ 2. packed together closely and neatly 紧凑的

@ compactly ad. in a compact manner 结实地;密实地

@ forgettable a. that can be forgotten easily 容易被忘记的

@ bubble vi. form thin balls of air or gas in liquid 冒泡

@ n. [C] a ball of air 气泡;泡沫

@ bump n. 1. [C] an area of skin that is raised because one has hit it on sth. 肿块;突起

@ 2. [C] a blow or hit 碰撞;猛撞

@ v. hit with force, esp. accidentally 碰撞

@ compel vt. make sb. do sth.; force 强迫,迫使

@ behalf n. [U] (on sb.'s ~ or on ~ of sb.) instead of sb., or as their representative 代表某人;代替某人

@ heatedly ad. with strong, excited, and often angry feelings 热烈地;激烈地

@ innocent a. 1. done or said without intending to harm or offend anyone 无恶意的

@ 2. not guilty of a crime 无罪的;无辜的

@ innocently ad. in an innocent manner 无恶意地

@ dialect n. [C, U] a special form of language which is peculiar to a certain region or social group 方言,土语

■pox n. [U] 痘,痘疮

@ criticize vt. (BrE criticise)

@ 1. point out the mistakes of sb. or sth. 批评;批判

@ 2. form and express a judgment on a work of art, literature, etc. 评论

@ clue n. [C] information that helps sb. understand the reasons why sth. happens 线索;提示

@ salty a. tasting of or containing salt 咸的;盐的

@ cue n. [C] a signal for sb. to do sth. 暗示;信号

@ proclaim vt. say publicly that sth. is true or exists 宣布;声称

@ diplomatic a. 1. skillful in dealing with people 有交际手段的;圆滑的

@ 2. relating to the work of diplomats 外交的

■soy n. [U] 大豆

@ sauce n. [U] 调味汁,佐料

@ soy sauce 酱油

@ china n. [U] 瓷器

@ somehow ad. 1. in some way; by some means 以某种方法;不知怎么的

@ 2. for a reason that is unknown 由于某种未知的原因

@ miserable a. very unhappy or uncomfortable 痛苦的;悲惨的

@ miserably ad. in a miserable way 痛苦地;悲惨地

@ modest a. 1. (of a person) not liking to talk about their abilities, achievements, success, etc. 谦虚的,虚心的

@ 2. not large in amount, size, etc. 适中的,适度的

@ modestly ad. in a modest way 谦虚地,虚心地;适中地,适度地

■A-OK ad. (colloq.) very good 极好;棒极了

Phrases and Expressions

@ come up with find an answer, a solution, etc. 想出,提出(答案、解决方法等)

@ win over gain sb.'s support or favor 说服;把...争取过来

@ from head to toe over the whole of one's body 从头到脚;浑身上下

@ on the short/fat/thin, etc. side slightly short/ fat/thin, etc. 有点矮(胖、瘦等)

@ think of have a particular opinion about sb. or sth. 有...看法

@ put (sb.) to bed make (sb.) go to bed 安置(某人)睡觉

@ hit it off enjoy good relations; like each other 相处得很好;一见如故

Proper Names

@ Rich 里奇(人名)

@ Vincent 文森特(人名)

@ Lisa Lum 莉萨·卢姆(人名)

@ Shoshana 肖莎娜(人名)

New Words

@ digital a. giving information in the form of numbers 数字的;数字显示的

@ eyesight n. [U] the ability to see 视力

@ volunteer v. offer to do sth. without being paid 自愿(做某事)

@ n. [C] sb. who offers to do sth. without being paid 志愿者

@ identical a. exactly the same 完全一样的,完全相同的

@ departure n. [C, U] an act of leaving a place 离开,出发

@ destination n. [C] a place to which sb. is going or sth. is being sent 目的地;终点

@ overseas ad. in or to a country across the sea; abroad 在海外;在国外

@ a. coming from or happening abroad 海外的;外国的

@ aboard prep. in or on a ship, train, plane, etc. 在船(车,飞机等)上;上船(车,飞机等)

@ &ad.

@ cargo n. [C, U] goods carried by a ship, plane, or vehicle (船,飞机或车辆运送的)货物

@ territory n. [C, U] an area of land controlled by a particular country, city, army, etc. 领土;领地

@ deck n. [C] a floor built across a ship over all or part of its length 甲板

@ decrease n. [C, U] the process of becoming less 减少

@ v. become less or reduce sth. (使)减少;(使)降低

@ nourish vt. give a person or other living things the food they need to live, grow, and stay healthy 滋养;给...营养

@ decline v. refuse a request or offer, usu. politely 拒绝;谢绝

@ vi. decrease in amount, quality, or importance 减少,降低,下降

@ n. [sing., U] a reduction in the amount or quality of sth. 减少,下降

@ objection n. [C, U] a statement that shows one disagrees with sth. 反对;异议

@ forbid (forbade, forbidden)

@ vt. not allow 禁止

@ connection n. [C] the state of being connected 联系;关系

@ spectacular a. very impressive 壮观的;引人入胜的

@ fancy a. having a lot of decoration or bright colors 多装饰的;花哨的;别致的

@ n. [sing.] a feeling of liking sb. or sth. 喜爱;迷恋

@ fossil n. [C] 化石

@ patch n. [C] a small area of sth. that is different from the area around it 小块

@ vanish vi. disappear or go suddenly out of sight 消失

@ fog n. [C, U] cloudy air near the ground which is hard to see through 雾

@ compress vt. force sth. into less space 压缩;压紧

@ cement n. [U] 水泥

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