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Conventional=traditional, historical, past; accepted, common, regular, routine, mainstream, ordinary Early=first, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, remote

Simulate=virtual, create, reproduce, pretend, imitate

Artificial=synthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit, pseudo

Reduce=curtail, cut, decrease, halve, impair, lessen, moderate, trim, slash

Future=what's next, prospect, approaching, expected, destined, forthcoming

Worldwide=international, cosmopolitan, global, universal, ubiquitous, widespread, around the world Develop=evolve, advance, grow, improve, progress, flourish

Find=discover, come across, encounter, hit on, expose, notice, note, observe, recognize, spot, uncover Demand=request, claim, need, order, require, call for

Decline=decrease, degeneration, drop, fall, recession, depression, reduction, slump, worsening Significance=importance, milestone, impact, justification, gist, implication, point, purport, vital Prevelant=common, usual, prevailing, widespread, systematic, collective, general, popular

Objection=chanllenge, complaint, disapproval, opposition, protest, query, question, remonstration Obstacle=bar, barricade, barrier, block, blockage, check, obstruction, problem, snag, hurdle Commercial=business, economic, financial, mercantile, profitable, pecuniary

Inevitable=unavoidable, certain, destined, fated, inescapable, sure

Military=armed, belligerent, army, weapon, warlike

Role=function (provide, support, weaken, smooth, solve), job, position, duty, post, task, contribution Recent=modern, current, now, nowadays, today, contemporaneous, new, novel, present, up-to-date Difficulty=handicap, hardship, adversity, challenge, complication, dilemma, perplexity, plight, trouble how

describe, operate, explain, clarify, demonstrate, eludicate, expound, illustrate, interpret, account for 解决: solve resolve deal with cope with handle tackle

消除: get rid of eradicate eliminate

依赖: rely on depend on count on

十分:very much immensely hugely largely greatly enormously tremendously

损害: damage hurt injure harm impair

给与:give offer render impart provide

发展:develop cultivate foster

优势:advantage merit virtue benefit upside strength

缺陷:disadvantage detect demerit drawback downside weakness

使迷惑:puzzle bewilder perplex baffle

关键的:key crucial critical

保护(资源)conserve preserve

改变:change alter modify convert into

声称:allege assert declare claim

否认:deny negate

评价:appraise assess evaluate estimate

归功于: attribute ascribe credit impute

确保:assure ensure guarantee pledge

表达:express voice utter pronounce

丰富的:abundant copious profuse ample

有害的: baneful evil harmful detrimental


剑5 第一套

Passage 1第二段

compile v.编辑,编纂=write ? compile ? compose

concentrate v.集中,关注=pay attention ? concentrate ? concentration ? keep your mind on ? keep your eyes on ? take notice/note ? attentive ? attention span

convey v.传达,传递=express ? convey ? communicate ? say ? get something over ? put something into words/find the words to say


define v.定义……=meaning ? sense ? significance ? definition ? connotation ? define

circumscribe v.限制,约束=To limit power, rights, or abilities [= restrict]:

conquer v.征服=defeat ? overwhelm ? annihilate ? rout ? bring somebody to their knees ? conquer

hold back ? stifle ? suppress ? overcome/conquer


station v.驻扎,静坐=send ? pack off ? dispatch/despatch ? send in ? send out ? be posted ? be stationed 第六段

file v.把文件或资料归档=keep ? store ? keep something on file ? file ? keep a record/keep records

rival v.对抗,与……抗衡=competitor ? rival ? the competition


ascertain v.确定=check ? check out ? make sure/make certain ? double-check ? verify ? confirm ?Passage 2 第一段

obey v.遵守,遵从=obey ? comply with ? abide by ? keep to ? stick to the rules ? conform to ? observe ?respect ? toe the line ? go by the book/do something by the book


administer v.控制,施加=To manage the work or money of a company or organization

simulate v.模拟=To make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance or feeling of being real

emit v.释放出,发出……的声音=send out ? give out ? give off ? emit ? radiate ? cast/throw

make a sound/make a noise ? go ? with ? go off ? emit ? let out

writhe v.因剧痛而蠕动,扭动身体=fidget ? can"t keep still ? squirm ? wriggle ? writhe ? twitch denounce v.谴责,指责=voice/express/show etc your disapproval ? condemn ? denounce ? deplore


unfold v.展开=open ? unwrap ? unfold ? unroll

pose v.带来,提出=ask

balk v.畏缩不前,犹豫

To not want to do or try something, because it seems difficult, unpleasant, or frightening

question v.质疑=question ? interrogate ? cross-examine ? carry out door-to-door inquiries ? be helping

police with their inquiries


anticipate v.预测=expect ? think ? anticipate


fluster v.使不安,使紧张,使困惑

To make someone nervous and confused by making them hurry or interrupting them:


discharge v.放电,释放

If a piece of electrical equipment discharges, or if it is discharged, it sends out electricity

evolve v.演变,进化=develop ? evolve


evoke v.引发,引起

remind somebody of ? make somebody think of ? bring/call to mind ? be a reminder ? bring back memories/take somebody back ? evoke ? evocative ? come flooding back


merge v.合并,混合

combine ? be a mixture of something and something ? bring together ? blend ? mingle ? merge

unite ? team up ? get together ? combine ? join forces ? come together ? amalgamate ? merge

surrender v.投降,放弃=admit/accept defeat ? give in ? surrender ? concede


forgo v.放弃=do without/go without ? deny yourself ? abstain ? forgo

dictate v.听写,控制,指挥=tell ? order ? ask somebody to do something ? demand ? insist ? dictate elucidate v.阐明,说明,解释

To explain something that is difficult to understand by providing more information

Passage 3


starve v.使……挨饿

starving ? starve ? hungry ? not get enough to eat ? half-starved ? underfed ? malnourished exaggerate v.夸大,夸张

exaggerate ? blow something (up) out of all proportion ? make too much of ? overrated ? overemphasize ?overstate ? be melodramatic ? lay it on

associate v.与……相连=link ? associate ? make a connection ? establish a link

be connected/be related ? be linked ? associated ? have/be something to do with ? be bound up with something/go hand in hand

cure v.治愈=cure ? remedy ? antidote

restrict v.限制,约束

limit ? restrict ? set/impose/put a limit ? keep to/keep within ? confine ? fix

accelerate v.加速,加快

go faster ? speed up ? pick up/gather speed ? accelerate ? quicken your pace ? gain/gather momentum


nurture v.培育,形成=nurture ? foster

decline v.下降

go down/come down ? fall/drop ? decrease ? decline ? reduction ? cut ? plummet/plunge ? taper off ?dwindle ? slide ? take a nosedive


overstate v.夸大

exaggerate ? blow something (up) out of all proportion ? make too much of ? overrated ? overemphasize ?overstate ? be melodramatic ? lay it on


apply v.适用,应用=apply ? claim ? request ? approach ? put in for ? applicant ? claimant

oppose v.反对

be against/be opposed to ? oppose ? not agree with something ? not believe in something ? anti- ? hostile ? antagonistic


melt v.融化=melt ? dissolve ? thaw ? melt down ? molten ? condense ? soluble

diminish v.消失,减少=To become or make something become smaller or less [= reduce]:


experience v.经历=happen to ? experience ? go through ? live through ? know

postpone v.推延,延迟

postpone ? put off ? delay ? be pushed/moved/put back ? put something on ice/put something on the back burner ? procrastinate


buy v.买,争取(时间)= get ? purchase ? snap up ? pick up ? splash out on ? acquire

avoid v.避免= stay away/keep away ? steer clear of ? make a detour

剑5 第二套

Passage 1第一段

patent v.申请专利

To obtain a special document giving you the right to make or sell a new invention or product


mould v.铸造,塑造=form ? mould ? shape

engineer v.设计,加工=orchestrate ? stage-manage ? engineer ? contrive

revert v.返回=start again ? go back to/revert to ? slip back into


abandon v.放弃,抛弃=give up ? quit ? abandon ? drop ? leave it at that

amass v.累计,积累=accumulate ? amass ? gain

manufacture v.制造

make ? produce ? manufacture ? mass-produce ? churn out/turn out ? create ? fashion ? build ? construct ?assemble


outline v.列举=outline ? sketch out


govern v.受……限制=govern ? run ? rule ? be in power ? be in government ? hold office

extract v.抽取,提取

find out ? get something out of ? get information ? extract ? worm something out of ? drag something out of taper v.逐渐变细,变尖=get/grow thinner get narrower ? taper


relish v.欣赏,品味

revel in ? get a kick out of ? relish ? gloat ? wallow in ? take pleasure in ? delight in

despise v.鄙视,轻视=hate ? hate somebody"s guts ? can"t stand ? detest ? loathe ? despise ? abhor Passage 2


tempt v.引发=attract ? tempt ? seduce

dub v. 称作=call ? christen ? dub


rely v.依靠,依赖

To trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do [ reliable, reliance]: puncture v. 戳破,化解=make a hole in ? pierce ? puncture ? punch ? drill a hole


trigger v. 引发,触发=set off ? trigger/spark ? precipitate

amuse v. 使愉快,开心

make somebody laugh ? crack somebody up ? raise a laugh ? have somebody in hysterics/stitches ? amuse


track v. 追踪

follow ? tail ? be/sit on somebody"s tail ? shadow ? track/trail ? hound ? stalk ? stalker

accompany v. 伴随=with ? together ? along with ? come with ? accompanying


tuck v. 隐藏,蜷缩=put ? slide ? tuck ? insert


milk v. 挤奶,猎取=To take milk from a cow or goat


distort v. 扭曲,歪曲

twist ? misrepresent ? distort ? falsify ? put words into somebody"s mouth ? cook the books ? rewrite history

Passage 3


dominate v.统治,在……中拥有重要的位置

dominate ? monopolize ? monopoly ? stranglehold ? have total/complete control ? hold sway


renew v.重新开始,使复活,使更新

continue ? start again ? go on ? go back to/return to ? resume ? take something up again ? pick up/take up where you left off ? reopen ? renew


adopt v.接受,采纳=adopt ? foster ? guardian ? in care

publicize v.出版

advertise ? promote ? publicize ? market ? hype/hype up ? plug ? sell ? push ? announce ? report

promote v.促进,加强

help ? encourage ? promote ? aid ? benefit ? advance/further ? be conducive to ? give something a boost ?be favourable for/to


exploit v.探索

use ? exploit ? make use of ? take advantage of ? play on ? capitalize on

deposit v.储存,堆积,放置,存放

put ? place ? leave ? abandon ? position ? plant a bomb/explosives etc ? plant ? lay ? set down ? deposit seal v.盖戳=block up ? plug/plug up ? seal

restrict v.限制

limit ? restrict ? set/impose/put a limit ? keep to/keep within ? confine ? fix


delay v.拖延,延迟=delay ? hold-up/holdup ? bottleneck


engage v.参与,参加=To be doing or to become involved in an activity

foster v.促进,加强=promote


inaugurate v.创立=To open a building or start an organization, event etc for the first time:


estimate v.估计

guess ? estimate ? guesswork ? speculation ? speculative ? conjecture

oppose v.反对,抵制

be against/be opposed to ? oppose ? not agree with something ? not believe in something ? anti- ? hostile ? antagonistic

institute v.建立=To introduce or start a system, rule, legal process etc

剑桥雅思5动词同义词汇总(2)剑5 第三套

Passage 1


argue v.争辩,坚决主张,认为=argue ?quarrel ?fight ?have a fight ?fall out with ?be at each other"s throats ?clash


claim v.宣称,表示=claim ?maintain ?assert ?confirm ?testify ?swear ?certify ?insist ?protest ?deny

expand v.扩充,扩展=get bigger ?grow ?expand ?swell up ?stretch


acknowledge v.认可,承认=accept ?recognize ?acknowledge

observe v.注意到,观察到

notice ?can see/can tell ?I see ?spot ?become aware/conscious ?catch somebody"s eye ?detect ?note ?observe ?perceive

launch v.发起,进行

start ?begin ?get down to ?start on ?set about/set to work ?proceed to do something ?settle down to ?launch into

?embark on/upon ?come to/grow to/get to ?get cracking

involve v.包括,涵盖,使……参与进来

involve ?drag somebody into ?bring in


bypass v.绕过……=To go around a town or other busy place rather than through it:

foster v.促进=promote


evaluate v.评估,评价=judge ?assess ?evaluate ?critique

solve v.解决=solve ?work out/figure out


perpetuate v.延续,保持=continue/carry on ?maintain ?perpetuate ?keep up ?preserve

outline v.罗列,列举=summary ?outline ?overview ?rundown ?precis ?synopsis

indicate v.表明,暗示=point ?indicate ?gesture at/towards ?point out

Passage 2


erode v.腐蚀,侵蚀=wear away ?erode ?corrode ?rust/rust away

scour v.用力擦洗,冲刷=brush ?scrub ?sweep ?scour


deposit v.沉积,堆积=put in ?deposit

accumulate v.累计,聚集=accumulate ?build up ?pile up ?mount up ?collect ?gather


indicate v.表明,暗示=point ?indicate ?gesture at/towards ?point out

replenish v.补充,添加=refill ?replenish ?top up


divert v.转移,使转向=

not draw attention ?draw attention away from ?divert/distract attention ?put somebody off ?keep a low profile


rest v.休息,存留在=

rest ?take a rest ?relax ?take a break ?lie down ?put your feet up ?laze ?take it easy ?chill/chill out

concur v.同意,赞同=agree ?be in agreement ?be of the same opinion ?share the view that ?subscribe to ?concur affect v.影响=have an effect ?have an impact ?affect ?take effect ?make a difference ?impact

stimulate v.刺激,激发=To encourage or help an activity to begin or develop further

upset v.使……不安=upset ?hurt ?hurt somebody"s feelings ?distress


devise v.设计,制定出=invent ?create ?come up with/think up ?devise ?make up ?conceive ?dream up ?coin Passage 3


perform v.表演,执行=perform ?appear ?be in something


vanish v.消失,突然不见=disappear ?vanish ?become extinct ?extinction ?die out ?cease to exist

ignite v.点燃,引发=set fire to something/set something on fire ?light ?torch ?ignite


launch v.建立,发布

start ?launch ?open ?initiate ?spark off ?set in motion ?get/start/set the ball rolling ?get things moving ?(let"s) get this show on the road

coin v.创造=invent ?create ?come up with/think up ?devise ?make up ?conceive ?dream up ?coin encompass v.包含,涵盖=cover ?encompass ?embrace ?span

capture v.捕捉,占领,再现=capture ?round up ?take somebody prisoner ?recapture

mimic v.模仿=imitate ?do an impression/imitation ?mimic ?a take-off of somebody/something


peak v.达到全盛=To reach the highest point or level:

rear v.培养,养育,培育

To look after a person or animal until they are fully grown [= raise]:

imply v.暗示=suggest ?imply ?say ?implication ?undertone

solve v.解决=solve ?find/come up with a solution ?resolve ?put right ?cure ?remedy ?sort out ?sort ?iron out materialize v.变为现实=happen ?come true ?be realized ?be fulfilled ?materialize

opt v.选择=decide on ?settle on ?plump for ?opt

align v.与……同列,与……结盟=To publicly support a political group, country, or person that you agree with


Characterize v. 描绘,描述……的特征

Describe something/somebody as ?characterize somebody/something as ?label ?portray/represent ?depict ?paint a pictur

joke v.开玩笑=make a joke/crack a joke ?tell a joke ?joke ?wisecrack

implement v.实施=

carry out ?execute ?implement ?put something into practice ?deliver the goods/come up with the goods


back v.支持=To support someone or something, especially by giving them money or using your influence

reckon v.认为

think ?believe ?feel ?figure ?reckon ?consider ?regard/see ?think of somebody/something as/look on somebody/something as ?take the view that/be of the opinion that ?be recognized/acknowledged as

spot v.发现

notice ?can see/can tell ?I see ?spot ?become aware/conscious ?catch somebody"s eye ?detect ?note ?observe ?perceive

camouflage v.伪装=disguise ?camouflage

extract v.提取,抽取=

find out ?get something out of ?get information ?extract ?worm something out of ?drag something out of


boost v.促进,加强=

help ?encourage ?promote ?aid ?benefit ?advance/further ?be conducive to ?give something a boost ?be favourable for/t

differentiate v.区别开=

can tell the difference ?can tell somebody/something apart ?distinguish ?differentiate ?draw/make a distinction ?


exacerbate v.恶化=

make things worse/make it worse ?to make matters/things worse ?aggravate ?exacerbate ?compound ?to add insult to injury

filter v.过滤=

To remove unwanted substances from water, air etc by passing it through a special substance or piece of equipment: categorize v.将……分类=sort ?categorize ?classify ?be grouped ?class ?grade

emerge v.开始出现=

appear ?become visible ?come into view/come into sight ?come out ?emerge ?loom/loom up ?reappear


Lip- read v. 观察人的嘴唇动作来理解话意

To understand what someone is saying by watching the way their lips move, because you cannot hear them

encapsulate v.涵盖,概括=To express or show something in a short way [= sum up]

transcribe v.记录,用音标记下……的语音=copy ?copy out ?copy down ?transcribe

剑5 第四套

Passage 1


promote v. 促进, 发扬,提拔

help ?encourage ?promote ?aid ?benefit ?advance/further ?be conducive to ?give something a boost ?be favourable for/to

boom v. 发出)轰轰声=boom/boom out ?roar ?thunder ?blare/blare out ?blast/blast out

isolate v. 隔离, 孤立, 绝缘=

separate ?keep somebody apart ?isolate ?cut somebody off from ?segregate ?segregation ?apartheid ?in quarantine

prevail v. 流行, 盛行, 获胜=win ?come out on top ?prevail ?carry the day ?win the day


undermine v. 破坏=

spoil ?ruin ?mess up ?undermine ?screw up ?sabotage ?throw a spanner in the works ?pour cold water on associate v. 联系, 交往=link ?associate ?make a connection ?establish a link

be connected/be related ?be linked ?associated ?have/be something to do with ?be bound up with something/go hand in hand

fuel v. 加燃料=increase ?strengthen ?heighten ?add to ?raise ?fuel


ensure v. 保证,确保=make sure/make certain ?insure/ensure ?see that/see to it that

exploit v. 开拓, 开发=

use ?take advantage of ?exploit ?manipulate ?can wrap/wind somebody around your little finger

integrate v. 成整体,结合

If two or more things integrate, or if you integrate them, they combine or work together in a way that makes something more effective

demonstrate v. 示范, 证明

prove ?show ?demonstrate ?confirm ?support ?back up ?bear out ?substantiate ?validate ?corroborate

penetrate v. 穿透, 渗透, 刺入=enter ?penetrate ?seep in ?permeate

repatriate v. 遣返=expel ?deport ?extradite ?repatriate ?exile/send into exile ?banish

Passage 2


analyze v. 分析, 分解

examine ?look carefully/closely ?take/have a look at ?analyze ?study ?check ?check over ?inspect ?go through/go over ?look over ?scrutinize


insist v.坚持, 强调=To keep doing something, especially something that is inconvenient or annoying:


disagree v. 不一致, 不赞同

disagree ?not agree ?not see eye to eye ?take issue with ?differ ?agree to disagree ?dissent

consult v.商量, 咨询=ask somebody"s advice ?seek advice ?get/obtain advice ?consult


shelter v. 掩蔽,,躲避=shelter ?give somebody shelter/refuge ?asylum


solidify v. 凝固,巩固=harden ?solidify ?set ?freeze ?stiffen

exert v. 尽(力), 施加(压力等)

To work very hard and use a lot of physical or mental energy:overcome v. 战胜, 克服

hold back ?stifle ?suppress ?overcome/conquer


create v. 创造, 产生

invent ?create ?come up with/think up ?devise ?make up ?conceive ?dream up ?coin

contain v. 包含, 容纳, 容忍=include ?contain ?among ?range from something to


expand v.膨胀,扩张,发展=get bigger ?grow ?expand ?swell up ?stretch

elapse v.(时间)过去, 消逝=pass/go by ?elapse ?the passage/passing of time


scan v. 扫描,浏览,=skim ?scan ?have a look at

complete v.完成=finish ?have done something ?complete ?get something finished ?be through ?conclude

Passage 3


assist v. 援助, 帮助

help ? give/lend a hand ? assist ? do something for ? do somebody a favour ? help out ? do somebody a good turn ? do your bit ? come to somebody"s aid/assistance ? give help/assistance/support


occur v. 发生, 出现

happen ? take place ? there is ? be ? occur ? come about ? crop up ? come up ? be coming up ? turn up ?arise ? strike

fluctuate v. 变动, 波动=keep changing ? vary ? fluctuate ? be in flux/be in a state of flux

exceed v.超越, 胜过=be more than ? exceed ? outnumber ? be up ? pass

impact v. 碰撞, 冲击,影响

have an effect ? have an impact ? affect ? take effect ? make a difference ? impact

increase v. 增加, 增大=increase ? step up ? expand ? broaden ? extend ? intensify

differ v.不一致, 不同

different ? not like ? not the same ? vary ? differ ? contrast with ? be a departure from ? diverse 第三段

evolve v. 发展,进展,进化=develop ? evolve

reserve v. 储备, 保存=reserve/book ? reservation ? booking

assure v. 断然地说, 确告, 保证

promise ? assure ? give somebody your word ? swear ? vow ? guarantee ? commit to ? pledge


maximize v. 最大值, 最佳化

increase ? raise ? put up ? jack up ? push up/drive up/force up ? boost ? double/triple/quadruple ?maximize

ripen v. 成熟=To become ripe or to make something ripe


delay v.耽搁, 延迟=delay ? hold up ? set back ? get bogged down

remain v. 保持, 逗留, 剩余

left ? be left over ? remain ? survive ? be still standing/be left standing ? to spare ? to go escape v. 逃脱, 避开

escape ? get out ? run away/run off ? bolt ? run for it/make a run for it ? flee ? make your

escape ? take to your heels ? break free/break away ? bail out


convert v. 转变, 转换=adapt ? modify ? convert ? customize


divide v.划分, 分开, 隔开

separate ? divide ? split ? break up ? break down ? take apart ? dismantle ? take something to pieces prevent v.防止, 预防

prevent ? stop ? keep somebody from doing something ? restrain ? hold back ? get in the way of ?discourage ? avoid ? avert ? head off ? guard against

survive v.幸免, 幸存=survive ? survivor ? come through ? get through


1. important 重要的=crucial (extremely GetWord("extremely");

important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd3823827.html,mon 普通的=universal, ubiquitous GetWord("ubiquitous");

(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)

4.stick 粘=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)

5.neglect 忽略=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)

6.near 临近的=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin


(the same as adjacent)

7.pursue 寻求=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)

8.accurate 准确的=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)

9.vague 模糊的=obscure


(unknown or known by only a few people)

10.top 顶=peak, summit

https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd3823827.html,petitor 竞争对手=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)

12.blame 指责=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)

13.opinon 意见=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)

14.fame 名声=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation

15.build 直立/竖立=erect


(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish

16.insult 侮辱=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/cd3823827.html,plain 抱怨=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)

18.primary 根本的=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental

19.relieve 缓解=alleviate


(alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)

20.force 强迫=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel 剑桥雅思四阅读同义词替换Abide by=comply with遵守

Accelerate=speed up加速


Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为一体

Aim.n=objective 目的

Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调

An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of 一系列

Attempt to do=try to do尝试作,想要作

Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约

Appreciation=interest 欣赏

As a result=consequently=as a consequence 因此、从而

As well as=and和

Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联

Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上

At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地

Automatically ensure=guarantee保证


Be free of=with out=no 没有

Be similar to=closely resembled 相似

Be used to=be devoted to专门用于

Be equivalent to=be equal to 等同于

Be taken aback=be surprised 吃惊

Briskly =rapidly=swiftly快速地


Calculate=measure 衡量

Catch up with=keep pace with跟上步伐

Chronic=long term 慢性病的

Complain=illness 病症

Concern n. =focus关心的问题

Concern v. =about 与……有关

Concur with sb=agree with sb 同意某人

Concept =conception=notion=idea=understanding概念、理解Confront=encounter=in the face of面临

Conservation = protection 保护


Consist of=comprise of 由什么组成

Contaminate=pollute=poison 污染


Contribute to=result in=lead to=link to=responsible for导致Cooperate with=work with 与……协作

Convert to=turn to 转为、转变为

Crop up=crop out=come up 出现

D Degenerated=underdeveloped=degraded退化

Development=invention 发展

Distract from= can not concentrate 使精力分散

Deadly=fateful 致命的

Diminish=decrease=shrink 减少

Distort reality=far from reality=dishonest不真实的

Distinction=difference=nuance 不同之处

Due to = because of = without a view to 由于


Endanger=threaten 威胁

Ensure = make sure 确保

Establish=set up建立


Embark upon=start开始



Fail to do=can not do没有能够做

Far from=not at all根本不


Form=shape 形成


Finance=sponsor 提供赞助(金钱)


Frequently=often 经常


Great milestone=impact=effect=influence对……具有很重要的影响力Guarantee to do sth =promise to do sth 保证做某事



Halt=stop 阻止、使停滞

Hurdle=barrier 阻碍


Identical=the same一模一样

In addition to=besides 除了


In reaction to=respond to 对……起反应

In the event of= in case of 万一


Introduce to=import to引入


Key a.=important=significant=crucial=essential重要的,关键的

Key n.=approach=means=method=technique方法



Link-up=connection 联系


Match sth to=assign sth to把……和……搭配起来

Misconception=misunderstanding=mistaken view错误的理解


Manifestation=demonstration 显示、表明




Non-toxic= less poisonous=safe 无毒的、安全的

Novel a.=fresh=new=up to date 新潮的、创新的


Owing to=thanks to =contribute to多亏……,有赖于……

Overestimate = overate 过高估计


play a vital role in = have an important part or role in起重要的作用,扮演重要的角色Pore over=study 研究

Preserve=store 储存

Resemble=like 像

Prevailing=popular 盛行的

Present day=modern society 现代社会、现在时代

Prior to = before 先于

Prodigious effort=enormous effort重大的努力

Produce=trigger=generate=spawn=bring about=result=breed激发、产生

Provide=offer 提供

Protect A from B =shelter A from B 使A不受B的侵害


Quest=desire 渴望

Questionnaire=survey 问卷调查


Range from …to…= be from …to …从……到……

Readily=easily=accessible 容易地

Relate to=understand=appreciate理解

Rely on=depend on 依靠……



Seek for = search for =hunt for寻求,寻找


Substantial=considerable 想当可观的

Success=achievement=great outcome=great progress=huge development成功、成就Surprising=unexpectedly uncommon令人吃惊的


Take to=be used to=get used to 对……习惯

Tuition=formal teaching正式的学校教育

Turn to=consult 寻求帮助、求助于

Toxic=poisonous 有毒的


Unbiased=without prejudice 无立场、不带任何偏见的

Up to=depend on/upon 由……决定


Virtue=advantage=asset 优点


Work out=figure out=reckon 计算出、作出


Advantage: benefit, positive aspect, strength, 好处

Disadvantage: weakness, drawback, negative aspect, fault不利

Casual: arbitrary, unplanned, unexpected, 随意的

Effective: efficient, effectual, fruitful, productive, valid多效的

Criticize: reproach, blame, 批评

Flaw: weakness, defect 缺点

Ability; capability, power, caliber能力

Dishonest: deceptive 不诚实的

Fair: equitable, equal, impartial, 公平的

Success: achievement, feat 成功

Reason: factor, contributor, origin, 原因

Result: outcome, consequence, implication结果

Result from: arise from, originate from, be due to, thanks to, 由于,因为

Give rise to: contribute to, lead to, result in, cause, breed, create, incur导致Disaster: catastrophe 灾难

Pollute: contaminate 污染

Poisonous: toxic 有毒的

Decrease; fall, drop, plunge, decline, step back, downward, minimize, abate下降Increase: rise, go up, surge, grow, 上升

Growing: increasing, rising, 上升的

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