当前位置:文档之家› 中心商务区(现代服务业园区)基础设施建设项目可行性研究报告






4.1 applicati on of the Chinese lang uage applicati on for proxy bidding agency application system. 4.2 bi ddi ng agent a ppli catio ns should be submitted by t he Agency included i n the 5t h chapter of the content, a nd t han select file a sked to provi de appropriate docume ntation. 4.3 proxy applicati on shall affix its official seal coding a nd page by page in the specified l ocati on. Ag ent a copy of the applicati on shall have to number the pages a nd signe d origi nal copy (copy) (incl udi ng supporting documents), a nd copy shoul d be exa ctly the same. 4.4 a ppli cation there shall be no loose pages. 4.5 agent appli cation shoul d be compl ete with i ndel ible i nk (pow dere d) prints, t he agent shall not alter any page of the a ppli cation. 4.6 bi ddi ng agencies offer shoul d be base d on the i nterim measures for t he manageme nt of tendering age nt's servi ce charges (meter pri ces [2002]1980) rules of the Ni neth, tender age nt servi ce charges using t he difference pr ogressive billing rate. Charge s in a ccor dance wit h the te nderi ng agent's servi ce charges and, in conjuncti on wit h the pr ovisi ons of the specific circumstances of the proje ct shall not be floating up a nd dow n-floati ng range must not excee d 20%, otherwi se the a ppli cation ca nnot pass com pliance check s, be i nvalidate d. Due to bi ddi ng agency sele ction and principal-agent contract s signe d during charging base bid amount has not yet bee n produced, it can only be accordi ng to the rates of price, bid a nd t he bi d amount determine s after the end, controll ed response rates calculated shall pay tender fee (tender age ncy fee a ccount s for the act ual bi ddi ng agent ite m for fares). Than the sele cted person tendering age nt's servi ce charge control t he upper a nd l ower limits, Cap for the State Devel opme nt Pla nni ng Commission of the interim measures for the management of tendering age nt's servi ce charges (meter price s [2002]1980) of tenderi ng agent'service fees under 100%, t he low er limit for the State Developme nt Pla nni ng Commission of the interim measures for the management of tenderi ng agent's service charges (meter price s [2002]1980) of tendering age nt's service fees under 80%. Te ndering age nt's servi ce charge base shoul d include the foll owi ng tenders: construction, supervi sion and material over t he a bove te nders are expe cted to be important, with each tendering ag ency entrusted wit h tender bi d amount as a base for a se parate computati on of tenderi ng agent's servi ce fees. enderi ng agent's service fee payment i n accor dance with t he General Office of the State developm ent a nd Reform Commission on tenderi ng agent's service charge of notificati on on the relevant i ssue s (the cha nge pri ce [2003]857). Sale of pre qualification documents a nd soli citation docume nts goi ng to choose all, prici ng shoul d be based on the pri nci ple of pr ofit not file s, must not viol ate the releva nt provi sions i n the price Departme nt. 4.7 requirements i n the form of applicati on proxy applicati on shall be pre pared i n the 5th cha pter of the format. A ppli cation of various supporti ng docume nts should be requested by t he sele ction of files groupe d by or der. Compari son and sele ction of the bi ddi ng agencies must provi de supporting document s required by the file; the file y ou sel ecte d doe s not have the re quire d supporting documents, bidding age ncy a cknowle dged the nee d to pr ovide, or you can provide. Proxy appli cation shall be bound, a nd page-by-page code d in the order. 5th cha pter application format notes: bi ddi ng agent ...


第一章总论 (1)

1. 项目名称与建设单位 (1)

1.1.项目名称 (1)

1.2.项目承办单位 (1)

1.3.可行性研究报告编制单位 (1)

2. 编制依据、内容及范围 (1)

2.1.编制依据 (1)

2.2.编制内容与范围 (1)

3. 项目概况 (2)

3.1.项目的提出 (2)

3.2.建设单位概况 (3)

3.3.建设地址 (3)

3.4.建设内容 (3)

3.5.配套基础设施现状 (4)

3.6.环境保护 (4)

3.7.项目实施进度 (4)

3.8.投资估算及资金筹措 (4)

4. 结论及建议 (5)

第二章项目建设背景和必要性 (6)

1. 中心商务区核心区建设背景 (6)

2. 杂技文化园建设背景 (10)

3. 项目建设的必要性 (11)

第三章建设内容及规模 (14)

1. 中心商务区核心区 (14)

1.1.建设范围 (14)

1.2.建设内容 (15)

2. 中华龙.杂技文化园区 (17)

2.1.建设范围 (17)

2.2.建设内容 (18)

第四章项目选址及建设条件 (20)

1. 项目选址 (20)

1.1.项目位置 (20)

1.2.项目区位价值分析 (20)

2. 建设条件 (22)

2.1.自然条件 (22)

2.2.交通条件 (23)

2.3.基础设施条件 (24)

2.4.主要建筑材料来源、供应 (24)

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第五章工程建设方案 (26)

1. 编制依据 (26)

2. 建设原则 (26)

3. 道路交通系统建设 (26)

4. 绿地景观系统建设 (27)

5. 市政公用设施系统建设 (28)

5.1.给水系统: (28)

5.2.污水系统规划 (29)

5.3.雨水系统 (29)

5.4.供电系统 (30)

5.5.电信系统 (31)

5.6.燃气系统 (32)

5.7.热力系统 (32)

5.8.防灾系统 (33)

5.9.环卫系统 (34)

第六章节能、节水 (35)

1. 必要性 (35)

2. 依据 (35)

3. 节能原则 (35)

4. 节能措施 (36)

5. 节水措施 (36)

第七章环境保护 (38)

1. 建设地点环境现状 (38)

2. 环境保护目标 (38)

3. 环境质量标准 (38)

4. 项目建设对环境的影响及防治措施 (38)

4.1.施工期对环境影响及治理措施 (39)

4.2.使用期对环境影响及治理措施 (40)

5. 环境影响分析结论 (41)

第八章劳动安全卫生 (43)

1. 危害因素及危害性分析 (43)

2. 劳动安全 (44)

3. 卫生措施 (44)

第九章组织机构与人力资源配置 (46)

1. 组织机构及职责 (46)

2. 人力资源配置 (47)

3. 项目管理制度 (47)

4. 人员培训 (48)

第十章项目实施进度 (49)


2. 项目建设期实施进度安排 (49)

第十一章项目招标 (52)

1. 招标原则 (52)

2. 招标依据 (52)

3. 招标条件 (52)

4. 招标范围 (52)

5. 招标程序 (53)

6. 招标组织方式 (54)

第十二章投资估算及融资方案 (56)

1. 投资估算 (56)

1.1.估算说明 (56)

1.2.工程建设投资估算 (56)

1.3.项目总投资构成 (57)

2. 资金筹措及使用计划 (58)

2.1.中心商务区中心区 (58)

2.2.中华龙.杂技文化园 (59)

第十三章财务分析 (61)

1. 项目运作方案及思路 (61)

1.1.中心商务区核心区运作思路 (61)

1.2.中华龙.杂技文化园区运作思路 (61)

2. 基础数据 (61)

2.1.计算期 (61)

2.2.基准收益率确定 (61)

2.3.土地出让收入 (62)

3. 全部投资财务现金流量分析 (63)

4. 资本金财务现金流量分析 (64)

5. 偿债能力分析 (64)

5.1.利率 (64)

5.2.贷款计划 (64)

5.3.还款计划 (64)

5.4.利息及还款计算 (64)

6. 财务分析结论 (65)

第十四章风险分析 (66)

1. 项目主要风险因素识别 (66)

2. 投资风险的控制 (67)

3. 敏感性分析 (68)

第十五章结论与建议 (70)

1. 结论 (70)

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