当前位置:文档之家› 职称英语专家例题分析—综合AB词汇题(1)



1. 直接从书上选题:

1. It is obvious that he will win the game.

A. likely B. possible C. clear D. probable


It is obvious that there is difference in the way they view the matter.

A. natural B. certain C. inevitable D. clear

分析: 答案都是clear。


clear – obvious – evident明白的,明显的, 清楚的

likely -- possible --- probable可能的

natural自然界的,生来的(the natural world 自然界)

certain -- sure 确信的

certain -- some某个(种)的

certain – inevitable(不可避免的) – bound 必定的,肯定的

e.g. You can be certain she is coming.

e.g. He is certain to succeed.

e.g. It's bound to happen. 2. I can no longer tolerate his actions.

A. put up with B. accept C. take D. receive


I can no longer tolerate his actions.

A. put up with B. accept C. take D. suffer from

分析: 答案都是put up with


tolerate –put up with – bear 忍受

accept – take 接受

receive接到,收到转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

suffer from遭受(痛苦, 疾病等)

3. In the background was the eternal hum.

A. long B. never-ending C. boring D. extensive


You eternal boasting annoys everyone.

A. unchangeable B. ever-lasting C. boring D. monotonous

分析: 答案位置没有变动, 但是被选项出现了近义词的替换.

eternal – never-ending – ever-lasting 永远的,永久的

long 长的

boring – troublesome (B级) 令人厌烦的

extensive -- wide-ranged 广阔的,广大的, 范围广泛的


4. The constitution’s vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change.

A. imprecise B. apparent C. clear D. easy


The constitution’s vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change.

A. imprecise B. concise C. unpolished D. elementary

分析: 答案都是imprecise.

apparent –clear明白的,清楚的

easy容易的 (easy –comfortable舒服的 )

concise – brief简洁的,简明扼要的


elementary初步的 (elementary – fundamental根本的,本质的)

5. Gambling is lawful in Nevada.

A. enjoyable B. irresistible C. legal D. profitable


Gambling is lawful in Nevada.

A. legal B. irresistible C. enjoyable D. profitable

分析: 答案都是legal.

lawful – legal合法的

enjoyable -- joyous –happy – pleasant愉快的,快乐的



profitable – beneficial 有益的;有用的

6. These are our motives for doing it.

A. reasons B. excuses C. answers D. replies


These are our motives for doing it

A. reasons B. arguments C. targets D. stimuli


motive – reason动机


answer –reply回答,答复



stimulus刺激物 (pl. stimuli)

7. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.

A. extends B. stretches C. broadens D. bends


The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.

A. extends B. stretches C. broadens D. traverses

分析: 答案都是broadens.

widen – broaden变宽

considerable – large 相当(大、多)的,很多的

extend -- stretch伸展,伸出


8. Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.

A. error B. puzzle C. attraction D. contradiction


Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.

A. error B. function C. attraction D. miracle

分析: 答案都是attraction.

fatal – killing -deadly 致命的

lure – attraction – temptation诱惑

error – mistake错误转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,



miracle –wonder 奇迹

9. A great deal has been done to remedy the situation.

A. maintain B. improve C. preserve D. protect


Hundreds of years ago cloves丁香were used to remedy headaches.

A. disrupt 使分裂 B. diagnose C. evaporate D. cure

分析: 分别考察动词remedy的两个常用词义.

A great deal 大量的(事情, 工作等)

maintain -- preserve – protect保护,维护。

diagnose 诊断(疾病)。

cure -- treat 治疗

 2. 往年考题变形:

1. I don’t quite follow what she is saying.

A. observe B. understand C. explain D. describe



Can you follow the plot?

A. change B. investigate C. write D. understand

分析: 答案都是understand。

考点: 考察常见多义词。

follow – understand 理解

follow – go after跟着,跟随

e.g. Spring follows winter.转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

follow – take听从(忠告, 建议)

follow/ take one’s advice

observe: 遵守(时间,法律、习惯等), 观察

explain – account for说明,阐明;解释


change – convert 改变,变更,变换

e.g. change/ convert a five-pound note into gold 把一张


investigate – look into研究,调查


e.g. write a letter

e.g. write to a friend

2. Loud noises can be irritating.

A. hateful B. painful C. stimulating D. annoying



Did you do that to irritate her?

A. tease B. attract C. annoy D. protect

分析: 题目内容, 答案位置, 答案的形式, 以及其他被选项的内容都发生了变化.

irritate – annoy 使烦恼

hateful -- painful使痛苦的, 使人厌烦的。


Tease – play a joke on逗弄;取笑


3. 涉及到其他词类的考题:


The earth moves around the sun.

A. before B. round C. after D. over

分析: 考察常见介词.

around – round 围着


after在…以后转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

over越过…, 在…的上面

e.g. jump over it

e.g. She put her hands over her face.


Did anyone call when I was out?

A. everyone B. someone C. nobody D. anybody

分析: 考察基本代词.

anyone – anybody任何人

someone – somebody某人

everyone –everybody人人

nobody – none没人A级:


1. 直接从书上选题:

1. These are our motives for doing it.

A. reasons B. excuses C. answers D. replies

比较:转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

These are our motives for doing it

A. reasons B. arguments C. targets D. stimuli

分析: 略

2. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.

A. extends B. stretches C. broadens D. bends


The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.

A. extends B. stretches C. broadens D. traverses

分析: 略

3. Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.

A. error B. puzzle C. attraction D. contradiction


Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.

A. error B. function C. attraction D. miracle

分析: 略

4. A great deal has been done to remedy the situation.

A. maintain B. improve C. preserve D. protect


Hundreds of years ago cloves were used to remedy headaches.

A. disrupt B. diagnose C. evaporate D. cure

分析: 略

5. He will consolidate his power.

A. strengthen B. win C. abandon D. unite


She has consolidated her power.

A. strengthened B. won C. hardened D. united

分析: 答案都是strength. 题目内容稍作了改变, 答案的形式也稍有改变。

consolidate – strengthen使坚


win 胜,赢转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

abandon– give up 放弃



6. Many scientists have been probing psychological problems.

A. solving B. exploring C. settling D. handling


In their productions, choreographers of modern dance have introduced humor, protested social injustice, and probed psychological problems.

A. solved B. explored C. involved D. disputed

分析: 考题题目内容简化. 其他被选项内容进行了一些改动.

probe – explore调查,探查

solve – settle – handle 解决

involve – include 包括



1. The conclusion can be deduced from the premises.

A. gone B. derived C. done D. come



The conclusion can be deduced from the premises.

A. argues B. derived C. permitted D. come

分析: 题目内容没有发生改变, 答案选项及答案位置也没有发生变化, 只是其他选项发生了改动.

deduce推断,演绎-- derive推论, 得到

argue – dispute争论,辩论

permit – allow许可,准许1.All those present noticed the minute change in his book.

A. big B. timely C. dramatic D. slight

1. D. 分析: minute – slight - small微小的

minute – detailed详细的

slight adj. 少量的, 轻微的

big adj.大,巨大的 – huge –large – great – giant巨大的,伟大的

timely adj.及时的

dramatic adj.戏剧的, 激动人心的

present adj. 在座的,出席的, 现在的 (present -current); n. 现在,目前(at present 目前), 礼物(present -gift); v. 呈献;赠送,给予, 出示(present - show);呈递, 介绍(present - introduce)

2. The war was over, but the whole country was in a state of disorder.

A. confusion B. disagreement C. condition D. disaster

2. A. 分析: disorder – confusion 混乱 (in confusion 混乱;慌乱)

be over: 结束

in a state of: 处于…的状态

disagreement n. 不一致, 争论

condition n.条件, 〔pl.〕外界状况,周围情形

disaster n. 灾害;不幸

3. The young man was accused of theft in the supermarket.

A. arrested for B. charged with C. praised for D. described as

3. B. 分析: (be) accused of = (be) charged with 被指控犯了…罪

e.g. He was accused of stealing in the shop.

e.g. The man accused of stealing lived on the next floor.

(be) arrested for..: 因为…而被逮捕

(be) praised for..: 因为…而受到表扬

(be) described as ..: 被描述成为…

4. The cause of the fire is being investigated.

A. looked after B. looked through C. looked forward to

D. looked into

4. D.分析: investigate – look into – examine 调查

Look after: 照料转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

Look through透过(玻璃等)看, 彻底调查;从头看完

Look forward to盼望,期待

look at 看,查看, 考虑

look down on 蔑视,看不起

look for 寻找

look like ... 好像..

e.g. It looks like rain. 像要下雨

5. Numerous attempts have been made to hide the truth.

A. Many B. Successful C. Effective D. Several

5. A. 分析: numerous – many – a lot of – a large number of - quite a few of 许多的, 大量的

successful adj. 成功的

effective adj. 有效(力)的 (take/ adopt effective measures 采取有效措施)

several adj. 几个的

make attempts to do sth.: 努力…

1. “I’m not meddling” Mary said mildly(B). “I’m just curious”.

A. gently B. shyly C. weakly D. sweetly

答案: A.转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

分析:mildly – gently 温和地

shyly adv. 怕羞地, 胆小地

weakly adv. 软弱地;虚弱地

sweetly 甜(蜜)地,芬芳地, 亲切地

curious adj. 好奇心旺盛的

be curious about (sth.) 对(某事物)感到好奇

2. I can no longer tolerate (B)his actions. 行为

A. put up with B. accept

C. take D. suffer from

答案: A.

分析:tolerate – put up with – bear - stand忍受;容忍

accept v. 接受(礼物等), 承担(职位等)(assume – accept – take – take on), 承认(accept - consider)

accept...(as) true 认为…是真实的

no longer adv. 不再..

e.g. He no longer lives here.

take v.(用手)拿,取,抓, 握, (从某处)得到, 带走, 接受(礼物等), 听从(忠告)(take – follow);担负(责任, 职位) (assume – accept - take)

suffer from v. 遭受到, 患病

3. Techniques to harness (A)the energy of the sun are being developed.

A. convert B. store

C. utilize(A) D. receive

答案: C.转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

分析:harness(利用(能量, 瀑布、风等)) – utilize – use – employ

e.g. harness a waterfall 利用瀑布作动力

convert v. 变换,转换, 兑换,更换 (convert – change – alter变换)

e.g. convert notes into gold 把纸币兑换为黄金。

store v. 积蓄,储备, n. 储备, 店铺,商店

receive v.收到(信、命令、请帖等);接受(欢迎,招待,请愿,建议,惩罚等), 招待,款待

e.g. receive letters [orders] from sb. 接到某人的信[命令等]。

4. The steadily (B)rising cost of labor on the waterfront (沿河两岸地区)has greatly increased the cost of shipping by water.

A. continuously B. quickly

C. excessively D. excepti


答案: A.

分析:steadily - continuously不断地

quickly adv. 快速地

excessively adv. 过多地, 过度地

exceptionally adv. 例外地,特别地, 格外地,异常地

by: 坐,乘;以

by bus [train] 乘公共汽车[火车]

by ship 乘船

5. When she was invited to the party, she readily (B)accepted.

A. willingly B. suddenly

C. firmly D. quickly


分析:readily– willingly 欣然地

suddenly: 突然地转自环 球 网 校https://www.doczj.com/doc/ca2096606.html,

firmly: 断然地,坚定地

quickly: 迅速地(quickly – rapidly)

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