当前位置:文档之家› 职场英语重点词汇分析






Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat.



You must go across the bridge and then turn right.





the aging people = the old people

现代社会出现越来越严重的aging problem(人口老龄化问题)等。


1、shake all over 浑身颤抖

2、all of a sudden 突然地

All of a sudden, I remembered her name. 我突然想起了她的名字。

3、by all means 一定

I’ll come by all means. 我一定会来的。

4、all night long 整晚

My present neighbor plays piano all night long. 我现在的邻居整晚都弹钢琴。



apply for(申请),这是工作的第一步;既然要申请,必然需要递交letter of application(求职信),只要你足够confident about yourself,就有可能获得job interview(工作面试)的机会。是否能够give a good impression(留个好印象)给主管,那就得看你个人犄造化了。

有些工作岗位会require much traveling,(要求经常出差)还有些工作,做不了多久就会希望find a way out(找到出路)。




I am working as his teaching assistant. 我作为他的助教进行工作。

2、as…as 就像……一样

I’ve heard that he is as well-known as Johnson herself. 我听说他跟约翰生本人自己一样著名。

I don’t think it would be as boring as working in an office.


It wasn’t as easy as I had thought. 这不像我想的那么简单。

It’s not as bad as it looks. 这并不像看上去的那么糟糕。

Is that optional course as hard as everybody says?


3、as far as I know 据我所知

As far as I know, whether there’ll be such a trip is yet to be decided.


As far as I know, he works until midnight every day.


4、as well 也

If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis outside.


1、as soon as 一……就,尽快

I will do that for you as soon as I have fixed the machine.




awfully nervous 相当紧张;awfully cold 相当冷;awfully sorry 十分抱歉

Tom looks awfully nervous.汤姆看上去相当紧张。

I am awfully sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.十分抱歉。我不想伤害你的。

7、be bound to


The movie starts in 5 minutes and there’s bound to be a l ong line.


8、be tired of

厌烦。当一个人感到厌烦的时候,也是最容易lose one’s temper(生气)的时候。

I’m tired of movies about romantic stories. 我已经彻底厌烦了电影中的浪漫故事。

9、be worn out


I’m usually worn out at the end of the day. 在一天快结束时我时常觉得很累。


My soles were worn out after a long time trip.经过长时间的旅行,我的鞋底已经破旧不堪。


1、’d better 最好是

I’d better read one of the articles for the class. 我最好还是为上课读篇文章准备一下。

I think you’d better find another partner. 我想你最好还是另找一个搭档吧。

2、make it better 让……更好

I’d rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better. 我已经重写了最后两段以使它更好。

3、be better 更好些

I told you it would be better for you if you took fewer courses during the first semester.




I will pay the bill this time because last time you did it. 这次我来买单,因为上次是你。


We all passed the bill on yesterday’s board meeting.



Here’s a 10-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight’s show please.




2、预定,订购。be booked up 被预定空了;booking office 售票处

All the morning flights have been booked up. 所有明早的飞机票都预定光了。


1、简介。会议之前,总要有一个项目叫做Give a briefing.

Mrs. Lung’s briefing seems to go on forever.Lung女士的简报似乎没完没了。

2、news / press briefing 新闻发布会



I’d love to see a different type of movie for a change.我想换换口味,看场不同类型的电影。

I’ll have to get my ticket changed. 我必须得更改我的票。


Two tickets an d here’s a dollar forty cents change.这是两张票以及一美元四十美分的找零。

Jane, do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.



1、检查。基本意思。check our baggage 检查行李

Could you check for me who borrowed it?你能帮我查查是谁借走了吗?

Did you check the power plug and press the play button?


2、登机台。check-in counter

Is this the check-in counter for Flight 914 to Los Angeles?


3、询问。check on it 问问看

Maybe I should call to check on it. 也许我应该打个电话问问看。


Sign the check. 签这张支票。


1、一本,一份。a copy of 口语中经常使用。

I’d like to buy a copy of Professor Franklin’s book On American Culture.


Would you like a copy of professor Smith’s article?



Could you copy this article for me?你能为我拷贝一下这篇文章吗?



She is counting the days. 她每天都在数着日子。

2、指望。count on 依赖

We’ll have to count on good weather. 我们不得不指望一个好天气。


1、封面。hard cover 精装书,与hard back book同意。另外,每个娱乐杂志的封面都免不了会有一位漂亮时尚的cover figure(封面人物)。

The hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback this week in the bookshop.



I think we’ve covered everything.我认为我们完成所有事情了。

I just covered a few chapters which interested me most.我只读完了自己最感兴趣的几章。

19、crossword puzzle

纵横字谜,一种填字游戏。既可以entertain oneself(自我娱乐),也是一种不错的智力训练。

This is not a game. It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.



戏剧。这是一种西方的艺术形式。四级听力中曾经多次出现。其他的艺术形式还有TV play(电视剧),soap opera(肥皂剧),concert(音乐会)……

Some people just can’t seem to appreciate real-life drama.



1、拜访。drop by

I wonder if you can drop by tomorrow evening.我想知道你能否在明晚过来。


I’m going hom e, but I can drop you at the supermarket.我要回家,但我可以载你到超市。

2、忘掉,放弃。drop it

We can drop it this time. But don’t do it again. 这次我们可以算了,但下次不要再犯。

I have to drop it this time. 我这次不得不放弃。

22、drunk driving

酒后驾驶。在四级听力中出现,一般都是作为traffic accident(交通事故)的主要原因之一。

I think it’s high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now.




Nobody expects you to be a superstar. 没有人指望你会成为超级明星。


The lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected.


Mr. Smith is expecting you at 3 o’clock. 史密斯先生等待着你三点钟到来。


使用频率非常高,不亚于very,这个东西extremely expensive。

The speech the blind girl gave this evening was extremely moving.





ran out of film 胶卷用完;a roll of film 一卷胶卷;develop the film冲洗胶卷,说成wash 就完蛋了。


film the river bank 拍摄河岸景致

26、gains and losses


Think about the gains and losses before you make the decision.



1、give sb a ride 请某人搭便车

Could you give me a ride to school tomorrow? 你明天能载我一程去学校吗?

2、give sb a hand 帮助某人

Can you give me a hand, Mike? 麦克,你能帮我一下吗?

3、give sb a ring 打电话给某人

I need to give Mum a ring and tell her I will not be back for dinner.



1、go broke 破产;身无分文

2、go for a ride 乘车外出

My sister wanted to go for a ride around town. 我的姐姐想乘车去镇上转一转。

3、go Dutch 各付各的

4、go ahead 向前进;继续下去

Go ahead, please. 请继续向前进。

5、go on forever 永远继续下去

Mrs. Lung’s brief ing seems to go on forever. 郎女士的演说似乎没完没了。

6、go against 不顺心

Oh, yes, but not a thing to go against me.


7、go over 复习,温习

I’ve have to go over my notes for tomorrow’s midterm.



1、物品。I want to move a few heavy items into the car.我想把一些很重要的东西搬进车里。

2、项,东西。如果填表(fill in a form),就必然有many items to write。


What about a cup of coffee before we move onto the next item?



1、keep in touch(with) 保持联系

But we’ll kee p in touch. 但是我们会保持联系的。

Do you still keep in touch with your parents regularly after you leave them?


2、keep an eye on 看守。



比如,There’s a lot of laundry to do.有很多衣服要洗。




You look great. 你看上去气色很好。

You look awfully nervous. 你看上去很紧张。

All of my clothes look so old and I can’t afford something new.


It’s not as bad as it looks.它并没有看上去的糟。

2、查阅。look up 查阅字典

1、希望。look forward to

2、寻找。look for

Do you think we should try to call him or look for him?


Have you seen a young gentleman looking for his wristwatch?



1、make an appointment 预约

Why didn’t you make an appointment to see the doctor last week?


2、make a call on the payphone 打一个收费电话

3、make room for sb 腾出位子给某人

Could you make room for the old lady? 你能为这位老太太让个座吗?

4、make it 达到,抵达,做到

But I’m afraid I can’t make i t. 但是我恐怕做不到。

I’m afraid I can’t make it before 7 o’clock. 我恐怕在7点前没法到达。


1、错误。make a mistake

2、误认。这对双胞胎长得太像了,所以I often mistake one for another,并且无法tell them apart。



Please wait for further notice. 请注意进一步通知。


Have you noticed anything wrong here? 你注意到这里有什么问题吗?


1、提供。公司提供工作职位给学生就是offer a job。国外大学提供奖学金即:offer scholarship。所以大家一般称国外大学的全额奖学金为offer。

I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family.


They’re offering me a job after I graduate.他们给我提供了一份毕业后的工作。

2、帮助。offer to help others 乐于助人




I haven’t received the furniture I ordered yet.我还没有收到订购

How about the food I ordered?我订的饭菜如何?

餐厅服务用语:Can I take / serve your order?

3、秩序。out of order 比较乱,其反意为in order。



Did Henry paint the whole house himself?整栋房都是亨利自己漆的吗?

He had it painted. 他找人刷了油漆。


Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?你能告诉我这贴画油画的名字吗?



How much time did you have for writing the paper?你写论文花了多少时间?

What’s the teacher’s comment on the student’s paper?老师怎么评价这个学生的论文?

Are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper?


2、试卷。期中考试有mid-term paper,期末有term paper。因此,如果提到The paper was not as easy as we hope. 就是考试卷子没有想象得那么容易之意了。

3、书面。与paper test 书面考试(笔试)相对的就是oral test(口试)。固定搭配on paper 也即表示“以书面形式”。

4、平装。a paper back book / paperback edition平装书,与hard back book / hard cover精装书相对。听力中会出现的情形是,在促销(on sale)期间,平装书和精装书一样的价格,这个时候大家当然会更愿意选择精装书了。

Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary? 这本字典有平装版吗?


I’m calling about the three-bedroom house you advertised in yesterday’s paper.

The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.

I’d like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition of your paper.


I am looking for quality paper to type my essay.我在找高质量的纸来打印论文。



I spend so much time polishing my application letter.我花了很多时间润色我的申请文书。



Print this article out. 把这份文件打印出来。

2、印刷。与publish 相近,the printing industry 就是印刷业,out of print绝版。

The book has been out of print for some time now.


I have printed my family name, first name, date of birth, and address.



本意为名词“质量”,在听力中也常用作形容词,表示“高质量的”。如:quality life

I am looking for quality paper to type my essay.我在找高质量的纸来打印论文。

43、quote / quotation



What’s your quotation? Can you quote for the new flat?




I realize that I make a big mistake now.我意识到自己犯了大错。

2、实现。最常用的说法就是实现梦想,realize the dream。


1、着急。Why run?

当你正急匆匆地催你的慢性朋友去赶火车,他就可以回答“Why run?”跑什么。意思是不着急,时间还多着呢。

2、经营,运行。run one’s own business 经营某人自己的事业

The radio was running well, you needn’t worry about it.收音机没问题,你不必担心。

You have to run your advertisement all week.你整周都得登广告。

3、运转时间。in the long run 从长远来看



I’m thinking of taking five courses next semester. 我在考虑下个学期选修5门功课。


1、严重的。车祸造成了严重的伤害(severe injuries)。


We haven’t had such a severe winter for so long, have we?




I don’t see any on the shelf.架子上也没有

Here it is, on the upper shelf, next to V olume Two.在这,架子上层,在第二册旁边。


1、签名。sign one’s name

You just need to sign your name at the bottom.你只要在底下签名就行了。


I’m sorry. I didn’t notice the sign.对不起,我没有注意到标识。

This is one-way street. Didn’t you see the sign?这是单行道,难道你没看标识吗?


1、stay up 熬夜

You’re always staying up late and working ov ertime. 你总是熬夜到很晚并且过度工作。

I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm math exam.


2、stay for dinner 留下吃晚餐

3、stay awake 保持清醒

I was barely able to stay awake. 我几乎不能保持清醒。



You look great in your new suit.你穿上新衣服后看上去棒极了。

I bought a good suit in a clothing store.我在衣服店里买了一套很好的套装。


I bought a new suit in the central city this year.我今年在市中心买了套公寓。


I hope it will suit you, sir.我希望它能适合你,先生。


1、take a picture of 给……照相

Could you take a picture of me with the lake in the background?


2、take good care of 好好照看

The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car.


53、tend to


The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.




1、浏览。read (straight) through

I’d better read it through again. 我最好还是再通读一次。

I didn’t read straight through the way you read a novel.


2、结束、完成(工作)be (go) through

I had a hard time getting through this test.完成测验对我来说很难。

That only leaves us 15 minutes to go through the customs and check our baggage.


After two sleepless night s, I’m finally through with it.


3、接通。get sb through

Would you get me through to Dr. Lemon please?能帮我接通Lemon医生吗?

4、睡过了。sleep through

How could you sleep through it?你怎么能睡过头了呢?

5、播放出来。come through

The power indicator was on, and it was running, but somehow the sound didn’t come through.



1、拒绝。turn down

有人会因为频繁的公务旅行(frequent business trips)而turn down一份还不错的工作。

而当因为某些事情而拒绝别人的邀请(turn down one’s invitation)时是最难以启齿的尴尬时刻,只能以I’d love to, but…等来搪塞。

1、转向,转移。turn attention to 转移注意力



Would you please turn the volume of the music down?你能把音量调低点儿吗?


I can’t find Volume Ten.我找不到第10册书。

57、warm up

1、热身。正式开始进行剧烈运动前,我们都首先需要warm up。

I’m just going to d o a few stretches to warm up. 我去做点伸展运动,热热身。


The forecast says it’s going to get worse before it warms up.



1、be worth doing sth 值得做某事

Do you think it’s worth seeing? 你觉得那个值得一看吗?

2、be worthwhile to 值得……

It’s worthwhile to make the effort. 进行这样的努力是值得的。

3、well-worth the time and trouble 值得这时间与精力

I find lessons well-worth the time and trouble. 我觉得这些课程值得好好学一下。


no bother to me 对我而言没什么影响

nothing but 除了

believe it or not 信不信由你

do without 不用;没有……也行

not at all 一点也不


all night long 整晚

at the last minute 拖到最后一刻

at the latest 最迟

for the first time 第一次

have a hard time 度过困难时刻

in time 及时

latest technology 最新科技

quite a while 有一阵子

wait until the last minute 直到最后一刻


abnormal a. 反常的,异常的 absolute a. 完全的,绝对的,不容置疑的 absorb v. 吸收,理解 abstract a./ n. 抽象的(作品),摘要,梗概academic a. / n. 学术上的,学业上的 accent n. 口音,音调 accessible a.(某地)可到达的,(某物)易到手的,(某人)可接近的accommodation n.住宿,膳宿 accountant n. 会计,会计师 accuse v.指责,控告 acid a. 酸的 acknowledge v. 承认,告知,确认 acquisition n. 获得,得到 adapt v. 使适应,适合,改编 addicted a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷 adjust v.调整,调节 administration n.管理,行政部门 adopt v. 收养,领养 advocate v. 拥护,支持,提倡 affair n. 事,事情 affection n. 喜爱,慈爱 afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用)

alcohol n. 含酒精饮料,酒alcoholic a. / n. 含酒精的,酒鬼alongside ad.在…旁边,与…同时alphabet n. 字母表,字母amateur n.业余爱好者a.业余爱好的ancestor n.祖先 analyze v.分析 ankle n.脚踝 anniversary n.周年纪念日a.周年的annual a.每年的n.年刊anxious a.渴望的焦虑的,急切的anyhow a.无论如何,不管怎样appetite n.食欲 applaud v.鼓掌,向……鼓掌applause n.鼓掌声,喝彩,欢呼appoint v.委任,申请appropriate a.合适的,适当的arithmetic n.计算,算术 arouse v.引起 arrest v./n.逮捕 arrow n.箭头 assemble v.集合,召集,装配


职场常用英语缩写 【篇一:职场常用英语缩写】 【cbo】 chief brand officer 【cco】 chief cultural officer 开发总监【cdo】 chief development officer 【cho】 chief human resource officer 首席信息官【cio】 chief information officer 【cko】 chief knowledge officer 首席市场官【cmo】 chief marketing officer 首席谈判官【cno】 chief negotiation officer 首席营运官【coo】 chief operation officer 公关总监【cpo】 chief public relation officer 质量总监【cqo】 chief quality officer 销售总监【cso】 chief sales officer 首席技术官【cto】 chief technology officer 评估总监【cvo】 chief valuation officer cao:answerer 首席答辩人,专门负责解答媒体、债权人和用户等有关网站倒闭问题的 询问。 cbo:business plan 首席商业计划官,是的助理之一,专门针对不同的投 资人制订相应的bp。 cco:cost control 首席成本控制官,凡超过100元以上的支出必须由cc0批准。 cdo:domain name 首席域名官,负责公司域名注册、网站清盘时域名的拍卖、域名法 律纠纷等相关问题。 ceo:exchange 首席交换官,一般由国际ceo自由联盟随时更换,是一个常设的短期职 能岗位,类似足球教练。 cfo:financial ,公司最重要的领导人,决定公司命运的主要人物。cgo:guideline 首席方针制订官,规划公司的宏伟蓝图,一般是5年以后的目标。


最新小学英语教师职称考试模拟试题(一) 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1、《英语课程标准》采取国际通用的分级方法,将英语课程目标按照________设为九个级别。 2、基本教导阶段英语课程的义务是激起和培养学生,使学生建立自负念,养成优胜的进修习惯和构成有效的,成长自立进修的才能和精力,使学生控制必定的英语基本常识和据说读写技能,构成必定的;培养学生的不雅察、记忆、思惟、和创新精力;帮助学生懂得世界和中西方文化的差别,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精力,构成健康的人生不雅,为他们的和_________打下优胜的基本。 3、《英语课程标准》(实验稿)规定小学英语的终点目标是级,二级目标在词汇方面要肄业习有关本级话题范围的个单词和个阁下的__________。 4、小学英语说话技能一级的读写目标,除能看图识字,能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语和能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事以外,还有一条是。 5、我们平常说的英语“双基”教授教化是指和___________. 6、对话课教授教化模式一般教授教化法度榜样是_______________________________。 判断正(T)误(F)(每小题1分,共10分) ()1、教授教化评价是英语课程的重要构成部分。 ()2、备课就是写教案。 ()3、小学英语教授教化策略词汇课中浮现新知是情况导入和听音正音。 ()4、教师要充分应用现代教导技巧,拓宽学生进修和应用英语的渠道。 ()5、在已普及九年义务教导的地区,小学生必须经由过程同一卒业测验才能升学,不然没有机会读初中。 ()6、教师应尊敬学生的人格,存眷个别差别,满足不合学生的进修须要,创设能勾引学生主动参与的教导情况,激起学生的进修积极性,培养学生控制和应用常识的立场和才能,使每个学生都能取得充分的成长。 ()7、小学英语教授教化策略读写课的第三环节是浏览中活动。 ()8、英语课程倡导讲解型的教授教化模式。 ()9、师长教师说:Draw a circle.学生画一个circle,这就属于课程标准里面谈到的用说话来做工作。 ()10、教授教化设计的好,教授教化就必定能成功。 简答题:(30分) 1、英语课程改革的六大基本理念是什么?(10分) 2、《英语课程标准》中规定的英语课程的性质是甚么?(10分) 3、《英语课程标准》中对二级综合说话应用才能目标是如何描述的?(10分) 阐述题(40分) 1、如安在英语教授教化中培养和成长学生积极的情感立场?(10分) 2、新课标倡导“义务型”的教授教化门路,培养学生综合说话应用才能,请你以“What’s your favorite sport?”话题为例,谈一谈教师在设计“义务型”教授教化活动时应留意的问题。(20分) 3、结合教授教化实际谈一谈教师在教授教化中应如何做到面向全部学生?(10分) 填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1、才能程度 2、进修英语的兴趣,进修策略,合作,综合说话应用才能,想象才能,毕生进修成长。 3、二,600-700,50习惯用语。 4、能精确书写字母和单词。 5、英语基本常识,据说读写(基本)技能。 6、复习、热身,新知浮现,巩固演习,拓展应用,成长进步 判断正(T)误(F)(每小题1分,共10分) 1-5 TFFTF 6-10 TTFTF


重点英语词汇的讲解分析 词都是由一个或几个语素构成的。构成语素分两种,一种叫词根,指的是意义实在、在合成词内位置不固定的不成词语素和成词语素。以下是与英语相关的重点词汇分解,欢迎大家阅读! 重点英语词汇的讲解分析 1. seem/ look (1) seem一般着重于以客观迹象为依据,意思是“似乎、好象、看起来…”。 The baby seems to be happy.婴儿看上去似乎很高兴。 He seemed to be sorry for that.他似乎为那件事感到抱歉。 seem能与to do结构连用,而look不能。 It seems to rain. 似乎要下雨了。 They seemed to have finished their work.他们似乎已经完成了工作。

在it作形式主语的句型中只能用seem。 It seems that he is quite busy now.他现在看起 来很忙。 It seems to us that there is nothing serious. 在我看来没什么大不了的。 (2) look用作“看起来;好像”时,常从物体的外观 或样貌上来判断,是以视觉所接受的印象为依据的。 The room looks clean.这间房看起来很干净。 The girl looks like her mother.那女孩看起来向 她的妈妈。 2. such/ so Don’t be such a fool.别这么傻。 He is such a clever boy.他是如此聪明的一个男孩。 (2) so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。 He is so kind! 他真好心! Why did you come so late? 你为何回来得如此晚?


中小学教师职称晋升专业考试说明及试卷 中学英语 一、考试要求 武汉市中学英语教师职称晋升专业考试以测试教师的英语教育教学能力及英语学科专业素养为目的。教育部颁布的《英语课程标准》(以下简称《课标》)是中学英语教学的法规文件,是教师职称晋升专业考试的命题依据和必考内容,此外,参试者必须具备基本的的英语语言学知识,了解英语教学法主要流派及各种教学技能和策略在课堂教学中的运用和实施,同时具备胜任中学英语教学必备的专业知识。具体要求如下: 1. 掌握全日制义务教育《英语课程标准》(实验稿)各部分内容的描述,尤其是课程目标的分级描述(3-5级目标),并能结合目前使用的初中英语教材内容回答问题(初中教师考核内容)。 2. 掌握《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》各部分内容的描述,尤其是课程目标的分级描述(6-9级目标),并能结合目前使用的高中英语教材内容回答问题(高中教师考核内容)。 3. 熟悉初、高中英语教科书的编写特点、其所倡导的教学方法及具体教学内容。 二、试卷结构 试卷由公共部分和学科专业部分组成 1. 公共部分(共30分),详见P169页。 2. 学科专业部分试卷构成如下: 第一部分课标、教材教法(共25分) 本部分测试教师对《课标》的理解及运用能力及对教材进行教学设计的能力。参试者不仅应掌握《英语课程标准》的内容,还应能依据《课标》, 运用教育学、心理学和英语教学法的知识,结合学生实际,制定阶段性和某单元/课的教学目标(包括具体的三维目标);设计清晰的教学过程;采用有效的教学方法和手段;体现师生互动及课堂评价等。 第二部分专业知识(共45分) 本部分测试中学英语教师专业基础知识,主要考查语言知识、语言技能和语言运用能力。参试者不同的任职要求应具备相应的条件: 1.中学一级教师应具有扎实的英语专业知识和较好的语言运用能力。 2.中学高级教师应具有系统的、坚实的专业知识和熟练的语言运用能力。


流行病学专业英语词汇 A 安慰剂Placebo 安慰剂效应placebo effects B 把握度study power 半试验semi-trial 保护率protective rate ,PR 报告偏倚reporting bias 暴露exposure 暴露标志exposure marker 暴露怀疑偏倚exposure suspicion bias 爆发调查outbreak survey 被动监测passive surveillance 比例研究proportional study 比值比Odds Ratio ,OR 必需病因necessary factor of cause 标点地图spot map 标化比例死亡比standardized proportional mortality ratio,SPMR 标化比值比standardized odds ratio,SOR 标化死亡比standardized mortality ratio,SMR 标准化standardization 标准化率比standardized rate ratio,SRR "冰山"现象ice-berg phenomenon 丙型肝炎hepatitis C,HC 并联试验parallel test 病毒性肝炎viral hepatitis 病例报告case report 病例-病例研究case-case study 病例调查case survey 病例对照研究case-control study 病例交叉设计case-crossover design 病例交叉研究case-crossover study 病例-系列研究case-series study 病死率fatality rate 病因causation of disease 病因的异质性etiological heterogeneity 病因分值etiologic fraction,EF 病因链chains of causation 病因网web of causation 不合格ineligibility 不依从noncompliance C 测量偏倚measurement bias


prove用法 prove是个常用动词,也是一个多义动词.由于它的用法比较复杂,现归纳如下 一、prove作"证明;证实"解时,用法如下: 1.prove+名词/代词 He has proved his courage in the battle.他已在作战中证明了他的勇气. This further proved the strength of our economy.这进一步证明了我们的经济实力. Can you prove that?你能证实那一点吗? 2.prove+直接宾语(sth.)+to+间接宾语(sb.) The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.困难在于他怎样向其他科学家证实他的想法. Can you prove your theory to us?你能向我们证实你的理论吗? 3.prove+宾语+宾语补足语 (1)形容词作宾语补足语 They proved themselves wise and brave.他们证实自己机智、勇敢. Facts have proved these worries groundless.事实证明,这些忧虑是没有理由的. (2)名词作宾语补足语 She proved herself an able secretary.她证实自己是个能干的秘书. He has proved himself a success.他已证明了自己是个成功者. (3)动词不定式作宾语补足语 All this proved him to be an honest man.这一切都证明他是一个诚实的人. The experiment proved his theory to be important to our research.实验证明他的理论对我们的研究是重要的. 4.prove+宾语从句 Galileo proved that the earth and all other planets move around the sun.伽利略证实地球和所有其它的行星都是绕太阳运转的.


【职场英语】超实用职场词组、单字! 请假、出差、加班、书信英语一次整理! 职场上常常用到的英语用法你都会了吗? 是不是常常要用到时才百度呢? 这里一口气整理了有关请假、出差、加班、书信等商用英语,还不赶快存起来! 1. 「请假」 想要请假,你可以这样说: I’d like to take ∕ ask for _ leave of absence for _ days. 我想要请__天的__假。 I’d like to take _ days off . 我想要请__天的假。 Example: I’d like to take a day off because I get a cold. 我想请假一天因为我感冒了。 I’d like to take for official leave of absence for 2 days. 我要请两天的公假。 [请假常用单字] 1. 事假:personal leave 2.病假:sick leave 3. 公假:official leave 4. 年假:annual leave → annual表示「每年的、年度的」 5. 婚假;marriage leave 6. 产假;maternity leave → maternity 表示「产妇的」或「产房」;maternity dress 表示「孕妇装」、maternity leave 则为「产假」 7. 陪产假:paternity leave 8. 生理假:menstruation leave→ menstruation 表示「月经、经期」;女生月经来可以说:I’ve got my period. 9. 丧假:funeral leave


小学英语教师职称考试试题 一、单项选择题(在每小题得四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案得序号填在题干得括号内。每小题1分,共30 分) 1、情景教学法得语言理论基础就是()理论。 A、功能/意念语言 B、英国得结构主义语言 C、乔姆斯基得普遍语法D、美国行为主义 2、在交际教学法中起作用得基本原则就是:交际原则、任务原则与(). A、意义原则 B、生活原则?C、教育原则D、实践原则?3、在自然法教学中,教师就是()得主要来源。?A、本族语可理解性输入B、语言产生 C、目得语可理解性输入D、语言模仿与加工 4、暗示法旨在快速培养学生得高级(D)能力. A、写作 B、阅读 C、翻译 D、会话 5、英语课程改革得重点就就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法与词汇知识得( C)。?A、学习B、掌握?C、讲授与传授D、运用 6、在义务教育阶段,英语课程得学习,既就是学生通过英语学习与实践活动,逐步掌握英语(C),提高语言实际运用能力得过程,又就是她们开发思维能力、发展个性与提高人文素养得过程。?A、技能与技巧B、技能与方法 C、知识与技能 D、语言与文化?7、英语教材就是英语课程资源得核心部分,选用得教材应该具有发展性与拓展性、(B)、趣味性、灵活性与开放性等特征。 A、科学性、规定性B、思想性、科学性 C、教育性、思想性 D、丰富性、准确性 8、小学英语教学评价得形式应具有多样性与可选择性.评价以(A)评价为主。?A、形成性B、间接性?C、分析性D、终结性?9、(D)考试主要就是选择类题目,如正误判断、单项选择、配伍等题型。?A、表达型B、再现型 10、小学英语评价一般采用得评分方式:( D) C、输入型 D、理解型?# A、等级制、百分制与描述性评价?B、达标制、等级制与描述性评价 C、五分制、百分制与印象性评价 D、等级制、五分制与达标制?11、()在统计学中指某一抽样分数得常规分布。 A、正态分布B、平均分?C、标准差D、区分度?12、试题本身正确与否直接影响考查得(A).?A、有效性、科学性与可靠性B、丰富性与灵活性 C、难易度与思想性D、信度与区分度 13、意义学习中得“图式扩张”理论认为,语言不仅就是一个有规则得符号系统,而且就是一个(D)。 14、Skehan A、静态得信息资源B、知识表征资源?C、信息认知系统D、动态得信息资源? 认为任务得复杂度得主要界面有语码复杂度、( C)。?A、冗余信息与交际压力B、情感压 15、杜威概括了她对教育得力与认知复杂度?C、认知复杂度与交际压力D、认知复杂度? 本质认识,提出了教育得三大命题:教育即生长,(B).?A、教育即教化,教育即生活B、教育即经验,教育即生活 C、教育即塑造,教育即准备D、教育即学习,教育即发展 24、小学生记忆发展得其中一个特点就是(A).?A、从具体形象得识记为主导发展到词得抽象识记?B、抽象识记与形象识记同时发展?C、视觉映像识记为主导发展到词得抽象识记D、从显性识记为主导发展到内隐识记?25、(C )就是人脑对事物本质与事物之间规律性


常用分析化学专业英语词汇absorbance 吸光度 absorbent 吸附剂 absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption peak 吸收峰absorptivity 吸收系数accident error 偶然误差accuracy 准确度 acid-base titration 酸碱滴定 acidic effective coefficient 酸效应系数acidic effective curve 酸效应曲线 acidity constant 酸度常数activity 活度 activity coefficient 活度系数 adsorption 吸附 adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂 affinity 亲和力aging 陈化 amorphous precipitate 无定形沉淀 amphiprotic solvent 两性溶剂 amphoteric substance 两性物质 amplification reaction 放大反应 analytical balance 分析天平 analytical chemistry 分析化学 analytical concentration 分析浓度 analytical reagent (AR) 分析试剂 apparent formation constant 表观形成常数 aqueous phase 水相argentimetry 银量法 ashing 灰化

atomic spectrum 原子光谱autoprotolysis constant 质子自递常数 auxochrome group 助色团back extraction 反萃取band spectrum 带状光谱bandwidth 带宽bathochromic shift 红移blank 空白 blocking of indicator 指示剂的封闭 bromometry 溴量法 buffer capacity 缓冲容量buffer solution 缓冲溶液burette 滴定管calconcarboxylic acid 钙指示剂 calibrated curve 校准曲线calibration 校准 catalyzed reaction 催化反应 cerimetry 铈量法charge balance 电荷平衡chelate 螯合物 chelate extraction 螯合物萃取 chemical analysis 化学分析chemical factor 化学因素chemically pure 化学纯chromatography 色谱法chromophoric group 发色团coefficient of variation 变异系数 color reagent 显色剂 color transition point 颜色转变点 colorimeter 比色计colorimetry 比色法 column chromatography 柱色谱 complementary color 互补色complex 络合物complexation 络合反应complexometry


1. quiz: 小测试 The program hosted by Wang Xiaoya is a television quiz show. a reading comprehension quiz 阅读理解小测试 Cf: test, exam 2. Canada Canadian He is from Canada, so he is a Canadian. 3. polar: 极地的 the South/ North Pole The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic 4. prime 主要的,基本的 Winning is not the prime objective in this sport. prime minister 首相 Chinese Prime Minister/ Premier Wen Jiabao will pay official visits to Europe. 5. govern 统治,管理 Our country is governed by people. Arnold Schwarzenegger, was elected Governor of California. Government 6. rather than:(1)并列连词,可连接两个并列成分 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. You rather than I are going to go camping. The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. She enjoys singing rather than dancing. We should help him rather than he should help us. He ran rather than walked. I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 7. chat: v. 聊天 My kid likes chatting with his friends on the phone. n. We had a long chat with her. 8. scenery: 风景 The snow scenery in Canada is very beautiful. scene, sight, view 9. surround: 包围 Tall trees surround the lake. The lake was surrounded by tall trees. We have five chain stores in this city and its surrounding areas. Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings. 10. measure: vt. 测量 The tool is used to measure how much oil is left. vi. 量为… The pond measures about 7 meters deep. n. 尺寸 We will make a new suit to your own measure. take measures to do sth. We should take some measures to prevent the river from being polluted 11. aboard 在船,飞机,火车或公交车上prep./ adv. We are already aboard the plane. They went aboard the plane. Welcome aboard! There were altogether five Chinese passengers aboard the plane. 12. settle down 定居下来 When are you going to get married and settle down? 舒适地坐下 After the dinner, I settled down with a book. The teacher told the students to settle down and study the lesson. He is settling down to his new job settle 解决,结束(纷争等) I would rather you settled the problem by yourself. 13. manage to do sth 设法做某事 They managed to get to the airport in time. Vt. 努力完成… Can you manage another piece of cake? manager 经理 try to do sth. He tried to pass the exam, but failed 14. catch sight of 看见 She caught sight of a car in the distance. They finally lost sight of land. catch up with , catch hold of 15. have a gift for: 对…有天赋 She has a great gift for music. She was a gifted musician. 16. within 在…之内 You will receive the reply within seven days. The house is within walking distance. within the reach of 17. border: 边境 There is a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania. 18. slight 轻微的 I woke up with a slight headache. The slight difference between these two


英文简历的个人品质常用词汇able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的

constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的 well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的

gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的


常用分析化学专业英语词汇absorbance 吸光度absorbent 吸附剂 absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption peak 吸收峰absorptivity 吸收系数accident error 偶然误差accuracy 准确度 acid-base titration 酸碱滴定acidic effective coefficient 酸效应系数 acidic effective curve 酸效应曲线 acidity constant 酸度常数activity 活度 activity coefficient 活度系数adsorption 吸附 adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂 affinity 亲和力 aging 陈化 amorphous precipitate 无定形沉淀 amphiprotic solvent 两性溶剂amphoteric substance 两性物质 amplification reaction 放大反应 analytical balance 分析天平analytical chemistry 分析化学analytical concentration 分析浓度 analytical reagent (AR) 分析试剂 apparent formation constant 表观形成常数 aqueous phase 水相argentimetry 银量法 ashing 灰化 atomic spectrum 原子光谱autoprotolysis constant 质子自递常数 auxochrome group 助色团back extraction 反萃取


中小学教师职称晋升专业考试说明及试卷 (一) 中学英语 一、考试要求 武汉市中学英语教师职称晋升专业考试以测试教师的英语教育教学能力及英语学科专业素养为目的。教育部颁布的《英语课程标准》(以下简称《课标》)是中学英语教学的法规文件,是教师职称晋升专业考试的命题依据和必考内容,此外,参试者必须具备基本的的英语语言学知识,了解英语教学法主要流派及各种教学技能和策略在课堂教学中的运用和实施,同时具备胜任中学英语教学必备的专业知识。具体要求如下: 1. 掌握全日制义务教育《英语课程标准》(实验稿)各部分内容的描述,尤其是课程目标的分级描述(3-5级目标),并能结合目前使用的初中英语教材内容回答问题(初中教师考核内容)。 2. 掌握《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》各部分内容的描述,尤其是课程目标的分级描述(6-9级目标),并能结合目前使用的高中英语教材内容回答问题(高中教师考核内容)。 3. 熟悉初、高中英语教科书的编写特点、其所倡导的教学方法及具体教学内容。 二、试卷结构 试卷由公共部分和学科专业部分组成 1. 公共部分(共30分),详见P169页。 2. 学科专业部分试卷构成如下: 第一部分课标、教材教法(共25分) 本部分测试教师对《课标》的理解及运用能力及对教材进行教学设计的能力。参试者不仅应掌握《英语课程标准》的内容,还应能依据《课标》, 运用教育学、心理学和英语教学法的知识,结合学生实际,制定阶段性和某单元/课的教学目标(包括具体的三维目标);设计清晰的教学过程;采用有效的教学方法和手段;体现师生互动及课堂评价等。 第二部分专业知识(共45分) 本部分测试中学英语教师专业基础知识,主要考查语言知识、语言技能和语言运用能力。参试者不同的任职要求应具备相应的条件: 1.中学一级教师应具有扎实的英语专业知识和较好的语言运用能力。


初中英语核心单词解析之race,raise,rise 的区别 学生初中英语学习问题 安老师您好,请问单词race,raise的意思是什么,都有哪些用法和搭配?多谢。安颖老师答疑 安颖老师:您好,我把这个单词给您做一个梳理。 单词race,raise考点解析: race n. 竞赛,赛跑;民族,人种 v. 和…比赛 He ran a race with me. 他与我赛跑。 We’re talking about the survival of our race. 我们在谈论我们民族的生存。 raise v. 使升高,举起;养育;募集 短语: raise one’s hand 举手 raise baby 养育婴儿 raise money 募捐,募集 辨析 raise rise raise 及物动词,可直接接宾语 rise 不及物动词,不能直接接宾语,常与up连用,上升之意 She raised the gun and fired.

她举枪射击。 He called on the people to rise up against the invaders. 他号召民众起来反抗入侵者。 初中英语单词的记忆一直困扰着大家。英语学不好,考不好,很多同学是词汇这一关没过,考场上试卷中一篇阅读文章有太多单词或固定搭配不认识,是不可能考好的。 我把我写的辅导书初中英语自诊断推荐给同学们。在这本书中我把中考英语最常考最核心的五百个单词做了汇总,而且每个词我都录制了视频,扫单词旁码即可查看我的讲解。视频中我会详细与同学们解析,这个单词总共有多少个意思,有几种典型的固有搭配,有哪些典型例句,这个词和哪些词意思相近,容易混淆。 除了核心词汇与固定搭配的梳理外,初中英语自诊断这本书还配有典型习题,通过阅读理解与完形填空来进一步帮同学们巩固词汇,并提高阅读分析和判断能力。同样的,每道题旁都有二维码扫码可以查看我的视频讲解。 如果同学们做错了一道题,或者文章某个句子意思没搞懂,或者对某个答案理解不到位,可以很轻松扫码看我视频讲解,这样就能帮同学们诊断出学习问题,并及时有效地解决问题。对比他科目,英语是一门语言,非常依赖日常积累,词汇的记忆也罢,阅读能力理解能力的提高也好,都是需要日积月累的,需要投入时间。学英语中最怕什么?同学们耍小聪明,不懂装懂,有问题不及时解决。 初中英语自诊断这本书特别适合英语薄弱的同学。通过做题诊断学习问题,并通过我的视频讲解及时消灭这些问题。通过做题不断积累,您的词汇量起来了,单词都记牢了,分析能力也逐渐提高起来了,掌握了很多解题技巧,英语考试想考不好都难啊。科学的学习方法,良好的学习习惯,高效的辅导资料,这些对提高考试成绩是很重要的,可这些都离不开同学们的努力付出。


英文简历常用词汇 英文简历常用词汇 英文简历常用词汇 下面小编整理了一些英文简历中常用到的英文词汇,欢迎阅读。国家及校级奖项、称号 1 奖学金 国家奖学金 National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生 Merit Student 学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records 校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship 校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship 校三等奖:The Third Prize Scholarship

单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship 2 荣誉称号 突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 优秀工作者 Excellent staff 优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生 Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者 Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体 Advanced Class 优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association 3 先进个人 先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student


高考经典长难句分析及重点词汇用法 For example, adolescent boys are more likely to buy computer games than any other group, so it makes sense to make computer game ads that appeal to this group. 2. The more exposed young people are to financial issues, and the younger they become aware of them, the more likely they are to become responsible, forward-planning adults who manage their finances confidently and effectively. She found that kids praised for hard” did better on testes and were more likely to take on difficult assignments than those praised for being “smart”. Perhaps more importantly, the better you are at managing the time you devote to your studies, the more time

you will have to spend on your outside interests. He worked there through his school and university years until 1942, a year after he had gained a Master’s degree at university in chemistry. By the end of the century, we will have discovered other places in our solar system suitable for living and we will have discovered ways to go further into space. In today’s world, winners are celebrated and treated as heroes, but if doping and gene-therapy continue to affect the outcomes of major sporting events, the word “hero”will have lost all meaning. One of the earliest epidemics on record happened about 500-550 AD when the Roman emperor at the time was attempting to rebuild the Roman

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