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Lesson Seven Love of Life课文解释,练习答案,语法讲解,历年试题

Lesson Seven Love of Life

Jack London








Learning Guide







slowly ,shallow, earth ,bullet ,deer ,chew ,wolf ,sound ,crawl ,knee

1.slowly ['sl?uli]缓慢地

2.shallow ['??l?u]浅的 deep adj. 深的

3.stream [n.] [stri:m]溪流,小河 cf. steam 蒸汽

4.stream [v.](像水流般)流动

5.earth [?:θ]泥土

6.run (指液体)流动 (过去式,过去分词 ran, run )

7.bullet ['bulit]子弹

8.(fall)over 被……绊倒

9.hey [he?] 喂!(表示惊喜或引起注意)

10.struggle [str?ɡl]挣扎,奋斗

e.g. He struggled to control his temper.他努力控制住自己的脾气。

e.g. Several people were hurt in the struggle.在打斗中,有几个人受伤。


12.berry美['b?ri浆果(如草莓,桑椹等)strawberry 草莓

13.tasteless ['testl?s]无味的,鉴赏力的

14.build 建造[bild]

15.build a fire 生火

16.sack[s?k]袋子洗劫 vt. 解雇;把……装入袋;劫掠

e.g. He got the sack for laziness; 他因懒惰而被解雇

hit the sack 睡觉;就寝

sack out 睡觉

sack paper 纸袋;制袋用纸

17.stagger ['st?g?]蹒跚,摇摇晃晃

18..darkness ['dɑ:knis]黑暗

19..fall [f?:l]降临,来临

20..restless ['restlis]没有得到休息的,不安定的


banquet feast dinner party


banquet: 指正式而盛大的宴会或国宴。

feast: 指宴席酒席,有时可与banquet换用,但前者强调共享欢乐的气氛。

dinner: 普通用词,含义广。本义指一日的主餐,但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。

party: 指一般的社交聚会,也引申指宴请或宴会。

22.drag [dr?g]慢吞吞的行进

23.deer [di?]鹿单复数同形 a deer, two deer

24.suck [s?k].吸吮,啜饮

25.chew [t?u:]咀嚼,嚼碎 chewing gum 口香糖

26.strive [straiv]努力,奋斗

e.g. Strive to build China into a powerful socialist country!


27.unwilling ['?n'wili?不愿意的,不情愿的

be willing to do 乐于做某事

28.drive 迫使驱赶

e.g. Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness.


e.g. The recession and hospital bills drove them into bankruptcy.


29.empty ['empti](河流等)流入,流进

30.shining '?aini?]发光的,闪光的vision 幻觉,幻象

31.wolf [wulf]狼

32.sick 有病的,生病的

33.full 很,非常,充分

34.ha 瞧!(表示惊奇、惊喜、疑惑等)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce837376.html,ughing 'lɑ:fi?]笑,笑声

36.sound [saund]听起来

37.crawl [kr?:l]爬,爬行

38.knee [ni:]膝盖

39.hold h?uld]使……保持(某种状态)

二、课文Love of Life

Page 146. Para. 1

1. Two men walked slowly, one after the other, through the shallow water of stream. All they could see were

stones and earth. The stream ran cold over their feet. They had blanket packs on their backs. They had guns, but no bullets; matches, but no food.



A. one after the other = one after another 一个接一个,陆续,相继

e.g. His parents died one after the other.他双亲相继去世。

e.g. The houses caught fires one after the other. 房子相继着火了。

B all they could see= the things which. they could see 他们能看到的东西

all= the person who, the thing(s) which

C run: 过去式 ran 过去分词run Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary 6th edition

Page 1525 L L21 28条【 V-ADJ】 to become different in a particular way, especially a bad way 变成,成为,变得(尤指不利的变化)

e.g. 1) The river ran dry ( stopped flowing ) during the drought.


e.g. 2) Supplies are running low. 物质供应渐趋不足。

e.g. 3) We have run short of milk.我们的牛奶不够了。

e.g. 4) You have got your rivals running scared .你已经使对手感到恐惧了。

D. but no bullets; matches, but no food. but 后面承前省略了had

match n 火柴 ,匹配,比赛等。划火柴 strike a match

Para. 2 Page 146

2 . Suddenly the man who followed fell over a stone. He hurt his foot badly and

called: "Hey, Bill, I've hurt my foot." Bill continued straight on without looking back.忽然,后面的那个人被一块石子绊倒了。他的脚受了重伤,喊了起来:“嘿,比尔,我的


A . who followed 定语从句,修饰前面的 the man 跟在后面的那个人

B. fall over 跌倒 fall 过去式fell 过去分词fallen

fall out 吵翻,分手

C. hurt 受伤,伤害过去式hurt 过去分词hurt

D . straight on 一直向前,往前直去

e.g. Go straight on this street,turn to the left at the second corner,and you'll find it.


E. without looking back 没有回头看

look back 向后看,回头,回顾

Para. 3 Page 146

3 The man was alone in the empty land, but he was not lost. He knew the way to

their camp, where he would find food and bullets.


A. alone 单独的 cf. lonely adj . 孤独寂寞的

B. empty land 空旷的地面指地面上没有多少遮拦

C. be lost/get lost 迷路

4. He struggled to his feet and limped on. Bill would be waiting for him there, and together they

would go south to the Hudson Bay Company.

他挣扎着站起来,一瘸一拐地往前挪动。比尔会在那里等着他,然后他们将一同南下到哈得逊海湾公司。 A。struggle to one's feet(挣扎着)站起来

get/rise to one's feet 站起身来

jump to one's feet 跳起身来

B. limped on 一瘸一拐地往前挪动 on = continuously 继续

C. the Hudson Bay Company.哈得逊海湾公司简写为 HBC

Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson

Type Private

Founded 2 May 1670

Headquarters Simpson Tower

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Key people Richard Baker, Governor

Revenue $7.0 billion CAD ( $59.7 million FY 2009)

Owner(s) NRDC Equity Partners Employees 70,000

Parent NRDC Equity Partners

Divisions The Bay

Lord & Taylor Zellers

Home Outfitters

5. He had not eaten for two days. Often he stopped to pick some small berries and put them into his

mouth. The berries were tasteless, and did not satisfy, but he knew he must eat them. 他已有两天没吃东西了,他常常停下来去摘小莓果放到嘴里。那些莓果很难吃,而且也不解饿,但他知道自己必须吃掉它们。

A. stop to do sth. 停止甲事去做乙事

stop doing 停止手中正在做的事

e.g..Please stop reading. 请停止看书

e.g. Please stop to listen to me. 请停下来听我说

B. tasteless : lacking flavor 无味的, 粗俗的, 无鉴赏力的

C. satisfy v 使….满足,满意

Para.4 Page 147

6. In the evening he built a fire and slept like a dead man. When he woke up,

the man took out a small sack. It weighed fifteen pounds.


A. build a fire =make a fire = light a fire 生火 cf. put out fire 灭火

B woke up 醒来动词原形为 wake, 过去式 woke, 过去分词 waken

C. It weighed fifteen pounds.

weigh v 联系动词后面接重量名词作表语

e.g. A full-grown elephant can weigh over 6,000 kilograms.



e.g. Can you weigh this letter for me please? 帮我称一下这封信吧

7. He wasn't sure if he could carry it any longer. But he couldn't leave it behind.


A not any longer (= no longer), not any more (=no more)

①no longer(= not…any longer),主要用来表示时间或距离的“不再”,意在对现在的情况和过



e.g. You are no longer a child. = You aren’t a child any longer.你已不再是个孩子了。

e.g. He no longer lives here. = He doesn’t live here any longer.他不再住这里了。

②no more(= not…any more),主要用来表示数量和程度,一般常修饰短暂性动词,指某动作不再重复

发生,它所表达的是never again或“没有更多”的含义。

e.g. The baby no more cried. = The baby didn’t cry any more.这个小孩不再哭了。

e.g. He is no more a student. = He is not a student any more.他不再是学生了。

B. leave behind 留下, 遗留

e.g. Do not leave behind any personal belongings. 请不要遗忘随身所带的物品。

e.g. Leave behind a clean world for future generations.留给下一代一个清洁的地球。

8. He had to take it with him. He put it back into his pack, rose to his feet and staggered on.

A. rise to one’s feet 站起来

B stagger 蹒跚,.摇晃, 错开

Para. 5 Page 147

9. His foot hurt, but it was nothing compared with his hunger, which made him go

on until darkness fell. His blanket was wet, but he knew only that he was hungry.


A. hurt vt 伤害 vi 疼(过去式 hurt, 过去分词 hurt)

e.g. Her legs hurt. 她的腿疼。

e.g. Her legs were hurt . 她的腿受伤了。

B. but it was nothing it 指前面出现过的事情 his foot hurt

C. compared with his hunger 与饥饿相比相当于一个条件状语从句。=if the hurt was compared with

his hunger. 这里是作状语。

e.g. Compared with many other women, she was indeed very fortunate.


另外compare…..with “与….相比”也能作谓语。

e.g. Was it fair to compare independent schools with state schools?...


e.g. Let's compare the translation with the original.让我们把译文和原文比较一下。

cf. compare…..to…把…比作,比成

e.g. I can only compare the experience to falling in love.


e.g. They all started to compare him to Lei Feng.他们都开始把他比作雷锋。

D. he knew only that he was hungry. 他只知道饿。

此处 only 修饰后面的从句。即:知道的只有饥饿

10。Through his restless sleep he dreamed of banquets and of food. The man woke up cold and sick, and found himself lost.


A. through prep.穿过, 凭借, 一直到restless焦躁不安的;不安宁的;得不到满足的

B. dream of doing something 梦想做某事

dream of something 梦想得到某事

e.g. I wouldn't dream of hurting you.我做梦也不会想到伤害你。

C the man woke up cold and sick 醒来感到又冷又难受, 两个形容词都修饰主语the man的,表示主语伴


e.g. He died young.英年早逝

e.g. I answered him.cold and sick at heart,我忍着身上的寒冷和心头的酸涩回答他。

11.But the small sack was still with him. As he dragged himself along, the sack became heavier and

heavier. 但小袋子还在身边。他拖着脚一步一步往前走,那袋子越来越沉。

A. with 表示随身携带,也可以是aboout , on

e.g. Do you have some money with/on/about you? 身上带钱没有?

B. drag along 缓慢行进, 进行过久,

e.g. He could hardly drag himself along. 他几无法再向前拖行。

e.g. You'll never get home if you drag along like this.


C. heavier and heavier 越来越沉两个比较级连用,表示“越来越……”

e.g. The weather is getting colder and colder 天气越来越冷了。

12.The man opened the sack, which was full of small pieces of gold. He left half the gold on a rock.


Para. 6 Page 147

13.Eleven days passed, days of rain and cold. One day he found the bones of a

deer. There was no meat on them. The man broke the bones and he sucked and chewed

on them like an animal.


14. Would he, too, be bones tomorrow? And why not? This was life.


A This was life : These things happen and must be expected and accepted.(生活中充满了喜怒哀乐,对


15. Only life hurt. There was no hurt in death. To die was to sleep.


16. Then why was he not ready to die? He, as a man, no longer strove. It was the life in him,

unwilling to die, that drove him on.


A. be ready to = get prepared to, be willing to 乐意,准备做某事

e.g. He packed up and was ready to go.他整理好行装准备出发。

e.g. We were ready to take the blame for what had happened.我们准备对所发生的事承担责任。

B It was the life in him,unwilling to die, that drove him on.


it was (is ) ….(+被强调部分) + that(物)/ who(m)(人) +其余部分强调句型。


e.g. 正常语序: I met my friend in the street yesterday. 可以对其中某些成分进行强调。

强调主语 I It was I who met my friend in the street yesterday.

强调宾语 my friend. It was my friend whom I met in the street yesterday.

强调地点状语 It was in the street that I met my friend.

强调事件状语 It was yesterday that I met my friend in the street.

强调句型与定语从句的区别:如果去掉强调句型的框架(it was(is)…that(who)..句子意思仍然完整,则是强调句型,如果去掉之后意思不完整,则是定语从句。

区别的作用是:如果是定语从句,关系代词有which, that, who, whose, whom 关系副词有where, when, why, 而强调句型的连词只有两个 that, who(m),这样就避免了选错词。

Para. 7 Page 147

17. One morning he woke up beside a river. Slowly he followed it with his eyes

and saw it emptying into a shining sea.


A. it 指前面提到的 river,

B say it ( the river) emptying into a shining sea.看到它(小河)流入发光的大海。

see sb./sth. doing 看到….正在…. 接v-ing ,则v-ing 的动作也前面的动词的动作同时发生。

e.g. I saw him crossing. 我看到他正在过街(saw 与cross 同时发生)

cf. I saw him cross.我看到他过街。


18. When he saw a ship on the sea, he closed his eyes. He knew there could be no ship, no sea, in this

land. A vision, he told himself.


A. could be no ship , 此处could (can) 表示推测一般用于否定,即“不可能”如果推测表示“可能,肯定,”

则用must, may might

e.g. It could not be an acceptable letter.. 那不可能是接受稿件的信。

e.g. The report could not be true.那报告不可能是真的。

e.g. You must be hungry.你肯定饿了。

B。 A vision, he told himself 省略句全句应该是 He told himself that it was vision.

19.He heard a noise behind him, and turned around. A wolf, old and sick, was coming slowly toward him.

This was real, he thought.


A noise,




20. The man turned back, but the sea and the ship were still there. He didn't understand. Had he been

walking north, away from the camp, toward the sea? He stood up and started slowly toward the ship, knowing full well the sick wolf was following him.



A。had he been walking north, away ……

had been doing 过去完成进行时表示过去某段时间一直在进行的动作。

e.g. They demanded to know what I had been doing.他们要求知道我一直在干什么。

B. knowing full well非常明白,清楚 full adv= very

21.In the afternoon, he found some bones of a man. Beside the bones was a small sack of gold, like his

own. 那天下午,他发现了一些人骨,在这些骨头旁边有一小袋金子,和他自己的很相象。

22.So Bill had carried his gold to the end. He would carry Bill's gold to the ship. Ha-ha! He would have

the last laugh on Bill. His laughing sounded like the low cry of an animal. The wolf cried back.


A. to the end to the end到底,始终,到最后;到头

e.g. He remains an anticipant to the end.


e. g.She was hopeful to the very end.她至死怀着希望。

e.g. We must carry the experiment through to the end, not give up halfway.


B. have the last laugh on sb.笑在最后;取得最后胜利

e.g.She smiled shyly, because she knew she would have the last laugh on them.


C The wolf cried back那只狼也叫了一声。 cry back 回应

e.g.If you cry to it, it cry back to you.你哭泣面对它,它就会对你哭泣。

23.The man stopped suddenly and turned away. How could he laugh about Bill's bones and take his gold?


A laugh about /over:以回忆、看到或谈论某事而取笑

e.g. In years to come we'll laugh about this, though it doesn't seem funny now.


cf. laugh at 嘲笑某人

Para. 8 Page 148

24.The man was very sick, now. He crawled about, on hands and knees. He had lost everything - his blanket,

his gun, and his gold. Only the wolf stayed with him hour after hour.


A. crawl kr??l] move forward on your hands and knees. 缓慢的爬行

B. stay with (informal) continue to pay attention to

25.At last he could go on no further. He fell. The wolf came close to him, but the man was ready. He

got on top of the wolf and held its mouth closed. Then he bit it with his last strength. The wolf's blood streamed into his mouth.


A. go on 继续

B further 更远,更前方

C. close to 靠近 cf. next to 相邻

D. held 动词原形为 hold使……保持(某种状态)

hold its mouth closed 不让嘴张开(掐住嘴)

E. stream v流出;涌出

26. Only love of life gave him enough strength. He held the wolf with his teeth and killed it, then he

fell on his back and slept.


A fell on one's back 四脚朝天 fall 动词原形 fell 过去式 fallen 过去分词

fall on one’s side 侧身倒下

fall on one’s stomach 趴下

Para. 9 Page 148

27.The men on the ship saw a strange object lying on the beach. It was moving toward them-perhaps twenty

feet an hour. The men went over to look and could hardly believe it was a man.


Para. 10 Page 148

28.Three weeks later, when the man felt better, he told them his story. But there was one strange thing-he

seemed to be afraid that there wasn't enough food on the ship.


A feel better 感觉好些了

29.The men also noticed that he was getting fat. They gave him less food, but still he grew fatter with

each day.


A grow fat 发胖 grow link-v 联系动词变得

30.Then one day they saw him put a lot of bread under his shirt. They examined his bed and found food

under his blanket. The men understood. He would recover from it, they said.


A. recover from 从….恢复,复原

Jack London 杰克·伦敦(人名)

Bill 比尔(人名)

The Hudson Bay Company 哈得孙湾公司

1. struggle to one’s feet (挣扎着)站起来

2.wait for 等待

3.wake up 醒来


5.dream of 梦见;梦想

6.turn back 回到原处

7.empty into 注入,流入

8.turn around 转身

9.recover from (从疾病等)恢复过来

10.be on hands and knees 四肢着地伏在地上

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ce837376.html,pared with 与……相比

e.g. Compared with that of the other students ,your pronunciation is beautiful.

12.be afraid of sth./sb. 害怕(某物或某人)

e.g. I’m afraid of the dog. 怕狗

13. be afraid (that) 担心,恐怕

I’m afraid (that) he won’t come today.担心他不会来

14.be afraid of doing sth. 担心,惟恐

I’m afraid of hurting her.担心伤着她

I’m afaid to walk in the dark.害怕

15.no longer /not…any longer不再,再也不

e.g. He couldn’t wait any longer.

e.g. I’m no longer afraid.


(一)动词句型 7


e.g. I love you.

e.g. I believe him.

e.g. Anderson had a beautiful high, clear voice.

(二) Questions on the Text 回答课文问题P158


1. Where were the two men when the story begins? What do you think they had been doing? Where were

they going?

The two men were walking slowly through the shallow water of a stream.

They had been walking for a long time. And they were on their way to the camp.

2. Why do you think Bill didn’t stop or look back when the other man called him?

Because Bill only wanted to take his gold back home . He didn’t care about the man.

3. The man was worried when he was left alone in the empty land, wasn’s he ?Why or why not?

No, he wasn’t. Because he knew the way to the camp, where he could find food and bullets.

4. What was in the man’s sack? Did he keep it or leave behind? Why?

The gold was in his sack. He kept it. He wanted to take it with him.

5. The man was having a hard time, wasn’t he? What problems did he have? What was the biggest problem?

What did he do to satisfy his hunger?

Yes, he was. His problem is that his foot hurt and he was hungry. Hunger was the biggest problem.

In order to satisfy his hunger, he broke the bones of a dead deer and he suched and chewed on them like an animal.

6. One day when he saw a ship on the sea, he thought the ship was real, didn’t he? Why or why not?

It wasn’t a vision, was it?

No, he didn’t.

He thought what he saw was only a vision because he believed that he had been moving away from the sea. In fact he did see a ship on the sea. It was real, not a vision.

7:How did he feel when he saw bones of a man? Why? How did he know they were Bill’s bones? What did he decide to do?

In Love of Life, the man felt pleased when he saw the bones of a man.

He knew they were Bill’s bones because he saw Bill’s sack of gold beside the

bones.He decided to take Bill’s gold away.

8:Why did he suddenly stop laughing about the bones?

The man in Love of Life suddenly stopped laughing about the bones

because he realized it was wrong to feel pleased to the death of his friend and

take his gold.

9 What sort of wolf was following him all the time? What for?

It was an old and sick wolf. It was hungry and wanted to eat him.

10:Who was stronger, the man or the wolf? How do you know?

Physically both the man and the wolf were sick ,hungry and weak. It was hard to say who was stronger.

love of life gave him strength and made him stronger. So in their life-and –death struggle, the man killed the wolf with his teeth.

11. How was the man finally saved? Did he have enough food to eat on the ship? Why was he still


The men from a ship found him on the beach and moved him to the ship.

Yes, he did. But as he couldn’t forget about his terrible experience of hunger, he was afraid that he might go hungry again.

12. What does the title “Love of Life” mean? How did the man show that he loved life?

Life is the most precious thing in the world. If we love life, we will be able to face difficulties and hardships. Love of life will give us strength to fight our difficulties. The man in the story never gave up hope in bad situations. He did all he could to stay alive. Only a man who loves life can do all that he did.

(三) Written Work

Translate the following passage into English.


1. 在朋友弃他而走之后,故事里的那个人孤零零地留在荒原上。

The man in the story was alone in the empty land after his friends left him.

2. 他面临着许多困难。

“面临困难--be faced with”

He was faced with many difficulties.

3. 首先,他的脚疼,不过比起饥饿来说那算不了什么。

First, his foot hurt, but it was nothing compared with his hunger.



He ate wild berries and chewed on animal bones.

5. 当他认识到生命比金子更重要时,他把他那一口袋金子扔了。

“把……扔掉throw away”

When he realized that life was more important than gold he threw his gold away.

6. 好多天过去了,他病得很厉害。他已经不能走动,只能靠四肢在地上爬。

Many days passed, he was seriously ill. He could no longer walk / he couldn’t

walk any longer,and he could only crawl on hands and knees.


But he didn’t give up any hope, love of life supported him. He was finally

found and he was finally discovered by the men in the ship.

(四)Vocabulary Exercises 词汇练习




play 玩耍(v.)→玩耍(n.)

study 学习(v.)→学习;书房(n.)

answer 回答,答复(v.)→答复;答案(n.)


mail 信件,邮包(n.)→邮寄(v.)

cash 现金(n.)→把……兑成现金(v.)

cheat (n.)骗子 cheat (v.)欺骗

bottle (n.)瓶子 bottle (v.)装瓶



cheat n 欺诈,欺骗 vt 骗取,榨取

desire n 愿望,心愿 vt. 想往,期望

love n 爱,热爱 v 爱戴,热爱

walk n 步行,散步 v 走路,散步

work n 工作,劳动 v 工作,劳动

2) bottle n 瓶子,酒瓶 v 把….装入瓶子

floor n 地面,地板 v 在…..铺地板,击败

skin n 皮,皮肤 vt. 剥….皮 vi. (伤口)愈合

knife n 刀子 vt. 切割 vi. 劈开,穿过

bycicle v 自行车,脚踏车 vi 骑自行车




He walked out of the room, turned back, and waited for his wife.


The students seem to be afraid of their new teacher.


We don’t have enough time, so we can no longer wait.


He struggled on his feet and left without a word.


“在海外、在国外----abroad”,“在国内——at home / domestic”

When he was abroad, he often dreamed of his home town----the river, their

house and their vegetable garden.



When he was small boy, he dreamed of being a pilot, at last he became a football player.


“长江The Yangtze River / The Long River”

“清华Qsing hua”

The Long River is the longest river in China, it empties into east China sea.



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