当前位置:文档之家› 10kV架空线系统的防雷电技术研究






【摘要】With the rapid socio-economic development,people's living standards continue to improve,the requirements for the safe operation of the grid system and stability is increasing.The 10kV overhead transmission lines is a network structure is very complex system,with a low level of insulation characteristics,and thus very easily lead to some lightning accident,we must be highly valued.Erection of 10kV overhead transmission lines in the process,we must fully with the actual local situation and take appropriate lightning protection technology and measures to ensure the safety and stability of the power supply, the electricity to people's lives to provide reliable protection.%随着社会经济的快速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,对于电网系统运行安全性与稳定性的要求越来越高。而10kV架空输电线路是一个网络结构非常复杂系统,具有绝缘水平低的特点,进而非常容易导致出现一些雷电事故,一定要予以高度重视。在10kV架空输电线路搭设的过程中,一定要充分结合当地的实际情况,采取适当的防雷电技术与措施,保证其供电的安全性与稳定性,为人们的生活用电提供可靠的保障。



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