当前位置:文档之家› 试题类——06拍卖英语






1. a uctio n [名词]拍卖

a uctio n trade拍卖(行)业

2. lo t [名词]拍卖品/一份儿/一批a uctio n ite ms

3. b id[名词/动词]出价/叫价/应价

4. s o ld[动词]成交

5. p a ss[动词]拍回,流标


6. s e lle r (clie nt )[名词]卖家,委托人

7. b id de r (cus to me r) [名词]竞买人,出价人

8. b uye r (p urchase r 、ve nde e) [名词] 买家,买受人

9. a uctio ne e r (auction ma ste r ) [名词]拍卖师、拍卖人

a uctio nee rs拍卖行、拍卖人

the auction ho use(co mp any / fa ir )


10. ve hicles[名词]机动车

11. rea l es ta te房地产,不动产

12. wo rks o f a rt 艺术品

13. b ankrup t e nte rp rise破产企业

14. p rod uct se lling rig ht 产品经销权

15. p ate nt [名词]专利

16. cultura l re lics文物

17. p ub lic p ro pe rty 公物

18. intang ib le as se ts无形资产


19. p ub licity (o p e nne ss) [名词]公开

20. fa irne ss[名词]公平

21. jus tice[名词]公正

* g oo d fa ith诚实信用


22. Eng lis h s yste m 英格兰式

23. Dutch s ys te m 荷兰式

24. s ta rting p rice起拍价

25. ha mme r p rice(purchase p rice) 落槌价(成交价)

26. res e rve p rice保留价,底价


27. a b se ntee b id委托竞标

b id d ing p ad d le竞买号牌

28. a uctio n a nn ounce me nt 拍卖公告

a uctio n ca lenda r 拍卖日期

a uctio n lo ca tio n(s) 拍卖地点

a uctio n re sults拍卖结果

29. a uctio n co ntra ct 委托拍卖合同

30. a uctio n w ith rese rve有底价拍卖

31. a uctio n w itho ut rese rve(abs o lute auction) (no rese rve auction) 无底价拍卖(绝对拍卖)

32. b us ines s co nd ition s(the te rms a nd cond itio ns o f the s a le/auction)

业务规定(约定)/ 拍卖规则

a uctio n no tice拍卖须知

32. d is p la y [动词] [名词]展示

33. vie w ing看样

time a nd p la ce fo r d is p la y o f the ob je cts o f a uctio n标的展示时间和地点35. co nfis ca te[动词]没收充公

co nfis ca te d p rope rtie s缉私罚没的财产

36. de fe ct [名词]瑕疵

37. de po s it [名词]保证金

38. d isp os ition[名词]处置

39. e ntrus t [动词]委托

40. o ffe r [动词][名词]报价

41. ow n [动词]拥有/所有o w ne rless[形容词]无主的

42. p re mium (co mmis s ion) [名词]佣金

43. p rice lis t价格目录/ 价格单

44. p ro pe rty eva luatio n(app ra isa l) 资产评估

* the a pp ra isa l institutio n评估机构

45. p urchas e co nfirma tion成交确认书

46. p urchas ed lot成交物品/ 拍定物

47. sa le p ro cee ds成交价款/ 拍卖收益

48. s ca le[名词](竞价)阶梯

49. the Auction Law o f the Peo p le’s Rep ub lic o f C hina中华人民共和国拍卖法

50. trans fe r p ro ce dures过户手续

51. g ood s[名词]商品/物品/拍品

52. ca ta log ue[名词]拍卖目录

53. re g is te r [动词]注册/登记

54. we lco me[动词]欢迎

55. p re fe r [动词]喜欢,偏爱

56. ho ld[动词]主持/召开/掌控

57. be loo king fo rwa rd to希望…

58. g ood luck 好运

59. co ng ratula tions[名词]祝贺

60. ce rtifica te[名词]证件/证书

61. is s ue[动词]发布/刊发

62. p a y [动词]支付/付款

63. a rra nge[动词]约定/安排

64. s o urce[名词](标的)来源

65. d is clo se[动词]公开/揭发(秘密)

66. info rma tio n[名词]信息/资料

67. d e live r [动词]移交/交付

68. e xp la in[动词]解释

69. the rig ht 权利e njo y 享有…b e in d is pute…有争议

the rig ht o f owene rship所有权

the rig ht o f d is pos ition处分权

the rig ht o f use使用权

70. the co mmis s ion ra te佣金比例

71. cha rg es[名词]费用/支出


C AA (C hina Ass o cia tion o f Auctio nee rs) 中国拍卖行业协会

IA (Inte rna tio na l Ass o cia tion o f Auctio nee rs)国际拍卖行业协会(1993年)

NAA(The Natio na l Auctio nee rs Ass o ciation )美国国家拍卖师协会

73. the laws a nd re gula tio ns法律法规

74. a b ide(b y…) [动词]遵守/服从

75. the re la tio ns hip利益/权益

76. ins p e ct [动词]查看/查验/踏勘

77. s ig n[动词]签字/签署

78. the ind ividua l 个人

79. d o me stic res ide nts境内人士/国内居民

80. re s ide nts ab roa d境外人士/国外居民

81. ID (the Identifica tion Ca rd) 居民身份证

82. p a ssp o rt [名词](公民)护照

83. ra is e[动词]抬起/举起(号牌)

84. o n the s po t当场/现场

85. de ny [动词]反悔/否定

So theb y's苏富比(索斯比)拍卖行(Sa mue l Ba ke r 1744年在伦敦成立)

James Chris tie


C hristie's佳士得拍卖行

(Ja me s C hris tie 1766年在伦敦成立)


拍卖师主持拍卖会是离不开数字的。首先,拍卖师应当熟练掌握最基本的1-----100数字的英文表达。其次,要熟悉英文的数字表达法,从后往前,每三位数打一个逗号。还是从前往后面数,第一个逗号读做tho usa nd;第二个逗号读做millio n;第三个逗号读做b illio n。所以一般说来,最复杂的情况也无非就是几百几十几个tho usa nd millio n或b illio n。

1-10 o ne two three four five s ix se ve n e ight nine ten

11-20 e le ven twe lve thirtee n fo urtee n fiftee n s ixte en s e ventee n e ig ht ee n ninete en twenty

21-99 twe nty-o ne twenty-two…

thirty fo rty fifty s ixty se ve nty e ighty ninety-nine

100 o ne hund red

120 o ne(hund red) twe nty

140 o ne(hund red) fo rty

1,000o ne tho usa nd

1,100o ne tho usa nd(a nd) o ne hund re d或e le ve n hund re d

10,000te n tho usa nd

11,500e le ven tho usa nd(and) five hund red

12,000twe lve thousa nd

100,000o ne hund re d tho usa nd

110,000o ne hund re d(a nd) ten thousa nd

11,000,000one millio n

10,000,000te n millio n

100,000,000o ne hund re d millio n

有时,为简便起见,拍卖师有时对数字的提出与日常方式有别,例:“1600”报成“one t housa nd a nd s ix”,而日常应该是“1006”;“4200”报成“fo rty-two hund re d”;“1 10”报成“one te n”;等等。这是因为参与拍卖的人员对竞价阶梯等内容都很清楚,所以不会出现误解。





Go od mo rning lad ies a nd ge ntle men, w e lco me to the a uctio n o f our co mpa ny. I’m *** ,the na tiona l re g is te re d a uctio nee r w ith the numb e r o f 168.t his is my ce rtifica te. It’s my g rea t ho no r to ho ld the auctio n. The re w ill b e10 lo ts to be s o ld w hich a re sub je ct to o ur cata lo gue in your ha nds. I’m lo o king fo rwa rd to your b idd ing a ctive ly fo r the g ood s you p re fe rred. And I’m w ish you goo d luck!

(1)the a uction o f o ur co mp any 也可翻译成:the sa le o f o ur co mpa ny


(2)It’s my g rea t ho no r to ho ld toda y’s a uction a s t he registered a uc tioneer of Chi na.

我是国家注册拍卖师,很荣幸为大家主持今天的拍卖会。t he reg istered auc tio n eer of China 也可翻译成:the nationa l re g is te re d a uctio nee r

(3)The re w ill b e10lots to be s o ld in this auction. 本场拍卖共有10个编号


(4)And now le t us be g in w ith lot 1. Lo t 1,we start at R MB¥1,000.

下面我们就从一号拍品拍起。第一号拍品,起拍价为人民币1000元。we start at RM B¥1,000也可翻译成:We op en a t RMB¥1,000或we a re sta rting a t RMB¥1, 000

(5)Any bid?RM B¥1,000appears now, a ny more bid?


Any bi d?还可以翻成:

Who’ll b id fo r it?

RMB¥1,000appears now, a ny more bi d? 还可以翻成:

We ha ve RMB¥1,000 now, any mo re b id?

RMB¥1,000 now, a ny o the r b id?

RMB¥1,000 now, Any mo re?

(6)¥4000, ¥6000, ¥8000, now¥8000 o ve r the re, no more bi d ? 4000元,6000元,8000元,现在那边有人出价8000元,没有人再加价了吗?

no more bi d ? 还可以翻成:

no mo re fo r it ?

(7)¥8000first, ¥8000second, las t cha nce, s old.Yo ur numbe r ,s ir(ma d a m)?¥8000 so ld to b idde r No.168.C ong ra tula tio ns!


¥8000first, ¥8000second, last c hance, sold.还可以翻成:

C a lling once, ca lling tw ice, las t ca lling(ca ll).第一次,第二次,最后一次!

So ld.成交!

Yo ur numbe r, s ir (ma d a m)?先生(女士),请您再亮一下号牌.

¥800 so ld to b id de r No.168.该标的以800元的价格卖给了168号先生(女士).




Lo t I, we a re s ta rting a t ¥100.第一号拍品,我们要以100元起拍.

Lo t I, we s ta rt a t ¥100.第一号拍品,我们以100元起拍.

No.I, we o pen at ¥100.一号拍品,我们以100元开拍.


Any b id?有人应价吗?

Who’ll b id fo r it?谁要为此出价?

(3)如果此时已经有人出价到200元,在等待新的报价出现时,拍卖师可以重复这一价位:We ha ve¥200 now.现在有人出价200元。

¥200 ap pea rs now.200元出现了。

¥200 now.现在是200元。

¥200 so meb od y.有人出价200元。

(4)有时为了避免使这种重复显得过分单调,可以不时采用一些稍长的句子。比如:¥1.800 o ve r the re.那边有人出价1800元。

¥2,500 in the mid d le o f the roo m.中间有人出价2500元。

¥9,900 in the b a ck o f the ro o m.后面有人出9900元。

¥10,000 in the fro nt o f the roo m. 前面有人出价10000元。

¥12,000 o n my le ft now. 在我左边有人出价12000元。

¥13,500 o n my rig ht now.在我右边有人出价13500元。

¥15,000,on t he te le phone now.电话中有人竞价15000元。


Any mo re b id?还有人应价吗?

Any mo re?还有吗?

Any o the r b id?还有其他竞价吗?

No mo re fo r it?没有人再加价了吗?

How a bo ut ¥400?400元怎么样?


¥1,000 firs t, ¥1,000 se co nd, las t cha nce.1000元第一次,1000元第两次,最后一次机会!

C a lling once, ca lling tw ice, las t ca lling(ca ll).第一次,第二次,最后一次!




1. Auctio n, a p ub lic s a le o f p ro pe rty to the highes t b idd e r.


2. The No Rese rve Auction, is that the a uctio nee r doe s no t g ive the s ta rti ng p rice; the b idde rs o ffe r the ir b ids o ra lly a nd the la st b idde rs is the p u rchas e r.


3. Auctio n W ith Rese rve, an auction in w hich the se lle r o r his a ge nt rese r ves the right to e stab lish a minimum b id, to a ccep t o r re je ct a ny a nd a ll b id s and to w ithd raw the p ro pe rty a t any time p rio r to the a nnounce me n t o f the co mp le tio n o f the sa le b y the a uctio nee r.


4. In Eng lis h s ys te m, the b id de rs kee p ra is ing the ir b ids, the las t b idd e r i s the s ucce ss fu l b uye r. ”


5. In Dutch s yste m, the a uctionee r s ta rts a t a hig h p rice and the n de crea se success ive ly until a n o ffe r is a cce pte d.



* 拍卖师应具备的条件

1.Ha ving a junio r co lle ge o r highe r ed uca tio n le ve l a nd spe cia lized know le

d g

e o

f the a uctio n bus ine ss.


2.Ha ve wo rked in a uctio n e nte rp rise fo r tw o yea rs o r lo ng e r.


3.Be o f g ood chara cte r. 品行良好。

* 拍卖师的权利

1.An a uctio nee rs ha s the rig ht to re q uire clie nts to e xp la in the so urce o f the auction ite ms and a ny de fe cts.


2.The s e lle r and b uye r ma y a rra nge the co mmis s io n ra te w ith the a uctio n house.


3.If a dea l is no t co ncluded, the a uctio n ho use ma y co lle ct the ag reed ch

a rges fro m the se lle r. If the re is no ag re e me nt a

b out the cha rge s, the au ctio n ho use ma y co lle ct reaso na b le a uctio n cha rges fro m the client.


* 拍卖师的义务(略P556-557)


1. P ro pe rties fo rb idde n fo r sa le b y the na tiona l laws, re gulatio ns a nd

p o licies.


2. P ro pe rties whose rig ht o f use o r owne rs hip is i n d is pute.


3. P ro pe rties whose d is posa l rig ht is limite d o r in d isp ute.


4. P ro pe rties e xp ro p ria te d b y the ad minis tra tive law e nfo rce me nt o rgan s o r jud icia l o rga ns.


5. P ro pe rties which should be d ispo sed o r so ld during the law enfo rce me nt o f the law e xe cutive o rgans o r the jud icia l a ctivi tie s o f the jud icia l o rga ns.


6. C o nfis cated p rop e rties. 缉私没收的财产.

7. P ro pe rties which a re confirme d b y the laws as ow ne rless.



1. I’ll g ive yo u the fo llow ing ins tructio ns b e fo re the a ctua l s a le.


2. Tho se who inte nd to b id in our auctio n sha ll s atis fy the fo llow ing r

e quire ments


3. The ind ividua l s ha ll reg is te r a nd ge t the b id d ing pad d le be fo re the

a ctua l sa le.


4. Do me s tic re s ide nts s ha ll reg is te r w ith ide ntifica tio n C a rd a nd res ide nts ab road w ith p ass po rt.


5. W hen ma king a b id, you ca n ra ise your pa dd le o r g ive yo ur o ffe r hig he r than the a uctio nee r’ s o ra lly .


6. The b uye r hims e lf mus t s ig n the P urcha se C onfirma tio n on the s po t.


7. O nce the buye r has pa id the to ta l a mount in cas h a nd on the sp ot,

d e live ry ma y be ma de.

买受人当场向本公司以现金付清全部款额后, 即可提货.

8. The buye r owns the lot (s) and e njo ys the right o f owne rship, the rig ht o f d isp os itio n a nd rig ht o f use.


9. The buye r sha ll no t d eny the b id o ffe re d, b ut the b id w ill a uto ma ti ca lly lo se b ind ing fo rce w he n the re is a highe r b id.


10. Whe ne ve r a p rice is kno cked down, it has le ga l e ffe cts and nobo d y s h

a ll de ny it. 拍卖一经成交,买卖双方均不得反悔.


拍卖英语虽不是考试的重点,但估计有5分左右的比例,假如你英语口语好的话,可以在拍卖技巧面试上一展风采,而且应该是有加分的。重点要复习一下教材《拍卖通论》中“拍卖英语”部分之“第二节拍卖英语相关知识P554-558 ”及熟悉《拍卖法》的英语版(P 559-572)。





1、“落槌价”用英语翻译为:ha mme r / p urchase p rice;“流标”的英语表示为:pa s s.

2、“And now le t us be g in w ith lot1”所表示的中文意思是:现在让我们从1号拍品拍起。

3、“How ab out ¥400?”所表示的中文意思是:400元怎么样?

4、拍卖参与方中的“委托人”、“拍卖师”、“竞买人”、“买受人”用英语表示分别是:se l le r、auctio nee r 、b id de r 、buye r / p urchase r .

5、“o ne tho usa nd and thre e hund re d”所表示的中文意思是:1,300

6、“¥3,900 o ve r the re. ”所表示的中文意思是:那边有人出价3,900元。

7、“¥2,300 s o ld to b idde r No.188.”所表示的中文意思是:该标的以2,300元的价格卖给了第188号。

8、拍卖人应在拍卖日7日前发布拍卖(公告)Anno unce ment (用英语填写括号中的词)。

9、如果要问“有人应价吗?”你可以用英语简单回答为:Any b id?

10、“The a uctio nee rs sha ll ta ke ca re o f the lots entrus ted b y the se lle r.”


11、“Auction, a p ub lic s a le o f p rope rty to the hig hes t b idd e r.”把其翻译成汉语:拍卖,就是把财产卖给出价最高的竞买人的一种公开的销售方式。

12、“The auctionee rs s ha ll is sue the a uctio n a nno unce me nt 7 da ys be fo re t he a uctio n.”把其翻译成汉语:拍卖人应在拍卖日7日以前发布公告。

13、“起拍价”用英语表示为:sta rting p rice

14、“The b uye r hims e lf mus t s ign the P urchase C onfirma tio n o n the s po t.”把其翻译成汉语:买受人必须当场亲自签署成交确认书。

15、“An auctio nee r has the right to re quire clients to e xp la in the s ource o

f the a uctio n ite ms a nd a ny d e fe cts.”把其翻译成汉语:拍卖人有权要求委托人说明拍卖标的的来源和瑕疵。

16、“Ca lling o nce, ca lling tw ice, las t ca lling(ca ll).”把其翻译成汉语:第一次,第二次,最后一次。

17、我是(中国注册拍卖师)the re g is te re d a uctio nee r o f C hina,很荣幸为大家主持今天的(拍卖会)a uctio n 。(用英语翻译括号内的汉语)

18、“In Eng lis h s yste m, the b id de rs keep ra is ing the ir b id s, the las t b id de r is the s uccess ful buye r. ”把其翻译成汉语:在英格兰式下,竞买人不断提高竞价,最后的竞买人即为买受人。

19、“Do me stic re s ide nts s ha ll reg is te r w ith Ide ntifica tio n Ca rd a nd re s ident s a b ro ad w ith pas spo rt.”把其翻译成汉语:买方属境内人士须凭本人公民之居民身份证,境外人士须凭护照办理身份登记。

20、“The No Rese rve Auctio n, is tha t the a uctionee r do se not g ive the s ta rting p rice; the b idde rs o ffe r the ir b ids o ra lly and the las t b idde rs is the

p urcha se r. ”把其翻译成汉语:无底价拍卖,即拍卖师不宣布起叫价,由竞买人叫价,以


21、“In Dutch s ys te m, the auctionee r s ta rts a t a high p rice and the n d e cr ea se s ucce ss ive ly until a n o ffe r is a cce p ted. ”把其翻译成汉语:在荷兰式下,拍卖师以一个高价位起叫,然后不断降低报价,直到有人应价,第一个应价的即为买受人。



A、e le ven hund red and fiveB、tw e lve tho usa nd and five

C、e le ven tho usa nd a nd five hund redD、e le ven millio n a nd five hund r

e d

2、“w o rks o f a rt”的汉语意思是哪个?(A)



A、a uctio n w ith rese rveB、a uctio n w itho ut rese rve

C、a uctio n contra ctD、p rice lis t

4、“rese rve p rice”所表示的中文意思是(C)


5、“ha mme r p rice”所表示的中文意思是(B)



A、b id de r B、jus ticeC、so ldD、pass


A、o ne hund red a nd twe nty B、o ne tho usa nd and tw o hund re d

C、twe lve thousandD、e le ven hund red


A、Any b id?B、Yo ur numbe r, se r?C、Any mo re b id?D、Las t ca lling


A、Pas sB、So ldC、Bidde r?D、Purcha se r


A、b uye r B、se lle r C、auctio nee r D、b idde r


A、a uctio nee r B、p urchas e r C、buye r D、s e lle r


A、1 tho usa ndB、o ne millio nC、te n thousandD、ten millio n

13、“Be o f g ood chara cte r.”译成汉语是(C)


14、“在拍卖中,拍卖师应对参与竞买者表现出高度的职业精神与尊重。”可译为(A )

A. In co nducting a n auctio n, the auctionee r mus t d ea l w ith cus to me rs in ma nne r e xhib iting the hig hes t s ta nda rds o f p ro fes s io na lis m and res pe ct.

B. An a uctione e r mus t ma inta in ab so lute fide lity to clie nt and the clie nt’s inte res ts.

C. An auctio nee r is d uty bo und a t a ll time s a b id e b y the laws a nd reg ula tio ns go ve rning his p ro fess ion in a ll juris d iction in w hich he co nd ucts his

p ra ctice.

D. The auctionee rs s ha ll not b id fo r the lo ts auctioned b y the mse lves.

15、“fa irness”所表示的中文意思是(D)


16、“de fe ct”所表示的中文意思是(C)



A、P rop e rties whose d is pose d right is limite d o r in d isp ute.

B、P rop e rties e xp ro p ria te d b y the ad minis tra tive law e nfo rce ment o rga ns o r jud icia l o rg ans.

C、P ro pe rties w hich a re confirme d b y the laws as owne rless.


A、﹩9,900 in the mid d le o f the roo m.

B、﹩9,900 in the front o f the r o o m.

C、﹩9,900 in the ba ck o f the roo m.



A、se lle r B、b uye r C、p urchase r D、b id de r

2、表示“第一号拍品的起拍价为1,000元.”可以有以下几种说法( A、 B 、C)

A. Lo t 1,we a re s ta rting a t ¥1,000

B. Lo t 1,we s ta rt a t¥1,000

C.No.1,we ope n a t ¥1,000

D. ¥1,000a p pea rs now

3、在最后成交落槌前,拍卖师要有三次报价。用英语表示“最后一次机会”可以有以下几种说法表达( B 、D )

A. ca lling o nce

B. la s t cha nce

C. ca lling tw ice

D. la s t ca lling

4、英语表示“现在有人出价2000元,还有人加价吗?”可以用以下哪几种方式表达?( A、 B 、D )

A. We ha ve¥2,000 now, any mo re b id?

B. ¥2,000 a ppea rs now, any m o re b id?

C. How a bout ¥2,000 ?any b id?

D. ¥2,000 now, any o the r b id?

5、在最后成交落槌前,拍卖师要有三次报价,以提醒出价者抓住最后时机。假如现在价位是800元,那么你的“三次报价”可以有以下几种方式表达( B 、D )

A. ¥800 ap pea rs now, ¥800 a ppe a rs now, ¥800 ap pea rs now.

B. ¥800 firs t, ¥800 se co nd, las t cha nce.

C. ¥800 o ve r the re, ¥800 o ve r the re, how abo ut ¥800

D. ca lling o nce,ca lling tw ice,las t ca lling

6、表示“请问有人出价”可以用以下哪几种方式表达?( A、C)

A. W ho’ll b id fo r it?

B. How abo ut ¥800?

C. Any b id?

D. Any mo re?

7、拍卖的基本原则包括下列哪几条?(A、B、D )

A. p ub licity

B. fa irne ss

C. ow ne rle ss

D. jus tice

8、表示“请问有人出价2,000元,还有人加价吗?”可用以下哪几种方法?( A、B 、D )

A. We ha ve¥2,000 now, any mo re b id?

B. ¥2,000 a ppea rs now, any m o re b id?

C. How a bout ¥2,000 ?any b id?

D. ¥2,000 now, any o the r b id?

9、下面哪几项可以作为拍卖标的进行拍卖?(B、C、D )

A、co nfis cate d p rope rties

B、p a tent


D、w o rks o f a rt


A、Dutch s yste m

B、ha mme r p rice

C、Eng lish s ys te m

D、s ta rting p r ice

11、拍卖过程中,如果有人已经出价到200元,在等待新的报价出现时,拍卖师可以重复这一价位。具体来说,可以用以下哪几种表达方法?( A、C、D )

A. We ha ve¥200 now

B. Ho w abo ut ¥200

C. ¥200 a ppea rs now

D. ¥200 s o me bo d y

12、如果拍卖师想进一步邀请应买人加价,他以用以下哪几种表达方法?( A、B、C、

D )

A. Any o the r b id?

B. No mo re b id?

C. No mo re fo r it?

D. Any mo re b id?

13、“成交价”可以用以下哪几种表达方法?( A、C)

A. ha mme r p rice

B. re se rve p rice

C. purcha se p rice

D. s ta rting p ric e

14、下面四个词中哪几个是表示数量的?(B、C、D )

A. d e fe ct

B. hund red

C. thousand

D. mi llio n


A、o ne thousand a nd o ne hund redB、o ne hund re d and ten

C、e le ven tho usa ndD、e le ven hund red


英语模拟试题(一) 二、语言知识运用(共两小节,计20分) 第一节:单项填空(共10小题,计10分) 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 16. —Who’s ________ young man with long hair? —He’s a friend of mine. A. a B. the C. an D. \ 17. —How do you study for a test ? —I study ________ working with a group. A. in B. by C. at D. on 18. —________ do you go for a trip with your family? — About once a year. A. How often B. How soon C. How much D. How long 19. —Would you like some coffee or tea? —________. Water is OK. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All 20. Jim came home late last night, ________? A. is he B. doesn’t he C. did he D. didn’t he 21. The young man used to drive to work, but he is used to________ to work now. A. walking B. walked C. walks D. walk 22. —What a beautiful factory! I want to work in it. —Well, workers ________ very much here. A. need B. are needing C. are needed D. will need 23. —Can I park my car here? —No, look at the sign. Which sign does the second speaker refer to (指)? A B C D 24. His father likes going hiking. ________. A. So does his mother B. So is his mother C. So his mother is D. So his mother does 25. Our teacher told us the sun ________ in the east. A. rise B. rose C. rising D. rises 第二节:完形填空(共10小题,计10分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Water is the 26 of all the things we eat and drink. Not many people understand this but 27 quite true. The human(人类) body can go without 28 for a long time. We’ve got many examples for this. Yet two 29 three days without water can usually make people 30 . A person can’t live31 water. Many people don’t understand how32 water the human body needs 33 work well, and many people, especially young people, do not drink enough, 34 in very hot weather. Our body has mostly water, about 65% to 75%. That is to say about two thirds of our body is water. When we do sports, some of the water will get away from our body. 35 we don’t drink some water, we won’t have enough water. And if we don’t have enough water, we’ll feel tired and many of us will get ill. So you know how important water is to us. 26. A. important B. most important C. more important D. different 27. A. it’s B. its C. it D. is 28. A. food B. water C. drink D. meat 29. A . so B. And C. But D. or 30. A. to die B. die C. to died D. died 31. A. have B. with C. without D. in 32. A. many B. much C. little D. few 33. A. and B. the C. / D. to 34. A. even B. ever C. almost D. hardly 35. A. If B. For C. Since D. Because 三、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A Americans are very direct(直接的)people. When they want something they say “yes” and when they don’t


二年级道德与法治期末考试试卷分析 袁庄乡中心小学二.一班李喜玲 一、试卷的评价 (一)试卷的基本情况 《道德与法治》考试时间为60分钟。本学科期末考试的题型填空题、选择题、辨析题、连线题、简答题,这五个部分组成。 (二)试卷的基本特点 1、基础性强。试题立足于基础知识,与学生的生活和学习密切相关,以重点知识来设计题目。重在考查学生对道德法制基础知识的掌握情况。 2、标高适度。基于目前小学生的学习能力,试卷没出现较大的偏题、怪题。整卷的试题难度应该说是比较适中的。 3、题目设计具有简明性。题意指向明确,题目的表述较清楚,简单明了,学生审题时一目了然。 二、试卷成绩情况 这张试卷主要考察小学二年级上册道德与法制的内容。从总体考试成绩来看,班平均分87.9,优秀率65%,及格率为96.8%, 三、针对考试内容进行分析 1、首先,第一部分是填空题,共计20分,得分率为80%左右,当然,这和平时教师的教及作业有着密切的联系(学习指导),这也说明老师和学生在平时的课堂教学中特别注重对基础知识的把握。 2、其次,第二部分为判断题,共计20分。本题先对某个观点进行判断,其次再说明理由此题得分率为60%左右,相对来说比较低。这也说明学生在答题时没有认真审题。 3、第三部分选择题,共计20分,本题主要考察学生的阅读能力、分析能力、思考能力、查找答案的能力等,每位学生的水平不一,结果丢分较多。这充分反映了考生政治学习与考试的各项基本技能和综合能力有待提高。 4、第四部分连线,共计12,分此题做的较好,没有失分现象。 5、第五部分为简答题,共计28分,本题主要考察学生上课认真听讲和做笔记的能力。一般来说,简答题考的就是课本上原原本本的知识点,认真听讲和认真做笔记的同学则容易拿满分。但此题失分较多其主要表现在: (1)考生的基本功有待提高,错别字现象、字迹模糊不清现象、语言表达不通顺现象等依然存在。说明学生的基本功不扎实。基础打的不牢。 (2)考生理解题意、分析问题、解决问题能力不强。答卷中答非所问,文字表达不切要点等现象也很严重。有许多同学做题不认真,没有认真审题,对题意理解不深,考虑问题不全面,造成不必要的丢分。 (3)考生的应试能力不强。很多学生不理解考试的问题,不能回答,造成失分。这就表明考生如何选择有效信息作答的应试能力有待提高。 总之,考生在答卷过程中所呈现出来的一系表象,为指导我们今后的道法教学和考试提供可贵的一手资料,我们应深刻剖析。这就要求我们在今后的教学中要注重学生综合能力的提高。 四、改进措施 1、注重培养学生阅读能力、分析能力、概括和综合能力。 2、加强学法指导,教师在教学中要教学生如何审题,如何寻找试题的关键词捕


【2016四川广安一诊卷】四.口语交际(每题1 分,共5分) A:Have you lived in America for many years? B:Yes,I have lived there for 10 years,why? A:Tomorrow I will go to an American friend's home to celebrate Christmas.(46)______ B:OK.No problem. A:(47)______ B:Both are OK. Don't get there early. A:(48)______ B:If you're going to be more than fifteen minutes late. I advise calling your hosts to tell them. A:(49)______ B:Certainly. Flowers are always nice. A:(50)______ B:Just watch the other guests and follow them. A:Thank you.

46—50 DAEFB 【2016济南市天桥区二模】V.补全对话阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分) A: Hi, Tom! You look so happy today. B: Oh, yes. Guess what? My best friend Ben is coming. A: Oh, really? 66 B: Tomorrow. I can’t wait to see him. We haven’t seen each other for almost a year. A: 67 B: For about two weeks. A: What’s he like? B: He’s quite outgoing and really friendly. 68 A: What does he look like? B: 69 He’s good at basketball. He hopes to be a professional player when he grows up. A: Could you introduce him to me? B: 70 66. A. When is he arriving? B. What’s his name? C. Where is he from? D. What’s the matter?


考单招上高职单招网---- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 2017年辽宁单招英语模拟试题及答案 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. –How do you find your new classmates? – Most of them are kind, but ____ is so good to me as Bruce. A. none B. no one C. every one D. some one 答案是A。考查代词的用法。根据but一词确定应该从A、B中挑选。有一定范围的用none,相当于none of my new classmates。no one不必有这种范围。22. ______ in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the check in the car. A. Waiting B. To wait C. Having waited D. To have waited 答案是C。考查非谓语动词的用法。根据the old man与wait之间的关系,应该选择-ing形式,再根据句意得知他是先"wait " 后才"realize"。所以先发生的动作应该选完成式的Having waited。 23. A great man shows his greatness _____ the way he treats little man. A. under B. with C. on D. by 答案是D。考查介词的用法。“借助某种方法和手段”常用“by ”; 而"with" 强调使用工具,常与 with this method 搭配。 24. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _____ be rather cold sometimes. A. must B. can C. should D. would 答案是B。考查情态动词的用法。从but,sometimes来推测,句子应选择能表示“可能”的情态动词can。 25. So far this year we ______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. A. saw B. see C. had seen D. have seen 答案是D。考查动词时态的用法。So far“迄今为止”,So far this year迄止到今年应该与现在完成时连用。 26. In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks _____ to people greeting him.


扬州中学教育集团树人学校九年级模拟考试 英语试卷 说明: 1.本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题~第45题,共45题)、非选择题(第46题~第81题, 共36题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷的装 订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号、毕业学校填写好,在试卷第4页的右下角填写好座位号。3.所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用2B铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用 0.5毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) 在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found _________. A. it B. that C. one D. the one ( )2. I knock at the door several times but ____answered, so I left. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody ( )3. —_____ did your family spend the New Year? —In our hometown. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How ( )4. — How long will it be ________ the Stock Market returns to normal? — At least one year, I guess. A. before B. when C. until D. that ( )5. You are not ______ to smoke here. It’s dangerous. A. supposed B. suggested C. used D. allowing ( )6. — What took you so long? — I got lost. I have no _________ of direction. A. feeling B. ability C. knowledge D. sense ( )7. The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ______ healthy eating habits. A. find B. develop C. shape D. prepare ( )8. My computer began to return to the ______ running state after I killed the virus by newly-updated Kill 3000. A. ordinary B. normal C. average D. common ( )9. People _________ are bored are more likely to turn to unhealthy habits like smoking. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who ( )10. Their car broke down while they ________in the desert. A. drove B. were driving C. are driving D. will drive ( )11. Please pass the glasses, my dear. I can __________ read the words in the newspaper. A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly ( )12. The computer system _____suddenly while he was surfing the Internet.


2017年北京市中考英语模拟试题(1) 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 1—5BCBAC 听力原文 1. M: Where do you work, Miss Smith? W: I work in No. 3 Middle School. I teach English.

2. M: How did you go to the farm last Sunday, Lily? W: I went there by car. 3. W: Did you play basketball or see a film yesterday, Mike? M: I played basketball. 4. M: Which season do you like best, Mary? W: I like spring best. 5. M: Do you often take your mobile phone to school? W: No, I just put it at home. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1. 5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. What does the man want? A. Milk. B. Coffee. C. Tea. 7. How much does the man pay? A. 3 yuan. B. 6 yuan. C. 2 yuan. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. What’s wrong with the woman? A. She has a stomachache. B. She has a fever. C. She has a headache. 9. What does the doctor tell her to do? A. To do some exercise. B. To take some medicine. C. To have some food. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10. Where’s the woman going? A. Beijing Hotel. B. Beijing Zoo. C. Beijing Theater. 11. How’s s he going there? A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. Why does the woman make the phone call? A. To get a job. B. To go to evening classes.


九年级英语模拟试题 (满分: 150分考试时间: 120分钟) 第I 卷(共100分) I. 听力测试。(共30分) 一、听录音,选出正确的答语。句子听一遍。(每小题1.5分,共9分) ( )1. A. To study with a group. B. By studying with a group. C. For studying with a group. ( )2. A. Basketball. B. He’s very kind. C. He is a driver. ( )3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I’d like to. ( )4. A. No, I don’t think so. B. Yes, they should. C. Yes, they do. ( )5. A. Really? B. Thank you. C. Not at all. ( )6. A. Friday B. September 28th C. Friday, September 28th 二、听录音,根据你所听到的对话及问题选出正确的答语。对话听一遍。(每小题1.5分, 共9分) ( )7. A. It’s rainy. B. It will be rainy soon C. It’s sunny. ( )8. A. By practice conversations with friends. B. By studying grammar. C. By watching Chinese movies. ( )9. A. Peter B. Tim C. Both A and B. ( )10. A. Tall and thin. B. Short and heavy C. She wears glasses. ( )11. A. 80 yuan B. 110 yuan C. 160 yuan ( )12. A. A doctor. B. A teacher C. A soldier. 三、听第一篇短文回答第13到16小题,短文听两遍。(每小题1.5分,共6分) ( )13. Sports can make us___________. A. strong and smart B. beautiful C. rich and famous ( )14. How much exercise we should do? A. The more, the better. B. 30 minutes each time C. Once a week. ( )15. What can we do in a healthy center? A. Eat and drink with friends. B. Do sports with friends. C. Watch movies with friends. ( )16. How many specific ways of exercise are mentioned in the passage. A. 6 B.5 C. 4 四、听第二篇短文回答第17到20小题,短文听两遍。(每小题1.5分,共6分) ( )17. Why do the schools want the students to wear uniforms? A. They think the uniforms are beautiful. B. They think it will make the students feel proud of their schools. C. They think it can help the students study better. ( )18. Do students like the name of the school on the uniforms? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. Not mentioned. ( )19. Where was the school clothes competition held? A. In Beijing. B. In a school. C. In America. ( )20. Why don’t the students like school uniforms? Which one is NOT the reason? A. The school uniforms make the students feel bored B. The students think the uniforms cost too much. C. The school uniforms are not comfortable to wear.


2015—2016年七年级语文第一学期期末考试试卷分析 赵营一中单秋丽 为了在新的学期更好地完成教学任务,全面提高学生的文化素养,在教学工作中,能做到因材施教,扬长避短,特将本次期末考试情况分析如下: 一、学生成绩分析 从本次考试的成绩看,学生的优秀率太低,所以今后要多抓促优秀率,以促更多的学生在语文方面表现突出,也要多帮助那极少数掉队的同学,帮助他们树立信心,指导他们科学的学习方法,以跟上同学的步伐。 二、试题情况分析 本次试卷是一份难易适中、从课内向课外有机延伸的试卷。试卷主客观题有机结合,引导学生去认识生活、体味生活,滋养人文思想。本试卷共四大块,即积累和运用、文言文阅读理解、现代文阅读理解、写作,卷面分值为120分,试题以新课标思想为指导,努力体现新课程的教学理念,力求指导教学,培养语文素养。从考查内容上看,语文学习中应掌握的重要的知识点在试卷中都有体现,并较为灵活,以检测学生对语言知识的积累、理解、运用能力为主。重点关注新课改对语文教学的基本要求,注重语文学科的生活性、思想性,让课本、生活、人文教育紧密结合在一起。 1、注重基础能力和运用能力的考查。在积累与运用板块中,范

围涉及字词的识记、古诗词的背诵及赏析、名著阅读、语言实际运用题等,目的在于促进学生扩展阅读量,增加视野。同时注重积累知识、语言文字能力的运用考查。 2、着眼于学生阅读理解能力的训练。包含对记叙文和说明文的文本理解。内容丰富,形式灵活,有深度。分值分布合理。突出了语文课程评价的整体性和综合性,从知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度和价值观几方面进行测试,全面考查了学生的语文素养。 3、考查学生语文素养的积淀。考查学生主观判断能力,并要求学生对一些相关现象发表自己的意见,灵活性、思维性较强。如综合性能力考查。这些都是学生日常广读博览,有所积淀,方能游刃有余。 4、作文命题,不仅给学生较广阔的取材导向,结合学生实际,使不同层次的学生都能有话可说,并对写作基础好的学生也是一种挑战,想要写好又得下一番苦功,更重要的是在于锻炼学生的写作能力,也能给学生思想上的教育和启迪。实现了作文与做人的和谐统一。 三、答题情况分析: 1、试卷第一部分是"积累和运用",包含6个小题,共27分,学生失分较多的题目有第4题名著考查。第5题语言实际题:主要考查学生在生活中的语言交际能力。学生出现的问题有:①祝贺短信格式不正确;②设计的问题没有结合两则材料。 2、第二部分是现代文阅读,课外阅读两篇,失分比较多,尤其是《十枚分币》的阅读题,失分较多。 3、第三部分是文言文阅读题,包含6个小题,共16分,学生失


2020职业学校单招英语模拟试题 11.The problem is _____the pupils from accidents after school. A. how can we protect B. that protect C. how to protect D. we protect 12. Do you think a large city is a good place___? A. to live B. to live in C. live D. living 13. The football match was cancelled _____the heavy snow. A. because B. because of C. but D. so 14. It is necessary _____the growth of population.. A. to protect B. to limit C. to limited D. protected 15. It is time ____those houses and to start new ones. A. to stop to build B. stopping to build C. to stop building D. stop building 16.It’s difficult _____me to sing. It’s very kind__ you to help me. A. for; for B. of;of C. of; for D. for; of 17. May I take this book out?No,you___. A. can’t B. may not C needn’t D. aren’t 18.Can you speak Japanese ?----No, I ______.


2012届全国名校英语模拟试题汇编:阅读新题型(11) 【2012届·山西省临汾一中高三第二次月考】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 51 . One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays. The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. 52 Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless. Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. 53 . All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you. 54 .You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages. At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret! Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can spend a lot of time making them. 55 Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it. So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get st arted you’ll think of loads of more interesting things to do! A. That’s easy. B. Enjoy your own club! C. Invite a designer to join you. D. What are you interested in? E. Some vacation is just around the corner. F. Then you need to pick a name for your club. G. Use a bright thick pen to make a special design. 【答案】51-55 EDAFG 2012届全国名校英语模拟试题汇编:阅读新题型(12) 【2012届·安徽省芜湖一中高三上学期第二次模拟考试】任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文章后的表格中填入恰当的单词。 注意:表格中的每个空只填一个单词。 It is easy for many people to catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder…if scientists can send a man to the moon, why can’t they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy. There are actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn’t a cure for each one. When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and cause a block in it. You feel terrible because you can’t breathe well, but your


2020年高职单招英语模拟题 21.---Alice,guess what!I passed the driving test. ---! A.Sound good B.Very well C.How nice D.All right 22.The financial crisis has put the world economy in a difficult. A.occasion B.condition C.evaluation D.situation 23.Some of the exercises appear to be ones that you have done,but after taking second look,you will find that they are different. A./;the B.the;the C.the;a D./;a 24.As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake,many people had to be in a stadium. A.put away B.put out C.put up D.put off 25.Aluminum(铝)isn’t found free in nature,owing to its always with other elements,most commonly with oxygen. A.being combined B.having combined C.combine D.combined 26.The beautiful mountain village we spent our holiday last year is located in is now part of Guangxi. A.which;where B.where;what C.that;what D.when;which 27.one has a child will one realize how great one’s parents are.


初三英语模拟试题卷 第一卷选择题共55分 一、单项填空,在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共15分,每小题1分) ( )1. ---Which is city ,Sydney or Tokyo? --- Tokyo ,I think ,it’s city in Japan. A. larger, largest B. a large , a largest C. the larger, the largest D. larger ,the largest ( )2. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book. A. that B. how C. what D. if ( )3. I’d like to know . A. when will he give back the tape B. whether has he received higher education. C. that he has been busy. D. whether she will join in our English Evening. ( )4. She asked me where during my stay in New York ? A. I had gone B. had I stayed C. I had been D. did I live ( )5. ——When again? ——When , I’ll let you know. A. will he come ,he will come B. does he come, he comes C. will he come , he comes D. does he come ,he will come ( )6. How long did she reading the novel? A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take ( )7. All the students were pleased to find the exam for they found the answers A. easy ,easy B. easily ,easily C. easy, easily D. easily, easy ( )8. ---She looks very happy. She ____ have passed the exam. --- I guess so. It’s not difficult at all. A. should B. could C. must D. might ( )9.I have two good friends and we nurses. A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are ( )10. Could you tell me how long the shop ? A. had opened B. has been open C. has opened D. had been open ( )11. --- do you like the picture on the wall? ---The colour. A. How of B. How C. What , about D. what ( )12. It was such an interesting book that he had read it for two hours he realized it. A. while B. until C. before D. after ( )13. Though Li Ming was weak in English, everyone passed the exam him. A. but B. except C. including D. besides ( )14. The hotel is crowded with people. Let’s go and see what . A. is happened B. was happening C. is going on D. is the trouble ( )15. A: May I use your bike ,Jack? A: .It’s broken.

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