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SuperMemo词库 TOEFL600乱序

Q: guile [gail]
A: 诈术 He persuaded her to sign the document by guile.他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。

Q: dally ['d5li]
A: 荒废(时日) "Come on, don't dally.好了,别浪费时间了。"

Q: evoke [i'v3uk]
A: 唤起

Q: appropriate "[3'pr3upri-it, 3'pr3uprieit]"
A: 适合的 "Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.简单朴素的衣服适合在学校里穿。"

Q: rebuke [ri'bju:k]
A: 斥责 He received a stern rebuke from his superior.他受到上司的严厉斥责。

Q: whim [wim]
A: 奇想 It's only a passing whim.这只不过是一闪之念。They seem ready to indulge his every whim.他们简直惯得他随心所欲。

Q: assimilate [3'simileit]
A: 吸收

Q: rehabilitate [;ri:h3'biliteit]
A: 恢复

Q: captious ['k5p73s]
A: 好吹毛求疵的

Q: amenable [3'mi:n3b3l]
A: 有责任的

Q: accuse [3'kju:z]
A: 控告;归咎

Q: glaze [gleiz]
A: 使光滑;变钝 The glaze of the table was scratched.桌子的釉面被刮坏了。

Q: flaw [fl6:]
A: 裂缝;缺陷 The flaw in this vase makes it less valuable.这个花瓶因为有点缺陷,不那么值钱了。Your argument has a fatal flaw.你的论点有一个致命的错误。

Q: manful ['m5nf3l]
A: 刚毅的;勇敢的

Q: pluck [pl2k]
A: 摘,拉 He couldn't pluck up enough courage to ask her to go out with him.他不能鼓起足够的勇气请她一起外出。He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe job and set up his own business.他放弃了一份安定的工作而自己创业,表现出了极大的勇气。

Q: selfishness ['selfi7nis]
A: 自私 His selfishness caused him to refuse my solicitation.他的自私让他拒绝了我的请求。

Q: replenish [ri'pleni7]
A: 补充 We need to replenish our stocks of coal.我们需要再次补充煤的储备。

Q: elude [i'lu:d]
A: 躲避;困惑

Q: ennui [6n'wi:]
A: 倦怠

Q: howl [haul]
A: 咆哮

Q: egress ['i:gres]
A: 出口

Q: imbue [im'bju:]
A: 浸染

Q: savor ['seiv3]
A: 尝味 Life seems to have lost most of its savor for him.对他来说,生活似乎已失去了一切乐趣。

Q: funereal [fju'ni3ri3l]
A: 葬礼的;忧郁的

Q: assiduous [3'sidju3s]
A: 勤勉的 The solider was assiduous in his duty.士兵认真执行任务。The book was the result of ten years of assiduous research.那本书是十年苦心钻研的成果。

Q: allot [3'l6t]
A: 分配;指派 Who will she allot the easy jobs to?她要把轻活儿分给谁?

Q: dunce [d2ns]
A: 愚蠢的人 It is very impolite to call others a dunce.叫别人蠢材是不礼貌的。

Q: variation [;ve3ri'ei73n]
A: 变化 Prices have not shown much variation this year.今年物价没显出多大变化。The dial records showed a very slight variation in pressure.刻度盘显示出压力有极微小的变化。

Q: acrid ['5krid]
A: 辛辣的

Q: eclat [e'kla]
A: 荣誉;辉煌的成就


immodesty [i'madisti]
A: 无礼

Q: spray [sprei]
A: 水花 We parked the car by the sea and it got covered with spray.我们把汽车停在海边,结果车上全是水沫。He sprayed some nasal spray into the nose to make breathing easier.他往鼻子里喷了些鼻雾喷剂,让呼吸畅通些。

Q: beset [bi'set]
A: 包围 In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.我们在沼泽地受到蚊子的围攻。He was beset by doubts.他疑虑重重。The enemy beset the city with a strong army.敌人以强大的军队围困城市。

Q: recant [ri'k5nt]
A: 公然撤回

Q: impale [im'pel]
A: 围以木桩;剌穿

Q: egoism ['i:g3uiz3m]
A: 自负

Q: adversity [3d'v3:siti]
A: 不幸 Hardship disposes man to meet adversity.艰苦能让人适应逆境。A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity.真正的朋友不会在患难时弃你而去。

Q: thrust [0r2st]
A: 力推 We thrust our way through the crowd.我们用力挤过人群。The enemy made a thrust against our troop.敌人向我军发动了袭击。

Q: deflect [di'flekt]
A: 使偏离

Q: coop [ku:p]
A: 拘禁 He is mending the wire mesh in front of the chicken coop.他正在鸡笼前面修理铁丝网。

Q: crumple ['kr2mp3l]
A: 压皱

Q: incoherent [;ink3u'hi3r3nt]
A: 不连贯的 I heard an incoherent mumble.我听到了不连贯的低语声。

Q: revolution [;rev3'lu:73n]
A: 革命 The invention of aircraft caused a revolution in our ways of travelling.飞机的发明引起了旅行方式的巨大改变。Those people go around preaching revolution.那些人到处宣扬革命。

Q: surmise ['s3:maiz]
A: 臆测 Your first surmise was right.你第一次猜得对。

Q: delineation [di'lini'e73n]
A: 描写

Q: fatuous ['f5t7u3s]
A: 愚昧的

Q: innuendo [;inju'end3u]
A: 暗指

Q: tentative ['tent3tiv]
A: 暂时的;试验性的

Q: proclivity [pr3'kliv3ti]
A: 倾向

Q: wail [weil]
A: 哭泣 The exhausted mother smiled at the wail of her newborn baby.听到新生儿的哭叫声,倦极了的母亲笑了。

Q: demur [di'm3:]
A: 踌躇;抗议

Q: contaminate [k3n't5mineit]
A: 污损 Flies contaminate food.苍蝇可污染食物。

Q: contemplate ['k6ntempleit]
A: 凝视;沉思 It terrified me to contemplate the consequence of your action.想到你行动的后果,我就感到害怕。

Q: fickle ['fik3l]
A: 多变的 He turned out to be fickle - he has left me.他原来是个善变的人-他离开我了。

Q: absurd [3b's3:d]
A: 荒谬的 What an absurd suggestion!多荒谬的建议啊!It was absurd of you to suggest such a thing.你居然建议这样的事,太可笑了。

Q: feint [feint]
A: 假装

Q: convert "[k3n'v3:t, 'k6nv3:t]"
A: 改变;变更 The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。He is a recent convert to Christianity.他最近改信基督


Q: enthrall [in'0r6:l]
A: 迷惑;使服从

Q: dungeon ['d2nd=3n]
A: 地牢 The poor peasant was thrown into a dungeon.那个可怜的农民被投进了地牢。

Q: palpitate ['p5lpiteit]
A: 跳动;颤抖

Q: teem [ti:m]
A: 充满

Q: dethrone [di'0r3un]
A: 废(君)

Q: vindicate ['vindikeit]
A: 辩明;主张

Q: clinch [klint7]
A: 钉牢;揪住

Q: indent [in'dent]
A: 以契约束缚 Please indent the first line of each paragraph.请于每段第一行缩格书写。

Q: slag [sl5g]
A: 渣滓

Q: bluff [bl2f]
A: 虚张声势 "The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it's all a bluff.老板威胁说要解雇他,但这不过是恐吓而已。He could bluff his way through any difficulty.他可以招摇撞骗闯过任何难关。"

Q: gentry ['d=entri]
A: 绅士 "In old society, the gentry lived in luxury.在旧社会,贵族们生活奢侈。"

Q: inculcate [in'k2lkeit]
A: 谆谆教诲;鼓吹

Q: ineligible [in'elid=3b3l]
A: 无资格的;不适当的

Q: tumid "['tju:mid, 'tu:-]"
A: 肿胀的

Q: intense [in'tens]
A: 非常的;紧张的 His leg was numbed by the intense pain.他的腿因剧痛而麻木。I did not go to the cinema because of the intense cold.我因为严寒没出去看电影。

Q: serenity [si'reniti]
A: 安静;从容

Q: chide [t7aid]
A: 叱责

Q: diminish [di'mini7]
A: 减少;缩小 He likes to diminish the skills of others.他喜欢贬低别人的技能。

Q: rigor ['rig3]
A: 严厉 He deserves to be punished with the full rigor of the law.他应该受到法律最严厉的惩罚。

Q: enigma [i'nigm3]
A: 谜

Q: rage [reid=]
A: 激怒;愤怒 He was trembling with rage.他气得发抖。She was seething with rage at his remarks.他的评论把她气得火冒三丈。His rage was soon calmed down by the rustic peace.乡村的宁静很快就使他的怒气平静下来。

Q: avid ['5vid]
A: 贪婪的

Q: forcible ['f6:s3b3l]
A: 易怒的;脾气坏的 The police had to make a forcible entry into the house where the criminal was hiding.警察不得不强行进入罪犯藏身的那座房子。

Q: impartial [im'p1:73l]
A: 公平的 He is an impartial judge.他是一位公正的法官。People in the city held the impartial judge in high regard.这个城市的人们都很尊敬这位公正的法官。

Q: reimburse [;ri:im'b3:s]
A: 偿还

Q: goad [g3ud]
A: 剌激;煽动 "Although the innkeeper was warm, we guessed that his real goad was to get more money.尽管客栈老板很热情,但我们猜想他的真正目的是为了得到更多的钱。"

Q: deceptive [di'septiv]
A: 虚伪的;骗人的

Q: scrape [skreip]
A: 刮

Q: obliterate [3'blit3reit]
A: 消减

Q: fetter ['fet3]
A: 束缚

Q: waddle ['w6d3l]
A: 蹒跚而行

Q: incarcerate [in'k1:s3reit]
A: 监禁

Q: riddle ['ridl]
A: 解谜;穿孔 That painting is still a ridd

le to us.那幅画对我们仍然是个谜。He could not solve the riddle.他猜不出这个谜。

Q: thrall [0r6:l]
A: 奴隶 Her beauty held him in thrall.她的美貌征服了他。

Q: slant [sl1:nt]
A: 倾斜 I need your slant on the situation.我想请你说说对这种情况的意见。

Q: submission [s3b'mi73n]
A: 屈服;服从 Tomorrow is the last date for submission of entries for the competition.明天是提交参赛表格的最后期限。In my submission these proposals are completely unworkable.在我看来,这些建议完全不可行。

Q: repudiate [ri'pju:dieit]
A: 拒绝

Q: divulge "[dai'v2ld=,di-]"
A: 宣布;泄露

Q: condone [k3n'd3un]
A: 宽恕;赦免

Q: derange [di'reind=]
A: 使错乱

Q: indite [in'dait]
A: 著作

Q: gloomy ['glu:mi]
A: 暗的;忧闷的 Loneliness in a gloomy raining day may be unbearable to him.对他来说,阴郁的雨天的寂寞是难以忍受的。She is always in that gloomy mood.她总是那样情绪低沉。It's a gloomy day.这是一个令人沮丧的日子。

Q: arrogance ['5r3g3ns]
A: 傲慢 She was in arrogance to assume she would win every time.她认为每次都能赢,未免太自大了。

Q: brace [breis]
A: 支持;使固定

Q: clamor ['kl5m3]
A: 喧闹;大声叫嚷 The clamor of traffic gave me a headache.交通噪音让我头痛。They made a clamor for reform.他们强烈要求改革。

Q: garnish ['g1:ni7]
A: 加装饰

Q: idiosyncrasy [;idi3'si9kr3si]
A: 个人心理上的特点

Q: annex "[3'neks, '5neks]"
A: 附加

Q: jolt [d=3ult]
A: 摇动 The car stopped with a jolt.汽车停止时震动了一下。The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt.她听到出事的消息吃了一惊。

Q: glib [glib]
A: 口齿伶俐的

Q: dauntless ['d6:ntlis]
A: 勇敢的 The hero was dauntless.那个英雄英勇绝伦。They are all dauntless soliders.他们都是勇敢的士兵。

Q: concoct [k3n'k6kt]
A: 编造;虚构

Q: impair [im'pe3]
A: 损害

Q: amiable ['eimi3b3l]
A: 友善的;和蔼的 He is an amiable person.他是个可亲的人。

Q: destine ['destin]
A: 指定;命运注定

Q: query ['kwi3ri]
A: 质问;问题

Q: gauge [geid=]
A: 精确计量 We must gauge the diameter of wire first.我们必须先测量电线的直径。It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.大家的反应如何难以估计。It's a rain gauge.这是一个测雨器。

Q: presumption [pri'z2mp73n]
A: 推定;猜想 She was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without first consulting her.他事先没有和她商量便作好旅行安排,她对他自作主张很生气。

Q: crude [kru:d]
A: 未提炼的;生的 It was crude of him to say that.他那样说太粗鲁了。

Q: precipitate [pri'sipiteit]
A: 投下,突发 They acted with precipitate haste.他们鲁莽仓促地采取了行动。

Q: abhorrent

A: 嫌恶的

Q: prognostic [pr6g'n6stik]
A: 预兆

Q: tally ['t5li]
A: 符合 Don't forget to keep a careful tally of what you spend.别忘了仔细记下你的开支帐目。The two lists do not tally.这两张单子不相符。

Q: exquisite [ik'skwizit]
A: 精美的;灵敏的 Her skirt has very exquisite lace.她的裙子有非常精致的花边。

Q: importune [;im'p6:tju:n]
A: 不断地请求

Q: beguile [bi'gail]
A: 欺骗;消遣

Q: parch [p1:t7]
A: 使焦干

Q: strain [strein]
A: 紧张;张力 Too heavy a load will strain the rope to its breaking point.负载过重会把绳子拉紧到崩断的地步。You will strain your eyes by reading in such poor light.你在这样弱的光线下看书会损伤视力的。

Q: tug [t2g]
A: 拖曳 Tom felt a tug at his sleeve.汤姆觉得有人拉了拉他的衣袖。She tried to tug my hand away.她试图把我的手拉开。

Q: satire ['s5tai3]
A: 讽刺 His new play is a satire on the fashion industry.他的新剧本是一部讽刺时装业的作品。Politicians are legitimate targets for satire.政治家理所当然是讽刺的靶子。

Q: obloquy ['6bl3kwi]
A: 谴责

Q: impeccable [im'pek3b3l]
A: 无瑕疵的 He was proud of his impeccable pedigree.他为他出身于名门望族而骄傲。

Q: smash [sm57]
A: 破碎 "The lock was rusty, so we had to smash the door open.锁锈住了,我们得把门砸开。I'll smash you in the eye!当心我给你眼睛一拳!We are determined to smash terrorism.我们一定要消灭恐怖主义。"

Q: germinate ['d=3:mineit]
A: 发芽 She put some beans into water to germinate.她把一些豆子放在水中让它们发芽。

Q: gait [geit]
A: 步态 The man walked along with an unsteady gait.那人脚步不稳地向前走去。

Q: tactics ['t5ktiks]
A: 战术 An army commander must be skilled in tactics.一名军事指挥官必须精通战术。These tactics are unlikely to be helpful to you.这种方法对你未必有用。

Q: administer [3d'minist3]
A: 管理 The courts administer the law.法院执行法律。

Q: gem [d=em]
A: 珠宝 My secretary is an absolute gem.我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。

Q: brandish ['br5ndi7]
A: 挥

Q: stare [ste3]
A: 凝视 She gave him a long cool stare.她冷冷地久久凝视他。How long can you stare without blinking your eyes?你能瞪着看多长时间不眨眼?

Q: clip [klip]
A: 修剪;包围 She wore a diamond clip on her new dress.她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。

Q: illicit [i'lisit]
A: 违法的

Q: disown [dis'3un]
A: 否认 "If you behave like that in front of my friends again, I'll disown you!你要是再当着我朋友的面那样做,我就和你一刀两断!"

Q: rustic ['r2stik]
A: 乡村的 His rage was soon calmed down by the rustic peace.乡村的宁静很快就使他的怒气平静下来。His rustic speech and ways made him uncomfortable in

the city school.他土里土气的语言和生活方式使他在城里的中学感到不舒服。

Q: lurk [l3:k]
A: 躲藏

Q: malady ['m5l3di]
A: 疾病

Q: tow [t3u]
A: 拖 We have to tow that car to the nearest garage.我们不得不把汽车拖到最近的修车厂。

Q: chop [t76p]
A: 砍 The hunter cut off the animal's head with one chop of an ax.猎人一斧砍下猎物的头。

Q: fetish ['feti7]
A: 神物

Q: seclusion [si'klu:=3n]
A: 隐居;退隐

Q: haphazard [;h5p'h5z3d]
A: 偶然的;随便的

Q: pester ['pest3]
A: 使困恼 He told her not to pester him with trifles.他告诉她别拿些琐事来烦他。

Q: edify ['edifai]
A: 陶冶

Q: tribulation [;tribju'lei73n]
A: 苦难 It was a time of great tribulation.那是一段充满苦难的时期。

Q: permissible [p3'mis3b3l]
A: 可容许的

Q: subjection [s3b'd=ek73n]
A: 征服;服从 The nation was kept in subjection.这个民族已经沦为附庸。The country's subjection of its neighbor has been finished.该国对邻国的征服已经完成。

Q: uncouth [2n'ku:0]
A: 粗鲁的;笨拙的 His nephew is an uncouth young man.他的侄子是一个粗野的年轻人。

Q: nettle ['netl]
A: 激怒

Q: conscience ['k6n73ns]
A: 良心 The thief's conscience smote him.那个贼突然良心发现。The old man is scourged by a guilty conscience.这个老人受到负罪感的折磨。She paid the repair bill as a salve to her conscience.她付了维修费以减轻内疚感。

Q: deplore [di'pl6:]
A: 悲痛;深悔 One must deplore their violent behavior.人人都会强烈反对他们的残暴行为。

Q: belligerent [bi'lid=3r3nt]
A: 好战的;交战的

Q: exultant [ig'z2lt3nt]
A: 欢腾的;狂欢的

Q: tamper ['t5mp3]
A: 干预

Q: compassion [k3m'p573n]
A: 怜悯 I had compassion for him.我怜悯他。We had compassion for the poor widow.我们同情这个可怜的寡妇。

Q: edible ['ed3bl]
A: 可食的 Throw that tainted meat away; it's not edible.把那块腐烂的肉扔掉,不能再吃了。This food is scarcely edible.这种食物真是难以下咽。These are edible wild berries.这些野莓可以食用。Some of the algae are edible.有些藻类是可以吃的。

Q: patricide ['p5trisaid]
A: 杀父者

Q: adverse ['5dv3:s]
A: 逆的;反对的 An allergy is an adverse reaction of the body to certain substances.过敏是身体对某些物质的不良反应。

Q: wan "[w6n, w1:n]" (
A: 使)变苍白 The child looked pale and wan.这孩子看上去脸色不好,一副有病的样子。

Q: diet ['dai3t]
A: 饮食 You should eat more high-protein diet.你应该多吃些高蛋白食物。She has peculiarities on diet.她有饮食方面的怪癖。The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight.这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。

Q: apathetic [;5p3'0etik]
A: 冷淡的

Q: skulk [sk2lk]
A: 藏匿;潜行

Q: proxy ['pr6ksi]
A: 代理人

Q: rack [r5k]
A: 巨大痛苦 He put his shoes on the rack.他把鞋放在架子上。He put his bag on the luggage rack.他把包放在行李架上。

Q: render ['rend3]
A: 还给

Q: fulsome ['fuls3m]
A: 可厌的;令人作呕的

Q: retribution [;retri'bju:73n]
A: 报应 The president promised swift and effective retribution against the terrorists.总统答应会迅速有效地惩罚恐怖分子。

Q: bald [b6:ld]
A: 秃头的;光秃的 He shaved his head bald.他剃了个光头。He has a shiny bald pate.他是个亮光光的秃顶。This hair-tonic is a fraud; I'm as bald as ever.这生发剂是骗人的玩艺,我还是和以前一样秃。

Q: construe [k3n'stru:]
A: 解释;翻译 This sentence is difficult to construe.这个句子很难翻译。

Q: eccentric [ik'sentrik]
A: 古怪的 She is an eccentric old lady.她是个古怪的老太太。

Q: vigor ['vig3]
A: 精力 He was noted for his vigor.他以精力充沛而出名。The laws are still in vigor.这些法律仍然有效。He flung himself into his work with renewed vigor.他又精神抖擞地投入自己的工作。

Q: drub [dr2b]
A: 棒打

Q: splash [spl57]
A: 污迹

Q: despoil [di'sp6il]
A: 夺取;抢劫

Q: scruple ['skru:p3l]
A: 踌躇;顾忌 He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay.如果他认为你买得起的话,就会向你索取两倍于原价的钱。

Q: sultry ['s2ltri]
A: 闷热的 I met her in a sultry summer afternoon.我在夏天一个闷热的下午遇见了她。She is a sultry western beauty.她是位性感的西方美人。

Q: twig [twig]
A: 小枝 She heard a twig snap.她听到一根细树枝的断裂声。I kept dropping hints but he still didn't twig.我一直不停地暗示他,但他还是不懂。

Q: sulky ['s2lki]
A: 愠怒的

Q: dictum ['dikt3m]
A: 格言

Q: commingle [k3'mi9gl]
A: 混合

Q: relapse [ri'l5ps]
A: 复发;回复

Q: acquit [3'kwit]
A: 宣告无罪

Q: embellish [im'beli7]
A: 装饰;修饰

Q: effrontery [e'fr2nt3ri]
A: 厚颜无耻

Q: balmy ['b1:mi]
A: 芳香的 The air was warm and balmy.天气温暖宜人。

Q: canter ['k5nt3]
A: 慢步小跑

Q: labyrinth ['l5b3rin0]
A: 迷宫;错综复杂之事件 The old building was a labyrinth with dark corridors.那座古老建筑是一座长廊纵横光线昏暗的迷宫。I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。

Q: facet ['f5sit]
A: 小平面

Q: intelligence [in'telid=3ns]
A: 智力 She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess.她的智慧比我们猜想的要高。His intelligence is rather limited.他的智力相当有限。His intelligence quotient is very high.他的智商很高。

Q: deposition [;dep3'zi7(3)n]
A: 证明;革职

Q: incriminate [in'krimineit]
A: 控告;


Q: discreet [di'skri:t]
A: 慎重的;谨慎的 I'll certainly be most discreet in my conversation.我在谈话中当然会十分小心的。It was not discreet of you to say that.你那样说有欠考虑。

Q: mediate ['midieit]
A: 居中斡旋

Q: scrutiny ['skru:tini]
A: 详审

Q: renovate ['ren3veit]
A: 革新

Q: energize ['en3d=aiz]
A: 给与精力;用力

Q: sheathe [7i:8] (
A: 将刀剑)插入鞘

Q: agility [3'd=il3ti]
A: 敏捷;机敏

Q: crass [kr5s]
A: 愚蠢的

Q: asperse [3s'p3:s]
A: 诽谤

Q: opulence [apj3l3ns]
A: 财富;富裕

Q: listless ['listl3s]
A: 冷漠的;不留心的 She was very listless after her illness.她病后懒洋洋的。Because of the death of his mother he is listless all day.因为母亲的去世,他整天无精打采的。

Q: fluffy ['fl2fi]
A: 有力的;强行的

Q: uphold [;2p'h3uld]
A: 举起;支撑 The President swore to uphold the constitution.总统宣誓维护宪法。

Q: caliber ['k5lib3]
A: 直径;才能

Q: prorogue "[pr3u'r3ug, pr3-]"
A: 休会

Q: delude [di'lu:d]
A: 欺骗;迷惑

Q: recourse [ri'k6:s]
A: 求助;赖以帮助的人 You'd better have recourse to her.你最好向她求助。Your only recourse is legal action against them.你只有求助于法律来对付他们。

Q: accost [3'k6st]
A: 向人搭话

Q: petrify ['petrifai]
A: 变为化石;使发呆

Q: compact ['k6mp5kt]
A: 契约 He received a compact package.他收到一个扎得很紧的包裹。The Commonwealth agreed to make a compact with this country.英联邦同意和这个国家订约。

Q: detrimental [;d4tr3'm4ntl]
A: 有害的,有损的

Q: eschew [is't7u:]
A: 避开;远离

Q: languish ['l59gwi7]
A: 变衰弱

Q: capricious [k3'pri73s]
A: 任性的 Romantic heroines are often capricious.浪漫的女主人公往往难以捉摸。The climate on grassland is capricious.草原的气候变化无常。

Q: knell [nel]
A: 丧钟 Their refusal rang the knell of our hopes.他们的拒绝是我们希望破灭的凶兆。

Q: warrant ['w6r3nt]
A: 保证;权限 You shouldn't arrest him without warrant.你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。The police obtained a search warrant for his house.警察拿到了搜查他家的搜查证。That does not warrant you in doing so.那并不表明你有理由这样做。

Q: trial ['trai3l]
A: 审判 The murder trial lasted six weeks.法庭对这一谋杀案的审理为时六周。That child is a trial to his parents.那个孩子是他的父母的一块心病。The murder trial was reopened.这件谋杀案的审讯重新开始了。

Q: congenital [k3n'd=enitl]
A: 先天的

Q: scrutinize ['skru:tinaiz]
A: 细察

Q: emaciate [i'mei7ieit]
A: 使瘦弱

Q: gainsay [;gein'sei]
A: 否认;反驳

Q: dignify ['dignifai]
A: 使尊荣;使显贵

Q: diversify [dai'v3:sifai]
A: 使变化

Q: thump [02

A: 重击 He sat down with a thump.他砰的一声坐下。

Q: lode [l3ud]
A: 矿脉

Q: reek [ri:k]
A: 发出水汽;发出臭气 Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?That reek is from the fox.那股恶臭是狐狸发出的。

Q: dawdle ['d6:dl]
A: 游荡

Q: abyss [3'bis]
A: 深渊 He has been in the abyss of despair.他已陷入绝望的深渊。

Q: jangle ['d=59g(3)l]
A: 争吵

Q: absolve [3b'z6lv]
A: 赦免;解除(责任等) I absolve you from your vows.我解除你的誓约。

Q: effloresce [efl6:'res]
A: 开花

Q: babble ['b5b3l]
A: 唠叨;说话不清 No one could understand the little baby's babble.没人能听懂这个小婴孩的话。

Q: wring ['ri9]
A: 扭 Give the wet clothes a wring.把那些湿衣服拧一下。

Q: glut [gl2t]
A: 使吃饱

Q: cower ['kau3]
A: 畏缩

Q: avow [3'vau]
A: 公开,承认

Q: rally ['r5li]
A: 重整 They will hold a peace rally.他们要举行一个拥护和平的大会。

Q: ambiguous [5m'bigju3s]
A: 含糊的

Q: feign [fein]
A: 假装 Her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren't convincing.她的强颜欢笑并不使人信服。

Q: amnesty ['5mn3sti]
A: 大赦

Q: isolate ['ais3leit]
A: 使隔离

Q: contradict [;k6ntr3'dikt]
A: 反驳;抵触 Don't contradict your father.别和你父亲犟嘴。The two statements contradict each other.两种说法相互抵触。

Q: dazzle ['d5z(3)l]
A: 使目眩;使迷惑

Q: phlegmatic [fleg'm5tik]
A: 冷漠的;迟钝的

Q: relinquish [ri'li9kwi7]
A: 放弃

Q: progeny ['pr6d=ini]
A: 子孙 "He appeared, surrounded by his numerous progeny.他出现时,子女前呼后拥不计其数。"

Q: recapitulate [;ri:k3'pitjuleit]
A: 简述要旨;反复

Q: demise [di'maiz]
A: 死亡;让位

Q: abject ['5bd=ekt]
A: 卑鄙的 The boy felt shamed of his abject poverty.这个男孩因赤贫而感到羞耻。

Q: dodge [d6d=]
A: 躲开;逃避责任

Q: fete [feit]
A: 庆祝

Q: beneficial [;beni'fi73l]
A: 有益的 Calcium is beneficial to our bones.钙对我们的骨骼有益。Fresh air is beneficial to our health.新鲜空气有益于健康。It's a beneficial result to us.对我们来说那是有利的结果。

Q: expeditious [;ekspi'di73s]
A: 敏捷的;迅速的

Q: erode [i'r3ud]
A: 蚀;腐蚀

Q: scuff [sk2f]
A: 拖足而走

Q: upbraid [;2p'breid]
A: 谴责

Q: cross [kr6s]
A: 不高兴的 Use the subway to cross the road.请走地下通道穿越马路。I think they should make some stiles for people to cross the wall.我认为他们应该建些梯磴好让人们跨过墙去。Passengers mustn't cross the rails.乘客不得横过铁路。

Q: schism "['siz3m, 'skiz3m]"
A: 分裂

Q: plow [plau]
A: 耕作 The farmer is at the plow.那个农民在种田。

Q: glassy ['gl1:si]
A: 透明的

Q: excitable [ik'sait3b3l]


Q: disunite [;disju'nait]
A: 使分离

Q: discrete [di'skri:t]
A: 分立的

Q: merit ['merit]
A: 应得 There is little merit in passing the examination if you cheated.如果你作弊,考试及格也没什么价值。He was awarded a merit badge for his bravery in the battle.他因为在战斗中的勇猛被授予一枚奖章。

Q: ventilation [;venti'lei73n]
A: 通风 They increased ventilation by opening the top center part of the carriage window.他们把车厢上面的中央部分打开以增进空气的流通。The ventilation isn't working.通风设备出故障了。

Q: cabal [k3'b5l]
A: 阴谋

Q: pinion ['pini3n]
A: 束缚

Q: discompose [;disk3m'p3uz]
A: 使不安;弄乱

Q: squad [skw6d]
A: 小队;班

Q: equate [i'kweit]
A: 使相等;视为同等

Q: immolate ['im3leit]
A: 牺牲

Q: falter ['f6:lt3]
A: 胆怯

Q: jettison ['d=etis3n]
A: 抛弃

Q: default [di'f6:lt]
A: 不履行责任;缺乏 The team lost a game by default.那个队因没有出席而输掉比赛。I default on the installment payment.我没有付分期应付的款。The committee will not meet in default of a chairman.没有主席委员会就不开会。

Q: chilly ['t7ili]
A: 寒冷的 It's a chilly morning.这是一个寒冷的早晨。He had a chilly welcome of our coming.他冷淡地迎接我们的到来。

Q: imperative [im'per3tiv]
A: 急需的;命令的 Prompt action is imperative.果断的行动是必要的。It's imperative that you apologize to him immediately.你必须立即向他道歉。Job creation has become an imperative for the government.创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。

Q: intrude [in'tru:d]
A: 侵扰 I don't want to intrude on you if you are very busy.如果你很忙的话,我就不打扰了。A translator shouldn't intrude his own opinions into what he's translating.译者不应该擅自把自己的意思加进译文中。

Q: callous ['k5l3s]
A: 无感觉的

Q: unearth [2n'3:0]
A: 发掘;发现

Q: scratch [skr5t7]
A: 抓伤

Q: sculpture ['sk2lpt73]
A: 雕刻 The sculptor is working on a sculpture of Venus.那个雕刻家正在雕一个维纳斯雕像。She studied sculpture at art school.她在美术学校学习雕刻。The smooth contour of the sculpture is wonderful.雕塑物平滑的轮廓线简直太美了。

Q: loot [lu:t]
A: 掠夺

Q: frowzy ['frauzi]
A: 不整洁的;臭的

Q: proscribe [pr3u'skraib]
A: 禁止

Q: filch ['filt7]
A: 偷窃

Q: maim [meim]
A: 使残废

Q: purport "['p3:p6:t, -p3t]"
A: 主旨;意义 The purport of what he said is that he is right.他说话的涵义是说他是对的。The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt.该项声明大意是说该商行已经破产。

Q: vanish ['v5ni7]
A: 消失

Q: adjust [3'd=2st]
A: 调节;使适于 He can't adjust himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city.他无法适

应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。Could you teach me how to adjust the iris of the camera?你能教我怎么调照相机的光圈吗?

Q: hubbub ['h2b2b]
A: 嘈杂

Q: grim [grim]
A: 冷酷的;可怕的 His expression was grim when he told them they had lost their job.当他告诉他们说他们已被解雇时,他的表情十分冷酷。What grim weather!多讨厌的天气!I admire him for his grim courage.我佩服他的坚韧不拔的勇气。

Q: intrinsic [in'trinsik]
A: 本质的;本身的

Q: lampoon [l5m'pu:n]
A: 写文章

Q: lease [li:s]
A: 租 We've taken a lease on an office building.我们已租了一幢办公楼。We will lease you the house for one year.我们将把这房子租给你一年。

Q: regimen ['red=3m3n]
A: 养生之道

Q: sapience ['sepi3ns]
A: 智慧

Q: exodus ['eks3d3s]
A: 大批离去

Q: erroneous [i'r3uni3s]
A: 错误的 We should not be infected by erroneous ideas.我们不应该受错误观念的影响。The result of your report is an erroneous conclusion.你的报告结果是错误的结论。

Q: eminent ['emin3nt]
A: 闻名的 The most eminent doctors treated the king in his illness.医术最精湛的医生们在国王生病时诊治他。He is an eminent citizen of China.他是一个杰出的中国公民。

Q: ferret ['ferit]
A: 搜索

Q: encompass [in'k2mp3s]
A: 包围;封入

Q: salutary "['s5lju3t3ri, -j3teri]"
A: 有益健康的

Q: drowsy ['drauzi]
A: 昏昏欲睡的 "He thought of home, of drowsy fields and villages bathed by the sun.他想起了家乡,想起那沐浴在阳光下的静静的田野和村庄。"

Q: garrulous ['g5r3l3s]
A: 爱说话的

Q: seethe [si:8]
A: 沸腾;起泡沫

Q: dormant ['d6:m3nt]
A: 蛰伏的

Q: spike [spaik]
A: 大钉

Q: disconcert [;disk3n's3:t]
A: 使惊惶;使不安

Q: auspice ['6:spis]
A: 前兆

Q: indemnify [in'demnifai]
A: 使安全;偿付

Q: bleak [bli:k]
A: 寒冷的 The weather in early December was bleak and unpleasant.十二月初的天气又阴冷又难受。The future of this firm will be very bleak indeed if we keep losing money.要是我们继续亏本的话,这家公司的前途会非常黯淡。

Q: fabricate ['f5brikeit]
A: 制造;装配

Q: garner ['g1:n3]
A: 收藏

Q: slap [sl5p]
A: 掴 The slap she gave him made his cheek tingle.他挨了她一个嘴巴,脸上热辣辣的。He gave her a slap on the cheek and she began to cry.他打了她一耳光,她就哭起来了。

Q: recruit [ri'kru:t]
A: 补充 It's difficult to recruit teachers of quality.要聘请到素质好的老师是很困难的。

Q: placid ['pl5sid]
A: 安静的 The child had a placid disposition.这个孩子性情温和。

Q: decry [di'krai]
A: 非难;谴责

Q: incongruity [;inka9'gru3ti]
A: 不和谐(之物)

Q: dingy ['dind=i]
A: 昏暗的;肮脏的 He lives in a dingy room.他住在一个

肮脏的屋子里。Rooms in cheap hotels are often dingy.在低级旅馆中全是又黑又脏的房间。

Q: enrapture [in'r5pt73]
A: 使狂喜;使出神

Q: defraud [di'fr6:d]
A: 欺诈

Q: reconcile ['rek3nsail]
A: 和解 We tried to reconcile her with her family.我们试图让她和她的家庭和好。How can he reconcile it to his conscience?他怎能问心无愧呢?

Q: beget [bi'get]
A: 引起;产生

Q: choke [t73uk]
A: 使窒息

Q: meander [mi'5nd3]
A: 蜿蜒而流

Q: connivance [k3'naiv3ns]
A: 默许

Q: muddle ['m2dl]
A: 弄糟 Her room is in a hopeless muddle.她的房间弄得不堪设想地混乱。Everything is in a horrible muddle.一切都陷入可怕的混乱。

Q: carrion ['k5ri3n]
A: 腐臭的肉

Q: cog [k6g]
A: 欺骗

Q: dilemma [di'lem3]
A: 左右为难;困境

Q: incentive [in'sentiv]
A: 刺激;动机 He hasn't much incentive to work hard.他没有努力工作的动力。They don't try very hard if there is no incentive.没有奖励,他们工作就不太努力。

Q: misgiving [mis'givi9]
A: 疑惧;疑虑

Q: comprise [k3m'praiz]
A: 包括

Q: saturate ['s5t73reit]
A: 浸透

Q: ample ['5mp3l]
A: 充足的 The house has an ample parlor.这座房子有宽敞的客厅。We have ample time.我们有充足的时间。

Q: impertinent [im'p3:tn3nt]
A: 粗鲁的 His remarks were impertinent.他说话语言粗鲁。I've had enough of your impertinent words.你说话太不礼貌了,我已受够了。

Q: frigid ['frid=id]
A: 严寒的 Huhhot is a frigid city in winter.冬天的呼和浩特是一个寒冷的城市。His frigid glance made me afraid.他那冷淡的目光让我害怕。

Q: transcend [tr5n'send]
A: 超越

Q: sluggish ['sl2gi7]
A: 怠惰的 There is a sluggish stream.那有一条流速缓慢的溪流。These tablets make me feel rather sluggish.我吃了这些药片感到困倦无力。

Q: fallacious [f3'lei73s]
A: 欺骗的

Q: hectic ['hektik]
A: 发热的;紧张兴奋的

Q: assemble [3'semb3l]
A: 聚集

Q: deride [di'raid]
A: 嘲笑;愚弄

Q: dolorous ['d6l3r3s]
A: 悲哀的

Q: elation [i'lei73n]
A: 得意洋洋

Q: discomfit [dis'k2mfit]
A: 挫败;使混乱

Q: fitful ['fitf3l]
A: 一阵阵的;断续的

Q: naval ['neiv3l]
A: 海军的 The naval warfare ended in our victory.这次海战以我们的胜利而告终。He was expelled from the country for spying on their naval bases.他因刺探该国海军基地的情报而被驱逐出境。

Q: accumulate [3'kju:mjuleit]
A: 积聚 Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.房屋不经常打扫,尘土很快就越积越多。

Q: wag [w5g]
A: 摇摆

Q: arraign [3'rein]
A: 控告

Q: prate [preit]
A: 喋喋不休

Q: fagot ['f5g3t]
A: 柴把

Q: alienate ['eili3neit]
A: 使疏远;转让(房地产)

Q: belie [bi'lai]
A: 掩饰

Q: yelp

A: 喊叫 The dog gave a yelp when I trod on its paw.我踩了那狗的爪子,它嚎叫了一声。

Q: rusty ['r2sti]
A: 生锈的;荒废的 The bottom of the boat was rusty.船底生锈了。My oral English is pretty rusty.我的英语口语全荒废了。The spoon has been rusty from disuse.汤匙因弃置不用而生锈了。

Q: azure "['5=3, '5=ju3]"
A: 蔚蓝的 He looked up at the azure and was lost in thought.他抬头看着蓝天,沉思起来。His eyes are azure.他的眼睛是天蓝色的。

Q: awe [6:]
A: 敬畏 We all listened to the venerable scholar with awe.我们都怀着敬畏之心倾听着这位德高望重的学者的讲话。The children stared at the teacher with awe.孩子很敬畏地凝视着老师。

Q: acme ['5kmi]
A: 顶点

Q: bespeak [bi'spi:k]
A: 指出

Q: remnant ['remn3nt]
A: 残余 The beautiful curtain is made of remnant materials.这个漂亮的窗帘是用零头布做的。

Q: perturb [p3't3:b]
A: 扰乱

Q: effuse [i'fju:z]
A: 流出;散布

Q: lug [l2g]
A: 用力拖拉

Q: consensus [k3n'sens3s]
A: 一致

Q: moribund ['m6rib2nd]
A: 将死的

Q: instigate ['instigeit]
A: 鼓动

Q: scroll [skr3ul]
A: 目录;纸卷 At the ceremony he was presented with a scroll commemorating his achievement.在典礼上,他被授予表彰他成就的卷轴。

Q: semblance ['sembl3ns]
A: 类似;外观 There are piles of papers all over the desk with no semblance of order.桌子上堆满了一堆堆杂乱无章的文件。

Q: condiment ['k6ndim3nt]
A: 调味品

Q: deface [di'feis]
A: 伤毁(外表或美观) Don't deface library books.不要污损图书馆的书籍。

Q: collusion [k3'lu:=3n]
A: 共谋

Q: drizzle ['drizl]
A: 下细雨

Q: prevaricate [pri'v5rikeit]
A: 支吾其词

Q: chore [t76:]
A: 零工;杂务

Q: trash [tr57]
A: 废物

Q: plunge [pl2nd=]
A: 投入

Q: detest [di'test]
A: 憎恶 I detest people who tell lies.我痛恨撒谎的人。I detest violence with my whole being.我毕生谴责暴力行为。

Q: scurry ['sk2ri]
A: 疾走,快跑

Q: hybrid ['haibrid]
A: 杂种;混血儿 A mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse.骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种。

Q: eloquence ['el3kw3ns]
A: 雄辩 I admire him for his eloquence.我佩服他的口才。

Q: indefatigable [;indi'f5tig3b3l]
A: 不疲倦的

Q: catastrophe [k3't5str3fi]
A: 异常的灾祸 The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe.这次地震是个可怕的灾难。Because of the failure the catastrophe will be coming.因为失败,大祸就要来临了。

Q: brew [bru:]
A: 酿造;图谋 I like a stronger brew of tea.我喜欢浓一点的茶。Adam's ale is the best brew.水是最好的饮料。

Q: frantic ['fr5ntik]
A: 狂乱的 The child's parents were frantic when she did not return home on time.那孩子没有按时回家,她父母都要急疯了。She w

as frantic with worry.她愁得要命。

Q: spine [spain]
A: 脊骨 He got an injury to his spine when he fell off his horse.他从马上摔下来,伤了脊梁骨。The bullet became lodged in her spine.那颗子弹嵌在她的脊椎骨里。

Q: butt [b2t]
A: 撞人 He was clubbed to death with a butt of a gun.他是被人用枪托殴打致死的。Poor John was the butt of all their jokes.可怜的约翰是他们嘲笑的对象。He gave me a butt on the stomach.他在我腹部撞了一下。

Q: backbite ['b5kbait]
A: 背后诽谤

Q: sturdy ['st3:di]
A: 不屈的;顽强的

Q: gentility [d=en'tiliti]
A: 有教养;文雅

Q: colt [k3ult]
A: 小雄驹 This colt is only two months old.这只小雄驹只有两个月大。

Q: temporize ['temp3raiz]
A: 见风使舵

Q: snarl [sn1:l]
A: 混乱

Q: morbid ['m6:bid]
A: 不健康的 She always has a morbid imagination.她总在做病态的想像。

Q: carnal ['k1:n3l]
A: 肉体的 That is a carnal world.那是一个肉欲的世界。

Q: propitiate [pr3'pi7ieit]
A: 慰解

Q: animosity [5ni'm6siti]
A: 憎恶 He has a strong animosity against his enemy.他对敌人有强烈的仇恨。There is great animosity between the two classes.这两个阶级之间有很深的仇恨。

Q: entrap [in'tr5p]
A: 以网或陷阱捕捉

Q: intricate ['intrikit]
A: 错综复杂的;难懂的 This is a novel with an intricate plot.这是一本情节错综复杂的小说。I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。

Q: perjury ['p3:d=3ri]
A: 伪证

Q: provoke [pr3'v3uk]
A: 激怒 Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism.这种有问题的主张肯定会招致非议。He tried to provoke them into fighting.他企图挑拨他们打架。

Q: deviate ['di:vieit]
A: 偏离

Q: dilute [dai'lu:t]
A: 稀释;冲淡

Q: shriek [7ri:k]
A: 发出尖锐的叫声 My sister gave a shriek of delight.我妹妹高兴地尖叫起来。

Q: moiety ['m6i3ti]
A: 一半

Q: extant [ik'st5nt]
A: 现存的 This law is ancient but still extant.这一法律古老但仍然有效。The earliest extant manuscript of this poem has been kept in the museum.此诗现存最早的原稿收藏在这座博物馆里。

Q: lash [l57]
A: 打 He beat the prisoner with a lash.他用鞭子抽打囚犯。

Q: invoke [in'v3uk]
A: 恳求

Q: eject [i'd=ekt]
A: 喷出;逐出

Q: gash [g57]
A: 深切 There was a gash of blood from the wound reopening.伤口再次裂开时血流如注。I was frightened when I saw the nasty gash in her arm.她胳膊上又深又长的大伤口吓坏了我。

Q: erratic [i'r5tik]
A: 不稳定的

Q: conscientious [;k6n7i'en73s]
A: 正直的 The janitor is very conscientious.那个管理员很认真。She is a conscientious teacher.她是一个有责任心的教师。We should be conscientious to our work.我们应


Q: venom ['ven3m]
A: 毒液;恶意 He retold the story with venom in his voice.他怨恨地把他的经历又讲了一遍。

Q: transmute "[tr5nz'mju:t, tr5ns-]"
A: 使变形

Q: legion ['li:d=3n]
A: 军队 The filmstar has a legion of admires.那个影星有一大群崇拜者。

Q: maculate ['m5kju;let]
A: 弄污

Q: grip [grip]
A: 抓住 He tightened his grip on her arm.他紧抓她的手臂。The brake doesn't grip properly.刹车不灵了。

Q: afflicting [3'flikti9]
A: 痛苦的 Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.暴力犯罪仅仅是危害社会的弊病之一。

Q: carping ['karpi9]
A: 吹毛求疵的

Q: intimidation [in;tim3'de73n]
A: 胁迫

Q: ford [f6:d]
A: 浅滩 This shallow ford made it possible for us to cross the river.我们有可能从这片浅滩过河。

Q: exculpate ['eksk2lpeit]
A: 辩白;使无罪

Q: smack [sm5k]
A: 微有(某)味 The book hit the floor with a smack.书啪的一声掉在地板上。

Q: declivity [di'kliviti]
A: 下倾的斜面

Q: chum [t72m]
A: 室友

Q: fallow ['f5l3u]
A: 休耕的 The farmer decided to leave the land fallow for a year.农夫决定让土地休耕一年。

Q: brisk [brisk]
A: 活泼的 A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating.在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。

Q: impassible [im'p5sib(3)l]
A: 无知觉的

Q: florid ['fl6rid]
A: 颜色鲜丽的;鲜红的

Q: scribble ['skrib3l]
A: 潦草书写 Do not scribble on the wall!不要在墙上乱涂!

Q: enormity [i'n6:m3ti]
A: 残暴

Q: cynical ['sinik3l]
A: 冷嘲热讽的 They've grown rather cynical about democracy.他们逐渐感到所谓民主制度也不过如此。His cynical attitude gave us a surprise.他那愤世嫉俗的态度让我们惊奇。

Q: abortive [3'b6:tiv]
A: 失败的

Q: elapse [i'l5ps] (
A: 时间)流走

Q: halt [h6:lt]
A: 立定;踌躇 He tried to bring that debate to a halt.他试图使这场辩论停止。The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident.汽车及时停下,避免了一场车祸。

Q: brittle ['britl]
A: 易碎的 He has a brittle temper.他脾气急。Constant stress has made our nerves brittle.我们长期处于紧张状态,神经已经吃不消了。

Q: alight [3'lait]
A: 降下;落在 The firewood was so wet that we couldn't get it alight.木柴太湿,点不着。

Q: convene [k3n'vi:n]
A: 集合 The tribunal will convene tomorrow.法庭将于明日开庭。

Q: disparage [di'sp5rid=]
A: 轻视;毁谤;贬抑 I disparage his work.我看不上他的作品。

Q: disallow [;dis3'lau]
A: 不允;拒绝

Q: detraction [di'tr5k73n]
A: 诽谤

Q: illegible [i'led=ib(3)l]
A: 难读的 Her signature was an illegible scrawl.她的签字潦草难辩。

Q: martinet [;ma:ti'net]
A: 履行严格纪律的人

Q: clutter ['kl2t3]
A: 喧闹


diverge [dai'v3:d=]
A: 分歧;差异

Q: rend [rend]
A: 撕破

Q: infringe [in'frind=]
A: 侵犯;违反

Q: extenuate [ik'stenjueit]
A: 使(罪过等)显得轻微 Nothing can extenuate such appalling behavior.这种骇人听闻的行径罪不可恕。

Q: synchronize ['si9kr3naiz]
A: 同时发生

Q: renowned [ri'naund]
A: 著名的

Q: propagate ['pr6p3geit]
A: 繁殖 Most plants propagate by seed.大多数植物靠种子繁殖。They started a newspaper to propagate their ideas.他们办了一份报纸来宣传他们的主张。

Q: reiterate [ri:'it3reit]
A: 重述

Q: gambol ['g5mb3l]
A: 欢跳;雀跃

Q: slake [sleik]
A: 息(怒) We had to slake ourselves with rainwater in the desert.在沙漠中我们不得不用雨水解渴。

Q: censor ['sens3]
A: 检查员

Q: psyche ['saiki]
A: 精神

Q: strait [streit]
A: 海峡;困难 The door is rather strait.这门相当窄。

Q: scope [sk3up]
A: 范围;余地 Your question is beyond the scope of this book.你所问的问题已超出了这本书的范围。

Q: valor ['v5l3]
A: 勇气 His valor in the war was seen by everybody.他在战争中的英勇人所共见。

Q: brutal ['bru:tl]
A: 野蛮的 NATO's invasion of this independent country is a brutal violation of human rights.北约对这个独立的国家的侵略是对人权的野蛮侵犯。

Q: malignant [m3'lign3nt]
A: 恶毒的 The tumour is not malignant.这个瘤不是恶性的。It's a malignant slander to me.这对我是恶意的诽谤。

Q: feeble ['fi:b3l]
A: 微弱的 A sick person is often feeble.病人常常虚弱无力。A feeble attempt is liable to fail.愚蠢的尝试多半是要失败的。This was his fatal defect; he was of feeble will.这是他致命的弱点,他意志薄弱。

Q: extrude [ik'stru:d]
A: 挤出;逐出

Q: protract [pr3'tr5kt]
A: 延长

Q: stamina ['st5min3]
A: 体力;精力

Q: insidious [in'sidi3s]
A: 狡猾的

Q: vivacity [vai'v5s3ti]
A: 快活

Q: harass ['h5r3s]
A: 侵扰

Q: accompany [3'k2mp3ni]
A: 伴;随

Q: protrude [pr3'tru:d]
A: 伸出

Q: depict [di'pikt]
A: 描写;叙述

Q: ignite [ig'nait]
A: 使燃着

Q: impeach [im'pi:t7]
A: 非难;指责 The Parliament decided to impeach the President.国会决定弹劾总统。

Q: cackle ['k5k3l]
A: 咯咯笑 The old woman gave a loud cackle.老太太咯咯地笑起来。The manager let us cut the cackle.经理让我们不要闲谈。

Q: stray [strei]
A: 漂泊的;偶然的 The stray cat was picked up by a kind girl.走失的猫被一个善良的姑娘收留了。We were befriended by a stray dog.有一只失散的狗和我们很好。

Q: gad [g5d]
A: 闲逛

Q: captivate ['k5ptiveit]
A: 迷惑

Q: ruminate ['ru:mineit]
A: 沉思 The cow began to ruminate after eating up grass.牛吃完草后开始反刍。

Q: rant [r5nt]
A: 大声叫喊;咆哮

Q: abstract

A: 摘要;提炼 "We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract.我们尽可谈论美的事物,然而美本身却是抽象的。He has some abstract notion of wanting to change the world.他有一种要改造世界的空想。"

Q: dedicate ['dedikeit]
A: 奉献

Q: quandary ['kw6nd3ri]
A: 困惑;窘境

Q: jerk [d=3:k]
A: 急拉 The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with a jerk.那把刀子被卡住了,她猛地一拔,把它拔了出来。

Q: famished ['f5mi7t]
A: 极饥饿的 The long drought famished many people.久旱使很多人陷入饥饿。

Q: euphony ['ju:f3ni]
A: 悦耳之音

Q: haggle ['h5g3l]
A: 争论

Q: equitable ['ekwit3b3l]
A: 公平的;公正的

Q: intuition [;intju'i73n]
A: 直觉

Q: jeer [d=i3]
A: 揶揄;嘲笑

Q: adamant ['5d3m3nt]
A: 坚定不移的 She was quite adamant that she would not come.她坚决不来。On this point I am adamant.在这一点上我是坚定不移的。

Q: jug [d=2g]
A: 壶 She poured some water into the earthenware jug.她向那个陶罐里倒了些水。

Q: ideology [;aidi'6l3d=i]
A: 意识

Q: tantalize ['t5ntl-aiz]
A: 折磨;使着急

Q: shade [7eid]
A: 荫;阴暗 There are no trees or bushes to give shade.没有树木或灌木丛可以遮荫。The ground under the trees is chequered with sunlight and shade.林中地上光影交错。We made camp under the shade of trees.我们在树荫下宿营。

Q: scrub [skr2b] (
A: 用力)擦洗 Give that floor a good hard scrub.使劲擦洗一下那地板。

Q: cogent ['k3ud=3nt]
A: 强有力的

Q: quibble ['kwib3l]
A: 模棱两可地说

Q: exploit ['ekspl6it]
A: 功绩 People should read the related regulations before they exploit natural resources.在开发自然资源前,人们应该先了解相关的规定。

Q: brim [brim] (
A: 杯、碗的)边 He filled the cup to the brim.他倒了满满一杯。

Q: pinnacle ['pin3kl]
A: 顶点 I can see the small pinnacle from here.我能从这儿看到那个小尖塔。He has reached the pinnacle of his career.他已经登上事业的顶峰。

Q: swarm [sw6:m]
A: 群 He has received a swarm of letters.他已经收到了一大批信件。The locust swarm has destroyed all the crops and vegetables.蝗虫群毁坏了所有的庄稼和蔬菜。

Q: embezzle [im'bez3l]
A: 盗用(公款;公物)

Q: superfluous "[su:'p3:flu3s, sju:-]"
A: 过多的;不必要的 "He has already been told, so our comments are superfluous.早就有人同他说过,所以我们的意见是多余的。"

Q: menial ['mi:ni3l]
A: 低贱的

Q: mediocre [;mi:di'3uk3]
A: 平庸的

Q: oracle ['6r3kl]
A: 神谕

Q: apostasy [3'p6st3si]
A: 背教

Q: creek [kri:k]
A: 小湾;小溪 I was really up the creek when I lost my keys.我丢掉钥匙之后,真正遇到了麻烦。

Q: dangle ['d59g3l]
A: 悬摆

Q: foliage ['f3uli-id=]
A: 叶(集

合称) We carried armfuls of foliage to the bonfire.我们给篝火堆挟来几抱枝叶。He crouched down among the tangled foliage.他蹲下把身子藏在紊乱的叶丛中。

Q: essential [i'sen73l]
A: 重要的;基本的 National unity is essential in time of war.举国团结在战时是非常重要的。Rice is our essential foodstuff in life.大米是我们生活的基本食物。Limit your expenditure to what is essential.你要把开销限制在必要的范围内。

Q: zenith ['zini0]
A: 顶点 He has reached the zenith of his career.他已经达到了他事业的顶峰。At its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole of Europe.罗马帝国在全盛时期几乎占据了整个欧洲。

Q: alternate "[6:l't3:nit, '6:lt3:neit]"
A: 轮流(常与with连用) Meetings are held on alternate Thursdays.每隔一个星期的星期四举行一次会议。We alternate in doing the housework.我们轮流做家务。

Q: raze [reiz]
A: 摧毁

Q: deleterious [;deli'ti3ri3s]
A: 有害的

Q: degenerate "[di'd=en3r3t, -reit]"
A: 退步;衰败

Q: fealty ['fi:3lti]
A: 忠诚 He took an oath of fealty to the king.他宣誓对国王效忠。

Q: embitter [im'bit3]
A: 使苦;激怒

Q: carcass ['k1:k3s]
A: 尸体;残骸 Vultures are picking at a lion's carcass.秃鹫正在啄食狮子的尸体。You might find a bit of meat left on the chicken carcass.鸡骨头上还可能有点肉呢。

Q: clamorous ['kl5m3r3s]
A: 吵闹的 The meeting began to become clamorous.会议开始变得喧哗了。

Q: abstinence ['5bstin3ns]
A: 禁戒;节制

Q: cohesion [k3u'hi:=3n]
A: 附着(力)

Q: toll [t3ul]
A: 鸣(钟) Years of hardship and neglect had taken their toll.多年的劳累和疏于保养损害了他们的健康。

Q: rot [r6t]
A: 腐烂 The meat will rot if it isn't kept cool.肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。He thinks that the rot set in when the country was opened up to tourists.他认为自从国家向旅游者开放之时起,腐败就开始了。

Q: progenitor [pr3u'd=enit3]
A: 祖先 Marx is the progenitor of Communism.马克思是共产主义的创始人.

Q: hilarity [hi'l5riti]
A: 欢乐

Q: cozy ['k3uzi]
A: 舒适的 He lives in a cozy little room.他住在一个舒适的小屋里。I felt all cozy tucked up in bed.我钻进被窝里,暖暖和和舒服极了。The room has a nice cozy feel.这房间给人非常温暖舒适的感觉。

Q: conspire [k3n'spai3]
A: 阴谋;密谋

Q: autopsy ['6:t6psi]
A: 验尸

Q: cascade [k5'skeid]
A: 小瀑布 "The water formed a cascade down the mountain.水沿山泻下,形成一条瀑布。When it rained, water would cascade down the window.下雨的时候,雨水像瀑布一样沿着窗沿泻下。"

Q: fraudulent ['fr6:djul3nt]
A: 欺诈的;不诚实的

Q: rebate ['ribeit]
A: 部分款项的退还;减少

Q: fret [fret]
A: 激怒

Q: splendor ['splend3]
A: 光彩;壮观

We admired the splendor of the mountain scenery.我们赞赏着壮丽的山景。The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor.所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。

Q: greedy ['gri:di]
A: 贪婪的 He looked at the shop window with greedy eyes.他用贪婪的眼光看着商店的橱窗。The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party.那个贪吃的小男孩把宴会上所有的糖果都吃光了。He is a greedy capitalist.他是一个贪婪的资本家。

Q: suffrage ['s2frid=]
A: 投票;同意 When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?贵国是什么时候实行普选权的?

Q: adjacent [3'd=eis3nt]
A: 邻接的 His house is adjacent to mine.他的寓所与我的相毗连。

Q: satiate ['sei7ieit]
A: 使饱;使满足

Q: fatalism ['feit3liz3m]
A: 宿命论

Q: reticence ['retis3ns]
A: 沉默

Q: beg [beg]
A: 恳求 The vagrant had to beg for money.那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。I beg your pardon.对不起;请原谅。I beg your pardon?请您再说一遍,好吗?He thinks it's a shame to beg others for alms.他认为向他人乞求救济是耻辱。

Q: hazy ['heizi]
A: 有雾的;模糊的

Q: waver ['weiv3]
A: 摆动;动摇 The disaster caused him to waver in his faith.这件灾难使他对信仰发生了动摇。

Q: gnaw [n6:]
A: 啮

Q: degrade [di'greid]
A: 使堕落;降级

Q: imbibe [im'baib]
A: 饮 I always imbibe fresh air in the woods.我经常在树林里呼吸新鲜空气。

Q: quiver ['kwiv3]
A: 振动 He felt a quiver of excitement.他感到激动得发抖。

Q: nook [nuk]
A: 角落;隐匿处 The police searched every nook and corner for the escaped criminal.警方到处搜查逃犯。

Q: despatch [di'sp5t7]
A: 派遣 She did the job with great despatch.她以高效率完成了那件工作。

Q: congruity [k3n'gru3ti]
A: 一致

Q: scud [sk2d]
A: 疾行

Q: wrangler ['r59gl3]
A: 争吵者

Q: diminutive [di'minjutiv]
A: 小的 We thought her diminutive figure could not suffer that work.我们认为她那小小的身材不能忍受那项工作。She bought a diminutive toy for her daughter.她给女儿买了个小巧可爱的玩具。

Q: indignity [in'digniti]
A: 侮辱 She was subjected to indignity and humiliation.她受到侮辱和羞辱。

Q: digress [dai'gres]
A: 离开本题

Q: alimentation [;5l3m3:n;te73n]
A: 营养

Q: stalk [st6:k]
A: 高视阔步 He cut off the flowers at the stalk with a pair of scissors.他用剪子连花带茎都剪下来。

Q: consecrate ['k6nsikreit]
A: 奉为神圣;供献

Q: cluster ['kl2st3]
A: 串;束

Q: recollection [;rek3'lek73n]
A: 记起;回想 I have no recollection of meeting him.我不记得见过他。

Q: plague [pleig]
A: 疫病 A great plague was then raging in the city.那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐。The plague has broken out.突然发生了鼠疫。

Q: imprecate [impri'kei

A: 诅咒

Q: gibe [d=aib]
A: 讥笑

Q: downcast ['daunk1:st]
A: 沮丧的

Q: screed [skri:d]
A: 碎片

Q: jar [d=1:]
A: 震动 The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams.这瓶咖啡净重180克。How much is a jar of peanut butter?一瓶花生酱多少钱?

Q: resemblance [ri'zembl3ns]
A: 相似 There is a degree of resemblance between the two boys.这两个男孩有某些相似之处。Your story shows little resemblance to the facts.你说的与事实相去甚远。She bears little resemblance to her mother.她不象她母亲。

Q: enact [i'n5kt]
A: 制定为法律

Q: animated ['5nimeitid]
A: 有生气的;热烈的

Q: culmination [;k2lmi'nei73n]
A: 顶点

Q: devious ['di:vi3s]
A: 绕道的

Q: chaste [t7eist]
A: 贞洁的;纯正的 "She was a holy woman, innocent and chaste.她是一个圣洁的女人,天真而忠贞。"

Q: mete [mi:t]
A: 分配

Q: absorb [3b's6:b]
A: 吸收;并吞 Plants absorb minerals and other nutrients from the soil.植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料。Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。

Q: indictment [in'daitm3nt]
A: 起诉 The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty.这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。This is an indictment for government.这是对政府的控诉。

Q: reef [ri:f]
A: 收(帆);收缩 The ship was wrecked on a reef.这船触礁失事了。

Q: detach [di't5t7]
A: 分开;分遣

Q: dank [d59k]
A: 阴湿的

Q: vehemence ['vi:im3ns]
A: 热切;激烈

Q: plunder ['pl2nd3]
A: 抢夺 He escaped with his plunder.他带着赃物逃跑了。

Q: exude [ig'zju:d]
A: 渗出;流出

Q: cataclysm ['k5t3kliz3m]
A: 洪水

Q: exhume "[ig'zju:m,eks'hju:m]"
A: 从墓中掘出

Q: covetous ['k2vit3s]
A: 贪心的 She shows a covetous look.她露出贪婪的表情。He is covetous of her high salary.他垂涎她的高薪。

Q: flora ['fl6:r3]
A: 一切植物 My professor studies flora of the Palaeozoic Era.我的教授研究古生代的植物群。

Q: nauseate ['n6:zieit]
A: 使恶心

Q: parry ['p5ri]
A: 躲开

Q: streak [stri:k]
A: 条纹;短时间 He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lightning.他快如闪电般地从拐角处消失。

Q: slit [slit]
A: 割裂 Her skirt has a long slit.她的裙子上有个细长的开口。She slit cloth into strips.她把布撕成细条。

Q: episode ['epis3ud]
A: 插曲 The episode of this film sounds good.这部电影的插曲很好听。That's an episode in my life I'd rather forget!那是我一生中宁愿忘记的经历!

Q: deprecate ['deprikeit]
A: 祈祷以求免于(灾祸等)

Q: conveyance [k3n'vei3ns]
A: 让与;运输 Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.运费中不包括火车站至轮船码头之间的运输费用。

Q: shackle ['

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