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自考英语国家概况汇总版 (1) (1)

Chapter 1Land and People

I.Strictly speaking, the British Isles, Great Britain and England are all geographical names.

1. The British Isles are made up of two large irelands and hundreds of small islands.(see map of UK)The two large irelands are Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain is the larger of these two islands.

2. ★The official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country, so people just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U.K.

(UK)capital: London

The Republic of Ireland爱尔兰共和国has been an independent republic since 1949 and its capital is Dublin.

3. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland, and Wales. England is the largest, most populous and richest, so people tend to use ―England‖ and ―English‖ when they mean ―Britain‖ and ―British‖.

(选择题)4.Strictly speaking,‖the British Isles‖refers to Great Britain and Ireland

(选) 5.The capital of Britain is London

6.The British Empire大英帝国: one fourth of the world‘s people and one fourth of the world‘s land area.

7.Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the north and the North sea in the east.

(简答)6. The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in 1931. ★The Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special powers. T he decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is left to each nation.英联邦是一个自由联合体,由曾是英国殖民地而现已独立的国家构成,成员国之间实行经济合作,有一定的贸易协议。英联邦没有特别的权利,是否参加英联邦有个成员国自己决定,现在(1991年),英联邦有50个成员国。


Geographical Features

1. The United Kingdom is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. The English Channel lies between Britain and France. (p.4)

2. ―Chunnel‖: channel + tunnel, opened to traffic in 1994. (p.5)

3. The highest mountain in Britain: Ben Nevis, 1,343m in Scotland. (p.6)

The longest river: the Severn River(338 km)

The second largest and most important river: the Thames River(336 km)(p.7)

4. 90% of the population is urban and only 10% is rural. (p.11)

5. The English are Anglo-Saxons 盎格鲁撒克逊人, but the Scots, Welsh and Irish are Celts凯尔特人. (p.12)

Chapter 2The Origins of a Nation (5000 BC – AD 1066)

I.Early setters(5000BC-55BC)

1 The Iberians伊比利亚人

The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians.At about 3000BC During the New Stone Age新石器时代

2.The Beaker Folk民间烧杯

At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now known as Holland and the Rhineland.

3.The Celts凯尔特人

1. began to arrive about 700 BC

2. The Celts were practised farmers.

3. The Celtic tribes are ancestors of Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh, and their languages are the basis of both Welsh and Gaelic. The celts religion was Druidism德鲁伊德教

★选择题4.The Belgae were the most industrious and vigorous勤奋和精力旺盛of the Celtic trices.

II.Roman Britain(500BC-AD410)罗马人统治时期的英国(公元前55年--公元410年)

1. British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion. 罗马人有记载的历史开始于罗马人的入侵

For nearly 400years Britain was under the Roman occupation. But it was never a total occupation for two reasons.First,some parts of the country resistd,Secondly,Roman troops were often withdrawn from Britain to fight in other parts of the Roman Empire.The Roman capital was London(Londinium)英国被罗马人占领近400年,但这并非完全占领。原因有两个:一些地区进行抵抗。其次,罗马军队经常撤离不列颠,到罗马其他帝国作战

★2.Julius Ceasar凯撒,the great Roman general,invated Britain for the first time in 55BC公元前55年,罗马将军儒略.凯撒第一次入侵英国

3.The successful invasion成功入侵不列颠did not take place until nearly a century latter,inAD 43,headedbn by the Emperor Claudius克劳迪

4.They withdrew from the north in the second century and build two great walls to keep the Picts,so called because of their ―painted faces‖,out of the area they had conquered.These were the Hadrian‘s Wall running from Carlisle to Newcastle,and the Antonine Wall linking the estuaries of the Fourth and the Clyde.公元前2世纪,罗马人从北部撤兵,并修筑两条长城,把皮克特人--因其在脸上涂绘而得名--挡在已征服地区之外。一条是从卡莱尔到纽卡斯尔的哈德利安长城,另一条是链接福斯河口和克莱德河口的安东尼长城

5.The Roman capital was London.York had been created as a northern stronghold and Bath rapidly developed because of its waters.罗马人的首都是伦敦。约克被建为北方要塞,而巴斯城因其水域而发展迅速。

5.The Roman also brought the new religion,Christianity,to Britian,the first Christian Emperor,Constantine君士坦丁大帝

III. the Anglo-Saxons安格鲁撒克逊(446-871)

★选择题1.The Anglo-saxons were ferocious people安格鲁撒克逊是凶猛的民族

2. mid-5th century, three Teutonic tribes: Jutes朱特人(from southern Denmark), Saxons, and Angles(both from northern Germany); Angles were to give their name to the English people五世纪中叶,朱特人、萨克逊人和安格鲁人开始入侵不列颠。这个是日耳曼部落。

3.By the end of the eighth century Offa欧发,the King of Mercia麦西亚,who built the great earthwork as offa‘s Dyke along his western borders to keep out the welsh.

4. ★The Anglo-saxons brought their own Teautonic 日耳曼宗教religion to Britain.

5.St. Augustine奥古斯丁—— the first Archbishop of Canterbury.坎特伯雷大教主

6.★Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state: divide the country into shires(郡), later counties; the narrow-strip, three-field farming system(三田轮作); manorial庄园system; Witan(议会)(council or meeting of the wisemen, 贤人会议), the basis of the Privy Council枢密院which still exists today.

IV.The Viking and Danish invasions北欧海盗和丹麦人入侵

1. from the end of 8th century, Norwegian Vikings and Danes from Denmark attacked varous parts of England挪威海盗和丹麦人

2. The Danes gained the ―Danelaw‖(丹麦法区), the north and east of England.

3. The Witan chose Canute, the Danish Leader, as king in 1016. Canute made England part of a Scandinavian empire.

4.Alfred阿尔弗雷德, King of Wessex (871-899)was strong enough to defeat the Danes and came to a relatively friendly agreement with them in 879. (抗击北欧海盗入侵的国家英雄)

his contributions: ―the father of the British navy‖;英国海军之父reorganized the fyrd英国民兵(the Saxon army); translated into English Bede‘s Ecclesiastical History of the English People; established schools and formulated a legal system.

―Alfred the Great‖阿尔弗雷德大帝

5. king Ethelred 埃塞雷德the Unread不准备好大帝

IV.The Norman Conquest and its consequences(1066)诺尔曼人的征服

1. King Edward爱德华, known as ―the Confessor忏悔者‖, was far more Norman than Saxon,the building of Westminster Abbey than with affairs of state威斯敏斯特大教堂的修建.

★选择题2. When Edward died, the Witan chose Harold as king.Harold was kill,shot through the right eye by an arrow.Anglo-saxon哈尔德战死,他的右眼被箭刺死

3.The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history.William the Conqueror 征服者威廉confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers.

★4. William the Conqueror: the best-known event in English history;the feudal system was completely established.William the conqueror征服者法国诺曼第人征服后,威廉成为英国国王,成为英语历史最著明的事件,并且完本建立了封建制度.

Chapter 3 the shaping of the nation1066-1381

I.Norman Rule诺曼统治(1066-1381)

1.willia’s rule(1066-1087)威廉一世的统治

★选择题Under Willian,the feudal system in England was completely established.在威廉的统治下,英国封建制度得以完全确立According to this sysrem,the king owned all the land personally.At the bottom of the fedual scale处在封建制度底层were the villeins 奴隶or serfs,unfree peasants who were little better than slaves.

2.one peculiar feature of the feudal systerm of England,and one which restrained the growth of the power of the barons.Not only to their immediate lord,but also to the king.英国封建独特特点,不仅要效忠直接领袖,还要效忠国王

★选择题3.William replace the Witan议会with the Grand Council (贤人会议)

Domesday Book末日审判书

①In order to have a reliable record of all his lands,Willian sent his clerks to compile a property record known as Domesday Byook.为了记录可靠,威廉派官员编了一本财产清册,称为<末日审判书>

②This book,completed in 1086,was the result of a general survey of England made in 1086.这本财产清册完成于1086年

★Domesday Book内容: record of lands土地范围, tenants人口, and their possessions耕种情况, for taxes所有权. Not unlike the Book of Doom. (末日审判书)

③From the Domesday Book,it appeared that in 1086 about half the cultivated land in the country was in the hands of 170 tenants-in-chief,only two of whom were English barons;abouta fifth was held personally by the King and most of the rest by bishops and abbots and other heads of religious houses.从这本清册上看,1086年,农村约有一半的耕地掌握在170个承租人手里,这之中只有两个是英国贵族,约五分之一土地归国王本人所有

3.Willian took a deep interest in the development of the church in England.His policy towards the church was to keeo it completely under his control,but at the same time to uphold its power.威廉对教会的政策是完全控制,同时赞成它拥有权力。

①He encouraged Lanfrant to bring a characteristic Nor-man efficiency into the administration of church affair and to take the English church closer to Rome.The monasteries formed the new culture centres.他鼓励兰佛兰克用诺曼特色的高效率来管理教会事务,并进一步密切英国教会与罗马的关系,但有小心维护自己的独立性。修道院成了新的文化中心

4.William Rufus(William II)红脸威廉was killed by an arrow when he was hunting in the New Forest in August 1100.His younger brother,Henry,had himself crowned immediately in Westminster Abbe y.在新森林打猎时被暗箭射死。他的弟弟亨利立刻在威斯敏斯特教堂自己加冕当上了国王。

2.Henry II’s Reforms亨利二世的改革

1.Henry II was the first king of the House of Plantagenet金雀花王朝

II.The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament大宪章议会的开端

Two aspects of the Norman legacy were to contribute to great domestic unrest in the 12th and 13th centuries.One was England‘s possession of territory in France英国在法国境内拥有土地.The other was Norman adherence 依附to Roman Catholicism.The result was confrontation between king John and his barons in1215.引发约翰国王与贵族们之间的战争。

2.The king was forced to put his seal to the Charter on june 19.1215.国王在印章盖章

3.Magna carta大宪章had altogether 63 clauses,of which the most important matters were these:

(1)no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council.没有大议会批准不准征税

(2)no freeman should should be arrested,imprisonted,or deprived of his property except by the law of the land;

(3)the Church should possess all its rights,together with freedom of elections;

(4)London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privileges,and there should be the same weights and mesures thoughout the country.

★意义:The spirit of Magna Carta was the limitation of the powers of the king,keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.国王和贵族之间的封建关系,大宪章的精神是限制王权,置王权于封建法律的约束了。

4.The Great Council developed later into the Lords上议院and the Commons下议院known as a parliament.

★5.At this point Parliament only met by royal invitation.Its role was to offer advice,not to make decisions.There were still no elections,no parties,and the most important part of Paliament was the House of Lords.This remained so until recent times.

III.The Hundred Years’War with France(1337-1453)英法百年战争

1.The name is given to the intermittent war between France and England that lasted from 1337-1453.The causes were partly territorial 领土的冲突and partly econamic.经济的冲突

IV.The Black Death(1348-1349)and the Peasant Uprising(1381)黑死病和农民起义

1.Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague,an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas.黑死病是指老鼠身上的跳虱传播的致命的淋巴腺鼠疫引起的传染性疾病It spread through Europ e in the 14th century,particularly in 1347-1350.It killed between one half and one third of the population of England夺取三分之一到一半的英国人性命.Followed by lesser epidemics during the next fifty years,it had reduced England‘s population from four million to two million by the end of the 14th century.

The peasant Uprising农民起义

1.The Lollards went about preaching the equality of men before God,the mosr famous one being John Ball.A popular balled expressed the responses of the masses:劳拉派穷教士四处讲道,宣扬上帝面前人人平等,最著名就是约翰*布尔,流行的民谣表达了民众的心声

When Adam delved,and Eve span,Who was then a gentleman?当亚当耕地,夏娃织布时,究竟谁是绅士?,

2.On June14,the fourteen-year-old king Richard II met the rebels at Mile End6月14,查理二世被迫在迈尔恩德接见起义农民.The next day june 15,Later many hundreds of rebels were put to death by Richard as he passed triumphantly with an army of 4000 men through kent and Essex.15日,血洗肯特郡和埃塞克斯郡,处死几百名起义者。

★选择题3.Although the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was brutally suppressed,it had far-reaching significance in English history虽然1382年的农民起义被血腥镇压,但却在英国历史上留下深远的影响.The uprising dealt a telling blow to villeinage,and a whole new class of yeomen farmers emerged,paving the way for the development of capitalism.这个起义沉重地打击了封建农奴制度,产生全新的自耕农阶级,为资本主义发展铺平了道路。

Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age (1455-1688)向现代过渡

I.Transition to the Modern Age(1455-1485)向现代过渡

1.Although the Plantagenet金雀花王朝kings the 14th and 15th centurys were fairly successful in some way(in their relation with scotland, and their tight control of wales).The name Wars of the roses was,in fact,coined by the great 19th cetury novelist Sir Walter Scott瓦尔特司考特,but it has become the accepted way of referring to these battles between the great House of Lancaster 兰开斯特家族symbolized by the red rose,and that of York约克,symbolized by the white.

2.On August 22,1485 at Bosworth Field 博斯沃思原野i n Leicestershire 莱切斯特郡the last battle of wars of the Roses was fought between Richard III and another claimant to the throne,Henry Tudor亨利.都铎,part-Welsh granson of Owen Tudor and descendant of john of Gaunt,Duke of Lancaster.Henry Tudor married Elizabeth of York,thus uniting the

House of Lancaster and York and putting the country under the rule of the Tudors.

影响:(1)Although the Wars the Roses were waged intermittently for thirty years,ordinary people were little affected and went about their business as usual.民众所受影响少,照常从事各种营生

(2)From these wars feudalism received its death blow.No less than 80 nobles of royal blood were killed in the wars.封建制度遭受致命打击

(3)The great medieval nobility was much weakened and discredited.The king‘s power now became supreme.贵族势力削弱,国王权利变得至高无上

3.Henry Tudor became Henry VII he gave England very firm rule.亨利*都铎成为亨利七世,强有力的统治了英国He gave England peace at home and abroad which meant that he was able to build up England‘s navy and foreign trade.他使英国得到国内外的和平,这使他能建立英国海军和进行对外贸易。

II.The England reformation英国改革

1.Henry VIII,son of Henry VII,is usually remembered as the English king who had six wives one after another.But Henry VIII is regard as great king.He took his father‘s work in rebuilding the monarchstages further.He tightened England‘s control over its remove border areas and over Ireland;重建军权,加紧对遥远地区和爱尔兰的控制。

2.Henry VIII was above all responsible for the religious reform of the church.There were 3 main causes:

(1)a desire for change and reform in the church had been growing for many years and now,encouraged by the sucess of Martin Luther,many people believed its time had come;期望教会改革多年,受马丁的鼓舞,许多人认为时机已到

(2)the privilege and wealth of the clergy were also resented;人民痛恨教职人员的特权和财富

(3)and Henry needed money.亨利需要钱

3.The reform began as a struggle for a divorce and ended in freedom from the papacy.改革以离婚为开始Henry‘s reform was to get rid of the English Church‘s connection with the Pope,and to make an independet Church of England.改革的目的英国教会与教皇脱离关系,成为独立的英格兰教会He dissolved all of England‘s monasteries and nunneries because they were more loyal to the Pope than to their English kings.他解散了所有英国修道院和修女院,因为后者对教王比英国国王更忠心

★The law(e.g.the Act of succession of 1534继任法and the Act of Supremacy 至尊法案of 1535)Henry took the title Supreme Head of the Church of England in 1535.亨利1535年获得“英格兰教会最高首脑”之称

III.Elizabeth I(1558-1603)

★选择题和简答题Elizabeth was 25 when she came to the throne.She reigned England,Wales and Ireland fo r 45 years and she remained single.伊丽莎白25岁登基,统治英格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰45年,一直单身

Elizabeth‘s reign was a time of confident English nationalism 人民自信and of great achievements in literature and other arts,in exploration and in battle.在文学、和其他艺术,探险、对外战争取得巨大成就。

1.Elizabeth and Parliament伊丽莎白和议会

There were her religion宗教,her marriage婚姻,her foreign policy外交政策,the succession to the throne王位的继承,and her finance财政.

2.Elizabeth’s Religious Reform伊丽莎白的宗教信仰

★简答题Elizabeth‘s religion religious reform was a compromise of views.伊丽莎白的宗教改革是各种观点的妥协(keeping to Catholic doctrines and prectices but to be free of the Papel control保持天主教的教条以及做法,但不受教皇控制).Her religious settlement was unacceptable to both the extreme Protestants known as Puritans and to ardent Catholics.她的宗教既不被清教徒接受,也不为天主教接受

3.Elizabeth’s foreign policy 伊丽莎白的宗教信仰

The destruction of the Spanish Armada showed England‘s superiority as a naval power.西班牙的无敌舰队的灭亡表明英国作为海上强国的优势。March,1603,King James VI of Scotland was also James I of England,where he was first of the Stuarts to take the throne.1603年3月,詹姆斯六世称詹姆斯一世,成为斯图亚特王朝首位君王

IV.The English Renaissance英国的文艺复兴

★1.renaissance ---the revival of classical literature古典文学and artistic styles 艺术形式in European history.The word is from French,meaning ―rebirth‖and was first applied by the Swiss historian Jakob Burckhardt 雅各布*布尔in 1860.

The transitional period between the middle ages and modern times , 1350-1650; it saw the challenge of the

supremacy of the roman catholic church by the reformation, the rise of Humanism, the growth of large nation-states, the far-ranging voyages of exploration, and a new emphasis on the importance of the individual.文艺复兴处于中世纪向现代的过度时期,时间为1350-1650年。文艺复兴时期是取得重大成就和变化时期,它经历了宗教改革对罗马天主教会的至高权威的挑战,人文主义的兴起,民族打过的兴起,远程探险航行,对个人重要性的重新强调等。

2.The Renaissance began in northern Italy意大利北部in the early 14th century,and was typified by the universal genius of Leonardo DaVinci莱奥纳多*达*芬奇

3. in England, beginning with the accession of the house of Tudor 都铎王朝in 1485.

4. 5 characteristics: English culture was revitalized mainly by contemporary Europeans; insular country; native literature (14th century poet Chaucer) ;English renaissance literature is primarily artistic; coincided with the reformation.

★5.the English renaissance was largely literary大部分在文学上–Elizabethan drama伊丽莎白戏剧。Its finest exponents were Christopher Marlowe克里斯托夫*马洛,Ben Jonson,本*琼生and William Shakespeare.威廉*莎士比亚

6.Christopher Marlowe(1564-1593),establishedn blank verse.

Ben Jonson,Many of his poems were set to music by comosers of the time.

William Shakespeare莎士比亚is the greatest writer in the English language.He wrote 37 plays(1)Historical plays 历史剧:Richard II,Henry V,and Richard III;(2)Comedies喜剧:Merchant of venice,As You Like It, (3)Tragedies悲剧: Hamlet 哈姆雷特

7.Poetry was also extremely rich,and reached its peak at the beginning of the 17th century i n the work of Edmund

Spenser埃德蒙*斯宾塞,Philip Sidney菲利普*菲尼,Shakespeare 莎士比亚and John Donne.约翰*多恩

Edmund Spenser,a celebrated poet,wrote Shepherd‘s Calendar 牧羊人日记and The Faerie Queene 仙后

John Donne is the best known of the “metaphysical”玄学poets.

Francis Bacon:a stateman and philosopher ,is known for his Essays《诗说文集》.his chief philosophical work is Novum Organum《新工具》

1620, Pilgrim Fathers, Mayflower, New Plymouth in America

Charles I, ―the Divine Right of Kings‖(君权神授)

Puritanism清教; simple dress, high moral standards and very egalitarian平等attitude.

1628, petition of Right (<民权请愿书>), the 2nd Magna Carta.

V.James I (1603-1625)and the parliament

1.James VI of Scotland Elizabeth I and became James I of England(1603-1625)

2.The Puritans were shocked when James refused all their proposals for change in 1604 with the words“no bishop主教,no king”.

3.James I died in 1625,leaving his son,Chares I,to cope with a problem which was to be resoved by his own violent death.

VI.Charles I(1625-1649)and the Parliament

★Charles I‘s relations with the Parliament were from the start disastrous.

VII.The civil war 内战

1. first civil war (1642-1646):

背景:It was very reluctantly that the Parliament concluded that the only way it could impress its views on such a king would be to defeat him in battle,and then impose legal conditions upon him before allowing him to reign again.议会极不情愿地得出结论:要使这样的国王接受议会的观点的唯一方法是在战场上打败他,在允许他重新统治前先强迫他接受法律条件。

过程:On August 22,1642 in a field near Nottingham诺丁汉King Charles 查理斯国王号召所有支持者加入raised his standard beneath a glowering sky,and bade all his supporters to join him.The First Civil War(1642-1646)began.The Parliamentary议会军army was made up of young farmers 自由民midde-class townspeople,中产阶级市民and artisans手工艺人

★The king‘s men were called Cavaliers (骑士派), 支持国王者and the supporters of parliament were called Roundheads(圆颅派)支持议会者because of their short haircuts.

2.second civil war, 1648

Charles was tried by a high court of justice, found guilty of having levied war against his kingdom and the parliament, condemned to death, and executed on a scaffold outside the windows of the Banqueting House at Whitehall on January 30, 1649.

3.Charles was executed (beheaded) on a scaffold outside the Whitehall (白厅,昔日皇宫)on Jan 30, 1649.

★选择题4.the English civil war is also called the puritan revolution清教徒的革命,because the king‘s opponents were mainly puritan, and his supporters chiefly Episcopalian and catholic.

★选择题和简答题5.The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England , but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe.内战不但推翻英国的封建制度而且动摇了欧洲的封建基础It is regard as the biginning of modern world history.是现代社


VIII.The Commowealth(1649-1660)共和国

1. Oliver Cromwell 克伦威尔and the rump (残余国会) declared England a commonwealth. Meanwhile, Oliver Cromwell and the rump –members of the long parliament who had voted for Charles‘s execution declared England a commonwealth.

2. crushed without mercy a rebellion in Ireland; suppression of the levelers (平均派)

One of Cromwell‘s first acts was to crush without mercy a rebellion in Ireland, killing all the inhabitants of the towns of D rogheda and Wexford. Another was the suppression of the levelers.

3.1653 lord protector of the commonwealth of England.成了英国最有权势的人

He became Lord protector of the commonwealth of England.

4.direct military rule –tyrant; tough control of the nation‘s morals

IX.The Restoration and the Glorious Revolution of 1688王朝复辟和1688年的光荣革命

背景:When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658,and was successed by his son,Richard,the regime began immediately to collapse.1658年奥利弗*克伦威尔去世,他的儿子查理继承护国公,政权瓦解。

1. the restoration : the parliament asked the late king‘s son to return from his long exile in France as king Charles II(1660-1685).

2. Clarendon code: severe laws against the puritans, now known as nonconformists.(不信奉英国国教者)

3. against Catholics: the test act 1673 <资格审查法> excluded all Catholics from public office of any kind把所有天主教排除在任何公职人员外; the disabling act <无资格法> forbade any Catholics to sit in either house of parliament .禁止任何天主教在议会两院任职。

★选择题4.Two of the most famous literary works of the late 17th century17世纪末,两本著名的文学著作were written by Puritans:John Bunyan‘s 约翰*班扬Pilgrim‘s Progress天路历程,and the blind poet John Milton‘s约翰*尼尔顿Paradise Lost失乐园.

5. November 15,1688 and marched upon London.In England this takeover was relatively smooth,with no bloodshed,not any execution of the King.This became known as the Glorious Revolution.

★选择题6.Willian and Mary jointly accepted the Bill of Rights权利法案(1689)which,excluding any Roman Catholic from the succession,confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy and guaranteed free speech within both the House of Lords and the House of Commons.Thus the age of constitutional monarchy,of a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament,began.议会限制王权的君主立宪制度时代开始

7.1707 , under queen Anne, the act of Union( <联合法>) united England and Scotland ; the name of great Britain came into being 大不列颠的名字产生了,

Chapter 5 the rise and fall of the British Empire (1688-1990)

I.Whigs and Tories辉格和托利党

1.These two party names originated with the Glorious revolution(1688)两个政党名字来自1688年的光荣革命:The Whigs (Liberal party自由党)were those who oppose absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists.反对绝对王权,支持新教徒享有宗教自由权利的人们The Tories(The conservative party保守党)were those who supported hereditary manarchy and were reluctant to remove kings.支持国王的人

2.The Radicals激进份子their one common aim was through reform of the Parliamentary systerm目标是彻底改革议会制度.they were greatly influenced by jeremy Bentham‘s杰拉米.本汉姆功利主义ideals knows as ?‘Utilitarianism‘‘.He suggested that government;s funtion should be to achieve‖the greatest happiness of the greatest number.‖取得最大多数人的最大幸福

1. They advocated laissez faire不干涉主义,a redical idea of free trade,because they believed that import and export duties interfered with the natural flow of trade.激进的自由贸易观点,他们认为进出口关税干涉了贸易自由流通。

II.Agricultural Changes in the Late 18th Century18世纪的工业革命

1.Farming was an important occupation in England in the 18th century.Village and agriculture were the backbone of the nation.农业是18世纪英国重要的产业,农村和农业是国家的支柱

Traditional farming involved the open field village开放田地,a systerm that dated back to the 5th century.

2.in the mid-18th century,Greater productivity分界田地replace the ?‘open field ?‘systerm

3.During yhe late 18th and early 19th centuries the open-field systerm ended when the Enclosure Acts圈地运动

Robert Backewel l;罗伯特Saw selective breeding of cattle,sleep and hourses.选种繁殖

Thomas coke托马斯:the idea of encouraing tenants to introduce changes

GeorgeIII Changes乔治三世at Windsor,got the nickname‘Farmer George‘温莎农场改革,农夫乔治的绰号

III.The Industrial Revolution(1780-1830)工业革命

★简答题1.The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.Britain was the first country to instrialize工业革命指的是18世纪末19世


While the movement to enclose the land and use new agricultural methods was at its height,similar things took place in manufacture.当圈地和使用新耕法运动高涨时,工业生产方面也发生类似的情况。

John kay’s约翰.凯发明飞梭提高手工织布的速度flying shuttle speeded up hand weaving,creating demand for faster yarn spining.

Thomas Newcomer;托马斯。纽卡设计第一部蒸汽机At the end of 17th century,the first steam engine was devised

James watt; 瓦特modified and improved the design in 1765 and produced a very efficient steam engine with ritary motion that could be applied to texile and other machinery发明了转动高效蒸汽机

Abraham Darby亚伯拉罕。达尔比succeeded in smelting iron with coke instead of charcoal in 1709加快工业化的重要因素

★选择题As the result of the industrial revolution,Britain was by 1830 the ?‘‘Workshop of the world‘由于工业革命的结果,英国1830年


“Luddies”supposedly led by Ned Ludd attempted to destory the hated machines,but were severely punished by the government.The Industrial revolution created the industial working class工人阶级,the proletariat,and it later led to trade unionsm.卢德


IV .The Chartist Movement(1836-1848)宪章运动

★1.Political change in England did not come through revolution but through gradual reform.英国的革命不是通过革命,而是通过逐


2.Why should Paliament be reformed?议会为什么改革?

(1)Power was monopolized by the aristocrats权力被贵族垄断。

The vote was a provilege for a small number of male citizens.No females were allowed to vote in national elections before 1918.


(2)Repesentation of town and country,and North and South was unfair.城镇和农村、北方和南方的代表权极不公平。

(3)There were also various so-called rottonor pocket boroughs.还有一些选区被称为衰败选区或口袋选区

3.Between 1832and 1884three Reform Bills were passed.The Reform Act of 18321832年的改革方案(Also called the ―Great Charter of 1832‖)abolished‘‘rotton boroughts‘‘

New poor law of1834新贫困法forced the poor peaple into workhouse instead of giving them sufficient money to survive in their own homes.

★In 1836 group of skilled workers and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men‘s Association伦敦工人协会,It aimed to seek by every legal means to place all classes of society in possession of equal political and social rights.目标是运用每一种合法手段,追求社会各阶级的政治平等权和社会平等权。

4.The chartists宪章派 could be roughly divided into two groups: the moral force chartists 道义派(由william Lovett威廉.络维克领导)and physical force chartists.暴力派(由Feargus o’connor斐尔格斯领导的)At a great 1838 meeting in Birmingham the movement was officially launched,with the aim of pressing Paliament to accept the 6 points.1838年伯明翰举行的一次大会正式发动了宪章运动,目标是迫使议会接受这六项要求★简答题4.Chartism failed宪章运动失败由于 because of its weak and divided leadership,领导层的软弱和分裂and its lack of coordination with trade-unionism.缺少与工会的协调The working class was still immature, without the leadership of a political party armed with correct revolutionary theory.当时的工人阶级还未成熟,也没有正确的革命理论武装的政党领导。

5.The chartist movement 宪章运动was , however, the first nationwide working class movement第一次全国范围的工人阶级运动and drew attention to serious problems.引起了对许多问题的关注

6. Lenin列宁 said that Chartism was “the first broad,第一个really mass,广泛的politically formed,真正群众参与的 proletarian revolutionary movement.”有政治组织形式的无产阶级革命运动

VI.Colonial Expansion殖民扩张

1.English colonial expansion殖民扩张 began with the colonization of Newfoundland(纽芬兰) in 1583.

★选择题2. in the late 18th century Britain acquired vast, unpopulated territories人口稀少的地方: Canada,

Australia, and new Zealand.

★3. Canada: after the seven years ‘war (1756-1763) between Britain and France, Canada was ceded to Britain by the1763 treaty of Paris. The British north America act of 1867 established Canada as a dominion (自治领).

4. Australia: captain James Cook discovered botany bay and claimed the east coast region for Britain, naming it new south Wales. In 1901 the six self-governing colonies were united in one dominion –the independent commonwealth of Australia.

5. new Zealand: was settled by Maoris in about the 14th century , first sighted by the Dutch seaman Abel Tasman in 1642 , and named for the Netherlands province of Zealand. In the 1770s Captain James Cook visited New Zealand and claimed it for England.

Britain drew up the treaty of Waitangi with the Maori chiefs, and made the country a separate colony. Completely independent in 1931.

6.the conquest of India:

The establishment of the British east India com pany in 1600- a case of economic penetration; by 1819, the British conquest was almost complete. Queen Victoria became empress of India in 1877.

7.the scramble for Africa: won the Boer war (1899-1902); the union of south Africa.

After the British victory-the union of south Africa.

8.china, by the treaty of Nan king 1842, china ceded Hong Kong to Britain and opened five ports.

9.by 1900 Britain had built up a big empire, on which the sun never set. It included 25% of the world‘s population and area.

VII.Twentienth Century二十世纪

1.Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the suffragettes led by Mrs.Pankhurst 潘克赫斯特夫人领导的旨在争取妇女选举权运动before the first world war,votes were grantd to woman over 30 as soon as the war was over and to all woman in the same terms as men ten years later.一战结束后,30岁以上的妇女就获得了选举权

2.In 1905 a general election1905年的大选中brought the Liberals 自由党back to power under Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman.在亨利.坎贝尔--巴呐曼领导的中心上台

In 1911 the parliament Act 1911年通过的《议会法》was passed,severely limiting the powers of the Lords and eastablishing the Commons as the supreme legislative body.大大限制了上议院的权利,确立下议院为最高立法机构。

3. At the beginning of the 20th century20世纪初,France法国Germany德国and America美国were becoming powerful competitors for world markets成为世界市场的强大竞争对手.the war was fought from ★第一次大战1914 to 1918 primarily between★选择题the two European power blocs: the central powers 同盟国(Germany and Austria- Hungary) , the allies协约国(Britain, France and Russia).

the spark was struck at Sarajevo萨拉热窝on June 28, 1914, 战争的导火线是1914年6月28日的when the Austrian crown prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.

4.Finally the Central Powers sued for peace,and an armistice came into effect on Novernmber 11,1918.the treaty of Versailles凡尔赛条约,imposed on Germany,formalized the Allied victory; establishment of the league of nations国际联盟

Britain and the second world war

5.With the coming to power of Adolf Hitler and Nazism in Germany(1933),阿道夫.希特勒及纳粹主义在德国上台the Versailles 凡尔赛天悦体系解体arrangements began to crumble.by the Munich agreement慕尼黑公约( Sept. 1938) was given the Sudetenland; the German troops invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. chamberlain, who found that his policy of appeasement缓和of German aggression(绥靖政策) was no longer tenable, was forced to declare war on Germany on September 3.

postwar Britain

6.At the general election of 1945 Winston Churchill温斯顿.邱吉尔,The electorate returned a Labour government.工党政府His first lord of the Admiralty took over as prime minister in 1940.

7.One of the most far-reaching consequences of the war was that it hastened the end of Britain‘s empire.二战最为深远的后果之一是加速了大英帝国的瓦解India gained her independent in 1947,Burma in 1948 缅甸于1948年独立

(1)1950 Britain joined the war of aggression against North Korea.1950年英国参加侵略北朝鲜的战争

(2)1857 Brtitain‘s first hydrogen bomb was tested.1957年英国试验了首枚氢弹

(3)The Festival was designed to commemorate the Great Exhibition 100years earlier and demonstrate to the World

the recovery of the United Kingdom from the effects of War in the moral,cultural,spiritual and material fields.展览的目的是纪念100年前的博览会会并“向世界表明在道德”

(4)by the 1960s britain was one of the world‘s leading industrial as well as nuclear powers.60年代英国成为世界工业强国及核大国之一

(5)the 1960s were the swinging Sixties,the permissive age.20世纪60年代称为宽松年代As a result of a relation of attitudes, there was a sexual revolution.宽松生活导致性革命

(6)in january,1973,britain finally became a full member of the european Economic Community.1973年1月,英国终于称为欧洲经济共同体的正式成员国

8.The election of 1979 returned the Conservative party保守党to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain.1979年的选举时保守党再次上台,玛格丽特.撒切尔成为英国首位女首相Mrs Thatcher firmly believed in self-reliance and what has come to be known as privatization. Her policies are popularly referred to an Thatcherism.撒切尔夫人主张自力更生及私有化。她的政策称为撒切尔主义

Chapter 7 government and administration政府和区域

1.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy:the head of State is a king and queen. 联合王国是君主立宪制国家,国家首脑是国王和女王。

In practice,the sovereign 君主reigns,but does not rule.实际是君主统而不治

There is no written constitution in the United Kingdom, 英国议会制度并不基于成文宪法unlike the constitutions of most other countries, the British constitution is not set out in any single document. It is made up of statute law(成文法),common law (习惯法)and conventions(惯例).

The Judiciary determines common law and interpres statues. 司法部门裁定习惯法和解释成文法

I.The Monarchy君主立宪

1.The monarchy is the best oldest institution of governmenr,going back to at least the 9th century.君主政体是最古老的政府机构

The continuity of the monarchy which has had only a few changes in the direct line of succession in the past 1000years,has been broken only once when,berween 1649and 1660,a republic was established.在过去一千年,除了1649至1660年间建立过一个共和国而中断过一次,还有几次不是直系继承外,很少改变。

2.The seat of the monarchy is in Britain,the queen is also head of state of a number of commonwealth states such as Australia,Canada,and New Zealand.英国是君主所在地,但女王也是澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰这些英联邦国家的国家元首。

3.The title to the Crown君主称号is derived partly from statute成文法and partly from common law rules世袭原则of descent.Succession is founded on the hereditary principle.继位以世袭原则为主。

4.The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation. 女王是国家的象征In law, she is head of the executive(行政), an integral part of the legislature(立法), head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces of the Crown and the ―supreme governor‖ of the established Church of England. The Queen also formally appoints many important office holders, including the Prime Minister. 从法律上讲,她是行政首脑,立法机构的组成部分,全国武装部队总司令,英国国教“至高无上的领袖”


1.The United Kingdom is a unitary(中央集权的), not a federal state.英国是个中央集权国家,而不是联邦制国家。

2.The Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.议会由君主、上议院、下议院组成

★3.The main functions of Parliament 议会的作用are:1)to pass laws(通过立法); 2)to provide, by voting for taxation, the means of carrying on the work of government(投票批准税收,为政府工作提供资金); 3)to examine government policy and administration, including proposals for expenditure(检查政府政策和行政管理,包括拨款提议); 4)to debate the major issues.(辩论重大议题)

4.The Parliament has a maximum duration of 5 years.一届议会的最长任期为五年Each usually lasts for one year.每届议会由分为几个会期,一般持续一年。

The public are admitted to the Stranger‘s Galleries in the House of Lords。公众可以上下议院的公众旁听席旁听议


(1)The House of Lords: 上议院

The House of Lords is made up of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.(神职贵族和世俗贵族)The Lords Spiritual (26)are the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and 24 senior bishops of the Church of England. Its main function: to bring the wide experience of its members into the process of lawmaking. In other words, the non-elected House is to act as a chamber of revision, complementing but not rivaling the elected House. It is presided over by the Lord Chancellor (议长).

(2)The House of Commons:下议院

The House of Commons is elected by universal adult suffrage(成年人的普选)and consists of 651 Members of Parliament. It is in the House of Commons that the ultimate authority for law-making resides.(下议院拥有最终立法权。)Each member represents an area or constituency, so 651 constituencies.

For the last 150 years a predominantly two-party system: the Conservative Party 保守党and the Labor Party 工党since 1945.

Parliamen‘s main functions are law-making,authorizing taxation and public expenditure,and examining the actions of the government.下议院的主要作用是立法、批准税收和公共开支,监督政府行为The House of Commons had its first woman Speaker in 1992.下议院1992年有了首位的女议长

III.The Cabinet and Ministry内阁和内阁阁员

1.The prime Ministers is appointed by the Queen.女王任命首相

He is also, by tradition,首相也是First Lord of the Treasury (第一财政大臣)and Minister 文职部大臣for the Civil Service. The Prime M inister‘s official residence is No. 10 Downing Street in London.官邸是伦敦唐宁街10号The Prime Minister presides over the Cabinet, and is responsible for the allocation of functions among ministers and informs the Queen at regular meetings of the general business of the Government.(首相主持内阁,负责分配大臣们的职能,在定期会见女王时向女王报告政府事务。)

2.the Cabinet: Ministers 大臣are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The most senior ministers (about 20)compose the Cabinet. 女王根据首相推荐任命大臣They meet under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister for a few hours each week to decide Government policies on major issues.

IV.The Privy Council枢密院

1.The Privy Council was formerly the cheif source of executive power in the state.枢密院原是政府行政权力


It remained powerful until the 18th century when most of its work was taken over by the Cabinet.枢密院权力一直很大,直到18世纪大部分工作被内阁接替为止。

2.The Privy Council(枢密院): Its membership, about 400, includes all Cabinet ministers, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Archbishop of Canterbury and York, and senior British and Commonwealth statesmen.(它的主要成员包括内阁阁员,下议院院长,坎特伯雷和约克郡的大主教及英国、英联邦的高级政治家等。)

3.A full meeting of the Council is called only when a sovereign dies or announces his or her intention to marry.君主去世或君主要宣布他(她)打算结婚是才召开枢密院全体会议。

chapter 8 Justice and the law

(1)The Judiciary司法机构

Central responsibility lies司法工作主要由with the Lord Chancellor大法官,the Home Secretary 内政大臣and the Attorney Grneral.首席检察官

The England and wales,lay magistrates are appointed on behalf of the Crown by the Lord Chancellor.在英格兰和威尔士,大法官根据各郡委员会的建议,代表国王任命外行人员为治安官

The highest judicial 最高级别的司法官appointments are made by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister.任命由女王根据首相的建议作出

(2)police 警察局

London‘s Metropolitan Police Force 伦敦警察署is directly under the control of the Home Secretary.直接受内政大臣管辖

There are 43 police forces in England and walse, 8 in Scotland and one in northern Ireland .英格兰和威尔士有43个警察署

Office in Great Britain do not normally carry firearms.英国警察通常不戴抢

In Northern Ireland police officers are issued with firearms for personal protection and other firearms are available for duty purposes.在北爱尔兰,警察带枪作为个人保护

chapter 9 social affairs公共是事务

I.Health and social services医疗卫生和社会服务

(1)The Nation Health Service国民保健制度

★The Nation Health services provices for every resident ,regardless of income,a full range of medical services.国民保健制度为每个居民提供全面的医疗服务

Over 82 per cent of the cost of the health cervices in Great Britain is funded out of general taxation.英国国民保健制度82%以上的费用来自普通税收

Almost 80 per cent of medical prescription iterms are supplied free.药单上的药品约80%免费供应

No one is liable to be changed by the Nation Health Service for treatment in an accident,emergency or for an infections disease.国民保健制度对事故、急诊或传染病的治疗不收费

★选择题GP practices with 7000 patients or more mayapply for fundholding status.诊治7000名以上病人的普通开业医生可以申请资金持有资格

NHS emergency ambulance are available free of charge for cases of sudden illness or collapse,and for doctors‘urgent calls.全国保健机构为突发病人和医生的紧急呼叫提供免费紧急救护车

★The National Health Service is the largest single employer of labour in the U.K.国民保健制度是英国最大的用人机构

II.Social Security社会保障制度

The social security systerm is designed to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need.社会保障制度建立于人民的财政需要上。


① Religion in British Society

1.Right to religious freedom

Every person in Britain has the right to religious freedom without interference from the community or the State.在英国,人人都有宗教信仰的自由,社会或政府不得干涉

2.There are two established churches in Britain—churches legally recognized as official churches of the state: Church of England and the (Presbyterian)Church of Scotland.(英国有两大国教,英格兰国教,苏格兰教会(长老教))

3.The Church of England has two provinces:Canterbury 坎特伯雷将and York约克

4.The Church of England is not free to change its form of worship,as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer,without the consent of Parliament.没有议会的同意,英格兰不可随意改变<国教祈祷书>中规定的礼拜仪式

5.The position of the Church of Scotland was defined in the Treaty of Union,1707,and further safeguarded by the Church of Scotland Act,1921.1707年的<统一条约>确定了苏格兰教的地位,1921年的<苏格兰教会法>进一步巩固了它的地位

IV. Festivals and public holidays节假日

Christian festivals基督教节日

★选择题和简答题1.Christian Festivals include Christmas, Easter, and Whit Sunday(圣灵降临节)

2.Christmas Day: December 25th, celebrates the birth of Christ, and is the greatest of Christian festivals. Two important things: the custom of giving gifts and the habit of spending it with the family. Christmas tree; Father Christmas/Santa Claus; traditional Christmas dinner: turkey, pudding.圣诞节,12月25日,是庆祝耶稣诞生的最大的基督教节日。还有两件大事情区别于其他节日:赠送礼物的风俗和家人团聚的习惯。

★选择题3.Easter is the chief Christmas festival, which celebrates the Resurrection(复活)of Christ.

Other festivals其他节日

1.New Year‘s Day (January 1st) is part of Scottish‘‘Hogmanay‘‘(New Year‘s Eve)festival,which is more important than Christmasto Scots.新年(1月1日)是苏格兰除夕节的一部分,对于苏格兰人来说,除夕币圣诞节重要

2.The only other national festival is Guy Faekes Day.The origin of this festival lies in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.In that year King James i was on the throne.全国性的节日是盖伊.福克斯日.这个节日起源于1605年的火药阴谋。那年国王詹姆斯一世在位,他采取严厉措施对付罗马天主教徒。

3.A birthday is a purely personal festival.The twenty-first birth-day is a great event,marks the beginning of full manhood or womanhood, having ―reached his majority‖.

Public holidays法定公假日

★简答题Official public holidays are also called‖bank holidays‖.The term‖Bank Holiday‖goes to the Bank Holidays act of 1871,which owes its name to the fact that banks are closed on the days specified.官方公假也称为‖银行假日‖,“银行假日”这个词追溯到1871年的<法定假日法>,因在规定日子里银行关门而得名

August(last Monday):Summer Bank Holiday(not Scotland)8月(最后一个星期一)夏季公假(苏格兰除外)

Boxing Day(December 26th)It was formerly the custom to give‖Chrismas boxes‖,or gifts of money,to servants and tradesmen on this day.12月26日:节礼日从前这一天人们给佣人和小贩圣诞礼盒或红包

chapter 10 Cultural Affairs文化事件

I. Education

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b814478127.html,cation is compulsory for all between the ages of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland)and 16.There are some 90 universities, including the Open University.5岁(北爱尔兰未4岁)到16岁之间的所有孩子享受义务教育。还有包括开放大学在内的90所大学。

2.The governent education departments formulate education policies and are also responsible for the supply and training of teachers.政府教育部门制订教育方针,同时负责提供和培训教师。

①primary education初等教育

Compulsory education begins at five in Great Britain and four in Northern Ireland,when children go to infant school;

②Secondary education中级教育

About90 per cent of the state secondary school population in Great Britain attend comprehensive schools.

③Highter education 高等教育

The Britain universities are governed by royal charters or by Act of Parliament and enjoy academic freedom.英国的大学依照皇家特许或议会法进行管理并享有学术自由They appoint their own staff他们任命教职工,decide which students to admit,provide their own courses and award their own degrees.决定录取哪些学生,自己决定课程并授予本校的学位

First degree courses are mainly full time and usually last 3 years in England,Wales and Northern Ireland.在英格兰、威尔士、和北爱尔兰,第一学位的课程主要是全日制,通常3年However,there are some four-year courses也有四年制的课程★选择题and medical and veterinary courses normally require 5 years.医学和兽医通常要学5年

The open University is a non-residential iniversity based in the new town of Milton Keynes,Buckinghamshire.开放大学是非住宿大学,

The university was founded in 1969 and began its first courses in 1970.大学于1969




★选择题With about 130 daily(Monday to Saturday)and Sunday news papers published nationwide,the British public reads more newpapers than virtually any other country in the world.英国约有130份日报(星期一到星期六出版)和星期日报出版,英国公众实际上比世界上任何其他国家的人看报得多。

★简答题The national newpapers can be divided into two groups;national dailie and national sundays.全国性报纸可分为两大类:全国性日报和全国性星期日报

Quality newspapers严肃报纸—directed at readers who want full information on a wide range of public matters面向那些广泛了解公共事务,活得充分信息的读者.There are 5 quality dailies(Financial Times,The Daily Telegraph,The Guardiam,The Independent,and The Times)

Popular newspapers通俗报纸—appeal to people wanting news of more entertaining character, presented more concisely.吸引那些想获得更有娱乐性和简明新闻的人们

London has one paid-for evening paper,the Evening Standard,with a circulation of 475,000.伦敦有一份付费晚报《标准晚报》发行量475000


1.Football(or ?soccer‘as it is colloquially called),the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe,has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19th century.足球是最受欢迎的运动,其传统老家在英格兰,出现于19世纪

★也是最古老的运动2.Cricket,板球the most typically English of sports,has been in existence since the 16th century.是英国最典型的体育运动,16世纪就有了

3.The home of golf 高尔夫is Scotland where the game has been played since the 17th century and naturally the oldest golf club in the world 故里是苏格兰,自17世纪就很盛行

The University Boat Race,大学划船比赛between eight-oared crews from Oxford and Cambridge,has been rowed on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.1836年以来,每年春天的泰晤士河上,来自牛津和剑桥的

IV.The Arts艺术

1.Pantomime as a dramatic entertainment is worth mentioning.童话剧是以传说童话为基础Pantomime is a kind of play based on a traditional fairy tale and performed at Christmas time.在圣诞节期间演出。

chapter 11 Ireland’s geography and history爱尔兰地理以及历史

I.Geographical Features地理特点

1.Ireland is also called the Emerald isle because of its rich green country-side.爱尔兰也因其乡村绿树葱郁成为绿宝石岛is divided into two political units.They are Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.分为两个政治区域,北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国Northern Iseland Is part of the United Kingdom.The Republic of Ireland is an i ndependent country.爱尔兰共和国是个独立国家

2.The capital is Dublin首都

3.The country‘s total boundary is 3,603km long,of which it s land border with Northern Ireland is 434km.全国总国界长3,603公里,与北爱尔兰接壤的边界为434公里。

★4..Ireland has been compared to a basin in which a limestone plateau is rimmed by coastal highlands. 爱尔兰一直比作盆地,内有海滨高低围起的石灰岩高原The highest peaks are Car-rantuohill(1,041m).

5. Variety is the main feature of the lowlands.低地地区的主要特征是多样化The Central Lowland 中心低地is the heart of Ireland.是爱尔兰的心脏

★简答题The Shannon River 香农河provides electric power for much of the Republic.为共和国提供大部分电力。The largest river in Ireland 爱尔兰最大的河流

★选择题Pine 松树is dominant on poore r soils生长在最贫瘠的土壤里

6.The Irish coast,with its striking cliffs,is among the most impressive in Europe.

8.Bogs沼泽remain the most significant feature of Irish landscape.是爱尔兰最重要的地形特征

II.Climate and Weather气候

1.The weather of Ireland is described as ―mild,moist and change-able.‖爱尔兰的气候可以描绘为“温和、湿润和多变”

2.Although relatively small in area,Ireland is large enough to show distinct regional variations in

climate.Geographers have distinguished six climatic regions as follows.

III.Population and Religion人口与宗教

★1.The population of Ireland in 1990 was eatimated at 3.5million.It is expected to grow to 4 million by 2000.1990年爱尔兰的人口值估计为350万,预期到2000年将增长400万In Ireland the basic ethnic stock is Celtic.爱尔兰基本民族是凯尔特人。

Historically Ireland has been free of ethnic conflicts爱尔兰一直没有种族冲突because of its racial homogeneity.种族同一性

2.Ireland is unique among European countries for its century-long population decline.爱尔兰在一个世纪里的人口衰减独一无二

After the establishment of the Irish Free state (1921),emigration showed a sharp decline.

Today 93% of the Irish population 93%爱尔兰人是are Roman Catholics.罗马天主教

IV.Historical Background历史背景

★第一批:In 1170 the Anglo-Saxons invaded Ireland.

★简答题和选择题1.In1921 the British signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921年英国人签署《英爱条约》eatablishing an Iiish Free State with dominion states with a separate government in the Protestant-dominated Northern Ireland.拥有自治身份的爱尔兰自由邦建立起来,并在国教占统治地位的北爱尔兰建立分离的政府Violent极端民族主义分子opposition to the treaty by ultranationalists led to a civill war.强烈反对这个条约

2.Ireland kept out of World War II to demonstrate its continued displeasure with the British.爱尔兰没有参加二战,以表明它与英国之间的长期不合

3.In 1973 the Republic was admitted to the EC.1973年爱尔兰共和国加入欧洲经济共同体

Chapter 14Population, Race and Ethnic Groups

I① Characteristics of American population


1.The United States of America, with a population of 255.5 million 255,500,000万人in July 1992, is the third most populous country 世界第三人口大国in the world after China and India.

2.Immigration accounts for a major source of population growth.移民是人口增长的主要来源Almost 20 million people or 7.8% of the total population were immigrants in 1992. In the Western United Ststes,14.8% of the population is foreign-born.

3.The US had a more or less open-door policy 开放的移民政策to immigrants from independence until 1960s. Ellis Island of New York纽约的埃利斯岛was an important immigration reception spot in the 1890s and at the turn of the century.一个重要移民出入境接待点Between 80% and 90% of immigrants to the US now is from Asian亚洲and Hispanic countries.拉丁美洲

4. Arizona亚利桑那, Nevada内华达, and Florida佛罗里达have been the fastest growing states in population for the last 20 years. Florida‖s population growth owes much its attractiveness both as a place to retire and as a convenient place for business with and travel to central and South America.水路便利,发达城市

5.About 77%of the population in the United States lived in more than 283 city areas in 1988.The biggest city is New York, followed by Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Philadelphia.

6.Baby boom生育高峰期(1946-1964): high birth rate

IV.Racial and Ethnic Minorities少数民族和种族

Black Americans黑人

1.The largest of the racial品种and ethnic少数民族minorities in the US is the blacks who number about 1

2.1% of the total population. The 1st blacks were brought to North America as slaves in 1619. Their life of slaves was no better than that of cattle.Uncle Tom‘s Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋and Roots根are two novels giving a vivid description of the miserable life of the black slaves描述黑人奴隶悲惨生活的。

★2.The slave system was formally ended by Lincoln‘s E mancipation Proclamation in 1863,1863年林肯的解放奴隶宣言and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865. 1865年的宪法(All kinds of discrimination still existed)

3.Run-away was one form of resistance in the earlier period. In 1954, the Supreme Court, 最高法院in the case of Brown versus Board of Education布朗控诉委员会ruled that ―separate educational facilities are inherently unequal,隔离教育设施本质上是不平等的‖——the process of desegregation, or the end of separate public facilities.

4. the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (1964年民权法案)added protections for the right to vote维护黑人选举权, to use

public facilities and to enjoy the same education as white people. It also contained provisions guaranteeing equal employment opportunities. The Voting Rights Act of 1965(1965年选举权法案)was meant to guarantee the blacks and others the right to vote. 保护黑人和其他人种的选举权

Chapter Fifteen American History美国历史

I.The “discovery” of the New World (p.236)发现新大陆

1.The first Americans: Indians. . This probably happened about 30,000-40,000 years ago.The Indians lived on the land by hunting,gathering,fishing and farming.

2.Christopher Columbus克里斯托夫,哥伦布(第一个到达美洲): an Italian navigator意大利海员, supported by the Spanish queen; thought he had reached Asia

3.Amerigo Vespucci亚美利哥.韦斯普西—the land was named America after him.

II. The Colonial Period(p.237)殖民时期

The first English colony in the Americas 美洲的第一个殖民地was founded at Jamestown,Virginia,弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯镇in 1607.Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North America.北美洲的东海岸

1.来到美洲的原因Mainly two causes: in search of opportunity (for a better life)and religious freedom

2.201个The Pilgrims新教徒: escaping religious persecution, from England to Holland, and then to America; in 1620, Mayflower五月花号, the Plymouth 普利茅斯colony;

3.The puritans清教徒,unlike the pilgrims who were artisans艺术家and peasants农民,清教徒都是were wealthy and well-educated gentlemen富裕有良好教育程度的人, who wanted to purify the Church of England净化英国国教, and saw the New World as a refuge; from 1630 to 1643, to the Massachusetts Bay colony. 马萨诸塞湾殖民地

4.The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World.殖民地主义者在新大陆建立一种崭新的生活方式They were:representative from of grvernmrnt代议制征服,rule of law法治, repect of individual rights对个人权利的尊重,religious tolerance宗教上的宽容and a strong spirit of individual enterprise强烈的个人进取心.

III.The war of Independence独立战争

The economy in the thirteen colonies developed very fast.the people in the colonies wanted more power to derermine their own business.But the policy of the British government was to bring the development under control and to collect more taxes from the colonies.

1.The peole in the colonies opposed the unfair treament and all these policies殖民地惹您反对不公平待遇和所有这些政策.They declared,.―no taxation without representation‖:没有代表权不交税without their (Americans‘)representatives taking part in decision-making, they had no obligation to pay taxes.

3.1773, ―the Boston Tea Party‖(波士顿倾茶事件)

4.1774, t he First Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, to refuse to buy British goods.第一次大陆会议在费城召开,拒绝购买英国商品colonial militia units殖民地民兵组织were organized

★5.April 19, 1775, the first shot 导火线in Lexington; the war began. (Paul Revere)

6.The Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia; Continental Army 大陆海军and Navy 海军under the command of George Washington.都由乔治.华盛顿指挥

7.The Declaration of Independence独立宣言—drafted by Thomas Jefferson;由托马斯.杰斐逊起草July 4, 1776.

8.The theory in the Declaration came from来源于the British philosopher John Locke.英国哲学家约翰.洛克

9.Saratoga萨拉托加—a great turning point of the war, leading to an alliance between the US and France.

★10.Sept. 1783, the Treaty of Paris巴黎合约was signed.Britain recognized the independence of th united state.英国承认美国独立

11.it was a historic event:by smashing the fatters of British colonial rule,the American people gained independence,which gave capitalism a chance for freer development.资本主义得到更多自由发展机会

IV.A New form of Government新的政府形式

1.Marth 1781,The Articles of Confederation(《邦联条例》), unusual in many ways: no king不设国王, a republic;

a central government in form of a Congress中央政府形式, emphasis on state power; a★ written constitution成文宪法

2.Its weaknesses: no executive branch不是一个执行团体, Congress was too large a body to function as government国会是一个庞大机构,起不到政府的作用; Congress had no power to raise tax. 国会没权收税★

3.The Constitutional Convention制宪会议, 1787, all states except Rhode罗德岛Island; contradictions between the bigger states and the smaller states, between the industrial-commercial interests and landed interests.

4.The ―Great Compromise‖大妥协: giving each state an equal vote in the Senate 各州在参议院享有相等席位but making representation in the House众议院reflect the size of each state‘s population. 则按各州人口分配

5.The struggle for ratification/adoption是否通过宪法: Federalists联邦派vs. Anti-Federalists反联邦派

6.Federalists—those who took the lead in urging ratification

7.Anti-Federalists—those who opposed the Constitution

8.The Federalist Papers联邦文集—the best explanation of the constitution对宪法的最好解释; 85 letters written by Alexander Hamilton亚历山大.汉密尔顿, James Madison詹姆斯.麦迪逊and John Jay约翰.杰伊in the name of Publius.

9.It was not until the federalists agreed to the Bill of Rights 人权法案that ratification was assured. First ratified by Delaware in 1787.

10.The Bill of Rights—first introduced by James Madison詹姆斯,麦迪逊, ratified in 1791; the first ten amendments to the constitution成为前十条修正案. The foundation of the American constitutional system was completed.

11.George Washington, the first president, took the oath of office in New York which housed the government,在纽约宣布就职which moved to Philadelphia in 1790.搬去费城

VI Territorial Expansion and Westerd Movement开拓边疆和西进运动

The United states grew from thirteen colonies along the Atlantic coast to a nation spanning across the continent to the pacific coast美国从大西洋沿岸的十三个殖民地发展成一个横跨大陆到太平洋沿岸的国家

1.Mexican德克萨斯army and won independence in 1836.In1845,Texas was added to the Union.

★2.The expansionist movement扩张主义运动produced a theory of―Manifest Destiny‖天命论—by a Democratic politician民主党政治John L. O‘Sullivan约翰.L.沙利文; its implications are three-fold: 1), the inevitability of the founding of the United States of America;美利坚合众国的成立是不可避免的·2), the legitimacy of the expansion of American territory;美国领土扩张是合法的3), the spread of American democracy being the task of American people who we re chosen to do the Lord‘s work. 传播美国民主是上帝挑选美国人完成上帝的任务

3.美国与The war with Mexico墨西哥started in 1846 and ended in 1848.As a result of the peace treaty,和平条约Mexico was forced to agree to give California加利福利亚and New Mexico墨西哥to the United state.割让给美国

VII.The American Civil War美国内战

1.American slavery existed before the War of Independence; mainly in the south.

2.The Compromise of 1850:1850年的妥协allowed California to be accepted as a free state加入联邦, New Mexico and Utah to be organized as territories without legislation either for or against slavery and a more efficient machinery to be set up for returning runaway slaves.建立更有效的机构以返还逃跑的奴隶

★3.Back in the 1830s.Abolitionists废奴主义者: a determined group of antislavery reformers一个决心反对奴隶制改革团体; Garrison加里森and Frederick Douglass费雷德里克.道格拉斯

4.Harriet Beecher Stowe‘ 哈利特.斯托Uncle Tom‘s Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋considered slavery inhuman and brutal让反对奴隶制的情绪更一步加深

★5.When Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕林肯was elected president form a new nation The Confederate States of America 美利坚联盟in the south 南方vs. the Union对抗北方的联邦The civil war美国内战was broke out April 12,1861

6.Emancipation Proclamation解放宣言: to win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery.反对奴隶制的正义战争,赢得国内外对联邦的支持

7.Gettysburg, Pennsylvania葛底斯堡.宾夕法利亚, the turning point of the Civil War内战转折点; Ulysses S. Grant

8.Lincoln‘s Gettysburg speech林肯为阵亡的将士演讲: ―t hat government of the people民有, by the people民治,

for the people民享的政府, shall not perish from the earth.‖才不会从地球上消失

9.Robert E. Lee罗伯特投降surrendered投降, on April 9,1865

10.1965 April 14, Lincoln was shot 林肯被枪杀dead by John Wilkes Booth.约翰.威尔布斯.布思

11.The Thirteenth Amendment banned slavery, 禁止奴隶制的第十三条修正案1865.写进宪法

Chapter 16American History (II) (1900 - 1945)

I.economic Development

Between the end of the Civil War and 1900,the U.S.Saw a tremendous growth of the economy.从内战结束到1900年,美国经济获得巨大的发展

1.1913, steel钢ranking 1st in the world; 1900, coal煤ranking 1st.位居世界第一

2.A number of features:(1) growth of industrial and financial mergers incorporation越来越多工业与金融合并

Rockefeller‘s洛克菲勒standard oil company J.P.Morgan 摩根railroad

a mushroom growth of cities, or urbanization城市和网络的发展;

rapid development of new technology.新技术的提高

In 1903,t he Wright brothers莱克兄弟flew an aeroplane for a brief 12 saconds at kitty hawk,North carolinaThis was the beginning of the appearance of the aeroplane这是飞机的开始

3.United States Steel Corporation, 2/3 of the steel market

II.Progressivism a进步起义

1.The Muckrakers黑幕—a group of reform-minded journalists一群富有改革思想的记住, made investigations and exposed various dark sides of the seemingly prosperous society.揭露了繁荣社会的各种阴暗面★

2.The Progressive Movement 进步运动—a movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions;要求政府规范经济和社会状况的运动not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals; 不是一个有组织有明确目标的a number of diverse efforts at political, social and economic reforms. 得到广大群众支持

3.Demands in social, political and economic areas

In the social area, the demands were improved living conditions for the poor in the cities, the banning of child lavour, work hour limit for women workers, and industrial accident insurance.改善大城市贫民的生活条件,禁止使用童工,限制女工工作时间以及工伤事故

In the political area, there were demands for reforming the city and state governments, and ending corruption which was evident in the Gilded Age.要求改革市政府和州政府,结束镀金时代的腐败

In the economic area, there was an attempt to regulate big business to prevent price-fixing and control of the market.试图节制大企业,以防止人为定价和操纵市场

4.Presidents Theodore Roosevelt西奥多罗斯福and Woodrow Wilson伍德罗.威尔逊, changes from the 19th century tradition of laissez faire,放任主义that is, the government should merely preserve order and protect property政府只需要维持秩序,保护遗产, leaving the control over the economy to the business people.把经济的控制权留给商人

5.Roosevelt‘s contribution s罗斯福总理的贡献: forest reserves森林保护, the Roosevelt Dam in Arizona监督亚利桑那的罗斯福水坝; the active use of Sherman Antitrust Act谢尔曼反托西斯法;the Hepburn Act of 1906 to regulate railroad prices.赫伯恩法

6.Wilson‘s program of New Freedom威尔逊的新自由政策: reduction of tariffs低关税Federal Reserve Act联邦储蓄法; regulation of trusts公平的贸易行为; the 19th amendment of voting right for women.通过宪法19条修正案--------给予妇女选举权

III. World War I and the united State第一次世界大战和美国

The First World War,which broke out in june 1914第一次世界大战爆发于1914年6月

1.On August 4, 1914, President Wilson威尔逊issued an official statement proclaiming A merican neutrality; ―must be neutral in fact as well as in name,必须保持名副其实的中立‖ ―i n thought as well as in action.‖必须在思想上行为上保持不偏不倚

2.A policy of pro-Ally partiality同盟国政策the United state was impartial,neithern action,nor inthought.★选择题或者简答题Allies(Britain,France,Russia and Italy英国,法国,俄罗斯,意大利)

3.Declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917; reasons

4.The Paris Peace Conference巴黎和会: began on January 18,1919.a conference of division of colonies of Germany实际上是一次瓜分德国, Austro-Hungary 奥匈帝国and the Ottoman Empire奥托曼帝国and the grabbing of as much as possible from the defeated nations. 尽可能虐夺战败国的会议

5.The Big Four巴黎会议控制的几个国家—the US, Britain, France, and Italy

6.Fourteen Points十四点计划, by President Wilson威尔逊

7.结果:The emergence of the Versailles Treaty System凡尔赛体系in Europe and the Washington Treaty System华盛顿体系in Asia.

IV.The United States in the 1920s20年代的美国

★选择题1.A period of material success物质成功and spiritual frustration精神颓废or confusion and purposelessness漫无目的.

2.Foreign trade对外贸易was greatly expand and by 1928,there was a favourablr balance of trade of 1


3.A highly aggressive and intolerant nationalism高额度宽松的国家政策, not allowing views, opinions, or

beliefs different from the main trend of views or beliefs.

Three examples:

4.Red Scare红色革命in 1919 and 1920 was a typical example of American intolerant nationalism美国

民族主义高涨: the October Revolution in 1917 and the spread of Communist ideas→ fears about the danger of Communism共产主义思想;

5.The death sentence of Sacco and Vanzetti 萨柯和万泽蒂的死刑案

6.The revival and growth of KKK (Ku Klux Klan)K党的复活和发展: first organized after the Civil War;

in 1924, claimed a membership of four to five million.

VI.The Great Depression and the New Deal大萧条和新政

缺点:one was that there was no rugulation or control over various kinds of investment companies.The banking systerm lacked stability.Stock market speculation and over-expan sion of credit was anothet serious weakness.

1.★选择题The black Thursday黑色星期四—the first blow to the stock market第一次股票市场的冲击, on October 24, 1929; the stock market crash was the beginning of a long economic depression长期经济萧条的的开始

2.Many lost their land and other properties财产because of foreclosures.赎回权

3.in 1932,in the death of the depression,FranklinD.Roosevelt 富兰克林.罗斯福as next president who promised a ―new deal‖to get America out of the depression.Roosevelt was not an idealist,not a dreamer,but had a sure sense of what seemed pratical or possible.

4.Inaugural speech: ―the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.‖我们唯一惧怕的就是本身

★简答题5.The New Deal: the purpose 目的of preventing the further worsening of the economic situation and helping the needy people

4.The aim of these measures,as president Roosevelt put it,was to ―save American democracy‖.And these measures did help overcome the most serious economic crisis of the capitalist systerm up to that time.拯救美国的民主

VII. America in WWII 第二次世界大战

The Second World War was the result of struggle between the great powers for control of the world and military eapansion of the countries of Nazi Germany,Fascist Ily and mIlitarist Japan.

1.In the early 1930s,.Isolationist policy外交政策to keep the US out of war; three neutrality acts

★简答题2.The bombing of Pearl Harbor珍珠港changed the whole situation. The nation was formally in war with the Axis powers轴心国, that is, Germany, Italy and Japan.

3.Wartime objectives 美国的战时目标(or two guiding principles): the total destruction of the Axis powers 摧毁轴心国and the establishment of a world order after unconditional victory in accord with American ideals and interests.按照美国的理想和利益建立世界秩序

★简答题4.Wartime American美国的外交政策diplomacy largely was American diplomacy towards Britain and

the Soviet Union.主要面向美国和苏联 5.The most important issue in Anglo-American diplomacy after Pearl Harbor珍珠港事件后,英美外交政策中的重点—the formulation of grand strategy; a strategy of Europe first.欧洲第一的战略计划

American policy towards the Soviet Union was centered on there considerations (1)to keep the Soviet Union in the war so that the United States win the war with the least sacrifice; (2)to get the Soviet Union into the war against Japan; (3)to influence Soviet foreign policy so that there would be some kind of cooperation after the war but at the same time to be very watchful about Soviet expansive intention.

★选择题6.The US, Soviet and British leaders met 3 times美国,苏联,英国的首脑会晤三次: Teheran德黑兰, Yalta, 雅尔塔and Potsdam.

7.Teheran(the first summit第一次首脑会议): November 1943, decided a large-scale attack on the south of France; 对法国南部大规模进攻

★8.Yalta: February 1945, approved a redivision of postwar sphere of influence and decided on the setting-up of a world organization成立世界组织---联合国: the United Nations;

9.Potsdam: July and August 1945

Chapter 17 American History (III) America in post-W.W.II Era(1945 - 1980s)

I.origins of the Cold War冷战的起源

When Franklin D Roosevelt died in office in April 1945,Harry Truman哈里.杜鲁门,his vice

president,became president.担任总统

1. Disagreement and conflict 冲突的原因between the US美国and the Soviet Union;苏联separate concepts of postwar world order对冷战后的世界格局有不同看法

2. The Soviet Union: the theory of no long-term peaceful coexistence不能长期共存between socialism 社会主义and capitalism 资本主义。And the soviet union should build up its strength for the final struggle against capitalism,represented by the United States and Britain.苏联英国集聚力量准备以美,英为代表的资本主义进行最后决战

3. Containment policy遏制政策—George Kennan乔治.坎南, a high-ranking official in the American embassy to Moscow, February 1946, a long telegram to the State Department;U.S policy should be ?‘a long-term,patient but firm and containment of Russian expansive tendencies,美国的政策是长期的,耐心的,但又要坚决,谨慎地遏制苏联的扩张趋势‘ it became the official policy towards the Soviet Union until 1989.知道1989年成为对苏联的官方政策

II.the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan杜鲁门和马歇尔计划

The open declaration of the containment was made by predident Truman on March 12,1949 in a speech to the joint session of congress.1949年3月12日,杜鲁门总统在国会上公布遏制政策。

1. In February, Britain, would end financial support of Greece 希腊and Turkey土耳其,美国政府对它们进行经济支援, which might fall into the hands of the Soviet Union. America decided to provide aid.

2. The Truman Doctrine: President Truman's speech杜鲁门演讲, March 12, 1949: the US government would support any country which said it was fighting against Communism.美国政府支持任何自称反对共产主义的国家

3. Economic situation in Western Europe was worsening; a severe cold and snowstorm hit Europe; Western Europe might turn communist.共产主义

4. The Marshall Plan马歇尔计划: in order to protect Western Europe from possible Soviet expansion, the United States decided to offer Western European countries economic aid; 为了保护西欧免受苏联的影响,美国决定给予西欧国家经济援助announced by Secretary of State国务卿George Marshall,马歇尔on June 5, 1947; from 1947 to 1952, 13 billion USD.从1947年到1952年,向欧洲投入130亿元

III.The Berlin blockade and the Founding of the NATO柏林封锁和北约的成立

The North Atlantic Treaty,北约signed on April 4, 1949,provided that an attack on any of the partis to the treaty would be regarded as an attack on all,and force,if neccessary,would be used to restore and maintain peace and security.缔约国对所有成员国的袭击,如果需要,可以恢复和维持和平。

The Federal Republic of Germany officially came into being on May 23,1949and Adenauer was elected Chancellor(prime Minister)

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