当前位置:文档之家› 中级口译模块讲座补充资料




点:spot, site, resort, destination

名胜景点:scenic spot

历史古迹:historic site

名胜古迹:scenic spots and historic sites 避暑胜地:summer resort

游客必经之地:tourist destination


祭坛/圣坛 altar

亭阁 pavilion

楼 mansion

台 terrace

塔 pagoda, tower

殿堂 hall

陵墓 tomb, mausoleum

关 pass

石窟 grotto


故宫the Imperial Palace

紫禁城 the Forbidden City

长城 the Great Wall

居庸关Juyongguan Pass

不到长城非好汉 He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a man.


西湖 West Lake

苏堤 Su Causeway

白堤Bai Causeway

灵隐寺Temple of the Soul’s Retreat

飞来峰 Peak Flying from Afar

六和塔 Pagoda of Six Harmonies

虎跑泉 Tiger Spring




美食节 gourmet festival

色、香、味、形俱全 perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance


Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton /Guangdong cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine

风味小吃 local delicacy


烹饪方法 Cooking Techniques

煎 pan-frying

炒 stir-frying

爆 quick-frying

炸 deep-frying

烩 stewing

熏 smoking

煨 simmering

煮 boiling

烘 baking

烤 roasting

蒸 steaming


片 slice

丝 shred

丁 dice

宴席酒类通称 wine

啤酒 beer

洋酒 wine

黄酒 yellow rice wine

白酒 white spirit

牛饮 take a swig

小酌 take a sip

敬酒 propose a toast to

RPG: (课后口语练习,结合模块句型)

A new client comes to visit your company, but does not want to have dinner with you, claiming that he has something important to do. You should:

1). Recommend a restaurant to him/her.

2). Try to persuade him to have dinner with you.



世界环境日 World Environment Day (June 5th each year)

世界环境日主题 World Environment Day Themes

环境千年—行动起来吧!(2000) The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999) Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!

为了地球上的生命—拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas!

为了地球上的生命(1997) For Life on Earth

我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996) Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home

国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day (29 December)

世界水日 World Water Day (22 March)

世界气象日 World Meteorological Day(23 March)

世界海洋日 World Oceans Day (8 June )


废水 waste/polluted water

废气 waste/polluted gas

废渣 waste/polluted residue

全球变暖 global warming

温室效应 greenhouse effect

温室气体 greenhouse gas(es)

濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife

工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes

白色污染 white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)

有机污染物 organic pollutants

森林砍伐率 rate of deforestation

水土流失 water and soil erosion

土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization

环境恶化 environmental degradation

城市化失控 uncontrolled urbanization


中国环保基本政策the basic policies of China’s environmental protection

预防为主、防治结合的政策 policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control

治理环境污染 curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control

可降解一次性塑料袋 throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags

垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill

垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator

防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation

水土保持 conservation of water and soil

水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone

造林工程 afforestation project

珍稀濒危物种繁育基地 rare and endangered species breeding center

绿化祖国 turn the country green

全民义务植树日 National Tree-Planting Day

森林覆盖率 forest coverage

防风林 wind breaks (防沙林 sand breaks)

速生林 fast-growing trees

降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation

开发可再生资源 develop renewable resources

环保产品 environment-friendly products

自然保护区 nature reserve

RPG: (课后口语练习,结合模块句型)

A: animal /plant that is on the verge of extinction

B: hunter / hewer

B had to kill or cut A for a living. A should try to persuade B not to do so.



母校 Alma Mater

小学 primary/elementary school

中学 middle/high school

初中 junior high school

高中 senior high school

大专 college

大学 university

(小学)校长 Headmaster

(中学)校长 Principal

(大学)代理校长 Acting President

(大学)副校长 Vice President

(大学)校长 President


义务教育 compulsory education


素质教育 quality-oriented education/education designed to raise the overall quality of students

陶冶情操cultivate one’s taste and temperament

以人为本 people oriented/foremost

有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律 with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strongsense of discipline


课程 course

必修课 required/compulsory course

选修课 elective/optional course

基础课 basic course

专业课 specialized course

课程表 school timetable

(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 seminar

教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus

教学内容 content of courses

毕业典礼 graduation ceremony; commencement

毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal

毕业论文 thesis; dissertation


毕业实习 graduation field work

毕业证书 diploma; graduation certificate

网上教学 online teaching/education

函授课程 correspondence course


人才流失brain drain

智囊团think tank

双向选择two-way selection

职业培训job training

Q : You are supposed to be the school president, what will you do if your school receives a government grant of 5 million dollars? (课后口语练习,结合模块单词)



田径类:Track and Field

跳远 long/broad jump

三级跳 triple jump

跳高 high jump

长跑 long-distance race

竞走 walking; walking race 标枪 javelin throw

铁饼 discus throw

跨栏 hurdling

马拉松赛跑 Marathon (race) 五项全能 pentathlon

七项全能 heptathlon

十项全能 decathlon


跆拳道 taekwondo

柔道 judo

摔跤 wrestling

冰球运动 ice hockey

冰上运动 ice sports

滑水 water-skiing

滑艇/皮艇 canoeing

击剑 fencing

毽子 shuttlecock

举重 weightlifting

垒球 softball

手球 handball

曲棍球 hockey; field hockey 赛艇运动 rowing

踢毽子 shuttlecock kicking 跳伞 parachuting

击剑 fencing

保龄球 bowling

赛马 horse race

马术 equestrian sports

奥林匹克运动会The Olympiads 奥林匹克火炬 Olympic torch 奥林匹克圣火 Olympic flame 奥林匹克誓词 Olympic oath

奥运村 Olympic village 奥运会城 Olympic city

奥运项目 Olympic events

奥运选手 Olympian

东道国 host country

国际奥委会 International Olympic Committee (IOC)

国际奥委会主席 president of the IOC

组织委员会 Organizing Committee

会歌 anthem

会徽 emblem

会旗 flag of the games

金牌 gold medal

银牌 silver medal

铜牌 bronze medal

开幕式 opening ceremony

闭幕式 closing ceremony

口号 motto

同一个世界,同一个梦想 One World, One Dream

Oral Practice: Bidding for the Olympic Games (课后口语练习,结合模块句型)

A: Representative of Mars

B: Representative of the U.S

A and

B are bidding for the 3008 Olympic Games in a public TV program, they have to undergo:

1). Free talk (1 minute for each representative)

2). Debate (5 minutes) so as to win public opinions and become the host country.



急性病 acute disease

慢性病 chronic disease

流行病 epidemic disease

地方病 endemic disease

传染病 contagious disease

肺炎 pneumonia

支气管炎 bronchitis

癌症 cancer

流感 flu

高血压 high blood pressure

疟疾 malaria

伤寒 typhoid

霍乱 cholera


症状 symptom

疫情 SARS situation/statistics

防治 prevention and treatment

疑似病例 suspected case

确诊病例 confirmed case

发现 detection

报告 reporting

隔离 quarantine

治疗 treatment


非法采血 illegal blood collecting 走私 smuggling

贩毒 drug trafficking

卖淫嫖娼 prostitution

性工作者 sex worker

打击 crack down on

灭绝 eliminate

血液传播 blood transmission

手足口病 hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) 口腔溃疡sores in the mouth

手足疱疹rashes on hands and feet

低烧slight fever



中医 TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)草药 herbal medicine

针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia

针灸疗法 acupuncture and moxibustion

按摩推拿 medical massage

气功 qigong/controlled breathing exercises

太极 Taijiquan boxing

RPG: (课后口语练习,结合模块单词)

The conversation took place in a private clinic (where everything is likely to happen).



隶书 official script

楷书 regular script

行书 running script

草书 cursive script

篆书 seal script

石刻碑文 inscriptions on stone tablets


京剧 Peking opera

京剧人物脸谱 facial/theatrical makeup

生 male characters

旦 female characters

净“painted face” characters

末 middle-aged male characters

丑 clown

木偶戏 puppet show

独角戏 monodrama

皮影戏 shadow play

折子戏 opera highlights

戏剧小品 skit

哑剧 dumb show

单口相声 monologue comic talk

双口相声 cross comic talk/witty dialogue 口技 vocal imitation

说书 story-telling

杂技 acrobatic performance

叠罗汉 making a human pyramid

特技 stunt

踩高跷 stilt walk


拜年 paying a New Year call

年夜饭family reunion dinner (on Lunar New Year’s Eve)

爆竹 firecracker

鞭炮 a string of small firecrackers

辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new

灯谜 lantern riddle

观灯 viewing the lanterns

庙会 temple fair

饺子 dumplings (with meat and vegetable stuffing)

龙灯舞 dragon lantern dance

粽子 glutinous rice dumpling (wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves)



外滩 the Bund

东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower

不夜城 sleepless city ; ever-bright city

长江三角洲 the Yangtze River Delta

磁悬浮列车 maglev train

国际大都市 international metropolis/cosmopolitan city

东海之滨的明珠 the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea

高架公路 elevated highway, overhead road

国际商业、贸易、金融中心 international business, trade and financial center

龙华寺Longhua Temple

内环线高架 the inner ring line overpass

浦东新区Pudong New Area

轻轨火车 light rail train

人民广场People’s Square

万国建筑博览 an exhibition of International Architectures

信息港 cyber port

玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple

豫园 Yu Yuan Garden


失学儿童 dropouts

民工潮 overflow of migrant laborers

失业 unemployment

盲流 people blindly migrating from rural areas

文盲 illiterate

人口爆炸 population explosion


第二单元接待口译Interpreting for Reception Service 2-1 机场迎宾Greeting at the Airport 人力资源部经理:manager of Human Resources. Top-notch: 顶尖的 能够成行:make it 不辞辛苦:in spite of the tiring trip 百忙中抽空:take time from busy schedule run into a storm:下暴雨 Be held up: 耽搁clear up:天气转好 Attending service:服务倒时差:get over the jet-lag 行李齐了:get all the luggage 下榻宾馆:take sb.to the hotel 设宴洗尘:host a reception in one’s honor 总裁:chairman 杂技表演:acrobatic show 2-2 宾馆入住Hotel Accommodation Check-in: 登记住宿预定房间:have a reservation with 确认函:confirmation letter travel agency:旅行社 Itinerary:行程表accommodation:住宿 双人间:double room 豪华套房:a deluxe suite 8折优惠价:have a good rate with 20% off morning cal::叫醒 Photo-copy:复印express mail:快递邮件 总台:Front desk 餐饮部:Catering Service 洗熨部:Laundry Service 楼层服务台:Floor Service Desk Fitness exercise:健身教练:coach 2-3 宴会招待Banquet Service 敬业(的专家):dedicated(experts)contribute one’s share:尽了…责任Maneuver :机动,演习,策略,调遣大自然所赐予的:Mother Nature grant us Cuisine:菜系色,香,味,形:color,aroma,taste,appearance 食物的质地:raw materials with quality texture 调料:seasonings 原汁原味:original flavor appetizing:引起食欲的 特色点心:special snack 酸甜适口:a sweet and sour sauce 皮薄汁醇:with thin and translucent wrappers and rish tasty soup. 皮脆肉嫩:(with a ) crispy skin and tender meat figure out:想出 好戏还在后头:have more surprises to expect 祝酒:drink to (the health) of sb. 干杯:cheers 2-4 参观访问Getting Around 高科技园区:High-Tech Park 业务经理:operation manager 鸟瞰:take a bird’s eye view of 言归正传:come back to story 走马观花:cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horsehack 显目审批权:be authorized to approve projects (with) 优惠政策:preferential policies 与国际管理体制接轨:operate under the management system of international standards 跨国公司:multinationals 骨干企业:enterprises of pillar industries 生物技术:biotechnology 高技术产业链:high-tech industry chains 一条龙服务:a stream –lined one-stop service 生态型开发:ecological conservation 可持续发展:sustainable development 绿草成茵:boasts stretches of green grass 流水潺潺:streams murmuring 鸟儿啁啾:birds chirping 四季花香:fragrant flowers blossoming all year round 安保服务:security service


2019年英语中级口译考试汉译英必备篇(5) 香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。//40多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓不过立。中大校园占地 134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。//中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工 5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行灵活的学分制,不但有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。// The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is a research-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than 40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. s 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK’ s fa culty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members,approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some 2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//


突然想到9月中我也该考中口了...再不开始准备就太对不起这个暑假了~ 麦刀终于开始学术了~ 考试分两个阶段:笔试、口试 笔试共分四部分。总考试时间为150分钟,满分为250分。(150分合格) 1: 听力40分钟/90分; 2:阅读50分钟/60分; 3:英译汉30分钟/50分; 4:汉译英30分钟/50分。 凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试 5. 第二阶段口试共分两部分:口语与口译。考试时间为25分钟左右 6. 每年的3月、9月进行笔试,笔试后1个月左右进行口试。 考试时间安排 笔试:全程考试时间为150分钟,中间不收试卷,其中听力部分考试时间为45分钟(Section 1),阅读部分时间为45分钟(Section 2),翻译部分时间为60分钟(Section 3&Section 4)。 以下为笔试详细流程: 时间考试流程 13:30 考生可以入场 13:40 考考官宣读考生须知,并发布考试试卷及答题纸;考生调试收音机频道,确认收听频率 14:00 考试正式开始,电台开始播放录音 14:00—14:45 考生做Section1 听力部分听力部分时间为45分钟 14:45—15:30 考生做Section2 阅读部分阅读部分时间为45分钟

15:30—16:30 考生做Section3和Section4 翻译部分 翻译部分时间为60分钟 16:30 全部考试结束,考官收回全部试卷和答题纸 这张表格很重要! 科目 时间长度 题目 类型 建议 听力(2: 00开 始,共约45分 钟) 约5分 钟 Part A: Q1-Q20 Spot Dictation 预读:大意、接近的空格、长词、题号顺序 检查:名词、动词单复数、词性、拼写 约25分 钟 Part B: Q1-Q10 Statements 预读选项:话题-高频词、词组; 考点-句子成分差异处 Part B: Q11-Q30 Talks And Conversations 预读选项(同上); 听题:程度副词、转折词、观点 约15分 钟 Part C: Listening And Translation Sentence Translation (5句) 笔记:数字+并 列信息 笔头:常识补充, 务必成句 Passage Translation (2段) 笔记:框架+数字+并列信息 笔头:常识补充,务必成段 阅读(2: 45-3:30) 约45分 钟 Section 2:Q1-30 选择题 先做翻译、后做阅读、先看问题、判断话题、预测结构、估估难易、先易后难 翻译(3: 30-4:30) 30分钟 Section 3 第一篇 英译汉 认真阅读;先视译再下笔;语句流畅;断句为先;遇难词看上下文;


英译中笔记方法 我历年的实践,发现学友们在学习口译上最大的难点在于笔记问题。因此我整理了一条实用的(E-C)英译中笔记方法,提供初涉口译的众学友学习。 首先,这里需要指出的是,大多数同学并没有意识到口译笔记的基本类型。在此为大家简述一番,其实口译笔记可以按照“源语和目标语”分为两类,在此以英语(论坛)和汉语为例。比如:“E-C”和“C-E”是两个不同的体系。(E-C即英译中;C-E即中译英)。 关于“C-E模式”的笔记,在中译英时口译者并没有听力上的挑战,所以在记录笔记时我们大都可从容应对;把握脉络、大意、关键词,并选择性的记录;而且还能保证主要意思都能记在脑中;即使没有系统训练过笔记法的学友,也可以通过强记和速写,把信息记全。 所以说,中高级口译考试时的“C-E模式”的句子或段落的笔记可以是挑选性的(selective); 也可以做得“面面俱到”(every single point),而这时的要求就是你手写速度,清晰度(legibility), 合理逻辑的布局和排列。 在这样的背景下,C-E模式的笔记体系就引入了大量的“符号”以简化速记的强度,提高速记的质量,使译者有更多的时间脑记。 比如这段符号:“中 e ↗+” 表示“中国经济的强劲增长。” 笔者纵观了各种专业课程、比较了热门的口译笔记法书籍,口译论坛和网站上的有关信息,发现对于这些“符号”并没有一个有明确的、规范的统一写法。完全是不同专家和从业者的各种个性化的笔记,加上一些共性的元素。比如:“全球”这个概念, 有时会写“w”;有时也写成“⊙” 。写法各异,但都属于认知常识范畴。 对于这一情况,我也反复告诫学友,口译上常见的表达和词汇,要用符号,因为用熟悉的“固定符号”更加容易想象到这些信息,所以大家就得掌握熟记这些符号,这样才可以在考试中赢得更多翻译和口译的时间。


中口口试必备口语试题准备材料(topic1-20) Topic1. China’s Developments and Achievements No one can refuse to admit that there are many achievements of China in recent decades. I know some of them, such as economic reform, joining to the WTO, and successfully bidding to host the Olympic Games in 2008 and so on. They are significant and outstanding achievements. Chinese people benefit a lot from these great achievements. Firstly, people’s living standards have been improved significantly over the past 10 years. A huge number of families have a TV, a computer, a refrigerator and so on, and the most important thing is that most families have a bright and big house. Secondly, peop le’s daily life becomes more colorful and meaningful, recent years bring people a lot of recreational activities, such as computer video games, movies, and internet. Conversely, 10 years ago, we still had not these abundant and colorful campaigns. Of course, there are still a lot of things which should be done in the next 10 years. We should continue to support our economic development and investment, to protect the environment, to cut down the greenhouse gas emissions and to consolidate our military and defense systems. Topic2. An unforgettable graduation ceremony I’d like to say the graduation cerem ony of my senior high school. The only thing that I don’t forget is the speech of principal in my senior high school hall. During the ceremony, I clearly listened to his words with great spirits for all of us. His eyes were filled with hope, which seems like that he told us about how to overcome so many difficulties in the future. His words really attracted all the students and teachers. He told us that we shouldn’t give up at any time, because we must try our best to do everything we could. After the graduation ceremony, I promised to myself that I should continue to study harder in order to have enough experience and knowledge to be a better person who can make more contributions to the whole society.


1.) 经济类 APEC, ASEAN, EU, EC (EEC), G8 EURO, RMB, YEN, POUND, DOLLAR UN, WHO, IMF, PLO, FBI, VOA, CIA , NSA, CCCP, DMZ, PLA, QFII, PBOC,CEPA NATO, NASA, UNESCO, OPEC, NAFTA, SAFE associate company (subsidiary / affiliate) 联营公司(子公司、附属公司) aggregate demand 总需求 aggregate supply 总供给 advanced technology 先进技术 active balance (passive balance/ unfavorable balance) 顺差(逆差) acquire 购置、获取,购买,取得所有权 acquisition of assets 购置资产 absolute advantage 绝对优势(一国或一国的一部分由于拥有原材料、动力、劳动力等自然资源,因而能较廉价地生产某一产品,因此拥有胜过其他国家或地区的优势。) authorization bill 授权书author asset 资产 Boao Forum for Asia 博鳌亚洲论坛 bottom line 帐本底线, 底线 banking 银行业 black market 黑市 budget 预算 budget deficit 预算赤字 budget surplus 预算盈余 bureaucracy 官僚作风, 官僚机构 business cycle 商业周期 business mechanism 创业机制 business prototype 商业原型、商业模型 brand loyalty 对某个牌子的忠诚度 business fraud (accounting fraud) 商业欺诈(做假帐) bull/bear market 牛市/ 熊市 cutting edge (have an edge on) 优势(比…有优势) cash bonuses 现金奖励 commercial 商业广告 commodity 商品 convertible currency 可兑换的货币 corporate / entrepreneurial culture 企业文化 capital 资本, 资金, 资产 checks and balances 政府机关彼此之间、公司内部各部门的相互制约和平衡 civil rights/civil liberties 公民权利、自由 commerce clause 商业条款 common law 习惯法 comparative advantage 相对优势 competition 竞争 confederation 联邦 contract 合同 cost 成本 dealer/ jobber/ broker 经销商/经纪人 depreciation / appreciation 贬值/增值 deflation / inflation 通货紧缩/ 通货膨胀


练中级口译口试的必备用书就是《中级口译教程》,很多口试真题都出自于其中!所以在推出真题的同时,也将昂立顾微老师的这篇佳作一并奉上!愿所有为笔试口试奋斗的战友们都取得好的成绩! 至于先发一半的原因是一方面把这份东西拖到校内上很麻烦,原版是PDF的,要先保存图像再上传上来,有的时候还保存不了图像。。。另一方面是不知道这份东西会不会引起大家的兴趣,如果有支持的话,我过两天再把另一半发上来~ 来源:昂立教育,作者:顾微 顾微昂立博客:https://www.doczj.com/doc/b914006373.html,/?uid-687 2-3 Banquet Service 1.满足客人的不同需求:cater to the different needs of our guests 2.敬业的专家:dedicated experts 3.没有她的最后努力,还不知道现在会怎么样呢:Without her last-minute effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere. 4.contribute my share: 尽自己的责任 5.we all maneuvered successfully to get our job done, so to speak.可以说我们每个人都成功地使 我们的使命得以完成。Maneuver:军队的调动,调遣。大规模演戏。谨慎而熟练的动作 6 尽情享用大自然赐予我们的食物:we will delight ourselves completely in the foods that Mother Nature grants us. 7.调味料,作料:seasoning 8.南翔小笼:Nanxiang steamed meat dumplings 皮薄汁醇:thin and translucent wrappers, filled with ground pork and rich tasty soup 9.皮脆柔嫩, 酸甜适口:a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour source 10. 好戏还在后头:this is just the beginning 11.别客气,请随便:please help yourself to the dishes. 附笔记草图


2016年英语中级口译考试汉译英必备篇 (5) 香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。//40多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓然而立。中大校园占地134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。//中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行灵活的学分制,不仅有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。// The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is a research-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than 40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities

by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. s 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK’s faculty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members,approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some 2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//


9月中级口译真题+参考答案(4) Questions 16-20 We are moving inexorably into the age of automation. Our aim is not to devise a mechanism which can perform a thousand different actions of any individual man but, on the contrary, one which could by a single action replace a thousand men. Industrial automation has moved along three lines. First there is the conveyor belt system of continuous production whereby separate operations are linked into a single sequence. The goods produced by this well-established method are untouched by the worker, and the machine replaces both unskilled and semiskilled. Secondly, there is automation with feedback control of the quality of the product: here mechanisms are built into the system which can compare the output with a norm, that is, the actual product with what it is supposed to be, and then correct any shortcomings. The entire cycle of operations dispenses with human control except in so far as monitors are concerned. One or two examples of this type of automation will illustrate its immense possibilities. There is a factory in the U.S.A. which makes 1,000 million electric light bulbs a year, and the factory employs three hundred people. If the preautomation techniques were to be employed, the labour force required would leap to 25,000. A motor manufacturing company with 45,000 spare parts regulates their entire supply entirely by computer. Computers can be entrusted with most of the supervision of industrial installations, such as chemical plants or oil refineries. Thirdly, there is computer automation, for banks, accounting departments, insurance companies and the like. Here the essential features are the recording, storing, sorting and retrieval of information. The principal merit of modern computing machines is the achievement of their


o表示“人”people/person,因为“o”看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。例如:日本人:Jo。 ⅹ表示政府,统治:government,govern;governmental official 可以表示为ⅹo。 ⊙:“通货膨胀”(inflation)因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。 A:农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。 B:商业:business。 C×:冲突,矛盾(conflict,confrontation) W:工作,职业(work, employ )。 ??Worker employer employee employment i:工业(industry, industrial) 字母i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。 □:“国家”、“民族”、“领土”(country, state, nation) →□表示进口,□→表示出口;□/□国家之间,国与国 椅子:主持、主办:chair, host, preside over。 ??chairman, host, president U:合同、协议类 (treaty, agreement, contract) 在U中填入1表示: Unilateralism(单边主义) 在U内填入2,就可以表示为bilateral(双边的), 填入3表示为trilateral (三边的)。 填入m (multiple) 表示多边主义。 如果在U上加一个“/”表示谈判破裂。 ︿表示“领导人”:leader, head ??head of government, head of company V 表示victory,success 成功等 ⊙:会议、开会等(meeting,conference,negotiation,seminar,discussion,symposium)


4-3经营之道 Hi, Mr. Jackson. You have been working in China for three years. Can you tell us how you feel about the differences in business communication style between Chinese and American businessmen? 您好,杰克逊先生。你在中国已连续工作了三年,您能否谈下中美两国生意人在商务沟通方式上有何不同之处? With pleasure. I think there are at least two differences in the way of businesspeople communication between Chinese and American businesspeople. First, Chinese businessmen tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct manner of American businesspeople. The Chinese take time to learn if their prospective business contacts are really reliable, for example, by inviting them to a party and socializing with them. In contrast, Americans usually act with the get-down-to-business-first mentality. Second, the decision-making process of Chinese companies is generally slow and time-consuming. This is because most Chinese companies keep to the “bottom-up, then top-down and then bottom-up” decision-making principle which involves many people at different levels. American companies, on the other hand, usually operate with quick decisions made by the top management. I hope American businesspeople in China will understand these differences in business practices and adjust to the Chinese way. 我很乐意。我认为中美两国生意人在商务沟通方式上至少有两点不同。首先,中国人在商务谈判时倾向于一种迂回婉转的方式,而美国人则表现出一种直截了当的风格。中国人会花费时间来了解他们将要与之打交道的商人是否靠得住,例如邀请对方参加宴会,同时他们进行交流。与之相反,美国人则以公务为先的心态行事。第二,中国公司的决策过程耗时冗长。这是因为大部分中国公司遵循者一种“先自上而下、后自下而上、再自上而下”的决策原则,各个层次上的许多人士都会介入决策过程。而美国公司通常是由最高管理人士的快速决策运作。我希望在华的美国商人理解这些商务活动中的差异,适应中国人的经营之道。 The American way of doing business often strikes us Chinese as very aggressive. Were you aware of this in your collaboration With your Chinese colleagues? 美国式的经营之道在我们中国人看来往往显得咄咄逼人。您在与中国同事的合作中有没有注意到这一点? Well, we are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese, I would say, due to our different cultural traditions. I notice that a lot of Chinese often avoid saying a clear “no” just to be polite. Sometimes my Chinese colleagues say “yes” not to express agreement, but only to show that they are listening. 这个嘛,我我认为,由于我们有着不同的文化传统,所以我们同大部分中国人相比,显得较为直截了当、开门见山。我注意到许多中国人出于礼貌而经常不明确的说一声“不”。有时我的中国同事道一声“是”,这可布什表示赞同,只是表明他们在注意对方说话而已。 It is important for all of us to acknowledge and respect these cultural differences in order to avoid misunderstandings, isn’t it?


中级口译历年真题--翻译篇 2012年春季(3月) 英译汉原文: When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960′s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it we re the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. 英译汉参考译文: 我年轻的时候,有本非常好的杂志《全球目录》,这是我们那代人的“圣经”之一。杂志的创办人是斯图尔特·布兰德,创办地是在离这里不远的门罗公园,他赋予了这本杂志诗一样的美感。六十年代后期,个人电脑和桌面排版尚未出现,所以这本杂志完全利用打字机、剪刀、偏光镜来完成,有点像平装本的谷歌,却出现在谷歌问世三十五年前。这本杂志充满了理想色彩,充满了整齐利落的工具、不同寻常的见解。 斯图尔特和他的团队出版了几期《全球目录》,在它完成使命后,他们出版了最后一期杂志。那是在七十年代中期,那时我和你们的年龄相仿。杂志最后一期的封底上是张清晨的乡村公路的照片,那样的路,如果你有些冒险精神,可能会一路搭车走过。照片下面有两句话:“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”,这是他们停刊的告别语,“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”,我总是以此鼓励自己。现在,当你们即将毕业踏上新的旅程,我给予你们同样的期望。 翻译评析: 这篇短文取自于乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲。语言比较口语化,词汇不难。因为是演讲类短文,所以考生在翻译的时候大可以顺序驱动。节选的这个短文有几处的词汇和短语大家可以注意下: poetic:充满诗情画意的 idealistic: 理想主义的 run his course: 完成使命 hitchhiking: 搭乘 sign off: 停止签发,停止 汉译英: 吸烟之危害,可谓大矣,其严重性是不能低估的。吸烟污染空气,损害健康,使肺癌发病率大大增加。为了使各国人民关注烟草的盛行及预防吸烟导致的疾病和死亡,世界卫生组织已将每年的5月31日定为“世界无烟日”。 瘾君子们说,一天饭不吃可以,一个时辰不抽烟就难捱了,不能戒。只要真正意识到吸烟有百害而无一利,于人于己都是一种祸害,就有可能下决心摆脱烟草的诱惑。戒烟贵在坚持,坚持下去就是收获。 参考译文: Smoking does great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air, damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer. To arouse the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking-induced diseases and deaths, the WHO (World Health Organization) has defined May 31st in every year as World No-Tobacco Day. The tobacco addicts say that smoking is impossible to quit because they could do without meals in a day but would feel tortured without tobacco in two hours. However, when one realizes that smoking is harmful in many ways but beneficial in no way and that it is a curse to others as well

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