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外研社book 5 module 2全解

外研社book 5 module 2全解
外研社book 5 module 2全解

Module 2 A Job Worth Doing


1.intellectual (adj.& n.)

(1)adj. Concerning using, or needing the ability to reason智力的,要用脑力的

Is intellectual work superior to physical work?脑力工作优于体力工作吗?

(2)adj. having a high intellect有很高智力的,理解力强的

The student showed enormous intellectual ability.这个学生表现出极高的智力。

(3)n. someone who has the ability to reason well, and who uses this ability in their work知识分子,从事脑力工作的人

These views are very common among intellectuals.这些观念在知识分子中是很普遍的。






intelligent 形容人时,是指其聪明、头脑灵敏;

此外,还可用来形容动物。Tom is an intelligent boy.汤姆是个很聪明的孩子。

intellectual 是指受过良好教育、对需要长期研

究的学科感兴趣的人。Jim is from an intellectual family.吉姆出生于一个有知识的家庭。


(1)adj. having to do with the use of hands体力的;动手的

He would rather do some manual labor than work behind a desk.他宁可干体力活,也不喜欢做案头工作。

Many manual workers are being replaced by machines.很多体力工作者的位置正被机器所取代。

(2)n. a book of instructions手册;指南;说明书

After you register,please go to the reception desk for a training manual.注册之后,请到接待处领取培训手册。


近音词:menu(n.)菜单manuscript(n.)手稿manufacture(n.)生产,制造3.satisfying(adj.) making sb. feel pleased令人满意的,使人满足的

The story has a satisfying ending.这个故事有一个令人满意的结局。

It's satisfying to play a game really well.擅长一种游戏是一桩惬意的事情。





When he saw his son's satisfying work, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.当他看见儿子那令人满意的工作时,脸上露出了满足的笑容。

4.stressful(adj.)making sb. Feel worried充满压力的;紧张的

She's very good at coping in stressful situations.她很擅长应付紧张的局势。

Many people find traveling to work stressful.很多人觉得坐车上班很紧张。



Stress isn't a bad thing if only we keep a different eye on it.只要我们从不同的角度去看待它,压

In the word "doctor", the stress is on the first syllable.“doctor”这个词的重音在第一个音节上。We must lay stress on self-reliance.我们必须强调自力更生。

5.Because it’s well paid.因为它报酬高.

句式分析:该句主语为it, well paid为表语。


She is well dressed.她衣着入时。

She is well-dressed woman.她是一位穿着讲究的女人。


well balanced很平均的,很均衡的

well developed发育良好的,健全的

well informed见多识广的,消息灵通的

well run经营得好的,运转良好的

well behaved行为端正的,彬彬有礼的

well done做得好

well known众所周知的,出名的


I’ll tell you a piece of well news.(F)

I’ll tell you a piece of good news.(T)


1.We ask this person to put electricity in homes.我们让这个人给家里接通电。

put in


We have decided to have a new bathroom equipment put in.我们决定安装一套新的盥洗设备。(2)插话,插入

It’s impolite to put in while others are speaking.别人在说话时插话是不礼貌的。


The company has put in a claim for damages.这家公司已提出赔偿损失的要求。


You have to put in a lot of efforts to learn a new language.学一门新的语言需要付出很大的努力。链接:

put sth. into practice把某事付诸实践

put aside 不考虑;储存(钱)备用;放下;留出(一段时间)

put away 收拾起来;储存(钱)

put back推迟,延迟

put down批评(某人);写下,记下;放下

put forward提出(计划、建议等);将……提前put off延期;拖延

put out扑灭(火);困扰

put up张贴,悬挂;搭建;安排食宿put on穿上;打开(灯、电器等)put up with忍受


Don’t be so discouraged. If you _____ such feelings, you will do better next time.

A. carry on

B. get back

C. break down

D. put away



(1)\alive now活着的

all living things所有生物

(2)lively, be like the real ones逼真的

He is a living image of his father.他真像他父亲。

(3)existing, still in existence现存的

Many ancient languages are not living languages any more.许多古老的语言都不再是现在使用的语言了。


make a living/earn one’s living谋生

How will you be able to make a living if you don’t study hard now?如果你现在不努力学习,以后如何谋生?

辨析:living, alive与live


living “活着的、现存的”,可作表语、定语,修饰人、物均可。The living languages of the ancient tribes is English.那些古老的部落现行的语言是英语。

The living are always considered more important than the dead.人们总是认为活人比死人要重要。

alive “活着的”,作表语、补足语或

后置定语。Many Chinese were buried alive by Japanese invaders during World War Ⅱ.很多中国人在二战时被日本侵略者活埋。

live “活的”,指物,还可意为“实

况转播的”。The cat is playing with a live mouse.猫在玩一只活老鼠。

a live talk show on the TV电视现场直播的谈话节目

3.You go to this person to get your hair cut.你去让这个人给你理发。

句法分析:to get your hair cut为“get +复合宾语”结构,在此作目的状语。

get /have sth. done使某事被做,请别人做某事

In cold weather, it’s hard to get the car started.在寒冷的天气里,车子很难发动。

We got the machine repaired.我们请人把这台机器修好了。


搭配:get +宾语+宾补现在分词



Do you think you’ll get the work finished on time?你认为你的工作可以按时完成吗?

It’s not hard to get him talking ;the problem is stopping him!让他说话不难,问题是怎样让他停下来!

You’ll never get him to understand.你永远无法让他明白。

Don’t get your new trousers dirty!别把你的新裤子弄脏了!

4.This person must do many things—including directing the traffic.这个人必须做许多事——



(1)have sth. as a part包括,包含(后接n./pron./doing)

Our tour party included several children.我们这个旅游团里有几个孩子。

He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.他的讲话中有许多引人发笑的故

The price includes tax.这个价格里面包括税。

(2)put in with sth. else把……包括在内,把……列进

I included meat and milk on the list of things to buy.我把肉和牛奶列进了购物单。

The team is looking strong, especially now they have included Yin Jianlian.球队看上去很强大,








included为形容词,常用于名词、代词之后,而including为介词,常用于名词、代词之前。Everyone has to go to the dentist’s , you included。=Everyone has to go to the dentist’s , including you.每个人都得去看牙医,包括你在内。



include 某物为整个的一部分或要素。Service is included in the bill.账单里包括服务费。contain “容纳”,某物中装有什么东西。The jar contained some water.坛子里有些水。

5.This person has offered to do a job—and may not be paid for doing it.这个人主动提出了去


句法分析:to do a job为不定式短语作宾语。

She wanted to cook some vegetables quickly for lunch.她想很快地做好午餐吃的蔬菜。

He has promised to help me.他已答应过要帮助我。

offer(vt. &n.)

(1)vt. give (to God)(对神)供奉,奉献

He offered (up) a prayer for the return of his health.他祈求恢复健康。

(2)vt. to buy sth. to pay a particular amount of money出价,开价

offer sb. some money for sth.向某人出价买某物

搭配:offer sb. sth. for some money向某人开价出卖某物

They’ve offered us 300,000 yuan for the house, but we declined it.他们出价30万买我们的房子,但我们不卖。

They’ve offered us their house for 300,000 yuan.他们出价30万元向我们卖他们的房子。

(3)vt. to provide sth. that people need or want willingly提供,给予

to do sth.主动提出做某事

搭配:offer sth. to sb.

sb. sth 向某人提供某物

He offered no explanation for his actions.他对自己的行为未作任何解释。

They offered him a very good job , but he turned it down.他们给他提供了一份很好的工作,但


(4)vt.offer oneself出现,出席(=be present)

My lost pen offered itself as last.我丢失的钢笔终于找到了。

(5)n. a statement offering( to do)sth.提议

I accepted an offer of help/to help.我接受了援助的建议。

turn down/refuse/decline an offer拒绝建议

make an offer of help表示愿意给予帮助

make sb. an offer for sth.出价,开价,报价……

accept an offer接受建议(报价)


sb. with sth.

provide sth. for sb.

sb. with sth.提供给某人某物

supply sth. to sb.



6.The Human Traffic Signal人体交通信号

signal(n. & v.)

(1)n.a movement or sound that you make to give sb. information, instructions, a warning,etc.信号

A green light is a signal to pass.绿灯是通告信号。

When I look at my watch, it's a signal for us to leave.如果我看表,就是暗示我们该走了。(2)vt. to give a signal发信号

She signaled him to stop talking.她示意他别说话。

We signaled the good news by waving and smiling.我们用挥手微笑来传达这个好消息。

7.At 3,500 metres, La Paz, in Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world.位于海拔3500米的玻利维亚首府拉巴斯是世界上最高的首都。



Bolivia is a mountainous country in the western part of South America, surrounded by Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peur and Paraguay. Population :7,040,000(1995). Capital :La Paz.



8.Life is hard at high altitude, and the mountains make communications difficult.在海拔高的地区生活很艰苦,高山使得交通非常困难。


(1)the height of a thing above a specified level, such as sea level(尤指海拔)高度

What is the altitude of this small village?这个小村庄海拔是多少?

(2)a high area高处(海拔很高的地方)

It is very difficult to breathe at these altitudes.在这些高处呼吸很困难。

At high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult to breathe.在西藏海拔很高的地方呼吸很困难。


Attitude determines altitude.态度决定可以到达的高度。




at the bottom of…在……底部at the foot of…在……脚下

at the height of…在……高度上at the depth of…在……深度上

9, many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent.许多路况很差而且事故频发。


My car is old but in good condition.我的车虽旧,但车况良好。

His second-hand car is in poor condition.他的二手车状况不怎么样。Don't worry. He's in excellent condition.别担心,他处在理想状态。链接:

be in condition健康,情况良好

be out of condition健康不佳,情况欠佳

make it a condition that…以……为条件

on /upon condition that…如果……,在……条件下,只要……

on no condition在任何条件下都不,绝不

on this/that condition在这个/那个条件下

meet/ satisfy a condition符合……的条件

set a condition设定条件

weather conditions天气情况


辨析:condition, conditions与state


condition 某人(物)本身的状况,如健康

状况,为不可数名词。The roads in those mountain areas are considered to be in bad condition.人们认为那些山区的路况不好。

conditions 指人(物)周围的状况或条件。Our living conditions are better and better.我们的


state 指状况、情形,为可数名词。She is in a poor state of health.她的健康状况不



The player is in very good condition, but his living conditions are very bad.这位选手的健康状况非常好,但生活条件非常糟糕。

10.One road in particular, which goes north from La Paz, is considered the most dangerous road in the world.尤其是从拉巴斯通向北边的一条路被认为是世界上最危险的路。


in particular:particularly尤其,特别

In particular, he was praised by his teacher for the first time.尤其是他的老师第一次表扬了他。--What would you say about the book?对这本书你要说点什么?

--Nothing in particular.没什么特别的。


be particular about/over对……极为讲究

She is very particular about what she eats.她对吃的东西特别挑剔。

be considered(to be/as)…被认为是……

We considered him (to be )the best person for the job.我们认为他是这项工作最合适的人选。We consider Beijing (as)the heart of our country.我们把北京看人是祖国的心脏。


consider doing sth.考虑做某事

consider sth. an honour/a duty认为某事是荣幸/责任

all things considered通盘考虑





11.On one side the mountains rise steeply; on the other side there is a sheer drop, which in places is hundreds of metres deep.在路的一边,山体高耸险峻,另一边悬崖陡峭,有些地方足有几百米深。

on one side…;on the other side…一边……另一边……;一方面……另一方面……

On one side they love to have kids; on the other side they don't want to give up freedom.一方面他们想要孩子,另一方面他们又不想放弃自由。

On one side of the street lives an old man; on the other side stands a supermarket.街道的一边住着一位老头,另一边有一家超市。


one (the) one hand…;on the other hand…一方面……另一方面……


on one side…;on the other side或on (the) one hand…;on the other hand…用于写对比类观点的文章,可使文章更具有条理。

We should save natural resources. On one hand we can protect our environment from being destroyed; on the other hand we can protect ourselves.我们应当节省自然资源,一方面我们可以保护环境不爱破坏;另一方面我们可以保护我们人类自己。

12.Although there is not a lot of traffic,in average, one vehicle comes off the road every two weeks.尽管这条路上的交通量不大,但是平均每两周就有一辆车驶出公路(掉下悬崖)。

句法分析:本句为主从复合句,although引导让步状语从句,不与but连用,但可与yet, still 连用。


Although/Though he is in poor health, (yet) he works hard.

He is in poor health, but he works hard.

辨析:although, though与as


although 较正式,不倒装,不与but

连用。Although he is not perfect, we all like him.尽管他不是完人,但我们大家都喜欢他。

though 可倒装,也可以不倒装,可



单独使用。Young though he is, he is quite experienced.他虽然年轻,但很有经验。

Even though I didn't understand a word, I kept smiling.尽管我一个字也不懂,我还是一直微笑着。

He said he would come,he didn't, though.他说他要来,结果却没来。

as 引导让步状语从句,须倒

装。Young as she is, she knows much.她尽管很小,但懂很多。

on average=on the/an average平均

On average, how many students are there in a class in the UK?在英国平均一个班有多少名学生?

I spend two hours reading English every day on average.我平均每天花两个小时读英语。


an average of…平均……

the national average全国平均水平

of average height/build/intelligence中等个子/身材/智力

average out(在一段时间内)达到平均水平

every two weeks=every second week=every other week每两周

He comes to see us every two week.他每两周来看我们一次。



He comes to see us every three days.

=He comes to see us every third day.他每三天来看我们一次。


every 与few, other连用时,不加a,如:every few days每隔几天,every other line每隔一行When she was in hospital, her daughter had to go to see her every other day because of her work.她住院期间她的女儿因工作关系不得不每隔一天去看她一次。

13.The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive.悬崖落差如此之大,以至于在掉下去的车里任何一个能活着的人都是幸运的。









This is so good a book that every student likes it.=This is such a good book that every student likes it.这是如此好的一本书以至于每个学生都喜欢。

He ran so fast that I couldn't catch up with him.他跑得如此快以至于我赶不上他。

There were so many people in the room that he couldn't find a seat to sit on.房间里有这么多人以至于他找不到座位坐下。

These are such difficult problems that they couldn't settle them.这些问题如此难以至于他们解决不了。

This book is written in such easy English that every child can understand it.这本书是用如此简单的英语写的以至于每个孩子都能看懂。




The weather was _____ cold that I didn't like to leave my room. (2008 全国高考)








(1)to continue to live幸存;不难不死

Both parents were killed by the explosion, but the children survived.父母都被炸死了,但孩子们

I can't survive with the pocket money of only 20 yuan per month.我每月只有20元的零花钱,没法活命。

(2)to continue to live normally and not to be upset by the problems从(困难)中挺过来;挣扎着过十去

I don't think I could survive another year as a lawyer; it's just too stressful.我想再当一年律师我挺不过去,压力实在太大了。

(3)to live longer than someone else, especially the closely related one比(某人)长寿

Harry survived his wife by three years.哈里比他妻子多活了3年。





14.In theory, the road can only be used by traffic going uphill from 8 in the morning, and by traffic coming downhill from 3 in the afternoon. But in practice, few drivers respect the rules.理论上,这条路从早晨8点开始只准许上山的车通行,下午3点以后下山的车通行。但实际上,几乎没有司机遵守这些规则。

in theory理论上;in practice实际上

In theory, these machines should last for over ten years.从理论上讲,这些机器应该能用10年以上。

It was quite useless in practice.实际上,这个一点用都没有。

Your plan is good in theory, but does it work in practice?你的计划在理论上不错,但实施起来行吗?



in practice=practicably可行地in particular=particularly尤其地

in comfort=comfortably舒适地in surprise=surprisingly吃惊地

in general=generally通常地in secret=secretly秘密地


(1)vt. to admire sb. because of their good personal qualities尊敬(某人);尊重(某人)

搭配:respect sb. for…因……尊重某人

He is not the most popular teacher, but the students respect him.他不是最受欢迎的老师,但同学们都尊敬他。

I respect you for your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。

(2)vt. to obey遵守

Do you respect the laws of your country?你遵守国家的法律吗?

(3)n.(U)admiration for someone because of their personal qualities尊敬;reference; relation关系,有关;detail, particular aspect方面,细节

win/gain/earn the respect of赢得……的尊敬

搭gain/win broad respect受到广泛的尊敬

配:have/show respect for sb.尊敬某人

lose the respect of失去对……的尊敬

With his decisive dealing with the dispute, he had won the respect of everyone.由于果断处理纠纷,他赢得了大家的尊敬。

With respect, sir, I think you're quite wrong.先生,尽管我极为尊敬您,但我(仍然)认为您的

With respect to your other proposals, I am not yet able to give you our decision.至于你的其他建议,我还无法告诉你我们的决定。


as respects关于……,就……而言

in no respect无论哪方面都不是

in respect of/to关于……,就……而言

pay one's respects to向……打招呼,表敬意

pay respect to留心于……,考虑……

without respect to不在乎……,无视……,与……无关系

with respect to关于……,就……而言



15.Timoteo has an unusual job-he is a human traffic signal. Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand.铁穆特欧有一份不同寻常的工作——他是人体交通信号。每天早晨,他手里都拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。

句法分析:本句为简单句。with a large…hand为with的复合结构在句中作状语。

bend(n. &v.)

(1)n.(C)a curved part of something弯曲处;an action in which you bend a part of your body(身体的)弯曲

Be careful, there is a sharp bend in the road ahead.当心,前面的路上有个急拐弯。

(2)v.move your body俯身,弯腰;curve使弯曲

She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.她弯下腰去捡报纸。

I don't think you can bend the iron bar.我觉得你弄不弯这根铁棒。


bend over/down弯腰/俯身bend forward/back前倾/后仰

bend one's steps toward…转身向……


If you want to bend the stick, you can take hold of the two ends of it, or you can't make a bend in it.如果你想使这根棍子弯曲,你可以握着它的两端。否则,你不可能把它弄弯。

16.Timoteo stands on the bend and directs the traffic.铁穆特欧站在转弯处指挥着交通。


(1)adv.without stopping or changing direction直接,中途不停顿

The next flight doesn't go direct to Rome; it goes by way of Paris.下一班飞机不直飞罗马,而要经过巴黎。

(2)adj.going straight from one place to another直接的;笔直的

Which is the most direct way to London?到伦敦走哪条路最直接?

(3)adj.saying or doing sth. Exactly(指人、行为)直截了当的,诚实的,率真的

He gave a direct answer to my question.他直截了当地回答了我的问题。

(4)vt. to tell sb. how to get to a place指示方向,指点

I'm lost. Can you direct me to Times Square?我迷路了,请告诉我到时代广场怎么走,好吗?

(5)vt.to be in charge of or control sth.指挥;导演

Who directed that Italian film?谁导演那部意大利电影?






direct 可作adj.,adv.,意为“径直的(地),直接的(地)”。Now let me ask you a direct question.现在让我问你一个直接的问题。

He decided to contact the manager direct.他决定直接和经理联系。

directly adv.,着重指对事物的直接影响,无关实际距离。The financial crisis has affected us directly.金融危机已直接影响到我们。


Could you direct me to the railway station?你能指给我去火车站的路吗?

The usher led him to his seat.引座员带他找到了座位。

She guided the tourists around the city.她领着旅游者游览了这座城市。

17.When two vehicles approach from opposite directions they can't see each other, but they can see Timoteo.当两辆车相对开来并靠近的时候,他们彼此看不到,但都能看到铁穆特欧。approach(n.&vi.)

(1)n.(U)movement towards or near to sth.靠近,临近,接近;(C)path or entrance道路,入口;

(C)way or method方法,步骤

We heard the approach of the train.我们听到火车开过赤了。

All approaches to the town are blocked.所有通往城镇的道路都被堵塞了。

The students like the new approach to teaching language.学生们喜欢这种教授语言的新方法。

(2)v.to move towards or near to sb. or sth.; sth. is coming nearer or will happen靠近,走近

As spring approaches, the wind becomes warmer.春天快为了,风也变得暖和了。

Few people could approach him in playing football.在踢足球方面,很少有人能比得上他。


take an approach采用一种方法reject one's approach拒绝某人的奉承

provide an approach to提供……的入门bar the approach of禁止接近……opposite(adj.,prep. &n.)

(1)adj. as different as possible from something else完全不同的;the opposite direction, way etc.is directly away from someone or something(方向等)相反的;one thing that is opposite another is on the other side of the same area, often directly across from it对面的,相对的

He stood on the opposite side of the street.他站在那条街的对面。

They walked away in opposite directions.他们分别朝相反的方向走去。

(2)prep.if one thing or person is opposite another, they are facing each other在……对面

Can you see the houses opposite(to) the river?你能看到河对面的房子吗?

The waiter stood opposite me.那位服务员站在我对面。

(3)n.a person or thing that is as different as possible from someone or something else对立物,相反的人

Black is the opposite of white.黑是白的反义词。

She is tall and slim, and he is the complete opposite.她又高又瘦,而他完全相反。



18.Timoteo is a volunteer. No one asked him to do the job, and no one pays him for it.铁穆特欧是一个志愿者。没有人让他做这个工作,也没有人为此付钱给他。

(1)vt.to give sb. Some money(for sth.)付钱,支付,偿还,给

pay sb.支付某人

搭pay sb. for sth.因某事而偿还某人

配:pay sb. money for sth.支付某人钱买某物

pay money to sb. for sth.支付某人钱买某物

May I pay by credit card?我可以用信用瞳支付吗?

How much did the boss pay you for the work?这项工作老板给了你多少钱?

(2)n.money for your work工资

I get my pay every Friday.我每周五领工资。


pay back偿还(借款等);回报(恩情等)pay off还清

pay up还清(欠款)pay attention to注意

pay a visit 拜访



sb. spend(s) money on sth.

in doing sth.某人花钱做某事

sb. charge(s) money for sth.某人因某事而要价多少

sb. offer(s) money for sth.某人就某物而出价多少

sth. is worth some money某物值多少钱

sth. cost(s) sb. Some money某物花掉某人多少钱

19.Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to live on.有时候司机经他点小费,使他能够有充足的钱维持生活。

句法分析:so that引导结果状语从句。


Tipping in the US and UK

In the US and UK, people tend to give tips for particular services, although tipping is much more common and important in the US. In restaurants in the US, people usually give the waiters between 15% and 20% of the bill, but in the UK they give about 10%. If the service is bad, however, people in both countries give a smaller tip or do not leave any tip. It is also normal to give a tip to porters who carry your bags at the airport or in a hotel, and to give a 10% tip to taxi drivers and to people who cut your hair.



辨析:live on与live by


live on on后接名词,为主食、钱物之类。No one can live on rice alone.没有人能够仅靠


live up by后接v.-ing,表方式。Everyone can make a living by working hard.



句法分析:taking the human traffic signal为现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随情况。take…for granted认为……理所当然,想当然地认为……

Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted.她丈夫随时出现在身边,她只是认为他理应如此。

Don't take it for granted that he'll help you.不要认为他一定会帮助你。

Your parents' love for you is unconditional. But please don't take it for granted.你父母对你的爱是无条件的,但是请不要把这种爱看成是理所当然的。

21.So why does he do it? Before he volunteered to direct the traffic, Timoteo had had lots of jobs. He had been a miner and a soldier.那么,他为什么要这样做呢?在他志愿指挥交通之前,铁穆特欧做过很多工作。他曾是一名矿工,还当过兵。

volunteer(n. &v.)

(1)n.(C)a person who offers to work or help without pay志愿者

Liu Jiandong worked for the 2008 Olympics as a volunteer, of which he is still proud.刘建东曾为2008年奥运会志愿服务,这一点他一直引以为豪。

Most of the relief work was done by volunteers.大部分的救济工作是由志愿者完成的。

(2)vi.&vt.offer to do…主动要求做……;自愿

The children all volunteered to be my guide.小孩们都自愿当我的向导。

We are ready to volunteer our services.我们时刻准备主动提供服务。



22.Then one day while he was working as a lorry driver he had a close encounter with death.他做卡车司机的时候,有一天跟死神打了个照面。



(1)n.(C)an unplanned or unexpected occasion when you meet sb.相遇,邂逅

She didn't remember our encounter last summer.她不记得我们去年夏天的那次相遇了。

(2)vt.to meet with unexpectedly遭遇,遇到

We encountered a lot of difficulties.我们遇到了许多困难。

She encountered a friend of hers on the plane.她在飞机上同一位朋友不期而遇。


chance encounter巧遇close encounter差一点遇到(危险/不愉快的事)

I had a close encounter with a poisonous snake.我险遇一条毒蛇。


come across

run across 偶然遇到,偶然发现

meet with

I came across some photos in the attic.我在阁楼上偶然翻到了一些照片。

23.He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.当他开着一辆装满香蕉的卡车要驶过一个弯道时,他连人带车翻到了300米深的山崖下。



Sb. was/were doing sth.…when sth. did…

Sb. had just done sth.…when sth. did…

Sb. was on the point of doing sth.…when sth. did…

The plane was flying on the sky when a bird knocked into the glass of the front window.飞机正在空中飞行,这时一只小鸟撞上了前窗玻璃。

We were about to go out when the telephone rang.我们正要出去,正在那时电话铃响了。

He had just finished his homework when his father came back.他刚刚做完作业,正在那时父亲回来了。

He was on the point of jumping into the pool when the alarm rang.他正要跳入池中,这时警报响了。

24.Somehow he survived. He was in hospital for months.万幸的是,他活了下来。他住了好几个月的院。


(1)in a way unknown or not understood不知何故

But somehow the action got reversed in the programs.但是不知何故,节目里的动作顺序颠倒了。

Don't worry, we'll get the money back somehow.别担心,我们总会把那些钱拿回来的。

(2)in a way or by some means which is not known以某种方式

Somehow, I just don't think it will work.不知为什么,我就是觉得这样行不通。



He told me not to buy it,but I bought it anyhow.他告诉我不要买它,但不管怎样,我还是买了。Anyhow, I'll see you next week.不管怎样,下周我都要去看你。

25.Then, a few years later, he was called out in the night to help pull people out of a bus which had crashed at la curva del diablo.几年后的一天夜里,他被叫出来帮忙拉出在魔鬼弯道坠毁的公共汽车里的人。

句法分析:to help pull people out of a bus为目的状语;which引导定语从句,修饰先行词a bus。call out:to order to help, especially in a dangerous situation; say sth. loudly叫出来;大声喊出Everybody in the village was called out to put out the fire.村里的每个人都被叫出来灭火。

He called out my name the moment he caught sight of me.他一见我就喊出了我的名字。


call at(a place)访问(某地)call on(sb.)拜访/号召(某人)

call in召集call back回电话;回忆

call up给……打电话;调动(力量、人员等);使人想起

call for要求;需要;去接某人/某物

call off撤销(计划的活动)

26.This last experience had a profound effect on Timoteo.那次经历给铁穆特欧留下了极其深刻的印象。


(1)deep; very strongly felt深的,深刻的,深切的,极度的

I owe you a profound apology.我应向你深表歉意。

There was a profound silence in the empty church.空无一人的教堂里一片死寂。

(2)having or using through knowledge and deep understanding渊博的;见解深刻的;深奥的

a profound thinker一位见解深刻的思想家

a very profound remark一句非常深奥的评论

in the profound depths of the ocean在大洋深处



profoundly disturbing news令人极其不安的消息

have an effect on对……产生影响

The medicine has a good effect on me.那种药对我有很好的疗效。

Punishment had very little effect on him.惩罚对他没有什么效果。


have an influence on

have an impact on 对……产生影响

bring/put sth. into effect使……生效,实施……

come into effect开始生效take effect起作用,奏效

27.He realised that he was lucky to be alive himself, and felt that it was his mission in life to help others.他意识到他能活下来是很幸运的,而且感觉到帮助别人是他人生的使命。

句法分析:本句为and连接的并列句,且每个分句中含有一个that引导的宾语从句,且第二个that引导的宾语从句中it作形式主语,to help others为真正的主语。


(1)usually military duty or purpose for which people are sent womewhere(常指军事的)任务,使命

The astronauts in Shenzhou Ⅶ reported to the mission control that all worked very well.神舟七号宇航员向地面指挥中心报告一切都很好。

(2)the particular workwhich one believes it is one's duty to do职责

She felt that her mission in life was to help old people.她认为帮助老年人是她的天职。

(3)a group of people are sent abroad for a special reason, especially to act for their country工作团,代表团

The British trade mission has just reached Shanghai.英国贸易代表团刚刚抵达上海。

28.And so every morning, week in,week out,from dawn to dusk, Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic.于是每天早晨,铁穆特欧都来到路的拐弯处站好自己的位置,开始指挥来往车辆,从拂晓到黄昏,一周又一周。

week in(,)week out(=week after week)一周又一周,连接好几个星期;每周地

We got the same reply that the manager was out week in week out.连续几周我们得到的答复都是经理不在。

I just seem to do the same things week in week out.一周又一周,我好像在做相同的工作。take up占据(时间、空间);从事(工作、专业等);举起(武器等);接着……起来

I took up my place/position by the door.我把住了门口。

They've taken up golf.他们学起打高尔夫球来了。

He took up history when he was in university.他在大学时代学的是历史。

She took up the story where she stopped yesterday.她接着昨天讲的故事继续往下讲。

The table takes up too much room.这张桌子占据了太多的空间。

Her time is fully taken up with writing.她把时间全都用在了写作上。


take after sb.(长相;性格)像某人take over接收;接管

take an interest in对……感兴趣take charge of掌管;负责

take possession of占有;拥有take pride in以……自豪

take up arms拿起武器take out取出

take down拿下,记下take away from从……拿起

take along随身带着take off脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞

take an action采取行动take a deep breath深呼吸

take part in参加take in欺骗;摄取

take a photograph拍照take on呈现

take it easy放心;别着急take…by surprise出奇兵攻占……

take place发生;出现take a rest/walk休息/散步


切勿将take up与make up混淆:take up指“占据时间、空间”,而make up则指“占据比例、成分”。

She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took up her place.她不能参加会议,所以她的助手代她出席。

Women make up only 30% of the workforce.妇女仅占劳动力的30%。


After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane _____ her job as a doctor in the countryside.

A.set out

B.took over

C.took up

D.set up

解析:take up在此意为“开始从事”。



1.I saw an advertisement for a temporary job as a waiter in a smart restaurant.我看到一则广告,有一家雅致的餐馆招临时服务员。

temporary(adj.)for a short time; not permanent暂时的,临时的

That is only a temporary solution to the problem.那只是暂时解决问题。

The council has placed us in temporary accommodation.委员会给我们安排了临时住处。





2.When I took them out, they had frozen.当我把它们拿出来时,它们已经结冰了。


(1)vi. to become hard and solid because of the cold temperature冻住,冻僵

We freeze a lot of vegetables from our farm.我们冷冻了许多我们农场生产的蔬菜。

Two men froze to death(=were frozen to death)on the mountain.有两个人在山上冻死了。

(2)vt.&vi. to make food extremely cold to preserve it冷藏,冷冻

I'm going to freeze some of these beans.我打算把这些豆的一部分冷藏起来。

Tomatoes don't freeze well.西红柿不宜冷藏。

(3)n.a fixing of wages, prices at a particular level; a stop of sth. activity(工资、价格等的)冻结;停止

pay freezes工资冻结 a freeze on production停产




1.career prospects事业前景

(1)reasonable hope of sth. happening(有根据的)指望,期望,展望

I'm afraid there's not much prospect of this being finished before the weekend.要在周末以前完成这项工作,我恐怕没有什么指望了。

(2)sth.which is probable soon可能很快发生的事,前景

She doesn't like the prospect of having to live alone.对于不久将不得不一个人单独生活这件事,她很不乐意。

(3)a wide distant view广阔的视野,景象

From the top of the hill, there's a beautiful prospect over the valley.从山顶俯视,山谷间的美景一览无余。


a depressing/favorable prospect令人沮丧的/很有希望的前景

a distant prospect远景






I really suspect the prospect he has described to us.我对于他给我们描述的前景深感怀疑。

2.I haven't signed the contract yet. I'm still thinking about it.我还没签合同,我仍在考虑。


(1)vt.to write one's name on a written paper, especially for official purpose,to show one's agreement, to show that one is the writer etc.签名,签字

The documents are ready to be signed.这些文件已准备好,可以签字了。

Both presidents signed the treaty as part of the new peace plan.两位总统签署了那个条约,作为新和平计划的一部分。

(2)vi.to communicate with a sign or signal做手势

Many deaf people learn to sign with their hands.很多聋哑人学习打手语。


sign for sth.签收某物sign in/out签到/签退

sign off结束写信sign up for报名参加

(3)n.(C) a picture, shape etc. that has a particular meaning图形,标记,符号

For some reason the computer can't display the dollar sign.由于某种原因,这台电脑不能显示美元符号。

(4)n.(C) an event or a fact shows that sth. is happening迹象,痕迹,征兆

We didn't find any sign of humans in the forests.在丛林中我们没有找到人类的迹象。


Nobody moves until I give the sign.在我发出信号之前,谁也不许动。

辨析:sign, mark, signal与symbol


sign 具有一定意义的有形的或无形的符号、标志,可为实物、表情、动作、文字等。You can see many "No Smoking" signs in public places.在公共场合,你会看到很多“不准抽烟”的告示牌。

mark 有意或无意留下的标志或痕迹。You can leave a mark where you have any


signal 多指“信号,暗号”。 A red flag is often used as a danger signal.红


symbol 有象征意义的“符号”。The dove is a symbol of peace.鸽子是和平


contract(n.)(C)a formal agreement,having the force of law, between two or more people or groups 合同,契约

You shouldn't enter into a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.你应该先仔细研究合同的条款,然后再签订。

She is under contract to a major American computer firm.她已签约为一家大的美国计算机公司工作。


enter into a contract订立合同sign a contract签合同

subject to contract以合同的签订为条件





They had been in contact with each other for 3 years before they signed a contract.在签合同之前,他们已经接触3年了。

3.I find all the staff in our office very friendly.我发现我们办公室的所有员工都很友好。


(1)the group of workers who carry on a job or do the work of an organization(一个机构的)全体成员,全体工作人员,职工

The school's staff is /are excellent.这所学校的教职工是很优秀的。

(2)members of such a group职员,人员

She is in charge of about 20 staff.她负责管理约20名职员。









4.I've had lots of temporary jobs. Now I'm looking for something more permanent.我做过许多临时工作,现在我正寻找一份更长久的工作。

permanent(adj.)lasting or intended to last for a long time or forever长久的,永久的

We all hope for permanent peace.我们都期望着长久的和平。

The car accident left her with a permanent scar.那场车祸给她留下了永久的疤痕。

There is no permanent friend or enemy, and there is only permanent interest.没有永远的朋友或敌人,只有永远的利益。(丘吉尔)


I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradiction to temporary visitors.我是专指永久居民而言,以区别临时访客。


5.How much does a cook earn in your country?在你们国家一个厨师挣多少钱?

earn(vt.)get money挣钱;get sth.you deserve应获得,博得

earn a fortune挣大钱

搭配:earn sb. praise/a reputation为某人赢得赞扬/名声

earn a/one's living/one's bread(=make one's living)谋生

Her perfectionism earned her a reputation as a "difficult"star.她力求完美的劲头给她带来了“难缠”明星的名声。

She is young, but she earns a good salary.她很年轻,但挣的工资很高。

Rescuing a drowning man earned him the respect of all.他因救助溺水者而获得大家的尊敬。

6.Are you interested in primary or secondary education?你对初等教育还是中等教育感兴趣?primary(adj.)

(1)concerning the education of children between five and eleven years old初等的,初级的

a primary school小学 a primary teacher小学教师at a primary level初级水平

(2)most important;main首要的,主要的

Our primary concern is to provide the refugees with food and clothes.我们关注的首要问题是给


a matter of primary importance至关重要的问题


In those days, our _____ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snow storm with food and health care. (2008湖北高考)







7.Now think of some more questions to ask people applying for these jobs.现在,多想一些问题


句法分析:applying for…为现在分词短语作定语,修饰people。

apply(v.)to request something, especially officially and in writing(正式以书面)提出请求、申

apply to sb. for sth.向某人申请某物

搭apply for申请

配:apply sth. to 把某物应用于……

apply oneself to致力于,专心于

I'll apply for the job today.我今天就申请这份工作。

We've applied to the city council for a house improvement grant.我们已经向市政会申请改善住


Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial processes.科学上的发现常被用于工业生产


He would do very well if only he applied himself.只要专心致志,他会做得很好的。




The applicants must first hand in their application if they want to apply for the job.如果申请人想申请这份工作,就必须先上交申请书。



(1)(C)sth. that makes a person fit for an activity or a job资格;条件

I think that previous experience is not an essential qualification for this job which requires more emphasis on creation.我认为对这项需要创造性的工作来说,以往的经验并不是必要的条件。After ten years' study majoring in medicine, he gained a medical qualification.经过10年的医学学习,他取得了行医执照。

(2)(U)sth. that limits or restricts限制,限制性条件

The government supports the plan, with the qualification that it should be done more cheaply and effectively.政府支持这项计划,条件是该计划要更经济、更有效率。






The workers are required of quality instead of quantity during the production.在生产过程中,工人们被要求注重质量而非数量。

2.How did you find out about us?你如何得知关于我们的情况的?

find out查明;得知;揭露

Please find out his true name.请查出他的真实姓名。

If anybody finds out, you'll be in prison.要是有谁知道了,你会坐牢的。

They've found out a new method.他们找到了一种新方法。

辨析:find out, find与look for


find out 经过努力、研究,从而



Have you found out why he

was late?你弄清楚他为什么


find “找到,发现”,强调



I finally found my key under

the book.我终于在我的书面


look for “寻找”,强调动作和



The police have been looking

for the missing child for a




--Did the book give the information you needed?

--Yes. But _____ it, I had to read the entire book. (2008北京高考)

A.to find


C.to be finding



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