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2014高考英语二轮专题复习题及答案解析(专题十三 冠词)


1.Four and________half hours of discussion took us up to midnight,and________break for cheese,chocolate and tea with sugar. (2013·大纲全国,33) A.a;a B.the;the

C./;the D.a;/

答案 A

解析four and a half hours四个半小时,固定搭配;后一空a break表示休息一次。2.India attained________independence in 1947,after________long struggle.

(2013·新课标全国Ⅰ,31) A./;a B.the;a

C.an;/ D.an;the

答案 A

解析考查冠词用法。句意为:印度在长期抗争后,于1947年获得独立。attain independence获得独立,是零冠词用法;after a long struggle经过一段长时间的抗争,用不定冠词a表示数量。

3.It was________cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across________night sky.

(2013·山东,22) A./;a B.a;the

C.the;a D.the;/

答案 B



4.Sarah looked at ________ finished painting with ________ satisfaction.

(2012·新课标全国,22) A./;a B.a;the

C.the;/ D.the;a

答案 C

解析句意为:Sarah满意地看着那幅画完的画。with satisfaction满意地。由于painting 前有finished修饰,所以此处表达特指含义,故第一个空用the。

5.Carl is studying________food science at college and hopes to open up________meat processing factory of his own one day. (2012·安徽,21) A./;a B./;the

C.the;a D.the;the

答案 A

解析句意为:卡尔正在大学学习食品科学,并希望有一天能够开办一家他自己的肉类加工厂。第一个空后的中心词science为表示抽象概念的名词,其前不用冠词。第一个空后若为science of food,则为特指,其前用定冠词the。第二个空后中心词为factory,为可数名词,根据句意可知此处表示泛指,用不定冠词。故选A项。

6.The development of industry has been________gradual process throughout________human existence,from stone tools to modern technology. (2012·浙江,2) A./;the B.the;a

C.a;/ D.a;a

答案 C


7.He missed________gold in the high jump,but will get________second chance in the long jump. (2012·大纲全国Ⅱ,7) A.the;the B./;a

C.the;a D.a;/

答案 C


8.The Smiths don’t usually like staying at________hotels,but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by________sea. (2012·江西,21) A./;a B.the;the

C./;the D.the;a

答案 C

解析hotels这里表示泛指,用名词复数即可;后一空要注意,是表示“在海边”。by the sea在海边(在海岸上),这里是特指;by sea则是表示使用海上交通工具:乘船,由海路。9.I woke up with ________ bad headache,yet by ________ evening the pain had gone.


A.the;the B.the;an

C.a;the D.a;an

答案 C

解析首先headache前有形容词修饰,这是此空填不定冠词的标志;morning,evening 等名词前要有定冠词the修饰。句意为:一阵剧烈的头痛让我醒来,然而到了晚上疼痛消失了。冠词的考查以一些固定搭配的考查为主,因此平时积累一些固定搭配是非常重要的。另外,a(n)表示“一……”,而the表达“特指”。

10.We are said to be living in ________ Information Age,________ time of new discoveries and great changes. (2012·四川,18)

A.an;the B./;the

C./;a D.the;a

答案 D

解析考查冠词。第一空Information Age前加定冠词the为固定说法;第二空根据句意“据说我们正生活在信息时代,一个充满新发现和巨大变化的时代。”知用不定冠词a,表示“一个……的时代”。故答案为D项。

11.Dr.Peter Spence,________ headmaster of the school,told us,“________ fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”(2011·四川,18)

A./;A B./;The

C.the;The D.a;A

答案 A

解析句意为:彼得·斯宾塞博士,即学校的校长告诉我们:“这里五分之一的学生会继续在牛津和剑桥大学学习。”Dr.Peter Spence与其后的headmaster of the school是同位关系,表示官职的名词前应使用零冠词。要表示分数五分之一,其分子可用冠词a或one。12.As he reached ________ front door,Jack saw ________ strange sight.(2011·大纲全国,16) A.the;/ B.a;the

C./;a D.the;a

答案 D

解析句意为:当杰克到达前门的时候,他看到了一幕奇怪的景象。第一个空表特指,用定冠词the;a strange sight一幕奇怪的景象。

13.In communication,a smile is usually ________ strong sign of a friendly and ________ open attitude. (2011·重庆,26) A.the;/ B.a;an

C.a;/ D.the;an

答案 C

解析句意为:在交流中,微笑通常是友好、坦诚态度的一种明显标志。a strong sign一种明显标志;open与friendly并列修饰attitude。

14.—It’s said John will be in a job paying over $60,000________year.

—Right,he will also get paid by________week. (2011·江西,22) A.the;the B.a;the

C.the;a D.a;a

答案 B

解析句意为:——据说约翰将拥有一份年收入超过60 000美元的工作。——是的,他也将按周获得报酬。表示“每年”用a year;表示“按周计算”用by the week。

15.It is generally accepted that ________ boy must learn to stand up and fight like ________ man.

(2011·新课标全国,33) A.a;a B.a;the

C.the;the D.a;/

答案 A


16.Take your time—it’s just ________ short distance from here to ________ restaurant.

(2011·山东,21) A./;the B.a;the

C.the;a D./;a

答案 B


17.Experts think that________recently discovered painting may be________Picasso.

(2011·浙江,2) A.the;/ B.a;the

C.a;/ D.the;a

答案 D

解析句意为:专家们认为近来发现的那部绘画作品可能是毕加索的作品。句中painting 前有修饰语recently discovered,所以此处的painting是特指,故其前用定冠词the;第二个空后的Picasso本来是专有名词,指“毕加索”其人,但是在本句中,它指的是“一部毕加索的作品”,所以其前用不定冠词a,这实际上是专有名词具体化的使用。18.In________most countries,a university degree can give you________flying start in life.

(2010·四川,2) A.the;a B.the;/

C./;/ D./;a

答案 D


19.The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that________people from all walks of life are working hard for________new Jiangsu. (2010·江苏,21) A./;a B./;the

C.the;a D.the;the

答案 A

解析句意为:这儿的游客对这一事实印象极为深刻,那就是来自各行各业的人正在为一个全新的江苏而奋斗着。第一空泛指各行各业的人;a new Jiangsu一个全新的江苏。20.If we sit near ________ front of the bus,we’ll have ________ better view.(2010·山东,22) A./;the B./;a

C.the;a D.the;the

答案 C

解析句意为:我们如果坐在公共汽车的前部,会有一个更好的视野。the front of...……


1.If you go by ________ train,you can have quite a comfortable journey,but make sure you get ________ fast one.

A./;/ B./;a

C.the;a D./;/

答案 B

解析by train乘火车,by在接交通工具类的同时,一般不接冠词,如by bike,by ship;


2.I can’t remember when exactly the Robinsons left ________ city;I only remember it was ________ Monday.

A.the;the B.a;the

C.a;a D.the;a

答案 D

解析leave the city离开这座城市。a Monday一个星期一,表泛指。

3.He is 40 and he feels his career as ________ basketball player is coming to ________ end.

A./;the B./;an

C.a;an D.a;/

答案 C

解析第一空泛指“一名篮球运动员”,所以用不定冠词;come to an end为固定短语,意为“结束”。

4.We had over 120,000 people here at ________ weekend and expect to have up to ________ third of that number on the beach today.

A.the;a B.the;the

C./;a D.a;the

答案 A

解析第一空at the weekend在周末;第二空表示“三分之一”,在英语中,当分子是1时,分子可用a或one,如果分子大于1,分母要用复数形式。

5.________ recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S.would be higher than the number of English speakers by ________ year 2090.

A.A;the B.A;/

C.The;/ D.The;a

答案 A

解析report为可数名词,a recent report一份近来的报告,是泛指;第二个空填the表特指2090年。

6.After dinner he gave Mr.Richardson ________ ride to ________ Capital Airport.

A.the;a B.a;the

C./;a D./;the

答案 B

解析give sb.a ride让某人搭车,此处ride是可数名词,表示“搭车”;第二空后Capital Airport为专有名词,故用定冠词the。

7.I knew ________ John Lennon,but not ________ famous one.

A./;a B.a;the

C./;the D.the;a

答案 B

解析 a John Lennon一个叫做John Lennon的人,表泛指;第二空表特指。

8.When you come here for your holiday next time,don’t go to ________ hotel;I can find you ________ bed in my flat.

C.a;the D.a;/

答案 A

解析go to the hotel去旅店;a bed此处表泛指,“一个床位”。

9.As is known,it was Hu Jintao,________ president in our nation,who gave ________ lecture at the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic.

A.the;a B.the;/

C.a;the D./;a

答案 D

解析表示职位的名词president作同位语,其前不加冠词;give a lecture为固定用法,意思是“作演讲”。

10.Sometimes she talks with Mary over ________ telephone,that is to say,they keep in touch with each other by ________ telephone.

A.the;/ B./;/

C./;the D.the;the

答案 A


11.He was elected________president of the company,and________news came,in fact,as________surprise.

A.a;the;/ B./;the;a

C.a;/;the D.the;the;a

答案 B


12.Huangshan is ________ most beautiful tourist site and I want to visit it ________ second time next month.

A.the;the B.the;a

C.a;a D.a;the

答案 C

解析第一空不表示比较,故不能用最高级形式,“a most+形容词”中most意为“十分,非常”,相当于very;不定冠词与序数词连用,表示“再一,又一”。

13.We can never expect _________ bluer sky unless we create _________ less polluted world.

A.a;a B.a;the

答案 A

解析句意为:如果我们不创造一个环境污染减少的世界,我们永远不会期望拥有一个更蓝的天空。根据句意,a bluer sky和a less polluted world为可数名词表示泛指,所以用不定冠词。

14.The artist,whose early career was far from being________success,is now widely recognized as________master of painting.

A./;a B./;the

C.a;a D.a;the

答案 C

解析考查冠词的用法。第一空考查抽象名词具体化,此处a success意为:一个成功的职业;第二空泛指“一位绘画大师”。

15.Everything comes with ________ price;there is no such ________ thing as free lunch in the world.

A.a;a B.the;/

C.the;a D.a;/

答案 D


16.Shall we take________short break? I want to make________call.

A.the;a B.a;the

C.the;the D.a;a

答案 D

解析考查冠词的用法。第一空考查固定短语take a break,故用不定冠词a;第二空泛指打一个电话。

17.In China,________pressure to pass________exams tends to cause lack of students’ creativity.

A./;the B.a;the

C.the;/ D./;the

答案 C

解析考查冠词的用法。第一空特指通过考试的压力;第二空泛指多次考试。18.There is________small temple on the island,which can only be reached by________water.

A.a;/ B.a;the

C.the;the D.the;/

答案 A

解析考查冠词的用法。第一空泛指一座小庙;第二空考查短语by water,意为“乘船;


19.Mr. White,who comes from________European country,has formed________habit of attending________church on Sundays.

A.an;/;the B.a;the;/

C.an;the;/ D.a;a;a

答案 B


第三空考查短语attend church,意为“去教堂礼拜”。

20.—When did you meet her last?

—I don’t remember exactly,but I’m sure it was ________ unforgettable Friday when I went for a walk after ________ wonderful lunch.

A.an;a B./;a

C.the;/ D./;/

答案 A


21.You can have________second try if you fail this time.

A./ B.an

C.the D.a

答案 D


22.Our graduation party was________success.We sang and danced until it came to________end at ten o’clock.

A.a;that B.a;an

C.the;an D./;/

答案 B

解析考查冠词的用法。此处a success表示“一件成功的事情”;come to an end是固定短语,表示“结束”。

23.—Really?Who will give________lecture?

—Mr. Wang,________famous professor from Nanjing University.

A.the;/ B.a;the

C.the;a D.a;a

答案 C



24.The film company has given up________idea of acting________play of Shakespeare.

A.the;the B.the;a

C.an;a D.an;the

答案 B


25.An accident happened at________crossroads a few meters away from________bank.

A./;a B.a;a

C./;the D.the;/

答案 B



The concept of solitude(独处) in the digital world is almost non-existent.In the world of digital technology,e-mail,social networking and online video games,information is meant to be __1__.Solitude can be hard to discover__2__it has been given up.In this respect,new technologies have__3__our culture.

The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n)__4__as we’ve known it.People have become so__5__in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted__6__they’d rather not be.Today we can talk,text,e-mail,chat and blog(写博客),not only from our__7__,but from our mobile phones as well.

Most developed nations have become __8__on digital technology simply because they’ve grown accustomed to it,and at this point not__9__it would make them an outsider.__10__,many jobs and careers require people to be__11__.From this point of view,technology has changed the culture of work.Being reachable might feel like a__12__to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.

I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who__13__wants https://www.doczj.com/doc/b99257815.html,puters can be shut__14__and mobile phones can be turned off.The ability to be “connected”and “on”has many__15__,as well as disadvantages.Travelers have ended up__16__on mountains,and mobile phones have saved countless lives.They can also make people feel __17__and forced to answer unwanted calls or__18__to unwanted texts.

Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society__19__across generations.Some find today’s technology a gift.Others consider it a curse.Regardless of anyone’s view on the subject,it’s hard to imagine what life would be like__20__daily advancements in technology.


1.A.updated B.received

C.shared D.collected

答案 C

解析本段第一句话句意为:在这个数字世界,独处几乎是不存在的。所以本句表达的意思是有了电子邮件、社会网络等这些通讯工具,信息意味着被互相分享(share)。update 更新;receive得到,收到;collect收集。

2.A.though B.until

C.once D.before

答案 C



3.A.respected B.shaped

C.ignored D.preserved

答案 B


4.A.edge B.stage

C.end D.balance

答案 C

解析既然想与他人有联系,那自然就会结束独处的境地。bring sth.to an end使……结束,为固定表达。

5.A.sensitive B.intelligent

C.considerate D.reachable

答案 D

解析在这个网络相连的世界,找到一个人是如此容易。此处用reachable(可获得的,可达到的)来表示人很容易被找到。sensitive敏感的;intelligent聪明的,有才智的;considerate 体贴的,体谅的。

6.A.even if B.only if

C.as if D.if only

答案 A

解析由空格前的one can often be contacted(一个人经常会被联系到)与空格后的they’d rather not be可知,空格处应表示“即使,尽管”(even if)。

7.A.media B.computers

C.databases D.monitors

答案 B


8.A.bent B.hard

C.keen D.dependent

答案 D

解析既然大多数发达国家习惯了这种数字技术,所以人们就变得依赖它们。become dependent on为固定搭配,意为“变得依赖/依靠”。

9.A.finding B.using

C.protecting D.changing

答案 B


10.A.Also B.Instead

C.Otherwise D.Somehow

答案 A


11.A.connected B.trained

C.recommended D.interested

答案 A

解析许多工作和职业也需要人们互相联系(to be connected)。其他选项用在此处句意不通顺。

12.A.pleasure B.benefit

C.burden D.disappointment

答案 C

解析空格后提到的是那些不想被联系到的人,所以being reachable对他们来说自然就是一种负担(burden)。

13.A.slightly B.hardly

C.merely D.really

答案 D


14.A.out B.down

C.up D.in

答案 B

解析想要独处,可把电脑关掉,手机也可关掉。shut down关闭,符合语境。shut out 不让……进入;shut up住口;监禁;shut in把……关在房内。

15.A.aspects B.weaknesses

C.advantages D.exceptions

答案 C

解析由空格后的关键词as well as disadvantages可知,应填advantages(有利条件)。16.A.hidden B.lost

C.relaxed D.deserted

答案 B


17.A.trapped B.excited

C.confused D.amused

答案 A


18.A.turn B.submit

C.object D.reply

答案 D

解析由上题解析可知此处表示“回复信息”。reply to为固定搭配,意为“回复”。19.A.vary B.arise

C.spread D.exist

答案 A

解析根据后面的Some...Others...可知人们对待“被联系”的态度不同。vary变化。20.A.beyond B.within

C.despite D.without

答案 D




A woman from Japan was telling a friend about her trip to the United States.The woman had visited major businesses and investment companies in New York City and Chicago.

“I studied English before I left home,”she said.“But I still was not sure that people were speaking English.”

Her problem is easy to understand.Americans in business are like people who are in business anywhere.They have a language of their own.Some of the words and expressions deal with the special areas of their work.Other expressions are borrowed from different kinds of work such as the theater and movie industry.

One such saying is “get your act together”.

When things go wrong in a business,an employer may get angry.He may shout,“Stop making mistakes.Get your act together.”

Or,if the employer is calmer,he may say,“Let us get our act together.”

Either way,the meaning is the same.Getting your act together is getting organized.In business,it usually means to develop a calm and orderly plan of action.

It is difficult to tell exactly where the saying began.But,it is probable that it was in the theater or movie industry.Perhaps one of the actors was nervous and made a lot of mistakes.The director may have said,“Calm down,now.Get your act together.”

Word expert James Rogers says the expression was common by the late 1970s.Mister Rogers says the Manchester Guardian newspaper used it in 1978.The newspaper said a reform policy required that the British government get its act together.

Now,this expression is heard often when officials of a company meet.One company even called its yearly report,“Getting Our Act Together.”

The Japanese visitor was confused by another expression used by American business people.It is cut to the chase.

She heard that expression when she attended an important meeting of one company.One official was giving a very long report.It was not very interesting.In fact,some people at the meeting were falling asleep.

Finally,the president of the company said,“Cut to the chase.”

Cut to the chase means to stop spending so much time on details or unimportant material.Hurry and get to the good part.

Naturally,this saying was started by people who make movies.Hollywood movie producers

believe that most Americans want to see action movies.Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars,or in airplanes or on foot.

Cut is the director’s word for stop.The director means to stop filming,leave out some material,and get to the chase scene now.

So,if your employer tells you to cut to the chase,be sure to get to the main point of your story quickly.

1.After the woman visited the United States she might feel that ________.

A.her English was poor

B.it’s easy to master English

C.it’s difficult to make money

D.people there weren’t very friendly

答案 A

解析推理判断题。由第二段内容可知,通过去美国的经历,她感觉尽管之前自己学过英语,但由于英语语言的复杂性,她还是感觉自己英语水平有限,不能自由交流。2.In which situation could the words “get your act together” be used?

A.A task is completed successfully.

B.Players perform badly in a match.

C.Audience is satisfied with the actor’s performance in a movie.

D.Visitors make a tiresome and unpleasant trip to someplace.

答案 B

解析推理判断题。根据第七段可知,“get your act together”意为:好好组织,让行动等变得更加有理有序。因此,“get your act together”一般用于出现了混乱局面或者犯了错误的情况下。

3.According to the text,the expression “get one’s act together” ________.

A.was first used by a Japanese businesswoman

B.was forbidden to be used in the government policy

C.originally came from a yearly report of a company

D.was commonly read by readers in a newspaper in 1978

答案 D


4.What do the sayings “get your act together” and “cut to the chase” have in common?

A.Their use. B.Their meaning.

C.Their origin. D.Their popularity.

答案 C

解析细节理解题。根据第八段和倒数第三段可知,这两个短语都起源于电影业。5.The text is most likely to be found in a book about ________.

A.life attitude B.travel journals

C.language culture D.successful business

答案 C



Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost certainly mention recycling.Recycling in the home is very important of course.However,being forced to recycle often means we already have more material than we need.We are dealing with the results of that_over-consumption in the greenest way possible,but it would be far better if we did not need to bring so much material home in the first place.

The total amount of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005.It now makes up a third of a typical household’s waste in the UK.In many supermarkets nowadays food items are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.

Too much packaging is doing serious damage to the environment.The UK,for example,is running out of areas for burying this unnecessary waste.If such packaging is burnt,it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect.Recycling helps,but the process itself uses energy.The solution is not to produce such items in the first place.Food waste is a serious problem,too.Too many supermarkets encourage customers to buy more than they need.However,a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue,encouraging customers to reuse their plastic bags,for example.

But this is not just about supermarkets.It is about all of us.We have learned to associate packaging with quality.We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality.This is especially true of food.But it also applies to a wide range of consumer products,which often have far more packaging than necessary.

There are signs of hope.As more of us recycle,we are beginning to realise just how much unnecessary material we are collecting.We need to face the wastefulness of our consumer culture,but we have a mountain to climb. (2010·山东,B) 6.What does the underlined phrase “that over-consumption” refer to?

A.Using too much packaging.

B.Recycling too many wastes.

C.Making more products than necessary.

D.Having more material than we needed.

答案 D

解析词义猜测题。从第一段中的“However,being forced to recycle often means we already have more material than we need.We are dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the greenest way possible,...”可知over-consumption指的是Having more material than we needed.,即“过度消费”。

7.The author uses figures in Paragraph 2 to show________.

A.the tendency of cutting household waste

B.the increase of packaging recycling

C.the rapid growth of supermarkets

D.the fact of packaging overuse

答案 D

解析细节理解题。由第二段及第三段第一句“Too much packaging is doing serious damage to the environment.”可知,一系列数字主要用来阐述过度包装这一现状。故D项正确。

8.According to the text,recycling________.

A.helps control the greenhouse effect

B.means burning packaging for energy

C.is the solution to gas shortage

D.leads to a waste of land

答案 A

解析细节理解题。由第三段中第三句“If such packaging is burnt,it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect.Recycling helps,but the process itself uses energy.”可知A项正确。

9.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.Unpackaged products are of bad quality.

B.Supermarkets care more about packaging.

C.It is improper to judge quality by packaging.

D.Other products are better packaged than food.

答案 C

解析推理判断题。结合第三段中的“Too many supermarkets encourage...,for example.”

和第四段中的“We have learned to associate packaging with quality.”可知C项正确。10.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Fighting wastefulness is difficult.

B.Needless material is mostly recycled.

C.People like collecting recyclable wastes.

D.The author is proud of their consumer culture.

答案 A

解析推理判断题。由文章最后一句“We need to face the wastefulness of our consumer culture,but we have a mountain to climb.”可推知作者认为“我们需要去审视我们消费文化中的浪费现象,但我们前面的路仍困难重重”,由此可知A项正确。



When I was growing up in America,I was ashamed of my mother’s Chinese English.Because of her English,she was often treated unfairly.People in department stores,at banks,and at restaurants did not take her seriously,did not give her good service,pretended not to understand her,or even acted as if they did not hear her.

My mother has long realized the limitations of her English as well.When I was fifteen,she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was her.I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her.One time I had to call her stockbroker(股票经纪人).I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing,“This is Mrs.Tan.”

And my mother was standing beside me,whispering loudly,“Why he don’t send me check already two week late.”

And then,in perfect English I said,“I’m getting rather concerned.You agreed to send the check two weeks ago,but it hasn’t arrived.”

Then she talked more loudly,“What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss.”And so I turned to the stockbroker again,“I can’t tolerate any more excuse.If I don’t receive the check immediately,I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”

The next week we ended up in New York.While I was sitting there red-faced,my mother,the real Mrs.Tan,was shouting to his boss in her broken English.

When I was a teenager,my mother’s broken English embarrassed me.But now,I see it differently.To me,my mother’s English is perfectly clear,perfectly natural.It is my mother tongue.Her language,as I hear it,is vivid,direct,and full of observation and wisdom.It was the

language that helped shape the way I saw things,expressed ideas,and made sense of the world.


1.Why was the author’s mother poorly served?

A.She was unable to speak good English.

B.She was often misunderstood.

C.She was not clearly heard.

D.She was not very polite.

答案 A


2.From Paragraph 2,we know that the author was________.

A.good at pretending

B.rude to the stockbroker

C.ready to help her mother

D.unwilling to phone for her mother

答案 D

解析推理判断题。由第二段中I was forced to...以及...I had to call her...等关键信息可知作者不愿意帮母亲打电话。

3.After the author made the phone call,________.

A.they forgave the stockbroker

B.they failed to get the check

C.they went to New York immediately

D.they spoke to his boss at once

答案 B

解析推理判断题。由第六段第一句话The next week we ended up in New York.可知我们并不是立即去的纽约,故C、D两项错误;既然是去纽约见了股票经纪人的经理,说明我们没有原谅对方,A项错误;由第六段第二句话中的“我母亲正在用她那蹩脚的英语对经理大吼大叫”可知我们并没有得到支票,故B项正确。

4.What does the author think of her mother’s English now?

A.It confuses her.

B.It embarrasses her.

C.It helps her understand the world.

D.It helps her tolerate rude people.

答案 C

解析推理判断题。由文章最后一段特别是最后一句话It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things,expressed ideas,and made sense of the world.可知我现在对母亲的汉语式英语有了新的认识。

5.We can infer from the passage that Chinese English________.

A.is clear and natural to non-native speakers

B.is vivid and direct to non-native speakers

C.has a very bad reputation in America

D.may bring inconvenience in America

答案 D



You can’t always predict a heavy rain or remember your umbrella.But designer Mikhail Belyaev doesn’t think that forgetting to check the weather forecast before heading out should result in you getting wet.That’s why he created Lampbrella,a lamp post with its own rain-sensing umbrella.

The designer says he came up with the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia.“Once,I was driving on a central Saint Petersburg street and saw the street lamps lighting up people trying to hide from the rain.I thought it would be appropriate to have a canopy(伞蓬)built into a street lamp,” he said.

The Lampbrella is a standard-looking street lamp fitted with an umbrella canopy.It has a built-in electric motor which can open or close the umbrella on demand.Sensors(传感器)then ensure that the umbrella offers pedestrians shelter whenever it starts raining.

In addition to the rain sensor,there’s also a 360°motion sensor on the fiberglass street lamp which detects whether anyone is using the Lampbrella.After three minutes of not being used the canopy is closed.

According to the designer,the Lampbrella would move at a relatively low speed,so as not to cause harm to the pedestrians.Besides,it would be grounded to protect from possible lightning strike.Each Lampbrella would offer enough shelter for several people.Being installed(安装) at 2 metres off the ground,it would only be a danger for the tallest of pedestrians.

While there are no plans to take the Lampbrella into production,Belyaev says he recently introduced his creation to one Moscow Department,and insists his creation could be installed on any street where a lot of people walk but there are no canopies to provide shelter.(2013·山东,C) 6.For what purpose did Belyaev create the Lampbrella?

A.To predict a heavy rain.

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