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The foreign publicity translation has been becoming more and more important with China?s further integration with other members in the world. The research on foreign publicity translation in current stage enjoys a tendency to develop in a multi-angle and multi-level way. However, in the long past few years, being limited within the “Loyalty” and “Equivalence”, the study on foreign publicity translation focuses on the analysis and transformation of languages from linguistic surface, which is a kind of static analysis. Moreover, the research on subjectivity of translators has been often ignored, especially in foreign publicity translation.

Under the framework of Relevance Theory, this thesis studies the subjectivity of the translator in foreign publicity translation from the cognitive perspective. As a cognitive theory, Relevance theory stresses the importance of “man”. Translator always plays an indispensable role in comprehending, interpreting, rendering the source text. The writer will collect various foreign publicity materials to find the Optimal Relevance among various information, infer and understand true communicative intention, in a overall and scientific way.

Key words:translator; subjectivity; foreign publicity; translation


1. Introduction (1)

2. Foreign publicity translation (2)

2.1 The definition of foreign publicity translation (2)

2.2 The characteristics of foreign publicity translation (2)

3. The translator’s subjectivity (4)

3.1The definition of the subjectivity of the translator (4)

3.2 The Significance of Translator?s Subjectivity (4)

4. Relevance Theory (6)

4.1 A general introduction of Relevance Theory (6)

4.2 Principle of Relevance (6)

4.2.1 Cognitive Principle of Relevance Cognitive (7)

4.2.2 Communicative Principle of Relevance (7)

4.2.3 Optimal Relevance (8)

5. The subjectivity of the translator for foreign publicity translation under the framework of relevance theory (9)

5.1 The subjectivity of the translator in the first ostensive-inferential Communication. (9)

5.2 The subjectivity of the translator in the second ostensive-inferential communication .. 10

6. The problems and strategies in foreign publicity translation from the two ostensive-inferential communication processes (11)

6.1 Inaccurate comprehension of the ST (11)

6.2 Translator?s inc ompetence in rendering of the TT (12)

6.3 Strategies (14)

6.3.1 Reconstructing (14) The restructuring of titles (14) The restructuring of discourse patterns (15)

6.3.2 Addition (17) The addition to cultural and historical background (18) The addition to political writing and economic phrases (19)

6.3.3 Omission (20)

7. Conclusion (22)

Acknowledgements ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。References (22)

1. Introduction

While the world is getting smaller and smaller, the relationship between different countries becomes more and closer. China, in which people from different parts in this ever smaller global is working as an essential member, doing her best to create a friendly and harmonious contact with all other nations. Therefore, foreign publicity and its translation are of vital importance. With the efforts of the governments and various kinds of other organizations, foreign publicity translation enjoys a boom in recent years.

Under the framework of Relevance Theory, this paper studies the subjectivity of the translator for foreign publicity translation from the cognitive perspective. As a cognitive theory, Relevance Theory stresses the importance of “man”. Translator always plays an indispensable role in comprehending, interpreting, and rendering the source text. Besides, under dynamic context, this paper regards translation as two ostensive-inferential communication process, finding the Optimal Relevance among various information, infer and understand true communicative intention, in an overall and scientific way.

2. Foreign publicity translation

Foreign publicity translation means the foreign publicity translation being translated into another language by the translator. And these materials cover various kind of fields, such as social, political, cultural aspect. As foreign publicity translation is meant for external output, it can be regarded as a “window” to China?s interaction with other members in the international community. In order to present a good foreign publicity translation version, the translator must keep in mind the characteristics of foreign publicity translation. The translation should be targeted to the foreign readers, showing the communicative intention and the connection between publicity and politics, besides, ensuring it is positive.

2.1 The definition of foreign publicity translation

As the name implies, foreign publicity translation refers to the translation, both as a product and as a process, of foreign publicity materials. Publicity, according to Webster?s New World College Dictionary, carries the meaning of “any information, promotional material, etc. which brings a person, place, product or cause to the notice of the public” and the definition extends into “the work or business of preparing and disseminating such material”. Chinese foreign publicity can be considered as the spread and promotion of information concerning Chinese issues through the means of mass media, such as books, newspapers, broadcasting, television, the Internet, and international conferences etc. to foreign countries [1]1.With China?s tremendous development and opening-up, almost every field needs foreign publicity, so foreign publicity translation is a bridge or a tool for China?s communication with the outside world.

2.2 The characteristics of foreign publicity translation

First, foreign publicity translation should be target-reader oriented. Eugene A. Nida insisted that the reader of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point

that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text can understand and appreciate it [2]118.The reader of Foreign publicity materials is “foreigners and overseas Chinese who don?t know China but are interested in China”, and through reading the materials they can get as much as information. Thus readers can build a positive image of China and are willing to exchange and interact with other members in the world.

Besides, some pre-treatments should be done to meet the needs of the foreign readers, due to the different cultural backgrounds, values and thinking patterns between English and Chinese.

Second, foreign publicity translation enjoys a communicative nature. It is “an intentional communication carried out by a source to change the attitudes of audience members”[3]22. The reader is not only captive or passive receivers of the translation but also participator of this give-and-take process. This process is not a monologue of the translator, but a dialogue between the communicator and receiver.

Third, there is a close relationship between external publicity and politics. On one hand, foreign publicity materials must be accord with the country?s politics; and on the other hand, foreign publicity, when it functions in a good way, help exert a good and profound influence on the image and status of one country.

Fourth, publicity materials are always positive publicity translation. It is natural every country wants to set up a good and objective image rather than a poor or arrogant image in the whole world.

3. The t ranslator’s subjectivity

The translator is the subject of the translation. Under the prerequisite of respecting the original text, the translator has to meet the needs of target culture to realize the purpose of translation. He embodies his subjectivity in his self-conscious awareness, humane quality and aesthetic creativity when selecting the text, the purpose of the culture and translation methods. The significance of the t ranslator?s subjectivity is definite. Because it is important in understanding the nature , the process, criticism and disciplinary development of translation.

3.1The definition of the subjectivity of the translator

Subject, a philosophical term, is defined as the one that has the capacity to perceive and practice[3]52-53.Translator?s subjectivity refers that, as the subject of transl ation, in order to realize the goal of translation, the translator would take advantage of his subjective initiative with the prerequisite of respecting the source version[4]22. The main feature of translator?s subjectivity is the awareness of the cultural consciousness, human character, and cultural and aesthetic creativity [4]22.Based on various materials collected, the translator?s subjectivity in this thesis refers to the subjectivity application of the translator shown in the translation process; it is featured by initiative, objectivity, as well as creativity capacity. Specifically, it consists of the translator?s cultural awareness, aesthetic assessment, and creativity ability, etc. That is to say, the subjectivity in translation denotes the subjectivity and inter-subjectivity of all subjects containing the translator, the author and the readers [4]19-24.

3.2 The Significance of Translator’s Subjectivity

The present research on the translator?s subjectivity prevailing in translation studies is of great significance in several aspects. It plays an indispensable role in exploring the essence, process, criticism and disciplinary construction of translation and

is to be specifically analyzed as follows:

Firstly, the status of the translator?s subjec tivity is significant in understanding the essence of translation. T he translator?s subjectivity has crucial meaning in the cognition of the essence of translation. The development of the translator?s subjectivity is related to the development of translation theory and practice. Translation can be seen as a kind of selective activity, in which the translator uses a language to express the meaning of another language. It is obvious that the further study of the translator?s subjectivity will hasten the new cognition of the essence of translation.

Secondly, the study of the translator?s subjectivity will help to deepen the new exploration of the whole translation process. We regard the translator as the manipulator of translation and translation as a creative representation requiring the translator?s subjectivity. Yuan Li said that In fact, when we do not linger to interpret translations in the translated text as the shadows that are equivalent to the source text, but to regard the translated text as a self-efficient product as a result of series of shifts and amendments on the basis of the translator?s own aesthetic orientation and the historical context, it comes immediately that we are confronted with the issue of the translation subjectivity and the corresponding space to exert such subjectivity[5]402. So there comes the key point of translation studies: the process of translation can?t be explored without the study of the relationship between the translator and other elements.

Thirdly, the study of the trans lator?s subjectivity can provide new perspectives and development for translation criticism. The subject of translation criticism is not only the original work and the readers, but also the translator and the environment he lives in as well as some other elements. There is complementary relationship between these subjects despite of the different function they posses. But translation criticism makes the subjective factors of the translator outstanding, and the study of the translator in turn provides meaningful materials and new principles for translation criticism.

F ourthly, the study of the translator?s subjectivity can provide methodological instruction for the development of translatology and other disciplines. Because we also study the translator?s subjectivity from the inter-subjectivity of all subjects in translation. When science and social science are combined as one discipline based on practice, we can never treat translatology separated with other disciplines, but dependent on the methodology used in social and natural science.

4.Relevance Theory

Relevance Theory points that human language communication involves the informative intention and communicative intention and ostensive-inferential process. That is, the speaker expresses to deliver the information , and the listener infers the intention of the speaker to reach an conclusion, The key to successful communication is find out the optimal relevance according to the cognitive and communicative principles of Relevance.

4.1 A general introduction of Relevance Theory

Relevance Theory is presented by Sperber and Wilson and it is based on cognitive pragmatics. In human communication, people can understand the meaning of utterance mostly depending on relevance.Relevance, as a core notion in Relevance Theory, is defined by Sperber and Wilson like this: An assumption is relevant in a context if and only if it has some contextual effects in that context [6]125.Among so many details of speech and behaviors, people tend to put their attention on the information that is maximal relevance and mostly worthy to take their time to handle. Between the reader?s cognitive environment and the communicator?s cognitive environm ent, people can find more relevance with less processing effort and more context effect. Later the influence of Relevance Theory is beyond the field of pragmatics. Sperber and Wilson?s student Gutt finished his dissertation Translation and Relevance which studies a new field of translation phenomena and shows how they can be connected under the relevance theoretic framework. Relevance Theory regards translation a dynamic ostensive-inferential interpretation of the primitive language.

4.2 Principle of Relevance

When translating, the translator needs to try his best make close to the understanding about the intention of the original writer with his own language

competence and inferential ability, that is, looking for the optimal relevance through the source text and the context. Also, the translator must be aware of the cognitive environment he is in, and achieve the successful communicative intention under the communicative principle.

4.2.1 Cognitive Principle of Relevance

Principle is a reasonable explanation of human cognition which is about basic human assumption psychology. Sperber & Wilson relevance, also the First Principle of formulate a cognitive principle of Relevance: Human cognition tends to be geared to the maximization of relevance [6]58.

I t?s known that the aim of the human cognitive system is to effectively correct and improve the cognitive environment of the individual. According to Sperber and Wilson, the individual receive and analyze the information according to the total cognitive environments in which he is in, all the facts that are clear to him. That is the way his physical environments functions and he also uses his cognitive abilities to receive and infer in this process. Thus the cognitive environment consists of not only all the facts that he is aware of, but also all the facts that he is capable of becoming aware of, in his physical environments [6]5.

4.2.2 Communicative Principle of Relevance

Translation is a communication activity. So does the foreign publicity translation under the framework of Relevance Theory. Communicative principle of Relevance is meant for the optimal relevance for which people seek in this communication process. Sperber and Wilson argues that a rational communicator must intend the stimulus she uses to appear relevant enough to the addressee to attract his attention and make him willing to spend the effort needed for comprehension[6]260. In making the speech, the communicator is expected to gain a certain amount of relevance on the side of the audience and the audience is willing to spare their processing efforts so as to interpreting communicator?s informative and communicative intentions. Communicators audiences are assumed by Sperber and Wilson as rational, and a rational audience will not expect there?s no more relevance than the communicator is willing and able to reach. And point of expecting the communicator to give information she doesn?t posses or produce a stimulus she is unable to come to mind at that time. So

“a rational communicator intends her stimulus to appear as relevant as is compatible with her abilities and preferences” [6]15.

4.2.3 Optimal Relevance

Optimal relevance is a crucial concept in RT. The two general principles do adequately explain how ostension and inference works. It follows from the cognitive principles of relevance that human attention and processing resources are allocated to information that seems relevant, and it follows from the communicative principle of relevance that a speaker, by the very act of addressing someone, creates an expectation of optimal relevance, that is, an expectation on the part of the audience that his attempt at interpretation will yield adequate contextual effects without unnecessary processing efforts [6]7.

Optimal relevance is a dynamic concept in translation process, because it is determined by two conditions. One is the cognitive context the translator provide and the other is the cognitive effort and cognitive level the reader posses. As the cognitive context the translator provides is unknown before the translation works published, the translator must have a good understanding of the potential readers in order to arouse the interests of readers. So the translator cannot interpret blindly, he should analyze carefully to figure out what the audience lacks and needs, then they can translate in a better way.

On these assumptions, we can say the translation text provide proper contextual effects, optimal relevance is reached between the translator and the reader, and they are communicating successfully. In other words, the claim to optimal relevance leads the hearer to accept the first interpretation consistent with the principle of relevance as the right, that is, the speaker-intended interpretation [7]145.

5. The subjectivity of the translator for foreign publicity

translation under the framework of Relevance Theory

Relevance Theory thinks, human language communication is a dynamic relationship between original author, translator and the target reader. It is a double ostensive-inferential communication processes in which the translator is trying to find out the relevance. Translation is a cross-cultural communication, which is a ostensive-inferential process relating to the brain mechanism. Under the framework of Relevance Theory, the translator of foreign publicity translation needs to comprehend the source text in the first ostensive-inferential process, ensuring the balance between the original author and the target reader is reached. And in the second process, the translator should be in competent in rendering the target text in a way to achieve the same contextual effect with the reader, that is , reaching the optimal relevance with the least processing effort.

5.1 The subjectivity of the translator in the first ostensive-inferential Communication

Sperber and Wison define ostensive-inferential communication as the communicator produces a stimulus which makes it mutually manifest to communicator and his audience what the communicator intends to say, that is to say, by means of this stimulus, the communicator intents to make manifest or more manifest to the audience a set of assumptions[6]63.

Ostensive -inferential communication consists two parts. In the first part the speaker makes manifest to the listener his intention to make manifest a set of assumptions. In this stage, the translator has to fully understand the ST. The relevance theory and translation theory share the same subject: comprehending. Translation theory has not only to work for better mutual comprehension between users of diverse tongues; more central still in its purposing is a more complete viewing of itself and of the

comprehending which it should serve[8]261.In this comprehension stage, the original writer makes his communicative intentions through ostensive stimuli in the original text; the translator receives the stimuli and makes inference according to the principle of relevance and the Optimal relevance, based on the cognitive environments of the original text and the original writer . The translator acts as a receiver in this stage. To be more specific, it is achieving an interpretation of the utterance under the framework of relevance. After finishing the first round of communication, the translator, as a mediator has to go ahead to convey what he has achieved in the first round of communication to the target text reader in an ostensive way[9]223. That is, the translator conveys what is translated; infer intention of the source text author to the target text reader, again in accordance with the principle of relevance.

5.2 The subjectivity of the translator in the second ostensive-inferential communication

In the second ostensive-inferential process, the translator plays the role of communicator who manifests his interpretation through ostensive stimuli in consistence with his evaluation and knowledge about the target reader and the different culture background in the translated text; the target reader receives the stimuli, makes inference and finally comprehends the intentions of the original writer. It can be shown that the translator is no longer invisible. He acts a bridge between the original writer and the target reader, taking the cognitive environments of both ends and the communication effect of the translated text into account. The subjectivity of the translator is manifested mainly in his double status and roles in the process of translation [9]123.In fact, the translator is the most active part in the translation process, and he contributes a lot to the success of communication. As a result, the status of the translator---the cognitive subject in translation is acknowledged. Reader-centered translation orientation should be adopted. The status of author in the translation of publicity materials is unknown, while the role of the translator should be stressed. The information of publicity materials translation must be objective intelligible and understandable. If some mistakes or unclear details about the translated works are found, the translator of publicity materials has the right to correct and enhance the original version, but still ensuring the original meaning and intention of the original text is fully expressed. In a word, C-E translation of publicity materials relies to a great extent on the translator, who is an indispensable

ingredient of the translation both as pr ocess and as a product. The translator?s role can never be ignored in C-E translation of publicity materials, and without the involvement of the translator?s subjectivity, the translation would have no difference with machine translation.

6. The problems and strategies in foreign publicity translation from the two ostensive-inferential communication processes

A qualified translator should understand the source text accurately and render the target text as good as possible in foreign publicity translation, which includes two ostensive-inferential communication processes. But the translator lives in a totally different social, economical, cultural and political circumstance with the target readers. It is unavoidable that the translator may make some mistakes in comprehending and interpreting the foreign publicity materials. But the problems can be corrected and revised by applying the foreign publicity translation strategies. The translator can use adequate ways to reconstruct, add or omit the source text, so as to present a qualified translation version.

6.1 Inaccurate comprehension of the ST

If we accept that meaning is something that is negotiated between producers and receivers of texts, it follows that the translator, as a special kind of text user, intervenes in this process of negotiation, to relay it across linguistic and cultural boundaries [10]33. Thus the translator?s understanding of ST is essential, because it is the starting point of the whole process of translating, and followed by TT the reception of reader?s. Strictly speaking, reading is a special kind of translating. When reading a text in the source language, the reader has to make inference about the message from a source in a way that makes it easily accessible to him. The translator is then the one who helps making the ST readily acceptable for the TT reader. However, the translator is not the ordinary ST or TT reader, unlike them, he reads in order to produce, decodes in order to re-encode. He is the “privilege reader” of the SL text,just as the uniqueness of every individual, every translator would have his own understanding of a word, phrase, discourse, or even the whole text [10]22.

ST: 必须加快高校筒子楼和危房的改造,以便尽快解决高校青年教师的住房困


TT: the construction of tube-shaped apartments and rebuilding of dilapidated buildings in universities must be speeded up, so as to solve the housing problem of young university teachers [11]74.

Here, first the English expression “tube-shaped apartment”is not what we mean“筒子楼”.It means an apartment which is in the shape of a tube, without translating the meaning of “筒”in Chinese. Second, the Chinese expression“必须加快筒子楼的建设”is logically wrong.From the Chinese, we can know that the way to solve the housing problem of young university teachers is to improve the living condition .But it is translated into speeding up building more of this kind of inconvenient houses for the teachers. Obviously the translator does not read the logic connection in Chinese. So one translator translated the Chinese Like this: It is imperative to speed up the conversion of dormitories into apartments and the renovation of old residential buildings so as to meet the housing needs of young teachers at universities[11]78.

Actually it is a good translation, but it is not a perfect one. There are still some shortcomings in the translation. The word “Dormitory”is not identical to“筒子楼”.It can also mean “the modern luxurious apartment”.On the other hand, the phrase “old-residential buildings”is not identical to“危房”。So in my opinion, it can be translated as follows:

TT: It is imperative to speed up the conversion of dormitories with single room into apartments and the renovation of dangerous residential buildings so as to meet the housing needs of young teachers at universities.

6.2 Translator’s incompetence in rendering of the TT

There is no denying that some Chinese publicity materials can be somehow “mediocre” or plain, but with successful work of a qualified translator, it can become an understandable and impressive foreign publicity text. The competence of the translator is thus a most decisive factor to make foreign publicity effective [12].

First, i f the translators don?t understand the cult ure of the TT readers, there will be many translation errors appearing in the TT. As we all know, the translator live in a different culture with the TT readers, so there must be much difference in TT reader?s cognitive environment, which including the TT readers? encyclopedic information. So

the subjectivity must involve in the foreign publicity translation. For example: ST: 禁止在馆内酗酒、斗殴、赌博、吸毒、卖淫、传播和放映淫秽、迷信的书画、录像等违法活动。

TT: No drunken brawls, gambling, drug taking and prostitution are allowed in the hotel, nor should any pornographic or superstitious books and pictures be circulated. Pornographic cassettes or video tapes are strictly forbidden.

We can see the Chinese in some public places, and Chinese people get familiar with these rules and regulations. But it seems difficult acceptable to foreigners. It is too rigid and harsh, and may make people scared .So the translator should have a subjective pre-treatment of the ST in order to be aware of the different cultural background between the internal publicity and the external publicity. We should translate it in a more gentle way, like a warm warning. My translation version should be like: TT: Please behave yourself by not drinking, gambling, drug, prostituting, or circulating any pornographic or superstitious books and pictures.

Second, the proper names such as name of people, name of place, company, and organization have fixed English expression. Those proper names are not replaced by other expressions. If we are lack of the lexical information in target language, those errors often happen. For example,“商务部”in the United States was translated from English: “Department of Commerce” If we translated it according to the word, we will have many versions. The foreigner will be confused what the exact one we are talking about. “廉政公署” is a name of organ in Hong Kong. It belongs to proper name which can be changed freely. Since the Hong Kong people name it “The Independent Commission against Corruption”, we have no right to change it. [11]79.

Third, there is different logic in different languages and cultures. So when the translators make the inference, they have to bear the logic of target language and culture in mind. Otherwise the audiences of the target language will get confused.

ST: 推进义务教育均衡发展,/加快课程体系改革和招生考试制度改革,/不断加强教师队伍,提高基础教育整体水平。

TT: More support will be given to education promote balanced development of compulsory education. / We will push for curriculum and examination-based enrollment secondary school students. / We will continuously improve the competence of teachers and upgrade the overall level of primary education.

In Chinese, we tend to use one verb in one sentence, and the structure is

parallelism. While in English, there many more than one forms of verbs and the structure is clear in different levels. Otherwise, Chinese always depend on context when expressing, which is different for English depending on correlative words. So a better translation can be given to the above example:

TT: To improve the overall quality of basic education, we will take various measures, such as promoting the balanced development of compulsory education, accelerating reforms of curricula and entrance examinations, as well as improving the skills of teachers.

6.3 Strategies

When confronted with the above problems, there is an urgent need for the translator to correct and improve the foreign publicity translation. Necessary and relevant strategies must be adopted. The translator should be able to decide the proper strategies according to different situations, such as reconstruct, addition or omission.

6.3.1 Reconstructing

According to functionalist approaches, the functional units or components that are specific to the source culture or are used for different purpose in the target culture has to be adapted in order to meet the requirements of the target situation[13]70. The restructuring of titles

Proper titles are eye-catching and will make articles more vivid, lively and attracting. Hence, the translation of titles plays a fairly important part in arousing readers? interest. Generally speaking, the language of the Chinese titles is richer because of various rhetorical devices, while English titles enjoy a terse, specific, simple and plain feature. So translators of publicity materials should subjectively reconstruct the titles according to the different characteristics of titles between Chinese and English, and based on the understanding of the whole article. For example:

1. ST: “谁持彩练当空舞”

TT: “Shanghai Mobile: Fast-forward Communication”

The Chinese version of the title is actually quoted from a sentence of a poem of Chairman Mao. Chinese prefer to poem or some famous motto to be the title, because of the aesthetic and artistic feeling the readers can get. But if we translate the poem

sentence word by word into English, all foreigners would get puzzled what the article is about. So the translator must bravely give up the word-by-word translation, reconstruct it totally according to the main meaning of the article. The English translation version above is met the need for the concise and informative texts which the foreigners are familiar with.

2. ST: “基础”舞剑,意在久远

TT: Infrastructure Construction

The title comes from the Chinese idiom“项庄舞剑,意在沛公”,which implies that the real goal of infrastructure construction is to better serve the development in a long-term. But if we translate it into the exact same implied meaning I explain the last sentence, then the English version title must be too prolix and unintelligible. So the translator recreates this idiom into "Infrastructure Construction", which is clear and concrete.

3. ST: 一脚留在故乡,一脚踏入世界

TT: A Melting pot

We can see the Chinese is describing the integration of diverse cultures. If we adopt the word-by-word translation, maybe the foreign readers will guess the article is talking about the difference between someone?s hometown and another place,. But the foreign publicity translation should be accurate and objective. The translator should be able to provide the best translation version .So here the translator recreate translation successfully, because he holds a deep understanding about the culture and idioms in western countries. A s “A Melting pot”is the symbol of American diverse culture, so people will grasp the main idea of the following article. The restructuring of discourse patterns

The process of translating is not a matter of matching source speech act with target act, but rather transferring the entire act of discourse from source to target language, and this further more, according to the requirements of the client for whom the translator is working [13]157.Kaplan once claim ed in his lectures that “rhetorical logic, how ideas are arranged in a text, is shaped by culture and there is a preference for certain discourse pattern in each culture”[14]. That is to say, differences in logic among different languages affect the way o f a text?s organization. For example:

1. ST: ①羌人建房不画图,不放线,全凭手眼的配合,虽说不上天衣无缝,但也规整坚固。②数十米的碉楼在经历了地震和数百年的风雨侵蚀后,依然巍然耸立。


TT: On a nearby mountain slope stand two nice-story hexahedral blockhouses,④in whose construction mathematics, geometry and mechanics were obviously used.②Despite their 30-meter height, they have survived erosion and frequent earthquakes.③The Qiangs build their homes using stone, timber and clay, judging all measures by eye rather than using a design or plan, yet ①all buildings stand firm, straight and long.

---China Daily, Tuesday, March 12, 1996 We can see The TT has rearranged the structure of the ST mainly due to the different thought patterns of Chinese and westerners. The English paragraph is straightforward and the main idea is made clear first, and then followed by examples and reasons to support or expound the main idea. While the Chinese paragraph may be turning in a widening gyre. Things are developed in terms of what they are not, rather than in terms of what they are. There is a lot of seemingly unnecessary wandering about the topic. The writing is characterized by an inability to get to the point and stick with it [14]. The reconstructing of discourse pattern makes the TT reads natural, smooth, fluent, and idiomatic.

2. ST:刘备章武三年病死于白帝城永安宫,五月运回成都,八月葬于惠陵。

TT: Liu Bei died of illness in 233 at present-day Fengjie County, Sichuan Province, and was buried here in the same year.


This ST includes ancient Chinese names of place, age and official position in each clause sentence. If we translate directly by Chinese pinyin, the foreign reader will be confused the whole meaning of the original text. So we should rewrite the names of place, age and official position into their contemporary counterparts, thus the TT is intelligible and fluent.

3. ST:在中国一提到孔子,上至白发苍苍的老人下至天真幼稚的顽童,不知,无人不晓。人们为了纪念他,在许多地方都建有祭祀他的寺庙,也不例外。

TT: Confucius is a household name in China. Temples in memory of him can be found everywhere in China. Tianjin is no exception.

We can see Confucius is a household name in China can shed light on all the meanings the long Chinese sentence want to convey. This version is more defined and it is more fitful to the aesthetical standard for language of the foreign audiences.

4. ST:(大家快走啊,前面是无锡胜景之一,)先睹为快啊!

TT: The sooner you see, the happier you will be!

If we translate this sentence into “It?s a great pleasure to be among the first to see.”It can express the information of the sentence but can?t keep the expressive function. This translation can?t stimulate the tourists? enthusiasm to go on visiting the scene.

5. ST:满树金花,芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪,香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄,花多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银,季季有花的四季桂,竞相开放,争艳媲美。进入桂花公园,阵阵桂花花香扑鼻而来。

TT: The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is known for its profusion of osmanthus trees and variety of osmanthus, purple osmanthus, four-season osmanthus, and much more. They are in full bloom in the golden fall, filling the whole garden with their sweet fragrance [15]30.

Obviously, in the source text the writer list flowers and plants? names and add the relative description of them aim to attract more tourists and set up Shanghai's image. But if we translate it completely according with the Chinese order, the TT version must be too prolix in content and messy in structure. So here, the translator use two SV sentences to organize the original sentences combined by the phrases and four-word phrases to express the meaning completely and concisely.

6. ST: 出手不凡钻石表

TT: Ask for a Diamond brand, if every second counts for you [16]87.

The translator is wise enough to use the “second” and “count”. These two words not only express the exact meaning of the sentence but also stress the quality of the watch.

6.3.2 Addition


译者主体性在翻译中的体现 摘要:翻译是把一种语言所表达的思维内容用另一种语言表达出来的语言活动。在翻译中译者是最活跃,最重要的因素。译者对原语文本、翻译策略、译文风格的选择,充分体现了译者的主体性作用。译者主体性的发挥,是译文成败的关键。 关键词:译者主体性翻译 一.引言 翻译理论和实践是一个相互渗透、融会贯通的综合体。翻译是用一种语言形式把另一种语言形式里的内容重新表现出来的语言实 践活动。在翻译领域中,译者主体性这一的话题越发受到翻译学家的极大关注。译者在文学作品翻译中,始终处于原著,原作者,译著,读者之间。译者不再是传统翻译理论中被大家称作“透明人”的角色。译者是一个具有鲜活思维、文化立场、和价值观的独立个体,其主动性、能动性和创造性在从选择原语文本、制定翻译策略、追求翻译目的等整个翻译过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。越是刻意忽略乃至否认译者的主体性地位,翻译理论的研究发展越会陷入举步维艰的境地。 二.译者主体性 针对文学翻译过程中凸显出来的“究竟谁是翻译主体”这一问题,翻译业界存在不同的看法和意见。许均(2003:10)凭借自己敏锐的学术眼光和多年的翻译经验将这一问题鲜明地归纳出来,他说:

“从目前收集到的国内外相关资料看,何为翻译主体大致有以下四种看法:一是认为译者是翻译主体,二是认为原文作者与译者是翻译主体,三是认为译者与读者是翻译主体,四是认为原作者、译者与读者均是翻译主体。针对这些说法各异的阵营,笔者同意第一个观点:赞同译者在翻译中是具有主体性地位这一说法。简言之:译者是翻译主体,原文作者是创作主体,读者是接受主体。主体性是作为哲学概念有法国哲学家笛卡尔提出的,他认为人的主体能动性是人类所有知识、活动和存在的中心。在翻译过程中译者作为翻译的主体,他所承载的具体翻译行为就是即将作品从源语转换为目标语的活动。我们较笼统地把翻译过程分为理解阶段、表达阶段和校对阶段。在这三个阶段中译者的主体性功能得到淋漓尽致的发挥。译者一方面扮演读者的身份,在阅读理解原著文本时对原著进行分解、填充和具体化;另一方面译者又扮演创造者的身份,并考虑译文读者的接受视野和程度,最终在新的文化环境里赋予了文本新的形式。使之与译文读者进行文化交流,在另一个文化氛围里延续了原作的生命。 译者在发挥主观能动性和创造性的同时需要把握好尺度。我们常把文学翻译家比作是在戴着镣铐跳舞——又要舞姿优美,又难免时时受到羁绊。因为文学翻译被归结为一种艺术再创造。但译者的创造必须在原著设定的界限里进行,必须忠实地再现原著的意和形。再则译者还要受到译文读者的制约,顾羁他们不同的接受能力,所


译者主体性 译者是翻译的主体,也是民族文化建构的重要参与者。然而翻译主体在中国文化多元系统中长期遭到了遮蔽,出现了译者文化地位的边缘化现象。随着翻译研究的“文化转向”,翻译主体研究得到了应有的重视,并逐渐走向深入。 主体的本质表现在其能动性、受动性、为我性的特征中,这些特征构成了翻译主体译者的主体性。 传统译论:大体划分为“语言学前”和“语言学”两阶段。无论是“语言学前”阶段中译者所处的理想与现实差距的两难境地还是语言学阶段中作为翻译机器译者的状况,其哲学根源都在于二元对立认识论。二元对立认识论认为,思想作为客体的对立面,能够客观地反映客体,达到这种客观反映的工具就是语言。因此,准确性就成了当然的要求,因为这样才能保持客观、科学性。 译者主体性的理论分析:哲学解释学、权力话语和目的论与译者主体性三元素中的能动性、受动性和为我性。 哲学解释学与译者主体性中的能动性因素:哲学解释学是西方哲学中语言论转向后深刻影响翻译研究发展的一种理论,它改变了人文学中的科学观点,给我们带来了时间和历史的视角。根据解释学观点,理解的过程就是译者的视域和原文本的视域不断融合的过程。为了达到这种融合,译者必须发挥主观能动性,积极走出自身的视域,因此,理解的过程可以看作是译者不断努力寻求新视域的过程。译者的主体性在这个过程中因其主观能动性而突出出来。如果说解释学给翻译的启发仅仅局限于文本本身,那么权力话语理论将我们带入了更广阔的社会文化视角。 权力话语与译者主体性中的受动性:权力话语在社会文化视角中阐释译者主动性。权力话语理论认为,社会中任何行为都受到权力和话语的操控。因此,译者的翻译行为必然受到他所处时代的操控。这样,译者的主体性就主要表现为受动性。 目的论与译者主体性中的为我性:目的论充分论证了译者主体性中的为我性这一方面。这一理论的准则就是目的解释手段。这种理论认为任何翻译行为都以译者的各种目的为指导。为了达到这些目的,译者会调动他各种能力、采用不同策略来解决翻译中的各种困难。 译者主体性的内容本身就包括能动性、受动性和为我性三方面。换句话说,积极和消极方面的辩证结合是译者主体性本身的内在要求。偏重这三方面的任何一方面,都会导致对主


探析译者主体性的影响因素 论文关键字:译者主体性文学翻译影响因素 论文摘要:译者主体性是文学翻译中的客观存在,我国翻译理论界对译者主体性的关注始于20世纪30年代中的创造性讨论,80年代以来,中外翻译理论界对文学翻译的译者主体性的探讨表现出强烈的理论自觉性。在研究文学翻译的译者主体性的同时,也应该注意到影响译者主体性发挥的因素。 一、引言 长期以来,以原文和语言转换为中心的传统翻译观,使译者的形象处于一种被忽视、被压制的状态之中。自20世纪七、八十年代以来,文化学和翻译学思潮的兴起和繁荣,最终导致了翻译文化的转向。开拓了翻译研究的新空间,还将翻译主体的研究提上了译学研究的重要日程,译者的文化身份及其主体性也随之成为这一时期的研究重点。由此形成了翻译研究的译者中心论范式。在这种理念的指导下,文化翻译学派将翻译视为一种通过译者独特的创造性实现的一种艺术再造、审美交际、文化交流的过程,是译者对文本的操纵过程。 讨论文学翻译的主体性,首先应该弄清楚译者主体性的内涵,根据查明建先生观点:“译者主体性是指作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出来的主观能动性”。在此主要探讨的是文学翻译的译者主体性,在文学作品的翻译过程中,译者会对原文本进行一定程度上的“改写”。主体性的发

挥有自助性、目的性和创造性的特点,是译者世界观、价值观、审美观和表达能力在整个翻译过程中的综合体现。不承认译者主体性的存在是错误的,但是盲目夸大译者主体性的作用,更是不应该的。 二、译者主体性的影响因素 译者作为翻译活动中最活跃的因素,译者的翻译活动并不是在真空中进行的,其主体性是客观存在的,同时也受到一系列因素的影响。 第一,译者主体性的发挥体现在译者对翻译文本的选择以及译者所处的特定的社会环境。 首先,意识形态对译者翻译活动的影响。译者生活在一定的社会环境之中,其翻译活动必然受到当时社会主流的审美价值和社会思潮的影响。例如在新中国成立后到改革开放前,中国的主流思想和欧美国家的相差甚大,当时苏俄文学在中国的文学翻译中处于中心地位,当时的译者就是在这样的意识形态的指导下,翻译了大量的苏俄文学作品,比如高尔基的《人生三部曲》、奥斯特勒夫斯基的《钢铁是怎样炼成的》等作品。 其次,译者的审美偏好对翻译活动的影响。林语堂先生认为:翻译是一门艺术。而作为“艺术家”的译者,他(她)的艺术表现能力必然受到自己的审美偏好的影响。傅雷曾说过“拿个文学的类别来说,要认清自己的所短所长,不善于说理的人,不必勉强译理论书,不会


翻译技术视角下译者主体性研究与翻译教学 作者:杨振刚 来源:《陕西教育·高教版》 2020年第2期 杨振刚 [摘要]信息时代背景下,翻译技术的融合式发展不断推动翻译模式的演变。作为翻译活 动的主体,译者更依赖翻译技术以保持竞争力,其主观能动性的适应性变化使译者主体性发生 相应改变。本文认为信息时代翻译技术环境下译者主体性存在新的构成与制约因素,相关研究 对于译者主体研究及翻译教学具有积极意义。翻译教学更应拥抱技术,助力学习者跨文化和跨 语言的思维能力培养。 [关键词]译者主体性翻译技术翻译教学 基金项目:本文为西安翻译学院2018年教改项目《翻译技术视角下翻译能力的培养与评估研究成果》(项目编号:J18A01)。 引言 信息时代的翻译活动受到信息技术与计算机技术的深远影响。近年来,云技术、众包、大 数据、移动互联网等技术以不同的方式促进社会变革,翻译技术融合式发展促成翻译模式的演变。作为翻译活动的主体,译者为了适应翻译活动在方法、实践、需求层面的范式转移,需要 在翻译能力的基础上,依赖新的策略和技术保持竞争力,其主观能动性的适应性变化使译者主 体性构成发生相应改变。在此背景下,本文结合国内外译者主体性研究,分析翻译技术环境下 译者主体性即主观能动性的内涵、表现与限制因素,旨在充分发挥译者主观能动性,为翻译教 学提供借鉴。 译者主体性的国内外研究 译者的主体地位在中西翻译研究中经历了从边缘化到确立再到认可的发展历程。以原作中 心论或文本中心论的传统译学忽略了译者主体地位,以致使其边缘化并不易得到彰显。西方译 学出现的“文化转向”拓展了翻译研究的对象与定义,安德烈·勒菲弗尔和苏姗·巴斯奈特提 出文本操纵过程的研究,涉及译者在文本、翻译策略方面的选择,文本进入译入语文化的处理 等(Susan Bassnett, André Lefevere)[1],推动了译者主体性研究。国内译者主体性研究逐渐受到关注,研究涉及译者主体性的构成和定义等,提出译者主体性“指作为翻译主体的译者 在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出来的主观能动性”(查明建 及田雨[2003])[2]。 翻译技术环境下译者主体性构成因素 译者在翻译过程中主体性发挥受到自身因素的影响,其中译者素养、所处的时代背景以及 在翻译过程中的策略选择受到较多关注。从背景看来,信息时代的信息技术、自动化、数字化 的发展趋势使翻译活动发生了巨大变革,翻译记忆与术语管理、机器翻译等技术得到广泛应用,专业翻译都借助计算机平台在数字环境下完成。相比传统翻译流程,翻译技术环境下该流程在 各个环节变得更加复杂,译者在翻译流程中,需要双语能力之外的因素才能更好地完成翻译项目。西班牙巴塞罗那PACTE小组系统地研究了译者翻译能力并提出四个显著特点:1.专业知识,并非双语语言知识;2.程序性知识而非陈述性知识;3.由多个相互关联的子能力构成;4.属于

译者主体性研究 On translator's subjectivity

(申请文学硕士学位论文) 培养单位:外国语学院 学科专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 研 究 生:谢 佑 芬 指导老师:魏万德 教授 2004年4月 On the Subjectivity of the Translator 谢佑芬 武 汉理 工 大学

分类号 密 级 UDC学校代码 10497 学位论文 题目译者主体性研究 英文 题目 On the Subjectivity of the Translator 研究生姓名谢佑芬 姓名魏万德职称教授 指导教师 单位名称外国语学院邮编430070 申请学位级别硕士学位专业名称外国语言学及应用语 言学 论文提交日期 2004年4月论文答辩日期 学位授予单位武汉理工大学学位授予日期 答辩委员会主席评阅人 2004年4月

中文摘要 译者是翻译的主体,也是民族文化建构的重要参与者,然而翻译主体在中国文化多元系统中长期遭到了遮蔽,出现了译者文化地位边缘化的现象。随着翻译研究的“文化转向”,翻译主体研究得到应有的重视,译者的特殊文化身份和翻译主体地位逐渐突显了出来。 在前人研究的基础上,本文分析了中国文化语境下译者边缘化文化地位的根源,并对翻译研究中的文化转向进行了回顾,结合目前译者研究现状进而提出了译者主体性研究的问题。 本文澄清了关于翻译主体的两种不同理解,探讨了译者主体性的内涵,指出译者的主体性是指作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主观能动性。同时,本文还进一步分析了译者主体性的三个特征:译者的目的性、译者的受动性以及译者的创造性,从而深入了对于译者主体性内涵的理解。此外,本文还结合阐释学、文化翻译理论、读者反应论、互文理论以及主体间性理论,从翻译的过程、译者的译入语文化意识和读者意识、译作与原作以及译作与译入语文学的互文关系、译者与原作者和读者的主体间性关系四个方面探讨了译者主体性的具体表现,以期深化译者主体性的研究。通过对译者主体性的内涵、特征及表现的探讨,本文最后提出在翻译活动中译者既要有创造意识又要有自我克制意识,同时指出要进一步理解翻译批评的标准和原则,以促使翻译实践和翻译研究的更加深入发展。 关键词:译者, 翻译主体, 译者主体性, 创造性


2009年第11期(总第71期) 边疆经济与文化 THE BORDER ECONOMY AND CULT URE No 11112009General 1No 171 B I A N J I A N G J I N G J I Y U W EN HUA 91  【文化论坛】 浅析《紫色》汉译本 ———论女性主义翻译理论下译者主体性的彰显 胡 畔 (哈尔滨师范大学研究生学院,哈尔滨150080) 摘 要:女性主义翻译理论颠覆了传统的翻译观,极力彰显译者的主体性,特别是在《紫色》的各汉译本中,陶洁作为一位杰出的女译者所译的《紫颜色》体现出了相当大的优势。 关键词:女性主义;译者主体性;翻译研究 中图分类号:I 046 文献标志码:A 文章编号:167225409(2009)1120091202 收稿日期:2009204223作者简介:胡 畔(1986—),女,黑龙江五常人,硕士研究生,从事英语翻译学研究。 一、译者主体性与女性主义翻译论的历史演变与重新定位 译者主体性是指作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主观能动性,其基本特征是翻译主体自觉的文化意识、人文品格和文化、审美创造性。然而长期以来,译者对原文以及原作者的“忠实”被视为翻译的“金科玉律”,把原文奉为圣本,以原文为绝对标准,因而翻译被看作是对原文的机械复制,否认译者在翻译过程中主观能动性的发挥,而在传统翻译理论中,译者也一般都处于无足轻重的地位。 直到20世纪70年代以来,译学研究出现了“文化转向”,各种翻译研究流派才在不同程度上表现出了对译者的关注程度,译者———翻译活动中最为积极的因素,才被纳入翻译理论的研究范围。而在这一时期,对译者主体性理论研究表现最为直接和主动的当推女性主义翻译理论。女性的地位低下,同样,翻译的地位也很低下,女性被认为是服从者,而翻译也如此,译者也和女性一样居于弱势地位,是作者的侍女。女性主义翻译流派是唯一一个以译者为研究对象的翻译学派,对译者主体性理论研究及其发挥起到了极大的推动作用。 二、关于艾丽斯?沃克和她的《紫色》艾丽丝?沃克是一位生活体验丰富、思想深刻,具有明确政治主张的美国当代黑人女作家。她十分清楚自己作为黑人女性这一弱势群体作家的社会责任和历史使命,深知文学作品感人至深的力量在于其深邃的主题内涵和对人类命运的终极关怀。《紫色》是其最具有代表性的一部畅销小说。这部小说刚一出版,就荣获当年美国文学三项文学大奖:普利策奖、全国图书奖和全国图书作家协会 奖,而作者本人也成为获得普利策奖的第一个黑人女作家。此部小说是以80年代兴起的“女权主义批评派”文艺观点写成的,使用一种所谓“新现实主义”或称“社会现实主义”的创作方法。此书以书信体的形式讲述了黑人女主人公茜莉从对男性的逆来顺受,到情感和性格上得到新生的故事。茜丽自小被继父强奸,而后被迫嫁给只当她是发泄工具和女仆的X 先生。她的妹妹奈蒂为了躲避X 先生的纠缠,只得背井离乡。在X 先生的情妇莎格的启发和帮助下,茜丽逐渐找到了自信,离开了X 先生,并凭做裤子的手艺获得了经济上的独立和人格上的平等。在这部小说中,沃克并没有像有些作家那样单纯地描写美国黑人与白人的不平等关系,而是着眼于黑人内部的男女关系。为了转变黑人妇女地位,不仅需要女性自我意识的觉醒和自我能力及品质的完善,还需要男性思想观念同时提高。而在当今的国内文学论坛中我们仍然需要这样的积极的主题,和如此新鲜的写作形式。所以对《紫色》无论是原著还是各中译本的研究都有着重要的学术意义。 三、从性别视角试析陶洁、杨仁敬两汉译本中译者主体性的发挥 目前《紫色》的中译本共有6个,分别是陶洁所译的《紫颜色》(1986、1998),杨仁敬的《紫色》(1986、1987),鲁书江的《紫色———写给 上帝的信》 (1986)以及张建英的《紫色》(2001)。然而考虑到各译本的翻译背景与部分雷同情况,本案选择了其中两部最为完整、准确,具有代表性的译本:女性译者陶洁所译的《紫颜色》(1998年版)与男性译者杨仁敬的《紫色》(1987年版)作为比较研究对象。在此两译本中,由于译者背景、性别等多方面因素,在译本当中展示出了明显的主体性充分发挥的迹象,非常具有主体性


浅谈译者的主体性 【摘要】翻译一直热衷于对忠实标准及由此衍生出的类似概念的讨论,而对于译者的主体性却没能引起人们的重视,直到“文化转向”后,译者才逐渐从幕后走向前台,有关其主体性研究也经历了这样一个由浅入深的过程。本文从译者身份的变迁、译者主体性的表现等方面探讨了译者主体性这一命题,并通过英语的文学翻译,说明译者主体性的体现、作用以及影响。说明翻译不是复制,译者不是处于被动的地位,译者的主观介入和创造性不可避免,译作不可能是透明的。 【关键词】译者;主体性;边缘化;翻译 翻译史可以说跟人类的历史一样悠久,自从有了语言就有了翻译。但译者却出现了边缘化的现象——把对译者的研究从翻译研究领域中排挤出去,直到西方翻译研究出现“文化转向”之后。 一、译者身份的转变 (一)译者主体性遮蔽的原因 中国译者的地位边缘化首先是由于中国文化长期自视为世界中心的社会文化心态所造成的。其次就是传统翻译观对翻译主体的遮蔽。中国历史悠久,大部分时间处于强势地位。便形成了强烈的自我中心意识.历史上出现过三次翻译高潮,对中国文化产生了深远的影响。但都是在中国主体意识下进行的,与译者相关的译论很少。纵观中国翻译理论,无不以“忠实”为核心。传统翻译观中还有诸多翻译的理想标准.这些通常是难以企及的。再者就是很多译者同时是著名的学者、作家、政治家等,后者所代表的更为崇高的社会地位也使他们的译者身份显得无足轻重。 在西方也同样如此,首先源于圣经翻译的传统。圣经翻译要求译者完全抹杀自己的个性,成为上帝之言的忠实记录者。其次,很多著名译者也有较为引人注目的其它身份,如作家;而普通译者,他们通常接受赞助人的委托进行翻译,对翻译的决策没有话语权。第三,西方资本主义的兴起,导致文化上“自恋”情节,从选材上和翻译决策上实行归化的翻译策略,导致译者的“隐形”。 (二)主体地位的显现 令人高兴的是,二十世纪七八十年代,西方出现了翻译研究的文化转向,翻译研究得到了应有的重视。 这期间形成了面向译入语文化的文化学派翻译理论.以埃文左哈尔,图里为代表的多元系统理论和以安得烈.勒菲弗尔为代表的操纵学派理论强调了在翻译过程中译者的作用及其可见性。接下来在解构主义者如罗兰.巴特的“作者之死”以及韦努蒂的对传统翻译观的抵制等的理论研究中译者地位都得到了大大的提


从译者的主体性谈译者的隐身 摘要:近年来译者的身份逐步从原有的“仆人说”的传统翻译观,进一步阐释为“隐身说”的论点,而对于译者新的隐身身份人们仍缺乏细致深入的了解。以往的讨论多集中于翻译主体是谁本身的探讨,而很少有谈到译者的主体性和译者隐身身份的关系,分别知道译者的隐身身份和译者发挥主体性的作用,却不知二者其实是有机的结合体。该研究为从译者主体性谈译者的隐身,从如何隐身及隐身的深层原因探讨译者的主体作用,对上述两个问题进行阐释,以帮助译者更顺利地完成翻译工作。 关键词:翻译的主体译者身份“隐身说”“透明说” 中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2014)12(c)-0228-01 1 译者在翻译主体中的重要作用 1.1 翻译的主体 提到谁在翻译就是在问翻译的主体是谁。目前有两种观点:翻译的单一主体,翻译的多主体论。无论是哪一种都在论述它或它们是决定翻译效果的主要因素。其中单一主体体现了译者的绝对地位,诸如读者、原作者、原文、历史背景都成为了译者这一唯一主体的迎合者。而在翻译的多主体论中,尽管提升了,读者和原作者的翻译地位,但没有译者这

一核心桥梁,将很难体现出他们的主体性,因此虽然我们要考虑到读者,作者的主体作用,但译者的核心主体地位仍然是不可磨灭的。 1.2 译者的主体性 无论是单一的主体论还是多主体的翻译观点,译者在翻译过程中都发挥的译者的主体性。对于译者主体性界定:它是指作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主观能动性,其基本特征是翻译主体自觉的文化意识、人文品格和文化、审美创造性。(查明建2003)对此,贝尔曼指出:“译者的翻译动机、翻译目的,所采取的翻译立场,所制定的翻译方案,以及所使用的翻译方法使译者成为翻译活动中最积极的因素,他的态度,方法和立场一旦选择,一旦确立,译者也就为自己定了位置,译出的“每一个字都成为了一种誓言”。(许均,2010,7) 在翻译过程中,译者发挥其主体性,选择恰当的策略和语言表达来传达原文的信息和神韵。而译者自身的水平,也决定了译本的质量。对此,袁莉提出了以译者为基点(中介)、直接与另外三极,即原作、译作和世界(包括译入语读者)发生关系而构成的新的诠释循环图式,进而明确指出“译者是这个阐释循环的中心,也是唯一的主体性要素。”因此无论从翻译译者主体的地位上,译者在翻译策略的选择上,与


摘要:传统的翻译理论注重译本的忠实,强调与原作对等,而译者本人则被看做是翻译机器、仆人。随着翻译研究的“文化转向”,译者开始得到学界的关注。本文以张爱玲译作《老人与海》为研究对象,采用实例分析的方法,从文本选择,翻译目的,翻译策略几个方面着手,探究文学翻译中的译者主体性。 关键词:译者主体性;文学翻译;《老人与海》 [中图分类号]:h315.9 [文献标识码]:a [文章编号]:1002-2139(2016)-24--02 一、引言 文学翻译,包括小说、戏剧、诗歌、散文,是翻译的重要形式。不同于非文学翻译,文学作品的译者多是作家,其本身的创作意识决定了他们在翻译过程中主观意识的发挥。杨武能对文学翻译的译者曾作如下分析:“文学翻译的主体同样是人,也即作家、翻译家和读者;原著和译本,都不过是他们之间进行思想和感情交流的工具或载体,都是他们的创作的客体。而在这整个创作性的活动中,翻译家无疑处于中心地位,发挥着积极的作用”[1]。基于此,本文以张爱玲翻译的《老人与海》为例,通过分析译者主体性对翻译文本选择、翻译目的及翻译策略的影响,探究文学翻译中译者主体性的体现。 二、译者主体性 主体性是主体的一种内在能动性,它作用于主体的对象性客体,是主体意识的外化。在翻译理论研究的历史长河中,作者中心论和原作中心论一直占据主导地位,是否以原作为中心,忠实地再现原文是评判译作好坏的主要标准。20世纪70年代,翻译研究“文化转向”被提出,人们对翻译有了重新的认识,翻译研究者开始把译者放在主要的地位研究。在文学翻译中,如何定义主体性呢?学者查明建和田雨将其定义为“作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主观能动性,基本特征是翻译主体自觉的文化意识、人文品格和文化、审美创造性”[2]。译者的主体性受其主体意识的操纵,中国翻译学者许钧认为,“所谓译者主体意识,指的是在翻译过程中体现的一种自觉的人格意识及其在翻译过程中的一种创造意识”[3]。可见,译者主体性贯穿于翻译进行的整个过程中。 三、张爱玲译本《老人与海》中译者主体性的体现 (一)关于《老人与海》及其译本 《老人与海》是美国著名作家欧内斯特?米勒?海明威的一部中篇小说。这部作品讲述了老渔人山蒂亚戈与大鱼的抗争经历。主人公山蒂亚戈连着84天都没有捕到鱼,在第85天,他将船驶往大海深处,终于钓到了一条大马林鱼。山蒂亚戈与大鱼搏斗了两天两夜,直到第三天才将大鱼杀死。在返程的途中,大群鲨鱼前来袭击,最后老人拖着仅剩的鱼骨架回到了岸上。在这部作品中,海明威用凝结简练的语言描述了一个简单而又惊心动魄的故事,塑造了一位在困难面前敢于抗争、永不放弃的“硬汉”形象。 张爱玲的译本是《老人与海》的第一个中译本。海明威因其简洁凝练的文笔,被冠以“文坛硬汉”之称。作为中国杰出的女性作家,张爱玲有着强烈的女性意识。在翻译这部作品时,译者张爱玲发挥怎样的主体性?本文将从翻译文本选择、翻译目的及翻译策略三个方面分析探讨其主体性的体现。 (二)译者主体性在文本选择上的体现 在人类几千年的文明史中,优秀的作品很多,译者站在其特定的立场,有目的地选择翻译文本,这本身就带有主观能动性。张爱玲选择翻译《老人与海》这部作品,首先就体现了她的个人意愿。张爱玲在序言中写到:“捕鲸、猎狮,各种危险性的活动,我对于这一切完全不感兴趣。所以我自己也觉得诧异,我会这样喜欢《老人与海》。这是我所看到的国外书籍里最挚爱的一本”[4]1。张爱玲毫不掩饰地表达了自己对原作的喜爱。而且,海明威电报似得


论译者主体性的发挥与制约 【摘要】译者是翻译活动的主体,译者主体性贯穿于翻译过程始终。但在译者主体性不能无限度地发挥,它受到诸多因素的制约。译者只有清醒地认识到这些限制因素,才能最大限度发挥主观能动性,创造出优秀的文学译作。 【关键词】译者主体性;发挥;制约;异化;归化 1译者主体性理论的确立 在传统译论中,作者中心论和原著中心论占据了绝对统治地位。如“译者, 舌人也”,“译者是职业媒婆”,“译者是文化搬运工”等。这体现了作为主体的译者在翻译中一直处于边缘地位。20 世纪70 年代以来, 西方翻译界提出了翻译的“文化转向”问题,尤以苏珊·巴斯内特( Susan Bassinet ) 的《翻译、历史与文化》( Translation , History and Culture) 为代表。之后,翻译研究从单纯的语言学角度进入到语境、历史、文化的宏观大环境中。查明建和田雨把译者主体性界定为“作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主观能动性,其基本特征是翻译主体自觉的文化意识、人文品格和文化、审美创造性”。[1] 2译者主体性的发挥 2.1选材过程中主体性的发挥 译者主体性首先体现在译者选材的主体性上。选材是创作的第一步。译者选材时必须既了解自己又了解作品,不善说理的人不必译理论书,不会作诗的人千万不要译诗。分析“五四”时期的文学翻译,很容易就可以看到译者选材的主体性:郭沫若之钟情于雪莱,徐志摩迷恋于拜伦,闻一多醉心于勃郎宁的十四行诗,梁实秋则竭尽心机把莎士比亚推荐给中国读者(陈福康,2000:285)[2]。 2.2翻译创作过程中主体性的发挥 根据现代阐释学的观点, 文本的意义是不确定的。一个文本完成之后, 其意义取决于读者对它的理解。这与传统翻译研究中追求作者原意的思想大相径庭。译者根据自己的理解将作品内容传达给读者, 原作者的原意根本无处可寻, 那么译者努力忠实的便是作品本身, 而并不是原作者。这就说明译者在翻译过程中有很大的再创作空间, 会有意无意地受自己的审美情趣、生活经验、文化修养甚至政治态度等影响。翻译既是一门科学又是一门艺术。译者首先要理解原作, 也就是解读原文。理解的过程也就是译者同文本进行对话, 调动自己的情感、意志、审美、想象力和期待视野等能力, 以达到与原作者视界的融合; 体会原作者的写作意图以及当时的情景, 达到身临其境的过程。但是, 由于所处的时代、民族风俗、历史文化、甚至个人观点的不同, 译者的视界不可能与原作者的视界完全融合,对原作的理解也就有偏颇之处。以下是我国翻译界几位名家对莎士比亚戏剧中《王子复仇记》中哈姆雷特的一句著名台词的不同翻译。 To be or not to be —that is a question. (1)活下去还是不活, 这是问题(卞之琳译))。 (2)生或死, 这就是问题所在(王佐良译)。 (3)死还是不死, 这是个问题(许渊冲译))。 王佐良先生的译文, 口吻颇具哲学家的思考,卞之琳的翻译侧重于活, 许渊冲则侧重于死。于是有“一千个人翻译《哈姆雷特》,就会出现一千个不同的哈姆雷特“的说法。


译者主体性的体现 ——《关雎》英译本的比较 摘要:《关雎》是《诗经》三百篇中为人熟知的诗篇,几乎人人能够出口诵读。本文主要从译者主体性出发,对《关雎》几个不同的英译本进行分析研究,指出文学翻译中译者主体性的充分发挥在译文的内容和风格两个方面的体现。 关键字:《关雎》;译者主体性;内容;风格 Abstract: Guanju is known to everyone in the Book of Songs, which is composed of more than three hundred poems. And almost everyone can read it without other people’s help. This paper mainly studies several different translated versions of Guanju in the terms of translator’s subjectivity, which reflects in the following two points: contents and style. Key words: Guanju; translator’s subjectivity; contents; style 引言 译者在翻译活动中起着举足轻重的作用,同时还是是连接两个国家、两种不同文化的友谊使者,然而长期以来,译者经常处于边缘地带,依附于原文作者;译者的翻译活动被视为是再生产,译文被看作是原文的附属品。因此,学者们开始重新考虑翻译这一问题,认为一切译文绝不仅仅是对原文简单的模仿,复制,而是一种再创造,是充分发挥译者主体性这一主要因素。 一.译者主体性 翻译过程中最积极、最主动的因素就是译者主体性。那么我们在探讨译者主体性之前,首先应该了解什么是翻译的主体:有些研究者认为译者是翻译的主体;有些却认为译者和读者才是,还有人认为译者、读者和作者都是翻译的主体。从


论译者的主体性 【摘要】:译者是翻译过程中的一个重要因素。译者的翻译动机,翻译策略,翻译行为和翻译能力对译文的面貌产生重大的影响。译者作为一个具有独立思维,文化立场和价值观的个体,其主体性和主观能动性会在从选择原语文本、制定翻译策略、解决翻译困难、到追求翻译目的的整个过程中得到体现。译者作为个体在某些时候对翻译过程和翻译结果的影响是决定性的,而译者作为一个群体在译介原语文化和丰富译语文化,从而推进人类文化的整体历史进程上发挥着重大作用。然而迄今为止在翻译理论中有关于译者的研究还没有形成一个较为深厚的体系。译者的语言能力和翻译技巧还是翻译评论中较为关注的话题,而较深入的探讨则停留在译者在文化交流中的作用及其建构和颠覆文化的作用这一层面。关于译者的主体性因素如态度、动机、文化价值观念、偏见、目的和其本身的历史性等对翻译过程、译文和译语文化的影响还没有全面的研究。因此,本论文就这一问题进行了探讨,希望能够较为深入地描述译者及其主体性的工作机制,从而推动对翻译活动本质的进一步理解。本文以译者为核心,从选材,决定翻译策略,选择翻译方法,对文本的处理,和对人际关系的协调等方面探讨译者的翻译行为,从而证明本研究的两个核心命题:其一,翻译是一个由人参与的过程,在这个过程中译者占主导地位。其含义表现在两个方面:首先,翻译是译者对原作的阐释;其次,译文是译者就翻译策略和翻译方法等进行选择而产生的结果。其二:翻译过程是译者在文化、社

会和个人因素的制约下发挥其主体性的过程。本论文分为五章,外加导言和结束语。在导言中,笔者从中西翻译史的角度,指出译者地位长期边缘化的历史事实,分析了边缘化的根源。笔者认为,中国译者地位边缘化首先是由于中国文化长期自视为世界中心的社会文化心态所造成。和外族文化的交流很多时候并不受重视,翻译长期被视为达到某些政治目的的工具,因此,译者的身份自然也不会有重要的地位。其次,中国传统的思维模式导致对译者的认识要么过于简单化,把翻译的得失归为译者的语言能力和职业素养;要么过于神秘化,认为译者的能力完全是天生的才能,是无法解释和描述的。这两种认识阻碍了对译者的深入研究。第三,在历史上,很多译者同时是著名的学者、作家、政治家或政府官员等,后者所代表的更为崇高的社会地位也使他们的译者身份显得无足轻重。而在西方,译者地位的边缘化首先源于圣经翻译的传统。圣经翻译要求译者抹杀自己的个性,成为上帝之言的忠实记录者。其次,与中国较为相似的,在西方很多著名译者也有较为引人注目的其它身份,如作家:而对与普通译者来说,他们通常接受赞助人的委托进行翻译,对翻译决策没有话【关键词】:译者主体性翻译策略社会文化制约因素翻译目的翻译人际关系 【学位授予单位】:华东师范大学 【学位级别】:博士 【学位授予年份】:2005


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第35卷第1期长春工业大学学报(高教研究版) 2014年3月Jour na l of C hangc hun U ni ver s i t y of T ech nol ogy(H i gher Ed uc at i on St u dy E di t i o n)V01.35N o.1 M ar.2014 浅析计算机辅助翻译中的译者主体性 张宇浩彭庆华 (云南师范大学外国语学院,云南昆明650500) [摘要]近年来,市场对翻译服务的需求快速增长,译者的任务日益繁重。计算机辅助翻译技术的出现为译者提供了巨大的帮助。但计算机辅助翻译仍不足以代替人工翻译,在翻译过程中起主体作用的仍然是译者。在借助计算机辅助翻译技术过程中,译者需要在译前准备、翻译过程、译后编辑阶段充分发挥主体性,才能使该技术更好地为翻译提供帮助。 [关键词]计算机辅助翻译;翻译记忆;译者主体性 [作者简介]张宇浩(1987一),男,云南师范大学外国语学院硕士研究生,主要从事翻译理论与实践研究;彭庆华(1962一),男,云南师范大学外国语学院教授,博士,主要从事语用学与双语教育研究。 在这个全球化的时代,市场对翻译的需求量快速增长,对翻译时效性的要求大大提高。在这种情况下,计算机辅助翻译(Com put er A i de d T r a nsl a—t i on,简称C A T)技术应运而生,为翻译过程提供了极大方便。“由于专业翻译领域所涉及的翻译资料数量巨大,且范围相对狭窄,这就必然带来翻译资料不同程度的重复。据统计,在不同的行业和部门,这种资料的重复率达到20—70%不等。这就意味着译者至少有20%以上的劳动是无谓的重复劳动”o E1]计算机辅助翻译技术使得译者可以把简单的机械劳动交给计算机,而把精力集中于更需要能动性与创造性的工作中。但是计算机辅助翻译仍未达到智能化水平,加之翻译本身是一个复杂的过程,因此计算机辅助翻译技术可以为译者提供帮助,但并不能取代人工翻译。因此,在翻译过程中起主体作用的仍然是译者。 一、计算机辅助翻译的优点 计算机辅助翻译(C A T)技术的核心就是翻译记忆技术(T r ans l at i on M em or y,简称T M)。翻译记忆的工作原理是,译者利用已有的原文和译文建立起一个或多个翻译记忆库,在翻译过程中,系统将自动搜索翻译记忆库中相同或相似的翻译资源(如句子,段落等)给出参考译文,使用户避免无谓的重复劳动,只需专注于新内容的翻译。译者在进行翻译工作的同时,记忆库在后台不断学习和自动存储新的译文,建立语言数据库。[z]计算机辅助翻译技术还支持记忆库、术语库的共享,使远程翻译合作成为可能。计算机辅助翻译技术所具有的这些特性功能决定了其具有以下几个主要优点: (一)避免重复劳动。提高效率 借助计算机辅助翻译技术,译者可以借鉴前人成果,避免重复劳动,减轻负担,提高效率。“将翻译流程中涉及纯粹记忆的活动,比如术语的匹配和自动搜索提示、高度相似句子的记忆和复现,交给计算机来做,免除翻译人员反复查找名词之苦,使其能全力对付语义的转换和传递”o r3] (二)有助于译者创造个性化的翻译环境 目前,翻译材料的专业性越来越强,一些专业词汇也较为生僻。如果没有某一领域的知识储备,缺少专业背景的译者很难做好某一专业领域的翻译工作。利用计算机辅助翻译工具,译者可以通过积累自己常用领域的翻译语料,为自己量身定做个性化翻译环境。由于同一领域的行业术语和句式相对固定且重复率较高,随着译者的记忆库和术语库不断积累,遇到的重复内容会越来越多,翻译工作也会变得越来越轻松。翻译记忆库记录着译者的足迹,与译者共同成长。 (三)为翻译合作提供便利 一些大型的翻译项目工作量巨大,仅仅依靠个人的力量难以完成,这就需要译者采取合作翻译的形式。当多名译者进行同一个翻译项目时,他们可 ---——142---——


论译者、翻译活动与跨文化交际 ——以电影《鬼子来了》内的翻译活动为例 摘要 任何一种翻译活动,都离不开在翻译主体中起决定作用的译者。从语言学研究角度看,翻译的过程就是由一种语言变成另一种语言的的转换过程。译者的任务就是把接收到的语言信息根据给定的定义译成信号,然后发给目标语听者或读者,实现从原语到目的语的意思对等。在这样一个A-B-C的过程中,中间环节B,即译者的作用和地位可想而知。若没有B,A 与C的交流存在很大的障碍,甚至完全无法交流。几乎在所有的翻译活动中,我们都设想B 本着“忠实”的态度来从事翻译活动。但随着翻译研究的文化转向,随着跨文化交际中不断出现的文化差异、误解,甚至是文化敌对,反对“忠实”的声音越来越大,“忠实”受到了质疑乃至否定。 关键词:译者主体性,翻译活动,跨文化交际,文化冲突 任何一种翻译活动,都离不开在翻译主体中起决定作用的译者。从语言学研究角度看,翻译的过程就是由一种语言变成另一种语言的的转换过程。译者的任务就是把接收到的语言信息根据给定的定义译成信号,然后发给目标语听者或读者,实现从原语到目的语的意思对等。在这样一个A-B-C的过程中,中间环节B,即译者的作用和地位可想而知。若没有B,A 与C的交流存在很大的障碍,甚至完全无法交流。几乎在所有的翻译活动中,我们都设想B 本着“忠实”的态度来从事翻译活动。但随着翻译研究的文化转向,随着跨文化交际中不断出现的文化差异、误解,甚至是文化敌对,反对“忠实”的声音越来越大,“忠实”受到了质疑乃至否定。 本人在借鉴前人研究的基础上,试图探讨在文化敌对的前提下,译者在翻译策略与方法的取舍方面所发挥的主体性作用以及对跨文化交际的影响。 一、译者主体性 译者主体性是指作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主观能动性。译者的主体性包含两个特征:一方面,译者的主观能动性,如态度、动机、目的、偏见、文化价值观念等对翻译过程、原语和目的语会产生影响。体现在译者对翻译过程的总体把握和对原语预期文化效应的操纵上,包括译者对原语关键信息的


论文学翻译中译者的主体性 魏瑾① , 魏书艳② 摘要: 译者既是原作文本能动的读者, 又是其创造性的再现者。原语和译语语言文化的差异性以及文学艺术语言的形象、生动性, 为译者提供了广阔的创造空间。为了最大限度地再现原文的艺术美, 译者的主体性是不可缺少的。 关键词: 阐释; 再现; 译者的主体性 传统译论研究往往过分强调译文与原作之间的对等,普遍忽视文学翻译的文学性及对作为翻译主体的译家的研究。随着翻译研究的“文化转向”, 翻译主体研究逐步受到了应有的重视, 并不断走向深入。杨武能先生早在20 世纪80 、90 年代就对翻译家的地位和作用问题发表了精辟的论述, 并强调对翻译主体进行研究的重要性:“翻译活动的主体即译家; 只有把翻译家作为人的精神和心智的方方面面也纳入观察的视野, 才可能解答种种触及文学翻译本质的微妙问题。”[ 1 ] 译者是翻译的主体, 这似乎是个不争的事实。翻译分为两个过程, 即理解原文过程和再现原文的过程, 也就是译者首先运用自身的思维能力解析原文的语言材料, 追寻作者的思路, 然后综合译语的语言表达手段再现原文。无论在理解阶段还是在表达阶段, 翻译活动都是与译者的主体因素紧密相连的。所谓“主体性”, 具体地说是指“主体在对象性活动中本质力量的外化, 能动地改造客体、影响客体、控制客体, 使客体为主体服务的特性”[ 2 ] 。那么译者的主体性则是译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下, 在翻译过程中所体现的主观能动性, 即体现在译作中的自觉人格及审美创造力。文学翻译大概是所有翻译中最无定性、最变幻莫测、最难把握和最需要创造性的一种翻译。文学文本与普通文本相比, 一方面为读者提供了潜在的更为广阔的审美与解读空间, 另一方面更受制于语言形式。因此, 文学翻译中译者的主体性表现得尤为突出。本文试图在前人的研究基础上, 进一步探讨文学翻译中译者的主体性问题。 1. 译者是原作文本能动的读者 继承阐释学和现象学的接受美学认为: “文学文本具有两极, 即艺术极与审美极。艺术极是作者的文本, 审美极是由读者来完成的一种实现。”[ 3 ]这两极彼此交融才是完整的文学作品。作品一旦与读者发生关系, 就成为审美对象, 成为读者感悟、阐释、融化、再生的艺术情感或形象, 两者已经水乳交融地构成了一个新的艺术世界, 是一种“自为”的存在。换言之, 任何文学文本都是多层面和开放式的图式结构, 其存在本身并不能产生独立的意义, 而意义的实现则凭藉读者在阅读过程中对感觉和知觉经验加以具体化, 填补作品中的空白处, 最终达到文本的实现。因此, 接受是一种再创造。“读者通过接受活动, 用自己的想象力对作品加以改造, 通过释放作品中蕴藏的潜能使这种潜能为自身服务。但是, 读者在改造作品的同时, 也在改造他自己, 当他将作品中潜藏的可能性现实化时, 也在扩大自己作为主体的可能性, 这就是作品在他身上产生的效果。 接受活动是使这两种对立的规定性统一起来的过程。”[ 4 ]阅读过程是一种动态的双向交流过程, 一方面, 原文为读者提供指导;另一方面读者在原文的指导下根据自己的理解建构意义, 在这种双向交流中, 读者对文本不是简单的“复原”, 而是一种创造性的“改造”, 读者在使文本的潜能为自己服务的过程中, 不仅唤发了审美潜能, 而且为自己的审美潜能增添了新的能量。接受提高了读者的主观能动性和创造性。就翻译而言, 译者首先是作为文

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