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Passage 1
Helen Keller was born normal and healthy. But when she was one year old, she had a serious blind and deaf. She wrote many books, includi
ng one about her teacher, Anne Sullivan.
1.Which of the following statement is true about Helen Keller?C
C. Helen Keller was born normal and healthy.
2.Anne Sullivan is Helen Keller’s__A____.
A. teacher 3. Anne Sullivan was very important in Helen’s life because_D__.
D. She led Helen back to the life like normal children’s
4. Braille is ___B____.
B. a system of reading and writing for blind people.
5. In addition to writing and making speeches, Helen also was engaged in __A__.
A. setting up special schools and libraries for the blind and deaf
Passage 2
You remember things everyday, but how do you do it? You find a telephone number in the phone
6.Make a picture in your mind. For example, when you learn the word SOFA, make a picture in your mind of this furniture. Remember what it looks like.
7.Try to relax when you study. Enjoy it.
6.This passage mainly tells us how to___D___.
D. remember things better
7.You often forget a telephone number quickly because it is only kept in _C.
C. your short-term memory 8.Forgetting easily happens because of ____A___.
A. failing to understand the information in the beginning.
9.To make sure that your long-term memory keeps what you remember, you need ____B_.
B. to practice and understand it
10.If you want to enjoy memorizing English words, you’ll first have to___.
A. draw a picture Passage 3
If you ever screamed yourself hoarse watching a football game, or if you ever ran miles along a accompanies vigorous exercise and those moments will stand out vividly in your lives.
11.You scream to show that you get excited when___D___.
D. watching a football game
12.Both as spectator and participant you must have had many experiences____C__.
C. some joyful, others bitter 13.Which of the following is collected in your memory as bitter experiences?A
A. Your coach’s yelling
14.Which of the following is collected in memory as joyful experiences?B
B. Your spirit in a teamwork helped to win the freestyle swimming relays.
15.Some moments in exercise and sports will stand out vividly in one’s life because ___C___.
C. the body action and mental release bring out thrill enjoyable
Passage 4
There are two men in important positions in my office---Mr. Thompson and Mr. White. Everyone He’s very interested in the welfare of his employees and will have some questions to ask you about your working conditions here.”
16. What kind of positions do Mr. Thompson and Mr. White have?D
D. They both hold important positions in an office.
17. Why does everyone enjoy working with Mr.Thompson?B
B. Because he always behaves politely.
18. In dealing with office work, Mr.White acts quite differently from Mr.Thompson in___B__.
B. bossing around thoughtlessly
19. What did people

think about Mr.White’s change one morning? They thought___B___.
B. Mr.White must have been either sick or changed
20. What did Mr.Thompson say to clear up the sitution that caused Mr.White’s change?D
D.The company’s president was coming to inquire about the employees’ welfare working conditions.
Passage 5
Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of the men did
“Everybody knows that Shakespeare isn’t a drink,” his friend replied. “ It’s a kind of cheese.”
21. Why was one of them worried? Because he was __D__.
D. afraid of making fool of himself.
22. How did the first man answer the guest’s question?C
C. He didn’t like Shakespeare, a drink.
23. Why did the guests leave? Because __B___.
B. the first man was making fool of himself.
24. What was the second businessman’s opinion on the subject?A
A. Shakespeare was a cheese.
25. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.The guests knew for sure who was Shakespeare.
Passage 6
One day a famous writer was walking along the shore before he began his work. As he looked
All of must find our starfish. If we throw our starfish wisely and well, the world will be wonderful.
26."Before he began writing, the famous writer was __B______."
B taking a walk along the shore
27.The famous writer found a young man ____C____.
A picking up starfish for sale
28.In the last paragraph, “our starfish” refers to ___D_____."
D our ability to have an effect on the future
29.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage? A
A. he young man disagreed with the famous writer on the subject of starfish.
30.The young man disagreed with the famous writer on the subject of starfish This passage tells us that ____D____.
D. all of us can help to shape our future
Passage 7
Some people like to live in house of the past . They may choose to live in a wooden house.They her underground home.“It’s perfect.I love it.” she says.
31. One example of houses of the past is ___A___ houses.
A. wooden 32. People in the United States begin to build underground houses because ___A___.
A. underground houses can save open land and energy
33.Underground houses are ___A___.
A. neither cold nor dark 34.Underground houses are all of the following EXCEPT ____A_____.
A. both warm and cool
35.The example of the Bonards shows that _____B____.
B. underground houses can make nice homes
Passage 8
Every one is provided by nature with a set of finger-prints entirely different from those of it is taken for granted that he was there, though when and why he was there are other questions.
36. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?CMan’s different finger-prints are reliable guide to identity.
37. Finger-prints were first noticed by ___A____.
A.Indian police forces38.This present-day method of identifyin

g people was developed___D___.
D. quite recently
39. The print of each separate finger ____D_____.
D. is probably entirely the same as the prints of other fingers
40. The police record finger-prints____D___.
D. whenever possible
Passage 9
In the book Future Shock written by Toffler, the writer describes the great changes in family ,leaving those families free to move from job to job.
41. One reason why Americans had big families in the past was that ___D__.
D three generations lived together in one family
42. Industry is different from agriculture in that ___D___.
D workers in industry often need to move
43. Child-raising families adopt children _A_____.
A. whose parents are not able to give them a good life and education
44. In the future, most families will ___D___. "
D have only the husband and the wife
45. The book Future Shock is mainly about __B____.
B the great changes in family life
Passage 10
Started in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest of all the many colleges and universities in
As knowledge increased Howard and other collages began to teach many new subjects that interested them.
46.Modern languages the Harvard taught in 1825 were ___A_____.
A. French and German
47 .As knowledge increased, colleges began to teach____D___.
D. many new subjects
48.The oldest university in the US is ____D_____.
D. Harvard
49. From the second paragraph, we can see that in the early years, ___C___.
C. colleges and universities were almost the same
50. On the whole, the passage is about_____C______.
C. how colleges have changed
Lately, plants that are usually only grown outdoors have found their way into insides spaces , Unfortunately, most homes just don’t have the space to grow a monkey tree(猕猴树).
51.The passage is mainly concerned with ____D____.
D growing plants inside houses
52. Which of the following helps plants move indoors? B
B The modern use of windows.
53.It is not likely that large plants will move inside because ____B____.
B. there is not enough space
54. Which of the following is most likely to be true?D
D. People like to use plants as decorations in their houses.
55. "According to the passage, modern windows are used to ___A_____."
A. provide heat and light
Passage 12
During the twentieth century there has been a great change in the lives of women. A woman,with the husband having more duties and satisfactions of family life.
56.The text tells us that in the nineteenth century ___A___.
A. 4 or 5 children out of 7 or 8 died before they were five years old
57. Around 1900, women probably got married at the age of _C_____. "
C.25 58. A mother at the end of the nineteenth century would have difficulty in finding work___A___.
A.when her youngest child was about fifteen
59.One reason why today’s mothers take jobs again is that they ___D____.
D. are s

till young when the youngest child is fifteen
60.One difference between the women today and those a few years ago is that ____C__.
C. many women today start to work again after their first child is born
Passage 13
The camel is called “the ship of desert”, and there is good reason for it. Just as a ship is built to
The camel, which has been used by man for over 3,000 years, is one of man’s good helpers.
61. Where does a camel store its water? It stores it___A_____.
A in its stomach
62. The camel can travel for a long time in the desert with no more food because_____C___.
C it draws nourishment from the fat of its hump
63. Camel is an animal which can____D____ in the desert.
D get along very nicely
64. The hump of a camel is built to____C____.
C. store fat for future use during the journey 65. According to the passage, camel is one of man’s____C____.

C. helpful servants
Passage 14
One morning over a century ago, Alfred Nobel got up and went to his lab. The next minute he ran. Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world. And this is known as the Nobel Prizes.
66. After his lab accident, Alfred ____B_____.
B. built a new lab out of town
67. The people of the town ____D_____ when the explosion took place.
D. thought Alfred’s experiment was dangerous
68. The Nobel Prize is given to ___A_______.
A.the best writers and scientists
B. soldier 70. Alfred made a lot of money from his new explosive because ____D_____.
D. people need not do any digging work.
Passage 15
Some desert animals can survive in the summer heat and dryness because they are very unusual. and they do so only to gather food or to defend the nest against attack.
71. Most insects live below the ground because ___C___.
C .it is cooler there than in the surface 72. Why is it easy for many species of insects to live in the desert?C
C. Because they have a waterproof skin.
73. Why is the desert full of activity in summer nights?D
D. Because it is cooler and safer for most animals.
74. The kangaroo rat is different from other animals in that _A____.
A. it can produce water through breathing
75. Compared with other desert animals, the camel can bear ___C ___. "
C. a big increase in body temperature Passage 16
One summer afternoon, Jean and Lestar, an elderly couple, visits their daughter at her home Lille,” Officers from the police came running and quickly held the man.
76. "When Mr. Lestar saw a man pointing a gun at him, his first response was that ____C____. "
C. he worried about his wife 77. It seems that ___B_____.
B. Mr. Lestar was in Lille more than one time
78. In order to ___C_____, Mr. Lestar began driving like a madman. "
C. get the police’s attention 79. Mr. Lestar’s first attempt to get the attention of the police failed because _____D___.
D. there was no police car in sight
80. Mr. Lestar was in Lille more

than one time All the following are true EXCEPT ______A___.
A.The police are most stupid of all
Who were the earliest Americans? And how did the population come to be so mixed?
people that come out of the people of the whole world.
81. Where did most of the new settlers come from after 1890?C
C They came from southern and eastern Europe. 82. What choice was given to people in prison for political or religious words and deeds?D
D. To leave for America.
83. The phrase“a nation of nations ”in this passage most probably means_____.A
A. There are many nations in the US.
84.What did the settlers do when they arrived?B
B. They killed many of the Indians.
85. Who were the earliest Americans among the following peoples?B
B. Indians.
When I was in 7th grade, I had a lot of trouble in reading. My mother used to sit by my side, and instead of getting words, you see the general picture.
86.The main problem the writer had in reading in her 7th grade was that ___A_.
A. she had difficulty in reading and comprehension
87.The writer’s reading ability improved a great deal mainly because ____B_.
B. she developed her own way of reading
88."After reading this passage, we can see the writer wrote the passage in order to ____B___."
B. prove the importance of fast reading for comprehension
89."From her own experience, the writer found that __C_____."
C one’s comprehension drops if one reads too slowly
90.The writer would pretend to be reading in the last 10 minutes of class because __C______.
C she was afraid of her trouble to be found out Passage 19
People who buy cigarettes find a special note on each pack. The note says that smoking is dangerous. Many doctors are happy to see that note.
of smoking. People who do not smoke can add as much as ten years to their lives.
91. Doctors like to see the note on the pack because ____D_____.
D. they think smoking is bad for people
92. In most states by 1900, __A______.
A. it was against the law to sell cigarettes to young people
93. People who don’t smoke __D_____.
D. might live ten years longer than smokers
94. The passage says that ____A____.
A. smoking can cause lung cancer
95. Cigarette advertisements are ____C_____.
C. not allowed in public places
Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you know was in trouble-and he was? Have you ever scientists, say that the SS is real. From studies of it, we may someday learn more about the human mind.
96. According to the passage, the author believes that the sixth sense is__A__
A. in existence 97.This article is mainly about_C___.
C. the sixth sense 98. By studying SS, scientists may get to___D__.
D. know more about human mind.
99.In the last paragraph, the word “coincidences” probably means__A__.
A. Things that happen by chance
100. SS lets people know__C__.
C. about events before they happen or happen some distance away.
Passage 21

the past industries had more freedom than they have now, and they did not need to be as and it reports any companies that are breaking laws which protect the health and safety of workers.
101. According to Paragraph 1, compared with today, industries in the past ____B___.
B. were controlled less strictly
102. The main topic of the passage is _____A____.
A.the protection of industrial workers and customers
103. It is implied in Paragraph 2 that years ago governments ___A_____.
A. seldom introduced safety laws before disasters occurred
104. In the U.S. today __B______.
B. a company with poor or dangerous working conditions is likely to be punished
105. The purpose of this passage is to _____A_____.
A. inform Passage 22
The earth is not the only body that travels around the sun. With it are eight other planets: two of less material, but each object in the universe, no matter how small, pulls all other objects to some degree.
106. The earth is ____C______ in the sun family.
C. one of the nine members
A. holds the object to the surface
108. The pull makes the ball ___C_______.
C. you throw into the air fall back to the earth
109. Which of the following is True?D
D. The larger the bodies are, the greater their pull is.
110.These traveling bodies ______C____.
C. move along certain paths around the sun Passage 23
Advertising is one of the biggest business in America. Madison Avenue in New York is a
Basketball player: I always start my day with WAKE-UPS, especially for people like me.
111. WAKE-UPS is _____A_______.
A. a breakfast cereal
112. Madison Avenue is well-known because _____A______.
A.many advertising companies have their own offices
113. In order to persuade the public to buy its products, a company should _ __A______."
A. advertise its products
114. The best title for this text is ____B______.
B. The Big Business of Advertising
115. If a company wants to sell a new breakfast cereal, it _____D______. "
D. will have to pay an advertiser to make advertising plans
Passage 24
Jo was the most liked boy in the school. He was tall and strong, with dark brown hair and green anything better you can offer either of them.
116. All the following made Jo popular in the school EXCEPT_B____.
B. thinking of nice smile from girls
117. The text says that _A____.
A. Jo treated all the girls well 118. The other girls didn’t regard Ella as a rival because ___D___.
D. it appeared that she had no romantic interest in Jo.
119. When Jo’s mother died, Ella ___C___.
C.helped him get out of the sad situation 120. Jo and Ella’s love story is a good example of _____D__.
D. love built on friendship and understanding
Passage 25
In one way of thinking, failure is a part of life. In another way, failure may be a way towards(电灯泡.,
The third thing to remember is that failure is a part of life. Learn to “ live with yourself” eve

n though you may have failed.
121. Robert Bruce was hiding in a cave to ___B___.
B protect himself from the English enemy
122. “ Made it “ in this text means “__B___”.
B. succeeded 123. Both the “spider story” and Edison’s story tell us mainly about ___D___.
e D. the cause of failure
124. The writer tells you to do all the following EXCEPT _C____.
C. to remember that you will never fail in your life125 Which of the following is NOT true?D
D. Edison also learned a lot from the Robert Bruce’s story.
Passage 26
One of the worst things that can happen on our earth is an earthquake. When earthquakes be found inside the building. I was the last out. But I made it.”
126. The worst among the following things that can happen on our earth is __B__.
B. earthquakes 127. Most earthquakes happen __B___.
B. under the sea 128. Knowing the places where earthquakes happen most often __A___.
A. will make our buildings stronger
129. Ford Thunderbird ( Line 4, Paragraph 5) is probably __C____.
C. the name of a car 130. Which of the following is NOT true?D
D. The car seller was the only one to survive in the earthquake.
Passage 27
Personal computers and the Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.
We just have to keep it in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch. They don’t eliminate any of the old ways.
131. The purpose of this passage is to __B__.
B. tell the advantages and usefulness of the Internet
132. The use of e-mail has made it possible for the writer to _A___.
A have more free time with his child
133. According to the writer, e-mail has a clear advantage over the telephone because e-mail helps one __D__.
D. reach a group of people at one time conveniently
134. The passage discuss all the following elements of e-mail ECEPT _B___.
B. the way of writing
135. The best subject for this passage is __C_.
C. Computers: New Technology AdvancesLearning a foreign language is not only a matter of reading some grammar rules and learning
4.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of learning.
136. The first paragraph lays stress on the fact that__B____.
B. language learning is a process of learning different language skills
137.The purpose of reviewing old topics is _____C_____.
C. to build up a good basis for new skills
138.One of the major benefits of studying with a friend is that ____B___ .
B. it makes one talk and listen in a particular language
139.“Cramming at the last minute” is no good while learning vocabulary items because ____B_____.
B. anything learned that way can hardly be put into use140.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?D
D. A Few Suggestions on Studying a Foreign Language
Passage 29
Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They
---- Why do parents want to cho

ose friends for you?
You can always discuss these questions with your friends.
141. Many teenagers think their _A___ know them better than their parents do.
D. important friends alone
142. When brothers and sisters fight with each other, _D___.
D. their friends are able to help them
143. When teenagers stay alone, the usual way of talking together is ___C_.
C. to talk with their friends on the telephone
144. To the teenagers, friends are different from their parents in that __B__.
B. they can talk to their friends about what they won’t tell their parents
145. After reading the passage, which of the following sentences do you think is RIGHT?A
A. The writer has not drawn any conclusion in this passage.
What if you were in a boat that stopped running? You might be far from land, How would you get water. Captains must know how to keep their boats away from them.
146.What you would probably do is to __D_ if your boat stopped according to the first paragraph.
D. call for a towboat
147. According to the passage a towboat is used to_D__.
D. move bigger boats
148. The word “captain” in paragraph 5 refers to__D_.
D. a leader of crew on a ship
149. Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
D. A towboat is usually smaller than a flat boat.
150. What is mainly discussed in this passage?D
D. Towboat
Passage 31
Gloves have been used since earliest times. Cave people wore bag-like gloves of animal skins to gloves. It is well named. It is called Gloversville, New York.
151.The first gloves were made__C_.
C. to protect people’s hand 152. Dress-up gloves are the ones__A_.
A. worn by honored people only
153. What kind of players need not wear gloves to protect their hands? C
C. Volleyball players 154. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? D
D. People working in hospitals wear rubber gloves.
155. According to the passage _C_and many other countries are known for glove-making.
C. Italy Passage 32
Lemonade is a favorite summer drink. It is enjoyed at family meals, picnics, ball games, and many ago an English doctor wrote about the good that lemonade can do for people.
156.Lemonade is a __C_ drink. C. popular 157. In order to make good lemonade with one cup of lemon juice, we should add to it__C_. C. one cup of sugar and two quarts of water 158. There are other easier ways to get lemonade, such as_C__.
C. to buy frozen lemonade and mix it with water
159. Concerning its origin, lemonade_A__.
C. was brought by Chinese people 160. The writer tries to__C_.
C. convince people that lemonade is good for them Passage 33
Long ago there was no money . it was hard for people to get the things they needed . They r things like their children’s schooling. Money is very important .
161.The passage mainly tells about money’s __A__ .
A. history 162.In a store today people can __A_ .
A.get things by paying bills

Which of the following objects can be bent ?A Bills 164.“They can also save some ” in the last paragraph means _A__ .
A They can keep some money for later use
165.According to this passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT that _A__ .
A at first goods were traded with money
Passage 34
Business people often spend time and money improving their ability to use foreign languages business. In other places, people get down to business immediately.
166.In order to communicate with other people from around the world, ____A_______.
A. it is not enough for one to know a foreign language
167. If you are doing business with people of other cultures, you should _____A______.
A. pay attention to certain rules
168. Which of the following is NOT true?A
A. Business people from Britain are always joking at business meetings.
169.“Small talk”in the text refers to _____A________.
A. talk about things not related to business itself
170.Which of the following may be the best topic for this text? A
A. Culture and Business
Passage 35
Earthquake! People all around the world fear earthquakes because they cause so much damage and death. (预报)and communities for a major earthquake.
171.Why was the earthquake in San Fernando one of the worst natural disasters(灾害) in U. S. history?A
A .Because it caused deaths, injuries, and extensive building damage.
172.Why did the earthquake on January 17, 1995 result in such huge damage in Japan? A
A. Because it struck the business area of the city. B. Because it was not predicted.
C. Because it struck Japan at midnight. D. Because it caught the people there unprepared.
173.How many people died in the earthquake that struck south-central Japan in 1995?A
A. More than 5,400. 174.Why could people hear more about earthquakes in recent years?A
A. Because world communication has been greatly improved.
175.How can people reduce loss from earthquakes according to the passage?A
A. By designing structures that can survive earthquakes.
Passage 36
The pig was the last animal to be fully tamed (驯养) by the farmer. Unlike the cow and the of the kinds we know in Britain today.
176.In what way the pig is different from the cow and the sheep? A
A. It looks after itself most of the time.
177.It was not until________ that pigs came into a shed. A
A the end of the 19th century
178.Before the 18th century in Britain, people usually saw pigs in ________. A
A. farm sheds
179.The passage tells us that in the age of agricultural improvement in Britain ____.A
A. animal keepers paid much attention to pigs
180.The passage mainly talks about _____A_____.
A. new kinds of pigs in Britain
Passage 37
Charlie Chaplin (查理?卓别林) has broken all records in making people laugh. to be popular years after his death.
181.Which of the following is NOT true about Charlie Chaplin? D
D. He was born in the USA.

182.According to the author, Chaplin has been popular with generation after generation mainly
D. his performances with human feeling get people involved
183.According to Charlie Chaplin’s life history writers, ____D_____ had a strong influence on the type of films he made.
D. his unhappy early years in the poor area in London
184.According to the passage, which of the following is true?D
D. Chaplin’s films are an art filled with timeless qualities and sad stories
185.This passage is ____D_______.
D. written about Charlie Chaplin
Passage 38
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks throughout the world today. Coffee contains a kind of drug called caffeine (咖啡因). then dried until they turned brown, and then they could be stored. Then they could be used at any time.
186.What is caffeine? D
D. A kind of drug.
187.What is the purpose of drinking coffee?D
D. To become more awake.
188.Coffee was first found by a ___D_______.
D. farmer
189.How did the goats react after eating the plants?D
. D. They started jumping up and d own.
190.Why did the green bean get the name“Kaffa”?D

D. Because the beans were discovered in a place so named.
Passage 39
Fish hear sounds, though they have simply no ears outside their bodies. However, fish do man to explore the secrets of the place from which his forefathers(祖先) came so long ago.
191.According to the passage, fish hear sounds well with _A_______.
A. ears inside their bodies 192.Which of the following is TRUE of the noises made by underwater animals?A
A. Some of them are meaningless.
A. is more difficult than recognizing land creatures by their calls

194.The animals of the sea can make voices with different purposes EXCEPT ____A____.
A. crying for scientific report
195.From the last sentence, we can learn that _A______.
A. more secrets of the great oceans are to be found out

Passage 40
When a consumer finds that something he or she bought is faulty, the first step is to present the of the right one is unclear” is better than “This stereo(立体音响) does not work.”
196.When a consumer finds what he bought is faulty, he should first _____C___.
C. show some kind of helpful records to the store 197.If a consumer wants a quick settlement of his problem, it’s better to complain to ___C_____.
C. a store manager 198.The most effective way of complaining about the faulty product is to____C___.

C. explain exactly what is wrong with it 199.The example of “stereo” in the last paragraph is used to show that ___C______.
C. Presenting specific information is a very effective way
200.This passage mainly tells us _____C___.
C. how to make the complaint effectively
Everyone has to leave home sometime and it’s just more difficult for some than it is for find what you are looking for.
Good luck to you and be hopeful!

Yours Dear Susan
201.This letter is written to a person ____A_____.
A. who is disappointed and needs help
202.Disappointed is eager to ___A______.
A. discover the world
203.Dear Susan tells Disappointed that ___A_____.
A. a 21-year-old person should decide what he wants to do
204.According to Susan, ____A_____ can help one to make his own choices and achievements.
A. self-confidence and courage
205.What does Susan advice Disappointed to do in the end? A
A. brave and set out for his goal.
Passage 42
When Beethoven(贝多芬) was 28, he began to notice a strange noise in his ears. As it grew worse, music has given joy and encouragement to millions of people.
206.How did Beethoven’s deafness affect him? C
C.It helped him create good music. 207.Which of the following best shows Beethoven’s courage in struggling with his fate? C

C.Heroic Symphony and Fifth Symphony. 208.Beethoven longed to die because ____C________.
C.he felt his deafness was too much for him to bear as a composer
209.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?C
C. Beethoven and His Music 210.According to the passage, which of the following is true about Beethoven? C
C.He wrote encouraging music creatively in spite of his deafness.
Passage 43
Calvin Coolidge, thirtieth president of the United States of America, was a person who hated words out of you.”The president became angry and then said, “You lose.”
211.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?C Calvin Coolidge was a clever society man
212.The hostess ___C____ Calvin. C. tried to help 213.Miss Roosevelt ____C___.
C. tried but failed to involve the vice-president in talk. 214.From the text, we can see that Coolidge __C_____.
C. had a sense of humor 215.Coolidge said that the woman lost her bet because ____C___.
C. she couldn’t get more than two words out of him Passage 44
The meaning of time is different in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise认为) than a week away tend to be forgotten.
216.The word“misunderstanding”can be explained as ____A______.
A. failing to understand correctly
217.If you telephone someone early in the day in the U.S., it means __A____.
A.you have a very important and urgent matter
218.The expression“a matter of life and death”means __A____.
A.an issue of the greatest importance and emergency
219.In the U. S. A. guests will feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party __A_____.
A. is not given early enough
220.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A
A. In the U. S. it’s usual to telephone someone very early or very late.
When a group of children politely stop a conversation wit

h you, saying, “We have to go to work on children getting good study results, the facts seem to suggest this is not always the case.
221.The children who say “We have to go to work now” are most probably pupils of _____A_____.
A. stage schools 222.Stage schools mainly prepare their students for ______A___.
A. acting 223.“Professional work” in the passage mainly refers to B. money-making performances
224In the writer’s opinion, a good stage school should ____A______.
A provide both general education and stage training
225.Which of the following is TURE according to the passage? A
A. The author doubts if all the stage schools have reached the standard of general education.
Passage 46
Harry’s wife died two years ago. He has to take care of his six-year-old daughter all by Six months later, Harry and Susan got married. They made a happy family.
226.In the beginning of the story, Harry and Susan were arranged to meet by__D__.
D. the friends of theirs
227.Which of the following best describes their first impression?A
A. Nice and surprising. 228.What happened to interrupt their dinner together at their first meeting? B
B. Harry’s daughter was sick.
229.Where did Susan go with the ordered food for dinner?C
C. To her home. 230.When the story came to the end, we could find that__D___.
D. Harry and Susan made a happy couple
Teeth have been a part of animals almost from the beginning of animal life. The first animals to brush their teeth properly. Teeth should be checked twice a year by a dentist .
231.Fish have many __B__teeth for getting food.
B. sharp 232.Which of the following statements about teeth is true?D
D. Sea creatures were the first animals having teeth.
233.The word “nibble” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning of_____A_.
A. eating with small repeated bits
234.This passage mainly tells us that___D_.
D. teeth are important both for human and animals
235.It is a piece of writing about___D_.
D. popular science
Passage 48
Farmers work on a farm. They may grow fruits and vegetables. They may raise animals. They the fresh air. At the end of their long day’s work, farmers are tired but they are also happy.
236.Why is it hard to get the ground ready for planting?C
C. Because there are many animals on the ground.
237.After they plant seeds, farmers should do many things in the field except___D_.
D. keeping weeds and bugs away
238.“Farmers must also make sure that their animals stay well” means that_A___.
A.they have to keep their animals warm
239.Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?D
D.Farmers can earn much money from farming.
240.Farmers work in order to___D_.
D. provide people with food
Passage 49
People are listening to bands play. They like the music. It makes them happy. Other people are that took place long ago. There’s something for everyone at the

241.What is the thing people can not do in a world’s fair according to the passage? C

C. Make painted pots. 242.The reason why each place smells great is that___B_.
B.people sell food from different countries
243.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage? D
D. People come here to learn something about their own country.
244.It can be inferred from the passage that_B___.
B. a world’s fair is a place to learn a lot about different countries
245.In this passage the author tells us that people like world’s fair very much because ___B_.
B. there’s something for everyone
Passage 50
Cross was what people call a mystery man. We had known him for over five years, ever since he(无关紧要的)chiefly in the London area. He had practiced a lot of break-ins for many years, until he was arrested and sent to prison.
246. Why was Cross called a mystery man?C
C. Because he kept his private life a secret. 247. How did Cross manage to live comfortably according to his own make-up story?D
. D. He received some money from a dead relative.
248. Which of the following is NOT true?A
A. Cross regretted the lack of a wife.
249. Cross disappeared suddenly from our circle because ____D__.
D. he was arrested by the police for break-ins
250. What did Cross turn out to be?B
B. A thief to steal by breaking into houses.
Make a wish and blow out the candles on your birthday cake. If you blow them all out with smells as they burn. This is why some people like to use candles.
251.It is a__B__to make a wish and blow out the candles on one’s birthday cake.
B. custom 252.The second sentence in the first paragraph expresses a__D__.
D. belief
253.Candles are often used to___B_.
B. celebrate special occasions
254.Candles can be made in a process of_B___.
B. dipping strings in the melted fat
255.According to the passage, most candles today are___A_.
Any person who can read words and understand what they mean is fortunate. More than half teaches them new facts and helps them get along in everyday life.
256.The word “fortunate” in the first paragraph means__A__.
A. lucky 257.People who can read___B__.
B. are better learners than those who can not.
258.According to this passage a baby can learn things quickly mainly because__D__.
D. he has got plenty of meaningful input from his parents by listening
259.Parents often read books for their children mainly because_A___.
A. children can gain some knowledge from the books
260.Speaking and reading are very important because__A__
A. they are two basic ways for children to learn a language
A map is a drawing that shows where places are. It may show roads, towns, hills, and seas. It Write down these names. Now you are a map maker !
261.Which of the following is not shown on a map according to the passage? C
C languages, cultures, traditions and so

ngs 262.From the passage we can infer thatA_.
A. strangers can use street maps to find their way in a new place
263.According to the passage we can draw a conclusion about a map that_C__.
C. different things are indicated in different colors on a map
264.The author thinks that a map is_A__.
A. a useful tool
265.The passage mainly tells us___D_.
D. how a map can help us
Passage 54
Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.
266.We learn from the passage that_C__.
C. having friends is one of the nicest things in the world
267.Which of the following is what the author doesn’t say in the passage? C
C. People depend upon their friends to a great extent.
268.Which of the following is most probably the place people name after friendly people? C
C. park 269.According to the passage, people who have friends live longer because__C_.
C. they feel happier and stay healthy 270.This passage mainly talks about__C_.
C. the importance of friends Passage 55
Mr. Wilson was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not satisfied with life, he did not sleep well and advancement in a technological society, and things in general .
271. Mr. Wilson went to see his doctor because he___C__.
C. didn’t feel well 272.The doctor advised Mr. Wilson to do well EXCEPTCC
C. eat rich food 273.He communicated with ___C_ when in Switzerland.
C. gestures
274.When he travelled abroad, Mr. Wilson __C_.
C forgot all about his business 275.In the last paragraph, the word “temporary” means__C_.
C. lasting for a short time Passage 56
Google has a powerful search engine, but the vast majority of multimedia( 多媒体)files available on the Web are stored on sites to which Goole has limited or no access(通道). has the same feature, but it uses results from Google as a basis for its picks.
276.When you can not download the “topplayed” songs from Google, you can do it from _____B____.
B. Songza(www.songza. Com)
277. By typing “Neil Young” in the search field, you can find ____C_______.
C. the popular musician’ songs 278. Tabs for World News, Entertainment, etc. can help quickly______C_____.
C. offer video playing online . 279. If you want to find the most popular blogs to read, you can check Technorati____A____.
A. to read its rank listings.
280. What is the best title for this passage?C
C. Search Engines, Powerful and Convenient Passage 57
Modern tourism in China sprang up in the early 1950s. In 1954 the China International Travel In 1998, the number of domestic(国内) with foreign visitors. And handicraft shops can be found in most science spots.
281.China started its modern tourism in _A_______.
A. early 50s 282. The increase of the money domestic tourists spent in 1998 over 1995 is __C___

C. 74% 283.Chinese citizens have an increasingly strong interest in traveling abroad and have traveled to ___B____
B. Southeast Asia and Europ
284. According to Paragraph 3 , a country with developed tourism most probably posses all the following except____B___.
B. large number of tourists
285. Tourists, who travel with aviation system in China, can select all the conveniences from ____D___.
D.Over a thousand air routes.
Passage 58
My English teacher kicked off the first class by asking us “ How are you?’’ ‘Fine’ the delightfully with “I am doing just great. “
286. In the first sentence of the passage “kick off”’ most probably means __A____
A. began
287. It seems that the students always reply to the daily greeting”How are you’’ with __D______.
D. one same answer repeatly
288. When asked “ How are you?” , the author always tried to get an answer through _____D___.
D. convincing himself of his doing well
289. It seems that the major part of the author’s life since primary school has been ____C___.
C. successful in all his class work290. In trying to care about his quality of life, the author makes the daily conversation reply____D____.
D. confusing and delightful
Passage 59
To avoid accident and distraction while watching athletes doing their sweaty part in the sports events, we spectators(观众),swel or anything else. Any help from spectators can disqualify(取消资格) an anthlete.
3. Again, if a cyclist or runner falls, do not rush over to help. The best thing to do is to contact medical person.
291. In this article, the author intends to ___B__ while watching the sports events.
.B tell the spectators how to behave themselves
292. According to the passage, spectators mustn’t use flash on the camera while watching __D_____
D. shooting & ball games.
293. What would happen to the runners if the spectators helped them in the sports events?A
A. they would be dismissed from the events
294.What are two things Not allowed to bring along when going to watch the ball games?A A.ttles and cans
295. Cheers are most improper when __A____.
A. players are tensely engaged in playing
Passage 60
GE RUI, a computer technology major at college, gave up a train ticket he had tried hard for Yu said proudly. She ‘s now become interested in China Plan’s program that provides small loans for people in the countryside.
296.GE RUI changed his original travel plan to ___D____ .
l D.Join the volunteer program work.
297.What is NGO according to this passage ?B
B. Non-governmental organization
298.What is the common goal that Marruy , GE RUI and YU NA are trying to realize?D
D. To help the poor in a developing country.
299. What is the most important for people to work as volunteers?C
C. A loving heart plus professional skills 300. Yu Na feels proud of her decision to make NGO work her career mainly because __A_____

A. She can use what she learned to help the poor.
The number of people in Yanhai City who prefer traveling abroad has grown in the past 10 years. we should definitely make the best fo traveling abroad while trying to minimize the bad effects.
301.The number of people traveling abroad in 2006 is __C____that of 1996.
C. 13 times
302. Which of the following is not the reason for more and more people traveling abroad?A
A. They want to return home totally changed
333. According to the author, when people travel abroad, they usually __A___.
A. see new things and extend their vision
304. In what way, will more people traveling abroad do harm to our local economy?D
D. More people spend more money abroad while less at home.
305. In the passage “ trying to minimize the bad effects”, “minimize” most probably means__C___.
C. to reduce to the smallest possible amountPassage 62
“ Yes,” the policeman took out his little book and read: “ Charlie Kemp. He lives next door, doesn’t he?”
306. In the first paragraph the old man said that __C______.
C. sometimes people didn’t really understand their long-time neighbors.
307. The old man thought the Kemps were his good friends because____B____.
B. they seemed to enjoy the friendship

308. Which of the following didn’t happen to the Kemps?D
D. Their house was twice robbed.
309. It seemed that the old man ___A____.
A. had done a lot to get the Kemps out of trouble
310. Why did the policeman ask the old man to put out the fire?A
A. Because Charlie complained
Alaska, which was called Russian America before it was sold to the United States, joined the Alaska, the sun doesn't set for 82 days every year.
311.Why was Alaska called Russian America?B
B. Because the Russians sold it to the United States
312.When did Seward buy Alaska from the Russians?C
C. in 1867 313. Why was the buying of Alaska called “Seward’ Folly”?D
D. Because the purchase of Alaska by Seward then seemed as something foolishly done.
314. Why did people change their thinking about sucha “foolish bargain”?B
B. Because gold and natural resources were found in Alaska
315. Tourists go to Alaska______A____.
A. to see the endless beauty of nature
Passage 64
My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren’t. There was no in-between. They understood that integrity(正直;诚实
Integrity means you do what do because it’s right and not just fashionable.
316. The author’s grandparents believed on was___D_______.
D either honest or dishonest
317. The author’s grandparents held that integrity was ___C_______.
C a personal and inner standard 318. Nowadays people of integrity are found______B____.
B fewer and fewer 319 According to the last two paragraphs people who have real core values rely on ______C___.
C their inner value and personal growth 320.To be man of integrity ,you must do what is __D_____

__.D right
For the past few weeks we have been discussing national energy conservation for the future. economical cars. Davis California has become an energy-saving model for other cities to follow.
321.The first energy-saving action launched in Davis city was ___D___.
D. making laws for building
322. What was the city of Davis provided for bicycle riders?D
D. Special bicycle paths
323. Why is special protection required in new houses?B
B. To prevent heat loss
324. What is the purpose of building new houses facing north or south?C
C. To avoid direct sunshine 325. What is the main topic of this passage?A
A. Energy saving Passage 66
Some people don’t like anything to be out of place; they are never late for work; side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the office? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?”
“Hello, Uncle.” Said the policeman “My name is Mark.”
326.It seems that Mr. Dodds has been living ___C_____.
C. a regular life as a responsible citizen
327. How does Mr. Dodds contact with his relatives?B . Sending them Christmas Cards

328. What was usual to Mr. Dodds at home last week?A
A. An unexpected visitor appeared on his door step.
329. The unexpected visitor at the door step turned out to be _____D___.
D. His nephew
330. According to Mr. Dodds, a policeman would come to his private residence for the following reasons except____B_____.
B. his sister’s family was in trouble

Passage 67
Let me tell you a story about Bert and Mildred Bumbridge who used to be very he began to cry. What happened. Do you suppose? He had mailed their plane tickets to her mother.
331.Which of the following is true about the Bumbridge’ usual behavior?A
A. Mrs Bumbridge would forget to cook dinner
332. What did they plan to do in one summer time?C
C. To take a long trip by plane 333. What did Mr. and Mrs. Bumbridge do when arriving at the airport?B
B. They bought some flight insurance
334. Why did Bert cry as soon as he dropped the envelope into the mailbox?D
D. He had posted their plane tickets to his mother.
335. Which of the following can best describe the Bumbridge’s character?B
B. Forgetful
Have you ever looked at the sky at night? If so,. It always shows where north is. So people long ago used it to find where you want to go.
336.Which of the following is Not true about the descriptions of the pictures made by the stars in the sky?D
D. All pictures look like instruments.
337. Why did people long ago call the seven stars the Big Dipper?C
C. Because these stars form a picture of a cup with a handle
338. Where is the Big Dipper in the sky?A
A. In the north 339. When can the Big Dipper be seen better?C
C. In summer 340. Which of the following is Not true about the North Star?
A. The Big Dipper is to be the left of the North Star
Passage 69
Almost everyone suffers from a heada

che sometimes.. If a meal must be put off by an hour or more, a piece of bread helps to avoid a hunger headache.
341.___C_______ from frequent headache?
C. Not all people suffer 342. A headache ________A____.
A. may last only several minutes
343. A headache is important because ___B_____.
B. it can warn people of a serious health condition
344. A headache also produces a negative effect in that __A_____.
A. it may lead to losses to an organization
345. If you have a headache, __B______.
B. a rest and some fresh air can help stop it
Jiuzhaigou is a world-famous wonderland. It is famous for its clean water and colorful lakes. Jiuzhaigou and became one hundred and eight beautiful lakes of different sizes.
346.Jiuzhaigou is famous for its ____D____ and colorful lakes.
D. clean water
347.Water brings Jiuzhaigou its beautiful views and ___B__the soul of Jiuzhaigou.
D. they are
348. There are altogether ____D__ lakes in Jiuzhaigou.
349. One day the god gave the goddess a big and _____B__ as a gift of love.
B. shiny mirror
350. The goddess broke the mirror into pieces because she was ____B____.
D. unhappy and disappointed
Passage 71
Who says people need land to grow vegetables?All you need is a roof that is strong enough, and the air. Plus they add nice places for birds and insects in the city.
351.Which of the four supplies is needed to follow the design of a rooftop garden?C
C. Plastic
352. How long it will take to get ready for planting your garden?B
B. Three weeks
353. What makes a good fertilizer ?D
D. Chicken waste
354. What do rooftop gardens need a lot of ?
A. Water 355. Why are rooftop garden increasingly popular?B
B. They can help clean the air
Passage 72
It is estimated that there are over 450 million disabled (残疾的) people in the world. The number able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers.
356.From the first paragraph we can see that ___C_____.
C. there are many disabled people in the world.
357.Disabled people include all of the following except ____B___.
B.people who have to wear glasses while reading
358.The last paragraph mainly discusses ___A____.
A.all kinds of barriers faced by the disabled people
359.Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?B
B.We have a clear picture of the barriers faced by the disabled
360.It can be concluded from the passage that ____C_____.
C.the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled
Messages can be sent across the land by means of the electric telegraph; but you can’t put up a
The next cable was laid in 1866, and this time there were no problems.
361.Messages can be sent across the ocean_____A_____.
A. through radio362. The first cable under the sea was laid _____C_____.
C. between England and France in 1851 363. The first cable across the Atlantic Ocean___D____.
D. was lai

d only half way between Britain and USA
364. Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
D. The undersea cable must be made strong enough to prevent water getting through it
365. This passage is mainly about ____B___.
B. an introduction to the early undersea cable
Looking through her dorm window, Cai Jingjing sees a bright red structure where a fruit Olympic Games.
366.The site of the Olympic Gymnasium now being built in BUST used to be ___C___.
C. a fruit market 367.The process of building the new Gym seems to follow the order of ____B___.
B. the groundwork, the wall, then the roof
368. Why do most Olympic host cities choose to build Olympic Gyms on university campus?D
D. The universities will provide numerous students to use the facilities after the Games.
369. Which of the following has the brand new gyms built for the 2008 Olympic Games?D
370. The students of host universities are excited because they _____A___.
A. will experience the international events and feelings
Many people lose their homes every year, and this becomes a growing problems in the U.S. There happiness to many people who are in need of help.
371.Other people’s caring for the homeless can ___C_____.
C.help the homeless people live a better life 372.The text says that Trevor began helping other people __A____.
A.when he was quite young 373.Trevor received ____B___for his caring towards the homeless.
B. a special honor 374.A great event took place on May, 25th , 1986 ____B___ .
B. showing many people could join hands at the same time
375.Which of the following is Not true?D
D.People in America care less for other people.
Passage 76
A mother dog may want to be alone when she is ready to have puppies. But you can still help. puppies get close to people. It is a good time to get a puppy for a pet.
376 According to the passage, a mother dog could have as many as ___A___ puppies.
A. twelve 377. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?B
B. Usually a mother dog just has one puppy.
378. We know from the passage that __D___.
D. puppies don’t open their eyes and ears until they are 13-15 days.
379. The passage tells us that a puppy ___B__ at about one and half a month old.
B. tries to get close to people
380. This passage mainly discuss __C___.
C. mother dog and puppies
Passage 77
Flying man Liu Xiang, former Olympic and world champion, returned to competition by finishing come.”
His coach Sun Haipin said “Liu`s foot injury will not be a problem any longer.But I still hope he should improve gradually.”
381.Liu Xiang came back to SGGP by___D____.
D.finishing first shoulder by shoulder with his rival T. Trammell
382.Liu’s withdrawal at the Bird`s Nest in the Beijing Olympic Games___A_.
A.was criticized by netizens
383.Terrence Trammell, Liu’s rival at SGGP, won ____C_____.
C.five silver medals at Olympic Games and world c

384.Liu’s best record in world races has been reported as___A_______.
A.12.88 seconds
385.It seemed that both Liu Xiang ‘s coach and his fans were _____A___.
A.happy and confident about Liu’s successful return
Passage 78
County fairs in New England towns offer great entertainment.One popular event is the pie-eating are doing. Let the cheers from the crowd cheer you up. But don’t look up. All you should think about is eating that pie.
386. Where is a pie-eating contest usually held?C
C. At a county fair. 387. What should a person do before entering into the pie-eating contest?D
D. Avoid eating any food.
388. Where is a person advised to put his hands during the contest?A
A. On the table.
389. What suggestion is offered for eating up the pie quickly?B
B. Eating from outside towards the center.
390. It seems that people watching the contest are __A____.
A. excited and noisy
Passage 79
The education officials are concerned about the student investment craze in the stock market and market continues to be hot, I’ll be very rich when I graduate.
But, if otherwise?
391. The education officials and the students involved in stock market don’t agree with each other for their opinions are ___B___.
B. opposite 392. The students firstly justify their decision in going on investing in stock market __D____.
D. by pointing out its similarities to and advantages over part-time jobs.
393. Why do those students think they should not be denied this investing opportunity?A
A. It is important for them to grow and gain in experiencing success and failure.
394. What advantage do those students think they will get from their investing practice?C
C. They can find better chance in applying for related jobs.
395. From the last part of this article, we can infer that ____D__.
D. lack of financial resources and risk awareness are students’ major problem
Passage 80
A computer is a machine designed to perform work mathematically and to store information that s. Computers play an important role in modern plants and factories throughout the world.
396.What is a computer’s percentage of error?D
D. One in a billion digits.
397. What is the function of a transistor in a computer?C

C. It is the heart of a computer. 398. How long does it take a computer to do a two years’ calculation work by a human being?C
C. One minute. 399. Which of the following in True according to the passage?B
B. Human beings do not have to be programmed.
400. This passage is mainly about __D____.
D. the function of human brains
Passage 81
Do you remember the time when people were a litter nicer and gentler with each other? I certainly yourself. Good manners add to you image while an angry face makes the best dressed person look ugly.
401. What does the speaker say about the people of the past?B
B. They were better mannered.
402. “Go hand in hand.” most probably means to __B____.
B. be closel

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