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2011K哥考研核心词汇Unit 1

1. choice n.选择, 抉择, 精选品, 选择机会, 选择权adj.精选的, 上等的, 挑三拣四的, 可选的, 宠爱的, 爱惜的[例] She had to make a choice between the two dresses. 她得在两件衣服中选择一件。

[同义] alternative ,cream ,decision ,option,pick,preference ,selection

[派生] choose v. 选择, 选定

[固定搭配] at one's own choice 随意挑选, 自由选择;be choice of 好挑剔的;

2. utmost n. 极限, 最大可能, 极力adj. 极度的, 最远的

[例] the utmost ends of the earth 天涯海角

[同义] extreme, farthest ,greatest, most

[固定搭配] at the utmost 至多do one's utmost 尽全力;make the utmost of 充分利用to the utmost 竭力; 尽力3. reaction n. 反应, 反作用, 反动(力)

[例] What is his reaction to your proposal? 他对你的建议有什么反应?

[反义] action n. 动作, 作用, 战斗, 行动, 举动, 行为, (戏剧或书中)的情节,

(某一地区、领域或团体中)最能产生效果、最有趣、最有刺激性的活动vt. 对...起诉

[派生] react vi. 起反应, 起作用, 反抗, 起反作用

reactive adj. 反应的, 起反作用的, 反动的, 电抗性的

4. interfere vi.干涉, 干预, 妨碍, 打扰

[例] I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game.


[同义] arbitrate, encroach, intercede ,interrupt, intervene, intrude, meddle

[派生] interference n. 冲突, 干涉

[固定搭配] interfere in 干涉, 干预;interfere with 妨碍; 干涉, 干扰;

5. comprehension n. 理解, 包含

[例] Reading depends on the comprehension of the ideas expressed by the words used.


[同义] apprehension

[反义] incomprehension n. 不了解, 不领悟

[派生] comprehensive adj. 全面的, 广泛的, 能充分理解的, 包容的

comprehend vt. 领会, 理解, 包括(包含), 由...组成

6. hence adv. 因此, 从此

[例] They grew up in the Sudan; hence their interest in Nubian art.


[同义] accordingly, away, consequently, elsewhere, from now on, later therefore

[反义] ago adv. 以前的, 以往的

7. transmission n. 播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播

[例] transmission of news 消息的传播

[同义] sending ,transport, transfer, broadcast

[反义] reception n. 接待, 招待会, 接收

[派生] transmissible adj. 可传送的, 可遗传的

transmit vt. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导, 发射, 遗传, 传播vi.发射信号, 发报

8. inaccurate adj. 错误的, 不准确的

[例] There is a slight inaccuracy in this design. 这张设计图中有一点不大准确。

[同义] incorrect , inexact

[反义] accurate adj. 正确的, 精确的

[派生] inaccuracy n. 错误

9. indefinite adj. 模糊的, 不确定的, [语]不定的

[例] an indefinite leave of absence 对在场者的离席无明确限制的

[同义] broad, confused, general, hazy, indistinct, obscure, unclear, vague

[反义] definite adj. 明确的, 一定的

[派生] indefinitely adv. 不确定地

2010K哥考研核心词汇Unit 2

10.characterize vt. 表现...的特色, 刻画的...性格

[例] This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind.这种举止是罪犯的心理特征。

[同义] depict, describe, distinguish, picture, portray, represent

[派生] characterization n. 描述, 人物之创造

11. assume vt. 假定, 设想, 采取, 呈现

[例] The queen assumed a velvet robe. 王后穿了一件天鹅绒长袍

[同义] adopt, believe, presume. put on, suppose, suspect

[反义] conclude v. 结束, 终止, 决定, 作出结论vt. 推断, 断定, 缔结, 议定

[派生] assumed adj. 假定的, 假装的, 装的

12. restorative adj. 有助于复元的n. 滋补剂

[例] a restorative tonic 有恢复作用的滋补品

[派生] restore vt. 恢复, 使回复, 归还, 交还, 修复, 重建

13. function n. 官能, 功能, 作用, 职责, 典礼, 仪式, [数]函数vi. (器官等)活动, 运行, 行使职责[例] Growth is a function of nutrition . 长身体是由营养决定的。

[同义] act, ceremony, exercise, gathering, operate, perform

[派生] functional adj. 功能的

[固定搭配] public function 盛大的公共集会, 正式社交集会;

social function 盛大的公共集会, 正式社交集会;

14. purpose n. 目的, 意图, 用途, 效果, 决心, 意志vt. 打算, 企图, 决心

[例] He went to town with the purpose of buying a new television.他进城的目的是买一台新电视机。[同义] aim, design, determination, goal, intention, object

[派生] purposeful adj. 有目的的

[固定搭配] on purpose 故意地;有意地;to good purpose 有益地,有成效地

to little purpose or to no purpose几乎徒劳的,少有成效地

15. deprivation n. 剥夺

[例] deprivation of civil rights 剥夺公民权

[派生] deprival n. 剥夺deprive vt. 剥夺, 使丧失

16.fatal adj. 致命的, 重大的, 命运注定的, 不幸的, 致命的, 毁灭性的

[例] “It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it” (Douglas MacArthur).


[同义] deadly, destructive, disastrous, fateful, important, killing

[派生] fatally adv. 致命地, 宿命地, 不幸地

17.bacterial adj. 细菌的

[例] bacterial diseases. 细菌性疾病

[派生] bacteria n. 细菌

18.immune adj. 免疫的

[例] The criminal was told he would be immune from punishment if he helped the police.


[同义] clear, exempt, free, resistant

[反义] liable adj.有责任的, 有义务的, 易...的, 有...倾向的, 负有责任的, 很有可能的

susceptible adj. 易受影响的, 易感动的, 容许...的n.(因缺乏免疫力而) 易得病的人

[派生] immunize v. 使免疫, 赋予免疫性

19. crash n. 碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声v. 碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台[例] The elephant crashed through the forest. 大象冲进森林。

[同义] break, shatter, smash, strike

[派生] crasher n. 猛击, 不速之客

[固定搭配] on a crash basis 紧[应]急地;with a crash 轰隆一声;

2010K哥考研核心词汇Unit 3

20. vitamin n. 维他命, 维生素[例] primary vitamin 维生素原

[派生] vitaminic adj. 维他命的

21. organic adj. 器官的, 有机的, 组织的, 建制的

[例] an organic part 一个有机的组成部分

[派生] organism n. 生物体, 有机体

22. compound n. 混合物, [化]化合物adj.复合的v.混合, 配合

[例] If you take this action, it will only compound your problems.如果你这么做,只能徒然增加你的困难。

[同义] complex, mixture, blend

[派生] compounding n. 组合, 混合

23. maintenance n. 维护, 保持, 生活费用, 扶养

[例] He took a course to learn about car maintenance.他学习了汽车保养的课程。

[反义] abandonment n. 放弃

[派生] maintain vt. 维持, 维修, 继续, 供养, 主张

24. deficiency n. 缺乏, 不足

[例] a nutritional deficiency 营养缺乏

[同义] shortage, insufficiency, lack, inadequacy weakness

[派生] deficient adj. 缺乏的, 不足的, 不完善的

[固定搭配] make up for a deficiency 补足亏空

25. apparent adj. 显然的, 外观上的

[例] It was apparent that he knew nothing about how to repair cars.很明显,他一点儿也不知道怎样修理小汽车。[同义] clear, evident, obvious, plain, seeming

[反义] hidden v. hide的过去分词adj.隐藏的

[派生] apparently adv. 显然地

26. arrange v. 安排, 排列, 协商

[例] In a dictionary the words are arranged in alphabetical order.词典里的词是按字母顺序编排的。

[同义] adapt, catalog, classify, fit, organize, settle

[反义] derange vt. 使错乱, 扰乱, 使精神错乱, 使发狂

disturb vt. 弄乱, 打乱, 打扰, 扰乱v. 扰乱

[派生] arrangement n. 排列, 安排

[固定搭配] arrange for 安排, 准备;arrange with sb. about sth.与某人商定某事;

27. essential adj. 本质的, 实质的, 基本的, 提炼的, 精华的n. 本质, 实质, 要素, 要点

[例] What is the essential difference between these two economic systems?这两种经济体制的本质区别是什么? [同义] basic, fundamental, important, necessary, needed, required

[派生] essentiality n. 本性, 真髓, 本质, 重要性

28. excess n. 过度, 剩于, 无节制, 超过, 超额adj. 过度的, 额外的

[例] You have to pay for excess luggage on a plane.在飞机上你得付超重的行李费。

[同义] additional, extra, surplus

[反义] deficiency n. 缺乏, 不足

[派生] excessive adj. 过多的, 过分的, 额外

[固定搭配] in excess of 超过

2010K哥考研核心词汇Unit 4

29. agency n. 代理处, 行销处, 代理, 中介

[例] agency general 总代理

[同义] management, office, operation, work

[派生] agent n. 代理(商)

30. swarm n. 蜂群, 一大群v. 涌往, 挤满, 密集, 成群浮游, 云集

[例] The beach is swarming with bathers. 海滩满是海浴的人。

[同义] assemble, cluster, collect, crowd, gather, meet

[固定搭配] a swarm of 一群, 一堆;swarm into 蜂拥而入;swarm with充满着, 拥挤着;

31. giant n. 巨人, 大力士, 巨大的动物或植物, 伟人, 天才adj. 庞大的, 巨大的

[例] Shakespeare is a giant among writers. 莎士比亚是一位文坛巨匠。

[同义] colossal, enormous, gigantic, huge, immense, mammoth, monumental,

[反义] diminutive adj. 小的, 指小的, 小型的n. 小的人, 指小辞, 指小词, 爱称

dwarf n. 矮子, 侏儒v. (使)变矮小,

[派生] giantlike adj. 巨人般的, 巨大的

32. disposable adj. 可任意使用的

[例] Every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire.每一种可用的设备都被大火烧毁了

[派生] disposal n. 处理, 处置, 布置, 安排, 配置, 支配

dispose v. 处理, 处置, 部署vt. 布置, 安排, 除去, 使愿意

33. fundamentally adv. 基础地, 根本地

[例] She is fundamentally unsuited to office work.她根本不适合做办公室工作。

[同义] primarily

[派生] fundament n. 基础, 基本原理, 臀部fundamental adj. 基础的, 基本的n. 基本原则, 基本原理34. pension n. 养老金, 退休金

[例] “Some French farmers suggest that the Government pension off the older and less efficient farmers”(E.J.

Dionne, Jr.)“一些法国农夫向政府建议让那些年长的或工作效率低下的农夫领取退休金或补助金而退休”


[同义] aid, allowance, assistance, grant, help, stipend

[派生] pensionable adj. 有资格领退休金的, 可领退休金的

35. loyal adj. 忠诚的, 忠心的

[例] The people stayed loyal to their country.人民忠于他们的国家。

[同义] devoted, dutiful, faithful, obedient, true, trustworthy

[反义] disloyal adj. 不忠的, 背叛的, 不忠诚的

[派生] loyalty n. 忠诚, 忠心

2010K哥考研核心词汇Unit 5

36.industrialization n. 工业化, 产业化

[例] bring about industrialization 实现工业化

[派生] industrialize vt. 使工业化vi. 工业化

37. average n. 平均, 平均水平, 平均数, 海损

adj. 一般的, 通常的, 平均的vt.平均为, 均分, 使平衡, 达到平均水平vi. 买进, 卖出[例] What is the average rainfall for August in your country?你们国家八月份的平均降雨量是多少? [同义] fair, medium, middle, ordinary, passable, usual

[反义] maximum n. 最大量, 最大限度, 极大adj. 最高的, 最多的, 最大极限的, minimum adj. 最小的, 最低的n. 最小值, 最小化

[派生] averagely adv. 平均地, 一般地

[固定搭配] law of averages 平均律;on (an) average 通常;按平均;

38. widespread adj. 分布广泛的, 普遍的

[例] a widespread disease 一种流行病

[派生] widespreader 撒布装置

39. misery n. 痛苦, 苦恼, 悲惨, 不幸, 穷困

[例] Misery loves company. 同病相怜。

[同义] distress

[反义] happiness n. 幸福, 快乐

[派生] miserable adj. 痛苦的, 悲惨的, 可怜

40. preceding adj. 在前的, 前述的

[例] the preceding night 前一晚

[同义] previous, prior ,former

[派生] precede v. 领先(于), 在...之前, 先于

41. abundance n. 丰富, 充裕, 丰富充裕

[例] The tree yields an abundance of fruit. 这树结果甚多。

[同义] plenty , profusion

[反义] lack n. 缺乏, 短缺的东西vt. 缺乏, 没有, 需要vi.缺乏, 没有

[派生] abundant adj. 丰富的, 充裕的, 丰富, 盛产, 富于

42. specialist n. 专门医师, 专家

[例] a specialist in oncology 一个肿瘤科医生

[同义] expert

[派生] special n. 特派员, 专车, 专刊adj. 特别的, 特殊的, 专门的,

43. populace n. 平民

[例] majority of the populace 绝大多数平民百姓

2010K哥考研核心词汇Unit 6

44. establish vt . 建立, 设立, 安置, 使定居, 使人民接受, 确定v. 建立

[例] The club has established a new rule allowing women to join."俱乐部制定了一条新规章,允许妇女入会。"

[同义] demonstrate , fix , found , organize, prove, set, settle, show

[反义] demolish vt. 毁坏, 破坏, 推翻, 粉碎

[派生] establishment n.确立, 制定, 设施, 公司, 军事组织

45. due n. 应得物、权力, [复]应付款adj. 应得的, 应付的, 正当的, 预期的, (车、船预定)应到的

[例] Our thanks are due to him. 我们要感谢他。

[同义] equitable, fair, fitting ,just ,proper, rightful ,square

[反义] undue adj. 不适当的

[固定搭配] due to 因为;由…引起;由于;

46. differ vi. 不一致, 不同

[例] Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.汉语发音跟日语大不相同。

[反义] coincide vi. 一致, 符合

[派生] difference n. 差异, 差别, 分歧, 争论, [数]差额, 差分adj. [数]微分的, [机]差动的

[固定搭配] agree to differ 求同存异, 彼此保留不同意见;beg to differ恕不苟同;

differ from 不同于; 和...不同; 和...意见不一致;differ in在...方面不同;differ with sb. 与某人意见不同;

47. stress n. 重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音vt. 着重, 强调, 重读

[例] I must stress that we haven't much time. 我必须强调我们没有多少时间了。

[同义] accent, emphasis, force, importance ,insistence, pressure, strain, tension

[固定搭配] stress out Slang 极度受压经历如来自于工作的极端压力;

48. appeal n. 请求, 呼吁, 上诉, 吸引力, 要求vi. 求助, 诉请, 要求vt.控诉

[例] The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。

[同义] beg, entreat ,implore, plead

[派生] appealing adj. 吸引人的, 哀诉似的, 恳求似的

[固定搭配] appeal to 向...呼吁[请求];

49. obtain vt. 获得, 得到

[例] I haven't been able to obtain that book. 我还没能得到那本书。

[同义] acquire ,earn ,gain, get ,procure, receive ,secure

[反义] lose vt. 遗失, 浪费, 错过, 输去, 使失去, 使迷路, 使沉溺于vi. 受损失, 失败

[派生] obtainable adj. 能得到的, 可到手的

50. insurance n. 保险, 保险单, 保险业, 保险费

[例] A balanced diet is an insurance against malnutrition.均衡的食谱是防止营养不良的保证。

[派生] insure vt. 给...保险v. 确保

2010K哥考研核心词汇Unit 7

51. consumption n. 消费, 消费量, 肺病

[例] The petrol consumption of the big car as very high. 这辆大的小汽车耗油量很大。

[反义] production n. 生产, 产品, 作品, (研究)成果

[派生] consume vt. 消耗, 消费, 消灭, 大吃大喝, 吸引vi. 消灭, 毁灭

52. surplus n.剩余, 过剩, [会计]盈余adj. 过剩的, 剩余的vt.转让, 卖掉

[例] Brazil has a big surplus of coffee. 巴西有很多剩余的咖啡。

[同义] additional ,excess, extra, leftover, spare, superfluous , supplementary

[反义] deficit n. 赤字, 不足额

[固定搭配] operation surplus 营业盈余;overall surplus 总顺差;

53. commodity n. 日用品

[例] Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad.空调是日本许多出口商品中的一种。

[同义] article , product , ware

54. implement n.工具, 器具vt. 贯彻, 实现v. 执行

[例] The committee's decisions will be implemented immediately.委员会的决定将立即执行。

[同义] apparatus, appliance ,bring about, carry out ,complete, contraption

[派生] implementation n. 执行implementary adj. 实施的, 执行的

55. fertilizer n. 肥料(尤指化学肥料), [动]受精媒介物

[例] He was not only a distinguished writer but a fertilizer of other talents.

他不仅是个杰出的作家, 而且还有使人获益的其它才干。

[派生] fertilize vt. 施肥, 使丰饶, 使受精, 使肥沃, 使多产

56. irrigation n. 灌溉, 冲洗

[例] bring the farmland under irrigation 使农田水利化

[派生] irrigate vt. 灌溉, 修水利, 冲洗伤口, 使潮湿vi. 进行灌溉

57. sufficient adj. 充分的, 足够的

[例] Sufficient data have been collected for the building project.为这项建筑工程已经收集了充分的资料。

[同义] adequate, ample ,enough , plenty, satisfactory

[反义] insufficient adj. 不足的, 不够的n.不足

[派生] sufficiency n. 充足, 自满, 足量

58. fund n. 资金, 基金v. 支助, 投资

[例] public welfare fund 公益金

[同义] assets, stock , supply

[固定搭配] in funds 手头有钱; 有资本;no funds 存款不足(银行退回空头支票时用语);out of funds 缺钱;

slush fund 职工文娱活动的资金;

59. loan n.(借出的)贷款, 借出v. 借, 借给

[例] The bank loaned me some money. 银行借给了我一些钱。

[同义] advance ,give, lend

[反义] borrow v. 借, 借入, 借用

[派生] loanable adj. 可借出的

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60. ban n. 禁令vt.禁止, 取缔(书刊等)

[例] Smoking is banned in school. 在学校禁止吸烟。

[同义] bar, block ,exclude, forbid, obstruct ,outlaw, prohibit

[反义] approval n. 赞成, 承认, 正式批准permission ??????????? ? n.许可, 允许61. witness n. [律]证人, 目击者, 证据, 证明, 证词vt. 目击, 为...作证, 证明, 表明vi. 作证, 成为证据[例] His tears witnessed the shame he felt. 他的眼泪说明他感到羞愧。

[同义] behold, discern, glimpse ,observe ,perceive, see , sight

62. prominent adj. 卓越的, 显著的, 突出的

[例] A single tree in a field is prominent . 田地里一棵孤零零的树是很显眼的。

[同义] celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famous, great ,important

[反义] anonymous adj. 匿名的

[派生] prominently adv. 显著地prominence ? ?????????? ?n. 突出, 显著, 突出物63. significant adj.有意义的, 重大的, 重要的

[例] a significant speech 意味深长的讲话

[同义] important

[反义] insignificant adj. 无关紧要的, 可忽略的, 无意义的

[派生] significance n. 意义, 重要性

[例] Will you tighten this screw; it's very loose. 你把这个螺丝拧紧好吗,它太松了。

[反义] loosen v. 解开, 放松, 松开

[派生] tightening 上紧, 固定, 紧密

65. legal adj. 法律的, 法定的, 合法

[例] a legal holiday 法定假日

[同义] admissible, authorized, just ,lawful

[反义] illegal adj. 违法的, 不合规定的

[派生] legality n. 合法, 墨守陈规, 法律上的义务

66. chancellor n. 长官, 大臣

[例] the Lord Chancellor 大法官

67. draft n. 草稿, 草案, 草图vt. 起草, 为...打样, 设计v.草拟

[例] draft a bill 起草法案

[同义] air, bill ,call-up ,check ,drawing ,enlistment ,enrollment ,induction ,note

[派生] drafting 起草

[固定搭配] on draft 散装的,直接汲取的从一个大容器中汲取的,如酒桶;

68. committee n. 委员会

[例] Our club has a committee on entertainments.我们俱乐部有一个管理娱乐事宜的委员会。[同义] council ,delegation, group

[派生] committeeman n. 委员

69. protest n. 主张, 断言, 抗议v. 主张, 断言抗议, 拒付

[例] The people made a protest about the rise in prices. 人们对价格上涨提出抗议。

[同义] challenge ,disapprove ,dispute, dissent, object, squawk

[反义] agree vi. 同意, 赞成...的意见, 与...一致, 承认, 适合vt. 同意

[派生] protestatory adj. 表示抗议(或异议)的

70. privacy n. 独处而不受干扰, 秘密

[例] We must respect other's privacy.我们应该尊重别人的隐私。

[同义] cloister, hideaway, intimacy, isolation, retreat, sanctum, seclusion, secrecy

[派生] private adj. 私人的, 私有的, 私营的, 秘密的n. 士兵

71. convention n. 大会, 协定, 习俗, 惯例

[例] social conventions 社会习俗

[派生] conventional adj. 惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的

72. verdict n. [律](陪审团的)裁决, 判决, 判断, 定论, 结论

[例] The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty. 判决是犯人有罪。

[同义] decision, decree, determination, finding, judgment, pronouncement

[派生] verdictive n. <罕>裁定用词, 审判用语

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73. diffusion n. 扩散, 传播, 漫射

[例] diffusion of light 光线的漫射

[派生] diffuse v. 散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散, (使)慢慢混合adj. 散开的, 弥漫的

diffusiveadj. 散布性的, 扩及的, 普及的

74. dominant adj. 有统治权的, 占优势的, 支配的adj. [生物] 显性的

[例] The right hand is dominant in most people. 大多数人右手比左手有力。

[反义] recessive adj.退行的, 逆行的, [遗]隐性的n. 隐性性状

[派生] dominance n. 优势, 统治dominate ? ????????? ? v. 支配, 占优势

[例] a single-article pamphlet 单行本

[同义] booklet ,brochure, folder ,leaflet

[派生] pamphleteer n. 小册子作者vi. 写小册子

76. periodical adj. 周期的, 定期的n. 期刊, 杂志

[例] a weekly [monthly] periodical 周[月]刊

[同义] gazette , journal , magazine

[派生] periodically adv. 周期性地, 定时性地

77. motion n. 运动, 动作v. 运动

[例] She motioned to the waiter. 他向侍者打了个手势。

[同义] activity, doings, legislation, movement ,proposal ,proposition

[反义] inaction n. 无行动, 不活动, 无为, 怠惰, 迟钝

[派生] motionless adj.不动的, 静止的

[固定搭配] go through the motions做…姿态机械地做某事,显示出缺乏兴趣或投入;

78. recognize vt. 认可, 承认, 公认, 赏识vi. 具结

[例] I don't recognize this word -- what does it mean? 我不认识这个单词,它的意思是什么?

[同义] accept, acknowledge, admit, allow, appreciate, behold, know, realize

[派生] recognizable adj. 可认识的, 可辨认的, 可公认的, 可认知的

79. institutional adj. 制度上的

[例] institutional religion 组成机构的宗教

[派生] institution n. 公共机构, 协会, 制度

80. leisure n. 空闲, 闲暇, 悠闲, 安逸

[例] What do you do in your leisure time? 你空闲时间做些什么?

[同义] freedom , business

[派生] leisureful adj. (=leisurely)不匆忙的, 从容不迫的

81. implication n. 牵连, 含意, 暗示

[例] "He smiled, but the implication was that he didn't believe me.""他微微一笑,但这一笑暗示着他不相信我的话。"

[派生] implicative adj. 含蓄的, 连带的implicate vt. 使牵连其中, 含意, 暗示n. 包含的东西82. generalization n. 一般化, 普遍化, 概括, 广义性

[例] make a hasty generalization 匆忙下结论

[派生] generalize vt. 归纳, 概括, 推广, 普及

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83. intellectual adj. 智力的, 有智力的, 显示智力的n. 知识分子

[例] intellectual work 脑力工作

[反义] ignorant adj. 无知的

[派生] intellectuality n. 智力, 知性

84. accommodate vt. 供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳, 调和vi.适应

[例] One flat can accommodate a family of five. 一套单元房可容纳一个五口之家。

[同义] conform, oblige , supply

[派生] accommodation n. 住处, 膳宿, (车, 船, 飞机等的)预定铺位, (眼睛等的)适应性调节,


[固定搭配] accommodate oneself to 使自己适应于;accommodate (sb.) with向(某人)供应;

85. adjust vt.调整, 调节, 校准, 使适合

[例] He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。

[同义] adapt ,alter, arrange, change , modify , vary

[反义] derange vt. 使错乱, 扰乱, 使精神错乱, 使发狂

[派生] adjustability n. 适应性

[固定搭配] adjust to... 使自己适应于;adjust oneself to... 使自己适应于;

86. confidence n. 信心

[例] She has a lot of confidences. 她充满自信。

[反义] distrust n. 不信任vt. 不信任

[派生] confident adj. 自信的, 确信的

[固定搭配] gain sb.'s confidence 取得某人的信任;give one's confidence to sb.信任某人;

place confidence in sb. 信任某人;in confidence 秘密地;in the confidence of 为...的知己;参与...的秘密;

87. admire v. 赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕

[例] Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor.人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。

[同义] appreciate, honor

[反义] despise vt. 轻视

[派生] admiration n.钦佩, 赞美, 羡慕

88. review vt. 回顾, 复习n. 回顾, 复习, 评论

[例] a careful review of political events 谨慎地回顾政治事件

[同义] consider, criticize, examine, inspect, learn, look at, observe, recall

[派生] reviewer n. 批评家, 评论家

89. artwork n. 艺术品, 美术品

[例] exhibition of children's artwork 儿童美术品展览

90. multiple adj. 多样的, 多重的n. 倍数, 若干v. 成倍增加

[例] a man of multiple interests 兴趣广泛的人

[同义] manifold, many

91. leadership n. 领导能力, 领导阶层

[例] The business prospered under the leadership of the new president.在新任总裁的领导下生意兴旺

92. teens n. 十多岁

[例] She's not yet out of her teens. 她还不到二十岁。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b37348553.html,mitment n. 委托事项, 许诺, 承担义务

[例] I've taken on too many commitments. 我承担的义务太多了。

[派生] commit vt. 犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把...交托给, 提交, 答应负责

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94. juvenile adj. 青少年的, 幼稚的n. 青少年, 少年读物

[例] The problem of juvenile delinquency presented itself for the attention from the whole society.


[同义] young , youthful

[反义] adult n. 成人, 成年人adj. 成人的, 成熟的

[派生] juvenility n. 年轻, 不成熟

95. delinquency n. 行为不良, 错失

[例] delinquency problems 青少年犯罪的问题

[派生] delinquent n. 失职者, 违法者adj. 失职的, 有过失的, 违法的, 拖欠债务的

[固定搭配] juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪;

96. penalize v. 处罚

[例] Their team was penalized for intentionally wasting time.他们的球队因故意拖延时间而受罚。

[同义] castigate , chastise , discipline, punish

[反义] reward n. 报酬, 奖金vt. 酬劳, 奖赏

[派生] penalty n. 处罚, 罚款

97. misdeed n. 罪行, 犯罪

[例] A misdeed means a wrong or illegal deed . misdeed的意思是错误的或非法的行为。

98. interaction n. 交互作用, 交感

[例] interaction of electrons 【物】电子的相互作用

[派生] interact vi. 互相作用, 互相影响

99. latter adj. 后面的, (两者中)后者的, 较后的, 近来的

[例] Of the two the latter is far better than the former.两者中后者比前者好得多。

[同义] later

[反义] former adj. 从前的, 以前的n. 形成者, 创造者, 模型, 样板

100. parental adj. 父母亲的, 做双亲的

[例] parental care 父母(般)的照料

[派生] parent n. 双亲, 父亲(或母亲)

101. tentative n. 试验, 假设adj. 试验性的, 试探的, 尝试的, 暂定的

[例] a tentative suggestion 试探性建议

[同义] experimental, trial

[反义] definite adj. 明确的, 一定的

[派生] tentatively adv. 试验性地, 暂时地

102. unemployment n. 失业, 失业人数

[例] unemployment pay 失业补贴

[反义] employment n. 雇用, 使用, 利用, 工作, 职业

[派生] unemployed adj. 失业的, 未被利用的

103. discontent n. 不满

[例] Sometimes discontent turned into action.不满有时导致行动。

[反义] content n. 内容, 容量, 目录, 满足adj. 满足的, 满意的, 愿意vt. 使满足

[派生] discontented adj. 不满意的

104. supervision n.监督, 管理

[例] The house was built under the careful supervision of an architect.这房子是在一位建筑师的细心监督下建造的。

[派生] supervise v. 监督, 管理, 指导

105. offensive adj. 讨厌的, 无礼的, 攻击性的n. 进攻, 攻势

[例] offensive formation 进攻队形

[同义] insulting , annoying ,disgusting , disagreeable

[反义] inoffensive adj. 无害的, 不伤人的, 不触犯人的, 让人不讨厌的

[派生] offense n. 进攻

106. abuse n . 滥用, 虐待, 辱骂, 陋习, 弊端v. 滥用, 虐待, 辱骂

[例] A stream of abuse came from his lips. 他说了一些粗话。

[同义] damage, ill-use, injure , mistreat

[反义] respect n. 尊敬, 敬重, 注意, 考虑, 尊重, 关系, 有关, 敬意vt. 尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍

[派生] abusive adj. 辱骂的, 滥用的

107. neglect vt. 忽视, 疏忽, 漏做n. 忽视, 疏忽, 漏做

[例] Don't neglect to lock the door. 别忘了锁门。

[同义] disregard , ignore, omit , overlook, pass over, slight

[反义] endeavor n. 努力, 尽力vi. 尽力, 努力

[派生] neglected adj. 被忽视的neglectable adj. 可忽视的

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108. underrate vt. 低估, 看轻

[例] We underrated his powers as a speaker . 我们低估了他的演说才能。

[同义] belittle, minimize , underestimate

[反义] overrate vt. 对估价过高

109. upright adj. 垂直的, 竖式的, 正直的, 诚实的, 合乎正道的adv. 笔直, 竖立着n.垂直, 竖立[例] an upright man 正直的人

[同义] erect, honorable, law-abiding, moral, reputable, respectable, standing

[反义] dishonest adj. 不诚实的

[派生] uprightly adv. 笔直地, 正直地

110. perceive vt. 察觉v. 感知, 感到, 认识到

[例] I perceived that I could not make her change her mind.我发觉我不能使她改变她的主意。

[同义] detect ,distinguish, experience, feel ,make out ,observe, recognize, sense

[派生] perceivable adj. 可知觉的

111. surface n. 表面, 外表, 水面adj. 表面的, 肤浅的

[例] The truth began to surface. 真相开始露出来。

[同义] exterior, face , outside

[反义] interior adj. 内部的, 内的n. 内部

112. detect vt. 察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测v. 发现

[例] The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth. 牙医在她的牙齿上找不到蛀蚀的迹象。

[同义] catch ,discover ,perceive ,recognize

[反义] conceal vt. 隐藏, 隐蔽, 隐瞒v. 隐蔽

[派生] detection n. 察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测, 发现

113. dilute v. 冲淡, 变淡, 变弱, 稀释adj. 淡的, 弱的, 稀释的

[例] The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。

[同义] cut, reduce, thin ,weaken

[派生] diluted adj. 无力的冲淡的dilution n. 稀释, 稀释法,冲淡物

114 .receptor n. 接受器, 感受器, 受体

[例] receptor of radiation 辐射探测器

115. expose vt. 使暴露, 受到, 使曝光v. 揭露

[例] The crime of the corrupt officials must be exposed without any reserve.


[同义] disclose, display ,open ,reveal ,show, uncover ,unmask

[反义] conceal vt. 隐藏, 隐蔽, 隐瞒v.隐蔽

[派生] exposal n. 曝光, 显露

[固定搭配] expose...to 使...受到, 使...朝向...;使...接触...

116. trigger vt. 引发, 引起, 触发n. 板机

[例] The odor of food may be a trigger for man's appetite.食物的香味能引起人的食欲。

[同义] begin, fire ,kindle, start ,touch off

117. emergency n. 紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件

[例] In an emergency, telephone the police. 出现紧急情况时,请给警察打电话。

[同义] crisis , crucial , period, pinch

[派生] emergent adj.紧急的, 浮现的, 突然出现的, 自然发生的

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118. horizon n. 地平线n. 1地平(线)2(知识,思想等的)范围,视野

[例] Science gives us a new horizon. 科学使我们大开新的眼界。

[派生] horizontal adj. 地平线的, 水平的

[固定搭配] on the horizon 在地平线上; 刚刚冒出地平线; 即将出现的(事件)在遥远的将来

119. insight n. 洞察力, 见识

[例] a man of insight有洞察力的人

[同义] intuition, perception, wisdom

[派生] insightful adj. 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的

[固定搭配] gain an insight into 了解, 熟悉; 看透;识破

120. instrument n. 工具, 手段, 器械, 器具

[例] an instrument for writing 书写工具

[同义] means ,tool, apparatus, appliance, device, implement

[派生] instrumental adj. 仪器的, 器械的, 乐器的

121. innumerable adj. 无数的, 数不清的

[例] an innumerable throng of people 人山人海

[同义] many ,countless, infinite, unlimited

[派生] innumerably adv. 数不清地, 无数地

122.fundamental adj. 基础的, 基本的n. 基本原则, 基本原理

[例] Fresh air is fundamental to good health. 空气新鲜是身体健康之必需。

[同义] basic, elementary ,essential ,primary

[反义] secondary adj. 次要的, 二级的, 中级的, 第二的

[派生] fundament n. 基础, 基本原理, 臀部

123. hail n. 1冰雹2致敬, 招呼3一阵vt. 1向...欢呼, 致敬, 招呼2使象下雹样落下;猛发vi. 1招呼2下雹int. 万岁, 欢迎

[例] The crowd hailed stones upon the thief. 群众对小偷大扔石头。

[同义] cheer, greet ,shout, sleet, welcome

[派生] haily adj. 冰雹的, 冰雹状的,夹有冰雹的

124. centerpiece n.中心装饰品, (餐桌中央的摆饰)

[例] tailpipe centerpiece 尾管中心件

125. astronomer n. 天文学家

[例]An astronomer is the one that specializes in astronomy. 天文学家是专门从事天文学研究的人。

[派生] astronomy n. 天文学

126. glory n. 荣誉, 光荣

[例] Win glory for our motherland! 为祖国争光!

[同义] fame, honor, prestige

[反义] disgrace n. 耻辱, 失宠, 丢脸的人(或事)v. 玷污

[派生] glorify v. 使更壮丽, 赞扬

127. telescope n. 望远镜v. 压缩

[例] When the trains crashed into each other, the cars were telescoped.那两辆火车相撞时, 车厢挤在一起了。[派生] telescopic adj. 远视的;伸缩的

128. revolve v. 1(使)旋转, 循环出现2考虑

[例] He revolved the main points in his mind. 他在心中思索要点。

[同义] circle ,go around ,turn

[派生] revolving v. 旋转adj. 旋转的

129. dispute v. 1争论, 辩论;怀疑2抗拒, 阻止, 争夺(土地,胜利等)n. 争论, 辩论, 争吵

[例] The lawyer disputed the truth of the witness's statement.律师对证人的话的真实性提出了怀疑。

[同义] argue , contest, debate, fight , oppose , quarrel

[反义] agree vi. 1同意, 赞成...的意见, 与...一致, 承认2适合vt. 同意

[派生] disputer n. 争论者

[固定搭配] in dispute with 与…争论;与…有争议;under dispute 在争论中;在辩论中(= in dispute);130. expense n. 1费用, 代价, 开支2损失

[例] What are the expenses of moving house? 搬家的花销是多少?

[同义] cost, payment

[固定搭配] spare no expense 不惜代价;at sb.'s expense 由某人付钱

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131. psychological adj. 心理(上)的

[例] Is there any possible psychological explanation for his bad health?


[派生] psychologically adv. 心理上地, 心理学地psychology n. 心理学, 心理状态

132. classify vt. 分类, 分等

[例] classify books by subjects 按学科将图书分类

[同义] group, sort, categorize, organize

[派生] classified v. 分类adj. 机密的

133. military adj. 军事的, 军用的

[例] According to the Constitution of the country all the young men do a year's military service.


[同义] armed forces, army , service, civil , naval

[反义] civil adj. 全民的, 市民的, 公民的, 国民的, 民间的.民事的, 根据民法的, 文职的, 有礼貌的[派生] militarize v. 军事化

134. personnel n. 人员, 职员

[例] personnel agency 职业介绍所

135. divert v. 1转移, 转向2使高兴

[例] A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields. 一条沟渠把水从河里引向田间。

[同义] amuse, delight , entertain ,tickle;detract, distract

[派生] diversion n. 转移, 转换, 牵制, 解闷, 娱乐

136. precision n. 精确, 精密度, 精度

[例] precision in calculation 计算的精确度

[同义] accuracy, correctness ,exactness

[反义] inaccuracy n. 错误

[派生] precise adj. 精确的, 准确的n. 精确

137. validate vt. 1[律]使有效, 使生效2确认, 证实, 验证

[例] Time validated our suspicion. 时间证实了我们的怀疑。

[反义] invalidate vt. 使无效

[派生] validity n. 有效性, 合法性, 正确性

138. error n. 错误, 过失, 误差

[例] The accident was caused by human error.这事故是由人为的错误引起的。

[同义] fault , wrong , mistake

[派生] erroneous adj. 错误的, 不正确的

139. qualitative adj. 性质上的, 定性的

[例] a qualitative analysis 定性分析

[派生] qualitatively adv. 质量上

140. comparable adj. 可比较的, 比得上的

[例] A comparable car would cost far more in Europe.一辆象这样好的汽车在欧洲可要贵得多。

[同义] similar, equivalent

[反义] incomparable adj. 无与伦比的, 不能比较的

[派生] compare v. 比较, 相比, 比喻n. 比较

141. underprivileged adj. 被剥夺基本权力的,穷困的,下层社会的

[例] an underprivileged man 一个穷困潦倒的人

142. circumstance n.环境, 详情, 境况

[例] The circumstances forced me to accept. 环境迫使我不得不同意。

[同义] condition,situation ,state

[派生] circumstantial ? ??????????????● ? adj. 依照情况的

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143.preconception n. 1预想2偏见

[例] His vision, unobstructed by ideological preconception, was continually reformed by experience? (Doris Kearns Goodwin)“排除了意识形态偏见的干扰,他的见解不断地从经验中得以完善”(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温)

144. theory n. 1理论, 学说, 原理2意见3推测

[例] There were several theories about the way in which the fire started.火是为何发生的, 有好几种说法。

[同义] attitude, conception, explanation, hypothesis, idea;inference

[反义] practice n.1 实行, 实际2惯例, 习惯3练习, 实习4开业

[派生] theoretical adj. 理论的

145. establishment n. 1确立, 制定, 设施2公司;军事组织

[例] These two hotels are both excellent establishments. 这两家旅馆都是出色的商业机构。

[同义] creation, foundation ,business, company

[派生] establish vt. 建立, 设立, 安置, 使定居, 使人民接受, 确定v.建立

146. detail n. 细节, 详情vt.详述, 细说

[例] Give me all the details of the accident — tell me what happened in detail.


[同义] assign ,commission, delegate ,division, dwell on, elaborate, fraction

[派生] detailed adj. 详细的, 逐条的

[固定搭配] in detail 精细地,明细地注意细节地;彻底地,吹毛求疵地;

147. resource n. 1资源, 财力2办法, 智谋

[例] Religion is her only resource. 宗教是她唯一的安慰。

[同义] ability, device , ingenuity

[派生] resourceful adj. 资源丰富的, 足智多谋的

148. utility n. 效用, 有用

[例] utility furniture 实用家具

[同义] usefulness , benefit

[派生] utilize vt. 利用

149. straightforward adj. 1正直的, 坦率的2简单的, 易懂的, 直接了当的adv. 坦率地

[例] We took a straightforward route to the beach.我们取直道到海滩去。

[派生] straightforwards adv. 笔直地, 率直地

150. oppose vt. 反对, 使对立, 使对抗, 抗争vi. 反对

[例] Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.许多居民反对修建那条汽车路的计划。

[同义] conflict with ,contradict ,counteract, dispute, fight ,hinder, refute

[反义] agree vi. 同意, 赞成...的意见, 与...一致, 承认, 适合vt. 同意

[派生] opposed adj. 反对的, 敌对的

[固定搭配] oppose M to N 把M与N相对照或相比;oppose oneself to 反对

151. elegant adj. 文雅的, 端庄的, 雅致的, <口>上品的, 第一流的

[例] an elegant woman 高雅的女人

[同义] cultured, fine ,polished ,refined, superior

[反义] inelegant adj. 不雅的

[派生] elegance n. 高雅, 典雅, 优雅, 雅致

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152. philosopher n. 哲学家, 哲人

[例] a moral philosopher 伦理学家

[派生] philosophic adj. 哲学的, 贤明的

153. argue vi. 争论, 辩论vt. 说服

[例] He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday. 他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。

[同义] bicker, object;persuade , reason

[派生] argument n. 争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, ~(for, against), 意见

154. exist vi. 存在, 生存, 生活, 继续存在

[例] The Roman Empire existed for several centuries. 罗马帝国存在了好几个世纪。

[同义] be ,live, occur , prevail , stand

[派生] existence n. 存在, 实在, 生活, 存在物, 实在物

155. absurd adj. 荒谬的, 可笑的

[例] Their request is absurd.他们的要求是荒谬的。

[同义] foolish, impossible, ludicrous, ridiculous

[反义] rational adj. 理性的, 合理的, 推理的n. [数]有理数

[派生] absurdity n. 荒谬, 谬论

156. fruitless adj. 不结果实的

[例] The search proved fruitless. 搜寻没有结果。

[反义] fruitful adj. 果实结得多的, 多产的, 富有成效的

[派生] fruitlessly adv. 徒劳地, 无益地

157. displacement n. 1移置, 转移2取代, 置换, 位移3 排水量

[例] excessive displacement 过大位移

[派生] displace vt. 移置, 转移, 取代, 置换v. 转移

158. chop n. 1砍2排骨3官印;商标vt. 剁碎, 砍, (风浪)突

[例] The old man chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow.这老头一斧头把木块劈成两半。[同义] cleave , cut , sever

[派生] chopping adj. 波浪汹涌的, 硕大强健的

159. ethical adj. 1与伦理有关2民族的, 民族特有的

[例] I oughtn't to do that, it's not ethical.我不该做那件事,它是不合乎道德的。

[派生] ethic n. 道德规范, 伦理

160. instinct n.本能

[例] Birds learn to fly by instinct. 鸟学飞出自本能。

[派生] instinctual adj. 本能的本能的


161. cosmic adj. 宇宙的

[例] cosmic speed 宇宙速度(物体摆脱地球引力所需之速度)

[反义] chaotic adj. 混乱的, 无秩序的

[派生] cosmical adj.(=cosmic)宇宙的, 广大无边的

162. pattern n.1模范, 模式2样品, 格调, 图案vt. 1 模仿, 仿造2以图案装饰vi. 形成图案[例] You can make a dress from this paper pattern. 你可以用这个纸样儿做一套衣服。

[同义] arrangement, design ,example, illustration, model ,paragon, picture

163. primeval adj. 原始的

[例] primeval forests原始森林

164. reign vi. 统治, 支配, 盛行, 占优势n. 统治, 统治时期, 支配

[例] The Queen reigns but does not rule. 女王在位,但不当政。

[同义] prevail, rule

[派生] reigning adj. 统治的,在位的, 本届的, 起支配作用的

[固定搭配] under[in] the reign of ...在...的统治下

165. burst v. 1爆裂, 炸破2急于;爆发n. 1突然破裂, 爆发2脉冲

[例] I am bursting with joy. 我高兴得不得了。

[同义] broken , exploded

166. knot n. (绳等的)结, (树的)节, 节(船速,=哩/小时) v. 打结

[例] Will you knot the rope round the post? 你把这根绳子拴在柱子上好吗?

[反义] unknot vt. 解开...结子

[派生] knotted adj. 有节的, 多节的, 棘手的

167. emit vt. 1发出, 放射2吐露, 散发3发表, 发行

[例] The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke.


[同义] discharge, ooze;send out, give off

[派生] emission n. (光、热等的)散发, 发射, 喷射

168. condense v. (使)浓缩, 精简

[例] A long story may be condensed into a few sentences. 一个长篇故事可缩写成几句话。

[同义] compress ,concentrate ,reduce, squeeze

[反义] expand vt. 1使膨胀, 扩张2详述vi. 张开, 发展

[派生] condensable adj. 可压缩(凝缩)的

169. galaxy n. 1星系, 银河2一群显赫的人, 一系列光彩夺目的东西

[例] a galaxy of entertainers 一群演员

170. cluster n. 串, 丛vi. 丛生, 成群

[例] The boys and girls clustered together round the camp fire telling stories and singing songs.


[同义] batch, bunch, group

[反义] disperse v. (使)分散, (使)散开, 疏散

171.detector n. 1发现者;侦察器, 探测器, 检波器, 检电器

[例] electron detector 电子探测器

[派生] detect vt. 察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测v. 发现

172. plausible adj. 似是而非的, 似乎合理的;善言能辩的;能说会道的

[例]It is a plausible story 好象是真实的故事

[同义] believable , logical, reasonable , sensible

[反义] genuine adj. 真实的, 真正的, 诚恳的

[派生] plausibility n. 似乎有理, 善辩https://www.doczj.com/doc/b37348553.html,

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173. attempt n. 1努力, 尝试2企图vt. 1尝试2企图

[例] She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她试着做这顿饭。

[同义] endeavor ,make an effort, try

174. partial adj. 1部分的, 局部的2偏袒的, 偏爱的n. 泛音

[例] The research project was only a partial success.那个研究课题只取得部分成功。

[同义] fractional, fragmentary, limited, partly

[反义] total n. 总数, 合计adj. 总的, 全部的, 整个的v. 合计, 总数达, 达到

[派生] partially adv. 部分地

175. partisan n. 1游击队2党人;党徒;帮伙

[例] partisan politics 党的派性政治

176. affinity n. 1密切关系, 吸引力2姻亲关系;亲合力

[例] She feels a strong affinity for him. 她对他很有吸引力。

[派生] affinal adj.同源的, 姻亲的n. 姻亲

177. methodology n. 方法学, 方法论

[例] the methodology of genetic studies 遗传学研究的方法

[派生] method n. 方法

178. augment v. 增加, 增大n. 增加

[例] augment one's income by hard working 靠努力工作增加收入

[同义] broaden, enlarge ,expand ,extend, increase, magnify , raise

[反义] abate vt. 使(数量、程度等)减少, 减轻, 除去, 缓和, 打折扣

vi. (数量、程度等)减少, 减轻, 失效, 缓和, (法令等)被废除

[派生] augmentation n. 增加

179. peculiar adj. 奇特的, 罕见的, 特殊的n. 特有财产;特权

[例] Language is peculiar to mankind. 语言是人类特有的。

[同义] bizarre, characteristic, curious ,distinctive ,eccentric, odd, queer

[反义] common adj. 1共同的, 公共的, 公有的, 普通的2庸俗的, 伪劣的n. [复][总]平民, 公有, 普通, 共通[派生] peculiarity n. 特性;怪癖

180. victim n. 受害人, 牺牲者, 牺牲品

[例] She was the victim of a road accident. 她是一场交通事故的受害者。

[同义] dupe , loser, prey , sufferer , underdog

[派生] victimize v. 牺牲

[固定搭配] become the victim of (=fall a victim to) 成为...的牺牲品

181. fallacy n. 谬误, 谬论

[例] The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.这谬论的荒诞性已被充分揭露。

182. equate vt. 使相等, [数]视为平等vi. 等同

[例] You can't equate his poems with his plays. 你不能把他的诗跟剧本相提并论。

[派生] equation n. 相等, 平衡, 方程式, 等式

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183. welfare n. 福利, 安宁, 幸福, 福利事业adj. 福利的

[例] public welfare funds 公共福利基金

[同义] advantage , behalf , benefit , comfort, good ,interest , prosperity

[反义] misery n. 痛苦, 苦恼, 悲惨, 不幸, 穷困

[派生] welfarism n. 社会福利国家主义, 社会福利制度, 福利费

184. centralize vt. 1集聚, 集中2施行中央集权vi. 集中于中央

[例] centralize the administration of the gold mines 统一管理所有金矿

[派生] centralized adj. 集中的, 中央集权的

185. furthermore adv. 此外, 而且

[例] "The house is too small, and furthermore, it's too far from the office."


[同义] again, also, besides ,by the same token, in addition, likewise ,similarly

186. compel vt. 强迫, 迫使

[例] The rain compelled us to stay indoors. 雨迫使我们待在家里。

[同义] force, make ,require

[反义] free adj. 1自由的2大方的, 免费的, 免税的3丰富的4空闲的vt. 释放, 使自由adv. 自由地, 免费[派生] compelling adj. 强制的, 强迫的, 引人注目的

[固定搭配] compel sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事;be compelled to (do) 不得不(做)

187. wastage n. 1消耗量, 损耗2废物

[例] factory wastage工厂废物

[派生] waste n. 1废物2浪费;损耗, 消耗3荒地adj. 废弃的, 荒芜的, 多余的vt.浪费, 消耗, 使荒芜vi. 1被浪费, 挥霍钱财2变消瘦;被损耗

188. tap n. 1轻打2活栓;水龙头vt. 1轻打, 轻敲, 敲打出2开发, 分接3使流出4选择

vi. 1轻叩, 轻拍2轻声走n. <美>(用复数)熄灯号

[例] She tapped him on the shoulder. 她轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀。

[同义] faucet ,pat, rap ,spigot

189. hitherto adv. 迄今, 至今

[例] The weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold.迄今一直晴朗温暖的天气突然变冷了

[同义] till now , up to now , so far

[反义] henceforth adv. 自此以后, 今后

190. intervention n. 干涉

[例] armed intervention 武装干涉

[同义] infringement ,interference, intrusion

[派生] interventionist n. 干涉主义者adj. 干涉主义的

191. innovation n. 改革, 创新

[例] The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.


[派生] innovative adj. 创新的, 革新(主义)的innovate vi. 改革, 创新

192. industrialize vt. 使工业化vi. 工业化

[例] "Today, because of industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now, so families will be even smaller.""今天,由于工业化,要求一般的家庭比现在移动更加频繁,所以家庭会更小。" [派生] industrialized adj. 工业化的

193. nowadays adv. 现今, 现在

[例] Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人们乘飞机旅行。

[同义] now , today [派生] nowadays adj. 现在的, 当前的

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194. link n. 1链环, 连结物2链接vt. 1连结2联合3挽vi. 连接起来

[例] A lot of links fitted together form a chain. 许多链环连在一起组成链条。

[同义] bridge ,combine, connect, couple ,join ,put together, unite

[派生] linked adj. 连接的, 显示连环遗传的

195. sensory adj. 感觉的, 感官的

[例] sensory nervous system 感觉神经系(统)

196. vacation n. 1假期, 休假2(房屋等的)腾出v. <美>度假, 休假

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