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1.Revision操作:1)复习单词:利用图片复习上节课所学单词,让学生看图集体快速说出单词并带读2遍(用上节课self check中ppt).



3.Lead-in(歌曲,视频导入):1)放歌曲或视频,引导学生听,看。2)结束后挑3名学生回答与歌曲视频有关问题。(好,中,差生各一名)二.新词汇教学方法:1.教授单词中字母或字母组合发音(不打出音标),引导学生看书上的音标自己读出单词并带读3遍(目的:培养学生看音标读单词能力) 2.然后呈现图片,师生互动,引导学生用句子或短语描述图中内容。3.教师带读句子或短语2遍。

4. 所有词汇学完后进行Let’s check: 1)学生整体朗读3遍,1遍中文2)通过Look and say这个活动让学生看图集体说出单词(短语)并带读2遍。6.教词汇时让学生看单词表。7.阅读课词汇教学以单词表形式呈现,不呈现图片,以词汇扩展为主(引导学生自己看音标读出单词)。





5. 进行Let’s check: 1)学生集体朗读2遍2)学生看图补全对话(学生写,然后对答案—问全班答案,呈现答案,解释原因,总结方法)3)挑2-3组表演对话4)全班分角色朗读对话。




2. 听中:放录音,对答案(1.问全班答案2.呈现答案)

3. 听后:写句子或跟读讲解听力材料等……






六.小组对话操练, 小组活动教学方法:


















九.讲练习方法:1.问全班答案 2.呈现答案 3.解释原因,总结方法(抽典型题讲,阅读完型题各抽一道典型题讲,讲完所有练习后呈现答案ppt学生用红笔订正)


十一.改作业方法:每天改本子和一课一练分A,B, C三个等级批改,改一课一练不具体改题目,作文一律只改A, B, C。作业不合格一律单独列出来罚抄一个单元单词20遍(如忙则只改本子或全部让课代表改)。

十二. 复习课方法:

1.订正昨天练习册或试卷上的练习。(课前打好答案ppt, 不讲评)




福师《英语教学法》在线作业二 s 1. 按照执行任务的方式,任务可以分为拼版式任务、信息差任务、解决问题式任务和做决定式任务 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:2 2. 根据阅读的技巧,阅读有跳读、掠读和细读之分。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:2 3. 日常记录指的是记录学生学习过程或反应的非正式笔记,一般通过直接观察记录下来。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:2 4. 语言与文化密不可分,语言有很丰富的文化内涵;英语学习中有许多跨文化交际的因素。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:2 5. 中学英语教学法是一门综合性的应用科学和实践性很强的学科。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:2 6. 在接受学习过程中,学习内容是以问题的形式呈现出来的,学生是问题的发现者。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:2 7. 直接法要求直接用外语思维,强调模仿和感知是外语教学的基础。外语学习主要靠机械模仿句子。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:2 8. 在学科学习策略的运用上,已有的知识会影响学习策略的选择,也就是说学习者的外语水平不同会导致使用不同的策略。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:2 9. 语法从描写的对象看,可以分为教学语法、参考语法以及语言学语法。 A. 错误 B. 正确 正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:2 10. 外语教学包含两个层次,一是让学生了解语言知识,二是语言性练习。 A. 错误 B. 正确


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判断主张并简要说明理由: Structural view:The structure language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems:phonology,morphology and syntax.To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language. Functional view: The functional view is not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things,such as offering suggesting,etc.Leaners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions. International view:The international view considers language to be a communicative tool,whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.Leaners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary but also need to know the rules for using them in a communicative contexts. What makes a good language teacher? These elements can be categorized into three groups:ethic devotion,professional qualities and personal styles. 教师的专业能力是如何发展起来的(How can be a good teacher/The development of professional competence) 答:The development of professional competence including three parts: Stage1,Stage2 and Goal. I. The first stage is language development.All English teacher are supposed to have a sound command of English,and language is always changing,language development can never come to an end. II. The second stage is the most important stage and it is more complicated because it involves three sub-stages:learning,practice,and reflection.(1)The learning stage is the purposeful preparation before a teacher starts the practice of teaching.It includes three parts:learning from other's experience,learning the received knowledge and learning from one's experiences.Both experience knowledge and received knowledge are useful when a teacher goes ton practice.(2)The term 'practice' can be used in two senses. One sense is also called pseudo practice.The other sense is the real classroom teaching.(3)Teacher benefit from practice if they keep on reflecting on what they've done,Not only after they finish their practice,but also while they are doing the practice, III. After some period of practice and reflection,a teacher should be able to reach his or her professional competence.As an final it shouldn't an end,one must be keep learning,practicing and reflecting. 真实应用语言&课堂语言的不同(The differences between language used in real life and language taught in the classroom.) Language used in real life differs from language learned under the traditional language teaching pedagpgy in the following aspects:


第一次作业 [论述题] 4. What is a successful speaking activity? 答案: 1) Students talk a lot in English. 2) Students’ participation is even. The class is not dominated by a few talkative participants. 3) Students’ motivation is high. Students are interested in the topic, eager to speak and share their own information with others. 4) Language use is of an acceptable level. Students speak with appropriate accuracy and fluency, new language is comprehended and incorporated in their production. 3. How to develop your self-evaluation? 答案: Self-evaluation is not something that can be taught. It can be gradually developed by teachers themselves as they become more aware of their own teaching and of all the different factors that affect learning. In order to evaluate themselves, teachers must learn to observe themselves. Obviously, teachers cannot normally observe themselves directly, but there are ways in which they can observe themselves indirectly: ― By careful planning before the lesson, followed by careful reflection after the lesson on what actually took place. ― By observing other teachers’ lessons and comparing them with what happens in your own classes. ―By inviting other teachers to observe your classes, and discussing the lesson with them afterwards. 2. How could you write something onto the blackboard but still keep the attention of the class?答案: A. To talk as you write, saying the words and making any necessary comments ― Talk to the students as you are writing and turn round frequently to face them. ― Ask the stu dents what to write as often as possible and get examples from them. ― Ask them what they think this word or picture is going to be. ― Get them to read things as you write them. B. To stand in a way that does not hide the board 1. What does ‘knowin g a word' mean? 答案: Knowing a word means that you know word meaning, word use, word formation and word grammar.


英语教学方法之直接教学法 缘起(Origin) 顾名思义,直接教学法提倡在教室中直接以第二语或目标语(target language)来沟通或教 学。传统的文法翻译法(The Grammar-Translation、Method)往往过度强调母语在第一语 学习时的重要性,并且过于强调文法知识(linguistic knowledge)的记忆。在这样的学习方 式下,学生常常无法有效地运用所学的字汇或文法知识来沟通。直接教学法特别针对文 法翻译法的缺点,从一开始就很重视学生听说口语沟通能力的培养,拒绝填鸭式的文法 规则教学,强调语言的自然学习。因此,本教学法又叫做Anti-grammatical Method。 教学原则(Teching principles) 直接教学法认为第二语学习要成功就要遵循母语(第一语)的学习模式。因此,就听说读写的学习顺序而言,直接教学法的支持者强调学习第二语时,听说能力的培养应优先 于读写能力的培养(我们学习母语时,也是先学会听说,再去学习文字的读写)。也就是说’学生对一个字的发音很熟悉之后,老师才让他们学习如何认字阅读和书写。因此

对直接教学法来说,四种语言技巧的学习顺序应该是:听→说→读→写。精确发 音的养成在一开始就很重视,若同时强调四种技巧的练习’将会对学生的学习造成困扰。这样的思考也表现在课堂活动的操作上,如听写活动(dictation)是直接教学法常用的 教室活动之一。老师会要求学生在“写”之前,先专心听一次内容;念第二次时再写下 他们所听到的课文内容。 此外,为了让第二语学习环境更接近母语学习环境,直接教学法还对课堂教学提出了三 点具体建议。第一,课堂中禁用母语。母语学习者因为没有其他语言的干扰’母语的学 习才能如此成功。因此,直接教学法的支持者认为第二语的学习也应将学生其他语言(母语)的千扰减到最低:老师不用母语来解释、翻译或分析。若老师允许学生遇到沟通困难时就依赖母语,那就剥夺了学生学习以第二语沟通的机会。 第二,就文法而言,外语学习应避免文法规则的解释或记忆’因为在母语的学习环境中’即使不特别去记忆或是分析文法规则,也能从单纯的自然接触中习得母语的文法规 则。因此,在学习第二语时,老师也应以同样的方式介绍文法: ●提供学生大量的范例(examples)和语料(input materials)’让学生自然而然从每天所接 触的语料资讯中直接归纳出文法(inductive way of learning grammar)。第二语学习


1.第1题 PPP and TBL are two approaches to language teaching. PPP stands for presentation, practice and production, and TBL stands for___. A.Task Book Language stands B.Text Book Learning C.Teacher-Based Learning D.Task-Based Learning 您的答案:D 2.第2题 Jane Willis holds that the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich but comprehensible language put, ___ of the language to do things, motivation to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language. A.chances B.use C.context D.knowledge 您的答案:B 3.第3题 Methods of teaching grammar include the ___ method, the inductive method and the guided discovery method. A.traditional B.modern C.deductive D.productive 您的答案:C 4.第4题 The idea of the audio-lingual method, which was based on the behaviorist theory of language learning, was that language is learned by constant ___, during which mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised. A.cognitive processing B.meaningful practice C.repetition and reinforcement D.imitation and communication 您的答案:C 5.第5题 The guided discovery method is different from the inductive method because the process of the discovery ___ and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly. A.is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher B.is made by the students themselves C.takes place automatically D.never takes place


《英语教学法》作业 Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching Directions: In this part, there are 24 statements about teaching in English, and four answers after each one. You are to choose from each of the following statements the best answer according to what we have learnt in the book of “A Course in English Language Teaching”. 1. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language. A. This is the behaviorist view of language. B. This is the structural view of language. C. This is the functional view of language. D. This is the interactive view of language. 2. Learners should know the grammar and vocabulary, but as importantly they should know the rules for using them in s whole range of communicative contexts. A. This is the behaviorist view of language. B. This is the structural view of language. C. This is the functional view of language. D. This is the interactive view of language. 3. According to cognitive theory, . A. students learn language by repeating what teachers say B. students are asked to think and create C. students learn a language as animals do things D. students respond when teachers give stimulus 4. By audio-lingua method, students should always . A. be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules B. be trained to form good habits in learning C. relate their rules learned to their uses in real life D. be able to communicate with others in practice 5. Language is regarded as a communicative tool, whose main use to build up and maintain social relations between people. A. This is the interactional view of language. B. This is the functional view of language. C. This view of language has no basis of theory. D. The view may be out of date in language teaching. 6. What is the main idea of Communicative Approach? A. To teach language in a global and meaningful way. B. To teach language in a communicative method. C. To teach language in training of habits.



自考英语教学法知识点总结: 中学英语教学指导思想:是对中学英语教学的总体科学认识,包括对教学目的,教学路子的认识以及科学观,学习观,教学观等。 智力因素主要包括:思维力,记忆力,想象力,观察力,注意力等。非智力因素包括:动机,兴趣,情感,意志,性格等。 语言是指语言系统,也就是语音,词汇,语法系统。 言语是指人们使用语言所进行的表示和理解的话语活动,也就是说听,说,读,写活动。 教学路子指的是达到教学目的基本途径或总路线,包括成体系的教学法。 语感是指学习者对语言信息的敏锐感知和理解,是自动化的意识活动。教学基本原则是教学指导思想的组成部分,是指导思想的具体化,条理化,在中学英语教学法科学体系中占有重要的地位。 语法是对语言的一般描述,主要是对其组织原则的理论描述, ______学,句法学,词汇学,语义学。 “双规”化简就是运用语音规则,把大量的表面看起来相当复杂的词的读音和拼写化繁为简,化难为易。 句型也叫句式,是从口语和书面语的无数实际句子中概括出来的句子模型或模式,句型是有代表性的,常见性的。 分析性听:是指在听的活动中有明显的语言分析,另外是指把听的材料分析为各个语言层次,让学生分步听,进行听的基本功训练。 综合性听:是指在听的活动中无明显的语言分析而直接达到对内容的理解,也指在听力基本功训练基础上所进行的整篇成文的听的练习。 话语结构就是说话的套路,说的各句子之间的联系规律。

泛读就是广泛地阅读,大量地阅读,快速地阅读。 默读泛指一切不出声地读,默读既包括不出声地“声读”,也包括直接理解文字地“视读”。 实行纵式阅读:真正的默读一般都是快速阅读,在阅读过程中,人的目光主要表现为上下移动,因而阅读有慢速的横向或横式转变为纵向或纵式。 写的含义:在教学中写有两个方面的含义,一是书写或书法,包括字母,单词,句子,标点符号,国际音标的正确写法;二是写作,即笔头表示,如作文,写信,写日记等。 心理控制法:即惊异,悬念,满足。 密度:指单位时间所授教学内容。 广度:这包括两个方面,一是学生的活动面要广,二是教学内容所涉及的面要广。 深度:就是课堂教学内容要有一定的难度。 灵活度:指在练习中学生所表现的理解的多层次程度和表示的多样化程度。 独立度:指教师指导的程度和学生独立的程度。 测试:主要是用来了解,检查和鉴定学习者掌握英语的实际水平的一种手段。 资质倾向测试:是指对学习者的天赋的测定,目的在于了解被测者今后学习外语时是否具有些较强的潜在的学习能力。 诊断测试:目的在于了解被测者在外语学习上的困难或缺陷或发现讲授上的薄弱环节,以便采取相应的补救措施。 综合性测试:目的在于测定被测者的语言知识和言语技能综合运用的能


作业 1.第1题 The ___ theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he o r she already knows. 您的答案:A 题目分数: 此题得分: 2.第2题 According to Ur (1996), as for the use of grammatical terminology, for younger learners, useof complex terminology ___. be used be avoided necessary helpful 您的答案:B 题目分数: 此题得分: 3.第3题 Examples of pronunciation perception practice include ___. pictures and tongue twisters minimal pairs, and “odd one out” and discussion of the above 您的答案:B

此题得分: 4.第4题 As far as language learning is concerned, the ___emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of input learners receive, and the atmosphere. theories theories theories theories 您的答案:A 题目分数: 此题得分: 5.第5题 As far as learning pronunciation is concerned, the realistic goals for the students are consistency, intelligibility, and ___. efficiency 您的答案:A 题目分数: 此题得分: 6.第6题 According to Ellis, procedures for teaching grammar using listening as input are “Listening to comprehend”, “Listening to notice”, “Understanding the grammar point”, ___. A.“listen and repeat” and “listen and tick” B. “checking” and “trying it out” C.“listen and circle” and “listen and write” D.“listen and correct” and “listen and fill” 您的答案:B


小学英语教学法期末复习题库 一、填空 1、小学生具有无意注意占主导,有意注意有一定发展、注意不够稳定,常常带有情结色彩、注意的品质较差等特点和优越条件。 2、小学英语课堂教学的特点是重视培养和激发学生学习英语的深厚兴趣,在教学活动中要有和谐的语言教学氛围,要重视学生基本技能和学习习惯的培养。 3、基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 4、《英语新课程标准》提出学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。 5、语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。 6、教学是教师的教和学生的学的统一活动。就英语教学而言,教学的实质就是一种特殊的认识过程。英语教学过程就是生生之间和师生之间的共同参与、合作、交流的活动过程。 7、学生认识的客体是英语,教师认识的客体是教学规律。教学双方都为对方提供信息,英语就是为了促进交流。 8、教学的最终任务是培养学习者的交际能力。 9、交际性原则提出的主要依据有三点:第一,语言是表达意义的体系;第二,语言的主要功能是交际功能;第三,语言的主要单位不仅是语法、结构特征,还包括功能范畴。 10、情景教学的原则提出的主要依据有三点:第一小学生的心理和年龄特点;第二,语言的习得规律;第三,小学生的学习规律。 11、语言教学的内容包括语言知识和语言技能两个方面 12、体态语是指说话时的表情、手势、动作等。 13、在教学中写有两方面的含义:一是书写,二是写作。 14、良好的课堂气氛是搞好课堂教学,保证教学质量的关键。 15、备课的主要任务是熟悉教材、写出具体教案、确定课时教学目标、教学方法、板书计划、课内练习题等。 16、教学效果不取决于教师,也不取决于学生,而是双方共同活动的结果. 17、小学英语教学的原则包括:交际性原则、听说领先的原则、情境教学原则和趣味性原则。 18、英语课堂教学的实质是交际。 19、遵循视听说与读写结合的原则,教学要采用听说领先、读写跟上的方法。 20. 小学阶段的英语小学目标(教学目标)是:通过听、说、玩、看等教学活动,激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使其养成良好的学习习惯;通过学习使学生获取对英语的一些感性认识,掌握一定的语言基本技能,培养初步运用英语进行听、说的交际能力;开发智力,发展包括观察、记忆、思维和想象等内容的思维能力,培养学生建立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观、对通过英语传递的思想、文化、情感等有初步的跨文化认知的意识;培养学生的爱国主义精神以及世界公民的意识。 21、小学英语教学法是研究小学英语教学的理论和实践,是研究小学英语教学的全部过程及其规律的一个科学体系。 22、教师在教学活动之前主要应编写好三种计划:学期教学进度计划,单元教学计划,课时计划。 23、备好课,必须做好如下三方面的工作:了解学生,钻研教材,制定教学计划。 24、新课程设置是按九年一贯制设置义务教育阶段课程的方式,小学阶段以综合课程为主,


[0161]《中学英语教学法》 第二次作业 [论述题] 4. What is a successful speaking activity? 参考答案: 1) Students talk a lot in English. 2) Students' participation is even. The class is not dominated by a few talkative participants. 3) Students' motivation is high. Students are interested in the topic, eager to speak and share their own information with others. 4) Language use is of an acceptable level. Students speak with appropriate accuracy and fluency, new language is comprehended and incorporated in their production. [论述题] 3. How to develop your self-evaluation? 参考答案: Self-evaluation is not something that can be taught. It can be gradually developed by teachers themselves as they become more aware of their own teaching and of all the different factors that affect learning. In order to evaluate themselves, teachers must learn to observe themselves. Obviously, teachers cannot normally observe themselves directly, but there are ways in which they can observe themselves indirectly: ― By careful planning before the lesson, followed by careful reflection after the lesson on what actually took place. ― By observing other teachers' lessons and comparing them with what happens in your own classes. ―By inviting other teachers to observe your classes, and discussing the lesson with them afterwards. [论述题] 2. How could you write something onto the blackboard but still keep the attention of the class? 参考答案: A. To talk as you write, saying the words and making any necessary comments ― Talk to the students as you are writing and turn round frequently to face them.


Unit 1 Language and Learning 1.1 How do we learn language? We learn language at different ages People have different experiences People learn languages for different reasons People learn languages in different ways People have different capabilities in language learning Learning can be affected by the way how language is taught Learning is affected by the degree of success one is expect to achieve. Thus the challenge confronting language teaching is how teaching methodology can ensure successful learning by all the learners who have more differences than the commonality. 1. 2 What are the major views of language? 1) Structural view: Language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. To learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules. 2) Functional view: Language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions. 3) Interactional view:


1.第1题 Methods of teaching grammar include the ___ method, the inductive method and the guided discovery method. A.traditional B.modern C.deductive D.productive 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 One language form may express a number of communicative functions and one ___ can also be expressed by a variety of ___. https://www.doczj.com/doc/b45272372.html,nguage … dialects B.dialect … languages https://www.doczj.com/doc/b45272372.html,nguage form … communicative functions https://www.doczj.com/doc/b45272372.html,municative function … language forms 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 The activity of “describ ing and drawing” for vocabulary consolidation is often done ___. A.outside the classroom B.without doing anything C.individually D.in pairs 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 Jane Willis holds that the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich but comprehensible language put, ___ of the language


《英语教学法》期末考试A卷 答:教学资源是为教学的有效开展提供的素材等各种可被利用的条件,通常包括教材、案例、影视、图片、课件等,也包括 2. 英语写作策略 答:是学生学习英语和培养语言能力的主要内容, 3.教学设计 答:是根据课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。一般包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学步骤与时间分配等环节。 4.发现式教学法 答:亦称假设法和探究法,这是一种基于问题学习的教学方法,是指 二、论述题(30分) 1. PWP教学过程的本质特征是什么? 答:英语阅读教学中的PWP过程指的是将整个学习过程分为学习前(pre-learning)、学习中(while-learning)和学习后 (post-learning)三个阶段。PWP模式简洁实用,对促进 2. 英语教学中如何进行教材的整合。请举例说明。 答:人教版《普通高中课程标准实验教科书》中每一个模块的 每个单元都围绕一个主要话题开展听、说、读、写活动,各个 部分的教学目标明确,不分课次和顺序,方便1文献综述 在知网查询了相关资料发现:董艳丽在英语教学设计中如 何整合教材中,主要讲述了英语较教材模块之间的整合以及教 材整合的原则;周金妹在教材整合在初中英语教学中的运用中 提出,教材英语教学内容、学生学情相整合;林华英在整合英 语教材,提高教学实效中,从宏观上提出了教材整合的策略; 梁银碧在整合教材给学生轻松英语课堂中提出从学生的角度 进行教材的整合。笔者认为,教材整合不单单是单元模块间的 整合,还应该是一学期的教材整合,学年与学年间教材的整合, 还应考虑小学、初中、高中教材的衔接性问题,并根据地区间 差异进行教材整合。 2教材整合 教材整合概念的提出 在2011年义务教育英语课程标准中提出教材整合的概念,其 指出:“教材是实现教学目标的重要材料和手段,教材整合的 必要性 教材整合可以提高学生的学习效率。兴趣是最好的老师, 如果在教学过程中教材整合可以帮助学生形成一套英语学习 体系。在传统教学中,教材整合有利于激发学生学习的主动性。 我们的教学活动的中心就是学生,学生是学习的主体,以学生 的需求、兴趣、爱好进行重组教材并在教学过程中了解学生的 需要,学习中困惑点,以此来扩展调整教材可以让学生投入到 课堂中来,提高学生学习的主动性,让每个学生都有所收获, 使学生得到全面的发展,对英语学习充满激情和活力。 教材整合的主要策略 分析教材,找到本套教材的重难点,列出框架体系。 适当的补充或延伸。我们处于信息网络时代,要善于运用 网络资源,对教材资源进行补充和延伸。例如在必修3 unit1 Festivals in the world,在本单元导入之前可以在网上查阅 世界各地的节日传统,让学生了解更多的西方文化知识,扩大 他们的知识层面,达到英语教学的效果。 适当的删减或替换。对于教材中不太适合的内容,在进行教学 设计时要依据学生的认知规律,进行替换和删减。如果全部照 搬教材,学生会产生畏惧或厌倦的情绪,因此 教材与学生学情的整合。学生是学习的主体,课程知识的 形成和运作须符合学生发展的需要。因而,我们在进行教材整

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