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928 小马过河托福机经预测








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第1套最重点机经ML20100516 (7)

第2套最重点机经ML20100522....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第3套最重点机经ML20100207....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第4套最重点机经ML20100626....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第5套最重点机经ML20100221....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第6套最重点机经ML20100710....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第1套重点机经ML20100306........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第2套重点机经ML20100613........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第3套重点机经ML20100313........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第4套重点机经ML20100227........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第5套重点机经ML20100410........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第6套重点机经ML20100424........................................... 错误!未定义书签。附录:








(2)小马过河根据以往2010-2011上半年ETS 托福考试重复规律,通过6种规律方式规划出2011年9-12月的范围。



(5)小马过河会根据ETS 的每一次考试及时更新和调整范围,所以请随时跟踪小马过河论坛(https://www.doczj.com/doc/b44612228.html,)的托福考试机经和新题日预测。





















































In most traditional African cultures, the person who wears a ritual mask conceptually loses his or her identity and "becomes" the spirit represented by the mask itself.[4] This transformation of the mask wearer into a spirit usually relies on other practices, such as specific types of music and dance, or ritual costumes that contribute to conceal the mask-wearer's human identitity. The mask wearer thus becomes a sort of medium that allows for a dialogue between the community and the spirits (usually those of the dead or nature-related spirits). Masked dances are a part of most traditional African ceremonies related to weddings, funerals, initiation rites, and so on. Some of the most complex rituals that have been studied by scholars are found in Nigerian cultures such as those of the Yoruba and Edo peoples, that bear some resemblances to the Western notion of theatre.[5]

Since every mask has a specific spiritual meaning, most traditions comprise several different traditional masks. The traditional religion of the Dogon people of Mali, for example, comprises three main cults (the Awa or cult of the dead, the Bini or cult of the communication with the spirits, and the Lebe or cult of nature); each of these has its pantheon of spirits, corresponding to 78 different types of masks overall. It is often the case that the artistic quality and complexity of a mask reflects the relative



importance of the portrayed spirit in the systems of beliefs of a particular people; for example, simpler masks such as the kple kple of the Baoulé people of Ivory

Coast(essentially a circle with minimal eyes, mouth and horns) are associated to minor spirits.[6]

Another consequence of the spiritual meaning of mask is that only selected persons have the privilege to wear them. In many cases, only men can wear masks, and most specifically elders or men of high social status.[7] Some masks are reserved to chieftans and kings. The most important masks are often those associated to the spirit of defunct kings and other privileged people; for example, the kings of the Kuba Kingdom used to wear a specific mask that represented the first ancestor of the ruling dynasty. Many cultures have special masks that are reserved to such classes as warriors or witch doctors.





Conversation1-1:一个男教授想让他的女学生帮助他做一个整理、分类记录录音文件的工作,这些录音室教授在去年花了大量时间出差周游某地与当地人进行访谈对话后录制得到的心血,但是教授太忙了没有时间整理这些得到的成果,因此要找人帮忙。女生的态度一开始是很犹豫的,女生曾经做过类似的工作,感觉挺无聊(tedious)的,说她目前正在有图书馆的part-time(有问题问为什么女生喜欢在图书馆工作),而且这个学期课业很重,不一定有时间做,不敢promise。教授劝他,说你帮我做,钱比图书馆多啊,而且教授觉得时间方面,女生可以一周做一份tape record。(亦有说法说女生可以做别人一半的量,我不确定,烦请各位听到时多留意)女生最后决定说可以试试。

Lecture1-1:蜥蜴(lizard)拥有保护色,但他们不采用静止不动的方式保护自己。在遇到捕食者时会逃跑并发出很大的声音,问为什么?学生说:可能因为在干树叶上走路都会很大声,老师说其实蜥蜴可以在干树叶上走得很轻的;学生说,是否是因为他们像white-tail deer白尾鹿一样要警告旁边的同类啊,老师说其实蜥蜴在旁边没有同伴时也发出很大声的。事实上研究表明,1)蜥蜴需要发出噪声





Lecture1-2:讲照片和冲洗技术的发展。有三个重要人物。第一个大量借用了前人的技术,说没有先前的技术就没有他的成就。第二个人居住在巴西的郊区,由于某种原因(此处出题,我没弄清楚到底是因为他手边没有现成photograph设备,还是因为周边风景好他想记录下来,此处同学们注意听的,清楚的麻烦帮忙clarify一下)发明了negative image,举例,使用光敏纸做底纸,把树叶叶片放在其上方,让阳光透过叶片,透光越多的地方印在纸上就越黑。使用这种方法,可以得到一个方向的光强图片。同理再使用一次该方法,就可以得到正向的光强图。但此人的只有黑白,没法表现细节,比如深浅(举了人脸和landscape为例)。而目前应用到的复印技术,就是采用类似的原理(此处提到了学生们如今复印文凭diploma就用的这种技术,有题)第三个人物最重要,尽管现在这种技术是以他助手命名的(教授认为应该以他命名,这个人被大家低估了他的成就)他可以称之为现在相机的发明者。

The first permanent photograph was made in 1822by a French inventor, Joseph

Nicéphore Niépce, building on a discovery by Johann Heinrich Schultz (1724): that a silver and chalk mixture darkens under exposure to light. Niépce and Louis Daguerre refined this process. Daguerre discovered that exposing the silver first to iodine vapor, before exposure to light, and then to mercury fumes after the photograph was taken, could form a latent image; bathing the plate in a salt bath then fixes the image. These ideas led to the famous daguerreotype.

The daguerreotype had its problems, notably the fragility of the resulting picture, and that it was a positive-only process, and thus could not be re-printed. Inventors set about looking for improved processes that would be more practical. Several processes were introduced and used for a short time between Niépce's first image and the introduction of the collodion process in 1848. Collodion-based wet-glass plate negatives with prints made on albumen paper remained the preferred photographic method for some time, even after the introduction of the even more practical gelatin process in 1871. Adaptations of the gelatin process have remained the

primary black-and-white photographic process to this day, differing primarily in the film material itself, originally glass and then a variety of flexible films.

Color photography is almost as old as black-and-white, with early experiments dating to John Herschel's experiments with Anthotype from 1842, and Lippmann plate from 1891. Color photography became much more popular with the introduction

of Autochrome Lumière in 1903, which was replaced

by Kodachrome, Ilfochrome and similar processes. For many years these processes were used almost exclusively for transparencies (in slide projectors and similar



devices), but color prints became popular with the introduction of

the Chromogenic negative, which is the most-used system in the C-41 process. The needs of the movie industry have also introduced a host of special-purpose systems, perhaps the best-known being the now rare Technicolor.

Conversation2-1:一个女学生在像一个大叔申请Parking Permission in school,大叔说木有了,只能停在F area,那里是学校的中心地带。女生说oh no,那里离教室有段距离啊。大叔说,那里有免费的穿梭巴士,每十分钟一趟。学校现在新建XX(没听清楚,有题)。又讲到会增加停车费用,从50$涨到70$,这个学期由于时间问题,不会涨。(有题问到为什么会涨价,4选2,我也不确定,悲剧)

Lecture2-1:化学课,先提到物质有液态、固态、气态,然后讲混合物。一种为只有一个Phase的Mixture - homogeneous(如酒精+水,得到一瓶混合溶液,都是液态。)另外一种讲Multiple Phase的Mixture - heterogeneous(如泥土,中间就有植物、土壤和沙石等可以分开的不同物质;又如油水混合物,油密度小,可以浮在水上)有一个表格题,除了盐水不能分开为前者外,其他三个烟(其实含有液体、固体和气体三种状态的物质)、脏水(有杂质、水等可以分开的物质)、和土壤(含有各种固体)都是可分开的Multiple Phase Mixture。随后提到蒸发得到盐水中的盐,过滤可以使脏水分离出杂质和干净的水等。最后提到Mixture中成分的浓度对Mixture的影响,比如咖啡中咖啡的浓度对口味的影响,盐水混合物中盐的浓度对Mixture凝固点的影响(freezing point,此处出题)


Realism in theatre denotes any movement towards greater fidelity to real life, as

in Kitchen sink realism, an English cultural movement in the 1950s and 1960s that concentrated on contemporary social realism, or Poetic realism, a film movement in France in the 1930s that used heightened aestheticism. In the visual arts the term denotes any approach that depicts what the eye can see, such as in American realism, a turn of the 20th century idea in arts, Classical Realism, an artistic movement in late 20th Century that valued beauty and artistic skill. Literary realism particularly denotes a 19th century literary movement. Neorealism is a movement emphasising realism in cinema and literature while the New Realism is an artistic movement founded in 1960 by Pierre Restany and Yves Klein. Romantic realism is an aesthetic art term popularized by writer/philosopher Ayn Rand. Aesthetic Realism is a philosophy founded by Eli Siegel.



Forms of political realism in the arts have included Nazi heroic realism or the art of the third Reich, a style of propaganda art associated with Nazi Germany,Social realism, an artistic movement which depicts working class activities, and Socialist realism, a style of propaganda art associated with Communism.

Photorealism is a genre of painting that resembles photography, Hyperrealism (painting) resembles high resolution photography while Pseudorealism, is a term coined by American film critics to describe films in which digital unreal images are created and amalgamated with regular scenes thereby creating an illusion that is difficult to distinguish from reality, or a genre of art initiated by Indian

artist Devajyoti Ray where reality is approached via abstraction Surrealism and Magic realism are artistic genres in which magical or impossible elements appear in an otherwise realistic setting.

以下是经典加试,我加试时把声音调至最小,偷听背后的口语去了。。。Conversation3-1:Bird's immigrantion 鸟的迁徙

Lecture3-1:Refflesia 大王花

Lecture3-2:Ragtime Music 早期爵士乐


Task 1 Describe an activity that you enjoy doing together with your family.

The activity I like to spend with my family is mountain climbing; it’s a traditi on for my family to climb the mountain every weekend,there are three reasons why everyone enjoy this activity. Firstly, mountain climbing is a good way to give us a bit of exercise especially after a tired and hard week from work, and the fresh air could help us refresh our minds and reduce our stress. Secondly, Exposure to nature could give us a good mood, and we would feel recharged and revitalized when we are back to our work again. Third, it is a good opportunity for us to be together which would do well to our family bonding. So those are the reasons why everybody in my family likes this activity.

Task 2 Do you prefer to shop at a large department store or a small specialty store? Why?

I would like to go shopping in a large department store for the following two reasons. Firstly, my desire would be aroused by the giant selections provided in the large department store, I could have more chances to compare the goods, prices and make the best choice for me. What is more, thanks to a large variety of goods available in the large department store, I don’t need to switch places to get different kinds of commodities. Secondly, there are many other infrastructures that are accessible in the



large department store, such as restaurants, cafes, movie theaters so that when I feel tired, I could have a rest and grab some snacks to help my body recover. So those are the reasons why I prefer large department stores.

Task 3

Dear Editor,

I am writing to bring forth the concern several members of the student body have regarding the current university parking lots. As a group we recommend the university close down the current parking lots this would be greatly beneficial to the students and the environment. The parking lots consume too much of needed space that could be better used to improve the scenery and environment of the university. It would also encourage more students to walk to classes instead of using transportation that would cause further damage to the environment.

A: Did you read about the parking lot in the university paper?

B: No, what was it about?

A: A student recommended the university close the parking lots around the university.

B: That’s a good idea.

A: Why?

B: Well, there are just too many parking lots in the university and they could be converted into green areas where the students can hang out and relax. That would really improve the overall appearance and environment of the university. A: I guess but what about the cars.

B: The University does need that many cars, there is just too much right now. After the parking lots are closed, it would encourage the students to walk or ride their bikes more. There would also be more room to do so.

In the reading passage, the author suggests the university to reduce the number of parking lots. Furthermore, in the conversation, the man strongly supports this statement for the following reasons.

First, according to the writer, one benefit of this proposal is that it would save the space to improve the environment of the campus. The man added that in this way, the university could provide more green areas for students to relax, which could beautify the appearance of the campus.

Second, as the writer says, reducing parking lots enables students to protect the environment. The man extended further advantage that this suggestion could encourage students to walk or ride their bikes, reducing the number of cars in campus.



Task 4

In the natural world all creatures would need to feed, unlike humans who are able to cultivate their own nutrients, the food sources available to animals are quite limited. Animals utilize many different and distinct methods to search and hunt for food. It is more than necessary for all predators to be efficient hunters and limit their energy output in hunting prey. The amount of energy they utilize in many situations could endanger the survival of the creature. This method is called optimal foraging.

Class, in today’s lecture we are going to discuss a feeding method utilized b y animals called optimal foraging. This is a strategy animals utilize to maximize their efficiency when hunting and feeding. The process focuses on decreasing energy output and increasing energy intake. I’ll provide the class with an example of this method. The albatross which is a bird that lives near the coast and feed mainly on shellfish is good example of a creature that utilizes this method. This type of bird would fly to a certain degree in the air and search for their food source within the water, after locking on to its target the bird would dive at a speed into the water and grab the shellfish. The bird would carry the shellfish into the air dropping it from the sky to crack it open. There are two key factors that are important in this process. The first is when the bird is searching for the shellfish in the sky, it will try to find the largest shellfish possible to maximize energy intake. The second factor is determining the correct height to drop the shellfish, which is usually around five meters. If the height is too low the shell would not be cracked and the process would have to be repeated, if the height is too high it would use too much energy. This is to decrease the amount of energy output.

The reading passage introduces a concept called optimal foraging, which means an efficient method of hunting food utilized by all predators.

In the lecture, the professor mainly used one example to illustrate how albatross, a certain kind of sea bird use this method to maximize their hunting efficiency in two ways.

The first way is to enhance the intake of energy. For example, as hunting food consumes lots of energy, the sea bird would try to find the largest shellfish to ensure its energy intake.

The second way is to limit the outtake of energy. In fact, when the sea bird try to open the shell through dropping the shellfish from the sky, the selection of the height is quite important. In order to prevent itself from doing it over and over again, which is energy-consuming, the bird would drop their food five meters away from the ground.



Task 5

A: What’s up?

B: I just finished my last class this semester and I’m getting ready to head home for summer vacation. When are you going to head back?

A: I can’t

B: What’s wrong?

A: Remember that last paper we had to finish for history class?

B: Yeah, so?

A: Well I didn’t really meet all of the professor’s requirements so he is asking me to rewrite it. If I don’t do it well, it will affect my grades.

B: That sounds tough.

A: The professor gave me two choices, he said I could finish it in a week and submit it to him, but I’m really worried about the quality of my work in such a short time.

B: What’s the other option?

A: The other option is to spend the summer on it and submit it the start of the new school year. If I d o this I definitely won’t be able to enjoy summer vacation. In the conversation, the man encounters a problem. As he failed to meet the requirement of his history professor, he was forced to postpone his plan for summer vacation.

In order to solve this problem, the professor proposed two possible solutions.

The first one is to ask him to rewrite the paper in a week and start his summer vacation after then.

The second one is that he could spend his whole vacation here in the campus to finish this task.

Personally speaking, I would rather adopt the second solution for the following reasons.

First, as the man said, finishing the work in such a short time would probably lead to a bad result that he would again, fail to fulfill the professor’s requirement.

Second, even though the man would probably give up his summer vacation, it is still worthy because he will be given an opportunity to pay deeper thought on this subject. Task 6

Class, today we are going to discuss the relationship between advertisement design and consumer’s acceptance. In today’s modern world we are surrounded by advertisements and for each one we view there is a particular rate of acceptance for the advertisement. As a consumer our brain begins to evaluate if the design of the advertisement satisfied our current or potential needs. The consumers can be separated into two large groups, the first type of consumers are visually sensitive and respond best to images. They tend to accept



advertisements that have a better image design. For example an advertisement that has images that depict the beautiful scenery of the beach, with limited audio support or even words. The first type of consumer would be attracted by the images instead of the other forms of presentation. The second type of consumers is audio sensitive, this group respond better to voices and sounds compared with images. For example if the same commercial is modified, limiting the amount of visual presentation and adding a narration describing the benefits of the beach, the second type of consumers would prefer to accept this type of presentation compared with the first advertisement.

In the lecture, the professor mainly discussed the relationship between the design of advertisement and the rate of acceptance.

According to him, there are two different types of consumers responding to two factors of advertisement,

The first type of consumers is visual sensitive, who tend to be persuaded by advertisements with better image and appearance, such as a silent advertisement depicting the scenery of the beach.

The second type is audio sensitive. People in this type will be more attracted by advertisements that are superior in sound. For example, adding narration would be a perfect way to appeal this type of consumers.




【教授】以上三个理由都有道理,但是任何一个都不足以成为最major的reason,1)玛雅文化连年征战,早在公元前400-600年就有打仗了,而不用等到公元前1000年左右因为战争消耗导致玛雅消失;2)玛雅人比想象中更knowledgeable 和creative,他们种植了更多种类的作物,并把河道及湖里的sediment取出,变成artificial farmland。3)最早collapse的是玛雅地区的南方,而干旱则是从北方开始的。

In the reading passage, the author gives three reasons to explain the collapse of Mayan civilization. However, the professor in the lecture refutes this three reasons point by point. According to him, none of them can be seen as the major reason which caused this severe collapse.

First, as the author suggests, a drastic battle started around 1000 years ago leads to the end of this civilization directly. Whereas, the professor argues that as the Mayans has been through numerous wars during their flourishing time, this battle would not be the reason of their collapse. In fact, documents report that their first battle begins around



600, 400 years before their collapse.

Second, the writer suggests that the Mayans died as a result of the barren land, while the professor disagrees this idea by stating that Mayan people was unbelievably knowledgeable and creative. In fact, it was documented that they were able to cultivate different kinds of crops. Also, in order to feed their large population, they extracted the sediment from lakes to form artificial land.

Third, as the passage says, a severe drought could also have generated the disappearance of this civilization. However, since the drought and the collapse started in totally different areas, the professor could hardly agree with the passage.(212 words)


Do you agree or disagree, improving school is the most important factor of successful development of a country.

The impact that the quality of school has had on our society in general is undisputable. Not only can it determine the life standard of these children but also the development of the whole country. Also, there is a big deal of other elements that affect the evolution of a state. However, some people affirm that improving school is the most important factor to successful of a country. I doubt whether this arguments bears much analysis.

It’s undeniable that improving school is a direct and effective method to successful development of a country, especially for a co untry which hasn’t had an improved and perfects education system yet. For instance, since there are limited good senior schools and universities students can choose, they have to do a plenty of homework after school and take many outside classes, such as math physics and English, so that they can surpass peers. Simultaneously, most of students lose much time to exercise their body and experience social works. Consequently, after graduating form a school, they will only have ability to calculate extraordinary difficult math problem but lose a muscular body and precious social skills. As a result, the development of a country will be profoundly negative affected in the future, because only a person who has expert knowledge with a broad imagination and professional social skills, such as cooperation communication and leadership, can create functional and valuable things or become a successful and sophisticated entrepreneur in the future. Therefore, for some countries it’s quite significant to improving school to let more students cultivated comprehensively so that the development of the country can be successful. However, I cannot agree that improving school is the most important factor to development of a country, because political and social factors also affect dramatically, such as management and population. Governments need to do lots of things to



encourage development. They need to build and maintain infrastructure, and raise and spend finance wisely, on the right projects. When governments are inept at managing infrastructure, development is impossible. In addition, as the resources of a country is limited, with more children, a country can invest less in the health and education of each person, which may cause more people died of disease and the average level of education would be low. The mean economic country can hardly be even and strong. Therefore, good management of government and appropriate population are also important to successful development of a country.

In conclusion, I can hardly agree that th e “most” important factor to successful development of a country is improving school. In fact, there are many other important factors are influencing the development of a country.(441)

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