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Lesson 8 A Rose for Emily

Lesson 8   A Rose for Emily
Lesson 8   A Rose for Emily

A Rose for Emily

by William Faulkner

Guide to Reading

Published in 1930, “A Rose for Emily”is one of the best known and the most widely read among Faulkner’s short stories. The story took place in a mythical1town that William Faulkner called Jefferson, Mississippi. The time of the story is during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when the town was learning to live with2 South’s loss in the Civil War of 1861-1865 and the consequent3dismantling4of the slavery-based society that had preceded it. The end of slavery, however, did not end white supremacy5, nor in particular the social dominance of the prominent white families who, though small in number, had owned the largest plantations and the largest numbers of slaves. The prestige of those families persisted, even in their unaccustomed poverty. One of their long-standing social problems was to find suitable marriage partners for their offspring since so few outside the family were deemed worth to join it. The status of upper class white womanhood in Southern slavery- 1想象的;虚构的

2[口语]容忍:忍受(不愉快的事);承认;接受;;顺应; 学会适应(常与have to,must连用)We have to live with the fact that this experiment is a complete failure.我们得承认这次实验彻底失败。"I don't enjoy the pain, but I can live with it.""我虽然不以疼痛为乐,但还可以忍受。"



5白人至上;白人至上主义; supremacy至高; 至尊; 无上权威; 霸权

based society was both superior and limited. The wife of a plantation owner was raised6up above ordinary womanhood so that she was treated with a chivalrous7 deference8. Though the white women gave birth to the only legitimate heirs, they were powerless to control the behavior of their men. What the white women did acquire was social power, to the point where9 a whole community might feel bound10to accede11to their wishes. The older such a woman became, the harder it was for anyone of lower status to say no to her.

Faulkner’s work is noted for its complexity partly because he deliberately places a considerable burden upon the reader. Instead of telling a simple straightforward story, he often exploits vague references, ambiguities, symbolism, experimental points of view, jumbled12time sequences, avoidance of clear transitions, withholding of vital information to compel the reader to join in the writer’s search for truth. Some of these techniques are used in “A Rose for Emily”.

Thematically, this short story is not as simple as it seems. The conflicts in the story can be interpreted on different levels, just as can many of his longer fictional 6提高(名声等):His prestige has been raised greatly since he was promoted to the president of the university.自从他升为大学校长以后,他的声望大大提高。

7尤指对女人体贴及彬彬有礼的; (对妇女)殷勤有礼的






works. On the superficial level, it is a murder story with elements of Gothic literature—an eccentric13woman living in isolation, an old decaying mysterious house that other people had not been in for decades, and, of course, a dead body in the house finally discovered after so many years. Yet to read this story just as murder story is missing14the most important things the author is trying to convey to the reader. On another level, the story can be read as a conflict between the South and the North with Emily representing the declining South and Homer Barron representing the North. However, with such an interpretation one runs the risk of15oversimplifying the thematic richness of the work. On a deeper level, the story explores the inner world of a human being, or the inner struggle in the human heart. Short as it is, this story contains some of the characteristics one may find in Faulkner’s longer fictions. Here as elsewhere Faulkner celebrates16in detail the workings of the complex social world of a small Southern town. He views it with fondness but in no way idealizes its quirks17or its hypocrisy. Therefore, “A Rose for Emily”can serve as a good introduction to the work of Faulkner.



14未领会,未理解You've completely missed the point of his argument.你完全没有领会他的论点。


16To make widely known; display公布;展示; To extol or praise歌颂,赞美His heroic deeds were celebrated in all the newspapers.他的英雄事迹受到所有报纸的赞扬。


1. When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old man-servant—a combined gardener18and cook—had seen in at least ten years.

2. It was a big, squarish frame house19that had once been white, decorated with cupolas20and spires21and scrolled22balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select23 street. But garages and cotton gins24had encroached25and obliterated26even the august27names of that neighborhood; only Miss Emily’s house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps—an eyesore28among 18园丁,园林工人,花匠;菜农

19木屋; 木板房,构架房屋



22具有涡卷装饰的;弯曲的; scroll把...写在卷轴上; 题记, 铭刻; 使成卷形, 把...卷成卷轴形; 使成涡卷形花纹

23 If you describe something as select, you mean it has many desirable features, but is available only to people who have a lot of money or who belong to a high social class. 第一流的; 只为富人、上层人士而设的; 精选的, 极好的, 一流的

24轧花机;轧棉机; gin杜松子酒;轧棉机;陷阱

25侵犯, 侵略, 蚕食, 侵入(on; upon)

26使消失; 除去; 抹煞; 使湮没; 使被忘却; 涂去; 擦去; 删去(文字等); 消灭...痕迹



eyesores. And now Miss Emily had gone to join the representatives of those august names where they lay in the cedar-bemused cemetery29among the ranked30and anonymous graves of Union and Confederate31soldiers who fell at the battle of Jefferson32.

3. Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town, dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris, the mayor—he who fathered33the edict34that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron—remitted35her taxes, the dispensation36dating from the death of her father on into perpetuity. Not that Miss Emily would have accepted charity. Colonel Sartoris invented37an involved38tale to the effect that39Miss 西,丑物

29The cemetery where cedars stood quiet as if lost in thought. Bemused: engrossed in thought; preoccupied出神的,沉思


31Union and Confederate:美国内战中的北部联邦军队和南方联盟军队。

32the battle of Jefferson:杰斐逊战役。美国内战中发生在Port Jefferson城的一场重要战役。

33创立, 发明


35豁免(债务等);免除(处罚等)Under no circumstances can the income tax be remitted.在任何情况下所得税都不能豁免。

36豁免;特免(权); (义务的)免除,解除,免去,省却



39to the effect that:大意是,意思是。

Emily’s father had loaned money to the town, which the town, as a matter of40business, preferred this way of repaying. Only a man of Colonel Sartoris’ generation and thought could have invented it, and only a woman could have believed it.

4. When the next generation, with its more modern ideas, became mayors and aldermen41, this arrangement created some little dissatisfaction. On the first of the year they mailed her a tax notice. February came, and there was no reply. They wrote her a formal letter, asking her to call at the sheriff’s42office at her convenience. A week later the mayor wrote her himself, offering to call or to send his car for her, and received in reply a note on paper of an archaic43shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink, to the effect that she no longer went out at all. The tax notice was also enclosed44, without comment.

5. They called a special meeting of the Board45of Aldermen. A deputation waited upon46her, knocked at the door through which no visitor had passed since she ceased giving china-painting lessons eight or ten years earlier. They were admitted by the old Negro into a dim hall from which a stairway mounted into still more shadow. It

40大约;大概;. …的问题;…的事情


42sheriff (美国) 县治安官;县行政司法长官,地方司法官43古代的;陈旧的;古体的;古色古香的



46To make a formal call on; visit造访:正式拜访;访问

smelled of dust and disuse47—a close48, dank49smell. The Negro led them into the parlor. It was furnished50in heavy, leather-covered furniture. When the Negro opened the blinds of one window, they could see that the leather was cracked; and when they sat down, a faint dust rose sluggishly51about their thighs, spinning52with slow motes53in the single sun-ray. On a tarnished54gilt55 easel56before the fireplace stood a crayon57portrait of Miss Emily’s father.

6. They rose when she entered—a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony58cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton59was small and spare60; perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her. She looked 47(尤指逐渐的)废弃,不用

48Lacking fresh air; stuffy闷人的:缺少新鲜空气的;闷热的a close room.闷热的房间









57用于绘画的有色蜡笔、炭笔或粉笔; 颜色(铅)笔;色粉笔;颜色笔画;色粉笔画;蜡笔画;炭笔画




bloated61, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid62hue63. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges64of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand65.

7. She did not ask them to sit. She just stood in the door and listened quietly until the spokesman came to a stumbling66halt. Then they could hear the invisible watch ticking at the end of the gold chain.

8. Her voice was dry67and cold68. “I have no taxes in Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris explained it to me. Perhaps one of you can gain access to69the city records70and satisfy yourselves.”

9. “But we have. We are the city authorities, Miss Emily. Didn’t you get a notice from the sheriff, signed by him?”




64A long, narrow, or crested part of the body背,背梁:身体上狭长或有羽冠的部分the ridge of the nose.鼻梁



67Lacking tenderness, warmth, or involvement; severe冷冰冰的:缺乏温柔、温暖或投入的;严厉的The actor gave a dry reading of the lines.演员把台词念得十分生硬

Matter-of-fact or indifferent in manner:态度冷漠的,无动于衷的rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical tone.用冷漠而机械的声调一口气说完事实.


69可以到达;可以使用;有接触(或进入、使用)的机会(或权利); 接近;取得使用…机会;有接近…的权利


10. “I received a paper71, yes,” Miss Emily said. “Perhap s he considers himself the sheriff . . . I have no taxes in Jefferson.”

11. “But there is nothing on the books72to show that, you see. We must go by73the—”

12. “See Colonel Sartoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson.”

13. “But, Miss Emily—”

14. “See Colonel Sartoris.” (Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years.) “I have no taxes in Jefferson. Tobe!” The Negro appeared. “Show these gentlemen out74.”


15. So she vanquished75them, horse and foot76, just as she had vanquished their fathers thirty years before about the smell77.Th at was two years after her father’s death and a short time after her sweetheart—the one we believed would marry her—had deserted her. After her father’s death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all. A few of the ladies had the temerity78to call, but were not received, and the 71官方文件



74show out送出(客人);领……出来; 把…送出去Will you please show our visitor out?请你送出客人好吗?


76全军, 骑兵和步兵, 全力以赴地


78If you say that a person has the temerity to do something, you are annoyed about something they have done which you think showed a lack of respect. 失礼; 鲁

only sign of life about the place was the Negro man—a young man then—going in and out with a market basket. 16. “Just as if a m an—any man—could keep a kitchen properly, “the ladies said; so they were not surprised when the smell developed. It was another link between the gross79, teeming80world and the high and mighty81 Griersons82.

17. A neighbor, a woman, complained to the mayor, Judge Stevens, eighty years old.

18. “But what will you have me do about it, madam?” he said.

19. “Why, send her word83to stop it,” the woman said. “Isn’t there a law?”

20. “I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” Judge Stevens said. “It’s probably just a snake or a rat that nigger84of hers killed in the yard. I’ll speak to him about it.”

21. The next day he received two more complaints, one from a man who came in diffident85deprecation86. “We 莽,冒失,轻率,蛮勇

79Vulgar, coarse粗俗的,下流的;庸俗的; 粗野的,不雅的;无教养的;无知识的

80Full of (people and animals) 充满…的;丰富的

81Marked by arrogance; haughty and overbearing神气活现的;自高自大的,傲慢的


83send ...word: inform (somebody) of something捎信,转告,传话,派人通知

84(ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a Black person黑鬼(蔑称)

85lacking self-confidence胆怯的,畏缩的,踌躇的,犹豫的;羞怯的,害羞的;缺乏自信的;畏首畏尾的

86the act of expressing disapproval (especially of yourself)

really must do something about it, Judge. I’d be the last

one in the world to bother Miss Emily87, but we’ve got to do something.” That night the Board of Aldermen met—three graybeards88and one younger man, a member of the rising generation89.

22. “It’s simple enough,” he said. “Send her word to have

her place cleaned up90. Give her a certain time to do it in,

and if she don’t. ..”

23. “Dammit91, sir,” Judge Stevens said, “will you accuse a lady to her face92of smelling bad?”

24. So the next night, after midnight, four men crossed

Miss Emily’s lawn and slunk93about the house like burglars, sniffing along the base94of the brickwork95and at


87I’d be the last one in the world to bother Miss Emily:我是最不愿意打扰艾米丽小姐的人。

88an old man, esp a sage [美国英语、贬义](白胡子)老人,



90 If you clean up a mess or clean up a place where there

is a mess, you make things neat and free of dirt again. 收

拾干净; 把…收拾干净

91Damn, damn it, and dammit are used by some people to express anger or impatience. 该死; 讨厌(口语中表达愤怒、厌烦等); 该死的,真他妈的。

92to one's face当着某人的面,直率地;公开地

93walk stealthily偷偷摸摸地走;动物早产;潜逃(slink的过


94地基; 底座:建筑物的最底层部分,比如墙,被看作隔离

的单位:the base of a column.柱基

95砖结构:用砖建的结构; 砖砌部分; 砖砌的建筑物,砖房,


the cellar openings while one of them performed a regular sowing motion with his hand out of a sack slung96from his shoulder. They broke open97the cellar door and sprinkled lime there, and in all the outbuildings98. As they recrossed the lawn, a window that had been dark was lighted99and Miss Emily sat in it, the light behind her, and her upright torso100motionless as that of an idol. They crept101quietly across the lawn and into the shadow of the locusts102that lined the street. After a week or two the smell went away103.

25. That was when people had begun to feel really sorry for her. People in our town, remembering how old lady Wyatt, her great-aunt, had gone completely crazy at last, believed that the Griersons held104themselves a little too high for what they really were. None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such105. We had long thought of them as a tableau106, Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a 96sling吊挂,悬挂




100the body excluding the head and neck and limbs(人体的)躯干。

101慢慢地移动;滑动;蠕动:She crept downstairs and opened the front door quite softly.她悄悄地走下楼,轻轻地打开前门。



104To regard in a certain way视作:以某种方式认为


106活人造型; 画面;活人画;戏剧性局面;生动的场面

spraddled107silhouette108in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed109by the backflung110front door111. So when she got to be thirty and was still single, we were not pleased exactly, but vindicated112; even with insanity in the family she wouldn’t have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized113.

26. When her father died, it got about114that the house was all that was left to her; and in a way, people were glad. At last they could pity Miss Emily. Being left alone, and a pauper115, she had become humanized116. Now she too 107叉着腿地行走(或站立)


109给(镜子、照片等)装框子(或架子); 装框:被或好象被围在架框中

110向后开的;fling猛推(门、窗等) fling a door open猛然推开门


112If a person or their decisions, actions, or ideas are vindicated, they are proved to be correct, after people have said that they were wrong. 证明是正确的

113come into being; become reality成为事实;实现;具体化

114(消息、谣言等) 传播出去,流传开[亦作get abroad] News of the trouble soon got about. 有关骚乱的消息很快传播开了。

115A pauper is a very poor person. 赤贫者; 乞丐;穷人;靠救济度日者He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave. 他死时一文不名,葬于一处无名墓中。116Humanize: To portray or endow with human characteristics or attributes; make human变为有人性, 变为有情, 使通人情; 有教化;变得有人性;变得仁慈,变得

would know the old117thrill and the old despair of a penny more or less118.

27. The day after his death all the ladies prepared to call

at the house and offer condolence and aid, as is our custom. Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her face. She told them

that her father was not dead. She did that for three days,

with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body. Just as they were about to resort to law and force, she broke down119,

and they buried her father quickly.

28. We did not say she was crazy then. We believed she

had to do that. We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left,

she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will.


29. She was sick for a long time. When we saw her again, her hair was cut short, making her look like a girl,


117Familiar, experienced, heard or seen many times before 118she too would know the old thrill and the old despair of

a penny more or less:她现在也能体会到那种多一便士便喜


日子的感受了。Ordinary people often become excited or worried when they get a penny more or a penny less. Being poor, now she would learn to appreciate the value of

money like other people in the town.

119break down: lose control of one's emotions(精神等)垮掉,崩溃。

with a vague resemblance to those angels in colored church windows—sort of tragic120and serene121.

30. The town had just let122the contracts for paving the sidewalks, and in the summer after her father’s death they began the work. The construction company came with niggers and mules and machinery, and a foreman123 named Homer Barron, a Yankee124—a big, dark, ready125 man, with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face. The little boys would follow in groups to hear him cuss126the niggers, and the niggers singing in time127to the rise and fall of picks128. Pretty soon he knew everybody in town. Whenever you heard a lot of laughing anywhere about the square, Homer Barron would be in the center of the group. Presently we began to see him and Miss Emily on Sunday



122转让(契约);把…承包出去The government let the project to 4 firms.政府把这项工程承包给四家公司。let the construction job to a new firm.把这个建筑项目承包给一个新公司




127in the correct rhythm合拍子,有节奏地

128a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends鹤嘴锄;镐

afternoons driving in the yellow-wheeled buggy129and the matched team of bays from the livery stable130.

31. At first we were glad that Miss Emily would have an interest131, because the ladies all said, “Of course a Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer132.” But there were still others, older people, who said that even grief could not cause a real lady to forget noblesse oblige133—without calling it noblesse oblige. They just said, “Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her.” She had some kin in Alabama134; but years ago her 129a small lightweight carriage; drawn by a single horse [英国英语](轻便)双轮单马马车; [美国英语](轻便)四轮单


130stable where horses and vehicles are kept for hire (出租马车、马匹的)代养马房;大车店; 车马出租所; 马房:为马提供食宿并出租马和马车的马厩; livery马或马车的出租131令人感兴趣的人(或事);趣味

132a laborer who works by the day; for daily wages 临时工,散工工人,日工; 按天雇佣且付钱的工人[亦作dayman, daysman, daytaler]

133noblesse oblige:the obligation of those of high rank to be honorable and generous (often used ironically)(法语)作为贵族应该表现出的品德、尊严和荣耀; 位高应不负众望; 地位高则责任重;贵人应有的品德; 贵人行为理应高尚:善良、高尚的行为,被认为是具有高贵出生或地位的人应该做的They did so without hope of further profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige.他们这么做并非想多牟利,而是出于他们义不容辞的高贵责任感。


father had fallen out with135them over the estate136of old lady Wyatt, the crazy woman, and there was no communication137between the two families. They had not even been represented at the funeral.

32. And as soon as the old people said, “Poor Emily,” the whispering138began. “Do you suppose it’s really so?” they said to one another. “Of course it is. What else could . . .” This behind th eir hands; rustling of craned139 silk and satin behind jalousies140closed upon the sun of Sunday afternoon as the thin141, swift clop-clop-clop142of the matched team passed: “Poor Emily.”

33. She carried her head high143enough—even when we believed that she was fallen. It was as if she demanded 135If you fall out with someone, you have an argument and stop being friendly with them. You can also say that two people fall out. 与…争吵;与…发生纠纷;吵架; 闹翻She fell out with her husband.她与丈夫闹翻了。Most married people fall out over money.大多数结了婚的人为钱而吵架。



138流言蜚语; 窃窃私语

139伸着脖子看; (为了看得更清楚)伸颈,探头The audience in the seats craned forward to look at her.座上的观众伸着脖子看她。



143carry one's head high 趾高气扬= hold one's head high 不垂头丧气,在困境中表现出自尊与勇气;趾高气扬

more than ever the recognition of her dignity as the last Grierson; as if it had wanted that touch of earthiness to reaffirm144her imperviousness145. Like when she bought the rat poison146, the arsenic147. That was over a year after the y had begun to say “Poor Emily,” and while the two female cousins were visiting her.

34. “I want some poison,” she said to the druggist148. She was over thirty then, still a slight149woman, though thinner than usual, with cold, haughty150black eyes in a face the flesh of which was strained151across the temples and about the eye-sockets152as you imagine a lighthouse-keeper’s153face ought to look. “I want some poison,” she said.

35. “Yes, Miss Emily. What kind? For rats and such? I’d recom—”

36. “I want the best you have. I don’t care what kind.”

37. The druggist named several. “They’ll kill anything up to an elephant. But what you want is—”

38. “Arsenic,” Miss Emily said. “Is that a good one?”

39. “Is . . . arsenic? Yes, ma’am. But what you want—”

40. “I want arsenic.”

144重申; 再断言; 再肯定; 再证实










41. The druggist looked down at her. She looked back at him, erect, her face like a strained flag. “Why, of course,” the druggist said. “If that’s what you want. But the law requires you to tell what you are going to use it for.”

42. Miss Emily just stared at him, her head tilted154back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looked away and went and got the arsenic and wrapped it up. The Negro delivery boy155brought her the package; the druggist didn’t come back. When she opened the package at home there was written on the box, under the skull156and bones: “For rats.”


43. So the next day we all said, “She will kill herself”; and we said it would be the best thing. When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we had sa id, “She will marry him.” Then we said, “She will persuade him yet,” because Homer himself had remarked—he liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks’ Club—that he was not a marrying man. Later we said, “Poor Emily” behind t he jalousies as they passed on Sunday afternoon in the glittering buggy, Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked157 and a cigar in his teeth, reins and whip in a yellow glove. 44. Then some of the ladies began to say that it was a disgrace to the town and a bad example to the young people. The men did not want to interfere, but at last the 154使倾斜;使倾侧



157使歪斜;使翘起The man cocked his hat in the latest fashion.这个男人按照最近时兴的方式歪戴着帽子。

ladies forced the Baptist158minister—Miss Emily’s people were Episcopal159—to call upon her. He would never divulge160what happened during that interview, but he refused to go back again. The next Sunday they again drove about the streets, and the following day the minister’s wife wrote to Miss Emily’s relations in Alabama. 45. So she had blood-kin under her roof161again and we sat back162to watch developments163. At first nothing happened. Then we were sure that they were to be married. We learned that Miss Emily had been to the jeweler’s and ordered a man’s toilet set164in silver, with the letters H. B. on each piece. Two days later we learned that she had bought a complete outfit165of men’s clothing, including a nightshirt166, and we said, “They are married.” 158浸礼宗(或会)教友(该派为基督教新教主要宗派之一,主张受洗者必须全身浸入水中);浸礼会教派的


160make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret泄漏(秘密等),揭露(隐私、本不为人知的事等)

161under one's roof在某人家里;住在自己家里(尤指留某人住在自己家里);under sb.'s roof住在某人家作客; 寄人篱下; 在某人的照应下

162If you sit back while something is happening, you relax and do not become involved in it. 袖手旁观; 在一旁闲着; 不采取行动,坐待



165An outfit is a set of clothes. 全套服装,(尤指女式)全套服装

166A nightshirt is a long, loose shirt worn in bed. (男用)衬

高一物理下册 抛体运动(培优篇)(Word版 含解析)

一、第五章抛体运动易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,半径为R的半球形碗竖直固定,直径AB水平,一质量为m的小球(可视为 质点)由直径AB上的某点以初速度v0水平抛出,小球落进碗内与内壁碰撞,碰撞时速度大小为2gR,结果小球刚好能回到抛出点,设碰撞过程中不损失机械能,重力加速度为g,则初速度v0大小应为() A.gR B.2gR C.3gR D.2gR 【答案】C 【解析】 小球欲回到抛出点,与弧面的碰撞必须是垂直弧面的碰撞,即速度方向沿弧AB的半径方向.设碰撞点和O的连线与水平夹角α,抛出点和碰撞点连线与水平夹角为β,如图,则由2 1 sin 2 y gt Rα ==,得 2sin R t g α =,竖直方向的分速度为 2sin y v gt gRα ==,水平方向的分速度为 22 (2)(2sin)42sin v gR gR gR gR αα =-=-,又 00 tan y v gt v v α==,而2 00 1 2 tan 2 gt gt v t v β==,所以tan2tan αβ =,物体沿水平方向的位移为2cos x Rα =,又0 x v t =,联立以上的方程可得 3 v gR =,C正确. 2.一阶梯如图所示,其中每级台阶的高度和宽度都是0.4m,一小球以水平速度v飞出,欲打在第四台阶上,则v的取值范围是()

A 6m/s 22m/s v << B .22m/s 3.5m/s v <≤ C 2m/s 6m/s v << D 6m/s 23m/s v << 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 若小球打在第四级台阶的边缘上高度4h d =,根据2 112 h gt = ,得 1880.4s 0.32s 10 d t g ?= == 水平位移14x d = 则平抛的最大速度 1112m/s 0.32 x v t = == 若小球打在第三级台阶的边缘上,高度3h d =,根据2 212 h gt = ,得 260.24s d t g = = 水平位移23x d =,则平抛运动的最小速度 2226m/s 0.24 x v t = == 所以速度范围 6m/s 22m/s v << 故A 正确。 故选A 。 【点睛】 对于平抛运动的临界问题,可以通过画它们的运动草图确定其临界状态及对应的临界条件。 3.一个半径为R 的空心球固定在水平地面上,球上有两个与球心O 在同一水平面上的小孔A 、B ,且60AOB ∠=?2 gR


晋灵公不君(宣公二年) 原文: 晋灵公不君。厚敛以雕墙。从台上弹人,而观其辟丸也。宰夫胹熊蹯不熟,杀之,寘诸畚,使妇人载以过朝。赵盾、士季见其手,问其故而患之。将谏,士季曰:“谏而不入,则莫之继也。会请先,不入,则子继之。”三进及溜,而后视之,曰:“吾知所过矣,将改之。”稽首而对曰:“人谁无过?过而能改,善莫大焉。诗曰:‘靡不有初,鲜克有终。’夫如是,则能补过者鲜矣。君能有终,则社稷之固也,岂惟群臣赖之。又曰:‘衮职有阙,惟仲山甫补之。’能补过也。君能补过,衮不废矣。” 犹不改。宣子骤谏,公患之,使鉏麑贼之。晨往,寝门辟矣,盛服将朝。尚早,坐而假寐。麑退,叹而言曰:“不忘恭敬,民之主也。贼民之主,不忠;弃君之命,不信。有一于此,不如死也!”触槐而死。 秋九月,晋侯饮赵盾酒,伏甲将攻之。其右提弥明知之,趋登曰:“臣侍君宴,过三爵,非礼也。”遂扶以下。公嗾夫獒焉。明搏而杀之。盾曰:“弃人用犬,虽猛何为!”斗且出。提弥明死之。 初,宣子田于首山,舍于翳桑。见灵辄饿,问其病。曰:“不食三日矣!”食之,舍其半。问之,曰:“宦三年矣,未知母之存否。今近焉,请以遗之。”使尽之,而为之箪食与肉,寘诸橐以与之。既而与为公介,倒戟以御公徒,而免之。问何故,对曰:“翳桑之饿人也。”问其名居,不告而退。——遂自亡也。 乙丑,赵穿①攻灵公于桃园。宣子未出山而复。大史书曰:“赵盾弑其君。”以示于朝。宣子曰:“不然。”对曰:“子为正卿,亡不越竟,反不讨贼,非子而谁?”宣子曰:“呜呼!‘我之怀矣,自诒伊戚。’其我之谓矣。” 孔子曰:“董狐,古之良史也,书法不隐。赵宣子,古之良大夫也,为法受恶。惜也,越竞乃免。” 译文: 晋灵公不行君王之道。他向人民收取沉重的税赋以雕饰宫墙。他从高台上用弹弓弹人,然后观赏他们躲避弹丸的样子。他的厨子做熊掌,没有炖熟,晋灵公就把他杀了,把他的尸体装在草筐中,让宫女用车载着经过朝廷。赵盾和士季看到露出来的手臂,询问原由后感到很忧虑。他们准备向晋灵公进谏,士季说:“如果您去进谏而君王不听,那就没有人能够再接着进谏了。还请让我先来吧,不行的话,您再接着来。”士季往前走了三回,行了三回礼,一直到屋檐下,晋灵公才抬头看他。晋灵公说:“我知道我的过错了,我会改过的。”士季叩头回答道:“谁能没有过错呢?有过错而能改掉,这就是最大的善事了。《诗经》说:‘没有人向善没有一个开始的,但却很少有坚持到底的。’如果是这样,那么能弥补过失的人是很少的。您如能坚持向善,那么江山就稳固了,不只是大臣们有所依靠啊。

英语选修六课文翻译Unit5 The power of nature An exciting job的课文原文和翻译

AN EXCITING JOB I have the greatest job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never bored. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I don't mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth - the volcano. I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian V olcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago. My job is collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea, which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. Our work has saved many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their houses. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground. When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it


景区讲解员工作总结 景区讲解员工作总结一 XX年是不平凡的一年,XX年我从学校走了出来,把两年里所学到的关于导游 的知识运用到我的工作中,从理论转向实践。XX年6月开始我在南岳衡山从事 地接导游导游工作,时间不长,资力也不深,而感慨却颇多:“导游”工作给我的 生活带来了许多快乐,却也让我知道,“导游”不是一项简单的工作,与其他职业 有一个显著的不同,那就是你必须与客人近距离接触,这自然使我们对服务的感 触比一般人深刻。从某种意义上可以这么讲,导游职业的无穷魅力正是源于我们 对服务的感知和热爱。 通过几个月的工作实践,我深深的体会到,取得了导游证,并不代表你就永远 是一个合格的导游员,而是要不断的的学习、充实、提高。在旅游者的眼中,导 游员应该是无所不知的“万事通”。导游服务是知识密集型的高智能的服务工作, 丰富的知识、广博的见闻是做好导游服务工的前提。作为一个导游员就要“与时俱进”,永远保持积极的求知欲,以适应社会进步和发展的需求。更重要的是。我们 自己千万不敢把自己当成“万事通”,要保持谦虚谨慎的态度,要切记“学海无涯”、“学无止境”,“人外有人,天外有天”,“三人行,必有我师”。 要时刻牢记导游的职责,认真学习《导游人员管理暂行规定》、《中华人民共 和国国家标准导游服务质量》,努力的实施好旅游计划,作好联系、协调、讲解 等服务工作。坚持“宾客至上、服务至上、为大家服务、合理而可能”的四大服务 原则细致、热心、周到的作好导游服务工作。也就是一切工作以旅游者为出发点,以服务为出发点,时刻考虑旅游者的利益和要求,绝不能拒绝游客的合理合法要求。服务过程中要坚持“为大家服务”的原则,不能有亲疏之分,厚此薄彼,而应 对每个游客都热情、周到、友好、尊重,不偏不倚、一视同仁;要坚持“合理而可能”的原则,在旅游服务过程中,要时刻关注游客的情绪变化,耐心倾听旅游者的 意见、要求,冷静分析、仔细甄别,合理又能实现的,就努力的去做,如果没有 作好或是已经错过机会,就想办法及时弥补,以求最大限度的达到游客的满意。 导游讲解服务是整个旅游服务活动过程中极为重要的一个方面,在导游讲解过程中,我认为“准确、清楚、生动”三者相辅相成,缺一不可,首先“准确”是首当其冲,至关重要的,在讲解过程中牢记“一伪灭千真”的教训,切忌胡编乱造、张冠 李戴、信口开河,这样会使游客有被蒙蔽、愚弄的感觉,会引起游客的反感、责备。旅游者在旅游活动中“求知”是重要的内容之一,而我们导游就起着传播知识 信息、传递审美观念、播洒中华文明的重任,因此导游语言必须科学、规范,传 递的信息必须正确无误,这样更能够吸引游客的注意,满足游客的“求知”愿望。 其次,“清楚”是关键,在导游讲解中,清楚、简洁流利的语言表达,是导游语言 科学性的又一体现。口齿清楚、言简意赅、措词恰当、组合相宜、层次分明、逻

高一物理上册运动和力的关系(培优篇)(Word版 含解析)

一、第四章 运动和力的关系易错题培优(难) 1.A 、B 两物体用两根轻质细线分别悬挂在天花板上,两细线与水平方向夹角分别为60°和45°,A 、B 间拴接的轻质弹簧恰好处于水平状态,则下列判断正确的是( ) A .A 、 B 的质量之比为1︰3 B .A 、B 所受弹簧弹力大小之比为3︰2 C .快速撤去弹簧的瞬间,A 、B 的瞬时加速度大小之比为1︰2 D .悬挂A 、B 的细线上拉力大小之比为1︰2 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A .对A B 两个物体进行受力分析,如图所示,设弹簧弹力为F 。 对物体A A tan 60m g F = 对物体B B tan 45m g F = 解得 A B 3 m m 故A 错误; B .同一根弹簧弹力相等,故B 错误; C .快速撤去弹簧的瞬间,两个物体都将以悬点为圆心做圆周运动,合力为切线方向。 对物体A A A A sin 30m g m a = 对物体B

sin 45B B B m g m a = 联立解得 A B 2 a a = 故C 正确; D .对物体A ,细线拉力 A cos60F T = 对物体B ,细线拉力 cos 45 B F T = 解得 A B 2T T = 故D 错误。 故选C 。 【点睛】 快速撤去弹簧瞬间,细线的拉力发生突变,故分析时应注意不能认为合外力的大小等于原弹簧的弹力。 2.如图所示,斜面体A 静止放置在水平地面上,质量为m 的物体B 在外力F (方向水平向右)的作用下沿斜面向下做匀速运动,此时斜面体仍保持静止。若撤去力F ,下列说法正确的是( ) A .A 所受地面的摩擦力方向向左 B .A 所受地面的摩擦力可能为零 C .A 所受地面的摩擦力方向可能向右 D .物体B 仍将沿斜面向下做匀速运动 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 根据题意可知B 物块在外力F 的作用下沿斜面向下做匀速直线运动,撤去外力F 后,B 物块沿斜面向下做加速运动,加速度沿斜面向下,所以A 、B 组成的系统在水平方向上有向左的分加速度,根据系统牛顿第二定律可知,地面对A 的摩擦力水平向左,才能提供系统在水平方向上的分加速度。


高三物理尖子生培优资料(1)(2017.8.23) 命题:阮文超 共点力的平衡 摩 擦 角 ?: 例1:如图所示,用绳通过定滑轮 物块,使物块在水平面上从图示位置开始沿地面 匀速直线运动,若物块与地面的摩擦因素1μ<,滑轮的质量及摩擦不计,则物块运动过程中,以下判断正确的是( )【多选】 A.绳子的拉力将保持不变 B.绳子的拉力将不断增大 C.地面对物块的摩擦力不断减小 D.物块对地面的压力不断减小 例2:如图所示,倾角45o的斜面上,放置一质量m 的小物块,小物块与斜面的动摩擦因素3μ=,欲使小物块能静止在斜面上,应对小物块再施加一力,该力最小时大小与方向是( ) A.0sin15mg ,与水平成15o斜向右 B.0sin30mg ,竖直向上 C.0sin 75mg ,沿斜面向上 D.0tan15mg ,水平向右 例3:水平地面上有一木箱,木箱与地面之间的动摩擦因数为(01)μμ<<。现对木箱施加一拉力F ,使木箱做匀速直线运动。设F 的方向与水平面夹角为θ,如图所示,在θ从0逐渐增 大到90°的过程中,木箱的速度保持不变,则( )【多选】 A. F 先减小后增大 B. F 一直增大 C. F 的功率减小 D. F 的功率不变 练习 1.在固定的斜面上放一物体,并对它施加一竖直向下的压力,物体与斜面间的摩擦因数为μ。求斜面倾角θ的最大值,使得当θ≤θm 时,无论竖直向下的压力有多大,物体也不会滑下。 2.倾角为θ的三角形木块静止于水平地面上,其斜面上有一滑块正向下匀速直线运动,现对其分别施加如图所示的F 1 、F 2 、F 3三个力作用,滑块仍然下滑,则地面对三角形木块的支持力和摩擦力会怎么变化?


如何翻译古文 学习古代汉语,需要经常把古文译成现代汉语。因为古文今译的过程是加深理解和全面运用古汉语知识解决实际问题的过程,也是综合考察古代汉语水平的过程。学习古代汉语,应该重视古文翻译的训练。 古文翻译的要求一般归纳为信、达、雅三项。“信”是指译文要准确地反映原作的含义,避免曲解原文内容。“达”是指译文应该通顺、晓畅,符合现代汉语语法规范。“信”和“达”是紧密相关的。脱离了“信”而求“达”,不能称为翻译;只求“信”而不顾“达”,也不是好的译文。因此“信”和“达”是文言文翻译的基本要求。“雅”是指译文不仅准确、通顺,而且生动、优美,能再现原作的风格神韵。这是很高的要求,在目前学习阶段,我们只要能做到“信”和“达”就可以了。 做好古文翻译,重要的问题是准确地理解古文,这是翻译的基础。但翻译方法也很重要。这里主要谈谈翻译方法方面的问题。 一、直译和意译 直译和意译是古文今译的两大类型,也是两种不同的今译方法。 1.关于直译。所谓直译,是指紧扣原文,按原文的字词和句子进行对等翻译的今译方法。它要求忠实于原文,一丝不苟,确切表达原意,保持原文的本来面貌。例如: 原文:樊迟请学稼,子曰:“吾不如老农。”请学为圃。子曰:“吾不如老圃。”(《论语?子路》) 译文:樊迟请求学种庄稼。孔子道:“我不如老农民。”又请求学种菜蔬。孔子道:“我不如老菜农。”(杨伯峻《论语译注》) 原文:齐宣王问曰:“汤放桀,武王伐纣,有诸?”(《孟子?梁惠王下》) 译文:齐宣王问道:“商汤流放夏桀,武王讨伐殷纣,真有这回事吗?(杨伯峻《孟子译注》) 上面两段译文紧扣原文,字词落实,句法结构基本上与原文对等,属于直译。 但对直译又不能作简单化理解。由于古今汉语在文字、词汇、语法等方面的差异,今译时对原文作一些适当的调整,是必要的,并不破坏直译。例如: 原文:逐之,三周华不注。(《齐晋鞌之战》) 译文:〔晋军〕追赶齐军,围着华不注山绕了三圈。


张掖丹霞文化旅游股份有限公司 讲解员接待服务管理办法 为加强公司的规范化管理,加强讲解员队伍建设,为游客提供优质、快捷、高效的旅游讲解服务,维护和提高景区文明服务形象,促进公司发展,特制定本办法。 一、讲解员应热爱讲解工作,树立良好的责任意识,统一着装,佩戴工作证、文明用语、礼貌待人,做到热情、主动、周到服务,自觉维护景区形象。 二、做好上车前的一切准备工作:包括观光车上的麦克风、音响设施等的调试检查。 三、在游客进入景区后,讲解员应在观光车门前等待迎接,并致欢迎词,引导游客有序乘车。 四、耐心解答在讲解服务过程中游客提出的各种问题,不断提高应变能力及服务水平。 五、讲解员应针对游客的特点和需求,因人施讲,调动游客的游览兴趣,提高参观的效果。要注意收集游客各方面意见和建议并及时做好信息的反馈工作。 六、讲解内容应规范准确、语言应风趣幽默。在游览过程中,及时将景区卫生间分布状况和到达时间告知游客。 七、讲解员不得以任何方式向游客兜售物品和索要小费、礼品,不得串通摊主、店主、车主欺骗、胁迫、敲诈游客消费。

八、讲解员讲解费由售票处统一收取,月底结算,严禁讲解员擅自违规收费。 九、讲解员在服务过程中要主动做好地貌保护的宣传和现场维护工作。 十、在讲解结束后应送游客到景区门口,并致欢送词。 十一、讲解员不得与游客发生争执,遇到特殊情况沉着应对并及时向领导反映,避免与游客发生冲突。 十二、讲解员违反本管理办法的,将给予每次20元—100元罚款;脱岗1次,罚款20元;因讲解员失误发生投诉案件的,每次处100元罚款;同时责令其限期改正,对逾期不改正或情节严重的,建议调整岗位。 十三、本办法由景区运营部负责解释。 十四、本办法自颁布之日起执行。

物理高一上册 期末精选(培优篇)(Word版 含解析)

物理高一上册期末精选(培优篇)(Word版含解析) 一、第一章运动的描述易错题培优(难) 1.如图,直线a和曲线b分别是在平直公路上行驶的汽车a和b的位置一时间(x一t)图线,由图可知 A.在时刻t1,a车追上b车 B.在时刻t2,a、b两车运动方向相反 C.在t1到t2这段时间内,b车的速率先减少后增加 D.在t1到t2这段时间内,b车的速率一直比a车大 【答案】BC 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 由x—t图象可知,在0-t1时间内,b追a,t1时刻相遇,所以A错误;在时刻t2,b的斜率为负,则b的速度与x方向相反,所以B正确;b图象在最高点的斜率为零,所以速度为零,故b的速度先减小为零,再反向增大,所以C正确,D错误. 2.在下图所示的四个图象中,表示物体做匀速直线运动的图象是() A.B. C.D. 【答案】AD

【解析】 【分析】 x -t 图像中,倾斜的直线表示匀速直线运动;v -t 图象中,匀速直线运动的图像是一条与x 轴平行的直线;倾斜的直线表示匀变速直线运动,斜率表示加速度.分别分析物体的运动情况,即可作出选择. 【详解】 A. 此图表示物体的位移随时间均匀增加,物体处于匀速直线运动状态,故A 正确; B. 此图表示物体的位移不随时间变化,物体处于静止状态,故B 错误; C. 此图表示物体的速度均匀增加,说明物体做匀加速直线运动,故C 错误; D. 此图表示物体的速度不变,说明物体做匀速直线运动,故D 正确. 故选AD 。 3.一个以初速度v 0沿直线运动的物体,t 秒末的速度为v t ,如图所示,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .0~t 秒内的平均加速度0 t v v a t -= B .t 秒之前,物体的瞬时加速度越来越小 C .t =0时的瞬时加速度为零 D .平均加速度和瞬时加速度的方向相同 【答案】ABD 【解析】 根据加速度的定义式可知0~t 秒内的平均加速度a= t v v t -,故A 正确;由图可知,物体做加速度减小的加速运动,故B 正确;t=0时斜率不为零,故瞬时加速度不为零,故C 错误; 物体做加速度逐渐减小的变加速运动,故平均加速度和瞬时加速度的方向相同,故D 正确;故选ABD. 点睛:v-t 图象中图象的斜率表示物体的加速度,则根据斜率可求得加速度的变化;由图象的面积可得出物体通过的位移. 4.历史上有些科学家曾把在相等位移内速度变化相等的单向直线运动称为“匀变速直线运动”(现称为“另类匀变速直线运动”),“另类加速度”的定义式为0 s v v A s -= ,其中0v 和s v 分别表示某段位移s 内的初速度和末速度>0A 表示物体做加速运动,0A <表示体做减速运动,


鞌之战选自《左传》又名《鞍之战》原文:楚癸酉,师陈于鞌(1)。邴夏御侯,逢丑父为右②。晋解张御克,郑丘缓为右(3)。侯日:“余姑翦灭此而朝食(4)”。不介马而驰之⑤。克伤于矢,流血及屦2 未尽∧6),曰:“余病矣(7)!”张侯曰:“自始合(8),而矢贯余手及肘(9),余折以御,左轮朱殷(10),岂敢言病吾子忍之!”缓曰:“自始合,苟有险,余必下推车,子岂_识之(11)然子病矣!”张侯曰:“师之耳目,在吾旗鼓,进退从之。此车一人殿之(12),可以集事(13),若之何其以病败君之大事也擐甲执兵(14),固即死也(15);病未及死,吾子勉之(16)!”左并辔(17) ,右援拐鼓(18)。马逸不能止(19),师从之,师败绩。逐之,三周华不注(20) 韩厥梦子舆谓己曰:“旦辟左右!”故中御而从齐侯。邴夏曰:“射其御者,君子也。”公曰:“谓之君子而射之,非礼也。”射其左,越于车下;射其右,毙于车中。綦毋张丧车,从韩厥,曰:“请寓乘。”从左右,皆肘之,使立于后。韩厥俛,定其右。逢丑父与公易位。将及华泉,骖絓于木而止。丑父寝于轏中,蛇出于其下,以肱击之,伤而匿之,故不能推车而及。韩厥执絷马前,再拜稽首,奉觞加璧以进,曰:“寡君使群臣为鲁、卫请,曰:‘无令舆师陷入君地。’下臣不幸,属当戎行,无所逃隐。且惧奔辟而忝两君,臣辱戎士,敢告不敏,摄官承乏。” 丑父使公下,如华泉取饮。郑周父御佐车,宛茷为右,载齐侯以免。韩厥献丑父,郤献子将戮之。呼曰:“自今无有代其君任患者,有一于此,将为戮乎”郤子曰:“人不难以死免其君,我戮之不祥。赦之,以劝事君者。”乃免之。译文1:在癸酉这天,双方的军队在鞌这个地方摆开了阵势。齐国一方是邴夏为齐侯赶车,逢丑父当车右。晋军一方是解张为主帅郤克赶车,郑丘缓当车右。齐侯说:“我姑且消灭了这些人再吃早饭。”不给马披甲就冲向了晋军。郤克被箭射伤,血流到了鞋上,但是仍不停止擂鼓继续指挥战斗。他说:“我受重伤了。”解张说:“从一开始接战,一只箭就射穿了我的手和肘,左边的车轮都被我的血染成了黑红色,我哪敢说受伤您忍着点吧!”郑丘缓说:“从一开始接战,如果遇到道路不平的地方,我必定(冒着生命危险)下去推车,您难道了解这些吗不过,您真是受重伤了。”daier 解张说:“军队的耳朵和眼睛,都集中在我们的战旗和鼓声,前进后退都要听从它。这辆车上还有一个人镇守住它,战事就可以成功。为什么为了伤痛而败坏国君的大事呢身披盔甲,手执武器,本来就是去走向死亡,伤痛还没到死的地步,您还是尽力而为吧。”一边说,一边用左手把右手的缰绳攥在一起,用空出的右手抓过郤克手中的鼓棰就擂起鼓来。(由于一手控马,)马飞快奔跑而不能停止,晋军队伍跟着指挥车冲上去,把齐军打得打败。晋军随即追赶齐军,三次围绕着华不注山奔跑。韩厥梦见他去世的父亲对他说:“明天早晨作战时要避开战车左边和右边的位置。”因此韩厥就站在中间担任赶车的来追赶齐侯的战车。邴夏说:“射那个赶车的,他是个君子。”齐侯说: “称他为君子却又去射他,这不合于礼。”daier 于是射车左,车左中箭掉下了车。又射右边的,车右也中箭倒在了车里。(晋军的)将军綦毋张损坏了自己的战车,跟在韩厥的车后说: “请允许我搭乗你的战车。”他上车后,无论是站在车的左边,还是站在车的右边,韩厥都用肘推他,让他站在自己身后——战车的中间。韩厥又低下头安定了一下受伤倒在车中的那位自己的车右。于是逢丑父和齐侯(乘韩厥低头之机)互相调换了位置。将要到达华泉时,齐侯战车的骖马被树木绊住而不能继续逃跑而停了下来。(头天晚上)逢丑父睡在栈车里,有一条蛇从他身子底下爬出来,他用小臂去打蛇,小臂受伤,但他(为了能当车右)隐瞒了这件事。由于这样,他不能用臂推车前进,因而被韩厥追上了。韩厥拿着拴马绳走到齐侯的马前,两次下拜并行稽首礼,捧着一杯酒并加上一块玉璧给齐侯送上去,



景区讲解员的服务流程 1准备工作 熟悉接待计划:旅游团的基本信息,旅游团成员的情况,交通工具,是否有特殊要求和注意事项。 落实接待事宜:落实旅游车辆、住宿及用餐,掌握全陪或者司机的联系电话。与他们联系商定第二天的接团时间及地点。 物质准备:游客接待确认书,游客意见单,话筒,导游旗。 形象准备:上团前要做好仪容、仪表方面的准备。整洁、大方、自然、不浓妆艳抹。 语言和知识准备:要在大脑里面准备好第二天要讲解的内容;接待有专业知识的团队,要做好相关的专业知识、词汇的准备工作。语言要生动、流畅和清楚。 心理准备:我们要能有技巧的回答客人提出的任何问题,面对客人的指责、抱怨,我们要冷静、沉着的面对。 联络畅通准备:上团前一天,要把手机,话筒的电充足,随时保持畅通。 2接团服务 出发前的准备:在旅行团到达之前,打电话给全陪或者司机,前一天晚上20:00前确定好到达时间、人数、停车位置、集合地点等,在集合地点恭候旅游团的到来。旅游团到达后,协助全陪或者司机购票,提醒客人山顶温度较低,指引乘客上车,清点一下车上的人数。检票后通知司机师傅开车。 途中导游:致欢迎词,山路崎岖,提醒客人把车辆扶手打下并系好安全带,当日活动安排(参观景点名称、途中所经地点、所需时间),介绍游览景点(讲安全讲游客接待中心,讲内循环通道,讲景区公交车的发班时间,讲游览线路,讲中途会经过哪几个景点,讲三条游步道),活跃气氛(做些娱乐互动,与游客互动) 景点讲解:抵达景点下车之前,告知游客车牌号、停车地点、开车时间、游览线路、游览所需时间、游览过程中的注意事项(不能随便雕刻、不能在景区乱扔垃圾、不能在景区内吸烟、不能随意摘取野果实,以免误食)等。抵达景点后,组织客人有顺序的下车,提醒客人注意脚下的安全,带领游客沿着游览线路对所见景物进行精彩的导游讲解。在游览过程中要随时随地注意游客的安全,特别是老弱病残的游客,要防止游客走失和意外事件的发生。 3送团服务 清点团队人数,后提醒客人清点一下随身携带物品,如无遗漏则请司机开车离开。致欢送词(感谢语、惜别语、征求意见语、致歉语、祝愿语)。致完欢送词后,将“游客意见反馈表”发给游客,请其填写。游客填写完毕后如数收回,妥善保留。 4总结工作 认真做好带团小结,实事求是的汇报接团情况。 2

人教版高一上册物理 运动和力的关系(培优篇)(Word版 含解析)

一、第四章 运动和力的关系易错题培优(难) 1. 如图所示,水平面上 O 点的左侧光滑,O 点的右侧粗糙。有 8 个质量均为 m 的完全相同的小滑块(可视为质点),用轻质的细杆相连,相邻小滑块间的距离为 L ,滑块 1 恰好位 于 O 点左侧,滑块 2、3……依次沿直线水平向左排开。现将水平恒力 F 作用于滑块 1上。经观察发现,在第 3 个小滑块完全进入粗糙地带后到第 4 个小滑块进入粗糙地带前这一过程中,小滑块做匀速直线运动,已知重力加速度为 g ,则下列判断中正确的是( )。 A .粗糙地带与滑块间的动摩擦因数为 F mg B .滑块匀速运动时,各段轻杆上的弹力大小相等 C .第 2 个小滑块完全进入粗糙地带到第 3 个小滑块进入粗糙地带前这一过程中,8 个小滑块的加速度大小为 12F m D .第 1 个小滑块完全进入粗糙地带到第 2 个小滑块进入粗糙地带前这一过程中,5 和 6两个小滑块之间的轻杆上的弹力大小为4 F 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 A.将匀速运动的8个小滑块作为一个整体,有 30F mg μ-=, 解得 3F mg μ= , 故A 项错误; B.当滑块匀速运动时,处在光滑地带上的滑块间的轻杆上的弹力都为零,处在粗糙地带上的滑块间的轻杆上的弹力不为零,且各不相同,故B 项错误; C.对8个滑块,有 28F mg ma μ-=, 代入3F mg μ= ,解得 24F a m = , 故C 项错误; D.对8个滑块,有 8F mg ma μ'-=, 解得

4 再以6、7、8三个小滑块作为整体,由牛顿第二定律有 34 F F ma ''== , 故D 项正确; 2.如图甲所示,在光滑的水平面上有质量为M 且足够长的长木板,木板上面叠放一个质量为m 的小物块。现对长木板施加水平向右的拉力F =3t (N )时,两个物体运动的a --t 图象如图乙所示,若取重力加速度g =10 m/s 2,则下列说法中正确的是( ) A .图线Ⅰ是小物块运动的a --t 图象 B .小物块与长木板间的动摩擦因数为0.3 C .长木板的质量M =1 kg D .小物块的质量m =2 kg 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A .根据乙图可知,在3s 以后,m 与M 开始发生相对运动,m 的加速度不变,其大小为23m/s ,所以Ⅰ是长木板的—a t 图象,故A 错误; B .设小物块与长木板间的动摩擦因素为μ,根据牛顿第二定律可知 23m/s m a g μ== 解得 0.3μ= 故B 正确; CD .当3s t >时,以M 为研究对象,根据牛顿第二定律可知 F mg Ma μ-= 即 kt mg Ma μ-= 解得 3mg a t M M μ= - 由此可得


《鞌之战》阅读答案(附翻译)原文及翻 译 鞌之战[1] 选自《左传成公二年(即公元前589年)》 【原文】 癸酉,师陈于鞌[2]。邴夏御齐侯[3],逢丑父为右[4]。晋解张御郤克,郑丘缓为右[5]。齐侯曰:余姑翦灭此而朝食[6]。不介马而驰之[7]。郤克伤于矢,流血及屦,未绝鼓音[8],曰:余病[9]矣!张侯[10]曰:自始合,而矢贯余手及肘[11],余折以御,左轮朱殷[12],岂敢言病。吾子[13]忍之!缓曰:自始合,苟有险[14],余必下推车,子岂识之[15]?然子病矣!张侯曰:师之耳目,在吾旗鼓,进退从之[16]。此车一人殿之[17],可以集事[18],若之何其以病败君之大事也[19]?擐甲执兵,固即死也[20]。病未及死,吾子勉之[21]!左并辔[22],右援枹而鼓[23],马逸不能止[24],师从之。齐师败绩[25]。逐之,三周华不注[26]。 【注释】 [1]鞌之战:春秋时期的著名战役之一。战争的实质是齐、晋争霸。由于齐侯骄傲轻敌,而晋军同仇敌忾、士气旺盛,战役以齐败晋胜而告终。鞌:通鞍,齐国地名,在今山东济南西北。 [2]癸酉:成公二年的六月十七日。师,指齐晋两国军队。陈,

列阵,摆开阵势。 [3]邴夏:齐国大夫。御,动词,驾车。御齐侯,给齐侯驾车。齐侯,齐国国君,指齐顷公。 [4]逢丑父:齐国大夫。右:车右。 [5]解张、郑丘缓:都是晋臣,郑丘是复姓。郤(x )克,晋国大夫,是这次战争中晋军的主帅。又称郤献子、郤子等。 [6]姑:副词,姑且。翦灭:消灭,灭掉。朝食:早饭。这里是吃早饭的意思。这句话是成语灭此朝食的出处。 [7]不介马:不给马披甲。介:甲。这里用作动词,披甲。驰之:驱马追击敌人。之:代词,指晋军。 [8] 未绝鼓音:鼓声不断。古代车战,主帅居中,亲掌旗鼓,指挥军队。兵以鼓进,击鼓是进军的号令。 [9] 病:负伤。 [10]张侯,即解张。张是字,侯是名,人名、字连用,先字后名。 [11]合:交战。贯:穿。肘:胳膊。 [12]朱:大红色。殷:深红色、黑红色。 [13]吾子:您,尊敬。比说子更亲切。 [14]苟:连词,表示假设。险:险阻,指难走的路。 [15]识:知道。之,代词,代苟有险,余必下推车这件事,可不译。 [16]师之耳目:军队的耳、目(指注意力)。在吾旗鼓:在我们


旅游景区讲解员讲解服务标准 1范围 本标准规定了XX风景名胜区随车讲解员服务应达到的目的和要求。 本标准适用于XX风景名胜区随车讲解员讲解工作。 2 服务目的 为游客提供随车讲解服务,方便游客游览。 3 服务要求 3.1 时效性讲解人员应提前10分钟到岗,做好各项准备工作。 3.2 准确性 3.2.1 车辆出发前简单告知游客乘车注意事项,待游客坐稳后告知司机发车。 3.2.2 讲解员在讲解过程中要详细讲解景区的总体概况、沿途风光及景区各服务区基本情况,不得擅自减少或变更讲解内容。 3.2.3 在游客乘车过程中,告知游客景区投诉电话、游览注意事项等信息,当车辆快到站时,应提前准确报站。 3.3 文明性 3.3.1 在车辆启动的同时,致欢迎词:“尊敬的游客朋友,你们好,欢迎您来到XX世界地质公园观光游览”,介绍本人和司机师傅,公布景区投诉电话号码,表示诚挚服务的愿望,告知门票及安全注意事项。

3.3.2 讲解员举止大方得体,讲解内容生动形象,在沿途讲解中,不能随意减少讲解内容,严禁掺杂庸俗下流的内容,更不能接听电话,与人闲谈打闹。 3.3.3 讲解员处理各种事情要以大局为重,时刻维护景区利益与游客合法权益。耐心细致地解答游客提出的问题,想游客所想,急游客所急,主动为游客排忧解难。 3.4 着装要求讲解员须统一着装、佩戴工牌,保持良好的仪容仪表,穿着朴素大方,严禁穿奇装异服、浓妆艳抹,任何时候不得在游客面前整理衣裤。 3.5 行为要求讲解时要面对游客,站立服务,表情要自然、诚恳、和蔼,语言准确、生动、富有表达力,同时注意使用礼貌用语。严禁掺杂庸俗下流的内容,不得私自接听或拨打与工作无关的电话。 3.6 功能性告知游客使用门票的注意事项,建议游客合理安排旅游线路,介绍沿途风光及各服务区状况,提前报站,下车时提醒游客携带好随身物品。


《鞌之战》阅读答案(附翻译) 《鞌之战》阅读答案(附翻译) 鞌之战[1] 选自《左传·成公二年(即公元前589年)》 【原文】 癸酉,师陈于鞌[2]。邴夏御齐侯[3],逢丑父为右[4]。晋解张御郤克,郑丘缓为右[5]。齐侯曰:“余姑 翦灭此而朝食[6]。”不介马而驰之[7]。郤克伤于矢, 流血及屦,未绝鼓音[8],曰:“余病[9]矣!”张侯[10]曰:“自始合,而矢贯余手及肘[11],余折以御,左轮 朱殷[12],岂敢言病。吾子[13]忍之!”缓曰:“自始合,苟有险[14],余必下推车,子岂识之[15]?——然 子病矣!”张侯曰:“师之耳目,在吾旗鼓,进退从之[16]。此车一人殿之[17],可以集事[18],若之何其以 病败君之大事也[19]?擐甲执兵,固即死也[20]。病未 及死,吾子勉之[21]!”左并辔[22],右援枹而鼓[23],马逸不能止[24],师从之。齐师败绩[25]。逐之,三周 华不注[26]。 【注释】 [1]鞌之战:春秋时期的著名战役之一。战争的实质是齐、晋争霸。由于齐侯骄傲轻敌,而晋军同仇敌忾、 士气旺盛,战役以齐败晋胜而告终。鞌:通“鞍”,齐

国地名,在今山东济南西北。 [2]癸酉:成公二年的六月十七日。师,指齐晋两国军队。陈,列阵,摆开阵势。 [3]邴夏:齐国大夫。御,动词,驾车。御齐侯,给齐侯驾车。齐侯,齐国国君,指齐顷公。 [4]逢丑父:齐国大夫。右:车右。 [5]解张、郑丘缓:都是晋臣,“郑丘”是复姓。郤(xì)克,晋国大夫,是这次战争中晋军的主帅。又称郤献子、郤子等。 [6]姑:副词,姑且。翦灭:消灭,灭掉。朝食:早饭。这里是“吃早饭”的意思。这句话是成语“灭此朝食”的出处。 [7]不介马:不给马披甲。介:甲。这里用作动词,披甲。驰之:驱马追击敌人。之:代词,指晋军。 [8]未绝鼓音:鼓声不断。古代车战,主帅居中,亲掌旗鼓,指挥军队。“兵以鼓进”,击鼓是进军的号令。 [9]病:负伤。 [10]张侯,即解张。“张”是字,“侯”是名,人名、字连用,先字后名。 [11]合:交战。贯:穿。肘:胳膊。 [12]朱:大红色。殷:深红色、黑红色。 [13]吾子:您,尊敬。比说“子”更亲切。


八年级下学期全部长篇课文 Unit 1 3a P6 In ten years , I think I'll be a reporter . I'll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanfhai last year and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city . As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think I'll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don' like living alone. I'll have pets. I can't have an pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small . So in ten yers I'll have mny different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week I'll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend , I'll be able to dress more casully. I think I'll go to Hong Kong vacation , and one day I might even visit Australia. P8 Do you think you will have your own robot In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do most unpleasant jobs. Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. Scientist ae now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. Janpanese companies have already made robts walk and dance. This kond of roots will also be fun to watch. But robot scientist James White disagrees. He thinks that it will be difficult fo a robot to do the same rhings as a person. For example, it's easy for a child to wake up and know where he or she is. Mr White thinks that robots won't be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think thast robots will be able t walk to people in 25 to 50tars. Robots scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people . For example, there are already robots working in factories . These robots look more like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such as jobs and would get bored. But robots will never bored. In the futhre, there will be more robots everwhere, and humans will have less work to do. New robots will have different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like snakes. After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possibe now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed

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