当前位置:文档之家› Startup的你需要Business Model Canvas而不是SWOT 或是 Porter的五力分析

Startup的你需要Business Model Canvas而不是SWOT 或是 Porter的五力分析

Startup的你需要Business Model Canvas,而不是SWOT 或是Porter的五力分析! Create a new Business Model


The Business Model Canvas was proposed by Alexander Osterwalder based on his earlier book: Business Model Ontology. It outlines several prescriptions which form the building blocks for the activities. It enables both new and existing businesses to focus on operational as well as strategic management and marketing plan TRY IT OUT NOW: We made a brainstorming canvas for you to try out without registering!

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More about the Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas reflects systematically on your business model, so you’re freely to map each of its elements to you r real business components. (That also means you don’t have to define or enter all of them). The following list and questions will help you brainstorm the precise idea for your next business model innovation.

1.Key partners

i.Who are your key partners/suppliers?

ii.What are the motivations for the partnerships?

2.Key activities

i.What key activities does your value proposition require?

ii.What activities are important the most in distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue stream…?

3.Value Proposition

i.What core value do you deliver to the customer?

ii.Which customer needs are you satisfying?

4.Customer Relationship

i.What relationship that the target customer expects you to establish?

ii.How can you integrate that into your business in terms of cost and format?

5.Customer Segment

i.Which classes are you creating values for?

ii.Who is your most important customer?

6.Key Resource

i.What key resources does your value proposition require?

ii.What resources are important the most in distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue str eam…?

7.Distribution Channel

i.Through which channels that your customers want to be reached?

ii.Which channels work best? How much do they cost? How can they be integrated into your and your customers’ routines?

8.Cost Structure

i.What are the most cost in your business?

ii.Which key resources/ activities are most expensive?

9.Revenue Stream

i.For what value are your customers willing to pay?

ii.What and how do they recently pay? How would they prefer to pay?

iii.How much does every revenue stream contribute to the overall revenues?

Mr.Jamie也不只一次提到這個tool了,不是說SWOT或是Porter五力分析沒有用,而是處於startup的創業家們,在當下不太需要這些分析工具[申請政府補助案除外],因為SWOT跟五力分析太著重於外界的競爭,以及自身的產業定位分析,對於草創的創業家,我們連最基本的雛形都還未形成,我們甚至連客戶在哪? 產品在哪都還不知道,就想著壤外,想著競爭者,不免會讓剛開始的創業失焦。

因此startup現在紛紛採用Business Model Canvas來定位自己,因為它把創業家焦點拉回到自己企業內部,聚焦在something people want. 協助大家找尋Product market fit. Business Model Canvas 主要分為九個區塊,在此會為大家一一說明,說明的順序也是填寫區塊的順序。希望這個Tool 能為各位創業家帶來價值。本篇極長,請耐心服用。

壹、Customer Segments

The Customer Segments Building Block the different groups of people or organizations enterprise aims to reach and serve 客戶群的分類有以下幾類,各位可以思考自己客戶的定位是屬於甚麼類型:

一.Mass Market 大眾市場


二.niche Market 利基市場



Both segments have similar but varying needs and problems 年收入10萬美金跟年收入50萬美金的族群都有金融的需要,但是所需卻相當不同。做螺絲的, 但是提供一般螺絲、飛機用螺絲、汽車用螺絲,利用本業專業提供客戶些微不同的設計、服務產品。

四.Diversified 多角化經營

2006年https://www.doczj.com/doc/b051842.html,切入雲端, https://www.doczj.com/doc/b051842.html,從賣書的,到甚麼都賣,畢竟還是在電子商務的範疇,不過,切入雲端就截然不同了,他服務的對象不在只是買東西的user,它現在還要服務網站架設的業者跟hacker.

五. Multi-sided platforms (or multi-sided markets)多邊平台

google、e-bay 就是這類的平台啦! 他們同時服務多種不同的客戶族群,並卡中間賺錢。Google提供search服務給user,同時顯出關鍵字讓買關鍵字的廠商有機會引入客戶給自己,使用服務者跟這些買廣告的廠商就是不一樣的族群,但他們在一個平台或服務內被整合了。


貳. Value Propositions

What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? Which customer needs are we satisfying? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? 你要創造甚麼價值給你的客戶,創造的價值種類分類如下:

一.Newness 創新。


二.Performance 效能提升。

將既有的產品功能做得更好,像是CPU 硬體的效能提升、更大容量的storage

三.Customization 客製化商品。


四.Getting the job done 提供solution。



五.Design 設計

Design is an important but difficult element to measure. A product may stand out because of superior design. In the fashion and consumer electronics industries, design can be a particularly important part of the Value Proposition. 為什麼你會買iphone / ipad? 因為他的design就是那麼的精簡有型。為什麼會去買一個公仔? 因為他的design


Customers may find value in the simple act of using and displaying a specific brand. Wearing a Rolex watch signifies wealth, for example.



近似的商品跟服務就是比價錢啦! DRAM、3C產品、一般的家電都是這類商品。

八.Cost reduction 幫客人省錢。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/b051842.html,提供CRM application ,管理客戶的cost更低。所以你的商品可以幫客戶省錢,那本身就是一個賣點了。

九.Risk reduction



增加可觸及性。就像netjet一樣[巴菲特投資的公司],提供私人飛機承租的服務,以前你要這樣的服務,就是買一台私人飛機, 現在你可以用租的。


With iPod and iTunes,Apple offered customers unprecedented convenience searching, buying, downloading, and listening to digital music. It now dominates the market.

買音樂、買app只要one touch so easy so we make money,這是個很棒的策略,他隱含很深的心理學因素,美國統計使用信用卡付帳跟現金付帳,前者會多付33%的小費,使用信用卡也會比使用現金的人花更多的錢,這是因為信用卡讓人花錢的感受度降低了。

iTunes會讓我有同樣的啟發,這個便利的商業模式,讓持有人用幾乎無感的方式付出很低的費用,卻能立即聽到自己很喜歡的音樂。現在這個動作移植到app上,天啊! 我們消費者的錢就一點點地不斷出去了。提供便利機制,讓你的消費者不知不覺地掏錢付費。

填寫這個欄位中,我們的重點在確認我們的提供甚麼價值給我們的目標客戶,這個商品或服務要緊扣customers segment那一欄位,簡單來說,我們解決了市場的那些痛點。


Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them How are our Channels integrated? Which ones Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are integrating them with customer routines? 你的價值透過甚麼傳遞給你的客戶? 這是本區塊的重點,分類主要下圖所示:

一.channel type

1.own 自己所有的通路

●Sales force

●Web sales

●Own stores

2.Partner 所有的通路

●Partner stores


二、channel phase


How do we raise awareness about our company’s products and services?

2. Evaluation

How do we help customers evaluate our organization’s Value Proposition?

3. Purchase

How do we allow customers to purchase specific products and services?

4. Delivery

How do we deliver a Value Proposition to customers?

5. After sales

How do we provide post-purchase support?


肆、Customer Relationship

What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?

Which ones have we established? How costly are they? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?


1.Personal assistance.

This may happen onsite at the point of sale, through call centers, by e-mail, or through other means. 我們常見的業務、定點活動銷售、email、call center 互動都屬於這類。

2.Dedicated personal assistance 專屬個人的服務

dedicated bankers serve high net worth individuals. Similar relationships can be found in other businesses in the form of key account managers who maintain personal relationships with important customers. 花旗對於存款50萬美金以上的客戶提供量身訂作的財務建議,提供專人服務。


In this type of relationship, a company maintains no direct relationship with customers. It provides all the necessary means for customers to help themselves.舉例來說,網路上的百科全書、知識網站、F&A,讓客戶自己服務自己,餐飲業請客戶自助式清潔都屬於這類。

4.Automated services

Automated services can recognize individual customers and their characteristics, and oΩer information related to orders or tr ansactions. At their best, automated services can stimulate a personal relationship (e.g. offering book or movie recommendations). Google的關鍵字建議也是屬於這類的服務。


Many companies maintain online communities that allow users to exchange knowledge and solve each other’s problems. Communitie s can also help companies better understand their customers. Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline launched a private online community when it introduced alli, a new prescription-free weight-loss product. Facebook的粉絲團就是社群經營的一種。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/b051842.html, invites customers to write reviews and thus create value for other book lovers. Some companies engage customers to assist with the

design of new and innovative products. Others, such as https://www.doczj.com/doc/b051842.html,, solicit customers to create content for public consumption. 知識家、youtube、巴哈姆特、mobile01都是把user納入服務提供的一環。

本欄位重點在於跟客戶之間的互動關係,我們是用"工人智慧"直接介入服務,還是用"人工智慧"自動產生服務。另外服務的深度要到多少? 投入的人力是多少? 我們在這裡都會看到。

伍.Revenue stream

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