当前位置:文档之家› Unit 3第六课时导学案

Unit 3第六课时导学案

Unit 3 My school calendar(第六课时)

教学内容:B Let’s check C story time P31

教师寄语: Time and tide wait for no man.(岁月不待人)


1. 通过本课学习,能加强对本单元知识点的掌握。

2. 语法知识:in on at的用法。

3. 能听懂story time的故事内容。


1. 熟练掌握in on at 的用法。

2. 试着自己总结本单元的知识点。



1.Turn to page22and page23.Try to read and translate these sentences: When is .....

2.Find out the answers.

3.T and Ss talk about the meaning of these sentences.



(一) Let’s check p30

(二)Let’s wrap it up.同学们先完成书上的练习然后总结in, on, at的用法。(三)Story time.

1.S guess what happened in the story.

2.Read after the tape twice.

3.Talk about the main meaning of the story.


1. Review the words :

January, February, March, April, May,June,July, August, September, October, November, December

2. Review the sentences:

T: When is school tripe? S: It’s in ….

T: What day is it today? S: It’s Monday.

3. Role- play“ main scene”P22—P23(时间允许时进行。)



December_____________ September_____________ January__________ November_____________ October______________ August___________(二)看图片,选句子。根据图片内容选出正确的句子标号,并将代码写到相应横线上。

A. Easter is in April.

B. When is mother’s day?

C. Summer vacation is in August.

D. My birthday is in December.

E. Do you like school trip?



3.________ 4_________ 5_______ (三)连词成句。

1. when Day Fool’s April is (?)

2. birthday, in , is, my, May (.)

3. we, go, to, will, Great Wall, the (.)

4 .is, the, school, trip, when, year, this (?)



板书内容设计: Unit 3 My school calendar A: When is school tripe? B: It’s in …

In on at

We will have an English party ______ February.

I get up _____ 7 o’clock every day.

What do you have ______ Tuesdays?


高二英语外研版选修六教学案:Module 6 Section 2 含答案(精修版)

外研版英语精品资料(精修版) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I'd like to book a room in your hotel, in which I can overlook (俯视) the sea from the window. 2.The camp lasted (持续) for only a week, but some teachers noticed great changes in their students after the activity. 3.Japan used to occupy (占领) Taiwan for as long as 50 years. 4.The brave soldier dived into the water and rescued (营救) the drowning boy, which made us very moved. 5.I returned to the village many times, and eventually (最终) I gained their trust. 6.The wounded (受伤的) soldier should be sent to the hospital in no time. 7.A group of soldiers led by their commander (指挥官) were advancing towards the front. 8.Because of the icy road, he had to abandon (抛弃) his car and walk home. Ⅱ.拓展词汇 1.invade v.入侵,侵略→invasion n.侵入,侵略 2.abandon v.放弃,抛弃→abandoned adj.自甘堕落的,被抛弃的,无约束的 3.operation n.行动;操作;经营;手术→operate v.操作;运转;做手术 4.survivor n.幸存者→survive vi.幸存,比……活得长→survival n.幸存,生存5.occupy v.占领→occupation n.职业→occupational adj.职业的 6.commander n.指挥官→command v. & n.命令,指挥 7.deep adj.深的→deeply adv.深深地,深刻地→depth n.深度 8. shocked adj.感到震惊的;惊愕的→shock v.使震惊n.震惊,惊愕


人教版三年级数学下册导学案;第6课时一位数除三位数的 除法 课题一位数除三位数的除法 教学目标;1、使学生掌握一位数除三位数的除法的笔算方法. 2、培养学生的验算意识、 3、培养学生认真计算的好习惯. 教学重点;一位数除三位数的除法的笔算方法,运用乘法验算除法. 教学难点;运用一位数除三位数的除法解决实际问题. 教学过程; 一、学前准备 1、口算.【出示口算卡片】 2、笔算. 二、探究新知 1、学习教材第17页例3. 教师;观察情景说一说从中可以知道哪些数学信息. 【1】方法分析. 一位数除三位数的算理与一位数除两位数的算理相同.笔算时,先用2去除被除数的首位,够商1,将1写在商的百位上;讲求得的商“1”与除数“2”相乘,得到2个百,将“2”写在被除数的百位下面,2减2等于0【0可以省略不写】,表示被除数百位上的数已经被分完. 接着,将被除数十位上的数“5”写下来,用2去除5,商2,将2写在商的十位上,2与除数“2”相乘得4,将4写在5下面,5减4得1,将1写在4的下面,再将被除数个位上的数“6”写下来,6与十位上的数合成“16”,2除16商8,将8写在商个位上,8与除数2相乘得16,16减16等用于0,将0写在余数的位置上. 【2】列式解答. ①验算方法探究. 要验证商“128”是否正确,可以列乘法算式128×2或2×128进行验算,如果乘得的积等于256,就说明计算的结果是正确的,否则就是错误的. 验算方法;商×除数=被除数

②进行验算. 验算过程;256÷2=128【张】 验算;128×2=256【张】或2×128=256【张】 2、学习教材第18页例4. 【1】出示主题图. 【2】理解题意,完整读题. 【3】分析数量关系,确定解题方法. 【4】列式计算. 【5】引导学生尝试估算. 【6】尝试笔算. 【7】揭示计算中遇到的问题.【2个百除以6不够商1个百时,怎么办?】 【8】交流解决办法. 【9】讲述;当百位上的数小于除数时,应将百位上的数与十位上的数合起来,看成几十个十来计算,23个十除以6,商的首位应在十位上. 【10】第二次尝试完成下面的计算 【11】请学生完整叙述计算过程. 【12】估算结果与精确值相对比. 【13】观察例4中的被除数、除数和商,发现其规律. 当一位数除三位数,百位上的数小于除数时,这时商的首位就在十位上,所以商是两位数,通过这样的观察,还可以帮助我们判断商的位数. 下面我们用此方法进行验证. 三、课堂作业新设计 1、先估一估,再计算. 【1】读题,明确题意. 【2】判断各题的商是几位数. 【3】请学生说出判断的结果. 【4】学生独立做一做. 【5】计算各题.


广州卓越教育机构一对一 高二英语同步学案(1期) 第十四讲【上半讲unit 2,Book 6(上)】 一.入门一测(Quiz) (一)用所给词的适当形式填空 1.I don’t have much money. If I _______________(do), I _________________(buy) a house of my own. 2.I wish I ________________(can) fly one day. 3.It is requested that Professor Li ______________(give) us a speech. 4.Mother has ordered that no one ______________(leave) the house without her permission. 5.--I would rather that you ________________(tell) him my secret. --I’m really sorry. (二)完成句子 6.这个英语晚会的主要目的是要为学生提供用英语交流的平台。 The __________ aim of the English evening is _________________(provide) a platform for the students to communicate in English. 7.我坚信只有共同努力我们才能建设和谐社会。 I am fully ________________ that only with combined efforts _______ _________ build a harmonious society. 8.科技是第一生产力。 ______________ and _______________ is primary productive force. 9.那天我碰巧忘记带雨伞。 That day, I forgot to bring my umbrella ___________ ____________. 10.要获得幸福,我们应当积极面对生活中的各种艰难。 To get happiness, we are supposed to __________ a positive ___________ ________. 二.词汇银行(V ocabulary Bank)


选修6 Unit 3 A healthy life自学提纲 第一部分词汇学习 使用日期:12月8-9 【学习目标】 知识与能力:利用构词法背诵单词,掌握重点单词的用法 过程与方法:兴趣记忆法、形义联想法、利用词根词缀法、最佳时间记忆法等,师生互动情感态度价值观:在学习新单词的过程中,教育学生热爱生活,珍爱生命 【课前自学】 查字典,了解词汇的词性变化,并写出正确形式。 1. 健康n. _________ 不健康的adj.___________ 对……合适的______________ 2. 压力n.________ adj.__________(同义词)n.___________ 3. 青春期的adj.________ n.__________ 4. 自动的adj.________ adv.________ 5. 精神的adj._________ adv._________ 6.正常的adj.__________(反)___________ 7. 结果n._______ adj.________ adv.________ 8. 加强v.__________ n.长处__________ 9. 放松n._________ v.__________ 10.失望的adj._________/__________ n.___________ 11. 违法的adj.______(反)________ 12. 尴尬的adj._________/_________ n.____________ 【问题展示】 1.ban vt 禁止,取缔n 禁令;谴责 He was banned ______driving for six months due to speeding. The police lifted the ban _____parking on the street. Dolly’s cloning raised the fear of human cloning, so they called for a worldwide ban _____ human cloning. 归纳:____________________________________________________ ★【拓展与延伸】还有哪些词表示“禁止”? ____________________________________________________ 2.addicted adj 入了迷的,上了瘾的 He found his son addicted to ______(play) computer games. He was involved in the accident under the influence of alcohol, ______which he is addicted. Driven by curiosity, he ______ addicted to drugs. 归纳;______________________________________________________________________ 3.accustomed 惯常的;习惯了的。 It took me a long time to get accustomed to ______(work) inside the noise and excitement of the environment. You must accustom yourself to the new climate .(adapt句型转换) ___________________________________________________________________________ 归纳;______________________________________________________________________ ★【拓展与延伸】adapt 与accustom 的相同之处 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4 .effect 影响,成效 His sudden death had a great effect ______ the future of both mother and son. He left a note ____ the effect that he was affected by HINI FLU .

高中英语选修六unit 1 reading 学案

Unit 1 Art Reading I. Warming up 1. What kind of art can you see in life? 2. Can you name some famous painting and painters? 3. If you could have four kinds of these paintings on the walls of your bedroom, which kind would you like to choose? Give your reasons. II. Reading ◆Fast reading Task one: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1. How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they? ◆Careful reading Task two: Read the passage carefully and choose the right answer foe each question. 1. According to the text,it’s less likely that art is influenced by________. A. social changes B. agriculture production C. lifestyle changes D. beliefs of people 2. When did painters mainly focus on religion? A. From 5th to 15th century AD. B. From 15th to 16th century. C. From late 19th to early 20th century. D. From 20th century to today. 3. According to the text, the painters during the Renaissance _______. ①adopted a more humanistic attitude to life ②discovered the rules of perspective ③developed oil paints ④broke away from the traditional style of painting A. ①③④ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①②③ 4. It can be inferred that classical Roman and Greek ideas were________. A.imaginary B.realistic C.ridiculous D.abstract

人教版三年级数学下册导学案:第2单元第6课时 一位数除三位数的除法(最新)

第6课时一位数除三位数的除法 课题一位数除三位数的除法 教学目标:1、使学生掌握一位数除三位数的除法的笔算方法。 2、培养学生的验算意识、 3、培养学生认真计算的好习惯。 教学重点:一位数除三位数的除法的笔算方法,运用乘法验算除法。教学难点:运用一位数除三位数的除法解决实际问题。 教学过程: 一、学前准备 1、口算。(出示口算卡片) 2、笔算。 二、探究新知 1、学习教材第17页例3. 教师:观察情景说一说从中可以知道哪些数学信息。 (1)方法分析。 一位数除三位数的算理与一位数除两位数的算理相同。笔算时,先用2去除被除数的首位,够商1,将1写在商的百位上;讲求得的商“1”与除数“2”相乘,得到2个百,将“2”写在被除数的百位下面,2减2等于0(0可以省略不写),表示被除数百位上的数已经被分完。接着,将被除数十位上的数“5”写下来,用2去除5,商2,将2写在商的十位上,2与除数“2”相乘得4,将4写在5下面,5减4得1,将1写在4的下面,再将被除数个位上的数“6”写下来,6与十位上的数合成“16”,2除16商8,将8写在商个位上,8与除数2相乘得16,16减16等用于0,将0写在余数的位置上。 (2)列式解答。 ①验算方法探究。 要验证商“128”是否正确,可以列乘法算式128×2或2×128进行验算,如果乘得的积等于256,就说明计算的结果是正确的,否则就是错误的。 验算方法:商×除数=被除数 ②进行验算。

验算过程:256÷2=128(张) 验算:128×2=256(张)或2×128=256(张) 2、学习教材第18页例4. (1)出示主题图。 (2)理解题意,完整读题。 (3)分析数量关系,确定解题方法。 (4)列式计算。 (5)引导学生尝试估算。 (6)尝试笔算。 (7)揭示计算中遇到的问题。(2个百除以6不够商1个百时,怎么办?) (8)交流解决办法。 (9)讲述:当百位上的数小于除数时,应将百位上的数与十位上的数合起来,看成几十个十来计算,23个十除以6,商的首位应在十位上。 (10)第二次尝试完成下面的计算 (11)请学生完整叙述计算过程。 (12)估算结果与精确值相对比。 (13)观察例4中的被除数、除数和商,发现其规律。 当一位数除三位数,百位上的数小于除数时,这时商的首位就在十位上,所以商是两位数,通过这样的观察,还可以帮助我们判断商的位数。 下面我们用此方法进行验证。 三、课堂作业新设计 1、先估一估,再计算。 (1)读题,明确题意。 (2)判断各题的商是几位数。 (3)请学生说出判断的结果。 (4)学生独立做一做。 (5)计算各题。 (6)集体订正,验证判断商的位数,估算结果是否接近精确值。(7)质疑、解疑。 2、给商是两位数的涂上红色,商是三位数的涂上黄色。

人教版 高中英语 选修六 第二单元 热身公开课 导学案

编号:WHGZYYXX6-U2-001 高二英语选修6 Unit 2 Poems Period 1 Warming up and reading 班级_________ 组名________姓名_________ 【学习目标】 1.知识目标:初步了解中英文诗歌的异同,并能简单分析英语诗歌的特色。 2.能力目标:听辨录音,吟诵诗歌,翻译大义,鉴赏英语诗歌之美。 3.情感目标:诗以言志,歌诗合为事而作,方言儿歌的教育功能。 【重点难点】 重点: 把握中英诗歌异同中的同,并且学会分析欣赏英语诗歌的三美。 难点: 在中英诗歌对照的前提下欣赏英语诗歌的意象美、音乐美、视觉美。【学法指导】朗诵,吟唱,赏析,讨论,仿写。 【学习过程】 【知识链接】 1. 诗歌是由意象美、音乐美、视觉美构成的三维复合型艺术系统,其中音乐美 包含音韵美、节奏美、旋律美。 2. 王建(约767-830年),唐代诗人,字仲初,颍川(今河南许昌)人,享年约六十七 岁。家贫,“从军走马十三年”,出身寒微,曾任陕州司马,世称王司马。他写了大量的乐府,同情百姓疾苦,与张籍齐名。 3. 据南宋刘义庆《幽明录》记载:“武昌阳新县北山上有望夫石,状若人立。相 传昔有贞妇,其夫从役,远赴国难,妇携弱子饯送至此,望夫而化为石,因此为名焉。” 4. 英语修辞格(figures of speech):Alliteration(头韵) Assonance(双声/叠韵) Personification (拟人) Antithesis(对照/对偶) Repetition (重复) Allusion(典故/引喻) Step 1【自主预习】 1. poem ____________ 2. poetry ______________ 3. rhyme _______________ 4.rhythm __________ 5.repetition __________ 6. contradictory __________ 7. recite __________ 8. concrete ____________ 9. imaginative ____________ 10. nursery rhymes ________________________ 11. mockingbird ____________ 12. diamond ring __________ 13. brass__________ 1 4.billy-goat _____________ 1 5. transform into ________ 1 6. day by day ____________ 17. revolve _______________ 18. utter speech __________ Step 2【课堂导入】 Quiz for common sense of poetry (诗歌常识小测试)→ PPT Step 3【合作探究】 1.How to appreciate the beauty of poetry?(怎样欣赏诗歌的美?) _________________________________________________________________

人教版 选修六 Unit3 第六课时 导学案 徐姗 无答案

课题:Unit3 A healthy life Lesson 6 (grammar) 【学习目标】 了解和掌握it的基本用法:形式宾语;形式主语 【学法指导】自主学习了解it的基本用法。 【课前预习】 1.__ will do good to you to do some exercise every morning. A. It B. There C. Those D. You 2.We think ____ our duty to pay taxes to our government. A. that B. this C. its D. it 3.The climate of Shanghai is better than ____ of Nanjing. A. that B. it C. which D. what 4.I like this house with a beautiful garden in front,but I don’t have enough money to buy__________. A. one B. it C. this D. that 【课堂演练】 1. it 作形式宾语,来代替真正的宾语(不定式,动名词或从句),以使句子保持平衡。 例:We think it important to learn a foreign language. 在该句中动词是_,形式宾语是,宾补是, 真正的宾语是________________ 口头翻译:①I find it pleasant to work with him. ②They felt it difficult to finish the work in such a short time. ③She thinks it her duty to help us. 2. 为了保持句子平衡,避免头重脚轻,it作形式主语,来代替真正的主语(不定式,动名词,从句). ①A: It is +adj.+ ( for sb. ) to do sth. 在该句型中,形容词是用来修饰事情的形容词;如important,necessary,natural 或者easy ,safe ,common ,normal ,hard ,difficult ,dangerous ,unusual,rare ,impossible ,pleasant等。 如:对她来说参加派对很重要。 = It is important that she (should ) come to the party. B: It is +adj. + (of sb.) to do sth. 在该句型中,形容词必须是能表示逻辑主语特征的形容词,常见的有:bad ,brave ,careless,clever ,cruel ,foolish ,good (好心的),honest ,naughty ,nice(有教养的),polite,rude ,silly ,stupid ,wise.. 这个句型可以改写为:sb. is +adj.+ to do sth. 如:你这样做很聪明。________________________= _______________________ 你帮助老年人,真是太善良了。_________________________________ _ ②. It takes/took sb. ... to do sth. “做…要花某人…” 修我的电脑花了我一个月的时间。____________________________________ ③. It is no good (use ) doing sth. 该句中真正主语是___,表语可以是no good,no use,no value,no importance,a waste of time .. 练习A:It’s no use crying over the spilt milk. B:做这项工作是浪费时间。_____________________________________________ ④. It is said (reported,learned....) that ...“据说”(据报道,据悉...) 据说武术来源于河南少林寺。_______________________________ ⑤. It happens (seems,appears ) that... 我恰巧在某本书上看到过这个问题。___________________________________ 【课后延伸】 1. We considerd ____ logical that not all plans can be put into practice. A. that B. quite C. it D. very 2. Mary speaks in a low voice;___ is difficult to know what she is saying. A. it B. that C. so D. she 3. _________ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind. A.This B.That C.What D.It 4. felt funny watching myself on TV. A. One B. This C.It D. That 5. It ___ for this reason ___ her uncle moved out of New York. A. is ... which B. was ... why C. was ... that D. were ... How 6. It was ___ he said at the meeting __ disappointed me. A. what..,that B. that..,that C. what..,what D. that..,what 7. ---Wasn’t it Dr. Li who spoke to you just now? --- ______ . A. I didn't know he was B. Yes,he did C. No,he didn't D. Yes,it was 8. Was it during the Second World War____ he died? A. this B. then C. that D. while 9. I don’t think _____ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A. this B. it C. that D. its 10. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but __didn’t help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 11. Was ___ in 2019 ___ your teacher graduated from university? A. that..,that B. it... which C. it... that D. it... when 12. ___ is no good ___ without doing anything.

人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit 3 第六课时教学教案

第六课时 课时内容 B. Start to read; Let’s check; Let’s sing. C. Story time 课时分析 本课时是在基本掌握本单元重点词汇和句型的基础上,进行的练习测试与故事阅读课。 Start to read中,教材展示了四种动物的图片,分别是金鱼、老鼠、狗和熊猫,同时出示了四个句子: It’s small and thin. It’s big and fat. It has a long tail and big eyes. It has a long body and short legs. 学生需要猜一猜这四句分别对应是哪个动物,再说一说,选一选。这个活动主要检验学生能否正确认读本单元的两个重点句式:It’s…和It has … Let’s check部分包括两个练习活动。第一个活动为听录音判断正误。第二个活动为看一看,连一连。活动提供了一幅猫捉老鼠的图片。学生需要认真观察图片中动物的特征,并选择与之对应的形容词。这个活动的目的旨在考查学生对于重点单词的认读和理解。 Let’s sing的歌词内容是在动物园,呈现了cat, rat, monkey, giraffe四种动物,并通过描述他们的活动及特征呈现了单词:fast, fat, short, tall。学生在学唱歌曲的同时,一方面熟悉了四种动物的名称,另一方面也进一步操练了形容词的使用。 Story time还是我们的老朋友Zoom和Zip之间的故事。这次,他们两个比谁认识的动物多。他们边画边说,直到Zoom把猩猩认成了猴子为止。故事内容极其简单,绝大部分内容都是动物名称的罗列,包括老虎、狮子、狐狸、狼、斑马、马、猩猩和猴子。这些动物都有相似的地方,在学习故事的时候,要指导学生使用形容词来描述它们的具体特征,以区分这些动物。此外,还要向学生渗透保护动物的意识和观念。 课时目标 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。 2. 能够听懂故事,并表演。 3. 能够会唱歌曲At the zoo。 4. 能够完成阅读、连线、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。 课时重难点 1.重点: 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。 能够完成阅读、连线、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。 2. 难点: 能够在具体的情境中正确使用本单元的重点句式。 教学准备 1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。 2. 故事中两个主要人物的头饰、动物图卡。 教学过程


导学案3 授课题目(章节或主题)Unit 2 Poems (book6) 词汇教学 授课时间授课时数2学时教学课型理论新授课□实验课□习题课□讨论课□实习(践)课□其它□教学目标与要求: 知识与能力目标:1.learn the new words and expressions of unit2. 2. Studen ts can know more knowledge about Poems. 过程与方法目标:1.Group work, learn each other, master the pronunciation of each words. 2.Get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly. 情感态度价值观目标:Develop students’ spirit of cooperation and teamwork. 重点:1.Master the pronunciation of the new words and expressions of this unit. 2. Master the difficult words usage of "convey,concrete, flexible, translation,transform ’’and the phrase of"run out of, be made up of, in particula r, try out, let out"and so on. 难点:1. Stud ents can communicate with their partners about the topic of"Poems". 2. To master the important language points and sentence patterns in this part. 教学方法(请打√选择): 讲授法□讨论法√演示法□自学辅导法√练习法(习题或操作)□读书指导法□ 案例法□其他□ 教学媒体(请打√选择): 教材√板书□实物□标本□挂图□模型□多媒体√幻灯□录像□CAI(计算机辅助教学)□[来源:Z§xx§https://www.doczj.com/doc/a118511921.html,] 教学过程设计(包括讲授内容、讲授方法、时间分配、媒体选用、板书设计等): 一、呈现目标(5 分钟) The teacher tells students the aims of this class,and asks them to read aloud.

高二英语人教版选修六第三单元学案 答案

ban doing sth. /ban…from sth./doing sth.禁止做某事 a ban on 关于……的禁令 put a ban on….发布禁令 一、词汇变形 Book6 Unit3 A healthy life 词汇导学案 1. use(n./v.)---abuse(n./v.)滥用 2. fit(adj.)---fitness(n.)健康---unfit(adj.) 3.stress(n.)---stressful(adj.)---stressed(adj.) 4. addicted(adj.)---addiction(n.) 上瘾 5. automatic(adj.)---automatically(adv.)自动的 6.mental(adj.)---mentally(adv.)精神上的 7. effect(n.)---effective(adj.)---effectively(adv.) 8. normal(adj.)正常的---abnormal(adj.) 9. breath(n.)---breathe(v.)---breathless(adj.) 10. strong(adj.)---strength(n.)---strengthen(v.) 11. resolve(n.)---resolution(n.)解决,决心 12. relax(v.)---relaxed/relaxing(adj.) ---relaxation(n.)放松,消遣 13.desperate(adj.)---desperately(adv.)绝望地二、重点单词 1. abuse v&n 滥用; 虐待; 辱骂 14. chemistry(n.)---chemist(n.)药剂师,化学家 15. disappoint(v.)--- disappointment(n.)失望 ---disappointed/disappointing(adj.)失望的16.weak(adj.)--weakness(n.)---weaken(v.)削弱17.ashamed(adj.)羞愧的--shame(n.)羞愧,遗憾 -shameless(adj.)无耻的--shameful(adj.)可耻的18.illegal(adj.)-legal(adj.)合法的--legally(adv.) 19.rob(v.)---robber(n.)---robbery(n.)抢劫20.slip(v.)---slippery(adj.)滑的 21. survive(v.)幸存---survival(n.)--survivor(n.) 22. inject(v.)---injection(n.)注射 23. judge(v.)---judgement(n.)判断 24. embarrass(v.)---embarrassed/embarrassing ---embarrassment(n.)尴尬 v n 滥用 abuse one’s power ____ abuse one’s trust /confidence ___ abuse alcohol/drugs__ the abuse of power____ _ alcohol/drug abuse ___ 虐待 abuse children___ _ child abuse____ _ 辱骂 (un) scream abuse___ _ 2. ban n.&v.禁止;取缔;禁令(say officially that sth is not allowed ) 1) He was banned from ____ _(drive) for 6 months. 2) He started a campaign to ban ____ _ _(smoke) in public places. 3)Our government has put a ban _____ plastic bags. 3. s tress n. 压力; 重要性 vt.重读;强调 stressful 产生压力的 stressed 感到压力的 relieve/reduce/ease/ lessen/lighten stress 缓解压力 under stress/pressure 在压力下 stress the importance of 强调...的重要性 place/lay/put stress on sth.着重强调某事 =attach great importance to sth =put emphasis on sth. 1) *The government should organize varieties of activities to___ _(强调 的重要性) protecting and improving human environment. 4. quit 停止(做某事); 离开 (quit/quitted; quit/quitted) ?离开(工作职位,学校等);离任 quit school 辍学quit office 离职 quit one’s job ?停止;戒掉 quit doing sth. quit the habit ?迁出;搬离 quit the city 1) You must quit __ (smoke) at once for the benefit of you and your family. 2) Sally found that a class full of problems was waiting for her. She was told six teachers _ _______ (quit) before her.


3 The sixth period(第六课时) Part B Start to read & Let’s check & Let’s sing ?教学内容与目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Start to read ·能够找出并能听、说、读、写图片中的字母 ·能够听、说、认读表示五官和身体部位的单词,并数出对应的单词个数 Let’s check ·能够根据图片信息预测听力考查点,并有意识地去听录音,完成排序 ·能够观察图片,朗读单词并完成配对练习 Let’s sing ·能够理解、跟唱歌曲,并能创编新的歌曲 1 能听、说、认读本单元与五官及身体部位有关的单词。 2能够独立完成Let ’s check 板块的练习。 ?教学难点 能够在日常生活中自然地运用本单元句型进行交际。 ?教学准备 1. 预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业100分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。 2. 教学课件、课文录音、视频、小礼物等。 ?教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Let’s sing. Lead students to sing the chant with the melody of Two tigers. (课件出示:歌曲《两只老虎》的旋律) 3. Revision. T: Boys and girls, Let’s play the game “I say, you do”. Are you ready? Let’s go! Clap your hands! Wave your arms! Shake your body! Stamp your foot! Touch your nose! Touch your ear! Open your eyes! … Step 2: Presentation 1. Turn and turn. Teaching purpose 以歌曲热身,活跃课堂氛围。复习与五官、身体部位有关的单词和指令性用语,调动学生多种感官参与,激发学生的学习兴趣。 Teaching purpose 通过转盘游戏和创编对话的活动,对本单元的重点单词和句型进行检测和复习,引导学生迅速激活之前所学的知识,增强学习趣味

江苏省南通中学牛津译林版高中英语选修六导学案(无答案):Unit3 Understanding ea

M6U3 Understanding each other Period ⅠLearning notes for Welcome to the unit & Reading 【Learning goals】 1. Learning some new words: difference; suppose; congratulate; permit; familiar; adjust; accustomed 2. Learning some new expressions: take off; take up 3. Learning some sentence patterns: Why don’t you…?; 虚拟语气;动名词作主语;have trouble (in) doing sth. 【Language focus】 词汇-1.difference n. 【教材原句】Can you tell me about some cultural differences you have found?(P34) 【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分,注意difference的意义和搭配 (1)I can never tell the difference between the twins. (2)The rain didn’t make much difference to the game. (3)Your age should make no difference to whether you get the job or not. (4)Changing jobs made a big difference to my life. 【自主归纳】词性变化 difference(n.) adj. 不同的,有区别的;有差异的 v. 不同于 熟记下列词组:make no difference (to sb./sth.) 对某人/某事不重要、不要紧 make some difference (to sb./sth) 对某人/某事有些作用或影响 tell the difference between A and B说出A和B的不同之处 A differ from B=A and B differ from each other=A be different from B A不同于B/ A与B不同 完成下列句子(一句多译):在这方面法语和英语不同。 in this aspect. 【即时巩固】 (1)It won’t make much ________ whether you agree or not. A. difficulty B. trouble C. difference D. matter (2)The two birds ______ each other in shape and color. So I can’t tell the ________between them A. are different from; different B. differ from ; different C. different from ; difference D. differ from ;difference (3)Chinese English greatly not only in pronunciation but also in spelling. A. differing from B. different from C. differs from D. is differ from 词汇-2. suppose v. 【教材原句】Roosters are supposed to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony, and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage.(P34) 【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分,注意suppose的意义和搭配 (1)The game was not as one-sided as we had supposed. (2)We have no reason to suppose that he has done anything illegal. (3)You are supposed to make a copy of the contract before you mail it.

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