当前位置:文档之家› 高三英语学业水平考试补充翻译




1. Because half of the workers _______________________ (下岗了), the company doesn’t get along smoothly.(lay)

2. The Smiths were on a tighter budget, as both of them __________________ (下岗了) for 6 months. (lay)

3. With his only son _______________ (死了) in the accident, Tom has been in deep sorrow these days. (kill)

4. The meeting ___________________________ (要举行的) this afternoon is to be attended by all of us.(hold)

5.She had so many dishes _________________________ (要洗). (wash)

6.When she came to herself/ woke up, Lucy was surprised ____________________ .(发现自己躺在医院里) (find)

7.Mr Yang, my former teacher, is said _______________________ (晋升为校长) (promote)

8. Phelps was reported ______________________ (打破好几项世界纪录) in swimming in Beijing Olympic Games. (record)

9. He _________________ (不会辍学), but he wasn’t given enough financial support. (drop)

10. Who would you rather _______________ (让…陪) you company. (have)

11. She is the girl the president would like _____________ (让工作) his secretary. (have)

12. Who do you think the boss would rather ____________ (让工作) as a secretary, the boy or the girl? (have)


1. __________________________ (直到半夜他才) came back. (until)

2. __________________________ (直到半夜他才) come back. (until)

3. It was by a burning cigarette end __________________ (引起火灾) in the forest. (result)

4. The new airport to be completed next month ____________________ (使更容易通达北京) major cities around the world. (accessible)

5. The bridge will _______________ (使我们方便) go to school. (convenient)

6. We must let every student ____________ (知道) the importance of English learning. (inform)

7. The new medical system makes fundamental treatment ___________ (容易惠及) low-income families in the country. (accessible)

8. The cellphone __________________ (使我容易) keep in touch with my family while I was in New York.. (easy)

9. Who __________________ (应负责) the traffic accident ? (blame)

10. The robber _____________ (没抓到), and the police were discussing a new plan. (miss)



1. have been laid off

2. had been laid off

3. killed

4.(which is) to be held

5. to wash

6.to find herself lying in hospital

7.to have been promoted to headmaster.

8.to have broken several world records

9. wouldn’t have dropped out of school

10. have keep

11.to have work as

12.have work


1. It was not until midnight that he

2. Not until midnight did he

3. that a fire was resulted in

4. will make Beijing more accessible to

5. make it convenient for us to

6. be informed of

7. easily accessible to

8. made it easy for me to

9. is to blame for

10. missed being caught


练习一.1.Our new school is __________________ (两倍大) the old one. (size)

2.She is the only one of the students who _______________ (已经克服了这些困难). (overcome)

3.Only in this way __________________ (你才能相处好) with your classmates.(get)

4.“________________ (这是我们的希望) that the two sides will work towards peace”, said the foreign minister. (hope)

5.Who would you rather _________________ (去看电影) together with you? (cinema)

6.Her grandfather, sitting on the mat __________________ (盘着腿),is chatting with several villagers. (with)

7.We urged that the government _____________________ (采取措施脱贫) right away. (reduce)

8.They have made every effort ____________________ (为使家园恢复). (bring)

9.At this time tomorrow we ___________________ (我们正在飞) over the Pacific Ocean. (fly)

10.______________ (最要紧的) in learning English is enough practice. (matter)

练习二 1.Much work ___________________ (有待去做) about nine years of compulsory education. (remain)

2.George was unhappy for ______________________ (没被邀请) to the party. (invite)

3.I shall never forget the day when Shenzhou VII was launched, _________________ (有很大影响) on the whole world. (effect)

4.__________________ (主席一进入) the hall, the people present stood up. (moment)

5.___________________________ (有这么多人用英语交流) every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English. (with)

6.It was at half past two _____________________ (他到达) school. (arrive)

7.If ___________________ (要不是因为有) the rain, our crops would have died during the drought last summer. (for)

8.It usually takes two hours to ____________________ (我的手机充电). (get)

9.______________ (进来) our geography teacher with a map of China in his hand. (in)

10.Since the flight has been cancelled because of the bad weather, we ___________________ (不妨去) by train. (may)

练习三 1.___________________ (不管谁犯法) shall be punished. (break)

2.They arrived at the hospital, in front _________________ (站着许多人). (stand)

3.A group of young people often get together and play music ________________________(满足他们内心的欲望). (satisfy)

4.In the past ______________ (禁止黑人孩子) attend the same school as white children. (forbid)

5. Work harder, ___________________ (否则你就会落后). (fall)

6. If _______________ (你方便的话),let’s go visit our former teacher this weekend. (convenie nt)

7. You enjoyed a pleasant journey last week and _________. (我也享受了一次愉快的旅行) (so)

8. Look at the trouble I am in! __________________ (要是我听…就好了) your advice! (follow)

9. ____ (如此困难) the situation that they didn’t know how to live through the coming winter. (so)

10. ____________ (似乎有) something wrong with my computer. (seem)

练习四 1. _____________ (借助)the reform and opening up to the outside world, the economy in China has developed strongly. (advantage)

2. ____________________ (要不了多久) we know the result of the exam. (it)

3. __________________ (多么美妙的一个计划) it is! (how)

4. A new problem has arisen and it _________________ (很难处理). (deal)

5. With _____________ (项链不见了),they had to borrow money to buy a new one. (go)

6. ________________ (越受鼓励),the better you will perform. (encourage)

7. He built a transparent wall through which he could observe ____________ (正在发生的事) inside the hive. (go)

8. He _______________ (抓住我的手腕) trying to get me play games with him. (seize)

9. He didn’t ___________ (弄清楚) when and where the meeting would be held. (clear)

10. Without your help, we ____________________ (不可能签下这份合同). (sign)


练习一.1.twice the size of

2.has overcome the difficulties

3.can you get on well

4.It is our hope

5.went to the cinema

6.with his legs crossed

7.(should)take measures to reduce poverty

8.to bring their hometown to normal

9.shall be flying

10.What matters most

练习二.1.remains to be done

2.his not being invited

3.which has had a big effect

4.The moment the chairman got into/entered

5.With so many people communicating in English

6.that he arrived (at the)

7.it hadn’t been for

8.get my cellphone charged

9.In came

10.may (just) as well go

练习三.1.Whoever breaks the law

2.of which stood many people

3.to satisfy their inner desire

4.black children were forbidden to

5.or you will fall behind

6.it is convenient to/for you

7.so did I

8.If only I had followed

9.So difficult was

10.There seems to be

练习四.1.Taking advantage of

2.It won’t be long before

3.How wonderful a plan

4.is very difficult/hard to deal with

5.the necklace gone

6.The more encouraged you are

7.what was going on

8.seized me by the wrist

9.make it clear

10.couldn’t have signed the contract


练习五 1. A question has come up ________________________ (政府如何控制) the prices effectively. (control)

2. _________________________ (被训练) to speak the language for quite a few years, they were able to express their ideas quite well. (train)

3. The game had hardly begun _____________________________ (天就下起雨来). (start)

4. _________________ (不管灾难有多大), they were determined to overcome them. (however)

5. No student _____________________________- (允许用)a cellphone in class. (allow)

6. Do you have any difficulty __________________________ (与外国人交流)? (communicate)

7. Our friend made a suggestion _____________________________- (我们乘火车去). (by)

8. ________________________________- (别施加压力) the child. Or he will break down. (pressure)

9. Tom ___________________________ (不敢见) his father, for he failed the exam once again. (dare)

10. With everything ___________________ (考虑在内), the company decided to transfer a small part of its shares. (consideration)

练习六 1. Premier Wen said the Dalai Lama side failed to honor ______________________________ (他们许下的诺言) in the previous talks. (promise)

2. The problem is too difficult ____________________ (我算不出来). (work)

3. I wonder _________________________-- (是否开) the meeting or not tomorrow. (hold)

4. ______________________________ (别蒙蔽) by his fancy words. (take)

5. Who __________________ (让灯亮着) the whole night? (have)

6. _________________ (守时) is a good quality. (punctural)

7. ---- How was the televised debate last night?

---- Great! Hardly __________________ (有一场辩论吸引) so much attention. (attract)

8. He wouldn’t have woken up so late that morning if he _________________ (没有熬夜) late the night before playing computer games. (stay)

9. Teachers __________________________ (理应) treat all the students alike, whether they have good or bad school performance. (suppose)

10. ____________ (有可能) he will pass the college entrance examination next year. (likely)

练习七 1. Lucy has two sons, ______________ (个子较高的) performs better at school. (tall)

2. It’s not how much you read _________________ (而是你读了什么) that counts. (what)

3. – What do you know the case?

-- A man has been arrested and _______________ (正接受审讯) now. (question)

4. ____________________ (直到半夜他才) come back. (until)

5. Cruel Shylock desired to take a pound of flesh from Antonio and make him ______________ (流血至死). (death)

6. Middle school students are mostly children _____________ (年龄在12至18岁之间). (range)

7. We can call for help _____________________ (万一出现紧急情况). (case)

8. ___________________ (一听到这消息), he jumped with joy. (on)

9. The people _________________________________ (在地震中幸免于难的) received financial assistance from the government. (survive)

10. People from other cultures may grown up with values and benefits _____________________ (与你们的不同) (differ)

练习八 1. Our school is surrounded by ______________________ (一道两千米长的墙). (long)

2. The car _________________ (据信已经走了) 10,000 kilometres. (cover)

3. It’s possible f or different peoples ______________ (和谐相处) with each other. (harmony)

4. __________________ (擦窗户时), my finger was cut unexpectedly. (while)

5. She is so shy that she is not used _____________ (受表扬)in front of her classmates. (praise)

6. In the 1960s political leaders __________________ (不受好评) and American songs often made fun of them. (think)

7. Some websites require you to register an e-mail address, _____________ (意味着) you begin to receive junk mail. (mean)

8. ____________ (遇到) the traffic jam, my colleag ue wasn’t able to arrive on time. (catch)

9. We wonder __________ (他们如何度过) the hard time when the earthquake took place. (live)

10. --- Where was the wedding ceremony held?

--- It was in the church __________________ (我们参观过). (pay)


练习五.1.how the government will control

2.Having been trained /After being trained /Because they had been trained

3.when it started to rain

4.However great the disaters were

5.is allowed to use

6.(in) communicating with foreigners

7.that we (should) go by train

8.Don’t put pressure on

9.didn’t dare (to) see/dared n’t see

10.taken into consideration

练习六.1.the promise (which) they had made

2.for me to work out

3.whether to hold/whether we should hold

4.Don’t be taken in

5.had the lights burning

6.Being punctual

7.has a debate attracted /has there been a debate attracting

8.hadn’t stayed up

9.are supposed to

10.It is likely that

练习七.1.The taller (one) of whom

2.but what you read

3.is being questioned

4.Not until midnight did he

5.bleed to death

6.ranging between 12 and 18/from 12 to 18

7.in case of an emergency

8.On hearing the news

9.having/who had survived the earthquake

10.differing/which differ from yours

练习八.1.a wall which is two kilometres long

2.is believed to have covered

3.to live in harmony

4.While I was cleaning the windows

5.to being praised

6.weren’t thought highly/well of

7.meaning that

8.(because he/she was) Caught in

9.how they lived through

10. to which we had paid a visit


练习九 1. His uncle, _________ (下岗) last year, has set up his business. (lay)

2. China’s rising has made it important for American students ___________________ (流利地讲汉语) according to US education secretary. (fluent)

3. The problem ____________________ (好像已经解决). (solve)

4. The snowstorm of last winter ______________ (带来很大破坏) to the crops. (damage)

5. _______________ (不管他说什么) is worth listening. (whatever)

6. What impressed the audience deeply was the word _____________ (提到) several times in his speech---Change. (refer)

7. When a doctor opened a baby’s quilt for a check-up, they found a cellphone inside it. On the cellphone ____________________ (有一则短信): My dear baby, if you can survive, remember that I love you. (text)

8. ___________________ (只有不断练习) listening and speaking can you make greater progress in oral English. (continuously)

9. _________________ (我们不去野炊) should it rain tomorrow. (go)

10. China has carried out some new agricultural policies, ____________________ (旨在提高) the people’s living standards. (aim)

练习十 1. His attitude suggests that ___________ (我不胜任) the job. (fit)

2. ________________ (为了更有效地竞争) with others, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education. (compete)

3. China has reached a stage ________________ (她起重要作用的) in the world. (part)

4. Children have suffered from the milk ____________ (含有) melamine(三聚氰胺). (mix)

5. Last time I came to visit you, you ________________ (碰巧在交谈) with one of my friends. (happen)

6. It has become a tendency that more and more people flood into cities to make their fortune, with their elderly and children

_______________ (留在家里). (leave)

7. _________________ (种种迹象表明) that the economy is improving. (there)

8. --- What made your sister so cheerful?

--- ________________ (她被表扬) by the teacher for her progress. (praise)

9. ___________ (使我大为高兴的是), I was admitted to the key university I dreamt of. (delight)

10. It’s time we __________________ (携起手来采取行动). (join)


练习九.1.(who was) laid off

2.to speak fluent Chinese

3.seems/appears to have been solved

4.did/caused great damage

5.Whatever he says

6.(which was) referred to (for)

7.(there) was a text message

8.Only by continuously practising

9.we shouldn’t go for a picnic

10.aimed at improving

练习十.1.I’m not fit for

2.To compete more effectively

3.when she plays an important part

4.mixed with

5.happened to be talking

6.left at home

7.There are signs

8.Her being praised/That she was praised

9.To my great delight

10.joined hands to take action



1. Because half of the workers _______ (下岗了), the company doesn’t get along smoothly.(lay)

2. The Smiths were on a tighter budget, as both of them _________ (下岗了) for 6 months. (lay)

3. With his only son ____ (死了) in the accident, Tom has been in deep sorrow these days. (kill)

4. The meeting _____________ (要举行的) this afternoon is to be attended by all of us.(hold)

5.She had so many dishes _____________ (要洗). (wash)

6.When she came to herself/ woke up, Lucy was surprised ____________________ .(发现自己躺在医院里) (find)

7.Mr Yang, my former teacher, is said _______________________ (晋升为校长) (promote)

8. Phelps was reported ______________________ (打破好几项世界纪录) in swimming in Beijing Olympic Games. (record)

9. He _________________ (不会辍学), but he wasn’t given enough financial support. (drop)

10. Who would you rather _______________ (让…陪) you company. (have)

11. She is the girl the president would like _____________ (让工作) his secretary. (have)

12. Who do you think the boss would rather ____________ (让工作) as a secretary, the boy or the girl? (have)


1. __________________________ (直到半夜他才) came back. (until)

2. __________________________ (直到半夜他才) come back. (until)

3. It was by a burning cigarette end __________________ (引起火灾) in the forest. (result)

4. The new airport to be completed next month ____________________ (使更容易通达北京) major cities around the world. (accessible)

5. The bridge will _______________ (使我们方便) go to school. (convenient)

6. We must let every student ____________ (知道) the importance of English learning. (inform)

7. The new medical system makes fundamental treatment ___________ (容易惠及) low-income families in the country. (accessible)

8. The cellphone __________________ (使我容易) keep in touch with my family while I was in New York.. (easy)

9. Who __________________ (应负责) the traffic accident ? (blame)

10. The robber _____________ (没抓到), and the police were discussing a new plan. (miss)



1. have been laid off

2. had been laid off

3. killed

4.(which is) to be held

5. to wash

6.to find herself lying in hospital

7.to have been promoted to headmaster.

8.to have broken several world records

9. wouldn’t have dropped out of school

10. have keep

11.to have work as

12.have work


1. It was not until midnight that he

2. Not until midnight did he

3. that a fire was resulted in

4. will make Beijing more accessible to

5. make it convenient for us to

6. be informed of

7. easily accessible to

8. made it easy for me to

9. is to blame for

10. missed being caught



31. They sat together around the table, with ____________ (门关着). (shut)

32. I haven’t the slightest idea ________________ (他正在说什么). (talk)

33. The fact __________________ (他失败了数次)makes him very upset. (he, fail)

34. Last night, John was answering the letters that _______________ (寄给他的) during the past two weeks. (arrive)

35. He believes that children _______________ (应允许……学习) at their own pace. (allow)

36. She has an excellent _______________ (对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work. (memory)

37. _________________ (他是否出过国) doesn’t make much difference. (he, abroad)

38. The factory’s output of cars this year is ________________ (大约是去年的三倍). (as, great)

39. Not only ________ (要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it. (give)

40. It is possible that the King of stonehenge was linked to the stones; he ___________ (可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)


31. the door shut

32. (of) what he’s talking about

33. that he has failed (for) several times

34. had arrived for him

35. should(ought to/must) be allowed to learn/study

36. memory for names

37. Whether he has been abroad or not

38. about three times as great as that of last year

39. will help be given to

40. may(might/could) have had a hand


31. ___________________ (最长的三条河流) in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River. (long)

32. Seldom _________________ (他们玩) video games ever since they entered college. (play)

33. The city __________________ (我成长的) is very hot and damp in summer. (grow)

34. _________________ (我花了) one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week. (cost)

35. I feel so sick. I wish Mum _________________________ (没有逼我) to eat so much. (force)

36. --You’d better go and ____________________________ (把你的轿车洗洗).

--No. I’ll do it myself. (wash)

37. With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’t imagine _________ _______________________ (我的家乡会是什么样子) in ten years. (what)

38. It is your efforts, not your intelligence, _______________ (决定) your success. (determine)

39. He looks sleepy. He must _______________ (熬夜了) last night, writing the essay. (stay)

40. At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine _________________________ (正在运往) from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. (transport)


31. The three longest rivers 32. have they played

33. in which where I grew up 34. It cost me

35. hadn’t forced me 36. have/get your car washed

37. what my hometown will be/look like 38.that determine

39. have stayed up 40. are being transported


71. ____________ (多亏了) her assistance, we succeeded in starting the engine. (owe)

72. When you are finished with the electric iron, don’t forget ____________ .(关掉它) (turn)

73. During his last lecture, the scientist ____________ (觉得) easier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge. (find)

74. ______________ (获得奖学金) gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states. (win)

75. If times __________ (变了), have our ways of thinking changed too? (change)

76. At the award ceremony, Mr. Jackson said, “For me,there has been _____________ (没有更大的回报) than your support.” (great)

77. ____________ (任何计划好了的事) is sure to change as one puts it into practice. (whatever)

78. Such knowledge is still useful ___________ (当应用) to similar situations in other countries. (when)

79. After circling around the earth for three days,Shenzhou Spaceship received the commandfrom the ground that

__________________ (它着陆) as scheduled the next day. (land)

80. Learning strategies, to __________________ (老师们认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students. (attach)


71. Owing to 72. to turn it off

73. found it / found (that) it was 74. Winning a scholarship

75. have changed 76. no greater reward / no reward greater

77. Whatever has been planned / Whatever one has planned 78. when (it is) applied

79. it (should) land 80. which (the) teachers attach / have attached



31. __________(任何别处你不可能看到)so many grand bridges as in Wuhan. ( nowhere)

32.To our surprise, the exhibition turned out to be ___________ (比预料的好得多). ( expect)

33. The company has named a famous actor as their spokesman in order to __________(提升其产品知名度). (make; better)

34. Students should be brought up to know that love, happiness and success are __________(金钱所买不到的). (buy)

35. Many coal mine accidents __________(本来可以避免的)if we had followed the strict safety rules. (avoid)

36. The number of people infected with AIDS could reach 10 million by 2020 ___________(除非采取有效措施)to prevent the spread of the disease. (unless; measures)

37. It is widely accepted that children __________(习惯了给予的)will become spoiled. (used; give)

38. The road-repairman ___________(碰巧目击到了)the road accident when he was working. (happen)

39. It has been announced that __________(任何被抓住舞弊的人)in the exam will be graded zero. (catch; cheat)

40. ___________ (多么激动人心的消息啊) it is that China successfully launched Chang’e I, the lunar orbiter! ( news)


31. Nowhere else can you see (没用倒装0分;掉else扣0.5)

32. much / a lot / far / even / better than (we had) expected (没使用比较级0分,掉程度副词扣0.5; expect形式错误扣0.5分)

33. make its / their product(s) better known 或者make its / their product(s) known better. (known写成其它形式不给分;掉its /their 扣0.5)

34. what money can’t buy / / what can’t be bought with money / / (the) things (that) money can’t buy. (漏掉what / (the) things (that) 或用其它连词不给分)

35. could have been avoided (不用被动0分;用be avoided 0分;用could以外的情态动词扣0.5)

36. unless effective measures are taken. (不用被动0分;用is taken/ will be taken扣1分;掉effective扣0.5;用unless we take…扣0.5)

37. (who / that are / have been) used to being given (未用被动being given的为0分)

38. happened to see /witness (happened 后未用不定式0分; happened 形式错误扣0.5分;to see 写成to have seen 扣0.5分)

39. whoever is caught cheating / anyone (who is) caught cheating

(第1个答案whoever后不用is 0分, 用is 的其他时态扣0.5; 用cheating以外形式0分;用whoever/ anyone(who is)以外的连词0分)

40. What exciting / inspiring / encouraging / thrilling news

(用what an或者how 0分,exciting等写成了过去分词形式扣0.5分)


31. I rushed to the phone at the reception desk, _________________ (却被告知) there was no doctor available. (only)

32. _______________(要不了很久)the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. (before)

33. Not until my brother came home ____________________(我的电脑才修好). (repair)

34. The development of technology ____________________(已使我们可能)to get in touch with each other more easily. (make)

35. What he said made me realize ____________________(我犯了多么愚蠢的错误). (what)

36. Though it was so late, I could still _______________(听见那女孩朗读英语)in the next room. (read)

37. _______________(无论你多么努力), working towards a career that is not suitable to you is not going to get you there. (try)

38. The committee consists of 20 members, _______________ (其中四分之一) are women. (quarter)

39. Though we are much better-off now, very few people can buy _______________(这么贵的一幢房子). (so)

40. But for the effective measures taken by the government during the snow disaster, we _________________ (就会遭受更大的损失了) . (suffer


31. only to be told (that) 32. It won’t be long before

33. was my computer repaired 34. has made it possible for us

35. what a stupid/foolish mistake I had made / what stupid mistakes I had made

36. hear the girl reading English (aloud) 37. However (No matter how) hard you try

38.a quarter of whom / of whom a quarter 39. so expensive a house

40. would/could have suffered (from) (even, much, far, still) greater (more) loss


31. Jenny sat motionless in front of the TV set, with ________________________ (眼睛盯着) the screen. (fix)

32. The father, rather than the brothers, _________________________ (负责)for what has happened. (blame)

33. Such was the force of the explosion ____________________________ (所有的窗户都破了). (break)

34. If only he _____________________ (去看电影) yesterday. (movie)

35. The media can help solve problems and draw attention to situations ___________________ ____________ (需要帮助). (need)

36. Is there any doubt __________________________(他出席会议)tomorrow? (attend)

37. It was _____________________ (一直到战争结束) that he could get back to work. (end)

38. They __________________(不应该来)so early. We didn’t get everything ready. (should)

39. Abraham Lincoln was considered __________________________(最伟大的总统之一)in American history. (great)

40. The stolen bus is said _________________________ (找到) in a deserted house. (find)


31. her eyes fixed on/upon 32. is to blame

33. that all the windows were broken 34. he had seen/watched/gone to the movie

35. where help is needed 36. that he will attend the meeting(不要误用attend to)

37. not until the war ended/the war came to an end/the end of the war

38. shouldn’t have come/arrived 39. one of the greatest presidents

40. to have been found


71. ________________ (多么有趣的角色) she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar. (role)

72. ___________________ (价格下降了), but I doubt whether it will remain so. (go)

73. I’ve never heard of this writer, and he is not mentioned in my history book. He seems _______ ______________ (被完全遗忘了). (completely)

74. There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You ______________ (本应该来),but why didn’t you ? (come)

75. The thief just _______________ (没抓到), the police were discussing a new plan. (miss)

76. If you ________________ (听了我的话),you would be able to finish the work now. (follow)

77. ________________________ (国与国的时尚不同) may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect. (fashion, differ)

78. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _____________ (他们争吵) with each other. (quarrel)

79. This special strain of rice _______________ (使可能) produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. (make)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/a816040250.html,st month, part of Europe was struck by snow storms, _____________ (它们的影响) the people are still suffering. (effect) 湖北09第二次八校联考参考答案:

71. How interesting the role / What an interesting role

72. The price has gone down

73. to have been completely forgotten

74. ought to/should have come

75. missing being caught

76. had followed my advice

77. That fashion differs from country to country

78. have they quarrelled

79. makes it possible to

80.from whose effect



71. Of the two sisters, she is ______________. (较胖的) (fat)

72. _________________ (他说了) something improper at the meeting surprised all of us. (say)

73. It was a burning cigarette end ________________ (引起火灾)in the city.. (cause)

74. With something urgent ______________ (要处理),the general manager hurried back to his office early in the morning. (attend)

75. ____________________ (无论假期多长),I always feel I want a few more days. (however)

76. Sorry, sir. At no time ____________ (允许吸烟) in this building. (allow)

77. He wasn’t given enough financial support, otherwise he ___________________ (不会辍学). (drop)

78. _________________ (正如我提到的) in my last letter, we can make our dreams come true by working hard. (mention)

79. Cathy ________________ (不可能缺席), for I just saw her at Professor Li’s lecture. (absent)

80. Some new equipment, as well as some new technologies from Germany, _____________ (正用于) the production process. (apply)


71. the fatter (one)

72. That he (had) said

73. that caused the fire

74. to attend to

75. However long a vacation/holiday is

76. is smoking allowed

77. wouldn’t have d ropped out of school

78. (Just) as was mentioned /As I mentioned

79. can/could not have been absent

80. is being applied to

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