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【创新设计】2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:Unit 1 Period 1(北师大版必修一,广东专用)]

Unit 1 Lifestyles Period One Learning to learn, Warm-up and

Lesson 1 A Perfect Day?




A schoolteacher died when saving his wife's life after their Egyptian sailing boat capsized(倾覆,弄翻)in a storm.

Luke Day and his wife Sophie Nicholson-Cole,from Norwich,__1__in April and were enjoying the latest part of an extended honeymoon,sailing on the Nile,when their wooden boat turned over in a sudden gust of__2__near Aswan.

Mr Day,31,opened a hatch on the boat to__3__Dr Nicholson-Cole,also 31,and two other tourists.He then became trapped beneath the__4__craft and drowned.

Dr Nicholson-Cole,a climate change expert at the University of East Anglia,spent three hours__5__diving into the water of the river to search for her husband.On lookers said that she wept as his body was eventually discovered and brought to the__6__.The couple had been home for Christmas but left for Egypt on New Year's Day to begin a(n)__7__that had begun with a tandem bicycle ride across Europe to Istanbul.

Felucca sailing boats are usually regarded as a calm and__8__method of transport.The couple had__9__a two-day sailing along the Nile,and were sleeping on the craft,which was due to set sail the following day.

According to Dr Nicholson-Cole,a storm had blown in from the desert at about 3 am,__10__the boat and trapping the couple and their__11__.

Many onlookers,some of whom were__12__who had lost their houses in the storm,helped to gather the couple's belongings and handed them in to officials,according to Dr Nicholson-Cole.

Dr Nicholson-Cole sought assistance from two passing ships,but was__13__.She was taken to a__14__hospital,which had no electricity.After being__15__by the police,she flew back to England alone.


重点词语链接:be due to do sth.预期做某事

The case is due to go to court next month.该案件预计于下月开庭。

1.A.travelled B.married

C.supported D.admitted

答案:B[考查动词。从后文讲他们去度蜜月可知,他们在四月份结了婚(married)。] 2.A.snow B.mist

C.wind D.rain

答案:C[考查名词。a sudden gust of wind“一阵狂风”,固定搭配。从该句中船被掀翻我们也可以推断是大风,而不是雨(rain),雾(mist)或雪(snow)。]

3.A.free B.prevent

C.forbid D.abandon

答案:A[考查动词。31岁的Mr Day打开一个船舱门,让同年纪的妻子和其他两名游客离开,而自己却被困在船舱内,最后被淹死了。free“使自由,解脱”,其他选项都不符合文章的意思。]

4.A.upturned B.updated

C.overloaded D.overburdened

答案:A[考查形容词。upturned翻转过来的;updated更新了的;overloaded超负荷的;overburdened负担过重的。根据上文内容可知船被掀翻了,故答案为A 项。]

5.A.occasionally B.repeatedly

C.deliberately D.luckily



6.A.sea B.river

C.shore D.water

答案:C[考查名词。当Mr Day的尸体最终被找到并带上岸(shore)时,她痛哭起来。]

7.A.journey B.sailing

C.adventure D.honeymoon

答案:D[考查名词。根据上文内容可知他们是来埃及度蜜月(honeymoon)的。] 8.A.dangerous B.nervous

C.safe D.crazy


9.A.ordered B.booked

C.placed D.threw


10.A.turning over B.turning down

C.turning off D.turning out

答案:A[考查动词词组。根据前文内容可知船被掀翻了,应该选择A项。turn over“颠覆,(使)倾倒”;turn down“翻下,关小,调低”;turn off“关上”;turn out“驱逐,赶走,结果是”。]

11.A.friends B.relatives

C.companions D.colleagues

答案:C[考查名词。根据上文提到的two other tourists可知不是friends(朋友),relatives(亲戚)或colleagues(同事),而应是companions(同伴)。]

12.A.passers-by B.onlookers

C.strangers D.locals

答案:D[考查名词。从下文的who had lost their houses in the storm可知他们应是当地人(locals)。]

13.A.left B.understood

C.noticed D.ignored

答案:D[考查动词。Dr Nicholson-Cole曾向两艘经过的船只求救,但是对方却无视(ignore)她的请求。]

14.A.nearby B.wonderful

C.perfect D.best

答案:A[考查形容词。根据下文which had no electricity可知不是最好的医院,而是附近的(nearby)一家医院。]

15.A.relieved B.requested

C.questioned D.criticized


It was the summer just after Grade Six ends. I was very bored, so I felt like going out for a bike ride. The wind had a strong smell of freshly cut grass. I like summer because summer is fun.

My bike came across April's house and I suddenly decided to ask her to bike with me. She got her bike and decided to lead me into a distant rough path that she heard of. I knew nothing about the path.

Just a few turns and we were in front of a sign reading, “Agyle Path”. The path was very dark and it looked like a line of z's joined together. There were all kinds of trees along the road. The ground was covered with leaves. The sound of our movements echoed through the bushes which made us shake slightly.

I no longer wanted adventure, but home.Suddenly, a steep slope(陡坡) came out of nowhere and I moved down it at a speed as fast as my bike could go. The wind blew against me harder and harder.

I saw a curve, I turned and banged, and then I crashed into a tree. My little finger was unable to feel anything. My bike lay in some branches (树枝). I tried to pull it out but I couldn't. April tried to help me and we finally pulled it out.

We continued down the path until we heard the sound of cars nearby. We ran towards the street.The street looked familiar and we finally came across April's house. We survived, but my little finger was unable to move for two weeks.

【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者和朋友的一次骑车外出的经历。16.Why did the author decide to take a bike ride?

A.To have a try of her new bike.

B.To spend a day with her friend.

C.To look for something interesting.

D.To have a look at the green world.


17.The path that April took the author into was ________.

A.near and smooth

B.neither near nor straight

C.straight with trees on both sides

D.filled with sounds of different vehicles


18.What can we learn about the Agyle Path from the passage?

A.It was made up of a line of z's.

B.It was not familiar to the author.

C.It was a road with no speed limit.

D.It was covered with leaves and branches.


19.Riding on the Agyle Path, the author felt ________.

A.frightened B.relaxed

C.excited D.pleased

答案:A[推理判断题。根据第三段中的dark和shake slightly以及第四段第一句中提到的作者不想再冒险了而是想回家可推知,作者感到害怕了。]

20.Why did the author crash into the tree?

A.The tree stood in the middle of the road.

B.There was something wrong with her bike.

C.The strong wind made her unable to control the bike.

D.The bike ran at such a high speed that she could hardly control it.






About 160 cultural relics from Guangdong,Macao and Hong Kong are on display on April 15th.Meanwhile experts will talk about the important roles these three cities have played in the past two thousand years in Sino-Western exchanges.

Venue:Beijing Art Museum

Time:2:00 p.m.~5:00 p.m.

Price:20 yuan,students 10 yuan



Former interpreter of the United Nations Professor Wang Ruojin speaks about her experiences at the UN and shares her understanding of the cultural differences between East and West.

Venue:National Library of China(Beijing)

Time:1:30 p.m.~4:00 p.m.




It is the year of Tiger,and you can see“Fu”everywhere.But how much do you know about tigers—one of man's best friends?What is“Fu”and where does it come from?Why do people hang“Fu”character upside down on the door?Get all the answers from this free lecture.

Venue:Capital Library(Beijing)

Time:2:00 p.m.~4:00 p.m.




Jiaguwen(shell bone writing)is among the oldest pictographic characters in the world.How much do you know about it?Get all the answers at this free lecture. Venue:Dongcheng District Library(Beijing)

Time:9:00 a.m.




Qi Baishi,one of China's greatest modern painters,was also a poet,calligrapher and seal-cutter.Want to appreciate his works?Then come to spend the time with us.

Venue:Beijing Art Academy

Time:9:00 a.m.~11:00 a.m.

Price:10 yuan



Are you interested in“Dream of the Red Mansion”(Hong Lou Meng)?Listen to a lecture on this classical novel.

Venue:National Museum of Chinese Modern Literature(Beijing)

Time:9:30 a.m.




21.Jimmy comes from Egypt.He is now studying in Beijing Art Academy.He shows great interest in Chinese ancient characters.Now he wants to know much about it.

答案:D[本题中的He shows great interest in Chinese ancient characters与D项中的Jiaguwen(shell bone writing)is among the oldest pictographic characters相匹配。] 22.William is a senior student in Beijing Foreign Language University.He likes traveling very much and has made up his mind to work as an interpreter for some joint-venture enterprises.

答案:B[William has made up his mind to work as an interpreter for some joint-venture enterprises,而B项中的Former interpreter of the United Nations Professor...与之相符。]

23.Bache and Schure are both studying in the Chinese Department of China's Beijing University.They want to do some research on Chinese ancient literature.

答案:F[They want to do some research on Chinese ancient literature与F项中的“Dream of the Red Mansion”(Hong Lou Meng)中Listen to a lecture on this classical novel相匹配。]

24.Kate and Douglas,visiting professors from Australia,are both crazy about Chinese traditional culture.At weekends they like to call on Chinese families to learn about Chinese festivals as well as their history.


25.Cathy is now studying in Beijing University,and she is especially interested in Chinese writing.In her spare time she enjoys drawing,writing poems and is fond of sharing her pieces with her classmates.


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