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I had never noticed her. She was not the kind of girl who could draw attention. She was not tall and just

aloud the text. When I heard her standard American pronunciation, I looked at her with new eyes. And I

Kelly practiced hard for the competition. However, I was a little worried because she was always too

On the night of the competition, I sat in the front row of the hall very early. I told her to take it easy. Her

the shoulder and let her go to draw lots(抽签). As a result, she drew No. 9 while No. 8 was a boy who was

The strong spotlight and large hall made her so small that nobody seemed to notice she had been

voice, “Now, please focus on(聚焦于)me.” Three times in all, louder and louder. The whole audience fell

student taught me — never underestimate(低估)the power of the silent people.

35. A. beautiful B. ordinary C. popular D. strange

36. A. mentioned B. called C. remembered D. wrote

37. A. her B. his C. my D. your

38. A. different B. lazy C. slow D. quiet

39. A. strict B. nervous C. angry D. bored

40. A. careful B. thankful C. successful D. cheerful

41. A. patience B. confidence C. pride D. excitement

42. A. courage B. interest C. excuse D. effort

43. A. decision B. expression C. appearance D. failure

44. A. upset B. saved C. surprised D. changed

45. A. simply B. hardly C. surely D. deeply

46. A. catch B. need C. pay D. show


I walked into the Huddle House Restaurant in Brunswick, Georgia and sat down at the table. I picked up the menu and was to order something for breakfast.

“Excuse me,”

I looked up and 35 a nice-looking woman standing before me.

“Is your name Roger?” 36 asked.

“Yes, ” I answered, feeling rather surprised as I had never seen her before.

“My name’s Barbara and my husband is Tony,” she said, pointing to a middle-aged man sitting alone at the table by the window. He was 37 and weak.

“Tony White, from Landon School in Jacksonville, Florida,” she added.

I looked at that man for a few seconds but I didn’t recognize him.

“I’m really sorry. The name doesn’t ring the bell,” I said.

She walked back, began 38 with her husband and once in a while I saw her turn around and look directly at me.

I ordered breakfast and a cup of 39 , sitting there, trying to remember who this Tony was. “I must know him,” I thought to myself. “He recognizes me f or some reason.” I picked up the coffee cup. All of a sudden it came to me like a flash of lightning.

“Tony, the bully, the bad boy!” I could 40 believe my eyes. “My God! He’s so thin now. Not the big boy that I 41 from back in 1997.”

Everything came up to my mind. The time this 42 boy had made fun of my big ears in front of the girls in my class, and the time this big bully had pushed me against the walls in the hallway just to make himself 43 a big man to all other students.

“I am sorry, Roger,” Tony rolled by me in the wheelchair, being pushed by his wife, raising his thin, shaking hand. “I am so sorry for 44 that I did to you.”

“I’m…I’m er…” I didn’t know what to say to him.

After a few months, I received a letter from Barbara. Tony was 45 . Tony had been a fireman and had been seriously wounded in a task.

How I 46 for not saying something to him but I no longer had the chance! (378)

35.A. heard B. felt C. saw D. told

36.A. you B. we C. he D. she

37.A. fat B. strong C. thin D. young

38.A. listening B. talking C. writing D. playing

39.A. tea B. juice C. milk D. coffee

40.A. hardly B. really C. almost D. always

41.A. protect B. remember C. love D. miss

42.A. clever B. shy C. friendly D. bad

43.A. look after B. look like C. look for D. look at

44.A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything

45.A.healthy B. famous C. dead D. blind

46.A. congratulated B. regretted C. doubted D. canceled


Dad lost his job after arguing(争吵) with the boss, and when Christmas came that year, we had no money at all. On Christmas Eve, Dad took me out into the park. I had a blanket(毛毯) wrapped(卷绕) around me, so I offered to share 35 with Dad, but he said no thanks. We looked 36 at the sky. Those shining stars were one of the 37 treats for people like us who lived out in the wildness(荒凉). Rich city people, he’d say, live i n fantastic flats, but their air was so polluted(污染的) that they could not even see the stars.

“38 out your favorite star.” Dad said that night. He told me I could have it for keeping. He said it was my Christmas present. “You can’t give me a star,” I said, “Nobody 39 the stars.”

“Right,” Dad said, “But you can suppose it is yours. And when you do that, it is yours.”

I 40 my head, looked at the stars, and tried to figure out(断定)which was the best one. Then, I found one.

“I 41 that one.” I said.

Dad smiled. “That’s Venus(金星),” he said, “V enus was only a planet. She looked bigger and brighter because she was much 42 than the stars. Poor old V enus didn’t even make he r own light. She shone only from reflected(反射) 43 .”

“I like it anyway,” I said, “I had loved Venus eve n 44 that Christmas. You could see it in the early evening, and if you got up early, you could still see it in the morning, after all the stars had disappeared.”

Dad said, “Ok, it’s Christmas. I 45 your decision. You can have it if you want.” And he gave me V enus.

We all laughed about the kids who believed in the Santa myth(圣诞传说) and got nothing for Christmas but a bunch(堆) of cheap plastic toys. “Many years later, when all the junk(废物) they got is broken and long

35. A. it B. me C. us D. him

36. A. up B. for C. out D. after

37. A. strange B. special C. important D. impossible

38. A. Go B. Put C. Take D. Pick

39. A. owns B. sees C. likes D. reaches

40. A. lowed B. put C. raised D. rose

41. A. need B. want C. have D. hope

42. A. slower B. farther C. closer D. higher

43. A. sun B. star C. plant D. light

44. A. when B. before C. after D. until

45. A. dislike B. refuse C. accept D. consider

46. A. even B. still C. never D. already


It was 3:43. Thunder was crashing and the rain was pouring. Suddenly my father rushed into my room.

ran downstairs to the basement. It was like a swimming pool. My mother and I immediately started to pick up

Things got worse every minute. Within the next hour, we had moved everything that we could to the first floor. The computer, big-screen television and heavy boxes _37 with our most valuable things were taken to safety. 38 , our piano, sofa, washing machine and water heater were all still down there—being 39 There was nothing we could do.

That was the hardest part. Knowing that your home is being destroyed is bad enough, but 40 that you can’t do anything to stop it feels even worse.

overnight bag of clothes and valuables and get ready to leave.

Weather Service had declared the storm a flash flood.

means. I know in the future, when I watch peopl e’ s lives affected by natural disasters, I can understand them. I will show great pity on them and I will do what I can to help them.

35. A. him B. them C. her D. me

36. A. hat B. shoes C. jacket D. glasses

37. A. covered B. crowded C. filled D. fixed

38. A. So B. And C. Because D. However

39. A. discovered B. arranged C. measured D. destroyed

40. A. realizing B. knowing C. telling D. writing

41. A. ships B. boats C. cars D. buses

42. A. finally B. usually C. exactly D. certainly

43. A. stood B. walked C. gathered D. met

44. A. comforted B. influenced C. believed D. worried

45. A. learned B. discovered C. thought D. concluded

46. A. truth B. safety C. value D.regret

As sixth graders, kids were separating into groups, but I wasn't sure where I belonged.

Our teacher gave us a task called "secret friends" for the coming week.We were supposed to do nice

or cards either on their desks or in their bags.Before doing the task, with our eyes closed, from a basket, we

hand-made cards with nice words about me.

"old lady" gift.My face went red.

thought about my words.It wasn't 44 like me to say things like that.

"I'm your secret friend." It was Rochelle." I' m sorry about the gift," she said to me, tears running down her face.

From a poor family, she was a target(目标) at school for those with rich parents.Yet she just took all the terrible treatment silently.

I was sick to my stomach as my 45 words ran through my mind.She had heard everything.How could I have been so unkind?

Later I learned she had felt bad all week about not being able to leave me any cool present and her mum had given up her only luxury(奢侈品).

And I had destroyed everything for her.

I told her that I had only said those things to try to fit in.

spoken from her heart, found their way straight into mine.

35.A.for B.behind C . through D.like

36.A.drew B.changed C.found D.picked 37.A.chances B.help C.hope D.gifts

38.A.learned B.copied C.followed D.understood 39.A.discovered B.opened C. caught D.held

40.A.cheered B.shouted C. laughed D.clapped 41.A.mentioned B.saw C.showed D.suggested

42.A.just B.ever C.even D.only

43.A.if B.as C.since D.because 44.A.exactly B.perfectly C.normally D.necessarily 45.A.powerful B.hurtful C.useful D.helpful

46.A.cards B.actions C. choices D.words

I am a mother of three and have recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to take was sociology(社会学). The teacher was really great. The class was asked to go out and smile at three people.

everyone around us began to

As I turned around I smelled a terrible “dirty body” smell, and there standing behind me were two poor

been holding.

that was all they could afford. He just needed to be warm.

That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action. I smiled and

looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Thank you.”

I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn:acceptance without condition.

35. A. friendly B. healthy C. proud D. careful

36. A. treated B. served C. welcomed D. greeted

37. A. give B. put C. throw D. back

38. A. happy B. careless C. homeless D. pleasant

39. A. smiling B. crying C. thinking D. nodding

40. A. apples B. flowers C. books D. coins

41. A. hated B. wanted C. learnt D. ate

42. A. made B. felt C. got D. took

43. A. put B. took C. went D. reached

44. A. her B. him C. me D. it

45. A. corner B. door C. kitchen D. table

46. A. cold B. warm C. clean D. dirty[来源:学&科&网]

One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student, “ You speak very good English.” But the girl answered, “ No, no. My English is very poor.” The foreigner was quite 35at the answer. Thinking he had not made 36understood or the girl had not heard him clearly, he said ,“ Yes , indeed, you speak very well.” but the girl still kept saying , “ No.” In the end the American boy could not understand and didn’t know 37 to say.

In our country, we think being modest is a virtue and being proud is a bad thing , but in my opinion , being

44 you are modest and say ,“No , I’m afraid I can’t do it well” , while working in a western country , the others may think that you really cannot do it . If you often say “No” , you will cer tainly be looked down upon by 45 . When asking for a job , if one says something like “Yes , I can certainly do it ” instead of “ Let me have a try ” , he or she will 46 get it . So in the west , you should be brave to show your self-confidence.

35.A. excited B. relaxed C. surprised D. frightened

36. A. itself B. himself C. herself D. themselves

37. A. how B. when C. what D. which

38. A. accept B. receive C. refuse D. disagree

39. A. read B. talk C. write D. answer

40. A. shy B. modest C. shameful D. confident

41. A. dishes B. cups C. glasses D. bowls

42. A. ask B. say C. mean D. think

43. A. as soon as B. instead of C.as well as D. not only

44. A. If B. Until C. Whether D. Unless

45. A. another B. others C. the other D. the others

46. A. fail to B. succeed in C. believe in D. expect to


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