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What Can We Learn from Art?

I. Introduction

A. Differences between general history and art history


——general history

——art history: political values, emotions, everyday life, etc.

B. Significance of study

More information and better understanding of human society and civilization.

Ⅱ. T ypes of information

——facts, but no opinions.

e.g. —Spanish painters’ works: misuse of governmental power

—Mexican artists’ works : attitudes towards social problems

Ⅲ. Art as a reflection of religious beliefs

B. Middle East: pictures of flowers and patterns in mosques, palaces

C. Africa and the Pacific Islands: Masks, headdresses and costumes in special ceremonies

Ⅳ. Perceptions of Art

How people see art is related to their cultural background

—expression of ideas

B. People in other places

—part of everyday life

Ⅴ. Art as a reflection of social changes

B. Changes

—European artists: influence of African traditional art in their works

—American and Canadian artists: study of Japanese painting.

Good morning, today’s lecture is the very first of a series of lectures on art history, so I’d like to spend some time discussing with you the following topic: Why do we need to study art history? And what can we learn from it?

First of all, I’d say, if you study art history, this might be a good way to learn more about a culture than it’s possible to learn in general history classes. You know, (1)most typical history courses concentrate on politics, economics and war, but art history focuses on much more than this. Because art reflects not only the political values of a people, but also their religious beliefs, emotions etc. In addition, information about the daily activities of our ancestors can be provided by art, like what people did for a living, what kind of dress they wore, what ceremonies they held etc. In short, art can express the essential qualities of a time and a place, and the study of it clearly offers us a deeper understanding than can be found in most history books and enables us to learn more things about human society and civilization.

The second point I’d like to make is about the type of information. (2)In history books, information is objective, that is, facts about political economic life of a country are given, but opinions are not expressed. Art, on the other hand, is subjective. (3)It reflects personal emotions and opinions. For example, Francisco Goya was a great Spanish painter and also perhaps the first truly political artist. In his famous painting, The Third of May 1808, he showed soldiers shooting a group of simple people. His description of soldiers and their victims has become a symbol of the enormous power or the misuse of this power that the government can have over its people. Over 100 years later, on another continent, the powerful paintings of Mexican artists depicted their deep anger and sadness about social problems. In summary, through art you can find a personal and emotional view of history.

Thirdly, art can reflect a culture’s religious beliefs. For hun dreds of years in Europe, religious art was almost the only type of art that existed. (4)Churches and other religious buildings were filled with paintings that showed people and stories from the Bible. (5)By contrast, one of the main characteristics of art in the Middle East was (and still is), its absence of human and animal images. This reflects the Islamic belief that these images are unholy. Thus, on palaces, mosques and other buildings, Islamic artists have created unique decoration of great beauty with images of flowers of geometric forms, for example, circles, squares and triangles. The same is true of other places, like Africa and Pacific Islands. Art also reflects the religious beliefs of traditional cultures in these places. As a matter of fact, re ligion is the purpose for this art and it’s, therefo re, absolutely essential to it. Traditional art in Africa and Pacific Islands is different from Christian art. Christian art influences people’s religious feelings towards Go d. (6)But the goal of traditional art in Africa and Pacific Islands is the influence of spiritual powers, that is gods to enter people’s lives. Each tribe or village there had special ceremonies with songs and dances to make sure that crops, animals and people are healthy and increasing in number. The dancers in the ceremonies wear masks, head dresses and costumes that they believe are necessary to influence gods. So these masks, head dresses themselves, are revelry part of the art.

As we said, art depends on culture, different forms of art result from different cultures. Similarly, the way that people view art also depends on their cultural background. This is my fourth point. (7)For most Europeans and Americans, art is mainly for decoration. It is something on a museum wall or in a glass case. It makes their homes more attractive. People look at it and admire it: “Oh, what a beautiful painting!” Besides, ideas are expressed in this art. This is a wonderful statue, and admiring it, I might say: “It makes such a strong anti-war statement.” But in

other places, art is not considered to be separated from everyday existence. (8)It has a function, it has a practical role to play in people’s lives. A person in a tribal society might look at a mask and say: “Oh, this is a good mask. It would keep my house safe.” In brief, the way in which people enjoy or appreciate art depends on their culture.

To conclude my lecture, we can say that art is a reflection of various cultures. (9)But at the same time, we have to remember that art also reflects the changes in society that take place when different cultures influence one another. (10)As people from tribal societies move to urban areas, their values and beliefs change accordingly and their traditional art forms begin to lose their function. At the same time, urban artists begin to learn a lot from traditional art. For example, African masks and figures had a great influence on Picasso’s works. And many American and Canadian artists study the simplicity of Japanese painting. The result is that as the world gets smaller, the art of each culture becomes more international.

OK, this brings us to the end of our lecture. I hope that after today’s lecture, you’ll understand better the significance of the study of art history. Art enables us to know more about human history, for example, people’s views and opinions about certain historical events, and what’s more important, about different cultures, their religious beliefs, perception of art et c.


【解析】本题涉及普通历史与艺术史在主要内容上的区别,这在讲座一开始就被提到。原文提到普通历史主要涉及politics, economics and war,而艺术史涉及的内容不止于此。根据要求,填入的单词不能超过3个,故答案为politics, economics, war。原句中的most typical history courses 即指general history。


【解析】文章在讲了普通历史与艺术史在主要内容上的差异之后,接着介绍两者所提供信息的不同。根据Information in art history is subjective可推测本空填objective。录音中的In history books, information is objective印证了推测。


【解析】演讲者在阐述艺术史信息是主观的(Art, on the other hand, is subjective.)时,用了这句话It reflects personal emotions and opinions.来说明。因此空白处应填personal emotions。4. 信息转述

【解析】本题所在处针对艺术反映宗教信仰进行具体说明。讲座中首先提到欧洲几百年来唯一存在的一种艺术是宗教艺术,教堂和其他宗教建筑物里挂满了来自圣经的人物和故事的图画。根据考题不多于3个字的要求,将原句中的people and stories from the Bible转化为biblical stories。


【解析】讲座接着谈到在中东,艺术是如何反映宗教信仰的:中东地区艺术的主要特征之一是艺术作品中没有人类和动物形象,这是因为伊斯兰教认为这些图像是亵渎神明的。“这些图像”即指人类和动物形象,因此空缺处应填入animal images。

6. 信息推断

【解析】在提及中东的艺术之后,演讲者又提到非洲和太平洋群岛地区传统艺术的目的:让众神进入人们的生活(the goal of traditional art…is gods to enter people’s lives),随后对该点进行说明:每个部落或村落都有一些特殊仪式,在这些仪式上,人们穿着特殊服装载歌载舞以


7. 信息辨认



【解析】演讲者接下来提到“在其他地区,艺术与日常生活不可分割。艺术在人们的生活中有实用功能(has a practical role to play)。”因此答案为practical。

9. 信息转述

【解析】演讲者最后总结出艺术是不同文化的体现。紧接着又指出艺术也反映了社会变化,这种变化是随着不同文化之间相互影响而发生的。因而空缺处填influence或interaction。10. 信息推断



【听前预测】由题干中的Nigel,problems,air travel,suggest,business travelers,inexperienced travelers,mistakes可以推测,该对话中Nigel向另一位人士谈到了旅客乘飞机旅行碰到的一些问题,并针对商务旅行给出了一些建议,还指出了没有经验的旅客常犯的几个错误等。



【听前预测】由[A]与[D]选项中均出现的train crash 可以预测,本则新闻可能涉及一起火车碰撞事故。

员将集中调查是超速行驶还是司机缺乏经验导致了列车出轨并冲入一幢公寓楼,这列通勤列车周一早晨离开轨道…”,因此[D]很好地概括出了周一早晨发生的事故。新闻一开始提到“在日本几十年来最严重的火车碰撞事故中死亡人数升至74人”,故[A]中的minor injuries 与此矛盾;调查人员还在调查火车脱轨原因,故[B]错误;[C]项与录音一开始提到的crews pulled more victims from the wreckage 相矛盾,故排除。



lower its debt and to help restart global trade talks ,并且G20的官员也讨论了 the possibility of sanctioning countries …,因此[A]、[B]、[D]均属G20峰会的议题,答案选[C]。



【听前预测】由题干关键词UN Charter ,went into effect ,role 可以预测,该新闻是对联合国

9.【解析】选[B]。信息转述题。录音提到It took effect … after being approved by the 5 founding members…and the majority of the other countries that signed the Charter.题干中的went into effect 同义替换了原文中的took effect 。[B]项中的founders 即指founding members ,而other member countries 指other countries that signed the Charter ,因此[B]项是对原文内容的同义转述,故为答案。

10.【解析】选[C]。信息转述题。[A]为绝对项,直接排除。新闻中提到宪章的主要目的有:防止新的冲突、建立和平、保护人权和社会进步,故[B]错误。[C]项符合录音中的…the Charter comes first above all other treaties ,故选为答案。[D]项录音未提及。


Para.1—Para.3列举了威尔士语言的复兴并指出权力下放让威尔士有更大的发言权。 Para.4列举体现威尔士国家身份复兴的其他例子。

Para.5—Para.6借助Dyfan Johns 之口,总体说明威尔士人的心态正在发生变化。

The Welsh language has always been the ultimate marker of Welsh identity, but a generation ago it looked as if Welsh would go the way of Manx, once widely spoken on the Isle of Man but now extinct. Governments financing and central planning, however, have helped reverse the decline of Welsh. [13]Road signs and official public documents are written in both Welsh and English, and schoolchildren are required to learn both languages. Welsh is now one of the most

successful of Europe’s regional languages, spoken by more than a half-million of the country’s three million people.

[14]The revival of the language, particularly among young people, is part of a resurgence of national identity sweeping through this small, proud nation. Last month Wales marked the second anniversary of the opening of the National Assembly, the first parliament to be convened here since 1404. [11]The idea behind devolution was to restore the balance within the union of nations making up the United Kingdom. With most of the people and wealth, England has always had bragging rights. The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster, implemented by Tony Blair, was designed to give the other members of the club—Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales — a bigger say and to counter [12]centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.

[13]The Welsh showed little enthusiasm for devolution. Whereas the Scots voted overwhelmingly for a parliament, the vote for a Welsh assembly scraped through by less than one percent on a turnout of less than 25 percent. Its powers were proportionately limited. The Assembly can decide how money from Westminster or the European Union is spent. [13]It cannot, unlike its counterpart in Edinburgh, enact laws. But now that it is here, the Welsh are growing to like their Assembly. Many people would like it to have more powers. Its importance as figurehead will grow with the opening in 2003, of a new debating chamber, one of many new buildings that are transforming Cardiff from a decaying seaport into a Baltimore-style waterfront city. Meanwhile a grant of nearly two million dollars from the European Union will tackle poverty. Wales is one of the poorest regions in Western Europe — only Spain, Portugal, and Greece have a lower standard of living.

Newspapers and magazines are filled with stories about great Welsh men and w omen, boosting self-esteem. To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta-Jones, the movie star, and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer. Indigenous foods like salt marsh lamb are in vogue. [14]And Wales now boasts a national airline, A wyr Cymru. Cymru, which means “land of compatriots,” is the Welsh name for Wales. [14]The red dragon, the nation’s symbol since the time of King Arthur, is everywhere— on T-shirts, rugby jerseys and even cell phone covers.

[15] “Until very recent times most Welsh people had this feeling of being second-class citizens,” said Dyfan Jones, an 18-year-old student. It was a warm summer night, and I was sitting on the grass with a group of young people in Llanelli, an industrial town in the south, outside the rock music venue of the National Eisteddfod, Wales’s annual cultural festival. The disused factory in front of us echoed to the sounds of new Welsh bands.

“There was almost a genetic tendency for lack of confidence,”Dyfan continued. Equally comfortable in his Welshness as in his membership in the English-speaking, global youth culture and the new federal Europe, Dyfan, like the rest of his generation, is growing up with a sense of possibility unimaginable ten years ago. [15]“We used to think: We can’t do anything, we’re only Welsh. Now I think that’s changing.”

11. According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to

[A] maintain the present status among the nations. (与restore the balance相悖。)

[B] reduce legislative powers of England. (不是权利下放的主要目的,而是restore the balance 的一种手段。)

[C] create a better state of equality among the nations.

第二段第三句提到devolution背后的理念是to restore the balance within the union of nations making up the United Kingdom“恢复组成大不列颠联合王国的各成员国之间的平衡”,由此可知devolution一词的意思应与此不定式的意思是一致的,create a better state of equality是对restore the balance的同义转述,因此[C]正确。

[D] grant more say to all the nations in the union. (第二段最后一句提到“…旨在给予其他成员——苏格兰、北爱尔兰和威尔士更大的发言权”,all the nations属推断过度。)

12. The word “centrifugal” in the second pa ragraph means

[A] separatist.

第二段末句提到…centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.既然centrifugal forces是威胁“联合”的一种力量,这种力量应与“联合”在意义上是相反的。separatist意为“分离主义的”,与union相对,故[A]为答案。

[B] conventional. (意为“传统的”。)

[C] feudal. (意为“封建的”。)

[D] political. (意为“政治上的”。)

13. Wales is different from Scotland in all the following aspects EXCEPT

[A] people’s desire for devolution.(第三段首句提到“威尔士人对权利的下放并没有显示出多大的热情”。第二句做了具体阐释:当苏格兰人以压倒性的多数投票选举成立议会时,威尔士人…,因此[A]是两者之间的不同。)

[B] locals’ turnout for the voting.(由overwhelmingly与a turnout of less than 25 percent之间的对比,可看出两者投票选举人数的不同。)

[C] powers of the legislative body.(第三段第三句和第五句提到“议会的权力也相应地受到限制。与位于爱丁堡的苏格兰议会不同,威尔士议会不能制定法律”,故[C]也是两者之间的不同之处。)

[D] status of the national language.


14. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of the resurgence of Welsh national identity?

[A] Welsh has witnessed a revival as a national language.(第二段首句明确提出“威尔士语的复兴,特别是在年轻人中的复兴,是遍及这个充满自豪情感的小国国家身份复兴的一部分”,故[A]是一例证。)

[B] Poverty-relief funds have come from the European Union.

虽然第三段倒数第二句提到“同时,来自欧盟的大约200万美元的资金将用于解决贫困问题”,但该部分内容是对威尔士情况的介绍,并非国家身份复兴的例证,故[B]为答案。[C] A Welsh national airline is currently in operation.(第四段第四句“威尔士现在正为国家航空公司Awyr Cymru而自豪”表明[C]也是例证之一。)

[D] The national symbol has become a familiar sight.(第四段最后一句“自亚瑟王时代以来的国家象征红龙随处可见”表明[D]也是例证之一。)

15. According to Dyfan Jones, what has changed is

[A] people’s mentality.

由第五段和第六段Dyfan 所说的“不久前,多数威尔士人还觉得自己是二等公民”和“我们过去想,我们什么也做不了,我们只是威尔士人。现在我认为这种状况正在改变”可知,威尔士人的心态正在发生变化,他们不再认为自己是“二等公民”。

[B] pop culture.(文章未提及。)

[C] town’s appearance.(文章未提及。)

[D] possibilities for the people.(末段提到的a sense of possibility是指威尔士人逐渐认为有些事情是可以做到的,说明他们的信心在增强,并不是“威尔士人的机会”增多,排除[D]。)【语境记忆】

resurgence n. revival 复兴,再起

devolution n.a transfer or allocation of authority, esp. from a central government to regional governments or particular interests 权力下放;移交,委托

centrifugal a.tending away from centralization, as of authority 离心的

scrape vi.to succeed or manage with difficulty 勉强通过

turnout n.attendance for a particular event or purpose (as to vote in an election) 出席人数;聚集人数

figurehead n.a person who holds an important title or office yet executes little actual power, most commonly limited by convention rather than law 有名无实的首脑,名义上的领袖【参考译文】








报纸和杂志上充斥着有关伟大的威尔士男性和女性的故事,激发了人们的自尊心。而诸如电影明星凯瑟琳?泽塔琼斯和歌剧演唱家布莱恩?特菲尔这样的新偶像也加入到迪伦?托马斯和理查德?伯顿这样的熟面孔中。诸如盐沼羊肉这样的本土食物受到欢迎。[14]威尔士现在正为国家航空公司A wyr Cymru而自豪。Cymru的意思是“爱国者的土地”,这是威尔士语,等同于Wales。[14]红龙是自亚瑟王以来的威尔士国家的象征,现在随处可见:T恤衫、橄榄球球衣,甚至手机套上都有红龙。

[15] 迪范·琼斯是一名18岁的学生,他说:“不久前,多数威尔士人还觉得自己是二等公民。”这是一个温暖的夏日夜晚,我和一群年轻人坐在南部工业城市Llanelli的草地上,就在威尔士一年一度的艺术节National Eisteddfod的摇滚乐场地外。我们面前的这座废弃工厂回响着新威尔士乐队的音乐声。




Getting to the heart of Kuwaiti democracy seems hilariously easy. Armed only with a dog-eared NEWSWEEK ID, I ambled through the gates of the National Assembly last week. Unscanned, unsearched, my satchel could easily have held the odd grenade or an anthrax-stuffed lunchbox. The only person who stopped me was a guard who grinned and invited me to take a swig of orange juice from his plastic bottle.

[16]Were I a Kuwaiti woman wielding a ballot, I would have been a clearer and more present danger. That very day Parliament blocked a bill giving women the vote; 29 M.P.s voted in favor and 29 against, with two abstentions. Unable to decide whether the bill had passed or not, the government scheduled another vote in two weeks—too late for women to register for June’s municipal elections. The next such elections aren’t until 2009.

Inside the elegant, marbled Parliament itself, a sea of mustachioed men in white robes sat in green seats, debating furiously. [17]The ruling emir has pushed for women’s political rights for years. Ironically, the democratically elected legislature has thwarted him. Traditionalists and tribal leaders are opposed. Liberals fret, too, that Islamists will let their multiple wives vote, swelling conservative ranks. “When I came to Parliament today, people who voted yes didn’t even shake hands with me,” sa id one Shia cleric. “Why can’t we respect each other and work together?”

Why not indeed? [18]By Gulf standards, Kuwait is a democratic superstar. Its citizens enjoy free speech (as long as they don’t insult their emir, naturally) and boast a Parliament th at can actually pass laws. Unlike their Saudi sisters, Kuwaiti women drive, work and travel freely. They run multibillion-dollar businesses and serve as ambassadors. Their academic success is such that colleges have actually lowered the grades required for male students to get into medical and engineering courses. Even then, 70 percent of university students are females.

In Kuwait, the Western obsession with the higab finds its equivalent. At a fancy party for NEWSWEEK’s Arabic edition, some Kuwaiti women w ore them. Others opted for tight, spangled, sheer little numbers in peacock blue or parrot orange. For the party’s entertainment, Nancy Ajram, the Arab world’s answer to Britney Spears, sang passionate songs of love in a white mini-dress. She couldn’t dance for us, alas, since shaking one’s body onstage is illegal in Kuwait. That didn’t stop whole tables of men from raising their camera-enabled mobile phones and clicking her picture.

Y ou’d think not being able to vote or dance in public would anger Kuwait’s younger generation of women. To find out, I headed to the malls—Kuwait’s archipelago of civic freedom. Eager to duck strict parents and the social taboos of dating in public, young Kuwaitis have taken to cafes, beaming flirtatious infrared e-mails to one another on their cell photos. At Starbucks in

the glittering Al Sharq Mall, I found only tables of men, puffing cigarettes and grumbling about the service. At Pizza Hut, I thought I’d got an answer after encountering a young woman who looked every inch the modern suffragette —drainpipe jeans, strappy silver high-heeled sandals and a higab studded with purple rhinestones. But, no, Mariam Al-Enizi, 20, studying business administration at Kuwait University, doesn’t think women need the vote. “Men are bette r at politics than women,” she explained, adding that [19]women in Kuwait already have everything they need. Welcome to democracy, Kuwaiti style.

16. According to the passage, which of the following groups of people might be viewed as being dangerous by the guards?

[A] Foreign tourists. (根据[B]解可排除。)

[B] Women protestors.


[C] Foreign journalists. (根据[B]解可排除。)

[D] Members of the National Assembly. (根据[B]解可排除。)

17. The bill giving women the vote did not manage to pass because

[A] different interest groups held different concerns.


[B] liberals did not reach consensus among themselves. (文章只提到Liberals fret, too…,并没说自由主义者内部没有达成共识,因此排除此项。)

[C] Parliament was controlled by traditionalists.(文章未提及。)

[D] Parliament members were all conservatives.(文章未提及。)

18. What is the role of the 4th and 5th paragraphs in the development of the topic?

[A] To show how Kuwaiti women enjoy themselves. (根据[D]解可排除。)

[B] To describe how women work and study in Kuwait. (根据[D]解可排除。)

[C] To offer supporting evidence to the preceding paragraphs. (根据[D]解可排除。)

[D] To provide a contrast to the preceding paragraphs.


19. Which of the following is NOT true about young Kuwaiti women?

[A] They seem to be quite contented.(最后一段Mariam的话“科威特妇女已经有了她们需要的一切”表明科威特年轻女性对现状很满足,[A]符合文意。)

[B] They go in for Western fashions. (第五段提到一些科威特妇女穿着紧身的、缀满亮晶晶饰片的、孔雀蓝或鹦鹉黄的小衣服,歌手南希·阿吉莱姆穿着白色迷你裙;第六段提到Mariam 穿着直筒牛仔裤和系带的高跟凉鞋;这些均能说明科威特年轻女性追求西方时尚。)

[C] They desire more than modern necessities.



[D] They favour the use of hi-tech products. (最后一段第三句提到年轻人通过手机发送红外电子邮件调情,这说明她们赞成使用高科技产品。)


hilariously ad. in a hilarious manner 引人发笑地,滑稽地

amble vi. to walk slowly or leisurely 慢行,缓行

wield vt. to hold something in one’s hands and move it 挥舞;行使,运用,支配,使用(武器等)

abstention n. refusal to vote for or against a motion (投票)弃权;戒绝,节制

thwart vt. to oppose and defeat the efforts, plans, or ambitions of反对,阻挠;使受挫折,挫败

fret vi. to be vexed or troubled; worry 苦恼,烦躁,发愁

duck vt. to evade; dodge 躲避,回避

beam vt. to emit or transmit 发送;播送;流露

grumble vi. to complain in a surly manner; mutter discontentedly发牢骚,抱怨

suffragette n. a woman advocate of women’s right to vote 主张妇女有选举权的女子








社会禁忌的科威特年轻人去咖啡馆,通过手机发送红外电子邮件调情。在明亮的Al Sharq 购物中心的星巴克里,我只看到了桌边的男人们,抽着烟,抱怨服务水平。在必胜客里,我想我已经找到了答案。在那儿,我遇到了一个看起来完全是一个现代的妇女参政论者的年轻女人,她穿着直筒牛仔裤,系带的银色高跟凉鞋,缀有紫色人造水晶的higab。但是20岁的Mariam AL-Enizi并不认为妇女需要有选举权,她现在是科威特大学工商管理专业的学生。她解释说:“男性比女性更擅长政治。”她还补充到,[19]科威特妇女已经有了她们需要的一切。欢迎来到科威特式的民主国家。




[24]Richard, King of England from 1189 to 1199, with all his characteristic virtues and faults cast in a heroic mould, is one of the most fascinating medieval figures. [22]He has been described as the creature and embodiment of the age of chivalry. In those days the lion was much admired in heral dry, and more than one king sought to link himself with its repute. When Richard’s contemporaries called him “Coeur de Lion” (The Lionheart), they paid a lasting compliment to the king of beasts. [21]Little did the English people owe him for his services, and heavily did they pay for his adventures. He was in England only twice for a few short months in his ten years’ reign; yet his memory has always stirred English hearts, and seems to present throughout the centuries the pattern of the fighting man. [24]In all deeds of prowess as well as in large schemes of war Richard shone. He was tall and delicately shaped, strong in nerve and sinew, and most dexterous in arms. He rejoiced in personal combat, and regarded his opponents without malice as necessary agents in his fame. He loved war, not so much for the sake of glory or political ends, but as other men love science or poetry, for the excitement of the struggle and the glow of victory. By this his whole temperament was toned; and united with the highest qualities of the military commander, love of war called forth all the powers of his mind and body.

[24]Although a man of blood and violence, Richard was too impetuous to be either treacherous or habitually cruel. He was as ready to forgive as he was hasty to offend; he was open-handed and munificent to profusion; in war circumspect in design and skilful in execution; in political a child, lacking in subtlety and experience. His political alliances were formed upon his likes and dislikes; his political schemes had neither unity nor clearness of purpose. The advantages gained for him by military genius were flung away through diplomatic ineptitude. [21]When, on the journey to the East, Messina in Sicily was won by his arms he was easily persuaded to share with his polished, faithless ally, Philip Augustus, fruits of a victory which more wisely used might have foiled the French King’s artful schemes. The rich and tenable acquisition of Cyprus was cast away even more easily than it was won. His life was one magnificent parade, which, when ended, left only an empty plain.

In 1199, when the difficulties of raising revenue for the endless war were at their height, good

news was brought to King Richard. It was said there had been dug up near the castle of Chaluz, on the lands of one of his French vassals, a treasure of wonderful quality; a group of golden images of an emperor, his wife, sons and daughters, seated round a table, also of gold, had been unearthed. The King claimed this treasure as lord paramount. The lord of Chaluz resisted the demand, and the King laid siege to his small, weak castle. On the third day, as he rode daringly near the wall, confident in his hard-tried luck, a bolt from a crossbow struck him in the left shoulder by the neck. The wound, already deep, was aggravated by the necessary cutting out of the arrow-head. Gangrene set in, and Coeur de Lion knew that he must pay a soldier’s debt. [22]He prepared for death with fortitude and calm, and in accordance with the principles he had followed. He arranged his affairs, he divided his personal belongings among his friends or bequeathed them to charity. He declared John to be his heir, and made all present swear fealty to him. [23]He ordered the archer who had shot the fatal bolt, and who was now a prisoner, to be brought before him. He pardoned him, and made him a gift of money. For seven years he had not confessed for fear of being compelled to be reconciled to Philip, but now he received the offices of the Church with sincere and exemplary piety, and died in the forty-second year of his age on April 6, 1199, worthy, by the consent of all men, to sit with King Arthur and Roland and other heroes of martial romance at some Eternal Round Table, which we trust the Creator of the Universe in His comprehension will not have forgotten to provide.

[23]The archer was flayed alive.

20. “Little did the English people ow e him for his services” (Paragraph One) means that the English

[A] paid few taxes to him. (根据[D]解可排除。)

[B] gave him little respect.(根据[D]解可排除。)

[C] received little protection from him.(根据[D]解可排除。)

[D] had no real cause to feel grateful to him.


21. To say that his l ife was a “magnificent parade” (Paragraph Two) implies that it was to some extent

[A] spent chiefly at war.(是事实,但不是magnificent parade的含义。)

[B] impressive and admirable.(诠释了magnificent的含义,但没有体现parade的内涵。)

[C] lived too pompously.


[D] an empty show.(是对该句全句意思的概括,没有具体到magnificent parade的含义。)

22. Richard’s behavior as death approached showe d

[A] bravery and self-control.(self-control在文中没有体现。)

[B] wisdom and correctness.(wisdom和correctness在文中均没有体现。)

[C] devotion and romance. (romance在文中没有体现。)

[D] chivalry and charity.


23. The point of the last short paragraph is that Richard was

[A] cheated by his own successors. (过度推断。)

[B] determined to take revenge on his enemies. (与原文相悖。)

[C] more generous to his enemies than his successors.

第三段倒数第二句谈到Richard处置弓箭手的办法:他饶恕了他,并且给他一些钱作为礼物。这说明Richard宅心仁厚,很容易宽恕别人(He was as ready to forgive)。但是在Richard死后,那个弓箭手却被剥了皮。这表明Richard比他的继任者更宽宏大量,即[C]正确。

[D] unable to influence the behavior of his successors. (过度推断。)

24. Which of the following phrase best describes Richard as seen by the author?

[A] An aggressive king, too fond of war.(是对Richard的负面评价,与全文基调不符。)

[B] A brave king with minor faults.

文章首段首句提及Richard…with all his characteristic virtues and faults cast in a heroic mould, is one of the most fascinating medieval figures,这说明作者对Richard的整体评价是正面的,但同时指出Richard也有一些缺陷。首段倒数第五句谈到理查德的英勇行为。第二段作者强调了虽然Richard有其过人之处,但不乏有一些人格缺陷,[B]概括准确,为答案。

[C] A competent but cunning soldier.(cunning带有贬义,并且文中未体现。)

[D] A kind with great political skills.(只涉及对Richard的正面评价,不全面。)

25. The relationship between the first and second paragraphs is that

[A] each presents one side of the picture.

首段主要讨论的是Richard的优秀品质,而第二段多谈及他的不足之处,如:过于冲动、容易冒犯他人、在政治上不够精明、基于自己的喜好建立政治联盟、政治规划不一致并且没有明确目的、在外交方面无能等。由此可见,第一段与第二段为对比关系,各呈现了Richard 的一个方面,[A]为答案。

[B] the first generalizes, the second gives examples.(两段并非例证关系,第二段是按照先概述再举例后总述展开的。)

[C] the second is the logical result of the first. (根据[A]解可排除。)

[D] both present Richard’s virtues and fau lts. (根据[A]解可排除。)


prowess n. bravery or fearlessness, esp. in battle 英勇,勇敢;非凡的能力

dexterous a. skillful in physical movements 敏捷的,机灵的;惯用右手的

impetuous a. liable to act without consideration; rash; impulsive 冲动的,轻率的;狂暴的,猛烈的

munificent a. very generous 慷慨的,大方的

profusion n. the property of being extremely abundant 丰富,大量,过分

circumspect a. cautious, prudent, or discreet 慎重的,细心的

ineptitude n. incompetence 无能,不称职

foil vt. to hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of 打破(计谋);挫败,使受挫折

artful a. cunning or tricky 狡猾的,狡诈的;巧妙的,机灵的

tenable a. be capable of being held against assault; defensible (阵地等)守得住的,可防守的;(学说等)站得住脚的,经得起批判的

paramount a. Supreme in rank, power, or authority 至高无上的;极为重要的

fortitude n. strength and firmness of mind; resolute endurance 刚毅,坚毅,不屈不挠bequeath vt. to leave or give (personal property) by will (立遗嘱)把…遗赠给

fealty n. the loyalty sworn to one's lord on becoming his vassal (对领主之)效忠;忠诚,忠实

flay vt. to strip off the skin or outer covering of 剥…的皮;严责,痛斥


[24]英格兰国王理查德于1189年至1199年在位,他性格中的美德和缺点都被定型于一个英雄的模子里,是中世纪最吸引人的人物之一。[22]他被描述为骑士时代的产物和象征。在中世纪,纹章中经常出现狮子的形象,不止一个国王企图把自己和狮子的声望联系在一起。当理查德同时代的人称他为“Coeur de Lion”(狮心王)时,他们给予了百兽之王永久的赞誉。[20]英国人为他的执政心存少许感激,他们为他的冒险付出大量钱财。在他在位的十年间,他只在英国呆过两次,短短的几个月时间,但是对他的记忆总是搅动英国人的心,似乎在几个世纪里他都是战士的典范。[24]理查德在所有的英勇行为和大的战争行动中都卓尔不群。他高高的个子,体型优美,意志坚定,精力充沛,精通武器装备。他乐于格斗,不带恶意地将对手视为自己获得声望的必要媒介。他热爱战争,并不是为了荣誉或政治目的,而是像其他人热爱科学或诗歌一样,是为了斗争和胜利带来的乐趣和激情。这样他的性情就柔和了许多;对战争的热爱加上军事指挥官的最高素质激发了他身体和精神上的所有能量。









The miserable fate of Enron’s employees will be a landmark in business history, one of those awful events that everyone agrees must never be allowed to happen again. This urge is understandable and noble: thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the demise of Enron stock. But making sure it never happens again may not be possible, because the sudden impoverishment of those Enron workers represents something even larger than it seems.

[26]It’s the latest turn in the unwinding of one of the most audacious promise of the 20th century.

[26]The promise was assured economic security— even comfort — for essentially everyone in the developed world. With the explosion of wealth that began in the 19th century it became possible to think about a possibility no one had dared to dream before. The fear at the center of daily living since caveman days — lack of food, warmth, shelter — would at last lose its power to terrify. That remarkable promise became reality in many ways. Governments created welfare systems for anyone in need and separate programmes for the elderly (Social Security in the U.S.). Labour unions promised not only better pay for workers but also pensions for retirees. Giant corporations came into being and offered the possibility —in some cases the promise —of lifetime employment plus guaranteed pensions. [27]The cumulative effect was a fundamental change in how millions of people approached life itself, a reversal of attitude that most rank as one of the largest in human history. For millennia the average person’s stance toward providing for himself had been. Ultimately I’m on my own. Now it became, ultimately I’ll be taken care of.

[28]The early hints that this promise might be broken on a large scale came in the 1980s. U.S. business had become uncompetitive globally and began restructuring massively, with huge layoffs. The trend accelerated in the 1990s as the bastions of corporate welfare faced reality. IBM ended it’s no-layoff policy. A T&T fired thousands, many of whom found such a thing simply incomprehensible, and a few of whom killed themselves. The other supposed guarantors of our economic security were also in decline. Labour-union membership and power fell to their lowest levels in decades. President Clinton signed a historic bill scaling back welfare. Americans realized that Social Security won’t provide social security for any of us.

[28]A less visible but equally significant trend affected pensions. To make costs easier to

control, companies moved away from defined-benefit pension plans, which obligate them to pay out specified amounts years in the future, to defined-contribution plans, which specify only how much goes into the plan today. The most common type of defined-contribution plan is the 401(k). The significance of the 401(k) is that it puts most of the responsibility for a person’s economic fate back on the employee. Within limits the employee must decide how much goes into the plan each year and how it gets invested —the two factors that will determine how much it’s worth when the employee retires.

Which brings us back to Enron? Those billions of dollars in vaporized retirement savings went in employees’ 401(k) accounts. That is, th e employees chose how much money to put into those accounts and then chose how to invest it. [29]Enron matched a certain proportion of each employee’s 401(k) contribution with company stock, so everyone was going to end up with some Enron in his or her portfolio; but that could be regarded as a freebie, since nothing compels a company to match employee contributions at all.

At least two special features complicate the Enron case. First, some shareholders charge top management with illegally covering up the company’s problems, prompting investors to hang on when they should have sold. Second, Enron’s 401(k) accounts were locked while the company changed plan administrators in October, when the stock was falling, so employees could not have closed their accounts if they wanted to.

But by far the largest cause of this human tragedy is that thousands of employees were heavily overweighed in Enron stock. [30]Many had placed 100% of their 401(k) assets in the stock rather than in the 18 other investment options they were offered. Of course that wasn’t prudent, but it’s what some of them di d.

The Enron employees’ retirement disaster is part of the larger trend away from guaranteed economic security. [30]That’s why preventing such a thing from ever happening again may be impossible. The huge attitudinal shift to I’ll-be-taken-care-of took at least a generation. The shift back may take just as long. It won’t be complete until a new generation of employees see assured economic comfort as a 20th-century quirk, and understand not just intellectually but in their bones that, like most people in most times and places, they’re on their own.

26. Why does the author say at the beginning “The miserable fate of Enron’s employees will be a landmark in business history…”?

[A] Because the company has gone bankrupt. (只是陈述事实,未解释成为landmark的原因。)

[B] Because such events would never happen again.(与首段第三句、末段第二句相悖。)

[C] Because many Enron workers lost their retirement savings.(同[A]解。)

[D] Because it signifies a turning point in economic security.


27. According to the passage, the combined efforts by governments, layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in

[A] people’s outlook on life.

题干中的combined efforts对应第二段中的cumulative effect。而cumulative effect所在句说“所


专四专八常用和推荐辅导书参考书 1.词汇用书: 专八词汇词根+联想记忆法:乱序版(附MP3)(完整收录大纲词汇,乱序编排,帮助考生攻克专八词汇难关!)--新东方大愚英语学习丛书,余敏洪,西安交通大学出版社,2012.07 突破英文词汇10000(双色mp3版)——刘毅最经典词汇,系统的方法,事半功倍–刘毅,外语教学与研究出版社,2009-07 2.听力部分: 全新英语专业八级考试指南(第三版)(附mp3下载),邹申,上海外语教育出版社、 英语专业8级《听力填空满分攻略》,邹申,张艳莉等,大连理工出版社 3.阅读部分: (冲击波系列·2014英语专业8级)英语专业八级阅读——上海外国语大学教授、博士生导师邹申丛书主审,上海外国语大学教授、博士、硕士生导师张艳莉丛书主编,最新真题、模拟题互动软件以及专八必备词汇手机flash记单词免费下载,张雪梅,张艳莉等,大连理工大学 2014淘金高阶英语专业八级阅读120篇:全文翻译+难句分析+词汇(15天计划,主练阅读,兼攻翻译)——华研外语,刘绍龙等,世界图书出版社 4.翻译部分: 英语翻译三级笔译(全国外语翻译证书考试指定教材)——权威机构合作,资深教师编写,三级笔译考试必备用书,曾诚,王琼琼编著,外语教学与研究出版社 英语专业八级改错与翻译100+100,常骏跃主编,大连理工大学出版社 (冲击波系列·2014英语专业8级)英语专业八级知名报刊阅读题源100篇——上海外国语大学教授、博士生导师邹申丛书主审,上海外国语大学教授、博士、硕士生导师张艳莉丛书主编,最新真题、模拟题互动软件以及专八必备词汇手机flash记单词免费下载,大连理工大学 5.写作部分: 冲击波系列---英语专业八级写作.徐永,姚小蒙主编,大连理工大学出版社 2014 星火英语英语专业8级考试写作标准范文背诵(专八写作总述+真题体验+热点话题),黄任,吉林出版社 6.人文部分:


实用文档 2000 年-2015 年专八短文改错试题 2015年3月21日专业八级考试改错 When I was in my early teens, I was taken to a spectacular show on ice by the mother of a friend. Looked round a the luxury of the 1.______ rink, my friend’s mother remarked on the “plush” seats we had been given. I did not know what she meant, and being proud of my 2. ______ vocabulary, I tried to infer its meaning from the context. “Plush” was clearly intended as a complimentary, a positive evaluation; that 3.______ much I could tell it from the tone of voice and the context. So I 4.______ started to use the word. Yes, I replied, they certainly are plush, and so are the ice rink and the costumes of the skaters, aren’t they? My friend’s mother was very polite to correct me, but I could tell from her 5.______ expression that I had not got the word quite right. Often we can indeed infer from the context what a word roughly means, and that is in fact the way which we usually acquire both 6.______ new words and new meanings for familiar words, specially in our 7. ______ own first language. But sometimes we need to ask, as I should have asked for Plush, and this is particularly true in the 8.______ aspect of a foreign language. If you are continually surrounded by 9.______ speakers of the language you are learning, you can ask them directly, but often this opportunity does not exist for the learner of English. So dictionaries have been developed to mend the gap. 10. ______ 2014改错 There is widespread consensus among scholars that second language acquisition (SLA) emerged as a distinct field of research from the late 1950s to early 1960s. There is a high level of agreement that the following questions (1) ______ have possessed the most attention of researchers in this area: (2) ______ l Is it possible to acquire an additional language in the same sense one acquires a first language? (3) ______ l What is the explanation for the fact adults have (4) ______ more difficulty in acquiring additional languages than children have? l What motivates people to acquire additional language? l What is the role of the language teaching in the (5) ______ acquisition of additional languages? l What social-cultural factors, if any, are relevant in studying the learning of additional languages? From a check of the literature of the field it is clear that all (6) ______ the approaches adopted to study the phenomena of SLA so far have one thing in common: The perspective adopted to view the acquiring of an additional language is that of an individual attempts to do (7) ______ so. Whether one labels it “learning” or “acquiring” an additional language, it is an individual accomplishment or what is under (8) ______ focus is the cognitive, psychological, and institutional status of an


2009年英语专业八级真题答案 In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Writing Experimental Reports I.Content of an experimental report, e.g. --- study subject/ area --- study purpose --- ____1____ II.Presentation of an experimental report --- providing details --- regarding readers as _____2_____ III.Structure of an experimental report --- feature: highly structured and ____3____ --- sections and their content: INTRODUCTION ____4____; why you did it METHOD how you did it RESULT what you found out ____5____ what you think it shows IV. Sense of readership --- ____6____: reader is the marker --- ____7____: reader is an idealized, hypothetical, intelligent person with little knowledge of your study --- tasks to fulfill in an experimental report: ? introduction to relevant area ? necessary background information ? development of clear arguments ? definition of technical terms ? precise description of data ____8____ V. Demands and expectations in report writing --- early stage: ? understanding of study subject/area and its implications ? basic grasp of the report's format --- later stage: ? ____9____ on research significance --- things to avoid in writing INTRODUCTION: ? inadequate material ? ____10____ of research justification for the study


01到14年专八汉译英真题及答案: 2014年本题是一篇典型的文学翻译,原文选自老舍名篇《我的母亲》。老舍的作品生活气息浓郁,语言朴实直白。因此,在翻译本篇时不仅要注意忠实于文字意义,更要忠实地再现原文的语言风格,所以要避免用过于高级的词汇表达和句子结构,用平实的语句表达出原文的精神面貌。 当我在小学毕了业的时候,亲友一致的愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲。我晓得我应当去找饭吃,以减轻母亲的勤劳困苦。可是,我也愿意升学。我偷偷的考入了师范学校——制服,饭食,书籍,宿处,都由学校供给。只有这样,我才敢对母亲说升学的话。入学,要交十圆的保证金。这是一笔巨款!母亲作了半个月的难,把这巨款筹到,而后含泪把我送出门去。她不辞劳苦,只要儿子有出息。当我由师范毕业,而被派为小学校校长,母亲与我都一夜不曾合眼。我只说了句:“以后,您可以歇一歇了!”她的回答只有一串串的眼泪。 参考译文:After I graduated from primary school,relatives and friends all suggested that I should drop out and learn a trade to help my mother. Although I knew that I ought to seek a livelihood to relieve mother of hard work and distress,I still aspired to go on with study. So I kept learning secretly. I had no courage to tell mother about the idea until admitted to a normal school which provided free uniforms,books,room and board. To enter the school,I had to pay ten Yuan as a deposit. This was a large sum of money for my family. However,after two weeks' tough effort,mother managed to raise the money and sent me off to school in tears afterwards. She would spare no pains for her son to win a bright future. On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster after graduation,mother and I spent a sleepless night. I said to her,"you can have a rest in the future." but she replied nothing,only with tears streaming down her face. 2013年 生活像一杯红酒,热爱生活的人会从中品出无穷的美妙。将它握在手中观察,它的暗红有血的感觉,那正是生命的痕迹。抿一口留在口中回味,它的甘甜有一丝苦涩,如人生一般复杂迷离。喝一口下肚,余香润人心肺,让人终受益。红酒越陈越美味,生活越丰富越美好。当人生走向晚年,就如一瓶待开封的好酒,其色彩是沉静的,味道中充满慷慨于智慧。 Life is like a cup of wine; people who love it discover inexhaustible wonders from it. Hold in the hand and gaze at it, the dark red color is reminiscent of the blood, which is the impress of life. Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste, the bittersweet flavor is exactly the same with life, which is complicated and blurred. Once the sip is swallowed, the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and refreshes the mind, leaving a person lifelong benefit. There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine: the taste becomes more delicious as the wine mellows, just as life gets better as it becomes more abundant. When life comes to twilight years, it looks calm and tastes full of wisdom and generosity, just like a bottle of wine to be savored.


2010 专八真题及答案 【篇一:2010 英语专八真题及答案(word 完整版)】>test for english majors (2010) -grade eight- part i section a listening comprehension (35 min) mini-lecture in this section you will hear a mini-lecture. you will hear the lecture once only. while listening, take notes on the important points. your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. when the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on answer sheet one. use the blank sheet for note-taking. complete the gap-filling task. some of the gaps below may require a maximum of three words. make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically semantically acceptable. you may refer to your notes. paralinguistic features of language in face-to-face communication speakers often alter their tomes of voice or change their physical postures in order to convey messages. these means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories. first category: vocal paralinguistic features a. (1)__________: to express attitude or intention (1)__________ b. examples 1. whispering:need for secrecy 2. breathiness:deep emotion 3. (2)_________: unimportance (2)__________ 4. nasality:anxiety 5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacy second category: physical paralinguistic features a. facial expressions 1. (3)_______ (3)__________ ----- smiling: signal of pleasure or welcome 2. less common expressions ----- eye brow raising: surprise or interest ----- lip biting: (4)________ (4)_________


2000 年-2011 年专八短文改错试题,参考答案以及答案分析 By 兰银清 以下答案以上外教师给出的答案为参考答案 2011年专八真题改错部分 From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew I should be a writer. Between the ages of about 1__________ seventeen and twenty-four I tried to abandon this idea, but I did so with the conscience that I was outraging my true nature and that 2___________ soon or later I should have to settle down and write books. 3___________ I was the child of three, but there was a gap of five years 4__________ on either side, and I barely saw my father before I was eight. For this and other reasons I was somewhat lonely, and I soon developed disagreeing mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my 5_____________ schooldays. I had the lonely child's habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginative persons, and I think from 6_________ the very start my literal ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of 7________ being isolated and undervalued. I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing in unpleasant facts, and I felt that this created 8________ a sort of private world which I could get my own back for my failure 9________ in everyday life. Therefore, the volume of serious — i.e. seriously 10________ intended — writing which I produced all through my childhood and boyhood would not amount to half a dozen pages. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, my mother taking it down to dictation. 1,在grow后加up, 考固定短语 2,改consience为consciousness 考词语区别,consience 翻译为“良心,道德心”, consiousness翻译为“意识” 3,改soon为sooner,sooner or later是固定短语 4,在child前加middle, 考上下文理解。作者是三个孩子句中的那位 5改disagreeing 为disagreeable ,disagreeing只能作动名词,不能作形容词。disagreeable mannernisms 令人讨厌的习惯 6,改imaginative为imaginary, 考词语区别imaginative 翻译为“有想象力的”,imaginary翻译为“想象的,虚构的”7,改literal 为literary , 考词义区别,literal翻译为“字面的”,literary 翻译为“文学方面的” 8,去掉face后的in,face接宾语时是及物动词。考动词的基本用法 9,在world后加in或者改which为where, 考定语从句10,改Therefore为However或者Nevertheness, 考语境。 2010年专八真题改错部分 So far as we can tell, all human languages are equally complete and perfect as instruments of communication: that is, every language appears to be well equipped as any other to say 1________________ the things their speakers want to say. 2________________ There may or may not be appropriate to talk about primitive 3________________ peoples or cultures, but that is another matter. Certainly, not all groups of people are equally competent in nuclear physics or psychology or the cultivation of rice . Whereas this is not the 4_____________ fault of their language. The Eskimos , it is said, can speak about snow with further more precision and subtlety than we can in 5______________ English, but this is not because the Eskimo language (one of those sometimes miscalled 'primitive') is inherently more precise and


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱的神情,洁白的牙齿,那丰富而单纯的表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。 Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.

完整word版2000 2015年专八翻译真题与答案

2000年英语专业八级考试--翻译部分参考译文 中国科技馆的诞生来之不易。与国际著名科技馆和其他博物馆相比,它先天有些不足,后天也常缺乏营养,但是它成长的步伐却是坚实而有力的。它在国际上已被公认为后起之秀。世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种生物的演化历史。第二代属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果。这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成了被动的旁观者。 世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观 众可以自己去动手操作,自己细心体察。这样,他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥妙。中国科技馆正是这样的博物馆!它汲取了国际上一些著名博物馆的长处,设计制作了力学、光学、电学、热学、声学、生物学等展品,展示了科学的原理和先进的科技成果。 参考译文The first generation of museums are what might be called natural museums which, by means of fossils, specimens and other objects, introduced to people the evolutionary history of the Earth and various kinds of organisms. The second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization. Despite the fact that those two generations of museums helped to disseminate / propagate / spread scientific knowledge, they nevertheless treated visitors merely as passive viewers. The third generation of museums in the world are those replete with / full of wholly novel concepts / notions / ideas. In those museums, visitors are allowed to operate the exhibits with their own hands, to observe and to experience carefully. By getting closer to the advanced science and technologies in this way, people can probe into their secret mysteries. The China Museum of Science and Technology is precisely one of such museums. It has incorporated some of the most fascinating features of those museums with international reputation. Having designed and created exhibits in mechanics, optics, electrical science, thermology, acoustics, and biology, those exhibits demonstrate scientific principles and present the most advanced scientific and technological achievements. 2001年英语专业八级考试--翻译部分参考译文 C-E 乔羽的歌大家都熟悉。但他另外两大爱好却鲜为人知,那就是钓鱼和喝酒。晚年的乔羽喜爱垂钓,他说,“有水有鱼的地方大都是有好环境的,好环境便会给人好心情。我认为最好的钓鱼场所不是舒适的、给你准备好饿鱼的垂钓园,而是那极其有吸引力的大自然野外天成的场所。”钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。乔羽说:“钓鱼可分三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都


英语专八真题之阅读备考练习: Joy and sadness are experienced by people in all culturesaround the world, but how can we tell when other people arehappy or despondent? It turns out that the expression of manyemotions may be universal. Smiling is apparently a universal signof friendliness and approval. Baring the teeth in a hostile way, asnoted by Charles Darwin in the nineteenth century, may be auniverse sign of anger. Most investigators concur that certain facial expressions suggest the same emotions in a people. Moreover, people in diverse cultures recognize the emotions manifested by the facial expressions. In classic research Paul Ekman took photographs of people exhibiting the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness. He then asked people around the world to indicate whatemotions were being depicted in them. Psychological researchers generally recognize that facial expressions reflect emotional states. Infact, various emotional states give rise to certain patterns of electrical activity in the facial musclesand in the brain. The facial-feedback hypothesis argues, and so a person's facial expression can influence that person's emotional state. ConsiderDarwin's words: "The free expression by outward signs of an emotion intensifies it. Psychological research has given rise to some interesting findings concerning the facial-feedbackhypothesis. Causing participants in experiments to smile, for example, leads them to report morepositive feelings and to rate cartoons (humorous drawings of people or situations) as being morehumorous. When they are caused to frown, they rate cartoons as being more aggressive. What are the possible links between facial expressions and emotion? One link is arousal, which is thelevel of activity or preparedness for activity in an organism. Intense contraction of facial muscles, such as those used in signifying fear, heightens arousal. Self-perception of heightened arousal thenleads to heightened emotional activity. Other links may involve changes in brain temperature andthe release of neurotransmitters (substances that transmit nerve impulses.) Ekman's observation may be relevant to the British expression "keep a stiff upper lip" as arecommendation for handling stress. It might be that a "stiff" lip suppresses emotional response-aslong as the lip is not quivering with fear or tension. But when


2016年专八翻译题及答案详解 “流逝”表现了南国人对时间最早的感觉。子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫。”他们发现无论是潺潺小溪,还是浩荡大河,都一去不复返,流逝之际青年变成了老翁而绿草转眼就枯黄,很自然有错阴的紧迫感。流逝也许是缓慢的,但无论如何缓慢,对流逝的恐惧使人们必须用“流逝”这个词来时时警戒后人,必须急匆匆地行动,给这个词灌注一种紧张感。 【参考译文1】 They have found that the flowing water,either a murmuring stream or a mighty river, passes quickly and never returns. With the passage of time, the young become the old and the green grass turns yellow. People naturallyhave a sense of urgency to value every bit of time. As time goes by,no matter how slowly it elapses, people always use the word “liushi” to warn thelater generations for fear of time’s flowing away. They tell their descendants to treasure every single minute and make a hurried action, which adds a sense of tension to the word. 【参考译文2】 They find that either a murmuring stream or a mighty river has gone forever and that the passage of time turns a young man into an old one, and yellows of the grass, which sends a massage of how time flies. Maybe the passing of time is slow. But no matter how slow it is, it makes people so fearful that they use “passage” to warn the later generations to rush. And the use of “passage” also infuses a sense of tension into the word. 【参考译文3】

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