当前位置:文档之家› 直接引语间接引语专讲与专练









将陈述句转换为间接引语,通常用that 引导的宾语从句来表达。连词that 在不引起歧义的情况下可以省略。引述分句的动词常见的有say 和tell

He said, “I caught a cold yesterday.” 他说:“我昨天感冒了。” →

He said (that ) he had caught a cold the day before. 他说他前天感冒了。 Helen said to me, “I’m tired of taking such exams.”


→ Helen told me (that ) she was tired of taking such exams.


直接引语如果是疑问句,变成间接引语后,叫做间接问句。引述的动词常用ask, inquire, wonder, want to know 等。

间接问句的词序一般都用正常词序,句末不用问号,用句号。 ①一般疑问句的间接引语

直接引语为一般疑问句时,用连词whether 或if 引导,某些表示请求的疑问句也可以转换成间接祈使句。 I asked him, “Are you satisfied with the results?” 我问他:“你对这结果满意吗?”

→I asked him whether he was satisfied with the results.


“Did you go to the British Museum yesterday?” asked Kate.


Kate asked me if I had gone to the British Museum the day before.


The old man said to a passer-by, “Will you tell me the way to get to the Great Wall Hotel?”


→The old man asked a passer-by to tell him the way to the Great Wall Hotel.




He said, “Are you interested in English or not?”


→He asked (me) whether I was interested in English or not.


“Do you like Chinese food or Japanese food?” he asked.


→He asked whether / if I liked Chinese food or Japanese food.




“What do you do in your free time?” he asked me.


→He asked me what I did in my free time.


“Why did she go to America?” Paul asked.


→Paul asked why she had gone to America.



①祈使句表示命令时,要把直接引语的动词say变成command, order, tell等动词,被转述的部分改为动词不定式。否定祈使句改为not to do结构。

“Stay where you are,” she said.


→She told me to stay where I was.


“Don’t smoke in the room,” he said.


→He told me not to smoke in the room.


直接引语和间接引语用法讲解 一、概述 引用或转述别人说的话时有两种方法:直接引述别人的原话,这叫做直接引语(direct speech)。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语(indirect speech)。一般地讲,直接引语前后要加引号,间接引语不用引号,而用宾语从句来表达。 Mr. Black said, “I'm busy.”布菜克先生说:“我很忙”。(直接引语) Mr. Black said that he was busy.布菜克先生说他很忙。(宾语从句是间接引语)从上例看来,直接引语改为间接引语时,除将直接引语改为宾语从句之外,还须对直接引语中的人称和时态进行相应的变化,如上例直接引语中的I改成了he, am则改成了was。现将由直接引语改为间接引语时应注意的问题,分述如下: 二、直接引语是陈述句时 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that引导(that在口语中常省去),that从句之前用say、tell等动词,从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要作相应的变化。 1、人称的变化 直接引语改为间接引语人称要相应的变化,把直接引语中的第一人称(如:I,me,my,mine,we,us,our,ours)变为与主句的主语相一致的人称。把直接引语中的第二人称(you,your,yours)变为和主句的间接宾语(即听话人,如无听话人,可根据上下文的体会人为确定一个人称)相一致的人称。直接引语中的第三人称(he,him,his,she,her,hers,it,its,they,their,theirs,them)变为间接引语时,人称不变。 He said , “I like it very much.” 他说:“我非常喜欢它”。 →He said that he liked it very much. 他说他非常喜欢它。(I改为he, it不变) He said, “You told me this story.”他说:“你给我讲过这个故事。”


直接引语和间接引语句子训练(转述句和陈述句): 1.直接引语是直接引用别人的话,而间接引语则是转达别人说的话,因此,直接引语改为间接引语时,说话人即第一人称“ 我”要改为第三人称“ 他” 或“ 她”。如:张童对我说:“我一定要坚持长跑锻炼。” 改:张童告诉我,他一定要坚持长跑锻炼。 2.当转述内容涉及其他人称时的改法。如:姐姐对我说:“ 你说得对,我就这样做。” 改:姐姐告诉我,我说得对,她就这样做。上面的例句中涉及了第二人称,在改为转述句时就应改为第一人称。还应注意,冒号和引号前的内容不变。 3.间接引语改为直接引语,第三人称“ 他” 或“ 她”应改为第一人称“ 我”,说话内容涉及第一人称应改为第二人称。如:老班长告诉我们,他没有完成任务,没把我们照顾好。改:老班长对我们说:“ 我没有完成任务,没把你们照顾好。” 特例: 1.小华对小强说:“你明天把钢笔还给我。” 小华对小强说,他明天把钢笔还给小强。 2.妹妹对爸爸说:“哥哥让我转告你,它晚上有事不回来吃饭了。” 妹妹告诉爸爸,哥哥说他晚上有事不回来吃饭了。 3.老师对小丽说:“你知道自己表现得最出色吗?” 老师对小丽说,她的表现很最出色。 1. 小红军对陈赓说:“我还要等我的同伴呢。” 2. 老师对我说:“我教你怎么写。” 3. 雨来摇摇头说:“我在屋里什么也没看见。” 4. 李楠小声告诉我:“我家在少年宫附近。” 5. 小姑娘说:“我要去北京,我要去看看北京的名胜古迹。” 6. 老师对王芳说:“学校让你明天出席区小学生座谈会。” 7. 罗蒙诺索夫摇摇头对爸爸说:“我也要一本书!” 8. 雷锋对大嫂说:“我送你一程吧!” 9. 小鸟对青蛙说:“朋友,不信请你跳出井口看一看!” 10. 有一家外国报纸轻蔑地说:“能在南口以北修筑铁路的中国工程师还没有出世呢!” 11. 老师说:“你今天放学之前必须完成作业。” 12. 有句俗话说:“磨刀不误砍柴工。” 13. 楚王瞅了他一眼,冷笑一声,说:“难道齐国没有人了吗?” 14. 他惊讶地说:“原来是你!” 15. 妈妈对我说:“你今天晚上不能看电视。” 1 6. 爸爸说:“今天晚上你和妈妈先吃饭,我有事。” 17. 一个同学对我说:“借我一只笔。” 18. 外婆问我:“你在干什么?”



直接引语变间接引语(宾语从句) 一.直接引语和间接引语的定义。 直接引语:直接引用别人的话叫直接引语, 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话叫间接引语。 直接引语前后加引号;间接引语不必加引号。 He said, “ I’m a student.” (直接引语)→ He said that he was a student. (间接引语) 主句从句主句从句 二.当直接引语为特殊疑问句变间接引语形成宾语从句时,首先要注意用特殊疑问词,其后用陈述语序的句子,同时注意人称、时态、时间状语,连接词,语序的变化. (一)人称的变化规则:一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新。 ★(二).时态变化 宾语从句时态变化规则:主现从不限;主过从四过(即4种过去的时态:一般过去时;过去进行时;过去将来时;过去完成时);客观真理,只用一般现在时。 1.主句一般现在时,从句可用任意时态。 2.主句过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。即一般现在时改成一般过去时;现在进行时改成过去进行时;一般将来时改成过去将来时;一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时改成过去完成时。

3.主句过去时,从句是客观真理时,只用一般现在时。 Teacher told us:" The moon moves round the earth." Teacher told us the moon moves round the earth. (三).时间状语变化 ★(四).连接词 1.从句为陈述句,常选择连接词that或将that省略,直接与主句相连。

2.从句为一般疑问句,常选择连接词if或whether。 3.从句为特殊疑问句,常选择what,when,where,which,who,how等的疑问代、副词作连接词。注意:当who为主语时,句式为:who+谓语+其他 注意: 1. 语序不变的有:What’ the matter with you? What’s wrong with you? 但What’s the trouble with you?的语序要变 1)从句中有or / or not 。例:she asks whether he stayed 。 2.只用 whether 2)与不定式to do 连用。例:I can’t decide whether to tell him the news 3) 在介词后。例:they are talking about whether they can afford the new house 用法是有区别的,但当if/whether同时出现在选项中的时候,我们要选whether ★3.宾语从句语序:陈语述序,即:连接词+主语+谓语+其它。


人称、时间、地点等方面作相应的变化。 1、引语转换时的句式变化 不同的直接引语句式,如:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句,转换成间接引语时要遵循一定的句式转换规则,还要注意根据句意,使用适当的引述动词。(1)陈述句的间接引语 将陈述句转换为间接引语,通常用that引导的宾语从句来表达。连词that 在不引起歧义的情况下可以省略。引述分句的动词常见的有say 和tell等。 He s aid, “I caught[k?:t] a cold yesterday.” 他说:“我昨天感冒了。” →He said (that) he had caught a cold the day before. 他说他前天感冒了。 Helen said to me, “I’m tired of taking such exams[iɡ’z?m].” 海伦说:“我讨厌参加这种考试。” →Helen told me (that) she was tired of taking such exams. 海伦说她讨厌参加这种考试。 He said (that) the book was very interesting and that(不省略) all the children like to read it.他说那本书很有趣,所有小孩都喜欢读。

例题: He says,“I like singing and I want to be a singer.” 他说:“我喜欢唱歌,我想当歌手。” →He says that he likes singing and that he wanted to be a singer.他说他喜欢唱歌,想当歌手。 在此种情况下,引导第一个宾语从句的that有时可以省略,但引导第二个宾语从句的that通常不省略,以免误解。 (2)疑问句的间接引语 直接引语如果是疑问句,变成间接引语后,叫做间接问句。引述的动词常用ask, wonder, want to know等。间接问句的词序一般都用正常词序,句末不用问号,用句号。 ①一般疑问句的间接引语 直接引语为一般疑问句时,用连词whether或if 引导。 I asked him, “Are you satisfied[’s?t?s'fa?d]with the results[ri'z ?lt]?” 我问他:“你对这结果满意吗?” I asked him whether / if he was satisfied with the results. 我问他对这结果是否满意。 “Did you go to the British ['br?t??]Museum yesterday?” asked Kate. 凯特问:“你昨天有没有去大英博物馆?” Kate asked me whether / if I had gone to the British Museum the day before. 凯特问我昨天有没有去大英博物馆。 The old man said to a passer-by, “Will you tell me the way to get to the Great Wall Hotel?” 那位老人跟一位过路人说:“请问到长城饭店的路怎么走。” The old man asked a passer-by to tell him the way to the Great Wall Hotel. 那位老人请一位过路人告诉他去长城饭店的路。 ②选择疑问句的间接引语


直接引语改为间接引语的变化 1.人称的变化。其规律为:一从主,二从宾,三不变。具体为: (1)如果直接引语的主语是第一人称,变化时,该人称与主句的主语保持一致。 如:Mary said, “I want to forget the past.”→ Mary said (that)she wanted to forget the past. (2)如果直接引语的主语是第二人称,变化时,该人称与主句的宾语保持一致。 如:He said to me,“Do you want to ask about the lab?” → He asked me if I wanted to ask about the lab. (3)如果直接引语的主语是第三人称,变化时,该人称保持不变。 如:Jim said ,“They are going to do their homework..”→ Jim said (that) they were going to do their homework. 2.时态的变化。 (1)如果主句是一般现在时,宾语从句原有时态保持不变。 如:Mary says,“I we nt to see the movie yesterday.” →Mary says that she went to see the movie yesterday.” (2)如果主句是一般过去时,宾语从句的时态会有以下变化(科学事实、自然规律除外)。 a.一般现在时→一般过去时 b.一般将来时→过去将来时 c.现在进行时→过去进行时 d.一般过去时→过去完成时 e.现在完成时→过去完成时。也就是说要落后一个时态。 3.直接引语变间接引语时,指示代词、时间状语、地点状语及动词都会发生相应的变化,变 4.各种句型的直接引语改为间接引语的方法。 (1).陈述句改为间接引语时,常用动词said, told,连词that,多被省略。 如:Ben said, “I won’t go to Marcia’s house on Friday night.”→ Ben said (that)he wouldn’t go to Marcia’s house on Friday night. Lana said to me,“I’m not mad at you anymore.” → Lana told me(that)she wasn’t mad at me anymore. (2).一般疑问句常用if或whether来将其改为间接引语(选择疑问句只能用whether),常用ask来引述,可以加间接宾语。语序为陈述语序。 如:She said,“Could I copy your homework?” → She asked (me)if/whether she could copy my homework. She said,“Is this book yours or hers?” →


直接引语变间接引语口诀 在初中英语中直接引语变为间接引语对于学生们来说也是一个难点,因为需要变化的内容很多,这儿有一个关于直接引语变间接引语的口诀,帮助大家来记忆。 直接引语变间接引语口诀: 直引若是一般问,变间if\whether连。语序变为陈述式,时态人称相应变。 直引若是特殊问,疑问词连接记心间。其余问题挺简单,一切只当一般问。 直引若是祈使句,谓语动词挺要紧。 told\asked\ordered,根据口气来选定。 告诉人、请人、命令人,后跟to do sth.。若是否定祈使句, not to do后边行。 直接引语变间接引语的人称变化: 一主二宾三不变. 直接引语的第一人称取决于主句的主语,第二人称取决于主句的宾语,第三人称一般不变。 附直接引语变间接引语的详细介绍: 直接引语就是直接引用别人的话,并把它放在引号内;间接引语就是用自己的话转述别人的话,不加引号。直接引语变成间接引语时,间接引语通常以宾语从句的形式出现。直接引语变成间接引语时还要注意人称的变化、时态的变化、指示代词的变化、时间状语的变化及地点状语的变化。 1. 直接引语是陈述句变为间接引语的方法 如果直接引语是陈述句,在变为间接引语时,由连词that引导(在口语中that常省略)。主句中如果有say to somebody (对某人说),通常变为tell somebody (告诉某人)。 He said, “I get on well with people here.” →He said that he got on well with people there. Susan said, “We can finish the work tomorrow.”


直接引语和间接引语(Direct Speech and indirect Speech) 直接引述别人的原话,叫直接引语。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语。间接引语在多数情况下构成宾语从句。直接引语一般前后要加引号,间接引语不用引号。 例如:Mr Black said, “I'm busy” 布莱克先生说:“我很忙”(直接引语) Mr Black said that he was busy. 布莱克先生说他很忙。(间接引语)John said, "I'm going to London with my father." 约翰说:"我要和父亲到伦敦去。"(引号内是直接引语) John said that he was going to London with his father. 约翰说,他要和他父亲去伦敦。(宾语从句是间接引语) 1 陈述句直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that引导(that在口语中或不引起歧义时常省略),从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要作相应变化。在这一方面,汉语和英语有许多相似之处,因此,在做直接引语和间接引语转换练习时,要特别注意句子的意义。 不能省略that的情况 1.1)会产生歧义(Linda said disappointedly that when she arrived at the station, the train had already left.琳达很失望地说,她到达车站时火车已经开走了。(如不用that,when状语从句既可以理解为修饰said, 又可以理解为修饰had left) 1.2)当引述动词后面不止跟一个that引导的从句时,第二个that不能省略。 He said (that) he was leaving for Europe the next week and that he would stay there for half a year. 他说他下周要到欧洲去并在那里呆半年。(第二个that不能省略) 直接引语变间接引语有着时态,人称,时间状语,地点状语的变化。间接引语为that引导的宾语从句(口语中that可以省略),主句的引述动词主要有say ,tell, repeat, explain, think等。 He said , "You are younger than I."-'He said (that ) I was younger than him. 从句的谓语动词可用直接引语中的said, 也可用told来代替,注意,可以说said that, said to sb. that, told sb. that,不可直接说told that, 如: He said, “I have been to the Great Wall.” ——>He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall. He said, “I'll give you an examination next Monday.”——> He told us that he would give us an examination the next Monday.(不可说told that)此外主句中的谓语还常有: repeat, whisper, answer, reply, explain, announce, declare, think等,又如: He said,“I'm late because of the heavy traffic.”——> He explained to us that he was late because of the heavy traffic. 如果间接引语是由that引导的两个或两个以上的并列从句,第一个连词可以省略,以后的连词一般不省略,以免混乱。 The doctor said, “You are not seriously ill, You will be better soon.”——> The doctor said(that)I was not seriously ill and that I would be better soon. 1)人称的变化 顺口溜“一随主。二随宾,第三人称不更新”。“一随主”是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化,如: She said. "My brother wants to go with me. "→She said her brother wanted to go with her. “二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如: He said to Kate. "How is your sister now?"→He asked Kate how her sister was then。


2014望子成龙学校暑假班八年级英语讲义 直接引语变间接引语的用法 She said. "My brother wants to go with me."(直接引语,即直接用“”把说话者所说的话引用) She said her brother wanted to go with her.(间接引语,即通过说话人与听话人之外的人称也就是第三人称转述成一个宾语从句) 一、如何变人称:下面有一句顺口溜“一随主、二随宾、第三人称不更新”。 He said to me . "My brother wants to go with me."(He said .为主句,he 为主句的主语;me 为主句的宾语,"My brother wants to go with me."为直接引语,将要变成间接引语即宾语从句) “一随主”是指在直接引语中有第一人称的人称代词、物主代词或反身代词时,变成间接引语要变成与主句中主语的人称相应的代词。如: He said. "My brother wants to go with me ." →He said his brother wanted to go with him. 说明:①my 是直接引语中的一人称单数的形容词性物主代词,所以变成间接引语要变成与主句he said 中的主语he 相一致的形容词性物主代词,即his;②me 是直接引语中的一人称单数的人称代词宾格,所以变成间接引语时要变成与主句he said 中的主语he 一致的人称代词宾格,即him “二随宾”是指直接引语中有第二人称的人称代词、物主代词或反身代词时,变成间接引语要变成与主句中宾语的人称相应的代词。如: He says to Kate. "I am your sister ?" →He tells Kate he is her sister 。 说明:①I 是直接引语中的一人称单数的人称代词主格,所以变成间接引语时要变成与主句he says to Kate 中的主语he 相一致的人称代词主格,即he;②your 是直接引语中的二人称单数的形容词性物主代词,所以变成间接引语时要变成与主句he says to Kate 中宾语Kate 一致的形容词性物主代词,即her. “第三人称不更新”是指直接引语中的三人称的代词变成间接引语时不需要改变人称。如: Mr. Smith said: "Jack is a good worker 。"→Mr. Smith said Jack was a good worker 。(Jack 是三人称,变成间接引语时依然是Jack 。) 二、如何变时态: 1、当主句为一般现在时,直接引语变成间接引语的时态不变,依然用直接引语的时态。如: Lily says to us,"I will go to America with you "→Lily tells us that she will go to America with us. 2、当主句为一般过去时,直接引语变成间接引语的时态要做相应的调整,用成相应的过去时态。如: 1) She said. "I have lost a pen." →She said she had lost a pen. 2) She said. "We hope so." →She said they hoped so.

英语语法 如何把直接引语转换为间接引语

如何把直接引语转换为间接引语 引述别人的话时,一般采用两种方式:一是引用别人的原话,把它放在引号内,称为直接引语;二是用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内,称为间接引语。间接引语在大多数情况下是一个宾语从句。直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意以下几点:人称变化、时态变化、宾语从句要用陈述句语序。 1. 直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词that ....引导,很多时候可省略that。例如:She said, "I am very happy to help you." →She said she was very happy to help me. She said, “I will go to Guangzhou tomorrow.” →She said that she would go to Guangzhou the next day/the following day. She said, “I have lived in Foshan for several years.” →She said that she had lived in Foshan for several years. She said, “ I am reading a book now.” →She said that she was reading a book at that time/moment. John said, “I am leaving for Paris on Wednesday” →John said that he was leaving for Paris on Wednesday. 2. 直接引语是一般疑问句,变成间接引语时,由连词whether .......或if..(是否)引导。先把直 接引语变为陈述句语序,再放在whether或if后面。例如: He asked me, "Do you like playing football?" → →He asked me whether/if I liked playing football. He asked Mary, “Will you come to my birthday party?”


直接引语变间接引语练习题 A.直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词that 引导。that在口语中可省略例如: She said, "I am very happy to help you."→She said that she was very happy to help you. The teacher said to us, “ The earth goes around the sun.”The teacher told us the earth goes around the sun . 1. She said , “I’m going to the market.”She said . 2. Lily and Lucy said, “ We’re preparing for our exam these days.” Lily and Lucy said ____________ . 3.Amy said , “ I usually go to school by bike.” Amy said _______ ________ usually ________ to school by bike. 4. “This new desk is mine,” Sally said. Sally said . 5. Billy said , “ I’m reading my storybook.”Billy said . 6. Jack says, “ My flight leaves at 9:00 this morning.”Jack says flight _________ at 9:00 this morning. 7.The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”The teacher said. 8.My father said, “Practice makes perfect.”My father said . 9. Lily said to me , “ I was born in a small village.”Lily me . 10. John says , “ I like playing football very much.”John says . B. 直接引语是一般疑问句,变成间接引语时,由连词whether或if 引导。例如: He asked me, "Do you like playing football?"→He asked me if/whether I liked playing football. 注意:大多数情况下,if和whether 可以互换,但后有or not,或在动词不定式前, 或放在介词后作连接词时,一般只用whether。例如: She asked me whether he could do it or not. He hesitated(犹豫) about whether to drive or take the train. 1. He said, “ Are you from Beijing?” He asked . 2. The girl asked , “ Can you mend the computer for me ?” The girl asked . 3.“ Are you interested in this ?” he said. He ______ ______ I ______ interested in _______. 4. Yesterday my teacher asked me,“ Do you find it difficult to learn English? Yesterday my teacher aske me . 5. The girl asked, “ Can you mend the computer for me ?” The girl asked . 6.“ Will you go to the concert with me this evening ?” Mary asked me. Mary asked me . 7.. “ Do you like drawing?” Lucy asks me .Lucy asks me . 8.. “ Is she singing ?” I asked. I asked . C. 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时,由相应的疑问词who, whom, whose, how, when, why, where 等引导。eg, My sister asked me, "How do you like the film?"→My sister asked me how I liked the film. 1.“Where does your chemistry teacher live, Karen?” the young man asked. The young man asked . 2.The tea cher asked, “How do you repair it?”The teacher asked . 3. “What are you doing here ?” the old man asked my brother. The old man asked my brother . 4.“ Where does she live?” the old man asked. The old man asked _______________________________ 5.“ Where do you come from ?” Li Ming asked me . Li Ming asked me . 6.“ What is the matter with you , Sally?”asked the teacher. The teacher asked Sally _____________________ . 7.“ What are you doing now?” Tony asks me . Tony asks me __________ . 8. “ Why are you late again?” The teacher asked Tom . The teacher asked Tom _________ . 9.“ Where will you go ?” Daming asked me . Daming asked me _ . D. 直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语时,把动词原形变成动词不定式,并在动词不定前加tell, ask, order 等的宾语。例如: The captain ordered(命令), "Be quiet."→The captain ordered us to be quiet. 注意:此种情况的否定句,在动词不定式前加not。 My teacher asked me, "Don't laugh."→My teacher asked me not to laugh. 1. The mother said, “Tom, get up early, please.”The mother . 2. The teacher said to the students, “Don’t waste your time.”The teacher __ .


结合新目标人教版八年级英语下册Unit4 谈谈直接引语和间接引语 山东省东营市利津县汀罗镇第一中学张树梓邮编257452 1.首先同学们先从概念上理解直接引语和间接引语: 直接引用别人的话叫直接引语,用自己的话转述别人的话叫间接引语。间接引语在多数情况下构成宾语从句。直接引语前后加引号,间接引语不必加。现用课本中的句子解释如下: 直接引语:Marcia said, “She is having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.” Lana said, “I?m mad at Marcia.” 间接引语: Marcia said that she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. Lana said that she was mad at Marcia. 2. 变直接引语为间接引语的方法: (1)直接引语的主语是第一人称,改为间接引语后要根据意思改变人称,如: Lana said, “I?m mad at Marcia.” Lana said that she was mad at Marcia. 注:若直接引语为陈述句,改为间接引语时,可以把that 省略。

(2)若主语谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变成间接引语要调整时态。列表如下: 通过上表,同学们可以了解Grammar Focus中直接引语与间接引语的变化方式了,如下: 注:若直接引语部分是一种客观事实时,时态不变,如:

The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun. 该为间接引语:The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. (3) 直接引语变间接引语时,指示代词、时间状语和动词也要作调整。列表如下: (4) 若直接引语为一般疑问句(即倒装语序,改为间接引语时要用陈述句语序,而且要用连词if或whether。如本单元Self—check部分中的第二题中的“She asked me if she could copy my homework.”就是由直接引语“She asked me, …can I



Unit1 语法核心突破: 直接引语变间接引语 这两种引语都是宾语从句,但是直接引语放在引号内,不用连词联接;间接引语不用引号,通常用连接词与主句联接 一、直接引语变间接引语时句式的变化 例:He said, “I'm very glad.” → He said he was very glad. 例:He said, “Can you come this afternoon, John?” →He asked John could come that afternoon. 例 : He said, “Where is Mr. Wang?” → He asked where Mr. Wang was. Tom says to me, “what food do you like best”. → Tom asks me food I like best Our parents told us“Learn English well!”我们的父母告诉我们:“把英语学好啊!” ?Our parents told us English well. 我们的父母告诉我吗要把英语学好。 The teacher said to me, “Don’t read that novel!” ? The teacher asked/ told me that novel. Our parents told us, “ Never do wrong!” 父母告诉我们:“不要做错事!” Our parents told us never to do wrong. 我们的父母告诉我们不要做错事。


直接引语变间接引语的用法 一、如何变人称; 下面有一句顺口溜“一随主。二随宾,第三人称不更新”。“一随主”是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化如: She said. "My brother wants to go with me." →She said her brother wanted to go with her. “二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如: He said to Kate. "How is your sister now?" →He asked Kate how her sister was then。 “第三人称不更新”是指直接引语变间接引语时。如果从句中的主语及宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰从句中的人称一般不需要变化如: Mr. Smith said: "Jack is a good worker。"→Mr. Smith said Jack was a good work er。 二、如何变时态: 直接引语在改为间接引语时、时态需要做相应的调整。 现在时它需改为过去时态;过去时态改为完成时;过去完成时则保留原来的时态。如: 1) She said. "I have lost a pen." →She said she had lost a pen. 2) She said. "We hope so." →She said they hoped so. 3) She said. "He will go to see his friend。"→She said he would go to see his friend。 但要注意在以下几种情况下。在直接引语变为间接引语时,时态一般不变化。 ①直接引语是客观真理。 "The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth, the teacher told me. → The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth。 ②直接引语是过去进行时,时态不变。如: Jack said. “John, where were you going when I met you in the street?” →Jack asked John where he was going when he met him in the street。 ③直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如: Xiao Wang said. "I was born on April 20, 1980。" →Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980。 ④直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。如: He said, "I get up at six every morning。" →He said he gets up at six every morning。 ⑤如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to,had better, used to)和已经是过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。如:Peter said. "You had better come have today。" →Peter said I had better go there that day。 三、如何变状语:


直接引语变间接引语规则 (一)时态的变化:主句中的谓语动词如果是过去时态,直接引语中的谓语动词的时态须做下列变化: 一般现在时变为一般过去时 (但直接引语是客观事实、永恒真理,变成间接引语时,时态不变。 例如:They told their son :”The earth goes round the sun.” They told their son that the earth goes round the sun.。 (二)人称的变化:要根据句子 意思改变人称,如:I--he,she; we--they等等。 “一随主。二随宾,第三人称不更新”。 “一随主”是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化如:She said. "My brother wants to go with me. "→She said her brother wanted to go with her. “二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如: He said to Kate. "How is your sister now?"→He asked Kate how her sister was then。 “第三人称不更新”是指直接引语变间接引语时。如果从句中的主语及宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰从句中的人称一般不需要变化如: Mr Smith said。 "Jack is a good worker。"→Mr Smith said Jack was a good worke (三)指示代词、时间状语、地点状语的变化,动词变化: this--that; these--those; now--then; yesterday--the day before; today--that day; tomorrow--the next day; next week(month, year)--the next week(month,year); ago--before; here—there; brig—take; come--go.

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