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新视野大学英语第一册第五单元 The battle against Aids

Unit 5The Battle Against AIDS


I. Objectives

II. Preview

III. Leading-in

IV. Section A-Text

V. Answers to Exercises

VI. Extensive Tasks

VII. Testing Yourself

VIII. Homework

NHCE-BI-Unit 5 I: Objectives




Students would:?

1. Learn and practice theme expressions about AIDS.?

2. Share the knowledge of and views on AIDS.?

3. Complete tasks (LSRW) focused on the theme.?

4. Write paragraphs of the problem-solution pattern.?

5. Build up the awareness how to prevent and control AIDS, and how to peacefully coexist with the AIDS patients in the same world.

1. Watch and think

What is people’s reaction to

an HIV patient?



MENU ? 2. Slogans and Themes


1988,Join the Worldwide Effort 全球共讨,征服有期1989,Our Lives ,Our World---Let…s Take Care of Each Other ?我们的生活,我们的世界---让我们相互关照1990,Women and AIDS 妇女与艾滋病1991,Sharing the Challenge 共同迎接艾滋病的挑战1992,A Community Commitment 预防艾滋病,全社会的责任1993,Time to Act 时不我待,行动起来1994,AIDS and the Family 艾滋病和家庭1995,Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities 共享权利,共担责任1996,One World, One Hope 同一世界,同一希望1997,Children Living in a World with AIDS 生活在有艾滋病世界的儿童1998,Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign with Young People ?青少年---迎接艾滋病的生力军1999,Listen, learn, live! 关注青少年,预防艾滋病---倾听、学习、尊重2000,Man make a difference 预防艾滋病,男士责无旁贷2001,I care, do you? 预防艾滋病,你我同参与!2002,Live and let live 相互关爱,共享生命2003,Stigma and Discrimination 消除歧视和偏见2004,Women and AIDS 女性与艾滋病?2005,Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise 遏制艾滋、履行承诺?2006,Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise 遏制艾滋、履行承诺/ Accountability 责任?

2007,Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise 遏制艾滋、履行承诺/ Leadership 全民动员

Unit 5The Battle Against AIDS


?1. 全球防控艾滋病每年花费______。

?2. 于______年发现首例艾滋病,至今全球感染艾滋人数升至?______,其中______%在25岁以下,而且______%的人不知


?3. 2007年新感染艾滋病毒的人数为250万,艾滋病死亡人


?4. 全球每隔______


?5. 全世界死于艾滋病的人已达______

。?6. 未来10年内全球被感染者可能达______


5000亿3320万95%12.6秒6850人1400万1亿905019801. Striking Numbers (2007)



65万1000万?1. 我国______

发现首例艾滋病?2. 中国已有______HIV 携带者,其中艾滋病病人

?75000例,死亡26000例,性传染趋升(2006)?3. 据联合国艾滋病规化署(UNAIDS)估计,如果未?能采取有效的预防措施,到2010年我国艾滋病



2. Discuss in Pairs

Choose what you can do when being with an AIDS patient.



Discuss in Pairs


shake hands share a book hug

swim in the pool sit side by side

dance together

share a shaver

3. Do you know???

1) What is AIDS?


A cquired I mmuno d eficiency S yndrome (后天性免疫缺陷综合症)

It is a disease that limits the body’s ability to fight

infection. A person with AIDS has a very weak immune system, turning normally mild or rare diseases into

potentially fatal conditions.


2)What is HIV?


H uman I mmunodeficiency V irus


AIDS is different from HIV in that the former usually causes death while HIV may lead to AIDS.



MENU Reference:

1) contact with infected blood

2) HIV mother-to-child

3) sexual intercourse

3)How many ways can HIV spread?

MENU Reference:

Anyone can become infected with HIV . HIV

is transmitted sexually or through drug use by

contaminated blood.

4) Who is most likely to become infected?



source develops active periods hidden pregnant contact Human sexual HIV is the ________ Immunodeficiency

Virus. This is the virus that spreads through _______ with infected blood, infected ______ partners or within the womb of an infected

________ mother. After infecting a person,

HIV can remain ______ in the body for long

and different ________ of time until it

becomes ______ and ________ into AIDS for

which no known _____ exists. The virus spreads very fast once contact has been made with an infected _______.

MENU Reference:

This is the Red Ribbon. It is an international

symbol(标志) of AIDS awareness. People wear the

ribbon, particularly around World AIDS Day, to

show care and concern(关注) about HIV and AIDS.

5) Have you ever seen this design?

MENU Reference:

December,1st was established as World

AIDS Day in 1988. It is the only

international day of coordinate action

(协调行动) against AIDS.

6) What do you know about World AIDS Day?

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