当前位置:文档之家› 高一英语必修三练习




Module 1 Europe


1. The price of this washing machine has been increased _______ 15 %.

A. by

B. to

C. about

D. in

2. Taiwan is _______ the east of Fujian and Fujian Province lies _______ east of China.

A. in; in

B. in; to

C. to; ×

D. to; in

3. –_______ the population of China?

–About 1.3 billion.

A. How much is

B. How many are

C. What is

D. What are

4. This coat costs about _______ of that one.

A. twice price

B. the three times price

C. four times the price

D. the price five times

5. He is in _______ control of the company. I mean, the company is in _______ control of him.

A. the; /

B. /; the

C. the; the

D. /; /

6. In some parts of the world, tea _______ with milk and sugar.

A. is serving

B. serves

C. served

D. is served

7. _______ this magazine _______ to your brother?

A. is; belonged

B. does; belong

C. has; been belonged

D. is; belonging

8. Lu Xun was famous _______ a great writer.

A. for

B. to

C. as

D. with

9. He was known _______ his personal business!

A. as

B. about

C. for

D. on

10. Zhang‘s family _______ rather big, with twelve people in all.

A. is

B. are

C. being

D. was

二. 词汇训练


1. We were impressed by the ruins of an ________ building. (ancient)

2. The hospital is ________ to the post office. (opposite)

3. This ________ seems to be very attractive. (project)

4. My cousin sells her garden________ in the market. (produce)

5. The three sides reached an ________ to stop the war. (agreement)


1. 从事某事____________________

2. 以……而闻名_____________________

3. 有史以来__________________

4. 自从那时起____________________

5. 作为……而闻名____________________

三. 同步语法练习(可以到10或是15个)

1. The People's Republic of China ________ on October 1, 1949.

A. found

B. was founded

C. is founded

D. was found

2. Doctors ________ in every part of the world.

A. need

B. are needing

C. are needed

D. will need

3. His new book________ next month.

A. will be published

B. is publishing

C. is being published

D. has been published

4. Why ________ to talk about it yesterday?

A. didn't a meeting hold

B. wasn't a meeting held

C. wasn't held a meeting

D. a meeting wasn't held

5. Who was the book_________?

A. write

B. wrote

C. written

D. written by

6. The pot _________ for _________ hot water.

A. used; keeping

B. was used; keeping

C. is used; to keep

D. are used; keep

7. Newly-born babies_________in hospital.

A. are taken good care

B. are taken good care of

C. take good care of

D. take good care

8. The boy________ streets without pay in the old days.

A. was made to clean

B. made clean

C. made to clean

D. was made clean

9. ---Have you got some water to drink?

---Here you are. There ________ still some in the bottle.

A. are

B. were

C. is

D. was

10. Neither________right.

A. answers are

B. answers aren't

C. answer is

D. answer isn't

11. The population of the world _________ still ________ now.

A. has; grown

B. will; grow

C. is; growing

D. is grown

12. These police often________the children across the street.

A. help

B. helps

C. helping

D. is helping

13. ________ going to England by air next week.

A. The Green family are

B. The Greens family are

C. The Green's family are

D. Green family are

14. The number of people invited _____ fifty, but a number of them _____ absent for different reasons.

A. were; was

B. was; was

C. was; were

D. were; were

15. Neither he nor I _______ from Canada. We are from Australia.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be

四. 完形填空

San Francisco is a big city which lies in the west of the United States very near the Pacific, where two earth's plates often meet and jump. So earthquake is a ___1___ word to hear there. It is recorded that at least 2 big earthquakes have happened in San Francisco since the beginning of the 3 century. One happened in 1906, the other in 1989.

The second worst earthquake 4 San Francisco on the evening of October 17, 1989, when people were travelling to their 5 . A wide and busy overhead road fell onto the one 6 . Many people were killed in their cars. A few 7 ones were not hurt, but many thousands became

8 . A large number of weak buildings didn't 9 in the quake and the 10 electricity was cut off for several days, too. Nobody but scientists can explain the 11 of earthquakes. In their opinion, although earthquake cannot be 12 , we can do things to make sure they do not destroy whole cities. They suggest we should not build houses along the 13 where earth's plates join together. We should build houses 14 instead of on sand. And the buildings have to be as 15 as possible. Scientists are also studying earthquakes, which may someday help to save hundreds of lives.

1. A. terrible B. sad C. usual D. funny

2. A. two B. three C. four D. five

3. A. 17th B. 18th C. 19th D. 20th

4. A. shook B. felt C. discovered D. moved

5. A. offices B. homes C. factories D. schools

6. A. above B. nearby C. below D. round

7. A. young B. tall C. strong D. lucky

8. A. homeless B. jobless C. friendless D. childless

9. A. put up B. go up C. stay up D. turn up

10. A company‘s B. school‘s C. country‘s D. city‘s

11. A. story B. cause C. experience D. result

12. A. stopped B. caught C. kept D. touched

13. A. seaside B. river C. road D. lines

14. A. at sea B. on rock C. on the square D. near the city

15. A. strong B. high C. small D. cheap

五. 阅读理解

Australia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for people to live in. Around the edge(边缘)of this huge dry part are large sheep and cattle farms. A few of them are as large as the smallest states in America. One of the nearest neighbours are many hundred miles away.

The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms. It works much like a telephone. A person can listen to someone else‘s talk and then give an answer. When these radios first came into use,the government set up a special two-way radio programme. Then, people on the large farms could talk to a doctor hundreds of miles away. They could tell the doctor about someone who was sick,and the doctor could let them know how to care for the sick person.

Since the large farms were so far away from the towns, the children could not go to school. Radio schools were set up for them in some areas. At a certain time each day, the boys and girls turn on their radios and listen to teachers in cities miles away.

Families on the large farms wanted to give news to their neighbours. ―Round robin(知更鸟)‖talks by radio were started to keep families in touch with each other. They could talk about who was going away or who was sick or who was getting married. The men could talk about their sheep and cattle and how much money the market would pay for them. In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.

1. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. The radio is important to people in Australia.

B. The radio can be found everywhere.

C. Most of its land is too dry to live in.

D. Most of its land has sheep and cattle farms.

2. The two-way radio is something like a telephone because ______.

A. radios and telephones came into use at the same time

B. people can talk and listen to each other

C. the boys and girls can listen to each other far away

D. the sick can talk to doctors hundreds of miles away

3. The children on the large farms could ______.

A. go to a regular school as well as a radio school

B. talk to and listen to teachers at school

C. listen to teachers by radio at a certain time each day

D. talk to and listen to teachers by radio at any time

4. The doctors hundreds of miles away in Australia give suggestions ______.

A. not in the hospital but in the sick‘s house

B. without using any medical equipment

C. by speaking only instead of examining

D. without knowing whether the sick can hear

5. ―Round robin‖ in the text refers to a kind of ______.

A. newspaper

B. radio

C. bird

D. programme

六. 翻译句子

1. 巴黎是法国的首都,也是法国最大的城市,座落在塞纳河畔。(situated)


2. 长江是世界上第三大河,全长6,300公里。


3. 好天气只延续了几天。(last)


4. 东西倒是便宜,就是不好。(on the other hand)


5. 伦敦有一千万人口。(population)


七. 书面表达


无锡位于太湖之滨,临近上海,以太湖而文明。是一座历史悠久、风景优美的城市,有“小上海”和“鱼米之乡”的美称。无锡面积大约有5,000平方公里(square kilometre),人口420万。在过去的20年里,无锡发生了很大的变化。无锡过去是一座小城市,但现在已发展成为一座现代化的大城市。所有的无锡人民目前正过着幸福、富裕的生活。


Module 2 Developing and developed Countries

一. 单项选择

1.Costs have been reduced _____ 20% over the past year.

A. by

B. in

C. with

D. to

2. I can take _____ four people in my car.

A. up to

B. off

C. down

D. out

3. She smiled to the people around but ______looked straight ahead, getting hold of her husband‘s


A. most

B. almost

C. mostly

D. nearly

4. Mary made steady _____ in English after she put her heart into it.

A. advance

B. improvement

C. progress

D. program

5. There is nothing of _____importance in today‘s newspaper.

A. particular

B. partial

C. peculiarly

D. specific

6. —How did you like the trip to Xi‘an?

-- .

-- Oh, that‘s too bad.

A.I wish you could be with me

B. I enjoyed it very much

C. I felt seasick most of the time

D. Nothing could be better

7. The little girl felt so cold that she stood ______ to her mother.

A. close

B. closely

C. near

D. closer

8. It‘s wonderful that you ______ have achieved so much in these years.

A. would

B. should

C. must

D. need

9. The house rent is expensive. I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying ______here.

A. as three times much

B. as much three times

C. much as three times

D. three times as much

10. Ms Chen is _____ and she has a strange way of keeping her students ______ in class.

A. amusing; interested

B. amused; interesting

C. amusing; interesting

D. amused; interested

二. 词汇训练

(1). 用方框中所给的单词填空

1.When he returned from London, we found his English greatly _________.

2. The rising sun quickly ____the heavy fog.

3. Don't _______ her laziness by doing things for her.

4. His later stories are not interesting because of their _______ of imagination.

5. I decided to make one more _______.


1. 愿意做某事_____________

2. 筹钱______________

3. 尤其_____________

4. 受到良好教育______________

5. 结果_______________

三. 同步语法练习

1. everybody is here,let‘s begin our meeting.

A.When B.For C.Because D.Since

2. It was he was ill that he was absent yesterday.

A.now that B.since C.as D.because

3. rich one may be,there is always something one wants.

A.Whatever B.Whenever C.However D.Wherever

4. —What was the party like?

—Wonderful.It‘s years I enjoyed myself so much.

A.after B.before C.when D.since

5. I was about to go to bed there was a knock at the door.

A.whlie B.when C.as D.suddenly

6. —Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday?

——Thank you.I‘d love to,I‘ll be out of town at the weekend.

A.because B.and C.so D.but

7. you want me to fire you,I suggest you stop wearing sports clothes at office.

A.If B.Since C.Unless D.Until

8. --I‘m going to the post office.

--_____you?re there. can you get me some stamps?

A. As

B. While

C. Because

D. If

9. _____you‘ve got a chance. you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that

B. After

C. Although

D. AS soon as

10. Why do you want a new job _____ you‘ve got such a good one already?

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. when

四. 完形填空

Every morning, Lula wheels herself into the living room where she sits for hours, totally lost in thoughts.

The days are short and 1_ now, so different from last summer when Lula, at age 94, walked through a world lit up by 2_. Her college sweetheart had found her, 76 years after their first kiss. They married. Five weeks later a car crash 3_ their honeymoon. Now she is 4 again.

In 1923, barely 18, Lula first met Paul. Then one day they danced and Paul sent Lula home, kissed her and left. Their 5 was on. They left school to teach in 6 places, but kept up a relationship, writing letters and seeing each other 7_ . Neither of them had a car. Phones were not for chatting in those days.

Lula loved Paul, but she was puzzled, since he never spoke of 8 . she started dating others and fell in love with Larry Marschat. Near the end of 1926, Lula 9 telling Paul she had been asked to marry.

Paul was 10 learning Lula was leaving him. He never wrote back. He had been in 11 for very long. He had intended to see her when he felt fit enough. But Lula did not know this. She _12_ Mrs. Marschat in June 1927. sixty years later, her husband passed away.

Last April 21, a letter arrived from Paul. She called him that night. Paul suggested they could make a 13 and so they united, spending every minute together knowing time was 14 for them. But 15 disappeared so quickly.

1.A.windy B.blue C.bright D.gray

2.A.fire B.love C.candle D.flash

3.A.entered B.touched C.ruined D.shocked

4.A.alone B.quiet C.serious D.dependent 5.A.quarrel B.romance C.adventure D.fortune 6.A.unknown B.nearby C.distant D.native

7.A.usually B.infrequently C.unexpectedly D.continuously 8.A.children B.marriage C.freedom D.incomes

9.A.wrote B.insisted C.avoided D.stopped 10.A.disappointed B.impressed C.confused D.heartbroken

11.A.bed B.school C.trouble D.hospital 12.A.became B.surprised C.punished D.refused 13.A.decision B.promise C.couple D.memory 14.A.precious B.enough C.pleasant D.difficult 15.A.chances B.happiness C.beauty D.loneliness

五. 阅读理解

Everything has two sides. One side of SARS is already clear. It is a deadly disease, which causes fear. There were 2601 cases recorded on the Chinese mainland on April 24, according to government figures. Some 115 people have died and numbers keep rising.

But, there‘s another side. SARS is a reminder (提示) of how weak life can be. Su ddenly, it‘s not just the old people who are thinking about death. Everyone now realizes there might not always be a tomorrow.

Wang Xingying, a Senior 3 students in Taiyuan, came into contact with a suspected SARS patient in mid-April. He was told to stay at home for at least two weeks. ―Watching TV about more and more SARS patients dying, I never knew that death could be so close. Life is valuable and I‘m going to treasure every single day,‖ he said.

SARS teaches people to be grateful, not only for their own lives, but also for others. Doctors and nurses, for example, have to spend all their time with infected(感染的)patients. As a result, more than 20 percent of SARS cases in China are medical workers.

Xu Bing, a Senior 2 student of Beijing No.5 Middle School wants to be a doctor when he grows up. ―Although they certainly know the dangers, doctors and nurses remain bravely dedicated(献身的)to serving people‘s lives. I‘m deeply moved by what they have done. I think they are real heroes,‖ he said.

SARS also teaches sympathy. The past few weeks have been terrible for Chinese people. But there are far worse things than SARS in this world, such as war, earthquakes and murders. Think of the Iraqis, who have been living terrible lives for 20 years. Think of how the Americans felt on 9/11.

And finally, SARS offers the chance to grow. All different types of people and government officials are joining together to cope in this difficult time. When this passes, China and its people will have learned great lessons.

1.The story of Wang Xinying is given in this passage mainly to _____.

A. tell us the hardship of life

B. tell us the weakness of life

C. tell the cruelty of SARS

D. tell us the job of life

2.The main points discussed in the passage is _____.

A. SARS is a deadly disease

B. SARS teaches us a lot

C. Chinese people are going all out to fight the disease

D. doctors are dedicated to saving people‘s lives

3.Among the infected patients by SARS, which of the following is most?

A. Students

B. Doctors and nurses

C. Workers

D. Officials

4.The writer tells us of the brighter side for SARS in _____ ways.

A. two

B. three

C. five

D. four

5.According to this passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Before SARS, few young and healthy people are thinking about death

B. There is, now, nothing worse than SARS in the world.

C. It can be concluded that SARS is only dangerous to medical workers.

D. Doctors and nurses have known how to deal with this kind of disease and they are sure of curing

all the patients.


1. 观众多数是妇女。(mostly)


2. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。(live close to )


3. 他们向山顶缓慢地前进。(make progess)


4. 我们由"蓝"这个字会联想到晴空的颜色。(connect…with…)


5. 她特别强调了那一点. (in particular)


七. 书面表达





Module 3 The Violence of Nature


1. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt______ for London to attend a meeting.

A. will have

B. leaves

C. will have left

D. left

2. I‘d like to buy a house --- modern, comfortable, and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.

A. in all

B. above all

C. after all

D. at all

3. It took us quite a long time to get there. It was ______ journey.

A. three- hour

B. a three hour

C. a three- hour

D. three hours

4. Kathy ______ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. picked up

B. took up

C. made up

D. turned up

5. Mr. Alcott told me that four-fifths of the houses ______ .

A. have been sold out

B. had been sold out

C. were sold out

D. was sold out

6. Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, ______ a record US$ 5

7.65 a barrel on April 4.

A. have reached

B. reaching

C. to reach

D. to be reaching

7. ______ the timetable, the train leaves at 10:25, so we should be at the station by 10:00.

A. According to

B. Because of

C. Judging from

D. In the opinion of

8. ______ by the constant noise from the street, the progress of the work was slowed down.

A. Affected

B. Affecting

C. Having affected

D. To be affected

9. Don‘t leave the water ______ while you brush your teeth.

A. run

B. running

C. being run

D. to run

10. The accident is reported to have happened ______ the first Sunday in February.

A. at

B. in

C. to

D. on

二. 词汇训练


1. Many houses were __________ in the big fire.

2. Most of the volcanoes in the world are dead, that is to say, they perhaps will not __________.

3. They were _____________ by his sudden appearance.

4. People have suffered from different kinds of natural ______________.

5. Do you know how many ___________ living in the neighborhood?


1. 平均地____________________

2. 到19世纪90年代末为止________________

3. 着火_______________________

4. 把火扑灭_________________

5. 在路对面___________________

三. 同步语法练习


1. He suddenly remembered that he _______ his key at home.

A. had forgotten

B. has left

C. has forgotten

D. had left

2. Both my brothers work at the power station that _______ in my hometown.

A. has set up

B. has been set up

C. was set up

D. is set up

3. When they reached the cinema, the tickets ________.

A. had sold out

B. have been sold out

C. had been sold out

D. have sold out

4. Five English songs _______ on the radio since last week.

A. have taught

B. have been taught

C. had taught

D. had been taught

5. Computers ________ in everyday life in this country before long.

A. will be used

B. is used

C. will use

D. was used

6. The play_______ at the theatre next Sunday.

A. is going to be shown

B. will show

C. will shown

D. is shown

7. We _______ not to go that way because the road ________.

A. told; is being repaired

B. were told; was being repaired

C. had been told; is repairing

D. was told; is repaired

8. The boy _______ streets without pay in the old days.

A. made clean

B. was made to clean

C. was made clean

D. made to clean

9. The 2008 Olympics _______ in Beijing , and this ________ to improve the city‘s international image.

A. are held; is expecting

B. will be held; is expected

C. have been held; expects

D. will be holding; will expect

10. He said he wouldn‘t mind _______ at home.

A. leaving alone

B. being left alone

C. to be left lonely

D. to leave alone


1. The boss asked John, "Where have you been?" (改成间接引语)

The boss asked John where ________ ________ ________.

2. Mary said that she had drawn a picture of the West Lake. (改为直接引语)

Mary said, "________ ________drawn a picture of the West Lake.

3. Wei Fang asked me not to give the knife to Li Ming. (改为直接引语)

" ________ give the knife to Li Ming, Please," Wei Fang told me.

4. "I'm reading a magazine and I can't go to the cinema with you, "he said. (变为间接引语)

He said that he _______ ______ a magazine _______ that he couldn't go to the cinema with me.

5. "Stay here!" the officer said to the soldier. (改为间接引语)

The officer _______ the soldier _______ _______ ________.

6. Mr. Wu asked the little boy, "Where did you meet the foreign guests two days ago?" (改为间接引语) Mr. Wu asked the little boy where ______ ______ ______the foreign guests two days _______.

7. My teacher asked me, "Did you take part in the party?" (直接引语)

My teacher asked me __________ I had taken part in the patty.

8. They said, "We have never been here." (改为间接引语)

They said that they had never been _________.

9. Tom asked her to tell him what had happened. (改为直接引语)

Tom said to her, "Please ________ ________ ________ ________."

10. Mr. Li said he would go to the Summer Palace the next day. (改为直接引语)

Mr. Li said, "I will go to the Summer Palace _________.‖

四. 完形填空

There are thousands of volcanoes all over the world. What makes volcanoes? What happens?

The inside of the earth is very, very ___1___. The rock has melted like ice. It is always boiling, ___2___water in a pot. ___3___ you have seen a pot boiling, you know that the steam and boiling water try to___4___ . The very hot melted rock ___5___ the earth also tries to get out. Usually it cannot ___6___ the outside of the earth is too thick and strong.

But in some places the outside of the earth is ___7___ and weak. Sometimes a crack (a small opening) appears in the earth. The hot melted rock ___8___ through and shoots up into the air together___9___ steam and gas.

After a while the volcano becomes ___10___ again. The melted rock becomes hard. Later the same thing happens again ___11___again. Each time more hot rock pours out on ___12___ of the cold rock and then becomes hard. ___13___ this way a kind of mountain is built up, with a hole down the middle. Perhaps the volcano will then be sleeping and no longer burst. Perhaps it will start again hundreds of years ___14___.

Although there are ___15___ volcanoes in the world, most of them are dead. Only about 500 are still alive. There is a very famous volcano in Italy___16___ is called Vesuvius. It first came ___17___ life many, many years ago. It was quiet for hundreds of years. Then in ____18___ year of 79 it suddenly burst. A great cloud of smoke shot up into the sky with great burning rocks ___19___ fell all around. About 3000 people were ___20___ as a result.

1. A. deep B. cold C. hard D. hot

2. A. like B. with C. and D. unlike

3. A. Although B. If C. But D. What

4. A. fall off B. put out C. get out D. give off

5. A. outside B. upon C. inside D. below

6. A. if B. when C. because D. after

7. A. thin B. thick C. flat D. water

8. A. pulls B. pushes C. melts D. jumps

9. A. in B. of C. under D. with

10. A. active B. quiet C. broken D. boiling

11. A. with B. for C. and D. of

12. A. bottom B. top C. head D. side

13. A. In B. On C. With D. Using

14. A. ago B. before C. later D. late

15. A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand D. thousand of

16. A. where B. what C. which D. it

17. A. to B. back C. into D. with

18. A. a B. the C. an D. \

19. A. which B. that C. it D. \

20. A. saved B. killed C. hit D. shot

五. 阅读理解

When a storm is coming, most people leave the area as quickly ad possible and head for safety. But there are a few people who will get into their cars and go straight for the center of the storm. These people are willing to risk (冒…危险)being killed by floods or 100-kilometer-an-hour winds for the excitement of watching the storm close up.

―Storm chasing (追逐)‖ is becoming an increasingly popular hobby, especially in the Midwest of the United States, where there are frequent storms between March and July. A storm chaser begins the day by checking the Internet for the latest weather reports, and then drives up to 1,000 kilometers to where the storm will be and wits for it to develop.

Although anyone can do it, storm chasing is extremely dangerous. The power of a big storm can

throw a cow into the air or destroy a whole house in seconds. Storm chasers are also often hurt in accidents caused by driving in a heavy rain. If you are a beginner, it is much safer to join a group for storm-chasing vacations during the storm season.

Even then, storm chasing is not all adventure and excitement. ―Storm chasing is 95% driving,‖ says Daniel Lynch, who spends most of his summer storm-chasing. ―Sometimes you can sit around for hours waiting for something to happen, and all you get is blue sky and a few light showers.‖However, for storm chasers, it is all worth it. ―When you get close to a storm, it is the most exciting sight you will ever see in your life,‖ says Jasper Morley. ―Every storm is an example of the power of nature. It is the greatest show on Earth.‖

1. For storm chasing, the first thing storm chasers do is to .

A. head straight for the center of the storm

B. get into the car for safety

C.wait patiently for the storm to develop

D. collect information about a coming storm

2. Beginners of storm chasing are advised .

A. not to drive in a heavy rain

B. to do it in an organized way

C. not to get too close to a storm

D. to spend more time on it in summer

3. By saying ―it is all worth it‖ in the last paragraph, the author means that .

A. storm chasing costs a lot of money

B. storm chasing is worth hours of waiting

C. efforts in storm chasing are well paid

D. a storm presents the greatest show on Earth

4. What can we learn from the text?

A. Sometimes storm chasers get nothing but disappointment

B. Many storm chasers get killed in the storms.

C. Storm chasing is becoming popular around the world/

D. Storm chasing is only fit for young people.

六. 翻译句子

1. 据说那起车祸是在深夜发生的。


2. 是谁纵火烧那房子的?


3. 我们设法提前完成了工作。


4. 它们的学校坐落于市中心。


5. 该镇居民接到有洪水危险的警告。


七. 书面表达


Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia


1. --- I‘d like ________ information about the management of your hotel, please.

--- Well, you could have ________ word with the manager. He might be helpful.

A. some; a

B. an; some

C. some; some

D. an; a

2. ____ Mr. Brown's anger, it was his own son who didn't agree ____him.

A. To; with

B. Because of; to

C. With; of

D. For; on

3. Peter was puzzled _____ he read the book.

A. the first time

B. at the first time

C. for the first time

D. at first

4. ________late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.

A. To sleep

B. Sleeping

C. Sleep

D. Having slept

5. You can‘t drive your car acr oss the bridge, it ____ .

A.is repaired B.is repairing C.is being repaired D.has repaired

6. John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will ______ him ______ at the airport.

A. send ... away

B. leave ... off

C. see ... off

D. show ... around

7. It’s the present situation in poor areas that _______ much higher spending on education and training.

A. answers for

B. provided for

C. calls for

D. plans for

8. She is young for the job, but on the other ________, she is well trained.

A. way

B. situation

C. chance

D. hand

9. Measures must be ______ to keep the factories _____ going on polluting the rivers.

A.taken; from B. taken,不填 C. done; from D.done; 不填

10. He told me he had been offered a very well-paid ________.

A. business

B. service

C. work

D. position

二. 词汇训练


1. Air pollution is one of the __________ problems which Beijing is facing.

2. Rabbits ___________ holes.

3. Many buildings were badly __________ by the earthquake.

4. Few __________ after the flood.

5. The firm is now in the __________ of moving the main equipment to a new place.


1. 同意某人的话____________________

2. 阻止某人做某事_____________________

3. 干涸、枯竭____________________

4. 重新,再一次。____________________

5. (使)变成____________________

三. 同步语法练习

1. I‘m going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything ________ ?

A. to be buying

B. to buy

C. for buying

D. bought

2. They had nothing else to do but________ a doctor.

A. call for

B. to send

C. to call on

D. send for

3. Robert is said________ abroad, but I don‘t know what country he studied in.

A. to have studied

B. to study

C. to be studying

D. to have been studying

4.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,________ it more difficult.

A. not make

B. not to make

C. not making

D. do not make

5. There are five pairs ________, but I‘m at a loss which to buy.

A. to be chosen from

B. to choose from

C. to choose

D. for choosing

6. He hurried to the station, _________ the train had left.

A. having found

B. unfortunately found

C. finding

D. only to find

7. Tom did whatever he could________ those who were in trouble.

A. to help

B. help

C. helping

D. do help

8. The way they talked________ the problem seemed impossible.

A. about settling

B. to settle

C. of settling

D. about to settle

9. Every minute is made full________ of________ our lessons well.

A. to use; study

B. use; studying

C. use; to study

D. used; studying

10. The old man was once________ sing the song.

A. listened to

B. listening to

C. listened to to

D. listen to

四. 完形填空

Is the world really going mad? ___1__day I was sitting in a restaurant __2___ a quick drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly __3___ me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn‘t long __4___ the whole room was __5___ with smoke. I asked with an apology for __6___ to open a window to stop myself __7___!

Nowadays air pollution is something that hardly question any more. However, I still can‘t walk down the street in any of the big cities without ___8__ that people are __9___ the air pollution. It is time for the government departments of the world to introduce emission(废气排放) controls on all cars and __10___ the public transport system(公共交通体系) to encourage people to __11___ their cars at home.

A friend of mine takes flying lesson each morning and it really makes him __12___ when he climbs above the smog layer(烟雾) and looks down __13___ it and thinks: ―I‘m breathing that!‖ This kind of __14___ results from the bad management of resources. Waste things can __15___ should, be treated properly. House building, road __16___, and industrial development are all earthmoving(or earth-reducing) operations and can change the balances of __17___ created over millions of years. I would like to __18___serious studies done on all these main works before they are built. Also, there should be __19___ national parks set up to keep the most beautiful parts of our countries in their natural __20___.

1. A. The other B. Another C. Every D. Each

2. A. asking for B. drinking C. having D. buying

3. A. seemed B. struck C. sank D. showed

4. A. ago B. after C. before D. now

5. A. full B. filled C. crowed D. parked

6. A. promise B. help C. suggestion D. permission

7. A. standing B. sitting C. talking D. dying

8 .A. thinking B. persuading C. deciding D. learning

9. A. suffering B. dying C. walking D. standing

10. A. increase B. reduce C. improve D. raise

11. A. wash B. repair C. drive D. leave

12. A. sick B. tired C. foolish D. excited

13. A. on B. at C. from D. for

14. A. discussion B. question C. pollution D. operation

15. A. but B. yet C. still D. and

16. A. work B. construction C. building D. setting

17. A. life B. mind C. human being D. plants

18. A. see B. start C. enjoy D. pay

19. A. few B. any C. more D. no

20. A. situation B. states C. soils D. places

五. 阅读理解

Our surroundings are being polluted faster than ever and it seems that people cannot prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities, and the growing use of man-made materials.

What can explain and settle this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man—by his desire(欲望) for a modern way of life. We make "increasing industrialization"(工业化) our first aim. So we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children. There is a constant flow of people from the country-side into the cities, eager for the achievements of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twenty years, pollution has become a serious problem.

Isn't it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going—and why? It makes one think of the story about the pilot (飞行员) who told his passengers over the loudspeaker : "I've some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we‘re making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we are lost and don't know where we're going." The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when speaking of our modern society.

1. Man cannot prevent the world from being polluted because _______.

A. the population of the world is increasing faster

B. people use too many man-made materials

C. we have more industry

D. we are producing more cars, trucks and buses

2. According to the passage, what does man care most among the following?

A. Health.

B. Industry.

C. Clean air

D. The future of the children

3.The story about the pilot tells us that _______.

A. man knows where the society is going

B. people don't welcome the rapid development of modern society

C. man can do little about the problem of pollution

D. the speaker is worried about the future of our society

4. What dose the writer really want to say in the passage?

A. With the development of technology, pollution has become a serious problem.

B. We should control the speed of the development to stop pollution.

C. It's time we did something to reduce pollution.

D. As industry is growing fast, pollution is the natural result.


1. 尽管保护环境是一项艰巨的任务,但我们除了继续做别无选择


2. 环境保护是一个长期的过程,需要全人类的共同努力。


3. 人们种植防护林来保护庄稼不受风沙的袭击。


4. 近几年由于土地沙漠化,沙尘暴在中国有所增加


5. 在沙尘暴天气中人们被建议不要出门。


七. 书面表达








Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions


1. All the people _____ at the party agreed to his suggestions.

A. present

B. thankful

C. interested

D. important

2. England and France were ____ war for many years in the past.

A. with

B. in

C. at

D. of

3. Abraham Lincoln, born ____ a poor boy and brought ____ without enough care, became a great


A. of; in

B. in; about

C. of; up

D. in; down

4. Some students ____ an association of folk music, ____ was one of the most popular ones ____


A. have found; that; in

B. found; which; among

C. founded; which; with

D. find; which; about

5. The court must get justice ____.

A. doing

B. done

C. finished

D. made

6. Professor Thomson is one of the most ____ professors ____ are respected by students.

A respected; who B. respectful; who C. respected; that D. respectable; that

7. ____ the invention of computer, people were able to do a lot of complicated work within very short

time, which, in turn, ___ for people to make even more inventions.

A. Because; made it suitable

B. Because of; made it possible

C. Thanks to; made it possible

D. Due to; made it clear

8. A rumor goes ____ some terrible monsters are doing evil things on an island.

A. when

B. where

C. what

D. that

9. New York is the city ____ during the summer holiday.

A. that I visited

B. which I visited

C. where I visited

D. in which I visited

10. The place ____ the bridge is supposed to be built should be ____ the cross-river traffic is the


A. at which; where

B. at which; which

C. what; which

D. which; that



1. Ancient Chinese have followed Confucian ____ for many years.

2. Sharp changes in the society made him abandon his ____.

3. I really regret not taking your ____.

4. Early American founders believed that all men were born ____.

5. They ____ a very popular organization.


1.因…而出名___________________ 2. 和…相似____________________

3. 责任感________________________

4. 做出贡献______________________

5. 伸张正义_______________________


1. I walked into a garden, ____ Tom and Jim were planting trees.

A. which

B. when

C. where

D. that

2. ____ I have mentioned, this kind of medicine is very effective.

A. As

B. When

C. After

D. Since

3. The way he solved the problem was different ____ we were familiar with.

A. in which

B. to what

C. from which

D. from what

4. My hometown is not ____ it used to be 20 years ago ____ it was poorly built.

A. what; when

B. that; which;

C. what; which

D. which; that

5. This is the small town ____ I told you I have worked for ten years.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. what

6. I visited the city ____ I spent my university life.

A. when

B. which

C. where

D. what

7. People ____ smoke cigarettes get more chance of having cancer than those ____ don‘t.

A. who; 不填

B. 不填;who

C. who; who

D. 不填; 不填

8. We are trying to reach the very point ____ two sides can sit down and talk peacefully.

A. when

B. which

C. that

D. where

9. Parents must take care of their children until they reach the point ____ they can live all by themselves.

A. when

B. that C where D. which

10. There are some moments in life ____ you really regret for what you‘ve done.

A. in which

B. when

C. that

D. why

四. 完形填空

I did very badly at school. My teachers thought I was 1 and when I was 14 he said:

―You‘re never going to be 2 but a failure.‖

After fiver years of 3 jobs, I felt in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best 4 that could have happened to me. I 5 I wanted to do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove to 6 that what people said about me was 7 especially her mother, who had said to me: ―Let‘s 8 it, you‘ve failed at everything you‘ve ever done.‖ So I tried hard with my 9 and went to college. My first novel 10 while I was at college.

After college I taught during the 11 in high schools and attended evening classes at London University where I got a 12 in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of 13 that job to write full time. 14 I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself---- 15 was a working class boy who‘d

16 school early, now teaching at the university.

My writing career took off when I discovered my own style. Now I‘m rich and 17 , have

been on TV, and met lots of film stars. 18 what does it mean? I 19 wish all the people that have put me down had 20 : ― I believe in you. You‘ll succeed.‖

1. A. bright B. useless C. simple D. hopeful

2. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

3. A. low B. poor C. good D. useful

4. A. support B. happiness C. surprise D. thing

5. A. admitted B. decided C. planned D. told

6. A. me B. them C. her D. it

7. A. wrong B. right C. stupid D. faulty

8. A. see B. know C. understand D. face

9. A. experiment B. practice C. writing D. composition

10. A. came on B. came in C. came out D. came back

11. A. day B. night C. month D. year

12. A. graduation B. pass C. degree D. success

13. A. giving in B. giving back C. giving out D. giving up

14. A. while B. if C. when D. or

15. A. there B. here C. it D. that

16. A. left B. attended C. changed D. graduated

17. A. tired B. calm C. nervous D. famous

18 A. And B. But C. However D. Well

19. A. just B exactly C. so D. very

20. A. praised B. said C. answered D. advised

五. 阅读理解

Thomas Edison was more responsible than any one else for creating the modern world. No one did more to shape the physical character of our present day civilization. Accordingly, he was the most influential figure of the millennium.

Once he sai d, ―I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others. I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent.‖

One day when the famous American scientist Edison was on his way home, a young man stopped him and required to have a word with him. Edison accepted his request.

The young man asked, ―How, Mr. Edison, can you invent so many things and achieve your fame?‖The scientist said, ―it seems that you have been thinking of becoming famous every day. ―

The young man nodded, ―Yes, I have been dreaming of being a person as notable as you. Every minute I am thinking of how to become reputable. I don‘t know when I can achieve my fame.‖Edison told him, ―Don‘t worry, young man. If you want to be a famous man this way, you will have to wait until you die!‖―Why should I?‖ the young man was puzzled. Edison said, ―What you dreamed is actually a high building. You never think of how to build it with bricks. Thus the building will never come into reality. However, your story can serve as a mirror. People will remember you

because of your idleness and laziness. They will often speak of your name while they give warning to their children. Aren‘t you a notorious person by then?‖ The young man felt very shameful.

1. The man asked Edison to tell him _______.

A. how to invent new things

B. how to become famous

C. how he became a nobleman

D. how to become a scientist

2. After hearing the talk, the young man was puzzled because Edison told him ____.

A. he would die after he was famous

B. he would be famous before he died

C. he would die before he was famous

D. he would never be famous

3. What does the underlined word ―notorious‖ mean?

A. widely known for something good

B. widely known for something bad

C. a bit known for something

D. famous for nothing

4. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Famous after Death

B. How Edison Became Famous

C. A Talk with Edison

D. A Building and Bricks

六. 翻译句子

1 以孔子为代表的哲学家生活在一个诸侯国纷争的时代。








5. 在蒸汽机发明后的很长时间里它依旧作为主要的能量来源。




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