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Test 1 Study Guide

1. Characteristics of African Music preserved in early African-American Music


-Syncopation 切分节奏

-Overlapping Call and Response 重叠的问答形式

-Dominance of Percussion 打击乐器占主要

-Polyrhythm 复节奏型

-Metronomic Sense 强烈的节奏感

2. Why is Minstrelsy important?为什么滑稽说唱表演非常重要?

-It created America’s first pop music影响了最初美国流行音乐的形成。

-It created interest in African-American Culture 使美国黑人文化得到社会注意。

-It gave African-American musicians opportunity to be professional musicians


3. Define Spirituals, Work Songs, Gospel and Blues and name similarities and differences between them.



- Spiritual: Sung before or after work. Has religious themes and is more serious. Spiritual:在工作之外的时间演唱,主要是一些宗教话题及一些更为严肃的题材。

-Work Song: Sung during work to pass the time and to give the work a speed and

Rhythm. May or may not have religious themes.

Work Song:在工作时演唱,主要是起到娱乐自己及协调劳动的作用。有或着没


-Gospel: Sung in church during religious worship. Has religious themes.


-Blues: Sung at the bar at night, does not have religious themes. Theme is overcoming

difficult times and surviving.



Similarities: All of them have call and response, ornamentation, improvisation, blue notes, and syncopation.



Differences: The themes and occasions vary. Blues is the only one which requires

instrumental accompaniment.


4. What is the difference between standard blues and country blues?


-country blues does not have strict rules of form and harmony, but uses

an AAB lyric pattern as its form.乡村布鲁斯在和声及结构上有没有较为严谨的规则,但是它运用 AAB的曲式结构模式。

-standard blues has a 12-bar AAB form with standard chord changes.典型布鲁斯有12小节的AAB曲式结构,及较为典型的和声结构。

5. Important blues musicians


-Robert Johnson:composer of “Crossroads” and “the Devil and Me Blues”.

Robert Johnson is an important blues guitarist and singer of country blues who sang about making a deal with the devil to make him the best guitarist in the world in

exchange for his soul.



-W.C. Handy:Composer of “Memphis Blues” and “St. Louis Blues”. The first

composer to write down and publish blues compositions and standardize the blues.

W.C 汉迪:创作有“孟斐斯1布鲁斯”及“St路易斯布鲁斯”。他是第一个将布鲁斯写下并出版,及规范布鲁斯结构的作曲家。

-Ma Rainey: Vaudeville performer and the first successful blues singer in 1902 and became known as the mother of the blues.

Ma Rainey:歌舞杂耍演员及1902年成为第一个成功的布鲁斯歌手,被认为是布鲁斯之母。

-Mamie Smith:Made the first vocal blues recording in 1920 “Crazy Blues”


-Bessie Smith: records her first blues reco rd “Down Hearted Blues” in 1923 and it sells 750,000 copies in one year for the Columbia Label.

1923年贝茜?史密斯录制了她个人的第一张布鲁斯专辑“Down Hearted Blues”,这张专辑在一年里达到了75万张的销量。

1 [史]孟斐斯(古埃及城市,废墟在今开罗之南)

5. What is the difference between standard blues and jazz blues?


-jazz blues has the addition of minor chords and ii-V-I chord progressions


-jazz blues does not have usually have lyrics


-jazz blues uses additional scales for melodic material


6. Name important dates for the development of recording technology and jazz recordings.


-1877: Edison makes the first sound recording using a tin-foil cylinder.


-1907: Victor introduces the Victrola Phonograph cabinet


-1917: First Jazz Recording by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band “Livery Stable Blues” and “the Original Jass Band One Step”

1917年Original Dixieland Jazz Band录制了第一个爵士唱片,歌名为 Livery Stable Blues 和 the Original Jass Band One Step

-1923: Bessie Smith records her first blues record “Down Hearted Blues” and it sells 750,000 copies in one year for the Columbia Label.

1923年贝茜?史密斯录制了她个人的第一张布鲁斯专辑“Down Hearted Blues”,这张专辑在一年里达到了75万张的销量。

-1925: Recording Technology takes a leap forward when electric recording becomes possible using microphones. Sound fidelity is greatly enhanced.


7. What two styles of music led directly to Jazz.


-Blues and Ragtime布鲁斯和拉格泰姆音乐

8. Characteristics of Ragtime.



-Written compositions是被写在乐曲上的

-Primarily used as dance music首先是被用来作为伴舞的音乐

-Syncopation of popular songs know as “ragging”将当时较流行的歌曲用切分音的形式演奏就成为“ragging”

9. Important Ragtime musicians.


-Scott Joplin: Composer of the “Maple Leaf Rag”

-James Reese Europe: Conductor of the Castles Ragtime band

-the Castles: popularized ragtime dances such as the “Fox Trot”

10. How did Ragtime music evolve into Jazz?


-The slow infusion of blues and improvisation into Ragtime and loosening of the

rhythmic feeling led directly to jazz.


11. Who was the first jazz musician, what did he play and where did he work?


-Buddy Bolden: played the cornet and worked in Storyville, the red-light district of New Orleans.


12. Who was the first jazz composer, what did he play and where did he work?


-Jelly Roll Morton: played the piano and was the first jazz artist to write down his

compositions. He also worked in Storyville.


13. What are the differences between Scott Joplin’s “Maple Leaf Rag” and Jelly Roll Morton’s “Maple Leaf Rag”?

对比一下Scott Joplin 的“Maple Leaf Rag” 与Jelly Roll Morton 的“Maple Leaf Rag”有何区别?

-Jelly Roll Morton plays swinging 8th notes and places more emphasis on beats 2 and 4 giving it a feeling of 2/4 meter or cut time. 果冻卷?莫顿在弹奏8分音符使用了“摇摆8分音”,将中音移到第2拍及第4拍,这样给人的感觉更像是2拍。

-Jelly Roll Morton plays some improvised figures and uses some blues harmony.


14. What is the instrumentation of the classic New Orleans jazz bands and what are some orchestration techniques used by them?


-String Bass, Banjo/Guitar, Drums, Cornet/Trumpet, Clarinet, Trombone 低音贝大提琴,班卓琴/吉它,鼓,短号/小号,黑管,长号

-Orchestration features group improvisation with Cornet/Trumpet playing the lead, trombone playing an improvised melodic bass line and Clarinet playing an

improvised obbligato part. Solos are done with everyone playing at the same time

or in stop time. Bands use head arrangements and improvised ensemble parts.


15.Know who the following people are and what they are known for.


Joe “King” Oliver

-He was a Cornet player and leader of the King Oliver Creole Jazz

Band. This band was one of the most widely known of the New Oreleans jazz bands and they made many recordings in Chicago in 1923.

Joe “King” Oliver短号演奏家及King Oliver Creole2 Jazz的乐队长。这支乐队是新奥尔良地区最出名的乐队,并且在1923年的芝加哥录制大量的专辑。

- King Oliver was Louis Armstron g’s teacher and mentor and Armstrong performed with his Creole Jazz Band.

“King” Oliver是路易阿姆斯特朗的老师、指导者,阿姆斯特朗曾与他一起在这个Creole乐队里演出。

- King Oliver used vocal effects on the cornet using mutes.

King Olive在短号演奏中加入弱音器来营造出模仿出人声的效果。

Sidney Bechet

-He was a clarinet and soprano saxophone player and one of the most important

virtuoso soloists of the New Orleans era 著名的黑管及高音萨克斯风手,新奥尔良地区有名的独奏者。

-His solos are very bluesy and many classical musicians of the time regarded him as An “artist of genius”.他的独奏风格主要是布鲁斯,当时许多著名的古典音乐家称他为“艺术天才”。

Louis Armstrong

-He was a cornet and trumpet player and singer who is recognized as the father of modern jazz and an artist who elevated jazz from a folk music to a high artform.路易阿姆斯特朗,著名的短号、小号手,同时还兼具歌手的位置。他被认为是现代爵士乐之父,并将爵士乐的艺术价值从一个下层的民谣民歌提升到一个更高的地位。

-He was the most powerful trumpet player of the period and could play louder and higher notes than anyone else.他是一个最具力量型的小号手,比当时任何一个小号演奏家所演奏的声音更大,演奏得音更高。


-He steered the trend of New Orleans Jazz away from group improvisation and

towards solo improvisation.他将新奥尔良爵士从原来的集体即兴逐渐带入到单独某个乐器的即兴演奏。

-His solos were highly organized and virtuosic and he brought worldwide attention to jazz.


Bix Beiderbeike

- The second leading trumpet player of the New Orleans Jazz era.


- Bix was important for developing a style unique to Chicago sometimes called

Chicago Jazz.


- Bix and his colleagues were white and were first influenced by the Original

Dixieland Jazz Band and another white band called the New Orleans Rhythm


Bix及他的同僚都是白人,他们受到当时的风靡一时的“Original Dixieland Jazz Band”和另一个叫做“New Orleans Rhythm Kings”的影响.

- Bix played a different style than Armstrong. Whereas Armstrong played very high notes with a lot of vibrato, Bix played in a medium range without much vibrato and his playing was very melodic and emphasized some extensions such as the 9th and 13th making his playing sound less powerful and more thoughtful and lighter.


- Bix was not famous and died in 1931 at age 28, but he was very influential to jazz Musicians of the time.


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