当前位置:文档之家› 新目标英语八年级下册第五单元英语说课稿




The Introduction of the teaching plan

For section B(1-2c) unit 5 section B (go for it)

I have the honor to reveal my analysis of English lesson here. I’d like to say I’ll try my best not to let all of you down. As teachers ,if you want to have an excellent class of English ,especially an open class to many experts like all of you, we should have to dig into the teaching material ,analyze the teaching material. However, I think we should take these parts into consideration.

①Teaching m aterial and the students

②teaching methods

③learning methods


⑤blackboard design and assessment.

Ok, let me say something about my teaching plan for unit 5 section B. Today the first I’ll talk about is the first part “Analysis of the Teachi ng Material and students”

Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material and students

(一) status and function

The topic of this unit is about decision making. Such topic is related to daily life of students, so it is helpful to raise learning interest of students and it will be helpful to improve their spoken English. This unit is divided into two parts: Section A and Section B. Section B is divided into two periods. This period is the first lesson of Unit 5 section B. It introduces new vocabulary while recycling the language presented in Section A. All activities help students integrate the new target language with the language studied in Section A. This recycling reinforces previous language learning while providing additional practice with newly learned language. It also increases the students listening and speaking ability by listening practice and pair work talking

(二) Teaching Aims and Demands

The teaching aims basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus provision. In accordance with the analysis of teaching material and the requirements of “go for it" English teaching syllabuses. The focus of teaching should be laid on grasping key vocabulary and structures, and developing the students’ ability of communication. So I’ve designe d the following aims and demands

1. Knowledge objects

Key vocabulary: agent; make money;

travel around the world; get an education

Target language:

I think you should go to college

But if I go to college, I’ll never become a great soccer player.

2. Ability objects:

To train students’ ability of listening and speaking

To train students’ ability of communication

3. Moral objects:

Money isn’t everything.

To be interested in taking part in activities in English class

(三)Teaching key points and difficult points

1. Key points:

key phrases:

travel around the world; make money; get an education

key structures: I think you should …。If I… I’ll never…

2. Difficult points:

how to train and improve students’ listening ability.

(四) Analysis of the students

The Ss has learned English for about two years so far. Although they are all from the rural area, they can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.

1. The students don’t have large vocabulary.

2. The students seldom communicate in English in normal times.

3. The students are lacking in listening and speaking skills.

4. The gap of the Ss’ knowledge level in the same class is quite wide

(五) Teaching aids

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, some money and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

Part Two The Teaching Methods

1. Communicative teaching method

2. listening and speaking methods

3. Task-based teaching method

As we all know,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Junior Middle School is to train students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative teaching method” ,“listening and speaking teaching method ” and

“Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange some activities: free talking, listening and answering, oral practice, acting out and having a competition. Above all, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the conversation.

Part Three The Le arning Method─cooperation

The students will finish some tasks in limited time to improve their listening and speaking skills. The students will take part in some activities like working in pairs, discussing in pairs. Each unit in “Go for it” contains pair work, group work and games. The students who sit at the same table and groups can make a discussion and learn each other. It makes each student be relaxed. They needn’t worry about making

mistakes.It can arouse students to think and to say what they want to say. Study will become more relaxed and pleased in this kind of environment.

Part Four Teaching Procedure

一Teaching steps

Step 1 Leading in

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, sir!

T: (Take out a piece of bill) Look! What’s this?

Ss: Money.

T: Who likes it? Hands up?

Ss: (Ss all put up their hands)

T: (kiss the money) me, too. (Put the bill in the pocket)

Ss: (Ss all laugh)

T: (Show a man who is holding plenty of money)

Ss: Wow.

T: If I have so much money, I will give some to the poor students in our class, and if they work hard, I will give them more. If you have so much money, what will you do? Work in pairs and talk about it.

(Students are talking about it in pairs; they have enough words to say)…

(Talk about the question with many students.)

T: S1, If you have so much money, what will you do?

S1: If I have so much money, I will give some money to my parents.

T: You are so kind. Don’t you want to travel around the world?( translate into Chinese if necessary; Teach: travel around the world)

S1: I think I will.

T: S2, what about you?

S2: If I have so much money, I will buy some new clothes for my parents. They are very hard-working.

T: That’s a good idea. Don’t you want to get an education? (Translate into Chinese if necessary; teach: get an education)

S2: Yes, I am sure I will go to college.

T: If you work hard, I think you will go to college.

S2: I think so.

T: S3, if you have so much money, what will you do?

S3: I will open up a company and make more money.

T: That’s great. May you success!

S3: Thank you.

( Ask more students to talk about it )…

T: If we have so much money, we will do a lot of things with the money. So money is very important for us; S4, do you think money is everything? (Translate into Chinese if necessary)

S4: I think money isn’t everything.

T: I agree with you. Money isn’t everything.

Purpose of my designing: I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss and at the same time it is necessary to provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step and present some new words and phrases.

Step 2 Study the phrases

T shows the phrases in Activity 1 and let Ss read and learn.

Step 3 Circle and survey

1. T: Look at the things in Activity 1, which of the things are the most important to you? Circle three things.

(Ss circle. Wait for a moment)

T: What is the most important thing to you?

S5: To go to college.( help if necessary)

T: What’s the second?

S5: …

T: What’s the third?

S5: …

(Ask more students to say)

2. T: Please work in groups of six, and count up the number of the students in your group, then fill in the chart.

3. T: Let’s collect the number of students in each group and Show the most students in each item.

_____ think _____ is the most important thing to them, ______ think _____ is the second important thing to them, and _____ think _____ is the third important thing to them.

Purpose of my designing: To provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step listening and make sure the Ss can grasp the key words and phrases and learn to express their own opinion

Step 4 Listen and write “A” or “P”

T: Look at the pictures in Activity 2a, we can see two pictures, the first picture is about Michael and a soccer agent (teach: agent), and the second picture is about Michael and his parents. And we will hear two conversations, Conversation One is about Michael and the soccer agent, Conversation Two is about Michael and his parents. Listen to the recording and write “A” or “P” in the blanks.

A----- a soccer agent

P----- Michael’s parents

(Make sure they know the letters’ meaning)

(T plays the recording for the first time, Ss listen. T plays the recording for the second time, Ss write “A” or “P”)

Correct the answers with the students.

Purpose of my designing: to give students practice n the target languages in spoken conversation

Step 5 Listen and complete

T: Look at the sentences in Activity 2b, read the sentences first.

(Students read loudly)

T: Listen to the recording, Listen to the first sentence as a model. (Play the recording; let them know the first sentence) now please complete the other sentences)

(Continue playing the recording, Ss match the other sentences)

Correct the answers with the students.

Let Ss read the typescripts on Page 89 Section B 2a, 2b.

Purpose of my designing: in order to give students additional listening practice

Step 6 giving some advice

T: (Show a picture of the Lions) Look at the picture, the Lions are great teams and won a lot of gold medals. They are very famous. But Michael can’t decide whether he will join the Lions, what should he do? If you are Michael,

your classmates are giving you some advice, how about the advice? Write down the consequence.

Ss work in pairs and fill the chart.

Ask some students to say.


Zhang Ming thinks I should become a Lion, if I become a lion, I will be happy. But Chen Li thinks I should go to college, if I go to college, I won’t become a soccer player. Lu Ting thinks I shouldn’t Join the Lions, if I join the Lions, I won’t be fam ous.

Purpose of my designing: this task is to guide oral practice using the target language. “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of cooperation will be well trained. Tell the Ss how to make decisions and talk about consequences according to the listening material .I

think proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.

Step 7. Summary and homework.

Summarize what they have learned in this period. Ask the students : what job do you want to do in the future ? do you want to be famous ?do you like to make a lot of money? go on discussing after class.

Purpose: It’s important for students to speak English as much as possible in class or after class. It’s necessary for them to do some extensive exercise after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

Part Four:Blackboard Design and Assessment

How to use the blackboard


The valuation of my teaching

My students are real masters in class. With the help of the tasks and activities, it's easy to learn and understand the content. Training the students oral and speaking ability is another character. All my students have chances to practice their listening and oral English. 95℅of them can master the content. They are lack of vocabulary, so they need give us many new ideas by sample conversations.


Unit 4 Where’s my backpack 一、说教材 (一)、教材分析 本课是人教版新目标英语七年级上册第四单元的第一节课时。本单元的话题是谈论物品的位置。通过单元学习,要求学生在掌握物品名称的基础上用方位介词熟练地表达物品的位置,并能对where问句进行提问并回答。本课SectionA分为两部分,第一部分主要围绕物品名称及位置进行思维(1a)、听力(1b)、会话(1c)三方面对Where’s/ Whereare…?句型进行训练。第二部分是通过谈论位置展开听力(2a—2b)、会话(2c)训练。我根据教材特点,将一些内容进行整合,把1b、2a和2b合起来训练学生的听力,1c和2c合起来训练学生的口头表达能力,让学生系统地学好本课的目标语言。 (二)、教学目标 根据英语新课标,教材大纲的要求和学情(学生对感兴趣的话题较愿意表达)确立教学目标如下: 1、知识目标 (1)、掌握本课的重点词汇。 chair, sofa, table,bed,dresser,drawer,plant,bookcase, where under,on, they. (2)、掌握并灵活运用重点句型。 Where’s the backpack? It’s under the table. Where are the books? They are on the sofa. (3)、掌握方位介词in , on , under的用法。 2、能力目标 (1)、学会描述物品的位置,并能就物品位置进行提问和回答。 (2)、能对方位介词in,on,under加以灵活运用。

(3)、培养学生的语言运用能力和绘画能力。 3、情感目标 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,乐于参与课堂活动的积极情感。 (三)、教学重点和难点 根据本课在教材中所处的地位和作用,我确立本课的重难点如下: 1、重点:学习掌握用Where’s/Where are…?句型询问物品的位置和运用方位介词in、on、under描述物品所在的位置。 2、难点:能够确凿运用方位介词in/on/under描述物品所在的位置。 (四)、学情分析 初中学生的抽象思维能力较低,形象思维能力强,但注意力简易分散。因此,在教学过程中我精心设计各种游戏活动;给学生展示丰富多彩的画面,从而增强学生的兴趣和唤起他们的学习注意力,进而充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性。 二、说教法 为了达到本课的教学目标,更好地突出重点、突破难点,根据英语新课标的要求并结合教学内容。我主要采用的教学法是: 1、情景交际法:课堂教学以情景交际法为主,尽量给学生以足够的听说读的机会。本课我利用课件展示一些图片为学生创设真实的语境,让学生在真实或模拟真实的情境中感知语言,体会语言,掌握语言的应用,同时,在学生运用语言过程中学会和他人进行交际。 2、游戏法:本课我为学生设计了快速说单词和接龙游戏,启发学生的思维,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生大胆地参与游戏活动,巩固已学知识。 3、听说法:通过听录音,pairwork巩固句型,加强听说训练。


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did.No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。—yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。

2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at the screen. Say: Look at the picture A. Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to mountains. Ask: What did the person do in each picture? 2. Play the recording the first time. 3. Play the recording a second time. Say: There are three conversations. The people talk about what did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes of the picture. 4. Check the answers. IV.Pair work 1. Point out the sample conversation. Ask two Ss to read the conversation to the class. 2. Now work with a partner. Make your own conversation about the people


人教版新目标英语九年级下册Unit 10 测试 Unit 10 听力 限时:20分钟满分:20分一、听录音,选图片(每小题1分,共5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5.

A. B. C. 二、听对话和问题,选择正确的答案(每小题1分,共5分) 6. A. Shake hands. B. Bow. C. Kiss. 7. A. Some flowers. B. A basketball. C. A box of chocolate. 8. A. Table manners. B. Some sayings. C. Food. 9. A. fish B. beef C. chicken 10. A. China. B. South Korea. C. Canada. 三、听两段长对话,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题 11. What happened to John? A. He had an easy exam. B. He may fail an exam. C. He lost interest in study. 12. What's the girl's advice for him? A. Try to change the result. B. Try to pay more attention to the exam. C. Try to pay more attention to the future study. 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题 13. Why does not Lingling eat too many peaches in summer? A. Because she doesn't like peaches. B. Because eating too many of them may make you uncomfortable. C. Because they are too expensive. 14. How may you feel if you eat too many peaches? A. Very hot. B. Very angry. C. Very thirsty.

新目标英语全英说课稿七年级Unit6 It’s raining!

Go For It Unit6 It’s raining! Good morning, everyone!I’m Yang Xiaoying from Longj iadian Middle School.It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you .The content of my lesson is Section A of Unit 6 It’s raining.It’s from Grade 7 in Go For It.I’ll prepare to say the lesson from five parts. 一. Analysis of the teaching material 1. Status and function: The main topic of unit 6 is “the weather”and What’s happening? In this unit,the students will learn to talk about different kinds of weather.This is a topic that is related to their daily life,so it can raise their learning interests and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English. 2. Teaching aims and demands: A.: Knowledge objects To learn the target words raining, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowing in this lesson. The target sentence construction in this lesson is: How is the weather? It’s……. B.: Ability objects : (1) To develop the Ss' abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2) To train the Ss' abilities of working in pairs. (3) To develop the Ss' abilities of communication by learning the useful structures. C.:Emotion objects: To train the students to love nature, and develop their good friendship. 3. Difficult and important points: To get the local weather information by using their knowledge which they have learnt. 4. Teaching aids: Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, They will be needed in this lesson. 二. Analysis of the students The Ss have learned English for about one year so far. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English

【新目标八年级下英语教学案例】 新目标八年级下册英语

【新目标八年级下英语教学案例】新目标八年级下册英语 新目标八年级下英语教学案例Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? (Section A) 海原三中马玉兰[设计理念]以任务为中心的任务型语言教学是目前交际教学思想中的一种新的发展形态。它倡导“在做中学,在做中用”的教育理念,将语言应用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。运用学习任务组织教学,强化了语言实践的过程,充分体现了语言的交际本质。在英语课堂上,实施任务和开展活动具有很大的挑战性,需要在实际操作中对教材进行重新整合,并要根据学生的环境和接受能力来开展行之有效的任务和活动。同时利用多媒体和网络技术,帮助解决教学难题。这样,既能为学生创设真实可视的英语学习环境,也能激发学生积极参与的欲望,引起学生的共鸣和兴趣。 [教材分析]教学内容为新目标英语八年级上册第六单元Section A 。学习内容主要体现在以下三点: 1. 学习并掌握下列单词: allow, wrong. midnight, guess, deal, 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达: What’s wrong? Look through big deal work out too much, too many, get into a fight with sb, allow sb to do sth, so that, be good at doing, find sb doing, No problem. 3. 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式: A: What’s wrong? B: I’m really tired because I studied until midnight last night. A: Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening? [学生分析]1、利用多媒体课件上英语课,学生视听感受明显,表现出极大兴趣,在欣赏和享受中学习,学习效果很明显。 2、对于我校学生以前已经接触过给人礼貌提建议的句型结构。通过对本课的学习可以系统的学习如何表达自己的麻烦和苦以及给人合理的,好的建议。掌握用正确的语言结构表达自己及他人的麻烦和苦恼并给于相应的建议。 [教学目标]1、知识目标:通过听说训练,学会谈论问题并给出相应建议, 注意连词的使用。 2、能力目标:培养学生的口头表达能力、阅读理解能力和写作能力。 3、情感文化目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生善于表达自己的问题,并乐于找到解决的办法,建立开朗健康的人格。 [教学重难点]1、Talk about problems and give advice. 正确使用本课常用表达; 听力训练。 教学方法:情景教学法; 任务型教学法。 Step 1 Lead-in T:I had a fight with my best friends yesterday.What should I do ? S:You should say “sorry ”to him . T:What other good advice can you give me ? S:You could write a letter to him. T:Now ,You can also say “Why don”t you say “sorry ”to him? And “Why don’t you write a letter to your friend? 设计目的:[1、平时师生间接触多,但学生与老师的家人接触甚少,利用学生的心理和想象空间,调动学生的学习兴趣,增进师生间的相互了解。2、了解学生对已学过的形容词比较级和最高级的掌握程度,为下一步巩固学习做好铺垫。]Step 2 Revision 1、Revise the problems that you have learnt before.: Divide the class into four groups and have a competition.See which group of the students can get as much as


Unit 11 Could you tell me where restrooms are? 内容提示 本单元围绕问路这个话题,让学生学会礼貌地询问信息,熟练地表达问路和为他人指明方位,学会利用形容词描述某地的环境。引导学生正确地利用业余时间,提高学生对公共场所卫生环境的认识。通过各种活动提高学生运用英语的能力。 语言目标 1.学会问路以达到购物或办事目的。 2.学会为他人指明方向和路线。 3.学会利用活动和购物场所来表达自己的爱好和看法。 认知目标 1.学习礼貌地询问信息。 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Excuse me.Do you know where I can save money? 2.学习含宾语从句的间接问句,对宾语从句的形式进行归纳、总结。 情感目标 通过帮助别人来培养乐于助人的良好思想品德。 课时安排 4课时 第一课时:Section A:la,1b,lc,2a,2b,2c 第二课时:Section A:3a,3b,4

第三课时:Section B:la,lb,2a,2b,2c 第四课时:Section B:3a,3b,3c 4 and Self check 第一课时 教学目标 1.学会问路以达到购物或办事的目的。 2.学会为他人指明方位以达到帮助他人的目的。 教学过程 一、导入: 教师可以使用学生熟悉的生活用品图片。上课时,教师先问:What’s this? What’re they? 让学生快速回答。我们可以选择下列图片shampoo,magazines,dictionary,writing paper,some stamps等等。 教师要对一些新单词进行解释。接着问学生:Where can you do the following things? 例如:buy shampoo,get some magazines,make a telephone call,get a dictionary,get some information about the town, buy some writing paper,buy some stamps,save money等,让学生举手回答, 说明:可能学生会有多种多样的答案,我们要鼓励学生踊跃发言。让学生在轻松的气氛中进入最佳的学习状态。 二、介绍: 介绍目标语言:Can you tell me where the main office? Could you tell me how to get to the library?


人教版七年级下册英语说课稿 一、说教材 (一)教材概述 本课是人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit 8 Id like some noodles.第一课时。本单元的中心话题是学会如何在饭店订餐以及进行简单的广告或海报的简单写作,本课时要求掌握基本点餐需要的词汇及基本用语,如面条,饮料等的种类及碗的大小的表达。主要语言点要求掌握would like的用法,列出具体句型。通过本课的学习进一步培养 学生的跨文化意识和语言综合运用能力。 (二)教学目标 1、知识与能力目标 (1)、语言知识目标:通过学习是学生掌握并能熟练运用四会三会词语、句型,并对可数名词和不可数名词的进一步学习与区分。Words: noodle beef cabbage potato special size bowl mutton Sentences: What kind of noodles would you like? / What size bowl of noodles would you like? Id like some …. (2)、语言技能目标:能运用所学词汇、句型点餐,能在真实情景中 熟练运用。 2、过程与方法目标:培养学生自主学习的能力、语言综合运用能力、听力、英语会话能力、与他人合作的能力。

、情感态度与价值观目标:通过创设真实的点餐情景,让学生身临3.其境感受和体验,使语言学以致用,做到“在用中学,在学中用”, 激发学生的学习积极性。体会在活动中学习英语的乐趣。培养学生乐于与他人合作的精神及养成科学的饮食习惯。 4、文化意识目标:通过对中、西方在饮食及用餐方面异同的对比, 对祖国饮食文化能有更深刻的了解。乐于了解异国文化,加强对文化差异的理解与认识。 5、学习策略目标:通过学习,使学生在一定程度上形成自主学习、 探究学习、合作学习的习惯,有效培养学生的英语思维能力。(三)、教学重点与难点 重点:1、学习日常生活中有关食物的名称。 2、进一步学习与区分可数名词与不可数名词。 3、含有 would like 的特殊疑问句及其回答。 难点: 1、would like 的用法及其与like在用法上的区别。 2、模拟生活场景点菜、用餐,并在该情景中运用当堂所学词汇和句 子进行操练。 二、说学生 七年级学生的特点:在知识基础方面缺少丰富的语言基础,对某些任务的完成有一定的难度;思维能力方面虽有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,但知识扩展运用的能力有待培养。有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但部分学生存在不自信、羞于表现等思想顾虑;鼓励他们勇于张嘴。此外, 学生对有关食物的单词掌握不多,所以,本课预习作业为查找有关


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 —yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp 3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the activity,point to the sample answer. 4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d III. Listening 1. Point to the picture on the screen. Say: Look at the picture A. Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to mountains. Ask: What did the person do in each picture? 2. Play the recording the first time. 3. Play the recording a second time. Say: There are three conversations. The people talk about what did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes of the picture. 4. Check the answers. IV.Pair work 1. Point out the sample conversation. Ask two Ss to read the conversation to the class.


i on? o n A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: e lf 能掌握以下句型: — i o — a ins. — — . — e? —Y ./N ’ . 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词some i ng等的用法。 — f等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点

1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词some i ng等的用法。 2) f等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱo n . . s. . . h ing a . N t: N Y . , r camp . N e r es next to the name of the i ty,r. . . r s: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d

n ing . n. r e . a ins. r e? . time. . d time. . . r e. . r s. IV.Pair work . . . . N . r e. . .r oom and give any help they need. . o ns. n ing . ’ . .Yes, or No.


Unit 4 Don’t eat in class!(SectionA1a—2d) 说课稿 各位老师:大家好!今天我说课的容是新目标英语七年级(下册)Unit4 Don’t eat in class!(Section A 1a to 2d)第一课时的容。我将从教材分析、学生分析、教学目标、教学重难点、教学策略、教学过程以及教学反思来说说本节课的教学设计。 一、说教材分析 本单元是人教版《新目标》七年级下册第四单元。本单元的话题Talk about rules.与日常生活密切相关。作为一名中学生,遵守学校班级、家庭和社会公共场所的规章制度是必须的。在谈论规则时,一般运用祈使句、情态动词can和have to等。因此,本单元对于提升学生的学习兴趣和提高学生的听、说、读、写能力有很大的帮助。 二、二.说学生情况 七年级学生刚由小学生转型过来,胆子大,模仿能力强且具有较强的表现欲与参与意识,容易激发他们对英语的浓厚兴趣,活动是他们自由表现的天地。因此,在教学设计中,要在注重学生原有知识和经验,注重他们的生活实际的基础上,课堂尽量使用直观教学法,使学生感到熟悉,容易接受和操作,使他们在真实的语境中进行交际,在此基础上拓展他们的语言知识。以活动为途径,让学生充分参与和体验,使学生的学习过程充分体现和发挥学生的主体性作用。 说导学目标 (1)知识目标: 这一单元主要话题是“Talk about rules谈论规则”,其中主要涉及如下: A、谈论规则,并制定规则。

B、祈使句和情态动词 Can 和 have to的用法。 C、日常交际用语 D、词汇:rule、classroom、hallway、 fight、 have to等。 (2)能力目标: 培养学生运用所学句型谈论规则的能力,并培养学生遵守规则的习惯。 (3)情感态度目标: A、使学生感受到自觉遵守各项规章制度的好处。 B、学生在遵守规则的过程中会体验到不同的情感。 四、说教学重点、难点 (1)教学学重点:用祈使句的否定形式来谈论规则Rules. (2)教学难点:情态动词can及其否定形式can’t 的意义用法。 五、说教学方法 (1)教法说明 ①直观教学法:我将充分利用图片与视频,创设真实的情景,引起学生学习兴趣。 ②听说教学法:以听、说、读、写练为主,通过对本课重点句型的学习,培养学生听力、口语以及书面语的能力。 ③任务型教学法:在教学活动中我设计了各种活动如结对活动、小组合作,促使学生为用而学,增强集体荣誉感。 (2)学法 ①自主学习:能提前预习课文及相关知识,使其对教师教学容起补充作用。 ②合作探究学习:采用小组合作的学习方式,使他们能够相互交流,从而获得知识和技能,能体会至成功的快乐。


人教版新目标英语八年级下册全册教案 Unit 1 What’s the matter? Teaching goals: 1. 词汇.让学生熟记这些单词,能够很熟练地指出表示身体部位的某些 单词. 2. 能够用所学的单词谈论身体并且能给出中肯的建议. 3. 通过听力练习,争取能够提高学生的听力能力. Important points: 1. words . 2. Sentences: I have a headache. You should go to bed. He has a stomachache. He shouldn’t go to bed. She has a toothache. She should see a dentist. Difficulty points: How to talk about the health and give the advice . Period 1 Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1. sing a song and do some actions 2. Play a game and revise some words we have learned. 3. (Today we’ll learn some parts of the body .) Look at the picture and teach new words. Step 2 Pre-task 1. Read the new words by the Ss first . 2. Then check the Ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly .if there is a mistakes ,correct . 3. Practice reading the new words .Give them 6 minutes . 4. Have a competition between boys and girls .Write the words you remembered just now on the blackboard . Page7, 1a.Do this part by the Ss first. Write the correct letter after the name of each body part on the list Play a game .All the Ss close your books ,we’ll have a instructor to say :Touch your nose /head /right ear … .Let’s see which student do it correctly and quickly .First all the Ss do this game .Then have competitions between boys and girls .5 boys and


Unit1 How do we deal with our problems? 1.Key points 1)vocabulary: deal, unless, duty, easily,influence, friendship, lose, development, face 2)structure: We can deal with our problems by learning to forget. 2.Difficult points verb +by with gerund 3. Ability Objects Enable Ss to solve problems in different ways. Learn to use dictionaries 4. Moral Objects Learn to face the challenges like famous people 5. Teaching Aids Multi-media Teaching Procedures Step 1.Warming up Everyone has problems. The most important is how to deal with our problems. If we don’t solve the problems, they will affect our study and our family. Then we can’t be happy. Can you think of any problems you have had recently? Tell a partner how you dealt with them? Step2.Pre-reading Look up the meanings of the following words in a dictionary. Deal unless unfair affect solve challenge Step3. While reading 1. Read quickly Ask Ss to scan the passage and come up with the general idea of each paragraph: 1)We have many ways to deal with our problems. 2)We can solve a problem by learning to forget. 3)We can solve a problem by changing it into a challenge. 4)We can solve a problem by think of something worse. 2. Read carefully Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and answer the following questions: 1) What will happen if you are always angry with your friends? 2) What can we learn from children how to deal with a problem? 3) Why do students complain about school? 4) How can we find our problems are not terrible?


新目标英语八年级(上)Unit4说课稿 How do you get to school? 一、教材分析: 教材的地位及作用: 1、单元分析及教材处理 本课是新目标英语八年级上册第4单元第一课.本单元围绕谈论交通工具(transportation)和距离为中心话题,这个题材开展多种教学活动,与上一单元联系紧密.本节课是本单元的重点.通过学习谈论交通方式,为今后学习合理安 排行程,合理选用交通工具以及设计实践调查报告并提出解决问题的简单方案打下基础,同时通过How do you get to sp?以及pairwork的反复操练,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。 2、教学目标: 知识目标: (1)Language goal:How do you get to schl I take the bus.How does he go to school? He take the bus. (2)学习单词:subway,train, take,复习学过的bus、ride bike、wake、car这些表交通方式的单词[我对单词的处理:利用PPt演示图片教学与复习]

能力目标:通过学习,掌握现代生活中常用的交通工具,学会谈论交通方式。提高学生听、说、读、写综合能力,提高学生对一般现在时态用法、结构的理解和使用。 情感目标:通过本课学习,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。 确立教学目标的依据: 根据英语教学大纲规定,通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打好初步的基础。此外,也根据我国国情和外语教学大纲的要求,根据现阶段外语教学的素质教育的要求. 3、重点与难点: 重点:掌握各种交通工具的名称,学会表述自己和谈论他人的交通方式。 句型:How引导的特殊疑问句 难点:一般现在时态第一到第三人称表述词形的变化 确立重点与难点的依据: 根据教学大纲的要求,本课在教材中所处的地位和作用,及学生实际学习中的普遍反应。 教材处理: 根据以上对教材的分析,同时针对中国学生学习外语存


《新目标英语》八年级英语上册Unit 11说课稿 一.分析教学内容,确定教学目标 本课是Unit11的第一课时。其主目标是能用“Could you please do things?”“Could I please do things?”谈论如何委婉地提出请求或征求别人的许可, 及回答语“Sure / Certainly / I’m glad to .”能礼貌地拒绝,“Sorry, I / you can’t,. I / you have to do…”并表达自己的理由, 陈述自己的好恶。以do housework 和调查做力能所及的事为话题,学会运用“Could you please do things?”“Could I please do things?”是本课的语言目标。 本课的学习内容(target language)有:学习名词trash, clothes, floor, cleaning, , living room, washing. 情态动词can could.. 动词fold, cook, need to, sweep, take out, use, wash, give并且复习运用情态动词have to. 区别make与do在短语中的用法. 通过本课的学习,教师适时对学生进行爱的教育,使他们能理解父母,帮助分担家务,学会与他人沟通,这亦是素质教育的“以人为本”的目标体现。 【重要词组】 do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash. fold your clothes,clean the living room, do chores, have to do sth, like to do (doing) sth, make dinner, make your bed 重要句型及语法如下: Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure. Could you please do the dishes? Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework. Could I please go to the movies? Yes, you can. Could I please use the computer? No, you can’t. You must do the dishes at first. 二.学生学情分析 本课话题来自学生的生活经历,学生在初一已经学习了许多动词短语,为表达提供了语言基础,此外,学生已初步掌握了用祈使句和Can you…?/Can I…? 提出请求和建议, 为本课的学习打下了铺垫。 活动设计的话题从谈论家务---对家务的看法(好恶)---父母和孩子之间承担的家务---- 社交、休闲活动等生活的各个方面,各任务层层递进,与学生的生活紧密相连,又是学生饶有兴趣的内容,为表达提供了真实的材料,使得学生在各个活动中想说、有话说,使活动参与的范围广,达到任务的真实性,有效性。 在学习中学生受到爱的教育,学会爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动,学会如何与人交往,学会表达自己对事情的看法,使他们的个性得到张扬。 三.单元重点和难点 1.重点。 1)学习和复习一些常用的动词短语。 2)委婉地提出请求、征求许可做某事。 Could you/I please do things?Yes, Sure. / 。I/You can. Sorry, I / you can’t,.., I / you have to do…” 3)学习如何请求他人的帮助。 2.难点。 在实际的生活中委婉地表达自己的请求和征求许可,获取帮助 四.教学过程 1. Warming up Enjoy ourselves. Watch cartoon Small Potato’s Sunday. 看动画片段《小土豆的星期天》导入本课话题和新词汇“chores”。小土豆周末一人在家。他过了一个非常快乐而充实的星期天。帮助父母做了许多家务活。片段的主题使学生联想到

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