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a handful of a few n.小撮;一把

a setback to a check to the progress of n.挫折;障碍

2abandon give up v.放弃;抛弃

2abandon give up v.放弃;抛弃abbreviate short v.缩写;节略

abhorrent distasteful a.讨厌的;不合口味的abiding enduring a.持续的;永久的

ablaze radiant a.闪耀的;绚丽的

abnormally exceptionally ad.反常地;异常地

abolish eliminate v.取消;废除

abound in be full of v.充满;盛满

2abroad in the foreign countries ad.在国外;到国外

2abroad in other countries ad.

abrupt sudden a.突然的;意外的

3abruptly suddenly ad.突然地;意外地

3abruptly suddenly ad.

3abruptly suddenly ad.

absentminded forgetful a.心不在焉的

abstract summary n.摘要;概括

4abundant plentiful a.丰富的;充裕的

4abundant plentiful a.

4abundant plentiful a.

4abundant plentiful a.

2abundantly in great numbers ad.充裕地;大量地

2abundantly generously ad.

academy school n.中等学校;专科院校accede with agree to v.同意;应允

3accelerate increase v.加速;加大

3accelerate rapid v.

3accelerate speed up v.

accept permit v.接受;认可

access admittance to n.进入;接近

2accessible available a.易得到的;易接近的2accessible available a.可用的

3acclaim praised v.欢呼;喝彩

3acclaim praised v.

3acclaim recognition n.recognition承认;公认accommodate handle v.容纳;运营

accommodation lodging n.招待设备;膳宿供应2accompany join v.伴随;陪同

2accompany travel with v.

according to depending on依据;按照;;取决于2accordingly for that reason ad.因此

2accordingly consequently ad.

account explain v.解释;说明

2account for explain v.

2account for explain v.

2account for explain v.解释,说明accretion accumulation n.增加;积累

3accumulate collect v.积累;积聚;聚集

3accumulate pile up v.

3accumulate collect v.聚集

accurate exact a.精确的;准确的

accustom to used to v.习惯于

ache hurt v.刺痛;损伤

achievement accomplishment n.成就;成绩

acid harsh a.尖刻的;刺耳的

acquaint with informed about v.了解;认识

acquire obtain v.获得;取得

acrid bitter a.辛辣的;苦涩的

acrimonious bitter a.刻毒的;厉害的

actively vigorously ad.积极地;主动地

3actually really ad.实际上;事实上

3actually in fact ad.

3actually really ad.

actuate set in motion v.启动;激励

acute critical a.尖锐的;次要的

acutely keenly ad.敏锐地;强烈地

adaptation modification n.改变;变化

addition besides n.此外;并且

address speech n.演说;致辞

2adequate sufficient a.充分的;足够的

2adequate sufficient a.

adhere stick v.黏附;胶着

adherent follower n.信徒;追随者

2adjacent near;nearby a.邻近的;毗邻的

2adjoining neighboring a.毗邻的;邻近的adjunct addition n.附加物

adjunct to addition to n.附属物;附加物

administered managed v.管理

admire esteem v.羡慕;钦佩

2adopt enact v.采用;正式通过

2adopt take on v.

adorn decorate v.装饰

adornment embellishment n.装饰;装饰品

2adult mature a.成熟的;成年的

2adult mature a.

advantage make use of n.利用

3advent coming n.出现;到来

3advent arrival n.

3advent arrival n.

2adverse negative a.相反的;不利的

2adverse negative a.

3adversely negatively ad.不利地;有害地

3adversely detrimentally ad.

3adversely negatively ad.

advocate proponent n.倡导者;辩护者

aesthetically artistically ad.审美地;美学地

affection fondness n.慈爱;钟爱

affectionately lovingly ad.充满深情地;亲切地affliction problem n.折磨;苦恼

affluence wealth n.富裕;丰富

affront insult v.公开侮辱;轻蔑

2aggressive combative a.寻衅的;好斗的

2aggressive combative a.

2agrarian farming a.农业的;耕地的

2agrarian agricultural a.

2ahead of preceding prep.在……之前;在……前面

2ahead of in front of prep.

aid help v.帮助;援助aided helped v.帮助

ailment disease n.疾病;小病

2aim goal n.目标;目的

2aim objective n.

airborne aloft a.空中的;飞行的alarm frightened v.惊恐;警觉

alert wary a.机敏的

all everywhere ad.到处;遍及

allay reduce v.减轻;减少

allegiance loyalty n.忠诚;忠心

alliance association n.联盟;同盟

2allocate distributed v.分派;配给

2allocate awarded v.

2alloy mixed v./n.v.熔合n.合金2alloy blend v./n.v.熔合n.合金4almost nearly ad.几乎;差不多

4almost practically ad.

4almost nearly ad.

4almost nearly ad.

aloft in flight ad.在高处;飞行中alongside next to ad.傍靠;紧靠

aloof from separate from a.远离的;分隔的4alter change v.改变;变化;调整4alter change v.

4alter modify v.

4alter adjust v.

alteration renovation n.翻新;整修

alternately one after another ad.轮流地;交替地

alternative option n.替代;替代物

alternative to substitute for n.替代;替代物

altitude elevation n.海拔;高度

altogether completely ad.完全地

amateur nonprofessional n.业余爱好者;非专业人员

ambition goal n.野心;抱负;目标ambitious enterprising a.有野心的;有抱负的ambivalence conflicting feeling n.矛盾心理;犹豫不决amenity comfort n.舒适;安逸

2amount quantity n.数量;数额

2amount quantity n.

an impetus to an incentive to n.刺激;推动

analogy parallel n.类似;比拟

ancestor forefather n.祖先;祖宗

anchor secure v.弄牢;固定

2ancient old a.古老的;古代的

2ancient earliest a.

ancillary secondary a.附属的;辅助的

anguished tormented a.痛苦的;苦恼的

annals chronicle n.编年史;纪年表

annihilate conquer v.消灭;征服

annoying irritating a.恼人的;讨厌的

annual yearly a.每年的;年度的

annually yearly ad.每年;年度

anonymous unknown a.无名的;匿名的

antagonist enemy n.对手;敌人

antagonistic quarreling a.敌对的;对抗的

antecedent predecessor n.先辈

anthem song n.国歌;圣歌

3anticipate look forward to v.期待;盼望;预期

3anticipate expect v.

3anticipate expect v.

antique old a.古式的;旧式的

apace with as fast as快速的

apathetic uninvolved a.漠然的;冷淡的

apparel clothes n.衣服;服饰

2apparently seemingly ad.似乎;好像

2apparently seemingly ad.

appeal challenge v.上诉;挑战

2appealing attractive a.有感染力的;吸引人的2appealing attractive a.

appear seem v.似乎;好像

applaud clap v.鼓掌;喝彩

application use n.应用;使用

apply use for v.应用;适用

appoint designate v.选派;任命

appreciate admire v.鉴赏;赏识

appreciated recognized v.赏识

appreciation recognition n.鉴赏;鉴别

approach near v.靠近;接近

appropriate suitable a.适当的;适宜的

appropriation founding n.拨款;专款

approximately about ad.近似;大约

apt appropriate a.贴切的;恰当的2aptly appropriately ad.适当地

2aptly fittingly ad.恰当地;贴切地arbitrarily randomly ad.任意地;专横地arboreal tree-dwelling a.树木的;树栖的ardent passionate a.热心的;热情的

4arduous difficult a.艰巨的;艰苦的;费力的

4arduous laborious a.

4arduous difficult a.

4arduous difficult a.

arid dry a.干旱的;干枯的aromatic fragrant a.芳香的;芬芳的4arouse provoke v.唤起;激发

4arouse excite v.

4arouse excite v.

4arouse stimulate v.

2arrange put together v.安排;整理

2arrange plan v.

array collection n.批量;大量

arrive reach v.抵达;达到

article object n.物品,物体

artificial synthetic a.人工的;合成的2as a result of because of由于;因为

6as a substitute for in place of v.代替;n.替代物2as well as in addition of ad.也;又ascend climb v.攀升;升高

2ascertain determine v.查明;确定

2ascertain determine v.

ask request v.询问;请求

asphyxiation suffocation n.窒息

aspiration ambition n.志气;抱负

3assemble gather v.装配;组合

3assemble bring together v.

3assemble put together v.

assembly gathering n.集合;集会

assert emphatically state v.宣称;断言

asset advantage n.优点;长处

assiduous diligent a.勤勉的;不倦的

3assist help v.帮助;援助

3assist aid v.帮助;援助

3assist aid v.帮助;援助associate connect v.联合;联系

2assortment variety n.形形色色;各式各样2assortment variety n.

3assumption belief n.设想;假定

3assumption supposition n.

3assumption belief n.

2assuredly certainly ad.无疑地;确信地

2assuredly certainly ad.

2astonishing astounding a.惊人的;震惊的

2astonishing amazing a.

at any rate regardless无论如何;至少

at home comfortable a.舒适的;自在的

3at once immediately ad.立即;马上atmosphere air n.大气;空气

attach fasten v.依附;粘结

attachment preference for n.依恋;偏好

2attained achieved v.达到

2attained reached v.

3attempt effort v./n.v.尝试n.effort努力3attempt effort v./n.

3attempt try v./n.

attend present v.出席;参加

attendant accompanying n.服务员

3attire clothing n.衣着;盛装

3attire dress n.

3attire clothing n.

2attractive pretty a.吸引人的;有感染力的2attractive appealing a.

5attribute credit v.被认为;被鉴定

5attribute characteristics n.品质;属性;特征

5attribute trait n.

5attribute characteristic n.

5attribute to testify as v./n.被认为;被鉴定为auditory hearing a.耳的,听觉的

authentically genuinely ad.真正地;地道地

authorize empower v.授权;批准

automatically involuntarily ad.自动地;无意识地autonomous independent a.独立的;自主的

2autonomy independence n.自治;自主

2autonomy independence n.

autumn fall n.秋季;秋天

avail make use v.有用

available obtainable a.可得到的;可利用的avaricious greedy a.贪心的;贪婪的

2avert avoid v.挡开;防止

2avert prevent v.

aviator pilot n.飞行员

2avid eager a.渴望的;热心的

2avid eager a.

award present with v.授予;给予

awe wonder n.敬畏;畏惧

awesome amazing a.令人敬畏的;令人惊奇的

bachelor unmarried man n.未婚男子

backbone spine n.脊骨;脊柱

backlog accumulation n.积压的工作

baffle perplex to n.迷惑;困惑

balance equilibrium n.平衡;均衡

balmy mild a.温和的;宜人的4ban prohibit v.禁止;阻止

4ban forbid v.

4ban prohibit v.

4ban forbid v.

2band form groups n./v.n.条纹,带;v.联合;结合

2band stripe n./v.

banish exile v.流放;放逐

bark outer covering n.树皮;茎皮

2barren infertile a.贫瘠的;不毛的

2barren infertile a.

barrier to obstacle to n.障碍;妨碍

2barter trade v.易货贸易;物物交换2barter exchange v.

base center of operation n.基地

basically fundamentally ad.基本地;主要地

2battle struggle v./n.v./n.战斗;斗争

2battle fight(fought)v./n.

be committed to be dedicated to v.交付;献身

be fond of like a.喜爱;爱好

2be fraught with charge with a.充满

2be fraught with full of a.

be penalized for be punished for v.处罚

be preoccupied with engrossed in a.出神的;全神贯注的bead drop n.水珠;水滴

2beam ray n.光束;光线

2beam ray n.

5bear assume v.承担;支撑

5bear support v.

5bear yield v.

5bear carry v.

5bear(bore)carry v.

beat(beaten)whip v.搅打;搅拌

become tarnished lost its luster v.失去光泽;变暗淡bedridden confined to bed a.卧床不起的

bedrock foundation n.基石;基础

begin commence v.开始;着手

behavior conduct n.行为;举止

behind to the rear of prep.在...后面

behold view v.观看;注视

2belong to be members of v.属于;附属

2belong to be owned by v.

beneath below prep.在...下方;在...之下

2beneficial advantageous a.有利的;有益的2beneficial advantageous a.

besides in addition to prep.除此之外

best most highly ad.最佳地;最高地better improve v.改善;促进

beverage drink n.饮料

beyond outside prep.在...之外2bias prejudice n.偏见;嗜好

2bias prejudice n.

2big large a.大的;巨大

2big populous a.

2bind tie v.捆;绑;使结合2bind join v.连接;凝聚biography accounts of people's lives n.传记

biological living a.生物的;活的birth beginning n.诞生;起源

bit somewhat n.一点;一些

bizarrely oddly ad.异乎寻常地;希奇古怪地

blaze burn brightly v.燃烧;闪耀

bleach whiten v.漂白;晒白

2bleak desolate a.凄凉的;惨淡的2bleak desolate a.

blend combine v.混合;融合

blink shut their eyes briefly v.眨眼;闪烁

blunder mistake n.错误;大错

blunt dull a.不锋利的;钝的2blurred indistinct a.模糊的;弄糊涂的2blurred indistinct a.

3boast brag n./v.夸口;自恃

3boast claim n./v.

3boast take pride in having n./v.

boat ship n.小船;小艇

boldly daringly ad.大胆地;勇敢地bond link n.结合物;粘结剂2boost raise v.提升;提高;推进2boost raise v.

bore drill v.钻孔;打眼

2bothersome irritating a.麻烦的;讨厌的2bothersome annoying a.

bottom floor n.底部;底

3bound limit n.范围;界限

3bound constraint n.

3bound held v.

boundary border n.边界;分界线

boundless infinite a.无边的;无限的brag boast n./v.夸口;吹牛

branch division n.部门;分支

brave courageous a.勇敢的;英勇的brawl fight n.吵架;喧嚷

2breach rift n.破裂;决裂;违反;破坏

2breach violation n.

break departure from n.决裂;破裂

2break apart split ad.分裂;分离

2break out begin v.爆发;突然发生2break up separate v.分裂;破碎breakdown of itemization of n.细目;分类帐2breathtaking exciting a.动人的;惊险的2breathtaking stunning a.

2breed raise v.饲养;繁殖

2breed hatch/mate v.

brevity conciseness n.简洁;精练

bricklayer mason n.砌砖工;泥瓦工brief short a.短暂的;短期的brief look glance n.瞥视;浏览

brightness radiance n.光亮;明亮

brilliantly brightly ad.鲜明地;明亮地

4bring about cause v.导致;引起;造成;带来

4bring about cause v.

4bring about introduce v.

4bring about produce v.

briskly energetically ad.轻快地

2brittle breakable a.易碎的;脆弱的

2brittle easily broken a.

broach bring up v.首次宣布;提出讨论

3broad wide a.宽的;阔的;广泛的;概括的

3broad general a.宽的;阔的;广泛的;概括的

3broad wide a.宽的;阔的;广泛的;概括的

broaden widen v.加宽;拓宽

broadly liberally ad.广义地;概括地2brochure pamphlet n.小册子;手册2brochure short pamphlet n.

bruise damage v.碰伤;擦伤

2bulk most n.大部分;大多数

2bulk majority n.

burglary theft n.夜盗;盗贼

bury embed v.埋葬;埋藏

busy in use a.忙碌的;占用的

by and large on the whole ad.整体来看;一般说来by chance accidentally ad.意外地;突然地

by virtue of because of依靠;由于

2by-product derivative n.副产品;派生物

2by-product from derivative of n.副产品;派生物byword epithet n.绰号;浑名

calculate determine v.计算;确定

2caliber quality n.才能;品质

2caliber quality n.

2call for require v.要求;需要

2call for require v.

call off cancel v.取消;放弃

calmly quietly ad.平静地;沉着地

came to the forefront became impotant

camouflage conceal v.掩饰;隐瞒

capacity ability n.能力;接受力

capital money n.资本;资金

caption title n.标题;解说词

capture catch v.捕捉;捕获

care attention n.照管;管理

2career profession n.职业;生涯

2career vocation n.

carry support v.继续;支撑;支持2carry on continue v.

2carry on conduct v.

cast project v.投射;投影

catastrophe disaster n.大灾难;大变动

categorize classify v.归类;分类

category group n.类别;范畴

caution warn v.警告;告戒

cave cavern n.山洞;洞穴

cease stop v.停止;结束

celebrate praise v.赞美;歌颂

2celebrated distinguish a.著名的;驰名的

2celebrated famous a.著名的;驰名的celebratory full of praise n.颂扬

celestial astronomical a.天空的;天上的

2cement bond v.黏结;胶合

2cement stick v.黏结;胶合census population count n.人口普查

centennial hundredth anniversary n.100周年纪念

champion advocate n.提倡者;拥护者

chance unplanned a.偶然的;碰巧的

changeover from conversion from n.改变;交换

character nature n.品质;性格

2characteristic distinguishing feature n.特征;特色

2characteristic distinctive a.特有的;独特的characteristically typically ad.独有地;独特地

characteristics qualities n.性质,特性

charge attack v.袭击;攻击

charged with assigned to主管,掌管

chatterbox incessant talker n.话匣子;饶舌者

cheap inexpensive a.便宜的;廉价的

check control v.抑制;制止

3chiefly mainly ad.主要地;尤其

3chiefly mainly ad.主要地;尤其

3chiefly principally ad.主要地;尤其chill cool v.冷冻;冷却

choice selection n.挑选;选择

chronically persistently ad.长期地;经常地

chronicle describe v.记述

chronologically according to a time sequence ad.按时间顺序

chubby plump a.肥胖的;丰满的

circumscribe restrict v.在……周围画线;限制2cite refer to v.引证;引用

2cite mention v.

clamor for loudly demand v.喧闹;叫嚷

clasp hold v.紧握;抓住

2classify categorize v.分类;划等

2classify categorize v.

clean empty v.清扫;打扫

clear unobstructed a.畅通的;无阻的

clear away move v.清楚;搬走

climate weather condition n.气候

climax of high point in n.高峰;顶峰

2cling to hold fast to v.粘着;缠住

2cling to stick to v.

clinging close-fitting a.紧身的;贴紧的clip trim v.修剪;剪去

clog congest v.阻塞;填塞

cloth fabric n.织物;衣料

club association n.俱乐部;社团

3clue information n.线索;信息

3clue information n.线索;信息

3clue proof n.

clump bunch n.树丛;树簇

cluster group v.成群

coagulate clot v.凝结;混凝

coalition alliance n.联盟;联合

2coarse rough a.粗糙的

2coarse crude a.

2coat fur v./n.皮毛;涂盖

2coat cover v./n.

coherent logical a.有逻辑的;一致的2coin create v.创造;杜撰

2coin invent v.

coincide with collide with v.巧合;一致

coincide with happen at the same time ad.同时

3collaborate work together on v.协作;合作

3collaborate work jointly v.

3collaborate work together v.

colleague fellow worker n.同事;同僚

collective group n.集体

collectively together ad.共同地

collide with bump into v.冲撞;撞击

collision crash n.碰撞;撞击

colloquial conversational a.会话的;口语的colonize settle v.殖民;定居

colony group n.集群;群体

combat fight v.战斗;斗争

combine blend v.结合;兼有

4come down with contract v.得病

come of age establish itself v.达到法定年龄;确立自身地位

4come through be written v.完成;成功

4come to regain consciousness v.苏醒;恢复

4come up with propose v.提出;产生comic funny a.滑稽的;好笑的

command mastery n.掌握;控制

commanding forceful a.威严的;坚强的

commensurate with proportionate to a.相当的;相称的

comment remark n.评论;评注

commercial business a.商业的;商务的

commodity article of trade n.商品;日用品

commonly frequently ad.通常地;经常地

2commonplace ordinary a.平凡的;普通的

2commonplace average a.

communal cooperative a.合作的;社区的

compact compress v.压缩;压实

comparable equivalent a.可比的;相当的

comparably similarly ad.可比地;相当地

compel force v.强制;强迫

compelling forceful a.强制的;强迫的

compensate reimburse v.赔偿;补偿

competent capable a.有能力的;能胜任的competently adeptly ad.熟练地;内行地

competition rivalry n.竞争;比赛

compile gather v.搜集;汇编

2completely immediately ad.完全地;十足地

2completely entirely ad.

complex involved a.复杂的;综合的

2comply with conform to v.遵守;服从

2comply with obey v.

4component part n.成分;部分

4component element n.

4component part n.

4component parts n.

2compose focus on v.创作;创造;作曲2compose write v.

composition makeup n.构成;组成

comprehensible understandable a.能理解的

4comprise consist of v.包含;包括

4comprise constitute v.

4comprise consist of v.

4comprise make up v.

2compulsory mandatory a.强制的;义务的2compulsory mandatory a.

computation calculation n.计算;估计

compute calculate v.计算;估计

concealed covered a.隐藏着的

conceive design v.设想;构想

2concentrate cluster v.集中;积聚;贯注2concentrate focus on v.

concentration accumulation n.集中;聚集

concise brief a.简明的;扼要的concisely succinctly ad.简明地;简洁地conclusion end n.结束;结尾

conclusive definitive a.最后的

concoct devise v.制造;策划

concomitant with in conjunction with ad.协同

concrete specific a.具体的;特定的2concur agree v.赞成;一致

2concur in unite in v.赞成;一致condemnation blame n.谴责

conduct behavior n.行为;品行

confederate ally n.同盟者;同伙

2confer consult v.协商confer on award to v.授予

configuration arrangement n.结构;形状

3confine limit v.限制;局限

3confine limit v.

3confine restrict v.

2confirm uphold v.证实;确认

2confirm verify v.

2conflicting opposing a.冲突的;抵触的2conflicting incompatible a.

conform meet v.一致;符合

confound bewilder v.混淆;混乱

congenital present at birth a.先天的;天生的

2congest crowd v.拥挤;积聚

2congest overcrowd v.

conglomerate assortment n.密集体;集成物2congregate assemble v.聚集;集合

2congregate gather v.

conjectural based on guessing a.猜测的;推测的conscientiously diligently ad.谨慎地;精心地consciously intentionally ad.自觉地;有意识地consecutive successive a.连贯的;连续地2consequence result n.结果;后果

2consequence result n.

2conserve store v.保存;保护

2conserve retain v.

consider regard as v.认为;看作

5considerable large a.很重要的;很大的5considerable substantial a.

5considerable much a.

5considerable great a.

5considerable great a.

2considerably a great deal ad.相当大地;很大地2considerably very much ad.

considerate thoughtful a.体谅的;关心的consist of be made up v.由...组成

consistent constant a.持续的

consistently regularly ad.一致地;始终地consort associate v.结交

3conspicuous noticeable a.明显的;显著的3conspicuous obvious a.

3conspicuous noticeable a.

2constantly constantly ad.不断地;经常地2constantly continuously ad.

3constituent component n.成分;要素;选民;委托人

3constituent districts'voter n.

3constituent component n.

3constitute make up v.构成;组成3constitute make up v.

3constitute make up v.

constrain inhibit v.强制;抑制

constraint limitation n.约束;限制

constrict contract v.收缩;阻塞

consume eat v.消费;吃

consumed eaten v.吃掉

consumption eat n.消费;消耗

contaminate infect v.污染;感染

contamination pollution n.污染;沾染

4contemporary existing a.当代的;现有的4contemporary modern a.

4contemporary current a.

4contemporary written at that time n.同时代contention controversy n.争论;论战

contest competition n.比赛;竞赛

continuously without interruption ad.连续地;不断地contradictory opposing a.矛盾的;对立的contrariwise opposite ad.相反地;对立地contrary to in conflict with a.相反的;对立的contrive devise v.设计;造出

convene meet v.集合;集会

2conventional traditional a.常规的;传统的2conventional traditional a.

2convergence gathering n.聚集

3convert change v.转变;变换

3convert change v.

3convert chang v.

2convey transport v.传送;传播

2convey communicate v.

coordinate integrate v.协调;配合

copious plentiful a.丰富的;大量的cordial pleasant a.亲切的;愉快的core center n.核心;中心

correct accurate a.正确的;准确的correctly properly ad.正确地;恰当地correspondingly similarly ad.相应地;对应地corroborate confirm v.确证;证实

corrode wear(worn)away v.锈蚀;磨损

costly expensive a.昂贵的;豪华的couch express v.表达;表述

count weigh v.有价值;有分量

2count on trust v.依靠

2count on rely v.

counter overcome v.反对;驳回

counteract negate v.抵消;反作用

counterpart version n.复本;对应物

2countless innumerable a.无数的;许多的

2countless many a.

2country nation n.国家;国土

2country nation

2couple pair n.对;双

2couple with in addition to v.加上courteous polite a.有礼貌的;谦恭的coverage reportage n.新闻报道

cozy comfortable a.舒服的;舒适的

cramped confining a.狭窄的

create bring about v.引起;产生

creek stream n.小河;小川

2creep move slowly v.蠕动;爬行

2creep crawl v.

criminal gangster n.罪犯;歹徒

crisscross move back and forth v.穿梭;交错往来

critical crucial for a.关键性的;决定性的critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n.鉴赏家;评论家

cross one's mind occur to sb.v.想到;脑中闪现

crossroad central meeting place n.聚会中心地点

crucial important a.重要的

2crude roughly made a.粗制的;天然的;未加工的

2crude unprocessed a.

2cultivate grow v.栽培;耕作

2cultivate farm v.

culture civilization n.文化;文明

2cumbersome burdensome a.麻烦的;笨重的2cumbersome bulky a.

customary usual a.习惯的;惯例的cunning cleverness n.狡猾;狡诈

curative healing a.治病的;疗效的curb inhibit v.控制;约束

2curiously oddly ad.稀奇地;奇妙地

2curiously oddly ad.

2currency money n.通货;货币

2currency paper money n.

custom practice n.风俗;习惯

customer patron n.主顾;顾客

2cut reduce v.降低

2cut down reduce v.削减dam block v.筑坝;修堤

damage harm n.损害;破坏

damaging harmful a.有害的;不利的

dampen moisten v.使潮湿

dank unpleasantly humid a.潮湿的;阴湿的

daring bold a.勇敢的;大胆的

dawn beginning n.初始;开端

dazzling brilliant a.眩惑的;眼花缭乱的deadlock impasse n.僵持;僵局

2deal with cope v.处理;应付;涉及;关怀

2deal with concern v.

2debate discussion v.讨论;辩论

2debate argument v.

2decay decompose v.腐烂;变质

2decay decompose v.

2decelerate decrease the speed of v.减速;降速

2decelerate decrease the speed of v.

2deceptive misleading a.欺骗的;虚伪的2deceptive misleading a.

deceptively misleadingly ad.骗人地;虚伪地decipher decode v.破译;译解

decline refuse v.拒绝;谢绝

declivity downward slope n.斜坡;倾斜

decree order v.颁布;规定

deem regard as v.认为;相信

deep profound a.深刻的;深切的defeat conquer v.战胜;击败

2defer delay v.推迟;延期;2defer yield v.顺从;遵从definite fix a.明确的;规定的definitely clearly ad.确定地;明确地

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