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Trace element fractionation and transport in boreal rivers and soil

Trace element fractionation and transport in boreal rivers and soil porewaters of permafrost-dominated basaltic terrain in Central Siberia

O.S.Pokrovsky *,J.Schott,B.Dupre

′Laboratoire des Me

′canismes et Transfert en Geologie (LMTG),UMR 5563,CNRS-UPS-IRD—Observatoire Midi-Pyrene ′es,14Avenue Edouard Belin,31400Toulouse,France

Received 15November 2005;accepted in revised form 6April 2006


The chemical status of $40major and trace elements (TE)and organic carbon (OC)in pristine boreal rivers draining the basaltic plateau of Central Siberia (Putorana)and interstitial solutions of permafrost soils was investigated.Water samples were ?ltered in the ?eld through progressively decreasing pore size (5l m ?0.22l m ?0.025l m ?10kDa ?1kDa)using cascade frontal ?ltration technique.Most rivers and soil porewaters exhibit 2–5times higher than the world average concentration of dissolved (i.e.,<0.22l m)iron (0.03–0.4mg/L),aluminum (0.03–0.4mg/L),OC (10–20mg/L)and various trace elements that are usually considered as immobile in weathering processes (Ti,Zr,Ga,Y,REEs).Ultra?ltration revealed strong relationships between concentration of TE and that of colloidal Fe and Al.According to their partition during ?ltration and association with colloids,two groups of elements can be distinguished:(i)those weakly dependent on ultra?ltration and that are likely to be present as truly dissolved inorganic species (Li,Na,K,Si,Mn,Mo,Rb,Cs,As,Sb)or,partially (20–30%)associated with small size Fe-and Al-colloids (Ca,Mg,Sr,Ba)and to small (<1–10kDa)organic complexes (Co,Ni,Cu,Zn),and (ii)elements strongly associated with colloidal iron and aluminum in all ultra?ltrates largely present in 1–100kDa fraction (Ga,Y,REEs,Pb,V,Cr,Ti,Ge,Zr,Th,U).TE concentrations and partition coef-?cients did not show any detectable variations between di?erent colloidal fractions for soil porewaters,suprapermafrost ?ow and surface streams.TE concentration measurements in river suspended particles demonstrated signi?cant contribution (i.e.,P 30%)of convention-ally dissolved (<0.22l m)forms for usually ‘‘immobile’’elements such as divalent transition metals,Cd,Pb,V,Sn,Y,REEs,Zr,Hf,Th.The Al-normalized accumulation coe?cients of TE in vegetation litter compared to basalts achieve 10–100for B,Mn,Zn,As,Sr,Sn,Sb,and the larch litter degradation is able to provide the major contribution to the annual dissolved ?ux of most trace elements.It is hypoth-esized that the decomposition of plant litter in the topsoil horizon leads to Fe(III)-,Al-organic colloids formation and serves as an impor-tant source of elements in downward percolating ?uids.ó2006Published by Elsevier Inc.


The development,over the past twenty years,of high-resolution analytical instrumentation has generated impor-tant progress in characterizing the behavior of trace elements (TE)in various sur?cial aquatic environments (see for review Gaillardet et al.,2003).In many studies the distinction between dissolved and particulate loads was based on ?ltration using 0.45or 0.22l m poresize membranes.However,it is well known that in natural

waters,many trace elements are present in colloidal (i.e.,between 1nm and 1l m)rather than true dissolved forms (Bu?e et al.,1992).As a result,ultra?ltration techniques with membranes of di?erent pore sizes are increasingly used to characterize the proportion of dissolved and colloi-dal forms in sur?cial aquatic environments such as seawa-ter,rivers and lakes (Ho?man et al.,1981,2000;Benoit,

1995;Guo and Santschi,1996;Lead et al.,1997;Dupre

′et al.,1999;Eyrolle and Benaim,1999;Ross and Sherrell,


′-Lauquet et al.,1999,2000;Ingri et al.,2000,2004;Sigg et al.,2000).Subsequently,several studies have determined the thermodynamic parameters of metal com-plexation with colloidal matter (Tipping,1994;Benedetti

0016-7037/$-see front matter ó2006Published by Elsevier Inc.doi:10.1016/j.gca.2006.04.008


Corresponding author.Fax:+33561332560.

E-mail address:oleg@lmtg.obs-mip.fr (O.S.Pokrovsky).


et al.,1995;Johannesson et al.,2004;Sonke and Salters, 2006).This paper represents part of a concerted e?ort con-ducted in our laboratory to characterize the colloidal trans-port of TE in various‘‘pristine’’aquatic environments. Previous works addressed the speciation and transport of TE in tropical(Viers et al.,1997;Braun et al.,1998;Dupre′et al.,1999)and boreal(Pokrovsky and Schott,2002)riv-ers,and in temperate peat soil porewaters(Pokrovsky et al.,2005a).In the current study,boreal rivers and soil porewaters from permafrost regions of basaltic lithology were investigated.Among crystalline rocks,basalts are par-ticularly sensitive to chemical erosion and exert a signi?-cant impact on the geological carbon cycle and hence on climate(Dupre′et al.,2003).Whereas numerous mineralog-ical and geochemical studies have addressed major element behavior and?uxes during basalt weathering(Pokrovsky et al.,2005b and references therein),transport of trace ele-ments and organic carbon involved in this process has re-ceived much less attention.

In contrast to the important e?orts centered on TE behavior in temperate and tropical environments,boreal permafrost-dominated areas remained,up to present time, essentially ignored by aquatic geochemists.Such remote re-gions represent one of the most important reservoirs of ter-restrial organic carbon in the form of peat and organic-rich soils located in the glaciated environment(Botch et al., 1995;Peng et al.,1998).As a result,migration of many TE in such organic-rich waters is likely to occur in the form of organo-mineral colloids as demonstrated by studies con-ducted in the mouth’s of large Siberian rivers(e.g.,Martin et al.,1993;Dai and Martin,1995).Geochemistry of TE during permafrost thawing and organic carbon mobiliza-tion induced by global warming are the main issues a?ect-ing such boreal regions.Continuing increase of river runo?in the Russian Arctic drainage basin over the past several decades(Serreze et al.,2002)and release of carbon and metals trapped in the permafrost ice(i.e.,Guo et al., 2004)is likely to modify the?uxes of chemical elements to the ocean and their forms in river and soil porewaters. Under conditions of global warming,the short-term DOC production in forest?oor environments will increase (Prokushkin et al.,2005)thus increasing the proportion of trace metals complexed by organic ligands.Several previ-ous studies of Arctic watersheds underlain by permafrost addressed the behavior of organic carbon and major min-eral nutrients(Lock and Ford,1986;Peterson et al., 1986,1992;Lock et al.,1989;Everett et al.,1996;Oswood et al.,1996).Important conclusions drawn in these earlier studies include the recognition that the stream chemistry in permafrost-dominated watersheds is tightly coupled to the chemistry of organic horizons in the upper soil due to limited contact between water and bottom soil horizons (MacLean et al.,1999).

Except for a few studies of soil and river solute migra-tion in Alaska(Brown et al.,1962;Ugolini et al.,1987; Shiller,2003;Rember and Trefry,2004)and trace elements measurements in the Russian Arctic(Dai and Martin,1995;Guieu et al.,1996;Moran and Woods,1997;Zhulid-ov et al.,1997),studies addressing colloidal vs.dissolved forms and transport of TE in organic-rich waters from pristine permafrost landscapes are scarce.In this paper, we characterize the size of colloids and quantify the?uxes of TE through a thorough study of large and small river watersheds,ground and soil porewater solutions that issue from remote permafrost-dominated territory underlain by basaltic rocks.We address the following questions:

(i)what is the proportion of colloidal TE in sur?cial?u-

ids and in which part of the soil pro?le are these col-loids formed?

(ii)can we distinguish between adsorbed and incorporat-ed TE and organically complexed TE in these colloids?

(iii)what is the source of TE in rivers(rock,soil minerals, plant litter,permafrost ice)?

(iv)how does the presence of permafrost a?ect the verti-cal and lateral migration of TE in boreal regions? 2.Sampling and analyses

The sampling area is located in the northern part of Central Siberia,within the drainage basin of the Nizhniya Tunguska River(eastern tributary of the Yenissey River) on the basaltic plateau of Putorana(64–70°N;88–102°E). Detailed geological,climatic and geographic descriptions of the region and sample characteristics are given in Pok-rovsky et al.(2005b).Altogether,10large rivers(for each, the drainage basin at the sampling point is larger than 10,000km2),50medium size rivers(1000–10,000km2) and30small creeks(<1000km2),20soil porewaters and 10groundwaters(suprapermafrost?ow samples)were col-lected during July–August2001(Fig.1).The majority of the samples(75%)belong to the watershed of the river Kochechumo(right tributary of the river Nizhniya Tung-uska,Yenissey basin).The studied region,because of its limited access and absence of any agricultural and industri-al activity,can be considered,for most trace elements,as a pristine environment with background abundances in riv-ers,although the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals (e.g.,Hg,Pb,Zn)cannot be totally ruled out.

River samples(shown by solid circles in Fig.1)were col-lected from the beach or via a rubber boat near the middle of the stream?ow in pre-cleaned1-L high-density polyeth-ylene(HDPE)containers connected to a non-metallic stick. Groundwater samples corresponding to the supraperma-frost?ow(triangles in Fig.1)were collected from the bor-der of river valleys or canyons,at depths of30–100cm over the permafrost table.Soil porewaters(squares in Fig.1) were extracted from humid soil horizons in the?eld using a Ti pressure device(Pokrovsky et al.,2005b).Depending on the saturation state of soil samples,10–50mL of solu-tions were collected.Typically,1dm3of solid soil sample yielded30–70mL of interstitial pore water.After each

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extraction,the vessel and its compartments were thorough-ly washed by riverwater followed by100–200mL of dis-tilled water.Before and after?eldwork,blank samples were run by?lling the pressure system with MilliQ (18M X cmà1)water at neutral pH and letting it react for 24h.No detectable contamination of major and trace ele-ments and DOC was observed.Plastic gloves were always used during all sample collections.

The value of pH was measured using a combined Schott-Gera¨te electrode calibrated against NIST bu?er solutions(pH=4.00, 6.86and9.18at25°C)with an accuracy of±0.02pH units.The collected waters were immediately?ltered through0.22l m acetate cellulose membranes(47-mm diameter)using a precleaned Sartorius polycarbonate?lter holder.Only?ltered(<0.22l m) waters were used in the ultra?ltration steps in series

Map of the area showing rivers,

Trace elements in rivers and soil solutions in the permafrost zone3241

0.22l m?0.025l m?10kDa?1kDa according to the cascade ultra?ltration procedure.Filtrations were carried out using a MITYVACòmanual pump providing1.2–1.5atm pressure.The?rst200–400mL of the?lter-passed permeate(referred to as?ltrate)were systematically reject-ed.Ultra?ltrations through0.025l m,10kDa and1kDa membranes(Amicone,regenerated cellulose,200l m thick-ness and45mm in diameter)were performed using a Sarto-rius?lter holder.A typical ultra?ltration step lasted from 6h(for0.025l m and10kDa pore size)to12h(for 1kDa pore size)such that300–500mL of<0.22l m initial ?ltrate produced$50mL of<1kDa ultra?ltrate.Before each?ltration,the system was cleaned by?ushing MilliQ water,then$0.1M ultrapure HNO3,and?nally,MilliQ water.During?ltration,the?rst30–50mL of?ltrate was discarded.Each?lter was washed in MilliQ water before each collection and was used only once.For each?ltration, the?lter was replaced by a new one when a substantial de-crease in the?ow rate occurred indicating membrane clog-ging(i.e.,Morrison and Benoit,2001).This greatly decreased the probability of cross-contamination during sample?ltration,improved the DOC blank,and allowed high recovery of colloidal particles.For several frontal ultra?ltrations,the retentate was collected for mass balance analyses.In all cases,better than95%recovery for major elements,organic carbon,Al,Fe and90%recovery for selected trace elements(Ti,Sr,Y,Ba,Zr)was achieved indi-cating that the adsorption of colloids and associated TE in-side the thin membrane was negligible.We also calculated the mass balance between the initial(i.e.,<0.22l m or <5l m)solution and various?lter-passing permeates (<1kDa,<10kDa,<0.025l m)for organic carbon,major elements and some trace elements(Fe,Al,Ti,Mn,Cu, Zn,Y,Sr,Ba,La,Ce,Th).The total recovery was better than90%except in several samples for Cu,Zn and Pb when a clear contamination was observed as indicated in Table1. Further discussions and precautions taken against possible artifacts of?ltration are given in Pokrovsky and Schott (2002)and Pokrovsky et al.(2005a).Filtered and ultra?l-tered solutions for major cation and trace element analyses were acidi?ed(pH2)with ultrapure double-distilled HNO3 and stored in HDPE bottles previously washed with ultra-pure0.1M HCl and rinsed with MilliQ water.The prepara-tion of bottles for sample storage was performed in a clean room.The samples for DOC analyses were collected in pyrolyzed Pyrex glass tubes in which HgCl2(10mg/L) was added to prevent bacterial development.The MilliQ ?eld blanks were collected and processed in order to evalu-ate potential sample contamination introduced by our sam-pling and handling https://www.doczj.com/doc/915726598.html,anic carbon blanks of ?ltrate and ultra?ltrates never exceeded0.1mg/L,which is low for the organic-rich rivers sampled in this study(typ-ically,5–20mg/L DOC).For all major and most trace ele-ments,concentrations in blanks were below analytical detection limits(60.1–1ng/L for Cd,Ba,Y,Zr,Nb, REE,Hf,Pb,Th,U;1ng/L for Ga,Ge,Rb,Sr,Sn,Sb; $10ng/L for Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,As).In sev-eral cases,however,clear contamination by Zn,Cu,Ni and Pb was detected in10kDa and1kDa ultra?ltrates as their concentration in1kDa and10kDa UF were>20%higher than those in<0.22l m fraction.These samples were not considered in the analysis of results.

Aqueous silica concentration was determined colorimet-rically(molybdate blue method)with an uncertainty of2% using a Technicon automated analyzer.Alkalinity was measured by potentiometric titration with HCl to pH4.2 using the Gran method,with a detection limit of10à5M and an uncertainty of2%.DOC was analyzed using a Car-bon Total Analyzer(Shimadzu TOC5000)with an uncer-tainty better than3%.Major anion concentrations(Cl, SO4,F,NO3)were measured by ion chromatography (HPLC,Dionex2000i)with an uncertainty of2%.Calcium, magnesium,sodium and potassium concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy(AAS;Per-kin-Elmer5100PC analyzer)with an uncertainty of1–2%. High concentrations of dissolved iron(i.e.,>0.5mg/L) were measured by?ame AAS,whereas the lower concen-trations were measured by ICP-MS(Elan6000,Perkin-El-mer)and by?ameless AAS(Perkin-Elmer5100PC).Trace elements(TE)were measured without preconcentration by ICP-MS.For several ultra?ltrates having very low TE con-centration,an automated desolvator was used,which de-creased the detection limit by a factor of5.Indium and rhenium were used as internal standards and corrections for oxide and hydroxide ions were made for REEs and other trace elements(Aries et al.,2000).The international geostandard SLRS-4(Riverine Water Reference Material for Trace Metals certi?ed by the National Research Coun-cil of Canada)was used to check the validity and reproduc-ibility of the analyses(Yeghicheyan et al.,2001).Good agreement between our replicated measurements of SLRS-4and the certi?ed values was obtained(relative dif-ference<10%)except for B and P(30%).For many samples of sur?cial?uids and ultra?ltrates having very low concen-trations of TE,on the order of0.001l g/L comparable with detection limits such as Ag,Cd,Hf,Ge,Cs,Ga,Se,Sn, Nb,Ta,W,Tl,Bi reliable measurements were not possible.

Finely crushed soil and river suspended matter samples collected via frontal?ltration through0.22l m?lter were dissolved by acid(ultrapure HF,HNO3)in Te?on Savillex vials;BE-N basalt rock standard was dissolved under the same conditions.Vegetation samples(moss,lichens and larch litter)were rinsed by MilliQ water in the?eld,dried at60°C in the laboratory and subjected to H2O2+HNO3 digestion at room temperature followed by HNO3+HF on a hot plate to provide entire dissolution of all solid phases.Di?erent mineral soil horizons and organic-rich topsoils were dried at90°C and treated in the same way, but without MilliQ rinsing.International vegetation and sediment standards(SRM1515apple leaves and LKSD-1 lake sediment powder,respectively)were prepared at the same time as samples.All treatment of solid samples for ICP-MS analysis was performed in a clean room. Good agreement between our replicated measurements of

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Trace elements in rivers and soil solutions in the permafrost zone3243 Table1

Results of frontal cascade?ltration and ultra?ltration

Sample OC Mg Ca Si Na SO4Li Al

31–1kDa5,5001,4503,2705,3708431280.2812 31–0.025l m9,0001,8124,5106,510939ND0.2852 31–0.22l m10,8001,8004,3106,5909531870.2853 31–5l m10,9001,8474,6106,690903ND0.29285

47–1kDa12,4007832,1008,0669782920.09156 47–0.025l m13,000788.72,1708,050981ND0.10804 47–0.22l m5,0005781,36081008612740.10819

57–1kDa25,1002,7883,1906,040899ND0.17134 57–10kDa25,8003,2503,9206,110954ND0.17384 57–0.025l m28,2003,4504,2406,050940ND0.19779 57–0.22l m27,8003,4604,3206,070963ND0.19819 57–2.5l m27,3003,5104,3906,040967ND0.17802 57–5l m27,7003,5404,4906,110968ND0.15860 60–1kDa12,7001,8104,1806,2802,2865880.107 60–10kDa13,3001,7904,2406,2502,2255270.1023 60–0.025l m12,4001,7904,1606,38022605710.1143 60–0.22l m10,1001,6003,5205,7502,1605700.1046 67–1kDa16,0001,9937,2306,8602,3402570.1025 67–10kDa14,1001,9847,2506,8502,3402800.0935 67–0.025l m13,5001,9807,1206,9502,3202850.1047 67–0.22l m11,2001,7056,0006,7002,1702470.1355



20–1kDa10,2003,72538,3006,17018,2004,6500.9512 20–0.025l m10,2003,77438,2006,10018,500ND 1.0114 20–0.22l m10,3003,68937,9006,03017,4004,2200.8814 10–1kDa17,6001,6618,6307,1107,0301,0700.4261 10–0.025l m19,1001,7359,2307,1207,4801,0600.53100 10–0.22l m19,2001,6979,2507,3307,8001,0400.46134

Element Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu

31–1kDa0.140.540.2210.2230.0580.65 1.60 31–0.025l m0.770.580.5711.81070.094 1.43 4.71 31–0.22l m0.910.600.6214.71880.118 1.54 5.08 31–5l m 1.820.820.6615.63590.118 1.63 4.52 47–1kDa0.240.260.03 1.7170.0790.11 1.18 47–0.025l m 1.960.400.26 1.81150.1530.19 3.04 47–0.22l m 2.190.400.33 1.71250.1640.28 2.99

57–1kDa0.330.690.5131.1400.463 1.90 1.64 57–10kDa 1.340.970.8138.21930.736 2.89 2.40 57–0.025l m 4.64 1.65 1.0041.810150.874 3.18 2.53 57–0.22l m 5.34 1.80 1.0343.111220.907 3.43 2.63 57–2.5l m 5.34 1.85 1.0345.511550.998 3.48 2.71 57–5l m 5.59 2.39 1.1164.71405 1.20 3.47 2.97

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Element Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu 60–1kDa0.140.510.17ND190.0430.63 1.44 60–10kDa0.470.580.34ND44

67–1kDa0.700.790.24ND420.0570.74 1.66 67–10kDa0.780.860.46ND610.062 1.28 3.06 67–0.025l m 1.150.890.51 1.2860.062 1.51 3.48 67–0.22l m 1.710.940.55 1.51080.062 1.56 3.44 87–1kDa0.72 1.690.48 3.9370.088 1.15 4.03 87–10kDa 1.32 1.830.55 4.1640.096 1.38 4.84 87–0.025l m 2.22 1.920.63 4.61110.111 1.51 5.76 87–0.22l m 2.72 1.940.708.11250.136 1.57 5.73

91–1kDa0.40 1.590.46 5.3220.0840.89 2.52 91–10kDa 1.22 1.730.69 6.6560.123 1.41 4.34 91–0.025l m 2.00 1.810.737.0900.136 1.50 5.07 91–0.22l m 2.91 1.790.72 6.11100.143 1.54 5.05 93–1kDa0.63 1.50ND ND31ND 1.01 3.11 93–10kDa 1.17 1.72ND ND53ND 1.29 4.92 93–0.025l m 1.45 1.75ND 1.8650.066 1.28 5.61 93–0.22l m 1.99 1.790.61ND770.068 1.34 5.61

96–10kDa0.79 1.230.34 2.8450.064 1.20ND 96–100kDa0.79 1.270.39 2.9480.064 1.14ND 96–0.22l m0.87 1.280.39 2.9510.062 1.17ND 96–2.5l m 1.20 1.290.40ND570.071 1.33ND 20–1kDa0.43 4.180.25 1.81290.0810.59 1.72 20–0.025l m0.55 4.610.43 1.71410.0860.75 3.22 20–0.22l m0.74 4.620.48 1.91400.0950.88 3.79

10–1kDa 1.31 3.45 1.20ND590.093 1.63 4.77 10–0.025l m 3.37 3.84 1.24ND1190.080 1.85 5.70 10–0.22l m 4.10 3.89 1.27 1.61380.068 1.90 5.76 Element Zn Ga Ge As Rb Sr Y Zr 31–1kDa cntd ND0.0070.110.0713.60.0630.068 31–0.025l m cntd ND0.0070.120.0715.10.5270.716 31–0.22l m cntd ND0.0150.140.0716.90.6130.935 31–5l m0.40.010.0360.130.0714.30.5850.957

47–1kDa cntd0.0040.0090.050.11 4.70.1220.080 47–0.025l m cntd0.0130.0110. 47–0.22l m0.60.0130.0110. 57–1kDa 3.50.0130.0060.140.1810.10.1070.182 57–10kDa 3.50.0170.0270.160.2312.90.2880.902 57–0.025l m 3.60.0250.0750.190.2314.20.452 1.437 57–0.22l m 3.80.0270.0830.200.2714.40.476 1.464 57–2.5l m 3.80.0300.0730.190.2714.90.487 1.535 57–5l m 3.80.0340.1030.190.3515.50.500 1.566 60–1kDa cntd0.010ND0.110.0913.40.0680.069 60–10kDa cntd0.011ND0.110.0815.70.2720.424 60–0.025l m cntd0.014ND0.110.0916.60.3600.531 60–0.22l m0.40.015ND0.130.0916.00.3740.559

67–1kDa cntd0.012ND0.120.1116.30.1080.166 67–10kDa cntd0.012ND0.160.1219.10.3590.640 67–0.025l m cntd0.013ND0.160.1120.10.4980.769 67–0.22l m0.570.013ND0.160.1220.20.5190.820 87–1kDa cntd0.009ND0.140.1415.60.3550.562 87–10kDa cntd0.010ND0.150.1517.10.561 1.08 87–0.025l m cntd0.011ND0.140.1518.40.819 1.40 87–0.22l m 1.170.014ND0.130.1818.60.773 1.46

Trace elements in rivers and soil solutions in the permafrost zone3245


Element Zn Ga Ge As Rb Sr Y Zr 91–1kDa cntd0.009ND0.100.1417.60.1330.195 91–10kDa cntd0.010ND0.140.1521.10.530 1.06 91–0.025l m0.520.012ND0.150.1622.50.752 1.41 91–0.22l m0.490.015ND0.150.1722.40.788 1.38

93–1kDa0.600.011ND0.130.1020.30.1930.346 93–10kDa0.710.012ND0.130.1122.90.552 1.10 93–0.025l m0.710.012ND0.150.1023.50.714 1.25 93–0.22l m0.750.013ND0.140.1023.70.749 1.31 96–10kDa0.320.011ND0.130.1127.50.5000.593 96–100kDa0.360.012ND0.130.1128.00.5170.629 96–0.22l m0.36ND ND0.130.1128.00.5460.608 96–2.5l m0.330.013ND0.130.1128.10.5410.656

20–1kDa 1.480.031ND0.900.441520.0480.029 20–0.025l m 1.440.031ND0.930.451550.2160.344 20–0.22l m 2.190.035ND0.840.471470.2320.431 10–1kDa cntd0.011ND0.280.1370.70.3990.905 10–0.025l m cntd0.011ND0.310.1578.2 1.00 1.97 10–0.22l m0.880.011ND0.280.1175.60.901 2.17

Element Mo Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu 31–1kDa ND0.2710.0140.0120.0030.0170.0040.001 31–0.025l m ND0.2990.1010.1350.0330.1690.0500.013 31–0.22l m ND0.2670.1050.1460.0370.1830.0580.016 31–5l m ND0.2910.1190.1700.0420.2040.0580.017


67–1kDa ND0.5960.0250.0380.0080.0430.0090.005 67–10kDa ND0.5960.0970.1450.0310.1490.0370.009 67–0.025l m ND0.5990.1440.2090.0460.2150.0560.017 67–0.22l m ND0.5800.1620.2350.0490.2350.0600.016 87–1kDa ND0.4690.0690.1070.0230.1130.0320.008 87–10kDa ND0.4720.1260.1880.0410.2060.0560.013 87–0.025l m ND0.5220.2140.3220.0710.3310.0910.020 87–0.22l m ND0.5530.2040.3120.0670.3190.0840.023

91–1kDa ND0.4360.0260.0370.0080.0420.0110.003 91–10kDa ND0.4450.1240.1800.0410.1970.0520.013 91–0.025l m ND0.4760.1990.2860.0630.3000.0820.021 91–0.22l m ND0.5050.2210.3090.0690.3260.0910.020 93–1kDa0.0360.3760.0360.0480.0120.0570.0160.005 93–10kDa0.0320.4200.1150.1580.0370.1840.0500.016 93–0.025l m0.0360.3960.1730.2290.0540.2570.0700.017 93–0.22l m0.0330.3920.1690.2420.0550.2640.0730.021


(continued on next page)

3246O.S.Pokrovsky et al.70(2006)3239–3260


Element Mo Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu 20–0.025l m0.027 1.550.0410.0430.0120.0680.0200.005 20–0.22l m0.165 1.580.0360.0460.0140.0710.0190.006

10–1kDa0.0430.5270.0790.0890.0220.1170.0320.009 10–0.025l m0.0670.4780.2070.2720.0680.3300.1010.028 10–0.22l m0.067ND0.2030.2760.0670.325ND ND

Element Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 31–1kDa0.0070.0010.0080.0020.0080.0010.0090.001 31–0.025l m0.0700.0110.0790.0170.0550.0080.0580.009 31–0.22l m0.0820.0140.0910.0210.0680.0100.0660.012 31–5l m0.0840.0130.0830.0200.0630.0090.0650.010

47–1kDa0.0160.0020.0180.0040.0150.0030.0180.003 47–0.025l m0.0950.0170.1090.0240.0770.0120.0760.012 47–0.22l m0.0980.0170.1050.0250.0750.0110.0770.013 57–1kDa0.0100.0020.0140.0040.0130.0020.0150.003 57–10kDa0.0270.0060.0430.0100.0360.0060.0410.007 57–0.025l m0.0560.0100.0700.0170.0560.0090.0620.010 57–0.22l m0.0590.0100.0740.0170.0580.0090.0670.009 57–2.5l m0.0580.0110.0750.0190.0600.0090.0660.011 57–5l m0.0570.0110.0760.0190.0600.0090.0650.010 60–1kDa0.0090.0010.0100.0020.0080.0010.0090.002 60–10kDa0.0410.0060.0440.0100.0310.0050.0330.006 60–0.025l m0.0550.0080.0590.0130.0390.0060.0420.006 60–0.22l m0.0610.0090.0620.0140.0410.0060.0430.007

67–1kDa0.0150.0020.0150.0040.0130.0020.0120.002 67–10kDa0.0540.0090.0550.0120.0390.0060.0410.007 67–0.025l m0.0710.0120.0770.0170.0530.0080.0530.009 67–0.22l m0.0790.0130.0820.0180.0560.0080.0580.009 87–1kDa0.0460.0070.0510.0130.0400.0060.0410.007 87–10kDa0.0800.0130.0840.0180.0600.0080.0630.010 87–0.025l m0.1190.0190.1250.0290.0860.0130.0870.015 87–0.22l m0.1150.0190.1240.0270.0870.0130.0860.015

91–1kDa0.0130.0020.0180.0050.0140.0020.0150.003 91–10kDa0.0670.0110.0790.0180.0570.0090.0600.010 91–0.025l m0.1120.0180.1170.0260.0810.0120.0830.013 91–0.22l m0.1230.0200.1250.0290.0850.0120.0890.015 93–1kDa0.0230.0050.0260.0090.0230.0060.0260.006 93–10kDa0.0700.0120.0800.0190.0630.0090.0640.011 93–0.025l m0.0940.0160.1080.0240.0790.0120.0850.014 93–0.22l m0.0990.0160.1110.0250.0810.0120.0840.014

96–10kDa0.0810.0110.0760.0170.0570.0070.0540.008 96–100kDa0.0850.0130.0820.0170.0600.0070.0580.008 96–0.22l m0.0930.0120.0880.0180.0580.0080.0610.009 96–2.5l m0.0900.0130.0870.0180.0600.0080.0590.008 20–1kDa0.0050.0000.0060.0010.0040.0000.0050.000 20–0.025l m0.0280.0040.0310.0060.0230.0020.0250.003 20–0.22l m0.0290.0050.0310.0070.0220.0030.0220.004

10–1kDa0.0510.0080.0550.0140.0440.0070.0490.008 10–0.025l m0.1460.0220.1530.0340.1120.0170.1160.019 10–0.22l m ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Element Pb Th U


31–0.025l m0.0480.0050.005

31–0.22l m0.0560.0120.006

31–5l m0.0610.0120.007


47–0.025l m0.0340.0210.012

47–0.22l m0.0340.0210.013

BE-N,LKSD-1,SRM1515and the recommended values was obtained producing a relative di?erence<10%for all certi?ed elements.The uncertainty on non-certi?ed ele-ments(i.e.,Tl for BE-N and LKSD-1;Ti,Bi,Tl,Ta,Hf, Dy,Tb,Lu for SRM1515)cannot be assessed but estimated from the internal reproducibility of our analysis as20–30%.

3.Results and discussion

3.1.Concentration and size fractionation of chemical elements 3.1.1.Major elements

Dissolved(<0.22l m)concentrations of major elements in all rivers,soil solutions and groundwaters(suprapermafrost ?ow)together with collection procedure are presented in the previous work(Pokrovsky et al.,2005b)whereas the results of the ultra?ltration experiments are listed in Table1. Dissolved(<0.22l m)concentrations of all TE in soil porewaters,groundwater and rivers are given in the Electronic Annex.The studied waters are essentially neutral with pH varying from6.7to7.7.No di?erence was detected between pH values of?ltrates and ultra?ltrates within±0.10 pH units.All rivers exhibit high concentrations of dissolved (<0.22l m)organic carbon(DOC),ranging from10to 30mg/L,which is typical for rivers draining boreal peatlands (Gordeev et al.,1996;Ingri et al.,2000;Millot et al.,2003). The inorganic charge(i=(





)for rivers having<15mg/L of OC varies from0to20%.For organic-rich rivers and soil solutions((OC)=20–30mg/L), i achieves30–40%being positively correlated with(OC).

Typical OC distribution among?ltrates of various pore sizes are shown in https://www.doczj.com/doc/915726598.html,ually,more than90%of 0.22l m-?lter passed OC is concentrated in<10kDa frac-tion and70–90%of OC passes through1-kDa membrane. All soil porewaters,groundwaters(suprapermafrost?ow) and small,medium and large rivers exhibit ultra?ltration OC patterns,similar to that of granitic boreal rivers (Pokrovsky and Schott,2002;Ingri et al.,2004),but di?erent


Element Pb Th U



57–0.025l m0.0680.0140.002

57–0.22l m0.0660.0140.002

57–2.5l m0.0650.0150.003

57–5l m0.0690.0150.003


60–10kDa ND0.0060.005

60–0.025l m ND0.0080.006

60–0.22l m0.0060.0090.006

67–1kDa ND0.0010.003

67–10kDa ND0.0090.007

67–0.025l m ND0.0140.008

67–0.22l m0.0090.0150.009



87–0.025l m0.0480.0200.018

87–0.22l m0.0430.0200.017



91–0.025l m0.0120.0150.014

91–0.22l m0.0220.0170.014

93–1kDa ND0.0040.006

93–10kDa ND0.0110.016

93–0.025l m ND0.0130.018

93–0.22l m0.0040.0140.019

96–10kDa ND0.0030.011

96–100kDa ND0.0030.012

96–0.22l m0.0060.0040.012

96–2.5l m ND0.0040.012


20–0.025l m0.033ND0.028

20–0.22l m0.0350.0030.028

10–1kDa ND0.0060.013

10–0.025l m ND0.0210.027

10–0.22l m0.0110.0230.027

cntd means contamination and ND stands for non-determined.All concentrations are in l g/L.

Trace elements in rivers and soil solutions in the permafrost zone3247

from that of tropical rivers(Viers et al.,1997)and temperate peat and podzol soil solutions(Pokrovsky et al.,2005a) where the proportion of large-size organic colloids(10kDa to0.22l m)can be as high as60%.A possible explanation for this observation is that in cold boreal regions,slow deg-radation of fresh plant litter does not allow formation of long polymerized humic chains.Consequently,low molecu-lar weight(LMW)organic matter represents most of the dissolved organics in sur?cial?uids.Indeed,it is known that for northern Siberian soils the litter decomposition occurs slowly(Trumbore and Harden,1997),whereas the abundant precipitation during summer leads to fast leaching of all deg-radation products and formation of so-called‘‘aggressive’’(low-polymerized)dissolved organic matter of a fulvic nature that moves downward through the soil pro?le(Rode, 1937;Kononova,1963;Targulian,1971).

Concentration of iron and aluminum,unlike DOC, strongly decreases during the ultra?ltration.Fe and Al are present in the form of large-size colloids(0.22l m to 10kDa)and they are essentially removed from solution be-fore the?ltration through10and1kDa membranes,as only 10–30%of these metals is concentrated in<1kDa fraction. In river samples,Fe concentrations do not exceed200l g/L and that of Al is a factor of2lower.In the swamp soil solu-tions,however,Fe and Al concentrations reach1–1.5mg/L, typical for wetland peat areas(Pokrovsky et al.,2005a).Soil solutions exhibit much higher variation of[Fe]and[Al]in 0.22l m?ltrates but follow the same general trend as small and medium rivers and groundwaters.A linear correlation between[Al]and[Fe]is observed in all UF experiments (0.9

Among major elements,dissolved silica concentration is the least in?uenced by ultra?ltration:within the analytical uncertainty of2%,we have not found any di?erence be-tween Si concentration in various?ltrates,from5l m to 1kDa(Table1).This indicates the absence of small-size phytolites,clays or silica-rich organic debris in these waters and con?rms that the major part of aqueous silica is not associated with colloids.

3.1.2.Elements exhibiting<30–50%di?erences between


Alkalis and alkali-earth elements are mostly present in the dissolved phase.Concentrations of all major cations

3248O.S.Pokrovsky et al.70(2006)3239–3260

(Na,Mg,K,Ca)and trace elements(Li,Rb,Cs,Sr,Ba)do not change by more than10–20%between the size fraction from10kDa to1kDa.Concentrations of Ni,Co,Cr,Cu and Zn(from0.2to6l g/L)are within the range reported for large rivers such as the Mackenzie,Mississippi,Ama-zon,Ob,Yenisei and Lena Rivers and close to the world average values(Gaillardet et al.,2003).Concentrations of Cu,Ni,Cr and Co decrease by30–50%upon ultra?ltration from0.025l m or10kDa to1kDa(Table1)suggesting an important role of small-size colloids or organic complexes. Manganese and Zn concentrations do not vary by more than20%between the?ltrates implying both are truly dis-solved or form<1kDa organic complexes.In most of the studied sur?cial waters,dissolved Pb concentrations(from 0.01to0.05l g/L)are similar to those reported in the Ob, Yenisei and Lena Rivers(Martin et al.,1993;Dai and Mar-tin,1995).Lead concentration variations between?ltrates could be detected only in Fe-organic-rich peat swamp zone (No.57,Table1).In this sample,the Pb concentration decreases tenfold from10kDa to1kDa,suggesting,in ac-cord with literature data(Erel et al.,1991),that colloids control Pb concentration in Fe-rich waters.

The ranges of V,As,Se,Nb,Mo,Sn and Sb concentra-tions(0.5–5l g/L,0.1–0.3l g/L,0.1–0.5l g/L, 0.001–0.01l g/L,0.01–0.2l g/L,0.01–0.1l g/L and 0.02–0.2l g/L,respectively)in<0.22l m fractions are sim-ilar to those reported for organic-rich tropical(Konhauser et al.,1994;Viers et al.,1997)and granitic boreal rivers (Johannesson et al.,2000;Pokrovsky and Schott,2002). None of these elements exhibit a clear correlation with dis-solved Fe or DOC in0.22l m?ltrates and ultra?ltrates (R2<0.5).Even in the organic-and Fe-rich soil water solu-tions from the swamp zones(No.57,[Fe]=1.1mg/L; [OC]=28mg/L),concentrations of all elements,except V,remain constant between?ltrates.At the neutral pH val-ues encountered in most samples and under well oxygenat-ed conditions,these elements are likely to be present in the form of oxyanions or neutral molecules whose interaction with mineral colloids is hampered by The negative charge of OM(i.e.,Wilkinson et al.,1997).

3.1.3.Elements exhibiting large di?erences(>50%)between ?ltrates

Trivalent,tetravalent elements and uranium exhibit strong a?nity for the colloidal fraction in sampled waters. Between30and50%of gallium and80–90%of yttrium are concentrated in>1kDa fraction and their concentra-tion decreases linearly with that of Fe(0.86R260.98). La and Ce concentrations in sampled?uids range from 0.05to0.5l g/L in<0.22l m fraction,which is similar to the values reported for tropical(Dupre′et al.,1996;Viers et al.,1997),temperate(Johannesson et al.,2004)and bore-al(Lahermo et al.,1995;Ingri et al.,2000;Pokrovsky and Schott,2002;Millot et al.,2003)organic-rich circum-neu-tral rivers.Typically,more than80%of REEs is concentrat-ed in>1kDa fraction.This is consistent with well-known properties of REE to be associated with river colloids(Sho-lkovitz,1992).From large to smaller poresizes,their con-centrations gradually decrease in proportion to those of Fe or Al(0.96R260.99)suggesting strong control of min-eral colloids on REE concentrations(Figs.4A and B).Hea-vy REE(HREE)exhibit a higher a?nity for small size colloids and the‘‘truly dissolved’’<1kDa fraction.This is illustrated in Fig.4C where the ratio of[La]/[Yb]measured in various ultra?ltrate fractions is plotted as a function of Fe concentration.This ratio increases by a factor of2for size fractions from1kDa to0.22l m.This agrees with gen-eral tendency of light REE(LREE)to form adsorbed com-plexes on inorganic phases(oxides)and HREE to form stronger aqueous complexes with organic ligands(Sholko-vitz,1995;Sonke and Salters,2006)or with carbonate ions (Tang and Johannesson,2003).Indeed,the REE pattern of ultra?ltrate(<1kDa)to?ltrate(<0.22l m)ratio in small creek Munasrakit(No.87)and soil solution(No.47)exhib-its a rise towards HREE(Fig.4D).All studied samples (large and small rivers,groundwaters and soil porewaters) exhibit very similar upper-crust normalized REE patterns.

The dominant role of mineral colloids in Ti chemical status in solution is revealed by the ultra?ltration proce-dure:a good positive correlation is observed between[Ti] and[Fe](0.936R260.99)in?ltrates and ultra?ltrates of small and large rivers,groundwaters and soil porewaters at‘‘low’’(i.e.,<200l g/L,Fig.5)and high(i.e.,<1500l g/L for samples Nos.31and57,not shown)dissolved Fe con-centrations.In most ultra?ltrates,there is no dependence between[Ti]and[OC]as with decrease of the?lter pore-size,[Ti]decreases by a factor of10,but[OC]remains con-stant or changes by not more than20–30%(Table1).

In most studied rivers,the Ge concentration is extremely low(0.01–0.005l g/L)and comparable with the world average(Gaillardet et al.,2003).Only in the Fe and OC-rich soil solution of the swamp zone(No.57),and in the river issuing from the wetland territory(No.31),were mea-surable concentrations of Ge found.In ultra?ltrates of these samples,Ge and Fe(or Al)concentrations are well correlated(R2=0.99)suggesting primary control by min-eral colloids.At the same time,in sample Nos.31and 57,[Ge]exhibits no dependence on[OC].

Dissolved(<0.22l m)Zr,Hf and Th concentrations vary from0.5to2l g/L,0.01to0.05l g/L and0.005to0.03l g/L, respectively,being correlated both with[Fe]and[Al] (0.86R260.99),but not[OC](no dependence).The <0.22l m concentrations are tenfold higher than the average values for world rivers(Gaillardet et al.,2003)but close to those reported in organic-rich tropical waters of Cameroon (Dupre′et al.,1996;Viers et al.,1997)and boreal streams from the Karelian region(Pokrovsky and Schott,2002). Similar to Ti and Ge,no di?erence in Zr,Hf and Th concen-trations were found between large and small rivers,ground-waters and soil solutions.The ultra?ltration procedure demonstrates that the size distribution of these elements is fully controlled by>1kDa colloids(Figs.6A and B).

Uranium exhibits similar<0.22l m concentration rang-es(i.e.,0.006–0.03l g/L)among large and small rivers,

Trace elements in rivers and soil solutions in the permafrost zone3249

groundwaters,permafrost and soil solutions.These values are much lower than the world average(0.37l g/L,Gaillar-det et al.,2003)but comparable to the data of silicate-draining organic-rich tropical and boreal rivers(Palmer and Edmond,1993;Porcelli et al.,1997;Viers et al., 1997).Transport of U by organic colloids in boreal rivers demonstrated by Porcelli et al.(1997)for granitic water-sheds is not seen in our study as no dependence between [OC]and[U]is observed in ultra?ltrates.In contrast, strong correlations(0.81kDa fraction.3.1.4.Thermodynamic considerations

We assessed elements speciation using the MINTEQA2 computer code(Allison et al.,1991)with an implemented database for binding of metals to discrete carboxylic sites (Allison and Perdue,1994).This calculation has been per-formed assuming a constant content of10l eq COOàper mg DOC(Oliver et al.,1983).At the pH value of most <0.22l m?ltered samples investigated in this study (7.0±0.5),undersaturation of solutions with respect to insoluble solid phase(oxides,oxy(hydr)oxides,carbonates, phosphates)is predicted for Ti,VO2(OH2)à,Cr(III)and CrO


2à,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Mn,Mo,As,Sb,Sn,As,Cd, Pb,Ge,U,Ga,Y,REE based on solubilities and stability constants given in Baes and Mesmer(1976)and Martell et al.(1997).The?uids are supersaturated with respect to

3250O.S.Pokrovsky et al.70(2006)3239–3260

gibbsite,ferrihydrite,goethite and oxy(hydr)-oxides of Th, Zr and Hf.

In order to distinguish between adsorption of TE on the surface of colloids and coprecipitation,we estimated the surface area of colloids in each?ltrate following the meth-od described earlier by Pokrovsky and Schott(2002)and Pokrovsky et al.(2005a).Assuming that the typical abun-dance of metal-and anion-available surface site for iron or aluminum oxides is3l mol/m2(Dzombak and Morel, 1990),the average concentration of available surface sites for most samples(0.2–0.6l mol/L)is comparable with the total TE concentration in<0.22l m—?ltered solutions (i.e.,$0.1–0.2l mol/L).This suggests that the overall sur-face area of mineral colloids is su?cient to adsorb all trace elements present in>1kDa fraction.However,the number of surface sites in large-size colloids(10kDa to0.22l m) represents only1±0.5%of the total available sites, whereas they retain more than half of many TE(Ti,Zr, Hf,Ga,Y,REEs).This implies the preferential incorpora-tion of TE in the bulk of large colloids via coprecipitation rather than sorption on colloid surfaces.For quantitative assessment of the parameters of this process,we calculated the iron-normalized TE partition coe?cient between dis-solved(<1kDa)and colloidal(1kDa to0.22l m)fractions de?ned as

K d?eTE=FeT

colloidal =eTE=FeT



Iron-normalized K d values range from0.2–0.3to1–2 (Table2).These values are highest for trivalent and tetra-valent elements:Ti(1.6–0.9),Zr(1.6–1.2),Y and REEs (0.8–2.0).Note a systematic decrease of K d from La and Ce to Yb and Lu in agreement with the tendency of LREEs to adsorb/coprecipitate with Fe hydroxide and HREE to form stable aqueous complexes in solution(see Figs.4C and D).The value of K d for Ge(0.5)assessed from a sole sample of swamp water(No.57)is comparable with K d=0.7–0.9obtained in the laboratory(Pokrovsky et al.,2006).Highly soluble elements exhibiting only weak a?nity for colloids(V,Mn,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Mo,Sn, Sb,Section3.1.2)have K d values between0.05and0.3.

The chemical nature of iron/aluminum colloids formed in organic-rich sur?cial waters is not well https://www.doczj.com/doc/915726598.html,ing a set of spectroscopic techniques(Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance,Infrared Spectroscopy)Olivie′-Lauquet et al. (1999)showed that Fe(III)dominates the colloidal material from Cameroon rivers both as organic complexes and

Trace elements in rivers and soil solutions in the permafrost zone3251

inorganic(hydr)oxides and that the proportion of Fe inor-ganic colloids in organic-rich waters is generally underesti-mated.Allard et al.(2004)argued that colloidal forms of iron in rivers of the Amazon Basin are represented by iron oxides and Fe3+bound to organic matter.Amorphous iron hydroxide whose large sorptive and coprecipitation capac-ities are well known thus can serve as important TE carriers both in organic-rich tropical(Olivie′-Lauquet et al.,2000), temperate(Gordeev et al.,2004)rivers and DOC-poor groundwaters(Dia et al.,2000).Important role of humic organic matter on Fe(III)oxy(hydr)oxide colloid stabiliza-tion in rivers and groundwaters has been demonstrated by spectroscopic and macroscopic techniques(Rose et al., 1998;Schafer et al.,2003a,b;Lyve′n et al.,2003).

3.2.Dissolved and particulate?uxes of TE

Based on chemical analysis of Kochechumo river sus-pended matter(RSM-1),the mean annual?uxes of TE in particulate and dissolved forms were calculated for Putor-ana rivers(Table3)assuming that:(i)average dissolved (<0.22l m)concentrations of TE in60rivers during sum-mer can serve as an approximation(±30–50%)for mean annual values(this is true for major elements,see Pokrov-sky et al.,2005b);and(ii)the TE composition of Koche-chumo river suspended matter,which is very close to that of the soil clay fraction,is representative for all rivers of the region.To derive the RSM?uxes,we used the mean multi-annual values of the Russian Hydrological Survey for the Taimura River(Pokrovsky et al.,2005b).The stack diagram of the proportion of TE transport in the dissolved phase is presented in Fig.8.


K d values for TE distribution between dissolved(<1kDa)and colloidal(1kDa–0.22l m)phase

Sample Ti V Cr Co Ni Cu Ga Ge Y Zr La Ce Pr Nd N310.800. ND 1.2 1.80.9 1.5 1.6 1.4 N47 1.300.10 1.5 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 N570.550.

Avg.wetlands0.860.050.540. 1.160.690.940.920.85

N60 2.900.080.370. 1.3 2.09 2.33 2.28 2.37 1.89 N670.930.120.820.060.710.690.03ND 2.4 2.52 3.50 3.36 3.15 2.86 N87 N91 1.540. 1.20 1.48 1.84 1.77 1.83 1.64 N93 1.420.13ND ND0.220.530.13ND 1.90 1.83 2.47 2.65 2.42 2.37 N10 1.600.100.04ND0.130.160.03ND0.94 1.05 1.18 1.57 1.49 1.32 Avg.rivers 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.8

Sample Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Pb Th U

N31 1.9 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.6 2.70.5

N47 1.1 5.9 1.0


Avg.wetlands 1.050.830.840.930.820.730.6130.5380.570.530.78 3.030.52

N60 2.07 1.17 1.65 1.59 1.58 1.55 1.18 1.33 1.14 1.050.0214.5 1.27

N67 3.72 1.26 2.74 2.76 2.89 2.49 2.22 1.73 2.40 1.83ND 6.56 1.42

N870.680.760.630.660.610.460.490.460.460.450.17 1.620.43

N91 1.80 1.35 2.11 1.83 1.46 1.18 1.24 1.01 1.23

N93 2.31 2.32 2.21 1.58 2.16 1.20 1.650.739 1.510.94ND 1.92 1.31

N10ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND0.91ND 2.250.76

Avg.rivers 2.1 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.3 1.00.11 6.1 1.0


3252O.S.Pokrovsky et al.70(2006)3239–3260

Several groups of elements can be distinguished:(i)those exhibiting high mobility in weathering processes (60–90%of total element ?ux is in dissolved form)because of high solubility of their mineral phases,weak adsorption/complexation with organic and mineral colloids and low concentrations in minerals common to basaltic rocks (B,Sr,Li,Sb,As,Mo,Se,Rb,Sn);(ii)transition metals having

50–80%of ?ux in the <0.22l m form and likely present in mobile,low-molecular weight (<1–10kDa)organic com-plexes (Cu,Zn,Ni);and (iii)normally ‘‘immobile’’trace elements having 40–80%of their annual ?ux in the dis-solved form and exhibiting high a?nity for organo-mineral Fe–Al colloids (Pb,Y,REEs,U,Zr,Hf,Th).Some soluble elements (Ba,V,Cr,Co,Mn)exhibit weaker transport in solution (dissolved ?ux <30%)compared to suspended sol-ids because of their elevated concentrations in rocks,soil and residual minerals and RSM.Finally,Ti,Fe and Al are essentially transported in the solid phase because of their high concentration in the RSM.

Assuming aluminum is mostly immobile during weath-ering (Polynov,1944;Chesworth et al.,1981),one can compare the aluminum-normalized elemental ratios of various solid reservoirs with those of basalt (Fig.9).Most Al-normalized trace element concentrations in soils and suspended matter samples are the same as in basalts (1.0±0.1).The deep and subsurface soil horizons (sam-ples 17a,71b)exhibit similar features,being slightly en-riched in Cs,As,Ba,Cd,W,Ta,Tl,Bi.Bearing in mind typical uncertainties of 10–30%related to TE con-tent variations in basalts (Zolotukhin and Al’Mukhame-dov,1988),this implies that basalt weathering in Central Siberia does not appreciably fractionate elements.Similar conclusions have been reached for chemical erosion products of basic rocks in tropical and temperate cli-mates (Louvat and Alle

′gre,1997,1998).Preferential re-lease of the most soluble elements (i.e.,Na,Ca,Mg,Sr,Rb,Ba,U)during rock dissolution reported for large

world river basins (i.e.,Dupre

′et al.,1996)is not ob-served for Siberian basalts.Enrichment in Cs and Pb of soils and suspended matter compared to basalts was

also reported for rivers of the Azores (Louvat and Alle ′-gre,1998).Plant litter and the upper organic-rich soil horizon exhibit the highest variations of (TE/Al)com-pared to original basalt.

Table 3

Mean annual ?uxes of TE in suspended and dissolved forms for Taimura river

Suspended ?ux,g/km 2/y


concentration,mg/t Dissolved ?ux,g/km 2/y B 13.48.8001,800Li 220.310672V 821 1.89387Cr 5170.61125Mn 3745 2.02414Co 970.0816Ni 252 1.29264Cu 193 5.061,040Zn 288 2.53519As 3.00.1735Se 11.50.2245Rb 34.10.1480Sr 6213731,400Y 67.60.55113Zr 246 1.12223Mo 1.00.0428.6Cd 0.40.0062 1.3Sn 2.40.022 4.5Sb 0.20.02 4.1Ba 4380.6123La 20.90.12325Ce 49.50.1939Nd 32.70.2143Yb 7.30.06714Hf 7.20.025 5.1Pb 7.70.022 4.5Th 3.30.013 2.7U




Trace elements in rivers and soil solutions in the permafrost zone


3.3.Sources of TE and mechanisms of their migration

It is known that in boreal regions,rainwater percolation through the upper soil horizons down to the permafrost non-permeable level leads to enrichment in elements re-leased during litter degradation and soil mineral dissolu-tion(MacLean et al.,1999).This is supported by the observation that the major and trace element chemical composition of soil solutions is similar to that of neighbor-ing rivers and groundwaters/suprapermafrost?uids(e.g., Nos.54,55;3and4;84–89).Analyses of porewaters from deep and surface soil horizons(i.e.,17a and17b;85a,85b and89)demonstrates only slight enrichments in the deep horizon and the absence of chemical transformation during lateral migration of soil porewaters(suprapermafrost?ow) along the permafrost table to the river.Indeed,although the sample of surface soil solution(17b,0–10cm)exhibits concentrations that are a factor of2lower for most dis-solved elements compared to the sample from the deep soil horizon(No.17a,80cm),the iron-normalized ratio([TE]/ [Fe])deep/([TE]/[Fe])surface for most elements is equal to 1.0±0.1,indicating the absence of chemical fractionation during downward migration of soil?uids.

Vegetation is known to be an important factor control-ling the geochemistry of trace elements in continental envi-ronments representing a large pool of TE storage(Viers et al.,2005)and strongly contributing to TE cycling in cold,boreal climates(Dobrovolsky,1988).We compared Al-normalized TE accumulation in litter to their concentra-tions in soil horizons and parent rocks(Fig.9).These mea-surements reveal important enrichment of moss and lichens in Ti,V,Cr,Fe,Ga,Y,Zr,HREE(factor62),Li,Na, Mg,Ca,Ni,Cu,Ge,Y,Zr,Nb,LREE(factor2–8), Mn,Zn,As,Se,Rb,Sr,Mo,Ag,Cd,Ba,Ta,W,Pb,Tl, Bi,Th,U(factor10–100)and Sn(methyl?),Sb,Cs,Bi, Pb(factor>100).This order is in fair agreement with trace element accumulation factors determined in Canadian lichens and mosses(Chiarenzelli et al.,2001).

3254O.S.Pokrovsky et al.70(2006)3239–3260

Concentrations of trace metals in larch litter measured in the present study are close,within a factor of2,to litera-ture data for pine and spruce needles(Mn,Cu,Zn,Cd, Pb;Breymeyer et al.,1997;Ceburnis and Steinnes,2000). The topsoil,containing40-50%organic matter(No.48a), is enriched in Se,Mo,Sn,Sb(Fig.9),in accord with high concentration of these elements in the plant litter.Note that the relative enrichment of vascular plants leaves,com-pared to bedrock,in Zn,As,Se,Sr,Mo,Cd,Sb,Cs,Ba,Tl and Pb reported by Chiarenzelli et al.(2001)is consistent with results of the present study.

Considering the net primary production(NPP)of the re-gion(90g C/m2or$180t litter/km2/y,Kajimoto et al., 1999)and taking into account TE content in larch litter (Table4),one can calculate TE annual?uxes issued from the litter degradation.For this calculation,the ratio be-tween the NPP and export?ux of inorganic components from the upper soil horizon in the watershed(J)was taken as0.8which is consistent with results of long-term biogeo-chemical studies in the taiga zone(estimations of Bazilevich (1976)based on earlier works of Remezov et al.(1959)and Rodin and Bazilevich(1965)).These‘‘litter-degradation’’?uxes were found to be large enough to provide the full annual stream?uxes of many major(Si,Mg,Al,Fe)and all trace elements(Table5).The importance of the biogenic pool of chemical elements has been recently recognized for other basaltic watersheds:analysis of Ge/Si ratio demon-strates that most of silica in water released to Hawaiian streams has passed through the biogenic silica pool, whereas direct mineral-water reactions account for only a small fraction of the stream silica?ux(Derry et al.,2005).

Further insights on TE transport in the studied region can be gained by the analysis of REE behavior.The crust-normalized REE pattern of unaltered basalt(No.

55),various soil horizons(17a,80cm;71b,10–20cm) and vegetation are relatively close to each other and dis-tinctly di?erent from that of soil porewaters,groundwaters and rivers(Fig.10).All soil porewater?uids exhibit nega-tive Ce anomaly and no positive Eu anomaly(except N 71b);no fractionation of REE is observed between the pri-mary basalts,their alteration products(soils)and the veg-etation.However,important fractionation consisting of appearance of Ce anomalies and slight enrichment in HREE takes place during REE mobilization from soil min-erals or litter to soil porewaters and rivers.This fraction-ation can be explained by Ce oxidation and preferential HREE enrichment in solution during the REE coprecipita-tion/adsorption on Fe hydroxides or colloids from aqueous solution as supported by laboratory experiments(Bau, 1999).Note that the Ce anomaly is already pronounced in the topsoil horizon(0–15cm)where the litter degrada-tion occurs(sample48a,Fig.10A).The permafrost ice (No.101,Fig.10A)has a REE pattern that is broadly sim-ilar to the soil waters as it inherits the composition of sum-mer solutions(Pokrovsky et al.,2005b).

Based on our results,the overall scheme of surface?uids enrichment in dissolved trace elements can be suggested Table4

Trace element composition of solid samples(in ppm)

Green moss

Hylocomium s.


Cladonia s.

Larch litter

Larix gmelinii



B17.87.719.3 4.3










Co0.2260.059 3.3631.4

Ni 1.240.3699.1881.3

Cu 2.060.86510.562.3


Ga0.0990.047 1.36918.2

Ge0.0240.0140.175 2.13


Se0.1240.2090.155 3.72

Rb 5.46 1.90 2.3411.0

Sr21.2 2.35128200

Y0.080.05 1.5221.8

Zr0.480.24 6.4779.2

Nb0.0340.0240.375 3.76







Ba 5.46 2.1427.8141

La0.0830.0640.651 6.74

Ce0.1470.127 1.44316.0

Pr0.0170.0140.182 2.21


Sm0.0140.0110.214 3.13

Eu0.0040.0020.069 1.11

Gd0.0140.0130.239 3.89


Dy0.0140.0090.264 4.27


Er0.0090.0050.163 2.60


Yb0.0090.0040.151 2.35


Hf0.011ND0.159 2.33



Pb 1.05 1.140.636 2.47



Th0.0150.0140.133 1.07

U0.0200.0070.0500.302 Soil SIB48a Soil SIB71b Soil17a—80cm Basalt No.55 Li 1.3017.7110.89 5.10

B 5.919.169.4021.6







(continued on next page)

Trace elements in rivers and soil solutions in the permafrost zone3255

similar to that of the major dissolved components(Pokrov-sky et al.,2005b).In summer,after the end of the snowmelt (July–beginning of September),percolating rainwater inter-acts with degrading plant litter/organic matter in the O(E) horizon and thus becomes enriched in OC and TE.From the end of the‘‘active’’period(second half of Septem-ber–beginning of October),the freezing of these?uids in the con?ned space forms the ground ice that inherits the composition of soil?uids.During the following summer, the source of TE in surface waters re?ects mixing of melt-ing ground ice and in?ltrating rainwater through the top-soil.Such a scenario is consistent with TE and OC mobilization from soil interstitial water and thawing ponds during melting of soil permafrost in spring and summer in Alaska(Rember and Trefry,2004).4.Conclusions

The present study allows,for the?rst time,the quan-titative assessment of TE concentrations and?uxes in pristine permafrost-dominated landscapes developed on trapps in Central Siberia.Similar to other boreal regions, colloidal transport of many insoluble trace elements(Fe, Al,Ti,Y,REE,Zr,Hf,Th)is the main feature revealed by ultra?ltration experiments.As a result of relatively humid climate and low runo?(for soluble elements) and both high concentration of dissolved organic matter and Fe–Al colloids(for insoluble elements),migration of most TE(Li,Sr,Sb,As,Mo,Se,Rb,Sn,Cu,Zn,Ni,Y, REEs,U,Zr,Hf,Th)occurs essentially in the dissolved (<0.22l m),rather than in suspended form.In contrast to organic matter—dominated colloids of temperate and tropical zone,‘‘boreal’’colloids scavenge TE via coprecipitation and they are composed of Fe(Al)hydrox-ides stabilized by organic matter.Analyses of TE concen-tration in rocks,soils,suspended matter,plant litter and permafrost ice allowed for the characterization of possi-


Soil SIB48a Soil SIB71b Soil17a—80cm Basalt No.55 Cr25.1183.4132.948.0



Co 6.5738.036.637.2




Ga 4.0118.716.915.3

Ge0.788 2.50 2.33 1.901

As0.355 1.44 2.530.914

Se 4.98 4.64 5.25 4.62

Rb 3.0014.720.57.55




Nb0.809 4.46 4.418 3.77




Sn0.2740.8910.974 1.005




La 5.568.249.53 6.55


Pr 1.64 2.50 2.83 2.19


Sm 1.91 3.16 3.45 2.96

Eu0.60 1.08 1.11 1.09

Gd 2.23 4.42 5.20 3.70


Dy 2.24 4.16 4.49 4.04


Er 1.31 2.51 2.72 2.49


Yb 1.06 2.31 2.542 2.27


Hf0.376ND0.687 2.33



Pb 1.53 3.44 4.09 1.71



Th0.367 1.56 1.770.825


RSM=River Suspended Matter;ND=non-determined.Table5

Fluxes associated with plant litter degradation and their comparison with total dissolved?uxes

Flux of litter





Litter degradation,

%of dissolved?ux
























Sn37 4.5825

Sb8 4.1188





Hf23 5.1448

Pb92 4.52030

Th19 2.7710

U7 3.3219

3256O.S.Pokrovsky et al.70(2006)3239–3260

ble sources of elements in sur?cial?uids.We submit that the mobilization of TE from degrading plant litter in the sur?cial soil horizons is large enough to provide the annual dissolved?uxes of most of trace elements.A typ-ical feature of basalt weathering in Central Siberia is the weak chemical element di?erentiation between source rocks,soil,river sediments and suspended matter.It is possible that,during the summer,rainwater interacts with degrading plant litter in the topsoil horizon leading to the formation of Fe–Al-organic colloids with incorpo-rated TE.This is in contrast to permafrost-free environ-ments,where TE–Fe colloids coprecipitation may occur during OM-stabilized iron oxy(hydr)oxides formation on the redox boundary of Fe(II)-rich waters with sur?-cial DOC-rich horizons(Pokrovsky and Schott,2002). The typical feature of Siberian landscapes developed on permafrost-dominated terrain is that migration of sur?-cial?uids from the O(A)litter layer into deeper soil hori-zons and,along the permafrost table,to the rivers, occurs without important transformation of colloidal sta-tus and concentration ratios of TE. Acknowledgements

This work was supported by the French program PNSE (Program National‘‘Sol et Erosion’’)jointly funded by INSU/CNRS agencies.We thank Associate Editor Karen Johannesson,and two anonymous reviewers for their help-ful comments that greatly improved the presentation and interpretation of results.Edward Sholkovitz is thanked for constructive review and fruitful discussion on ultra?ltra-tion.The authors are grateful to F.Candaudap and C. Causserand for careful technical assistance during the ana-lytical part of this study.

Associate editor:Karen Johannesson Appendix A.Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version,at doi:10.1016/ j.gca.2006.04.008.


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