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Jungle Shorts

丛林短裤class 3 had put on their coats


waiting in a line to 排成一队正等着

zip 拉链

anorak 防水衣

had stuck 卡住了

nearly 几乎,差一点儿

missed 没听见

rushed across the playground 迅速跑过操场lend 借给

boots 球鞋

I bet 我敢说

score fifteen goals 进十五个球

stripy 条纹

socks 短袜

strip 球服

begged 恳求道

get out of 脱下

after tea 吃完茶点

get you another coat 再给你买一件外套

had pancakes for tea 茶点吃的是摊饼

knife and fork 刀叉

with a clatter 当啷一声

promised 答应了

football things 足球用品

except for 除了

shorts 短裤

market 市场

made up her mind 打定主意

that was that 不可改变了,就那样了photos 照片

great 了不起

proper 正儿八百的,像样的

lay awake thinking 睁着眼睛躺着想问题make sure 确保

set out 出发

two street away from …和…隔两条街的距离kicking a ball about 把球踢来踢去slammed the ball over to him 猛地把球传给他I’m off with my mum我得跟我妈走crowded 挤满了人

piled high 堆得高高地

stalls 摊位

there were … for sale under stripy canvas roofs


Get your jungle shorts 来买丛林短裤喽

a wide straw hat 一顶宽檐草帽

enormous 巨大的

over his trousers 套在长裤外面

they had big green trees on 上面有高大的绿树with monkeys smiling at the top 猴子在树顶上发笑big or small 不论大小

cost much 花钱多,贵

pulled at 拽着,拉着

struggled through the crowds 挤着穿过人群

a pair 一条(短裤)

in Lenny’s size 适合Lenny穿的尺码

cost far too much money 实在是太贵了

like them better than 比…更喜欢

pulled a face 拉长了脸

no buts 不许但是

the pile 那堆(裤子)

gone down a lot 下去了很多

put aside …for …给…留了…

held… against 把…往…上一比

a perfect fit 百分之百全身

purse (女用)钱包

paid for 付钱买下

handed it over 把它递了过来

have fun wearing them 穿着好好玩吧

the next best thing 也很不错了

kicking a ball against a fence 对着木板围墙踢球at the top of …在…的尽头

we can’t wait till Monday for football


so have I 我也买了

noisy 七嘴八舌的

swinging their bags of football things


the changing room 更衣室

boots to fit about it 动作要快

got changed 换好了衣服

get in line 排好队

made sure he was at the back 设法站在了后面got a surprise 吃了一惊

as well 也

nudged him in the back 用肘捅了捅他的背

It was true.真的

record 记录

in that case 既然那样

play for the same team 在同一个队里踢球can be 可以叫做

sorted out 挑选出

field 操场

played five-a-side football 进行五人制足球赛beat all the others 打败了所有其他(球队)home time 放学时间

champions 冠军

untied 脱下了


kit 球服

leave it for your mum 把事情交给妈妈去做drove home 开车回家

later on 随后

blowing on the washing lines


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