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?经济低迷sluggish world economy

?国家统计局the State Statistical Bureau

?财政赤字fiscal deficit

?荣誉学位honorary degree

?国债余额outstanding debt

?警戒线safety level

?实实在在very real (progress)

?经济效益economic benefits

?转基因农产品genetically modified products

?粮食库存grain reserve

?开仓济贫use the grain reserve to help the poor ?退耕还林return the farmland to forests

?退耕还草return the farmland to grassland

?退耕还湖return the farmland to lakes

?农村费改税tax-for-fee reform in the rural areas

?一个确保one must

?三个到位three completions

?五项改革不良贷款five reforms in non-performing loans

?精简机构streamline(使简化)the government institutions

?粮食流通体制改革reform of grain distribution system

?投融资体制改革investment and financing reform ?住房体制改革housing reform



?长足的发展making great strides

?工业制成品industrial manufactured goods

?优化to optimize

?机电产品mechanical and electronics products ?三资企业?sanzi‘enterprises, namely sino-foreign joint ventures, sino-foreign contractual joint ventures/wholly-foreign-owned companies


?预祝。。。圆满成功wish … a great success

?商业界the business community

?桥梁作用serving as a bridge linking

?技术优势technical advantages

?幅员辽阔(to have) a massive land

?经济回economic returns

?有利可图to find … profitable


?农副产品Agricultural sideline products

?土特产native special products

?外贸体制改革reform in our foreign trade system ?关税,汇率,利率tariffs, foreign exchange rates and interest rates.

?揭幕典礼official launch



?豆制品bean product

?和……一起配起来吃… to go with …


?烈性酒strong liquor

?鲜嫩tender and fresh


?四大菜系Four major cuisines



?御膳房court kitchen

?将酒放陈to be aged

?工作午宴business luncheon

?国宴state banquet

?家庭聚会family occasion

?用餐举止table manner





?色、香、味color, aroma and taste

?中国式烹调Chinese cooking

?难消化的he avy….

?味重的highly seasoned



?1.Thank you very much for inviting us to this beautiful dinner. I feel very much honored.


?2.I am not used to strong drinks. They go to my head. Do you have something mild?


?3.This is really tender and fresh, and crisp too. How do you cook it?


?4.I have heard so much about Beijing Duck, we have been dreaming it for a long time.

?我对北京烤鸭早有耳闻了,早就做梦也想尝一下。?5.I don‘t care for seafood. It doesn‘t agree wi th my stomach.


?6.We went to a very crowded small restaurant at back alley. The food was rich and substantial at very reasonable price.


?7.I am a vegetarian. I don‘t care for meat.


?8.Thank you very much for this wonderful dinner. We really enjoy it.




?Dinner is ready, shall we go into the dinning hall and sit at table? Y ou will find your name card on the table in front of your seat.


?This is the specialty of this restaurant.


?Please make yourself at home.


?The art of preparing food in China dates back several thousand years and is an integral part of Chinese civilization.


?This is Jiaozi. It is a very popular food in the North. Y ou have to have vinegar to go with it. It goes well with vinegar.

?6.吃中国饭一般是最后喝汤,然后再上新鲜水果。?A Chinese dinner always ends with soup and then followed by some fresh fruits.


?Did you enjoy your dinner?


?I know all of you have a very busy schedule tomorrow, so I won‘t keep you long. I hope your have a good rest tonight.


?1.Most American eat breakfast and lunch quickly, unless it is a business luncheon or family occasion. The favorite fast food is the hamburger, it seems impossible but 34 billion hamburgers are eaten a year. This is enough to make a line of hamburgers around the world four times. Fast-food restaurants are very popular because the service is fast and the food is inexpensive.. ?大多数美国人早餐和午餐都很简单,吃得很快,除非是工作午餐或家庭聚会。美国人最喜欢的快餐是汉堡包。美国人每年吃掉340亿,这看起来不可能,这么多汉堡包排起来可以绕地球四圈。快餐店很受欢迎,是因为服务快捷,食物价格便宜。


?(1) 在中国,不同的地区有着不同的气候、地理环境和风俗习惯,饮食上也不例外。中国的烹调主要分四大菜系。它们是黄河流域的鲁菜;长江上游的川菜;长江中下游和华东沿海一带的江浙菜、南方沿海一带的粤菜。

There are marked differences in climate, geography and customs in the different regions of China, and food is no exception. Chinese cuisine falls into four major categories, Shandong cuisine along the Yellow River V alley, Sichuan cuisine along the upper reaches of the Y angtze River, Jiangsu-Zhejiang cuisine along the middle and lower reaches of the Y angtze River and China‘s south-east coast, and Guangdong cuisine along the Pearl River V alley and China‘s south coast.


?Sichuan cuisine is world-famous for its hot, spicy dishes. The climate in Sichuan is very humid most of the year, and the Sichuanese like to keep the damp out by eating heavily spiced food. Hot chili, pepper and ginger are the ever-present ingredients.


?This colorless transparent liquor is our Maotai. It is named after the place where it is made. That is a small town in the Province of Guizhou, southwest China. It is from sorghum and wheat, but the local water from a famous mountain spring is the secret. It‘s aged in porcelain jars in a cellar for a number of years. Maotai is now quite famous all over the world. Its is pretty strong, but it doesn‘t go to the head. That‘s the beauty of it. Among the great number of famous spirits produced in China, Maotai ranks first. For the Chinese people, tasting Maotai at festivals and other happy occasions is a treat. It is a must at state banquet or formal banquet.



?参考译文)If you are in the habit of going to a Chinese restaurant only once in a while, you probably can‘t tell one Chinese dish from another. People who know a little about Chinese cuisine however realize that there is no such thing as simple ―Chinese food‖, but a large and varied selection a Chinese cuisine. These are all quite different from each other, depending on the regions from which they come. Major categories of cuisine are Shandong, Huaiyang from the coastal areas of southeast China, Guangdong cuisine from the south, and Sichuan cuisine from the southwest. To the Chinese, eating is a

kind of culture in itself, and Chinese gourmets do not eat merely to please their palates and fill their stomachs. Chinese cuisine is as long in origin and rich in content as Chinese culture.



?深情厚谊profound amicable sentiment

?友好访问goodwill visit

?热情款待gracious/warm hospitality


?我/我们很高兴It is a great pleasure for me to …

?It gives me a great pleasure to …

?We are delighted/happy that …

?我谨,我愿…… I wish to/I would like to

?代表on behalf of

?以……的名义in the name of


express one‘s sincere/hearty thanks to

express one‘s appreciation to

be grateful for


It gives me the opportunity

It has provided me an excellent opportunity

It affords us an opportunity

?向…… 表示热烈欢迎

extend a warm welcome to


It is truly a privilege for me

It is a great honor for me

It gives me a great honor

I am privileged to

I feel honored to

?友好讲话kind words/friendly remarks

?在……的邀请下at the invitation of

?有益于to be beneficial to

?增进友谊与合作promote/enhance/strengthen friendship and cooperation

?本着这种精神in the spirit of

?在座的各位everyone present here

?最后in conclusion

?我提议为……干杯I‘d like to propose a toast to …单句精讲精练


?(1) 布朗先生和同事远道前来我公司访问,我们感到由衷的高兴。

?We are happy that Mr. Brown and his delegation have come to visit our company from afar.

?(2) 我有机会在广州接待理查森先生及随同来访的其他英国朋友感到十分高兴。

?It gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity to meet in Guangzhou Mr. Richardson as well as other British friends accompanying him on the current visit. ?(3)我深信您的这次访问必将为推动两公司友好关系的进一步发展作出新的贡献。

?I am convinced that your current visit will further promote the friendly relations and cooperation between our two companies.

?(4) 我预祝你们的访问取得圆满成功。

?I wish your visit a complete success.


?Profound amicable sentiments have always existed between the people of China and Australia.


?My wife and I are exceptionally pleased to come to your country for a goodwill visit at the kind invitation of your company.


?It gives me great pleasure this evening to meet all of you here at the gathering filled with friendly sentiments. 英译汉:

?(1) On behalf of my delegation, I am happy to have the ho nor of replying Mr. Wang‘s gracious words of welcome.


?(2) It is a special honor for me to be permitted to speak on behalf of all Canadian guests present here.


?(3) It gives me great pleasure on behalf of this company to extend a warm welcome to the members of the Chinese Delegation, who have been invited to this country by this company.


?(4)Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your warm words of welcome.


?(5)On behalf of all of the members of our official party, I want to express my deep appreciation for the boundless and gracious hospitality which you have extended to us. ?我代表我们官方代表团全体成员,对你们给予我们的无限盛情的款待,表示衷心的感谢。

?(6)I should therefore like to propose a toast to this new stage in the friendship and co-operation between our two companies. Cheers!


?(7)I ask you to join me in a toast to peace and friendship of the world.



(1) Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome. To come to China, one of the very earliest cradle of civilization, is, I suppose, the dream of many people the world over. I, therefore, feel very honored to be in your great country and I do thank you for your invitation.


(2) In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country. We are deeply grateful for the warm welcome and hospitality with which you have received us since our arrival in your country.


(3) I wish to thank you for the generous hospitality and the spontaneous warmth with which we have been received everywhere. I fully reciprocate the kind sentiments you have expressed for the people of my country. My visit is in keeping with the age-old tradition of friendship between our two countries.



(1) 我们两国人民已经建立深厚的友谊,我们在政治、经济、贸易、文化、卫生等各方面进行了真诚的、富有成效的合作。两国友好的发展是令人满意的。

Profound friendship has been established between our two peoples. We have carried out sincere and rewarding cooperation in the political, economical, trade, cultural, health and other fields. The amicable ties between our two countries have been developing to our mutual satisfaction.

Sino-Australian cooperation has been making rapid advances over the past two years after the exchange of visits by the leaders of the two countries. Now we are no longer remote and strange to each other, but cordial friends and important trading partners. Everyone is very pleased with this. I would like to take this opportunity to pay my deep respect to all Australian friends in whatever walks of life, who have contributed to the cause of Sino-Australian friendship and cooperation. (ppt上没有解释)

(3) 几天来,我同贵公司库克总裁和其他领导人进行了深入和有益的会谈。这使我对我们双方公司的友好关系的前景更加满怀信心。我愿在这里,对贵公司为我们这次访问所做的盛情款待表示衷心的感谢。

In the past few days, I held in-depth and useful talks with President Cook and met with many other leaders of your company. As a result, I am even more confident about the future of the friendly relations between our two companies. Here I wish to express my thanks to your company for your gracious hospitality.



?Now I propose a toast to …

?Let me/I would like to propose a toast to …, … and ….?I ask you to join me in a toast to … .

?May I propose a toast to …?

?May I raise my glass with the guest present in a toast to …


(参考译文)Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Please allow me, on behalf of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, to extend our sincere welcome to Mr. Jones. China and the United States are two big countries. The two peoples have enjoyed friendly relations ever since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The bilateral trade has also increased greatly. Mr. Jones has probably noticed the changes taking place in Guangzhou over the past five years. Our municipal government is endeavoring to make Guangzhou a real international metropolis. We hope that Mr. Jones will offer his comments and suggestions and provide his possible help. Now, may I propose a toast to the friendship between our two peoples.

Thank you, Mr. Deputy mayor, for your warm remarks. Now I should like to offer a few of my own on behalf of Foothill Corp. I want to assure you that we will do our best to develop a long-term cooperation with banks, corporations and enterprises in Guangzhou. Our goals for this year are to offer loans to our clients in flexible, creative and responsive manners. We will lower borrowing rates and improve efficiency in order to further enhance business relations with our partners in Guangzhou. To that end, let me propose a toast to the success of our further cooperation and to the health of all of you present tonight




?追溯到can be traced back to

?旅游热点tourist attractions

?八大景eight major scenes

?佛经Buddhist scripture

?英法联军Anglo-French Allied Forces

?八国联军Allied Forces of Eight Powers

?祭天worship the heaven

?烽火台beacon tower

?始建于……年the construction began in …

?于……完工t he construction completed in …

?位于be located/situated

?历史名胜historical sites

?商务旅游business tour

?城市观光city tour

?民俗文化folk culture

?度假胜地holiday resort

?必看的地方must place

?被列为重点文物保护单位to be put down on the list of the important historical sites to be given special protection

?旅游旺季tourism peak season

?野外风光wild scenery

?少数民族聚居区ethnic communities

?战国时期Warring States Period





?The recorded history of the country can be traced back to the 19th century B.C.


?The First Qin Emperor was the first ruler in China‘s history to establish a unified empire.

?3)这座塔是典型的唐代建筑,是用来存放佛经的。?This pagoda is typical of the architecture of the Tang Dynasty. The pagoda was intended to store the Buddhist scriptures.


?Beijing is a city with a long history dating back to very early times. From the 12th century onward, Beijing was the capital of four dynasties – the Jin, Y uan, Ming and Qing. It was once the auxiliary capital of the Liao Dynasty in the early 10th century.


?The construction of the Ming Tombs, the tombs of thirteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty and their empresses, began in 1409.


?The terra-cotta warriors and horses buried in the tomb of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty some two thousand years ago near Xi‘an, Shanxi, have become the eighth wonder of the world.


?The whole structure is of stone and marble, without a single beam or pillar.


?1)The continental United States, not counting Alaska and Hawaii, measures 4,500 kilometres form its Atlantic to Pacific coast, 2,575 kilometres from Canada to Mexico.


?2)Niagara Falls is a major attraction for people everywhere in the world.


?3)Each year, an average of 13 million people visit the sites, some call it one of the world‘s natural wonders.


?4)It stays open right through the year including the winter months.


?5)The tourist industry began about 20 years ago and very quickly, it became a favorite site for tourists.


?6)The construction proceeded in three stages: building of the foundation, construction of the roofs and the building of the interiors.


?7)Y ou can ride an elevator up 160 meters to the top of the tower for a spectacular view of the surrounding area. ?人们还可以乘坐电梯到塔的最高层,观赏周围地区的美妙风光。



?The Temple of Heaven is situated in the southern part of the city. It was built in 1420, covering an area of 273 hectares. The Temple was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshipped heaven and prayed for good harvests. They came here twice a year, on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month and on winter solstice. At first, both heaven and earth were worshipped here. After 1530 when the Temple of Earth was built in the northern suburbs, only heaven was worshipped in this temple.

我们现在参观的这一段就叫八达岭,它于1957年被修复并向游人开放。由于建筑的质量很高,明朝修建的长城大部分完好无损。这一段的结构很典型,平均高7.8米,底部宽6.5米,顶部宽5.8米,是砖石建的,墙身宽阔,二十个骑兵或十个步兵可以并排前进。?The section we are in now is called Badaling, which was restored in 1957 for visitors. Because of the high quality of its construction, most of the Great Wall built in the Ming dynasty still stands intact. The Great Wall is typical in structure: 7.8 meters high on the average, 6.5 meters wide at the bottom and 5.8 meters wide on the top. It is made of brick and stone and is broad enough to accommodate 5 cavalrymen and 10 infantrymen marching abreast.


The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous building not only in Australia but also in the world. The government organized an international competition for a design for the complex. It was won in 1957 by the Danish architect, Jorn Utaon.


At the north end of the Houses of Parliament is a big tower – the famous clock tower known as Big Ben. Big Ben is really the name of the bell inside. It is named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was in charge of the new parliament building in 1859. big Ben has been chiming for more than a century. It started chiming on June 11, 1859. The clock that regulates the chiming of Big Ben keeps good time.



?碧海丹心The Red Heart in the Blue Sky

?红陵旭日The Mausoleum in Sunlight

?鹅潭夜月The Swan Lake in Moonlight

?白云松涛The Pine Waves in the White Cloud

?越秀远眺A Distant V iew of Y uexiu Park

?东湖春晓Eastern Lake in Spring

?双桥烟雨Twin Bridges in the Rain

?罗岗香雪The Plum Blossoms of Luogang


?花港观鱼V iewing Fish at Flower Harbor

?断桥残雪Melting Snow at Broken Bridge

?三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

?柳浪闻莺Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows ?苏堤春晓Spring Dawn by Su Dike

?平湖秋月Autumn Moon on Calm Lake

?曲院风荷Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard

?南屏晚钟Late Bell at Nanping Hill

?双峰插云Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds

?雷峰夕照Evening Sunlight at Thunder Peak Pagoda

珠江原来是很宽的,人们把轮渡过江叫―过海‖。.我们现在走的这条沿江路原来是珠江的一部分。后来人们逐渐填海造地盖房子,珠江才慢慢变成这么窄。?The Pearl River used to be rather wide, and people called it ―crossing the sea‖ when they ferried across it.

The site of this road we are on used to be part of the

river. People reclaimed the riverside for land to put up

houses. The river was gradually narrowed to the status



It was said that there was a huge piece of rock in

the river near the present-day Guangzhou Children‘s

Library, which looked as round and smooth as a pearl due to the sustained wash of the surging water, thus giving rise to the name.


The ―pearl‖ disappeared resulting form the reclamation(开垦), but the graceful name has come down with history.


?2)Geographically, Beijing is located in the northern part of the North China Plain, surrounded by mountains on the north, east, and west. The city covers an area of 16,800 square kilometers, or 6486 square miles. The annual temperature averages 11.9 degrees Centigrade.



Annual rainfall averages 24 inches, or 696 millimeters. Beijing has a population of more than 10 million; over 6 million in the urban area, and nearly 4 million on the outskirts. The city of Beijing consists of 4 urban districts, 6 suburban districts and 9 outlying counties.




1) Proverbs are children of experience.谚语是经验的产


2) It' s no use crying over spilt milk.倒翻牛奶,哭也没

用。缩写形式:Cry over spilt milk. 含义:覆水难收。

3)screw up 弄糟、一塌胡涂

He screwed the whole thing up from start to finish. 他自始至终一塌胡涂。

4)Pay off 贿赂

5)chat up 与异性搭讪

6)snake in the grass 暗箭

7)hit below the belt \ stab in the back 暗箭伤人

8)cut the ground from /under sb. 在某人背后搞鬼

9)beer and skittles 吃喝玩乐

10)wax and wane 盛衰

11)weal and woe祸福。

12)sun, moon and stars 日月星

13)on land, on sea, and in the sky 海陆空

14)Eat, drink and be merry. 及时行乐

15)Wine, woman, and song. 吃喝玩乐

16)Time flies like an arrow. 光阴似箭。

17)Art is long, life is short. 人生苦短,艺术长久。

18)A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交。

19)sword for sword 剑对剑

20) tit for tat 针锋相对

21)Diamond cut diamond.

22) 棋逢对手

23)Like cures like. 以毒攻毒。

24)rain cats and dogs (meaning: rain heavily) 倾盆大雨

25)wear one's heart upon one's sleeve (meaning: show one's feeling plainly) 心直口快

26) Carry coals to Newcastle.直译加注:运煤到纽卡索,多此一举。(―纽卡索‖是英国的一个产煤中心,运煤到纽卡索是多余的事。)同义的汉语成语:担柴上山、画蛇添足。

27)Sour grape(酸葡萄)来源于《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables)。可套用的同义汉语成语:妒忌贤能、妒火中烧。例如:If I criticize her book, people will think it's just sour grape. 如果我批评她的书,人们会说我是酸葡萄(吃不到葡萄,说葡萄酸)。

28) ride the high horse喻义: be high and mighty意译:趾高气扬、神气活现、目空一切、目中无人。

例It's no good getting on your high horse about single parents. Y ou can't force people to get married.你不必对单身父母愤愤不平,你不能强迫人们结婚。

The way they treat those dogs really makes my blood boil.他们这样对待那些狗,真使我愤愤不平。



1)pull sb‘s leg愚弄某人

2)move heaven and earth 千方百计

3)child‘s play 简单的东西

4)eat one‘s words 承认自己说了错话

5)dog-eat-dog 残酷争夺,人吃人



牢不可破——so strongly built as to be indestructible

攻其不备——strike somebody when he is unprepared

一语道破——hit the mark with a single comment

对牛弹琴——play the lute to a cow(联想到英语成语cast pearls before swine(猪))

竭泽而渔——drain a pond to catch all the fish(联想到英语成语kill the goose that lays the golden eggs)

易如反掌——as easy as turning over one‘s hand(联想到英语成语as easy as falling off a log.)

口蜜腹剑——honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted(联想到英语成语Judas kiss)



混水摸鱼英语中fish in troubled water指的是take advantage of troubled or uncertain condition for personal profit,这两个成语的表现形式和内在含义是相同的。类似的还有:

赴汤蹈火——go through fire and water

随波逐流——go with the tide

眼不见,心不烦——Out of sight,out of mind. 充耳不闻——turn a deaf ear


胸有成竹have a card in one‘s sleeve。又如―噤若寒蝉‖译作as mute as a fish“瓮中之鳖‖译作like a rat in a hole

胆小如鼠——as timid as a rabbit

挥金如土——spend money like water

东张西望——look right and left

缘木求鱼——seek a hare in hen‘s nest

抛砖引玉——to throw a sprat to catch a herring (3)汉语成语与目标语有相似的形象,但文化信息和内涵不同。

狐朋狗友——pack of scoundrels (坏蛋,流氓) 狼心狗肺——heartless and cruel

雪中送炭——help a lame dog over a stile

爱屋及乌——Love me,love my dog.


扬眉吐气——feel proud and elated

开门见山——come straight to the point

大张旗鼓——a large and spectacular scale

风雨飘摇——being unstable

心不在焉——be absence of mind

事与愿违——all your swans are geese

不知所措——all at sea

入乡随俗——When in Rome,do as the Romans do.


班门弄斧——showing off one‘s proficiency with an axe before Luban,the master carpenter

八仙过海——the eight fairies crossed the sea(the eight fairies are characters in the Chinese myth story)

成语―叶公好龙‖可译为Lord Y e‘s l ove of dragons,之后还必须给这个成语添加一个脚注(Y e was so fond of dragons that he adorned his whole palace with drawings and carvings of them,but when a real dragon heard of his infatuation and paid him a visit,he was frightened out of his wits.),外国读者才能理解它的内涵。类似的还有:毛遂自荐(Mao Sui recommending himself)、一鼓作气(rousing the spirits with the first drum roll)等。


无影无踪without a trace

愁眉苦脸——gloomy faces

天长地久——eternal like skies


生龙活虎——sting with energy

字斟句酌——weigh every word


英汉翻译中的“假朋友”现象 “假朋友”一词源自法语词语“Faux Amis”,现主要是指在语义结构上相似或相同,但含义却不相同的词或句子结构。全文主要从三个方面讨论英汉翻译中易出现“假朋友”的现象: (1) 词汇及习语; (2) 否定结构; (3) 比较结构,从而指出正确鉴别“假朋友”现象对外语学习者的重要性。 众所周知,英语和汉语都是高度发展的语言,都拥有极其丰富的词汇和表达方式。但由于两者分别隶属于两大语系(前者属于印欧语系,后者属于汉藏语系) ,因此它们在词类的用法和句子结构方面有很大的差异。这些差异,构成了英汉、汉英翻译中的诸多难点。其中一个难点是指那些在字面意义、语义结构上相似或相同,但含义却截然不同的词汇或句子结构。这一现象在英文中被称为“False Friends” 对于英语学习者来讲,正确鉴别“假朋友”现象至关重要,否则稍有不慎,便会上“假朋友”的当,造成翻译上的笑话。 本文从长期的教学经验基础上,就英语词汇及习语、否定结构和比较结构的理解与翻译方面容易出现的“假朋友”现象举例加以阐明,以期引起外语学习者的注意。 一、词汇及习语中的“假朋友”现象 由于词汇和短语是句子语篇结构的单位,因此理解词汇及习语中的“假朋友”现象是整体理解的关键。但初学者对词汇及成语中的“假朋友”现象往往毫无意识,极易望文生义。如: oil skin 油布(并非油性皮肤) ;good seats 好票(并非好的席位) ; fish - wife 卖鱼女(并非雌性鱼) ;table knife 餐刀(并非桌子上的刀) ; white day 吉日(并非白色的天) ; smell a rat 怀疑(并非嗅到了老鼠) ; red meat 牛、羊肉(并非红色的肉) ;blue coat 警察(并非兰色上衣) ; red - cap 搬运服务人员(并非红帽子) ;bull’s eye靶心(并非牛的眼睛) ; mad doctor 精神病医生(并非发疯的医生) ; dogear 书的折角(并非狗耳朵) ; familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(并非熟悉的谈话) ; pull up one’s socks 鼓起勇气(并非拉上袜子) ; husband like 善于管理农活的(并非像丈夫的) ; cock - and - bull story 无稽之谈(并非鸡和牛的故事) ; bite the thumbs at 对…嗤之以鼻(并非咬大拇指) ; twice - told tale 老掉牙的故事(并非讲过两次的故事) ; divorce lawyer 办理离婚案件的律师(并非离婚的律师) ; yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,黄色纸封面) (并非黄色书刊) ; 从以上的例子我们可以看出,要认清此类的“假朋友”,一方面在于积累,另一方面要避免想当然,应从上下文语境中细细品味其真实含义。 二、否定结构中的“假朋友”现象 在英语中,有些句子结构在形式上是肯定的,而在实质上是否定的;或在形式上是否定的,而在实质上是肯定的。另有一些双重否定的句子,在绝大多数场合其含义是肯定的,但有时仍然是表示否定的意思。在翻译这些特殊的否定结构时,应认真研究上下文,根据言语服从思想、


Unit 1 Ⅰ. Useful Expressions 1. 被系在…上be attached to… 2. 探索行为exploratory behavior 3. 偶尔on occasion 4. 父母的责任parental duties 5. 揭示,阐明throw light on 6. 最终目的an ultimate purpose 7. 要做的动作desired action 8. 所希望的结果desirable outcome 9. 关键critical point 10. 育儿观 value of child rearing 11. 弥补某种错误行为making up for a misdeed 12. 回想起来in retrospect 13. 善意的well-intentioned 14. 前来帮助某人come to sb.’s rescue 15. 极其熟练、温和地with extreme facility and gentleness 16. 适用于apply to 17. 发展到evolve to 18. 发展创造力promote creativity 19. 值得追求的目标worthwhile goals Ⅵ. Sentence Translation 1. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing. (=然而,我和艾伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。) 2. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. (=他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。) 3. I soon realized that this incident was directly relevant to our assigned tasks in China: to investigate the ways of early childhood education (especially in the arts), and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. (=我很快意识到,这件小事与我们在中国要做的工作直接相关:考察儿童早期教育(尤其是艺术教育)的方式,揭示了中国人对创造性活动的态度。) 4. 我的中国同行,除了少数几个人外,对此事的态度与金陵饭店工作人员一样。(= With a few exceptions my Chinese colleagues displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.)


一天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(一) 4 英文中的介词可以翻成中文里的方位副词的动词 There is a book on the desk. 桌上有本书。 The teacher came into the classroom with a book and a dog.老师带着一本书和一只狗…… 6 一般8个单词以下定语从句前置,多于8个单词后置。定语从句翻译后置方法中,需要译出关系词。 63 非限制性定语从句需要后置译法,且翻译关系词。 7 循环套用1: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2+定语2的定语3+…… 翻译方法看长度: 定语1+2=3 前两者放在一起翻译 定语1=2+3 后两者放在一起翻译 14 循环套用2: 中心词+定语1+定语1的定语2 翻译时:2+1+含有中心词的句子 注: 10 which有时指前面整个句子; 14 有时定语从句远离先行词; where“在那里” 11 prior to(主张多用)=before 11 “其”是中文专门用来表示第三人称的词。 13 定语从句一般不可放在句首 13 被动语态:用“为”代替“被” 英汉差异: 13 英文中多用代词;中文多用名词,不怕重复 15 英文多用长句,不注重标定符号的使用;中文多用断句且多用标点 23 英文多用名词;中文多用动词(动词的过渡) 英译汉: 9 适时断句,避免长句 12 重要的句子在后面翻译,不重要的先翻译 15 适时增加表示逻辑关系的词,使句子更具逻辑性 第二天突破英文中定语从句的翻译(二) 18 并列套用:多个并列定语修饰一个中心词 后置译法,关系词只需译一次 18 本位词&外位词

本位词:这,这样,这些 外位词:被本位词所替代的部分 一般用定语从句的which/of来翻译本位词 ...women in novels were stereotype of lacking any features... 小说中的妇女都是这样一种模式,她们缺少…… This assumption rests on the fallacy of the ... 假设是基于这样一种谬论:…… 19 There are not a few of people. 有不少人。 There are very few people who would not like to do it. 没有多少人愿意做这件事情。 20 abnormally 不正常地;病态地;特别,尤其 21 短句翻译:剥洋葱 先次后主,有逗号 21 中文:事实+评论 英文:评论+事实 22 It is often said that...人们常说 it is believed that...人们相信 It is guessed that...人们猜测 It is thought that...人们认为 It is supposed that...人们推测 It is reported that...据报道 插入语 23 表示观点时,提到句首翻译 27 不表示观点时,保留在原来位置,用破折号连接 23 谓语动词的过渡 英译汉 keep one informed current events keep是过渡词,本身动词性很弱,它的存在是为了informed的存在,因此翻译时直接忽略keep翻译inform 汉译英 中文“副词+动词”——英文“副词变动词,动词变名词” 28 West Bejing人为划分的行政区域,西北京 Western Beijing自然地理意义上的范围,北京的西部 the West of Beijing不在北京范围内,北京的西边 29 一般英文的人名和地名都要求固定中文译法 White 怀特 Watt 瓦特 Walt 沃尔特


"The days that make us happy make us wise." John Masefield when I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. But his sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it. Finally, I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear. Active happiness not mere satisfaction or contentment often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud. Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it. The grass is greener; bird songs are sweeter; the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. Happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses correcting your spiritual vision. Nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.The long vista is there for the seeing. The ground at your feet, the world about you people, thoughts, emotions, pressures are now fitted into the larger scene. Everything assumes a fairer proportion. And here is the beginning of wisdom. “快乐的日子使人睿智。”--- 约翰 梅斯菲尔德第一次读到英国桂冠诗人梅斯菲尔德的这行诗时,我感到十分震惊。 他想表达什么意思?我以前从未对此仔细考虑,总是认定这行诗反过来才正确。 但他冷静而又胸有成竹的表达引起了我的注意,令我无法忘怀。 终于,我似乎领会了他的意思,并意识到这行诗意义深远。 快乐带来的睿智存在于敏锐的洞察力之间,不会因忧虑而含混迷惑,也不会因绝望和厌倦而黯然模糊,更不会因恐惧而造成盲点。 积极的快乐–并非单纯的满意或知足–通常不期而至,就像四月里突然下起的春雨,或是花蕾的突然绽放。 然后,你就会发觉与快乐结伴而来的究竟是何种智慧。 草地更为青翠,鸟吟更为甜美,朋友的缺点也变得更能让人理解,宽容。 快乐就像是一副眼镜,可以矫正你的精神视力。 快乐的视野并不仅限于你周围的事物。 当你不快乐时,你的思维陷入情感上的悲哀,你的眼界就像是被一道墙给阻隔了, 而当你快乐时,这道墙就会砰然倒塌。 你的眼界变得更为宽广。你脚下的大地,你身边的世界,包括人,思想,情感和压力,现在都融入了更为广阔的景象之中,其间每件事物的比例都更加合理。 而这就是睿智的起始。 "The days that make us happy make us wise." John Masefield when I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. But his sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it. Finally, I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear. Active happiness not mere satisfaction or contentment often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud.


如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered. 2 。宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。心碎了,还需再补吗? i would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry, when my heart is broken, is it needed to fix? 3 。没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 no one indebted for others, while many people dont know how to cherish others. 4 。命里有时钟需有命里无时莫强求you will have it if it belongs to you, whereas you dont kvetch for it if it doesnt appear in your life. 5 。当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害when a cigarette falls in love with a match, it is destined to be hurt. 6。爱情??在指缝间承诺指缝…。在爱情下交缠。love ,promised between the fingers finger rift, twisted in the love 7。没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won?t make you cry. 8 。记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable. love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像 一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。每一个沐浴在 爱河中的人都是诗人。 look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对 我而言意味着什么。distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更 近。 i need him like i need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让 我爱多一些吧。 love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。


考研翻译重点词汇 Abstract n.摘要,概要,抽象 adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的 Accelerate vt.&vi.(使)加快,(使)增速, n.接受速成教育的学生 Account (1)看法,认识 (2)解释,说明 Account for 占…(多大)比重; 解释, 说明 Achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩,达到;完成 Acquire vt.得到,养成,vt 获得;招致,学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等),捕获, Action n.作用,动[操]作,行动,机械装置[作用],(小说等中的)情节 Activity n.活动,活动的事物,活动性,机能,功能 Actually adv.现实的,实际的;目前的;明确的,有效的 Additional adj.增加的,额外的,另外的 Advance vt.&vi.(使)前进,(使)发展;促进, vt.提出 Advantage n.利益,便利,有利方面,有利条件;优点;优势, (网球等)打成平手(deuce )而延长比赛后一方先得的一分(攻方所得称 advantage in ,守方所得则称 advantage out ) Agree vi.一致;相合同意,赞成约定,允诺,答应,相宜,调和,符合,和睦相处 Almost adv.几乎,差不多,差一点;将近 Amount n.量,数量,数额,总额,总数 vi.合计,共计 An immense amount of … 大量 An amount of … 一些 A certain amount of … 某些 Analogous 与…类似, 与…相似 And 而, 然而 Apply … to … ≈ lie with 存在于,发生于 Approach vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近; vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理; n.靠近,接近,临近 Appropriate adj.适当的,恰当的; vt.挪用;占用;盗用 Argue vt.&vi.争吵,辩论; vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明,说服,劝说 Arise vi.&link v.呈现;出现;发生; vi.起身,起来,起立 As 译为 (1) 像, 如 ; (2) 作为 As … as (比较的两者要一致) = not so … as 译成:“… 和 … 一样 ” As is mentioned above 如上所述, (如上所示,如图所示---作文可以写) Aspect n.方面,方位,朝向 Assert vt.声称,断言,维护,坚持 Assume vt.假设,认定, 臆断,猜想,假装,担,担任,就职 Attempt n.尝试,企图vt.尝试,企图 Augment vt.增加,提高,扩大; n.增加,提高,扩大 Availability n.可用性,有效性,实用性 Base n.基础,底座,基地,根据地 vt.把…建立在,以…为基础 Behavioral adj.动作的,行为方面的 Big bang 大爆炸理论 Branch n.树枝,枝条,支,分科,分系; vi.出枝,树叉 Breakthrough : 突破 Break prison (监狱)越狱 Break out v. 爆发 Out break: n. 爆发


THE NECKLACE Mathilde Loisel was one of those poor girls, pretty,charming and romantic,who,in spite of their romantic dreams,are married to a mediocrity.Her husband was a clerk in the Ministry of Education. One evening her husband came home with an air of triumph. “I have something nice for you,”he said,giving her a large envelope. She tore open the envelope,which contained the following printed card: “The Minister of Education and Madame Georges Ramponneau have the honour to request the company of Monsieur and Madame Loisel at the office of the Ministry on Monday evening,January 18th.” She did not seem delighted.On the contrary,she flung the invitation card on the table,and said spitefully: “What's that to me?” “Why,my dear,I thought you'd be pleased.You like a dance,don't you?You hardly ever go out,and this is really a good chance for you.I had no end of trouble to get it.Every one wants it,you know.All the officials will be there,but only a few clerks are invited.” She looked at him ruefully and exclaimed: “What do you expect me to wear at a party like that?” It never occurred to him that she had no pretty dresses nor jewels.He replied hesitatingly: “Why,the dress you wear when you go to the theatre looks very nice to me.” She burst into tears.Why did she marry such a dull,stupid fellow?Only because she was born into a poor family.Oh,cruel trick of destiny! “What's the matter?”he asked anxiously.


英汉翻译练习 一、翻译下列句子,注意词义的选择 1.Parliament will debate the nationalization issue next week. 2.The Christmas issue of the magazine has a picture of carol singers on its cover. 3.There is a new issue of stamps to commemorate the Royal wedding. 4.His activities are so regular you could set your watch by him. 5.She greeted her guests with a set smile. 二、翻译下列句子,注意根据上下文及逻辑关系对斜体词作必要的引申 1.There was no provocation for such an angry letter. 2.Macdonald's had become an institution in his life in the last eight years. 3.The trunk was big and awkward and loaded with books.But his case was a different proposition. 4.It was regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter. 5.Such conduct is known in all languages as piracy. 三、用增词法翻译下列句子 1.After all preparations were made,the plane took off. 2.I like the climate of San Francisco better than that of any other city where I have lived.It never snows,and even in July and August it rarely gets hot. 3.Even if you work hard,you cannot finish it in a week. 4.Some plants grow well in certain areas,but not in others,for they do not have the ability to adapt themselves to foreign climates. 5.The power is strong enough to shatter complacency. 四、用省略法翻译下列句子 1.But it's the way I am ,and try as I might,I haven't been able to change it.2.Everywhere you can find new types of man and objects in new China. 3.She laid her hand lightly on his arm as if to thank him for it. 4.He shrugged his shoulders,shook his head,cast up his eyes,but said nothing. 5.At long last,on June 6,1944,after the European war was basically decided and Hitler licked,the allies launched their long-delayed western front.


【翻译原文】 自上世纪90年代后期起,七夕节(the Double SeventhFestival )开始被称为“中国的情人节”。这个节日可以追溯到汉朝,当时对恋人、女孩都是个特殊的日子。这天,女孩会举行仪式,向织女(Zhinv)乞求智慧、技艺和美满婚姻,所以七夕节还被称为“乞巧节(the Begging for SkillsFestival)”。如今,一些传统习俗已经弱化。人们现在把七夕节当作浪漫的情人节来庆祝,尤其是在年轻人中间。 【参考译文】 The Double Seventh Festival has been called ChineseValentine's Day since the late 1990s. The festival canbe traced back to the Han Dynasty. It was then aspecial day not only for lovers, but also for girls.Girls would hold a ceremony to beg Zhinv forwisdom, skills and a satisfying marriage. So it is also called “the Begging for Skills Festival”.Today some traditional customs have been weakened. Now the festival is celebrated as aromantic valentine's day, particularly among young people. 【翻译原文】 腊八节(the Laba Festival)在农历最后一个月的第八天庆祝,标志着春节庆祝活动的开始。“腊”指“腊月(the 12thlunar month)”,是农历第十二个月,“八”指的是数字8。腊八节通常在1月中旬。大多数汉族人遵循腊八节喝腊八粥(Laba rice porridge)的习俗。腊八粥最早在宋朝传入中国。据史料记载,一些大型寺庙会为穷人提供腊八粥来表达对佛祖(Buddha)的虔诚。明朝时,腊八粥成为皇帝在此节日赏赐群臣的神圣食物。 【参考译文】 Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of thelast lunar month, marking the beginning ofcelebrating the Chinese Spring Festival. La means the12th lunar month and ba means the number eight.The date usually falls in mid-January. The majorityof people from Han nationality has followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge on theLaba Festival. Laba rice porridge was first introduced to China in the Song Dynasty. Accordingto historical records, some large temples would offer the poor Laba rice porridge to show theirfaith to Buddha. In the Ming Dynasty, it became a holy food that emperors would use to awardtheir officials on the festival. 【翻译原文】 早在公元前200年中国人就开始食用面条,它在中国饮食中占据重要的地位,种类繁多,如鸡蛋面、米粉(rice noodles),绿豆(mung bean )面和小麦面。在中国北方地区,小麦面条作为主食(staple food)比人米吃得多。米粉则在南方地区更普遍。中国面条有不同的宽度和厚度,似通常都较长,因为中国人认为这象征着长寿,因此面条经常出现在生日庆祝活动中,被称为长寿面(longevity noodles)。 【参考译文】 Noodles were eaten by Chinese as early as 200 BCand occupy an important position in Chinese food.It has many kinds, such as egg noodles, ricenoodles, mung bean noodles and wheat noodles. Inthe northern regions of China, wheat noodles arethe staple food and eaten more than rice. Rice noodles are more commonly consumed insouthern China. Chinese noodles are of varying width and thickness, but they are usually longbecause they


English—Chinese Translation and Extensive Knowledge 第一讲(四课时)翻译的历史起源以及各大著名理论和概论 2012/09/18 第一节:翻译起源以及翻译大家(一) 1.1翻译事业在我国有着悠久的历史。 最早的佛经翻译是西汉哀帝元寿元年(公元前2年)贵霜帝国大月氏王遣使者伊存来中国口授佛经,博士弟子秦景宪协助使伊存得以记录的《浮图经》。 中国历史上出现过三次翻译高潮:东汉至唐宋的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译和鸦片战争至“五四”的西学翻译。佛经翻译是中国翻译事业的起点。中国的翻译活动可以追溯到春秋战国时代。中国真正称得上语际翻译的活动应该说是始于西汉的哀帝时期的佛经翻译。这一时期的佛经翻译活动还只是民间私人事业到了符秦时代,佛经翻译活动就组织有序了。当时主要的组织者是释道安。因此他主张严格的词对词、句对句(word for word, line for line)的直译。道安在此期间请来了著名的翻译家天竺(即印度)人鸠摩罗什。他翻译了三百多卷佛经文献,如《金刚经》、《法华经》、《十二门论》、《中观论》、《维摩经》等。其译文神情并茂、妙趣盎然,堪称当时的上乘之译作,至今仍被视为我国文学翻译的奠基石。 Representative:唐玄奘(西元600-664年)主要生活在初唐时期,一生共翻译了佛教大小乘经论75部1335卷,共计一千多万;玄奘的译著从数量和品质上都达到了中国佛经翻译史上的高峰;堪称:翻译家中的第一人;其成就主要在于是“新译”的创始人。他提出的著名的“五不翻”原则及“既须求真,又须喻俗”的标准,对我国翻译事业有很大影响。 ↓↓ (所谓“求真”就是指翻译必须忠实于原文内容并保持原文风貌;所谓“须喻俗”,就是指译文语言必须通顺易懂并符合其语言规范。玄奘将“须求真”和“须喻俗”有机地结合,使两者相辅相成,) (所谓“不翻”,不是不翻译,而是指“音译”。玄奘列举了5种应该音译的情况,即“五不翻”。其“五不翻”具体为:(1)秘密之,故不翻。佛经中有许多咒语,有其秘密的意思和作用,应该音译,如“陀罗尼”。(2)含多义,故不翻。即一词多义的梵文,在汉语中找不到合适的词汇来表达,因此保留原文,只作音译。如“薄伽梵”,在梵文里便有六层意思。(3)此方所无,故不翻。“此方”即“中国”,指在中国文化中没有的事物应该音译。如“阎浮”树,由于产于印度等地,而我国没有这种树,故保留原意。(4)顺于古例,故不翻。指有些约定俗成的词语应该遵循习惯采取音译。例如“阿耨多罗三藐三菩提”,本来意“指无上正等正觉”,但由于自东汉以来,历代译经家用“音译”翻译,因此保留前人翻译模式,不再翻译成“无上正等正觉”。(5)为生善,故不翻。指具有特殊意义或功能的词语也应当音译。如“般若”虽可意译为智慧,但却是佛教文化中蕴含着特殊意义的一种智慧,一旦把意思直接译出来,则会韵味尽失。“五不翻”原则对我国翻译事业影响极其巨大,直到现在,仍然具有深远的影响。) 1.2文学翻译阶段及其代表人物 文学翻译阶段大致在19世纪60年代到20世纪80年代


有关印刷的专业术语 彩盒: retail box/color carton 礼盒:gift box 说明书:manual/booklet 贴纸: label 商标:brand 木盒:wood box 卡牌:tag/card 海报:poster 杂志:magazine 1、纸质:paper stock /(raw) material 书纸:WFUC(wood free uncoated)/ Woodfree 铜板:WFC(wood free coated) / Art paper /Gloss Artpaper/ C2S ---Coated two sides 哑粉:Matte coated paper / Matte/ Matt 单粉:SBS C1S 双面白或者单粉:WBB(White back board)? 粉灰:CCNB / grey back (灰底)/ FBB(folding box board)(微软的称法) 牛皮纸:kraft paper 坑纸:Corrugated Paper Flute A(A坑) 纸板::pasteboard 双灰板: grey board 再生纸:recycled(循环) paper 合成纸:synthetic paper 格拉辛底:glassine paper 胶底纸:adhesive label 可移胶底纸:Removable label 非可移胶底纸:Permanent label 彩纸:printed paper 卡纸:Paperboard,board , card board 面纸:Top sheet 底纸:Liner sheet 2、印刷颜色 ink information/printing 单黑:black ink only, 专色:PMS,special color 四色:4 colors CMYK----- Cyan 青, Magenta 品红, Yellow 黄, black 黑3、尺寸 size /dimension : 长:length 宽width 高 Height 深 Depth 厚度:thickness 展开尺寸:open size/flat size 成型尺寸:close size/finished size 内尺寸:inner size 外尺寸:outer size 压线:score line 4、说明书装订和页数page and bindery 单张说明书:leaf let /leaf Manual booklet: 此一般为单黑说明书 Brochure:小册子一般为彩色说明书 页数:page count 页码:page number(NO.) 页 page 版panel;单张single sheet,切边 trim to size 对折 fold in half 3折 3 fold 风琴折:concertina fold accordion fold 骑马钉saddle stitch,staple 胶装perfect bound /binding Wire 钉 Wire-O binding YO圈 锁线:scwing 规格:specification 简称specs 车中线:single sewing 精装书:case(hard) bound book cloth book 空白页:unprint page blank page 未切页:uncut pages 封面:Cover 内文:Text/content


从形合意合角度看英汉句子翻译 翻译与其说是一种语言活动,不如说是一门艺术,因为它不是机械的转换和简 单的变更,而是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思想内容、感情、风格等忠 实地重新表现出来。英语作文是高考英语的必考题之一,可以毫不夸张地说, 英语作文的成败直接影响高考的成败。而衡量一篇文章质量的高低,语言的灵动多变起着关键的作用。由于英汉两种语言的文化差异,常常不能逐字对译,翻译时要根据英汉语言的特点讲究适当的艺术,常用的翻译技巧有:1. 词的增补。汉语里无主语的句子很多,而英语一般都需要有主语。所以,为了保证 英语语法结构的完整,有时根据需要采用被动式或“There be...”结构。如:(1) 下午六点开晚饭。Supper is served at 6 p.m.(2) 不可否认中国已在世界上占举 足轻重的地位。There is no denying that China is playing an important part in the world.此外,还常常需要根据上下文的意思选择适当的词来补出主语。如:(1) 接到你的来信非常高兴。I was very glad to have received your letter.(2) 一听到那 个坏消息,她就忍不住哭了起来。When she heard the bad news, she couldn’t help crying out.在英语里,凡说到一个人的器官时,总要在前面加上物主代词。如:(1) 动动脑筋,你就会想出办法的。Use your head, then you will find a way.(2) 她 用手蒙住脸保护眼睛。She covered her face with her hand to protect her eyes.以上 句子中所增加的your, her, 从汉语的角度来看是多余的,可在英语中不能缺少。 2. 词类的转换。词类转换是学生比较陌生的一种写作方法,但是运用得当,可使行文灵动多变,更符合英语习惯。一般是汉语的动词转换成英语的名词、 形容词、介词。如:(1) 中国成功地发射了神舟七号引起了全世界的关注。China’s successful launching of Shenzhou Seven caused the world’s attention.(2) 我 们怀疑他是否能完成任务。We are doubtful whether he can finish his task.(3) 我们 都赞成他的建议。We are all in favor of his suggestion.另一种情况是汉语的名词 转换成英语的动词。如:(1) 他的演讲给我们的印象很深。His speech impressed us deeply.(2) 地球的形状像一个大球。The earth is shaped like a big ball.3. 语序的 变换。为了加强修辞效果,或为了更加确切地表达原文含义,我们常常使用倒装句,或者强调句。如:(1) 他悄悄地走了。He went away, quietly. (正常语序)Quietly, he went away. ( 副词提前,强调动作的轻,更加形象)(2) 斯密思先生进来了。Mr. Smith came in. (正常语序)In came Mr. Smith. (介词提前,强调来者 的心情迫切)4. 语态的变换。汉语中有些句子看似主动句,但译成英语时常用被动式。如:(1) 人们认为…… It is thought that...(2) 大家知道…… It is well known that...(3) 有人说…… It is said that...(4) 请全体同学到操场集中。All the students are required to gather on the play-ground.请用多种方式翻译下列句子:1. 2008 年

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