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Market Segmentation by Motivations to Travel

Market Segmentation by Motivations to Travel
Market Segmentation by Motivations to Travel

Market Segmentation by Motivations to Travel:

British Tourists Visiting Turkey

Luisa Andreu

Metin Kozak

Nilgun Avci

Nurten Cifter

ABSTRACT.Knowledge about tourist motivations would enable tourism destination planners to better satisfy consumer needs.Recent studies evidence the heterogeneous nature of tourist motiva-tions,and highlight the importance of motivations(e.g.,Bansal&Eiselt,2004).The context-de-pendency of motivations to specific destinations and tourist market emphasizes the need of further research.The purpose of this study is two-fold.First,to explore the primary reasons influencing British tourists’decision making while taking a summer holiday in two resorts(Fethiye and Marmaris),located in Mugla(Turkey),and second,to identify customer segments,depending on their socio-demographic characteristics and holiday-taking patterns.On the basis of multi-step cluster analysis,five segments were found:fuzzy tourists,recreational-type,active,escape seekers and relax-quiet tourists. Managerial implications and further research are also discussed.[Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service:1-800-HAWORTH.E-mail address: Website:?2005by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.]

KEYWORDS.Tourist motivations, segmentation, British tourists, Turkey


Tourist destinations are accepted to be a key component of the tourism system.Each desti-nation offers a variety of products and services to attract visitors.However,each visitor also has the opportunity and freedom to choose from a set of destinations(Crompton,1992). Destination choice,image and satisfaction have all been the subject of considerable tourism research(e.g.,Bigné,Sánchez,&Sánchez,2001).Numerous attempts have been made to profile tourist motivations and link them to destination choice(e.g.,Bansal&Eiselt,2004; Goodall,1988;Mayo&Jarvis,1981).Each visi-tor may have different motivations and prefer-ences for different destinations(Kozak,2002). Tourism destination planning will have,there-fore,to start with an investigation of tourist be-haviour(Bansal&Eiselt,2004).Specifically, Kozak(2002)asserts that it is imperative that empirical examination of tourist motivation be

Luisa Andreu is Assistant Professor,Department of Marketing,Faculty of Business and Economy Studies, University of Valencia,Avda.de los naranjos s/n,46022Valencia,Spain(E-mail:Luisa.Andreu@uv.es).Metin Kozak is Associate Professor of Marketing,School of Tourism and Hotel Management,Mugla University,48000, Mugla,Turkey(E-mail:M.Kozak@https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b18998666.html,).Nilgun Avci is a PhD Candidate,School of Tourism and Hotel Management,Ege University,Cesme,Izmir,Turkey(E-mail:navci@https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b18998666.html,.tr).Nurten Cifter is a Lecturer,Vocational School of Tourism,Mugla University,Fethiye,Mugla,Turkey(E-mail:cnurten@https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b18998666.html,. tr).

Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol. 19(1) 2005

Available online at https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b18998666.html,/web/JTTM

?2005 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


undertaken,since this will help to identify markets in which tourist motivations and des-tination features and resources match. Consumer behaviour literature emphasizes that the concepts needs and motivations are interre-lated(e.g.,Goodall,1988;Witt&Wright,1992). The existence of the former brings the latter.In other words,people may intend to take a trip to fulfil their physiological(food,climate and health) and psychological(adventure and relaxation)needs (Mayo&Jarvis,1981).Therefore,the prime reasons encouraging individuals to take a va-cation or participate in a tourist activity can be regarded as motivations.However,as far as Maslow’s motivation theory is concerned,it is unlikely to expect someone to travel solely for the purpose of fulfilling their physiological and safety needs such as eating,sleeping and having a more secure environment.In addition,making good friendships and prestige could be other rea-sons for travelling to another country.According to Mayo and Jarvis(1981),people have different reasons for taking a vacation either in the same country or abroad,e.g.,to see a different place, enjoy good weather,sea and beaches,escape from routine,have fun,satisfy educational,cul-tural or family needs and so on.

Previous research on tourist motivations evi-dence that the evaluation of destination attri-butes can differ from one destination to another depending upon the type of destinations and tourist motivations.In an empirical study,natu-ral beauty,infrastructure,tourist facilities and climate were all found to be prime elements of the destination attractiveness(Gearing,Swart,& Var,1974).In other research,factors affecting tourist destination choices were listed as physical (infrastructure,superstructure,scenery,beaches, climate,historical sights),socio-psychological attractions(attitudes of the local people, cultural events,nightlife and entertainment, novelty of the destination,accessibility,food, peace and quiet and so forth),political and so-cial environment,cost and availability of time (Sirakaya,McLellan,&Uysal,1996).The aim of this study is to contribute to the analysis of tourist motivation taking into account the Brit-ish tourists market visiting Turkey as a tourist destination.

Records in the last three decades indicate that the number of foreign arrivals in Turkey remained stable at about one million until the beginning of the1980s.Political change stim-ulated the development of mass tourism be-ginning in the mid-1980s,with the Mediterra-nean and Aegean coasts becoming popular tourist resorts.The UK is the number one country accounting for the majority of foreign tourist arrivals in the Aegean part of the coun-try.With both natural and cultural attractions, Mugla and its popular tourist resorts Fethiye, Marmaris and Bodrum are also geographically involved in this area.Specifically,the main objectives of this research are to(1)explore the primary reasons influencing British tour-ists’decision making to choose Mugla as a tourist destination,and(2)identify customer segments,depending on their socio-demographic characteristics and holiday-taking patterns.


The tourism system is built up with its three elements:origin,destination and link-age.Origin refers to the place where potential tourism demand lives.As the central element of the tourism system,the destination is the place to which tourists are attracted.Linkage provides methods for attracting tourists to the destination and includes transport sys-tems,distribution and communication chan-nels(Laws,1991).Contributions to the work of classifying major elements of destinations include the following.In an attempt to measure the tourist attractiveness of destinations,Var, Beck,and Loftus(1977)noted that it is a func-tion of natural,social and historical factors, recreation and shopping opportunities,acces-sibility and accommodation performing above minimum tourist quality https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b18998666.html,l and Morrison(1992)state that a destination is com-posed of attractions,facilities,infrastructure, transport and hospitality.Similarly,Laws(1995) classifies elements that contribute to the at-tractiveness of a tourist destination under two main headings.Primary features include cli-mate,ecology,culture and traditional architec-ture.Secondary destination features are those developments introduced particularly for tour-ist groups such as hotels,catering,transport and entertainment.All these features together con-tribute to the attractiveness of a tourist destina-tion.


Together with the above-mentioned destina-tion elements,the understanding of the con-sumer is relevant in the tourism system and,in particular,tourist motivations and related con-cepts(i.e.,personality,push and pull factors,and the herding effect).A number of approaches have been posited for the purpose of making a contribution to the understanding of tourist mo-tivations.Choosing international travellers as a sample,Plog(1974)examined the relationship between personality and motivation.Personality is subdivided into two mainstreams:allocentric (active)and psychocentric(passive).According to Plog,the types of motivations relate to the type of personality a person has.The allocentric personality is expected to prefer vacations pri-marily in novel and non-touristy places and to meet local people.This group is the study area of the complexity theory(Mayo&Jarvis,1981). The psychocentric personality is expected to pre-fer touristy and familiar places.Having sun,fun and relaxation are the main motivators of this group.This group is also regarded as a part of the consistency theory(Mayo&Jarvis,1981). Presenting a different view,Dann(1977) suggested two discrete reasons to explain why people travel to other places.The first is ano-mie,which is the feeling of isolation from the routine of daily life to become socially interac-tive.The second is ego-enhancement(or self-recognition),which is the need to be recog-nized and have a status which is attained as a result of travel experiences.In other words, within the context of the first motivation,peo-ple are likely to vacation primarily to satisfy their social needs.Among these needs are the needs to meet local people,mix with other fellow tourists,and spend time with people whom they care about.The objective of the second motivation is to satisfy personality needs. For example,some may like to visit places their friends have been to,or places that they have never been to before.

The third approach to the evaluation of tour-ist motivations,introduced by Pearce(1993), was derived from Maslow’s motivation theory and is referred to as travel career.Pearce de-fines the tourist motivation as“discretionary, episodic,future oriented,dynamic,socially in-fluenced and evolving”(p.114).The elements of this motivation theory are relaxation,stimu-lation,relationships,self-esteem and develop-ment,and fulfillment.According to Pearce,as motivation is a dynamic element,people are likely to change their motivation from one stage to another over time.Nevertheless,this ap-proach has been widely criticized by tourism researchers.Interestingly,Pearce himself later disputed his approach by stating that people would simultaneously have more than one mo-tivation for travelling to one destination.More-over,given that motivation is defined as being sensitive,the sequential rank of motivations could change from one age to another and from one income group to another.

In a further analysis of tourist motivations,a category of push and pull factors is presented. Tourism literature emphasizes the importance of both push and pull factors in shaping tourist mo-tivations and in choosing vacation destinations (Crompton,1979).Push factors are origin-re-lated and refer to the intangible or intrinsic de-sires of the individual traveller,e.g.,the desire for escape,rest and relaxation,adventure,health or prestige.Pull factors are related mainly to the attractiveness of a given destination and tangible characteristics such as beaches,accommodation and recreation facilities,and cultural and histori-cal resources(Andreu,Bigné,&Cooper,2000; Uysal&Hagan,1993).As stated earlier,pull motivators indicate the extent to which each des-tination is attractive to its potential customers. Therefore,the destination choice process is re-lated to the tourists’assessments of destination attributes and their perceived utility values.

As far as push motivations are concerned, each travel benefit group has different vacation activity preferences in their destination choice (Moscardo,Morrison,Pearce,Land,&O’Leary, 1996).For example,the escape-relaxation group prefers destinations where nightlife,entertain-ment and water-sports are provided.On the con-trary,the social status group rates golf,tennis, fishing,nightlife and entertainment,shopping and gambling.In order to represent those in each category,motivations for travelling to each destination may vary from one person to an-other,or from one market segment to another; from one destination to another,as well as from one decision-making process to the next(Uysal& Hagan,1993).For example,a person might be visiting a destination in the summer season just to relax,but another in the winter season to seek adventure.

Andreu et al.3

Many empirical investigations have consid-ered motivations as an element of market seg-mentation research in tourism(e.g.,Bieger& Laesser,2002;Ryan&Glendon,1998).The findings of prior empirical studies indicated that those from different backgrounds or from different clusters are diverse in terms of their motivations to travel to a destination.For ex-ample,a difference has been noticed between more and less experienced travellers,e.g.,the former have lower novelty motives(Crompton, 1979).Conversely,those with more experi-ences had higher motivation scores(Ryan& Glendon,1998).In another study,Hill,Mac-Donald,and Uysal(1990)recorded differences of motivations among individuals from differ-ent life cycle stages.Having taken the gender issue into consideration,it is pointed out that females had stronger motivations than males (Ryan,1995).

An interesting concept related to motivations is the herding effect,or habit persistence(e.g., Banerjee&Fudenberg,2004).The“herding ef-fect,”or“herding,”is a common term used in the economics literature and it describes one of the commonly seen behaviours of consumers–“follow the crowd”or“word-of-mouth effect.”Based on the microeconomic theory,herd behaviour is the term used to describe situations in which the in-dividuals of any particular group react coher-ently(i.e.,flocking of birds,stock market bub-bles,and behaviour in political demonstrations). Banerjee(1992)presents a game theoretic model in which different players are faced sequentially with the same choice.When making their choices, players look at decisions taken by previous play-ers.Some decision rules that are chosen by opti-mizing individuals will be characterized by herd behaviour;i.e.,people will be doing what others are doing rather than using their own informa-tion(Banerjee,1992).With reference to destina-tion marketing,habit persistency is one of the factors that may affect tourists’motivation to travel and destination selection.When consum-ers choose to buy consumer goods(tourism des-tination choice in this case),they will imitate what others are doing.Many researchers have found that tourism demand is largely affected by the word-of-mouth(herding)effect(Song&Witt, 2000).Personalised stimuli–previous experiences and word of mouth communication–were the most important sources of information for se-lecting a destination(Andreu,Bigné,&Cooper, 2000).

From a general perspective,there are ex-amples of studies undertaken to reveal dif-ferences in motivations.For example,the significance of Kozak’s(2002)research to the body of knowledge was the examination of differences in the set of tourist motivations between nationalities and between destinations. The research provided significant findings sup-porting this view.German tourists were more likely to have culture and nature-oriented moti-vations.British tourists liked to have fun and mix with other fellow tourists.Tourists visiting Turkey had stronger cultural and physical moti-vations than those in Mallorca.On the other hand,the importance of“relaxation and plea-sure”did not differ from one nationality or from one summer destination to another.These sets of motivations possessing the highest mean scores could be the prime reasons for those participat-ing in summer tourism activities,regardless of the types of destinations and tourists from differ-ent nationalities.Further differences were also recorded in respect of factors affecting tourists’choice of destinations.Thus,tourist motivations are not homogeneous.Several researchers have recognized the heterogeneous nature of tourist motivations by proposing tourist typologies based on the personality and the tourism activity to be participated in.The context-dependency of mo-tivations to specific destinations and tourist mar-ket emphasizes the need for further research.


A questionnaire in two sections was struc-tured for the purpose of measuring British tour-ists’motivations for travelling to the southwest part of Turkey as a summer holiday destination. The questionnaire was designed based on Kozak’s study(2002),after making some minor revisions in light of the results of a pilot study conducted in May2001.The first part involved basic de-mographic and background data on the respon-dents and their vacations in Turkey.This section comprised nine questions in total.The second part involved17major motivation elements in-ducing tourists to take an overseas vacation to a


particular destination.Respondents were asked to state the extent of their agreement with each reason in terms of its importance in their deci-sion to choose to holiday in Turkey on a seven-point Likert-type scale ranging from not impor-tant at all(1)to extremely important(7).This section presented statements such as“I came to Turkey to get close to nature”or“I came to Tur-key to meet the local people.”The“important–not important”scale has also been used by other researchers(Hill,McDonald,&Uysal,1990; Kozak,2002).The reason for using a Likert-type scale and employing a number of multiple push motivation variables was that motivation is multi-dimensional and tourists want to have more than one experience at a destination(Pyo, Mihalik,&Uysal,1989).

Data Collection

A personal survey was used to collect the data in this study.The survey was carried out in the summer of2001(July-August)among British tourists visiting Fethiye and Marmaris, located in the southwestern part of Turkey. They are both popular resorts among British tourists.In fact the number of British visitors to these areas has doubled in the last few years, from4.44%in1992to8.77%in2000.Nearly one in eight British citizens chooses Turkey for their holidays.The researchers contacted the managers of incoming travel agencies op-erating in the region and requested to deliver the questionnaires on arrival while tourists were on the bus through the destination from Dala-man,where the local airport is based.Each destination is almost an hour’s distance by drive from the airport.Those who consented were given a self-administered questionnaire, which was collected upon completion.In total, 301usable questionnaires were collected from tourists over the course of two weeks.Of those returned,41questionnaires were eliminated. These questionnaires were incomplete or had an excessive amount of missing https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b18998666.html,able surveys for the analysis totalled260after data editing.

Data Analysis

The collected data were analyzed by employ-ing the Statistical Package for the Social Sci-ences(SPSS12.0)computer program.As far as scale-based motivation items are concerned,fac-tor analysis was performed to identify the extent to which questions seem to be capturing the same variables and the degree to which they could be reduced to a smaller set of factor attri-butes.A Cronbach alpha test was used to deter-mine the internal consistency of each factor vari-able of the measurement instrument.The results obtained from this test indicate a high level of in-ternal consistency.Three of the final commun-alities are higher than.60,indicating a strong correlation between the indicators and the asso-ciated factors.Cluster analysis was employed to identify customer segments,depending on their socio-demographic characteristics and holiday-taking patterns.Analyses of variance(ANOVA) were used to determine if differences existed among identified motivation factors across tour-ists from one segment to another.

STUDY FINDINGS Motivation ratings were used to derive the tourist typology.First of all,the motivation items were factor analyzed to assess their psy-chometric properties(a=0.8).Principal com-ponent factors with an eigenvalue of one or greater were rotated by the Varimax analysis. Variables with loadings equal to or greater than.50were included in a given factor to decrease the probability of misclassification. Barlett’s test of sphericity and the calculation of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin(KMO)statistics indi-cated if data appeared to be suitable for the identification of orthogonal factor dimensions.

A total of17items from the factor analysis re-sulted in five factor groupings and explained 61%of the total variance.The results are pre-sented in Table 1.

The five items loading on the first fac-tor relate to the motivation of visiting and experiencing principal Turkish tourist attractions(natural as well as cultural-his-torical sites).Thus,this factor is referred to as“enjoy tourist attractions”(Cronbach’s a =0.75).The second factor,as the second strongest tourist motivations,is referred to as“the diversity of entertainment in a value for money destination”(Cronbach’s a=0.7)

Andreu et al.5

because the four items loading highly on it refer to holidays in a value for money desti-nation,which offers good shopping facili-ties,good nightlife and entertainment in a different culture.Three items loaded on the third factor(Cronbach’s a=0.7).Because these items relate to the motivation of know-ing new places and meeting new people,the factor is labelled as the“different socio-cul-tural environment.”The three items loading on the fourth factor involve the motivations of accessing easily to Turkey because the flight time is short,there are reduced air-fares and it is a well-advertised destination (Cronbach’s a=0.5).Therefore,it is termed as“the ease of access-communication.”Fi-nally,the three items loading on the fifth factor involve the motivation of getting away from the routine,having fun and good weather (Cronbach’s a=0.5).Thus,it is termed as “getting away from routine”which is the primary factor motivating British tourists to visit Turkey.

The objective of this empirical study fo-cused on the identification of tourist seg-ments,depending on their reasons for choos-ing Turkey as a summer holiday destination. In order to achieve this,cluster analysis was used(Bigné,1990).The respondents were then classified into tourist groups based on their importance rating on the five factors described above.To form the tourist groups, motivation scores on the five factors were used in a multi-step cluster analysis(Hair, Anderson,Tatham,&Black,1995). First,the tourist clusters were formed on the basis of the five factor scores,using Ward’s method.A five-cluster solution resulted based on an examination of the agglomeration coef-ficient for hierarchical cluster analysis.Then, a K-means clustering procedure with the ini-


TABLE 1. Exploratory Factor Analysis

Factors Item-

loadings Mean*SD Eigenvalue% of


Cum Pct

Factor 1: Enjoy Turkish tourist attractions 3.4 3.862323 ACTIVE To be active0.8 3.8 1.6

NATURE To get close to nature0.7 2.6 1.6

ADVENTUR To seek adventure0.7 3.8 1.7

SPORTS To engage in sports0.7 2.8 1.7

HISTORIC To visit historical and cultural sites0.6 3.9 1.7

Factor 2: Diversity of entertainment in a value for money destination 5.2 2.11336 VFM It offers good value for money0.8 5.8 1.2

SHOPPING It offers good shopping facilities0.8 4.9 1.5

CULTURE It has a different culture0.7 4.9 1.4

NIGHTLIFE It has good nightlife and entertainment0.6 5.1 1.5

Factor 3: Different socio-cultural environment 4.6 1.71046 NEWPLACE To increase my knowledge of new places0.8 4.7 1.3

LOCALPEO To meet local people0.7 4.4 1.4

Factor 4: Ease of access-communication 3.7 1.4854 FLIGHT Flight time is short0.8 3.3 1.7

AIRFARES To benefit from reduced air-fares0.7 3.3 1.8

PUBLICIS It is a well-publicized tourist destination0.5 4.6 1.5

Factor 5: Getting away from routine 5.9 1.2761 WEATHER To enjoy good weather0.7 6.50.7

GETAWAY To get away from home0.6 5.2 1.8

FUN To have fun0.6 6.1 1.3

KMO = 0.72, Barlett 1,194.4093, p < 0.001. *The criteria were based on a seven-point scale, ranging from 1 (not important at all) to 7 (extremely important).

tial seeds,provided by the hierarchical analy-sis solution,was performed to obtain the final clusters.To help identify large relative in-creases in the cluster homogeneity,change in the clustering coefficient for ten to two clusters was calculated(Hair,Anderson,Tatham,& Black,1995).Because the largest increases were observed in going from five to four clus-ters(13.7%),the five-cluster solution was se-lected.Initial seed points from hierarchical re-sults are shown in Table 2.

The second step uses non-hierarchical tech-niques(i.e.,K-means algorithm)to adjust the results from the hierarchical procedures.In per-forming the cluster analysis,the initial seed points from the results in step1were https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b18998666.html,ing these values as seed points,the pro-cedure defined five groups,and the final cluster centres are shown in Table3.Just as was found with the hierarchical method,the five-cluster variables showed differences between the clus-ters.The similarity of the results from the two methods confirms the hierarchical results.

Typology of Tourists

As mentioned earlier,the cluster analyses revealed a five-cluster solution.Looking at the final cluster centres,the following group characterization can be concluded(see Ta-ble4):

?The first and largest group of tourists,the

“fuzzy”tourists,represents36.5%of all

tourists.These tourists have a strong mo-

tivation for enjoying tourist attractions.

They are also interested in entertainment

and finding a different cultural environ-ment based on value for money and ac-cessible destination.Additionally,these tourists are very concerned with getting away from routine.In general,the high ratings in all the motivations justify the label of demanding,exigent or fuzzy tourists.

?The next,“active”tourists(22.7%),gives ease of access and enjoying tourist attrac-tions importance ratings,which involve an active behaviour while taking holi-days.On the contrary,they assign very low ratings to getting away from routine.?The third group,the“recreational-type”tourists(19.2%),seem to be interested in the diversity of entertainment and cul-tural environment that Turkey offers.In a sense,these tourists assign very low rat-ings to finding a relaxed atmosphere.In-terestingly,they consider enjoying tourist attractions to be of below-average impor-tance.Thus,this group of tourists is re-lated to recreation seekers.

?The fourth segment,“escape”tourists (15.8%),rate getting away and ease of access as very important motivations. The consideration of these motivations of above-average importance shows their need for evasion;thus,these tourists are labelled as escape seekers.Interestingly, this group views enjoying tourist attrac-tions or finding different cultural envi-ronments as least important.

?The fifth and the smallest segment is re-ferred to as“relax-quiet”tourists(5.8%) and considers getting away to be of above-

Andreu et al.7

TABLE 2. Results of Cluster Analysis Using Hierarchical and Nonhierarchical Methods Cluster Initial Seed Points from Hierarchical Results

N%F1F2F3F4F5 110239.20.5470.1940.2430.1640.566




515 5.8?0.097?1.597?1.908?0.8040.052

F ratio--69.7936.1820.3455.7652.42 Significance--0.0000.0000.0000.0000.000

average importance,but they assign very

low ratings to finding diversity of enter-

tainment and cultural environment.They

also give low ratings to enjoying tourist

attractions and ease of access.

The above five categories are related to previous approaches for understanding tour-ist motivations.For instance,based on the Plog(1974)category,the“fuzzy tourists”and “active tourists”represent more the allocentric tourists,and the“relax-quiet”is related to the psychocentric group.Taking into account the Dann(1977)approach,the“recreational-type”relates to the anomie motivations,and the “escape-tourists”are related to the ego-en-hancement motivations.The approach of push motivations(Crompton,1979)also explains the findings of this study.In fact,these five categories of tourists are based on the intan-gible or intrinsic desires of the individual traveller.Cluster Validation

Taking random initial seeds to set the clus-ter centres,a K-means clustering procedure was performed in order to validate the cluster solutions.Although some minor departures from our original solution exist,overall the two cluster solutions are strikingly similar. The socio-demographic characteristics of the clusters obtained,on the basis of the total sam-ple,are reported in Tables5and6.A series of chi-square tests were applied to investigate if there was any statistical difference between the socio-demographic and tourist behaviour variables of each group visiting Turkey.From their analysis,it can be concluded that there are differences(p<0.05)in the composition of the clusters in relation to gender(p<0.01), income(p<0.01),holiday(p<0.01),length of holiday(p<0.05),how far in advance the holiday was booked(p<0.01),and number of visits to Turkey(p<0.01).Non-significant


TABLE3.Results of the Nonhierarchical Cluster Analysis with the Initial Seeds from the Hierarchical Analysis Results


Cluster means*

F-value Sig Cluster 1:


Cluster 2:


Cluster 3:


Cluster 4:


Cluster 5:


Enjoy Turkish tourist attractions0.666?0.1850.258?1.677?0.034108.590.000 Entertainment in a VFM destination0.3510.418?0.5290.041?1.64727.320.000 Different socio-cultural environment0.1510.2940.049?0.088?1.88419.300.000 Ease of access0.290?1.4070.5760.503?0.78982.740.000 Getting away from routine0.572?0.119?1.1680.4340.17855.430.000 Cluster size (n)9550594115

Percentage of respondents (%)36.519.222.715.8 5.8

*The cluster descriptions are based on factor scores that have a mean of zero and standard deviation of one.

TABLE 4. Interpretation of Five Clusters


F1F2F3F4F5 Enjoy tourist


Diversity of

entertainment in a


Different cultural


Ease of access Getting away

from routine

1 (n = 95)Fuzzy tourists Very high High High High Very high

2 (n = 59)Active tourists High Low Med-high Very high Very low

3 (n = 50)Recreation seekers Low High High Very low Low

4 (n = 41)Escape seekers Very low Med-high Medium Very high Very high

5 (n = 15)Relax seekers Low Very low Very low Very low High

Andreu et al.9 TABLE 5. Socio-Demographics and Tourist Behaviour Variables by Segments (Column Percent)

Variable Description Total Fuzzy

tourists Recreation








Gender**Male37.142.640.944.110.530.8 Female62.957.459.155.989.569.2 Age15-2423.922.332.620.317.140 25-3417.322.3 4.318.619.513.3



55-over8.610.68.710.3 4.9-Income**£9,99912.411.815.9 1.913.540.0 10,000-19,99928.328.247.721.224.3 6.7



≥45,000 6.110.6- 5.8 5.4-Holiday**All-inclusive 1.2 1.1- 3.4--Full-board 1.9 2.1- 5.1--


Bed and Breakfast21.328.4 2.128.824.4-


Room only 2.3 1.1 6.1- 4.9-

Flight only0.4-- 1.7--Resort 1 Marmaris60.260.562.858.558.361.5

2 Fethiye39.839.537.241.541.738.5 Length of holiday*Less than a week0.4-- 1.7--

A week10.99.614.08.510.020.0

8-14 nights 3.1-- 3.415.0-

15-20 nights84.488.386.084.775.080.0

21 nights > 1.2 2.1- 1.7--

How far in advance did you book the holiday**Less than a week 1.2-- 5.1--1-4 weeks 2.7 5.3-- 5.0-1-3 months11.214.712.211.9 5.0-4-6 months34.126.322.449.242.540.0 7 months and over50.853.765.433.847.560.0

Type of accommodation used Hotel42. Apartment57.557.970.042.468.342.9

Other0.4-- 1.7--

How many times have you been to Turkey before (excluding this trip)**Never52.545.744.967.85069.2 Once2931.936.720.332.57.7 Twice7.5 5.314.3-17.5-Three times 2.7 6.4- 1.7--Four times0.8- 4.1---Five times 2.4 3.2- 5.1--Six times and more 5.17.5- 5.1-23.1

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01


TABLE 6. Socio-Demographics and Tourist Behaviour Variables by Segments (Row Percent)

Variable Description Total Fuzzy

tourists Recreation








Gender**Male37.143.519.628.3 4.3 4.3 Female62.934.616.621.221.8 5.8 Age15-2423.934.424.619.711.59.8 25-3417.347.7 4.525.118.2 4.5

35-4431.436.323.718.717.5 3.8


55-over8.645.518.227.29.1-Income**£9,99912.434.524.1 3.517.220.7 10,000-19,99928.336.431.816.713.6 1.5

20,000-34,99942.935. 5.0


≥45,000 6.164.3-21.414.3-Holiday**All-inclusive 1.233.3-66.7--Full-board 1.940.0-60.0--

Half-board17. 6.818.2

Bed and Breakfast21.349.1 1.830.918.2-

Self-catering55.836.825.615.318.1 4.2

Room only 2.316.750.0-33.3-

Flight only0.4--100.0--Resort 1 Marmaris60.237.419.422.315.1 5.8

2 Fethiye39.837.017.423.916.

3 5.

4 Length of holiday*Less than a week0.4--100.0--

A week10.932.125.017.914.310.7

8-13 nights 3.1--25.075.0-

15-20 nights84.438.119.722.913.8 5.5

21 nights 1.266.7-33.3--

How far in advance did you book the holiday**Less than a week 1.2--100.0--1-4 weeks 2.771.4--28.6-1-3 months11.248.320.724.1 6.9-4-6 months34.128.412.533.019.3 6.8 7 months and over50.838.924.415.314.5 6.9

Type of accommodation used Hotel42.136.713.830.311.97.3 Apartment57.536.923.516.818.8 4.0 Other0.4--100.0--

How many times have you been to Turkey before(excluding this trip)**Never52.532.116.429.914.9 6.7 Once2940.524.316.217.6 1.4 Twice7.526.436.8-36.8-Three times 2.785.7-14.3--Four times0.8-100.0---Five times 2.450.0-50.0--Six times and more 5.153.8-23.1-23.1

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01

differences were found in relation to age(p= 0.20),type of accommodation(p=0.06)and type of resorts (p = 0.99).

Looking at Table5,the first three groups (fuzzy,recreational and active)have a higher proportion of males than females.On the con-trary,the last two groups(escape and relax) have a higher proportion of females.Regarding the annual income variable,the higher propor-tion of larger income in the fuzzy group and ac-tive group is highlighted.Coherently,they spend more on their holiday packages.It was found that both groups go on holiday in all-inclusive package or full-board packages(fuzzy group, 3.2%and active group,8.5%)while no percent-age was seen in the remaining groups.Further-more,both groups have been to Turkey five times and they have a significantly longer stay during their holiday(p<0.05),with a high per-centage of tourists spending more than15nights. Regarding the type of accommodation used, although there are no significant differences among the segments,the higher percentage us-ing hotels is noticed in the fuzzy(36.7%)and active group(30.3%),as seen in Table6.


The assessment of tourist motivations is used to better understand visitors’choices,prefer-ences and needs(Kozak,2002;Bansal&Eiselt, 2004).In general,the research findings show that the relaxation and pleasure types of moti-vations had the highest score for those visiting Turkey.This result also corresponds with the findings of a similar survey carried out in1998 (Kozak,2002).It is clear that British people tend to travel abroad,particularly to the south-west part of Turkey,in order to enjoy good weather,get away from the routine life and have fun.Krippendorf(1987)states that relax-ation and getting away from routine life are the first two most important psychological reasons for taking a vacation.Corresponding to Plog’s (1974)related statements,it may be speculated that the southwest part of Turkey is a summer vacation destination attracting primarily a psy-chocentric type of tourists and that the market is highly dominated by package tourists.

In contrast to the findings of prior research conducted among different markets(e.g.,Card&Kestel,1988),it is interesting to note that the British tourist market is not very keen on visit-ing coastal destinations of Turkey in order to experience their cultural values.On the other hand,this finding is similar to that of a similar study carried out among British tourists visit-ing the same places in Turkey(Kozak,2002) or Spain(Andreu,Bigné,&Cooper,2000). For example,Kozak(2002)found that Ger-man tourists were more likely to have culture and nature-oriented motivations,while British tourists liked to have fun and mix with other fellow tourists.This finding partially rejects Cohen’s(1972)statement that some people prefer to visit destinations where the culture is different.In other words,this group might have less intention to visit novelty summer va-cation destinations where the culture is differ-ent or where tourists could contact with the lo-cal people (Mao, Howard, & Havitz, 1993). As tourists do not always attach the same im-portance to product attributes,it is crucial to un-derstand the factors that influence tourist be-haviour and which particular elements are seen by tourists as important(Mayo&Jarvis,1981). The simplest way of achieving this task is to ask those taking holidays.Tourism literature emphasizes the importance of both pull and push factors in shaping tourist motivation and the choice of vacation destinations(Crompton, 1979).Motivations may differ from one person (or group)to another and from one destination to another.In parallel to the initial published work(Pearce,1993),this research also proves that tourist motivation is a dynamic concept and sensitive to changes in accordance with changes in socio-demographic variables.Uysal and Hagan(1993)suggest that the efforts to un-derstand factors pushing tourists to visit a par-ticular destination and how these factors are different from or similar to those of others visit-ing the same destination may help the destina-tion management in setting effective manage-ment and marketing strategies.

Moreover,several researchers emphasize the importance of motivation in understanding why certain customers choose certain destina-tions and make certain consumption decisions (Crompton,1979).Tourists’own motivations, such as relaxing,meeting other people,oppor-tunities for sports or sunbathing are vital in in-fluencing their decision to go on holiday or in

Andreu et al.11

selecting a destination.It is difficult to respond to customer needs and wants and to grasp the extent to which products and services at the destination can match their motivations unless priority is given to examining them.Sandbach (1997)underlines the importance of under-standing what customers want,what motives they have,and how satisfied they are with var-ious destinations,in order to be competitive in the market.Examination of motivations or the reasons for choosing a particular desti-nation as performance measurement criteria could provide valuable implications for desti-nation management in order to identify the profile of their actual customers,e.g.,values, preferences and behaviour.This is a potential and practical reason why it is essential to ex-plore the determinants of tourist motivations and variances between those in various seg-ments.

As to the discussion of methodology to be used for an efficient market segmentation study,the cluster analysis has become a popu-lar method of statistical analysis used for marketing research while segmenting clus-ters on the basis of various categories,e.g., demographic,economic and psychographic variables.In this study,on the basis of a multi-step cluster analysis,five segments were found.Fuzzy tourists have a strong motivation for enjoying tourist attractions and,overall,they rate highly in all the moti-vations.The recreational-type tourists seem to be interested in the diversity of entertain-ment and cultural environment that Turkey offers and,on the contrary,they assign very low ratings to finding a relaxed atmosphere. Active tourists assign ease of access and en-joying tourist attractions importance ratings, which entail an active behaviour while tak-ing holidays.On the contrary,they give very low ratings to getting away from routine.Es-cape tourists rate getting away and ease of access as very important motivations.The consideration of these motivations of above-average importance shows their need for evasion;thus,these tourists are labelled as escape seekers.The fifth and the smallest segment is referred to as relax-quiet tourists and considers getting away to be of above-average importance,but they assign very low ratings to finding diversity of entertain-ment and cultural environment.They also assign low ratings to enjoying tourist attrac-tions and ease of access.

In summary,as has already been pointed out above,the results of tourist motivation research are particularly important from the perspective of destination management in considering effective marketing strategies for marketing of tourism products and services. In so doing,both parties(tourists as visitors, and destination authorities and organisations as hosts)would benefit.First,tourists may have the opportunity to find sources(activities and facilities)in order to meet their needs. Next,destination authorities and businesses may be provided with the opportunity to un-derstand what types of needs and motivations their customers might have,depending upon the feature of each cluster based upon their socio-demographic and socio-psychographic characteristics.Travel opportunities should be continually checked,and if required,expanded to provide tourists with a variety of experi-ences in light of their changing needs.For ex-ample,the prime motivations of a particular tourist segment(e.g.,young tourists)include getting away from the routine daily life and home,so one can recommend that destination authorities promote the destination in this way, e.g.,emphasizing good weather,discovering different activities to have fun and so on.

As to the discussion of limitations of the study,several points can be raised,while at the same time pointing out directions for possible future research in this field.First,the study was carried out based on tourists who actually visited the destination.It would be more con-vincing if it were carried out based on tourists who visited a particular destination in a coun-try as well as those who are planning to go on holidays to all areas within the same country. Third,the data represent British tourists who visited only two particular destinations.Mar-maris,Bodrum,Fethiye and Kas are the main British tourist-attracting destinations in Tur-key for sun,sea,sand and fun.However,it is also likely to see a different segment of this nationality visiting some popular traditional areas such as Istanbul and Cappadocia for cul-ture tourism.Because the market segment may vary from place to place,it should also be taken into consideration that tourists with dif-


ferent motivations will visit different destina-tions where different attractions are offered.In addition,further research needs to introduce the herding effect into the motivation analysis, using a modelling approach.As mentioned in the literature review,habit persistency is one of the factors that may affect tourists’motiva-tion to travel and destination selection.


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北美美国 自然地理特征 一:位置范围 1.经纬度位置:30°N—80°N 170°W—90°W----20°W 2、海陆位置:美洲北部,北起北冰洋,南至墨西哥湾,东靠大西洋,西临太平洋 二:地形 南北纵列三大地形区,以山地、平原为主 地势:东西两侧高中间低 西部高山区:落基山、海岸山、内华达山等组成科迪勒拉山系北段;山脉盆地 高原相间; 位于美洲板块与太平洋板块交界处,多火山地震,年轻,海拔高。(多4000m以上高山) 东部高原山地区:拉布拉多高原、阿巴拉契亚山地,古老,海拔较低。(多1000m以下) 中部平原区:中央大平原,北部多冰蚀湖,南部密西西比河平原 三:气候 温带大陆性气候为主;特征:冬冷夏热,降水较少,夏雨稍多。 地形对北美气候影响较大 1.海岸山脉紧逼着太平洋沿岸,迎风坡地形雨丰沛。但是,海岸山脉阻挡了太平洋上的暖湿西风向东深入,限制了温带海洋性气候和地中海气候向东延伸,使上述二种气候呈南北向带状分布于沿海地区。山间高原盆地由于地形闭塞,海洋水汽难以进入,因此,气候干旱,呈现出荒漠的景象。 2.东部山地西北坡面迎冬季西北风,常造成大雪;东南坡面对大西洋水汽产生抬升作用,造成地形雨。但因东部高低缓,连续性差,冬季干冷的西北风可影响到东海岸,夏季从大西洋的暖湿气流亦可越过高地,进入内陆。 3. 中部平原地区气温、降水季节变化最大,大陆性较强。这是因为中部平原地势低平,贯通南北,致使南北气流畅通无阻。冬季极地冷气团可长驱南下,骤然降温,形成大风和寒潮天气。夏季来自墨西哥湾的热带暖气团可自由北上,使本区普遍暖热。中部平原在冷暖气团交替控制之下,形成气温、降水季节变化据烈、大陆性较强的温带大陆性气候。 北美洲年降水量的空间分布特征


经典大学毕业演讲致辞经典大学毕业演讲稿毕业季又如期而来,大学毕业生如何做好演讲致辞呢?以下是由关于经典大学毕业演讲致辞的内容,希望大家喜欢! 尊敬的领导、来宾,亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 我是厦门大学人文学院哲学系XX届博士毕业生,曾永志。非常荣幸能够作为XX届毕业生代表在此发言,请允许我代表人文与艺术学部的全体毕业生向亲爱的母校致以崇高的敬意,向辛勤培育我们的老师以及家长表示由衷的感谢! 身为厦大人,我们是幸福的。本科四年,硕博五年,我在厦大度过了最美好的时光。最美丽的校园、最具魅力的老师们、最可爱的同学们,定格为此刻的记忆,一笔一划镌刻在心中,成为永恒的纪念与财富。凌晨,南普陀寺的钟声还声声在耳;清早,芙蓉湖畔结伴读书的画面还历历在目;夕阳西下,上弦场上,挥汗踢球、轻松漫步、依山看海的种种也犹在昨日。美丽的母校依然美丽,而我们,在各自的三年、四年、七年、九年,亦或十年里,悄然成长。 身为厦大人,我们是富足的。从九年前的集美中学到现在的厦门大学,陈嘉庚先生的精神,始终照耀着我的求学生涯。九年里,每当我漫步校园,身边的一砖一瓦无不镌刻着创校先贤们的痕迹:嘉庚先生的民族大义,倾资办学;罗扬才烈士的革命精神,奋不顾身;萨本栋校长的迁学闽西,自强不息;王亚南校长、陈景润教授的刻苦钻研,科学至上,无不让我身怀感慨。

九年里我见证了母校的点滴变化:从“421”住宿环境到米饭,我们的学习没有了后顾之忧;从湖畔咖啡到校长早餐有约活动,我们更广泛地参与学校事务的决策;从优博培育工程到国际交换生项目,我们以更积极的姿态迈向世界。有此历史,有此文化,有此校园,我们厦大人青春与幸福同行。 身为厦大人,我们是广博的。我们的厦大是一所校门向大海敞开的大学。她用海纳百川的胸襟包容、尊重每个学生,让每个独立的存在都具有无可取代的价值;她用春暖花开的气度培育、锻造每位青年,让每个人都拥有自己独立的空间、绝对的人格;她用感恩、责任、奉献的情怀熏陶、感染每名学子,让每一个充满个性的灵魂同时具备深深的社会责任感,肩负起时代使命。宽容与大爱,是我们厦大的品格,更是我们厦大人永远的精神品质。 身为厦大人,我们是幸运的。我们专业的老师们,以他们严谨的治学态度、前沿创新的学术思想、开拓进取的科研精神,引领我们在科学研究的道路上大步向前。仍记得,在博士论文完成之际,正值厦大90周年校庆,我的导师百忙之中仍为我三易初稿,细致到甚至是对“方面”与“部分”这两个概念的区分。那本先生在旅途的车上用铅笔注得密密麻麻的论文,已成为我毕生的珍藏。我们的政工、行政及后勤等老师们,他们与我们相互理解,相互尊重,分享彼此的经历与思考,指引我们获得更积极健康的思想情怀与人生经验。 或许,我们无以回报,唯有谨记。但我相信,在座的每一位毕业生同学都将与我一样,带着母校的关爱,带着厦大人自强不息的精


北美与美国同步练习题 1.关于地形对北美气候的影响正确的说法是( ) A.西部高大山系阻挡西风吹入内地,使地中海气候局限于西部沿海 B.东部山地阻挡东南季风吹入内地,内地降水少 C.中部平原地势低,冬季气温比东部沿海高 D.北部高原是冬季风的发源地 2.世界上最大的淡水湖群及其成因是( ) A.中国长江中下游湖泊——河流改道 B.北美洲的五大湖——冰川的刨蚀作用 C.芬兰境内的湖泊群——冰川的作用 D.贝加尔湖——断裂下陷 3.冬季影响北美的灾害性天气是( ) A.寒潮 B.飓风 C.台风 D.暴雨 4.美国破坏程度较大的地震最集中的区域是( ) A.东部 B.中部 C.西部 D.北部 5.加拿大的小麦带分布于中部平原的南部,其主要原因是( ) ①平原土层深厚肥沃 ②南部地区热量条件较好 ③南部人口密集 ④该地区矿产丰富 A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④ 6.北美洲的两个主要粮食出口国是( ) A.美国和墨西哥 B.美国和加拿大 C.加拿大和墨西哥 D.美国和古巴 7.北美洲气候的大陆性特征没有亚洲强的主要原因是( ) A.季风不典型 B.陆地面积比较小 C.植被遭到破坏 D.影响气候的洋流为暖流 读“美国降水分布图”,回答第12~15题。 8.美国落基山脉以东的地区,关于其降水的空间分布规律的说法正确的是( ) A.从东向西逐渐减少 B.从西向东逐渐减少 C.从西北向东南逐渐减少 D.从西南向东北逐渐减少 下图为“某大陆北纬48o沿线地区的年降水童变化示意图”,据此回答下题。 9.该大陆为( ) A.欧洲大陆 B.南美大陆 C.北美大陆 D.澳大利亚大陆 10.甲地气候类型为( ) A.温带海洋性气候 B.亚热带季风气候 C.热带雨林气候 D.亚寒带针叶林气候 11.影响a 地降水的主要风向是( ) A.东南风 B.东北风 C.西南风 D.西北风 12.下列图示能反映美国人口迁移的是( ) 13.下列组合中,两地主要产业部门不相一致的是( ) A.福山—匹兹堡 B.丰田—底特律 C.硅谷—九州岛 D.休斯敦—长崎 14.下列关于美国农业的叙述,不正确的是( ) A.粮食总产量居世界首位 B.畜牧业产值居世界首位 C.小麦出口量居世界首位 D.农业生产高度专业化 读下面两区域图,回答17~18题 15.甲、乙两城市重点防范的自然灾害中相同的是 A .地震 B .干旱 C .寒潮 D .飓风 16.甲城所在地区,受上述灾害影响较大并可能影响全国的工业部门是


大学毕业典礼发言稿 大学只有短短的四年的时间,终究会随着时光的步伐走到毕业的那 一天。 曾经是多么的盼望着早些离开校园、离开宿舍、离开课堂、离开书本、离开学生的称呼,但到了真正不得不离开的那一刹那,才知道,自 己对这片土地是多么的留念。在这里,留下了我最最美好的回忆和记 忆。 几年的课堂,老师们或滔滔不绝,或循循善诱,或旁征博引的风格,为我们展现了知识的无限魅力。如果黑板就是浩淼的大海,那么,老师 便是海上的水手。铃声响起那刻,你用教职工鞭作浆,划动那船只般泊 在港口的课本。课桌上,那难题堆放,犹如暗礁一样布列,你手势生动 如一只飞翔的鸟,在讲台上挥一条优美弧线——船只穿过……天空飘不 来一片云,犹如你亮堂堂的心,一派高远。 许还有一些遗憾吧,那么多精彩的讲座,我们已经来不及聆听;那 么多精彩的活动,我们已经来不及参与。也许还有一些愧疚吧,面对慈 父严母般的老师,我们总能杜撰出各种逃课的理由。面对认真批改作业 的各科老师,我们很多时候都只能拿出一个版本。 大学毕业典礼发言稿 怀着梦想和激情走进大学的校门,开始一段新的人生旅程。转眼离 别的时候就要到了,真希望时间慢些走,让我再多点时间好好享受下大 学里的生活,友谊。大学的生活真好,回忆起来诸多辛酸苦辣。

那是因为您,亲爱的母校。是您包容了我们的懂无知,是您孕育 了我们的睿智果断,是您给了我们如此优越的学习环境和展示自我的舞台。我们在教室留下刻苦学习的身影,在球场上留下顽强拼搏的精神, 在舞台上秀出个性自我,在通宵晚会里变换角色体味人生。我们沉浸在 知识的海洋,徜徉在落英缤纷的林荫道,醉心于同学间的欢声笑语。在 您的怀抱中,我们心怀梦想,放飞梦想。 最近,我常常考虑一个问题:假如我可以再度过一次大学生活,又 会选择怎样的生活方式?会努力地追求些什么?放弃些什么?有些问题真 的会有和当时不一样的答案。 首先我想谈谈我在大学的收获。其实原先没有想到这个问题,上回 应聘主考官问我这,记得当时为了求职说了些冠冕堂皇的话,现在觉得 大学我的收获并不是学到了多少知识,也并不是受到了那个教授,老师 的熏陶,点拨,而是学会了怎么去为人处世,怎么去独立,怎么去快乐 的生活,怎么去正确的看待,分析社会的一些问题。这也许就是所谓的 成熟吧,我觉得这些应该比知识还要重要些。 在中学同学印象中我也许是个勤奋,刻苦努力的人,但是在大学同 学印象中,他们原话是你活的比较悠闲,其实意思是懒散,呵呵。确实,大学我包过夜,挂过科,顶撞过老师,逃课,抄作业是很正常的事,但 是我并不认为这就是所谓的堕落,一方面因为我觉得初中是身体上累, 高中是精神上累,大学有时只是想让自己随心所欲的生活一下,但还是 有些人说看见你天天开开心心的,一定能长寿的,很高兴我大学里学会 了怎么去让自己快乐的生活,也带给身边的人快乐。另一方面我还是知


高二地理导学案—区域部分 班级____姓名______编辑教师:王海健编号--11 课 题 北美和美国日期2013/12/8 目标1、通过学习,了解北美、美国的位置、范围. 2、通过析图,了解并掌握北美、美国的地形、气侯、河流的主要特征 3、学会辨析,掌握北美、美国在人口、资源、环境、发展等方面的主要问题及其基本对策 重难点1、北美地形对气候类型的影响。 2、美国主要农业带的分布。 3、美国三大工业区和主要工业城市的分布。 学 法 地图分析法、查阅资料法、合作探究法等 课前预习区 内容建议 一、位置: 1、经纬度位置:在北美图上填注: 主要经纬线:30°N、66.5°N、80°W 100°W 、120°W. 2、海陆位置: ●读北美洲地图找到以下地理事物: 1、政区、半岛和岛屿: 阿拉斯加半岛、格陵兰半岛、巴芬岛、 拉布拉多半岛、佛罗里达半岛、下加 利福尼亚半岛、夏威夷岛。 2、海、湾、海峡: 太平洋、大西洋、北冰洋、墨西哥湾、 加勒比海、阿拉斯加湾、加利福尼亚 湾、巴芬湾、哈德孙湾、白令海峡、丹麦海峡、巴拿马运河、五大湖及其分布和名 称、圣劳伦斯河。 二、自然环境: 1、地形: 以和为主,其次是平原,地势起伏较大,东中西三大地形区南北纵列分布。 西部:高大的山地;中部:广阔的;东部:低缓的和。 ●读北美洲地图找到以下地形: 科迪勒拉山系、落基山、海岸山、内华达山、阿巴拉挈亚山脉、拉布拉多高原、加

拿大平原、滨海平原、密西西比平原、大平原。 2、气候: (1)地跨热带、温带、和寒带三带, (2)大陆中部以 (3)气候深受地形影响 3、河流与湖泊 北美洲河流多 ,水能资源丰富,有著名的尼亚加拉大瀑布,密西西比河是世界第 长河。 五大湖:是世界最大淡水湖群,是由过去 作用形成的湖。 三、 居民和经济 1、人口3亿多, 人种为主,城市化水平高,通用语言 ,土著居民印第安人和因纽特人是黄色人种 2、自然资源丰富 水力资源、森林资源、渔业资源丰富, 渔场是世界著名渔场。 3、经济发展不平衡 四、美 国 1、国土组成 本土48各州,1个特区,海外州有阿卡斯加州(冰山和北极熊)和夏威夷洲(热带海岛风光 ) 以 人种为主,有色人种主要是黑人,旧金山、洛杉矶、纽约是 聚居区。 人口分布: 、 沿海平原和 稠密, 人口稀疏。 2、自然概况 位置:本土三面濒临海洋:东临 ,西临 ,南临 ; 地形: 面积占全国面积一半以上,耕地面积占世界的10%。 气候:本土都在 (南部为亚热带),热带水果需要进口。 河湖: 和 利于灌溉、航运、发电、渔业、旅游等经济活动。密 西西比河支流 是世界治理的典范。 资源:矿产、深林、草原、水资源等自然资源丰富。 3、经济特征 a 、农业发达:农产品输出最多的国家,热带农产品需要进口,农业高度 ,地区生产 。 b 、农业带 农业地域类型:乳畜业、商品谷物农业、大牧场放牧业、灌溉农业、地中海农业 4、 发达的工业 ① 西部高山阻挡, 、 分布在沿海 ② 东部低缓,降水由沿海向内陆逐渐递减 ③ 中部地形平坦,冷空气可长驱南下,有 天气,夏季暖湿气流也可自 由北上,有台风、 天气。 自然条件:地形 、耕地 、 充足。 社会经济条件: 发达、 便利。 条件


毕业生就业演讲稿 各位老师,各位同学: 大家晚上好! 大学生毕业找工作,是人生中一件非常重要的事情! 一、作为即将毕业的大学生,应该敢于主动去找工作,敢于主动去寻找机会就业。 主动寻找就业,是职业生涯中一个非常关键的技巧,而不是等待家庭的安排或者是等待机会的到来;什么是就业?我的理解和新东方的总裁俞敏洪先生理解的几乎一样,就是找上一份工作,不管喜欢不喜欢,能有工作干,能通过自

己的努力得到一份薪水,不再需要花父母的钱,这就是就业。 二、工作都需要持之以恒、都需要认定工作是不分贵贱的。 一个人在工作岗位上,作为领导者,不是来看你今天跳槽明天跳槽的,他需要看见自己招聘的工作人员能安心守份地上班。 三、只有在寻找就业的时候放下自己,那么才能在工作中开心。 你可以让自己起点高,这是一个充分有自信的表现。但是能给你的岗位,也许并不是如你意的,或者还是与你专业背道相弛的,这个时候,要沉下心来,坚持你的岗位,坚持就业的方向。跳槽是允许的,但是一定要条件成熟。 初期的工作,一定要放下自己,调整好心态,这就是就业。 说了找工作,我们说说大学生应不应该一开始就创业。我的个人主张是,大学生不适合一走出校门就去创业,而

是要找了工作,得到锻炼并且有一定机会时候,再开始创业。当然,如果一直找不到工作,或者找了工作又无法忍受的时候,可以考虑创业,但是不要沉沦,一定要在任何时候,都要坚强地站起来。 我想告诉大家几点: 一、有知识,更应该适应社会环境的发展,使自己融入到社会大家庭中来;有知识,也要沉下心来,先找好工作,再展示能力,最后追求自己的理想; 二、不管是工作,还是自己创业,一定要建立在国家的稳定繁荣的基础上。我们要感谢我们稳定强大繁荣的祖国,给了我们这样的生存环境,我们更应该珍惜,更应该找好工作岗位,为国家的稳定繁荣做出自己的贡献! 三、学会分享!不管是就业还是创业,与人分享,与人交往,是当代大学生适应社会的一种技能!所以,大家毕业后就赶快行动起来,为自己的就业去寻找机会吧! 相信:天生我材必有用,千金


1200 120 900 600 00 00 美 国 北回归线 墨西哥 哥伦比亚 北美与美国练习题 哥伦比亚已经成为世界重要的鲜切花生产国。读图1,完成1~3题。 1、 每年的情人节(2月14日),在美国销售的鲜切玫瑰花多来自 哥伦比亚。与美国相比,在此期间,哥伦比亚生产鲜切玫瑰花的优势自然条件是( ) A. 地形较平 B. 降水较丰沛 C. 气温较高 D. 土壤较肥沃 2. 哥伦比亚向美国运送鲜切玫瑰花宜采用( ) A. 公路运输 B. 铁路运输 C. 航空运输 D. 海洋运输 3. 目前,墨西哥已成为哥伦比亚在美国鲜切花市场的竞争对手,与哥 伦比亚相比,墨西哥开拓美国鲜切花市场的优势在于( ) A. 运费低 B. 热量足 C. 技术高 D. 品种全 甘德国际机场(图2)曾是世界上最繁忙的航空枢纽之一,当时几乎所有横跨北大西洋的航班都要经停该机场补充燃料.如今,横跨北大西洋的航班不再需要经停此地.据此完成4~6题. 4. 导致甘德国际机场成为世界上最繁忙机场的主要因素是( ) A. 位置 B. 经济C. 地形 D. 人口 5. 甘德国际机场失去国际航空枢纽地位的主要原因是( ) A. 地区经济发展缓慢 B. 横跨北大西洋航班减少 C. 飞机飞行成本降低 D. 飞机制造技术进步 6. 一架从甘德机场起飞的飞机以650千米/小时的速度飞行,1小时候后该飞机的纬度位置可能为( ) A. 66.5°N B. 60°N C. 53°N D. 40°N 下图为某洲大陆沿22°S 纬线的地形剖面图。 7.图中乙地气候类型属于( ) A.热带季风气候 B.热带稀树草原气候 C.热带沙漠气候 D.高原山地气候 8.导致乙地降水量与甲地明显不同的主要因素是乙地( ) A.处于盛行风向的迎风坡上 B.受沿岸寒流影响 C.全年受赤道低气压带影响D.受高峻地势影响 雾是近地面大气层中出现大量微小水滴而形成的一种天气现象。当暖湿空气经过寒冷的下垫而时,就易形成雾。图3中,S 市附近海域夏季多雾,并影响S 市。据此完成9~11题。 9.S 市附近海域夏季多雾的主要原因是( ) A .沿岸暖流提供了充足的暖湿空气 B .半岛东侧海湾海水温度较低 C .海陆间气温差异较大 D .沿岸寒流的降温作用较强


大学毕业生代表演讲稿 大学毕业生代表演讲稿 我们一定还记得刚入校时你我所立的雄心壮志,一定还记得在教室,图书馆和实验室中你我孜孜不倦学习的身影,一定还记得老师的谆谆教诲,一定还记得在运动场上你我生龙活虎的锻炼场景..太多太多的情景值得我们去回忆. 在四年半里,我们更进一步学会了分析与思考,学会了丰富与凝练,学会了合作与竞争,学会了继承与创新,也进一步学会了如何不断超越,突破自己的极限而成长.如今我们就要毕业了,所有这些温暖的记忆都 将铭刻在我们内心深处,那是我们生命中最难忘的日子.喜欢好友常说 的一句话: 我们都是只有一只翅膀的天使,只有互相拥抱才能飞翔. 四年半的同窗友谊,让我们学会了彼此相信并依赖.四年半的生活,我们都有过低谷,但我们相互扶持,鼓励,朋友温馨的笑容,班级温暖的气氛,让我们都走了过来,让我们学会去爱,去坚持,去相信阳光总在风雨后 . 我敬爱的老师,您用您辛勤的汗水,无私的奉献,无数夜的伏案耕耘,给 了我们一个清醒的头脑,一双洞察的眼睛和一颗热忱的心灵,再华丽的 辞藻也无法表达我们对您既是老师,又是朋友,更是亲人的尊敬和爱戴.学生即将远行,请允许我们深情地道一声: 老师,您辛苦了!谢谢你们的关怀和教育 毕业是一首久唱不衰的老歌,是散场之后的余音绕耳,所有甜美或 者苦涩的故事,定格为热泪盈眶的欣悦,依然真诚直率的目光,依然奔流激荡的热血,正牵引着我们再一次传唱,传唱那飘逝的日月春秋. 乘风 破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海. 让时间作证,承载着我们学院领导,老师

们的殷切期望和深情嘱托,我们一定会做拥有智慧并富有激情的人,做胸怀大志并脚踏实地的人,做德才兼备并勇于创新的人,做富有责任并敢挑重担的人!同学们,临别之际,让我们立下誓言:今天,我们以作为技师学院的毕业生为荣;明天,学院将会以我们祖国的栋梁,为荣!我们要走了,学院的老师们为我们所做的一切,我们暂时无以回报,我们06电气j 4.5班毕业生送上我们深深的祝福祝:学院欣欣向荣,蒸蒸日上 我的发言完毕,谢谢大家. 第二篇: 大学毕业生代表发言演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家上午好! 很荣幸我能在这里代表毕业生向辛勤培育我们四年的母校表达最诚挚的谢意! 青春是人生最美好的时光,而在海大度过的这一段青春岁月无疑将成为我们人生中最为宝贵的记忆。四年时光,弹指一挥间,但很多记忆将成为我们生命中最为珍重的收藏,还记得四年前刚入校时你我所立下的雄心壮志吗,还记得在教室、图书馆中你我孜孜不倦学习的身影吗,还记得导师的谆谆教诲和小有收获时你我那种发自内心的喜悦吗太多太多的情景值得我们去回忆。海大四年,我们学会了分析与思考,学会了丰富与锻炼,学会了合作与竞争,学会了继承与创新,也学会了如何不断超越、突破自己的极限而成长。如今我们就要毕业了,所有这些温暖的记忆都将铭刻在我们心灵的最深处,那会是我们生命中最难忘的岁月。


( 演讲稿 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 大学毕业生坚持梦想演讲稿Speech for college graduates to stick to their dreams

大学毕业生坚持梦想演讲稿 当高中的莘莘学子们踏入高考教室的那天,也正是我到公司报到的日子,那是一个值得纪念的日子,六月八日。 有的时候,人生就是一次又一次的选择所组成的,选择学校,选择专业,选择工作,是在大城市发展还是在小城市发展等等。特别是作为一个欲在外打拼的人来说,脱离父母,就意味着很多东西,比如说独立。 蓦然回首,我才发现,我已在六月的30天中悄然地度过了自己的职场生活,自己在新的环境中翻开了人生中新的一页。其间,有困惑,也有改变;有茫然,也有洒脱。更是自我的成长。 成长,包含了太多太多。成长,你珍重他,他便在你的身后长出绿茵,结出沉甸甸的果实;你漠视他,他就化成轻烟,消散的无影

无踪。正因为你是试着走出第一步,而不是跟着走出第一步,所谓的“成长”才显得尤为的重要。有时短暂的一瞬间会成为永恒,这是因为他把脚印深深地留在了人们的心里,如刹那间的烟火那样驻留人心;有时,漫长的岁月会成为一瞬,这是因为浓雾和风沙湮没了他的脚印,如同烟消云逝归于平静。这正是因为你的或行或止。一粒不起眼的种子,也可以破土而出,最终绽放美丽的花朵;一条平凡的小溪,也可夺路而下成为壮观的瀑布;一座缄默的火山,也可刹那间喷发,豪情四射。也许我,也许你,就是一粒种子,一条小溪,一座火山,只要你我愿意接受蜕变。刚来时,上级领导就曾经反复强调,公司已经为我们提供了平台,究竟在台上舞出怎样的风采,关键在于我们自己。个中涵义也许就是这样吧。 “逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”风吹万叶婆娑,湖水漾起万千涟漪,生命萌芽破土,岁月静默流淌。时间在流逝,岁月在积淀。新的历史起点上,征途漫漫,时不我待。谁也无法描绘出成长的面目,但世界上处处都能听到他的脚步。 知道父母的不易,懂得生活上勤俭节约,知道他人的不易,懂


关于大学毕业生演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、各位老师,亲爱的同学们,早上好! 我怀着无比喜悦和激动的心情,参加广东工业大学成人高等教育20XX年第二批本、专科生毕业典礼,现在,请允许我代表20XX届第二批本、专科毕业生向本校全体教职员工表示深深的感谢,感谢您们这些年来对我们的栽培和厚爱;感谢您们传授我们知识与技能;感谢您们教会我们学习、工作和做人;更要感谢您们引导我们生活的信心,启迪我们的生活智慧,让我们的生活更自信,更精彩,让我们的工作更加沉着有力。 曾经,有一个朋友对我说:在广州这个地方,只要你勤奋,肯吃苦,你就一定不会挨饿!我相信,只要我们够勤奋,肯学习,会思考,我们不但不会饿着,而且能过得更好,还能对社会负更多的责任。我非常荣幸和这么多勤奋的同学同窗四年。大家通过不断的努力,印证了我们强劲的生命力和进取心;我们这强烈的进取心,让我们在这四到八年里,留下深深的奋斗的痕迹,取得喜人的成绩;这喜人的成绩,充分说明广东工业大学、继续教育学院的优越性,以及她丰硕的教学成果、严谨的办学风范。在广东工业大学这美好的校园里,在全体教职员工营造的这个平台上,大家的勤奋得以延伸,大家的能力得以提升。 今天,我们毕业了!这是个喜庆的日子!回想过去这一

千五百来个日日夜夜,所有情景历历在目!我们下了班,来不及坐下吃口好饭,就勿勿赶往广工,穿梭在这暮色渐浓的城市;当我们回到家时,已是深夜,我们勿勿地吃点东西,疲惫的身体已经把我们困在座椅上,我们不知何时睡着了。我们无论是在生活的轮转中,还是在工作的竞争里,还是在和睦的家庭生活下,每每到下午七点钟,我们都会聚到一个共同的地方,那就是广工,我们的校园,我们的教室。这深深说明,我们爱学习,我们肯努力,我们爱我们的学校我们的老师、我们的同学!我们为自己是广工的学子,是广工人而自豪! 今天,我们毕业了!我深深记得,四年前,黄花岗剧院的开学典礼,多么的振奋人心。今天,我们毕业了,却对广工恋恋不舍。深深记得,四年前,就在今天这个地方,我们上的第一堂《学分制》的课上,杨锐院长提到的一个情景:她看到继续教育学院的学生领到毕业证那一刹的情景,同学们沉醉了,沉醉在奋斗这么多年所取得的成果中,手拿毕业证那忘我的表情,痴痴的表情,让在场的老师感动!今天,我想说,我内心相当激动,我也陶醉在这一情景里!这是导师们的悉心教导和我们共同努力的结果!过去,继续教育学院所培养出来的学友们,今天正在社会的各个岗位上做出优秀的成绩,他们有的身担重任,有的出国深造,无论如何,在广工继续教育学院学习后,他们对社会释放更多的能量,


大学毕业生演讲稿 四年时间,不知不觉已到尽头,记忆中留下了太多的片段,有太多的不舍、太多的留恋。下面是小编为你整理的几篇大学毕业生演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 大学毕业生演讲稿篇一同学们: 今天的典礼标志着你们圆满结束了学业,即将开启崭新的人生旅程。首先,我代表学院,向你们致以热烈的祝贺和深情的祝福!同时,向所有教育、帮助、关心你们的老师、亲人和朋友们,致以诚挚的敬意和亲切的问候! 在中青院不大却精致的校园里,你们度过了人生中最宝贵的一段时光。你们志存高远、胸怀祖国、关注社会,你们风华正茂、勤勉苦读、砥砺思想,你们脚踏实地、热心公益、投身实践。这里留下了你们的成长足迹,镌刻了你们的青春乐章。我相信,你们必将永远铭记这段洋溢激情与希望的校园岁月,必将永远传承这种追求光荣与梦想的奋斗精神。 毕业典礼后,你们将奔赴五湖四海,拼搏奋斗在祖国各地各条战线上。正如毛泽东同志所讲,“同学们毕业出去,好像撒入河水里去一样,可能有若干人会被潮水卷去”。如何做到“战胜潮水,朝着总的方向,达到预定的目的”,是你们必须面对、必须思考的人生重大课题。 今年五月四日,参加“实现中国梦、青春勇担当”主题团日活动

时,深刻指出“中国梦是我们的,更是你们青年一代的”,希望青年一代坚定理想信念,练就过硬本领,勇于创新创造,矢志艰苦奋斗,锤炼高尚品格。团xx大闭幕后,在同团中央新一届领导班子集体谈话时强调,青年时代树立正确的理想、坚定的信念十分紧要,不仅要树立,而且要在心中扎根,一辈子都能坚持为之奋斗。我想,高举理想信念的旗帜,认真践行提出的五条希望,正是回答如何“战胜潮水”、“实现梦想”这一人生课题的满意答案。希望你们用心学习、真正践行的重要讲话,把未来的人生道路越走越宽广。 作为院长,在大家即将毕业之际,与大家分享些什么?最近两部热映的青春题材电影给了我一些启发。一个是《中国合伙人》。三位追梦人的成功,有发现机会的敏锐嗅觉,有精诚合作的团队精神,有经受挫折的坚韧意志,但最不可忽视的还有改革开放这一支撑他们干事创业的宏观时代背景。另一个是《致我们终将逝去的青春》。将来你们回忆青春,当然希望看到诚挚的友情,看到青涩的爱情,但更重要的应该还有奋斗的激情。因为,任何一代青年追梦圆梦、有所作为,都离不开时代主题,都缺不得奋斗精神。你们这一代青年尤其如此。 希望你们在追梦圆梦、干事创业中,识大势、知大局、行大道。深刻指出,全党全国各族人民正在为实现党的提出的奋斗目标而奋发努力,正在朝着实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋勇迈进。这是党和国家工作大局,也是中国青年运动的时代主题。我想,这更是你们这一代青年练本领、展身手、有作为的广阔舞台。你们的人生,注定与实现中国梦的征程同行。再过7年,正当你们积累人生阅历、步入

北美地区和美国 区域地理知识总结精华

北美地区和美国 一、位置与范围 1、经纬度位置: 北温带为主,北部为北寒带(25oN—85o N,20oW—120oW -180o)西半球北部,大部分处于西经度。 2、海陆位置: 美洲北部,北起北冰洋,南至墨西哥湾, 东靠大西洋,西临太平洋 3、范围: 加拿大、美国、格陵兰岛(丹麦) 二、自然区域特征 1、地形:以山地、平原为主,南北纵列三大地形区 白令海峡 丹 麦 海 峡 纽芬兰岛东部为古老的高原和山地,如拉布拉多高原、阿巴拉契亚山脉 西部是科迪勒拉山系北部,有海岸山、落基山等南北走向山脉,太平洋板块和美洲板块碰撞形成,地壳不稳定,多火山地震 巴 芬 岛 中部是宽广的中央大平原地区,平原北部湖泊众多,南部为密西西比河冲积平原,西部为大平原 2.主要河流和湖泊:水量大,利于灌溉、航运和发电 (1)密西西比河: 世界第四长河,流域北起五大湖附近,南达墨西哥湾 (2)圣劳伦斯河: 从安大略湖东北端流出,向东北注入大西洋圣劳伦斯湾 (3)五大湖 按大小分别为苏必利尔湖(世界上最大的淡水湖)、休伦湖、密歇根湖、伊利湖和安大略湖,是世界最大的淡水湖群。 是冰川活动的最终产物。除密歇根湖外均为美、加两国共有。五大湖的安大略湖与圣劳伦斯河相通,注入大西洋。 3.气候 大部分属于温带大陆性气候,地形对气候的影响大 北美温带大陆性气候特征:冬冷夏热,夏雨稍多 地形对气候影响大 ①为什么极地气候西高东低?----洋流 ②为什么在北美西部,温带海洋性气候 和地中海气候狭长分布于沿海地区?----地形 ③为什么在北美东部降水量是从沿海向 内陆地区逐渐减少?---东部山脉低缓

3.自然资源丰富 主要矿产:石油、天然气、煤、铁、有色金属 水力资源、森林资源、渔业资源丰富 (纽芬兰渔场:北大西洋暖流和拉布拉多寒流) 三、人文区域特征 当地居民:因纽特人、印第安人,均为黄种人 外来移民:欧洲各国白人、非洲黑人、拉丁美 洲移民和亚洲移民及其后裔 语言:以英语为主 宗教: 主要信奉基督教和天主教。 加拿大考点:原P123 (1)高纬度地区-----人口稀少 (2)国土面积世界第二-----地广 (3)自然带-----亚寒带针叶林、苔原、冰原 (4)南部地区工农业发达的原因: A气候B地形C交通D市场E开发历史(工业+资源+能源) (5)纽芬兰渔场成因(寒暖流大陆架) 美国 一、地理位置和范围 1、纬度位置:本土以北温带(25oN-50oN)为主,阿拉斯加寒带,夏威夷热带 2、海陆位置:北美洲中部,东临大西洋,西靠太平洋,南接墨西哥湾 3、范围:本土(48个州和一个特区)、阿拉斯加、夏威夷; 二、自然地理特征 ①地形:平原面积占全国面积一半以上 死谷:位于内华达山脉东侧,-86米,西半球陆地最低点。 科罗拉多大峡谷:主要由流水侵蚀作用形成。 ②气候:本土都在温带、亚热带,阿拉斯加在寒带和亚寒带,夏威夷在热带。 ③河流:密西西比河(世界第四长河)和五大湖为灌溉、航运和发电提供便利 ④交通:本土三面临海,沿海多优良海港,冬季不冻,海上航运便利。 ⑤资源:矿产、森林、草原、水资源等自然资源丰富。 能源资源:煤炭——东北部阿巴拉契亚山脉 石油、天然气——南部墨西哥湾沿岸 铁矿资源:五大湖西部 但由于高消费和浪费仍大量进口,是世界进口石油最多的国家 3.农业发达 世界最大的农产品出口国 农业生产现代化,高度机械化 农业生产实现地区专门化


大学毕业生代表演讲稿 尊敬的领导,老师,各位同学: 大家好! 今天,我站在这里,代表06电气j4.5班的毕业生向我们的母校道别,向学院的师长道别,向朝夕相处的同窗们道别,也向这段不能忘怀的岁月道别! 岁月匆匆,四年半转瞬即逝.我们将离开我的学生生活.走过楼兰,走过荒滩,只是为了那句"路在脚下,明天会更好". 这四年半的路,我们走的辛苦而快乐,四年半的生活,我们过的充实而美丽,我们流过眼泪,却伴着欢笑.四年半的岁月,多少个日日夜夜,听起来似乎是那么的漫长,而当我们今天面对离别,又觉得它是那么的短暂.四年半的时光,弹指一挥间,但很多记忆将成为我们生命中最为珍重的收藏:宽阔的操场,明亮的教室,甜蜜的欢笑......我们一定还记得刚入校时你我所立的雄心壮志,一定还记得在教室,图书馆和实验室中你我孜孜不倦学习的身影,一定还记得老师的谆谆教诲,一定还记得在运动场上你我生龙活虎的锻炼场景.....太多太多的情景值得我们去回忆. 在四年半里,我们更进一步学会了分析与思考,学会了丰富与凝练,学会了合作与竞争,学会了继承与创新,也进一步学会了如何不断超越,突破自己的极限而成长.如今我们就要毕业了,所有这些温暖的记忆都将铭刻在我们内心深处,那是我们生命中最难忘的日子.喜欢好友常说的一句话:"我们都是只有一只翅膀的天使,只有互相拥抱才能飞翔."四年半的同窗友谊,让我们学会了彼此相信并依赖.四年半的生活,我们都有过低谷,但我们相互扶持,鼓励,朋友温馨的笑容,班级温暖的气氛,让我们都走了过来,让我们学会去爱,去坚持,去相信"阳光总在风雨后".我敬爱的老师,您用您辛勤的汗水,无私的奉献,无数夜的伏案耕耘,给了我们一个清醒的头脑,一双洞察的眼睛和一颗热忱的心灵,再华丽的辞藻也无法表达我们对您——既是老师,又是朋友,更是亲人的尊敬和爱戴.学生即将远行,请允许我们深情地道一声:"老师,您辛苦了!谢谢你们的关怀和教育" 毕业是一首久唱不衰的老歌,是散场之后的余音绕耳,所有甜美或者苦涩的故事,定格为热泪盈眶的欣悦,依然真诚直率的目光,依然奔流激荡的热血,正牵引着我们再一次传唱,


2020大学生毕业典礼演讲稿5篇 【篇一】2020大学生毕业典礼演讲稿 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 眨眼间,又一批熟悉的面孔将带着大学四年的回忆离开校园。四年时光匆匆,大一的青涩懵懂,大二的奋起拼搏,大三的勤学苦练似乎都还在眼前,还未好好享受,却要轻轻挥手,告别哭过、笑过、闹过的兄弟姐妹,告别迷惘过、奋斗过的校园青春。 大学里最值得骄傲的事情也许是坚持并实现了自己的梦想,也许是收获了甜蜜的爱情,也许是结识到了知己。有无悔,也有遗憾。比赛的失力,考试的挂科,同学间的小摩擦等等,也在调剂着大学这碗五味杂陈的汤。当然,还会有不少感悟。新闻学院大四的邹佼向记者畅谈道:“我认为大一到大四都要坚持努力学习,劳逸结合,学和玩都不能少。大一做到适应大学生活,学会独立,多阅读、多交朋友,打下优良基础。大二思考一下自己想做什么,确定大体的方向,并做初步准备。大三可以根据之前所学去实践一下,并为自己选择的道路做最后的冲刺。在大四,一方面要淡定地等待努力的结果,另一方面可以去做自己以前没时间做的事情。”这些感悟都为学弟学妹们提供了优良的参考,促进他们主动向上,创造一个多彩无悔的大学生活。 我始终相信,告别是为了下一次更好的相见。步入竞争激烈的社会,才真正的见识到拥挤的招聘大厅,或是切实地

感受到考研的重重压力,遇到了以前从未碰到的难题,拉开了另一个生活场景的帷幕。据了解,这一年全国毕业生数量达到xx万人,被戏称为“最难就业年”,竞争压力可想而知。与此同时,在收入等严峻的实际问题驱使之下,众多大学生竟相信花x万就能进银行、国企或事业单位等骗局,不仅打碎了“铁饭碗”梦,也将自己推入更深的渊谷。这其中虽然有许多社会急待解决的问题,但仔细想想许多大学生的观念更是亟须纠正,走后门、托关系的投机取巧心理是万万不可行的,既危害个人,又败坏社会风气。 要想出人头地,大学毕业生不应该嫌弃职位的高低贵贱,三百六十行,行行出状元,只要脚踏实地,做好手头工作,多积累经验,终有出头日。 又到了要说再见的时候了,可是再见是为了再一次的相见。等到几年、十几年、几十年之后,等到大家都接受了社会和生活的磨炼,等到每个人都变得成熟优秀,等到各自都有了全新的生活,再次相见,微微一笑,大家仍然是朋友,仍然有拥抱的理由,因为友谊地久天长,因为青春值得我们去追忆。 毕业离歌渐响,还未离开,却已开始怀念。青春终究是会逝去的,不必伤感,不必慌张,它将永刻在岁月里,化成一股温暖的力量,让前行的路因回忆而充满无限阳光。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!【篇二】2020大学生毕业典礼演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的同学们:


大学生关于毕业的演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:大学生毕业演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我很荣幸能作为毕业生代表在此发言。首先,请允许我代表所有毕业生同学向长期以来关心、教育和帮助我们的学校各位领导致以衷心的感谢!向辛勤培育我们的各位辅导员、各位任课老师们致以崇高的敬意!向为我们的学习、生活和工作默默奉献的学校各部门的老师们表示诚挚的感谢! 今天,我站在这里,代表毕业生向我们的母校道别,向老师道别,向朝夕相处的同窗们道别,也向这段不能忘怀的岁月道别! 都说时光匆匆,岁月荏苒,一低眉间大家就要背上行李,各自奔赴下一段旅程。我此刻的心情应当和在座的各位一样,掩不住的是回忆与留恋。留恋我走过大学的每一个角落,留恋我相识的老师,留恋我相知的朋友,留恋这美丽的南华。2014年9月,命运让我们聚首南华,回望过往,经历的点点滴滴仍历历在目,我们一定还记得清远校区辽阔的操场上,那段挥洒汗水、灼伤皮肤的军训岁月,炎炎烈日晒去了我们的懒惰,雨水洗去我们的娇气,同时它也凝结了我们的友谊。我们一定还记得在那如火如荼进行着的各样“金鹰杯”大赛,赛场上配合与拼杀身影,呐喊与助威的声音,是那么的激烈,紧张与精彩。一定还记得那些丰富多彩的文艺晚会和社团演出,一定还记得我们一起参与一起奉献的社会志愿者活动,一定还记得我们一起学习,一起看书,

一起考试考证的种种……南华是一个充满激情的舞台,让我们个性飞扬,流光溢彩。同时她也是一个温暖的大家庭,让我们无忧无虑,自然快乐。阳光下,我们笑靥如花。树荫下,我们舒适而自在。淡淡的微风,淡淡的凉意。吹不淡的是我们共同拥有的美好回忆。 如今大学即将结束了,而我们的生活却刚刚拉开序幕。现在的我们正处在一个尴尬的年龄,我们能做什么,会做什么?仿佛我们什么都不懂!离开学校,社会把我们青涩的外衣脱了,却不肯让我们立马换上成熟的那件。妖怪般的大都市鲸吞了多少热血的梦想?却不肯给我们一份合适工作一份可靠爱情。逆着时间,往回推几个岁月,那时的我们会有欢笑,有泪水,有同学,有一起站在阳光下的影子,背后有父母,有老师,生活得无忧无虑;往后穿梭数个岁月,各兄弟姐妹会有自己的家庭,有经历岁月淘沙留下来的亲朋好友。可是现在的我们正在社会上裸奔,且方向迷茫。 初出茅庐,对于社会的了解,凤毛麟角。也许我们说话依然天真幼稚,处事不够圆滑,让我们工作、生活处处碰壁。但请记住大学三年我们并非一无所获,在这里我们学会了从思考中确立自我,从学习中寻求真理,从独立中体验自主,从实践中赢得价值,从追求中获得力量。我们有足够的自信和勇气应对各种磨砺与挑战。阅历不足,但只要有信心,时间会帮助我们挺过去。现在给我们挫折,让我们难堪,我们要心存感激,只有这样才能成长,才能弥补不足。 亲爱的同学们请勇敢起来,现在的你并不是一个人在战斗。有一句话说:“我们都是只有一只翅膀的天使,只有互相拥抱才能飞翔。”三年


2021年大学毕业生演讲稿400字 2021年大学毕业生演讲稿400字1 四年让我们知道什么是痛并快乐着,我们带着这样美好的回忆踏入社会,开始另一段的奋斗。我们朝夕相处,情同手足。这四年的盛宴,让我们更加懂得了珍惜。 时光飞逝,转眼间四年的大学生崖即将结束。在即将毕业离校之计,我心中充满了对母校的不舍以及对学校领导和老师们的感激之情。在这四年经历了许多喜怒哀乐的事,我也交了许多朋友,这些朋友在我伤心的时候,鼓励我、安慰我,也有许多老师教导我做人做事的道理,让我在这四年里成长了许多,我要感谢老师的教导,虽然大学生崖结束了,但不代表学习结束。 现在要离开,还真舍不得,这些美好回忆将永远留在我心里,成为我一生最难忘的事。在上大学的这四年里,我曾经常回忆我的小学,初中,高中生活,那时的人和事,让我觉得那么的美好......而如今,我深深的明白,大学里的一点一滴,也将是我一生的美好回忆......深切地祝福沈阳理工大学,祝福老师们,祝福同学们...... 我是如此平凡,却又如此幸运。真心谢谢大家!四年改变了我们的容颜和那颗曾经年轻的心,而成长的代价就是我们失去纯真的微笑,而多了一份离别的伤感。无论我们有多少不舍,都唤不回逝去的四年。但我们无须失落,我们依然可以一路高歌,让六月的骄阳永远见证我们的无悔青春…… 快毕业了,真的很留恋大学四年的美好时光。我最感谢的是四年

来同甘共苦的好朋友,好姐妹们。虽然还有一个月就要离开了,但是在最后的这段日子里,我相信我们能开心度过,珍惜相处的每一刻。我在大学体会了除离别以外的一切美好!现在让离别画上美好的句号!道一声“思量”,又怎不“思量”!要记住,作为沈阳理工大学的毕业生,不管今后我们身在何方,我们永远都是母校的一员,永远都将代表自己的母校。 2021年大学毕业生演讲稿400字2 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好!我今天要演讲的题目是:《我难忘的大学生活》 2018年9月我从地处偏僻的黄金乡来到这旅游名城哈尔滨,走进了旅游学院,圆了我多年梦寐以求的大学梦。有人说:“大学是铸就平凡人的辉煌,造就大师的摇篮。”作为一名普通的大学生,我注定不能成为大师,但平凡的我决不能选择平庸。“非志无以成学,非学无以广才”,这次难得的求学机会将是我人生中一次重要的转折点,所以我会倍加珍惜。带着这份朴素的感情、也带着我的希望和梦想,就这样默默地坚持着三年的大学生活。我虽然柔弱,但我不乏毅力;我虽然基础不扎实,但我用勤奋和汗水弥补着不足。 在两年多姿多彩的大学生活中,学院领导的关心爱护以及老师的谆谆教诲、同学们的和谐快乐相处,给我留下了美好的记忆,我衷心的感谢你们,感谢你们给予我知识和能力,给予我温暖和关怀,在这里我要真诚地说一声:谢谢你们!丰富多彩的大学生活需要自己好好


大学生毕业典礼发言稿(15篇) 大学生毕业典礼发言稿1 尊敬的亓院长、各位领导,亲爱的老师和同学们: 大家下午好! 我是电气自动化专业3102班的任俊峰。很荣幸今天能站在这里代表电气系20xx届715名毕业生发言,向辛勤培养我们的母校道别,向亓院长等学院领导道别,向潜心教育我们的老师道别,向三年来朝夕相处的同学道别,更向这段令人无法忘怀的青春时光道别。 三年弹指一挥间。三年前,我们怀揣梦想,背负期望,来到安徽机电职业技术学院,来到电气工程系。还记得刚报到时那一张张稚气未脱的脸庞,还记得军训时那一声声铿锵有力的呼喊,还记得教室里那一个个刻苦学习的背影,还记得运动场上那一阵阵响彻云霄的掌声。感谢你们,我亲爱的老师,你们传道、授业、解惑,让我们成为社会主义合格的建设者和可靠的接班人;感谢你们,我亲爱的同学,三年来,我们相互了解,相互学习,相互倾诉,相互帮助,最终成为奋斗的伙伴,一生的挚友,更成为我们人生路上一笔最珍贵的财富。 进入安机电以来,遵循“修德,练技,立业,报国”的校训,在老师和同学们的帮助下,通过自身的努力,我取得了优异的成绩。先后获得校三好学生和优秀共青团员称号;光荣地加入了中国共产党;多次荣获学院奖学金并获得国家励志奖学金;在安徽省大学生创业大赛中两次获奖;毕业前获得校级和省级优秀毕业生光荣称号。现在顺利地通过了专升本的考试,被铜陵学院自动化专业录取。在此,我特别要向精心培养我的领导及所有老师表示最衷心的感谢和最诚挚的敬意(鞠躬)。 感谢我们的母校,给了我们学习求知的环境,给了我们成长成才的阶梯,给了我们展现自己的舞台,更给了我们拼搏进取的信心!在学院的亲切关怀之下,我们在学习中追求真理,在实践中成就价值,在兴趣中获得快乐,在历练中懂得了感恩。

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