当前位置:文档之家› 2018鲁科版英语五年级上册第1-2单元检测






() 1.card kind young strict ( ) 2.September interesting naughty smart ( ) 3.excited angry sad glad ( ) 4.worried poor worry sky ( ) 5.look lose lost find 二、听音,标序号。







six fly zoo tree head

sky box zero bread travel


active were smart naughty

The pupils in Mr Wang’s class ten years ago.

The boys were in class, but sometimes they were .

The girls were thin then. They were .


What‘s he doing? I can’t find my ball.

Were you happy? No,she wasn’t.

Was Jenny sad? He’s dancing in the rain.He’s excited.

You look worried.Why? Yes,I was.


It’s Teachers’ Day today. My dad visited Mr Chen, his favourite teacher. Mr Chen was young and strong

thirty years ago. His hair was black. He liked telling stories. Now his hair is grey. He still likes telling

stories. Mr Chen is kind. He loves his pupils. His pupils love him, too.

(1) Mr Chen was strong thirty years ago. ()

(2) Mr Chen’s hair is black now. ()

(3) Mr Chen likes telling stories. ()

(4) Mr Chen loves his pupils. ()


鲁教版英语五年级上册全册教案 第一单元 教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、认读本单元的句型:“Who’s your favourite teacher?”“ She’s young”“She has long hair.”“she was young.”“Her hair was short.”“ Wer e they active in class?”“Now they are tall and beautiful.”能运用所学语言 知识谈论及描述人物现在与过去的外貌及性格特征。 2、听懂、认读、会说、认读、规范书写下列单词:card \who \young \kind\then \his \ little \thin \ interesting \pupil\ but;能听懂、会说、认读单词:September\strict \was \were\ago\active\smart\naughty,并能结合句型灵活运用。 3、初步了解字母x\y\z在单词中的发音规律。 文化意识 让孩子了解在外国孩子是怎样表达对老师的尊重和爱戴 情感态度 培养学生尊敬师长,爱戴老师的品质 Lesson 1 课时目标 1、能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Who’s your favourite teacher?”“She’s young.”“She has long hair.” 2、听懂、认读、会说、认读、规范书写下列单词:card \who \young \kind,能听懂、会说、认读单词:September\strict。 课文情景简介 Jenny问Danny正在干什么,Danny说他在做卡片,手里正在制作的是给他最喜欢的老师的,这提醒 了Jenny明天是9月10号教师节。Jenny问Danny他最喜欢的老师是谁,Danny让她猜,说她很年轻,Jenny问她高吗?Danny说高而且有长头发,Jenny猜出是Miss Zhang. Danny 说她很亲切。Jenny说Miss Zhang 来了,Miss Zhang 看到Danny说话,提醒他说到了上课的时间了,Danny又跟Jenny补充说她也很严厉 Listen a nd say 1、多媒体呈现第一单元主情景图,T: Children, Teachers’ Day is coming, It’s on Septemb er 10. 学习单词September. Look, What are Peter and Wang Hong doing?学习单词car d. 2、Do you like Miss Wang?Why?Is she beartiful?与学生一起谈论Miss Wang的相貌特征。幻灯片出示几组反义词tall/short,,big/small,long/short.此时学习单词young和old,让学生跟老师边说边做动作。 3、T: 出示班级集体照,Which one do you like?


Name(姓名):________________ Class(班级):__________________ (一)写出下列词的反义词 young ___________ quiet _____________ t all ___________ strong _________ new ___________ l ong _________ strict _____________ (二)填上适当的单词使句子完整通顺。 1 A: ___________ is the girl ? B: ___________ my sister . 1A: _______ Tom’s father like? B: _________ __________ thin and quiet. 2A: Is your English teacher _________ ? B: No, she _________ . She is short . _________ she is pretty. 4:Mr. Ma is not young .He is __________. 3Miss Zhao is our math teacher . She is very ________ .But she is very kind . (三) 补全对话 1 A:___________________________________________ ? B: I’m fine .Thank you . A: ___________________________________________? B: She is my sister . A: ___________________________________________? B: No ,___________________ . She is very active . 2 A: ___________________________________________? B: Miss White is my English teacher . A: ___________________________________________? B: She is very tall and thin . A:____________________________________________? B: Yes , she is very young . (四) 根据所给的信息完成句子。 1 What is man like ? ( 高个,瘦) _________________________________________. 2 Is your English teacher very active ? ( 文静的) ___________________________________________. 3 Who’s that ol d woman ? ( 校长) _________________________________________ . 4 Is Tom very thin ? ( 强壮) __________________________________________.


五年级上册英语词组句型 Unit 1 教师节Teachers’ Day 制作卡片make cards/ make a card 我最喜欢的老师my favourite teacher 有长发has long hair 大眼睛big eyes 小女孩little girl 十年前ten years ago 句子:1、This one is for my favourite teacher 这张是送给我最喜欢的老师的。 2、Tomorrow is September 10. It’s Teacher’s Day. 明天是9月10日,教师节 3、Who’s your favourite teacher? 谁是你最喜欢的老师? 4、She has long hair. 她有一头长发。 5、Happy Teachers’ Day. 教师节快乐。 6、You’re welcome. 不用客气。 7、His hair was black. 他的头发是黑的。 8、They were in my class ten years ago.十年前他们在我的班级里。 9、Were they active in class? Yes, they were./ No, they weren’t. 他们在班里活跃吗? 10、I’m making a card for my favourite teacher, too. 我也正在给我最喜欢的老师制作一张贺卡。 11、I was short and thin then. 我那时又矮又瘦。 Unit 2 in the rain 在雨中go to the park 去公园come back 回来look happy/ worried/ sad 看起来开心/担心/伤心look at 看… lost my/ his cap 丢了我的/他的帽子in the park 在公园里 1. You look so happy. 你看起来很开心。 2. We’re going to the park. 我们将要去公园。 3. What’s Danny doing there? He’s dancing in the rain. Danny正在那里干什么?他在雨中跳舞。


五年级英语上册 Unit1检测试题 一、读一读,找出不同类的单词。(10个知识点) ( ) 1. A.old B.Mr C. kind D. young ( ) 2. A. Ms B. Miss C. funny D. Mr ( ) 3. A. strict B. polite C. helpful D.our ( ) 4. A. clever B. am C. is D.are ( ) 5. A. sometimes B. shy C.hard-working D.kind 二、把下列汉语翻译成英语。(15个知识点) 年老的年轻的搞笑的严厉的和蔼的 乐于助人的聪明的有礼貌的害羞的勤奋的 三、单项选择。(30个知识点) ( ) 1.--- Who’s your English teacher?--- ______________ A. Miss Wu. B. She’s strict. C. She is hard -working. ( ) 2. --- Is your brother helpful? ---____________ A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, I do. C.Yes, she is. ( ) 3. --- Is she young? ---_____________ A. Yes, he is. B. No, she is. C. No, she isn’t. ( ) 4. My new P.E. teacher is tall and strong. Who is he?

A. B. C. ( ) 5. ---________________ --- He’s very funny. A. Who’s that boy? B. What’s he like? C. What’s she like? ( ) 6. ---What’s she like? ---____________ A. Her name is Amy. B. She’s polite. C. She likes apples. ( ) 7. --- Who is he? ---He is _______music teacher. A. our B. me C. I ( ) 8. --- What are these? --- They ______ potatoes. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 9. --- _________ he like? --- He’s hard-working. A. what’s B. Who’s C. What’s ( ) 10. You can’t judge a book by its cover.这句谚语的意思是? A. 熟能生巧。 B. 不能以封面断定一本书。 C. 不能以貌取人。 四、重新排列顺序,使其成为意思通顺的对话。(15个知识点) ( 1 ) Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. ( ) Is she strict? ( ) Do you know her? ( ) She’s kind.


龙坪完全小学五年级英语上册教学计划 胡丽华 一、课标对本年段要求 根据《义务教育英语课程标准》的规定,结合五年制小学教学特点,五年级结业时完成相当于1.5级目标。目标总体描述如下: 对英语学习有较稳定的兴趣和爱好;能用简单的英语互致问候,交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息,表达简单的情感和感觉;能唱简单的英语歌曲;能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣;能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事;能根据图片或提示写简单的句子;在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教;乐于了解异国文化、习俗;能书写字母和单词。 学习有关本级话题范围的350个左右的单词和35个左右的习惯用语。 二、本册教材编写特点 1.强调语言运用。本教材体现交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。 2.注重能力培养。整套教材贯穿“学会学习”的主题,培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。引导学生在学习中反思,在反思中学习。 3.突出兴趣激发。教学形式多样化,其中包括对话、歌谣、小诗、歌曲、游戏、任务、绘画等。 4.重视双向交流和中西方文化的介绍。 5.融合学科内容。(对其他学科的兼容并蓄) 6.重视灵活扩展。充分考虑学校老师学生个体的差异。 7. 教材内容难度坡度循环递增,语言活动丰富多彩,插图中人物、动物形象生动、活泼,有利于培养学生学习英语的兴趣和习惯。 三、教学内容 本册书共7个新授单元和1个复习单元。新授每单元4课,依据每单元的话题、功能句、语法和词汇,第1至3课呈现和滚动练习新的教学内容,第4课为复习课,在新创设的情景中,综合练习本单元学过的语言知识,运用知识开展任务活动并安排语言欣赏与趣味活动。 各单元内容如下: Unit 1 Teachers’Day Unit 2 Feelings


五年级英语期中练习(2) 卷首语:亲爱的同学们,来做一个课堂练习吧,细心做,一定会取得出色的成绩,加油哦! 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)(听两遍) ( ) 1. A. beside B. before C. between ( ) 2. A. bathroom B. mushroom C. classroom ( ) 3. A. have to B. get on C. a lot of ( ) 4. A. why B. when C. where ( ) 5. A. be good at B. be good for C. be bad for ( ) 6. A. dance B. swim C. read ( ) 7.A. by bike B. by bus C. by car ( ) 8. A. play basketball B. play football C. watch TV ( ) 9. A. have B. does C. has ( ) 10.A. leg B. arm C.eyes 二、听录音判断下列图片是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。(6分)(听两遍) ()()()

()()() 三、听录音,根据所听问题,选择正确的答句。(5分)(听两遍) ()1.A.It’s in the bag. B.It’s on the table. C.They are in the fridge. ()2.A.Yes ,there are. B.Yes,there is. C.No, they aren’t. ()3.A.They have six. B.There are six. C.We have six. ()4.A.He likes skating. B.He can skate. C.He has two small eyes. ()5.A.He can swim. B.She likes drawing. C.She can’t play football. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词。(9分)(听三遍) 1.They have big_________and big_________. 2.My brother is good at_________. 3.Our classroom is__________the_________ _________. 4. --A: What_________she like doing? --B: She_________reading_________. 笔试部分(70分) 一、选择。(10分) ()1.There aren’t_____apples on the trees. A.a B.the C.any ()2.The hambur ger is too_____. So I can’t eat it. A.long B.hard C.soft ()3._____is popular in China. A.Tea https://www.doczj.com/doc/8518091078.html,k C.Coffee ()4.Tom and Mike_____ have some toy cars. A.both B.are C.all


人教版五年级上册英语单元测试题及答案全套(含期中期末试题,共8套) Unit 1 What’s he like? 满分:100分时间:60分钟得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,完成下面的调查表。(10分) Subject Teacher thin short strong tall old young kind funny science Miss Ma Miss Li PE 二、听录音,选出单词。(10分) ()1. A.young B.funny C.sunny ()2. A.old B.long C.short ()3. A.pretty B.young C.strong ()4. A.thin B.tall C.kind ()5. A.clever B.strict C.active 三、听录音,选出句子。(10分) ()1. A.Look at that girl! She is young and tall. B.Look at that girl! She is young and pretty. ()2. A.This is our Chinese teacher. He’s young and strong. B.This is our Chinese teacher. She’s young and strong. ()3. A.The man is tall and thin. He likes running. B.The man is tall and strong. He likes running. ()4. A.That is a young lady. She is tall and strict. B.That is a young lady. She is tall and kind. ()5. A.Who is that thin and funny man? B.Who is that thin and funny woman? 笔试部分


小学英语五年级上册单词表(鲁科版1-2 单元) 小学英语五年级上册单词表(鲁科版1-2单元) Uard卡片,贺卡,谐音“卡的”。 这是一个外来词,中英同音,好记。ber九月,谐音“塞破它们吧”。九月是丰收的季节,妈妈的粮囤上了尖,是要塞破它们吧。 who谁,谐音“胡”。打麻将谁都胡过,最后都是输了。远离赌博。 young年轻的,“秧”。秧苗的秧,听着名字就年轻。严格的;严厉的。谐音“似锥ct”。张老师目光似锥,有严格范儿。打游戏多了,你的眼圈发黑,有熊猫🐼范儿。 was(is的过去式)是,谐音“窝子” 。过去人们常称自己的家是窝,安乐窝。当时,那是,谐音“怎”。他的,谐音“黑子”。 他有点黑(he),她有点色(she),他们的宝贝(baby)白。 littile小的,谐音“泪涛”。小时候常常泪 😢涛涛,有事无事哭一场。长大后不行了,男子有泪不轻弹。瘦的,谐音“似蚓”。瘦似蚯蚓。妈妈说的水蛇腰也就这样了。g有趣的,谐音“因吹死挺”。

因吹死,挺有趣的。吹牛的要注意身体啊。 were(are的过去式)是,谐音“喔” 。有点像鸡🐔叫。 pupil学生,谐音“皮又跑”。小学生又调皮又爱跑。 ago 以前,谐音“饿狗🐶”。以前人们生活困难,饿狗正常。现在怕😨胖,开始饿孩子了。 but 都是,谐音“爸他”。妈妈同意,爸爸他总是反对。啊(⊙o⊙)。 active 活跃的,积极的,谐音“俺可退伍”。俺可以退伍,不可以不积极。在岗一分钟,尽职60秒。 👍~(≧▽≦)/~ naughty 淘气的,顽皮的,谐音“闹踢”。小孩又闹又踢就是淘气。 好闹的是猴,好踢的是驴,又好闹又好踢的是邻居家的小明。 smart 聪明的,谐音“司马特”。司马,官名。当司马的比一般人聪明。 Unit2 look 看起来,看上去,谐音“陆客”。台湾管我们去旅游的叫陆客,大陆观光客。 excited 激动的,兴奋的。谐音“一刻赛忒的”。

五年级上册英语素材-知识要点 鲁科版(五四制,三起)

(鲁科版)五年级英语上册知识要点 Unit 1 描述人物特征的形容词: tall---short young---old thin---strong long---short kind strict active smart naughty 四会单词: card卡片; pupil学生;young年轻的;kind亲切的;his他的;little小的;thin瘦的;interesting有趣的;then那时;who谁;but但是 三会单词: student 学生;was(is的过去式)是;were(are的过去式)是;strict严格的;active 积极的;smart聪明的;ago以前 词组:make a card 制作贺卡;ten years ago 十年前 重点句型: 1. Who’s your favorite teacher? My favorite teacher is…. 2. She’s/He’s….(形容词)She /He has…(形容词)+hair等 3. I /She /He was…(形容词) then. Her /His hair was… (形容词) They were young /…then. 4. Were they your pupils? / Were they active /… in class? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. Unit 2 描述人物心情、感受的形容词: happy excited sad angry worried glad 四会单词: look看起来;find找到;worry担心;angry生气的;sad难过的;late迟到;why为什么;yesterday昨天;with 和…在一起 三会单词: sky天空;lost(lose的过去式,过去分词)丢失;saw(see的过去式)看见;excited激动的;glad高兴的;worried担心的;poor可怜的;helpful有帮助的词组:come back 回来;come in 进来; 重点句型: 1. What’s Danny /…do ing? He’s /She’s dancing/… in the rain. 2. He’s excited. The sky is angry. Wang Hong is worried. 3. Were you happy? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. 4. Was Danny with you? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.


Name姓名________ Marks分数______ 根据句意及首字母提示补全。 1. There are s days天 in a week一周 . 2. I often listen to music on W morning . 3. I sometimes p football on Saturday morning . 4. We h English and PE . 5. Today is Thursday . Tomorrow(明天) is F . 选择题。 ( )2. We often do our ______. A .homework C. homeworking ( )3. What do you have______ Mondays A. at ( ) English on Mondays. ( ) you do on SundaysI often do my homework. C. How ( )9.Mr White and Miss Chen old teachers. A.be B.is C.are D.am ( )10.He isn't an old teacher,he's . A.slowly B.young C.tall D.funny ( )12.My mother is strict but 。 A.kind B.kinds C.old D.funny ( )13.Mr Chen is a good teacher.We all like . A.him B.he C.his D.her ( )14 often play ping-pong _____ the weekend . A . in ( )15--- Do you often read books on Saturday afternoon --- I often listen to music . A . Yes,I do . , I don’t . C. Yes, I am. ( ) often read books on Saturday afternoon .What about you --- _ A . I like music. often watch TV. C. I look tired 累. ( ) .----I have Chinese , English ,math and PE . A . What do you have on Mondays .B. What do you often do on Mondays ( )18. The first day of a week is .


小学英语第一单元 教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、认读本单元的句型:“Who’s your favourite teacher?”“ She’s young”“She has long hair.”“she was young.”“Her hair was short.”“ Wer e they active in class?”“Now they are tall and beautiful.”能运用所学语言 知识谈论及描述人物现在与过去的外貌及性格特征。 2、听懂、认读、会说、认读、规范书写下列单词:card \who \young \kind\then \his \ little \thin \ interesting \pupil\ but;能听懂、会说、认读单词:September\strict \was \were\ago\active\smart\naughty,并能结合句型灵活运用。 3、初步了解字母x\y\z在单词中的发音规律。 文化意识 让孩子了解在外国孩子是怎样表达对老师的尊重和爱戴 情感态度 培养学生尊敬师长,爱戴老师的品质 Lesson 1 课时目标 1、能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Who’s your favourite teacher?”“She’s young.”“She has long hair.” 2、听懂、认读、会说、认读、规范书写下列单词:card \who \young \kind,能听懂、会说、认读单词:September\strict。 课文情景简介 Jenny问Danny正在干什么,Danny说他在做卡片,手里正在制作的是给他最喜欢的老师的,这提醒 了Jenny明天是9月10号教师节。Jenny问Danny他最喜欢的老师是谁,Danny让她猜,说她很年轻,Jenny问她高吗?Danny说高而且有长头发,Jenny猜出是Miss Zhang. Danny 说她很亲切。Jenny说Miss Zhang 来了,Miss Zhang 看到Danny说话,提醒他说到了上课的时间了,Danny又跟Jenny补充说她也很严厉 Listen a nd say 1、多媒体呈现第一单元主情景图,T: Children, Teachers’ Day is coming, It’s on Septem ber 10. 学习单词September. Look, What are Peter and Wang Hong doing?学习单词car d. 2、Do you like Miss Wang?Why?Is she beartiful?与学生一起谈论Miss Wang的相貌特征。幻灯片出示几组反义词tall/short,,big/small,long/short.此时学习单词young和old,让学生跟老师边说边做动作。 3、T: 出示班级集体照,Which one do you like? Do you like …? 老师可以在学生说出自己喜欢的同学后这样说:Oh, she’s very kind. 此处学习单词kind,


鲁教版五年级上册英语 单元词汇表 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

Unit?1? card?[kɑ:d]卡片,贺卡September?[sep'temb]九月who[hu:; h]谁 young[j]年轻的 kind[kand]亲切的,和蔼的strict?[strkt]严格的,严厉的was[wz](is的过去式)是 then[een]当时,那时 his?[hz]他的 little['lt()l]小的 thin?[θn]瘦的 interesting['nt( )rst]有趣的 were[w(r)](are的过去式)是pupil?['pju:pl; -p()l]学生 ago['g]以前 but?[bt; bt]但是

active?[' ktv]活跃的,积极的 naughty?['nt]淘气的,顽皮胡 smart[smɑ:t]聪明的 Unit2 look?[lk]看起来,看上去 excited[k'satd]激动的,兴奋的 sky?[ska]天空 angry?[' gr]生气的 lost[l st](lose的过去式,过去分词)丢失sad?[s?d]难过的,伤心的 late?[let]迟的,晚的 glad[gl?d]高兴的 worried['wrd]担心的 with[we]和……在一起 wasn’t['wznt](wasnot)不是 poor?[p:; p]可怜的 why?[wa]为什么 find?[fand]找到 worry['wr]担心

saw?[s](see的过去式)看见yesterday?['jestd]昨天helpful['helpfl; -f()l]有帮助的 Unit3 party['pɑt]聚会 when?[wen]什么时候 March?[mɑt]三月 May[me]五月 Apil['eprl]四月 October[k't?b] 十月 present['prez()nt]礼物 open['p()n]打开 wish[w]愿望 song[s]歌曲 say?cheese?[se] [tiz]笑一笑(常在拍照时说)had?[h?d](have的过去式)有did[dd](do的过去式)children['tldrn]孩子们


一、根据问句选择合适的答句 ( )1. What would you like to eat? A. Pears. ( ) 2. What’s your favourite food? B. Fish. ( ) 3. What would you like to drink? C. I’d like a hamburger . ( ) 4.What’s your favourite fruit? D.I’d like some tea. ( )5. Do you like ice cream? E. Yes, I do. 二、连词成句 1. don’t grapes like I (.) ________________________________________ 2. favourite your food What’s (?) ________________________________________ 3.I’d a hamburger like orange juice some and (.) _________________________________________ 4. would What like you to drink (?) _________________________________________ 5. My food favourite chicken is (.) _________________________________________ 四、选出下面各单词缺少了的字母,把序号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1. h lthy A. ea B. ee C. ae ( ) 2. dr k A. in B. un C. on ( ) 3. fr A.esh B. ish C. ich ( ) 4. to to A. ta B. ma C. pa ( ) 5. sw__ __t A. aa B. ea C. ee ( ) 6. ch__ __ken A.ic B.ci C.ne ( ) 7.s__ __dwichA.an https://www.doczj.com/doc/8518091078.html, C.ur ( ) 8. s__l__d A. a a B.e e C.a e ( ) 9.hamb__ __ger A. ae B. ur C. ee ( ) 10.ice cr__ __m A. ae B. ee C. ea 五、单选(10分) ( ) 1.—I’m hungry. ----I can get some______for you. A.water B.bread C.chairs ( ) 2.----What would you like to eat? ----_____ A. Some apples, please. B .I don’t like pears. C. I’d like to go


五年级英语第一单元测试试题 一、选出正确答案。 ()1、---Who is that girl?---___________ A、She is young. B、Yes,she is. C、She is my friend.()2、---Is she clever?---___________ A、Yes,she isn’t. B、Yes,he is. C、No,she isn’t.()3、---Is she short?---No,she is_______tall. A、very B、much C、very much ()4、---Who is your English teacher?---__________ A、He is my brother. B、Mr Li is very tall. C、Miss Cao ()5、---_____pretty?---Yes,she is very pretty. A、Does her B、Is she C、is she D、she is ()6、---___________?---He is my brother. A、Who that boy? B、Who’s that boy? C、Whose that boy? D、What’s that boy? ()7、---___________?---Yes,she is. A、Is she good at her school work? B、Is she good her school work? C、What’s she good at? D、Does she good at her schoolwork? ()8、---Where do you come from?---__________________


“小学高效课堂研究与应用”系列丛书 “快乐英语” 研究与应用 英语 五年级上册 学校:___________________ 班级:___________________ 姓名:___________________

“小学高效课堂研究与应用”系列丛书 编委会 主任姜延荣 副主任范正和 丛书编委马金防侯太杰王秀珍马丽张莹 陈秀红时杰朱士伟许文刚郭绍亮 王长庚薛晓辉靳顺民张洪军贾明国 蔡云霄贾玲芝刘学芹孙其红陈红 丛书主编马金防 丛书副主编魏传栋侯太杰王秀珍孙冬青马丽 本册主编孙冬青 本册副主编周晓燕 本册编写者房元芹玄家红周升明卢桂云闫腾 李玲刘秀红施兴瑞谢艳青石晶瑶 汤明俐李晓君赵艳丽王宝艳张敬 李倩周辉王冉吴萍范亚峰 高境 岱岳区小学高效课堂研究与应用系列丛书编委会 二0二0年七月

编者的话 随着高效课堂的不断深入研究,我们在教学模式、教学方法、教学评价等方面已经有了较为深刻的理解和认识,一大批优秀教师在高效课堂的研究中积累了许多宝贵的经验和经过实践检验的心得体会。如何让更多的教师在课堂教学中共享这些成果,带动广大教师提高自己的课堂教学质量和自身素质?我们做了四级探索,首先先是学校层面的集体备课,然后到乡镇层面的集体备课,再到片区集体备课,最后集全区优秀教师在高效课堂教学研究基础上进行备课,目的就是集思广益,资源共享。 在教学设计的征集中,我区先后有近千名教师积极参与,他们投入了巨大的热情,奉献出在教学中最为成功的鲜活案例,本套丛书是集体智慧的结晶,是广大教师共同努力的成果。在丛书使用过程中,我们还将不断更新、优化,把更好的优秀的课堂教学案例及时整理,充实到我们的“小学高效课堂研究与应用”系列丛书中来,使这套丛书不断完善,力求每一篇教学设计实用,逐步达到精品。 丛书提供了很多优秀的素材和良好的施教方略,可供教师们直接参考使用,这样做的目的就是将广大教师从繁忙的备课中解脱出来,使教师有更多的时间和精力上课,有足够的时间反思,进而提升自身教育教学素质,把“优质课”变成为“常态课”,把高效课堂理念、方法和措施,运用到平常的教学过程中,从而全面提高我区的教育教学质量。 盖一座大厦,设计图纸非常重要,上一节好课,教学设计非常重要。好的教学设计,要到课堂上去实践,要根据学生的实际情况进行灵活变化。教师要根据学生的实际情况,参考丛书所提供的教学设计,在预留的复备空间内做自己的二次设计,删除不足,张扬个性,使课堂异彩纷呈,努力打造高效课堂。 由于水平有限,书中难免有不妥之处,敬请广大教师提出宝贵意见,以便再版时充实和调整。 编者 二○二○年七月


小学英语(PEP)五年级上册测试题 Unit One My New Teachers 一.找出画线部分读音与前面所给单词画线部分相同的单词. (4分) ( ) 1. no A. now B. how C. know ( ) 2. eraser A. lamp B. lady C. library ( ) 3. umbrella A. fun B. computer C. music ( ) 4. like A. fish B. kind C. kid 二. 接龙写单词. (10分) Miss( ) →__ __ __ ___ ___(聪明) → __ __ __ __(高的) → lady( )→__ __ __ __ __(年轻) →go →(老的) →doll( ) →__ __ __ __(喜欢) →eight( )- → __ __ __ __(瘦的) 三.将单词归类,写在横线上面.(12分) strict Canada short driver Australia strong UK teacher farmer China quiet principal 人物特征描写:_______________________________________________ 国家:_______________________________________________________ 职业:_______________________________________________________ 四.翻译短语. (8 分) 1.short and strong___________ 2.university student___________ 3.又漂亮又活泼_____________ 4.一位和蔼的老师_________________ 五.选择填空. (16分) ( ) 1. Who’s ___________math teacher? A. you B. your C. yours ( ) 2. What is ___________like? A. him B. he C. his ( ) 3. Mr. Carter is_______ English teacher. A. a B. these C. an ( ) 4.__________strong? Yes, he is. A. is he B. Is his C. Is he ( ) 5 Who is that__________ ? Oh, she is ___________principal. A. lady; our B. man; our C. boy; our ( )6.如果你想说:“他的课很有趣”,应该说:( ) A.He is very funny. B.His class is so much fun. C.He is very active. ( )7.如果你想问:他是你的新数学老师吗?”应该说:( ) A.Is she your math teacher? B. He is your new math teacher. C.Is he your new math teacher? ( )8.对你听到的话表示惊奇,应该说:( ) A.Let me try. B.You are welcome. C.Really? Cool! 六.改写句子. (10分) 1、Mr. Carter is our new English teacher.(对画线部分提问) _________________________________________________________ 2、He is short and strong.(对画线部分提问) _________________________________________________________ 3、He is very quiet.(该为否定句) _________________________________________________________

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