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1. 不要贪多,翻阅很多本书不如精读几本好书,好的书总能激发你去读更多好书。但
2. 尽信书,不如无书;但
3. 祭,如在。读,如晤。

1. [意]卡尔维诺,《未来千年文学备忘录》
2. [土] 帕慕克,《我的名字叫红》
3. [法] 布罗代尔,《菲利浦二世时期的地中海和地中海世界》(一个便于记忆但是不准确的简称:地中海史)
4. [美] 马歇尔?伯曼,《一切坚固的东西都烟消云散了——现代性体验》徐大建,张辑译,北京:商务印书馆,2004。现代性研究译丛
Berman, Marshall. All That is Solid Melts into Air: the Experience of Modernity. 1982,1988
5. [美] 爱德华?苏贾,《后现代地理学——重申批判社会理论中的空间》王文斌译,北京:商务印书馆,2004。现代性研究译丛
Soja, Edward W. Postmodern Geographies: the Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory. Verso, 1989,2003(8th edition).
6. [英] 雷蒙?威廉斯,《关键词

Williams, Raymond. Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Revised Edition. Oxford University Press, 1976,1983
7. [法] 米歇尔?福柯,《疯癫与文明》(古典时代的癫狂史)
8. [法] 吉尔?德勒兹,《褶子》
9. [西班牙]曼纽尔?卡斯特,信息时代三部曲:
10. [美] 巫鸿,《武梁祠——中国古代画像艺术的思想性》,柳扬,岑河译,北京:三联,2006。“开放的艺术史”

当然还有太多太多应该读的人和书, 黑格尔、康德、笛卡儿、尼采、弗雷泽(《金枝》)、列维?斯特劳斯、本雅明、胡塞尔、沃尔夫林、阿恩海姆、尤尔根?哈贝马斯、汉娜?阿伦特等等等等,只要你觉得自己看得下去就看吧,看不下去就算了,将来再看。

考古学、艺术史、 技术史、哲学、一般史学、人类学、社会学、伦理学、格式塔心理学、文学、美学等学科和建筑学有着传统的联系。找到一个你更加感兴趣的方面,很快就可以通过参考文献找到更多的读物。(提示:请记得真、善、美的顺序)


用英语写作的华人学者方面,则有张光直(《中国古代考古》等)、何炳棣(《东方的摇篮》)、许倬云(《 汉代农业:早期中国农业经济的形成》等)、黄仁宇(《万历十五年》等)、许烺光(《祖荫下:中国的家庭与宗教》)、巫鸿(《武梁祠》、《中国早期建筑和艺术中的纪念碑性》)、朱剑飞(《 Chinese Spatial Strategies: Imperial Beijing(1420-1911)》)、阮昕、赖德霖(亦用中文)等。

喜龙仁(Osvald Sirèn)
博伊德(Andrew Boyd)

鲍希曼(Ernst Boerschmann)
拉斯姆森(Steen Eiler Rasmussen)
顾迩素(Else Glahn)
王斯福[Stephan Feuchtwang,《An Anthropological Analysis of Chinese Geomancy(中国风水的人类学分析)》]
萧凤霞(Henlen Hsiu)
科大卫(David Faure)
李约瑟(Joseph Neeham)
白馥兰(Francesca Bray)
鲁克思(Klaas Ru

柯律格(Craig Clunas)[《Superfluous Things, Material Culture and Social Status in Early Modern China(长物志:早期现代中国的物质文化与社会状况)》《Fruitful Sites: Garden Culture in Ming Dynasty China(果实累累之地:中国明代的园林文化)》]
雷德侯[《万物:中国艺术的模件化和规模化生产(Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art)》]
夏南悉(Nancy Shatzman-Steinhardt)《Chinese TraditionaI Architecture(中国传统建筑)》、《Chinese Imperial City Pianning(中国都城规划)》、《Liao Architecture(辽代建筑)》
那仲良(Bonald G.Knapp)
瓦纳(Torsten Warner)《German Architecture in China: architecture transfer(德国建筑在中国)》(1994)
逊兹(Alfred Schinz) 《Cities in China(中国的城市)》(1989)、《The Magic Square-Cities in Ancient China(神奇的四方城——中国古代的城镇)(1997)
近年来的中国城市研究则包括法国白吉尔夫人(Marie Claire Bergere)的《上海史——走向现代之路》,罗威廉(William Rowe)的《汉口:一个中国城市的商业和社会1796—1889》,《汉口:一个中国城市的冲突和社会共同题1796—1895》,梅尔清的《清初扬州文化》,《广州的近代化,1900—1927》等。

童寯先生的《近百年西方建筑史》、《新建筑与流派》和《造园史纲》都是很适合初学者的读物,还有陈从周的《说园》和陈志华先生的《意大利古建筑散记》、乡土建筑研究系列,当然大家应该都知道陈先生和楼庆西等人分别写的那个古建筑二十讲系列, 这些书应该是向傅雷《西方美术名作二十讲》致敬的结果。


1. (古罗马)维特鲁威,《建筑十书》,高履泰译,北京:建工,1986
Vitruvius, De Architectura Libri Decem
2. 勒?柯布西耶,《走向新建筑》,陈志华译,天津科技,1991;陕西师大,2004
Le Corbusier, Vers une Architecture
3. (德)汉诺-沃尔特?克鲁夫特 ,《西方建筑理论史——从维特鲁威到现在》,王贵祥译,建工,2005。
4. (英)彼得?柯林斯《现代建筑设计思想的演变——1750~1950》英若聪译(根据1965年英文版再版本译出),南舜薰校,北京:建工,1987,2003。★(英

Collins, Peter. Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture,1750-1950.
5. (英)乔弗莱?司谷特《人文主义建筑学:情趣史的研究》张钦楠译,北京:建工,1989
Scott, Geoffrey. The Architecture of Humanism: A Study in the History of Taste.
6. (美) 伊利尔?沙里宁 Saarinen, Eliel. ★(老沙里宁的书洋溢着人文主义精神)
⑴ 《形式的探索:一条处理艺术的问题的基本途径》顾启源译,北京:建工,1989
Search for form: A fundamental approach to art
⑵ 《城市:它的发展、衰败与未来》 顾启源译,建工,1986年。
The City : Its Growth, Its Decay, Its Future

7. (英)萨默森,《建筑的古典语言》,张欣玮译,中国美术学院,杭州,1994
Summerson, John. The classical Language of Architecture
8. (英)尼古拉斯?佩夫斯纳 Pevsner, Nikolaus.
Pioneers of Modern Design From William Morris to Walter Gropius
The Sources of Modern Architecture

9. (英)勃罗德彭特《建筑设计与人文科学》,张韦译,北京:建工,1990
Broadbent, Geoffrey. Design Architecture and the Human Sciences
10. (美)罗伯特?文丘里,《建筑的复杂性与矛盾性》★
Venturi, Robert. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture
11. (英)勃罗德彭特、理查德?本特、(美)查尔斯?詹克斯《符号?象征与建筑》,乐民成等译,北京:建工,1991
Broadbent,Geoffrey. Bunt, Richard. Jencks, Charles. Signs, Symbols and Architecture
12. (美)A?拉普卜特, Rapoport, Amos. ★
The Meaning of Built Environment: A Nonverbal Communication Approach
Culture, Architecture and Design
House Form and Culture

13. (丹麦)S?E?拉斯姆森《建筑体验》刘亚芬译,北京:建工,1992。台湾1970年起即有汉宝德先生的译本★
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler. Experiencing Architecture
14. (意)塔夫里,《建筑学的理论和历史》郑时龄译,北京:建工,1991
Tafuri, Manfredo. Theories and History of Architecture
15. (英)罗杰?斯克鲁顿,《建筑美学》刘先觉译,汪坦校,北京:建工,1992,2003

Roger. The Aesthetics of Architecture
16. (意)布鲁诺?赛维 Zevi, Bruno.
⑴《现代建筑语言》,席云平、王虹译, 北京:建工,1986
The Modern Language of Architecture;
Il linguaggio moderno dell’architettura
⑵《建筑空间论——如何品评建筑》 张似赞译,北京:建工,1985,台北:2001
Architecture as Space: How to Look at Architecture

17. (日) 芦原义信

18. (美)C?詹克斯 Jencks, Charles.
The Language of Post-modernism
Late-Modern Architecture and Other

19. (美)凯文?林奇 Lynch, Kevin. ★
The Image of the City
⑵《城市形态》 林庆怡等译,华夏出版社,2001(华夏这一套书好像翻译得不大好)
Good City Form,
⑶(美)凯文?林奇, 加里?海克,《总体设计》,黄富厢等译,北京:建工,1999。
Lynch, Kevin. Hack, Gary. Site Planning

20. 《世界建筑史丛书》,一套12本,北京:建工 ★
⑴(英)S?劳埃德和(德)H?W?米勒,《远古建筑》 高云鹏译, 1999
S. Lloyd, H. W. Müller, Architttura dello origini, Storia dell’architettura
⑵(法)罗兰?马丁《希腊建筑》 , 张似赞、张军英译,1999
Rolan Martin, Greek Architecture
⑶(英)约翰?B?沃德-珀金斯,《罗马建筑》, 吴葱、张威、庄岳译,1999
John B. Ward-Perkins, Roman Architecture
Hans Erich Kubach, Romanesque Architecture
Cyril Mango, Byzantine Architecture
Louis Grodecki, Gothic Architecture
⑺(英)彼得?默里 《文艺复兴建筑》,王贵祥译,1999
Peter Murray, Renaissance Architecture
Christian Norberg-Schulz, Baroque Architecture

Robin Middleton, David Watkin , Neoclassical and 19th Century Architecture
Mario Bussagli, Oriental Architecture
⑾(美)约翰?D?霍格 《伊斯兰建筑》,杨昌鸣等译,刘壮羽中校,1999
John D. Hoag, Islamic Architecture
⑿(意)曼弗里多?塔夫里和弗兰西斯科?达尔科,《现代建筑》, 刘先觉等译,2000
Manfredo Tafuri, Francesco Dal Co, Architettura contemporanea

21. 简?雅各布斯,《美国大城市的生与死》★
Jacobs, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities
22. (挪)克里斯蒂安?诺伯格-舒尔兹, Norberg-Schulz, Christian.
Intentions in Architecture
⑵《存在?空间?建筑》》 尹培桐译,北京:建工,1985。台北有王淳隆译本。
Existence, Space and Architecture

23. (英)尼古拉斯?佩夫斯纳《反理性主义者与理性主义者》,邓敬等译,建工,2003
Pevsner, Nikolaus. Richards, J. M. Sharp, Dennia. The Anti-Rationalists and Rationalists
24. (美)柯林?罗、弗瑞德?科特,《拼贴城市》,童明译,李德华校,北京:建工,2003
Rowe, Colin. Koetter, Fred. Collage City
25. (美)肯尼斯?弗兰姆普敦,Frampton, Kenneth.
Modern Architecture: a Critical History
Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Contruction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture

26. (美)克里斯?亚伯,《建筑与个性——对文化和技术变化的回应》,张磊等译,建工,2003
Abel, Chris. Architecture & Identity: Response to Culture and Technological Change
27. (英)爱德华兹,《可持续性建筑》,周玉鹏、宋晔皓译,建工,2003
Edwards, Brian. Sustainable Architecture
28. (英)布莱恩?劳森,《空间的语言》,杨青娟等译,建工,2003
Lawson, Bryan. The Language of Space
29. (美)塔勃特?哈姆林编,《建筑形式美的原则》,邹德侬译,建工,1982
Hamlin,Talbot. Forms and Functions of Twentieth-Century Architecture Volume II: The Principles of Composition
30. (美)克里斯托弗?亚历山大 Christopher Alexander 北京:知识产权出版社
⑴《建筑模式语言》 王听度、周序鸿译,2002
A Pattern Language
⑵《建筑的永恒之道》 赵冰译,冯纪忠审校,2002
The Timeless Way of Building
⑶《城市设计新理论》 陈治业、童

A New Theory Urban Design
The Oregon Experiment

31. (美)汤姆?沃尔夫,《从包豪斯到现在》,关肇邺译,清华大学出版社,1984年。★
T. Wolfe. From Bauhaus to our House(很滑稽很好看的一本书)
32. (意)P?L?奈尔维,《建筑的艺术与技术》,黄运升译,建工,1981
Nervi, Pier Luigi. Aesthetics and Technologyin Building
33. (美)卡斯滕?哈里森,《建筑的伦理功能》, 申佳、陈朝晖译,华夏,北京,2001
Harries, Karsten. The Ethical Function of Architecture
34. (美)伊恩?伦诺克斯?麦克哈格 《设计结合自然》芮经纬译,建工,1992★
MacHarg, Ian. Design with Nature
35. 西蒙兹,《大地景观——环境规划指南》,程里尧译,建工,1990
J.O. Simonds, Earthscape: A Manual of Environmental Planning
36. (日)针之谷钟吉,《西方造园变迁史:从伊甸园到天然公园》,邹洪灿译,建工,1991
37. (美)保罗?拉索,《图解思考:建筑表现技法》,邱贤丰译,建工,1988,1998,2002
Laseau, Paul. Graphic thinking for Architects & Designers
38. (苏)金兹堡,《风格与时代》,陈志华译(自1982英文版),建工1991;陕西师大2004
Гинзбург, M. Я. Style and Epoch
39. 查马耶夫?亚历山大,《社区与私密性》,王锦堂译, 台北:台隆书店1979
40. Joedi Jurgen,《近代建筑史》,孙全文译, 台北:台隆书店1982
41. 雷诺?班汉(Reyner Banham),《近代建筑概论》,王纪鲲译, 台北:台隆书店1975
42. S.E. Rasmus,《城镇与建筑》,宋伯钦译,台隆书店,台北,1974年第一版。
43. (德)犹根?伊奥迪克,《一九四五年以后的建筑》 李俊仁译,台北:台隆书店,1980
Joedicke, Jürgen. Architecture Since 1945
44. (美)埃德蒙?N?培根,《城市设计》,黄富厢、朱琪编译,建工,1989,2003
Edmund N. Bacon, Design of Cities
45. (英)迈克?詹克斯、伊丽莎白?伯顿、凯蒂?威廉姆斯编著,《紧缩城市:一种可持续发展的城市形态》周玉鹏等译,建工,2004
Mike Jenks, Elizabeth Burton, Katie Williams. The Compact City: A Sustainable Urban form?
46. (意)L?贝纳沃罗,《世界城市史》, 薛钟灵等译,北京:科学出版社,2000
Benevolo, Leonardo. Die geschichte der stadt
47. (美)芒福德,《城市发展史:起源、演变和前景》,倪文彦等译,建工,1989年。
Mumford, Lewis

. The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects
48. (英) 卡莫纳等《城市设计的维度》冯江、袁粤、万谦、傅娟、张红虎译,南京:江苏科技,2005★
Carmona, Mathew. Heath, Tim. Oc, Taner. Tiesdell, Steven. Public Places- Urban Spaces: the dimensions of urban design.

还有许多译著未来得及列入,例如William Mitchell所著《比特之城》《我++:电子自我和互联城》以及刘东洋博士翻译的《城之理念》和Rykwert的另一本书《亚当之家》等。

东方建筑文化研究所已藏的标以 ㊣
1. Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. The University of Chicago Press. 1958,1998
2. Benedikt, Michael. For an Architecture of Reality. Lumen Books. 1987
3. Edited by Benedikt, Michael. Center Volumn 9: A Journal for Architecture in America. The University of Texas at Austin, 1995
4. Blier, Suzanne Preston, The Anatomy of Architecture: Ontology and Metaphor in Batammaliba Architectural Expression. The University of Chicago Press, 1987 ㊣
5. Bloomer, Kent C. and Moore , Charls W. Body, Memory, and Architecture. Yale University Press, 1977
6. Edited by Borden, Ian. Kerr, Joe et al. The Unkown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space. The MIT Press, 2002 ㊣
7. Boyer, M. Christine. Dreaming the Rational City Planning: the Myth of American City Planning. The MIT Press, 1986,1997(6th printing) ㊣
8. Boyer, M. Christine. The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainments. The MIT Press, 1996, 2001(5th printing)
9. Calthorpe, Peter. The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community, and the American Dream. Princeton Architectural Press, 1993
10. Edited by Campbell, Scott. Fainstein, Susan S. Reading in Planning Theory. Blackwell, 1996, 2003(2nd edition)
11. Castelles, Manuel. The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach. Translated by Alan Sheridan. Edward Arnold. 1972,1979
12. Edited by Christopher Tilley. Reading Material Culture: Structuralism, Hermenertics and Post-Structuralism. Basil Blackwell, 1990
13. Edited by Corner, James. Recovering Landscape: Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture. Princeton Architectural Press, 1999
14. Crowe, Norman. Nature and the Idea of a Man-made world: An Investigation into the Evolutionary Roots of Form and Order in the Built Environment. The MIT Press, 1997
15. De Landa, Manuel. A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History. Swerve, 2000 ㊣
16. Dirks, Nicholas B. Eley, Geoff et al. Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory. Princeton University Press, 1994
17. Do

czi, Gy?rgy. The Power of Limits: Propotional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture. Shambhala, 1994
18. Edited by Dodds, George and Tavernor, Robert. Body and Building: Essays on the Changing Relation of Body and Architecture. The MIT Press, 2002. For Joseph Rykwert on his seventy-year birthday.
19. Edited by Duncan, James & Ley, David. Place/Culture/Representation. Routledge1993,1997
20. Ellin, Nan. Postmodern Urbanism. Princeton Architectural Press, 1996
21. Forman, Richard T.T. Landscape Mosaics: The ecology of landscapes and regions. Cambridge University Press, 1995
22. Frampton, Kenneth. Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Contruction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture. The MIT Press, 1995㊣
23. Gallagher, Winifred. The Power of Place: How Our Surroundings Shape Our Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions. HarperPerennial, 1994
24. Edited by Goldhagen. Sarah Williams, and Legault Rejean. Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar Architectural Culture. The MIT Press, 2000㊣
25. Grosz, Elizabeth. Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism. Indiana University Press. 1994
26. Edited by Hays, K. Michael. Architecture Theory Since 1968. Columbia Books of Architecture. The MIT Press, 2000㊣
27. Edited by Hays, K. Michael. Oppositions Reader. Princeton Architectural Press, 1998
28. Hillier, Bill. Hanson, Julienne. The Social Logic of Space. Cambridge University Press. 1984, 2003 ㊣
29. Holston, James. The Modernist City: An Anthropological Critique of Brasília. The University of Chicago Press. 1989
30. Hough, Michael. Cities and Natural Process. Routledge, 1995
31. Jacobs, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Vintage Books, 1961,1992
32. Kaplan, Rachel. Kaplan, Stephen. Ryan, Robert. With People in Mind: Design and Management of Everyday Nature. Island Press, 1998
33. Edited by Kionis, Jeffrey and Leeser, Thomas. Chora L Works: Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman. The Monacelli Press, 1986
34. Edited by Kostof, Spiro. The Architect: Chapters in the History of the Profession. Oxford University Press, 1977,1986
35. Kostof, Spiro. The City Assembled: the Elements of Urban Form Through History. Bulfinch Press. 1991(Thames and Hudson), 1999(3rd printing). ㊣
36. Kostof, Spiro. The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History. Bulfinch Press. 1991(Thames and Hudson), 1999(3rd printing) ㊣
37. Krier, Rob. Architectural Composition. Rizzoli, 1988
38. Kroeber, A. L. Style and Civilizations. Cornell University Press. 1957
39. Kruft, Hanno-Walter. A History of Architectural Theory: From Vitruvius to the Present. Translated by Ronald Taylor, Elsie Callander and Antony Wood. Princeton Architectural Press,1994
40. Kubler, George. The Shape of Time. Remarks on the History of Things. Yale University Press. 1962 ㊣

Lawlor, Robert. Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice. Thames & Hudson, 1982, 2000(reprinted)
42. Edited by Leach, Neil. Rethinking Architecture: A Reader In Cultural Theory. Routledge, 1997, 2003
43. Leatherbarrow, David. The Roots of Architectural Invention:site, enclosure,materials. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993
44. Leatherbarrow, David. Uncommon Ground: Architecture, Technology, and Topography. The MIT Press, 2000
45. Leatherbarrow, David. Mostafavi, Mohsen. Surface Architecture. The MIT Press. 2001
46. Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space. Translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith. Blackwell, 1974,1991(English Translation 1st published).
47. Los, Sergio. Carlo Scarpa: An Architectural Guide. Arsenale Editrice, 1995
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From Liu Dongyang

?西方古代史学研究综述:柯林武德(R.G.Collingwood,1946),《历史的观念》,(the Idea of History)何兆武 张文杰译,北京:商务印书馆,1997年版。
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?中国现代史学研究综述:葛剑雄 周筱赟,《历史学是什么》,北京大学出版社,2002年版

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Geffery Scott, “Architecture of Humanism”, W.W.Norton & Company,1914/1999。
?Ernst Gombrich “In Search of Cultural History”,
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☆Micheal Hays
☆Demitri Porphyrios,
☆Vincent Scully
☆A Tufuri
☆Kazys Varnelis(Radical)
☆Mark Wigley

From Liu Dongyang 2003.12

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