当前位置:文档之家› 不稳定注水技术研究及应用



张 煜,张进平,王国壮 (胜利石油管理局东辛采油厂,山东东营257094)


了一块面积为1km 2的油藏,采用V IP 模拟器进行数值模拟。在模拟的基础上从理论和实践2方面进行了





[中图分类号]T E 323[文献标识码]A [文章编号]10009752(2001)01004904



1 不稳定注水工程参数


根据油藏地质条件,采用调整注采井网或水井轮流注水的方式,尽量考虑改变原来液流方向。注水周期T =2131×10-5L 2 Γ。其中,T 为周期,d;L 为注水井到生产井的平均距离,c m ;Γ为地层导压系数,

c m 2 s 。注水量波动幅度B 是指注水量波动大小与常规注水量的比值,即B =(q 1-q 2) 2q 。其中,q 1为加强

注水时的注水量,m 3 d;q 2为控制注水时的注水量,m 3 d;q 为常规注水时的注水量,m 3 d 。升压时的注水量q 1可以由注水指示曲线在地面注水系统允许泵压下计算得出。

2 物理模拟实验和油藏数值模拟


211 非均质物理模型不稳定注水实验


94?江汉石油学院学报 2001年3月 第23卷 第1期

Journal of J i anghan Petroleu m I n stitute M ar 12001 V o l 123 N o 11 [作者简介]张煜(1963),男,1984年大学毕业,高级工程师,在读博士生,现主要从事油田勘探开发的生产和科研工作。

3该论文在’99亚太地区“SPE ”石油工程师协会油田开发技术研讨会上交流。[收稿日期]20000915

物理模型,将模型翻转即为反韵律油藏物理模型,各油层分别在中部射开一孔。首先将模型抽真空,饱和地层水,再油驱水建立束缚水,然后进行水驱油实验。实验按合注分采的方式进行,分别计量高、中、低渗透层出口的产出油水量。实验中第一步进行常规水驱至综合含水91%,然后进行8个步骤的不稳定注水实验。通过8个步骤的改善水驱,正韵律模型原油采出程度共提高24198%。反韵律提高21178%。212 改变液流方向物模实验

5点井网物理模型为边长18c m 的正方形平面模型,厚为2c m 。模型润湿性为亲水。

图1(a )为原5点井网系统,其中1~4号井为采油井,5号井为注水井。当模型综合含水达90%时,2,4号井改为注水井,从而使原有的5点井网系统调整为如图1(b )所示的9点井网系统。

图1 (a )原5点井网和(b )新9点井网系统示意图第一步实验注水井注水时间8218m in ,到油井含


验共用时间10217m in ,其过程与第一步实验相同,只





213 油藏数值模拟


的特点。采用V IP 模拟器。模拟面积110km 2,网格步长为50m ,横向网格和纵向网格块数均为19,将油藏共有的13层分为13个时间单元参与模拟计算,总网格数为19×19×13=4 693。网格块间用达西方程控制流动,流体的流动特征受邻层影响。数模研究内容包括:

1)油藏储层条件对周期注水效果的影响 在其他地质参数不变的情况下,由3面封闭1面敞开改为4面封闭;油层非均质性和剩余油饱和度一定的情况下,改变油层纵向连通程度;在其他参数不变的情况下,润湿性由亲水改为亲油。

2)周期注水时机的选择 为了选择转入周期注水的最佳时机,对常规注水和先常规注水至含水率分别为40%,60%,70%,80%,90%,95%时再转入周期注水的最终采收率分别做了测算。

3)工程参数的优化 对周期注水工作方式、周期大小、注水量波动幅度进行调整,对比效果。3 模拟实验结果分析

311 周期注水提高非均质油藏采收率机理

在升压半周期,注水压力加大(水量为q 1),此时一方面一部分注入水由于压力升高直接进入低渗层和高渗层内低渗段,驱替那些在常规注水时未能被驱走的剩余油,改善了吸水剖面。另一方面由于注入量的增大,一部分在大孔道中流动的水克服毛管力的作用沿高低渗段的交界面进入低渗段,使低渗段的一部分油被驱替。再者,注水压力加大使低渗层段获得更多的弹性能。因此,q 1越大,升压半周期储层内流体的各项活动越强烈;当进入降压半周期(水量为q 2)时,由于高、低渗段压力传导速度不同,高渗段压力下降快,低渗段压力下降慢,这样高、低渗段间形成一反向压力梯度,同时由于毛管力和弹性力的作用,在两段交界面出现低渗段中的部分水和油缓慢向高渗段的大孔道流动,并在生产压差作用下随同后来的驱替水流向生产井。因此,q 2越小,高渗层段能量下降越快,越有利于低渗层段较早地发挥其储备能,而高渗层段内低渗段流体在弹性能和毛管力的作用下沿高、低渗段的交界面进入高渗段的时机也越早,产出流体也越多。312 周期注水可以开采油藏屋脊和边角部位的剩余油


?05? 江 汉 石 油 学 院 学 报2001年3月

313 改向注水提高油藏采收率机理

图2 正常注水液流分布对一个稳定的注采系统,在正常注水下液流流线分布如图2所示,在注水井




314 影响周期注水效果的油藏条件





315 转入周期注水时机的选择数模结果得出由高含水期转入周期注水效果较好,且含水90%时转入周期注水效果最好。其原因是在油层水淹程度小的情况下,高低渗带内流体基本同是原油,液流交换失去意义,且过度提高注水强度,会加剧高低渗层水驱不均衡的矛盾,水驱开发效果将变差。而在高含水期或特高含水期转入周期注水,高渗层内流体多为注入水,高低渗带间液流交渗作用才有意义,毛细管力和亲水油藏的吮吸作用能够得到充分发挥,提高油藏采收率幅度相对较高。

316 工程参数的优化

1)注水周期 周期注水工作方式和工作制度选择了对称型和不对称型共12种不同的工作制度。不同工作制度模拟周期注水效果如表1。

表1 不同工作制度周期注水效果




2注4停2注4采5注10采7注14采开采时间 d 230215195

140126132400346210265500679采收率 %461246114613441843164311501748194711481149175017 由表1可知不对称型的第1组,长注短停的采收率最低,为4311%~4418%;对称型即注停相等的效果略好,采收率为4611%~4613%;不对称型的第2组,短注长停效果更好,采收率高达4711%~5017%;不对称第3组,即水井强注期间油井停产,水井停注期间油井枯竭采油,这种方式采收率最高,为4811%~5017%。这是由于水井注水时油井停产,能更好地抑制注入水在大孔道中的无功循环,而水井停注时间越长,高低渗带间自然渗吸作用越充分,采收率越高,但其延缓了开发速度,且油井间歇开井会给设备管理带来不便。

2)注水量波动幅度 数模结果表明,注水量波动幅度高于50%效果最好。低于这个量值,一个周期内,为了保持一定的注采比,注水时间就要相对延长,而长注短停效果差。但水量波动幅度过大,对注水压力要求过高,也会给注水系统带来难度。

4 矿场试验

411 层状非均质油藏


1)对天然能量充足、含油层位较单一的边角部位,模拟结果认为,该区域适合长周期、加大降压期与升压期时间比的注水方式,将注水周期定为220d ,升压期20d ,降压期200d ,充分发挥边水驱的作



2)对封闭性相对较强,层间、层内渗透性差异大的区域,以及边角部位和屋脊一线,模拟结果认为,该类区域适合短周期、快循环的注水方式,选择周期为45d ,升压期15d ,降压期30d ,水量波动幅度为70%,注采比保持在019。

该单元不稳定注水见效高峰期日产油增加23t ,含水降低了417%;5年多来,单元可采储量增加了417×104t ,采收率由3718%提高到4011%,提高了213%。

412 面积注水开发油藏


胜坨油田坨21沙二段1~2砂组为三角洲河流相沉积,经断层遮挡形成一中高渗透断块油藏,含油面积313km 2,动用地质储量522×104t ,有2个砂层组8个含油小层。1995年7月有油井23口,水井21口,综合含水高达9515%,采出程度4215%。精细研究油藏后认识到平面上潜力主要在构造高部位、断层遮挡部位、注水分流线和河道边部的低渗透相带;纵向上潜力位于主力层内的低渗透韵律段和低渗透非主力层。数值模拟结果认为,该断块宜采取周期注水和改向注水相结合,采用短注长停,油井持续生产的不对称型工作方式,一个周期内注水工程方案设计如下:

1)全区停注30d ;

2)注水井隔排注水,一排注水,另排停注,波幅75%,天数15d ;

3)所有水井恢复注水,水量波动幅度75%,天数10d ;

4)所有水井停注30d ;

5)另一排注水井恢复注水,波幅75%,天数15d ;

6)所有水井恢复强注,波动幅度75%,天数10d 。

方案实施后,取得了显著的效果。单元见效高峰期日产油增加38t ,综合含水由9515%降至9319%。4年内累计增油2104×104t ,少产水4513×104m 3。可采储量增加12×104t ,采收率提高了213%。413 窄屋脊式油藏


414 复杂断块油藏


415 裂缝孔隙性油藏

胜利油区沙三段部分油藏为特低渗,空气渗透率小于10×10-3Λm 2,投产初期多进行整体压裂改造,

初期效果较好,但随着时间的延长,裂缝的不利影响越来越明显,油井往往暴性水淹。数模研究结果及矿场试验表明,这类油藏实施不稳定注水能见到增油效果。在设计注水周期和注水量波动幅度时,一定要注意,升压过程应考虑地面注水系统的提压能力、套管承压能力等因素,降压过程要考虑储层保压的问题,避免因压降过大而造成储层渗透性的损失。工作方式采用对称型,注水周期选定升压15d ,降压15d ,升压时水量上调50%。



1层状不均质油层的周期注水开发[M ]1王福松译1北京:石油工业出版社,19891[2]俞启泰,张素芳1再述周期注水的油藏数值模拟研究[J ]1石油勘探与开发,1994,21(2):211

[编辑]真 辛

?25? 江 汉 石 油 学 院 学 报2001年3月

F ITB I VA R is better than the linear m odel 1

Key words :log in terp retati on ;cu rve fit ;p rogram ;po ro sity deter m inati on ;per m eab ility deter m inati on 40PDC B it Perfor mance Eva lua tion and Reduction of D r ill i ng Cost

 L I U GANG (J iang han P etroleum Institu te ,J ing z hou 434102)

 Zhe ng L i 2hu i ,Y ANG C he ng 2x in (T a ri m P etroleum E xp lora tion B u reau ,K orle 841000)

Abstract :O n the basis of statistical analysis of field data (such as penetrati on rate ,drilling speed ,b it w o rk ing ti m e ,rate of travel ,speed of ro tati on and co st per m eter )on 44PDC b its of 215mm ,a target functi on fo r m in i m izing b it co st per m eter is p ropo sed ,an op ti m al b it app licati on m odel is estab lished based on a given li m itati on of actual b it w o rk ing ti m e ,and an op ti m al b it si m u lati on is calcu lated as w ell 1T he con trast betw een the field data and si m u lating calcu lati on dem on strates that scien tific m anagem en t and scien tific decisi on 2m ak ing are the sho rt cu t of reducing drilling co st under the conditi on s of cu rren t techn ique and equ i pm en t availab le 1

Key words :b it p erfo r m ance ;op ti m izati on ;drilling co st

43W ell Pa ttern Arrange m en t i n S ma ll Fault Block O il Reservo ir

 L I U D e 2hua ,Y U Ga o 2m ing ,O uya ng C hua n 2x ia ng ,L iu Zh i 2s e n ,W a ng X in 2fa ng (J iang han P etroleum Institu te ,

J ing z hou 434102)

Abstract :O n the basis of investigati on of developm en t h isto ry and w ell pattern s of s m all fau lt b lock o il reservo irs bo th at hom e and ab road ,general p rinci p les are discu ssed on geo logic ,p roducti on characteristics and arrangem en t of w ell p attern s 1T he p rob lem of w ell pattern arrangem en t fo r the reservo ir in L iaohe o il field is studied w ith the m ethods of num erical si m u lati on and reservo ir engineering 1T he actual values are ob tained fo r the p attern arrangem en t of o riginal reservo ir 1Som e u sefu l conclu si on s are reached fo r gu iding the developm en t of the s m all fau lt b lock reservo ir 1Key words :s m all o il and gas field ;fau lt b lock reservo ir ;w ell pattern ;recovery ;benefit

46Nu m er ica l Si m ula tion for Perfor mance Ana lysis of Co m pl ica ted Fault -block Reservo irs i n Block

M 19,Zhongyuan O ilf ield

 Y ANG J ia n 2che ng (Z hongy uan P etroleum E xp lora tion B u reau ,P uy ang ,457001)

 Y U Ga o 2m ing (J iang han P etroleum Institu te ,J ing z hou 434102)

 HE Fe i ,GAO Zhe ng 2L ong ,L I D ong (Z hongy uan P etroleum E xp lora tion B u reau ,P uy ang 457001)

Abstract :A num erical m odel is estab lished fo r com p licated fau lt 2b lock reservo irs in b lock M 19of Zhongyuan o ilfield and a h isto ry m atch is p erfo r m ed by u sing the resu lt of th ree di m en si onal geo logic m odeling 1T he p roducti on perfo r m ance in each subzone ,the residual o il distribu ti on and the p roducti on adju stm en t in b lock M 19are studied 1T he resu lts show that in the b lock structu re is com p licated ,nonhom ogenerty is seri ou s ,reservo ir sand is s m all and scattered 1P ressu re and in jecti on conditi on in each zone are poo r ,in terlayer in terference is seri ou s ,there ex ist m any sandbodies of in jecti on on ly w ithou t p roducti on o r p roducti on on ly w ithou t in jecti on 1O n ly local i m p rovem en t w as m ade on unbalancedness fo r the p roducti on of som e sandbodies by the adju stm en ts u sed befo re 1T he target of fu tu re adju stm en t is to i m p rove the balance of in jecti on and p roducti on of key sandbodies and to relieve the con tridicti on s w ith in the in terlayer and o il pay 1

Key words :com p lex reservo ir ;fau lt b lock reservo ir ;geo logic m odel ;3D m odel ;num erical si m u lati on ;perfo r m ance analysis

49Study and Appl ica tion of Un steady W a ter I n jection Techn iques i n Shengl i O ilf ield

 ZHANG Yu ,ZHANG J in 2p ing ,WANG Guo 2z hua ng (S heng li P etroleum A dm in istra tion B u reau ,D ongy ing 257094)

Abstract :In o rder to p rom o te the residual o il recovery ,an un steady w ater flooding si m u lati on is carried ou t by p hysical reservo ir m odeling w ith glass bead pack ing 1A num erical si m u lati on is

perfo r m ed w ith V IP si m u lato r in a reservo ir w h ich covers an area of 1km 21O n the basis of the

si m u lati on ,a com p rehen sive analysis is conducted in bo th theo ry and p ractice 1T he m echan is m fo r i m p roving the o il recoveries in hetergeneou s reservo irs by cyclic w aterflooding (including cro ssflooding )and op ti m izati on in engineering param eters from un steady w ater flooding are described 1F ield tests by the un steady w aterflooding are m ade respectively in E s 1of Shengli o ilfield


and 122un it in E s 2of Shengtao o ilfield 1Good resu lts are ach ieved in w ater con tro lling and o il stab ilizing ,after the un steady w aterflooding p ro ject is carried ou t 1

Key W ords :w aterflooding theo ry ;o il reservo ir m odel ;num erical si m u lati on ;field test

53Co m positiona l ana lysis of Ox ida tion Product from Hydrocarbon i n Vapour Pha se

 L I Ke 2hua (J iang han P etroleum Institu te ,J ing z hou 434102)

 ZHAO M ing 2ku i (S heng li P etroleum A dm in istra tion B u reau ,D ongy ing 257001)

 HUANG Hong 2d u ,WANG Re n 2fa ng ,L I U Zh i 2la n (J iang han P etroleum Institu te ,J ing z hou 434102)

Abstract :T he com po siti on s of ox idati on p roduct from hydrocarbon in o il vapou r phase in second 2side of p ressu re reducti on in D aqing o ilfield are studied by u sing the analyses of functi onal group and co lum n ch rom atograp hy 1T he resu lts dem on strate that the ox idati on p roducts are divided in to 7com po siti on s ,such as hydrocarbon ,carbonyl com pound ,alcoho l ,m onohydroxy acid ,b inary acid ,po lybasic acid and po lar m aterial 1T he to tal yields of these com ponen ts are abou t 95%1Good repeatab ilities of the experi m en ts are ob tained ,relative erro rs of the data are generally less than 2%,55%of the hydrocarbon has been tu rned in to ox idati on p roducts ,and their sapon ificati on num ber is 27177kg KOH g ,w h ich is an ideal raw m aterial to p rep are petro leum carboxylates fo r chem ical flooding 1

Key words :crude ;ox idati on ;com po siti onal analysis ;su rfactan t ;D aqing o il field

56The Syn thesis and Eva lua tion of F iltra te Reducer SPX Resi n of H igh te m pera ture and Sa lt Resistiv ity J I A NG W e i 2d ong (K erun P etroleum E ng ineering &T echnology L i m ited Co 1,P uy ang 457001)

 HE Guo 2jun ,WU M e ng (Z hongy uan P etroleum E xp lora tion B u reau ,P uy ang 457001)

Abstract : In con siderati on of increasing visco sity in filtrate reducer in drilling flu id under the conditi on s of h igh tem peratu re and h igh con tam inati on from m etallic i on s ,su lphonate p heno l and p henoxyacetic acid fo r m aldehyde resin (si m p ly call it SPX resin )is syn thesized th rough po lym erizati on su lphonating u sing phenoxyacetic acid ,p heno l ,fo r m aldehyde etc 1T he resu lt show s that w hen the SPX resin is u sed independen tly ,it has the p rop erties of h igh tem peratu re resistance and satu rated salt resistence fo r non 2visco sified filtrate reducer and good efficiency of filtrate reducing 1W hen salt con ten t is from 25%to 36%,the filtrate reducti on efficiency is the best ,w hen the con ten t is below 25%,it is the best fo r lengthen ing aging ti m e ;w hen the con ten t of SPX is reasonab le ,the apparen t visco sity increase of the drilling flu id is less than 10%befo re and after its aging .T he com b inati on of SPX w ith S M K and SKC is good 1

Key words :drilling flu id ;filtrate reducer ;SPX resin ;salt resisting p rop erty ;h igh tem p eratu re 59Pred iction of Sta tistica l I nference for Fuzzy Set Va lues of Test Param eters

 L I U Ya ng 2s ong ,T ANG B in ,WANG J ia n 2hua (J iang han P etroleum Institu te ,J ing z hou 434102)

Abstract :T he n ti m es p ri m ariy inclu si on of fuzzy inference m odel is p ropo sed fo r the p redicti on of p rocess testing p aram eters based on the concep t of statistical inference of fuzzy set values 1A m ethod is discu ssed fo r the m odificati on of relati on sh i p of the o riginal fuzzy i m p licati on w hen the resu lt of p redicti on is no t m atched w ith actual situati on 1A specific p rodicti on is m ade acco rding to the effect of vacuum diffu si on w elding tem peratu re of C r M o 35steel on the ten sile strength of a w elding jo in t 1T he resu lt of p redicti on is confo r m ed w ith m easu ring p aram eters ,w h ich show s the m ethod is accu rate 1Key words :p rocess testing p aram eter ;fuzzy set ;statistical inference ;p redicti on

62Con tour Approx i m a tion Processi ng of CAD CA M Syste m of La ser Cutti ng

 D ENG Yong ,LUO Zha o 2x ia ng (T h ree Gorg es U n iversity ,Y ichang 443000)

63I n tell igen t Fuzzy Con troll i ng for DC Servo Syste m

 N IE Ha n 2p ing (J iang han P etroleum Institu te ,J ing z hou 434102) 

 YE S he ng 2L i (Z hongy uan P etroleum E xp lora tion B u reau ,P uy ang 457001)

Abstract :In DC servo system ,the com b inati on of in telligen t fuzzy con tro ller w ith a B ang 2B ang con tro l ,fuzzy con tro l and P I D con tro l is u sed 1T he B ang 2B ang con tro l is u sed to i m p rove the ab ility of fast speed ;the fuzzy con tro l is to i m p rove the dynam ic p rop erty of the system and to i m p lem en t the — — JOURNAL O F J I A NGHAN PETROLEU M I N S TI TUTE M a r 12001

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