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Exercise 17


Volcanic rock that forms as fluid lava chills rapidly is called pillow lava. This rapid chilling occurs when lava erupts directly into water (or beneath ice) or when it flows across a

shoreline and into a body of water. While the term ―pi llow lava suggests a definite shape, in fact geologists disagree. Some geologists argue that pillow lava is characterized by discrete, ellipsoidal masses. Others describe pillow lava as a tangled mass of cylindrical, interconnected flow lobes. //Much of this controversy probably results from unwarranted extrapolations of the original configuration of pillow flows from two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows in land outcroppings. Virtually any cross section cut through a tangled mass of interconnected flow lobes would give the appearance

of a pile of discrete ellipsoidal masses. Adequate

three-dimensional images of intact pillows are essential for defining the true geometry of pillowed flows and thus ascertaining their mode of origin. Indeed, the ter m ―pillow, itself suggestive of discrete masses, is probably a misnomer.

(165 words)

做完发现文中那些什么discrete ellipsoidal masses呀,tangled cylindrical interconnected flow lobes呀等等的瞟过去就可以了.从这后半部分开始,阅读的过程经验要积累了,略读.

extrapolations 推断

有人认为not so badly可以和Adequate three-dimensional images of intact pillows are essential for defining the true geometry of pillowed flows and thus ascertaining their mode of origin. 中intact对应.所以选E.

首先not so badly eroded和intact还是有区别的.

另外从这句话中,提炼出intact pillows 有助于确定their mode of origin.

而controversy probably results from ....of the original configuration 初看会觉得E是对的.

但是这中间多推了一步.是unwarranted关于original的推断导致了矛盾,就算确定了origin,不能说明推断就一定不存在.时间: 18’ 正确率: 7/10

1.In the passage, the author is primarily interested in

(A)analyzing the source of a scientific controversy

(B)criticizing some geologists? methodology 偏

(C)pointing out the flaws in a geological study

(D)proposing a new theory to explain existing

scientific evidence

(E)describing a physical phenomenon

涉及到两种观点的,在这种题中一定要突显出来For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

2.The author of the passage would most probably

agree that the geologists mentioned in the fourth sentence have made which of the following errors

in reasoning? fourth sentence让我数了两遍- -||


□A Generalized unjustifiably from available evidence. unwarranted就和unjustifiable重复

□B Deliberately ignored existing counterevidence.在这


□C Repeatedly failed to take new evidence into account.明显没有提到

3. The author implies that the ―controversy‖ might

be resolved if

(A)geologists did not persist in using the term

―pillow 从常识上面来看这也不对,改个名


(B)geologists did not rely on potentially

misleading information 仍旧是unwarranted


(C)geologists were more willing to confer

directly with one another

(D)two-dimensional cross sections of

eroded pillows were available

(E)existing pillows in land outcroppings were

not so badly eroded



Draft passages in Proust?s 1909 notebooks indicate that the transition from essay to novel Remembrance of Things Past began in Contre Saint-Beuve, when Proust introduced several examples to show the powerful influence that involuntary memory exerts over the creative imagination. In effect, in trying to demonstrate that the imagination is more profound and less submissive to the intellect than

Saint-Beuve assumed, Proust elicited vital memories of his own and, finding subtle connections between them, began to amass the material for Remembrance. By August, Proust was writing to Vallette, informing him of his intention to develop the material as a novel. Maurice Bardeche, in Marcel Proust,romancier, has shown the importance in the drafts of Remembrance of spontaneous and apparently random associations of Proust?s subconscious.

(124 words)

For the following question, consider each of the

choices separately and select all that apply

4. According to the passage, in drafts of Contre

Saint-Beuve Proust set out to show that Saint-Beuve

made which of the following mistakes as a critic?


了,waste of time. 实际上很容易定位,短文章的好处.


□A Saint-Beuve made no effort to study the development of a novel through its drafts and revisions.

□B Saint-Beuve assigned too great a role in

the creative process to a writer?s

conscious intellect.


□C Saint-Beuve concentrated too much on plots and not enough on imagery and other elements of style.

5.In the context in which it appears, "spontaneous" in the

last sentence most nearly means.



○A contrived

○B powerful

○C abstruse

○D involuntary

○E premeditated


The great variety of plants in Hawaii is a result of the long-distance dispersal of seeds. There is some dispute about the method of transport involved. Some biologists argue that ocean and air currents are responsible for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii. Yet the results of flotation experiments and the low temperatures of air currents cast doubt on these hypotheses. //More probable is bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds. //While it is likely that fewer varieties of plant seeds have reached Hawaii externally than internally, more varieties are known to be adapted to external than to internal transport.

(119 words)6.The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing different approaches biologists have

taken to testing theories about the distribution of

plants in Hawaii 关键词approahes可以对应


(B) discussing different theories about the transport of

plant seeds to Hawaii

(C) discussing the extent to which air currents are

responsible for the dispersal of plant seeds to


(D) resolving a dispute about the adaptability of plant

seeds to bird transport

(E) resolving a dispute about the ability of birds to

carry plant seeds long distances

7.The author mentions the results of flotation experiments on plant seeds most probably

in order to定位之后由these hypotheses向上. 逐个对应,提BD,排B.

(A)support the claim that the distribution of plants in

Hawaii is the result of the long-distance dispersal of


(B)lend credibility to the thesis that air currents provide

a method of transport for plant seeds to Hawaii (C)suggest that the long-distance dispersal of seeds is

a process that requires long periods of time

(D)challenge the claim that ocean currents are responsible

for the transport of plant seeds to Hawaii

(E)refute the claim that Hawaiian flora evolved

independently from flora in other parts of the world

根据句子将整段分为三部分,结果一共就三句话- -|||

Recent scholarship has strongly suggested that /the aspects of early New England culture that seem to have been most distinctly Puritan, such as the strong religious orientation and the communal impulse, were not typical of New England as a whole, but were largely confined to the two colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut. //早期NE文化(P)不是典型NE/而是限制于M,C.

Thus, what in contrast to the Puritan colonies appears to Professor Davis to be peculiarly Southern was not only more typically English than the cultural patterns exhibited by Puritan Massachusetts and Connecticut, but also almost certainly characteristic of most other early modern British colonies from Barbados north to Rhode Island and New Hampshire.//和P相反的S不仅是比MC更典型的English/而


Within the larger framework of American colonial life, then, not the Southern but the Puritan colonies appear to have been distinctive, and even they seem to have been rapidly assimilating to the dominant cultural patterns by the late Colonial period. P比S更突出/甚至在后殖民时期/文化


( 145 words) 木有读懂

assimilating to→convergence 8. Which of the following statements could most logically

follow the last sentence of the passage?

(A)Thus, had more attention been paid to the

evidence, Davis would not have been

tempted to argue that the culture of the South

diverged greatly from Puritan culture in the

seventeenth century.

(B)Thus, convergence, not divergence, seems to

have characterized the cultural

development of the American colonies in

the eighteenth century.

(C)Thus, without the cultural diversity represented

by the America South, the culture of

colonial America would certainly have been

homogeneous in nature.

(D)Thus, the contribution of Southern colonials to

American culture was certainly

overshadowed by that of the Puritans.

(E)Thus, the culture of America during the

Colonial period was far more sensitive to

outside influences than historians are

accustomed to acknowledge.

A serious critic has to comprehend the particular content,9. Select the sentence that gives a reason why it is unique structure, and special meaning of a work of art. And insufficient to treat a work of art solely historically. here she faces a dilemma. The critic must recognize the

artistic element of uniqueness that requires subjective reaction;10. The author?s argument is developed primarily by yet she must not be unduly prejudiced by such reactions. It is the use of

necessary that a critic develop a sensibility informed by(A) an attack on sentimentality

familiarity with the history of art and aesthetic theory. On the(B) an example of successful art criticism

other hand, it is insufficient to treat the artwork solely(C) a critique of artists training

historically, in relation to a fixed set of ideas or values. The(D) a warning against extremes in art criticism

c ritic?s knowledge an

d training are, rather, a preparation of th e(E) an analogy between art criticism and art cognitiv

e and emotional abilities needed for an adequate production

per sonal response to an artwork?s own particular qualitie s.

(118 words)

unduly 过度的

it is insufficient定位,发现与why无关.由On the other hand决定文章层次,下文即是解.




Exercise 18

Theorists are divided concerning the origin of the Moon. Some hypothesize that the Moon was formed in the same way as were the planets in the inner solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Earth)—from planet-forming materials in the presolar nebula. But, unlike the cores of the inner planets,the Moon?s core contains little or no iron, while the typical planet-forming materials were quite rich in iron. Other theorists propose that the Moon was ripped out of the Earth?s rocky mantle by the Earth?s collision with another large celestial body after much of the Earth?s iron fell to its core. One problem with the collision hypothesis is the question of how a satellite formed in this way could have settled into the nearly circular orbit that the Moon has today. Fortunately, the collision hypothesis is testable. If it is true, the mantle rocks of the Moon and the Earth should be the same geochemically.

(155 words) For the following question, consider each of the

choices separately and select all that apply

1. According to the passage, Mars and the Earth are

similar in which of the following ways?

阴险之处就在于,通篇都讲moon,结果这里偷偷换成mars. 找moon相关找了半天- -|||

A Their satellites were formed by collisions with

other celestial bodies.

B Their cores contain iron.

C They were formed from the presolar nebula.时间: 18’时正确率: 7/10 未做完

时间: 21’ 正确率: 8/10

2.The author implies that a nearly circular orbit is

unlikely for a satellite that

(A)circles one of the inner planets

(B)is deficient in iron

(C)is different from its planet geochemically

(D)was formed by a collision between two

celestial bodies

(E)was formed out of the planet-forming

materials in the presolar nebula

3.Which of the following, if true, would be most likely to make it difficult to verify the collision hypothesis in the manner suggested by the author? 削弱很明显的if it is true…正确答案削弱了假设.此题找答案应该是从problem往后找,强调problem的也可为答案.

(A)The Moon?s core and mantle rock are

almost inactive geologically.

(B)The mantle rock of the Earth has changed in

composition since the formation of the

Moon, while the mantle rock of the Moon

has remained chemically inert.

(C)Much of the Ear th?s iron fell to the Earth?s

core long before the formation of the Moon,

after which the Earth?s mantle rock

remained unchanged.

(D)Certain of the Earth?s elements, s uch as platinum,

gold, and iridium, followed iron to the

Earth?s core.

(E) The mantle rock of the Moon c ontains ele ments

such as platinum, gold, and iridium.


A long-held view of the history of the English

colonies that became the United States has been that England?s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objectives, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution. In a recent study, Stephen Saunders Webb has presented a formidable challenge to this view.// According to Webb, England already had a military imperial policy for more than a century before the American Revolution. He sees Charles II, the English monarch between 1660 and 1685, as the proper successor of the Tudor monarchs of the sixteenth century and of Oliver Cromwell, all of whom were bent on extending centralized executive power over England?s possessions through the use of what Webb

calls ―garrison governme nt. Garrison government allowed the colonists a legislative assembly but real authority, in Webb?s view, belonged to the colonial governor, who was appointed by the king and supported by the ―garrison,‖ that is, by the local contingent of English troops under the colonial governor?s command.

According to Webb, the purpose of garrison government was to provide military support for a royal policy designed to limit the power of the upper classes in the American colonies. //Webb argues that the colonial legislative assemblies represented the interests not of the common people but of the colonial upper classes, a coalition of merchants and nobility who favored self-rule and sought to elevate legislative authority at the expense of the executive. It was, according to Webb, the colonial governors who favored the small farmer, opposed the plantation system, and tried through taxation to break up large holdings of land. Backed by the military presence of the garrison, these governors tried to prevent the gentry and merchants, allied in the colonial assemblies, from transforming colonial America into a capitalistic oligarchy.

Webb?s stud y illuminates the political alignments that existed in the colonies in the century prior to the American Revolution, but his view of the crown?s use of the military as an instrument of colonial policy is not entirely convincing.// England during the seventeenth century was not noted for its military achievements. Cromwell did mount England?s most ambitious overseas military expedition in more than a century, but it proved to be an utter failure. Under Charles II, the English army was too small to be a major instrument of government. Not until the war France in 1697 did William III persuade Parliament to create a professional standing army, and Parliaments price for doing so was to keep the army under tight legislative control. //While it may be true that the crown attempted to curtail the power of the colonial upper classes, it is hard to imagine how the English army during the seventeenth century could have provided significant military support for such a policy.

(473 words)旧观点→新观点→对新观点削弱



4.The passage can best be described as a

(A)survey of the inadequacies of a conventional


(B)reconciliation of opposing points of view

(C)summary and evaluation of a recent study

(D)defense of a new thesis from anticipated


(E)review of the subtle distinctions between

apparently similar views

5.The passage suggests that the long-standing view

referred to in the first paragraph argued that

Tips: 已经明确说了是long-standing了,绝对,


若有,则错. 其实很清楚这一点,但是做题的


(A)the colonial governors were sympathetic to the

demands of the common people

(B)Charles II was a pivotal figure in the shift of

English monarchs toward a more imperial

policy in their governorship of the

American colonies. more imperial policy一


二世,哪来的Charles II啊

(C)the American Revolution was generated

largely out of a conflict between the colonial

upper classes and an alliance of merchants

and small farmers选的时候是大胆地觉得

farmers没提到,但是even if 没有farmers,这


(D)the military did not play a major role as an

instrument of colonial policy until 1763 再次出现until,在之前已经强调过了,until→



得not play a role太绝对了.最后还是硬着头皮


(E)the colonial legislative assemblies in the

colonies had little influence over the

colonial governors 一大堆无关的6. According to the passage, Webb views Charles II as

the ―proper successor (in the first paragraph) of the

Tudor monarchs and Cromwell because Charles II



(A)used colonial tax revenues to fund overseas

military expeditions

(B)used the military to extend executive power

over the English colonies

(C)wished to transform the American colonies

into capitalistic oligarchies

(D)resisted the English Parliament?s efforts to

exert control over the military

(E)allowed the American colonists to use

legislative assemblies as a forum for resolving

grievances against the crown 提到的词都是范围


For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

7. According to Webb?s view of colonial history, which

of the following was (were) true of the merchants and

nobility mentioned in the second paragraph?



A They were opposed to policies formulated

by Charles II that would have transformed

the colonies into capitalistic oligarchies.反

B They were opposed to attempts by the English

crown to limit the power of the legislative


C They were united with small farmers in their

opposition to the stationing of English troops

in the colonies.和farmers是opposed


At the Shadybrook dog kennel, all the adult animals were given a new medication designed to reduce a dog?s risk of contracting a certain common infection. Several days after the medication was administered, most of the puppies of these dogs had elevated temperatures. Since raised body temperature is a side effect of this medication, the kennel owner hypothesized that the puppies? elevated temperatures resulted from the medication?s being passed to them through their mothers? milk.







小狗的体温升高现象. 排除母乳的影响8. Which of the following, if true, provides the most

support for the kennel owner?s hypothesis?

(A)Some puppies have been given the new medication

directly but have not suffered elevated

temperatures as a side effect. 这与原文药物原本


(B)The new medication has been well received by dog

breeders as a safe and effective way of preventing

the spread of certain common canine infections.


(C)None of the four puppies in the kennel who

had been bottle-fed with formula had elevated


(D)an elevated temperature is a side effect of a

number of medications for dogs other than the

new medication administered at the kennel. 这是


(E)Elevated temperatures such as those suffered by

most of the puppies in the kennel rarely have

serious long-term effects on a puppy?s health. 无

The social sciences are less likely than other intellectual enterprises to get credit for their accomplishments. Arguably, this is so because the theories and conceptual constructs of the social sciences are especially accessible: human intelligence apprehends truths about human affairs with particular facility.

This underappreciation of the social sciences contrasts (这是对比,不是反对- -|||)oddly with what many see as their overutilization. Game theory is pressed into service in studies of shifting international alliances. Evaluation research is called upon to demonstrate successes or failures of social programs. Yet this rush into practical applications is itself quite understandable: public policy must continually be made, and policymakers rightly feel that even tentative findings and untested theories are better guides to decision-making than no findings and no theories at all.

(123 words)

9. The author confronts the claim that the social

sciences are being overutilized with

(A) proof that overextensions of social

science results are self-correcting

(B)evidence that some public policy is made

without any recourse to social science findings or


(C)a long list of social science applications that

are perfectly appropriate and extremely fruitful

(D)the argument that overutilization is by and

large the exception rather than the rule

(E)the observation that this practice represents the

lesser of two evils under existing circumstances


rush into practical applications: overutilization

lesser of two evils: 两者权重取其轻



Zooplankton, tiny animals adapted to an existence in the ocean, have evolved clever mechanisms for obtaining their food, miniscule phytoplankton (plant plankton). A very specialized feeding adaptation in zooplankton is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized (or smaller) balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton. The balloon, a transparent structure that varies in design according to the type of appendicularian inhabiting it, also protects the animal and helps to keep it afloat. Water containing phytoplankton is pumped by the appendicularian?s muscular tail into the balloon?s incurrent filters, passes through the feeding filter where the appendicularian sucks the food into its mouth, and then goes through an exit passage. Found in all the oceans of the world, including the Arctic Ocean, appendicularians tend to remain near the water?s surface where the density of phytoplankton is greatest.

(143 words)10.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the

following is true of appendicularians?


(A)They are exclusively carnivorous. 未提

(B)They have more than one method of

obtaining food. 无

(C)They can tolerate frigid water.

(D)They can disguise themselves by

secreting mucus.

(E)They are more sensitive to light than are

other zooplankton.

Exercise 19

The common cold, produced most often by rhinoviruses, is intractable to antiviral defense.// A defense against rhinoviruses might nonetheless succeed by exploiting hidden similarities among the rhinovirus strains. For example, most rhinovirus strains bind to the same kind of molecule

(delta-receptors) on a cell?s surface when they attack human cells. Colonno, taking advantage of these common receptors, devised a strategy for blocking the attachment of rhinoviruses to their appropriate receptors. Rather than fruitlessly searching for an antibody that would bind to all rhinoviruses, Colonno realized that an antibody binding to the common receptors of a human cell would prevent rhinoviruses from initiating an infection. Because human cells normally do not develop antibodies to components of their own cells, Colonno injected human cells into mice, which did produce an antibody to the common receptor. In isolated human cells, this antibody proved to be extraordinarily effective at thwarting the rhinovirus. Moreover, when the antibody was given to chimpanzees, it inhibited rhinoviral growth, and in humans it lessened both the severity and duration of cold symptoms.

(173 words) intractable 难治的,棘手的.


显然要一边读一边去理解R人设计实验的思路是几乎无暇的,所以对于短文章,也要掌握节奏,科技文相对易理解,逐步读,结构;非科技文,跳读,结构.逐步读也读不懂的. 时间: 18’ 正确率: 7/10

1.It can be inferred from the passage that a

cell lacking delta-receptors will be

(A)unable to prevent the rhinoviral nucleic

acid from shedding its capsid

(B)defenseless against most strains of rhinovirus

(C)unable to release the viral progeny it

develops after infection

(D)protected from new infections by

antibodies to the rhinovirus

(E)resistant to infection by most strains

of rhinovirus


2.It can be inferred from the passage that the purpose of

Colonno?s experiments was to determine whether


(A)chimpanzees and humans can both be

infected by rhinoviruses

(B)chimpanzees can produce antibodies to

human cell-surface receptors

(C)a rhinovirus? nucleic acid might be locked in

its protein coat

(D)binding antibodies to common receptors

could produce a possible defense

against rhinoviruses

(E)rhinoviruses are vulnerable to human


3.In the context in which it appears, "thwarting" most nearly means



○A accelerating

○B blocking

○C warming

○D abetting

○E neutralizing

4. Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

Alivia?s government has approved funds for an electricity-generation project based on the construction of a pipeline that will carry water from Lake Cylus, in the mountains, to the much smaller Lake Tifele, in a nearby valley. The amount of electricity generated will be insufficient by itself to justi fy the project?s cost, even if the price of imported oil-Alivia?s primary source of electricity-increases sharply. Nonetheless, the pipeline project is worth its cost, because ——


而且做逻辑很慢,先读,读了还要理关系….至少花了2分钟. A地区利用建造一个管道,运水,发电。





(A)the price of oil, once subject to frequent sharp

increases, has fallen significantly and is now

fairly stable

(B)the project could restore Lake Tifele, which is

currently at risk of drying up and thus of being

lost as a source of recreation income for Alivia 保护即将干涸的湖泊;增加旅游收入

(C)the government of Alivia is currently on

excellent terms with the governments of most of

the countries from which it purchases oil


(D)it would cost less to generate electricity by

moving water from Lake Cylus to lake Tifele than

to do so by moving water from Lake Cylus to

another valley lake

(E)Alivian officials do not expect that the amount of

electricity used in Alivia will increase

substantially within the next ten years


Students of United States history, seeking to identify the circumstances that encouraged the emergence of feminist movements, have thoroughly investigated the

mid-nineteenth-century American economic and social conditions that affected the status of women. //These historians, however, have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period. //Furthermore, the ideological origins of feminism in the United States have been obscured because, even when historians did take into account those feminist ideas and activities occurring within the United States, they failed to recognize that feminism was then a truly international movement actually centered in Europe. American feminist activists who have been described as ―solitary and ―individu al theorists were in reality connected to a movement—utopian socialism— which was already popularizing feminist ideas in Europe during the two decades that culminated in the first women?s rights conference held at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.

(148 words)


American feminist activists/who have been described

as ―solitary and ―individual theorists were in reality connected to a movement—utopian socialism—/which was already popularizing feminist ideas in Europe during the two decades/ that culminated in the first women?s rights conference held at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. that指代feminist ideas.5.It can be inferred that the author considers those historians who describe early feminists in the United States as ―solitary‖ to be


(A)insufficiently familiar with the international

origins of nineteenth-century American

feminist thought

(B)overly concerned with the regional diversity

of feminist ideas in the period before 1848

(C)not focused narrowly enough in their

geo-graphical scope

(D)insufficiently aware of the ideological

conse-quences of the Seneca Falls

conference 对象都不对

(E)insufficiently concerned with the social

condi-tions out of which feminism


6.According to the passage, which of the following is

true of the Seneca Falls conference on women?s

rights? 长难句.在紧迫的做题时间下,看到什么

选什么,还分析结构- -

(A)It was primarily a product of

nineteenth-century Saint-Simonian

feminist thought.

(B)It was the work of American activists who

were independent of feminists abroad.

(C)It was the culminating achievement of

the utopian socialist movement.

(D)It was a manifestation of an international

movement for social change and feminism. (E)It was the final manifestation of the women?s

rights movement in the United States in

the nineteenth century.

Researchers of the Pleistocene epoch have developed all sorts of more or less fanciful model schemes of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of events.//For example, an early classification of Alpine glaciations suggested the existence there of four glaciations, named the Gunz, Mindel, Riss, and Wurm. This succession was based primarily on a series of deposits and

events not directly related to glacial and interglacial periods, rather than on the more usual modern method of studying biological remains found in interglacial beds themselves interstratified within glacial deposits. Yet this succession was forced willy-nilly onto the glaciated parts of Northern Europe, with hopes of ultimately piecing them together to provide a complete Pleistocene succession. Eradication of the Alpine nomenclature is still proving a Herculean task.

(132 words) willy-nilly 乱七八糟


态度正(前文没有说不好),后面负让步. 有保留赞同7.According to the passage, one of the reasons for the deficiencies of the ―early classification of Alpine glaciation‖ is that it was

(A)derived from evidence that was only tangentially

related to times of actual glaciation

(B)based primarily on fossil remains rather than

on actual living organisms

(C)an abstract, imaginative scheme of how the

period might have been structured

(D)based on unmethodical examinations of

randomly chosen glacial biological remains

(E)derived from evidence that had been haphazardly

gathered from glacial deposits and inaccurately


8.Which of the following does the passage imply about

the ―early classification of Alpine glaciation‖ ?

(A) It should not have been applied as widely

as it was.

(B)It represents the best possible scientific

practice, given the tools available at the time.

(C)It was a valuable tool, in its time, for measuring

the length of the four periods of glaciation. 过

(D)It could be useful, but only as a general guide

to the events of the Pleistocene epoch. 没说


(E)It does not shed any light on the methods used

at the time for investigating periods of glaciation.


When speaking of Romare Bearden, one is tempted to say, ―A great Black American artist.‖ The subject matter o f Bearden?s collages is certainly Black. Portrayals of the folk of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, whom he remembers from early childhood, of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem days, of Pittsburgh steelworkers, and his reconstruction of classical Greek myths in the guise of the ancient Black kingdom of Benin, attest to this.(全部略读) In natural harmony with this choice of subject matter are the social sensibilities of the artist, who remains active today with the Cinque Gallery in Manhattan, which he helped found and which is devoted to showing the work of minority artists. (114 words)For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

9. According to the passage, all of the following

are depicted in Bearden?s collages

此题确实不该错,确实是有点慌了,只看到jazz musicians,觉得选项后面修饰是干扰.其实是定位词没有往后读完

A workers in Pittsburgh?s steel mills

B the jazz musicians of the Harlem Bearden used

to know

C people Bearden knew as a child

10.Bearden?s social sensibilities and the subject

matter of his collages are mentioned by the

author in order to explain 很容易

(A)why one might be tempted to call Bearden

a Black American artist

(B)why Bearden cannot be readily categorized

(C)why Bearden?s appeal is thought by many to

be ultimately universal

(D)how deeply an artist?s artistic creations are

influenced by the artist?s social conscience

(E)what makes Bearden unique among contemporary

Black American artists

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Exercise 20

Diamonds, an occasional component of rare igneous rocks called lamproites and kimberlites, have never been dated satisfactorily. However, some diamonds contain minute inclusions of silicate minerals, commonly olivine, pyroxene, and garnet. These minerals can be dated by radioactive decay techniques because of the very small quantities of radioactive trace elements they, in turn, contain. Usually, it is possible to conclude that the inclusions are older than their diamond hosts, but with little indication of the time interval involved. Sometimes, however, the crystal form of the silicate inclusions is observed to resemble more closely the internal structure of diamond than that of other silicate minerals. When present, the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence that the diamonds and inclusions are truly cogenetic. (121 words)时间:20’20” 正确率:6/10 (T.T) 长文章还是做慢了

1.The author implies that silicate inclusions were

most often formed

错因定位的时候只关注了silicate inclusion

(A)with small diamonds inside of them

(B)with trace elements derived from their

host minerals

(C)by the radioactive decay of rare igneous rocks

(D)at an earlier period than were their

host minerals

(E)from the crystallization of rare igneous material自

己多推了一步.crystal form 和diamond更相似,不


再者,rare igneous material在however之前.

2.Select the sentence in the passage that indicates a way

to determine the age of silicate minerals included in


For some time scientists have believed that cholesterol plays a major role in heart disease because people with familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic defect, have six to eight times the normal level of cholesterol in their blood and they invariably develop heart disease. These people lack cell-surface receptors for low-density lipoproteins (LDL?s), which are the fundamental carriers of blood cholesterol to the body cells that use cholesterol. Without an adequate number of cell-surface receptors to remove LDL?s from the blood, the

cholesterol-carrying LDL?s remain in the blood, increasing blood cholesterol levels. Scientists also noticed that people with familial hypercholesterolemia appear to produce more

LDL?s than normal individuals. How, scientists wondered, could a genetic mutation that causes a slow-down in the removal of LDL?s from the blood also result in an increase in the synthesis of this cholesterol-carrying protein?

Since scientists could not experiment on human body tissue, their knowledge of familial hyper- cholesterolemia was severely limited. However, a breakthrough came in the laboratories of Yoshio Watanabe of Kobe University in Japan in 1980. Watanabe noticed that a male rabbit in his colony had ten times the normal concentration of cholesterol in its blood. By appropriate breeding, Watanabe obtained a strain of rabbits that had very high cholesterol levels. These rabbits spontaneously developed heart disease. To his surprise, Watanabe further found that the rabbits, like humans with familial hypercholesterolemia, lacked LDL receptors. Thus, scientists could study these Watanabe rabbits to gain a better understanding of familial hyper- cholesterolemia in


Prior to the breakthrough at Kobe University, it was known that LDL?s are secreted from the liver in the form of a precursor, called very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL?s), which carry triglycerides as well as relatively small amounts of cholesterol. The triglycerides are removed from the

VLDL?s by fatty and other t issues. What remains is a remnant particle that must be removed from the blood. What scientists learned by studying the Watanabe rabbits is that the removal of the VLDL remnant requires the LDL receptor. Normally, the majority of the VLDL remnants go to the liver where they bind to LDL receptors and are degraded. In the Watanabe rabbit, due to a lack of LDL receptors on liver cells, the VLDL remnants remain in the blood and are eventually converted to LDL?s. The LDL receptors thus have a dual effect in controlling LDL levels. They are necessary to prevent oversynthesis of LDL?s from VLDL remnants and they are necessary for the normal removal of LDL?s from the blood. With this knowledge, scientists are now well on the way toward developing drugs that dramatically lower cholesterol levels in people afflicted with certain forms of familial hypercholesterolemia.




3.In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

(A)presenting a hypothesis and describing

compelling evidence in support of it

(B)raising a question and describing an

important discovery that led to an answer (C)showing that a certain genetically caused

disease can be treated effectively with drugs (D)explaining what causes the genetic mutation

that leads to heart disease

(E)discussing the importance of research on

animals for the study of human disease

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

4. The passage supplies information to answer

which of the following questions EXCEPT?

A Which body cells are the primary users

of cholesterol?首段第二句话

B How did scientists discover that LDL?s are secreted

from the liver in the form of a precursor?第三段第


C Where in the body are VLDL

remnants degraded? 由VLDL定位

至第三段5.The passage implies that if the Watanabe rabbits

had had as many LDL receptors on their livers as

do normal rabbits, the Watanabe rabbits would

have been 这里疏忽了,和normal一样,那么概




(A)less likely than normal rabbits to develop

heart disease

(B)less likely than normal rabbits to develop high

concentrations of cholesterol in their blood (C)less useful than they actually were to scientists

in the study of familial

hypercholesterolemia in humans

(D)unable to secrete VLDL?s from their livers


(E)immune to drugs that lower cholesterol levels

in people with certain forms of familial


6.The passage implies that Watanabe rabbits differ

from normal rabbits in which of the following ways?

还有一个normally作为提示的. degraded取反


(A)Watanabe rabbits have more LDL receptors

than do normal rabbits.

(B)The blood of Watanabe rabbits contains

more VLDL remnants than does the blood

of normal rabbits.

(C)Watanabe rabbits have fewer fatty tissues

than do normal rabbits.

(D)Watanabe rabbits secrete lower levels

of VLDL?s than do normal rabbits.

(E)The blood of Watanabe rabbits contains

fewer LDL?s than does the blood of

normal rabbits.


常见矿物基本特征 一、常见白色矿物 (3) 方解石:CaCO3 (3) 白云石:CaMg[CO3] (4) a-石英:a-SiO2 (5) 斜长石:Na[AlSi3O8]—Ca[Al2Si2O8] 架状硅酸盐 (6) 重晶石:BaSO4 硫酸盐 (8) 二、含铜矿物 (8) 黄铜矿:CuFeS2(原生矿) (8) 辉铜矿:CuS2(次生富集带) (9) 斑铜矿:Cu5FeS4(原生矿) (10) 黝铜矿:Cu5Sb4S13(原生矿) (11) 孔雀石:Cu2CO3(OH)2(氧化带) (12) 蓝铜矿:Cu3[CO3]2(OH)2(氧化带) (12) 铜蓝:CuS(斑铜矿的次生矿物,次生富集带) (13) 胆矾:CuSO4.5H2O(氧化带) (13) 赤铜矿: Cu2O(氧化带)cuprite (14) 赤铜矿-产地分布 (15) 三、含铁矿物 (16) 褐铁矿: FeO(OH).nH2O错误!未指定文件名。 (16) 赤铁矿: Fe2O3 (17) 黄铁矿: FeS2 (18)

菱铁矿: FeCO3 (19) 三、稀有金属矿物 (20) 细晶石 (20) 辉钼矿 (22)

一、常见白色矿物 方解石:CaCO3 【化学组成】 CaO56.03%, CO243.97%,常含Mn和Fe,有时含Sr. 【形态】经常可以见到良好的晶体,常见晶形有六方柱[1010]和菱面体[0112]的聚形、复三方偏三角面体[2131]等,三组解理彼此斜交,其夹角为74055′集合体呈粒状、致密块状、钟乳状、结核状等。 【物理性质】透明无色或白色,有时因含杂质而呈灰、黄、粉红、蓝等色;白色条痕;玻璃光泽;硬度3;解理上常见平行长对角线方向的双晶纹;比重2.715. 无色透明的晶体为贵重光学材料,称为冰洲石(因盛产于冰岛而得名)【成因产状】方解石在自然界分布极广。 在浅海或湖泊中常常沉积形成广大的石灰岩(以方解石为主的沉积岩)层。 地下水可溶蚀石灰岩,也可以重新形成方解石,如石钟乳、石笋、石灰华等。在土壤中活动的地下水在潜水面附近常形成沿一定水平分布的方解释结核,地质工作者习惯称为钙质结核。 在热液活动中常形成含矿或不含矿的方解石脉。在晶洞中,常有良好晶体。 在岩浆作用形成的碳酸盐中,方解石常占80%左右。 此外,方解石还作为碎屑沉积岩的胶结物,基性火成岩蚀变后的矿物等参加到各种岩石中去。由于地下水活动,各种岩石的裂隙中也经常充


各种矿物详细图文解析 (Siver) 名字来源:源于古代文明社会; 化学组成:成分中常含Au、Cu、Hg等;类别:自然元素-金属元素-自然铜族晶系和空间群:等轴晶系,Fm3m; 晶胞参数:a0=0.4077nm; 形态:单晶呈立方体和八面体或两者的聚形,但极少见。集合体成树枝状、不规则薄片状、 粒状和块状; 颜色:新鲜断口呈银白色,但表面往往呈灰黑的锖色;条痕:银白色 透明度:不透明

光泽:金属光泽 硬度:2.5 解理和断口:无解理,锯齿状断口; 比重:10.5g/cm3 (纯银) 其他性质:具延展性,是电和热的最良导体;鉴定特征新鲜断口呈银白色,锯齿状断口,比重大,富延展性; 成因和产状:热液成因的自然银见于一些中低温热液矿床,它呈显微粒状分布于铅锌热液矿 床的硫化物中。外生成因的自然银见于硫化物矿床的氧化带。 主要用途:为银的唯一来源; 著名产地:墨西哥和挪威。 (Selenium) 名字来源:来源于希腊语Selene,意思是月之女神; 化学组成:主要成份是硒,含有微量的硫;类别:自然元素-半金属元素-自然硒族;晶系和空间群:三方晶系,P3221;晶胞参数:a = 0.4366nm,c = 0.4954nm;形态:为粒状或浸染状分布于基质中;颜色:灰,灰紫色或微红色;

条痕:红色; 透明度::不透明; 光泽:亚金属光泽; 硬度:2; 解理和断口:(0112)完全解理;比重:4.81 g/cm3;g/cm3 其他性质:晶体易弯曲,具有挠性;鉴定特征: 成因和产状:自然硒为硒化物的风化产物,常由硒铅矿变来,与褐铁矿共生并被其胶结。 主要用途:硒的最显著性质是它的光电效应,由此它可作光电池,用于电视方面;还可用于 玻璃工业、橡胶工业等部门,玻璃中加入硒可消除铁杂质引起的绿色,再橡胶配料中加入硒, 能提供橡胶的抗热、抗氧化及耐磨性; 著名产地:玻利维亚Potosí,意大利Liguria,美国Nevada。 (Antimony)


粘土矿物分析 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

作为岩石组分的粘土矿物其含量、种类及其分布、产状等对地层伤害有着非常密切的关系。由于粘土矿物颗粒细小(<0.01mm),比表面极大,并具有特殊的结构组成,因此它们对外来作业流体如注入水、压裂液、酸化液、压井液等的侵入极为敏感。当与外来流体接触时,粘土矿物往往会发生膨胀、微粒运移、生成某种沉淀等从而堵塞储层油气流动的孔隙通道,造成储层渗流能力的下降,损害油气层。因此了解粘土矿物的性质对油田开发十分重要。 通过X射线衍射分析和扫描电子显微镜技术可以确定岩石中粘土矿物的含量、分布及产状等。选取了西泉5井的部分岩石样品进行了上述测定,测定结果见表1。 表1 西泉5井区三叠系储层粘土矿物含量统计表 根据X衍射和扫描电镜分析,韭菜园子组砂层以蒙皂石(包括蒙脱石和皂石两个亚族)为主,63%~98%,平均%;其次为伊/蒙混层(20%~99%,平均%),绿泥石(1%~55%,平均%),另有高岭石(1%~12%,平均%)和伊利石(2%~16%,平均%)(见表1)。 对韭菜园子组敏感性的简单分析:(供参考) 韭菜园子组伊/蒙混层和绿/蒙混层含量较多,伊/蒙混层和绿/蒙混层是遇水易膨胀的矿物,易发生粘土膨胀和分散造成地层伤害。 韭菜园子组绿泥石含量相对较高(平均%),绿泥石是酸敏性矿物,酸化时易造成氢氧化铁胶体沉淀(酸敏)。另外伊利石和高岭石是速敏性矿物,易造成颗粒运移堵塞地层。 粘土矿物分析在储层潜在敏感性评价中的应用

一、粘土矿物类型 粘土矿物(clay minerals)是粘土和粘土岩中晶体一般小于2微米,主要是含水的铝、铁和镁的层状结构硅酸盐矿物。有的在其成分中还有某些碱金属或碱土金属存在。粘土矿物包括高岭石族矿物、蒙皂石、蛭石、粘土级云母、伊利石、海绿石、绿泥石和膨胀绿泥石以及有关的混层结构矿物,此外还包括具过渡性的层链状结构的坡缕石(凹凸棒石)和海泡石以及非晶质的水铝英石。除水铝英石外均属层状或层链状结构硅酸盐,因此粘土矿物可按层状结构硅酸盐矿物的分类来划分。粘土矿物按成因可分为他生粘土矿物和自生粘土矿物两类,他生粘土矿物主要是来自沉积物源区的陆源矿物,矿物成分与母源区岩石类型关系密切;自生粘土矿物为储层在特定成岩阶段化学反应析出的矿物,如自生绿泥石、自生高岭石等。不同成因粘土矿物通常具有不同的矿物组合、产状、晶形和分布规律等特征。 粘土矿物的粒度细小,其大小和形态需用电子显微镜才能测定。多数粘土矿物如伊利石等呈鳞片状,结晶良好的高岭石则呈完整的假六方片状。少数粘土矿物呈管状(埃洛石)或纤维状(坡缕石和海泡石)。 晶体结构与晶体化学特点决定了它们的如下一些性质。①离子交换性。具有吸着某些阳离子和阴离子并保持于交换状态的特性。一般交换性阳离子是Ca2+、Mg2+、H+、K+、(NH4)+、Na+,常见的交换性阴离子是(SO4)2-、CI-、(PO4)3-、(NO3)-。产生阳离子交换性的原因是破键和晶格内类质同象置换引起的不饱和电荷需要通过吸附阳离子而取得平衡。阴离子交换则是晶格外露羟基离子的交代作用。②粘土-水系统特点。粘土矿物中的水以吸附水、层间水和结构水的形式存在。结构水只有在高温下结构破坏时才失去,但是吸附水、层间水以及海泡石结构孔洞中的沸石水都是低温水,经低温(100~150℃)加热后就可脱出,同时象蒙皂石族矿物失水后还可以复水,这是一个重要的特点。粘土矿物与水的作用所产生的膨胀性、分散和凝聚性、粘性、触变性和可塑性等特点在工业上得到广泛应用。③粘土矿物与有机质的反应特点。有些粘土矿物与有机质反应形成有机复合体,改善了它的性能,扩大了应用范围,还可作为分析鉴定矿物的依据。此外,粘土矿物晶格内离子置换和层间水变化常影响光学性质的变化。蒙皂石族矿物中的铁、镁离子置换八面体中的铝,或者层间水分子的失去,都使折光率与双折射率增大。 粘土矿物的形成方式有三种:①与风化作用有关。风化原岩的种类和介质条件如水、气候、地貌、植被和时间等因素决定了矿物种和保存与否。②热液和温泉水作用于围岩,可以形成粘土矿物的蚀变富集带。③由沉积作用、成岩作用生成粘土矿物。


一、自然元素矿物自然元素矿物篇篇 自然银(Siver) 名字来源:源于古代文明社会; 化学组成:成分中常含Au 、Cu 、Hg 等; 类别:自然元素-金属元素-自然铜族 晶系和空间群:等轴晶系,Fm3m ; 晶胞参数:a0=0.4077nm ; 形态:单晶呈立方体和八面体或两者的聚形,但极少见。集合体成树枝状、不规则薄片状、粒状和块状; 颜色:新鲜断口呈银白色,但表面往往呈灰黑的锖色; 条痕:银白色 透明度:不透明 光泽:金属光泽 硬度:2.5 解理和断口:无解理,锯齿状断口; 比重:10.5g/cm3 (纯银) 其他性质:具延展性,是电和热的最良导体; 鉴定特征新鲜断口呈银白色,锯齿状断口,比重大,富延展性; 成因和产状:热液成因的自然银见于一些中低温热液矿床,它呈显微粒状分布于铅锌热液矿床的硫化物中。外生成因的自然银见于硫化物矿床的氧化带。

主要用途:为银的唯一来源; 著名产地:墨西哥和挪威。 自然硒(Selenium) 名字来源:来源于希腊语Selene,意思是月之女神; 化学组成:主要成份是硒,含有微量的硫; 类别:自然元素-半金属元素-自然硒族; 晶系和空间群:三方晶系,P3221; 晶胞参数:a = 0.4366nm,c = 0.4954nm; 形态:为粒状或浸染状分布于基质中; 颜色:灰,灰紫色或微红色; 条痕:红色; 透明度::不透明; 光泽:亚金属光泽; 硬度:2; 解理和断口:(0112)完全解理; 比重:4.81 g/cm3;g/cm3 其他性质:晶体易弯曲,具有挠性; 鉴定特征: 成因和产状:自然硒为硒化物的风化产物,常由硒铅矿变来,与褐铁矿共生并被其胶结。


1.三斜晶系 三斜晶系的“三斜”,指的是三根晶轴的交角都不是九十度直角,它们所指向的三对晶面全是钝角和锐角角构成的平行四边形(菱形),相互间没有垂直交角。作个形象比喻:把一个砖头形的长方块朝着一个角的方向斜推压,形成一个全是菱形面的立方体,这就是三斜晶系的模型。 三斜晶系的晶轴长短不一,斜角相交,没有晶轴能作重合对称的旋转,前后、左右、上下的三组晶面只能顺晶轴作平移重合(平面对称),在七大晶系中,三斜晶系的对称性最低。看图: 三斜晶系的晶体给人的感觉多是“拧、扁、歪、斜”的,有些板状晶体被喻为“刀片状”。常见矿物有蔷薇辉石、微斜长石、钠长石、胆矾、斧石等。请观看实际晶体: 斧石晶体,典型的菱形立方体结构


蔷薇辉石晶体 微斜长石晶体,注意看所有的晶面交角没有相互垂直的,全是菱形面,这就是三斜晶系晶体的特征

微斜长石与烟晶,阿根廷产 钠长石晶簇

胆矾晶体 蓝晶石晶簇 2.单斜晶系 单斜晶系晶体的的三个晶轴长短皆不一样,z轴和y轴相互垂直90度,x轴与y轴垂直,但与z轴不垂直(x轴与z轴的夹角是β,β>90度)。作一个形象的比喻:把斜方晶系模型顺

着z轴方向推压一下,使前后的晶面上、下错位,这就是单斜晶系的模型。 如果围绕z轴旋转180度,可以使y轴指向的晶面对称;而围绕x轴旋转。则不能产生任何晶面的重合对称(除非旋转一周,但无意义)。通俗地说:斜方晶系晶体(模型)的两个晶面可以通过y轴旋转180度达到重合,而左右晶面和前后晶面却不能通过旋转达到重合,它们只能顺y轴和x轴平移才能达到重合。 所谓“单斜”,可以联想为:晶体有一个轴所顶的面是斜的。单斜晶系只有一个对称轴和对称面,和斜方晶系相比,它的对称程度又低了一级。请看模型图: 单斜晶系的晶体横截面与斜方晶系相似 常见的单斜晶系矿物有石膏、蓝铜矿、雄黄雌黄、黑钨矿、锂辉石、正长石等。 请观赏真实晶体:



三大岩类野外工作描述 一、岩浆岩的观察与描述 对岩浆岩的观察,一般是观察其颜色、结构、构造、矿物成分及其含量,最后确定其岩石名称。肉眼鉴定岩浆岩,首先看到的就是颜色。颜色基本可以反映出岩石的成分和性质。-


第一步是要依据其颜色大致定出属于何种岩类。比如,若是浅色,一般为 酸性岩(花岗岩类)或中性岩(正长岩类);若是深色,一般为基性岩或超基性岩。由酸性岩到基性岩,深色矿物的含量逐渐增多,岩石的颜色也就由浅到深。同时还要注意区别岩石新鲜面的颜色和风化后的颜色。还可根据其中暗色矿物与浅色矿物的相对含量来进行描述,如暗色矿物含量超过60%者为暗色岩,在30—60%者为中色岩,在30%以下者为浅色岩。 第二步是观察岩浆岩的结构与构造。据此,便可区分出是属深成岩类、浅成岩类或是喷出岩类。根据岩石中各组分的结晶程度,可分为全晶质、半晶质和玻璃质等结构。不仅要对全晶质的结构区分出显晶质或隐晶质结构,还要对其中的显晶质结构岩石按其矿物颗粒大小,进一步细分出等粒、不等粒、粗粒或细粒等结构。对具有斑状结构的岩石要描述斑晶成分、基质的成分及结晶程度。假如岩石中矿物颗粒大,呈等粒状、似斑状结构,则属深成岩类;假如矿物颗粒微细致密,呈隐晶质、玻璃质结构,则一般皆属喷出岩类;假如岩石中矿物为细粒及斑状结构,即介于上述两者之间,属于浅成岩类。观察岩石中矿物有无定向排列,进而就能推断岩石的形成环境,含挥发组分多少以及岩浆流动的方向。若无定向排列称之为块状构造;若有定向排列,则可能是流纹构造、气孔构造或条带状构造。深成岩、浅成岩大多是块状构造;喷出岩则为流纹构造和气孔构造等。对于岩石中有规律排列的长柱状矿物、气孔捕虏体等均要观测其方向。对于那些在接触面上有规则排列的片状矿物,要描述其组成成分,并测其产状要素。 第三步是观察岩浆岩的矿物成分。矿物成分是岩石定名最重要的依据。岩浆岩类别是根据SiO2含量百分比确定的,而SiO2含量可在岩石矿物成分上反映出来。假如有大量石英出现,说明是酸性岩;如果有大量橄榄石存在,则表明是超基性岩;如果只有微量或根本没有石英和橄榄石,则属中性岩或基性岩。假如岩石中以正长石为主,同时所含石英又很多,就可判定是酸性岩;倘若以斜长石为主,暗色矿物又多为角闪石,属于中性岩;若暗色矿物多系辉石,则属基性岩。对于岩石中凡能用肉眼识别的矿物均要进行描述。首要的是描述主要矿物形态、大小及其性质。其次,要对次要矿物作简略描述 第四步是为岩浆岩定名。在肉眼观察和描述的基础上确定岩石名称。请注意在岩石名称前面冠以颜色和结构,比如,可将某岩石定名为浅灰色粗粒花岗岩。 另外,在野外还要注意查明岩浆岩体的产状,即岩体的空间分布位置、规模大小以及与围岩的接触关系等,结合岩石的结构与构造,以推论岩石的形成环境。也要注意不同侵入体或同一侵入体之间的岩性变化、时间顺序及相互关系。 二、沉积岩的观察与描述 沉积岩是分布于地表的主要岩类。它种类繁多,岩性变化较大。野外识别沉积岩,其最显著的宏观标志就是成层构造,即层理。据此,很容易与岩浆

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