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Synthesis of silver hollow nanoparticles and observation of photoluminescence emission properties

Synthesis of silver hollow nanoparticles and observation

of photoluminescence emission properties

H.S.Desarkar,P.Kumbhakar n,A.K.Mitra1

Nanoscience Laboratory,Department of Physics,National Institute of Technology Durgapur,Mahatma Gandhi Avenue,West Bengal713209,India

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:


Received in revised form



Available online16October2012


Hollow nanoparticles

Laser ablation in liquid

Silver nanoparticles

Surface plasma resonance

Interband transition


a b s t r a c t

Preparation of hollow silver nanoparticles(HSNs)along-with solid silver nanoparticles are reported by

Nd:YAG laser ablation of solid silver target immersed in water medium with a laser ablation time(LAT)

duration of50min and with the incident laser?uence of151J/cm2.It is found that only solid silver

nanoparticles are produced when the experiment is carried out with smaller values of LAT duration.

The synthesized samples are characterized by using transmission electron microscopy and UV–Visible

absorption spectroscopy.The UV–Visible absorption spectra of the samples show sharp absorptions in

the ultraviolet and in visible regions due to interband transition and surface plasmon resonance

oscillations in Ag nanoparticles,respectively.It is found that all samples exhibit photoluminescence

(PL)emission,at room temperature,in the UV–Visible region peaked at$346nm,due to the

recombination of electrons with holes from sp conduction band to d band of Ag.The sample containing

HSNs exhibits strong PL emission and the value of peak PL emission intensity is enhanced by the factor

of2.4in comparison to that obtained from the sample synthesized with LAT duration of20min.The

synthesized HSNs may?nd applications in catalysis and in chemical sensing.

&2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


In the last two decades,noble metal nanoparticles have

attracted attention of the researchers because of their size

dependent electronic,catalytic,magnetic and optical properties

[1–3].And recently,a lot of focuses on research activities on Ag

nanoparticles have been given as its bulk counterpart has the

highest electrical and thermal conductivities in comparison to

those of all other noble metals[4].The properties of nanoparticles

are strongly dependent on its size and shape.Hence,by precise

control of the size and shape it is possible to tune the chemical

and physical properties of materials and some unique properties

of nanomaterials can be explored.Shape-controlled synthesis of

different nanostructures of Ag,such as cubes[5],rice[6]and wire

[7],have been reported earlier by using various synthesis


Recently,hollow nanoparticles have attracted tremendous

attention of the researchers because of their speci?c structures

and properties.Due to their high surface to volume ratio and

low density they are widely desirable in drug delivery system[8],

biotechnology[9]and as photo catalyst[10].Hollow

nanoparticles offer some advantages over their solid counterparts

in terms of their light weight and reduced cost,as fewer amounts

of materials are required[11].The fabrication of hollow Ag

spheres at room temperature has been reported by Chen et al.

by using the convenient and versatile wet chemical method[4].

Another most popular method of synthesizing hollow nanoparticle

is template mediated approach.In the template mediated approach,

the surface of the template is coated with the desired material and

then the template is removed by a post treatment to produce hollow


Laser ablation in liquid(LAL)is a highly promising and recent

technique for preparing solid nanoparticles from solid targets

[13–15].Also by using LAL technique,the shape and size of the

nanoparticles can be modi?ed by varying the incident laser

wavelength,?uence,ablation time as well as the liquid environ-

ment.During laser ablation experiment,ejection of particles from

the target is occurred followed by the formation of the bubbles.As

the laser radiations are incident on the metal target,the surface

temperature of the target may increase even above the boiling

temperature of the liquid.Thus the formation of bubbles takes

place at the solid–liquid interface.The laser induced bubbles trap

the produced nanoparticles,which results in the formation of

hollow nanoparticles.Yan et al.has reported the preparation of

platinum[16],Al2O3[17]and Zn[18]hollow nanoparticles by

utilizing such mechanism.But in most of the earlier reports the

size of the prepared hollow nanoparticles are larger than100nm

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0022-2313/$-see front matter&2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


n Corresponding author.Tel.:t913432546808;fax:t913432547375.

E-mail addresses:nitdgpkumbhakar@https://www.doczj.com/doc/8912250805.html,,


1Presently retired.

Journal of Luminescence134(2013)1–7

and preparation of hollow nanoparticles with size smaller than 100nm are rarely reported[16,17].

However,here we have reported the preparation of hollow silver nanoparticles(HSNs)having sizes(diameters)lying in 15–60nm range along-with solid silver nanoparticles having average size(diameter)of$11nm by laser ablation of Ag target kept in water medium.The wavelength of the used laser radiation is1064nm,emitted from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser source, having pulsed duration of10ns.The used value of the laser ablation time(LAT)and the laser?uence are50min and151J/ cm2,respectively.We have performed the experiment also with the LAT durations of20and40min with the same laser?uence of 151J/cm2and in these cases the formations of HSNs are not observed,but solid nanoparticles with broader size distributions are found.The reason for not creation of HSNs at lower values of LAT durations has been explained later.The UV–Visible spectra of all the samples show the appearances of strong and sharp interband absorption in the ultraviolet region at$260nm ($4.77eV)as well as SPR absorptions in the visible region (391–400nm).Photoluminescence(PL)emissions from noble metal nanoparticles have received less attention because most of the emission processes have low ef?ciency[19].Visible PL from gold and copper nanoparticles are?rst observed by Mooradian [19].Boyd et al.have reported single and multiphoton PL spectra from clean samples of gold,silver and copper with both smoothed and rough surface[20].However,here we have reported PL emissions characteristics of all samples and it is found that all samples exhibit PL emissions covering the whole visible region peaked at an UV wavelength of$346nm which is attributed to recombination of electrons from sp conduction band to d band of Ag.The PL peak emission intensity at$346nm is enhanced by the factor of$2.4in the sample prepared with50min of LAT in comparison to that obtained in the sample prepared with20min of LAT.Despite the complex mechanism of laser-matter interac-tion,laser ablation in liquid technique provides a simple,?exible and less expensive way for formation of HSNs.

2.Experimental details

A solid Ag target of$10mm thick and of purity of99.99%is kept in a Petri dish containing10ml of water.The laser radiation at1064nm wavelength coming from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is focused using a lens of30cm focal length.The laser source is operated at a repetition rate of10Hz and having pulse duration of 10ns.In order to avoid formation of craters[21]we have translated the Petri dish containing the Ag target during the laser ablation experiment.The morphology and structure of the synthesized samples are characterized with a transmission elec-tron microscope(TEM,FIB-20),selected area electron diffraction (SAED)and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis(EDXA).UV–Visible absorption characteristics have been recorded in the range of 200–800nm with the help of UV–Visible spectrophotometer (Hitachi,U3010)and for these measurements nanocolloids are kept in a quartz cuvette of path length of10mm.Photolumines-cence(PL)emission spectra from all samples are collected at room temperature by using a luminescence spectrometer(Perkin Elmer LS55)and by keeping the nanocolloids in a four side polished PL cuvette of path length of10mm.

3.Results and discussions

Fig.1(a)and(b)shows the TEM images taken at two different regions of the same sample S1.The sample S1has been prepared with50min of LAT with the laser?uence of151J/cm2.For obtaining TEM image,the sample is dried on a TEM grid consisting of copper meshes with a heavy layer of carbon?lm.It is found from Fig.1(a)that the majority of the particles are solid nanospheres and a small proportion of the particles are HSNs as indicated by arrows.From Fig.1(b)it is found that some bigger size HSNs are also present in the sample S1.The contrast variations in the center of particles indicate the presence of hollow particles.Beside spherical shape,oval shaped and irregular shaped HSNs are also observed in the synthesized product, indicated by arrows in Fig.1(b).Fig.1(c)shows the size distribu-tions of all particles(solid and hollow ones)as obtained by analyzing TEM images as shown in Fig.1(a)and(b).It is found from Fig.1(c)that the average size of the prepared solid nanoparticles is$11nm whereas the size of the hollow nano-particles varies between15and60nm and the proportion of HSNs is increased with the increase in size of the synthesized particles,https://www.doczj.com/doc/8912250805.html,rger particles are more likely to become hollow. The magni?ed images of some selected HSNs present in the sample S1are also shown in the inset of Fig.1c,which clearly demonstrates the formation of hollow nanoparticles.The EDXA spectrum of the sample S1is shown in Fig.1d,which shows the presence of Ag as a principal element.

Structural information from an assembly of HSNs is obtained using a SAED pattern as shown in Fig.1e,viz.,for sample S1.From Fig.1e it is found that the SAED pattern consists of six concentric rings.The lattice spacing from the six different rings in the SAED pattern are calculated and compared with the standard lattice spacing of Ag(JCPDS04-784)and Ag2O(JCPDS43-0997)along with their respective(hkl)indices and the results are summarized in the Table1.From the Table1it is found that our calculated values matches exactly well with those of standard values of Ag and Ag2O and this proved the coexistence of both Ag and Ag2O in the sample.In order to clarify the fact that if there is any increase in Ag2O formation with increase in LAT,we have carefully studied the SAED patterns taken for all the samples.It is found by analyzing the SAED patterns(not shown here)of the samples produced with LAT of20and40min that all diffraction rings those are appearing in these samples are due to Ag only.Weak oxidization of Ag during this smaller LAT duration may be possible but we could not identify it experimentally here.Actually due to strong con?nement effect of water with increase in LAT, nanoparticles which are ejected from the Ag target are accumu-lated near the laser spot.When the number of these accumulated nanoparticles is suf?ciently large and reaches a certain critical value,they shield the incident laser radiation.As a result,the incident laser light is now incident on the nanoparticles prepared in earlier steps and causes fragmentation and melting of nano-particles.Melting may increase the tendency of the nanoparticles to get oxidized at longer values of LAT.

The oxidation of Ag nanoparticles generated by laser ablation in water is usually inherent due to soluble oxygen or reaction of Ag with water.Agtions are also generated during laser ablation of bulk Ag.Photo-ionization of Ag clusters in water[22]can be described as


h n Agtteà:

The dissociated electrons may recombine with Agtions to form Ag atoms or may produce OHàfrom water molecule as described below


TheAg2O molecule is formed by the following reaction[22]: 2AgteaqTt2OHà-Ag2OesTtH2O:

A bright?eld(BF)HRTEM image of an isolated Ag nanoparticle is shown in Fig.1f,in which the formations of lattice fringes are

H.S.Desarkar et al./Journal of Luminescence134(2013)1–7 2

clearly observed.The calculated value of the distances between two adjacent planes is measured to be 0.144nm,which corre-sponds to (220)planes of Ag.

The formation of HSNs strongly depends on LAT duration.In order to study the effect of LAT duration on the preparation of

HSNs we have also performed the LAL experiment with smaller LAT durations of 20and 40min and the prepared samples are named as S2and S3,respectively.During the preparation of S2and S3samples the laser ?uence is kept constant at 151J/cm 2.Fig.2a and b and Fig.3a and b show TEM images (corresponding particle size distributions)of the sample S2and S3,respectively.It is found from Fig.3(a)and (b)that no HSNs are produced but there are solid silver nanoparticles with broad size distribution.Also in S2and S3samples some particles are present having sizes as large as 40–50nm.However,the average sizes of the prepared nanoparticles are almost constant (i.e.$11nm),perhaps due to the fact that the incident laser ?uence has been kept same in preparation of all samples.But due to fragmentation number of nanoparticles with smaller diameter is found to be increased in S3which is prepared with longer time duration.Deviations from spherical symmetry are also observed in a minor fraction of prepared nanoparticles in both S2and S3samples.Some of the nanoparticles are loosely agglomerated,and some others also have formed a chain of particles.However,the mechanism of formation of HSNs is described


Fig.1.Images marked as (a)and (b)show the TEM micrographs of the sample S1.The particle size distribution of all particles (solid and hollow)is shown in (c)and its inset shows some magni?ed images of some selected hollow nanoparticles.A representative EDXA spectrum of sample S1is shown in (d).The SAED pattern and the BF HRTEM image of the sample S1are shown in (e)and (f),respectively.

Table 1

Measured lattice spacing d (nm)from the SAED pattern (Fig.1e)and standard lattice spacing for Ag (JCPDS 04-784)and Ag 2O (JCPDS 43-0997)along-with their respective (hkl )indices.Ring

Lattice spacing (hkl )

Measured d (nm)

Standard d Ag (nm)d Ag2O (nm)10.2060.206(200)20.1980.198(200)30.1440.144(220)40.1240.123(311)50.0930.094(332)6



(422)H.S.Desarkar et al./Journal of Luminescence 134(2013)1–73

There are several reports for the preparation of hollow nano-particles using different techniques [16–18,23–25].The most popular method for the synthesis of hollow nanoparticles of ceramic and polymeric materials is the template mediated approach,in which surface of the particles is coated with desired material followed by selective removal of colloidal templates [23].Another important method is galvanic replacement [24],which provides a simple and versatile tool for the synthesis of hollow nanoparticles.In this method reaction takes place when metal nanoparticles are in contact with another metal ion of higher reduction potentials.In our experiment we have not used any template and also the synthesis has been carried out by laser ablation of a single solid metal target.Therefore,none of the above mentioned techniques [23–24]can be assigned as the reason for the formation of HSNs.

Recently,hollow nanoparticles of oxide,sul?des,selenides and phosphides have been reported by simply laser ablating metal targets through Kirkendall effect (KE)[25].However,KE cannot be the reason for the formation of hollow nanoparticles in our case,as there are two prerequisites to prepare hollow nanoparticles by laser ablation through KE [25].First,the band gap of the material of the shell must be larger than the laser photon energy;otherwise,the shell can be heated and destroyed by the laser irradiation.Second,the melting point of the material of shell should be higher than the boiling point of the material of core,so that the shell is not damaged by the laser-induced metal vapor [25].In our case,the ?rst condition is satis?ed as the band gap of Ag 2O (1.4eV)is slightly greater than incident photon energy (1.17eV).But the second condition is not satis?ed as the boiling point of the Ag (21631C)is much higher than the melting point of Ag 2O (2801C).The formation of metal hollow nanoparticles by laser ablation of a single solid metal target placed in a liquid has also been reported earlier by other researchers [16–18].In these cases [16–18]laser-produced bubbles are responsible for the formation of hollow nanoparticles and we have also associated this as the mechanism for the formation of hollow nanoparticles in the present experiment.The mechanism of formation of hollow nanoparticles by this process is described below,brie?y.

As the laser radiation is incident on the solid Ag target placed at the beneath of a water medium a plasma plume is generated,which is condensed thereafter and nanoparticles are formed.At the same time,due to effect of high temperature small amount of surrounding water medium is vaporized to form a bubble.Such bubble ?rst expands and then collapse after reaching to a maximum size.As the pressure inside the bubble is lower than the water pressure,except during laser ablation and bubble collapse,the prepared nanoparticles are gradually transported into the bubble.The expanding surface of the bubbles also traps the nanoparticles.Due to strong con?nement of the water medium,the expansion of the plasma plume is restricted and the growth of the nanoparticles inside the bubble is most rapid than in the water medium.However,the expansion of the bubble is adiabatic so temperature inside the bubble decreases immedi-ately after laser ablation.As the temperature inside the bubble is not uniform,the growth of the nanoparticles takes place in the boundary of the bubble favorably and remains attached to the bubble interface [26].The energy needed for the detachment of nanoparticles from the bubble interface is given by,E ?p r 2g (1àCos y )2,where r is radius of the nanoparticles,g is surface tension of surrounding liquid,y is the angle of contact of the nanoparticles with liquid [18].Taking the value of r ?1


Fig.2.Images marked as (a)and (b)show the TEM micrographs and corresponding particle size distributions of the sample


Fig.3.Images marked as (a)and (b)show the TEM micrographs and corresponding particle size distributions of the sample S3.

H.S.Desarkar et al./Journal of Luminescence 134(2013)1–7


g?0.072N/m and y$391[27],it is found that the value of E?0.18eV,which is much greater than the thermal energy of the nanoparticles.As a result,prepared nanoparticles remains attached to the bubble interface and hollow nanoparticles are formed.

Moreover,in our experiment it has been found that hollow nanoparticles are not formed when the laser ablation is carried out with smaller values of LAT.The reason for this is presented below.All the bubbles which are produced during laser ablation experiment do not induce formation of hollow https://www.doczj.com/doc/8912250805.html,ser-induced bubbles must trap enough nanoparticles to form hollow particles and also the nanoparticles should have enough time to diffuse to the bubble interface,which in turn requires a long lifetime of the bubble.The lifetime of the bubble T c is given by Rayleigh formula[28]

T c?1:83???????????????????????????r=PàP v R max


e1There,R max is the maximum radius of the bubble,r is density of the liquid,P is ambient pressure,P v is the vapor pressure.Thus from Eq.(1)we see that the collapse time of a bubble depends on the density of liquids i.e.the concentration of nanoparticles in liquid. Therefore,with smaller values of LAT duration,the probability for formation of hollow nanoparticles is reduced and no hollow nanoparticles are formed with LAT of20and40min.Some non-spherical structures of hollow nanoparticles are also seen in Fig.1b which are produced due to interaction of bubbles with the target surface.Due to an asymmetry such as presence of a solid boundary causes one side of the bubble to accelerate inward most rapidly than opposite side and result in re-entrant jet that penetrate the bubble and lead to such non-spherical structure[28].

Fig.4a shows the UV–Visible absorption characteristics of all samples.In Fig.4a solid,short-dotted and short dashed curves correspond to the samples S1,S2and S3,respectively.From Fig.4a it is seen that two absorption peaks are appearing in all samples,one in the visible region due to the well known SPR absorptions,which is the characteristics absorption of metals and another in the UV region due to interband transitions.The appearance of sharp and strong interband transition in the UV region is an important observation in this work.The inset of Fig.4a shows the variations of absorbance of the SPR and UV peaks with LAT duration.It is observed that as LAT duration is increased,the absorbance peak intensity is increased slowly at ?rst and then it becomes constant.Actually when laser ablation experiment is carried out,at?rst more numbers of nanoparticles are produced then produced nanoparticles get accumulated near laser spot and shield the incident laser radiation.Therefore,at larger values of LAT the value of the incident laser intensity which is reached to the solid target is decreased,causing no further increase in the number of nanoparticles,and so the peak value of absorbance becomes constant.

The absorption peak in the UV region appeared in all prepared samples are due to interband transitions between the sp conduc-tion band and d band.The interband transition in UV region has been reported rarely in chemically prepared Au and Ag nano-particles and in Au nanoparticles deposited in a quartz substrate by RF sputtering[29,30].The surfactants and capping molecules have also been observed to in?uence the intensity and width of the interband absorption peak[31].Also it has been reported theoretically that there is a considerable contribution of inter-band transition to the absorption spectra of Au and Ag nanopar-ticles at UV wavelengths[32].In the present work,no surfactant or capping molecules have been used and so the intense inter-band absorptions are observed and also its intensity varies with LAT duration.However the position of peak absorption remains almost constant.Rao et al.reported that due to the quantum size effects of the careers,the energy levels are discrete and this can result in a sharp and an intense absorption features correspond-ing to interband transitions in nanoparticles[33].

Photoluminescence emission spectra of the samples,prepared by using the incident laser?uence of151J/cm2but with varying LAT durations,are shown in Fig.4b.The PL emission spectra of the sample prepared with LAT duration of20min but with different laser?uence are also shown in Fig.4c.Photoluminescence emission spectra of all samples have been collected under excitation wavelength of220nm.It is found from Fig.4b and c that all samples exhibit PL emissions in the UV–Visible region peaked at$346nm.It is found further that peak PL emission intensity has been enhanced with increase in values of LAT and laser?uence but the PL peak positions remains almost unaltered. This result might be due to increase in concentration of nano-particles prepared with longer LAT duration and with higher values of laser?uence.Photoluminescence emissions from noble metals in the visible and infrared region have been reported earlier by several authors in the past[34–36].There is also report on Stokes and anti-Stokes emission of Au nanoparticles sus-pended in pure methanol and methanol solution of rhodamine 6G dye at the excitation of light of wavelength of354.6nm[37]. Photoluminescence emissions from Au surfaces and nanoparticles with the emission wavelength maximum ranging between500 and590nm have been reported by several authors,recently [34,35].Blue–green PL emission from Ag nanowire has also been reported due to electron–hole recombination[38].Photolumines-cence properties of different nanophosphors are also reported [39,40].Also Smitha et al.reported PL emission at332nm from Ag nanocolloids and observed that PL peak emission wavelength is independent of the particle size while the intensity increases sharply with decreasing particle size[41].They attributed such PL emission to radiative recombination of an electron from an occupied sp band with the hole[41].

The details of the excitation and recombination mechanisms, leading to PL emissions in our samples,are shown in Fig.4d, where the band structure for a typical noble metal is represented by a simple model which includes an s-p conduction band and two sets of d bands.When the excitation energy is high enough, the electrons in the d-bands have a probability to be excited if the vacant states in the conduction band exists and holes are created in d-bands[19].However if the recombination process occurs later,these holes?rst move closer to the conduction band electrons near the Fermi surface.Subsequent electron–phonon and hole–phonon scattering process leads to an energy loss and ?nally recombination of an electron from an occupied sp band with a hole in the d-band takes place.The line width of the SPR curves and PL spectra are also calculated and the corresponding variation of the line width of SPR curve and PL spectra with LAT is shown in Fig.4e.From Fig.4e it is found that the variation of line width of SPR and PL emission peaks with LAT duration takes place in the similar manner.


In summary,in this work we have reported preparation of silver hollow nanoparticles(15–60nm in sizes)along-with the solid silver nanoparticles($11nm in average size)by laser ablation of silver target in water medium with laser ablation time duration of50min and with the laser?uence of151J/cm2.A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been used as the source of laser radiation having wavelength of1064nm and pulse duration of 10ns.It has been found that with smaller laser ablation time duration of20and40min but with the same laser?uence,only solid nanoparticles are produced.Oval and irregular shaped hollow silver nanoparticles are produced due to interaction of

H.S.Desarkar et al./Journal of Luminescence134(2013)1–75

the laser produced bubbles with the rigid targets.The UV–Visible absorption spectra of all the samples show the presence of absorption peaks in the visible ($400nm)due to SPR and in the UV ($260nm)due to interband absorptions in Ag nanopar-ticles.The sharp absorption in the interband region is observed due to the absence of any capping agent or surfactants molecules.All samples prepared with different LAT durations exhibit PL emissions with a peak at $346nm under the excitation of 220nm wavelength.The PL peak emission intensity at $346nm has been found to be enhanced by the factor of $2.4in the sample prepared with 50min of laser ablation time in comparison to that obtained in the sample prepared with 20min

of laser ablation.The observed PL emissions peaked at $346nm have been attributed to recombination of electrons with holes from sp conduction band to d band of Ag.Hollow nanoparticles synthesized by the presented method may have potential appli-cations in catalysis,biomedical,and chemical sensing.


Authors are grateful to DST,Grant No.SR/FTP/PS-67/2008,Govt.of India (GOI)for the partial ?nancial support.Authors are also grateful to TEQIP (Phase-I),NIT Durgapur,GOI,for the


Fig.4.(a)Variation of absorption spectra with LAT of various Ag nanocolloids prepared in water with the laser ?uence of 151J/cm 2.The solid,short-dotted and short-dashed curves correspond to the LAT duration of 20,40and 50min,respectively.The variations of peak absorbance of surface plasmon resonance (SPR)peak and UV peak with the LAT are shown in the inset of (a).PL spectra obtained at room temperature from the different samples S1,S2and S3are shown in (b).Solid,dotted and dashed curves correspond to the sample S1,S2and S3,respectively.PL spectra obtained at room temperature from the different samples prepared with different laser ?uencies are shown in (c).During preparation of these samples LAT is kept constant at 20min and here solid,dotted and dashed curves correspond to laser ?uence of 121,151and 181J/cm 2,respectively.Schematic band structure showing the excitation and recombination transitions are shown in (d).Variations of line width of the SPR and PL emission spectra with LAT are shown in (e).

H.S.Desarkar et al./Journal of Luminescence 134(2013)1–7


?nancial support.We are also grateful to the referee for providing critical suggestions in improving the manuscript.





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H.S.Desarkar et al./Journal of Luminescence134(2013)1–77


普通员工辞职申请书范文【三篇】 尊敬的xx人力资源部: 您好! 因为个人职业规划和一些现实因素,经过慎重考虑之后,特此提出离职申请,敬请批准。 在xx工作一年多的时间里,我有幸得到了各位领导及同事们的倾心指导及热情协助,在本职工作和音乐专业技能上,我得到了很大水准的提升,在此感谢xx提供给我这个良好的平台,这个年多的工作经验将是我今后职业生涯中的一笔宝贵财富。 在这里,特别感谢各位领导在过去的工作、生活中给予的大力支持与协助;尤其感谢xx,xx等,一年来对我的信任和关照,感谢所有给予过我协助的同事们。 望批准我的申请,并请协助办理相关离职手续,在正式离开之前我将认真继续做好当前的每一项工作。 祝公司事业蓬勃发展,前景灿烂。 申请人:### 20xx年xx月xx日 【篇二】 尊敬的韩总: 作为一名在酒店工作了大半年的员工,我对酒店有着一种格外亲切的感觉。每一个人在他年轻的时候,都有很多第一次,我当然也不例外。

我的第一份工作是在酒店,我最青春的三年也是在酒店度过的。 在这里,我学会了很多东西,能够跟同事们在一起工作,我觉得很开心,这里的每一位都是我的大哥大姐,我的叔叔阿姨,是他们教给了 我在学校里面学不到的知识,如何为人、如何处事、如何工作……在 酒店里,领导们也对我十分的关心,从刚进入酒店开始,我就感受到 从上至下的温暖。因为我是酒店里年龄还一般,还不算小,也从来没 有在这么大的集体里生活过,自不过然的,心里面就会产生一种被呵 护的感觉。这是一种以前在集体里未曾有过的感觉,很温馨,很自豪,而且它一直陪伴着我,直到我离开…… 但这种感觉不会随着我的离开而走远,我想我永远也不会忘记, 毕竟我以前生活在一个温暖而又温馨的集体里。韩总,还记得第一次 跟您近距离接触和理解是在20xx.3.16号。随着时间的流逝,斗转星移,您多年积累的工作经验与个人才华也得到充分的施展。您是我们 酒店的经理。在我上班之前,制定了一系列的政策与方针,重新定位 了酒店的经营策略,持续地尝试新的机制与奖励、分配办法,力争让 酒店的经济效益持续迈上新高,也让酒店员工的福利待遇如芝麻开花 一般节节高樊。,这才是为员工谋利益的举动,这才是一位被员工在 心里面所认可的经理。 而我,作为这个集体的一份子,更加感觉到您对员工的关心与培养。您肯定想到,酒店要想在竞争激烈的社会中立于不败之地,人才 的培养与发展是不可忽视的环节之一。因为我自身水平的不足,近期 的工作让我觉得力不从心,所以想公司提出了辞呈,忘领导批准。 申请人:### 20xx年xx月xx日 【篇三】 尊敬的公司领导:


政府申请报告要怎么写呢?以下是为大家分享的3篇政府申请报告范文,供大家参考借鉴,欢迎浏览! 政府申请报告范文一: 关于向xx人民政府申请xx项目优惠政策的报告 xx人民政府: xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目是由(陕西xx集团)下属陕西xx房地产开发有限公司与xx房地产开发有限公司共同投资,根据《汉中市保护利用总体规划》,本着保护性利用自然资源的原则,在兼顾环境效益,合理利用生态资源,统筹城乡发展的基础上,力图打造的一个具有养生体验功能的高科技集旅游地产和现代农业示范区有机整合的地方发展项目。 一、xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目简介 xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目,将充分运用“文化传承、产品核心竞争力、价值附着”三大策略、“传统农业、现代农业、未来农业”三大板块、“互惠、分享、共赢”三大原则,进行整体规划。项目规划将综合考虑国家及汉中生态保护相关政策,把协调发展“三农问题”作为根本出发点。项目结合项目地良好的自然环境、当前现代农业的发展契机、西北地区休闲市场巨大需求,结合项目单位自身的人才、技术、管理、资金等资源等优势条件,利用农业为主线的链条式发展,以高端科技农业为主打,以规模特色农业为品牌,以休闲体验旅游为提升,将农业和旅游产业有机结合。建设国内外先进农业技术的引进转化示范区、农业专家课题示范区和自驾旅游集散中心。带动旅游观光、生态体验、餐饮住宿等辐射经济效益的升级。体现休闲自然的生活态度和生活方式,成为全国性的农业科技示范教育基地。实现第一产业、第二产业和第三产业的联动、互利和产业链升级发展。 xx项目以农业发展为基础,休闲养生体验为主题,旅游产业为拓展。项目实施后,将积极促进和改善xx区域的生态环境,打造优质生态宜居游乐生活,增进居民幸福度和营造社会和谐度。 项目总投入约亿,项目直接收益较高,可带来超过2亿的税收和6亿的衍生收益,并能解决农村剩余劳动力2000以上,可为这些劳动力带来每年2万元以上的收入,给武乡区域带来极大的综合效益。 二、项目投资单位简介 本项目投资单位:陕西xx房地产开发有限公司;具体实施单位:xx房地产开发有限公司;两公司均为陕西xx集团全资下属单位。 陕西xx集团是经由区政府领导、经贸局和xx房地产开发有限公司共同努力引入汉中,并成功注资落户的外来企业。 陕西xx集团,是以煤炭、电力为主导产业,以资源综合开发利用为宗旨,坚持节能环保发展观的新型能源企业。该公司先后被榆林市委、市人民政府授予“榆林市十佳企业”、“榆林市非公有制纳税十强企业”、“挂牌重点保护


·PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory ·CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter ·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card) ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) ·MODM:数据卡或调制解调器Modem ·HUB:集线器

·WebCam:网络摄影机 ·Capture:影音采集卡 ·Case:机箱 ·Power:电源 ·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕 ·USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置·IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ·Mouse:鼠标,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·Speaker:喇叭 ·Printer:打印机 ·Scanner:扫描仪 ·UPS:不断电系统 ·IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated Device Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备


辞职报告文本辞职报告范文大全 辞职报告 (篇一) 尊敬的领导: 我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职申请。 来到公司也已经快两年了,在这近两年里,得到了公司各位同事的多方帮助,我非常感谢公司各位同事。正是在这里我有过欢笑,也有过泪水,更有过收获。公司平等的人际关系和开明的工作作风,一度让我有着找到了依靠的感觉,在这里我能开心的工作,开心的学习。或许这真是对的,由此我开始了思索,认真的思考。 但是最近我感觉到自己不适合做这份工作,同时也想换一下环境。我也很清楚这时候向公司辞职于公司于自己都是一个考验,公司正值用人之际,公司新的项目的启动,所有的后续工作在公司上下极力重视下一步步推进。也正是考虑到公司今后在这个项目安排的合理性,本着对公司负责的态度,为了不让公司因我而造成的决策失误,我郑重向公司提出辞职。 我考虑在此辞呈递交之后的2—4周内离开公司,这样您将有时间去寻找适合人选,来填补因我离职而造成的空缺,同时我也能够协助您对新人进行入职培训,使他尽快熟悉工作。 能为公司效力的日子不多了,我一定会把好自己最后一班岗,做好工作的交接工作,尽力让项目做到平衡过渡。离开这个公司,离开

这些曾经同甘共苦的同事,很舍不得,舍不得领导们的尊尊教诲,舍不得同事之间的那片真诚和友善。 在短短的两年时间我们公司已经发生了巨大可喜的变化,我很遗 憾不能为公司辉煌的明天贡献自己的力量。我只有衷心祝愿公司的业绩一路飙升!公司领导及各位同事工作顺利! (篇二) 尊敬的办公室人力资源管理领导: 我向公司正式提出辞职。 我自**日进入公司,到现在已经一年有余了,正是在这里我开始 踏上了社会,完成了自己从一个学生到社会人的转变。在过去的一 年多里,公司给予了我许多学习和锻炼的机会,开阔眼界、增长见识。我对公司给予的照顾表示忠心的感谢!但是,经过近段时间的思考, 我越来越迷惘!我越来越觉得现在的工作、生活离自己想要的越来越远。所以,我必须离开,去过我思想深处另一种有别于目前的生活。我想,生活应该是在选择到适合自己的道路以后,再持之以恒地坚持! 公司目前已经过了一年最忙的时间,是充电、整顿、储备人才的 时刻。相信,我的离开会很快有新生力量补充。因为这不是我想要的工作、生活状态,所以,我现在对工作没有激情、对生活也极其懒散。本着对公司负责的态度,为了不让公司其他同事受到我消极情绪 * ,也为了不让公司因为我出现业务上的纰漏等,我郑重向公司提出辞职,望公司给予批准! 祝公司稳步发展,祝公司的领导和同事们前程似锦、鹏程万里!

【优质】向政府写申请书范文-优秀word范文 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 向政府写申请书范文 向政府写申请书范文:企业向政府申请书范文 ******建设局: 为了更好的贯彻落实国家对资源综合利用的指导思想,促进合理的节约资源,提高资源利用率,保护环境实现经济社会的可持续发展的战略方针。 ************有限责任公司顺应形势发展,准备在******投资建设一条具有轻质、阻燃、保温、抗震性强并具有可持续发展的轻集料小型空心砌块建筑材 料生产线。 此项目的投资建设能达到节约能源、保护土地、变废为宝及综合治理环境 污染的目的。 投资建设此项目我公司具有以下优势: 一、轻集料小型空心砌块是以矿渣、炉渣、粉煤灰加有石硝为骨料,以水泥为胶结料,被广泛使用于工业与民用建筑的非承重砌块、承重砌块、保温块。 是一种节能、节土、利废的可持续发展的建筑材料。 该产品生产工艺无二次污染产生,市场前景广阔变废为宝,造福后代并具 有极高的社会效益和环境效益。 而我公司经营煤矿及煤炭销售多年,常年与矿渣、粉煤灰、水泥等物接触。 二、我公司为******热力公司供运供热用煤已有多年,合作非常融洽。

随着******城市建设规模的不断扩大,******热力公司现在每年冬季供热用煤需要4万多吨,为了保证冬季的正常供暖,秋季储存煤就非常关键,但是热力公司的场地有限,无法大量储存煤,加之供热产生的炉渣占地面积也很大。 为此双方约定由我公司申请30亩土地,其中一半无偿作为热力公司储煤场地,一半用于我公司建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线使用,同时供热产生的炉渣及时运送到本厂作为生产原料。 充分体现了双方互利互惠的原则。 综上所述,建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线,即符合国家产业政策,同时为确保******冬季正常供暖,热力公司秋季储煤的问题也得到了解决。 因此,恳请******建设局审批30亩土地作为************有限责任公司建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线和******热力公司储煤场地为盼。 ************有限责任公司 20**年月日 向政府写申请书范文:向政府申请资金请示范文 县政府: XX镇政府办公楼建于X年X月,迄今XX年,由于该楼建筑时间长,加之建筑质量不好等原因,部分房间的墙体出现裂缝,虽小有修缮但仍存在屋顶掉块、墙围脱落等现象,该楼已存在安全隐患,不适宜继续办公,必须进行修缮。 经多方论证,修缮费用预算为XX万元,因镇政府资金短缺,特向县政府申请修缮办公楼经费,我们一定加强对招投标和工程质量的管理,指派专人负责办公楼修缮事宜,做到专款专用,严格质量、严格纪律,请予以支持为盼。 当否,请批示。 附:XX镇政府办公楼修缮预算开支一览表。 X县X镇人民政府


辞职申请书范文大全500字 辞职申请书500字 辞职一般是提前30天向上级或公司递交辞职,无需公司批准,30天之后您就能顺利辞职了,以下是为大家搜集的范文,欢迎阅读! 尊敬的公司领导: 由于工作调动,现正式向公司提出调离原工作岗位。 舍不得,舍不得这里的人,舍不得自己曾经的付出。每一次出差、每一次报价、每一次谈判、每一次争吵,在飞机上、在吉普车上、在会议室里、在工地上,所有这一切,都充斥着我的记忆,那么清晰,就像是在昨天。但时间的指针总是忠诚地一步一步往前走,昨天终究会结束。 在公司四年半的时间里,我收获了很多,除了朋友和知识,更 重要的是,我到了成长的快乐。感谢命运,让我在最青春的年华里遇到了装备公司;感谢公司领导,你们的关注和欣赏让我一直充满自信,你们的指点和教诲让我在成长的路上少走了很多弯路;感谢公司的同事,和你们的沟通,轻松愉悦;感谢我自己,能够一直保持着一份纯净,真诚地付出,真诚地享受每一次收获。

鉴于目前的身体及生活状态,自认为不能够为公司创造更大的价值,现向公司提出辞职。 虽然我不能在这里继续“战斗”下去,但真心的希望,xx公司能够梦想成真,在世界的舞台上舞出属于自己的精彩。 此致 敬礼! 辞职人: 20xx年xx月xx日 尊敬的x总: 您好! 转眼间,我到公司已有X年了,这X年的工作时间里,虽然我的工作并不是尽善尽美,但在公司同事们的帮助,尤其是您的信任与教导下,我也努力的去完成每一项您布置给我的工作,都用了自己的

热情努力去对待。凭心而论,我开始对基础工程毫无了解,但在您这里我基本了解了基础工程,使我学到了很多东西,特别是一些做人的道理和对生活的理解。在这里,我真诚的对袁总说一声:谢谢您了! 但犹豫再三,经过了长时间的考虑,我还是写了这封辞职申请书。 加入公司以来,您对我的信任、教导与严格要求,令我非常感动,也成为激励我努力工作的动力。在您及同事们的热心指导与悉心帮助下,我在工程技术和管理能力方面都有了一定的提高。我常想,自己应该用一颗感恩的心,去回报您及公司对我的栽培,真的想用自己的努力去做好您交给的每一份工作任务,但自己的能力真的很有限,有很多地方没有做得能让您满意,所以对过去工作中失误与不足的地方,我真诚的对您说声抱歉,请您原谅! 经过这段时间的思考,我觉得我可能技术能力方面有所不足, 也缺少工作的积极性和脚踏实地的工作精神,没能很好的适应这个工作,所以一直没有把工作做到令您满意的程度。这是我在以后的人生中需要注意的地方,也是袁总经常教导我的地方,我一定会铭记于心! 再一次真诚地感谢您及公司全体同事对我的关爱与帮助!


简短辞职申请书范文大全 想必每一位在职场混迹多年的职场人士都应曾经写过辞职信之类的。在现在这个发展速度如此之快的社会,跳槽也就成了常见现象。而离职前的辞职信是必写的。下面就是小编给大家带来的简短辞职申请书范文大全,希望大家喜欢! 尊敬的xx: 我自xx年来到公司,工作中得到公司和您的培养,个人得到了很大的成长,公司的文化和环境也令我工作得非常开心。 现由于个人原因,我不得不提出辞职,希望能于x年x月x日正式离职,请公司批准我的这份辞职书。并请公司在x月x日前安排好人员接替我的工作,我将尽心交接。 再次对您x年来的培养和指导表示衷心的感谢。 最后祝您及公司的所有同事一切顺利! 此致 敬礼 辞职人:xxx 20xx年x月x日 尊敬的X经理: 您好! 感谢公司在我入职以来的培养关心和照顾,从X年X月份来到[公司]至今,我学到了很多东西,今后无论走向哪里,从事什么,这段经历都是一笔宝贵的财富,我为在彩卡的这段工作经历而自豪。 而今,由于个人原因提出辞职,望领导批准。 辞职人: 20xx年x月x日

公司人事部: 我因为要去美国留学,故需辞去现在的工作,请上级领导批准。 公司的企业文化感化了我,我对公司是深有感情的。我留学归来之后,仍愿意回公司就职。 感谢公司领导和同事在工作中对我的关心和支持,并祝公司兴隆。 辞职人:xxx 20xx年x月x日 尊敬的公司领导: 在递交这份辞呈时,我的心情十分沉重。现在由于我的一些个人原因的影响,无法为公司做出相应的贡献。因此请求允许离开。 当前公司正处于快速发展的阶段,同事都是斗志昂扬,壮志满怀,而我在这时候却因个人原因无法为公司分忧,实在是深感歉意。 我希望公司领导在百忙之中抽出时间受理我的离职事项。 感谢诸位在我在公司期间给予我的信任和支持,并祝所有同事和朋友们在工作和活动中取得更大的成绩。 辞职人: 20xx年x月x日 尊敬的xx: 自xx年入职以来,我一直很喜欢这份工作,但因某些个人原因,我要重新确定自己未来的方向,最终选择了开始新的工作。 希望公司能早日找到合适人手开接替我的工作并希望能于今年5月底前正式辞职。如能给予我支配更多的时间来找工作我将感激不尽,希望公司理解!在我提交这份辞呈时,在未离开岗位之前,我一定会尽自己的职责,做好应该做的事。 最后,衷心的说:“对不起”与“谢谢”! 祝愿公司开创更美好的未来!


【个人简历范文】 申请意思是向上级说明理由,提出请求,有关向政府申请内容,欢迎大家一起来借鉴一下! 向政府申请书格式范文一 县人民政府 在县委、县府的领导和指挥下,在相关部门的大力支持下,县蚕丝公司、蚕种场的破产改制工作有序进行,现已进入人员安置阶段。 县蚕丝公司各类人员522人,其中在编正式职工408人,退休人员48人,退养蚕桑辅导24人,在岗蚕桑辅导员24人,长期临工4人,遗属定补人员4人。 按照批准的人员安置方案,根据债权、债务清算报告,经测算,人员安置费用6428万元,退付集资款162万元,支付兑发工资3185万元,共需资金11173万元。 因非整合资产的处置(已委托国土供应中心)尚需时日,按照县委、县府的安排布署,为了确保在今年6月底前破产终结,故特请示县政府先在县财政借支1000万元资金用于安置职工,待资产变现后再与县财政算帐。 以上请示可否,请批示。 日期 向政府申请书格式范文二 县财政局 年初以来,我们XXXX党委、镇政府为完成县委、县政府安排部署的各项重点工作任务,开展了大量工作,开局良好。 特别是今春气候倒春寒现象严重,持续雨雪灾害天气,造成农民不能及时种地,为帮助农民挖沟排涝、抢种春播以及解决特困户种地困难等,占用了一定资金,造成我镇目前办公经费十分紧张。 为保证机关正常运转,更好地完成全年各项工作任务,特申请财政局提前预拨经费10万元,解决我镇资金短缺困难。 特此请示,批准为盼。 XXXX人民政府

20XX年5月14日 向政府申请书格式范文三 xx人民政府 xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目是由(陕西xx集团)下属陕西xx房地产开发有限公司与xx房地产开发有限公司共同投资,根据《汉中市保护利用总体规划》,本着保护性利用自然资源的原则,在兼顾环境效益,合理的利用生态资源,统筹城乡发展的基础上,力图打造的一个具有养生体验功能的高科技集旅游地产和现代农业示范区有机整合的地方发展项目。 一、xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目简介 xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目,将充分运用“文化传承、产品核心竞争力、价值附着”三大策略、“传统农业、现代农业、未来农业”三大板块、“互惠、分享、共赢”三大原则,进行整体规划。项目规划将综合考虑国家及汉中生态保护相关政策,把协调发展“三农问题”作为根本的出发点。项目结合项目地良好的自然环境、当前现代农业的发展契机、西北地区休闲市场巨大需求,结合项目单位自身的人才、技术、管理、资金等资源等优势条件,利用农业为主线的链条式发展,以高端科技农业为主打,以规模特色农业为品牌,以休闲体验旅游为提高,把农业和旅游产业有机结合。建设国内外先进农业技术的引进转化示范区、农业专家课题示范区和自驾旅游集散中心。带动旅游观光、生态体验、餐饮住宿等辐射经济效益的升级。体现休闲自然的生活态度和生活方式,成为全国性的农业科技示范教育基地。实现第一产业、第二产业和第三产业的联动、互利和产业链升级发展。 xx项目以农业发展为基础,休闲养生体验为主题,旅游产业为拓展。项目实施后,将积极促进和改善xx区域的生态环境,打造优质生态宜居游乐生活,增进居民幸福度和营造社会和谐度。 项目总投入约12亿,项目直接收益较高,可带来超过2亿的税收和6亿的衍生收益,并能解决农村剩余劳动力2000以上,可为这些劳动力带来每年2万元以上的收入,给武乡区域带来极大的综合效益。 二、项目投资单位简介 本项目投资单位陕西xx房地产开发有限公司;具体实施单位xx房地产开发有限公司;两公司均为陕西xx集团全资下属单位。 陕西xx集团是经由区政府领导、经贸局和xx房地产开发有限公司共同努力引入汉中,并成功注资落户的外来企业。 陕西xx集团,是以煤炭、电力为主导产业,以资源综合开发利用为宗旨,坚持节能环保发展观的新型能源企业。该公司先后被榆林市委、市人民政府授予“榆林市十佳企业”、“榆林市非公有制纳税十强企业”、“挂牌重点保护企业”等荣誉称号,被榆林市工商局授予“重合同、守信用”单位,被神府经济开发区评为“先进企业”,被省农行授予“AAA级企业”称


学电脑必懂的53个英文单词和缩写(我不信你都认识) 潜龙飞天发表于2010年06月28日 09:36 阅读(1) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记 举报 PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory ·CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter ·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card) ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) ·MODM:数据卡或调制解调器Modem ·HUB:集线器

·WebCam:网络摄影机 ·Capture:影音采集卡 ·Case:机箱 ·Power:电源 ·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕 ·USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置 ·IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical And Electronic Engineers ·Mouse:鼠标,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·Speaker:喇叭 ·Printer:打印机 ·Scanner:扫描仪 ·UPS:不断电系统 ·IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated Device Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备 ·SCSI:指SCSI接口规格Small Computer System Interface,SCSI 接口装置泛指采用SCSI接口的各种设备 ·GHz:(中央处理器运算速度达)Gega赫兹/每秒 ·FSB:指“前端总线(Front Side Bus)”频率,以MHz为单位 ·ATA:指硬盘传输速率ATAttachment,ATA-133表示传输速率为133MB/sec


向政府申请报告范文 【篇一:写给市政府的项目请示】 入近20万经费,历时半年,对 征地200~300亩,设计招生3000~4000人。目前一期资金 已经筹措完毕,随时可以到位进入征地程序。建设工期预计一 年时间,全部基建完成后,预计2012年下半学期即可实现新生 入学。一期工程时间预计在2011年5月~2012年1月,预计 投资6000~8000万元人民币;二期工程时间预计在2012年 2月~2012年6月,预计投资5000万元人民币。 教师的培训和指导,并有管理人员长期入驻本校监督管理。为 我们的要求是:政策上的优惠;土地价格的优惠;协调有关部门加 快我们的工作进度。 恳请尽快答复! 项目联系人: 2010年4月7日 【篇二:土地用地申请报告范文】 土地用地申请报告范文申请人:胡xxx 住所地:xx省xx市xxx村 法定代表人:胡xx 申请事项:申请人因建养鸡场需要,特此依法向宝丰县人民政府申 请养殖用地30亩。 事实与理由: 申请人是已毕业的大学生,大学期间通过自学与实践掌握了一定的 养殖知识与技能,形成了自己的养殖理论体系,并决定开办自己的 养殖场,同时带动本村村民一起走发家致富的道路。特向宝丰县人 民政府申请土地建立一座存栏量为一万只的肉鸡养殖场,建设完毕 后可以向本村村民提供工作岗位,提高部分村民的经济收入。在政 府的支持与引导下,通过自己坚持不懈的努力与奋斗,逐步扩大养 殖规模,建立养殖小区,采取基地加农户、包回收的模式进行运作,从而实现养殖、销售一条龙服务,带动本村乃至本乡养殖业的发展,实现共同富裕。现根据《畜牧业法》、《中华人民共和国土地承包法》、《中华人民共和国土地管理法》及《中华人民共和国土地使



使用电脑必懂的53个英文单词和缩写 ·PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory ·CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter ·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card) ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) ·MODM:数据卡或调制解调器Modem ·HUB:集线器 ·WebCam:网络摄影机 ·Capture:影音采集卡 ·Case:机箱 ·Power:电源

·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕 ·USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置·IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical And Electronic Engineers ·Mouse:鼠标,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·Speaker:喇叭 ·Printer:打印机 ·Scanner:扫描仪 ·UPS:不断电系统 ·IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated Device Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备 ·SCSI:指SCSI接口规格Small Computer System Interface,SCSI接口装置泛指采用SCSI接口的各种设备 ·GHz:(中央处理器运算速度达)Gega赫兹/每秒 ·FSB:指“前端总线(Front Side Bus)”频率,以MHz为单位·ATA:指硬盘传输速率AT Attachment,ATA-133表示传输速率为133MB/sec ·AGP:显示总线Accelerated Graphics Port,以2X,4X,8X表示传输频宽模式 ·PCI:外围装置连接端口Peripheral Component Interconnect ·ATX:指目前电源供应器的规格,也指主机板标准大小尺寸·BIOS:硬件(输入/输出)基本设置程序Basic Input Output System


前段时间发过2个帖子,但是都没整理全,这周末2天泡在北京国家图书馆,借助于《不列颠百科全书》和《女皇记事》两部文献,整理齐全了劳斯莱斯所有车型。 我一直以为劳斯莱斯第一款车型是1910年出的Silver ghost(银魅,银鬼等中文名),其实我错了,《不列颠百科全书》欧洲汽车工业条目R系里记载----:1904年,他在他的曼彻斯特工厂制造了自己的第一辆汽车“Royce,命名为10HP:,在躲避了管理员视线时,终于把10HP的真身扫描了。上图 由于是刚开始生产汽车的新手,10HP并没有引起很大的轰动,接着在接下来5年时间里,RR于曼彻斯特工厂继续推出了15HP,20HP,30HP。 由于年代久远!书上只有10HP的车照。

继续上黑白照,估计上面张彩色的里的车是给人收藏了,至今保养貌似很好 Silver ghost在国内通常翻译成银魅,银鬼等,是1910年(原本是1906年,但是因为10HP 车型因素,推迟到1910年上市) 《不列颠百科全书》里记载----Silver Ghost(1906年- 1925年)为公司带来了极大的赞誉。它使用六缸发动机,共生产了6173辆。1921年,公司第二家工厂在美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德开张,以满足当地的销售需求。共有1701辆“斯普林菲尔德魅(Springfield Ghosts)”

在那里生产。1931年,工厂在运转了10年之后被关闭。在银魅的底盘基础上生产出了英国第一辆装甲车并装备到了二次世界大战之中。 Silver ghost虽然稀有昂贵,但是并不是网上谣传的价值几十亿,几亿英镑。也并非只有一辆停在城堡里。《国家地理之超级工厂2-劳斯莱斯》里就提到了银魅,至今仍然有60%的现车在路上跑。至于网上说的那些都是谣传,更是拿2003年宝马推出的幻影来冒充Silver ghost,其实银魅是辆老爷车。


离职申请书怎么写范文5篇 工作当中几乎每个人都会有经历辞职,那么大家知道离职申请书怎么写吗?下面就是给大家带来的离职申请书怎么写范文5篇,希望大家喜欢! 辞职报告怎么写模板 辞职理由 辞职之前必须想好理由,不管是世界那么大,我想去看看。还是老子就是不想干了。 书面格式 标题:标题一般有辞职报告、辞职书、辞职函、辞职申请等不同的写法,书面一般多用辞职书 称谓:在工作中称呼一般都是“尊敬的XXX”格式,你想谁递交辞职书就写TA的尊称。 正文: ①空格2字符,问好。如:您好。

②辞职理由,短到几个字,长到几百字,个人自由发挥。例如:世界那么大,我想去看看。 ③尾段可以写写对公司的祝福等等。如:祝公司业绩蒸蒸日上。 结语:结尾要求写上表示敬意的话。如“此致——敬礼”等。 署名:写上自己的名字,辞职人:XXX 。署名的格式,为*末尾换行后起,然后署名下面加上日期. 日期:辞职报告写的当天日期,当然公司的规定不同,可以灵活的变动。 注意事项 不要说上司坏话。如果你认为有必要向管理层反映一下上司的问题,要尽量以委婉的言辞口头提出。 不要满纸抱怨,抨击公司制度。 不要指责同事,尤其忌讳把同事的“罪行”白纸黑字写在辞职书上。 离职申请书范文【一】 尊敬的罗总: 您好!

首先感谢您在我工作期间对我照顾与支持,感谢公司给我这个平台,让我锻炼让我成长。 很遗憾在这个时候向xx正式写出辞职报告,或许我还不是正式职工,不需要写这封辞职信。当您看到这封信时我大概也不在这里上班了。 来到这里也快两个月了,开始感觉这里的气氛就和一个大家庭一样,大家相处得融洽和睦。在这里有过欢笑,有过收获,当然也有过痛苦。虽然多少有些不快,不过在这里至少还是学了一些东西。在这一个多月的工作中,我确实学习到了不少东西。然而工作上的毫无成就感总让自己彷徨。我开始了思索,认真地思考。思考的结果连自己都感到惊讶——或许自己并不适合xx 这项工作。而且到这里来工作的目的也只是让自己这一段时间有些事可以做,可以赚一些钱,也没有想过要在这里发展。因为当初连应聘我都不知道,还是一个朋友给我投的资料,也就稀里糊涂地来到了这里。一些日子下来,我发现现在处境和自己的目的并不相同。而且我一直以为没有价值的事情还不如不做,现在看来,这份工作可以归为这一类了。n多的时间白白浪费掉了。我想,应该换一份工作去尝试了。 离开这里,离开这些曾经同甘共苦的同事,确实很舍不得,舍不得同事之间的那片真诚和友善。但是我还是要决定离开了,我恳请xx和领导们原谅我的离开。


中国十大汽车集团排行榜:通用超大众 2016年01月25日 09:41:00分享到: 来源:凤凰汽车作者:综合报道 第1名:通用汽车 2015年销量:361.26万辆,同比增长5.2% 2015年12月份,通用汽车与在华合资企业在中国市场的零售销量达到445,227辆,同比增长14%,成为迄今为止月度销量最高数值。2015年全年,通用汽车在华零售总销量为3,612,635辆,同比增长5.2%,刷新2014年的纪录,中国也保持了通用最大单一市场地位。 MPV、SUV和豪华车依然是通用在华销量实现增长的支柱。其中SUV零售销量同比激增144%,以别克昂科威和宝骏560等新车型牵头。SUV产品占2015年通用汽车在华销售总量的13%,去年为5.6%。MPV车型凭借别克GL8和宝骏730的出色表现,零售销量同比增长12%。 如果进行换算,2015年通用汽车相当于每9秒在中国卖出1辆车,每天销售9,900辆汽车。 2015年,通用汽车及合资企业在华共推出了12款全新和改款车型,涵盖别克全新英朗GT轿车、威朗新一代运动轿车、雪佛兰新款迈锐宝中级轿车、宝骏560SUV 和凯迪拉克新款ATS-L豪华运动轿车等。2016年,通用汽车将在中国发布13款全新车和改款车,1月底凯迪拉克新一代旗舰CT6将率先上市。 通用汽车和大众汽车,这两家在中国市场销量规模最大的车企,十多年来龙头宝座的争夺一直未停歇。大众先进入中国市场,因而更早称雄。2004年,通用汽车在中国市场崛起,取代大众的冠军地位。之后通用连续蝉联9年之久。2013年,大众凭借南北大众A级轿车走热的势头,一举从通用手中收复“金腰带”,并在2014年将优势扩大。 2015年又成为了转折的关键一年。通用在中国发布了12款新车,其中不乏宝骏560这样的畅销“神车”。大众却因为SUV产品较为单一,又加上外资企业集体面临股市和宏观经济带来的压力,以及“尾气门”的口碑拖累,终于没能再延续中国市场龙头老大的地位。 第2名:大众汽车集团 2015年销量:354.86万辆,同比下跌3.4% 根据大众汽车集团最新数据,2015年12月份,其在中国市场交付了329,200辆新车,较之2014年12月份的336,200辆,同比下跌2.1%。 实际上,2015年11月份,大众汽车集团曾经在中国市场销量同比回升5.5%,主要依靠大众品牌乘用车8.6%幅度增长的拉动。而到12月份再度同比下降。大众乘用车品牌当月销量表现不佳,仅同比微增0.3%,从234,900辆提高到235,500辆,虽然免于下跌,但无法力挽整个集团销量滑坡的命运。 2015年全年,大众汽车集团在中国市场向消费者交付了3,548,600辆汽车,而2014年销量为3,675,300辆,同比下跌3.4%。其中,大众乘用车品牌交付销量从2,758,200辆同比滑落4.6%至2,630,000辆。可见全年在华销量上,大众乘用车品牌跌幅甚至高于整个集团,反而是拉跌的主要因素。 在华销量不如去年同期,这也影响到大众在中国市场的排名。在上周大众公布数据之前,盖世汽车曾预测,2015年大众在华销量可能不敌通用汽车,后者去年


申请离职书范文6篇 Sample application for resignation 编订:JinTai College

申请离职书范文6篇 小泰温馨提示:辞职报告是个人离开原来的工作岗位时向单位领导或上级组织提请批准的一种申请书,是解除劳动合同关系的实用文体。本文档根据辞职报告内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:申请离职书范文 2、篇章2:申请离职书范文 3、篇章3:申请离职书范文 4、篇章4:酒店离职申请范文 5、篇章5:酒店离职申请范文 6、篇章6:酒店离职申请范文 为离职写一份离职申请书,本文是小泰为大家整理的申请离职书范文,仅供参考。 篇章1:申请离职书范文

您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间阅读我的离职信。 我是怀着十分复杂的心情写这封离职信的。自我进入公司之后,由于您对我的关心、指导和信任,使我获得了很多机遇和挑战。经过这段时间在公司的工作,我在酒店领域学到了很多知识,尤其是办公室合规的相关方面,积累了一定的经验,对此我深表感激。 由于自身存在很多尚不完善的地方,想通过继续学习来 进一步加强自己的能力。为了不因为我个人原因而影响公司的工作,决定辞去目前的工作。我知道这个过程会给公司带来一定程度上的不便,对此我深表歉意。 我会尽快完成工作交接,以减少因我的离职而给公司带 来的不便。为了尽量减少对现有工作造成的影响,我请求在公司的员工通讯录上保留我的手机号码一段时间,在此期间,如果有同事对我以前的工作有任何疑问,我将及时做出答复。 非常感谢您在这段时间里对我的教导和照顾。在平安的 这段经历于我而言非常珍贵。将来无论什么时候,我都会为自己曾经是平安公司的一员感到荣幸。我确信这段工作经历将是我整个职业生涯发展中相当重要的一部分。


企业向政府申请书范文 ******建设局: 为了更好的贯彻落实国家对资源综合利用的指导思想,促进合理的节约资源,提高资源利用率,保护环境实现经济社会的可持续发展的战略方针。************有限责任公司顺应形势发展,准备在******投资建设一条具有轻质、阻燃、保温、抗震性强并具有可持续发展的轻集料小型空心砌块建筑材料生产线。此项目的投资建设能达到节约能源、保护土地、变废为宝及综合治理环境污染的目的。 投资建设此项目我公司具有以下优势: 一、轻集料小型空心砌块是以矿渣、炉渣、粉煤灰加有石硝为骨料,? 以水泥为胶结料,被广泛使用于工业与民用建筑的非承重砌块、承重砌块、保温块。是一种节能、节土、利废的可持续发展的建筑材料。该产品生产工艺无二次污染产生,市场前景广阔变废为宝,造福后代并具有极高的社会效益和环境效益。而我公司经营煤矿及煤炭销售多年,常年与矿渣、粉煤灰、水泥等物接触。 二、我公司为******热力公司供运供热用煤已有多年,合作非常融洽。随着******城市建设规模的不断扩大,******热力公司现

在每年冬季供热用煤需要4万多吨,为了保证冬季的正常供暖,秋季储存煤就非常关键,但是热力公司的场地有限,无法大量储存煤,加之供热产生的炉渣占地面积也很大。为此双方约定由我公司申请30亩土地,其中一半无偿作为热力公司储煤场地,一半用于我公司建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线使用,同时供热产生的炉渣及时运送到本厂作为生产原料。充分体现了双方互利互惠的原则。 综上所述,建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线,即符合国家产业政策,同时为确保******冬季正常供暖,热力公司秋季储煤的问题也得到了解决。因此,恳请******建设局审批30亩土地作为 ************有限责任公司建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线和******热力公司储煤场地为盼。 ************有限责任公司 2011年? 月? 日


岗位辞职申请书(精选6篇) 岗位辞职申请书 在当今不断发展的世界,我们都会用到申请书,我们在写申请书的时候要注意语言简洁、准确。写起申请书来就毫无头绪?下面是帮大家整理的岗位辞职申请书,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 岗位辞职申请书1尊敬的企业领导: 您好! 鉴于我个人能力及不能胜任工作岗位要求等多方面原因的考虑,很遗憾自己在这个时候向企业提出辞职。 我也很清楚这时候向企业辞职于企业于自己都是一个考验,企业正值用人之际,企业业务的开展,所有的前续工作在企业上下极力重视下一步步推进。也正是考虑到企业今后推进的合理性,本着对企业负责的态度,为了不让企业因我而造成的决策失误,我郑重向企业提出辞职,望企业领导给予批准。 希望领导能早日找到合适的人手接替我的工作,我会尽力配合做好交接工作,保证企业的正常运作,对企业,对领导尽好最后的责任。要离开企业的这一刻,我衷心向您说声谢谢!也感谢全体同事对我无微不至的关怀,对此我表示诚挚的谢意,也同时对我的离去给企业带来的不便表示深深地歉意。希望领导能早日找到合适的人手接替我的工作,我会尽力配合做好交接工作,保证企业的正常运作,对企业,

对领导尽好最后的责任。要离开企业的这一刻,我衷心向您说声谢谢!也感谢全体同事对我无微不至的关怀,对此我表示诚挚的谢意,也同时对我的离去给企业带来的不便表示深深地歉意。在离开之前我仍将按往常一样尽力将自己的工作做好。 祝企业领导及同事们前程似锦,鹏程万里! 此致 敬礼! 申请人: 申请日期: 岗位辞职申请书2尊敬的领导: 您好! 怀着复杂的心情,我提出辞职的请求。屈指算来,我到公司已有两年多时间了。在这段时间里,虽然我的工作并不能尽善尽美,但在公司同事们的指导下,我尽量严格要求自己尽心尽职.按时按量完成了公司分配的销售任务。 鉴于两年多来我在公司的发展与期望有些距离,加之近来的工作中我常常觉得力不从心,故遗憾的提出辞职。 非常感谢在这段时间里公司对我的培育和关怀,在公司的这段经历对我而言弥足珍贵。将来无论什么时候,我都会为自己曾经是公司的一员而感到荣幸,在公司的这段工作经历也将是我整个职业生涯中相当重要的一部分。 祝公司领导和所有同事身体健康、工作顺利!


53个英文缩写 PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory ·CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter ·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card) ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) ·MODM:数据卡或调制解调器Modem ·HUB:集线器 ·WebCam:网络摄影机 ·Capture:影音采集卡 ·Case:机箱 ·Power:电源 ·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕 ·USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置 ·IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ·Mouse:鼠标,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·Speaker:喇叭 ·Printer:打印机 ·Scanner:扫描仪 ·UPS:不断电系统 ·IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated Device Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备 ·SCSI:指SCSI接口规格Small Computer System Interface,SCSI接口装置泛指采用SCSI接口的各种设备 ·GHz:(中央处理器运算速度达)Gega赫兹/每秒 ·FSB:指“前端总线(Front Side Bus)”频率,以MHz为单位 ·A TA:指硬盘传输速率AT Attachment,ATA-133表示传输速率为133MB/sec ·AGP:显示总线Accelerated Graphics Port,以2X,4X,8X表示传输频宽模式

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