当前位置:文档之家› 考研英语历年真题重点词组与词汇




【衍】analysis analyst analytic analyzable

The analysis of the samples on the murder spot showed some valuable clues to the police.

对谋杀现场标本的分析为警察提供了一些有价值的线索。approach 接近,靠近


The time is approaching when we must be on board.


area 地带,地区


【辨析】area表示面积,地区(面积较大,但不指行政单位)如the area of your hand;


district性质较region相近,但一般比region小,如县级区用district ;


a recreation area 重新改建的地区

tropical regions of South America 南美的热带地区

a residential zone 居住区

assessment 评估,估算,评价


【同】estimate, appraise, assess, evaluate这些词都表示对客体的重要性形成定论


appraise 表示专业水准的评估,名词appraisal

assess 表示为确定某物的应税价值而作出的权威估价

evaluate 表示在确定价值时经过了深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值

assume 假定, 设想,担任; 承担; 接受



authority 权威, 权力, 权势【pl.】当局, 负责人; 官方; 职权; 许可的权力根据, 凭据, 引证权威, 专家

解析:the authorities of government



available 可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的

解析:【衍】availability availably

注意:一般在名词之后,the apple available

benefit n.利益, 好处;vt.有益于, 有助于vi.受益

解析:【同】profit advantage interest

【辨析】advantage指有利条件,优势take advantage of benefit兼指物质及精神的好处



concept n.概念;观念

consistent adj. 调和的, 坚固的(常与with连用)与…一致的解析:【助记法】-sist-表示坚持或力度,静态,构成


constitutional adj.构成的, 增强体质的, 宪法的, 拥护宪法的

解析:【衍】constitute 组成constitution 宪法

context n.上下文, 文章的前后关系


context-dependent adj. 随上下文决定的,与上下文有关的context-free adj. 与上下文无关的,注意free的否定含义,如alcohol-free

context-sensitive adj.上下文有关的

contract n.合同, 契约, 婚约v.使缩短, 感染, 订约

解析:Their firm have contracted to build a double-purpose bridge across the river.


法律方面的根本意思是含义,the meeting of mind

create vt.创造, 创作, 引起, 造成

解析:【同】compose, invent, design, produce, manufacture, make 都含“创造”的意思。

create指“有目的地把原材料制成新产品”; 也指“创造出原来不存在或与众不同的事物”, Creator 指创造者,上帝,如:

We've created a beautiful new building from out of an old ruin.


compose 指“创作(诗、画、音乐或文章等)”com是在一起,pose指放置如:

The poet composed a new poem.


design 指“制作某物之前深思熟虑地构思”, 如:

It was he that designed the garden.


invent指“通过想象、研究、劳动, 创造出前所未有的东西”, 尤指“科技上的发明创造”, 如:

Edison invented the light bulb.


make是最常用词, 指“用劳动地任何制造、生产、形成或组成”, 如:

All kinds of precision machine tools are made in this factory.


manufacture 指大规模的制造生产,manu指手,fact 表示构造如:

Shoes have been manufactured in this town for centuries.

produce指“通过劳动加工而生产产品”, 尤指“工农业产品”, 如: We must produce more food for ourselves and import less.

我们必须增产食品, 减少进口。


production, productive power, productivity

data n.【计】资料, 数据


definition n.定义, 解说

解析:【衍】define 定义definite确定的indefinite无限的,不定的

derived vt.得自vi.起源

解析:derive itself from由...而来, 源出

derive knowledge from books从书中获得知识

Many English words are derived from Latin.许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。

【衍】derivation n.


distribution n.分配, 分发, 配给物, 销售, 法院对无遗嘱死亡者财产的分配, 分布状态, 区分, 分类,发送,发行

解析:【衍】distribute v. distributive a.

economic adj.经济(上)的, 产供销的, 经济学的

解析:She let her house at an economic rent.


economical a.指节俭的

economic sanction经济制裁

economic reckoning经济核算

economic strike经济性罢工(为提高工资, 缩短工作时间, 改良工作环境而罢工)go on a strike

economic structure经济结构

environmental adj.周围的, 环境的

解析:【衍】environment 环境

【同】surroundings, vicinity

environment 指人与自然界生存的环境,或是某种比喻的环境;surroundings指围绕着某物的周遭环境,注意是复数;

vicinity指近处的范围,in the vicinity of。

established adj.已制定的, 确定的


【同】build, construct, erect, found, set up

【辨析】辨析同义词可以由它们所带的宾语反推出其区别。build一般指建立,修建,常带house, road, bridge, socialism, hope等; construct指用各种材料建成一个整体,着重构筑,书面语;


establish有稳固建成的意思,常带school, reputation, government 等;

set up着重开始的意思,如monument, school,set up 着重开始,草创。

estimate v估计估价


evidence n.明显, 显著, 明白, 迹象, 根据, 【物】证据, 证物

解析:It was early, and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets.



【同】distinct, obvious, apparent, clear, plain


It's evident that someone has been here.很明显有人来过.

distinct 指轮廓或意义清晰,不需费力就可看出

Though they talked in a low voice, they could be heard distinctly.




clear的根本意思是“清”不但有清晰之义,还有流畅,清澈的意思, 如clear water;clean指“洁"。


export vt.输出,出口n.出口商品


【助记法】ex向外,port 指港口

factors n.因素,要素,因数

解析:【同】element, ingredient,


financial a.财政的金融的

解析:【同】fiscal, monetary

financial 常表示大额交易。与fiscal的区别是:战略及战术的区别,宏观及微观的区别。

Many computer software corporations are experiencing financial reverses.



The Secretary of the Treasury is the chief fiscal officer of our government.

财政部长是我国的财政首脑。(treasury bond国库券)

monetary 常指铸币流通或货币政策。

The basic monetary unit of the United States is the dollar.


formula n.公式,客套语

function n.功能,作用,典礼,仪式;v.起作用,运行

解析:作名词时,常与perform, serve 搭配

identified 被识别的,被认可的




income n.收入

解析:【同】salary, wage, pay





indicate vt.指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明

解析:【衍】indicator n.指示器,indicative 显示的

【同】suggest, imply, denote




individual n.个人, 个体; adj.个别的, 单独的, 个人的

解析:【衍】individualism n.个人主义;利已主义


interpretation n.解释, 阐明, 口译, 通译




involved adj.棘手的,有关的

解析:【衍】involve vt.包括, 笼罩, 潜心于, 使陷于involvement n.连累, 包含


issues n.出版, 发行, (报刊等)期、号, 论点, 问题, 结果, (水, 血等的)流出vi.发行, 流出, 造成...结果, 进行辩护, 传下vt.使流出, 放出, 发行(钞票等), 发布(命令), 出版(书等)发给; 【律】子女, 后嗣

解析:还有offspring ,descendent也表示后代

at issue待解决的;争议中的

an issue of magazine一份杂志

labour n.劳动, 劳力, 劳工, 努力, 分娩, 工作;v.劳动, 苦干, 费力地前进, 分娩, 工作, 悉心完成;adj.支持工党的,与工党有关的legal adj.法律的, 法定的, 合法的

解析:【同】lawful, legitimate

【辨析】lawful指一定的控制,强制行为具有法律依据。如;lawful arrest依法逮捕;


legitimate表示法律承认习惯已认可的。如legitimate son 婚生子illegitimate;

legislation n.立法,法律的制定(或通过),参照分类词典里的词汇。major n.[美]【教】主修课, 【律】成年人【乐】大调; adj.主修的, 成年的, 大调的; vi.主修

解析:作“成年人”与minor 未成年人,相对应。

You are an English major.

method n.方法

解析:【同】manner, mode, way



She has a precise, clearly articulated manner of speaking.



A nomadic mode of life was typical of many peoples of the Great Plains.


That's the way I'm. 我就是这样。

occur vi.发生, 出现

解析:【同】happen, take place

【衍】occurrence n.发生


There happen to be no money with me.

It so happens that...

take place指有计划的使某事发生

Great changes have taken place in my hometown.


percent n.百分比, 百分数

period n.时期, 学时, 节, 句点, 周期, (妇女的)经期;adj.过去某段时期的

解析:【衍】periodical 期刊,如monthly, weekly, daily等【同】age, epoch, era

【辨析】age通常具有某种显著特征,也指考古学上的时代; epoch指发生重大事件的时代;



policy n.政策,方针;保单

解析:如policy-holder n.投保人, 保险客户

big stick policy【美】大棒政策

principle n. 法则,原则,原理

解析:注意拼写,从l 的形状来记in principle 在原则上

with regard to the basics 基本上与基本原则有关地

an idea that is acceptable in principle大体可以接受的想法

on principle按原则的,依行为准则

according to or because of principle


procedure n.程序, 手续


required adj.必需的


【衍】require vt.需要, 要求, 命令; requirement n.

It requires that ... 有...的必要

require sth. of sb. 对某人有...的要求

require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事,根据一定的规章而要求

response n.回答, 响应, 反应

解析:call forth no response in sb's breast 在某人心中不起反应

in response to 响应, 反应

make no response 不回答(常指前面有刺激或呼吁)


【辨析】answer指针对另一行为的回应,因而介词用to,如:the answer to the question

What you have done will be answered. 你会遭报应的。

reply 指对他人的陈述或问题给予回答,通常用reply to。response 指对刺激的回应,也指对紧迫或指定问题的回答。role n.角色, 任务

解析:fill the role of担负...的任务

play an important role in在...中起重要作用

注意与function 的区别

play the leading role起主要作用, 起带头作用

play the role of(sb.) 在剧中)扮演(某人)角色

section n.部分, 断片, 部件, 节, 项, 区, 地域, 截面

解析:build in sections分段制造

convey in sections拆开搬

right section右段, 右部,正截面, 正剖面

sector n.部分, 部门;【计】扇区, 地区, 象限, 扇形; v.使分成部分, 把...分成扇形

解析:不要孤立的记单词,要形成网络来记,如mouth organ 不是口条,而是口琴,因此单词的正确理解很重要。

significant adj.有意义的, 重大的, 重要的

解析:【助记法】sign 记号,下意识的具有优越性。

【同】important, vital, serious


signify 意味着;




如I'm serious.我说正经的。

similar adj.相似的, 类似的

解析:similarity n.

be similar to与...相似, 类似于

source n.来源, 水源, 消息来源, 原始资料, 发起者

解析:the sources of the Nile尼罗河的发源地

the source of knowledge知识的源泉

human and non-human sources人力物力资源

source language源(被译)语言

informed sources消息灵通人士,well-imformed sources

historical sources史料

The news comes from a reliable source.这条消息来源可靠。specific n.特效药, 细节adj.详细而精确的, 明确的, 特殊的,效的; 【生物】种的

解析:【同】definite, explicit



structure n.结构, 构造, 建筑物vt.建筑, 构成, 组织



theory n.理论, 学说, ...论, 原理, 意见, 推测

解析:My theory is…我的推测是…

variables n.【数】变数, 可变物, 变量; adj.可变的, 不定的, 易变的, 【数】变量的


achieve vt.完成, 达到


【同】attain, reach

【辨析】achieve 着重在达到一定目的的过程中所包含的技能,耐心和努力;




acquisition n.获得, 获得物

解析:【衍】acquire vt.获得, 学到

【同】get, gain, obtain



如No pain, no gain.


如the acquisition of the English ability

administration n.管理, 经营, 行政部门

解析:National Aeronautics and Space A-


Food and Drug A-美国食品及药物管理局

oral administration口服

【衍】administer v.管理, 给予, 执行

affect vt.影响, 感动, 侵袭, 假装


【同】affect, influence, impress, touch, move, strike 这些词都表示产生某种情感或精神上的影响。

influence暗含对他人感情,思想以及行为的控制及左右的程度;Humanity is profoundly influenced by what you do.(John Paul II).你的所做所为深刻地影响人类(约翰保罗二世)。

impress是指产生一种显著的,深刻的,通常是持久的效果;The Tibetan landscape particularly impressed him.



The tributes were fitting and touching.


move暗指深刻的情感效果,有时导致行动或具有进一步后果;The account of her experiences as a refugee moved us to tears.



I was struck by the sudden change in his behavior.


affect通常指感情方面, affect 的宾语是物时,它包含着足以引起反应的刺激,有时包含一定的改变。

The slight change of weather can affect her delicate health.


appropriate adj.适当的vt.占用, 据为己有; 盗用, 挪用

解析:He appropriated public funds for his own private use.


A dirty face is not appropriate for the school photograph.


【同】fit, suitable, apt, proper






aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面

解析:of pleasing aspect 令人喜爱的模样的

only one aspect of the problem 只是问题的一个方面

a house with a southern aspect 朝南的房子

additional aspect补充示象,显示

assistance n.协助, 援助, 补助

解析:external assistance外来援助;对外援助

judicial assistance司法协助

non-reimbursable assistance无偿援助

【同】help, aid



assistance最正式,来自assist,只表示起到辅助作用。categories n.种类, 类别, 【逻】范畴


categorize 分类

abstract category抽象范畴

chapter n.(书籍)章

解析:a chapter of accidents一连串意外事故,接二连三的灾祸be in the chapter of possibilities事态发展的可能性;有可能enough on that chapter这个问题就到此为止

give (cite, have)chapter and verse for注明出处,指明确切的依据

read sb. a chapter谴责某人,训斥某人= give sb. a lesson commission n.委任, 委托, 代办(权), 代理(权), 犯(罪), 佣金;vt.委任, 任命, 委托, 委托制作, 使服役

解析:sells boats on commission委托售船

out of commission退出现役;(不能使用)待修理

community n.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体, (生物)群落

解析:community welfare department【美】社会福利部

the Chinese community(纽约的)华侨(界)

the community of scholars学术界

community of goods财产的公有

community of interest(s)利害的一致

complex adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的n.联合体

解析:【同】complex, complicated, intricate, involved

【辨析】complex 暗示相关部分的关系;

The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations.

这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。To one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology.


Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cannot agree on a cohesive policy.



The plot of the play has been criticized as being too involved.


computer n.计算机, 电脑


computer-based adj.利用[借助]计算机的

computerman n.计算机工作人员;计算机专家

computer-oriented adj.研制计算机的

computer-polled adj. 计算机登记的;计算机选择的

conclusion n.结束, 缔结, 结论

解析:in conclusion最后,总之

bring a matter to a speedy conclusion使事情迅速结束

the conclusion of a peace treaty缔结和约

conclusion of business成交

a foregone conclusion早已确定的事,必然的结果,毫无疑问的事arrive at(come to, draw, reach) a conclusion得出结论,告一段落at the conclusion of当...完结时

bring to a conclusion使结束;谈定(买卖等)

come to the conclusion that... 所得结论是…,断定

draw the conclusion得出结论,推断

leap (jump) to a conclusion冒然断定,过早下结论

try conclusions with和...决最后胜负,争(最后)优劣;试验conduct n.行为, 操行v.引导, 管理, 为人, 传导

解析:a theory of conduct品行论

a bad conduct恶劣行为

infamous conduct违反职业道德的行为(特指医生)

safe conduct(战时)通行证

under the conduct of在...指导[管理]下

His conduct of the business was very successful.


consequences n.结果, 【逻】推理, 推论, 因果关系, 重要的地位解析:answer for the consequences对后果负责

as a consequence因而,结果

face the consequences of one's action自食其果

in consequence因此,结果

in consequence of...的结果,因为...的缘故,由于

of consequence有势力的;重要的

take the consequences自食其果,承担责任

take upon oneself the consequences自己承担后果

without negative consequence没有副作用

without reflecting on the consequences不顾后果

construction n.建筑, 建筑物, 解释, 造句

解析:construction of the four -modernizations四个现代化建设

an object of simple construction简单结构的物体

construction industry建筑工业,行业

a very solid construction特别坚固的建筑物

bear a construction可解释为;可作某一解释


consumer n.消费者

解析:【衍】consume vt.消耗, 消费, 消灭, 大吃大喝, 吸引vi.消灭, 毁灭

be consumed with (giving lessons) 因...而变得憔悴,给...弄得心劳神疲

consume away消耗掉;憔悴;枯萎凋谢

credit n.信任, 信用, 声望, 荣誉,【财务】贷方, 银行存款;vt.相信, 信任, 把...归给

解析:(常与to, with连用)存入(账户)

Please credit my account with $1000.


add to one's credit增加荣誉

be a credit to使…感到光荣,给…争光

be bare of credit名誉不好,无信誉

be to sb.'s credit为某人增光

crack credit 失信用

do sb. credit 为某人增光;证明某人具有某种才能或品质

get (take) credit for 因…而得到好评

give credit to 相信,信任;称赞,赞扬

give sb. credit for sth. 为…赞扬(肯定)某人认为某人具有(某种品德、才能等)

have credit with sb. 得到某人的信任

have the credit of 有…的好名声

lend credit to 使更可信;证实

look for credit 力求出人头地

lose credit with sb. 失去某人的信任;在某人眼中失去威信

on credit 赊(购)

place credit in 相信

redound to one's (sb.'s) credit 为自己(某人)增光

reflect credit on 为…增光,使…光荣;使...感到光荣

take credit to oneself for 把…归功于自己,自称(某事)是自己干的to sb.'s credit 值得赞扬;对某人有利在某人贷方;属于某人;使某人感到光荣

credit goes to 归功于

credit ...to... 把…归功于;把某数记入某人账户

credit sb.(sth.) with 认为某人(某事)具有…

cultural adj.文化的

解析:custom 表示风俗习惯

design n.设计, 图案, 花样, 企图, 图谋, (小说等的)构思, 纲要; v.设计, 计划, 谋划, 构思

解析:by design故意地,蓄意地

have (harbor) designs on (against) 对…抱不良企图;图谋加害于;企图盗窃(某物)

design sb. (sth.) for (to be) 打算让某人从事(某种职业);预定某物作(某种用途)

distinction n.区别, 差别, 级别, 特性, 声望, 显赫

解析:a distinction without a difference名义上的区别,人为的区别

confer a distinction on (upon) sb. 授与某人勋章(称号)

draw (make) a distinction between对…加以区别

gain (attain, win) distinction出名

graduate from college with distinction以优异成绩毕业

rise to distinction出名

serve with distinction in the war立下战功

win a distinction for因…而获功勋;荣获勋章(或称号)

with distinction以优异的成绩;以杰出的表现

without distinction无差别地,一视同仁地

【同】difference, unlikeness, divergence, variation, distinction, discrepancy


differences in color and size 颜色和尺寸间的差别;


a striking dissimilarity between the personalities of the sisters


unlikeness usually implies greater and more obvious difference unlikeness经常暗含着较大和较明显的差别;

more likeness than unlikeness among children of that age.



points of divergence between British and American English英语和美语间的不同点


variations in temperature 温度的变化


the distinction in meaning between Good and Excellent “好的”和“出色”两词的词义差别。


a discrepancy between what was promised and what was done 所说的和所做的之间的差异

elements n.原理, 基础;【pl】; 要素, 元素, 成分, 元件, 自然环境解析:注意:常用复数

alien class elements阶级异己分子

an element of一点点; 少许

be in one's element处于适宜的环境, 如鱼得水, 在行

be out of one's element处于不适宜的环境, 不得其所, 格格不入, 外行

reduce ... to its elements把...分析出来

the elements大自然的力量(风、雷、雨等) 基本原理, 基础, 入门【同】component, constituent, ingredient

【辨析】element系常用词, 可用于物质的、非物质的、有形的或无形的东西, 适用于“一物的任一部分”, 如:

Words are the elements of a sentence.词是句子的组成部分。component指“一物的组成部分”,如:

A chemist can seperate a medicine into its components.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/839015056.html,/new/shengtsinghua 考研大作文只用写一句话就可以得18分 省省清华QQ: 867209142 关于一句话万能模板的几个问题: 1.万能,整片模板200多单词,只要写1句话填写3个关键词就可以适合任何一年考研话题作文。 2.高分,里面的遣词造句都是精心之作,句式多变、用词高级、语言地道,正常考生考场上几乎不可能写出如此高水平的作文,得高分在情理之中。 3.节省考场时间,考场上默写一篇背熟的作文要比自己写一篇作文至少节省20分钟,为自己节省宝贵的考研时间用来做其他题目。 4.节省复习时间,有了作文模板就不用再为考研大作文复习花时间。 历年考研 英语翻译题词组汇总 考研大作文只用写一句话就可以得18分 文章来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/839015056.html,/new/shengtsinghua 整理:省省清华 1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast 与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下 1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论 如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于 17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into 走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样


94年-14年历年考研英语翻译必背词汇(英汉对照) 46) articulate 清晰的表达, 47) by all accounts根据、根据报道;by one’s own account根据某人自己所说,let alone更别提, 48) intensity紧张,abruptly突然地,sudden突然,soft柔和的,passage段落,rarely很少、几乎不,composer作曲家,compose作曲、编写, 49) associate联系, 50) suffer遭受, inevitable不可避免, render转换、使变成; 13年 46) strike打、震撼,for all尽管,style风格,urge需求、督促、鼓励,decoration装饰, 47)sacred神圣的,crude原始、粗糙,as opposed to与相反,shelter避难所, 48) in effect实际上,urban城市,discernible容易看出的,discern看出、识别, 49)blame批评, 50)implicit隐含的,explicit明确的,reference谈到、提及、参考,synthetic人造的; 12年 46) impulse冲动,unification统一、一致, generative生产的、生成的,generate产生, 47) constrain力劝、强迫、限制,constraint限制, 48) filter过滤, cognitive认知的, 49) empirical实证的、根据经验得到的, bias偏见, 50) track跟踪; 11年 46) erroneous错误的,error错误, 47) sustain支持、维持,illusion幻觉,conscious有意识的, 48) justification合理,借口,justify证明是公正的,rationalization合理,exploitation剥削、开发, bottom底, 49) circumstance环境, 50) upside积极的、正面的,contain包含,be up to取决于,array展示、陈列、一系列; 10年 46) rescue拯救,to the effect that大意是说,failed to不能,


历年考研英语翻译词组汇总 1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于 17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样

1992年 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度 32. only if 只要 33. the same…as 与…一样 34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏1993年 35. nothing but 只不过是 36. by means of 通过;借助于 37. by the help of 通过…的帮助 38. in a sort of sense 从某种意义上来说 39. manage to do sth. 设法做到 40. extract …from 从……提炼出 41. out of…起源;来源;根据 42. build up 建立;树立 43. by no means 绝不 44. be compared with 与……相比 45. a sort of 某种 46. set…… in motion开始; 47. differ in…在…方面不同 48. go through 经历;经受;仔细检查 49. in the one case =on the one hand 50. in the course of the day=during the day 51. a train of=a series of=an array of=a variety of


考研英语高频词组汇总(一) 1.abide by(=be faithful to; obey) 忠于;遵守。 2.be absent from... 缺席,不在 3.absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4.absorb(=take up the attention of) 吸引...的注意力(被动语态) be absorbed in 全神贯注于...近 be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in;be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on 5.(be) abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6.access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 7.by accident(=by chance, accidentally) 偶然地,意外。 Without accident(=safely) 安全地 8.of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地 9.in accord with 与...一致。 out of one's accord with 同...不一致 10.with one accord (=with everybody agreeing) 一致地 11.in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 12.on one's own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one's own risk) 自行负责 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不; of ...account 有......重要性。 13.take...into account(=consider)把......考虑进去 14.give sb.an account of 说明, 解释 (理由) 15.account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明。 16.on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。 17.on no account(=in no case, for no reason) 绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) 18.accuse...of...(=charge...with; blame sb.for sth.; blame sth.on sb.; complain about) 指控,控告 19.be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。 20.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially ) 熟悉 21.act on 奉行,按照...行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理 22.adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于 23.adapt...(for) (=make sth.Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) 24.in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之 25.in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除...外


历年考研英语翻译常考词汇汇总 A Abstract n.摘要,概要,抽象adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的 Accelerate vt.&vi.(使)加快,(使)增速,n.接受速成教育的学生 Achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩,达到;完成 Acquire vt.得到,养成,vt获得;招致,学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等),捕获,Action n.作用,动[操]作,行动,机械装置[作用],(小说等中的)情节 Activity n.活动,活动的事物,活动性,机能,功能 Actually adv.现实的,实际的;目前的;明确的,有效的 Additional adj.增加的,额外的,另外的 Advance vt.&vi.(使)前进,(使)发展;促进,vt.提出 Advantage n.利益,便利,有利方面,有利条件;优点;优势, (网球等)打成平手(deuce)而延长比赛后一方先得的一分(攻方所得称advantage in,守方所得则称advantage out) Agree vi.一致;相合同意,赞成约定,允诺,答应,相宜,调和,符合,和睦相处 Almost adv.几乎,差不多,差一点;将近 Amount n.量,数量,数额,总额,总数vi.合计,共计 Approach vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近;vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理;n.靠近,接近,临近 Appropriate adj.适当的,恰当的;vt.挪用;占用;盗用 Argue vt.&vi.争吵,辩论;vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明,说服,劝说 Arise vi.&link v.呈现;出现;发生;vi.起身,起来,起立 Aspect n.方面,方位,朝向 Assert vt.声称,断言,维护,坚持 Assume vt.假设,臆断,猜想,假装,担,担任,就职


英语语法总结全集 名词和主谓一致 一、名词的分类 英语中名词主要可以分为可数名词和不可数名词。 1.可数名词 可数名词一般都有单复数。单数时,名词前可加不定冠词a/an;复数时,前面可加数词,名词本身要改成复数形式。 可数名词的复数有规则和不规则两种变化。规则的名词,只要在单数名词之后加“s”,“es”或去“y”加“ies”就行,如:an umbrella, twelve umbrellas;a factory, three factories。不规则的名词变化则要靠积累记忆,如:a mouse, ten mice;a policeman, six policemen。 有少数可数名词,如sheep,works(工厂),Chinese等,它们的单复数同形:a sheep, four sheep;a chemical works, five chemical works。 此外,还有一些可数名词只有复数形式,如clothes,trousers,cattle,police,people(人,人民)等。 英语名词中还有一些合成词,它们的复数形式有三种可能:1)后面的部分变成复数形式:grown-ups,boy students,grandchildren。2)前面的部分变成复数形式:passers-by,lookers-on,sons-in-law。3)前、后都变成复数形式:men doctors,women drivers。 2.不可数名词 不可数名词没有单复数的变化,前面也不能加a/an,或数词。但是我们可以用量词来表示不可数名词的数量,单复数表现在量词上,如:a piece of paper;two pieces of paper。 在有些情况下,不可数名词也可用a/an,表“一种”、“某种”的意思,如have a wonderful time,receive a good education,be made into a fine paper。 有时为了表示量大,不可数名词的后面也可加“s”,如sands,ashes,waters等。 但是我们在学习不可数名词的时候,特别要记住英语中有一些名词,它们无论在什么情况下,前面都不能用a/an,后面也不可加“s”,如weather,information,等。 3.有的名词既可是可数名词,也可是不可数名词 英语中有相当一部分的名词,既可以是可数,也可以是不可数,它们的意义有时略有不同,有时则完全不同。如:difficulty, success, time, work,paper,glass,等。 4.用于表示可数与不可数名词的数量“多”“少”的常用词和词组 跟可数名词连用的如:few, a few, many。 跟不可数名词连用的如:little, a little, much。 可数与不可数都能用的是:a lot of , plenty of。 二、主谓一致 1.通常被看作单数的主语部分 1)不定式、动名词和主语从句。 eg.. To see is to believe. Seeing is believing. What he said was different from what he did. 2)表示“时间”“距离”“金钱数量”的名词。 eg. Twenty years is quite a long time. 10 kilometers doesn’t seem to be a long distance to Mira. 300 dollars is too much for this old coin. 3)数学式子。 eg. Two plus five is seven. 4)书报杂志、国家、单位的名字。 eg. The Times is published daily. The United States is a big country. 5)前面用a kind of, a sort of或this kind of, this sort of等词组的名词。 eg. This kind of tree(s) often grows well in warm weather. 6)代词either, neither作主语。


1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下 1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于

17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样 1992年 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度 32. only if 只要 33. the same…as 与…一样 34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏


历年考研英语翻译词组汇总 2002年 167. behavior science 行为科学 168. human nature 人性 169. natural selction 自然选择 170. a little more than a hundred years 一百多年 171. what is called 所谓的 172. trace…to…从…寻找根源;从…研究 173. state of mind 心态 174. and so on诸如此类 175. partly because…and partly because…部分是因为…部分是因为… 176. be held responsible for…被认为应该对…负责 177. be given credit for…为…受到称赞 178. with it 随之 2003年 179. cross-cultural perspective 跨文化的角度 180. concrete research 具体研究 181. subject…to…使…服从于 182. in…manner 以…方式;用…方法 183. seek to 力图;试图;设法 184. combined with 加上;连同 185. bring to 加进;使用;采用 186. define…as…把…定义为 187. makes…possible 使…成为可能 2004年 188. language and thought 语言和思维 189. have some connections with…与…有联系; 190. take root 生根;被牢固树立 191. be obliged to sb. 感激某人 192. die out 灭绝 193. so…that…如此…以至于 194. accuse sb. of…指责某人干某事 195. be interested in doing sth. 对…感兴趣 196. come to 开始;逐渐;进而 197. believe in 相信 198. a sort of某种的 199. habitual thought 习惯思维 200. grammatical pattern 语法结构


Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep .-- Shakespeare 历年考研英语翻译精解 98年翻译题解: 71) But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to looksintosthe past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.句子分析:第一、句子可以拆分为三段:But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to looksintosthe past, / for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures / that existed 15 billion years ago.第二、句子主干结构是:主句+ for +原因状语从句。1)主句是强调句it was... that...被强调部分the farthest是后面句子的状语,可以理解为scientists had been able to look the farthestsintosthe past2) for...引导的原因状语从句是一个系表结构,what they were seeing是从句中的主语,that...是名词表语the patterns and structures的定语从句。第三、词的处理:even more important (省略)更为重要的是the patterns and structures (宇宙云的)形状和结构15 billion years ago 150亿年前完整的译文:71)但更为重要的是,这是科学家们所能观测到的最遥远的过去的景象,因为他们看到的是150亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。 72) The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos. 句子分析: 第一、句子可以拆分为三段:The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, / first put forward in the 1920s, / to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos. 第二、句子的主干结构是一个简单句。1)整体结构是:The existence... was virtually required for..., to maintain...2)first put forward in the 1920s是过去分词短语作插入语,说明前面的名词the Big Bang 3)后面的不定式短语是补语。第三、词的处理:the giant clouds 巨大的(宇宙)云virtually 事实上,实际上,实质上the Big Bang 大爆炸理论first put forward 首创的,开始提出的in the 1920s 二十年代to maintain its reign as 以保持……的地位explanation of the cosmos 对宇宙(起源论)的解释 完整的译文:72)巨大的宇宙云的存在,实际上是使二十年代首创的大爆炸论得以保持其宇宙起源论的主导地位所必不可少的。 73) Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon. 句子分析:第一、句子可以拆分为三段:Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments / are closing in on such structures, / and may report their findings soon.第二、句子主干结构是:1)主语+并列谓语Astrophysicists...are closing...and may report...2)分词短语working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments是主语的定语。 第三、词的处理:working with 使用,以……为工作手段ground-based detectors 陆基探测器the South Pole 南极balloon-borne instruments 球载仪器are closing in on 正越来越近structures 云系findings 观测结果 完整的译文:73)天体物理学家使用南极陆基探测器及球载仪器,正越来越近地观测这些云系,也许不久会报告他们的观测结果。 74) If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory. 句子分析:第一、句子可以拆分为三段:If the small hot spots look as expected, / that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, / a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory.第二、句子的结构:1)主干结构是“If引导的条件句,主句”。2)look as expected是


历年考研英语翻译词组汇总1990年 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于 17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样 1992年 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度


考研英语十年真题大作文(2002-2011) 一、题目 2002 Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled “Cultures---National and International” In the essay you should 1.describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and 2.give your comments on the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II. 2003 Directions: Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay about 200 words based on the following 1.describe the set of drawings and interpret its meaning 2.point out its implications in our life. 2004 Directions: Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1. describe the drawing. 2. interpret its meaning, and 3. support your view with examples. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.


考研英语固定搭配词组大汇总(A)(go) on the stage=当演员 a few=有些,几个 a great/good deal of=大量(的),许多 a little=一点,稍;一些,少许 a lot of=大量(的),很多(的) a matter of=(关于...)的问题;大约 a number of=若干 a series of=一系列,一连串 a variety of=种种,各种 able to=能,会 above all=首先,尤其 above all=首先,首要 according to=根据n 5H d. account for=说明(原因等) accustomed to=习惯于 add up to=合计,总计 after a while=过了一分,不久 after all=终于,毕竟;虽然这样 ahead of=在...前面,先于 ahead of time=提前 all at once=突然,同时,一起 all out=全力以赴,竭尽全力 all over=遍及,到处

all right=行,可以;顺利,良好 all right=好,行 all round=周围,处处 all the same=仍然,照样地 all the time=一直,始终 allow for=考虑到 along with=与...一起 and so forth=等等 and so on=等等 and so on/forth=等等 and then=而且,其欠,于是,然后anything but=除...之外的任何东西around the clock=昼夜不停地 arrive at=达成,提出 as a matter of fact=其实,事实上 as a result=结果,因此, 由于...的结果as a rule=规章,规则,通常,照例 as far as/so far as=远至,到...程度as follows=如下GE as for=至于,就...方面说 as good as=和...几乎一样,实际上等于as if=好像,仿佛 as long as /so long as=只要,如果as regards=关于,至于 as soon as=一...就,刚...便


1、1994年 Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge. (71) Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. (72) "In short" , a leader of the new school contends, "the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions. " (73)Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. The modern school that hails technology algues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and inventors such as Edison attached great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments. The centerpiece of the argument of a technology-yes , genius-no advocate was an analysis of Galileo' s role at the start of the scientific revolution. The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions. (74)Galileo' s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth. But the real hero of the story, according to the new school of scientists, was the long evolution in the improvement of machinery for making eyeglasses . Federal policy is necessarily involved in the technology vs. genius dispute. (75)Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. 精美译文 新学派的科学家认为,技术是扩大科学知识的范围中被忽视的力量。(71)他们说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼识,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普通的东西。(72)新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说:“简言之,我们所称谓的科学革命,主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。 (73)工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉多年来在很大程度上被科学史学家和科学思想家们忽视了。为技术而欢呼的现代学派争辩说,像伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯威尔、爱因斯坦这样的科学大师和像爱迪生这样的发明家十分重视科学实验中能使用的各种不同的工艺信息和技术装置并从中受益匪浅。 鼓吹技术第一、天才第二的论据的核心是分析了科学革命初期伽利略的作用。那时的聪明才智取自第二世纪的天文学家托勒密;了精心创立的太空体系把地球置于所有天体运动的中心。(74)伽利略的最光辉的业绩在于他在1609年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准天空,


历年考研英语翻译及完形词汇词组汇总大整理(必读) 1. be determined by 由…所决定 2. have something to do with 与…有关 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心 4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 5. be due to 由于(常做表语) 6. be deprived of 被剥夺 7. respond to 对…作出反应 8. as the basis of 依据/根据 9. be born with 天生具有 10. In contrast 相比之下 1991年 11. shut off 关上,停止,切断 12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不 13. or so 大概,大约 14. at the rate of 以…的速率 15. take time 花费时间 16. be likely to 可能;倾向于 17. result in 导致 18. not nearly 远不能;远非 19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言 21. make…possible 使…成为可能 22. combine…w ith 把……和…结合起来;加上 23. in the fashion of 以…方式 24. such…as 像…一样 1992年 25. refer to…提到;谈到 26. agreement on 一致意见 27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如 28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面 29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看 30. draw a conclusion 得出结论 31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度 32. only if 只要 33. the same…as 与…一样 34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏 1993年

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