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STRESS A Simulator for Hard Real-Time Systems

STRESS A Simulator for Hard Real-Time Systems
STRESS A Simulator for Hard Real-Time Systems


STRESS:a Simulator for Hard Real-time


n.c.audsley,a.burns,m.f.richardson and a.j.wellings Real-Time Systems Research Group,Department of Computer Science,University of York, Heslington,York,YO15DD,UK(email:Andy.Wellings?https://www.doczj.com/doc/8f5636388.html,)


The STRESS environment is a collection of CASE tools for analysing and simulating the behaviour of hard real-time safety-critical applications.It is primarily intended as a means by which various scheduling and resource management algorithms can be evaluated,but can also be used to study the general behaviour of applications and real-time kernels.This paper describes the structure of the STRESS language and its environment,and gives examples of its use.

key words:Simulation Hard Real-time Safety-critical CASE


Increasingly,computer systems are being used in applications where a failure of the system can result in loss of life or catastrophic damage.Consequently,the need has arisen for a theoretical basis and practical methodology by which the correct design and construction of such systems can be achieved.These systems are often referred to as hard real-time systems,where real-time re?ects the fact that they must directly interact with a changing physical environment and hard refers to the fact that at least some system functions must be performed within speci?c timing constraints. For hard real-time systems,the veri?cation of the correct and safe functioning of the system,speci?cally the guaranteed meeting of timing requirements,is of para-mount importance.Past engineering practices have dictated that systems are veri?ed on a testbed:arguments regarding the timeliness of the system are established by using test results.This approach is not ideal.Typically,systems fail,in a timing sense,in very constrained circumstances,with the average case,as often seen on the testbed,performing adequately.

To counter this problem,much research has been concerned with developing design methodologies and feasibility theory to ensure that timing requirements can be veri?ed off-line.A number of problems are apparent with this theoretical approach: 1.If timing requests cannot be met,little or no guidance is given as to how the

system design and/or implementation may be modi?ed so that timing require-ments are met.

2.Design methodologies and scheduling theories do not,in the main,cater for CCC0038–0644/94/060543–22Received8March1992?1994by John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Revised18November1993

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the effects of actual hardware,https://www.doczj.com/doc/8f5636388.html,work controllers,DMA,interrupts,sensors and actuators etc.

3.The timing characteristics of the kernel,and its effect on the application tasks,

are often ignored.

4.Tools are required to validate new scheduling theory.

Although theoretical solutions are required for all the above problems,simulation of both application and kernel software on various architectures would aid the engineer-ing of hard real-time systems.For example,by observing where timing constraints are violated,systems engineers are guided towards the software requiring modi?cation. The remainder of this paper describes STRESS,a general-purpose simulation environment for hard real-time systems.It comprises a single generic language for architecture description,kernel and application software,analysis facilities(within the bounds of current scheduling theory)for kernel and application software,and simulation facilities,incorporating graphical display of simulation results.STRESS can be used in a number of different ways,including the construction and simulation of applications and kernels for the hard real-time systems domain.


Hard real-time systems are generally viewed as comprising a set of tasks which when invoked(or released)must complete their execution before a speci?ed deadline. Tasks may be released in one of three general ways.Periodic tasks are released at regular intervals.Sporadic tasks are released at variable intervals,although there exists a minimum time between successive releases of the task.Aperiodic tasks can be released at any time,with no minimum time between successive releases. Feasibility analysis determines whether a set of tasks will meet its deadlines at run-time.If analysis indicates that the deadlines of tasks will be met,those tasks are termed guaranteed.Conventionally,such analysis occurs off-line,before a system executes.Obviously,aperiodic processes cannot be guaranteed since they may place, in the worst-case,an in?nite load on the processor.

A common approach to the implementation of hard real-time systems is to use a cyclic executive,where tasks are executed according to a prede?ned schedule which is held in the system,and which is repeated inde?nitely.


n.c.audsley et al.

The STRESS environment permits scheduling via dynamic or static priorities with both synchronous and asynchronous inter-task communication.

Existing simulation systems

Conventionally,hard real-time system simulators are individually designed for a speci?c architecture and application.For example,Stoyenko describes a schedulability analyser(‘schedalyzer’)for the Real-Time Euclid language.

1),which in turn contains a single processor(proc1).The processor contains a single binary semaphore(S0)and two periodic tasks(J0and J1).Each task has a speci?ed period,deadline and offset. Hence,task J0will be released at times4,19,34,%with respective deadlines19, 34,49,%Each task executes code which consumes processor time,and locks and unlocks semaphores.The notation[n,m]indicates that the task should consume between n and m(inclusive)units(also referred to as ticks)of processor time.In all cases in this example,n and m are the same,to specify exact amounts of processor time;otherwise,a value is chosen randomly in the range(NB:only such timing statements consume simulation,i.e.processor time).The instructions p(S0) and v(S0)lock and unlock(respectively)the semaphore S0.Static priority scheduling

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Figure1.Simple STRESS program

is prescribed(via scheduler pripre)assuming deadline-monotonic priority assignment (via order dma)


n.c.audsley et al.

Figure2.The STRESS environment

(ii)to determine whether the tasks speci?ed in the STRESS program can be guaranteed off-line to meet their deadlines.

Point(i)re?ects the fact that information required by the simulator is provided by the feasibility analysis tool.For example,task priorities are set(the example STRESS program in

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Figure3.Selecting an analysis

Figure4.Part of the analysis output

Execution simulator

The execution simulator is initiated by selecting the Simulate option on the front end(see


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(for example,between times7and8of task J0in the Figure).There are several others which do not appear in the example,but will be explained later in the paper.


One important feature of the STRESS environment is the language and its inherent ability to express features required in hard real-time systems.This section describes the STRESS language in detail,and the structure and form of systems that can be described in the language.

The basic architecture of systems that STRESS can simulate is intended to be as broad as possible,and to impose a minimum of restrictions.The restrictions that inevitably exist in real systems,for instance network or data bus bandwidth,can be modelled within the simulation language,and are not enforced on the user.

The underlying structure is shown in

Figure5.Architecture of simulated systems

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The following sections discuss some features of the STRESS language,with a full syntax of the language given in the Appendix.

Networks,mailboxes,nodes and processors

The nodes in a system are fully connected via a point-to-point network.This imposes few limitations:any network topology can be simulated as a restriction upon total connectivity.Actual communication over the network is represented by messages.A message is sent by a task to a mailbox,and a task may receive a message from a mailbox.There are two restrictions:?rst,a message which is sent over the network(i.e.from one node to another)may only be sent to a mailbox at the node level;and secondly,a task may only receive from a node level mailbox on the same node as it is executing.Mailboxes have an associated size,which by default is one,but which can be declared explicitly in the STRESS program.The size represents the number of messages that may be stored in the mailbox at any given time.

Each processing node contains one or more processors,and may also have objects, semaphores and mailboxes which are global to that node.A wide variety of systems may be constructed using these components.For instance,a single processor system has a single processor on a single node;a set of uniprocessor nodes connected by a ring would be simulated as a set of nodes(each with a single processor)with communication restricted to a ring within the point-to-point network.

A simple example program illustrating the use of mailboxes and message passing between nodes is shown in

2),which receives the message.When a message is transmitted,a communication delay(in ticks)is speci?ed,to represent the time taken to cross the network.This is the signi?cance of delay[4,8]in the send command.A delay is chosen randomly(with uniform distribution)in the interval[4,8]inclusive,and the message will not arrive at the mailbox for that time.There is a minimum delay time of one tick,except in one special case which is noted in the next section. Also,a time-out may be associated with a reception request,as by expiry3in the example.A token-passing example is given later in this paper.

Figure6.Message communication

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551 Tasks

A task is the basic unit of concurrency.Tasks fall into three basic types:periodic, aperiodic and sporadic.Periodic tasks are embedded in the periodic and endper keywords(likewise aperiodic tasks in aperiodic%endape and sporadic tasks in sporadic%endspo).Depending on the task type,various characteristics may be set(some of which are optional).For example,periodic tasks require the values period and deadline to be set.

Aperiodic tasks can be released in one of three ways:by chance(i.e.chance10 speci?es that there is a one-in-ten chance of release at a given tick);by message (trigger box77indicates that the task should be released when a message arrives in the mailbox box77);by event(event startit causes the task to be released whenever the event startit occurs).An offset is interpreted to mean that the task will de?nitely not execute until the offset time into the simulation.Sporadic tasks are exactly as aperiodic tasks,except that arrival speci?es a minimum time between successive releases.

The keyword priority allows speci?c priorities to be assigned to tasks,where lower numbers represent higher priorities;however,the analysis tool can specify its own priorities,based on its evaluation of the task set.

Each task may have local variables and code which it executes.Local variables are either scalar values or arrays,and can contain either integers or references to tasks,processors,etc.Values stored in local variables are preserved between success-ive executions of tasks,with variable initialization occurring once,before the task ever executes.Two control constructs are provided:if..then..else and loop(the else part is optional).The latter construct has associated with it a constant integer which represents the maximum number of iterations.Examples of variables and control statements are given in

Figure7.Simple task

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from any processor on the node;a semaphore on a processor can only be accessed from that processor.

The basic mechanism is that of the Dijkstra semaphore,except that they may be initialized so that up to n tasks may lock the semaphore at any one time.If a semaphore is fully locked when a further task attempts to lock it,then the task becomes blocked on the semaphore.When a task releases a semaphore,all tasks blocked on that semaphore become unblocked,and all will retry the locking request. This allows arbitrary rescheduling to be performed when a semaphore is released. It is also possible to block a task explicitly on a semaphore,even if the task is not requesting the semaphore,or the semaphore is not fully locked.This is needed in order to implement resource control schemes such as the priority ceiling protocol.


n.c.audsley et al.

First,it may be set by use of the priority keyword(within a STRESS program), setting the priority to a speci?c numerical value.Secondly,it may be set by running the feasibility analyser.This will assign priorities based on the scheduling algorithm which is to be used.

When the simulator is started,the effective priorities are set to the base priority values.Then,at each tick,the task with the highest effective priority,which is free to run,will be executed.If the effective priorities are left unchanged,the scheduling is effectively pre-emptive static priority,with semaphore access occurring on a?rst-come–?rst-served basis.

Other kernel facilities can be placed inside an object,with methods made available for application tasks to make kernel calls.More sophisticated processor and resource scheduling can be achieved within a STRESS program itself.This is detailed in the following sections.

Additional language features

To enable schedulers and resource managers to be written within a STRESS program,a number of additional language features are made available in terms of a number of state values(associated with each task)which can be accessed by STRESS programs.For example,the wcet value de?nes maximum execution time of a task; the waiting and locking values de?ne the tasks blocked on a semaphore and the task locking a semaphore respectively.Also,a number of variables are provided,for example,tick de?nes the current simulation tick;mynode provides the name of the node on which a task is executing.

Finally,an additional construct(for)and keyword(of)are introduced to allow lists to be scanned.These originate in expressions such as tasklist of myproc(list of tasks on the local processor)or waiting of sema(the list of tasks blocking on a semaphore).

Implementing schedulers

As an example,a scheduler for the earliest-deadline algorithm will be shown.

Figure8.Earliest-deadline scheduler

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as a task,early,which runs on every tick,but does not consume any processor time.When it runs,it can adjust the effective priority values,and then terminate. This leaves the low-level scheduler free to run whichever other task is free to run and has the highest effective priority.It is noted that schedulers that respond to events(such as task release),and have non-zero overheads,can also be implemented within the STRESS language.

It is necessary to arrange that the scheduler task executes before any other task, in order that it can set the effective priorities correctly.This is managed by setting its priority to zero.Provided that other tasks on the processor are not given priorities that are negative,the scheduler will have the highest priority,and will execute ?rst.

When the scheduler task runs,it scans the list of tasks on the processor.For each task,other than the scheduler task itself,the effective priority is set to the next task deadline(relative to the current time).The closer the deadline is to the current time, the smaller this value will be,and hence the higher priority.

Since we probably do not want to see the scheduler task when a simulation run is displayed by the display tool,the task is marked hidden.

Libraries of schedulers may be created,?les therein containing solitary tasks(e.g. the code in


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Figure9.Priority inheritance resource management


Within the context of the STRESS environment,feasibility analysis represents?nding whether the tasks in a STRESS program will meet their deadlines.Since many different models of scheduling(and resource management)can be supported,provision for adding extra analysis modules for new scheduling schemes is provided.This was illustrated in

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Two forms of analysis for dynamic scheduling are provided,earliest deadline

tok invoked when a token arrives.The former method(called by application tasks)places messages into a queue.The latter(called by the interface task)checks to see if there are any outstanding message transmission requests,transmitting if there are.The ring interface task(type ringfacetask)loops,each time waiting for the token to arrive(using got tok).When it does,it checks to see if there are any outstanding message transmission requests.

On each node in the system an object of type ringface is instantiated.Also,a processor is declared(e.g.ringproc1)on which a task of type ringfacetask is instantiated(i.e.simulating an intelligent network interface processor).A second

557 n.c.audsley et al.

Figure10.Token ring implementation

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processor is declared on each node to act as an applications processor.Tasks resident on this processor send messages to other such tasks on the other nodes in the system.Delays(i.e.token rotation)across the network are modelled by assuming that if no messages are to be sent by a node when holding the token,the time for the token to arrive at the next node is3time units;if a message is sent(as well as the token)122time units are required.

In1,node2 and node3)connected via a token ring are given,although only node1and node2are shown in the Figure.The Figure shows the token passing(in the form of a message)from ringface1to ringface2(and subsequently onto ringface3) with the other tasks on the nodes executing and placing messages into the transmit queue.Messages are shown arriving at a task by an arrow below the timeline; messages sent by a task appear as arrows above(e.g.ringface1receives a message at time1,sends a message at time3).

Application simulation:the mine drainage case study

An oft-cited example of a hard real-time system(it contains many characteristics that typify hard real-time systems)is the software necessary to manage a pump control system in a mining environment.

Figure11.STRESS display of token ring simulation

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559 In

Figure12.Mine pump implementation

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The sensor detecting high methane levels is modelled as sporadic task interrupt. This sends a message which causes the interrupt handler to execute(the sporadic task handler is triggered by a message arriving in the mailbox handler start),which sets the status of the methane level and turns off the pump.A periodic task (ch4sensor)executes to simulate the methane level falling back to a safe level. The task pump control turns on the pump if the water level is high(if the methane level is not high);turning off the pump if the water level is low.The water level is set by the task water level.


sensor executing a critical region(i.e.method environment::get status).By priority inheritance resource control,sensor executes the remainder of its critical region,freeing the resource and permitting handler to execute to completion. The tasks water level and pump control can be seen to execute periodically.

The simulation of the mine pump drainage application has enabled the design of the system to be validated formally,by feasibility analysis of the STRESS program, and informally via the display of the simulation,noting that no deadlines are missed. Modi?cations to the system could be made based upon the behaviour seen in

control and the water level tasks could be reduced to change the frequency of pump control.

Figure13.STRESS display of mine pump simulation


n.c.audsley et al.

New scheduler design:dual priority pre-emptive

The dual priority pre-emptive scheduling approach was developed using the STRESS environment.

priority scheduler.The scheduler task executes every tick,changing the priorities of application tasks at?xed points within their execution.For example,task2commences execution at priority6,but10time units after each release of the task,the effective priority of the task(effpri)is changed to4.

The results of simulating the STRESS program in

3commences execution with a lower priority than task1and is pre-empted by the latter task at time16.However,at time17the priority of task3 changes to be higher than task1and so pre-empts the latter task and executes to completion.It is noted that if the tasks had only one?xed priority then some task deadlines would be missed.

Figure14.Dual priority scheduler

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Figure15.STRESS display of dual priority scheduler


The STRESS simulator provides a?exible environment in which various scheduling and resource management algorithms can be evaluated and tested.It also provides a means of evaluating and testing task sets and kernel implementations corresponding to actual applications.The combination of a?exible simulated architecture and a simple but fairly powerful programming language allows its application to a wide range of target architectures and systems.The?exibility of STRESS has been shown, illustrated by the development of new feasibility theory for token ring networks, modelling of a standard real-time application and the development of a new schedul-ing policy(dual priority).This?exibility is not available in the other simulators discussed previously.


小说鉴赏方法: 小说的鉴赏必须要注意三点:(1)要了解小说所反映的社会背景,作者写作、 发表时的社会背景及作者的写作意图,在此基础上,领会小说所揭示的主题思想; (2)要认真分析人物形象,通过对有关描写方法的研究,剖析人物形象,理 解典型环境中的典型性格,从而深入领会小说的思想与艺术; (3)要研究小说的故事情节、线索、结构就是怎样为塑造形象、表达主题服 务 的。 第一、分析典型人物 分析人物可从以下几个方面入手 ①注意人物外貌特征的描写。如祥林嫂的外貌。 ②注意人物语言的个性化。如鲁四老爷的个性化语言,就反映出她伪善、冷酷、自私的性格特征。 ③注意人物的行动描写。如药里刽子手康大叔卖人血馒头的一系列动作,就刻画出她凶残、贪婪的丑恶形象。 ④注意人物的心理描写。如项链中对玛蒂尔德大段心理描写,就揭示了她小资产阶级的虚荣心。 ⑤刻画人物形象的方法。 第二、分析故事情节。

情节就是叙事性文学作品中所描写的事件及其发展变化的过程,它由一系列具 有矛盾冲突的具体事件组成。 分析故事情节可从以下几个方面入手: ①理清结构。小说的情节大体由开端、发展、高潮、结局几部分构成,可以据此划分层次。 ②寻找线索。线索就是情节发展中的脉胳,有时还就是矛盾冲突的焦点。通过寻找线索,有利于掌握情节,有时也有利于抓住小说的矛盾冲突,便于把握主题。 ③抓住场面。情节由场面组成。有的小说情节复杂,有的小说情节不连贯, 在这种情况下,抓住场面分析就可以不受情节、结构的限制,直接掌握作品的中心事件与主要矛盾。 第三、分析典型环境。 ①典型环境就是指文学作品中形成人物性格并驱使人物行动的生活场所,就 是一 定历史时代、社会现实及其发展趋势的具体体现。 ②典型环境就是指文艺作品中典型人物所生活的形成其性格并驱使其行动 的 特定环境。 典型环境主要就是社会环境,也包括自然环境。 分析典型环境从以下方面入手:

a rose for Emily 分析

A Rose for Emily 的评析(2010-06-21 23:49:34)转载▼ 标签:文化 威廉.福克纳和他的《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 摘要:福克纳把南方的历史和现实社会作为自己创作源泉而成为美国南方文学的代表。《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》通过爱米丽的爱情悲剧揭示了新旧秩序的斗争及没落贵族阶级的守旧心态,福克纳运用神秘、暗语、象征、时序颠倒等写作手法来揭示这一主题。 关键词:威廉·福克纳;献给爱米丽的玫瑰;南方小说 一、威廉·福克纳的南方情结 威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner,1897-1962)是美国文学史上久负盛名的作家之一,生于密西西比州一个在内战中失去财富和地位的没落的南方种植园家庭。福克纳的大多数作品都以美国南方为背景,强调南方主题和南方意识。在他19部长篇小说和75篇短篇小说中,绝大多数小说的故事都发生在他虚构的美国的约克纳帕塔法县(Yoknapatawpha county)和杰弗生镇。这些作品所展示的生活画卷 和人物形象构成了福克纳笔下的“约克纳帕塔法世系”。 “约克纳帕塔法世系”是以该县家族的兴衰、变迁为主题,故事所跨越的时间上起自印地安人与早期殖民者交往的岁月,止于第二次世界大战后,长约二百年。他的世系小说依南方家系人物的生活而展开,以南方浓郁的泥土气息伴随着因工业文明而带来的焦虑、惶惑、无奈,把一百多年来即从1800年到第二次世界大战之后社会发展过程中,南方人所独有的情感和心态通过独特的艺术方式展示出来,可谓一部“南方生活的史诗”。在这部史诗的字里行间,留下了作家的血与泪之痕:割不断爱恋南方古老精神的一片深情,可又抵御不了现代文明进程的必然性。正如福克纳所说:“我爱南方,也憎恨它。这里有些东西我本不喜欢。但是我生在这里,这是我的家。因此,我愿意继续维护它,即便是怀着憎恨。”这种矛盾恰好构成了福克纳情感意识及其小说世界的无穷魅力。结果,约克纳帕塔法县成了旧南方的象征,而福克纳也借此成功地表现了整个南方社会的历史和意识。 二、《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》暗示南方的腐朽没落 福克纳素以长篇小说著称于世,但其短篇小说,无论艺术构思、意境创造、人物塑造抑或语言风格、结构艺术等,均可与其长篇小说互论短长,而其最著名的短篇之一《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 A rose for Emily则对理解、研究福克纳的主要作品,即“约克纳帕塔法世系”具有十分重要的意义。在这篇小说中,作者以凝练的笔触、独特的结构成功地塑造了爱米丽·格里尔森Emily Grieson这个艺术典型。 《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》是福克纳1930年4月发表的被誉为最负盛名的短篇小说。故事发生在约克纳帕塔法县的杰弗生镇,小说分为五小部分,在这五个写作空间里,运用回忆来描写爱米丽·格里尔森(Emily Grieson)神秘的一生,讲述了一位被剥夺了与他人建立正常人际关系的妇女如何逃避现实以至于精神失常的故事,表现了新旧南方价值观念之间的冲突。爱米丽的个性冲突、所做所为源于她南方古老而辉煌的家庭背景,福克纳用神秘、暗语、象征等写作方法来揭示爱米丽是南方腐朽传统的象征。故事的叙述采用了时序颠倒的手法,这一手法不仅使小说结构奇突,情节跳跃,更为重要的是其具有深化主题思想的艺术功效。作者用这种手法打破时空界限,把过去和现在直接放在一起,在它们之间形成鲜明的对照,从而使读者深深地感到时代的变迁和传统价值观念的沦丧。 小说一开始就告诉读者爱米丽死了,全镇的人都去送丧。她的死象征着南方古老传统、价值观念、生活方式的彻底灭亡和消失。为展示新旧双方的矛盾和以爱米丽为代表的贵族阶级虽大势已去却拒不接受社会变革的心态,作者选取了一个极为典型的事件——纳税事件。


题王处士郊居 唐代 半依云渚半依山,爱此令人不欲还。负郭田园九八顷, 向阳茅屋两三间。寒松纵老风标在,野鹤虽饥饮啄闲。 一卧江村来早晚,著书盈帙鬓毛斑。 这是一首兰于:的诗 翻译 赏析 个人作品 主题 题材集中是白居易讽喻诗的艺术特色之一。他一般只选择最典型的一件事,突出一个主题,“一吟悲一事”,主题非常明确。为使主题更明确传达给读者,或诗题下加小序点明主题,或“卒章显其志”突出主题。其次,白诗的艺术特色还表现在刻画人物上,他能抓住人物的特征,用白描方法勾勒出鲜明生动的人物形象。但白诗的诗意并不浅显,他常以浅白之句寄托讽喻之意,取得怵目惊心的艺术效果。《轻肥》一诗描写了内臣、大夫、将军们赴会的气概和席上酒食的丰盛,结句却写道:“是岁江南旱,衢州人食人”,这是一幅多么惨烈的情景。

闲适诗和讽喻诗是白居易特别看重的两类诗作,二者都具有尚实、尚俗、务尽的特点,但在内容和情调上却很不相同。讽喻诗志在“兼济”,与社会政治紧相兰联,多写得意激气烈;闲适诗则意在“独善”,“知足保和,吟玩性情” ,仍而 表现出淡泊平和、闲逸悠然的情调。 白居易的闲适诗在后代有很大影响,其浅切平易的语言风格、淡泊悠闲的意绪情调,都曾屡屡为人称道,但相比之下,这些诗中所表现的那种退避政治、知足保和的“闲适”思想,以及归趋佛老、效法陶渊明的生活态度,因与后世文人的心理较为吺吅,所以影响更为深远。如白居易有“相争两蜗角,所得一牛毛”、“蜗 牛角上争何事,石火光中寄此身”的诗句,而“后之使蜗角事悉稽之”。即以宋人所取名号论,“醉翁、迂叟、东坡之名,皆出于白乐天诗云”。宋人周必大指出:“本朝苏文忠公不轻许可,独敬爱乐天,屡形诗篇。盖其文章皆主辞达,而忠厚好施,刚直尽言,与人有情,于物无着,大略相似。谪居黄州,始号东坡,其原必起于乐天忠州之作也。”凡此种种,都展示出白居易及其诗的影响轨迹。 诗歌理论 白居易的思想,综吅儒、佛、道三家,以儒家思想为主导。孟子说的“达则兼济天下,穷则独善其身”是他终生遵循的信条。其“兼济”之志,以儒家仁政为主,也包括黄老之说、管萧之术和申韩之法;其“独善”之心,则吸取了老庄的知足、齐物、逍遥观念和佛家的“解脱”思想。二者大致以白氏被贬江州司马为界。白居易不仅留下近三千首诗,还提出一整奖诗歌理论。他把诗比作果树,提出“根情、苗言、华声、实义”的观点,他认为“情”是诗歌的根本条件,“感人心者莫先乎情”,而情感的产生又是有感于事而系于时政。因此,诗歌创作不能离开现实,必须取材于现实生活中的各种事件,反映一个时代的社会政治状况。他继承了《诗经》以来的比兴美刺传统,重视诗歌的现实内容和社会作用。强调诗歌揭露、批评政治弊端的功能。他在诗歌表现方法上提出一系列原则。《与元九书》中他提出了著名的“文章吅为时而著,歌诗吅为事而作”的现实主义创作原则。

英语选修六课文翻译Unit5 The power of nature An exciting job的课文原文和翻译

AN EXCITING JOB I have the greatest job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never bored. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I don't mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth - the volcano. I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian V olcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago. My job is collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea, which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. Our work has saved many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their houses. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground. When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it


小说的基本常识 (一)小说的基本常识 1、小说是通过人物、情节和环境的具体描写来反映现实生活的一种文学体裁。人物、情节、环境是小说的三要素。 2、小说刻画人物形象的方法包括:语言描写、肖像描写、行动描写、心理描写和细节描写。 3、小说中的环境包括自然环境和社会环境。 4、小说的叙述方式包括顺叙、倒叙、插叙等。 (二)小说的特点 1、完整的故事情节 2、鲜明的人物形象 3、典型的环境 4、深刻的主题 5、精巧的构思 (三)高考命题要点 1.把握故事情节 2.揣摩人物形象 3.注意环境描写 4.概括主题内容 5.品味语言特色 6.分析写作技巧 一、小说情节的把握 把握好故事情节,是读懂小说的关键,是欣赏小说艺术特点的基础,也是整体感知文章的起点。命题者在为小说命题时,也必定以此为出发点,先从整体上设置理解文章内容的试题。 (一)高考中有关小说情节的命题指向 1、用一句话或简明的语句概括故事情节,或文中共写了哪几件事,请依次加以概括; 2、对某一情节的特点和作用进行分析; 3、对情节的高潮部分或结尾部分作用的理解; 4、小说在叙述故事情节过程中顺叙、倒叙、插叙等方法的使用; 5、哪一个情节最吸引你; 6、情节的合理性探究。(二)小说中情节的作用 1、交代人物活动的环境; 2、设置悬念,引起读者阅读的兴趣; 3、为后面的情节发展作铺垫或埋下伏笔; 4、照应前文; 5、线索或推动情节发展; 6、刻画人物性格; 7、表现主旨或深化主题。(三)情节安排的方式及作用 1、就全文来说有一波三折式。作用是引人入胜,扣人心弦,增强故事的戏剧性、可读性。 2、就开头结尾来说有首尾呼应式。作用是使结构紧密、完整。 3、就开头来说有倒叙式(把结局放到开头来写),如《祝福》,先写祥林嫂的死,然后再写祥林嫂是怎样一步步被封建礼教逼向死亡之地的。起到制造悬念的作用。 4、就结尾来说有戛然而止,留下空白式。此外,还有出人意料式、悲剧、喜剧式等。 5、贯穿情节的线索。可作线索的小说因素有:事、物、人、情、时间、空间,如《药》中的“人血馒头”、《故乡》中的“我”等。 (四)分析小说情节的入手方式: 1、抓住场面; 2、寻找线索; 3、理清小说的结构。 (五)分析小说情节时的注意事项 1、情节的发展变化是矛盾冲突发展的体现,分析小说的情节时必须抓住主要的矛盾冲突。 2、分析情节不是鉴赏小说的目的,而是手段,是为理解人物性格、把握小说主题服务的。所以,在分析情节的过程中,要随时注意体会它对人物性格的形成及对揭示小说主题的作用。 (六)情节安排的顺序及作用 1、顺叙:按时间(空间)顺序来写,情节发展脉络分明,层次清晰。


高考复习小说鉴赏有妙招课堂实录完美版 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

高考复习小说鉴赏有妙招课堂实录 导入新课: 我们知道,多年来,散文在高考语文文学作品阅读中占据老大哥的位置,但是随着高考命题逐渐呈现出多元化趋势,小说也开始来分得一杯羹。 生:没有。 师:但是山东省并非按兵不动,它也有动作。请看大屏幕: 08年的山东考试说明:“了解诗歌、散文、小说、戏剧等文学体裁的基本特征及主要手法.” 09年的山东考试说明:“了解小说、散文、诗歌、戏剧等文学体裁的基本特征及主要手法”。 师:大家看出门道了吗? 生:把小说放到了最前面。 师:这说明什么? 生:可能要考小说。 师:英雄所见略同。我也有同感。再加上09年山东省并没有考小说,这样看来明年似乎是非考不行了。但是我们不怕!我们今天的历史使命就是来解决这个问题的!今天我要教给大家两个鉴赏小说的妙招。等你掌握了这两个妙招,你肯定会这样想:真怕他明年不考小说! 那么现在我要考考大家,小说三要素是什么? 生:人物、情节、环境。 师:我这两个妙招就是针对三要素设置的,请看教学目标: 1、明确小说环境描写的作用。 2、学会抓住细节分析人物形象人物形象。 环境是人物活动的广阔的大舞台。我们先看环境。 请大家看学案第一部分,为大家设置了三段环境描写,先请大家齐读前两段祝福的开头和结尾,要求声音洪亮,读出感情。 师生共同研讨祝福的开头和结尾: 《祝福》开头: 旧历的年底毕竟最像年底,村镇上不必说,就在天空中也显出将到新年的气象来。灰白色的沉重的晚云中间时时发出闪光,接着一声钝响,是送灶的爆竹;近处燃放的可就更强烈了,震耳的大音还没有息,空气里已经散满了幽微的火药


“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections. The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house in Jefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Grierson’s home has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among eyesores.” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citizens of Jefferson felt about Emily: “When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant – a combined gardener and cook – had seen in at least ten years.” It is known around town that Emily Grierson has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black servant who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begin to tax her once again. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confronted on her tax evasion, Emily reminds them that she doesn't have to pay taxes in Jefferson and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before. In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Southern family. Mr. Grierson, Emily’s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and doesn't allow her to date. Emily is largely dependent upon her father, and is left foundering when he dies. After Mr. Grierson's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial. Section three introduces Emily’s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman from the north. Homer comes to Jefferson with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Grierson home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arsenic. The druggist asks what the arsenic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down until he looks away and gives her the arsenic. When Emily opens the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats." Citizens of Jefferson believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide since Homer has not yet proposed in the beginning of section four. The townspeople contact and invite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and then returns after the cousins leave Jefferson. After staying in Jefferson for one night, Homer is never seen again. After Homer’s disappearance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely seen outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.


小说鉴赏方法: 小说的鉴赏必须要注意三点:(1)要了解小说所反映的社会背景,作者写作、 发表时的社会背景及作者的写作意图,在此基础上,领会小说所揭示的主题思想; (2)要认真分析人物形象,通过对有关描写方法的研究,剖析人物形象,理解典型环境中的典型性格,从而深入领会小说的思想和艺术; (3)要研究小说的故事情节、线索、结构是怎样为塑造形象、表达主题服务的。 第一、分析典型人物 分析人物可从以下几个方面入手 ①注意人物外貌特征的描写。如祥林嫂的外貌。 ②注意人物语言的个性化。如鲁四老爷的个性化语言,就反映出他伪善、冷酷、自私的性格特征。 ③注意人物的行动描写。如药里刽子手康大叔卖人血馒头的一系列动作,就刻画出他凶残、贪婪的丑恶形象。 ④注意人物的心理描写。如项链中对玛蒂尔德大段心理描写,就揭示了她小资产阶级的虚荣心。 ⑤刻画人物形象的方法。 第二、分析故事情节。

情节是叙事性文学作品中所描写的事件及其发展变化的过程,它由一系列具 有矛盾冲突的具体事件组成。 分析故事情节可从以下几个方面入手: ①理清结构。小说的情节大体由开端、发展、高潮、结局几部分构成,可以据此划分层次。 ②寻找线索。线索是情节发展中的脉胳,有时还是矛盾冲突的焦点。通过寻找线索,有利于掌握情节,有时也有利于抓住小说的矛盾冲突,便于把握主题。 ③抓住场面。情节由场面组成。有的小说情节复杂,有的小说情节不连贯, 在这种情况下,抓住场面分析就可以不受情节、结构的限制,直接掌握作品的中心事件和主要矛盾。 第三、分析典型环境。 ①典型环境是指文学作品中形成人物性格并驱使人物行动的生活场所,是一 定历史时代、社会现实及其发展趋势的具体体现。 ②典型环境是指文艺作品中典型人物所生活的形成其性格并驱使其行动的 特定环境。 典型环境主要是社会环境,也包括自然环境。 分析典型环境从以下方面入手: 第四、分析小说的社会作用 小说的社会作用分为认识作用、教育作用、美感作用。


白居易讽喻诗中以植物为题诗 摘要:白居易曾将自己的诗歌分为讽喻、闲适、感伤和杂律四类。在 他的一百七十三首讽喻诗中,有一些是以植物为题材的诗歌。它们或 借植物来讽喻社会现状;或借植物喻古讽今;较多的则是以植物比喻 一类人。这些诗就艺术成就而言不算是上乘佳作,但它们给我们刻画 了当时形形色色的人物形象,是当时社会环境的一个缩影。 关键词:白居易讽喻诗植物 一、概述 白居易曾将自己的诗分成讽喻、闲适、感伤和杂律四大类。他给自己 的讽喻诗所下的概念,见于《与元九书》中:“自拾遗来,凡所适所感,关于美刺兴比者;又自武德讫元和,因事立题,题为新乐府者, 共一百五十首,谓之讽喻诗。”中国论文联盟编辑。 在白居易的一百七十三首讽喻诗中,有一部分是以植物为题目的。这 一类诗一共有二十三首。它们分别是:《云居寺孤桐》、《京兆府新 栽莲》、《白牡丹》、《紫藤》、《杏园中枣树》、《文柏床》、 《庐山桂》、《湓浦竹》、《东林寺白莲》、《答<桐花>》、《和<松树>》、《有木诗八首》、《涧底松》、《牡丹芳》、《隋堤柳》、 《草茫茫》。其中,《草茫茫》虽以植物为题,但只是以“草茫茫” 起兴,并非以之为题材。所以,在白居易的讽喻诗中,以植物为题材 的诗共有二十二首。在这二十二首诗中,以树为题材的有《云居寺孤桐》、《杏园中枣树》、《文柏床》、《庐山桂》、《湓浦竹》、 《和<松树>》、《有木诗八首》、《涧底松》、《隋堤柳》等十六首。剩下的六首则是以花藤为题。 二、分类 这二十二首诗,可以分为两类:一类以植物来讽喻一种社会现状;另 一类则是以植物来比喻一类人。

(一)以植物讽喻社会现状 以植物来讽喻社会现状的有两首——《牡丹芳》和《隋堤柳》。《牡 丹芳》从诗的开头到“浓姿贵彩信奇绝,杂卉乱花无比方。石竹金钱 何细碎,芙蓉芍药苦寻常”都是描写牡丹的国色天香;正因为如此,“遂使王公与卿士,游花冠盖日相望”;而这种现象,“三代以还文 胜质,人心重华不重实。重华直至牡丹芳,其来有渐非今日。”作者 所讽刺的,正是这种“重华不重实”的社会现状,他期望的是“少回 卿士爱花心,同似吾君忧稼穑”。民以食为天,农业是一个国家的根本,但是当时的上层社会却偏爱牡丹这种名贵花卉,且互相攀比;对 于农作物却毫不关心。诗中虽然有“元和天子忧农桑,恤下动天天降祥。去岁嘉禾生九穗,田中寂寞无人至。今年瑞麦分两岐,君心独喜 无人知”,但若不是皇室也对牡丹情有独钟,怎会有如此的社会影响。作者如此说,也只是为了能委婉地提出谏言,不要触了皇帝的逆鳞罢了。 《隋堤柳》和《牡丹芳》有所不同,与其说它是讽刺社会现状,不如 说是借古讽今。诗的最末句“后王何以鉴前王?请看隋堤亡国树”也 说明了这首诗的写作目的是借隋炀帝荒淫误国的旧事来告诫当朝皇帝 不要重蹈覆辙。试想,若是当时的皇帝在这方面做得很好,作者又何 必写下这首讽喻诗。所以说,它也从侧面反映了当时的社会状况,可 以与《牡丹芳》放在一类。 (二)以植物喻人 以植物来比喻人的则有二十首。根据这些植物所比喻的人的特征:贤者、小人和介于二者之间才干较为平庸的人,这些诗又可以分为三部分。 1.以植物喻贤者 以植物比喻贤者的诗有十一首:《云居寺孤桐》、《京兆府新栽莲》、《白牡丹》、《杏园中枣树》、《文柏床》、《庐山桂》、《湓浦竹》、《东林寺白莲》、《答<桐花>》、《和<松树>》、《涧底松》。


鉴赏小说的基本的方法 (一) 小说的基本常识 1、小说是通过人物、情节和环境的具体描写来反映现实生活的一种文学体裁。人物、情节、环境是小说的三要素。 2、小说刻画人物形象的方法包括:语言描写、肖像描写、行动描写、心理描写和细节描写。 3、小说中的环境包括自然环境和社会环境。 4、小说的叙述方式包括顺叙、倒叙、插叙等。 (二)小说的特点 1、完整的故事情节 2、鲜明的人物形象 3、典型的环境 4、深刻的主题 5、精巧的构思 (三)高考命题要点 1.把握故事情节 2.揣摩人物形象 3.注意环境描写 4.概括主题内容 5.品味语言特色 6.分析写作技巧 一、小说情节的把握 把握好故事情节,是读懂小说的关键,是欣赏小说艺术特点的基础,也是整体感知文章的起点。命题者在为小说命题时,也必定以此为出发点,先从整体上设置理解文章内容的试题。 (一)高考中有关小说情节的命题指向 1、用一句话或简明的语句概括故事情节,或文中共写了哪几件事,请依次加以概括; 2、对某一情节的特点和作用进行分析; 3、对情节的高潮部分或结尾部分作用的理解; 4、小说在叙述故事情节过程中顺叙、倒叙、插叙等方法的使用; 5、哪一个情节最吸引你; 6、情节的合理性探究。 (二)小说中情节的作用 1、交代人物活动的环境; 2、设置悬念,引起读者阅读的兴趣; 3、为后面的情节发展作铺垫或埋下伏笔; 4、照应前文; 5、线索或推动情节发展; 6、刻画人物性格; 7、表现主旨或深化主题。 (三)情节安排的方式及作用 1、就全文来说有一波三折式。作用是引人入胜,扣人心弦,增强故事的戏剧性、可读性。 2、就开头结尾来说有首尾呼应式。作用是使结构紧密、完整。 3、就开头来说有倒叙式(把结局放到开头来写),如《祝福》,先写祥林嫂的死,然后再写祥林嫂是怎样一步步被封建礼教逼向死亡之地的。起到制造悬念的作用。 4、就结尾来说有戛然而止,留下空白式。此外,还有出人意料式、悲剧、喜剧式等。 5、贯穿情节的线索。可作线索的小说因素有:事、物、人、情、时间、空间,如《药》中的“人血馒头”、《故乡》中的“我”等。 (四)分析小说情节的入手方式: 1、抓住场面; 2、寻找线索; 3、理清小说的结构。 (五)分析小说情节时的注意事项 1、情节的发展变化是矛盾冲突发展的体现,分析小说的情节时必须抓住主要的矛盾冲突。 2、分析情节不是鉴赏小说的目的,而是手段,是为理解人物性格、把握小说主题服务的。所以,在分析情节的过程中,要随时注意体会它对人物性格的形成及对揭示小说主题的作用。 (六)情节安排的顺序及作用


题遗爱寺前溪松 唐代 偃亚长松树,侵临小石溪。静将流水对,高共远峰齐。 翠盖烟笼密,花幢雪压低。与僧清影坐,借鹤稳枝栖。 笔写形难似,琴偷韵易迷。暑天风槭槭,晴夜露凄凄。 独契依为舍,闲行绕作蹊。栋梁君莫采,留著伴幽栖。 这是一首关于:的诗 翻译 赏析 个人作品 主题 题材集中是白居易讽喻诗的艺术特色之一。他一般只选择最典型的一件事,突出一个主题,“一吟悲一事”,主题非常明确。为使主题更明确传达给读者,或诗题下加小序点明主题,或“卒章显其志”突出主题。其次,白诗的艺术特色还表现在刻画人物上,他能抓住人物的特征,用白描方法勾勒出鲜明生动的人物形象。但白诗的诗意并不浅显,他常以浅白之句寄托讽喻之意,取得怵目惊心的艺术效果。《轻肥》一诗描写了内臣、大夫、将军们赴会的气概和席上酒食的丰盛,结句却写道:“是岁江南旱,衢州人食人”,这是一幅多么惨烈的情景。

闲适诗和讽喻诗是白居易特别看重的两类诗作,二者都具有尚实、尚俗、务尽的特点,但在内容和情调上却很不相同。讽喻诗志在“兼济”,与社会政治紧相关联,多写得意激气烈;闲适诗则意在“独善”,“知足保和,吟玩性情” ,从而 表现出淡泊平和、闲逸悠然的情调。 白居易的闲适诗在后代有很大影响,其浅切平易的语言风格、淡泊悠闲的意绪情调,都曾屡屡为人称道,但相比之下,这些诗中所表现的那种退避政治、知足保和的“闲适”思想,以及归趋佛老、效法陶渊明的生活态度,因与后世文人的心理较为吻合,所以影响更为深远。如白居易有“相争两蜗角,所得一牛毛”、“蜗 牛角上争何事,石火光中寄此身”的诗句,而“后之使蜗角事悉稽之”。即以宋人所取名号论,“醉翁、迂叟、东坡之名,皆出于白乐天诗云”。宋人周必大指出:“本朝苏文忠公不轻许可,独敬爱乐天,屡形诗篇。盖其文章皆主辞达,而忠厚好施,刚直尽言,与人有情,于物无着,大略相似。谪居黄州,始号东坡,其原必起于乐天忠州之作也。”凡此种种,都展示出白居易及其诗的影响轨迹。 诗歌理论 白居易的思想,综合儒、佛、道三家,以儒家思想为主导。孟子说的“达则兼济天下,穷则独善其身”是他终生遵循的信条。其“兼济”之志,以儒家仁政为主,也包括黄老之说、管萧之术和申韩之法;其“独善”之心,则吸取了老庄的知足、齐物、逍遥观念和佛家的“解脱”思想。二者大致以白氏被贬江州司马为界。白居易不仅留下近三千首诗,还提出一整套诗歌理论。他把诗比作果树,提出“根情、苗言、华声、实义”的观点,他认为“情”是诗歌的根本条件,“感人心者莫先乎情”,而情感的产生又是有感于事而系于时政。因此,诗歌创作不能离开现实,必须取材于现实生活中的各种事件,反映一个时代的社会政治状况。他继承了《诗经》以来的比兴美刺传统,重视诗歌的现实内容和社会作用。强调诗歌揭露、批评政治弊端的功能。他在诗歌表现方法上提出一系列原则。《与元九书》中他提出了著名的“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的现实主义创作原则。


八年级下学期全部长篇课文 Unit 1 3a P6 In ten years , I think I'll be a reporter . I'll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanfhai last year and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city . As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think I'll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don' like living alone. I'll have pets. I can't have an pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small . So in ten yers I'll have mny different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week I'll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend , I'll be able to dress more casully. I think I'll go to Hong Kong vacation , and one day I might even visit Australia. P8 Do you think you will have your own robot In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do most unpleasant jobs. Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. Scientist ae now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. Janpanese companies have already made robts walk and dance. This kond of roots will also be fun to watch. But robot scientist James White disagrees. He thinks that it will be difficult fo a robot to do the same rhings as a person. For example, it's easy for a child to wake up and know where he or she is. Mr White thinks that robots won't be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think thast robots will be able t walk to people in 25 to 50tars. Robots scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people . For example, there are already robots working in factories . These robots look more like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such as jobs and would get bored. But robots will never bored. In the futhre, there will be more robots everwhere, and humans will have less work to do. New robots will have different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like snakes. After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possibe now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed


is divided into five secti ons. A Rose for Emily The first sect ion ope ns with a descripti on of the Griers on house in Jeffers on. The n arrator men ti ons that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Griers on ' s home has fall into disrepair and become “ an eyesore among eyesores. ” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citize ns of Jeffers on felt about Emily: “ When Miss Emily Griers on died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the wome n mostly out of curiosity to see the in side of her house, which no one save an old man serva nt -a comb ined garde ner and cook - had see n in at least ten years. It is known around tow n that Emily Griers on has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black serva nt who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begi n to tax her once aga in. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confron ted on her tax evasi on, Emily reminds them that she does n't have to pay taxes in Jeffers on and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before. In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Souther n family. Mr. Griers on, Emily ' s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and does n't allow her to date. Emily is largely depe nden t upon her father, and is left foun deri ng whe n he dies. After Mr. Griers on's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial. Section three introduces Emily ' s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman fronthe north. Homer comes to Jeffers on with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Griers on home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arse nic. The druggist asks what the arse nic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down un til he looks away and gives her the arse nic. When Emily ope ns the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats." Citize ns of Jeffers on believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide si nce Homer has not yet proposed in the beg inning of sect ion four. The tow nspeople con tact and in vite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and then retur ns after the cous ins leave Jeffers on. After stay ing in Jeffers on for one ni ght, Homer is never seen again. After Homer ' s disappearance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely see n outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.

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