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外贸跟单实务(第二版)课后习题答案 项目四

外贸跟单实务(第二版)课后习题答案 项目四
外贸跟单实务(第二版)课后习题答案 项目四


外贸单证实务复习题 一、名词解释 1、跟单托收:p71 2、跟单信用证:p50 3、出口货物报关单:p81p91 4、承兑交单:p73 5、出口押汇:p83 6、p186商业汇票: 7、原产地证书:p173 8、背书 二、选择题20 1、国际货物买卖的支付方式中,属于银行信用的是:()p49 (3)信用证 2、如果信用证规定:Certificate of Origin issued by International Chamber of Commerce,则该证书在我国的出具人为:p50 (2)贸促会 3、除卖方要办理保险和支付保费外,下述两个术语买卖双方其他义务完全相同。b b. CIP CPT 承运人接受托运人的委托,明确表示已经承载的单据是:p126 、4 (4)装货单 5、远期付款交单方式下,若货物先到而付款期限未到,买方可按下述方式提货:()p72 b. D/P T/R 买卖合同规定D/P见票后45天付款,代收行于4月25日向进口商提示汇、6票并由进口商承兑,则进口商人的实际付款日为:p72 (2)6月9日 7、A公司向B公司出口货物一批,B通过C银行开给A银行一不可撤消即期信用证。当A于货物装船后,持全套货运单据向银行办理议付时,B公司倒闭,问:p51 (2). C仍应承担付款责任 8、L/C规定:Time of shipment on or about June 20 2003,则可以在下述时间装运:()。P68(3). June 15---June 25; 9、出口人出口后将货运单据送交银行委托银行办理托收时,必须填写的单据是:()。P73 (3). 托收申请 10、根据政府间双边协议对出口货物实行配额管理称为:p43 (2)被动配额 11、对于大批量交易的散装货,因较难掌握商品的数量,通常在合同中规定: (2)溢短装条款 12、经过背书可以转让的海运提单是( D )D指示提单 13 国外客户要求我国出口方提供“GSP产地证”,该证书的签发机构是:( D ) D出入境检验检疫局 14 付款赎单是指( ABC )。 A、议付行对卖方的单据支付对价、获得单据


项目二 小组讨论与自测练习案例三


6、项目二小组讨论与自测练习 小组讨论与自测练习: 1.原材料采购跟单训练: (1)采购单采购单编号:LU09005 2009 年 4 月 7 日 供应商:FAREAST ELECTRIC CO.,LTD 请供应以下产品:

1.交货日期:2009年6月8日 2.交货地点:香港、法国 3.包装条件:每一件装一个塑料袋和内盒,12个装一箱,标准出口纸箱一定要坚固。所有的内盒、外箱和塑料袋都要印上可循环标志。 4.付款方式:在2009,4,16之前汇出B/L副本传真金额的20%为定金。5.不合格产品处理:依据索赔。 6.如因交货误期、规格不符、质量不符合要求造成本公司的损失,卖方负赔偿责任。 7.如卖方未能按期交货,逾期天时,本公司有权自行取消采购单或对卖方罚款元/每天。卖方必须赔偿本公司因此蒙受的一切损失。 8.其他; 9.开户行:帐号: 地址:联系电话: 传真:联系人: (2) (3)吊牌上必需经检查后盖章,不要印刷,圆章的直径必需为1厘米。吊牌上的价格必需用粗体字并清晰可读。在生产前必需寄给本公司确认。 2.(1) 生产通知单

(2)月度生产计划表 (3)由题可知,到29日只生产出6620件,还少7780件,而每天只能生产出350件,所以还需23天来生产,但由于1月30号要准备交货,所以最好在20号左右生产完毕,所以作了如下安排:除了星期一至五的正常上班外,在29号后的每个星期六日都得加班,直到1月21日将货物完成生产。 7、项目二自测练习项目 模块一 项目二自测练习项目 一、单项选择


第二章 I. 1.A/B 2.C 3.D 4.A/D 5.D 6.A/B/C/D 7. B/D8.B/C/D 9B/C10.A/B/C/D III. intention,interested in,view,suitable,grateful,have,together with,appreciate, as,suppliers IV. 1.We have been informed by Jameson Garments(Vancouver)Ltd.that y ou are one of the leading exporters of textiles in Hangzhou and that you wish to extend business to our market. 2.We would like to have your lowest quotations for the captioned goods on th e terms and conditions listed below: 3.Please send me some further information on the features and costs of the Ver nard line of Ultrasonic equipment,which you recently advertised in Electronics magazine. 4.We are interested in importing Chinese furniture and would be pleased to rec eive a copy of your latest catalogue,price list and export terms. 5.We would be grateful if you would send us a comprehensive price list,toget her


外贸单证实务试卷(三) 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分) 1.所谓象征性交货是指卖方的交货义务为 ( )。 A.不交货 B.既交单又实际交货 C.凭单交货 D.实际性交货 2.以CIF价格术语成交的合同,货物运输保险由卖方办理,所以货物在装运前所产生的损坏应由( )承担。 A.卖方和买方 B.卖方 C.买方 D.保险公司 3.以CIF价格术语成交的合同,出口货物运输和出口货物运输保险应由()。 A.卖方和买方办理 B.均由卖方办理 C.均由买方办理 D.买方和卖方办理 4.下列出口商品单价的正确表示是()。 A.每件250美元 B.每件250美元CIF日本 C.每件250美元CIF广州 D.每件250美元FOB德国 5.支付给中间商的酬金叫()。 A.预付款 B.折扣 C.佣金 D.定金 6.国际贸易中使用的票据主要有汇票、本票和支票,其中()使用最多。 A.汇票 B.本票 C.支票 D.汇票和本票 7.出票人签发支票时,应在付款银行存有不低于票面金额的存款。如果存款低于票面金额,这种支票称之为()。 A.空头支票 B.划线支票 C.现金支票 D.转账支票 8.国际贸易的货款结算可以采用多种支付方式,其中建立在银行信用基础上的方式有( )。 A.电汇 B.票汇 C.托收 D.信用证 9.汇票的收款人有三种填写方式,根据我国票据法的规定,其中凡签发()的汇票无效。 A. 限制性抬头 B. 指示性抬头 C.持票人或来人抬头 D. 记名抬头 10.承兑是指汇票付款人承诺对远期汇票承担到期付款责任的行为。我国票据法规定,自收到提示承兑汇票之日起()内,付款人须做出承兑。 A. 3日 B. 4日 C. 5日 D. 6日 11.可转让信用证必须由开证行在证中注明“可转让”字样,其可转让()。 A.1次 B. 2次 C. 3次 D. 4次 12.如果信用证没有规定最晚交单期,一般为装期后()。 A.10天 B. 15天 C. 20天 D. 21天 13.出口商须填写(),委托货代向船运公司办理租船订舱手续。 A.海运货物运输合同 B.海运货物委托书 C.装运单 D.装货单


《外贸跟单实务》课程期末试卷及答案 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分) 1、外箱用双瓦楞纸板箱,其毛重一般不超过()。 A、25KG B、24KG C、20KG D、15KG 2、国际体系认证主要有质量管理体系认证、环境管理体系认证和社会责任管理系统认证,其中环境管理体系认证是()。 A、ISO9000 B、ISO14000 C、SA8000 D、ISO9002 3、凡经买方确认的样品被纳入合同条款,其是()。 A、确认样 B、成交样 C、产前样 D、回样 4、企业财务审计报表中,表明企业财务会计报表可靠性较高的是()。 A、无保留意见审计报告 B、拒绝表示意见审计报告 C、否定意见审计报告 D、保留意见审计报告 5、如果信用证没有规定最晚交单期,则最晚交单期一般为装船后()。 A、10天 B、15天 C、20天 D、21天 6、跟单员跟踪采购单的最后环节是()。 A、跟踪原材料生产加工 B、跟踪原材料 C、跟踪加工过程 D、跟踪包装入库 7、瓦楞纸板有各种瓦楞形状,其中()能适应大多数瓦楞包装的要求,使用较为普遍。 A、U形 B、V形 C、UV形 D、VV形 8、发票唛头应按信用证或合同规定的填制,如没有唛头,则填写()。 A、N/M B、NO C、YES D、不填 9、提单中的收货人栏内有三种填法,在国际贸易事务中使用较普遍的是()。 A、不记名提单 B、记名提单 C、指示提单 D、来人提单

10、交易额趋于稳定的时期是()。 A、导入期 B、成长期 C、成熟期 D、衰退期 二、多选题(每小题2分,共30分) 1、根据外贸跟单业务的进程,可分为()。 A、前程跟单 B、中程跟单 C、进出口贸易跟单 D、全程跟单 2、样品的作用是()。 A、产品品质的代表 B、交货和索赔的依据 C、定价的基础 D、生产企业形象的代表 3、样品跟单应注意的事项主要有()。 A、成交样必须具有代表性 B、合理规定样品制作费 C、辅助生产过程 D、及时发出样品通知 4、通知行主要审核信用证的内容是()。 A、开证行资信能力 B、开证行索汇路线 C、开证行付款责任 D、进口企业的形象 5、随着国际市场竞争的加剧,消费者对销售包装的要求越来越高,其主要表现为()。 A、便于消费者识别 B、便于陈列和经销 C、便于携带和使用 D、便于运输和储存 6、跟单员的基本素质包括()。 A、职业道德素质 B、能力素质 C、知识素质 D、管理素质 7、以下属于合同成立要件的包括()。


外贸函电翻译参考答案 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-

Lesson 2 1. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce to you as a foreign-invested corporation specializing in arts and crafts. 2. We want to acquaint ourselves with the supply position of steel products。 3 We are enclosing a cope of pricelist. have 28 distributors across the world. 5. We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you. Lesson 3 are a dealer in Egypt.。 2. I have?2 years of?follow-up purchase orders and shipping experience 3. We have pictures of sports shoes selling well in UK. 4. We are sending some samples and brochures under separate cover for your reference. 5. We are interested in the electric appliance in your sample. Please kindly send your quotations to us. 6. We’d like to inform that you’ll find our new products are at Stand 16. Lesson 4 1. We are looking for a reliable supplier who can provide us the laptop. 2. I would like to buy computers and computer parts. Please send me a detailed pricelist with min. Order and shipping costs.


乌鲁木齐职业大学 2010—2011学年第二学期期末考试试卷 课程 外贸单证实务 出卷人 崔道忠 A ●卷 B ○卷 院(系)部___________专业班级 姓名 _ 学号 一、名词解释 (本题共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分) 1、单证员 2、议付信用证 3、倒签提单 4、最终目的国 5、出口退税 二、单项选择题 (本题共 5小题,每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 1、在备注栏中注明“非一批一证”的进口许可证,在有效期内可使用( )。

A、6次 B、12次 C、8次 D、无次数限制 2、在以下信用证的分类中,对于出口商而言,最为有利的是()。 A、跟单信用证 B、即期信用证 C、不可撤销保兑信用证 D、保兑信用证 3、下列国家和地区中,不要求提供海关发票的是()。 A、美国 B、加拿大 C、巴西 D、英国 4、下列险别中,不属于一般附加险的是()。 A、提货不着险 B、串味险 C、淡水雨淋险 D、交货不到险 5、30000瑞士法郎的运保费总价应填报为()。 B、305/30000/3 C、30000/305/3 D、331/30000/3 三、多项选择题(本题共 5小题 ,每小题 3 分,共 15 分) 1、在下列单证的分类中,属于资金单据的是()。 A、发票 B、汇票 C、本票 D、支票 2、下列属于信用证的基本当事人的是()。 A、开证申请人 B、开证行 C、通知行 D、议付行 3、下列属于采用普惠制产地证明书必须遵循的原则的是()。 A、非歧视性原则 B、产地原则 C、普遍性原则 D、非互惠性原则 4、一份报关单中只允许填报一项的内容是()。 A、备案号 B、运输工具名称 C、贸易方式 D、征免方式 5、下列属于出口退税货物所必须满足的条件的是()。 A、已缴纳增值税或消费税的货物 B、经出口报关离境的货物 D、提供退税机关规定的单据 四、判断题(请在你认为正确的题目后面括号内填写A,认为错误的后面括号内 填写B,判断错误不得分,本题共 5小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 1、美国是最早进行简化单据工作的国家,并在1957年创造了一种“套合式”一致的单据形式()。 2、汇付制度属于一种商业信用,在采用汇付进行预期付款时,卖方处于不利地位()。 3、对开信用证又称转开信用证,是指受益人要求原证的通知行或其他银行以原证为基础,另开一张内容相似的新信用证()。 4、形式发票不是表示债务的单证,一般不能用于托收项下的货款结算,但可以作为信用证项下的议付单据()。


外贸跟单员《外贸跟单操作实务(含英语)》模拟试题及详解(一) 一、出口跟单操作题(共计80分) 根据以下业务背景资料,回答相关问题。 广东飞象电器制造有限公司(以下简称“飞象电器”)是一家专业从事家用电烤箱(属于法定检验商品)生产的厂家。2011年5月5日,德国GEO(以下简称GEO)经过实地考察和筛选,向飞象电器下达了采购单,内容如下。飞象电器指派外贸跟单员王力具体负责该采购单的跟进,请你以王力的身份完成跟单任务。 GEO INTER INTERNATONAL IMTEED 110—112MURPHY STREET RICHMOND3121Hamburg.GERMANY Tel:0049(40)4295578Fax:0049(40)4295476 Purchase Order Seller:Feixiang Electric Manufacture Co.,Ltd. Xiaoshu Town.Zhongshang,Guangdong,China52840 Direct Tel No.:+8676063308157Direct Fax No.:+8676063308187 Email:wll23@https://www.doczj.com/doc/861924082.html, Attn.:WANGLL From:JOHN Po.No.:GE01133D Date:07MAY,2011 Port of Destination:Hamburg,GERMANY 1.Description of Goods:

2.Packing: 3.Shipment: 2800PCS of JZ002not later than l0JUNE,2011 3000PCS of JZ005not later than l0JULY,2011 Delivery Time 3200PCS of JZ002&3000PCS of JZ005before l0AUGUST,2011 Container Shipped by20’or40’container,LCL not allowed Type


Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations & Inquiring Credit Reference I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you, in the hoping of establishing business relations. 2. We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. 3. We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing. 4. We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present. 5. For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. II. Write a letter Dear Sirs, We have obtained your name and address from the Commercial Counsel of your Embassy in Beijing and are pleased to write to establish business relations with you. We are informed that you are in the market for Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, and this item falls with the scope of our business activities. To acquaint you with our goods available for export, we are enclosing a catalogue and price list. We are looking forward to your early reply. Faithfully yours, Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Please quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, including our 3% commission. 2. Should your price be found competitive, we intend to place an order with you for 300,000 yards of Cotton Cloth. 3. One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your country. Please offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April.


《外贸单证》课程考试试卷 2007 —2008 学年第二学期期末考试试卷(A卷)年级:专业:学号:姓名: 考试科目:《外贸单证》考试形式:闭卷 出卷教师签名:教研组长签名: 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 阅卷人签名 题分 17 20 15 24 4 10 10

100 得分 考生注意事项:1、本试卷共 3 页,请查看试卷中是否有缺页或破损。如有立即举手报告以便更换。 2、考试结束后,考生不得将试卷、答题纸和草稿纸带出考场。 单项选择题(每小题1分,共17分) 1.收到国外来证两份,(1)棉布10万码,每码0.40美元,信用证总金额42,000美元;(2)服装1,000套,每套20元,信用证总金额21,000美元。据此,两证出运的最高数量和金额可分别掌握为() A.棉布100,000码,40,000美元;服装1,000套,20,000美元 B.棉布105,000码,42,000美元;服装1,050套,21,000美元 C.棉布105,000码,42,000美元;服装1,000套,20,000美元 D.棉布100,000码,40,000美元;服装1,050套,21,000美元 2.在国际商务单据的分类中,商业单据通常是指() A.商业发票、装箱单和GSP产地证明书等B.商业汇票、重量单和保险单等C.商业发票、装箱单和商业汇票等 D.商业发票、重量单和装箱单等 3.青岛某公司向朝鲜平壤某公司售出一批水果,采用DAF术语、铁路运输。DAF术语后应列明() A.青岛B.丹东(我国国境站)C.新义州(朝鲜国境站) D.平壤4.出口业务中,国外客户往往要出口方提供“GSP”产地证“。在我国这种证书的签发机构是() A.商会 B.行业公会 C.贸促会 D.出入境检验检疫局 5.根据《UCP500》,信用证中货物的数量规定有“约”、“大约”、“近似”或类似意义的词语时,应理解为其有关数量增减幅度不超过() A.3% B.5% C.10% D.15% 6.卖方必须在合同规定的期间,在指定装货港,将货物交至买方指定的船上,并负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。这样情况的术语应是() A.DES B.FAS C.FOB D.CIF 7.货物的外包装上有一只酒杯,这种标志属于() A.危险性标志B.指示性标志C.警告性标志 D.易燃性标志


销售合同SALES CONTRACT 卖方SELLER:世格国际贸易有限公司 DESUN TRADING CO.,LTD 29TH FLOOR KINGSTAR MANSION,623JINLIN RD., SHANGHAI CHINA 编号NO.: SHDS03027 日期DATE: April 3,2001 地点SIGNED IN: SHANGHAI 买方 BUYER:NEO GENERAL TRADING CO #362 JALAN STREET, TORONTO, CANADA 买卖双方同意以下条款达成交易: This contract Is made by and agreed between the BUYER and SELLER , in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below. 允许With 溢短装,由卖方决定 More or less of shipment allowed at the sellers’ option 5. 总值 Total Value USD46980 6. 包装Packing CARTON PACKAGING DS2201 INSTALLED 2 SETS OF EACH , ONE SET OF EACH LOADED DS1151, DS4504,DS5120,A TOTAL OF 1639 BOXEX 7. 唛头 Shipping Marks CUSTOMER NOTICE BEFORE SHIPMENT 8. 装运期及运输方式 Time of Shipment & means of Transportation SHIPMENT PERIOD OF APRIL 2001,ALLOWING PARTIAL SHIPMENT AND TRANSSHIPMENT 9. 装运港及目的地 Port of Loading & Destination SHANGHAI&TORONTO 10. 保险Insurance TO BE COVERED BY THE BUYER WITH THE PICC AT 110% OF TOTAL C.I.F. INVOICE VALUE AGAINST W.P.A. AND CLASH&BREAKAGE RISK AND WAR RISK OF THE PEOPLE’S INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHINA


外贸单证实务期末考 试题

考试须知:1、监考教师将本考试题分发到各学生机; 2、请各位同学将本考试题另存为以自己姓名命名的word文件,如“张三”; 3、第一大题在第4页横线上用中文文字作答; 4、第二大题请首先新建以自己姓名命名的excel 文件,如“张三”。然后按题意制作英文商业发 票和装箱单据; 5、作答完毕后保存并提交到教师机,监考教师拷 贝到U盘。 外贸单证实务期末考试题 (考试时间:120分钟) 一、根据下面相关资料指出下列进口单据中错误的地方。 (24分) 请在横线上作答。 相关资料: 买方:QINGDAO ECONOMIC TRADE INT’L CO., LTD. NO. 19,ZHUZHOU ROAD, QINGDAO 卖方:VICTOR MACHINERY INDUSTRY CO., LTD. NO.338,BA DE STREET,SHU LIN CITY, TAIBEI TEL/FAX: 886-2-26689666/26809123 信用证对海运提单的要求: FULL SET(INCLUDING 3 ORIGINALS AND 3 NON-NEGOTIABLE COPIES) OF CLEAN ON BOARD OCEAN BILLS OD LADING MARKED “FREIGHT PREPAID” MADE OUT TO ORDER AND BLANK ENDORSED NOTIFYING APPLICANT WITH ITS FULL NAME AND ADDRESS. __________________________________________________


自测练习 1.课后训练项目 要求:1、审查外销合同Purchase order No:LU09005的交货要点; 货物描述,如品名、成分、规格、包装、颜色等。需要注意的是货物的品质问题,如果没有设定一个明确的标准,遇到纠纷时客户往往会被以品质不达标而还价,所以最好在备注里注明。 价格条款。一般平时常见的也就FOB、CFR和CIF,主要就是看运费和保险费用由哪一方承担和风险的划分等。 付款方式,常见的有T/T、L/C、D/P、D/A等,最常用的是T/T(电汇)和L/C(信用证)。 合同交货期限和交货地点,签订合同时尽量确定交货地点,并将货物的交货期限预计得准确些,时间太久情况可能有变,时间太短则不利于应付一些突发情况,由此造成逾期交货而产生违约,那就得不偿失了。 运输方式,一般有海运、空运、陆运、多式联运等,不同运输方式会产生不同的运输费用。 违约责任和解决争议的方法,这一项往往容易被忽略,其实在外销合同中尤其重要,比如一旦产生贸易纠纷,适用哪国法律会有很大的影响。 2、签订国内购销合同(给工厂下单),国内购销简易合同如下:

2、单项选择 1.B. 2.D.3.C.4.A.5. D. 3、多项选择 1. A B D 2.ABC 3 ABC 4 ABCD 5 ABC 4、判断题 1)√ 2)√ 3)√ 4)√ 5)X 5、简答题 1.外贸跟单员应具备主要能力 1)综合业务能力; 2)市场调研和预测能力; 3)推销能力; 4)语言文字能力和口头表达能力; 5)社交协调能力。 2.简述外贸跟单员的基本素质。 (一)职业素质 (二)能力素质 (三)知识素质 (四)管理素质 3.请写出外贸跟单的基本要求和流程。 1)较高的责任心 2)协调与沟通 3)跟单员的工作方式、工作节奏必须适应客户的要求 4)工作的综合复杂性 5)涉外性和保密性 (一)外贸公司跟单工作流程 外贸公司跟单工作包括选择生产企业、签订收购合同、筹备货物、进程跟踪、商检(客检)、订舱装船、制单结汇等几个步骤。 (二)生产企业跟单工作流程 具备对外进出口经营权的生产企业是我国外贸进出口的主体之一,随着我国加人WTO和外贸法的实施,具有外贸经营权的生产企业越来越多,许多国际买家也热衷于直接从这些生产企业采购商品。“工厂跟单”,实质上属于生产型企业的内部跟单。其一般流程包括:推销公司产品、签订外销合同、筹备货物、商检(客检)、订舱装船、制单结汇等几个步骤。


国际商务英语函电答案【篇一:世纪商务英语外贸函电(第二版)课后习题答案】 letter 1.at, of, with, in, for letter 2.from, into, with, of, to p40 https://www.doczj.com/doc/861924082.html,rming, interesting, dealing, sample, details, quality, prices, applied, items, inquiry unit 3 p55 letter 1.from, for, by, with, on letter 2.with, in, of, in, from p56 2.referring, established, cost, quality, opinion, responsibility, part, satisfied, information, decision unit 4 p71 letter 1. to, of, at, in, by letter 2.with, in, with, for, with p73 2.advertisement, leading, interested, details, dealers, line, market, replying, over, item unit 5 p88 letter 1.for, with, at, by, to letter 2.for, for, by, at, by/under p89 2.inquiring, quotation, receipt, subject, confirmation, discount, catalogue, brochure, separate, appreciate unit 6 p105 letter 1.of, on, in, with, to letter 2.of, in, by, for, at p106 2.offer, regret, price, sold, level, difference, transaction, counter-offer, samples, acceptance unit 7 p122 letter 1.to, of, of, in, for,


Lesson 2 1. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce to you as a foreign-invested corporation specializing in arts and crafts. 2. We want to acquaint ourselves with the supply position of steel products。 3 We are enclosing a cope of pricelist. have 28 distributors across the world. 5. We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you. Lesson 3 are a dealer in Egypt.。 2. I have?2 years of?follow-up purchase orders and shipping experience 3. We have pictures of sports shoes selling well in UK. 4. We are sending some samples and brochures under

separate cover for your reference. 5. We are interested in the electric appliance in your sample. Please kindly send your quotations to us. 6. We'd like to inform that you'll find our new products are at Stand 16. Lesson 4 1. We are looking for a reliable supplier who can provide us the laptop. 2. I would like to buy computers and computer parts. Please send me a detailed pricelist with min. Order and shipping costs. 3 Regarding the model we attached here, our target price is for our market. 4. We allow you a discount of 3% for quantity over 1000 pieces of the offered item. 5. As regards our financial standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. Lesson 5


外贸单证实务试卷(三)一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分) 1.所谓象征性交货是指卖方的交货义务为 ( )。 A.不交货 B.既交单又实际交货 C.凭单交货 D.实际性交货 2.以CIF价格术语成交的合同,货物运输保险由卖方办理,所以货物在装运前所产生的损坏应由( )承担。 A.卖方和买方 B.卖方 C.买方 D.保险公司 3.以CIF价格术语成交的合同,出口货物运输和出口货物运输保险应由()。 A.卖方和买方办理 B.均由卖方办理 C.均由买方办理 D.买方和卖方办理 4.下列出口商品单价的正确表示是()。 A.每件250美元 B.每件250美元CIF日本 C.每件250美元CIF广州 D.每件250美元FOB德国 5.支付给中间商的酬金叫()。

A.预付款 B.折扣 C.佣金 D.定金 6.国际贸易中使用的票据主要有汇票、本票和支票,其中()使用最多。 A.汇票 B.本票 C.支票 D.汇票和本票 7.出票人签发支票时,应在付款银行存有不低于票面金额的存款。如果存款低于票面金额,这种支票称之为()。 A.空头支票 B.划线支票 C.现金支票 D.转账支票 8.国际贸易的货款结算可以采用多种支付方式,其中建立在银行信用基础上的方式有( )。 A.电汇 B.票汇 C.托收 D.信用证 9.汇票的收款人有三种填写方式,根据我国票据法的规定,其中凡签发()的汇票无效。 A. 限制性抬头 B. 指示性抬头 C.持票人或来人抬头 D. 记名抬头

10.承兑是指汇票付款人承诺对远期汇票承担到期付款责任的行为。我国票据法规定,自收到提示承兑汇票之日起()内,付款人须做出承兑。 A. 3日 B. 4日 C. 5日 D. 6日 11.可转让信用证必须由开证行在证中注明“可转让”字样,其可转让()。 A.1次 B. 2次 C. 3次 D. 4次 12.如果信用证没有规定最晚交单期,一般为装期后()。 A.10天 B. 15天 C. 20天 D. 21天 13.出口商须填写(),委托货代向船运公司办理租船订舱手续。 A.海运货物运输合同 B.海运货物委托书 C.装运单 D.装货单 14.出口货物在港口装船后,由船长或大副签发收货单,船运公司凭收货单或通过货代向出口商签发()。 A.已装船海运提单 B.提单

外贸跟单实务 第三版 课后答案

项目三 1、68页小组讨论与自测练习 (1)第一步:因为订单数量为14400,在10001~35000之间。根据一般检验水平Ⅱ,查得样本量代码为M。第二步:在《GB2828一次正常抽检方案》中,由代码M所在行向右,在样本量栏内读出n=315,即需要抽检315 件衣服。 由代码M所在行与AQL值 1.0﹪所在列的交叉格中,读出【Ac,Re】为 【7,8】,所以MAJOR的【Ac,Re】为【7,8】。由代码M所在行与AQL值 4.0﹪所在列的交叉格中,读出【Ac,Re】为【21,22】,所以MINOR的 【Ac,Re】为【21,22】。 (2)因为MAJOR的【Ac,Re】为【7,8】,即当315件有7件及7件以下为不合格品,则为合格批;当315件有8件及8件以上为不合格品,则为不合 格批。所以不合格产品为5件时,能通过。 因为 MINOR的【Ac,Re】为【21,22】,即当315件有21件及21件以下为不合格品,则为合格批;当315件有22件及22件以上为不合格品,则为不合格批。所以不合格产品为15件时,能通过。 2、自测练习项目 自测练习项目(P68-69) 一.单项选择 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.D 二.多项选择 1.ABCD 2.ABC 3.ABC 4.ABCD 5.ABC 三.判断题 1.T 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 四.简答题 1.(1)及时将合同落实到具体企业生产 (2)协助生产管理者下达生产通知 (3)制定生产计划 2. (1). 现场品质控制,包括初中终三检的抽检等(2). 不良成本统计,也叫做质量损失(3). 不良率ppm的统计与计算(4). 测量仪器与检具的管理(5). 品质控制点的设立 3.(1)返工。返工后必须经过检验人员的复验确认; (2)返修。修复后必须经过复验确认;


选择题 第二单元:询价与回复 一:1.You name D. has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in New York.. 2. Our market survey informs us that you are A. in the market for Audio and Electronic Equipment. 3. We should be pleased to receive you’re A. illustrated catalogue and price list. 4. We are B. well-established exporters of all kinds of Chinese good. 5. If your price are competitive, we are confident D. in selling the goods in great quantities in this market. 6. We shall appreciate B. your quoting us FOB Sydney. 7. As we are one of the leading importers in this line, we are B. in a position to handle large quantities. 第三单元:资信调查 一:1.For information D. concerning our credit standing we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. 2. We should be grateful if you would say C. whether they are likely to be reliable for a credit up to USS20.000. 3. Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and A. without any responsibility on your part. 4. Will you please inform us, B. in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation? 5. D. While appreciating your decision to place regular orders with us, we respectfully request that you furnish us two references for the initial purchase. 第四单元:促销 1.(C、Having made)a special purchase of toys on very favorable terms, we are able to offer to you at the following attractive prices 2 we can only(A、hold open)this very advantageous offer for a few weeks.. 3 the recent advance in the cost of raw materials (B、has compelled)us to make a slight increase in the Prices 4 although costs have been (C、rising)steadily since last October , we have not yet (raised)our prices 5 (B、with a view to )supporting your sales, we are sending some samples of our new makes. 第五单元:报盘与还盘 1A comparison of your offer (A、with that of )our regular suppliers shows that their figures are more favorable. 2 If your prices are competitive, we are confident(D、in selling)the goods in great quantities in this market. 3 we confirm our fax just sent (A、offering you firm)these goods. 4 we offer you the following items(D、subject to)your reply reaching here by 4p.m today our time. 5 although we appreciate good quality of your goods, we are sorry to say that your prices appears to be(C、on the high side). 6 we trust that we may be (C、favored)with a continuance of your valued orders. 7 we hope that you will see your way to (B、grant)us your order, and assure you in advance of its most careful execution 8 not having heard from you since, we should be glad to know whether there is any disadvantage in our terms which we could (B、remove). 9 you are (C、assured)that we will quote our best prices as soon as we are told what products of ours you need. 10 in all probability this offer will not be (A、repeated)for some time, and we according look forward to receiving an early reply from you. 第六单元: 订单 一、Fill in the blanks with your choices 1.This order the sample you sent us on March 24.(A、is placed on) 2.We hope you will give your usual best attention this order.(B、to the execution of) 3.We have decided to place a trial order for the following stated in your letter.(B、on the terms) 4.we would like to supply you with the product, we are unable to fill your order owing to the heavy backlog of commitments. (B、Much as) 5.We must apologize you being unable to fill your present order.(D、To… for ) 6.We have accepted your Order No.234. Please open the relevant L/C,here two weeks prior to the date of shipment.(A、which must reach) 7.We are enclosing our latest catalogue some of the items may be of interest to you.(C、in the hope that) 8.The order is given strictly on the condition that shipment must be made not later than the first day of May.(B、enclosed) 第七单元:支付 一、单选 1.As requested, we have immediately arranged (A、with) our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks (up to) 10th March. 2.As arranged, we would ask you to open an irrevocable credit in (C、our) favor and shall hand over shipping documents (against) acceptance of our draft. 3.We inform you that we have opened an irrevocable credit (D、with) the London Bank in your favor. 4.We advised the bank to amend the clause (D、to read)“partial shipment are permitted”. 5.We enclose our cheque for US$ 200 (A、in payment of) your invoice No.D-124. 第九单元:保险 一:选择题 1: please insure the goods (A、against) F.P.A. for US 100,000. 注:against加险别for加保额 2: please effect insurance (D、on) the cargo for US50,000 by S.S.Bright from Tianjin to seattle. 3: we have opened insurance you ordered for US9,000 (D、on) the shipment by S.S.East sun. 4: we wish to renew the above policy (C、for) the same amount and (on)the same terms as before to cover our consignment to be shipped b s.s.bright next month. 5: as requester, we have covered insurance (on) 20,000 DVD players (at) 10% above the invoice value (against) all risks. 6: unless we hear from you (A、to) the contrary before the end of this month, we shall arrange to cover the goods against t p a for the value of the goods plus freight. 7: any additional coverage(险别)other (B、than) ISS shall be for the account of the buyer. 8: we confirm that we hold the consignment covered as (from) today. 9: we have arranged (A、for) surveyor to investigate the extent of the damage and shall forward his report together with our claim. 10: we understand that these terms will apply (C、to)all our shipments of bottled sherry by regular liners to west European ports. 完形填空 第二单元:Fill in each blank in the letter below with a word that fits naturally.

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