当前位置:文档之家› Comparison study on the battery models used for the energy management

Comparison study on the battery models used for the energy management

Comparison study on the battery models used for the energy management
Comparison study on the battery models used for the energy management

Comparison study on the battery models used for the energy management of batteries in electric vehicles

Hongwen He ?,Rui Xiong,Hongqiang Guo,Shuchun Li

National Engineering Laboratory for Electric Vehicles,School of Mechanical Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,South No.5Zhongguancun Street,Beijing 100081,China

a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:

Received 10February 2012

Received in revised form 8April 2012Accepted 17April 2012

Available online 24September 2012Keywords:

Battery models

Lithium-ion battery Electric vehicles Experiment

Battery management system

a b s t r a c t

Battery model plays an important role in the simulation of electric vehicles (EVs)and states estimation of the batteries in the development of the model-based battery management system.To build a battery model with enough precision and suitable complexity,?rstly this paper summarizes the seven represen-tative battery models,which belong to the simpli?ed electrochemical models or the equivalent circuit models.Then the model equations are built and the model parameters are identi?ed with an online parameter identi?cation method.The battery test bench is built and the experiment schedule is designed.Finally an evaluation is performed on the seven battery models by an experiment approach from the aspects of the estimation accuracy of the terminal voltages.To evaluate the effect of the number of RC networks on the model’s precision,the battery general equivalent circuit models (GECMs)with different RC networks are also discussed further.The results indicate the equivalent circuit model with two RC net-works,the DP model,has an optimal performance.

ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.


Energy is the basis of the human survival and development,it’s urgent to develop green energy and use the nonrenewable energy rationally.Since transportation consumes a large part of energy,to develop and apply the electric vehicles (EVs)is necessary in the way of green mobility [1–4].Power battery is the key component of EVs,which include battery electric vehicles (BEVs),hybrid elec-tric vehicles (HEVs)and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs).To ensure the power battery work safely and reliably,which is functioned by the battery management system (BMS)[5–7],the temperature,voltage,current of the batteries should be monitored and the states of the batteries should be estimated precisely in real time.However,it is hard to measure the states of batteries,like state of charge (SoC),state of health (SoH),state of function (SoF)directly for the complicated electrochemical process and various in?uence factors from the practice application,the estimation method based on battery models is used broadly and the battery model plays an important role [8–15].

Many battery models,which are lumped models with relatively few parameters,have been put forward especially for the purpose of vehicle power management control and battery management system development.The most commonly used models can be summarized as two kinds:the electrochemical models and the equivalent circuit models [9,15–21].The electrochemical models utilize a set of coupled non-linear differential equations to describe the pertinent transport,thermodynamic,and kinetic phenomena occurring in the cell.They are relatively straight forward to trans-late the distributions into easily measurable quantities such as cell current and voltage,and build a relationship between the micro-scopic quantities,such as electrode and interfacial microstructure and the fundamental electrochemical studies and cell performance [22].However,they typically deploy partial differential equations (PDEs)with a large number of unknown parameters,which often leads to a large memory requirement and a heavy computation burden,so the electrochemical battery models are not desirable for actual BMS (battery management system)[23]and the simpli-?ed electrochemical models,which ignore the thermodynamic and quantum effects,are proposed to simulate the electrochemical and voltage performance.The Shepherd model,the Unnewehr Universal model,the Nernst model and the Combined model are the typical representatives.The equivalent circuit battery models are devel-oped by using resistors,capacitors and voltage sources to form a circuit network.Typically,a big capacitor or an ideal voltage source is selected to describe the open-circuit voltage (OCV),the remain-der of the circuit simulates the battery’s internal resistance and relaxation effects such as dynamic terminal voltage.The Rint mod-el,the Thevenin model,the DP model and their revisions are widely used.

For the modeling and simulation of EVs and the development of the model-based BMS,the ?rst important thing is to select and build a suitable battery model.How to evaluate and get a compro-mise in the balance of complexity and accuracy of the battery

0196-8904/$-see front matter ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.https://www.doczj.com/doc/861475890.html,/10.1016/j.enconman.2012.04.014

Corresponding author.Tel./fax:+861068914842.

E-mail address:hwhebit@https://www.doczj.com/doc/861475890.html, (H.He).

model is one of the key technologies,and also the problem to be discussed and solved in this paper.

2.Battery models and parameters identi?cation method

2.1.The battery models

The equivalent circuits of the Rint model,the Thevenin model and the DP model are shown in Fig.1.The equations and features of the seven representative battery models mentioned before are summarized and listed in Table1.

Where U t is the terminal voltage;K0,K1,K2,K3,K4are constants chosen to make the model?t the data well;I L is the load current;R o is the internal resistance;z s is the abbreviation for SoC;U oc is the open-circuit voltage;R p is the equivalent polarization resistance and C p is the equivalent polarization capacitance to model the bat-tery relaxation effect during charging and discharging;U p is the voltages across C p;I p is the out?ow current of C p;R1,R2are the effective resistances and C1,C2are the effective capacitances used to model the polarization characteristic in more details;U1and U2 are the voltages across C1and C2respectively.

2.2.Model parameters’identi?cation

The models’parameters identi?ed by the traditional of?ine identi?cation method maybe exit errors inevitably which caused by internal and external factors such as battery operating environ-ment and aging,thus the accuracy will decrease.To solve these problems,we choose an online parameter identi?cation method instead based on the recursive least squares(RLSs)method with an optimal forgetting factor.

2.2.1.The recursive least squares method with an optimal forgetting factor

A model-based method can provide a cheap alternative in esti-mation or it can be used along with a sensor-based scheme to pro-vide some redundancy.The RLS method with an optimal forgetting factor(RLSF)has been widely used in estimation and tracking of time varying parameters in various?elds of engineering.Many successful implementations of RLSF-based adaptive control for time varying parameters estimation are available in the literature [26–28].

We would like to apply the RLSF method in the prediction of battery terminal voltages with an online parameters’identi?cation of the battery models.Consider a single input single output(SISO) process described by the general higher order auto-regressive exogenous(ARX)model:



?u k h ktn ke1Twhere y is the system output,which denotes the terminal voltage U t in this paper.u and h are the information vector and the unknown parameter vector respectively.The parameters in h can either be constant or subject to infrequent jumps.n is a stochastic noise var-iable(random variable with normal distribution and zero mean), and k denotes the sample interval,k=0,1,2,...


Battery models and key features.

Classi?cation Models Model equations and Features

Simpli?ed electrochemical battery models[9]1-Shepherd model U t=K0àR o I L+K1/z s

The model describes the electrochemical behavior of the battery directly in terms of voltage and current


Universal Model

U t=K0àR o I L+K2z s

The model simpli?es the Shepherd model and attempts to model the variation in resistance with respect to SoC 3-Nernst model U t=K0àR o I L+K3ln z s+K4ln(1àz s)

The model can be viewed as a modi?cations to the Shepherd model and uses exponential function with respect

to SoC

4-Combined model U t=K0àR o I L+K1/z s+K2z s+K3ln z s+K4ln(1àz s)

The model can be viewed as a combination of the previous three models to obtain the most accurate


Equivalent circuit battery models 5-Rint model[24]U t=U ocàI L R o

6-Thevenin model




?I L

C p

àU p

R p C p

U t?U/àU pàI L R o


The model connects a parallel RC network in series based on the Rint model,describing the dynamic

characteristics of the battery[25]

7-DP model[21]_U




tI L






tI L


U t?U/àU1àU2àI L R o




The model connects a parallel RC network in series based on the Thevenin model,in order to re?ne the

description of polarization characteristics and simulate the concentration polarization and the electrochemical

polarization separately which may leads to a more accurate performance

114H.He et al./Energy Conversion and Management64(2012)113–121

Then the system identi?cation is realized as follows [28].

K k ?P k à1u T

k k tu T k P k à1u k P k ?P k à1àK k u T k P k à1

k e k ?y k àu k ^h k à1^

h k ?^

h k à1tK k e k 8


where ^h k is the estimate of the parameter vector h k ;e k is the predic-tion error of the terminal voltage;K k is the algorithm gain and P k is the covariance matrix;the constant k is the forgetting factor,typi-cally k e [0.95,1]and is very important to obtain a good estimated parameter set with small error.


The simpli?ed electrochemical model in discrete form can be rewritten in the form of the ARX model,and then use the RLSF-based method to carry out parameter identi?cation.While for the equivalent circuit model,there need to get a discrete form of the dynamic equations ?rst,then use the RLSF-based method to carry out parameter identi?cation.

Considering the bilinear transformation method can keep the dynamic characteristics of the system well,we adopt this method to discretize the dynamic equations.

The electrical behavior equation shown in Table 1for the Thevenin model can be rewritten as follows in the frequency domain.

U t es T?U oc es TàI L es TR o t

R p

1tR p C p s


De?ne E t =U t àU oc ,the transfer function G (s )of Eq.(3)can be written as follows.

G es T?

E t es TI L es T?àR o àR p 1tR p C p s

?àR o tR p tR o R p C p s

1tR p C p s e4T

A bilinear transformation method shown in Eq.(5)is employed for the discretization calculation of Eq.(4)and the result is shown in Eq.(6).

s ?

2T s 1àz à11tz à1


where z is the discretization operator and T s is the sample interval.Herein,T s is 1s.

G ez à1


a 2ta 3z à1

1àa 1z à1



a 1?à1à2R p C p

1t2R p C p a 2?àR o tR p t2R o R p C p


2R p C p

a 3?àR o tR p à2R o R p C p

p p



Then the model parameters can be solved according to the uni-ted equations of a 1,a 2and a 3.Ref.[11]concludes the model’s parameters can be viewed as a constant value in limited sample intervals,then:


oc %0)U oc ;k %U oc ;k à1e8T

Similarly,the _R o %0holds since the sampling period is rela-tively small,and then,

U t ;k ?e1àa 1TU oc ;k ta 1U t ;k à1ta 2I L ;k ta 3I L ;k à1e9T

Similarly,the DP model can be discretized with the bilinear method,and then:

U t ;k ?e1àb 1àb 2TU oc ;k tb 1U t ;k à1tb 2U t ;k à2tb 3I L ;k

tb 4I L ;k à1tb 5I L ;k à2


where b 1,b 2,b 3,b 4and b 5are the coef?cient which contain model’s

parameters,and the detailed recursion solution equations for the above seven models are listed in Table 2.

Where u i ,k is the information matrix and h i ,k is the unknown parameter matrix of the i th model,i =1,2,3,...,7.3.Experiments and data sampling

In order to sample the measurement data from the sensors to perform the model parameters’identi?cation and the performance evaluation on the battery models,the battery test bench is built and the experiment schedule is designed.3.1.Battery test bench

The test bench is shown in Fig.2,which consists of a Digatron battery test system BNT 400-050,a thermal chamber for environ-ment control,a host computer and BTS-600interface for program-ming the BNT 400-050.The host computer is used for the real-time calculation of the model parameters.The BNT 400-050can charge/discharge a battery according to the designed program with max-imum voltage of 50V and maximum charge/discharge current of 400A,and its recorded data include current,voltage,temperature,accumulative amp–hours (A h)and watt–hours (W h),etc.The measured data is transmitted to the host computer through TCP/IP driven by BNT 400-050.The host computer has a low-pass ?ltering function to implement large noise cancellation [15].Furthermore,in order to improve the sampling precision of cell voltage,the Fluke 8846A multimeter,whose measurement accu-racy of DC voltage is up to 0.0024%with a 6.5digit resolution,has been applied for cell voltage measurement [29].A LiFePO 4cell with nominal voltage of 3.2V and nominal capacity of 10A h is selected as the test object.3.2.Battery test schedule

The battery is kept in the thermal chamber and the temperature is controlled within 20±5°C.The battery text schedule is designed

Table 2

The detailed recursive equations of the battery models.Battery models

Recursion equations 1-Shepherd model

y k ?U t ;k

u 1;k ??1àI L ;k 1=z s ;k h 1;k ??E 0;k R o ;k K 1;k T 8


2-Unnewehr Universal Model y k ?U t ;k

u 2;k ??1àI L ;k 1=z s ;k h 2;k ??E 0;k R o ;k K 2;k T 8


3-Nernst model

y k ?U t ;k

u 3;k ??1àI L ;k ln z s ;k ln e1àz s ;k T h 3;k ??E 0;k R o ;k K 3;k K 4;k T 8


4-Combined model

y k ?U t ;k

u 4;k ??1àI L ;k 1=z s ;k z s ;k ln z s ;k ln e1àz s ;k T h 4;k ??E 0;k R o ;k K 1;k K 2;k K 3;k K 4;k T 8


5-Rint model

y k ?U t ;k

u 5;k ??1I L ;k h 5;k ??U oc ;k àR o ;k T 8


6-Thevenin model

y k ?U t ;k

u 6;k ??1U t ;k à1I L ;k I L ;k à1 h 6;k ??e1àa 1TU oc ;k a 1a 2a 3 T 8


7-DP model

y k ?U t ;k

u 7;k à1??1U t ;k à1U t ;k à2I L ;k I L ;k à1I L ;k à2 h 7;k ??e1àb 1àb 2TU oc ;k b 1b 2b 3b 4b 5 T



H.He et al./Energy Conversion and Management 64(2012)113–121115

and shown in Fig.3,which includes a characteristic test and an aging cycle test followed.For the characteristic test,the available capacity test is based on the standard of[30]to measure the max-imum available https://www.doczj.com/doc/861475890.html,ually,the available capacity test is re-peated three times.If the error of the experiment results between the maximum and the average is within2%,the available capacity test is effective and the average value is taken as the actual maxi-mum available capacity;however,if the error is more than2%,the available capacity test should be repeated.The HPPC test is from the Battery Test Manual[31]and is the foundation of power bat-tery characteristic test and parameter identi?cation test,which achieves good results in off-line parameter identi?cation and is used widely.The Dynamic Stress Test(DST)and the Federal Urban Dynamic Schedule(FUDS)test are the commonly used test proce-dures of Digatron[32].The FUDS is a standard time-velocity pro?le for urban driving vehicles and has been widely used in the evalu-ation of model accuracy and SoC estimate of battery management system.For the driving-cycle testing of USABC batteries,a simpli-?ed version of the FUDS test is modi?ed into the Dynamic Stress Test(DST).For the FUDS test,the DST test and the HPPC test,the battery SOC is controlled in the range of0.25–1.0,0.2–1.0and 0–1.0respectively.

3.3.Data of the battery experiment

In this paper,the data collected in the characteristic test of a fresh cell are arranged for the model parameters’identi?cation and model evaluation.

For the LiFePO4cell,the available capacity test shows that its actual maximum available capacity is10.78A h,slightly higher than10A h of the nominal capacity.The HPPC test results are shown in Fig.4including a sample HPPC current curve,a sample HPPC voltage curve under SoC=0.8,the current pro?les,the volt-age pro?les and the SoC pro?les.The DST test results are shown in Fig.5including the current vs.time pro?les and the SoC vs.time pro?les.The FUDS test results are shown in Fig.6including the SoC pro?les and one sample current pro?le of one FUDS cycle.

Due to the hard determination of the exact SoC value,here we determine the initial SoC and the terminal SoC of the LiFePO4lith-ium-ion battery according to the de?nition of SoC with a standard charging experiment and a further standard discharging experi-ment after?nishing a test,so the initial SoC and the terminal SoC are accurate.The ampere–hour counting approach is used to calculate the SoC since it can keep track of the accurate SoC with an accurate initial SoC and a compensation of the coulombic ef?-ciency.We also improve the SoC accuracy with a revision method based on the accurate terminal SoC.Considering all the battery experiments are carried out in a temperature chamber;the SoC calculation method is feasible with an acceptable accuracy.

4.Evaluation and discussion on the battery models

To evaluate the battery models rationally and objectively,an evaluation method is built?rst.Then the performances of the seven battery models are compared by the RLSF-based method. And the effect of the different RC networks of the equivalent circuit models are also discussed by a comparison of the terminal voltage estimation accuracy.

4.1.Evaluation method

To evaluate the battery models well,the online voltage estima-tion is performed with the HPPC test,the DST test and the FUDS test.Further,a statistics of the voltage error is analyzed in the as-pects of the maximum,the minimum,the mean,the maximum of the RMSE(the root mean square error)and the mean of the RMSE. The voltage error denotes the difference between the experimental data and online estimated value.The RMSE denotes the deviation degree of the estimated value and the experimental value,which not only shows the present error,but also indicates the conver-gence of the estimation algorithm.

4.2.Evaluation analysis on the battery models

The evaluation results of the seven battery models under the HPPC test are shown in Fig.7,including the statistics results of the voltage errors,the statistics results of the RMSE,the voltage pro?les of model-based estimation with the representatives of the Shepherd model,the Nernst model,the DP model and the HPPC test.Fig.7a shows that6-Thenenin model and7-DP model have smaller voltage errors,the mean of the voltage error of the simpli-?ed electrochemical models are also small.For1-Shepherd model and3-Nernst model,the maximum of voltage errors or the absolute value of the minimum of voltage errors are bigger than others. Fig.7b shows that the RMSE of the seven models is less than 25mV and is within1%of the cell’s nominal voltage,that means the online parameter identi?cation method is effective.Just like the results of Fig.7b,6-Thevenin model and7-DP model have smal-ler RMSE values and is better than the other?ve models under the HPPC test,since they takes the cell’s relaxation effect into account for modeling.The fact,that5-Rint model exists a big estimation er-ror for the ignorance of the battery’s dynamic voltage performance, indicates it is necessary to consider the voltage relaxation effect to

116H.He et al./Energy Conversion and Management64(2012)113–121

improve the precision of the models for lithium-ion battery.Fig.7c shows that the estimated voltages based on1-Shepherd model nearly follow the test data except for the terminals where the SoC is nearly zero and the battery seldom works.Fig.7b shows that 1-Shepherd model has higher precision than3-Nernst model,that can also be veri?ed from the fact,that the estimated voltage based on3-Nernst model is higher than the experimental data at the end of the test and also a bigger voltage error of3-Nernst model exists as shown in Fig.7c.Fig.7d shows that the terminal voltage esti-mated by7-DP model agrees quite well with the experimental value.Based on the above analysis,it can be concluded that the DP model has the best dynamic voltage simulation performance among the seven battery models.

The evaluation results of the seven battery models under the DST test are shown in Fig.8including the statistics results of the voltage errors,the statistics results of the RMSE.Fig.8a shows that 1-Shepherd model,6-Thevenin model and7-DP model have good online estimation precision with small voltage errors.Fig.8b shows that6-Thevenin model and7-DP model have a relatively small RMSE,especially the7-DP model.There can conclude that

H.He et al./Energy Conversion and Management64(2012)113–121117

the DP model is the most outstanding model among the seven models,followed by 6-Thevenin model.This result agrees with the HPPC test.In Fig.9,we choose two pro?les in the DST test to describe the estimate accuracy between the estimated voltage by the DP model and the experiment data.It indicates that the DP model can simulate the battery’s dynamic voltage performance very well under the DST test,which fully satis?es the development requirements of model-based BMS used in the EVs.

The evaluation results of the seven battery models under the FUDS test are shown in Fig.10including the statistics results of the voltage errors,the statistics results of the RMSE,the RMSE pro-?les of the four speci?c battery models,the voltage pro?les of the DP model-based estimation and FUDS test data.Fig.10a shows that the two models,6-Thevenin model and 7-DP model,both of them take the polarization characteristics into consideration,have a smaller voltage error compared with other models.Also,Fig.10b indicates that the mean of the RMSE of 6-Thevenin model and 7-DP model is the smallest.But the maximum of the RMSE of the Thevenin model is bigger than 1-Shepherd model and 2-Unnewehr Universa l https://www.doczj.com/doc/861475890.html,bined Fig.10a and b,we can conclude that the DP model has a higher precision than other six models surely.However,to determine if 6-Thevenin is the second better model de-pends on the RMSE pro?le additionally.Fig.10c intuitively indi-cates that 6-Thevenin model and 7-DP model restrain themselves

to approach the true values faster,so they have smaller mean of

the RMSE,while 1-Shepherd model and 2-Unnewehr Universal mod-el maintain themselves above 10mV without a convergent ten-dency;The maximum of the RMSE of 6-Thevenin model is bigger than that of 1-Shepherd model and 2-Unnewehr Universal model.But for the convergent tendency,6-Thevenin model is more stable,and the voltage error is less than 1-Shepherd model and 2-Unnewehr Universal model,so it can be determined that 6-Thevenin

118H.He et al./Energy Conversion and Management 64(2012)113–121

model is the second better model.Therefore,in the FUDS test,the DP model still has the most outstanding performance,followed by the Thevenin model;we can conclude that it is reasonable to re?ne the lithium-ion battery’s voltage relaxation effect to improve the model-based estimated precision.

The evaluation results of the HPPC test,the DST test,the FUDS test come to one conclusion that the Thevenin model and the DP model are more accurate than the other?ve models ow-ing to their considerations of the voltage relaxation effect to some extent.After re?ning the polarization characteristics,the accuracy of the DP model gets a signi?cant improvement com-pared with the Thevenin model by connecting an additional RC network,does it mean that it will improve the model accuracy by connecting enough RC networks in series?We will discuss this next.


The above evaluation results show that the equivalent circuit models considering the voltage relaxation effect have better per-formance than the other models,and the DP model with two RC networks has better dynamic voltage estimation precision than the Thevenin model with one RC network.In order to give a further study of the RC networks on the model accuracy,the battery gen-eral equivalent circuit model(GECM)with n RC networks is pro-posed as shown in Fig.11.

Where C i is the i th equivalent polarization capacitance and R i is the i th equivalent polarization resistance simulating the transient response during a charge or discharge process,U i is the voltage across C i.i=1,2,3,4,...,n.

The electrical behavior of the GECM model can be expressed by Eq.(11)in the frequency domain.

U tesT?U ocesTàI LesTR ot




R n

1tR n C n s

en?0;1;2;...Te11TSimilarly with the Thevenin model and the DP model,the GECM model can be discretized with the bilinear method[33],and then:U t;k?1à

X n


c i


U oc;ktc1U t;kà1tc2U t;kà2tááátc n U t;kàn tc nt1I L;ktc nt2I L;kà1tááátc2nt1I L;kàne12Twhere c i(i=1,2,...,2n+1)are the coef?cient which contain mod-el’s parameters such as polarization capacitance,polarization resis-tance and open-circuit voltage




??1U t;kà1U t;kà2áááU t;kàn I L;kà1I L;kà2áááI L;kàn

h n;k?1à

X n


c i


U oc;k c1c2c3ááác2nt1





e13TThen the online parameters’identi?cation matrix of the GECM model is built.

Considering the model complexity,when the number of the RC networks n is more than5,a big error will arise from the linear dis-crete method.However,if other non-linear parameters’identi?ca-tion method is used such as the Kalman?lters,there will cause a huge computing costs due to the complex model structure.So the evaluation tests are only conducted for the GECM models with n=1–5and the results are shown in Fig.12.

Fig.12shows that for the HPPC test,the DST test and the FUDS test,the maximum of the absolute voltage errors is within32mV

H.He et al./Energy Conversion and Management64(2012)113–121119

and the maximum of the RMSE is less than15mV.Fig.12a shows that for the HPPC test,the GECM model with one RC network has the biggest voltage error,while the GECM model with two RC net-work performs best,but the mean of voltage error is not signi?cant compared with the GECM model with three,four,?ve RC networks. Fig.12b shows that the statistics of the RMSE are less than1mV, and the GECM model with two RC networks is the best.Fig.12c shows that the GECM model with two RC networks has the small-est statistics values among the?ve models for the DST test; Fig.12d shows the GECM model with two RC networks has the smallest mean of the RMSE while its maximum of the RMSE is big-ger than the GECM model with?ve RC networks.However,the GECM model with two RC networks is simpler than that with?ve RC networks and is still the nest battery model after considering the practical applications.

Fig.12e and f shows that for the FUDS test,the maximum of the voltage error of the GECM model with?ve RC networks performs better than the GECM model with two RC networks,However the GECM model with two RC networks performs the best in the abso-lute minimum,the mean of the voltage errors and statistics values of the RMSE.It can be concluded that the GECM model with two RC networks still shows the best performance.

In summary,the GECM model with two RC networks,also called the DP model,is the best model for the lithium-ion battery simula-tion.Further,it does not mean that the more RC networks the mod-el has,the more accurate the model is.On the contrary,the performance of the GECM model with more than three RC net-works becomes worse in some aspects.


This paper carries out a systematic evaluation on the seven typ-ical battery models based on the HPPC test,DST test,FUDS test,and the GECM model with different RC networks is discussed further. Main conclusions are summarized as follows:

(1)The Seven commonly used battery models:Shepherd model,

Unnewehr Universal model,Nernst model,Combined model, Rint model,Thevenin model,and the DP model are summa-rized,the model equations are deduced and the model parameters’identi?cation method is designed based on the recursive least squares method with an optimal forgetting factor.

(2)The battery test bench is built and the experiment schedule

is designed,which includes a characteristic test and an aging cycle test followed.The online identi?cation process is con-ducted under the HPPC test,the DST test,the FUDS test for a LiFeO4lithium-ion battery.

(3)An evaluation method of the battery models is proposed and

the evaluation results show that the voltage relaxation effect of the lithium-ion battery cannot be ignored,the Thevenin

120H.He et al./Energy Conversion and Management64(2012)113–121

model and the DP model both have good dynamic perfor-mance,and the DP model performs much batter for its more re?ned simulation of the voltage relaxation.

(4)A further discussion on the GECM model with different RC

networks indicates that the GECM model with two RC net-works,also called the DP model,is the best model for the lithium-ion battery simulation.The performance of the GECM model with more than three RC networks will become worse in some aspects.

We can conclude that the DP model shows the best perfor-mance among the seven commonly used models through our com-prehensive comparison.The DP model performs the best in the DST test,which further proves that the DP model is suitable for the development of model-based BMS used in EVs. Acknowledgements

This work was supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(2011AA112304, 2011AA11A228,2011AA1290)in part,the International Coopera-tion Research Program of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technol-ogy(2010DFB70090,2011DFB70020)in part and also the research foundation of National Engineering Laboratory for Electric Vehicles in part.The author would also like to thank the reviewers for their corrections and helpful suggestions.


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H.He et al./Energy Conversion and Management64(2012)113–121121


建筑工程模板工程施工技术 摘要:模板技术在建筑施工得到了广泛的推广和应用。在进行模板建筑时,要 依据建筑施工的实际情况,选择适当的模板体系,才能保证工程的质量和施工的 安全,使建筑工程的经济效益和社会效益最大化。本文首先介绍建筑工程模板工 程施工的要求,再对模板工程的施工技术要点进行简要的探究。 关键词:建筑工程;模板工程;施工技术 前言 模板施工是混凝土成型施工必不可少的环节之一,其施工目的是保证工程结 构及构件的形状及尺寸,并确保相对位置的准确性,因此要求模板首先必须具有 足够的强度及刚度,同时还要有足够的稳定性且便于安装和拆除。建筑工程模板 施工要求较多,而且比较复杂,因此要对模板施工工作引起高度的重视。 1.工程概况 某高层建筑,总建筑面积为14344M2,场地类型为三类土,建筑物框架抗震 等级为二级,剪力墙抗震等级为一级,建筑结构安全为二级。地上共七层,建筑 总高为35.00m,场地平整开阔。工程七层屋面梁(标高为28.80 米)处,①、 ⑧轴线外各有一超大雨棚,具体为:轴外雨棚大小尺寸为3200×30400mm。雨棚 由悬臂板和悬臂梁组成。悬臂梁尺寸为350×700,檐口梁为200×700,板厚100, C30 砼。 2.建筑工程模板工程施工技术要点 2.1模式工程施工基本技术要求 在建筑工程施工中,必须保证混凝土结构的工程质量以及施工安全,为了降 低工程的成本,以及缩短施工进度,在模板工程施工中,必须满足四点技术要求(1)模板施工中必须充分保障混凝土的结构以及其他构件的尺寸和位置, 也就是说模板的位置尺寸必须满足图纸设计要求; (2)模板必须具备一定强度和稳定度,能够承受混凝土的重量以及侧向的 压力,而且在施工过程中,避免模板所承受的压力处于极限状态之下; (3)模板的构造尽可能简单,便于装拆,并符合混凝土浇筑和养护等要求; (4)模板的连接必须紧密,在接缝处必须采取加密措施,如果出现接缝不 严密,必须及时采取措施,保证接缝处不出现漏浆等现象。 2.2模板配置技术 模板的配置必须根据图纸的尺寸,对于结构形体相对简单的构件,其模板配 可直接根据施工图纸来配置。对于模板、横档及楞木的断面以及它们之间的间距、支撑系统的配置,可查表或者按规范进行选择。而对于结构比较复杂的构件,比 如楼梯等,配置模板通常采取放大洋的方法。所谓放大样,指的是根据结构图纸,在地面上画出结构构件的实体形状,然后测量出各个部分模板的准确尺寸,然后 制定模板。 2.3模板施工技术 一般而言,建筑工程模板施工工序为:垫层模板→基础梁模板→构造柱模板 →柱模板一墙板模板→圈梁模板→梁模板→楼板模板→楼梯模板。 2.3.1垫层模板 对于垫层模板而言,其基础的高度不高,但是体积很大,安装模板前必须准 确核实基础的中心线以及标高,事先弹出轴线和四周边线,根据边线尺寸将侧面 模板对准,并且在校正模板垂直度以及标高之后,用支撑将模板固定,用以维持


《葛底斯堡演讲》三个中文译本的对比分析 葛底斯堡演讲是林肯于19世纪发表的一次演讲,该演讲总长度约3分钟。然而该演讲结构严谨,富有浓郁的感染力和号召力,即便历经两个世纪仍为人们津津乐道,成为美国历史上最有传奇色彩和最富有影响力的演讲之一。本文通过对《葛底斯堡演讲》的三个译本进行比较分析,从而更进一步加深对该演讲的理解。 标签:葛底斯堡演讲,翻译对比分析 葛底斯堡演讲是美国历史上最为人们所熟知的演讲之一。1863年11月19日下午,林肯在葛底斯堡国家烈士公墓的落成仪式上发表献词。该公墓是用以掩埋并缅怀4个半月前在葛底斯堡战役中牺牲的烈士。 林肯是当天的第二位演讲者,经过废寝忘食地精心准备,该演讲语言庄严凝练,内容激昂奋进。在不足三分钟的演讲里,林肯通过引用了美国独立宣言中所倡导的人权平等,赋予了美国内战全新的内涵,内战并不仅是为了盟军而战,更是为了“自由的新生(anewbirthoffreedom)”而战,并号召人们不要让鲜血白流,要继续逝者未竞的事业。林肯的《葛底斯堡演讲》成功地征服了人们,历经多年仍被推崇为举世闻名的演说典范。 一、葛底斯堡演说的创作背景 1.葛底斯堡演说的创作背景 1863年7月1日葛底斯堡战役打响了。战火持续了三天,战况无比惨烈,16万多名士兵在该战役中失去了生命。这场战役后来成为了美国南北战争的一个转折点。而对于这个位于宾夕法尼亚州,人口仅2400人的葛底斯堡小镇,这场战争也带来了巨大的影响——战争遗留下来的士兵尸体多达7500具,战马的尸体几千具,在7月闷热潮湿的空气里,腐化在迅速的蔓延。 能让逝者尽快入土为安,成为该小镇几千户居民的当务之急。小镇本打算购买一片土地用以兴建公墓掩埋战死的士兵,然后再向家属索要丧葬费。然而当地一位富有的律师威尔斯(DavidWills)提出了反对意见,并立即写信给宾夕法尼亚州的州长,提议由他本人出资资助该公墓的兴建,该请求获得了批准。 威尔斯本打算在10月23日邀请当时哈佛大学的校长爱德华(EdwardEverett)来发表献词。爱德华是当时一名享有盛誉的著名演讲者。爱德华回信告知威尔斯,说他无法在那么短的时间之内准备好演讲,并要求延期。因此,威尔斯便将公墓落成仪式延期至该年的11月19日。 相比较威尔斯对爱德华的盛情邀请,林肯接到的邀请显然就怠慢很多了。首先,林肯是在公墓落成仪式前17天才收到邀请。根据十九世纪的标准,仅提前17天才邀请总统参加某一项活动是极其仓促的。而威尔斯的邀请信也充满了怠慢,


目录 一、编制依据............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 二、工程概况............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 三、施工部署............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 四、施工准备............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 五、进度计划............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 六、施工工艺............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 七、质量标准............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 八、成品保护............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 九、应注意的质量问题 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 十、安全注意事项 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。十一、附图 ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


建筑安装工程承包合同(2) 合同编号 发包方: 承包方: 根据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》及有关规定,结合本工程的具体情况,经双方协商一致,签订本合同,以资共同遵守。 第一条工程概况 1?工程名称: .工程地点: ?工程计划批准单位及文号: .工程范围和内容:全部工程建筑面积平方米。(各单项工程详见工程项目一览表) 第二条工程期限

2.本工程开工日期 日。 3 ?如遇下列情况,经发包方现场监理工程师或工程师代表签证后,工期作相 应顺延,并用书面形式确定顺延期限。 道路、施工用水,或电源未按规定接通,影响承包方进场施工者。 (2) 明确由发包方负责供应的材料、设备、成品或半成品等未能按双方认定 的时间进场,或进场的材料、设备、成品或半成品等向承包方交验时发现有缺陷, 需要修配、改、代、换而耽误施工进度者。 (3) 不属包干系数范围内的重大设计变更;提供的工程地质资料不准,使基 础超深;施工方法与设计规定不符而增加工程量影响进度者。 (4) 在施工中因停水、停电连续影响8小时以上者。 (5) 发包方现场监理工程师或工程师代表无故拖延办理签证手续而影响下一 工序施工者。 1.本工程合同总工期为 天(日历天从开工之日算起)。 日,竣工日期 (1) 发包方在合同规定开工日期前 天,不能交承包方施工场地、进场

(6)未按合同规定拨付预付款、工程进度款、代购材料价差款而影响施工进度者。 (7)因遇人力不可抗拒的自然灾害(如台风、水灾、自然原因发生的火灾、地震等)而影响工程进度者。 第三条工程合同总价 1 .本工程合同总价为人民币丿元0 2 .如遇下列情况,合同总价作相应调整: (1)合同总价内经双方确认的暂估价变化; (2)在合同工期内政策性调整所发生的材料差价、工资、费率及其它费用的变化; (3)重大设计发生变更; (4)基础超过设计深度; (5)在施工中新增加了工程项目; (6)其它。


建筑工程施工模板工程 承包合同 甲方: 乙方: 遵照《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《中华人民共和国合同法》和《中华人民共和国建筑安装工程承包合同条例》有关规定,结合本工程项目实际情况,明确甲、乙双方责任与权力、义务,确保工程安全、质量进度、文明施工等达到现行规范标准要求,经双方友好协商,拟定以下合同条款,在完全自愿和理解本合同条款的情况下,双方签订本合同及《安全生产责任书》,并共同遵守履约。 一、工程名称: 二、工程地点: 三、承包方式:模板包工含辅料及工具,不包料 四、承包内容 1、施工图纸上及《会议纪要》上木模板施工项目,设计院所有图纸修改项目。 2、柱、梁拉结筋、木模钻孔,装修时窗压顶、构造柱、飘窗板、门窗过梁、卫生间、厨房的反梁等零星模板项目。 3、负责建筑物放样、框承台柱位、钉龙门架、弹线工作。 4、模板安装、守护、拆除。

5、拆除模时掉落的碎木、渣料等杂物的清理。 6、模板的清理,刷脱模剂,施工现场内材料转运及多次转运。 7、施工须用的钉子、铁丝、板接缝处用的粘胶带及双面胶。 8、楼层放样施工员负责两条主轴线(十字线),余下的细样放线由包工班组负责。 9、与相关班组的协调配合工作。 10、不同标号砼分段浇筑的隔离处理,包括后浇带钢丝网架支护。 11、楼层模板组工作产生的建渣清理。 12、电焊定位桩,布料机承重加固。 13、成型后砼模板接缝高差、接缝漏浆的清理打磨,超出规范要求的成品砼凿打以及拉杆套管凸出墙面部份清除。 14、地下室内外墙螺栓切割、后浇带砼渣清理及二次安装后浇带模板。 15、地下室模板拆模后要运到地面,主体结构模板封顶后材料退回地面。 五、人员管理 1、乙方人员由乙方负责管理教育,并配备专人管理(治安消防管理人员名单上报项目部质安办公室),甲方有权监督检查所有进场施工人员,乙方不得擅自抽调人员离开工作岗位。乙方服从项目部的统一指挥、安排,做到安全文明施工,严格遵守项目部的各项规章制度,如因人为及工程质量、安全等方面因素受到有关部门处罚、媒体报道,对公司形象造成负面影响的,乙方将负责挽回影响及赔偿经济损失。 2、本工程在施工阶段乙方人员必须保证能满足工程进度需要,在30 人以上,管理人员在 2 以上,必须设一人专门负责安全生产、文明施工管


建筑工程模板安装合同范例 各省、自治区住房城乡建设厅、工商行政管理局,直辖市建委(建交委)、工商行政管理局,新疆生产建设兵团建设局,国务院有关部门建设司,有关中央企业:为规范建筑市场秩序,维护建设工程施工合同当事人的合法权益,住房城乡建设部、工商总局对《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》。 热门城市:汉中律师佛山律师开封律师丹东律师信阳律师亳州律师广安律师聊城律师巴彦淖尔律师 模板安装工程施工合同中包含了工程概况、承包方式、承包单价及承包内容、施工工期,工程质量等级及评定等信息,规范了双方的权利和义务促进工程安全生产,文明施工。是施工中的必要合同,下面是小编整理的一份建筑工程模板安装合同范例。 建筑工程模板安装合同范例 合同编号:春城项第号

发包方:(以下简称甲方) 承包方:(以下简称乙方) 甲方承建的“ ”工程的施工项目,今由乙方承包负责该项目的所有模板安装工程施工。为了明确甲、乙双方的职责与义务,确保工程按期按质完成施工,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议,望共同遵守。 第一条:工程概况 1、工程名称: 工程地点: 第二条:承包方式 本工程模板制作安装工程的承包方式为:包工包机械包料。即由乙方提供安装一切材料,包括模板、骨料、支撑及辅助材料等;提供一切施工机具,并负责模板工程的制作、安装、拆除、清理全过程的工作。负责钢筋预留孔洞(含拉结筋植筋,植筋经有资质单位检测合格)的钻洞。 第三条:承包单价及承包内容 一、承包单价

1、乙方所承包的施工内容,按模板与混凝土的接触面积计算,模板安装及钢管支撑包工包料的单价为元/m2;工程量以施工图纸(包括设计变更、增减项目)作为计算基准;该单价为质量达到优良的价格。 2、该单价为一次性包干价,乙方不得以任何理由或借口,要求增加其它费用。 二、承包内容 1、乙方的承包范围:的所有模板施工项目。还包括线条、栏板、压顶、过梁、构造柱、水箱、化粪池、室外围墙、花池、踏步台阶及设计变更增加的构件等零星构件的模板安装工程。 2、乙方承包单价内容包括:负责模板工程的加工制作安装等全过程施工工作;所有材料垂直和水平人工搬运费、垂直和水平运输的机械、模板制作的施工机械及辅助材料由乙方自行提供,费用自理。 3、乙方承包单价内容包括:负责钢筋预留孔洞(含拉结筋)的钻洞,若乙方不预留孔洞,由此增加的植筋人工费、植筋所用的胶水费、植筋的拉拨试验费等三项费用的一半由乙方负责,该费用在工程结算时一次性扣除。 4、乙方承包单价内容包括:模板制作安装所用的辅助材料,包括螺栓、螺帽、垫片、PVC套管及塑料垫片、铁钉、蝴蝶卡、


话说宝玉在林黛玉房中说"耗子精",宝钗撞来,讽刺宝玉元宵不知"绿蜡"之典,三人正在房中互相讥刺取笑。 杨宪益:Pao-yu,as we saw, was in Tai-yu?s room telling her the story about the rat spirits when Pao-chai burst in and teased him for forgetting the “green wax” allusion on the night of the Feast of Lanterns. 霍克斯: We have shown how Bao-yu was in Dai-yu?s room telling her the story of the magic mice; how Bao-Chai burst in on them and twitted Bao-yu with his failure to remember the …green wax? allusion on the night of the Lantern Festival; and how the three of them sat teasing each other with good-humored banter. 对比分析:杨宪益和霍克斯在翻译“耗子精”采用来了不同的处理方法,前者使用了异化”rat spirits”,后者用的是归化法”magic mice”,使用归化法更受英美读者的亲乃。但是二者同时采用了增译法,增添了the story,原文并没有。在翻译“宝玉不知绿烛之典”的“不知”,英文1用的是“forgetting”,而译文2用的是“with failure to ”,显然译文2更符合英美的表达习惯。 那宝玉正恐黛玉饭后贪眠,一时存了食,或夜间走了困,皆非保养身体之法。幸而宝钗走来,大家谈笑,那林黛玉方不欲睡,自己才放了心。 杨宪益:Pao-yu felt relieved as they laughed and made fun of each other, for he had feared that sleeping after lunch might give Tai-yu indigestion or insomnia that night, and so injure her health. Luckily Pao-chai?s arrival and the lively conversation that followed it had woken Tai-yu up. 霍克斯: Bao-yu had been afraid that by sleeping after her meal Dai-yu would give herself indigestion or suffer from insomnia through being insufficiently tired when she went to bed at night, but Bao-chai?s arrival and the lively conversation that followed it banished all Dai-yu?s desire to sleep and enabled him to lay aside his anxiety on her behalf. 对比分析:译文一对原文语序进行了调整,先说了“放心”,再说“担心”,但并不如不调整顺序的逻辑强。译文二只是用了一个“but”就把原文意思分层了两层,逻辑更加清晰,符合西方人注重逻辑的习惯。原文中的“谈笑”是动词,而两个译文版本都是译的“the lively conversation”,是名词,体现了汉语重动态,英文重静态的特点。 忽听他房中嚷起来,大家侧耳听了一听,林黛玉先笑道:"这是你妈妈和袭人叫嚷呢。那袭人也罢了,你妈妈再要认真排场她,可见老背晦了。" 杨宪益:Just then, a commotion broke out in Pao-yu?s apartments and three of th em pricked up their ears. “It?s your nanny scolding Hai-jen,” announced Tai-yu. “There?s nothing wrong with Hai-jen, yet your nanny is for ever nagging at her. Old age has befuddled her.”


建筑工程模板施工方案及其计算 山东省烟台市牟平区房产管理处,于红雁,264100 【摘要】:模板工程是建筑工程的重要环节,对于保证建筑工程结构的稳定性具有重要的意义,因此,分析和研究建筑工程模板施工及其力学计算具有非常实际的作用。本文主要从三个方面对课题展开了分析,首先分析了建筑工程各类模板工程施工,对梁模板、柱模板、楼板模板以及强模板四种类型施工及其要求分别进行了探讨,随后对混凝土浇筑及模板拆除两个环节进行了细致的讨论,最后对模板工程的三个参量进行了力学计算。整体内容结构性较强,对于实际模板工程具有一定的参考。 【关键词】:建筑工程,模板工程,力学计算,施工方案 中图分类号:TU97文献标识码:A文章编号: 1引言 随着社会发展的要求,建筑工程建设的速度和规模越来越大,如何通过有效的施工保证工程质量,对于社会发展具有重要的意义。无论建筑规模多小的工程,在建设过程中都是一个复杂的系统,包含了多个环节和步骤,而模板施工就是其中非常重要的组成部分。在建筑工程,特别是高层楼房式建筑工程中,模板对于保证结构的稳定性意义重大。当前建筑工程一般都是混凝土浇筑工程,建筑结构的成型就是依赖于模板完成的。在实际的工程建设中,模板工程本身就包含很多类型,例如梁模板工程、柱模板工程等,不同的模板工程类型无论是施工的步骤还是施工的要求也都不同。本文将对建筑工程中各种模板工程的施工步骤以及施工要求进行分析,同时对模板的受力计算问题展开讨论,通过文章的分析对实际的建筑模板工程带来参考。 2建筑工程各类模板工程施工 在实际的建筑工程中,模板工程根据施工的部位可以进行详细分类,在大型建筑工程中,模板工程包含梁模板、柱模板、楼板模板以及强模板四种,其施工流程以及施工要求如下分析。 2.1梁模板工程施工 梁结构是整体楼房结构的框架基础,其模板工程施工重要性很强。其施工流程一般较为固定,包括以下过程:抄平、弹线(轴线、水平线)→支撑架搭设→支柱头模板→铺设底模板→拉线找平→封侧模→预检。在施工过程中其轴线及标高的控制线非常严格,一般都是按照主控制线为标准进行施工。梁模板的支撑结构非常重要,一般采用扣件式满堂钢管脚手架进行支撑,立杆的纵横向间距按照施工要求进行控制,立杆须设置纵横双向扫地杆,扫地杆与楼地面根据两高进行控制。立杆全高范围内设置纵横双向水平杆,水平杆的步距(上下水平杆间距)一般不大于1500mm,立杆顶端必须设置纵横双向水平杆。在梁底小横杆和立杆交接处立杆加设保险扣。 2.2柱模板施工 相比其他结构模板,柱模板工程施工较为简单,其施工流程为:安装前检查模板安装→


《傲慢与偏见》(节选一) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (An Except from Chapter One) 译文对比分析 节选文章背景:小乡绅贝内特有五个待字闺中的千金,贝内特太太整天操心着为女儿物色称心如意的丈夫。新来的邻居宾利(Bingley)是个有钱的单身汉,他立即成了贝内特太太追猎的目标。 1.It’s a truth u niversally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. 译文一:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的道理。译文二:有钱的单身汉总要娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。 2.However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. 译文一:这样的单身汉,每逢新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍虽然完全不了解他的性情如何,见解如何,可是,既然这样的一条真理早已在人们心中根深蒂固,因此人们总是把他看作是自己某一个女儿理所应得的一笔财产。 译文二:这条真理还真够深入人心的,每逢这样的单身汉新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍的人家尽管对他的性情见识一无所知,却把他视为某一个女儿的合法财产。 3.”My dear Mr. benne” said his lady to him one day ,”have you heard that nether field park is let at last?” 译文一:有一天班纳特太太对她的丈夫说:“我的好老爷,尼日斐花园终于租出去了,你听说过没有?” 译文二:“亲爱的贝特先生”一天,贝纳特太太对先生说:“你有没有听说内瑟费尔德庄园终于租出去了:” 4.Mr. Bennet replied that he had not. 译文一:纳特先生回答道,他没有听说过。 译文二:纳特先生回答道,没有听说过。 5.”But it is,” returned she:” for Mrs. long has just been here, and she t old me all about it.” 译文一:“的确租出去了,”她说,“朗格太太刚刚上这来过,她把这件事情的底细,一五一十地都告诉了我。” 译文二:“的确租出去了,”太太说道。“朗太太刚刚来过,她把这事一五一十地全告诉我了。”


x x房产x x住宅项目 二区工程 模 板 施 工 编制人: 审核人: 审批人: xx建筑工程有限公司 二O一三年四月

模板支撑施工方案 一、概述 本工程北1、2、3、4主楼为框架剪力墙结构;1# 2#4#主楼均为9层,地下一层;3#楼为6层。建筑总面积40568.68平米,其中地上27296.68平米,地下一层13212平米;建筑结构使用年限为50年,建筑耐火等级按一级设计,抗震设防烈度6度,地下室防水等级按底板2级,顶板1级设计,设计抗渗等级为P6;该项目设计±0.000标高为黄海高程145. 700。 二、结构施工分析 (一)承载受力体系 1、梁板荷传力线路:上部荷载→模板→木楞、钢楞→钢管排架→结构。 2、墙柱荷载传力线路混凝土侧压力→模板→钢管对拉螺栓 (二)支撑结构构件连接 1、九夹板与木楞采用铁钉固定 2、钢管之间、钢管与木楞之间采用模板工程中的各连接件连接。 (三)支撑满堂架搭设:架体搭设步距为1.6m,横距为1.00m,纵为1.5m,底下设扫地杆,扫地杆设置为隔一步设一道,梁底沿梁方向满设。斜撑沿房子短边方向3m~~5m设置一道。 (四)需要材料 1、楼板模板、梁、柱均采用九夹板; 2、支撑材料采用Ф48×3.5mm钢管,钢管无锈蚀、弯曲、压扁或裂纹等现象。钢管应有产品质量合格证及钢管材质检验报告。各杆件的联接采用扣件,扣件的种类有直角、对接和回旋三种。使用的扣件应有出厂合格证及材质检验报告,不得使用脆裂、变形或滑丝的扣件。扣件规格型号与钢筋相匹配。脚手架的各种杆件、扣件、与螺栓均需经过筛选、除锈、上油、保养。脚手管及扣件必须有出厂合格证及检验报告。铜管、扣件必须按批次、数量送检,经检验不合格的


《乡愁》两个英译本的对比分析 曹菊玲 (川外2013级翻译硕士教学1班文学翻译批评与鉴赏学期课程论文) 摘要:余光中先生的《乡愁》是一首广为人知的诗歌,曾被众多学者翻译成英文,本文将对赵俊华译本和杨钟琰译本进行对比分析,主要从原作的分析、译文的准确性、译文风格以及对原文意象的把握入手进行赏析,指出两译本的不足和精彩之处。 关键词:《乡愁》;原诗的分析;准确性;风格;意象的把握 1.原诗的分析 作者余光中出生于大陆,抗战爆发后在多地颠沛流离,最后22岁时移居台湾。20多年都未回到大陆,作者思乡情切,于上世纪70年代创作了这首脍炙人口的诗歌,但是当时大陆与台湾关系正处于紧张时期,思而不得的痛苦与惆怅包含于整首诗中。 全诗为四节诗,节与节之间完全对称,四句一节,共十六句,节奏感、韵律感很强,读起来朗朗上口。而且这首诗语言简洁,朴实无华,但是却表达了深刻的内涵。从整体上看,作者采取层层递进的方式,以时空的隔离和变化来推进情感的表达,最后一句对大陆的思念,一下子由个人哀愁扩大到国家分裂之愁,因而带有历史的厚重感。 【原诗】 乡愁 余光中 小时候/乡愁是一枚小小的邮票/我在这头/母亲在那头 长大后/乡愁是一张窄窄的船票/我在这头/新娘在那头 后来啊/乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓/我在外头/母亲在里头 而现在/乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡/我在这头/大陆在那头 【译诗】 (1) 赵俊华译 Homesick As a boy, I was homesick for a tiny stamp, —I was here, Mom lived alone over there. When grow up, I was homesick for a small ship ticket. —I was here,


建筑工程模板工程施工技术 发表时间:2015-12-21T11:21:53.353Z 来源:《基层建设》2015年13期供稿作者:陈新文 [导读] 新疆新伟建筑工程有限公司应根据建筑施工的实际情况,选择相对应的模板体系,以提高工作效率,保证模板工程的施工质量、安全。 陈新文 新疆新伟建筑工程有限公司 832000 摘要:模板技术在建筑施工得到了广泛的推广和应用。在进行模板建筑时,要依据建筑施工的实际情况,选择适当的模板体系,才能保证工程的质量和施工的安全,使建筑工程的经济效益和社会效益最大化。本文首先介绍建筑工程模板工程施工的要求,再对模板工程的施工技术要点进行简要的探究。 关键词:建筑工程;模板工程;施工技术 前言 模板施工是混凝土成型施工必不可少的环节之一,其施工目的是保证工程结构及构件的形状及尺寸,并确保相对位置的准确性,因此要求模板首先必须具有足够的强度及刚度,同时还要有足够的稳定性且便于安装和拆除。建筑工程模板施工要求较多,而且比较复杂,因此要对模板施工工作引起高度的重视。 1.工程概况 某高层建筑,总建筑面积为14344M2,场地类型为三类土,建筑物框架抗震等级为二级,剪力墙抗震等级为一级,建筑结构安全为二级。地上共七层,建筑总高为35.00m,场地平整开阔。工程七层屋面梁(标高为28.80 米)处,①、⑧轴线外各有一超大雨棚,具体为:轴外雨棚大小尺寸为3200×30400mm。雨棚由悬臂板和悬臂梁组成。悬臂梁尺寸为350×700,檐口梁为200×700,板厚100,C30 砼。 2.建筑工程模板工程施工技术要点 2.1模式工程施工基本技术要求 在建筑工程施工中,必须保证混凝土结构的工程质量以及施工安全,为了降低工程的成本,以及缩短施工进度,在模板工程施工中,必须满足四点技术要求 (1)模板施工中必须充分保障混凝土的结构以及其他构件的尺寸和位置,也就是说模板的位置尺寸必须满足图纸设计要求; (2)模板必须具备一定强度和稳定度,能够承受混凝土的重量以及侧向的压力,而且在施工过程中,避免模板所承受的压力处于极限状态之下; (3)模板的构造尽可能简单,便于装拆,并符合混凝土浇筑和养护等要求; (4)模板的连接必须紧密,在接缝处必须采取加密措施,如果出现接缝不严密,必须及时采取措施,保证接缝处不出现漏浆等现象。 2.2模板配置技术 模板的配置必须根据图纸的尺寸,对于结构形体相对简单的构件,其模板配可直接根据施工图纸来配置。对于模板、横档及楞木的断面以及它们之间的间距、支撑系统的配置,可查表或者按规范进行选择。而对于结构比较复杂的构件,比如楼梯等,配置模板通常采取放大洋的方法。所谓放大样,指的是根据结构图纸,在地面上画出结构构件的实体形状,然后测量出各个部分模板的准确尺寸,然后制定模板。 2.3模板施工技术 一般而言,建筑工程模板施工工序为:垫层模板→基础梁模板→构造柱模板→柱模板一墙板模板→圈梁模板→梁模板→楼板模板→楼梯模板。 2.3.1垫层模板 对于垫层模板而言,其基础的高度不高,但是体积很大,安装模板前必须准确核实基础的中心线以及标高,事先弹出轴线和四周边线,根据边线尺寸将侧面模板对准,并且在校正模板垂直度以及标高之后,用支撑将模板固定,用以维持模板的稳定度。 2.3.2基础梁模板 对于基础梁模板而言,基础梁底的土方经过压实后,采用砖砌胎模,并配置1:3 水泥砂浆,以利砼浇捣。一般而言,基础梁的跨度较大并且梁宽较小时,其外侧模板只需要拼装即可,但是必须要在垫层上弹出梁两侧边线,确保标高尺寸正确后,利用支撑稳固。 2.3.3构造柱模板 (1)外墙构造柱。根据图纸中构造柱尺寸加上砖马牙槎每边60mm制作好模板,按垂直高度每隔400~500间距在墙上穿φ12螺栓,将配好的模板安装在构造柱部位,其中一边下部留150~200cm清垃圾孔。模板帖墙处用海绵粘贴,以防漏浆。在螺栓上安放夹木与构造柱联接,用铅垂校直,拧紧螺栓。 (2)内墙构造柱。内墙构造柱支模方法与外墙基本相同,区别是螺栓改为楞木作箍,在构造柱两边砌砖时留的孔洞中穿过楞木,用楞木组成柱箍。其它按外墙构造柱施工方法进行施工。 2.3.4柱模板 在柱模板施工中,由于柱的尺寸较小,但是高度较高,所以在安装模板前,必须弹出交叉纵横线以及边线,由两边与柱断面长边一样的板,加两块柱断面短边尺寸的板,拼装成组合定型模板。钉柱模时两块板相互接触处应加海绵条,以防漏浆。柱模底部应开有清理模板内杂物的清除口,模板外面加设柱箍箍牢,柱箍间距45cm。柱模板安装时,先搭设好井字形钢管架,井字形钢管架横管与柱模外边必须预留空间,距离以50mm为宜。 2.3.5墙体模板 对墙体模板而言,一般采用两侧模板进行拼装。具体施工步骤如下:首先由基层中心线找出两侧墙体边线,然后将侧模对准找出的边线,并校正侧模板垂直度和标高无误后,用斜撑和支撑钉牢稳固,根据长、高尺寸确定间距加固穿心螺杆,搭设钢管夹板架,沿墙体两侧模板外留50mm 左右空隙。用锤球校正墙体模板垂直,用木楔上下塞紧,再用斜撑钉牢固固定,上口加设水平拉子固定.用钢管桁架夹紧


《落花生》两英译本的对比分析 【摘要】本文对张培基先生和刘士聪先生对《落花生》的英译本从接受美学的角度进行了对比分析。通过分析原文的写作目的,风格和语言特点从而对翻译的分析打下良好基础。举例对翻译的段落进行了对比分析,反映了译者的期待视野影响翻译目的,职业经历和翻译的基本观点影响期待视野。这一点对于文本不确定性和语义空白点的具体化十分重要。 【关键词】《落花生》;张培基;刘士聪;接受美学;翻译对比 一、原文的介绍 《落花生》是中国著名作家许地山创作的一篇具有深远意义的散文。他回忆了童年时发生的一件小事。父亲通过一件关于花生的小事讲述了生活哲理。 原文具有以下几个功能: 1、信息功能:它描述了童年发生的一件事及花生的特点和用途。 2、审美功能:文章的语言简单朴素清新自然。语言特点,内容和风格相得益彰,形成了浓厚的艺术吸引力。 3、表达功能:这篇散文表达了作者崇高的思想,即便是在动荡浑浊的旧时代,还应保持个人节操。 4、祈使功能:虽然描写的是不起眼的花生,却在字里行间向大家传递了人生哲学。那就是“那么,人要做有用的人,不要做伟大、体面的人了。” 二、两英译本对比分析 张先生和刘先生在翻译时都保留了原文的风格和特点。但他们的翻译风格还是有些不同的。 他们的期待视野影响其翻译目的。他们的职业经历影响他们翻译期待视野。张先生和刘先生都曾在出版社做过编辑,都潜心研究翻译事业。但是不同的是刘先生还有翻译教学的经历。和张先生相比,他更算的上是一个翻译教育学者。他投身于翻译教学和其他英语相关的学科研究中。从以上可以推断出,可能刘先生在翻译过程中遵循的规则更加严格,并且会更加的客观,也就是说学术的客观性会比较多,在翻译中自己主观理解的加入可能较少。这里有一个例子。原文:“那晚上的天色不大好,…”刘先生译文:“The weather was not very good that night but,….”张先生译文:“It looked like rain that evening,….”而“天色不太好”并不代表就是要下雨了。虽然对于这一句的翻译并不影响整体,但是作为一个翻译来说,并不应该加入过多的理所当然的想象。 除了翻译家的职业经历会影响他们的翻译表现和态度,他们对于翻译的基本看法,也会影响翻译工作。刘先生认为翻译的最高境界是对原文韵味的再现。译作“韵味”就是原作的艺术内涵通过译文准确而富有文采的语言表达时所蕴含的艺术感染力,这能引起读者的美感共鸣。除此之外,刘先生还强调要把译文作为独立的文本来看待。具体说来就是对译文美感和韵味的展现虽是从词句入手的,同时还应注意译文包括内容和风格的整体效果。当两者有了矛盾,要变通前者来适应后者。从以上不难看出,刘先生在翻译时非常注重两方面,一是对原文韵味的保留,也就是原文内容中所蕴含的艺术吸引力的保留,另一方面就是对翻译整体效果的追求要超越对词语句子的效果的追求。


合同编号: 建设工程安装合同 签订地点: 签订时间:年月日 发包人(以下简称甲方): 法定代表人(负责人): 住所: 承包人(以下简称乙方):

法定代表人(负责人): 住所: 资质等级: 依照《中华人民国合同法》、《中华人民国建筑法》及其他有关法律、法规,经双方协商一致,订立本合同。 1 定义 1.1 发包人:指具有工程发包主体资格和支付工程价款能力的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。 1.2 承包人:指被发包人接受的具有工程施工承包主体资格的当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人。 1.3 设计单位:指发包人委托的负责本工程设计并取得相应工程设计资质等级证书的单位。 1.4 工程师:指本工程监理单位委派的总监理工程师或发包人指定的履行本合同的代表。 1.5 项目经理:指承包人在指定的负责施工管理和合同履行的代表。 1.6 工程:指发包人承包人在合同中约定的承包围的工程。 1.7 合同价款:指发包人承包人在合同中约定,发包人用以支付承包人按照约定完成承包围全部工程并承担质量保修责任的款项。

1.8 工程期限:指发包人承包人按总日历天数(包括法定节假日)计算的承包天数。 1.9 开工日期:指在合同中约定的,承包人开始施工的绝对或相对的日期。 1.10 竣工日期:指在合同中约定,承包人完成承包围工程的绝对或相对的日期。 1.11 图纸:指由发包人提供或由承包人提供并经发包人批准,满足承包人施工需要的所有图纸(包括配套说明和有关资料)。 1.12 施工场地:指由发包人提供的用于工程施工的场所以及发包人在图纸中具体指定的供施工使用的任何其他场所。 1.13 书面形式:指合同书、信件和数据电文(包括电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子)等可以有形地表现所载容的形式。 1.14 违约责任:指合同一方不履行合同义务或履行合同义务不符合约定所应承担的责任。 1.15 小时或天:本合同中规定按小时计算时间的,从事件有效开始时计算(不扣除休息时间);规定按天计算时间的,开始当天不计入,从次日开始计算。时限的最后一天是法定节假日或者其他公休假日的,以节假日次日为时限的最后一天,但竣工日期除外。时限的最后一天的截止时间为该日24时。


译文对比评析从哪些方面 匆匆英译文对比赏析 (1)匆匆 译文1:Transient Days 译文2:Rush (2)燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。 译文1:If swallows go away, they will come back again. If willows wither, they will turn green again. If peach blossoms fade, they will flower again. 译文2:Swallows may have gone, but there is a time to return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again.

(3)但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?——是有人偷了他们罢:那是谁?又藏在何处呢?是他们自己逃走了罢:现在又到了哪里呢? 译文1:But, tell me, you the wise, why should our days go by never to return? Perhaps they have been stolen by someone. But who could it be and where could he hide them? Perhaps they have just run away by themselves. But where could they be at the present moment? 译文2:Now, you the wise, tell me, why should our days leave us, never to return? ----If they had been stolen by someone, who could it be? Where could he hide them? If they had made the escape themselves, then where could they stay at the moment? (4)我不知道他们给了我多少日子;但我的手确乎是渐渐空虚了。译文1:I don’t know how many days I am entitled to


工程合同模板:建筑安装工程承包合同模板电子版 ——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印—— ★以下是为大家整理的建筑安装工程承包合同模板文章,供大家参考![小编提示]更多合同范本请点击以下链接: 租房合同|劳动合同|租赁合同|劳务合同|用工合同|购销合同|装修合同 建设单位(甲方):________________________________ 地址:____________ 邮码____________ 电话____________ 法定代表人:____________ 职务____________ 安装承包单位(乙方):____________________________ 地址:____________ 邮码____________ 电话____________ 法定代表人:____________ 职务____________

为明确甲乙双方在施工过程中的权利义务,促使双方互相创造条件,搞好配合协作,按时保质保量地完成工程任务,经甲乙双方充分协商,特签订本合同,以便共同遵守。 第一条总则 一、工程名称: 二、国家有关单位对工程的批准投资计划、工程项目表、申请建筑许可执照、计划任务书,初步设计、总概算等文件号。 三、工程编号: 四、工程地点: 五、工程范围:本合同全部工程建筑安装面积共计________平方米(各单项工程建筑安装面积详见工程项目一览表)。 六、工程造价:本合同全部工程施工图预算造价为人民币________元(各单项工程造价详见工程项目一览表)。

第二条在组织施工过程中,如遇下列情况,得顺延工期,双方应及时进行协商,并通过书面形式确定顺延期限: 一、因天灾或人力不能抗拒的原因被迫停工者; 二、因甲方提出变更计划或变更施工图而不能继续施工者; 三、因甲方不能按期供图、供料、供设备或其所供材料以及设备不合规格要求,被迫停工或不能顺利施工者。 第三条施工准备 一、甲方在开工前应办妥征地拆迁;申请领取建筑执照;清除施工场地范围内影响施工的原有管线、树木等障碍物;解决施工用地(包括材料、构件的堆放和中转场地,搭建大型临时设施用地);解决施工用水源、电源和运输道路的畅通;应于____年____月____日向乙方提供所有工程设计图纸____ 份;组织设计、施工单位进行工程设计交底。 二、乙方在开工前应组织有关人员研究和熟悉图纸,参与设计交底;编好施工图预算;负责编制施工组织设计或施工方案;进行施工场地的平整,施工界区内的用水、用电、道路以及搭建施工临时设施,安

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