当前位置:文档之家› 长庆气区榆林气田南区地下储气库建设地面工艺_刘子兵


作者简介:刘子兵,1972年生,高级工程师,学士;主要从事天然气集输、净化和管道长输的设计及科研工作。地址:(710018)陕西省西安市未央区长庆兴隆园小区西安长庆科技工程有限责任公司天然气设计部。电话:(029)86599210,137********。E -mail:ctec -lzb@https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f18860371.html,


刘子兵 张文超 林亮 薛岗



摘 要 为了满足天然气调峰、事故应急和战略储备的需要,中国石油天然气股份有限公司拟在长庆气区建设我国最大规模的地下储气库(120@108m 3),包括靖边气田陕45井区和榆林气田南区等。为此,针对长庆气区榆林气田南区特点,提出了/分散增压、井丛布置,双向输送、多级节流,中压采气,开工注醇,低温分离,分散净化、干气输送0的地下储气库建设地面工艺,并提出2点建议:1在注气过程中,压缩机出口压力随地层压力升高而升高,变化幅度很大,建议工艺设计要充分适应这种变化;o采出气的压力和组分在不断变化,将对净化工艺产生影响,建议进行分期建设,初期建设规模不宜过大,以提高净化装置的适应性。

关键词 长庆气田 地下储气库 地面工艺 增压 节流 注醇 低温分离 净化 DOI:10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2010.08.020


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1 榆林南区地下储气库建设地面工艺

1.1 地下储气库总体工艺描述




图1 地下储气库总体工艺图

1.2 注气增压工艺





76# 天 然 气 工 业 2010年8月


1.3 采出气净化工艺

榆林气田天然气中不含H 2S,且CO 2含量低,仅需脱油脱水进行水烃露点控制。目前水烃露点控制工艺最成熟、应用最广的是低温分离工艺,即将天然气冷





图2 净化工艺图


1.4 天然气水合物抑制工艺


1.5 多级节流工艺

综合考虑了控制采气压力、降低CO 2分压、净化工艺、天然气水合物抑制工艺及外输压力的要求,采用中压采气、三级节流工艺。采气初期,井口一级节流后压力控制为14M Pa,优点是只需在井口开工初期临时注醇,一旦温度场建立就可以不用注醇,减少注醇量;进站后经过第二级节流后,压力降为9MPa,优点是水


以提高装置的安全性和可靠性;第三级节流通过J -T 阀节流后压力降为5.8MPa,以获得低温,达到外输的


图3 采气系统初期节点压力示意图

采气后期井口最低压力为6.4MPa,集注站进站压力为5.8MPa 。采气系统后期节点压力示意图见图4。

图4 采气系统后期节点压力示意图

1.6 双向集输工艺1.6.1 注采干线



77#第30卷第8期 集 输 工 程



图5 注采干线示意图

1.6.2 气井注采管线

气井注采管线是由集注站至井场的管线。注气时,集注站增压后的天然气经注采管线输送至井口,经计量后注入地下储气库;采气时,天然气经井口节流阀并计量后通过气井注采管线反向输送至集注站。由于榆林气田不含H 2S,且CO 2含量不高,不产水,注采管线可以采用一条管线,具有流程简单、投资低、管线建设工程量少、建设周期短等优点。1.6.3 双向节流工艺

节流阀采用轴套式结构,可实现双向流动和密封。采气期节流时,通过活塞移动堵塞笼套上的通气孔进行流量调节;反向输送时,笼套上的通气孔可全开实现通气,压力损失仅0.1MPa,也可实现0.3M Pa 的压力调节。

1.6.4 双向计量工艺


采用双向集输工艺,注采管线数量少,可以简化流程,降低投资。1.7 气井进站工艺


2 结论与建议


图6 气井进站工艺图



参 考 文 献

[1]华爱刚.天然气地下储气库[M ].北京:石油工业出版社,












急系统的建议[J].天然气工业,2009,29(5):98-100.[8]王遇冬.天然气处理原理与工艺[M ].北京:中国石化出版


[9]郭揆常.矿场油气集输与处理[M ].北京:中国石化出版社,


(收稿日期 2010-07-26 编辑 何 明)


78# 天 然 气 工 业 2010年8月

N atur al Gas I ndustr y ,V ol.30,I ssue 8,2010

Site selection for underground gas storage rebuilt on the depleted Xiangguosi Carboniferous gas reservoirs in Sichuan and Chongqing areas

Mao Chuanqing 1

,Zheng Zhouyu


(1.S outhw est Oil &Gasf ield Com p any ,P etr oChina,Chengd u,Sichuan 610051,China;2.Chuangqing Drilling Engineering Co.,L td.,CN PC,Chengdu,Sichuan 610051,China)

NATUR.GAS IND.VOLUME 30,ISSUE 8,pp.72-75,8/25/2010.(ISSN 1000-0976;In Chinese)

Abstract:T o ensure the security in g as supply and seaso nal peak -shaving in Sichuan and Chongqing a reas,it is ur gent to const ruct under g round g as sto rag e to fully emplo y the Z ho ng we-i Guiy ang t ie -line in gas pipeline systems.In the middle of this t ie -line,the S-i chuan and Chonqg ing a reas hav e rich gas r eso urces and gas demand there is r apidly increasing.Due to a long histor y o f g as ex plo ra -t ion in these ar eas,many depleted gas r eser vo irs can be selected as fav orable sit es fo r underg ro und sto rag e.T hro ugh comparison a -nalysis of sto rag e site select ive methods and experiences from ho me and abroad,this paper pr esents the cr iteria of the site selectiv e pr eference adaptable for under g round g as sto rag e in the Sichuan and Cho ng qing areas,i. e.,go od geog raphic location,requirement -meet ing g eo lo gical co nditions,bo th injection &pro ductio n and st orag e capacities lar ge eno ug h fo r emerg ency and peak shav ing in g as supply,and r eliable g as sources fo r stor ag e,etc.By use of these criteria,the Xiang guosi Carbonifer ous depleted g as r eser voirs hav e obvio us advantages in g eo lo gical conditions,stor age function,and stor age site preference o ver the other selectiv e depleted g as reser -v oir s.F ur thermor e,a feasibility study and a pr eliminar y design are both made on the constructio n of under gr ound gas stor age based on the X iangg uo si depleted gas r eser vo irs.

Key words:Sichuan and Cho ng qing areas,depleted g as reserv oir s,construction,under gr ound g as sto rag e,stor age sit e selection DOI:10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2010.08.019

Mao C huangin ,senio r engineer,w as bor n in 1069.H e is ma inly eng aged in manag ement o f oil and g as field development.Add:N o.5,Sec.1,F uqing Rd.,Cheng du,Sichuan 610051,P.R.China Tel:+86-86011735 E -mail:chuanqinmao @pet https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f18860371.html,

Ground technology for the construction of underground gas storage in the southern Yulin gas field,Changqing gas zone

Liu Zibing ,Zhang Wenchao,Lin Liang,Xue Gang

(Chang qing S cientif ic &T echnologic Engineer ing Co.,L td.,Petr oChina,X i .an,S haanx i 710018,China)NATUR.GAS IND.VOLUME 30,ISSUE 8,pp.76-78,8/25/2010.(ISSN 1000-0976;In Chinese)

Abstract:T o meet the needs for peak shaving,emerg ency ,and str ategic reserves in g as supply ,P etro China is planning to build its under g round g as sto rag e among w hich the lar gest one of 12bcm is to be constructed in the Changqing g as zone,including the Shaan 45wellblo ck and the southern Y ulin g as field et al.In view o f the char act eristics in this gas zo ne,this pa per present s a ser ies o f gr ound surface techno lo gies for the construction of underg ro und g as sto rag e,i. e.,dispersed pressurizatio n,mult-i w ell cluster loca -t ion,b-i lateral transpo rtat ion,three -lev el thro ttling ,medium -pr essure gas pr oduction,start -up alcohol inject ion,low -tem per at ur e separat ion,dispersed purificat ion,dr y -gas t ransmission.M or eo ver ,the follo wing tw o proposals are pr esented here:1Dur ing the pr ocess o f gas injection,the outlet pr essure of co mpr esso rs increases w it h the r ise of for matio n str ess,so the design for the g ro und sur face techno lo gies should consider the adaptability g ood enough for this g reat v ariet y;oBecause the pressur e and composit ion o f the pro duced g as are alway s changing ,w hich r esults in bad effect on the pur ify ing techno lo gy ,so construction by stages should be pr operly perfo rmed w hile the mo der ate co nstr uction scale in the initial st age should be a favo r for the adaptability of a pur ification plant.

Key words:natural gas,under gr ound gas stor age,gr ound sur face techno lo gy ,pressur izatio n,thrott ling ,alco ho l injection technolo -g y,lo w -temperatur e separation,purificat ion DOI:10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2010.08.020

Liu Zibing ,senior engineer,w as bor n in 1972.H e is mainly eng aged in research and desig n o f natural g as pur ification,gathering and transmission,and long -distance pipeline.



N atur al Gas I ndustr y ,V ol.30,I ssue 8,2010

Add:Xing lo ng yuan Residential A rea,Weiy ang Distr ict,X i .an,Shaanxi 710018,P.R.China Tel:+86-29-86599210 E -mail:ctec -lzb@https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f18860371.html,

Inventory verification of underground gas storage based on a flooded and depleted gas reservoir Xu H ong cheng,Wang Jiem ing ,Li Chun

(L angf ang Br anch,R esearch I nstitute of P etroleum Ex p lor ation &Develop ment,P etroChina,L angf ang,H ebei 065007,China)

NATUR.GAS IND.VOLUME 30,ISSUE 8,pp.79-82,8/25/2010.(ISSN 1000-0976;In Chinese)

Abstract:Inventor y ver ification is a key step for studying t he operat ion rule,analyzing the gas lo ss,fur ther impro ving the operation eff iciency ,and r educing the operating co st during the mult-i cycle o per ation of under gr ound gas st orag e.T he ear ly established mathe -matica l model o n inv ento ry ver ificatio n fo r the under gr ound g as stor age based on the un -flo oded g as r eser voirs is not applicable for tho se based o n t he flooded and depleted g as reservo ir s because the evaluation result by this model is obviously hig her than the actual injection -pro duction g as v olume.T herefor e,the concept of dynamic inventor y is init ially presented by means of analyzing the g as -dr ive and w ater -dr ain mechanism and investig ating into the micro -macro mot ion rule o f the wat er -g as tw o phases and po ssible distr -i bution.T hen,an inv ento ry v erificat ion mo del fo r the underg r ound g as sto rag e based on a flo oded and depleted g as r eser vo ir is estab -lished upo n t he evaluat ion cr iter ion,in w hich the gas injectio n -pro ductio n vo lume and pseudo fo rmatio n pressure are supposed to meet the r equirement of the mater ial balance equation w ithin an injectio n -pr oductio n cy cle.M any cases of study sho w that the calcu -latio n outcome co incides w ith the actual value and this new ly established model can be applied to calculate and analyze the inv ento ry o f under g round g as sto rag e based on the f loo ded and depleted gas reserv oir s,presenting scientific references to the operation,manage -ment and adjustment o f underg round g as sto rag e.

Key words:under gr ound g as sto rag e,w ater -flooded,depleted gas r eser vo ir,inventor y ver ification,inv ento ry ,model DOI:10.3787/j.issn.1000-0976.2010.08.021

X u Hongcheng ,engineer ,bor n in 1975,holds an M.Sc.deg ree and is mainly eng aged in the design and research o f underg ro und g as sto rag e.

Add:M ail Bo x 44,Wanzhuang,Lang fang ,H ebei 065007,P.R.China

Tel:+86-10-69213091 Mobile:+86-139******** E -mail:x uhong c@petr https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f18860371.html,

Numerical simulation on rotating je-t flow washing for debris on the bottom of cavern underground storage Song Xianzhi 1

,Li Gensheng 1

,W ang H aizhu 1

,Ding Guosheng 2

,T ian Shouceng


(1.S tate K ey L abor ator y of Oil &Gas R esour ces and Pr osp ecting ,China Univer sity of Petroleum ,Beij ing 102249,China;2.L angf ang Br anch ,Research I nstitute of Petroleum Ex p lor ation &Develop ment,P et -roChina,L angf ang,H ebei 065007,China)

NATUR.GAS IND.VOLUME 30,ISSUE 8,pp.83-86,8/25/2010.(ISSN 1000-0976;In Chinese)

Abstract:In the co nstr uctio n pro cess o f mult-i inter bedded r ock -sa lt cav ity w ith water so lutio n,the interbedded insoluble debr is is apt to ex cessiv ely deposit on the botto m of the cav ity ,which leads to the r eduction of cav ity dimension and salt dissolut ion rate,thus the co nstr uction quality and the schedule of underg ro und g as sto rag e w ill be badly influenced.T her efo re,this paper first presents a new met ho d o f debris cleaning based on jet -flow washing with high pr essure rotat ing water ,t hen ex plains it s wo rking principles by the jet -flow and r otational flo w actio ns.T hus,based o n the multiphase flow theor y,a mathematical mo del fo r this new metho d is estab -lished.By use of this model,a numer ical simulation is made on the influences o f the parameter s,such as flow r ate,debr is size,and too l .s r otation velo city,etc.,o n the debr is washing efficiency.T he simulatio n r esults show that 1flo w r at e and debris size are the main influencing facto rs,i.e.,the w ashing efficiency is g reatly impro ved while the flow rate incr eases,w hereas it is lo wer ed dow n dr amatically w hile the debr is size incr eases;ot he o ptimal r otation velo city ex ists under specific condit ions,but the influence o f the rot ation velocit y on the w ashing eff iciency scales do wn as the debris size r ises.A s a conclusion,this new metho d no t only effectiv ely



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