当前位置:文档之家› 中学英语易错题集锦大全211道题(精华珍藏版)




1.Because he was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (×)

Because he was ill yesterday, he didn’t go to work. (√)

He was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (√)

[析] 用though, but表示“虽然……,但是……”或用because, so 表示“因为……,所以……”时,though和but 及because和so 都只能择一而用,不能两者同时使用。

2.The Smiths have moved Beijing. (×)

The Smiths have moved to Beijing. (√)

[析] 不及物动词后接名词或代词作宾语时,要在动词之后加上适当的介词;但不及物动词后接home, here, there等副词作宾语时,动词之后不必加任何介词。

3.The box is too heavy for him to carry it. (×)

The box is too heavy for him to carry. (√)

[析] the box既是这句话的主语, 也是不定式to carry的逻辑宾语,若句末再加上it,就和the box重复了。

4.Each of the boys have a pen. (×)

Each of the boys has a pen. (√)

[析] 复数名词前有表个体的each of, one of, every,either of等词组修饰,或有表否定的neither of, none of 等词组修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。


Neither he nor you is good at English. (×)

Neither he nor you are good at English. (√)

[析] either... or..., neither... nor..., not only..., but also... 等词组连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则”, 即由靠近谓语的那个主语决定谓语的人称和数用何种形式。

6.T en minus three are seven. (×)

Ten minus three is seven. (√)

[析] 用英语表示加(plus)、减(minus)等数学运算时,谓语动词也用单数形式。

7.The number of the workers in this factory are about 5,000. (×)

The number of the workers in this factory is about 5,000. (√)

[析] the number of表示“……的数量”,谓语动词用单数形式;a number of 的意思是“若干”或“许多”,相当于some或a lot of,和复数名词连用,谓语动词用复数形式。

8. 例. Hello! I have important something to tell you. (×)

Hello! I have something important to tell you. (√)

[析] 形容词或动词不定式修饰不定代词作定语时,修饰成分要置于不定代词之后。

9. His son is enough old to go to school. (×)

His son is old enough to go to school. (√)

[析] enough作形容词修饰名词时,可以放在名词前,也可放在名词后;作副词修饰形容词或副词时,只能放在形容词或副词之后。

10.. Here is your sweater, put away it.(×)

Here is your sweater, put it away. (√)

[析] put away, pick up, put on等“动词+副词”构成的词组后接代词作宾语时,代词只能放在动词和副词之间。

11. Look! Here the bus comes.(×)

二年级下英语易错题汇总 (3)

二年级下英语易错题汇总 一、圈出与例词不同类的词 1. plane ferry car play bicycle 2. big bag short tall old 3. tiger monkey panda fish lion 二、在横线上正确填写单词 He It hear listen to am is are me your you I 1. Listen! Can you _____ the dog? It goes “woof, woof”. 2. Don’t read the book. Listen to _____. 3. _____ you a driver? No, I _____ a postman. 4. How many apples _____ there in the box? There _____ an apple. 5. This is Sam’s dog. _____ can jump very high. 6. Look at that boy. _____ is Peter’s brother. 7. Is this _____ book? Yes, it is my book. 8. My sister and _____ go to school on foot. 9. _____ I fat? No, you _____ thin. 10. This present is for _____. Take _____ present. 三、将正确的答案填写在括号里 1. ______ does Sam’s father look like? He is very tall and thin. A. What B. How old C. How 2. What _____ you see? I see a big pig in the farm. A. can B. do C. are 3. There is _____ in the zoo. A. a bear B. bear C. bears 4. My books _____ all on the shelf. A. am B. is C. are


期末复习推荐试题 推荐理由:这篇材料主要推荐一些经典的,容易出错的题目,一些太过简单的必考点就不再这里推荐了,比方说类似于“-4的相反数是 ”这类的 摘自第一讲《树形结合话数轴》 1.将一刻度尺放在数轴上(数轴的单位长度是1cm),使刻度尺上“0cm”和“8cm”分别对应数轴上的-3 和x,那么x 对应的值可能为()A.5B.8C.-11D.5或-11 【答案】x-(-3)=8,解得x=5,-3-x=8,解得x=-11, 故选:D. 2.已知b≠0,且a 与b 互为相反数,下列各式不一定成立的是() A.1a b =-B.|a|=-b C.ab=-a 2 D.a+b=0 【答案】b>0时,B 错误; 3.已知a 和b 互为相反数,m 和n 互为倒数,(2)c =-+,求22mn a b c ++ 的值【答案】解:由相反数和倒数的定义可得0a b +=,1 mn =∵(2) c =-+∴原式112()022 mn a b c =++ =+=--4.设a 、b 同时满足(a -2b )2+|b +1|=0;.那么ab =___________ 【答案】∵2 (2)0a b -≥,10b +≥,且(a -2b )2+|b +1|=0 则b=-1,2 (2)0a b -=∴2a b =,a=-2,ab=2 5.已知a 、b 为有理数,且0a >,0b <,0a b +<,将四个数a 、b 、a -、b -按由大到小的顺序 排列________【答案】b a a b <-<<-6.已知数轴上有A 、B 两点,A 、B 之间的距离为1,点A 与原点O 的距离为3,那么点B 对应的数是 __________ 【答案】4或2或-2或-4 7.数轴的原点O 上有一个蜗牛,第1次向正方向爬1个单位长度,紧接着第2次反向 爬2个单位长度,第3次向正方向爬3个单位长度,第4次反向爬4个单位长度……,依次规律爬下去,当它爬完第100次处在B 点.


初中英语易错题汇总大全单项选择题 12. I do well in playing football, _______. (我妹妹也行。)A. so my sister does(×)B. so does my sister(√) Li Lei is really a football fan. --- _______. (确实这样.) A. So is he(×) B. So he is(√) [析] “so+be动词/助动词+主语”的倒装结构表示前面所述情况也适用于后者,意为“……也是这样”;“so+主语+be动词/助动词”的陈述结构表示对前述情况的肯定,意为“……确实如此”。 19. 例--- He didn’t go to school yesterday, did he?-- _______, though he didn’t feel very well. A. No, he didn’t (×) B. Yes, he did (√) 例--- Don’t you usually come to school by bike?-- _______. But I sometimes walk. A. No, I don’t (×) B. Yes, I do (√) [析] 习惯上英语中的yes意为“是的”,no意为“不”,但在“前否后肯”的反意疑问句或否定疑 问句中,yes意为“不”,no意为“是的”。 20.---- Excuse me, is the supermarket far from here?---- No,it's about _______. A. 7 minutes walk B. 7 minute walk C. 7 minutes' walk D. 7 minute's walk 答案为C。本题考查名词所有格用法。当名词的复数以-s结尾时,则只需要加“'”即可,则“7分钟的距离”为“7 minutes' walk”。 21. You can not imagine how much I ______ on this dress. Is it beautiful? A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent [剖析] 答案为D。本题考察四个表“花费”的动词辨析。主语为人,且和介词on搭配的动词是spend。 22. ---- Do you know _____ university student who is talking with Joe?---- Yes, she,s my cousin, Kate. A. a B. an C. the D. / [剖析] 答案为C。university虽然以元音字母u开头,但其前若使用不定冠词时,则要用 a.不过此题中不能使用不定冠词,而是特指和Joe说话的那个大学生,故要选the。


中学英语易错集锦大全211道题(精华珍藏版) 1.Because he was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (×) Because he was ill yesterday, he didn’t go to work. (√) He was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (√) [析] 用though, but表示“虽然……,但是……”或用because, so 表示“因为……,所以……”时,though和but 及because和so 都只能择一而用,不能两者同时使用。 2.The Smiths have moved Beijing. (×) The Smiths have moved to Beijing. (√) [析] 不及物动词后接名词或代词作宾语时,要在动词之后加上适当的介词;但不及物动词 后接home, here, there等副词作宾语时,动词之后不必加任何介词。 3.The box is too heavy for him to carry it. (×) The box is too heavy for him to carry. (√) [析] the box既是这句话的主语, 也是不定式to carry的逻辑宾语,若句末再加上it,就和the box重复了。 4.Each of the boys have a pen. (×) Each of the boys has a pen. (√) [析] 复数名词前有表个体的each of, one of, every,either of等词组修饰,或有表否定的neither of, none of 等词组修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 5.例:那是你心软!我不就是一个例子吗? Neither he nor you is good at English. (×) Neither he nor you are good at English. (√) [析] either... or..., neither... nor..., not only..., but also... 等词组连接句子的两个主语时,


中考英语易错题集锦 一、名词、冠词 1.– What can I do for you? -- I’d like two _______. A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple 答案: B. (选择其它三项的同学要注意仔细看题.不要马虎, 这里box 和apple都是可数名词) 2.Help yourself to _________. A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken 答案: C (选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数) 3..________ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意weather不可数. 选择C和D的同学要注意weather是名词, 要用what来感叹.) 4.Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 答案: A. (选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.) 5.This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意, 当这种概念名词当“人”讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等) 6.We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two mo nth’s D. two-months


中考单选易错题整理 主谓一致 3. The nations of Western Europe ____ worth learning from. A. is B. are C. has D. have 7. Each of the students ____ a dictionary. A. have B. has C. is D. are 9. The Greens ____ France since the spring of 1990. A. have been to B. have been in C. has been to D. had been in 10. – How many teachers are there in your school? -- About 150. One third of them ____ men teachers. A. have B. has C. are D. is 14. Your trousers ____ dirty, you must have ____ washed. A. is, them B. are, it C. are, them D. is, it 15. Not only the student but also Mr. Smiths ____ tired of having one examination. A. is B. are C. was D. were 19. Each boy and each girl ____ hard. A. are working B. has worked C. is working D. have worked 36. Xiao Dong is one of the best students in his class who ____ by their teacher. A. praises B. is praised C. praise D. are praised 38. On every piece of the paper ____ pictures of some horses. A. is B. are C. has D. have 42. In our city ____ of the people ____ to Han Nationality. A. three fifths, belong B. three fifth; belong C. three fifths; belongs D. three fifth; belongs 51. ____ she or you going to Beijing next month? A. Was B. Is C. Were D. Are 10. That place is not interesting at all, ____of us wants to go there. A. Neither B. Both C. All D. Some 16. In the city the old _______. A. take good care of B. are taken good care of C. is taken good care of D. are been taken good care of 19. The children in this class each _____new school bag. A. have B. has C. has got D. are having 24. You as well as he _____ to blame(责备) for the accident(交通事故). A. are B. is C. have D. has 3. Both the secretary and the manager _____agreed to attend the meeting. A. has B. have C. are D. was 7. This is one of the best novels that ____appeared this year. A.have been B. has C. had been D. have 13. When and where to build the new factory ____yet. A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided 14. Although the first part of the book is easy,the rest ______.


初中数学选择、填空、简答题 易错题集锦及答案 一、选择题 1、A 、B 是数轴上原点两旁的点,则它们表示的两个有理数是( C ) A 、互为相反数 B 、绝对值相等 C 、是符号不同的数 D 、都是负数 2、有理数a 、b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简|a-b|-|a+b|的结果是( A ) A 、2a B 、2b C 、2a-2b D 、2a+b 3、轮船顺流航行时m 千米/小时,逆流航行时(m-6)千米/小时,则水流速度( B ) A 、2千米/小时 B 、3千米/小时 C 、6千米/小时 D 、不能确定 4、方程2x+3y=20的正整数解有( B ) A 、1个 B 、3个 C 、4个 D 、无数个 5、下列说法错误的是( C ) A 、两点确定一条直线 B 、线段是直线的一部分 C 、一条直线是一个平角 D 、把线段向两边延长即是直线 6、函数y=(m 2-1)x 2 -(3m-1)x+2的图象与x 轴的交点情况是 ( C ) A 、当m ≠3时,有一个交点 B 、1±≠m 时,有两个交 C 、当1±=m 时,有一个交点 D 、不论m 为何值,均无交点 7、如果两圆的半径分别为R 和r (R>r ),圆心距为d ,且(d-r)2=R 2 ,则两圆的位置关系是( B ) A 、内切 B 、外切 C 、内切或外切 D 、不能确定 8、在数轴上表示有理数a 、b 、c 的小点分别是A 、B 、C 且b


高三英语单选易错题集锦十套共400单选题最新高三英语单选易错题集锦[1] 单项选择题 1 I cant remember _____________ made the teacher give Mary the permission to leave the class earlier A that it was what B what it was that C what was it that D that was it what 2 He let out an ______________ cry weve won A excited B exciting C excite D excites 3 –Is football Johns favourite sport --Yes __________ football baseball is his greatest love A Near to B Except C Beside D Next to 4 Do you think regular exercise ___________ good health A benefit from B reach for C make for D go for 5 Have you applied ___________ Mr Black _____________ the post Its worth a try A for to B with for C with about D to for 6 _______ the loud noise going on in the workshop I can hardly __________ on my lessons A As put B As concentrate C With rely D With concentrate 7 _________ Ive never seen anyone whos as capable as Kate


初中英语易错单选题 1 What do you think ______solve the problem ? A.you can do B.can you do C.you can do to D.can you do to 2 In the past he often made his sister___, but now he is often made __by his sister. A.to cry; to cry B.cry; cry C.to cry; cry D.cry; to cry 3 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east. A.rises B. rose C. raises D.raised 4 He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees. A. there B. where C.that D.which 5 He ________ Alice for ten years. A. married to B.has married to C.has married D.has been married to 6 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job. A.but B.except C.as well D.besides 7 They won`t allow us ________ at this beach. A.swimming B.to swim C.swam D.swim 8 Is this factory ______you visited last week? A.that B.where C.the one D.in which 9 The reason ___he was absent from the meeting was ___his car broke down on the way. A.that; because B.why; that C.that; that D.for; that 10 Is the river_____ through that town very large? A.which flows B.flows C.that flowing D.whose flows 11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now. A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play 12 The red rose is the only one _____I really like. A.which B.who C.that D.whom 13 All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs. A.those B.which C.what D.that 14 Don`t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League. A.when B.that C.at which D.where 15 I prefer______ at home to _____outside. A.staying, playing B.to stay, play C.staying, play D.to stay, playing 16 The box is _____what I saw in the shop. A.same as B.the same like C.the same that D.the same as 17 The pen ______she writes letters is broken. A.which B.that C.with which D.by which 18 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.


初三易混淆 易错题集锦 10月26日晚8点到8点30讲解(郁老师) 1speak English讲英语 2say…in English用英语说 3say that说… 4talk about谈论.. 5tell the difference区分差异 6what….say说什么 7talk with….与…交谈 8 tell a story 讲故事 1 Mr Lee ______ that he would join us in the football game tomorrow (said talked spoke told) 2 Millions of Shanghai citizens are learning to _____ English for the 2019 World Expo

(tell speak say talk) 3 The teachers and students are____ about the school sports meet these days (speaking talking saying telling) 4 Could you _____ something in English in today’s English class? (say speak tell talk) 5 Tim could _____ neither French nor German, so I ____ with him in English (speak…talked talk…..told say….spoke tell….talked) 6 I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you _______. Could you repeat? (talked told said spoke) 7 Students often find it hard to ________ the difference between the two words (say tell talk speak)


大家知道,现在的中考英语试题总体不难,只要不放弃英语学习的学生都可以考及格以上,但欲考接近满分却并非易事。因为为了适当拉开学生距离,命题老师往往也会出一两个所谓的压轴题,以把那些真正的英语尖子生选拔出来。有时候我们学生与重点高中失之交臂,就是失分在下面我精选的难题上。 ( ) 1. ________ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中经常考查的不可数名词有work, news, adivice, information等。 ( ) 2. Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 解析:选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如:an apple tree →two apple trees. 但注意a man teacher→two men teachers。 ( ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them。 A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。( ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam。 A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 解析:选择B 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语,如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。 ( ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table。 A. place B. room C. floor D. ground 解析:选B. 此题最容易误选A.。room在句中是空间而非房间。句意:角落里没有摆桌子的空间了。 ( ) 6. We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world。(苏州2010) A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 解析:选A. 此题容易误选C, D. 根据句意:如果我们创造一个没有污染的世界,那么我们就用一个蓝色的天空。 ( ) 7. —Are you ______ American or English? —English.. We are working in Wuhu. (芜湖10) A. a B. \ C. the D. an 解析:选B 此题容易误选D. 句中American是形容词而非名词,如果句中改为Are you __________ or an English man? 就选择D。 ( ) 8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _______? A. don’t you B. doesn’t he C. do you D. does he 解析:选择B. 此题容易误选A. 其实不是对前面的句中进行反问,而是对he likes running 进行反问。 ( ) 9. —Why not take ____umbrella with the sign “Made in China”?It is _____ useful umbrella? —What _______ good advice it is! A. an; an; a B. an; a; \ C. a; an; a D. \; an; a 解析:选B. 大多数学生容易做错此题。记住an用在元音音素前而不是元音字母前,记住了这一点就知道了an umbrella 和a useful umbrella. 在最后一句中advice是不可数名词,前面不能接不定冠词。故选择B ( ) 10. — When shall we meet again next week?


2021年中考英语选择易错题集锦 1. It is _______ outside. Let’s put on our raincoats and go out, Tom. A. cold B. hot C. sunny D. rainy 【解析】此题易误为A。因为这里有个put on短语,如果不注意raincoats这个词那就很可能草率地选择A。raincoats是“雨衣”的意思,而不是一般的衣服,那么不是因为外面“冷”,而是因为“下雨”才穿“雨衣”。正确答案为D。 2. —_______ do you _______ about spring? —The flowers and the green trees. A. How, like B. How, think C. What, think D. What, like 【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B或C。这是由于忽略语境造成的。由答语The flowers and the green trees. 可知,所问的是“你喜欢春天的什么?”而不是“你觉得春天怎么样?”。正确答案为D。 3. —What’s your sister like? —_______. A. She is a worker B. She likes pears C. She is very thin D. She is like her father 【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或D。有很多考生一看题干中的like一词就会想当然地选择B或D。其实,问句的意思是“你姐姐长得怎么样?”因此,正确答案为C。What’s …like? 这个句型常常用来询问某人的长相或某事的情况(包括天气情况)。


初三英语中考难题易错题汇总系列(一) A. The; a B. A; the C. The; / D. The; the ( )2. --- Must I go home now? ---No, you _____. You _____ sit here for a moment. A. needn’t ; must B. mustn’t; have to C. needn’t to ;must D. don’t have to ; can ( )3. It wasn’t long_________ the rain stopped and the sun came out again. A. until B. before C. when D. since ( )4. —You don’t know me, do you? —________. Don’t you remember ________ the mountain with us last weekend? A. No; climbing B. No; to climb C. Yes; climbing D. Yes; to climb ( )5. Could you tell me_____? A. what she had done with the camera. B. how we can call this lady C. what is wrong with the watch D. which city we should go ( )6. It’s a good habit to ______ all your things in correct places. A. put away B. put up C. put out D. put off ( )7. It’s an international school ,_____of the students ___from foreign countries. A. two-third; are B. second-thirds; is C. two-thirds ;are D. two-three; is ( )8. She______ for 15 years, yet she didn’t know what kind of man she ______. A. had married; married B. had been married; married to C. had been married; had married D. married; had married to ( )9. Many new houses have been provided ______ people in Sichuan ________. A. to, to live in B. for, to live C. with, to live D. for, to live in ( )10.. I’d like to find______ to read on the journey, and_______ will do. A. something, everything B. something, something C. anything, everything D. something, anything ( )11. Though they are ______little children , they have worked out _______many difficult math problems.


( ) 1–Could you tell me___________? – She has a pain in her face。 A. what is the matter with her B. what’s wrong with him C. what the matter is with her D. what wrong is with him ( ) 2.—Put it down, Richard, you mustn’t read _______ letter。 A. anyone’s else’s B. anyone’s else C. anyone else’s D. anyone else ( ) 3. Do you have _______ to tell me? A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything ( ) 4. Butter and cheese ______ in price。 A. is gone up B. have gone up C. are gone up D. has gone up ( ) 5. In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education。 A. has B. have C. is D. are ( ) 6. A man of words and not of deeds _______ a graden full of weed。 A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like ( ) 7. John plays basketball _________, if not better than Jim。 A. as well B. so well as C. so well D. as well as ( ) 8. _____ neither you nor he enjoy fast food? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are ( ) 9. The population of the world ______ still _____ now。

高考英语 易错题解题方法大全-单项选择[上]

高考英语易错题解题方法大全(1):单项选择(上) 【示例1】_____ Jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. A. The, 不填 B. 不填, a C. The, a D. A. a 【错解分析】典型错误B.错因分析:以为专有名称前不用冠词而误选B。 【解题指导】第一个空后有定语从句修饰特指今天的上海市,用the ; 是一座不同于过去的城市,所以第二个空应该用不定冠词。 【答案】本题的正确选项为C. 【练习1】—Has the little girl passed ______ P.E. test? —She has tried twice, and the teacher will allow her to have _____ third try. A. the; 不填 B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 【错解分析】由于没有掌握序数词前用不定冠词表示“又一次,在一次”的意思而误选D。 【解题指导】本题考查序数词前用不定冠词的用法.第一空特指体育测试,用定冠词;她尽管两次都未通过,但教师允许她再考一次.a+序数词表示“又.再”,故选C. 【答案】C 【示例2】 His speech was hard to understand because he kept jumping from one topic to _____. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another 【错解分析】典型错误B.错因分析:选择依据可能是one … the other …这一常用结构 【解题指导】使用one … the other … 时,我们通常是针对两者而言的,即指“两者中的一个……,另一个……”;如果所谈论的情况不是针对两者而言的,而是针对多者而言的,那么我们就不宜在 one 后使用 the other,而考虑用 another。


中考数学易错题集锦汇总及答案 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________ 1.如图,能判定 AB ∥CD 的条件是( ) A .∠1=∠2 B .∠1+∠2= 180° C .∠3=∠4 D .∠3+∠1=180° 2.下列各式中从左到右的变形,是因式分解的是( ) A .(a+3)(a-3)=a 2-9; B .x 2+x-5=(x-2)(x+3)+1; C .a 2b+ab 2=ab (a+b ) D .x 2+1=x (x+ x 1) 3.用科学记数方法表示0000907.0,得( ) A .4 1007.9-? B .5 1007.9-? C .6 107.90-? D .7 107.90-? 4.小马虎在下面的计算中只做对了一道题,则他做对的题目是 ( ) A .2 2 2 )(b a b a -=- B .6 2 34)2(a a =- C .5232a a a =+ D .1)1(--=--a a 5.方程 x 3=2 2-x 的解的情况是( ) A .2=x B .6=x C .6-=x D .无解 6.已知2 35x x ++的值为 3,则代数式2 391x x +-的值为( ) A .-9 B .-7 C .0 D .3 7.下列事件中,届于不确定事件的是( ) A .2008年奥运会在北京举行

B.太阳从西边升起 C.在1,2,3,4中任取一个教比 5大 D.打开数学书就翻到第10页 8.下列长度的三条线段能组成三角形的是() A.5cm,3cm,1cm B.6cm,4cm,2cm C. 8cm, 5cm, 3cm D. 9cm,6cm,4cm 9.在下面四个图形中,既包含图形的旋转,又有图形的轴对称设计的是() A.B.C.D. 10.下列说法中,正确的是() A.一颗质地均匀的骰子已连续抛掷了 2000次,其中抛掷出 5点的次数最少,则第2001次一定抛掷出 5点 B.某种彩票中奖的概率是1%,因此买100张该种彩票一定会中奖 C.天气预报说明天下雨的概率是50%,所以明天将有一半时间在下雨 D.抛掷一枚图钉,钉尖触地和钉尖朝上的概率不相等 11.某地区10户家庭的年消费情况如下:年消费l0万元的有2户,年消费5万元的有l 户,年消费1.5万元的有6户,年消费7千元的有1户.可估计该地区每户年消费金额的一般水平为() A.1.5万元 B.5万元 C.10万元 D.3.47万元 12.三角形的一个外角小于与它相邻的内角,这个三角形是() A.直角三角形B.锐角三角形 C.钝角三角形D.属于哪一类不能确定 13.下列图形中,由已知图形通过平移变换得到的是()

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