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Part III Listening Comprehension Section A…………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. W: I have to think about your offer. I can?t say “yes”

or “no” at the moment.

M: You can take your time. It will do if you let me know your decision in a day or two.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 【听前预测】选项中的The man thinks,the woman should save his time,The woman need not hurry等表明,本题可能与男士给女士的建议有关。


12. M: Here comes my secretary. She?s an extremely

good-looking young woman, don?t you think?

W: Yes, but I heard that her work isn?t as good as her appearance.

Q: What does the woman think of the secretary? 【听前预测】选项中的She is,good-looking,perfect,good at work等表明,本题与对女士的评价有关。【解析】选[D]。男士提到自己的秘书长得很漂亮,女士表示同意,但接着用but转折提到她听说她(即男士的秘书)的工作能力没有外表那么好(her work isn?t as good as her appearance),言外之意就是男士的秘书的工作能力不行,故答案为[D]。

13. W: Were all the books I recommended useful?

M: Yes, they were. All of us are grateful to you and my classmates asked me to thank you for your


Q: What can we conclude from the conversation? 【听前预测】选项中重复出现的books表明,对话与书有关。The man does not think/appreciates表明,男士的话为听音重点。

【解析】选[D]。女士问男士她推荐的书是否有用,男士的回答“Yes, they were. All of us are grateful to you and my classmates asked me to thank you…”为听音重点。由男士的回答可知,男士很感谢女士推荐的书,故答案为[D]。

14. M: I borrowed some CDs from Jim last week, but I

lost them. Would you tell Jim I?m sorry about


W: Hadn?t you better tell him yourself?

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 【听前预测】选项均以原形动词开头以及其中的Express his apology,Jim,CDs等表明,本题与女士给男士的建议有关,该建议涉及Jim和CD。

【解析】选[C]。男士踢打他把Jim的CD丢了,希望女士能帮他向Jim转达歉意,而女士通过反问句Hadn?t you better tell him yourself?(你自己告诉他不是更好吗?)建议男士自己去跟Jim道歉,故答案为[C]。

15. W: There was a new quiz show on television last

night, but we were just outside and sitting down

to dinner when it came on.

M: I watched it and it was great! The first four contestants won only small prizes, but the fifth

left with a new luxury car.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? 【听前预测】选项中重复出现的dinner,show表明,对话涉及晚餐和某个节目。

【解析】选[C]。女士说昨晚有一个新的智力竞赛节目(quiz show),但是节目播出的时候她正在外面吃饭,由此可知,女士昨天错过了智力竞赛节目的播出时间,故答案为[C]。

16. M: I?m really worried about Susan. How is Susan?s

lab experiment coming along? 【听前预测】选项中的Meeting Susan,Making sure,Asking Susan等表明,本题可能与某人的建议有关,

W: I?m not sure. Why don?t we go have a look? Q: What does the woman suggest doing?


【解析】选[C]。男士问女士Susan的实验进行得怎么样了,女士通过反问句Why don?t we go have a look?建议去看看Susan做实验的进展情况,故答案为[C]。

17. W: Why do we always have to argue about money?

M: If it wasn?t money, you?d argue about something else; I think you enjoy arguments.

Q: What does the man think of the woman? 【听前预测】选项中的She spends money lavishly/should get a job等表明,本题可能考查对女士的看法。


18. M: I wish Susie would stop reciting that poem. I?ve

heard her repeat it hundreds of times.

W: At least that much. I used to really like Whitman?s poems until I had to listen to her over

and over again.

Q: What do the two speakers mean? 【听前预测】选项中的poem(s)和poet表明,对话可能与诗歌有关。

【解析】选[A]。男士通过虚拟语气I wish Susie would stop reciting that poem表示他不想再听Susie 朗诵那首诗了,女士也说她以前很喜欢惠特曼的诗,她听Susie朗诵这么多遍之后也不想再听到这首诗了,由此可知,说话双方都厌倦听这首诗了,故答案为[A]。

Now you will hear the two long conversations.

W: Exercise, exercise, exercise. We hear so much about it these days, yet even the experts can?t agree on which exercises are best. Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.

M: Arm exercises? Is that because our arms are too fat or flabby?

W: Actually, that?s not the main reason. They say that arm exercises are an ideal way to become physically fit.

M: But don?t arm exercises raise your blood pressure? W: That they do. But the article I read mentioned ways to compensate for that.

M: How?

W: By adding leg exercises, so the arms don?t do all the work. Arm exercises alone aren?t enough to increase metabolism before fatigue sets in. The more of the body that?s involved in the exercise, the better.

M: And in turn, I?m sure that there?s a greater chance of Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What’s the main reason that many doctors

recommend arm exercises?

【解析】选[C]。女士说现在很多医生大力推荐手臂运动(arm exercises),男士问是不是因为很多人的手臂too fat or flabby,女士说那不是主要原因,而是因为手臂运动是一种保持健康(become physically fit)的理想方式,故答案为[C],其中的physically healthy 与女士提到的physically fit对应。

20. What is the problem caused by arm exercises,

according to the conversation?

【解析】选[D]。选择中的They,damage arm muscles,raise one?s blood pressure等表明,本题考查They的缺点,听音时注意They指代什么。对话中男士提到But don?t arm exercises raise your blood pressure?女士说That they do表示同意,由此可知,手臂运动的一个缺点就是它会使血压升高,故答案为[D]。

losing weight.

W: Sounds right to me.

M: So what exercises do the experts recommend?

W: They mentioned quite a few, but some of the more popular ones are cycling with special bicycles that make you use both your arms and legs. And walking vigorously while you wear arm weights.

M: I must try that. I like to walk a lot.

W: I hope you could get the result you want. And then I may follow your step to do arm exercises.

M: No problem. 【点睛】But转折处为常考点,听音时应注意。21. What exercises do the experts recommend?

【解析】选[C]。选项中的Wearing arm weights,Jogging vigorously,Walking slowly等表明,本题可能与运动有关。男士问专家推荐什么样的运动,女士说专家推荐了几种,最普遍的就是骑特殊的自行车,这种车子能使人手脚并用,故答案为[C]。


W: Professor Keyes? May I come in?

M: Jessica, sure. Have a seat. What can I do for you? W: It?s the lab experiments, Professor. I?m getting different results from everyone else, so I thought I?d better ask for your advice or else I?ll fail the class. M: Not everyone gets the right results. I thought you might?ve discovered on your own what you were doing wrong.

W: Well, I?ve gone over every step of every experiment we did in the lab, and I haven?t been able to figure out where I went wrong in any of them.

M: OK. I think you probably study the steps carefully.

But I?ve observed something in my classes ever since

I started teaching chemistry. Some students know the

steps involved in an experiment but they don?t understand the purpose and the objectives of the experiment. Do you actually read through the reference and the handouts I give?

W: Um, not really. I just find it very difficult reading. M: Well, Jessica. Knowing what the steps are will help you when you write up a lab report, but would you be able to write a conclusion about the results if you didn?t understand what you were doing?

W: No, I guess not.

M: So why not spend just half an hour going through the material and if it isn?t clear to you, you can either ask me or you can go over to the chemistry club.

W: OK. I?ll d o that. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. Why does the woman go to see the man?

【解析】选[C]。选项均以“To+原形动词”开头以及其中的ask him to explain,lab experiment/report表明,本题考查女士的行为目的,该行为目的与实验室实验或报告有关。对话一开始,女士说她为了实验室的试验(lab experiments)来找男士,因为她得到的试验结果与其他人都不同,所以她想从男士这里寻求建议,由此可知,女士是为了问一些做实验方面的建议才来见男士的,故答案为[C]。

【点睛】so表目的处为常考点,听音时应注意。23. Why does the man talk about a phenomenon in

his chemistry classes?

【解析】选[D]。选项均以“To+原形动词”开头以及其中的help the woman表明,本题与男士的行为目的有关。男士以为女士已经找出了她做实验时所犯的错误,而女士却说她检查了每个实验的各个环节,但是没有发现哪个环节出了差错,于是男士提及他教化学以来观察到的一个经常存在的现象:学生知道实验的步骤,但是却不理解实验的目的和目标是什么,以此来帮助女士认清她的问题所在,故答案为[D]。

24. What does the man suggest the woman do?

【解析】选[B]。选项均为原形动词开头以及the handouts he provides表明,本题考查男士的观点建议。男士得知女士每次都是熟知实验步骤,但是却不怎么看他发的实验参考资料和讲义(the reference

M: There?s something else. I?ve noticed that you aren?t always precise in your measurements. You?re not going to get the results you?re looking for if you don?t measure things right or heat an ingredient at the right heat or heat it for the exact amount of time required. W: OK, Professor. I see what I?m doing wrong. and the handouts ),所以男士通过反问句why not spend just half an hour going through the material 建议女士要看他发给大家的参考资料和讲义,故答案为[B]。

【点睛】why not …?为表建议的常用句式。 25. What can be inferred about the woman? 【解析】选[D]。选项中的She ,does not like chemistry ,

too busy to study ,careless about lab techniques 等表明,本题可能与女士在学习中的情况或存在的问题有关。对话中男士提到他发现女士在测量(measurements )方面不是很准确,由此可推断出,女士在实验方法上有些粗心,故答案为[D]。

Section B…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Jack?s friend, Kate Smith kept birds. One day Kate phoned and told Jack she was going away for a week. She asked Jack to feed the birds for her and said that she would leave the key in Jack?s mailbox. Unfortunately, Jack forgot all about the birds until the night before Kate was going to return. What was worse, it was already dark when Jack arrived at Kate?s house. Jack soon found the key Kate gave him could not unlock either the front door or the back door. He was getting desperate. He kept thinking of what Kate would say when she came back. Jack was just going to give up when he noticed that one bedroom window was slightly open. He found a barrel and pushed it under the window. As the barrel was very heavy, Jack made a lot of noise. But in the end, he managed to climb up and open the window. Jack actually had one leg inside the bedroom when he suddenly realized that someone was shining a torch up at him. He looked down and saw a policeman and an old lady, one of Kate?s neighbors. “What are you doing up there?” said the policeman. Feeling like a complete fool, Jack replied, “I was just going to feed Mrs. Smith?s birds.”

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. What did Kate ask Jack to do? 【解析】选[A]。选项中的check her mailbox ,help her

等表明,本题可能考查男士的行为动作。短文开头提到,Kate 要外出一周,所以她请Jack 帮忙喂鸟,并把自己的钥匙留在了Jack 的信箱里了,由此可知,Kate 让Jack 来她家喂鸟,故答案为[A]。 27. Why did Jack feel desperate?

【解析】选[B]。选项中重复出现的He couldn?t 表明,本题可能与男士遇到的问题有关。短文中提到,Jack

发现Kate 给他的钥匙既打不开前门,也打不开后门,所以他感到绝望,故答案为[B]。

28. What happened when Jack just prepared to enter the room through the window?

【解析】选[B]。短文中提到,Jack 打不开Kate 家的门,没有办法他只能从Kate 家的窗户钻到屋里,当他把一只腿迈进卧室时,突然发现有人用手电筒晃他,故答案为[B]。

【点睛】[B]中的highlighted 与短文中提到的

shining 对应。

When you turn on the radio, you hear an advertisement. When you watch television, you hear and see an advertisement. If you turn the pages of a newspaper or magazine, again you find an advertisement. If you walk down the street, you see one advertising board after another. All day, every day, people who want to sell you something compete to catch your attention. As a result, advertisements are almost everywhere. In the West, advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media work. The government does not give money to mass media such as TV stations, newspapers, magazines and radio stations. They are all owned privately, so where does the money come from? From advertisements. Without advertisements, there would not be these private businesses.

Have you ever asked yourself what advertising is? Through the years, people have given different answers to the question. For some time it was felt that advertising was a means of “keeping your name before the public”. And some people thought that advertising was “truth well told”. Now more and more people describe it in this way: Advertising is the paid, non-personal, and usually persuasive description of goods, services and ideas through various media.

All advertisements try to make people believe that the product, idea, or service advertised can do well to them. Advertisements exist everywhere in our lives. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What is the passage mainly about?



30. What is the financial source for the mass media in

the West?

【解析】选[C]。短文中提到在西方国家,政府不给予诸如电视台、报纸、杂志、电台等传媒经济支持,它们都是私有的,并用自问自答的形式指出这些传媒的资金来源于广告(So where does the money come from? From advertisements),故答案为[C]。

31. According to the passage, what is one of the

features of advertisements?



During the American War of Independence (1775—1783) and in the first days after the founding of the nation, there was a dispute between the northern and southern states as to where the capital of the new country should be located.

For most of the Revolutionary War period, the rebels? capital was Philadelphia. The First Continental Congress of 1774 was held there, so was the second one in 1776, the one which proclaimed The Declaration of Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. What was the dispute between the northern and

southern states just after the U.S. was founded? 【解析】选[C]。短文开头提到,在美国成立最初的日子里,南部和北部各州争论的内容是关于首都的选址问题(where the capital of the new country should be located),故答案为[C]。

33. Where was the First Continental Congress held?

Independence; and in 1787 the federal Constitution was adopted there, too. Larger New York served as the capital for a while. From 1790 to 1800, however, Philadelphia was once more the capital.

To solve the problem, George Washington, the first President of the United States, personally selected an area on the northeastern shore of the Potomac River between the states of Maryland and Virginia as the new capital. This was as early as 1791. He appointed Pierre L?Enfant, a French engineer who had fought in the Revolution, to prepare a plan for the new city. George Washington died in 1799, so it was John Adams, the second President, who moved the capital to the new seat, which was yet to be completed. To commemorate George Washington, the new capital was named after him. 【解析】选[D]。选项均为美国地名,需快速浏览四个选项中的地点场所,并在听音时捕捉关键信息词对号入座即可选出答案。短文中提到,1974年的第一次大陆会议(The First Continental Congress)是在there举行的,联系上文可知,there指的是Philadelphia (费城),故答案为[D]。

【点睛】本题解题的关键是结合前一句弄清楚there 的指代。

34. What can we learn about the capital of the U.S.? 【解析】选[A]。选项中的Its location/construction, was located等表明,本题考查It的相关情况,It应该指某个地点或建筑。短文中提到,美国第一任总统George Washington亲自选定马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州之间的区域作为首都,由此可知,美国首都的选址是George Washington完成的,故答案为[A]。

35. When did George Washington die?

【解析】选[B]。选项均为年份,听音时注意留意与年份相关的信息,听清问题问的是什么。短文结尾处提到,乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)于1799年去世,故答案为[B]。


Section C…………………………………………………………………………………………………



其后的experts from…from NASA提示,所填名词很可能表示“组织”或“机构”的意思。




由后面对它的解释中提到的...twenty-four miles long and one mile wide...1,000 feet...可推断出,Loch Ness(内斯湖)很大,所填词可能有“巨大的”含义。







44.【答案】Many of these photographs have later been recognized as silly jokes played on an unsuspecting public

【Main Points】Many of these photos have later been regarded as silly jokes played on an unsuspecting public 45.【答案】it seems certain that something does exist in the deep waters of the mysterious lake

【Main Points】it appears certain that something does exist in the deep and mysterious lake

46.【答案】has constructed the picture of what he believes the monster might look like

【Main Points】has drawn the picture of the monster?s possible appearance he believes


Part III Listening Comprehension Section A…………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. W: Do you have any more computers shown in the

advertisement left?

M: Yes, we have one more on sale, but it?s on the third floor. You?d better run up there before

someone buys it.

Q: What will the woman most likely do? 【听前预测】选项均以原形动词开头以及其中的Argue with the man表明,本题可能与女士的行为活动有关。

【解析】选[B]。女士询问男士是否还有广告上的那种电脑,男士告诉女士还剩下一台在促销,但是这台电脑在三楼,接着男士说女士最好在别人买走这台电脑之前快点去三楼,由此可知,女士接下来很可能会快速跑到三楼,故答案为[B]。on sale意为“促销”。

12. M: Look at the house. I think you should admit that

we?re offering you a lovely h ouse at a very good


W: Lovely? Are you being funny?

Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前预测】根据选项中的The house,She likes,unsatisfied等推测,本题可能考查女士对房子的看法。【解析】选[D]。男士认为他们提供给女士的房子既好又便宜(a lovely house at a very good price),女士通过两个连续的反问句Lovely? Are you being funny?(漂亮吗?你在开玩笑嘛?)表示出她对房子的不满,故答案为[D]。

13. W: You have arranged to meet Mr. Smith on

Wednesday. So I don?t have to write to him, do


M: There?s no need to write to him.

Q: What are the two speakers talking about? 【听前预测】选项中的write to/contact/meet Mr. Smith 等表明,本题考查与Mr. Smith有关的行为动作。【解析】选[A]。女士通过反意疑问句So I don?t have to write to him, do I?向男士确认她是否还要给史密斯先生写信,男士说There?s no need to write to him(没有这个必要),由此可知,对话双方在讨论女士是否有必要给史密斯先生写信,故答案为[A]。

14. M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the

next flight to Los Angeles is?

W: Sure, the next direct flight to Los Angeles is 2 hours from now, but if you don?t mind

transferring at San Francisco, you can board now.

Q: What do we learn about the man? 【听前预测】He is about to/going to,plane,flight以及重复出现的Los Angeles,San Francisco等表明,对话与男士将要做的事情有关,涉及乘飞机去洛杉矶或旧金山,男士的话为听音重点。

【解析】选[D]。由男士的问话would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is?可知,男士想去洛杉矶,故答案为[D]。

15. W: What an uncomfortable-looking chair! I don?t

want to buy it.

M: Well, it may look that way, but just try it out!

Q: What does the man imply? 【听前预测】选项中重复出现的chair表明,对话与椅子有关。

【解析】选[C]。对话中女士说这张椅子看上去坐着不会舒服,而男士说它看起来可能是那个样子,但他建议女士坐上去感受一下(try it out),言外之意就是这张椅子实际上坐起来很舒服,故答案为[C]。

16. M: Where are the rose gardens? Didn?t you say they 【听前预测】选项中的rose gardens,eastside,do not

were here on the west of the park?

W: No, no. I said they were on the eastside. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?



17. M: Nancy is always complaining about her son.

W: She should take care of my three teenage boys and see what it?s like.

Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前预测】选项中的take care of the children,Nancy?s life,compared with her,more difficult life等表明,对话与Nancy和女士的生活的比较有关,涉及照顾孩子的问题。


18. W: Do you think Professor Adam will give us a

long-term paper instead of giving us tests for the

Medieval Literature course?

M: I don?t kno w. I am keeping my fingers crossed that way.

Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】选项中的a short paper,term test/paper,doing a test等表明,对话与课程考查方式有关。【解析】选[D]。女士问男士亚当教授会不会布置长篇论文来代替中世纪文学课的考试,男士说他会交叉手指祈求(keeping my fingers crossed)亚当教授这样安排,由此可知,男士不希望考试而是希望写论文,故答案为[D]。

Now you will hear the two long conversations.

W: He?s here. Bye, Dad.

M: Wait, wait, wait… Where are you going?

W: Dad, I?ve already told mom. I?m going out tonight. M: With whom? You mean you?re going on a date?

W: Yeah. Mom met Dirk yesterday. He?s so cool. We?re going on a double-date with Cindy and Evan.

M: Dirk?

W: I have to go.

M: Wait, wait. I want to meet this guy.

W: He?s waiting for me.

M: Well, so what are you going to do tonight? Going to the library?

W: Dad, we?re going out to eat, and then we?re going to watch a movie.

M: What movie and what is it rated?

W: It?s a science fiction thriller called…, well, I don?t kn ow what it is called, but it?s rated PG.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What kind of movie is the woman going to see? 【解析】选[C]。选项表明,本题考查电影的类型。由女士提到的It?s a science fiction thriller可知,女士要看的电影是科幻惊悚片,故答案为[C]。

20. How is the woman going to the movie theater? 【解析】选[B]。选项中的pick her up,going to the movie theater,by bus,in a taxi等表明,本题考查女士去电影院的方式。由女士提到的That?s not Dirk.

M: And where?s the movie showing?

W: Down at the Campus Plaza Movie Theater.

M: Hey, I was thinking about seeing a movie down there tonight, too.

W: Ah, Dad.

M: Hey, let me meet that guy. He?s just outside. Hey, tha t guy has a moustache!

W: Dad. That?s not Dirk. That?s his older brother. He?s taking us there! Can I go now?

M: Well…

W: Mom said I could, and mom knows his parents.

M: Well…

W: Dad.

M: Okay, but be home by 8:00.

W: Eight? The movie doesn?t start until 7:30. Come on, Dad.

M: Okay. Be back by 11:00.

W: Love you, Dad. Bye.

That?s his older brother. He?s taking us there!可知,Dirk 的哥哥会把她和Dirk送到电影院,故答案为[B]。

21. When does the movie begin?

【解析】选[A]。选项表明,本题考查时间,故听音时应注意做笔记。由女士提到的The movie doesn?t start until 7:30可知,说电影7:30才开始,故答案为[A]。【点睛】对话中出现两个以上的时间点,听清问题是解题的关键。

W: Hey, Geff. Have you been to the new library yet? M: Oh, hi, Jen. Yes, I went last week to check it out. I really like it.

W: Yes, I like it too. I like the study areas. There seems to be a lot of room just to spread out and focus on the books. It?s much better than the old lib rary where it seemed like we were all jammed into one area.

Sometimes it was even hard to find a spot to study because it was so crowded, especially during exams.

I even like the chairs at the new place. They?re super


M: You?re right. The only bad thing about it is that it?s pretty far away. It takes me about twenty minutes to get there by bus. So, I can see myself not going all the way downtown if I?m in a pinch for time. I?d probably just stay in residence and study there.

W: I was thinking that to o. It?s too bad it takes so long to get there. I don?t like being dependent on the buses.

Have you tried riding your bike there? It might take a little longer but at least you?re getting a bit of exercise.

M: That?s a good idea, Jen. Maybe I?ll try riding this Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What did the man do last week?

【解析】选[B]。选项中的He returned/went to see/borrowed以及重复出现的new library表明,本题考查男士过去的行为动作,该动作与新图书馆有关。对话开始女士问男士是否去过新图书馆,男士说去过了,他上周去看了看新图书馆(check it out),故答案为[B]。

23. What is mentioned about the new library?

【解析】选[C]。选项中的It,near,has comfortable chairs,allows students to rent等表明,本题考查It的相关情况,It可能指新图书馆。对话中女士提到她非常喜欢新图书馆的椅子,这些椅子超级舒服(comfy),由此可知,答案为[C]。

24. How is the man going to the new library this


【解析】选[D]。选项表明,本题考查出行方式。女士认为骑自行车去新图书馆虽然花的时间长点,但是能起到锻炼的作用,男士说这真是个好主意,还说他这周可能会骑自行车去新图书馆(Maybe I?ll try riding this week),故答案为[D]。

week. I just have to make sure I?m good and rested.

Sometimes, when I?m overtired I?m not too coordinated. Knowing me, I?d have a load of books in my backpack and get distracted by something and crash my bike.

W: Hmm. Well, you?ve just got to keep an eye out for those potholes. Oh, wow. Look at the time! I?ve got to get to my next class. I?ll see you around, Geff. M: Good talking to you, Jen. I?ll be seeing you.【点睛】听到男士提到的riding便不难选出By bike。

25. Why does the woman hurry to leave?

【解析】选[A]。选项中的She has to/needs,turn off the gas,see her friend off等表明,本题可能与女士要做的事有关。女士和男士聊着天,看了时间后,她说要去上课(get to my next class),所以匆忙跟男士道别,故答案为[A]。

Section B…………………………………………………………………………………………………

There are about thirty species of dolphins, which measure from 1.5 to 9 meters. They are found in warm and tropical oceans and are extremely fast swimmers, often reaching a speed of twenty knots. In spite of their size, they dive in and out of the water in a most agile manner. They are, in fact, mammals and belong to the family of toothed whales. They possess extremely acute hearing and use an echolocation system to find prey. The best-known species, the one familiar to anybody who has visited a dolphinarium, is the grey-brown, bottle-nosed dolphin.

The idea that the dolphin is one of man?s best friends goes back a long way in history. But why are dolphins so appealing? What makes them such lovable and entertaining creatures? The fact is that they are intelligent, inquisitive and quick to learn. They also have a curious expression, rather like a human smile, which is particularly attractive.

Dolphins are especially fond of children. A dolphin near Melbourne in Australia recognized one little girl in particular and kept returning to see her. They are also capable of forming long-lasting relationships, and one school of dolphins, which arrived at a bay in New Zealand, stayed for over a year and had regular contact with the local inhabitants. However, despite the widespread belief that dolphins can talk, the truth is that they are only able to imitate sounds. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. What can we know about dolphins according to

the passage?

【解析】选[C]。选项中的They,in...tropical rivers,belong to...whales等表明,本题与They的基本情况有关,根据[A]中的species of dolphins推测,They 可能指海豚。由短文开头提到的They are, in fact, mammals and belong to the family of toothed whales可知,答案为[C]。

【点睛】根据短文中提到的thirty species of dolphins 可排除[A];根据found in warm and tropical oceans可排除[B];根据use an echolocation system to find prey 可排除[D]。

27. Why are dolphins attractive and lovable?

【解析】选[A]。选项中的They,clever,have nice appearance,friendly等表明,本题考查They的特点,They可能指海豚。短文首先用问句提到What makes them such lovable and entertaining creatures? 随后说明原因:他们聪明、好奇心强、学习能力强(they are intelligent, inquisitive and quick to learn),故答案为[A]。

【点睛】[A]中的clever是对短文中提到的intelligent 的同义转述。

28. Whom are dolphins especially fond of?

【解析】选[A]。选项表明,本题与某类人群有关,听音时应留意相关信息。由短文中提到的Dolphins are especially fond of children可知,海豚尤其喜欢儿童,故答案为[A]。

“First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen.” This was a description given of George Washington shortly after his death. It remains the prevailing opinion of him today. Washington was born in colonial Virginia in 1732. He had little formal schooling but he was educated in the practical life of his day. He first became a surveyor, then a frontier soldier for Britain in its struggle against the French. After this, he settled into the comfortable life of a planter and a legislator. When the American colonies rebelled against England in 1775, Washington was selected as America?s senior general. His greatest contribution was in keeping his army alive and the rebellion going. He was an adequate tactician and a farseeing strategist. His personal courage, character, and determination were important in seeing America through the war. At conflict?s end, he retired to the quiet of his plantation.

As America?s most respected leader, Washington played an important role in developing the American constitution. He was unanimously elected as his country?s first president. As president, he strictly limited the power of the presidency. It was his great joy to give up the presidency and become a private citizen again.

Washington was a great man in every respect. His character is unquestioned, his ideals lofty. He led his country through a difficult war and the complex job of creating a government. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. Where is Washington’s hometown?


30. What was Washington’s first post?


【点睛】问题中的first post是听音的关键。

31. What can we learn about Washington according

to the passage?

【解析】选[D]。选项均为与He有关的完整句子表明,本题考查与He有关的事实状况。根据[C]中as President推测,He可能指某位总统。短文中提到,华盛顿在战场上做出了重大的贡献,但战役末期,他甘为布衣(retired to the quiet of his plantation),短文结尾还提到,作为总统,他严格限制了自己任职期间的权力,放弃总统任职并且能再次成为平民是他最快乐的事,由此可推断出,华盛顿是一个淡泊名利的人,故答案为[D]。


Since Erling Persson began H&M, a women?s clothing store in 1947, the company has always wanted to expand across continents. In 1964, it took its first step outside Sweden, moving into Norway. In 1974, it went public on the Swedish Stock Exchange, and two years later it opened its first store in Britain. The company now has more than 950 stores in 18 countries. In less than Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. When did H&M open its first store in Britain? 【解析】选[C]。选项表明,本题考查某个年份,听音时应留意与年份相关的信息。短文开头提到,1974年H&M公司上市了(went public),而两年后,也就是1976年,H&M公司便在英国开了第一家店铺,

four years, H&M has opened 66 stores in the United States, starting in New York, in an aggressive expansion that has focused on the East Coast. However, it is not as profitable in Poland, Italy, and Czech Republic, Portugal and the United States as those countries it has entered relatively a long time ago. Much of the company?s success so far hinges on getting the fashion right. The company is adept at knowing what is attractive and desirable and puts merchandise in the stores at low prices before tastes change. But whether the company can make money in the United States with this strategy is still unclear. Competitors, industry experts and shoppers wonder how the company can maintain high-cost locations and sell products at Wal-Mart-style prices. So far, its American operation is not profitable. A good part of H&M?s attraction for young American shoppers lies in its low prices. H&M?s stores are concentrated in 12 Eastern States: two new stores in Chicago are an exception. As a result, discount retailers like Old Navy say they don?t constitute a threat. “They are certainly a relatively new player on the landscape,” said Susan Wayne, Old Navy?s executive vice president for marketing. Nevertheless, H&M?s executives say the y are fairly confident that their formula is solid and the company will eventually be a national and global player.


【点睛】听清问题中的open its first store in Britain是解题的关键。

33. What contributes most to H&M’s success,

according to the passage?

【解析】选[C]。选项中的wide distribution,satisfying service,diverse styles 等表明,本题与H&M公司的优势有关。短文中提到,到现在为止,公司的成功很大程度上取决于他们总是能设计出顺应潮流的服装(getting the fashion right),故答案为[C]。

【点睛】hinge on sth.表示“依赖某事物”。

34. What is the strategy of H&M to attract young

American shoppers?

【解析】选[B]。选项中的Keeping...styles changing,Selling...at a low price,Designing unusual styles等表明,本题可能考查H&M公司的经营方法或策略。短文中提到了this strategy(经营策略),也就是H&M 公司的经营策略,联系上文可知this strategy指的就是上一句话:H&M公司通晓衣服的流行趋势以及顾客的需求,并且将店内商品定在低端价位,[B] Selling the products at a low price正是对策略中提到的put merchandise in the stores at low prices的同义转述,故为答案。

35. What is H&M’s executives’ attitude towards the

future of the company?

【解析】选[D]。选项中的They worry/think,H&M will be crushed/grow slowly等表明,本题可能考查某类人对H&M公司未来发展所持的态度或观点。短文结尾提到,H&M公司的执行总监们说他们非常confident,认为公司的经营策略很好,最终H&M公司一定会成为全国和全球的重要一员(a national and global player),由此可推断出,H&M公司的执行总监对公司的未来持乐观的态度,故答案为[D],其中的optimistic与短文中提到的confident对应。


Section C…………………………………………………………………………………………………

36.【解析】wireless。空后的名词phones表明,本空应填一形容词。空后的usually call them cell phones提示,

______ phones是手机的另一种叫法。





39.【解析】information。空后的and表明,organize (39) _______与receive e-mail...search the Internet为并列

成分,根据e-mail,instant messages,the Internet等可推断出,本空也应填一名词作organize的宾语。40.【解析】store。空后的and表明,(40) _______ music与play games,do other things并列,故(40) _______





43.【解析】screens。分析句子结构可知,The color (43) _______为句子的主语,根据空后的谓语are可知,

本空应填一复数名词。本段主要在讲照相手机的组成部件,空后的on the phone表明the color 也应是照相手机的零部件,由此不难联想到手机的“彩屏”,故所填词可能表示“屏幕”的意思。

44.【答案】Millions of camera phones are in use in Japan and other Asian countries

【Main Points】Millions of camera phones are being used in Japan and other Asian countries

45.【答案】pictures taken of women in public bathhouses have appeared on the Internet

【Main Points】photos taken of women in public bathhouses have been put on the Internet

46.【答案】All these activities have led officials to ban camera phones in some public places

【Main Points】Because of all these activities, officials have banned camera phones in some public places


Part III Listening Comprehension Section A…………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. M: I didn?t know you got a promotion. Why

didn?t you tell me earlier so that we could

have celebrated it?

W: I guess it slipped my mind. My mind was lost to other things because of work.

Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前预测】选项中的She, felt lost, forgot, work, promotion 等表明, 对话与女士的工作有关,女士的话为听音重点。【解析】选[C]。女士的话it slipped my mind为听音重点, it指代的是男士所说的you got a promotion。[C]是对女士的话的同义转述,forgot对应slipped my mind, 故答案为[C]。sth. slip sb.?s mind意为“某人忘记某事”。

12. M: Professor Linda, we were wondering if we

could sit in on your English class.

W: I wish I could say yes, but if I accepted you two,

I wouldn?t know how to say no to a lot of others

who have made the same request.

Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前预测】选项中的She, rejects, their request, accepts等表明, 对话与女士是否接受their的请求有关。

【解析】选[A]。女士巧妙地运用I wish I could say yes, but…(我希望我能答应, 但……)的虚拟语气和but委婉拒

绝了男士的请求, 故答案为[A]。but后的话才是说话人的真实想法, 常为考点和答案出处。

13. W: I?m going to India next month. Is there any

advice you?d like to give me on my first


M: Well, see as much as you can because it?s a country with a very different culture from


Q: What does the man advise the woman to do? 【听前预测】由选项中的To find her way, To remember her culture可知, 本题可能考查对女士的建议, 男士的话为听音重点。

【解析】选[B]。男士的话see as much as you can(尽可能多地看)为听音重点, 结合女士所说的trip可知, [B]中的enjoy herself thoroughly是对男士的话的同义转述, 故答案为[B]。find one?s way意为“找得到路”。[D]是针对different culture设置的干扰项。

14. M: I didn?t get financial aid. I don?t think I can

take any courses this semester. 【听前预测】由选项均以The man should开头以及重复出现的bank可知, 本题考查与银行有关的建议, 女士的话为听

W: I would advise you to approach a bank.

They have plenty of loans available for students.

Q: What does the woman suggest?


【解析】选[D]。女士的话approach a bank…They have…loans available(通过银行……, 他们……提供贷

款)为听音重点。[D]是对女士的话的同义转述,get a loan 对应loans available, 故答案为[D]。

15. W: I forgot all about the milk. It is spilling over.

M: Oh, my God, it isn?t the first time it has happened. It?s really upsetting that

something important always slips your


Q: How does the man feel about the woman?s forgetfulness? 【听前预测】根据选项可知本题考查人物情绪, 听音时应重点留意说话者的语气和有关心情的关键词。

【解析】选[B]。对话中男士提到It is really upsetting, [B]中的Angry与此对应, 故答案为[B]。It is upsetting that…是一种表示对某事很生气、很烦恼的说法。sth. slip one?s mind意为“某人忘记某事”。

16. M: If you don?t mind, I?d like to have a little longer

to look over the piece before I sign it.

W: Certainly if you decide to sign, you can be the first to make the motion.

Q: What does the man want to do? 【听前预测】选项中的sign, contract等表明, 对话可能与签订合同有关。

【解析】选[C]。男士的话I?d like to…look over the piece before I sign为答案出处, 选项中能体现男士意愿的只有[C]。又根据男士的before I sign以及女士的…if you decide to sign可知, 男士最终并没有决定要不要签合同, 故排除[A]。

17. M: Dana looks so relaxed and happy. She was

always eating whenever I saw her. She must

have put on weight, I think.

W: Yes, the food here is great and it must have agreed with her.

Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前预测】选项中的Dana, likes, food, put on weight, unhappy等表明, 对话可能与Dana的饮食及体重增加有关。

【解析】选[B]。对话中男士提到Dana体重肯定增加了, 女士说the food here is great and it must have agreed with her, 由此可知, 这些food很合Dana的胃口, 故答案为[B]。

18. M: Gloria, have you met the new student union

president yet?

W: No. I don?t think we?v e met before. Could you make an appointment for us this


Q: What does Gloria mean? 【听前预测】选项中的She wants, not eager, sure等表明, 本题考查She的意愿。

【解析】选[B]。结合男士的have you met the…president 以及女士的No…Could you make an appointment for us可知, 女士(即Gloria)打算跟student union president会面, 故答案为[B]。注意student union president指“(大学的)学生会主席”, 中心词是president, 不要误选[A]。

Now you will hear the two long conversations.

M: I hear that the make-up in Beijing opera is almost an art form in itself, isn?t it?

W: That?s true. Apart from the costumes, the characters are differentiated by their faces.

M: In what way? Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. Which is not included in the four main types of



W: There are four main types of character; the lead, the female lead, the painted face and the clown. Take a careful look at the actors and see if you can tell which is which.

M: That man there with a white nose is the clown.

That beautiful girl is the female lead.

W: That?s right. By the way, how old do you th ink the actress is?

M: She looks as if she?s in her teens.

W: In fact, she is in her late forties.

M: My goodness, it?s almost unbelievable!

W: That?s where the art comes in Mei Lanfang, a very famous actor, who used to play the role of a young female lead until he was in his seventies.

M: Really? He must be an excellent actor! Well, I can?t tell which the painted face is.

W: There are actually more than one. They paint their faces in different patterns with different colors to reveal their characters. Red stands for loyalty, and white for the opposite meaning, black for uprightness and integrity.

M: Yes, the make-up seems as much fun as the performance.

W: I?m glad you enjoy it.

到的There are four main types of character; the lead, the female lead, the painted face and the clown为答案出处, 即京剧中有四种人物, 生、旦、净、丑, 没有提到the old lead “老生”, 故答案为[D]。

20. Which is true according to the conversation?

【解析】选[A]。选项中的The actress, looks, younger, older, real age等表明, 本题与旦角演员的年龄有关。对话中的She looks as if she?s in her teens…和In fact, she is in her late forties为答案出处, 故答案为[A]。

【点睛】本题也可根据常识进行判断。“in one?s+十的整数倍数的复数”表示“在某人多少岁的时候”, 如in her late forties表示“在她四十多岁时”。

21. How do they differ among the characters in Beijing


【解析】选[C]。对话中女士提到They paint their faces in different patterns with different colors to reveal their characters, 由此可知, 各种不同的脸谱代表不同的性格, 故答案为[C]。

22. What does “white” on t he painted face stand for?【解析】选[B]。选项中重复出现的It stands for表明,问题询问It的指代意义。对话中女士提到Red stands for loyalty, and white for the opposite meaning….表明, 红色代表忠诚, 白色反之, 那么白色应代表不忠诚, 故答案为[B]。

M: Time to eat!

W: Coming. Oh, I?m starving.

M: Good, good.

W: Oh yuck! What?s that?

M: Ah, now don?t complain!

W: But what is it, and where is mom?

M: Now, your mom put me in charge of dinner because she?s not feeling well tonight.

W: But what is it… and that smell!

M: It?s pizza. I just followed an old family recipe here, and…

W: Let me see that… Oh, Dad.

M: What?

W: You?re missing a page!

M: Oh, uh, well, uh… well I couldn?t find the second page of the recipe, but don?t worry. I have plenty of experience Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. What does the conversation imply about the


【解析】选[C]。根据对话中提到的Now, your mom put me in charge of dinner because she?s not feeling well tonight可知,母亲身体不适,应该正在休息,故答案为[C]。

【点睛】[C] She is resting in bed.是根据she?s not feeling well tonight推断出来的。

24. How does the girl know her father doesn’t like

around the house. Plenty of experience of cooking.

W: That?s not what mom says.

M: Well, wait, wait, here let me try a piece first. Here, let me, let me cool this off here. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is great stuff.

W: Yeah right. Why are you making that face?

M: Well, well, i t?s just, just a little rich for me. That?s all. W: Let me try it Dad. Uh. Dad. You put a little too much salt in it and besides it?s burned.

M: Well…

W: And what?s that?

M: Oh, well, well, that?s just part of my own adaptation to the recipe. I added some pumpkin.

W: Oh, not another one of your surprises. Pumpkin doesn?t go on pizza!

M: Well, okay, well, so what? Uh, what do we do now? W: Well, how about some cold cereal… You can?t mess up on that, Dad.

the pizza he prepared?

【解析】选[D]。由对话中提到的Why are you making that face?可推测,女儿是通过观察她父亲的表情知道真相的,故答案为[D]。

25. What do the speakers end up doing for lunch?【解析】选[C]。[A]、[B]、[C]均提到了吃饭的地点,而[D]却没有提到,与其他选项明显不同,故可首先排除。根据对话末尾提到的Well, how about some cold cereal… You can?t me ss up on that, Dad可推测,他们在家里做点其他食物吃,故答案为[C]。

Section B

If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge, it is time you build a positive self-image and learn to love yourself.

Self-image is your own mind?s picture of yourself. This image includes the way you look, the way you act, the way you talk and the way you think. Interestingly, our self-images are often quite different from the images others hold about us. Unfortunately, most of these images are more negative than they should be. Thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your self-image and your whole world.

The best way to defeat a passive self-image is to step back and decide to stress your successes. That is, make a list if you need to, but write down all of the great things you do every day. Don?t allow doubts to occur in it.

It very well might be that you are experiencing a negative self-image becau se you can?t move past one flaw or weakness that you see about yourself. Well, roll up your sleeves and make a change of it as your primary task. If you think you?re silly because you aren?t good at math, Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. When do we need to build a positive self-image

according to the passage?

【解析】选[C]。根据短文中提到的If…believing in yourself is a challenge…build a positive self-image可确定答案为[C]。believe in意为“相信, 信任”。build a self-image意为“树立自我形象”。be confident/unconfident about sth.意为“对某事自信/不自信”。

【点睛】[C]中的When对应短文中的If, unconfident about ourselves是对believing in yourself is a challenge 的同义转述。

27. What do we learn about our self-images from the


【解析】选[A]。选项中的They, changeable, have different functions等表明, 本题考查They(Self-images)的特点。根据短文中的our self-images…are more negative than they should be可确定答案为[A]。more / less…than sth. should be表明人们对self-images的看法不符合事实, 即

find a tutor. If you think you?re weak because you can?t run a mile, get to the track and practice. If you think you?re dull because you don?t wear the latest trends, buy some new clothes. But remember, just because you think it doesn?t mean it?s true.

The best way to get rid of a negative self-image is to realize that your image is far from objective, and to actively convince yourself of your positive qualities. Changing the way you think and working on those you need to improve will go a long way towards promoting a positive self-image. When you can pat yourself on the back, you?ll know you?re well on your way. Good luck!


【点睛】本题只要听清than they should be并知道其暗含的意思就比较容易得出答案。[A]中的untrue对应短文中的more negative。

28. How should you change your self-image according

to the passage?

【解析】选[B]。选项均以By开头表明, 本题可能考查方式方法, 问题可能以How开头。综合前两题可知, 本题可能考查改变自我形象的方式。短文提到的changing the way you thi nk…is…key to changing your self-image为答案依据, 故答案为[B]。

【点睛】若听清问题中的How及change your self-image, 本题不难答对。[B]中的changing the way you think为短文中的信息再现。

29. What is the passage mainly about?

【解析】选[C]。选项概括性强, 故本题很可能考查短文主旨。根据短文中提到的build a positive self-image…The best wa y to defeat a passive self-image 可知, 答案为[C]。

【点睛】短文主旨一般都会在短文的开头给出, 听到短文开头的build a positive self-image就能很快得出答案。

Traditionally, when a man invites a woman out on a date, he picks her up at her home, pays all the expenses for the evening, and takes her home at the end of the evening. Prior to Women?s Liberation, the woman was expected to sit at home by the phone and wait and hope for the man of her dreams to call her. Today?s liberat ed woman may take the initiative in suggesting an evening together by inviting a man she likes to a party, to a home-cooked meal, or to an evening at the theater. If she does the inviting, she pays for at least part of the evening?s expenses. Often, a man and a woman who are friends but not romantically involved go out together Dutch treat, which means that each person pays his or her own way.

Today many men working in the U.S.A. have a female boss. Men who come from countries in which the woman?s place is still in the home may find it difficult to take orders from a woman. But in the U.S.A., 44% of Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. How do a man and a woman date traditionally?【解析】选[B]。短文中提到Traditionally, when a man invites a woman out on a date, he picks her up at her home…, 即传统来讲, 男士约女士要去女士家中接她, 故答案为[B]。

【点睛】短文开头往往点明全文主旨或中心话题, 为听音重点, 需要特别注意。

31. What will happen if today’s liberated woman does the

inviting to a man?

【解析】选[D]。短文中用虚拟语气提到If she does the inviting, she pays for at least part of the evening?s expenses, 即如果女士主动邀请男士, 至少要付部分的约会开销, 故答案为[D]。

【点睛】[D]中pays her own expense对应短文中pays for at least part of the evening?s expenses。

32. Which statement is true about today’s America n

the work force is female, and many women are judges, doctors, company presidents, college presidents, and entrepreneurs. It is important for men to respect to a person who holds a position of responsibility and authority, whether that person is male or female. To treat a woman as inferior just because she is female is not only insulting but also out of step with contemporary American culture.


【解析】选[B]。短文中用But转折提到But in the U.S.A., 44% of the work force is female, 即在美国女性占劳动人口的44%, 接近一半, 故答案为[B]。

【点睛】But转折处为常考点, 其后的句子通常为答案所在。

The literal meaning of ph ilosophy is “love of wisdom”. But this meaning does not tell us very much. Unlike the other disciplines, philosophy cannot be defined by what you study, because it is actually unlimited. Anything can be the subject matter of philosophy — art, history, law, language, literature, mathematics, and in fact, the other academic disciplines are directly related to philosophy. For this reason you get a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in biochemistry, or computer science, or psychology.

Two broad sub-fields of philosophy are logic and the history of philosophy. Logic is the science of argument and critical thinking. It provides sound methods for distinguishing good from bad reasoning. The history of philosophy involves the study of major philosophers and period in the development of philosophy.

Of what use is philosophy? First it is useful in educational advancement. It is necessary for understanding other disciplines. Only philosophy questions the nature of the concepts used in a discipline and its relation to other disciplines. And through the study of philosophy, one develops sound methods of research and analysis that can be applied to any field.

There are a number of general uses of philosophy. It strengthens one?s ability to solve problems, to communicate, to organize ideas and issues, to persuade, and to take what is the most important from a large quantity of data. These general uses are of great benefit in the career field, not necessarily for obtaining one?s first job after graduation, but for preparing for positions of responsibility, management and leadership later on. Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. What can philosophy be best described as?

【解析】选[D]。选项中的The study of等表明, 本题考查某个学科。短文开头提到, 任何科目都可成为哲学的研究对象, 如:art, history, law, language, literature, mathematics等, 即哲学的研究对象包括自然科学和社会科学, 故答案为[D]。

【点睛】[D]中social and natural sciences是对短文中的art, history, law, language, literature, mathematics的概括。

34. According to the passage, which of the following is


【解析】选[B]。选项中的Philosophy is, independent, limited 表明, 本题考查与哲学有关的事实。由短文中提到的Logic is the science of argument and critical thinking可知, 答案为[B]。

35. What can we conclude from the passage?


It is very short-sighted after all, to take a course of studies only for the purpose of getting one?s first job. The useful skills developed through the study of philosophy have significant long-term benefits in career advancement. No other discipline systematically follows the ideals of wisdom, leadership, and capacity to resolve human conflict.

子表明, 本题可能考查与哲学有关的事实。由短文中提到的It is necessary for understanding other disciplines可知, 哲学对理解其他科目有帮助, 故答案为[C]。

【点睛】[B]表述的是“如果某人学习哲学, 那

么他(她)就能获得哲学博士学位”, 根据常

识,[B]表述错误, 故可排除;[D]中的only过

于绝对, 可直接排除。

Section C

36.【解析】acquaintance。空前的物主代词your表明, 本空应填一名词。acquaintance意为“相识”。

37.【解析】improper。由上句提到的when it is all right to give a gift of money以及本句的and when可推测, 本空所

填词可能有“不合适的, 不正确的”之意。

38.【解析】forget。空前的don?t表明, 本空应填一原形动词。

39.【解析】possibly。空前的you和can表明, 本空应填一副词。副词常以ly结尾, 书写时应注意不要漏掉。

40.【解析】invited。空前的have been表明, 本空应填一动词的过去分词。

41.【解析】overnight。空所在句句子结构完整, 故本空应填一副词。overnight意为“过夜”。

42.【解析】appreciation。空前的动词showing和空后的for表明, 本空应填一名词。appreciation意为“感谢, 感


43.【解析】kindness。空前的并列连词and和物主代词their表明, 本空应填一语义与friendliness并列的名词。


44.【答案】yo u may choose something for the host?s wife alone or for the entire family

【Main Points】you may choose sth. for the host?s wife or for the family

45.【答案】When this happens you may show your own thoughtfulness by giving a thank-you gift

【Main Points】If so, you may exhibit your own thoughtfulness by giving a thank-you gift

46.【答案】Weddings are times when gifts of money are greatly appreciated and quite acceptable

【Main Points】Weddings are when gifts of money are welcome and acceptable


Part III Listening Comprehension Section A

11. W: Good morning, Sir. Can I help you?

M: Yes, Madame. I saw a note outside that says “Rooms For Rent”. Can I rent an apartment

with a bathroom and a kitchen?

Q: What does the man want? 【听前预测】选项中的rent, sell, house, apartment等表明, 对话可能与卖房或租房有关。

【解析】选[C]。对话中男士的话Can I rent an apartment with a bathroom and a kitchen?为答案

出处, 选项中与此相符的是[C], 故为答案。

12. M: Listen, I?ve got an idea. Let?s go to a

drive-in like we used to in the old days.

W: Why should we freeze in our uncomfortable car, when we could be enjoying movie in 【听前预测】选项中的The place, The time, The old days等表明, 本题可能考查对话话题。

【解析】选[A]。结合男士的Let?s go to a drive-in…以及女士的…we…enjoying movie in some grand theater可推

some grand theater?

Q: What are they talking about? 断, 二人就去哪里看电影的意见不一致, 故答案为[A]。解答本题的关键是理解drive-in的含义, 意为“免下车电影院(顾客可坐在自己的车上购物、进餐、看电影等)”。

13. W: I think I?ll have lunch in the cafeteria. I like

their mushroom and cheese.

M: The chicken salad is good but there?s nothing like home cooking.

Q: What do we know about the man? 【听前预测】选项以He doesn?t/prefers开头表明, 男士的话为听音重点。由cheese, cafeteria, favorite, salad等可知, 对话可能与就餐选择有关。

【解析】选[B]。男士的话…but there?s nothing like home cooking表明, 他更喜欢在家里做饭, 选项中能体现男士喜好的是[B], 故为答案。

14. M: Kate, could you do me a favor, help me to

put these things away, please? I have to clean

it up before the inspection.

W: In a minute. I?m almost through with this chapter.

Q: What will the woman do? 【听前预测】选项均以原形动词开头, 且有两个选项的动作受动者为her表明, 男士的话为听音重点。

【解析】选[D]。结合男士的Kate, could you do me a favor…以及女士的In a minute. I?m almost through with this chapter可知, 女士答应过一会去帮助男士, 故答案为[D]。

15. M: Your living room looks beautiful. Did you

paint it yourself on the weekend?

W: You must be joking. I know nothing about it.

I paid my younger brother to do it.

Q: What does the woman say about her living room? 【听前预测】选项中的painted it, by herself, hired her brother 等表明, 对话与给it上漆有关, 涉及上漆的人是?。

【解析】选[B]。女士的话I know nothing…I paid my younger brother to do it为答案出处, 故答案为[B]。

16. M: Have you decided where you are going to

live when you get married?

W: I would like to live in the city, but my boyfriend wants a house in the suburbs,

which means a long way from my office.

Q: Why does the woman want to live in the city? 【听前预测】选项中的Jobs, city, expensive等表明, 对话可能与在城市工作有关。由Her job, She可知女士的话为听音重点。

【解析】选[C]。女士的话I would like to live in the city…my boyfriend wants…in the suburbs, which means a long way from my office表明, 她男朋友想去郊区住, 这样意味着她会离办公室很远, 因为她在市区工作, 故答案为[C]。

17. W: Could you please tell me what room Robert

Davis is in?

M: Yes, he?s in the intensive care unit on the fourth floor. I suggest that you check with

the nurse?s station before going in, though.

Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place? 【听前预测】本题考查地点场所。考生需快速浏览四个选项中的地点场所, 并在听音时捕捉关键信息词对号入座。【解析】选[C]。对话中男士的话…he?s in the intensive care unit…check with the nurse?s station为答案出处, 由关键词care unit及nurse可推知, 对话发生在hospital里, 故答案为[C]。

18. M: Bob never seems to be cheerful when I meet

him. What?s wrong with him?

W: That?s because he is not content with his work, life and children.

Q: What kind of person is Bob? 【听前预测】选项中的happy, complaining, careless等表明, 对话可能与某人的情绪或态度有关, 听音时应留意He指代的是?。

【解析】选[C]。男士提到的Bob never seems to be cheerful以及女士的话…he is not content wi th his work, life and children表明, Bob不开心, 并且对什么都不满意, 选项中与此相一致的是[C], 故为答案。

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