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Unit1 Lecture Notes& Key to the Exs

Unit1 Lecture Notes& Key to the Exs
Unit1 Lecture Notes& Key to the Exs

Book 1 Unit 1 Lecture Notes (for students)

Words & Expressions

off and on (or on and off):from time to time; now and again; irregularly

- It has been raining on and off for a week. That’s why the clothes feel damp.

- As her patient slept soundly during the night, Nurse Betty was able to doze off and on in a bedside chair.

take hold:become established

- The idea of one child has taken hold in many Chinese families.

- 老习惯是很难摆脱的。这就是为什么你要在习惯养成前戒烟。(Old habits die hard. That’s why you should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.)

associate:vt. join or connect together; connect or bring in the mind

- 我们总是把埃及与金字塔联系起来。(We often associate Egypt with pyramids.)

- I can’t associate this gentle young woman with the radical political essays she has written.

- Jim wished to forget everything associated with his former life.

turn out:

1) come out or gather as for a meeting, public event, etc.

2) prove to be

3) shut off

4) produce; make

Match the above definitions with the sentences below.

- A large group of protesters have turned out. (1)

- The school has turned out some great scholars. (4)

- Turn out the light before you go to bed. (3)

- The plan turned out a failure. (2)

- We are to turn out 100,000,586 computers next year to meet the market requirements. (4)

- The experiment turned out to be a success. (2)

- Crowds turned out for the procession. (1)

anticipate: vt. expect (usu. followed by gerund or that-clause)

- The police had anticipated trouble from the soccer fans and were at the ground in large numbers.

- 他们预测到2012年死于艾滋病的人数将增加一倍。(They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2012.)

N.B. 该动词所接的宾语可以是动名词,不可用不定式代替。

- We anticipate running into problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform.

- We anticipate hearing from you again.

inspire:vt. fill (sb.) with confidence, eagerness, etc.

- Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speeches inspired people to fight for equal treatment of African Americans. - The last leaf on the tree that never fell off inspired the dying patient with the will to live on. Collocation:

inspire sth. in sb .(= inspire sb. with sth.) 使某人产生某种感情;激发某人的某种感情

1) completely plain

- The widow wore a severe black dress to her husband’s funeral.

- 海明威以其朴实的写作风格而闻名于世。(Hemingway is known for his severe writing style.) 2) stern; strict

- Only those who have undergone severe training can be accepted into the air force.

- Fu Lei was so severe with his son that even his wife would cry.

3) causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, etc.

- The severe chest pain experienced by the Vice-President proved to be a heart attack.

- 工厂必须生产出更新更好的产品,才能在激烈的商业竞争形势中获胜。(A factory must turn out newer and better products to win in the climate of severe business competition.)

face up to:be brave enough to accept or deal with (a problem or difficulty)

- Yeltsin faced up to the fact that he was no longer fit for the Russian presidency and resigned on New Year’s Eve.

- 既然你女儿已经诞生了,你就要承担起做父亲的责任。(Now that your daughter was born, you’ll have to face up to the responsibilities of being a father.)

recall: vt. bring back to the mind; remember (usu. followed by noun / V-ing or that-clause)

- I recognize the face but can’t recall her name.

- I don’t recall ever meeting her.

- She recalled that she had to see the doctor again that afternoon.

CF: recall, remember & remind


recall“想起”,把忘记的东西又想起来了,其动作包含有意识的努力,因此常与can,could 等词连用,强调一次的回忆。例如:

- Try as I might, I could not recall where I had left the book. (我怎么也想不起来我把书丢在哪里了。)

- I remember her face but I cannot recall where I met her. (我记得她的脸,但是想不起在什么地方见过她。)

remember “想起”,用处比较广泛,指事物自然在记忆中出现,不包含努力或意志。例如:- I suddenly remembered I had left the book in the library. (我突然想起我把书忘在图书馆里了。) 如果remember 表示有意识的行动,常指“记住”。例如:

- You must remember this phone number. (你必须记住这个电话号码。)

remind 指“使某人想起”,“提醒”,宾语是人。具体用法如下:

1) 接宾语;2) 接宾语+of+宾语;

3) 接宾语+不定式;4) 接宾语+that-clause。


1) If I forget it, please remind me. (如果我忘了,请提醒我。)

2) This reminds me of last year. (这使我想起去年的事。)

3) Remind me to write to my Mom. (提醒我给妈妈写信。)

4) The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. (看到钟我想起自己迟到了。)

put down:write down

- 管家把每天的开支记在小记事本上。(The housekeeper puts down the daily expenses in a little

violate:vt. act against

- Speeding in downtown areas violates traffic regulations.

- A country isn’t respected if it violates an international agreement.

turn in:

1. hand in; give over

2. deliver (a person or thing) to the police

3. give back; return

Match the above definitions with the sentences below.

- The criminal turned herself in. (2)

- For your final grade, each of you must turn in a 7-page paper. (1)

- You must turn in your uniform when you leave the army. (3)

- Have you all turned in your homework for last night? (1)


1. n. order

- The commander gave the command that all prisoners of war should be well treated.

- The rebellious army would not obey any command from the President.

2. v. give an order (to)

- 船长命令船员立刻离船。(The captain commanded his men to leave the ship immediately.)

- If you command wisely, you’ll be obeyed cheerfully. ([谚语]指挥有方,人人乐从。)

- He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. ([谚语]不能指挥自己就不能指挥别人。)


像suggest, demand 等动词一样,跟在command后面的that 从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语用“should+原形动词”或直接加原形动词,而不管从句中的人称或时态。例如:

- He commanded that all the gates (should) be shut.

hold back:

1) prevent the expression of (feelings, tears, etc.)

- Johnny cried bitterly in the classroom, not even attempting to hold back the tears.

2) make sb. or sth. stop moving forward

- The men built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood water.

3) prevent the development of

- You could become a good musician, but your lack of practice is holding you back.

4) keep (sth.) secret

- 把事情全告诉我,不要隐瞒任何细节。(Tell me about it —don’t hold anything back.)

avoid:vt. keep or get away from (usu. followed by noun / gerund)

- The little boy who had broken a neig hbor’s window ran away to avoid punishment / being punished. - 我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。(I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.)


英语中有些动词或词组后面只能跟名词或动名词,不能跟不定式,如:avoid,deny,enjoy,escape,finish,mind,miss,postpone,suggest,feel like,give up,put off 等,我们在使用中要特别注


Key to the Exs.

P12 Vocabulary

I 1. 1)respectable 2)agony 3) put…down 4)sequence 5) hold back 6) distribute 7)off and on

8)vivid 9)associate 10) finally 11) turn in 12 ) tackle

2. 1) G eorge has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office.

2) …was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

3) … a clear image of how she would look in twenty year’s time.

4) …gave the command the soldier opened fire.

5) …buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.

3. 1) reputation; rigid; to inspire 2) and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas

3) compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold back;

P15 III 1. at 2. for 3. of 4.with 5.as 6. about 7.to 8. in;in 9.from 10.on/upon

P16 Comprehensive Exs。


1.Text-related (1)hold back (2)tedious (3)scanned (4) recall (5) vivid (6) off and on

(7) out/in (8) career

2. Theme-related (学生独立完成)

P17 II Translation

1. Sentence translation(学生独立完成)

1) As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.

2) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/ get rid of his habit of smoking before it took hold.

3) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.

4)It is said that Bill has been fired for repeatedly violating the company’s safety rules./ Bill is said to have been fired for violating the company’s safety regulations time and again.

5) It is reported that the local government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage./ The local government is reported to have taken…..

2.(P18)passage translation

Susan lost her legs because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never(be able to) walk again.

One day, while scanning (through)some magazines, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a use life.


北师大版小学英语教材的配套教辅 《英语伴你成长》 六年级上册(供一年级起始用)答案 Unit 1 1. 2); 3); 4); 1) 2. ?; ?; √; √; ? 3. Mr Chen: the funniest Mrs. Lin: the youngest Mrs. Lee: the most interesting Mr. Brown: the most exciting 4. √; ?; ?; √; ? 5. my sister; geography; interesting; boring; science; exciting; have lots of fun 6.7.8. 略 9.1) art sing 2) children easy 3) watch Chinese 4) themselves ours 10. moved; met; themselves; years … younger; the most interesting; plays; will go 11. lived; breathed; believed; could; swam; met; had; put; saw; cut; hit 12.1) play…watched 2) I…my 3) more interesting 4) has…have 5) goes…went 6) went…will go 13. 略 14. 1) Sit; Come here; Stay; Be quiet 2) a. doesn’t sit. b. doesn’t walk next to us. c. She doesn’t stay. d. She barks and barks. 3) a.图四; b.图三; c.图二; d.图一 Unit 2 1. √; √; ?; √; √; ? 2. √; ?; ?; √; √; ?; √ 3.√; ?; √; ?; ?; √ 4. Jimmy-every evening


一、填空. 1、平行四边形底长a米,高是底的1.8倍,面积是()。 2、货车每小时行S千米,客车每小时行m千米,客车3小时和货车5小时一共行驶了()千米. 3、食堂买来200千克煤,已烧了a天,还剩b千克,平均每天烧了()千克。 4、每个足球x元,买4个足球,付出200元,应找回()元。 5、三个连续双数,已知中间一个数是m,那么前一个数是(),后一个数是(),三数之和是()。 6、当x=5时,x2=(),2x+8=() 7、当a=5时,b=()才能使a×(7+b)=52.5 8、一种商品降价a元后是80元,原价是()元. 二、判断.(对的打”√”,错的打”×”) 1、方程一定是等式,等式不一定是方程.……………………………() 2、小明今年a岁,哥哥比他大b岁,c年后,哥哥比他大b+c岁.…() 3、x的3倍与3x相等.………………………………………………() 4、3x+4x=7x,3a+4b=7ab………………………………………() 5、4x-20=4与50-5x=20的解是相同的.………………………() 三、选择题.(填序号) 1、下列式子中是方程的是() ①4a=0.8②0.17x+2.5③3x+7>15④3.5x-1.7x<8 2、47除以一个数所得的商是6余5,求这个数的方程是() ①6x+5=47②6x-5=47③47÷6-5=x 3、当a=8,b=6时,2a+3b等于() ①36②34③240 4、甲数是a,是乙数的3倍,乙数是() ①3a②a÷3③2a 5、一个正方形边长是8米,若边长增加2米,面积增加() ①4平方米②16平方米③36平方米④100平方米 6、根据8x-6=50,可得到3x+7的值是()。 ①50②28③21 四、解下列方程. (1)4x-0.32+1.6=2.08(2)28-x+3.6=20(3)3.5x-0.8x=11.34 (4)9x-14×5.5=58(5)6.2x-x=41.6(6)2.8÷(3+x)=3.5×0.2


第一课 核心观点: 1、责任产生于色还会关系之中的相互承诺。 2、不同的角色承担不同的责任。我们在社会中生活,扮演着不同的角色,而每一种角色往往都意味着一种责任。 3、增强责任意识要求我们:承担责任,付出代价;自觉承担不可推卸的责任;履行社会责任,不言代价与回报。 4、做到自己对自己负责、对他人负责、对集体负责、对社会负责和对国家负责,在承担责任中不断成长。 第一框 CDADA DAAAA 11、1、材料中的同学们的行为是缺乏社会责任感的表现,我要劝说这些同学要有社会责任感。理由:我们生活在社会中,扮演着不同的角色,承担着相应的责任,这些同学的行为时缺乏社会责任感的表现。 2、材料中“有一些同学只关心自己的学习,很少愿意参加集体活动”,针对这点,我要劝说 这些同学要自觉参加集体活动。 理由:个人利益和集体利益是相互依存的。集体利益是集体中每个成员努力的结果。这些同学的行为不利于集体利益的保障,也不利于个人利益的维护,将减少集体的凝聚力。 3、材料中说“上课时常讲活,影响老师教学”,针对这…点,我要劝说这些同学要尊敬老师, 认真学习。 理由:尊敬老师是中华民族的传统美德,有利于增进与教师的感情,也有利于我们的健康成长。受教育时我们每个公民应尽的义务。 4、材料中说“卫生打扫马虎,教室环境很脏”,针对这…点,我要劝说同学们要保护环境。 理由:打扫马虎会影响健康,保护环境是我国的一项基本国策。 12、情景一:做法:向同学坦白,赢得谅解,赔偿同学的损失。 理由:当我们做错事时,承认错误时一?种负责任的表现,而承担错误所造成的后果更需要考验我们的勇气。 情景二:做法:向老师主动提出,认真准时完成任务,为班级争光。 理由:我们要自觉承担责任,做责任的主人,享受承担责任的快乐。(我要我愿意我主动)(或者:有些该做的事,并不是我们自愿选择的,但我们仍然要为之承担责任,全身心地投入,我承担,我无悔)情景三:做法:参加班级的义务劳动,和妈妈商量能否改个时间。 理由:许下诺言,就要信守承诺,坚决履行诺言,这是负责任的表现。失信于人,既是对自己的不负责,也是对他人的不尊重。

八年级上-伴你成长课时练 期中测试B卷

八年级(上册)伴你成长课时练 Mid-term Examination (B) Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力) I.Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4._______ 5.________ 6.________ B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) ( )7.A.She wants to speak to Jim. B.She wants to know Mr.White’s telephone number. C.She wants to see a film with Jim. D.She wants Jim to go out with her. ( )8.A.On foot B.By bike C.By bus D.All of them ( )9.A.It’s 3:00 B.It’s 3:10 C.It’s 3:20 D.It’s 2:40 ( )10.A.Maths B.History C.Music D.Singing ( )11.A.French fries B.Cookies C.Oranges D.Bread ( )12.A.They will go to the cinema. B.They will see a play. C.They will go out for a walk. D.They’ll book the tickets. ( )13.A.Fifteen years old B.Five years old C.Twenty years old D.Ten years old


Module 1 The human body Unit 1 Body language 【单项练习一】 一、单项选择 1、B 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、A 8、C 9、B 10、B 11、B 12、C 13、B 14、B 15、B 16、B 17、A 18、D 19、B 20、D 二、词性转换和动词填空 1、improvement 2、Dressed 3、appearance 4、more 5、hesitation 6、greeting 7、later 8、impression 三、选词填空 1、B 2、G 3、E 4、A 5、I 6、D 7、F 8、H 9、C 四、翻译 1、We prefer to do shopping in the supermarket. 2、After she got up, the girl dressed herself. 3、I have reminded you of the fact. 4、We still have chances to go to universities. 5、When we communicate with others, eye contact is necessary. 6、His assistant always holds his head up, giving the customers a satisfactory explanation. 【单项练习二】 一、单项选择 1、B 2、B 3、C 4、A 5、A 6、D 7、A 8、C 9、B 10、B 11、B 12、A 13、C 14、A 15、D 16、C 17、C 18、D 19、A 20、D 21、A 22、B 23、B 24、D 25、B 26、A 27、D 28、D 29、C 30、A


这是迄今为止,我自己做的觉得最没有价值的一份资料,白白浪费了很多时间,但是么有起到很大效果,以后不要做这种事。 第一课 第一框 二、 1、错。杨丽应该主动认识新同学,结交新朋友。 2、错。“遇到挫折,有朋友劝慰;享受快乐,有朋友祝愿。”有利于同学之间相互促进,共同进步。 3、错。说明我们在新同学面前要主动热情。 四、 1、小光积极主动与同学交往,是正确的,有利于结交新朋友,形成新友谊,有利于尽快适应环境。 2、但与同学交往要注意场合,考虑到别人的感受,否则会引起他人的反感,不利于同学之间交往。 第二框 二、 1、对。 2、错。刘凯的做法没有团结协作、互助前行的意识。 四、 1、法国队胜利的事实说精明了要成为一个强大的整体,不能单单靠个人的才能,即使个人的能力再强,如果缺乏整体的配合和协调,同样只能是一盘散沙。 2、启示:我们的班集体要想成为优秀的班级,同样要发挥团结协作、互相帮助、互相鼓励的精神,这样我们的班集体才是一个优秀的共同进步的班集体。 五、

班徽设计:略 奋斗目标:如团结协作,共同创建优秀班集体。 第二课 第一框 二、 1、错。内涵是应当抓住学习的宝贵时间,时光是不等人的。 2、错。制定科学的学习计划不能随心所欲。 3、对。 四、 (1)初中学习科目和内容增多;不适应初中老师的授课方式;作业评价不尽人意。 (2)有计划、合理地安排学习;调整心态适应新的授课方式;正确看待老师的评价,学习上摆脱依赖性。 第二框 二、 1、错。孔祥瑞的话说明只是有助于我们成长,只有刻苦学习,才能取得成功。 2、对。 四、 学习对于我们每个人来说都是苦乐交织的。 1、因为学习是一个探究和发现的过程,需要克服困难,刻苦努力。 2、也正是在这个过程中,我们不断地发现自身的潜能,获得一种不断超越自己的快乐。 3、享有学习权利本身是一种快乐,正因为今天的学习权利来之不易,所以我们更要珍惜我们的学习权利,努力学习。 4、通过学习,使我们摆脱了野蛮的状态,使我们的言行举止变得文明,开拓了我们的视野,使我们摆脱了愚昧,在辛苦的学习以后看到自己的收获与成果,我们得到了快乐。 第三课 第一框


北师大版小学英语教材的配套教辅 英语伴你成长及课堂活动手册答案 书目:五年级下册英语伴你成长(供一年级起始用) 六年级上册英语伴你成长(供三年级起始用) 北京市课改教材课堂活动手册五年级上册 答案: 第一单元 1. Tapescript: a. Jack was on the moon in his dream. b. Jane was in the bedroom at four yesterday afternoon. c. Tim had a science class this morning. d. Bob had an English class yesterday. e. Ken was on the farm last week. f. Uncle Booky was in the supermarket this mornin g. Keys: a. Y es. b. No. c. No. d. Y es. e. Y es. f. No. 2. Tapescript: It was Saturday yesterday. Ken and Ann were in the park. There was a tree near them, and there was a monkey behind the tree. Ann was afraid. It was Mocky. Ann was happy. They had lunch near the river together. They had lots of fun together. Keys: 4 2 1 5 3 3. Tapescript: a. In Ann’s dream, she was an astronaut. Ken and Mocky were astronauts, too. b. Ken and Ann were on Mars. Martians were their friends. They had a good time. 4. Tapescript: Tommy was in Shanghai last week with his parents. It was very hot there, but Tommy was happy. He had many books from his grandparents. They all had a good time together. Keys: No. (2) Y es (3) No (4) Y es 5. Tapescript: Mocky had a good time last Sunday. He was at Unlce Booky’s house. They had a big dinner together. After dinner they were in the forest. There were many big birds. Mocky had a dream at night. In the dream, he was a big bird in the sky. 6. race river read red rectangle ride remember etc. lemonade late lunch Lulu early slow close etc. 7. (1) were (2) was (3) were (4) were (5) had (6) was (7) had (8) had 8. doctor teacher pilot dancer vet policeman juggler astronaut 9. (1) In my dream, I was in the forest with Mocky.

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